prosperdemeter2 · 10 months
Teaser Tuesday - psychic!Eddie au
“Soph said she’s going to join once we actually get on location, so about mid-week, but I’ll be up by you in a few days.”
“You’re visiting?” Christopher asked with a little bounce in his seat.
Adriana’s tiny voice laughed and it echoed around them in a circle. “I am!” She exclaimed just as brightly. For someone who had been up all night long, Adriana certainly didn’t sound like she even needed another minute of sleep. Meanwhile, Eddie wanted to curl up in a little ball in the middle of his bed and sleep until the entire week was over. His dream from the night before didn’t exactly leave him feeling rested enough to be heading into his twenty-four hour shift. “We’re filming at an old jail and then we got a few house calls we’re going to investigate.” 
“Super cool.” Christopher said in the same way he always spoke about Adriana and Sophia’s little YouTube series. Not that Eddie didn’t also think it was, sort of, cool. His sisters had found their niche community and made something for themselves out of it. They had something close to five million followers, enough to quit their day jobs and turn it into a full time career - something that only Adriana had done during the pandemic. “Can I come?” 
“Well…” Adriana trailed off. 
“No.” Eddie said before she could even try to get him to say yes. 
“Maybe during the summer.” Adriana tacked on unhelpfully. 
Christopher frowned in Eddie’s direction, crossed his arms, and sunk down into the passenger seat with a scowl. 
He had been doing that a lot more lately. “Anyway…” Adriana muttered. 
“Where are you staying?” Eddie asked with a drum of his fingers and a glance at the clock. Christopher would probably get to school with ten minutes to spare, Eddie was going to be late for his shift. “Chris, can you do me a favor?” 
Christopher didn’t answer, too busy scowling at the traffic like it was at fault for Eddie not letting him go with Adriana and Sophia to investigate an old abandoned jail and not safety regulations. Those things had such flimsy floors and ventilations systems. “What?” He mumbled. 
“Can you text Buck? Let him know I’m running late.” 
“Fine.” He’d be over his frustration by the time Eddie picked him up from school - at least he hoped he would. 
“Thank you.” 
Christopher hummed, wiggling his starter phone out of his pocket, unlocking the screen with his thumbprint and finding the text thread he had going with Buck with ease (it was third on his list, right above Eddie’s contact and under two of his school friends. They had strict rules for the phone, Eddie had Christopher’s password and he had to approve the apps he downloaded, but he was trying not to hover too much. Chris deserved his privacy and independence and Eddie really didn’t want to be one of those overprotective parents that didn’t let their kids do anything). “We got an AirBnB,” Adriana answered smoothly. “I’ll send you the address when we get off the phone. Running late?” 
“When aren’t we?” Christopher sassed with a roll of his eyes. “Dad was too busy getting ready.” 
“Hey,” Eddie shot him a look and a shake of his head. Christopher’s cheeks flushed and he sunk down further in his seat with an embarrassed little frown. “Two people, one bathroom.” Eddie shrugged like Adriana could see him. “It makes things difficult.” 
“God, Sophia made me late for an interview the other day because she decided to hog the bathroom,” Adriana said with a laugh. “I get it.” 
His sisters shared a house with Walt, Adriana’s husband and their channel’s technology guy, and Melody, Sophia’s sixteen year old daughter, half of the year, twenty minutes away from their parents. “Buck said he’s texting you the pastry and coffee orders.” Chris read off his phone with a little half smile. 
A smart move, even if Eddie hated having to get the team coffee (Hen liked to make her orders as complicated as possible and Bobby had a very specific way he liked his breakfast sandwiches made that always made Eddie flush whenever he had to read it out to a poor, minimum wage working barista). If Eddie was late, Bobby was going to be forced to make note of it. If Eddie was late but arrived with breakfast, Bobby could say that he wasn’t late, only that he had been on a team fuel run. “Am I finally going to get to meet this Buck?” Adriana asked curiously, a tease in her voice that Eddie wanted no part of. 
“You’ve met him.” Eddie countered. 
“Does it count when the guy is flying high on painkillers?” 
“Dad’s asking him out!” It was his own fault, really, for taking the phone call in the car and not telling Adriana he’d call her back. Christopher beamed at him like he hadn’t just blurted that out happily to get back at him for not letting him go ghost hunting with his aunts. 
“Oh?” Adriana’s voice tilted ridiculously high. 
They hadn’t… actually been able to have that conversation yet. Eddie’s neck flushed. “No,” He corrected hastily. “I’m asking him to have dinner with us this week. I’m not asking him out.”
“Yet.” Christopher countered. 
Yet, Eddie noted to himself. 
“Yet?” Adriana echoed. 
“Chris,” Eddie slid the car into park and sighed. “Go to school.” 
Christopher cackled. “Bye, dad! Bye, Tia!” 
“Have a good day at school!” Adriana called out obligingly. 
“Love you.” 
Christopher would, one day, be too old to think it was cool to answer him back. He wasn’t there yet, no matter how annoyed at Eddie he got. “Love you too.” Maybe it was because of Shannon, or maybe it was because of the tsunami and the shooting and almost losing each other before Eddie could even really see him grow up. Either way, he cradled Christopher’s words like he always did, just as close to his chest as they always were and watched him disappear into the school, shoulder to shoulder with a friend at the doors. “So,” Adriana began. “Since when are you into guys?”
Since always. And, really, Buck was a special case. What with his… everything. It wasn’t fair, really, to have those eyes and those legs and that heart. Eddie was hopeless. “Rana -.” A boy, not much older than Christopher, stepped off the curb with a casual glance over his shoulder and a laugh on his lips. Eddie swore and slammed on his brakes, the boy’s hip mere inches away. 
The car behind him in the drop off line honked. 
“Eddie?” Adriana asked worriedly. “Are you okay?” 
Slowly, the boy turned to look at him. 
His face was a mangled mess of cuts and bruises, his right eye was gone completely, his clothing was hanging on in tatters and… 
Eddie blinked and he was gone, in his place nothing but the newly painted crosswalk. 
Eddie breathed out a harsh breath and eased his foot off the brakes, the truck rolling forward. “I’m good.” He answered automatically and swallowed past the misery in his throat. He glanced in his rearview mirror and the boy was on the side of the road, head cocked and hand raised to his shoulder as he… waved. 
That particular little boy hadn’t given Eddie a fright in months. 
Eddie waved back and eased his car forward. 
“Seen any ghosts lately?” Adriana asked with a laugh. “If you’re ever missing it, you’re more than welcome to investigate with me and Sophie.” 
How could he miss it? He lived with it every day. “No,” Eddie said with a shake of his head. “No ghosts lately.” The boy faded into a wisp of smoke. 
Eddie pulled out of the parking lot.
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morganbritton132 · 4 months
Eddie, posting to Tiktok: Say what you want about Steve’s dad, and I will because I hate him and I’m glad he’s dead. Actually, I wished he suffered a slower death
Steve, in the background:
Eddie: But, I can’t lie
Eddie: *holds up a picture Tommy sent him of tiny little Steve and Tommy with their dads at T-ball*
Eddie, pointing at James Harrington: This man was a DILF
Steve: I’m going to divorce you
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mythtakens · 2 days
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You're not all-knowing and all-seeing, Bobby. You're just a good man. I'm not. I am not. You saved my life. And my son's. So whatever responsibility you take for Jonah, you make sure you take some credit for me. You earned it.
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cunninghamchrissie · 7 days
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eddie munson dies in the upside down. he wakes up in bed.
every star in the sky (is taking aim), by @ebongawk
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poughkeepsies · 4 months
just remembered photograph by ed sheeran is canonically connected to buddie. like every other music moment with buddie is fun and all but they're not truly intentional, just a little interaction thrown into the middle of a wider unrelated moment. but for this one not only does the song become the focal point of the scene at the end so you're hearing every single lyric, but they also specifically line up their actions to the lyrics ("wait for me to come home" buck sitting at the table frozen and eddie knocking and barging in with a kid and forgiveness). also, even the choice to have photograph in the episode at all, when the only ones who have a storyline about people they love are buck eddie and christopher (everyone else is about strangers they're helping, which is equally important but less personal) and the lyrics being "loving can hurt sometimes, but it's the only thing that I know" and "if you hurt me, that's okay baby only words bleed" and all the ways this arc could've ended with something irreparably broken between them but it didn't because they loved each other too much to let it...good lord it's been 4 years and there's no getting over it
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neverevan · 21 days
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SHANDIE + blue rotunda by louise glück
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effervescentdragon · 1 year
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Eddie Irvine, Michael Schumacher, Mika Häkkinen and David Coulthard at Australian GP 1996
Photo by Ercole Colombo
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exhuastedpigeon · 8 months
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Feels Like Magic A Buddie Urban Fantasy AU
Rated: T | Buddie | Chapter: 9/9 | 47k - NOW COMPLETE
“You used too much magic again,” Buck’s voice was quiet as he spoke, but he knew Eddie heard him. “You’re alive,” Eddie’s eyes were closed, but Buck knew the look Eddie would be giving him if they had been open. It was the same look Eddie had given him when he had said ‘because, Evan, you think you’re expendable but you’re not’. It was a look that made Buck feel truly and completely seen in a way he never had before. “There’s no such thing as too much if it saves you.” “Go to sleep,” Buck said, because if he left himself say anything else he’d be telling Eddie he loved him and he didn’t think in the bunk room at two in the morning after an exhausting call was the right moment, but then again, Buck was pretty sure he’d be taking that secret to his grave. -- An urban fantasy AU where most things are the same, except there's magic and supernatural creatures
Read on Ao3
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genaleah · 2 years
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chronicowboy · 1 year
"Buck, come on," Eddie scoffs, making his way into the kitchen.
"She knew I died, Eddie," Buck shoots back, following after him like a little duckling.
"She probably recognised you from all the articles. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if Taylor has done a story on it." Eddie rolls his eyes.
He doesn't mean to be so... combative. Its just. Buck's been talking about Natalia since they met her thirteen hours into a twenty-four hour shift. He's been hearing this spiel for eleven hours, but he'd been able to hide behind Hen's amused looks and Chimney's teasing remarks, Bobby's fond head shakes and Ravi's poorly concealed judgemental looks. That was at the firehouse. But now Natalia has followed them into Eddie's home, into his kitchen, and he's just tired.
"She looked me in the eye and asked if I'd died recently," Buck huffs an incredulous little noise. "Explain that."
"She read about your death in the news," Eddie deadpans, grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge before leaning back against it. "It was a lucky guess, Buck."
"How so?"
"We're firefighters," Eddie says slowly. "She could have asked anyone of us if we'd died or almost died recently and the answer would have been yes."
"That's not true." Buck frowns, folding his arms over his chest and propping his hip up on the kitchen island.
"Yes, it is." Eddie drags a hand down his face with a sigh. "Jonah could have killed Hen, and he did kill Chim. Twice, actually. And that was less than a year ago. Bobby and all the Wendell stuff was pretty dangerous, not to mention the dispatch fire also less than a year ago. And then I—"
Here, Eddie pulls up short, biting back the desperate words that have been clogging his throat ever since a lightning bolt fell from the heavens.
He's been avoiding Buck's eyes since Natalia laid a hand on his arm and asked about his brush with death, half at the reminder of one of the worst days of his life, half because he'd been terrified that Buck would be able to read everything Eddie has been trying to hide. Now, he avoids Buck's eyes because Buck doesn't need to read what Eddie isn't saying, its there for him to hear plain as day.
"You?" Buck shifts. "You haven't been almost killed since, well, the hostage situation was probably the last time and that was more than a year ago, so its not exactly recent."
Or, well, maybe Buck's more deaf than Eddie had imagined.
"I mean, I guess the whole blimp thing was pretty dangerous, but like—"
Eddie looks at him then, sees the confusion settling into the lines of Buck's face. He scoffs again, the sound slipping from his lips before he can stop it.
"Unless there's something I don't know about?" Buck raises an eyebrow at him, careful and probing and a little terrified, if Eddie isn't mistaken.
"Of course, there's not." Eddie shakes his head, wonders whether or not to take the out.
"Buck." He takes a deep breath, hopes the bite to his voice will be exhaled with it. "Drop it."
"No, Eddie, apparently I don't know that you almost died," Buck says, something high and thready and horrified in his words.
"I didn't almost die," Eddie spits out, "I died, Buck."
"What?" Buck's whole body pulls taut with tension like an elastic band stretched to its limit, his eyes wide and full of fear.
"Well, besides the fact that I ran up a wet, electrified ladder without a line..." Eddie's voice breaks, and he clears his throat, turning towards the kitchen counter and pressing his hands to the cold marble until his fingertips turn white. "Three minutes and seventeen seconds."
"Eddie," Buck breathes.
"For three minutes and seventeen seconds, I felt what it was like to die whilst still walking around with working lungs and a beating heart. So, no, I didn't almost die," Eddie directs the words down at his numb hands, "I did die. With you." He downs the last of his water, tossing the bottle into the sink before turning to face Buck. "She made a lucky guess." Eddie makes his way to the door, stopping with a hand on the frame. "When her next guess isn't so lucky, there will be a couch waiting for you at home."
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(love is a mirror. in it you see nothing except your reflection. you see nothing except your real face)
hannibal - nbc // wuthering heights - emily bronte //  mirror traps - hera lindsay bird  //  the selected plays - helene cixous   // two children in a motel - ethel cain   // my cousin rachel - daphne du maurier  
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bevsi · 2 months
🐹 Which would be your OCs favorite Pokemon? What kind of trainer would they be?
🐹 Which would be your OCs favorite Pokemon? What kind of trainer would they be? -
Isi - it’s too obvious but definitely fairy type…. jigglypuff & alcremie
Ro - poison or dark… but she would probably have a morpeko
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tawneybel · 5 months
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Note: Disgusting monster porn. And one-sided romantic rivalry.
Imagine Eddie witnessing you have psychic sex with Vecna.
Your glazed eyes weren’t the result of anything he gave you. The only non-organic thing Eddie wanted in you was a condom. If you were high, he’d have to wait till you came down. 
Even with your head in the red clouds, you were on cloud nine. 
Henry stood before you. The “real” Henry. The pre-Upside Down one. Both forms were pleasing, though. Which you admitted. He knew that, even without probing your mind. It was the first time you looked flustered. Before, you were intrigued by his appearance; now you were going to be obsessed. That too was obvious. Both of you, alone. Or so he thought. For all his psychic power, Vecna’s love was stronger. Well, mostly er0s at that moment. It was strong enough to keep him fixated on you. 
Biting your lip, you promptly unzipped your sly. Before your thumbs could hook into themselves your panties, tentacles shot out. No longer half-lidded, your gaze latched onto Henry, who’d allowed his facade to slip a little as a tentacle smacked your backside. More of a love pat, really. 
Message received, you shot back, about to step out your panties. Instead, two tendrils swathed your calves, lifting you off the ground. The undergarments have to go, ordered Vecna. Impatient for the first time. He slipped them clean off, making sure they didn’t snag on your shoes. 
Leave those on.  
You were only upended for a few moments as his “limbs” encased and caressed your limbs. Elevated (and compliant), it was like being a marionette. What was that song Eddie liked? “Master of Puppets.” 
“Obey your master,” rasped Vecna. A wet appendage pushed past your unwary lips. 
The gaped mouth was due to shock. Yeah, that’s it, Eddie thought. Thigh massaging against thigh was hard to ignore. There’s no way she’s into this. That scene from Ghostbusters where the ghost lady blew Dan Aykroyd’s character sprang to mind. Something was pressing your tongue down. 
This was a wet dream.
 He smiled. Of course he’d have one about cute ______ ______ sooner or later. Tongue squirming against an invisible cock. Eddie just wished he was the one getting deep-throated.
As soon you thought about your friend, the Upside Down’s lord knew it wouldn’t be enough to just slither into your holes. Claiming them permanently for himself and himself only. He needed to worm inside your brain. The telepathy had up to now been mostly nonintrusive. Now he would need to keep you occupied. Just him and your mutual interests. So far he hadn’t let you put two and two together. You didn’t know Henry created the Mind Flayer.  
And you and him could have had so much fun with Flaying. Sometimes he fantasized about letting humanoid or posthuman minions couple with you. A Flayed horde encircling you. Nervous, dutifully parting your legs and lips for his pleasure anyway. Two of his infested melding together… Maybe like that newspaper editor and his underling had. 
Your face engulfed by an amorous Demogorgon’s petals. The razor-teeth leaving you unmarred, because your countenance was graced by a thick coat of eldritch emission-
Henry shrugged. That was one way of putting it. His love was enjoying the wet daydreams he was pumping into her head. While simultaneously pumping his member-
A member, you corrected. the metalhead far from your joint minds.  
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joansblondells · 1 year
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jackoino · 1 year
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a-lost-crow · 1 year
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Psychic AU sketches/drawings along with some more notes about the AU
CW a bit of murder mentioned
If y'all are new, there are some things to know
Eddie has white hair and has moved to a neighborhood full of psychics!
There are 2 types of psychics. Regular Psychics and Ghost Psychics (also known as Espers)
Espers have a streak of colored hair
Eddie has always been a mystery ever since he came to the neighborhood
Whenever he gets asked about his past he often doesn't know how to respond to that
He would only recall what happened 10 years ago but not 10 months ago
And it's not just the memory loss
People often recalled seeing him
Or hearing about him in the news
Wally claimed that he talked to him before he moved in
And Eddie would randomly get cold, even if it's in the summer
He tries to ignore it as he talks to the current residents
Mostly Frank as they're as much as a mystery as to him
Frank finds Eddie and Julie as a reliever to talk to
As he's trying to uncover a stressful mystery about recent murder cases
Below here is an infodump about the Esper stuff
Espers can see ghosts
And there's a job that revolves in giving services to ghosts before they fade away
Which I'll call Spectral Helpers for this AU. People who work there are called spectralists
Spectralists have different methods to helping ghosts
Because their powers are different and can't be done the same way
There is no specific uniform as they can wear whatever they want
As long as they are wearing some outerwear to show professionalism (and for legal reasons)
They can change outerwear whenever they want
Though they have to pay $100 to change it
Wally, being the extra guy he is, will change it often with no thought
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