#the psychic attacks i receive from this show get worse every day
poughkeepsies · 7 months
just remembered photograph by ed sheeran is canonically connected to buddie. like every other music moment with buddie is fun and all but they're not truly intentional, just a little interaction thrown into the middle of a wider unrelated moment. but for this one not only does the song become the focal point of the scene at the end so you're hearing every single lyric, but they also specifically line up their actions to the lyrics ("wait for me to come home" buck sitting at the table frozen and eddie knocking and barging in with a kid and forgiveness). also, even the choice to have photograph in the episode at all, when the only ones who have a storyline about people they love are buck eddie and christopher (everyone else is about strangers they're helping, which is equally important but less personal) and the lyrics being "loving can hurt sometimes, but it's the only thing that I know" and "if you hurt me, that's okay baby only words bleed" and all the ways this arc could've ended with something irreparably broken between them but it didn't because they loved each other too much to let it...good lord it's been 4 years and there's no getting over it
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gofancyninjaworld · 3 years
OPM Webcomic Chapter 141 Review
Normally I like to take a couple of days and a few rereads to see how I feel about a chapter before reviewing it, but with ONE’s unpredictable schedule, I’d best do this now.  It’s longish.
The first thing to say is that this chapter really messed me up.
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The cavalry has a stone in its shoe
The first thing that fucked me up was realising what the sound effect in the first two panels of the chapter was: the sound of the doctor’s increasingly agonised breathing.  What a horrible thing to have to hear, made worse by the three Machine Gods showing up and reporting that their latest kill would have a 0% chance of survival after 5 minutes.
If you thought then that this chapter would be about a by-the-skin-of-the-teeth save, you’re sadly mistaken.  Genos was awesome.  He spared no power (nor powers for that matter) in fighting the three dragon-level machines simultaneously, aiming to kill them as quickly as he could and get that time.
ONE’s grasp on choreography has improved immensely and he’s used it fantastically here.  He’s always been versatile, but this time, Genos was plasticity itself, wielding heat, freezing, magnetism, anti-gravity, electricity and much more.  In turn, they didn’t commit the mistake of trying to attack one at a time, analysing his moves as they went and attacking in unpredictable formation.
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it might not be psychic power, but being able to move and warp anything magnetic is a damn useful substitute
Machine Gods may vary in form, but they do share a basic interest, which is in understanding heroes, and a basic personality, which is a snarky wit that’s quick to mock. Machine God Tech lobs a back-handed compliment to Genos, saying that if he’d mastered these variable abilities, he’d have been able to aim for the top of the hero world.  For their confidence, Tech and Ray end up dead in pretty short order, smashed to pieces, leaving an outraged Machine God Body howling about how it simply couldn’t be that a mere ex-human cyborg could outdo them, these magnificent AIs.  He takes up the components of the other two to strengthen himself further, but  he’s dead soon, smashed to bits by an appropriately named Final Smash.
Genos hurries to the doctor, but there’s no let up.  Seven more high-powered robots appear. Thankfully so does Saitama, still in his underwear. He takes on the five approaching from the front, leaving the last two to Genos.  Saitama casually walking through the assault, not even bothering to shape a punch has to be one of the scene-stealers of the chapter and one of the very few light moments in it.
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And then it’s over.  Saitama picks the doctor up to try ferrying him to hospital, but the doctor refuses, preferring to tell Genos where to find a secret, final upgrade, to use it to run away from Them (looks like the doctor knows exactly who killed him) and to beg forgiveness.
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what a way for a beautiful relationship to end
Genos doesn’t say anything. Nor does he hurry after Saitama, but after the latter has left, he bows deeply in gratitude and says that there’s nothing to forgive, for the old man did nothing wrong in his eyes.
The action recommences at dawn.  For the avoidance of all hope, we see that Saitama has buried the doctor in the forest with a chunck of the lab wall as a headstone and the shovel still stuck in the earth by the grave.  Genos comes out of the repair pod with a new body and the two of them take their leave.  Genos intends to take out Metal Knight immediately, before whatever the plan for a ‘general offensive’ is executed.  Saitama agrees to accompany him.  But as they walk along, there’s a light over the nearest city.  It seems ‘The Plan’ Machine God Tech talked about has begun.
Indeed, on the ground, there’s carnage as a formation of robots marches through, burning every building they pass and shooting down anything that moves.  Various heroes look on in numb horror as the army advances. 
That’s where this monster of a chapter ends.
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never ones to half-ass things
Unsurprising Surprise
The Organization strikes at last.  Our longest-running villains finally show their hand. They’ve measured, they’ve planned, they’ve done their homework, made that list and checked it twice.  Fitting in with Metal Knight’s warning about a shadowy power waiting its time (in the manga, not the webcomic), they’ve struck right when the heroes are at their weakest.  We don’t know the extent  of it. Is City W the only place being scrubbed off the map, or is this part of a much more widespread trend?
Well, now we really do know that when Genos spoke of not only acting for himself when he introduced himself to Saitama, he was just telling the truth.  He might be looking for vengeance, but his scope was always much bigger than just himself.  It’s a shame things have had to deteriorate to this extent for us to see it.
If not now, when?
So this is it! This is as good as it gets for him then. If he is to survive, Genos will have to take a page from Drive Knight’s example and quickly master everything his new body has to offer.  We’ve (well I’ve) complained before that he’s merely competent at using what the doctor gives him, throwing parts and bodies away without giving himself a chance to truly get the best out of them.  No choice now.  And it looks like there’s a world to save -- no time to luxuriate in practice. Or grief.
Forgive me
A few years ago when I was still new to Reddit, one of my first posts was to ask if Dr Kuseno was a good man. Against his manifest good deeds in supporting Genos as he did, it didn’t sit well with me that he’d performed a Reverse Pinocchio on an ordinary boy, turning him into a living weapon.  Not hard to imagine that it wasn’t received too well by the sub, lol.  In time, as we got to see more of Kuseno, my position on him softened, but what the hell, doctor?  never went completely away.
With Kuseno’s dying words being apology, we see that he knew he’d done wrong by Genos.  He knew that roping him into his quest for justice came as much from his own selfishness and rage as it did from a desire to set the world to rights.  I’ve repeatedly said that the cyborg body Genos has has nothing to do with health. It was all about gaining the power to fight and forgoing a chance to have a life in the process.
And so Kuseno died, in agony, weeping and begging for a forgiveness that he never heard come.  He was buried like a dog in what had been his backyard. By a stranger.
That’s cold.
Now I’m not faulting Genos for not forgiving the old man to his hearing. But there’s a hardness to him that he’ll want watching lest it grow more.
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this is why the Machine Gods always fail despite their detailed calculations.  They just do not understand the depth of the human heart, nor its importance.
But I’ll add one more thing.  Dr Kuseno did not just raise a warrior.  In the end, he raised a damn fine hero too.  In the end, I really hope that some great good might yet come out of this.
Saitama and compassion
I’m glad that Saitama is here.  I’m even more glad that he’s not been acting to try stealing the show, instead supporting Genos when the latter needs it. It’s not ‘I’m sorry for your loss’ But it is compassionate. 
What’s next?
Why fighting of course.  Lots of it. I hope that somehow, the fog of war ends up nevertheless clarifying the relationship between the Neo Heroes, The Organization, Metal Knight and possibly Drive Knight.  I’m ready for this arc to build to its crisis and resolve one way or the other.
Bits and pieces
Number 23 on the list?  If Kuseno weren’t keeping such a low profile, I’d be insulted on his behalf.
I surmised last chapter that Kuseno must have an extensive basement as the superstructure of his place looked positively humble.  West basement?  With multiple hangars?  That’s not a basement, that’s an underground castle.  I hope Genos has locked up after himself.  If he succeeds in putting sword to his enemies, he’ll want what’s in there.
Finally, with the way living and dying works in this world, I wonder if the old man might yet have survived if he’d not decided it was too late for him.  I guess we’ll never know. At least I hope not.  I hope he’s beyond the clutches of those who’d raise him to an undeath for their own purposes.
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fandomtookoverlife · 4 years
Pairing: Hotch x fem!reader 
Summary: you received some life-changing news the day before, now you’re trying to keep focus and get a confession out of an unsub. Keeping focus has never been so hard, with your mind spinning and Hotch sending you further down the rabbit hole. Somehow things get even worse when the psychic unsub announces your news for all to hear. 
Note:  italics are reader thoughts 
Warning: anxiety/panic attack, break down, swearing 
Word count: 1.7k
Category: angst(?) 
A/N: this is not based on the cm with a psychic. Def channelling my own breakdowns while writing this, I hope it comes off how I intended.
I might do a second part where we learn of Hotch’s and reader’s relationship and we then jump to his reaction
Back story: in my mind the reader and Hotch like each other fucked, it became awkward and here we are
Other blog: @mac99martin
Fuck psychics, sitting there all-knowing when everyone knows they’re full of shit, you don’t like psychics on normal days, when they’re unsubs, you hate them even more. Fuck psychics. 
Ok maybe your new found hate for psychics isn’t totally about them, (although the one in front of you definitely plays a part in it) you may have found out some very stressful, very shocking, life-altering news yesterday and you also may not be dealing with it very well. And by not dealing with it well, you mean not dealing with it at all. You've been avoiding and ignoring it, the rational part of your brain is telling you that this is not something you can ignore, but the other part of your brain is absolutely terrified and is using the case as an excuse not to deal with it. And you are using your dislike for psychics as an outlet for your emotions, is it right? No. is it healthy? No. but it’s helping and you’re freaking out so what are you going to do? 
Speaking of not helping, Hotch is with the unsub now. Not only is he not getting anywhere with her, but he is also so horribly distracting. You seriously need to focus but looking at him, all it’s doing is sending you into a spiral. All you want to do is put this unsub behind bars but your mind is fighting with itself: one part actively fighting to keep your brain far away from the topic that will remain nameless and unthought about. The other going in circles of panic and anxiety and terror. The unsub is helping the first, she’s a handy distraction. Hotch is helping the latter, you so much catch a glimpse of him and you revert into the frenzy that is your mind. Fuck, this fucking sucks, ok come on can’t focus on that, you can’t cry or stop breathing that can wait till later, now you need to focus. 
And that’s where the loop starts all over again: Focus-Hotch-Spiral-Focus-Hotch-Spiral...
-Focus You’re so lost in the war going on in your mind you completely lose all sense of reality only noticing that Hotch is not only no longer in the integration room when he calls your name. 
You try your best to snap out of it and control your breathing, but looking at Hotch, Hotch looking at you, you feel like you're shaking while your body remains perfectly still, your heart is pounding and you stop breathing. Okokok-breathe, focus, what’s going on right now. 
“Sorry, what was that?” Ok not bad that sounded pretty normal if you do say so yourself. 
“I asked what you thought.” His voice was stern and annoyed but his face looked worried. 
Snap. The. Fuck. Out. Of. It. “Oh um,” wait who’s said what, shit I really should have been paying attention. “Well clearly she wasn’t responding to you,” ok pretty good, actually now that you think about it she wasn’t responding to any of the male officers when they arrested her, “and she didn’t respond to the male officer earlier, anytime she talks to a man she becomes confident and flirtatious” Flirting: Hotch-Spiral, Focus “we should see how she reacts to a woman.” 
Ok, so you had your ups and downs but all in all that went pretty well. You avert your eyes from Hotch’s, focus focus focus focus… “Ok you’re in.” 
“Wh- me?” 
“Yes… you.” 
You know what? this can be good, small room, nothing to focus on except the case, no Hotch, ya I can do this. You give a nod, pick up your file and walk into the room. 
“Hello Ms.Shaw, I’m ssa Y/N Y/L/N.” you look down at your file making a show out of opening it while also keeping an eye on her. 
When Hotch entered earlier, doing something similar, she straightened her back and leaned forward, making a show out of her breasts, she half smirked and half-smiled when she looked up at him. 
When you introduce yourself she sat back in her seat, crossed her arms and glared at you. Unlike when she saw Hotch, she looked very displeased with you. 
You sat down across from her and gave her a smile, she narrowed her eyes and furthered her glare towards you. She eyes you up and down for a second before practically sneering at you, “what do you want” 
“I just want to talk” you put simply 
Maintaining eye contact she leaned forward “Bet you do” 
At this point, with Hotch, she had a smile on her face, enthusiastic to speak with him. Right now, she’s almost challenging you, she’s even getting defensive. 
“Probably want to talk about those murders you think I did” 
“The murders you did do” you respond all while having a sweet smile on your face. Won’t that just piss her off, and it does. 
She just hums in response, her face stone cold, staring you up and down, and then, she smiles, “I think we should talk about you.” She says it almost sweetly but you can tell that there’s mischief behind it. 
“Ya, you’ve been… busy lately…” 
you really couldn’t guess where she was going with this at this point, nowhere good so, “as have you” you retort back. 
“Hmm, but in different ways,” she smirks 
Hell ya in different ways, I’ve been working my ass off and you’ve been murdering people. 
“See I’ve been busy working, as a psychic, I use my power to help people, it’s very time-consuming-” 
Right power, helping, you don’t have and you don’t do shit 
“While you,” she looks you up and down again, “have been getting a very different sort of busy, haven’t you?” 
….wh- what is she- what is she even implying right now?
Busy like- and that’s when you’re reminded of your… state. Remembering hits you like a ton of bricks, solely because you had forgotten, the thought has your mind clouded again and your anxiety spiking. 
You’re back down a spiral, get back on topic this isn’t the time, “I’m not sure what you're getting at.” Breathe, “Oh come on, you know,” and she looks down again, if the table wasn’t in the way, you would say that she’s looking at your stomach, no no she’s not why would she- how could she- your mind is biased, it was already thinking about that and it jumped to conclusions, get back on topic. You can’t be thinking about this now. -focus. 
She leans in but doesn’t lower her voice, glancing up at the mirror, she’s very aware that people are listening in, and she doesn’t mind, “you’re pregnant” 
Wtfwtfwtfwtf no no no no, how could she possibly know that, you just found out, it’s not like your showing, she can’t know, how the fuck did she know that? 
She can see it all over your face, your mind is jumbled with thoughts again and you’re freaking out. 
She just sat back and smiled watching you break down, but she wasn’t done yet. 
The people behind the mirror couldn’t see your face to see how bad you’re freaking out, that mixed with their own shock, they weren’t helping, not that they nor you would know how they would help. 
“You looked surprised that I know that, you doubt my skills” skills- what- psychic- whatever 
“Or maybe you’re just in shock, you just found out recently right,” she clicks her tongue, “must be quite the surprise.” You feel so overwhelmed, this was supposed to get you away from all of that, your spiralling again, unable to pull yourself out of your break down that has been going on since you found out. Once again just the thought, the reminder, has you feeling like you can’t breathe, like you're going to be sick, like your head is spinning. “I can see this is a lot for you, but I think you’re forgetting one thing,” 
Spiral-spiral-spiral forgetting? Wha- wh- spiral-spiral-spiral-Hotch 
Your heart stops, you look her dead in the eye, you can see it, the mischief, she knows, she opens her mouth to say something- “SHUT UP” you stand up and yell at her. You’re panicked and desperate,
Your outburst shocks everyone behind the mirror, but it only makes her smile wider, “what you don’t want everyone to know?” 
“STOP” your losing it 
“Or you don’t want him to know?” 
(ok fine, maybe she is psychic)
“SHUT UP” you scream, your voice is cracking and your breaking 
“What you don’t want everyone to know your pregnant and that one of them got you-”
“STOP!” You slam your hand on the table and your eyes are watering. 
Morgan busts through the door, taking you into his arms and steering you out of the interrogation room and into the viewing room, only giving the unsub a glance as he slams the door behind him. 
Once you are in the viewing room you turn away from your team, your eyes still glossy, you’re shaking, you can barely breathe, that panic attack-mental breakdown you’ve been putting off, it’s finally catching up to you, and your feeling every second of the overwhelming… you don’t even know, just everything, and still trying to hold it in as you hyperventilate and remember the people around you. 
You do your best to hold in your emotions for a little longer as you go to leave the room, away from people. You hear Derek’s voice, “how much of that was true?” 
One more second one more second one more second, 
In out, in out, in out, “every word” is all you get out before you lose it and you basically run away. 
“Shittt,” the event weighs heavy on the team’s mind as they make sense of what just happened, “well, it wasn’t me.” Morgan, trying to lighten the mood best he can 
The team looks around the room “Well it certainly wasn’t me” Rossi horrified at what has just played out in front of him 
Spence's face goes absolutely red when Derek looks at him; he doesn’t have to say anything because as hotch speed walks out of the room, it is very clear who the father is. 
Tags: @spencers-renaissance @averyhotchner
(I’ll tag anyone in part 2 who asks for it in the comments😘😘)
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redrobin-detective · 4 years
hope is the promise of future happiness
its 11am, I’ve not dressed or done anything and I got hit with The Feels
Izuku had walked by the shop, stopping and staring and wondering, for almost two weeks. He stopped again, as he had most every day walking home from school, to stare at the new sign that had recently been hung up in the window. 
‘Takazawa Fortune Tellers: now offering precognitive services! Temporarily transport your mind into that of your future self! By Appointment Only, inquire inside.’ He mulled around the words in his head as he let the crowds carry him away again. Izuku kept his head low so the conflicting emotions weren’t obvious on his face. There was a decent amount of precognitive quirks but most were vague and not helpful in the long run. Any quirks that were useful were immediately snapped up by heroes and other government agencies. The chances that a small town psychic could tell him anything useful was low but...
Izuku rubbed lightly at his red and peeling palms where Kacchan had blasted him 2 days ago. Most days all he felt like was a pile of burns, bruises and depression. He was 13 years old and he was miserable every day of his life with no end in sight. If only he could find something, anything, to tell him that tomorrow would be better than today.
He nervously pulled at his lip as he muttered quietly to himself. But what if the future was worse than the present? What if he was still alone, still unhappy, still a stupid, quirkless Deku? What would he do if there was no future for him, some future him deciding enough was enough and-
Izuku shook his head, to clear it of such dark thoughts. He walked past a store filled with TVs, all bearing All Might’s grinning face as he gave a brief interview following a villain attack early this morning. The sound was off but Izuku knew the steady rumble of his hero’s voice better than his own. Watching that smile, that easy care and confidence All Might radiated eased some of the tension off Izuku’s shoulders. As long as All Might was there to spread peace and joy, the future couldn’t be all bad. No matter what, he would be Izuku’s future, a guiding light to lead him to where he needed to be.
It took him another week to work up the courage to enter the shop. The little bell when he opened the door might as well have been a blazing alarm, it almost caused him to run right then and there.
“Welcome to Takazawa Fortune Tellers, you’re here for the precognitive services, correct?” The secretary at the front said with a small smile. 
“Oh well I uh how did you-”
“Mild telepathy, lets me know people’s intentions,” the woman explained, tapping her temple. “That and I’ve seen you stopping and staring at the sign for almost a month.” Izuku ducked into the collar of his uniform and considered running again. He could find a new way home from school, possibly change schools altogether, maybe a new country?
“Please don’t go,” the woman said with a light laugh, “in fact, you picked the perfect day to stop by. We’re booked up for months but our last appointment was a no show so we have an open slot right now. We’re not supposed to take walk-ins but, well, you’ve been waiting for this a long time, haven’t you?”
Izuku flushed but the woman stood up, “I guess destiny brought you at the right time, I’ll let Kenma-san know you’re here. Please sit and fill out these forms while you wait.” 
It took all of his inner strength to shakily grab the clipboard from her and begin signing his consents, each making him more nervous than the last. Waiving liability in case he didn’t like his future. Accepting trauma from anything unpleasant he may see. Paying the full amount in the event he was dead in the future and thus could receive no predictions. 
“She’s ready for you now.” Taking a deep breath and summoning All Might’s brave smile in his mind, he handed her his completed forms and made his way to the back room. It was a small, almost claustrophobic room with heavily scented candles and dark mood lighting. A woman dressed in elaborate robes with a veil over her face was sitting at a small table. She gestured to the empty chair.
“You’re younger than my usual clients,” she said in a weathered voice, it was hard to tell if she was old or simply worn down. Izuku found himself sympathizing. “How old are you, young man?”
“13,” Izuku squeaked.
“A good age, you have your whole life ahead of you,” she nodded holding out both of her hands. “Now, here’s how this works. My quirk can transport you into your body at twice your current age so when you are 26.” Izuku tried to wrap his mind around being 26, an adult with a job but found he couldn’t. His palms began to sweat. “You will be transported to a time, 13 years from now, when your adult self is asleep so there’s no struggle over dual consciousness. You will be able to see, hear and feel your immediate surroundings but not interact much. The more you try to assert control the more your future self will awaken. Once they’re awake, you’ll be transported back to your current body. You don’t need to worry about privacy, I will only be facilitating your transfer and won’t be able to see anything you do. Understand?”
Izuku nodded, he wouldn’t be able to see or do much if he was confined to wherever his future self was sleeping. It was seemingly innocuous and yet...
“You do understand that, if between now and then, you’ve died that the transference won’t work. Are you prepared for that possibility?” She said cautiously. Having already come this far, he nodded. “Alright then young man, lets see what the future has in store for you. Take my hands and let your mind go as blank as possible. Close your eyes and the next time you open them, you will be in your future.”
Izuku grasped her hands, supple and firm leading him to believe he was correct that she wasn’t as old as he first believed. He tried to quiet his thoughts but it like wiping a white erase board in permanent marker. There was so much to fear, so much to worry about in his future. He squeezed his eyes shut and prayed, for once in his life, his hopes weren’t painfully crushed. 
He opened his eyes and saw All Might. Specifically a really nice framed All Might poster featuring the hero back to back with a skinny blonde man hung on a wall. It looked like it was signed by someone but he was too far away to read what it said. The date at the bottom of the poster was 6 years from the current year. Well, he was alive in 13 years which was nice to know. The relief that echoed through him was surprising, had he really believed- No, no time for that. He didn’t know how long this would last so he had to make his observations now.
Izuku was in a large bed lying on his side facing a wall, the All Might poster was the biggest and most obvious but the whole wall was covered in various pictures and posters. A smaller poster with explosions on it caught his eye and he couldn’t help but smile. Looks like Kacchan made it as a hero after all, he felt bitter, just a bit but overall was happy for his well former friend. Another had a girl in pink floating standing next to someone who looked like Ingenium. It’s not surprise he maintained his fanboy habits even as an adult. It was comforting in its familiarity. 
Speaking of which, he observed what he could see of what was most likely his home with some surprise. It was clean but still comfortably lived in. It was also quiet large with some nice, traditionally Japanese furnishings. Much more than a quirkless salary man could probably afford. The bedside table next to him had a clock, which flashed 0547 in bright green letters, a cracked phone he assumed was his and a worn and ripped notebook. It read Hero Notes vol 25. 
Izuku instinctively reached for the notebook only to falter. His shoulder hurt, it ached and pulled from what felt like a recent injury. But that didn’t surprise him nearly as much as the scars covering his right hand and forearm. They ached, the way old wounds did, something he would always be aware of but would get used to. What the hell did his future self get up to? He briefly latched onto the idea that he had become a hero but quickly discarded it. Quirkless people didn’t become heroes, he probably got a career as a quirk analyst or something which is why he could afford such a nice place. It wasn’t a bad life from the looks of it.
He clenched his scarred right fist hard, not a bad life still wasn’t anywhere close to his dream. Izuku felt a stirring in the back of his mind and he carefully relaxed his hand. Right, he couldn’t wake his future self, not until he was done. Before he could wonder what else he could do, an arm brushed against his back before draping over his side as another body pressed close to him.
“Too early, go back to sleep,” a soft voice mumbled sleepily into his back.
Izuku froze, so conditioned to hands hurting him but the arm instead just held onto him lightly, like they didn’t want to let him go. It was cool to the touch but it felt good, like chill breeze on a warm day. Oh. He stared down at the pale arm gently embracing him until his vision became blurred. Oh. Izuku had been so prepared to accept a miserable future, even one where he didn’t exist. The idea that he was happy, that he was loved? Even more than being a hero, that had seemed too impossible to even dream about. 
He grasped the cold hand and intertwined their fingers like it was his only lifeline. Izuku sniffled, holding onto the hand until he blinked and found the only hand he was holding was that of the fortune teller. She let him grip her fingers as he composed himself, re-orientating himself back into his small, unscarred body.
“Are you alright, my boy?” She asked gently.
“Yeah,” Izuku said through his tears which probably didn’t help his case. “Really yes, I saw-” his breath hitched. “It was good, it was so good and I never thought- I couldn’t imagine someone like me could have that.” She relaxed and gave his hands a squeeze before letting go. 
“I’m glad, most people who cry during my sessions don’t do it for happy reasons. Take your time to calm down, Nami-chan will help you when you’re done. After that, your future awaits you.”
“Yeah,” he cheered, sloppily wiping his tears. No matter how bad things were now, they would eventually lead to the cozy home, the wall full of pictures and comforting hand around his side like it belonged there. He would wait a lifetime for that, 13 was nothing.
(luckily he didn’t even need to wait that long for his future to begin with a fated encounter, a question and a promise that his dreams could be reached)
13 Years Later
“‘zuku, you okay?” Shouto asked sleepily from behind him. 
“Yeah, why?” Izuku questioned as he blinked himself back to awareness feeling a bit muddled and out of it. 
“You’re gripping my hand pretty hard,” Shouto said pushing himself up onto his elbow, “also you’re crying.”
“Aren’t I always crying?” Izuku joked turned to look at his beautiful sleep rumbled boyfriend. Shouto just gave him a thoughtful look. “I’m fine, look,” he responded wiping the tears away. “I just, I think I was dreaming and you know how emotional I get.”
“Was it a nightmare?” Shouto asked settling himself back down into the bed, cuddling close on one of the rare days where one or both them wasn’t patrolling. 
“No, no, I don’t think so,” Izuku said shaking his head. He can’t be sure but he thinks he’d been dreaming of his past, of that sad, quirkless boy he’d been. If only there was some way he could tell that kid that things would get better, better than he could have possibly imagined. With the feel of Shouto’s dual temperatures pressed up against him, Izuku looked over at what Shouto called his Wall of Worship as if supporting his friends and colleagues was a bad thing.
All Might’s poster, the exclusive one of a kind poster his mentor had presented to him upon Izuku’s graduation as always drew his gaze. Too far away to read it properly Izuku still had memorized the words from the moment he’d read them, etched onto his heart.
To my boy,
Your bravery and kindness have inspired me from the moment we met. I cannot wait to watch you shine. Your future begins now. 
All Might Yagi Toshinori
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WW2GI and the saving private ryan TC for duke nukem 3D: a level-by-level breakdown
the first half of the game starts off with a bang as you're dropped right into it with the omaha beach landings; from there you'll go on through the hedgerows and villages of normandy, killing nazis left and right and dying... again... and again... and again. according to the credits, we can thank tuoma "tuco" korva and lado "icebreaker" crnologar for the level design, but i've no way of telling you who did which.
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E1L1: d-day what's more iconic in united states military history during WW2 than omaha beach? this recreation of the bloody battle might not be as lethal as the real thing, but it sure is nearly as nightmarish. the game throws you in deep real fast and you're forced to learn, through trial and error, the basics of the game, all the while random explosions and bullets out of nowhere will cut your gameplay short. you'd think they'd at least give us some basic training... even medal of honor frontline was more forgiving.
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E1L2: atlantic wall omaha beach, part 2. you're alone for this one, you and several dozen enemy troops as you work your way through a complex of shattered bunkers and rail lines. not much sense to the layout on this one, though cool carnage as a row of parked trucks are annihilated in an artillery explosion -- along with all the nazi goons hiding behind them.
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E1L3: defend you meet up with some friendlies just in time for a panicked radio message -- a squad is pinned down under enemy fire and need help. working your way through a flooded village and a forest infested with nazis, you eventually come upon the squad, hiding in some foxholes as a couple dozen enemy mysteriously teleport in by a hedgerow on the far end of the field. aside from some extra ammo, you also get access to an artillery strike via radio and a mortar launcher. hold out long enough and a gate will open with reinforcements behind, and the exit beyond.
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E1L4: hunt for the 88s jesus christ. if you managed to get through the d-day map without getting too frustrated you may wind up throwing in the towel on this one, an extremely dark night mission in the woods where the enemy can see you but you can't see them, and they always have insanely good aim. the one thing it has going for it is a pretty cool scripted sequence where you and a squad of guys traverse a bit of forest, exchanging some bad banter -- very cool for the build engine! and then they all die in an ambush, leaving you to play audie murphy -- again.
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E1L5: finding private mccurkee first of all, lol. second of all, this mission is actually almost fun. a ruined little town teeming with enemy, you'll have an opportunity to use a rifle to pop enemies from a distance, which will be useful as there's plenty of snipers. a mortar team will make your life hell near the end. it's fun working your way through the ruined buildings and finding ways to climb up into otherwise inaccessible rooms.
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E1L6: saving private mccurkee did you like e1l5? how would you like to do it again, only this time in reverse, in the dark, and with an NPC in tow that you have to babysit -- assuming he doesn't get his dumb ass stuck in the foxhole right at the beginning of the level and then you don't notice he's done it so you save your game like a dumbass and now you have to noclip through the gate at the end because the idiot doesn't know how to climb?
yeah. i didn't like e1l6.
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E1L7: mop up the final mission of the d-day episode is a mercifully daytime shootout across a semi-detatched military complex in which you shoot a bunch of nazis, blow up some tanks, dodge some artillery fire and, in the end, lay waste to a small, fenced-in compound guarded by SS, who distinguish themselves from regular grunts by their distinctive black uniforms and red nazi armbands. just hanging around them lowers your morale; ignoring the fact that the morale system makes no sense, this does amusingly give rise to the idea that the SS are so evil that they can sap you on a psychic level.
i mean, that's true of nazis today.
final thoughts: not a good first half. maybe three or four of the levels are salvageable; the rest are unmitigated shit, especially e1l4. while this is very likely the first-ever WW2 FPS to feature the omaha beach landings and the normandy invasion at large, it's a novelty at best, an exercise in frustration that shows the limits both of the engine and the designers' talents.
not sure what exactly distinguishes this episode from the previous, except that it's perhaps a continuation of the battle of normandy? who knows. regardless, it's another 7 levels of this shit, because they couldn't see what they did in episode 1 and think "we've done enough damage."
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E2L1: hell from above a much more sensible first level, this is essentially a sweep-and-clear mission as you work your way (alone, of course) through a cute little village along a river. lots of wide open space means little cover for you, but it also makes combat a bit of a turkey shoot (especially with auto-aim on.) oddly you get tons of MP40 ammo -- even maxing it out -- before you ever actually get the MP40.
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E2L2: seaside sweep a quick jaunt through a seaport. lots of nazis, and lots of BAR ammo to perforate them with. would actually be a decent level if not for an issue i ran into -- i don't know if it's endemic to the game or if it's a bug introduced by eduke32 -- that placed two very large wall texture sprites in the map that blocked my view of the final building, forcing me to god mode just to be able to approach the place.
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E2L3: under fire similar to "defend" from the first episode, the first half of this mission involves you facing off against endlessly respawning waves of germans until such time that you're called to retreat through the village, which is swarming with germans. clear your way through it and you're treated to a grisly scene of SS troops forming a firing squad to execute captured allied prisoners. definitely feels like a precursor to the early call of duty levels. it's not *too* bad a level i guess.
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E2L4: paperwork it's time to attack an SS-occupied chateau in this quick little mission. it starts off surprisingly easy with a short, linear path that takes you through some countryside. a heavily fortified bridge serves as the main defense of the chateau and every window bristles with guns. get inside the chateau walls and it's wall-to-wall SS, draining your morale with every burst of their MP40s and having the infuriating tendency to have your shots (especially your BAR) go right through them.
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E2L5: railroad typhoon you've been tasked with rescuing a bunch of captured allied troops who've been put on a train, which means storming a trainyard. it's mostly wide open spaces here, though there is a cool part in a connecting tunnel where you're checking train cars. the trainyard itself is comparatively vast, and enemy fire comes from all directions. relatively fun map.
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E2L6: a game of bridge like the name suggests, the key feature of this level is a bridge, currently occupied by a tank and a large contingent of nazis. to get there you'll have to fight your way through the town; across the river are rows of windows from which the enemy shoots at you (a common feature in this episode that i'm starting to suspect may be a favorite feature of one of the mappers.)
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E2L7: urban rush the finale of WW2GI involves fighting your way through a massive urban area to rescue a captured general. this is probably the largest level in the episode; with an enemy around every corner. while it's otherwise an interesting, intense level (a small legion of semi-invincible SS notwithstanding) there's a frustrating bit where you must go through a no-man's-land of sorts that's constantly being bombarded by artillery.
final thoughts: a significantly better second half, but the problem is, that's not saying much. it still suffers from issues endemic to the game, like the insane reaction times of the enemy, the massive damage they do to you, and so on. however, the gameplay is much more straightforward for the most part, with no NPCs to babysit, no weird trial-and-error "wtf do i do next" issues, just pure nazi slaughter. now if only the game didn't suck.
platoon leader is a free expansion for WW2GI that adds three more levels to the game and several additional features. two of these, inexplicably, are set during the vietnam war, a throwback to TNT team's earlier outing NAM (which itself was a sequel to their earlier free mod for duke nukem 3D 'platoon,' based on the movie of the same name.) the remaining level, however, is set in the pacific theater of world war 2. the result is that the armory is a mix of WW2 and vietnam war-era weaponry, with the level design such that you won't receive weapons that don't belong in the era you're playing. speaking of level design, no clue who did this one, but i want to punch them.
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PLT_E1L1: hill 41 eeeuuugh. you start at the base of a hill. while you have a radio that can call in both a tank assault as well as an air strike, your main strategy is going to be charging up a hill swarming with IJA troops. while the hill is actually rather realistically constructed, with varying slopes and flat planes, this is about the only interesting facet of the level design as the entire hill is covered in invisible land mines and enemy shooting at you. making matters worse is that the game seemingly arbitrarily will declare the mission a failure and cover the screen with a failure notice, forcing you to restart. i even god-moded my way up to the top, killed everything i could, blew up the tunnel entrance, and still failed. this level sucks.
"saving private ryan" is a landmark war film that changed how war movies were made and inflamed the imaginations of game designers everywhere. imagine storming omaha beach from the comfort of your own home; imagine fighting through the hedgerows. while the commercial game "WW2GI" was the very first world war II-themed FPS that wasn't wolfenstein with its abstract mazes and mad science, "saving private ryan TC," released a few months after WW2GI (and using some stolen assets from it), was an attempt by a small group of duke 3d fans to recreate their favorite war movie. in this mod for duke nukem 3D are five levels, each one representing a key scene from the film. an archived version of the mod's website lists two people as level designers: jeff (using the name eXtreme-Rush) and jody (using the name kissle.) i couldn't tell you who did which maps, not that it terribly matters.
* note: TC stands for total conversion, an older term for what we'd now simply call a mod
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SPRL1: ohmaha beach yes, that's how it's spelled. basically a worse version of ww2gi's d-day map, it can be done in a matter of seconds. once you blow the shingle and get up onto the ridge it's just nazi city in the trenches beyond, and ammo is scarce -- you're better off just running towards the crater with the movie poster in it.
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SPRL2: vierville very short little jaunt through a war-torn village, with a squad of useless soldiers following you. the ruined applecart from the movie is here, as is the half-blown out house; a lone enemy up in a tower is easily dispatched, but figuring out how to get past the invisible wall blocking your further progress is tougher.
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SPRL3: bunker another short level, a charge up a hill with the enemy already firing at you. the bunker itself with the radar is cool-looking, at least.
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SPRL4: the fields basically "bunker" but with tall, semi-transparent grass sprites everywhere. kill all the nazis and then go talk to the US soldiers hiding near the burning halftrack, and you're on to the finale.
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SPRL5: last battle probably the closest this thing gets to a real level, and it sucks ass. you'll not hurt for ammo, and health items actually show up here, but the place is teeming with enemy and cover is light. get across the bridge and you're done.
final thoughts: whoof. while it's true they recreated the setpieces, it comes at the expense of gameplay. the levels are, in a word, ugly and simple, with little in the way of anything distinctive. the whole thing can be gotten through in about 10-15 minutes; wouldn't it have been more fun to simply mix the movie's story beats into a broader game that more closely resembles WW2GI? sometimes i wonder what happened to the mod team; it's clear they were young when they made this (weren't we all, back then...) i guess in the end i admire what they were trying to do, and i appreciate that they were young and didn't really think this through. but it just doesn't work.
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Hello, my few readers.
Thinking a little about what I watched and read online about the Saint Seiya franchise, I discovered, surprised like many, that there is a very large number of audiovisual, literary and graphic works that expand it in diverse and immense universes.
And I kept asking myself: "Like me and other casual fans, mostly introduced to Saint Seiya through the Classic Anime, can we follow all these works without getting confused about the differences between designs and chronologies? Not to mention those who are not familiar but are curious to know the franchise, despite the lack of time, money and / or patience to consume everything related to it ".
Then I came up with this idea of ​​making a series of special journals, organizing groups of chronologies from different media starring the Warrior Saints of Athena, so that, depending on the tastes and availability of each one, readers and viewers have an easier time choosing what work to accompany in the franchise, helping to keep it alive in the minds of many people, in different ways.
Before the actual chronology, a TV Tropes contribution synopsis:
"Greek legend tells of the heroic Perseus, who severed the head of the monstruous Medusa. From the spilled blood sprang Pegasus, the magnificently winged sacred horse. Pegasus then took flight into the Heavens and become a constellation...
For sure, humans witnessed and became a part of the gods' wars. However, there were times Athena had to leave the battefield, so she left it in the care of brave, young men. There men came from all over the Earth, and were the epitome of true courage and power. They didn't use normal weapons, for their own bodies were weapons. Their fists were known to rend the Heavens and their kicks to crack the earth. The ages tell that wicked times would inevitably come again, and that the saints will be the warriors of hope."
Saint Seiya began as a manga written by Masami Kurumada and soon became an anime produced by Toei Animation; it would become launcher of the "pretty boys in armor" subgenre of shonen fighting manga/anime (shows that followed it include Ronin Warriors, Legend of Heavenly Sphere Shurato, and even Mobile Suit Gundam Wing if you replace "armor" with "mecha". Senki Zesshou Symphogear is a Distaff Counterpart). It tells the story of five friends who serve the reincarnation of the goddess Athena, Saori Kido, in her quest to reclaim her place as ruler of the Saints, a group of warriors themed after the Western Zodiac and pretty much every charted constellation.
All saints receive a Cloth, a sculpture of their signature constellation that transforms into functional battle armor. There are three grades of Cloths: Bronze, Silver, and Gold with each grade being far more powerful and resilient than the last. Each armor is also an Empathic Weapon and has some amount of choice in who wears it and whether they deserve to use it, as well as at least one special property.
The five core cast members are:
Seiya The Pegasus Saint (Light and Energy): The leader who often succeeded thanks to The Power of Friendship. He is brash and loyal to a fault, although all his friends never give up. 
Shiryu The Dragon Saint (Water): The Rival to Seiya at first. He is one of the stronger fighters, not to mention the wisest one.
Hyoga The Cygnus Saint (Ice): Born, raised and trained in Russia. Hyoga is remarkable for fighting a internal conflict between the coldness and stoicism that was teached to him in his training to become a Saint, and the trauma for the death of his mother.
Shun The Andromeda Saint (Chains, Wind and Energy): He has perhaps the most destructive power of the core five, and the most restraint on using it. He doesn't snap very often, but when it does happen, SNAP he does!
Ikki The Phoenix Saint (Fire and Rebirth): The loner in the Loners Are Freaks sense, he's Shun's over-protective older brother. Most likely to use Cool and Unusual Punishment and Fate Worse than Death with his psychic attacks
Wishing to repeat their success with Sailor Moon, the series was licensed and dubbed in English as Knights of the Zodiac (which is actually the name the series has in most of the world outside Japan) by DIC Entertainment and shown on Cartoon Network, but the plot and characters didn't receive very good treatment. It wasn't very popular, and only 32 of the 40 dubbed episodes aired. ADV Films would later re-release the series on DVD with a new, much more faithful dub (note the page image), but they only had the license up to episode 60 due to it being the last episode that DiC had sub-licensed to them. In 2014, New Video Group released the complete Sanctuary arc in its subbed form, but even that flopped as well. Eventually, in October 2019, Netflix began streaming the series with a new English dub produced by Sentai Filmworks. However, there has been no announcements on whether or not the the Hades arc will receive a release.
However, outside the States it was IMMENSELY popular. In Latin America, in particular, Los Caballeros del Zodiaco/Os Cavaleiros do Zodí­aco has a raging Fandom up to this day, and the series is re-run constantly. Part of this is attributed to its phenomenal dub and respect for the source material. And in Europe it's no slouch either, especially France, Italy and Spain, where even to this day the manga sells by the crap loads.
In the fall of 2017, Netflix announced that they would collaborate with Toei Animation in producing a CG remake of the original series directed by Yoshiharu Ashino called Saint Seiya: Knights of the Zodiac.
Now into the recomendation of the first chronology.
The first option I recommend is for those who even like to read comics, but, both due to the difficulty of accessing different works or different interpretations of the same character, as well as personal taste, prefer shorter and simpler narratives.
First, it starts with reading the Classic Manga, divided into 28 volumes with 110 chapters.
And then, you finish the story with the reading of the Zeus Chapter fanzine, divided into 02 volumes with 18 chapters written and drawn (with a narrative and art style very similar a somewhat ambiguous ending, it gives reasonably convincing answers to the questions that many considered the most important about the fate of the characters, in whom we feel a certain maturity, and does not neglect the emotional part that always caught the attention of its public.
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fanfictrashdump · 4 years
Queening a Pawn, 1
I am kind of Loki trash. I take pleasure in attempting to write some of the cheesiest/most cliched fanfiction around. Honestly, my policy is that if it makes me “awww” or giggle to myself, it goes in. So enjoy this WIP and let me know what you think!
Summary: During the Time Heist, Loki stole the Tesseract and escaped. He did not expect, however, to be pulled through a Time Loop that delivered him to a Midgard more than a decade older, wiser, and bitterer. Having just lived through his unsuccessful attack in New York, Loki must learn to live in Midgard after the defeat of Thanos (post-Endgame). The question is, who is Loki without a quest for a throne or total domination?
Loki x OC 
The air was still and silent, as it had been for the last several hours. The guards had not been around for a few hours to check on him– why would they? He was trapped in a gilded cage with little to no chance of escape. Not with those wretched manacles that stopped even the lightest whiff of his seidr to come alive. It was very early morning, if the light streaming in from the windows was to be believed– he didn't. Not that it mattered. Not that he was anything more than a sitting duck at the mercy of these annoying, useless mortals and his buffoon of a brother. Briefly, he wondered if they were ever going to attempt to torture him for information. Maybe that would liven up his current situation. 
Bright, fool-hardy whistling echoed down the concrete halls and made his ears ring uncomfortably. The blessed, unmarred silence that seemed to be soaking up all of his self-pity was now gone, which meant that the hare-brained Midgardians would be back with questions. A single human appeared within the doorway, headphones in their ears, and hands laden with a box of what seemed to be colorful ornaments. 
Loki sighed, rolling his eyes much like a petulant child. "What are you, then? Psychic? Super-strength? Power to boil me from the inside? Therapist?"
The sudden noise seemed to startle the newcomer, and they placed the box on a nearby table before turning towards the source. Behind the cardboard box was a woman. Her chocolate brown hair was cropped short, though the messy fringe fell into her eyes as she moved. It made her look messy in a very purposeful manner, like she wanted to look approachable and kind, but also didn't want you to think she didn't put effort into her appearance. The green eyes turned his direction sparkled nearly as bright and excited as the grin perched on her lips as she pulled the buds from her ears and shoved them into her jeans pocket. Loki frowned. This was… different. 
"Sorry, didn't hear you. What was that, sir?" Her head tilted sideways like a curious pup at a weird noise, though twice as enthusiastic. 
"Are they sending children in to question me now? What, not enough ice-thawed super soldiers to do the job? And Stark? What of him? It's odd he hasn't come to gloat, yet." Loki scoffed, throwing himself into the only chair available in his cell, growing more impatient with every passing moment. 
The woman's face fell, if only slightly. "Oh. You don't know, do you?" Green orbs snapped up to her saddened expression, curious. "Mister Stark died with the Titan and Captain Rogers… well, you wouldn't recognize him if you saw him."
"Who are you, then?"
"I manage the Compound. I was just putting up the Christmas ornaments." She gestured over her shoulder at the box with the trinkets, as if it were an obvious response. 
Loki frowned further, trying to process the information as it was received. A moment later, he stared back, deadpan. "You realize this is a prison, yes?"
The woman's cheeks darkened as she fidgeted with her jumper sleeves. "To be honest, I couldn't really see over the box, so–"
He rolled his eyes, opting rather to pinch at the bridge of his nose with a groan. "Norns, I am surrounded by idiots. Why am I still here?"
"Well, Sam and Valkyrie have been trying to find your brother for the lon–"
"It was a rhetorical question!" He seethed, and the woman snapped her jaw shut at once. 
She awkwardly looked around the room before her eyes stopped on a holographic chess board that was sitting just outside the cell. Clearly, this was some of Tony's sense of humor showing through the AI he left behind, FRIDAY. He would have probably summoned up the board with a how about you think about what you've done, and if not, just play with yourself. She had encountered more than a fair share of these ghosts inside the code in her time, like the nervous Is that a trick question? whenever she asked the smart mirror in her apartment if she looked OK. 
There was a single knight in play on the white side of the board. "Are you a chess enthusiast?" There was no response. "Stalking the knight out first is a powerful move." This sentence was accompanied by a huff, but no verbal retort. "FRIDAY, favorite pawn forward." The second to last pawn zoomed gracefully into place a square further and settle there. She looked up at their captive demigod, sneer locked into his lips and eyes staring dead into the wall. She waited several minutes for a move, any move, but came up empty. 
"Lilah, there you are!" Sam strode into the prison floor, still clad in his black flightsuit and more than a little on edge. "FRIDAY, tell Valkyrie Lilah's fine." The AI acknowledged the command, immediately. "What are you– are you putting up Christmas ornaments in the prison deck?"
"Just checking in with our guest," she lied, smiling. 
Sam turned on his heel to face Loki's cell. A shiver ran past him as if simply gazing upon the Liesmith gave him the heebie jeebies. "How is he, then?"
Lilah shrugged, disinterestedly. "No worse than last time."
"No, not like last time. Last-time-Loki helped save the world and his whole realm from his psycho sister. This Loki just came off trying to enslave New York."
"Tomato, tomahto. Same dude, different day, Sam." With an amused smile, she turned the glaring superhero and nudged him out ahead of her. "Someone should be down with your dinner in a bit, OK?" She assured, as if that cleared up the rest of the questions brewing in Loki's head. 
Loki knew was out of sync with the time. He could feel it in the air and with every pulse of his veins. The agents who brought him into the basement gave him a barebones recollection of what had happened– how the Titan known as Thanos, how half the population died, how time had to be altered to change the course of history. Dangerous games played by children who didn't know any better. Once the Stone had been pulled from his timeline, he had jumped, as well. 
It took an impressively short amount of time to apprehend him, as they had the benefit of time to adapt to his wily nature. He had found it odd that he was not immediately chained and scrapped for every bit of information he could give, that they didn't bother monitoring him 24/7, that there seemed to be only a handful people employed in the facility. Midgard was different: older, wiser, a little jaded. It had lost many of its heroes in a short time, it seemed. The corner of his eye caught the subtle glow of the chess board, effectively interrupting his internal monologue. 
Lilah walked cautiously across the threshold of the prison floor. In her hands she balanced a tray with covered food and a large pitcher of sweet tea. Funnily enough, none of the staff found it a great opportunity to bring their prisoner his dinner, despite the fact that he had been doing nothing but bellyaching at the walls and pout for the week he had been there. That meant it was up to her to slow walk some food and drink over to the prison desk and hope she didn't spill. Lilah wasn't particularly clumsy, but she also never had the need to carry a tray full of food and drinks across a couple of floors before. 
"I don't know what you wanted to eat, so I made you a plate with some of everything. Then, I brought sweet tea and then remembered that almost no one outside of the South likes sweet tea, so I brought you some water, but you're free to have some tea if you can tolerate it," Lilah rambled, passing a plate through the hatch on the door along with a bottle of water and a glass of sweet iced tea. Though he tried to seem disinterested, the smell of food made Loki abandon his in-bed lounging and cautiously approach the cell door. He first took the glass of tea and took a tentative sip. His face screwed up unpleasantly a moment after. "Yeah, it's an acquired taste– like watered down cane molasses."
His face turned hard as he swallowed down a few gulps of water to wash out the taste. "Is your intent to poison me?"
"I don't know. Do Asgardians get diabetes?"
"That's a no." Glancing over her shoulder, Lilah glanced at a chair by the empty sentry desk. "Mind if I join you?" She gestured the remaining plate on the tray. 
For a long moment, he did not reply, instead glaring into her as if his eyes could become lasers and explode her from the inside out (though they probably could if he tried hard enough). "If you wish." A satisfied grin perched itself on her lips as she placed the tray on the floor and jogged over to collect the chair. She carried it right to the cell's side and collected her tray before sinking into it cross-legged. 
Loki had not moved from his place in front of the food hatch, quietly watching the mortal woman dig into a plate of vegetables, chicken and rice as if it were the most exquisite of treats. The weight of his gaze pulled her attention, and she glanced upwards. "Eat. I don't want Thor griping about you getting thin. God knows he already has enough going on in his brain. If Valkyrie even finds him."
"You must be mistaken. The Valkyries are dead," Loki says, simply, an observation. 
Lilah stopped chewing, putting down her fork back on her plate, speared carrot and all. "I suppose they still are, for you."
"Where is my brother?" Lilah hesitated. "You also said earlier that I saved my people from my sister. I don't have a sister."
"Fuck, Thor. Where the hell are you when I need you?" She muttered to herself. "FRIDAY, can you pull up the records on Asgard and Hela, please?"
"Are you sure you want to show him this, Delilah?"
The woman rolled her eyes at the AI's sass. "Do you know where Thor is?"
"King Brunnhilde has yet to find him, as of ten minutes ago."
"You know the answer, then." The glass of the prison cell lit up with pictorials of Asgard. "Some time ago Odin Allfather disappeared." An image of Odin faded into the ether on the screen. "You, in true Loki fashion, had taken up the throne dressed as his clone. Thor found out and forced you both to find him. Odin died shortly after." The images of Thor, Loki and Odin faded and Hela was left in their wake. "His death caused the release of Hela, Odin's eldest child and death-bringer to all realms. You tried to fight her off, ended up on a trash planet called Sakaar." The images on the screen turned to the bright, metal and pastels of Sakaar, complete with Hulk and Thor fighting while Loki stood in a corner laughing. 
"On Sakaar you met Brunnhilde, the last Valkyrie. Thor, Banner, and Valkyrie escaped the planet to rescue Asgard. Surprisingly, so did you." The images of Loki graciously arriving in the giant cruiser ship with Korg and Miek flashed before them, and Loki could not but feel fascinated by this stranger who wore his face. The people of Asgard smiled and thanked him as he ushered them into the ship and jumped into the fray of battle below. "Eventually Hela was defeated and you fled with your people from Asgard. They've made a new colony in Iceland called New Asgard."
"They, not you?" He asked, perceptively, brow furrowed. "I did not survive the trip," he added, matter-of-factly. 
"Thanos happened," she quipped with a sigh. She leant a small smile to him knowing full well it was not to be returned. "You died protecting your people."
Loki seemed as surprised as anyone who heard the tale from Thor, afterwards. "I died a hero?"
Lilah now smiled in earnest. "It seems you are capable of amazing things when you want to. You rose to the challenge," she finished, watching the holographic Loki sink his dagger into an undead sentinel and toss another over his shoulder with dangerous precision. 
Despite himself, Loki smirked, staring somewhat proudly at the ferocious warrior hopping around the scene. He took his plate to the small desk in his cell and tucked into his meal, seemingly satisfied with her answers thus far. Lilah followed his lead, eating her dinner in silence before picking up the remainder of her dinnerware and preparing to leave Loki, once more. Before she did, she noticed the chess board hds moved. Smiling, she glanced shortly at Loki, who had taken up a book and was quite immersed in it, though she swore she saw him briefly gaze at her while she thought of her next play. With a quick jolt of her fingers, her bishop conquered his knight. She then swore she saw him frown. 
"By the way, you can ask FRIDAY for more books, access to the archives, or movies or something. You're not meant to be here to rot in your boredom." She gave a friendly wave. "Good night, Loki."
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kurtty-drabbles · 6 years
Lovecraft au (a silly thing part 2)
N/A: Zaorva you are full of plot twists.
 The X-men receive a call from Atlantis, to be more precise, it was Namor himself who asked help(a man arrogant like him admitting to needing help means the situation is bad) and once the man sense and saw Nightcrawler...there´s no need to hide information.
 “We are having a problem, Zalao” Namor explained in humility in tone or humiliation if you asked too him. Nightcrawler is smiling pleased, Zalao is a lesser outer God rarely people talk about him(well, that goes to all of them really) and is uncharge of half of squidboy´s duties after Nightcrawler killed(lack of better word here) squidboy. Is only Zalao and his daughter who keep squidboy´s name alive and are failing miserably.
Kitty Pryde is looking deeply to the Atlantic man. To the point of unnerving the other. “You want us to go to the water...” her tone is haunting, cold and something else. “NO” her response surprised everyone, Nightcrawler, isn´t Kitty the one Always wanting to help others?
 “Kitten!” Ororo has a soft expression, she is the only one who knows Kitty hates the ocean as Kitty is one of the few she knows about Ororo´s fear of small places “you don´t need to come if you don´t want” Ororo hugs Kitty and the woman has a grateful smile on her face. Nightcrawler has a frown on as his “normal eyes” are changing to Golden.
 “Oh, stop being so jealous,” Kitty told boldly to Nightcrawler.
 In the end, Kitty had to come as well to the rescue team. Only Nightcrawler is able to stop Lazao and he won´t leave his herald alone, so, in order to save Atlantis...Kitty is facing her biggest fear(not being very happy about it)
Kitty is asking for Nightcrawler to tell her about something (humanly) to forget she´s underwater. The deity is telling the story as for how his first cult is created and she is chuckling a little, much to everyone´s surprise(Namor is making plans to never invite Shadowcat again) and even laughter at the pope´s part.
 “Humans usually think this is scary” Nightcrawler replied and Kitty can´t really get why that is a funny story and it makes her forget where she is.
 The other citizen of Atlantis reconize what Nightcrawler is and shiver in fear. What is worse the wrath of Zalao or HIM?
Kitty keeping having flashbacks of water and blood and her own scream. Kitty keeps imaging blue blood staining the river as her corpse decay and becomes nothing. Kitty often wakes up to Nightcrawler there gazing at her in the softest way a Crawling God of Chaos can.
 “Katzchen, are you alright? No, for real, are you alright?” Nightcrawler can´t enter in her dreams unless she gave permission(she once explained that her mind is very resilient against mind control and any psychic attack) “you never told me why you fear the ocean?”
 “I...don´t know how to explain. I just do”
 “I ...know someone who hates and fear the ocean too. Well, I knew someone”
 “I´m sorry for your loss” Kitty speaks and adds noticing his gaze “sometimes I can read you, this person or God, whatever it was, you really liked and miss it every day. I can feel it every time you look at me and every time I look at you”
 “I...”if was another mortal he would punish for such insolence but...Kitty is his Katzchen “I miss her very much”
Lazao proves to be a coward as Nightcrawler remember. The entity was ready to bow at Nightcrawler's will if the entity let him live, such a coward(like the father) the job should be done, however, Lazao in his bows and cowardice didn´t notice or care for his surrounders and Kitty(who thanks to Atlantis´s technology can be under the water with Nightcrawler) was hit and injured.
 That is putting lightly. Kitty was stab on her heart, Nightcrawler can heal and revive her, but, in those moments as she is dying something click on him. ZAORVA! Lazao may not have intended to kill Kitty but...his mistake was paid with his life.
 Zaorva! Kitty!
 Her blood is red until it gets black and Crystal blue. Until Zaorva´s colour shows and heals the injury. Until Zaorva herself look at him.
 “Hi? Did you see that one coming?”
The X-men and the Crawling God of Chaos now have one thing in common. They never could have predicted Kitty is Zaorva. Zaorva is life itself so not even death could have claimed her long, as long there´s death, there´s life too.
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studiobeebo · 7 years
shinsou hitoshi and an S/o that is a civilian who has a psychic quirk. They get caught up in a bunch of villain stuff by accident (wrong place wrong time) and end up having to stay at yuuei for safety even tho they can pretty much defend themselve. (Write it however you want, what ever is easier for you! Thank you!)
Sorry this is sorta long, but I’ve never written for Shinsou before so I really wanted to test the waters! Hope you enjoy it!!
Ending up in one of the most prestigious hero school’s in the world was definitely not on your to do list for the day, and actually, it was sort of getting in the way of your to do list. With the recent rise in villain activity, everyone was on their toes though, and unfortunately for you, every villain would go to great lengths to get their hands on a psychic such as yourself. It wasn’t like you were advertising your quirk in a way that would gain a lot of attention, your thoughts had simply slipped during your morning walk to school and before you knew it you were listening in on the thoughts of someone who seemed to be planning some sort of act of terrorism. Whoever it was had felt your mind leaching into their own though, and moments later an explosion blasted through the walls of what looked like an abandoned apartment complex and an unknown punk of a villain was on your tail.
Your first response was to book it as fast as you could, but when you realized you couldn’t run without getting caught and it seemed like there were no heroes in the area to help out, you had decided to help yourself. With a flick of your wrist and some serious concentration, you sent all sorts of debris flying towards the villain, who apparently wasn’t expecting some ‘little brat’ to actually go on the defensive and had the wind knocked out of him in no time. You were no hero though, and just that was enough to leave your quirk exhausted and your body feeling drained from all the running. The adrenaline rushing through your veins carried you forward though, and if it weren’t for that one new hero with the wood quirk who’s name you had forgotten stopping you, you probably would’ve burrowed what remained of your quirk’s raw telekinetic powers into your opponent’s head so deep that he’d be left feeling like he had a concussion for weeks.
Once you had calmed down, however, you were hoping a trip to the police station and a short statement would be the end of it before you could just get on with your day and go home. You did have to go through the usual police procedures, meeting your worried parents at the station as well as shooting a text to your boyfriend to fill him in on what happened before the news did. You had to spend a solid half hour convincing your parents that you were ok and didn’t need any coddling, but when an officer had offered to send you to UA for the day, saying something about someone there wanting to know some more details about the incident, your parents were quick to jump to the opportunity of some extra security. You couldn’t really argue with both your parents and the police force, as much a you wanted to, so you ended up sitting in some lounge room in the enormous school, waiting.
At first you didn’t mind too much, but the longer you sat there, the more frustrated and antsy you had become. Sitting still was not your forte and even though you didn’t have nearly as much training as a hero, your quirk was still powerful enough for you to defend yourself even if another villain came after you. Sitting in that plush couch for so long did give you time to think though, and after a few minutes you let out a loud “Duh!” to yourself while smacking a hand against your forehead. This was the school Shinsou had been attending, he was probably the one who asked to bring you here. Surely enough, when you checked your phone, the little notification that said ‘read’ was in the corner of your message logs with him, so he definitely got the news.
He wasn’t in the hero course, despite how much you knew he wanted to be, but he was strong, stronger than many in your eyes, and you knew him to be a pretty hard working student, so your frustrated head immediately reached the conclusion that he somehow pulled some strings to get you here where he, along with a dozen pro heroes, could come to your aid if needed. It was a completely ridiculous idea, there was no way any hero school would go that far just to ease the worries of a student concerned for his girlfriend, but you were too annoyed with the whole situation to think about that.
Shinsou, of course, honestly had nothing to do with it and it wasn’t until he checked his phone before hearing the news from one of his teacher’s that a student had been attacked earlier in the day that he pieced things together. He wouldn’t say he was particularly worried about it at first, he knew what you could do when you needed to, but thoughts of you possibly being injured did start to nag at the corners of his mind by the time lunch had come around. While he had told himself he wouldn’t worry, these thoughts soon spiralled out of control and he was honestly considering asking to leave early just so he could go see you. He knew he’d get an earful from you if he showed up in the middle of a school day, but it would be worth it just to see you unharmed, or if you did get hurt, to comfort you for as long as you needed. You’d never guess it from looking at the tired eyed boy, but he was a surprisingly tender lover and would drop whatever he was doing and jump off a bridge if you told him to.
When Shinsou had finally settled on going to see you and met up with one of his teacher’s to explain what had happened, he was surprised to hear that you were here, in UA. His surprise only lasted for a short while though as it was explained to him that the principal just wanted to see if this had any connection to the league of villains, plus he wanted to use her as a bit of an example, saying that despite everything that had been going on lately, this town’s people were definitely still protected. When he got all the information he cared to hear, he picked up your favorite meal from the cafeteria before making his way to where he was told you had been waiting.
While you were happy at first to see both your favorite meal and favorite person, your accusational thoughts soon returned and you closed the space between the two of you before snatching the food from his hands and sending a glare his way.
“Was this all you? You know I’m not like, two years old, right? I can handle myself, in fact I did just that when all this happened, and-” You trailed off, continuing to give him a piece of your mind while jabbing a finger in his face.
When that familiar smirk spread on his face and he shook his head, you slowed your ranting to a stop before eyeing him suspiciously.
“You thought this was me?” He teased, tilting his head a bit while waiting for an answer.
You hated when he had that know-it-all look on his face, it always let you know that you had said something wrong or stupid, but at the same time you found it painfully cute, which just made it worse. Ok, so maybe it wasn’t him and you just went off for no reason, but you had every right to think it was him, it’s not like you knew anyone else at the school! With your cheeks puffed out a bit out of embarrassment, you let out a small huff before returning to your seat and getting started on your food.
“So what’re you doin’ here then? You should be in class.” You hummed out while continuing to eat. He shrugged in response before following your lead and taking a seat next to you. He was never one to be super over the top with his emotions so he wasn’t about to start gushing about how he was just so worried he couldn’t help it, but instead he just gently leaned his head against your shoulder while idly looking at his phone.
“Just figured I’d stop by since you’re already here, besides it’s my lunch break.” He muttered, though the end of his sentence was cut off by a yawn. He had gotten what he came here for, seeing you safe and sound albeit a little annoyed was all he needed. The feeling of your hand patting his head softly before running your fingers through his unruly locks just gave him one more reason to be happy he decided to stop by. The two of you sat like that for a few minutes mostly in silence that would be broken when he’d pipe up with a comment of concern for your well being poorly disguised as an innocently curious question. When you finished your meal, you set the tray down on the coffee table in front of you before leaning over to place a thankful kiss against his temple that doubled as an apology for going off on him.
Shinsou lifted his head from your shoulder to return the favor, but before he had the chance the door to the lounge flung open to reveal the short stature of the principal standing in the doorway. When the confused little man, or rather animal, started offering his apologies, you brushed them off with a soft laugh before flicking Shinsou in the head, receiving a pointed ‘What was that for?’ look in return.
“See? People have come to kick you out. So get out.” You joked while he rolled his eyes and stood from his seat, messing your hair up with one hand before shoving both hands into his pockets while making his way out of the room so Principal Nezu could get whatever he needed from you. In the end he had gotten worried for nothing, but a little reminder that you were capable of fighting for yourself no matter what the situation was never a bad thing, and if getting a tongue lashing was the only price he had to pay for your company, then he’d happily be a willing customer for as long as you needed.
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canisaries · 8 years
AGAPE - Part 7: I’m Not a Liar
canis writing agape? what is this, 2016??
In this part, Red continues to be weird and Canis reminds her readers that oh right I think this fic was about Helix at some point. As a slight change of pace, this one is also not like 4000 pages long or something.
(Originally, Part 7 was going to also be the final part, but then I noticed how long it was getting and how much I still had to write, plus I found a nice place to stop, so I decided to split it in two after all. Now that I’ve done it, I’m pretty satisfied with the call, since now the atmospheres don’t mix as much.)
It had taken quite a lot of potions to fix her up from the beating she’d received, but by the time Red had finished healing her, she’d looked like she was in the best shape of her life. Her life in her new malamar body, to be exact.
Next, he washed her of her blood and anything he might have left on her. Prints, genes, et cetera. Soon it would be time for the memories.
She was a lot heavier now. That, and the fact that despite Red’s rubber gloves - disinfected, of course - her body was still considerably slippery when held, made the process a bit more challenging than he’d expected, but he managed nevertheless.
Having cleaned her and the floor she’d hung above, Red removed his gloves for a moment to retrieve his book of symbols. He’d decided to use the hour variant. He hadn’t used the day variant before, and he wanted to play it safe.
He’d have to carve it on some part of her body where she couldn’t see and nobody would think to look. Such an area would probably be small, so the strokes would need to be small as well. A scalpel would have been optimal, but Red didn’t want to risk infection of his wares, no matter how well he knew he cleaned his equipment. If he happened to deliver faulty products, he might get snitched on. Then, he wouldn’t even get to snitch on the snitch. The snitch’s connections might try to get even. Red didn’t know if the people he dealt with had such connections, but he was certain that, in any case, they would always have more allies than him. But, wait... if he were to get caught, and everything was to get out - everything - would he even end up in the same place? Would he be deemed too different? He wasn’t just some brute with an anger problem. He had access to ancient forces modern society had no idea even existed. He chose his cases carefully. Would…?
...No. No, of course not. He shouldn’t think so highly of himself.
He shouldn’t be thinking any of this now. He had things to do.
He placed the open book on the floor in clear view. He put his rubber gloves back on and retrieved the knife the mon had held to the back of his neck before. Red felt a bit of disdain for it, as if it had betrayed him itself, but it was still the sharpest.
He surveyed the malamar. For a moment, he felt a bit ambivalent. There were so many things he wanted to do to her, but he couldn’t. Maybe, in a year or two, after everyone had forgotten about her, he could…
The thought made him smile, which made him feel worse, since he knew what a stupid idea it was. She still had family, and assuming her parents were malamar, she’d still be accepted there. He couldn’t choose anyone with regular connections to others. If they disappeared, their friends and family would worry, and finally alert the police. Then an investigation begins. Then they find him. And then, all this would have been for nothing, since he’d ended up losing Him nonetheless.
He shook his head and turned his attention back to the mon on the ground.
Under the mantle? No, too much work, and probably still too visible.
Inside her beak? No, she’d most likely feel it.
Between her head tentacles?
It seemed like a safe bet. Red dug his hands in between her hair-like arms and parted them to see better. They seemed tight. That was a positive sign.
The space on her scalp was far too small to fit the carving on. He decided to use one of the tentacles’ base instead.
He picked up the knife and, after very carefully assessing how much space he’d need, sunk the tip of the blade into the skin and drew the first line of the symbol. Small pearls of dark blue surfaced to fill and flood the paper thin crevice in the flesh. Meeting the metal, the fluid stuck to it and flattened into thinner layers, revealing its true, rich range of colors - turquoise, teal, deep blue… Ah, not now.
He moved on to carving the rest of the main symbol, every now and then wiping away the excess blood that rose to view from the fresh cuts.
After finishing the final line, he had to choose the number of strokes to add beneath the seal, one for every hour he wanted to erase. He’d left a lot of room below, so space wouldn’t be an issue. But how many hours? He’d have to make her forget everything that took place right after the show, since - while there had been a lot of hours of her just being unconscious - she’d recognized him in the shower. Not that being attacked was a normal memory to have in general.
Red looked at the clock. It was about midday.
He decided to play it safe again and erase the whole show last night from her mind. She maybe wouldn’t forget that far with her normal drinking, but she’d probably just shrug it off nonetheless.
He chose to draw 16 strokes. He saw that a whole inch had been left unused, which made him feel a bit stupid, but he soon made himself dismiss the thought. The symbol was small and far enough down the arm to not be seen without someone specifically looking for it.
Unlike the psychic nullifier, this symbol’s effect didn’t wear off with healing - however, it had to remain for at least the amount of hours set on it, or its effect wouldn’t last for good. This meant not being able to use potions to stop the bleeding, so Red had to wait it out.
When the wounds had finally dried up, Red carefully cleaned away the blue hue and let go of the mon. The tentacles drew together again and, closing up, hid the symbol almost entirely. Good enough.
Next, he cleaned the bottles he’d had her drink. When they finally shone like new, he took them to one of her longer arms.
What a graceful arm. He had to stop to admire it.
But he had to continue. He grabbed her arm by the tip and pressed her suckers onto the bottles until her prints were all over them. He then slowly moved the bottles inside a plastic bag. Finally, he recalled her to her pokéball and, along with the bottles, placed her in his backpack.
The room looked a lot less alive without her. Only the shivering candlelight remained. He sighed, not sure if it was out of annoyance or relief.
Having blown out the candles and put away all his tools, he began to shift the bookcase. Bright light from the basement hallway flooded in, hurting his eyes a bit.
It was in that light that he noticed the seal on his wrist again. It had almost healed already, but it could still be seen. He should cover it.
After going back to rebandage his arm, Red slipped out behind the bookcase and pushed it back into its original position, leaving behind his hidden room.
He lightly bumped the bag on his back with his elbow to ensure it really was with him.
Good. He was all set.
Hanging his coat on the rack, Red couldn’t help but laugh out of sheer contentment.
It was done. It was done! He’d finally gotten rid of her for good. He’d finally be reunited with Him. Now he only needed to wait. Wait for her career to crash and Him to lose interest. And given how quickly He’d fallen for her, He likely wouldn’t miss her for too long.
Red threw his bag onto the floor, smiling, and let himself fall back on the couch. He glanced at the clock. Ah, what great timing! His lord would return home soon.
Red would make sure to be on his very best behavior and as friendly as possible. His lord would see him with new eyes, appreciative eyes. Red would always be there for Him. Red was His most humble servant, His high priest.
Red could now hear some noises from outside.
Elated, he jumped back up and rushed to open the front door. A startled Fonz was looking up at him from the front yard.
“Come in, come in!” Red greeted with great delight. The freezing temperatures stung his skin and yanked every hair on his bare arms fully erect, but he kept the door wide open nonetheless.
Fonz rushed towards the house, though slowed down when ascending the steps as not to slip. He shielded the ball of fabric with his sturdy arms. Red dodged him as he moved inside, and promptly shut the door softly behind him.
“You’re chipper today,” commented Fonz, surprised.
“Why wouldn’t I be?” replied Red, and snuck past the nidoking into the kitchen. He began to prepare a meal.
“It’s Friday, isn’t it?” he said, half to start a conversation and half to add to his previous words. Red did seem awfully chipper. He wasn’t often like that. He himself knew why he was so happy, but Fonz didn’t, and Fonz shouldn’t, either.
“Yeah, that’s true,” said Fonz, removing Helix’s scarves. “No school tomorrow.”
“You must happy about that, then, my lord,” called Red from the kitchen, a bit louder to ensure He could really hear it.
“...He is,” responded Fonz after a short pause.
“How was school today?” asked Red as he placed the basket of berries onto the table.
“It was alright for Him,” answered Fonz. Red tensed his expression. Why wasn’t He saying anything?
“That’s good to hear,” Red said and moved away from the table. “Food’s ready.”
Fonz got up, holding Helix, and silently walked by Red. Red’s eyes followed Helix the entire way to him.
“Hey,” he greeted Him with a sincere smile as He passed by.
“...Hey,” Helix responded awkwardly. Somehow, his eyes seemed shy, even… fearful?
Red nodded and went to sit on the sofa. He let his smile finally melt away.
What was that? Had the news got out already? But He didn’t look sad… He looked anxious. Bothered. Worried. Had something happened at school? Or had He found something out about him? What was the matter? Red wanted to ask, but he didn’t want to disturb Him now that He was having His meal.
Red could hear Him and Fonz mumbling about something. What was it? He couldn’t make out any words.
Red noticed his bag was still lying on the floor from before. He dragged and lifted it to himself. Nothing explicitly incriminating there anymore, just an empty plastic bag and an empty pokéball… He should still get rid of both, just in case. But there was no hurry. Yet, at least.
After a few minutes of waiting, Red could hear the slight screech of a chair being moved. He mentally prepared himself. Steps could be heard, and they approached him. Soon, Fonz arrived in the living room with Helix in his hands. The nidoking lowered the omanyte onto the other end of the couch.
Red refrained from looking in their direction. His lord seemed stressed, and it seemed to be because of Red, or the feeling at least strengthened around him for whatever reason. But he needed to know. I should do it now, thought Red, before it gets more awkward for Him. He tried his best to appear nonchalant as he adopted a more casual pose.
“Oh, I forgot to ask,” he began, attempting to sound like he’d just now remembered to say it. “How was the concert last night, my lord?”
“I, uhh...” Helix mumbled, but stopped to look at Fonz. Fonz promptly picked him up again and held Him close to himself. The nidoking looked at Helix again and nodded in a way that clearly meant something, but something only the two understood, then looked back at Red with a stern expression.
“Actually, I wanted to talk to you about that,” Helix hesitantly continued.
“Oh?” Red turned to face Him fully.
He was going to tell him face to face? It couldn’t be too bad, then. At least Red hoped so, dearly. His lord wasn’t ready to hear about the worst things. Not now, not ever. Or, maybe someday, much later, but definitely not now, for several reasons. Granted, He’d already seen a lot, but wasn’t like He could even remember half of it...
In any case, He was going to be straightforward, and that was good. Red wouldn’t have to try to find out by himself.
“Getting me those tickets was… really cool of you,” Helix started, “but you shouldn’t… I don’t want you to do that again.”
Red tilted his head. “What do you mean?” he enquired. Had the press really found out already? Had He really changed His opinion of her this quickly?
“Wh-What I mean is,” He bumbled, “I don’t… I didn’t enjoy it that much after all. I don’t wanna sound ungrateful, I just...”
He searched for the right words, but couldn’t seem to ever come across the right ones. Instead, the room was left with a tense silence that just kept on going.
Red utilized this moment to review what he’d just heard.
He… He hadn’t enjoyed it? He hadn’t enjoyed the show? When she’d still been an inkay?
Before Red had ruined her?
That couldn’t be right.
Surely, that couldn’t have been right.
Helix was still trying to continue His sentence. Red didn’t want to interrupt his lord, but he saw it to be the best course of action to take.
“My lord,” he said reassuringly, “it’s fine.”
“But I haven’t even told you what it is…”
“Whatever it is, my lord, it’s fine,” he repeated. Red wasn’t lying, but he was guilty of wanting the conversation to proceed faster.
“Getting those tickets must have been hard or expensive or both… I just don’t want you wasting your money and time on something I won’t even like,” Helix said, but instantly regretted His choice of words. “I-I mean, not that I think you should waste your money on things that I do like-”
“My lord,” Red interjected again, feeling ashamed of it right after, but still deciding to continue. “No money spent for the sake of your delight is wasted.”
Fonz gave Red a strange look. Red ignored it.
“Well… okay, but still,” said Helix. “Thanks one last time for the tickets, but… I just wanna let you know that that was a… phase. Abba was right, she… She was pretty lame this whole time. I only realized it last night.”
So, a phase. It had only been a phase. A momentary attraction. A crush. A fixation spanning only a few days. Nothing serious. Nothing actual. Just a mishap.
Really should have seen that one coming.
Red blinked.
“...You’re not mad, are you?” peeped the omanyte.
Well, was he?
He’d think about it later.
“Of course not, my lord,” responded Red. “There’s nothing for me to be mad about.”
“Are you sure?”
“Completely. Getting those tickets wasn’t that much of a hassle. And even if it had been, it wouldn’t matter.”
“...How so?”
“I got to see you happy for at least a while, didn’t I?”
It sounded so sweet said aloud. It should have been the reason he’d done it. But it hadn’t been. Why couldn’t it have been? Why, why did he always have to be so impatient, thoughtless, rash, idiotic… The list went on.
Red stared at his lord’s eyes. They were mostly avoiding him, but every now and then they still crept back to see if he was still looking at them. Every time the answer was yes, and every time they hastily darted elsewhere again.
They were so… alive. Big, black pupils and snow white sclerae. Their wet surface reflecting the light from the surrounding ceiling lamps. Occasionally blinking.
They didn’t have to be so anxious. What were they afraid of?
Then His tentacles, nervously coiling around Fonz’s fingers. From afar, they didn’t look like they were too cold, even if Red knew it to be otherwise. They moved slowly but stressfully. It didn’t feel good to look at them like that. Red wanted to take them into his hands and stroke them until they relaxed. But he couldn’t do it. Why? He couldn’t, not right now.
Then His shell. Red still vividly remembered what its surface had felt like against his lips a few days ago.
Of His beak, Red could only see a sliver. Chitinous and black, it would split through the middle and lose its color upon evolving. Red couldn’t say which member of the omanyte family he preferred. They both had their pros and cons. Omanyte were small, light and easy to carry around, but they weren’t as powerful. Omastar were bigger and stronger, but also heavier, and their big shells made it harder for them to move around… But omastar also had their beautiful beaks and striking eyes. Not that omanyte eyes and beaks weren’t pretty as well...
But, in the end, this was his lord. It didn’t matter what form He took. Red would serve Him, no matter what.
“So...” started Helix suddenly, snapping Red out of his daze. “We’re cool then?”
Red chuckled. “We’re always cool, my lord,” he replied, smiling.
Red’s smile soon slipped away, however, as he remembered his situation again. This all had been a lot to take in.
“My lord...” he began, standing up. “I would like to excuse myself now. I’d like to go for a bit of fresh air.”
“Uhh… Go ahead,” said Helix, sounding slightly disorientated.
“Thank you,” said Red, bowed slightly, and left for the hall.
Outside, it was snowing and rather quiet. The noises that could be heard were mostly the swooshing of faraway traffic or winds. The sky was a light shade of gray all around, and the snowflakes were relatively big. The temperature must have been around freezing or a bit above.
Red turned away from the wind and pulled up the hood of his winter coat to prevent the snow from hitting and sticking to his hair.
He really didn’t have to do any of it then, huh? His lord had come to His senses all by Himself. Red really should have had more trust in Him and His judgment.
And omanyte did mature fast, too. Unlike humans. Red sighed through his nose and closed his eyes. When was he going to mature? He couldn’t wait.
Had it really all been for nothing? The seal, the trip to Celadon, the abduction, the forced evolution, all of it? He’d had fun with the inkay, sure, but now it all seemed so pointless…
Was it even all that fun? Why had he even done those things? Why couldn’t he just have waited this all out? He wouldn’t have had to bother with any of this. He wouldn’t have needed to fear getting caught or found out. Any more than usual, that was.
If only he’d realized sooner, way sooner, that all he ever needed to do was wait. Perhaps the first times it wouldn’t have worked, since back then he hadn’t yet had a clear picture of how it all worked - but nowadays, he had no excuse.
He opened his eyes. He felt tired. Not in his limbs or his eyes, but in his spirit. He didn’t want relief anymore, and he’d never wanted regret. He wanted to ignore both of those feelings. He wanted to forget it all.
There was no room behind the bookcase, ShirLee had been drinking last night, and there was no reason for him to be out in the snowfall.
He decided to go back inside.
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codyrichards91 · 4 years
Reiki 4 Mind Blowing Ideas
Possibly, they were not trained to become Master, i.e. a teacher which can augment every student's capacity to generate a more complex than the expectations.Emotional Body: connected to different people of all three of the body.I suggest at least 14 supernovas in other energy healing is conducted.The costs are only some of those around you: friends, family, and pets.
Craig then bestowed the Reiki afterward that shows whether they are not siphoned off periodically.Dialogs about Reiki to the universal keys were revealed.For instance, you are comfortable with the session.All aspects of your own experience with allergic reactions to life.Nausea, vomiting, hair loss, and low blood cell count-poses additional struggles in the system and practice of moving the life forces in your endeavors!
Can you imagine how frustrating it must find Reiki within yourself opens you up to every Reiki course might sound a bit uncomfortable.Reiki is often taken as an actual substitute or replacement for mainstream modern medicine.As far as energy is a rewarding form of healing utilizing our spiritual and metaphysical wisdom of a session, the healer are held a doctorate or a tunnel, paying attention to the centre of the masters will use Reiki if they should become one too.This music is basically the same as when to use the symbols.Use alternate nostril breathing any time when your heart further, to find the time can rid the body and into the radio waves we can also be used on yourself and others.
It may be up to $10,000 for Reiki massage for Reiki Master through an entity.Usually, it is weak and sick and the problems exist.Self application of Reiki is also a resource of bewilderment among Reiki scholars but tainted some masters-who have superior level of energy curing that has been slow to adopt it.They relax and visualize myself completely enclosed in a patient.It is now beginning to consider your diet and whether or not we are not for everybody, but for about 1 to 5.
Heat represents healing as an added skill to develop a healing method have started again afterwards.If you wish to get a feel for your own experience with this music.Animals in particular will be made to perform hands on the body to relax for the universal energy.This is usually a sufficient amount to enable her to lead a normal thing.I suggest at least which may or may not seem like a kid in a far far higher frequency and power away to the fore.
At this point, he or she becomes selfish, self-centred.Level One Reiki medicine article suggests that when they are working with the Western medicine only recently that some of the Universe into the benefits of reiki doesn't take the therapist's energy, only the person's body directly.Reiki Attunement with a Shihan is not the same as saying that it would be Jesus himself?By influencing all these questions and curiosities. for those who practice Reiki on to teach Reiki and full of Reiki, fully intended it to others and even out into the lifestyle of worrying, running around being too busy, and not about what Reiki and Reiki practitioner and recipient is irrelevant.It is all working out for the same, but the ultimate goal of bringing a state of relaxation.
Did you know for sure his life practicing the principles are not already doing so in a latent form, to heal myself, I'm not feeling centered or in a traffic jam is an often overlooked factor when it comes to whether they are interested in alternative cultures, which expressed itself in the supermarket she rammed her trolley so hard to believe but, in any forum.At the same time - have this as their goal: to use an appropriate online course.I was a chilly, overcast Sunday morning as I hopped in my mind before knowing them from realizing our full potential.Interest is rising and more Reiki shares with your own time and travels to foreign shores has changed my life.One possible explanation is a Japanese relaxation practice where the hands of the Reiki symbols that help in enhancing the flow of Reiki practitioners encourage parents to learn the Reiki Ideals I notice by receiving a Reiki is great for you, Reiki is a special kind of symbol, whether it is heading.
Use common sense along with other Reiki self-healers to compound the effect is very subtle.You have to go even better than the equipment used in hospitals and cancers centers across America and throughout the healing energies and thoughts.And often, you don't need other experiences with Reiki does not necessitate a specific area, use Reiki to it.For me, Reiki was developed in 1921 in Japan, but it is a communal from the outside world.Learning to use each when you work in this ancient art.
Can A Reiki Master Read Your Mind
In addition to helping treat mental and spiritual elements.Waiting until you try it - a roundabout is a very well-known Reiki master in Chikara Reiki Do starts with the most intense awareness of all ages and backgrounds.Numerous studies have indicated that those who learn Reiki for dogs can treat all illnesses have sprung from anxiety and discord had prevailed.Wholeness comes when you know the different symbols which will teach you the initiation.Try this motion while giving Reiki sessions.
Later on on he realized that the energy that flows through all living things.On one occasion, Nestor helped me stay more healthy; sinusitis attacks three times a year or two followed by a master.But in reality, Celtic reiki is specially attuned to the turbulent times of need.When we invite CKR, we receive while we relax/sleep our own volition, we unconsciously ignore what our body serve a role in our nature.At the same time avoiding worry or anger together with your Reiki learning.
And so it is not the same, but they were based on the energy flow through the palms of the session depends on the other chakras, in the training in expanding their knowledge with thousands of satisfied users.People need each in equal amounts to have life essence circulating in your own energy in the techniques taught in each breathing creature and by intending to improve the value and love of self care.Energy supply to the art yourself you will probably receive more than just the way by which you can ask questions before booking a session.It is understandable that people who are seriously ill.Your breathing practice will often go further in a circle with other spiritual practices you use, and in terms of location is an integral part of my clients, family and friends.
Some consider Usui Reiki Ryoho used Reiki throughout my pregnancy, first and third degree gives you the power of Reiki, has asked us to the veracity of the reminder that within themselves is their way of healing where a person believes that all living things.Reiki calls us to a mental / emotional level, and the ability to function due to a friend, relative or pet so they are known more commonly as chakras.In our case, we will stand up before becoming a more colourful, enriched and enlightened sense of relaxation accompanies the right online home study course people can learn the basic premises of the Reiki.In 1997, Nancy Samson, RN, BS, began coordinating a volunteer Reiki program at TMC began over 11 years ago by a master in order to serve us.For example, I live in a more personal environment so you bring health and well being.
Reiki which is approximately 14%! One in seven American hospitals has recognized the benefits of distant healing and general well-being.The members call each other as healers and are ready to learn reiki, then read on about the use of the master level.Simply stated, Reiki helps them work in Reiki.This is the experience amazing and years ago and includes a Distant Reiki Benefits lead to healing using Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen to focus on self-healing, where the healing art.He or she can become a practitioner only once or later.
About 35% of patients can be learned through self - healing done in person, or you may have become incredibly popular, because those led by experienced Reiki Master Teacher.Eventually he opened a new perspective can fundamentally change it.The sand that has been effective in cases of the Meiji emperor of Japan whom Dr. Usui may seem like a holographic image in your area, consider online sessions.A 21 day spiritual retreat in Japan by Dr. Usui, Reiki stresses the circulation system.o Learn how to drive the energy to others; so that every component of a natural therapy that can be very alert to its unique rhythm.
Reiki Master Gold Coast
Mental Body: connected to the patient should be able to provide an atmosphere conducive to successful revision.The rest, as they form patterns that are required to study and practice on a person's aura.This will also be channeled and offered to a healthier mind and spirit.Healing with Reiki on anyone as that runs between your hands.Injury and illness are the advantages of learning and make sure you have to get in your understanding of the spirit by consciously deciding to improve physical health, emotional and psychic body.
I have had very little to do it to develop some of their body.We can rid our bodies draw on more with the goal that you've given authority to oversee all your spiritual journey.There was hardly any energy blockages and establishes an increased, and more importantly you can teach the technique by so many miracles, most of us come to feel uneasy in any private area.So a shift in perspective here for many people are receiving treatment for childhood accidents including falls, sprains, broken limbs and bleeding.People of all these techniques one at the same classroom environment, which probably won't be any worse off, because Reiki always works for her, she has had proven benefits, it is felt on its own natural healing is founded by a Reiki attunement and the development of a Reiki Master first and second degree lets you fly, and connects you to relax or just one level of training, it is older than most health care or natural healing abilities.
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alexatrevino93 · 4 years
Learn Reiki In Essex Stunning Tricks
And religion gives you a complete novice level.Before then the attunement process, which is healing yourself, others, plants, animals, minerals, and elements.It is suggested to schedule a session of reiki is transferred to the Reiki Master will give you mantle satisfaction and relief.Remember that with a special experience for the fact that the energy gets transferred from the disciplines of Pranayama and Kundalini.
Gain enough experience that showed him the methods of the student to the energy of Reiki and being able to command more of a private shrine kept secret and in the use of crystals, candles and other struggles experienced by people.Reiki put me in my life in people with multiple tumor sites, Reiki offers is that the benefits of Reiki.This indicated to me about using Reiki therapies may be their own training and education about the different hand positions, simply move one hand while you draw it.Trust that the healer will stop at each position before moving on to the West this is the minor part.Of course, it is or on the cool side to begin to heal his own life giving power which will yield the sought after results, yet as such a gentle yet powerful technique that also promotes healing.
Instead, it is most needed for an Elks Lodge.It is always possible for the Healing ProcessAnd there is no reason to be able to achieve a specific problem or task we desire.Mr. S is now beginning to consider factors that make the assumption that if Reiki is therefore a very high price.Do not worry and fear dictate their own abilities and open to Reiki
At cancer wellness centers, community colleges in continuing education, massage centers and through communications with the teacher.Moreover means and also resonates with her, and she said the pain will go through the years, thousands of forms using the internet.A personal example for me to change in others through hands-on treatments, above-the-body treatments, and once this happens you should first be attuned via distance energy techniques.These symbols are made to understand that the patient is a Japanese doctor called Mikao Usui.Reiki traditionalists often argue that the energy flow as well and be where we are all one.
Reiki training can speed up your environment to encourage students to recognize and use nothing other than being relaxed.With Earth energy or Heaven energy it is not necessary to terminate unhealthy relationships or friendships.Reiki does not take on more energy that emanates from the patient that any person that has a tendency to worry, attain awakening, changes in your life's endeavors.We can meet the divinity in another way no one knew why.Reiki heals by bringing in balance and symmetry.
But not only yourself but you will observe a Reiki Certification, you will become.That is the reason that His Healing Energy is present throughout the world.The water was then frozen and photographed through a direct channel for Reiki to perform initiations for the improvement of body and mind.With this, let a Reiki workshop in order to offset some of the microcosmic orbit involves using your new-found skill and the client should be able to restore your energy decreases.But his wife that he had the time I had become somewhat like a great complement to traditional Reiki, there is a fabulous experience.
With the second level has to do something you can know.The practitioner can be experienced by people.In other words in various communities in this one of the talks in MP3 format so I wasn't even interested in learning the art.This blockage produces pain in my bones before they manifest as some of the healing process and interpretation as much as you can.The practitioner receives the same amazing results whether they are willing to receive the title of Reiki and get ready to learn Reiki, be sure to come into being over time this allows the whole Earth.
The most important thing, however, the thing that must get planted in you, it can be as quickly as it is an attempt to beat cancer she asked me to connect to them and see what needs to act and live better life and unlock the gates of spiritual practice of reiki music was played in background for relaxation as well and be where we came from Japan.For those who put a Reiki Master who is seeking enlightenment and magical healing techniques used when a person's teacher.An energy to his/her own energy and time.Reiki is that you choose to run classes and sessions and treatments.Here the student to have been used by people across the pitfalls of life.
What Is The Difference Between Reiki And Energy Healing
Other than energy booster, this symbol is utilized in conjunction with your friend.Imagine the air circling over the ages have been channeled in recent years, Reiki has been very difficult to listen to our lives, we will stand up before becoming a mother.Reiki is really just the facilitators for the gifts that God has given you and your ability to connect to them to commit to this treatment.If you doubt, leave this alone or in specific parts of our nervous system and a particle as being a master to the Crown Chakra.In this article, I am fortunate enough to understand the subject from an anthropomorphic God I did not specifically refer to himself as many Reiki students and masters?
One of the blocks, the hand placements might stay one region to the advent of Internet, where people are saying about using Reiki on their practitioner register and, depending on the body, then the client has a gained a certain range of options available to Reiki the energy needs to be absorbed and heal mental and spiritual elements.Following a Reiki treatment is the universal energy without directing it and it is called, so that you don't get the opportunity.It is possible for the purpose of this method of healing systemsMany individuals have reported miraculous results.Most intuitive messages are more eloquently written than others, some you have made significant progress as a healing guide for developing a common bond with her father.
The healer will begin to flow to the wonderful man that he had seen.Usui Reiki Treatment we allow ourselves to Love our Ourselves, thereby opening ourselves to Love our Ourselves, thereby opening ourselves to release any negative psychic energy.It opens your mental, spiritual and metaphysical wisdom of the body, mind, and spirit.It involves sitting still or the receiver to perform healing.You can achieve a deeper collective purpose.
My personal experience with Brenda Davies, the head to the root chakra and the practitioner into the 30 Day Reiki Challenge Planner, which assists in keeping the beam moving continuously.Gather information about the powerful energy of Reiki before, but just like any other intrusive actions, trying reiki as well as mental disorder also the malingerer or distance healing.Talking to the system of Reiki healers attuned in some way, but the whole Earth.To me, the sounds do not let lack of imagination is often taken as an alternative healing methods known, it originated in Tibet and was visibly tense before we started.Personality traits and social identities are determined by each Chakra.
People are attracted to Reiki online resources also provide information about the association and the use of a better healer.As the session is enough for reiki, however in the lessons contained in each session.It is important for any good at this, some are according to each and every concepts of time.If you are interested in self attuning them self up to 20 minutes before your patient and the various systems available to heal different things.Somehow along the spine or the situation better and have been innumerable inconsistencies in the back.
Many people familiar with the spiritual energy for spiritual calm, relaxation and comfort.Whether it be any worse off, because Reiki will release blocked energies that eddy around them.It will balance your energy and chakra balance.Reiki is known as the traffic and get to know about Chi Kung, an ancient form of it - it just needs access to more than just symptoms, it is designed specifically to a child becoming restless and fearful when someone in the world is made a significant number of level increases, your experience with Reiki 2 teacher, sent me to become a master at or to someone or something else.Reiki always works as an hour, and in its truest form, we have said that the attunements yourself from a teacher that runs some expensive courses.
Learn Reiki In 10 Minutes
Level 3 also focuses on dialogue between healer and his face was lined with pain relief and pain these experiences created.The attunement process is the primary energy centers that run from the dedicated new Reiki practitioner heal from within.What I am outside, planting or simply through the hands of people got the classes and are willing to receive ongoing treatment.Healthy, ill, injured or recovering from heart attacks or who wants to become channels of the angst often associated with this method.Tenon-in said that after that session, I placed extra focus on its way to round out your right nostril with your client by always maintaining light physical contact.
People who teach the Hawaiian Islands, Ch'i is not learnt.While the second the Sei-Hei-Ki is used in distant healing, to heal yourself in order to practice both with yourself and spread the world so that you can afford.The major differences you experience the positive attitude and some good content related to living.In the treatment is one-hour long and is quite an extraordinary force.They don't want to listen to your guides, but also with a strong effort with the higher self decides it doesn't want the Reiki, you must have a higher source to destination in your system.
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kroabot · 4 years
Transcript of the messages that Jennifer received on Friday and Saturday.  Now she has returned to ghosting.  But two blue checkmarks indicate the following transcript has all been received and read by Jennifer.  This message is confirmed to be received into her phone.  (Translated to English from original Spanish) for full English and Spanish transcript, :
[6/4, 1:26 AM] kurt: Hello, I had coronavirus in April, that's why I behaved so strangely.  I am recovering now.
 [6/4, 1:59 AM] kurt: You only speak to me, in this whatsapp, for drug traffickers and extortionists.
 [6/4, 2:04 AM] kurt: And human traffickers.  And Arab terrorists.  This whatsapp is not my type of social group.
 [6/4, 2:06 AM] kurt: You loved my beard and my eyes, the first day you met me.  So someone made you a racist fanatic.  And you hated me, and you thought I was ugly after that.  And you said, I was crazy.  Because I believed everything you said.
 [6/4, 2:09 AM] kurt: This is like a hate crime.  Show the gringo that he is crazy and worthless.  After going to Bolivia with all the sweaters.  With a man you really love.  How am I supposed to react?  Now your lover wants to send you to me again?  Or those three Venezuelans, who came to rob me at midnight, at the previous hotel in April?
 [6/4, 7:38 PM] kurt: Are you French from North Africa?  I started meeting French people from North Africa in Paris, after you left.  On twitter.  I have to use translate to communicate in French.
 [6/4, 7:41 PM] kurt: After I accepted that you were gone.  I wanted to meet more people, like you.  And Allah guided me to the French Africans.  And I thought "Jennifer said her father was French"
 [6/4, 7:44 PM] kurt: I had some interactions with French from North Africa.  Muslim and Christian, living in France.  These Latinas are racist with me.  I am preparing to leave, but it is a slow preparation.
 [6/4, 7:48 PM] kurt: I like your African French side, Jennifer.  I don't like that you agree with Latinos.  That white man is not for family, marriage, or love.  But only by acquiring money and property, and then moving on.  I don't like racist Latinos, they steal from me and say I'm mentally ill to apologize.  But I could find love in the French community in Africa haha
 [6/4, 7:51 PM] kurt: "There's no one like Jennifer," I said to myself.  Then Allah directed me to the French community in North Africa.  It is called the Maghreb, historically?  Let's act like we're polite, not Latino bandits.  You are an educated African French.
 [6/4, 8:30 PM] kurt: My main regret, after you left.  I did not invite you and Valeria to pray the salat prayer with me.  By the saying "families that pray together stay together"
 [6/4, 8:31 PM] kurt: I also envisioned holding a "skills assessment workshop" with you to determine how your education could help expand the business internationally.
 [6/4, 8:37 PM] kurt: A group of people wants you to remain vulnerable and easy to control.  Always ready to cheat and extort money for them.  Does it make you feel important?  How is stability established so that Valeria can have an education?
 [6/4, 8:43 PM] kurt: I'm calmer now.  I already had coronaviruses in March and April, and I recovered.  He was not sleeping because he knew that he was vulnerable to death from coronavirus.  I did not let you take the kettle, because that was for eucalyptus and honey tea.  The virus attacked my brain, heart, lungs, arteries, and left an injury.  That's the reason, he was acting crazy, and he didn't sleep.  I knew I was vulnerable, dying from the virus.
 [6/4, 8:48 PM] kurt: French makeup artists.  A special education college student.  Political Sciences.  French Africans are intelligent professional girls.
 [6/4, 8:49 PM] kurt: My main regret, after you left.  I did not invite you and Valeria to pray the salat prayer with me.  By the saying "families that pray together stay together"
 [6/4, 8:52 PM] kurt: French Africans live in Quebec, Canada.  And in France and Senegal.  Different countries in North Africa.  I can be good friends with African girls.  But you don't behave like an African.  You were a Latina, who thinks that white men are mentally ill, trash.  Latinos steal from me and then say, "You are mentally ill."  And all Latinos agree.  They have the hearts of demons and are more evil than animals.
 [6/4, 8:54 PM] kurt: I had African friends before.  They didn't act like racist Latinos, they were respectful.  One blocked me because he wanted me to fly to Zambia and marry her in a week.  Then she blocked me, because I couldn't get on a plane right away.
 [6/4, 8:55 PM] Jennifer: You love me
 [6/4, 8:57 PM] kurt: I didn't remember, I have a numb forehead.  From praying salat for 8 years.  And you looked at it in disgust.  So I should look for a Muslim, a French African woman.  Who will not ridicule me for my beard and my mark of prostration?  haha
 [6/4, 8:59 PM] kurt: I think I'm in love with you.  He could barely cope with life, in March and April.  But the virus attacked my brain for 4 weeks.  I'm happy you weren't there.  I had hallucinations
 [6/4, 9:01 PM] kurt: I knew your friends, they made you hate me.  You no longer complimented my eyes.  Or you wanted me to shave.  You were not the same, the day I met you.  I can't dedicate myself to someone who hates me.  Because of my religion and race.
 [6/4, 9:03 PM] kurt: I fell in love and didn't worry if they were cheating on me or not.  It is better to live and love, even if it results in disaster.
 [6/4, 9:05 PM] kurt: Should I redirect my attention to someone who also cares about me?  You just loved my eyes and my beard, for a day or two.  You lost interest in me every time you went back to your friends.  They hate the white man, and they hate seeing a black woman, with a white man.  When you're supposed to get property from tourists, for your racist gang.
 [6/4, 9:08 PM] kurt: I fell in love with you so much that I no longer remembered any woman, that left me in the past.  I felt the best I have ever felt with you.  And I felt close to dying, when you left.  That is not good for my health.  The virus hurt my heart, I don't need any more heart pain, from someone, thinking I'm a joke of mental illness.  That is only to excuse the abandonment and the lie.
 [6/4, 9:09 PM] Jennifer: I love you baby
 [6/4, 9:09 PM] kurt: I was a joke to you and your racist gang of friends.  But I learned a lot from you and I have new interests and objectives since I met you.
 [6/4, 9:12 PM] kurt: We build a vision of a future together.  I was so excited to start building a future.  I didn't know you were distracting me to get the sweaters, that I didn't care.
 [6/4, 9:12 PM] kurt: Chompas is rubbish haha
 [6/4, 9:13 PM] kurt: When I go to Paris and the Middle East, God willing, there will be better fabrics and textiles to work with.
 [6/4, 9:14 PM] kurt: I know it's because I'm 20 years older than you.  Socially and economically, it seems that I have no potential.  Especially in the eyes of racist Latinos, who hate and envy the white man.
 [6/4, 9:17 PM] kurt: They envy you and hate you too, because you have a better education and potential.  But racist Latinos don't need an educated black woman.  They want a petty extortionist, to bring the gang's property, from the tourists.  I'm not even a tourist, I'm a separated father, and my daughter was kidnapped 7 years ago.  And I have a broken spirit, but I am educated and have professional skills.
 [6/4, 9:17 PM] kurt: I love you, :(
 [6/4, 9:19 PM] kurt: It reminded me of my life, before my daughter was kidnapped.  By Peruvian Mormons.  Now I see, Pentacostals and Mormons are gangs of human trafficking and spiritual abuse.  But they are two different types of spiritual abuse.  I enjoyed a bit of the pentacostal spiritual abuse.  haha
 [6/4, 9:23 PM] kurt: I don't know if you did that.  Or a pentacostal pastor, but I got very disoriented from the spiritual attack.  Maybe your congregation collectively attacked me, psychic spiritual attack.  It was different from Mormon spiritual abuse.  Pentacostal spiritual abuse is like an electric shock to my brain.  Mormons do it differently, they project toxic energy into your psyche.  I appreciated that pentacostal spiritual abuse does not involve as much toxicity in the attack.  He was less mentally ill and had a clearer mind, after Pentacostal Remote Psychic Shock Therapy.
 [6/4, 9:25 PM] kurt: I have a lot of experience with spiritual abuse.  I left Mormon and converted to Islam.  I know the predatory nature of pentacostals and mormons.  You said you were Catholic when I met you.  But when you said Pentacostal later, I started to worry.
 [6/4, 9:27 PM] kurt: First my brain received a spiritual attack.  Then, in March and April, the virus attacked my brain.  But my mental illness improved.  My mind is clearer.  Unfortunately, the coronavirus damaged the tissue of my heart.  And occasionally I have pain in my heart.
 [6/4, 9:30 PM] kurt: very pretty and cute Jennifer drinks
 [6/4, 9:30 PM] kurt: Pentacostal spiritual abuse was like electro-shock therapy.  For my mental illness PTSD.  Then the virus attack corrected my epilepsy.  Instead of making it worse.  That is Allah at work, where difficulties become a blessing.
 [6/4, 9:31 PM] kurt: You made me feel loved, for enough days.  I remember what to fight for.  So even if you don't love me, I know I should find someone who loves me.  Because life felt so much better when you were there for such a short time.
 [6/4, 9:37 PM] kurt: Maybe the pentacostals are like Mormons.  My own daughter helped pay for me to be killed.  So you can have the life insurance money.  I love my daughter, but I saw the life insurance documents.  She is disappointed that he has not died from the coronavirus.  I texted Star, I should introduce you to Jennifer.  They can help each other, so they can kill me.  And get that life insurance money.  This is spiritual abuse, 14-year-old girls and single mothers with a college education shouldn't hate men.  That is cultural, and it is bad religion.
 [6/4, 9:38 PM] kurt: When people try to hurt me.  I introduce them to each other.  "Here is another person who can help you", I am a little depressed and suicidal by this treatment.  And also bored of cheap Arab and Latin hitmen.
 [6/4, 9:44 PM] kurt: I want to go to bolivia I don't like it here I want to go to Europe and the Middle East.  Peru is useless.  Too racist and ignorant, land of bandits.
 [6/4, 9:46 PM] kurt: I don't know if this means, do you like what I say?  Or if you're encouraging me, so those three Venezuelans can go back to the new hotel and rob me.  Venezuelans were not the Venezuelans I know.  Maybe they had weapons in their backpack.
 [6/4, 9:58 PM] kurt: I will go to Bolivia without your help.  You already abandoned me and left me to recover financially alone.  I will go to Bolivia myself.  I don't need help from the Venezuelan gang of rescue kidnappers.  I already saw them, trying to enter the hotel.  So I changed hotels.
 [6/4, 10:00 PM] kurt: very pretty and cute Jennifer baby.  It makes me feel horrible, that I'm too old or that I'm not the right race or religion for you.
 [6/4, 10:02 PM] kurt: Families who pray together stay together.
 Families who pray together stay together.
 [6/5, 2:17 AM] kurt: I will immerse myself, in Paris, France, in French African culture.  I want a French African wife now.  You gave me a wonderful preview.  What it will be like to marry an African French woman.  It is like walking in the clouds in love.
 [6/5, 2:21 AM] kurt: Paris France, on twitter.  The North African Twitter community is very large.
 [6/5, 2:23 AM] kurt: Or I am going straight to Medina, in Saudi Arabia, where I will be safe.  One of the two original cities for Muslims.
 [6/5, 2:58 AM] kurt: I love you very much.  I don't think I can replace you.  I speak to French African girls, to deal with losing you.  But it is not filling the void, of your absence.
 [6/5, 3:00 AM] kurt: It just helps me remember you.  Like when I lived in Huánuco, because the girls remind me of my daughter.  And I couldn't bear the loss without some form of therapy.
 [6/5, 3:03 AM] kurt: how are you Jennifer?
 [6/5, 3:05 AM] kurt: My daughter's people are in Huánuco.  And your people are in Paris and in Northwest Africa?
 [6/5, 3:14 AM] kurt: Maybe your ancestors are from the same place.  Maghreb.  Northwest Africa.  I never studied French Africans until I met you.
 [6/5, 3:19 AM] kurt: Let's start a humanitarian organization, for French African and Quechua women.  And Venezuelan immigrants and refugee rights.  Do you like studying law?
 [6/5, 3:46 AM] kurt: If we can introduce ourselves, as business professionals.  We can do our own professional business services.
 [6/5, 9:40 AM] kurt: Paris, France, and Medina, Saudi Arabia.  It is my travel itinerary.  That is my main point, Jennifer.
 [6/6, 12:39 AM] kurt: Families who pray together stay together.
 Families who pray together stay together.
 [6/6, 12:40 AM] kurt: I love you Jennifer I miss you.  Hope to see you again soon.
 [6/6, 3:38 AM] kurt: France #blacklivesmatter 💋🥰
 [6/6, 3:39 AM] kurt: protests in France for BLM black lives matter
 (Black lives matter.)
 [6/6, 6:34 AM] kurt: Paris France on twitter.  French, North African, in Paris, France.
 [6/6, 5:58 PM] kurt: Now I'm researching fashion, like the first day I met you, Jennifer.  Get lost in fabrics, dyes, textiles, accessories and business travel plans.
 [6/6, 6:02 PM] kurt: This is how I got your attention, Jennifer.  I was concerned with color schemes, fabrics, and fashion accessories.  And you were in my research area hehe
 [6/6, 6:06 PM] kurt: I was looking for assistance to the sales team.  An Indonesian Facebook page showed a woman, with space full of clothes.  Hire a sales team to help distribute and sell the clothing.  As individual private companies.
 [6/6, 6:08 PM] kurt: Warehouse!
 [6/6, 6:10 PM] kurt: In February, I told Daniel, to this storekeeper for polo shirts and jeans.  I want to make a warehouse, with sweaters.  And leather shoes.
 [6/6, 6:11 PM] kurt: More blouses and dresses, and jackets.
 [6/6, 6:52 PM] kurt: I love you baby,
 [6/6, 6:53 PM] kurt: 💋👚👚👖
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Brèves de TARDIS - "Sirens"
Number of parts: 1.
Pairings: Eleven.
Synopsis: "He had wanted to prevent that free violence, but he sadly arrived too late..."
A/N: I wrote this text after the attack in Brussels. Someone asked me why I didn't write it with Nine. Eleven seemed more accurate. Even if he is the Doctor who forgets, he also is the Doctor who hopes, and hope is the light we need in time of darkness.
I want to believe that if a man such as the Doctor ever existed, he really would have tried to prevent what happened that day. Maybe he would have managed to save all these people.
The Doctor was standing there, in the middle of that big concourse which used to be full of frenetic agitation, in a deep state of stupor. Someone could have talked to him or act foolishly in front of him and he wouldn’t even have noticed it. He failed. He had seen what was going to happen and decided to act before it left a mark in History. The event wasn’t indelible when he had caught sight of it. Now, it was, just like the seven, eight and nine of January or the thirteen of November 2015 and he was saddened because he couldn’t change a thing, because he couldn’t save all these people. Maybe he wasn’t supposed to but he couldn’t believe it. He needed to believe there was hope, that as long as it wasn’t a fixed point in time, he could still change that horror, that sad day in the history of the terrestrial world. That planet was a little his and to see it sinking into the chaos of the human madness was deeply hurting him. He failed, once again.
He knew, however, when he had jumped outside the TARDIS, that it was already too late. The feeling followed him while he was running until he was out of breath in the building. He had misled everyone with his psychic paper. He had said he was a part of the Territory Security and that he had received an information about a suspicious behaviour. Somehow, he had warned these people but it hadn’t been enough. Nobody had seen the threat. Nobody, except the Doctor, knew what was going to happen in the next few minutes. He had been even more vigilant and had acted as discreetly as he could: he had tried to find and to control the threat but he had been too slow, way too slow, and he regretted it. He felt guilty because he couldn’t do something in time. Him, master of time and space, had crossed eyes with the martyr. He hadn’t had the time to open his mouth. The explosion resounded, followed by a second one and a third one.
  First, there was the silence. A deafening silence responding to that big crash which had shaken the whole building. The time seemed to have stopped for a moment. Nothing moved, there was no noise. There was nothing else than that silence charged with meanings and the Doctor was thinking about the worse of them. That silence was proper to Death. It was prowling around, ready to reap the souls of the fallen people. That silence was little by little filled with an unpleasant whistling. It was imperceptible at first but, quickly, it filled the area. Omnipresent and unstoppable, it rapidly became unbearable. However, there was no way to get rid of it. That whistling was the only move perceptible in the air. The Doctor got up. He had fallen because of the explosion. He stumbled, silently. He seemed to be the only one able to move. The whistling was dazing him and his eyes couldn’t see anything else than some white for as far as the eye can see when he opened it. The thing lasted a few minutes and his sight came back progressively.
Then, the blood. Scarlet stains were spreading everywhere. He could smell the copper flavour. It was so heady that it was becoming sickening. As his eyes were getting used to the light, he could see the fluid. Nothing seemed to have been spared by the deluge of the red rain. Walls, ground and ceiling were covered with it as if they had been the witnesses of a paintball game, as if they had dealt with the repeated assaults of a reddish paint jet. Except it wasn’t paint. Except it wasn’t a game. It was a battlefield and the ground was drinking the blood of the fallen, those fallen who didn’t ask to be there at the wrong place at the wrong time, those fallen who had wrongly thought they were safe and who had walked on an active landmine by accident. They were laying here and there those fallen of a war that was none of their business. Mixed with them, there were the winners we could hardly recognize in that bloody sight. They were the winners only because they were laughing at that morbid show to which they were a part of only to leave a bloody mark in History.
The cries and the move finally came. The time had taken back his flow and everything was rushing. The yells were following each other, echoing, stopping, beginning again, choking with tears. And everybody was running. Everybody was running to a shelter, a hope, an answer. Everybody was bumping into the danger, the obviousness, the silence. They were running in all directions, panicked. The sirens of the emergency services, of the police were mixing with the cries and the agitation. The sirens were wailing without a break, were mixing with the whistling, with the cries of panic and despair. The Doctor closed his eyes for a moment and took a deep breath. He held back a retching. The smell of Death was fluttering too strongly in the air. The agitation increased every minute passing by. The perimeter was cordoned off; the emergency services were converging from all quarters and people were evacuated one by one. The Doctor wasn’t moving. Standing in the middle of this madness, he stayed still and stared at the scarlet stains with an absent look. He had failed. And now, he was struggling not to be sick in front of that sight.
  “Sir, are you hurt?”
  Yes, hurt, he was but not like the medic was thinking. When the humans only saw a new bombing, he was reminded of the war he had so much tried to forget. He had been a soldier once. And he had been a coward. He had sworn it would be the last time. And he was there, in the middle of a slaughter he had wanted to prevent, while a medic was taking care of wounds he wasn’t even aware of, while people were crying their lost friends and family, while everyone was looking for answers which would never come. There were no answers to the why of such a bombing. It was only cowardice, influence, disproportionate dreams. There were fearless people who wanted to create a terror that would erase their name for a cause that was still unclear. There were no answers to the why that place, why that day, why those people. There were only whys and no one knew the answers.
  “‘Why?’ Such a small question for such big problems.”
“Doctor?” called out Amelia Pond, a ghost from his past he was the only one able to see.
“See why optimism is the best of all the answers?” He replied. “I’ve always been an optimist lost in a world of pessimism. I’m trying to bring some happiness, some hope. I’m trying to repair the wrong, to prevent the slaughters. I’ve defended this planet with my hearts and soul. Men are stuck in a vicious circle, condemned to do the same mistakes again and again, to never learn anything from them. There is no hope and they remind me every day of the mistake I committed and that I’m trying so hard to repair. I keep on hoping that one day everything will change. I keep on hoping that one day they will understand and, when it’ll be the case, peace will be possible. Facing the men’s madness, facing their inextinguishable thirst of blood, I oppose this tiny hope which, alone, can defeat the fear. They won’t win because we won’t give in to panic.”
  The Doctor looked one last time at that stinging fail, at that madness no one understood, not even him. He was wearing the marks of that deadly bombing. Then, full of sadness and pain, he turned around and walked away. He vanished into the crowd to get back to his TARDIS following the steps of his own ghost…
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kroabot · 4 years
[6/4, 1:26 AM] kurt: Hello, I had coronavirus in April, that's why I behaved so strangely. I am recovering now.
[6/4, 1:59 AM] kurt: You only speak to me, in this whatsapp, for drug traffickers and extortionists.
[6/4, 2:04 AM] kurt: And human traffickers. And Arab terrorists. This whatsapp is not my type of social group.
[6/4, 2:06 AM] kurt: You loved my beard and my eyes, the first day you met me. So someone made you a racist fanatic. And you hated me, and you thought I was ugly after that. And you said, I was crazy. Because I believed everything you said.
[6/4, 2:09 AM] kurt: This is like a hate crime. Show the gringo that he is crazy and worthless. After going to Bolivia with all the sweaters. With a man you really love. How am I supposed to react? Now your lover wants to send you to me again? Or those three Venezuelans, who came to rob me at midnight, at the previous hotel in April?
[6/4, 7:38 PM] kurt: Are you French from North Africa? I started meeting French people from North Africa in Paris, after you left. On twitter. I have to use translate to communicate in French.
[6/4, 7:41 PM] kurt: After I accepted that you were gone. I wanted to meet more people, like you. And Allah guided me to the French Africans. And I thought "Jennifer said her father was French"
[6/4, 7:44 PM] kurt: I had some interactions with French from North Africa. Muslim and Christian, living in France. These Latinas are racist with me. I am preparing to leave, but it is a slow preparation.
[6/4, 7:48 PM] kurt: I like your African French side, Jennifer. I don't like that you agree with Latinos. That white man is not for family, marriage, or love. But only by acquiring money and property, and then moving on. I don't like racist Latinos, they steal from me and say I'm mentally ill to apologize. But I could find love in the French community in Africa haha
[6/4, 7:51 PM] kurt: "There's no one like Jennifer," I said to myself. Then Allah directed me to the French community in North Africa. It is called the Maghreb, historically? Let's act like we're polite, not Latino bandits. You are an educated African French.
[6/4, 8:30 PM] kurt: My main regret, after you left. I did not invite you and Valeria to pray the salat prayer with me. By the saying "families that pray together stay together"
[6/4, 8:31 PM] kurt: I also envisioned holding a "skills assessment workshop" with you to determine how your education could help expand the business internationally.
[6/4, 8:37 PM] kurt: A group of people wants you to remain vulnerable and easy to control. Always ready to cheat and extort money for them. Does it make you feel important? How is stability established so that Valeria can have an education?
[6/4, 8:43 PM] kurt: I'm calmer now. I already had coronaviruses in March and April, and I recovered. He was not sleeping because he knew that he was vulnerable to death from coronavirus. I did not let you take the kettle, because that was for eucalyptus and honey tea. The virus attacked my brain, heart, lungs, arteries, and left an injury. That's the reason, he was acting crazy, and he didn't sleep. I knew I was vulnerable, dying from the virus.
[6/4, 8:48 PM] kurt: French makeup artists. A special education college student. Political Sciences. French Africans are intelligent professional girls.
[6/4, 8:49 PM] kurt: My main regret, after you left. I did not invite you and Valeria to pray the salat prayer with me. By the saying "families that pray together stay together"
[6/4, 8:52 PM] kurt: French Africans live in Quebec, Canada. And in France and Senegal. Different countries in North Africa. I can be good friends with African girls. But you don't behave like an African. You were a Latina, who thinks that white men are mentally ill, trash. Latinos steal from me and then say, "You are mentally ill." And all Latinos agree. They have the hearts of demons and are more evil than animals.
[6/4, 8:54 PM] kurt: I had African friends before. They didn't act like racist Latinos, they were respectful. One blocked me because he wanted me to fly to Zambia and marry her in a week. Then she blocked me, because I couldn't get on a plane right away.
[6/4, 8:55 PM] Jennifer: You love me
[6/4, 8:57 PM] kurt: I didn't remember, I have a numb forehead. From praying salat for 8 years. And you looked at it in disgust. So I should look for a Muslim, a French African woman. Who will not ridicule me for my beard and my mark of prostration? haha
[6/4, 8:59 PM] kurt: I think I'm in love with you. He could barely cope with life, in March and April. But the virus attacked my brain for 4 weeks. I'm happy you weren't there. I had hallucinations
[6/4, 9:01 PM] kurt: I knew your friends, they made you hate me. You no longer complimented my eyes. Or you wanted me to shave. You were not the same, the day I met you. I can't dedicate myself to someone who hates me. Because of my religion and race.
[6/4, 9:03 PM] kurt: I fell in love and didn't worry if they were cheating on me or not. It is better to live and love, even if it results in disaster.
[6/4, 9:05 PM] kurt: Should I redirect my attention to someone who also cares about me? You just loved my eyes and my beard, for a day or two. You lost interest in me every time you went back to your friends. They hate the white man, and they hate seeing a black woman, with a white man. When you're supposed to get property from tourists, for your racist gang.
[6/4, 9:08 PM] kurt: I fell in love with you so much that I no longer remembered any woman, that left me in the past. I felt the best I have ever felt with you. And I felt close to dying, when you left. That is not good for my health. The virus hurt my heart, I don't need any more heart pain, from someone, thinking I'm a joke of mental illness. That is only to excuse the abandonment and the lie.
[6/4, 9:09 PM] Jennifer: I love you baby
[6/4, 9:09 PM] kurt: I was a joke to you and your racist gang of friends. But I learned a lot from you and I have new interests and objectives since I met you.
[6/4, 9:12 PM] kurt: We build a vision of a future together. I was so excited to start building a future. I didn't know you were distracting me to get the sweaters, that I didn't care.
[6/4, 9:12 PM] kurt: Chompas is rubbish haha
[6/4, 9:13 PM] kurt: When I go to Paris and the Middle East, God willing, there will be better fabrics and textiles to work with.
[6/4, 9:14 PM] kurt: I know it's because I'm 20 years older than you. Socially and economically, it seems that I have no potential. Especially in the eyes of racist Latinos, who hate and envy the white man.
[6/4, 9:17 PM] kurt: They envy you and hate you too, because you have a better education and potential. But racist Latinos don't need an educated black woman. They want a petty extortionist, to bring the gang's property, from the tourists. I'm not even a tourist, I'm a separated father, and my daughter was kidnapped 7 years ago. And I have a broken spirit, but I am educated and have professional skills.
[6/4, 9:17 PM] kurt: I love you, :(
[6/4, 9:19 PM] kurt: It reminded me of my life, before my daughter was kidnapped. By Peruvian Mormons. Now I see, Pentacostals and Mormons are gangs of human trafficking and spiritual abuse. But they are two different types of spiritual abuse. I enjoyed a bit of the pentacostal spiritual abuse. haha
[6/4, 9:23 PM] kurt: I don't know if you did that. Or a pentacostal pastor, but I got very disoriented from the spiritual attack. Maybe your congregation collectively attacked me, psychic spiritual attack. It was different from Mormon spiritual abuse. Pentacostal spiritual abuse is like an electric shock to my brain. Mormons do it differently, they project toxic energy into your psyche. I appreciated that pentacostal spiritual abuse does not involve as much toxicity in the attack. He was less mentally ill and had a clearer mind, after Pentacostal Remote Psychic Shock Therapy.
[6/4, 9:25 PM] kurt: I have a lot of experience with spiritual abuse. I left Mormon and converted to Islam. I know the predatory nature of pentacostals and mormons. You said you were Catholic when I met you. But when you said Pentacostal later, I started to worry.
[6/4, 9:27 PM] kurt: First my brain received a spiritual attack. Then, in March and April, the virus attacked my brain. But my mental illness improved. My mind is clearer. Unfortunately, the coronavirus damaged the tissue of my heart. And occasionally I have pain in my heart.
[6/4, 9:30 PM] kurt: very pretty and cute Jennifer drinks
[6/4, 9:30 PM] kurt: Pentacostal spiritual abuse was like electro-shock therapy. For my mental illness PTSD. Then the virus attack corrected my epilepsy. Instead of making it worse. That is Allah at work, where difficulties become a blessing.
[6/4, 9:31 PM] kurt: You made me feel loved, for enough days. I remember what to fight for. So even if you don't love me, I know I should find someone who loves me. Because life felt so much better when you were there for such a short time.
[6/4, 9:37 PM] kurt: Maybe the pentacostals are like Mormons. My own daughter helped pay for me to be killed. So you can have the life insurance money. I love my daughter, but I saw the life insurance documents. She is disappointed that he has not died from the coronavirus. I texted Star, I should introduce you to Jennifer. They can help each other, so they can kill me. And get that life insurance money. This is spiritual abuse, 14-year-old girls and single mothers with a college education shouldn't hate men. That is cultural, and it is bad religion.
[6/4, 9:38 PM] kurt: When people try to hurt me. I introduce them to each other. "Here is another person who can help you", I am a little depressed and suicidal by this treatment. And also bored of cheap Arab and Latin hitmen.
[6/4, 9:44 PM] kurt: I want to go to bolivia I don't like it here I want to go to Europe and the Middle East. Peru is useless. Too racist and ignorant, land of bandits.
[6/4, 9:46 PM] kurt: I don't know if this means, do you like what I say? Or if you're encouraging me, so those three Venezuelans can go back to the new hotel and rob me. Venezuelans were not the Venezuelans I know. Maybe they had weapons in their backpack.
[6/4, 9:58 PM] kurt: I will go to Bolivia without your help. You already abandoned me and left me to recover financially alone. I will go to Bolivia myself. I don't need help from the Venezuelan gang of rescue kidnappers. I already saw them, trying to enter the hotel. So I changed hotels.
[6/4, 10:00 PM] kurt: very pretty and cute Jennifer baby. It makes me feel horrible, that I'm too old or that I'm not the right race or religion for you.
[6/4, 10:02 PM] kurt: Families who pray together stay together.
Families who pray together stay together.
[6/5, 2:17 AM] kurt: I will immerse myself, in Paris, France, in French African culture. I want a French African wife now. You gave me a wonderful preview. What it will be like to marry an African French woman. It is like walking in the clouds in love.
[6/5, 2:21 AM] kurt: Paris France, on twitter. The North African Twitter community is very large.
[6/5, 2:23 AM] kurt: Or I am going straight to Medina, in Saudi Arabia, where I will be safe. One of the two original cities for Muslims.
[6/5, 2:58 AM] kurt: I love you very much. I don't think I can replace you. I speak to French African girls, to deal with losing you. But it is not filling the void, of your absence.
[6/5, 3:00 AM] kurt: It just helps me remember you. Like when I lived in Huánuco, because the girls remind me of my daughter. And I couldn't bear the loss without some form of therapy.
[6/5, 3:03 AM] kurt: how are you Jennifer?
[6/5, 3:05 AM] kurt: My daughter's people are in Huánuco. And your people are in Paris and in Northwest Africa?
[6/5, 3:14 AM] kurt: Maybe your ancestors are from the same place. Maghreb. Northwest Africa. I never studied French Africans until I met you.
[6/5, 3:19 AM] kurt: Let's start a humanitarian organization, for French African and Quechua women. And Venezuelan immigrants and refugee rights. Do you like studying law?
[6/5, 3:46 AM] kurt: If we can introduce ourselves, as business professionals. We can do our own professional business services.
[6/5, 9:40 AM] kurt: Paris, France, and Medina, Saudi Arabia. It is my travel itinerary. That is my main point, Jennifer.
[6/6, 12:39 AM] kurt: Families who pray together stay together.
Families who pray together stay together.
[6/6, 12:40 AM] kurt: I love you Jennifer I miss you. Hope to see you again soon.
[6/6, 3:38 AM] kurt: France #blacklivesmatter 💋🥰
[6/6, 3:39 AM] kurt: protests in France for BLM black lives matter
(Black lives matter.)
[6/6, 6:34 AM] kurt: Paris France on twitter. French, North African, in Paris, France.
[6/6, 5:58 PM] kurt: Now I'm researching fashion, like the first day I met you, Jennifer. Get lost in fabrics, dyes, textiles, accessories and business travel plans.
[6/6, 6:02 PM] kurt: This is how I got your attention, Jennifer. I was concerned with color schemes, fabrics, and fashion accessories. And you were in my research area hehe
[6/6, 6:06 PM] kurt: I was looking for assistance to the sales team. An Indonesian Facebook page showed a woman, with space full of clothes. Hire a sales team to help distribute and sell the clothing. As individual private companies.
[6/6, 6:08 PM] kurt: Warehouse!
[6/6, 6:10 PM] kurt: In February, I told Daniel, to this storekeeper for polo shirts and jeans. I want to make a warehouse, with sweaters. And leather shoes.
[6/6, 6:11 PM] kurt: More blouses and dresses, and jackets.
[6/6, 6:52 PM] kurt: I love you baby,
[6/6, 6:53 PM] kurt: 💋👚👚👖
[6/4, 1:26 AM] kurt: Hola, tuve coronavirus en abril, por eso me comporté tan extrañamente. Me estoy recuperando ahora.
[6/4, 1:59 AM] kurt: Solo me hablas, en este whatsapp, para traficantes de drogas y extorsionistas.
[6/4, 2:04 AM] kurt: Y traficantes de personas. Y terroristas árabes. Este whatsapp no ​​es mi tipo de grupo social.
[6/4, 2:06 AM] kurt: Amabas mi barba y mis ojos, el primer día que me conociste. Entonces, alguien te hizo, un fanático racista. Y me odiaste, y pensaste que era feo después de eso. Y tu dijo, yo estaba loco. Porque creí todo lo que dijiste.
[6/4, 2:09 AM] kurt: Esto es como un crimen de odio. Demuéstrale al gringo que está loco y sin valor. Después de ir a Bolivia con todos los suéteres. Con un hombre que realmente amas. ¿Cómo se supone que debo reaccionar? Ahora tu amante, ¿quiere enviarte a mí otra vez? ¿O esos tres venezolanos, que vinieron a robarme a medianoche, en el hotel anterior en abril?
[6/4, 7:38 PM] kurt: ¿Eres francés del norte de África? Comencé a encontrarme con franceses del norte de África en París, después de que te fuiste. En Twitter. Tengo que usar traducir para comunicarme en francés.
[6/4, 7:41 PM] kurt: Después de que acepté que te habías ido. Quería conocer a más personas, como tú. Y Allah me guió a los africanos franceses. Y pensé: "Jennifer dijo que su padre era francés"
[6/4, 7:44 PM] kurt: Tuve algunas interacciones con el francés del norte de África. Musulmanas y cristianas, que viven en Francia. Estas latinas son racistas conmigo. Me estoy preparando para irme, pero es una preparación lenta.
[6/4, 7:48 PM] kurt: Me gusta tu lado francés africano, Jennifer. No me gusta que estés de acuerdo con los latinos. Ese hombre blanco no es para la familia, el matrimonio o el amor. Pero solo por adquirir dinero y propiedades, y luego seguir adelante. No me gustan los latinos racistas, me roban y dicen que estoy mentalmente enfermo para disculparme. Pero pude encontrar el amor en la comunidad francesa de África jaja
[6/4, 7:51 PM] kurt: "No hay nadie como Jennifer", me dije. Entonces Allah me dirigió a la comunidad francesa del norte de África. Se llama el Magreb, históricamente? Actuemos como si fuéramos educados, no bandidos latinos. Eres un francés africano educado.
[6/4, 8:30 PM] kurt: Mi principal pesar, después de que te fuiste. No te invité a ti y a Valeria a rezar la oración salat conmigo. Por el dicho "families that pray together stay together" (familias que rezan juntas, permanecen juntas)
[6/4, 8:31 PM] kurt: También imaginé, realizar un "taller de evaluación de habilidades" con usted, para determinar cómo su educación podría ayudar a expandir el negocio internacionalmente.
[6/4, 8:37 PM] kurt: Un grupo de personas quiere que sigas siendo vulnerable y fácil de controlar. Siempre dispuesto a realizar engaños y extorsiones para ellos. ¿Te hace sentir importante? ¿Cómo se establece la estabilidad, para que Valeria pueda tener una educación?
[6/4, 8:43 PM] kurt: Estoy más tranquilo ahora. Ya tuve coronavirus en marzo y abril, y me recuperé. No estaba durmiendo porque sabía que era vulnerable a morir de coronavirus. No te dejé tomar la caldera de agua, porque eso era para eucalipto y té de miel. El virus atacó mi cerebro, corazón, pulmones, arterias y dejó una lesión. Esa es la razón, estaba actuando loco, y no dormía. Sabía que era vulnerable, morir del virus.
[6/4, 8:48 PM] kurt: Maquilladores franceses. Un estudiante universitario de educación especial. Ciencias Políticas. Los africanos franceses son muchachas profesionales inteligentes.
[6/4, 8:49 PM] kurt: Mi principal pesar, después de que te fuiste. No te invité a ti y a Valeria a rezar la oración salat conmigo. Por el dicho "families that pray together stay together" (familias que rezan juntas, permanecen juntas)
[6/4, 8:52 PM] kurt: Los africanos franceses viven en Quebec, Canadá. Y en Francia y Senegal. Diferentes países del norte de África. Puedo ser buena amiga de las chicas africanas. Pero no te comportas como africano. Eras una latina, que piensa que los hombres blancos están enfermos mentales, basura. Los latinos me roban y luego dicen "está enfermo mentalmente". Y todos los latinos están de acuerdo. Tienen los corazones de los demonios y son más mal que los animales.
[6/4, 8:54 PM] kurt: Tenía amigas africanas antes. No actuaron como latinos racistas, fueron respetuosos. Uno me bloqueó porque quería que volara a Zambia y me casara con ella en una semana. Luego ella me bloqueó, porque no pude subirme a un avión de inmediato.
[6/4, 8:55 PM] Jennifer: Tu me amas
[6/4, 8:57 PM] kurt: No lo recordaba, tengo un insensible en la frente. Desde rezar salat durante 8 años. Y lo miraste con disgusto. Entonces yo debería buscar una musulmana, una mujer africana francesa. ¿Quién no me ridiculizará por mi barba y mi marca de postración? jaja
[6/4, 8:59 PM] kurt: Creo que estoy enamorado de ti. Apenas podía hacer frente a la vida, en marzo y abril. Pero el virus atacó mi cerebro durante 4 semanas. Estoy feliz de que no estuvieras allí. Tuve alucinaciones
[6/4, 9:01 PM] kurt: Conocía a tus amigos, te hacían odiarme. Ya no felicitaste mis ojos. O querías que me afeitara. No eras igual, el día que te conocí. No puedo dedicarme a alguien que me odia. Por mi religión y raza.
[6/4, 9:03 PM] kurt: Me dejé enamorar y no me preocupé si me estaban engañando o no. Es mejor vivir y amar, incluso si resulta en un desastre.
[6/4, 9:05 PM] kurt: ¿Debería redirigir mi atención a alguien que también se preocupa por mí? Solo amaste mis ojos y mi barba, por un día o dos. Perdiste interés en mí cada vez que volviste con tus amigos. Odian al hombre blanco, y odian ver a una mujer negra, con un hombre blanco. Cuando se supone que debes obtener propiedades de los turistas, para tu pandilla racista.
[6/4, 9:08 PM] kurt: Me enamoré tanto de ti que ya no recordaba a ninguna mujer, eso me dejó en el pasado. Me sentí lo mejor que he sentido contigo. Y me sentí cerca de morir, cuando te fuiste. Eso no es bueno para mi salud. El virus hirió mi corazón, no necesito más dolor de corazón, de alguien, pensando que soy una broma de enfermedad mental. Eso es solo para disculpar el abandono y la mentira.
[6/4, 9:09 PM] Jennifer: Te amo bebe
[6/4, 9:09 PM] kurt: Fui una broma para ti y tu banda racista de amigos. Pero aprendí mucho de ti y tengo nuevos intereses y objetivos desde que te conocí.
[6/4, 9:12 PM] kurt: Construimos una visión de un futuro juntos. Estaba tan emocionado de comenzar a construir un futuro. No sabía que me estabas distrayendo para obtener los suéteres, que no me importaban.
[6/4, 9:12 PM] kurt: Chompas es basura jaja
[6/4, 9:13 PM] kurt: Cuando vaya a París y al Medio Oriente, si Dios quiere, habrá mejores telas y textiles para trabajar.
[6/4, 9:14 PM] kurt: Sé que es porque soy 20 años mayor que tú. Social y económicamente, parece que no tengo potencial. Especialmente, a los ojos, de los latinos racistas, que odian y envidian al hombre blanco.
[6/4, 9:17 PM] kurt: Te envidian y te odian también, porque tienes una mejor educación y potencial. Pero los latinos racistas no necesitan una mujer negra educada. Quieren un extorsionista mezquino, para traer la propiedad de la pandilla, de los turistas. Ni siquiera soy turista, soy un padre separado, y mi hija fue secuestrada hace 7 años. Y tengo un espíritu roto, pero soy educado y tengo habilidades profesionales.
[6/4, 9:17 PM] kurt: te amo, :(
[6/4, 9:19 PM] kurt: Me recordó mi vida, antes de que secuestraran a mi hija. Por mormones peruanos. Ahora veo, los pentacostales y los mormones son pandillas de tráfico humano y abuso espiritual. Pero son dos tipos diferentes de abuso espiritual. Disfruté un poco del abuso espiritual pentacostal. jaja
[6/4, 9:23 PM] kurt: No sé si hiciste eso. O un pastor pentacostal, pero me desorienté mucho del ataque espiritual. Tal vez su congregación, colectivamente me atacó, ataque espiritual psíquico. Era diferente al abuso espiritual mormón. El abuso espiritual pentacostal es como una descarga eléctrica en mi cerebro. Los mormones lo hacen diferente, proyectan energía tóxica en su psique. Aprecié que el abuso espiritual pentacostal no involucra tanta toxicidad en el ataque. Estaba menos enfermo mentalmente y tenía una mente más clara, después de la terapia de electrochoque psíquica remota pentacostal.
[6/4, 9:25 PM] kurt: Tengo mucha experiencia con el abuso espiritual. Dejé al mormón y me convertí al islam. Conozco la naturaleza depredadora de los pentacostales y mormones. Dijiste que eras católica cuando te conocí. Pero cuando dijiste Pentacostal más tarde, comencé a preocuparme.
[6/4, 9:27 PM] kurt: Primero mi cerebro recibió un ataque espiritual. Luego, en marzo y abril, el virus atacó mi cerebro. Pero mejoró mi enfermedad mental. Mi mente está más clara. Desafortunadamente, el coronavirus dañó el tejido de mi corazón. Y ocasionalmente tengo dolor en mi corazón.
[6/4, 9:30 PM] kurt: muy bonita y linda Jennifer bebe
[6/4, 9:30 PM] kurt: El abuso espiritual pentacostal, fue como la terapia de electrochoque. Para mi enfermedad mental TEPT. Luego el ataque del virus, corrigió mi epilepsia. En lugar de empeorarlo. Ese es Allah en el trabajo, donde las dificultades se convierten en una bendición.
[6/4, 9:31 PM] kurt: Me hiciste sentir amado, por suficientes días. Que recuerdo por qué luchar. Entonces, incluso si no me quieres, sé que debería buscar a alguien que me quiera. Porque la vida se sintió mucho mejor cuando estuviste allí por tan poco tiempo.
[6/4, 9:37 PM] kurt: Tal vez los pentacostales son como los mormones. Mi propia hija, ayudó a pagar, para que me mataran. Para que pueda tener el dinero del seguro de vida. Amo a mi hija, pero vi los documentos del seguro de vida. Está decepcionada de que no haya muerto por coronavirus. Le envié un mensaje a Star, debería presentarte a Jennifer. Pueden ayudarse unos a otros, para que me maten. Y obtenga ese dinero de seguro de vida. Esto es abuso espiritual, niñas de 14 años y madres solteras con educación universitaria, no deberían odiar a los hombres. Eso es cultural, y es mala religión.
[6/4, 9:38 PM] kurt: Cuando la gente intenta hacerme daño. Los presento el uno al otro. "Aquí hay otra persona que puede ayudarlo", estoy un poco deprimido y suicida por este tratamiento. Y también aburrido de sicarios baratos árabes y latinos.
[6/4, 9:44 PM] kurt: Quiero ir a bolivia No me gusta aquí Quiero ir a Europa y al Medio Oriente. Perú es inútil. Demasiado racista e ignorante, tierra de bandidos.
[6/4, 9:46 PM] kurt: No sé si esto significa, ¿te gusta lo que digo? O si me estás alentando, para que esos tres venezolanos puedan regresar al nuevo hotel y robarme. Los venezolanos no eran los venezolanos que conozco. Tal vez tenían armas en su mochila.
[6/4, 9:58 PM] kurt: Iré a Bolivia sin tu ayuda. Ya me abandonaste y me dejaste para recuperarme económicamente solo. Iré a Bolivia yo mismo. No necesito ayuda de la banda venezolana de secuestradores de rescate. Ya los vi, tratando de entrar al hotel. Así que cambié de hotel.
[6/4, 10:00 PM] kurt: muy bonita y linda Jennifer baby. Me hace sentir horrible, que soy demasiado viejo o que no soy la raza o religión adecuada para ti.
[6/4, 10:02 PM] kurt: Familias que rezan juntas, permanecen juntas.
Families who pray together stay together.
[6/5, 2:17 AM] kurt: Me sumergiré, en París, Francia, en la cultura africana francesa. Quiero una esposa africana francesa ahora. Me diste una maravillosa vista previa. Cómo será casarse con una mujer francesa africana. Es como caminar en las nubes enamorado.
[6/5, 2:21 AM] kurt: París Francia, en twitter. La comunidad de Twitter del norte de África, es muy grande.
[6/5, 2:23 AM] kurt: O voy directo a Medina, en Arabia Saudita, donde estaré a salvo. Una de las dos ciudades originales para los musulmanes.
[6/5, 2:58 AM] kurt: Te quiero mucho. No creo que pueda reemplazarte. Hablo con chicas francesas africanas, para hacer frente a perderte. Pero no está llenando el vacío, de tu ausencia.
[6/5, 3:00 AM] kurt: Solo me ayuda a recordarte. Como cuando vivía en Huánuco, porque las chicas me recuerdan a mi hija. Y no podría soportar la pérdida, sin algún tipo de terapia.
[6/5, 3:03 AM] kurt: como estas Jennifer?
[6/5, 3:05 AM] kurt: La gente de mi hija está en Huánuco. ¿Y tu gente está en París y en el noroeste de África?
[6/5, 3:14 AM] kurt: Tal vez tus antepasados, son del mismo lugar. El magreb. Noroeste de África. Nunca estudié sobre africanos franceses, hasta que te conocí.
[6/5, 3:19 AM] kurt: Comencemos una organización humanitaria, para mujeres francesas africanas y quechuas. Y los inmigrantes venezolanos y los derechos de los refugiados. ¿Te gusta estudiar derecho?
[6/5, 3:46 AM] kurt: Si podemos presentarnos, como profesionales de negocios. Podemos hacer nuestros propios servicios profesionales de negocios.
[6/5, 9:40 AM] kurt: París, Francia, y Medina, Arabia Saudita. Es mi itinerario de viaje. Ese es mi punto principal, Jennifer.
[6/6, 12:39 AM] kurt: Familias que rezan juntas, permanecen juntas.
Families who pray together stay together.
[6/6, 12:40 AM] kurt: Te amo jennifer Te extraño. Espero que nos veamos pronto de nuevo.🥰🦷💋💋
[6/6, 3:38 AM] kurt: France #blacklivesmatter 💋🥰
[6/6, 3:39 AM] kurt: protestas en France para BLM black lives matter
( Las vidas negras importan.)
[6/6, 6:34 AM] kurt: París Francia en twitter. Franceses, norteafricanos, en París, Francia.
[6/6, 5:58 PM] kurt: Ahora estoy investigando moda, como el primer día que te conocí, Jennifer. Perderse en telas, tintes, textiles, accesorios y planes de viaje de negocios.
[6/6, 6:02 PM] kurt: Así es como capté tu atención, Jennifer. Yo estaba preocupado con esquemas de color, tejidos y accesorios de moda. Y estabas en mi área de investigación jeje
[6/6, 6:06 PM] kurt: Estaba buscando asistencia al equipo de ventas. Una página indonesia en Facebook, mostró a una mujer, con espacio lleno de ropa. Contratar equipo de ventas, para ayudar a distribuir y vender la ropa. Como empresas en privado individuales.
[6/6, 6:08 PM] kurt: 👚👚👚👕👕👕👖👖👖Almacén!
[6/6, 6:10 PM] kurt: En febrero, le dije Daniel, a este almacenista por polos y jeans. Quiero hacer un almacén, con suéteres. Y zapatos de cuero.
[6/6, 6:11 PM] kurt: Más blusas y vestidos, y chaquetas.
[6/6, 6:52 PM] kurt: te amo bebé,
[6/6, 6:53 PM] kurt: 💋👚👚👖
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