#Psychoanalyzing this will be fun
esterzach · 1 year
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"Let me back in" Yesssss! I knew it! Them!!! Thank you! That was so beautiful!
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isjasz · 4 months
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Stellar death
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lennon666 · 2 months
Both John and Paul are actually very emotional, and yet both of them are very bad at conveying their emotions. Paul will just pretends that everything is fine and keeps denying his feelings. Meanwhile John doesn’t convey his emotions in normal verbal manner, and will get very violent when people (read: Paul) failed to interpret his emotions.
But then since these two are such a good songwriter, they could only convey their emotions truthfully in their songs. Moral lessons that i got after years of analyzing mclennon is to not take what they said as the absolute truth. Paul will say that he’s fine about the whole John situation and yet he’s crying his heart out on his songs. John will say that he hates Paul, Paul is nothing, and yet he still yearns for him in his songs.
The absolute truth is literally there for us to hear, in their songs.
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reshirfuse · 10 months
I finished a u quiz have fun <3
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milolovesbmc · 8 days
Gruesome Playground Injuries except House is Doug's doctor. That's it. That's the post
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bowsbar · 1 month
ideal tacomic to me is Pits in both of their stomachs manifested as thoughts of one another they cant erase no matter how much they try to move on,theey repress them for different reasonts though.To me its like.
Mic represses them bc she haets taco and just wants to move on with her life-To stop thinking about her shitty decisions during her time in the competition. she hates that she still thinks about taco allathis time later when shes in a much better place both physically and mentally
taco represses them bc she does not know what to do with them and in true taco fashion if u dont knpw how to handle your feelings just bottle them up forever (Guatanteed to work)(TRUST ME). she has 0 outlet no mepad doesnt count bc that out let is microphone and mic has made it clear she wants nothing to do with taco. Which taco will adhere to bc i think she respects mic more than she respects herself, which,In and of itself is not a very high bar to clear bc taco is filled to the brim with self loathing (and lettuce and taomato) so she would respect mics boundaries...and just rot.
in the neural network time line i nmy head theres some point along it where taco DOES try to reconcile with mic!but it doesnt end well. mic tells her to leavee her alone. dont talk to me? (sighs) do whatever schemes you gotta do but leave me out of them, okay? i want nothing to do with you anymore. fnd taco goes Ok bchwat else is she suppsoed to say to that.NO? she might try to push back in a fit of desperation upon seeing how the meeting is going (diseasedly) getting real vulenerable which would make anyone who has even the slightest intnetion of giving taco another chance fold but mic isnt like other girls and has a sense of self preservation. in an attempt of pushing for closure taco ends up pushing mic further away than she already was, which already seemed impossible (reached the limit, apparently not). when taco sees that shes done the impossible + the futility of this meeting has fully shown itself to her thats when she dips (sih of relief from mic)(proceeds to punch a hole in the wall bc watching her leave hurt for a reason she knows but doesnt want to acknowledge)
taco then doesnttt try again. tying in with her perceived incapability of starting over. welp it didnt work theres no reason to ever try again haha shucks gues thems the breaks for me or whatever british version that translates to. she has maybe one more shot with pickle and if that goes well (hmm) then theres a crumb of hope for happy tacomic ending? pickle speaks good on taco and plants that seed of forgiveness in mic to unwind those tangled roots of hatred and spite in her stomach that have knotted over so much time. but in order for anything to come of that taco would have to come face to face with mic again and i think shed rather die
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Blocking celebrity stalkers like:
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kaelidascope · 2 months
I think I should clarify that when I say OOC behavior in Toxic Bees AU, I mean like they're still their basic skeletal designs as a whole (I'm not THAT bad of a writer) but they're OOC compared to the versions of them we know today As in I banked hard on certain aspects of their personalities like Yang's self-sacrificing tendencies, Ruby's immaturity, Weiss's arrogance, and Blake's flakiness Pretty much all these attributes are just amplified to shit and there's like no character growth until the final chapters NFJGFNGKF
Yang literally only thinks she's worth what she can physically offer to someone in the form of service (sexually, financially, or emotionally). Her untreated depression and anxiety causes her to internalize her abandonment issues so bad she's creating scenarios in her life that are doomed to set her up for failure from the start, and yet she doesn't understand why people keep leaving her when she can't stop being this disingenuous version of herself
Blake pretends her actions aren't the direct cause of her consequences and therefor justifies her actions because of her consequences. She desperately doesn't want to give a shit about anything but that act's only gonna get her so far before it blows up in her face. She wants to think that she deserves to be mistreated and can't stand the idea of forgiveness or compromise, so she'll sabotage her own life to get a result that's familiar
Ruby's age shows painfully hard in this and reflects on her thought process and maturity. She's 20 and doesn't have a clue, and up until this point has had Yang or her Dad do literally everything for her. Her growth's been stunted just as much as she doesn't actively try to get off her ass and do something about it
Weiss may seem put together, but she's been miserably sheltered her whole life. Home-schooled first and then immediately living with a romantic partner she's far too young for second, who ends up infantizing her more and she doesn't have the tools or communication skills to speak up for herself. She's better about it now, but her bad habits manifest in her inability to get a grasp on reality and treats people like objects because not once did she have a normal human bond in her house
Now take those versions of team RWBY and throw them into a college setting with their very first taste of freedom, absolutely NO proper job or life experience, and nobody to actively vibe-check them on fucked up, ill-intended, and misguided decision-making. THAT'S what makes this an OOC RWBY fic. Because we all were stupid in our 20s living out of the house for the first time
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sleepiestslooth · 1 year
i have a fascination with the idea of lloyd hiding his face from the public even after the others have long since shown theirs for convenience sake [x]
something about wanting to separate his personal likeness from the title of green ninja and instead keeping the green ninja as this faceless hero people can look up to and pin all their hopes on
he wants there to be a degree of separation between lloyd garmadon the person and the prophesied green ninja sworn protector of ninjago
this is mostly me projecting the idea of lloyd having a complicated relationship with the green ninja title and feeling weighed down by it at times, mainly because his life has predominantly revolved around the prophecy and only progressively gotten worse since his powers were awoken
thinking about it too much sends him almost into a spiral about who he really even is as an individual separated from his powers and title, feeling selfish if his mind tries pinning blame on the prophecy for taking away the life he just barely started living— because so many people depend on him that wishing he never had the power at all is an incredibly selfish thought to have to him
lloyd can’t imagine anyone else but him filling in the role of the green ninja because the prophecy has been so interwoven with his life pretty much since birth that it’s impossible for him comprehend someone else going through the struggles he’s had to experience so far in his life, he wouldn’t wish any of that to be placed onto another soul
the ones that have tried taking the title for themselves (kai and morro) likely wouldn’t have been suited to properly handle all the things that came from being the green ninja, or at least wouldn’t have handled them in such a selfless way like lloyd did.
so with the control that he does have he makes it a point that lloyd garmadon is not the green ninja, and instead keeps the two identities as separated as possible
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This is not prepared at all, so it's likely going to be messier than usual, but I was in the shower earlier thinking about the Golden Girls (as one does) and I drew a couple of conclusions on the topic of how many children does Blanche actually have? that I wanted to share with you all.
So, first of all, let me sum up the controversy. The issue lies with one of Blanche's statements in S3E3 Bringing Up Baby, when she's trying to convince Dorothy to keep the Mercedes she bought with the money they'll supposedly get after Baby's death:
"I want that car, Dorothy. I will give you anything. [...] I'll give you one of my sons. I have given this a lot of thought. I have had four kids, I have never had a Mercedes."
Ok, everything tracks so far. Blanche has had four kids, some of which are sons. We meet her two daughters, Janet and Rebecca, a few times during the series, so the natural conclusion is that Blanche has four kids, two sons and two daughters.
Which is great, except... her next line in S3E3 is this:
"What do you say? Which one do you want? Biff, Doug, Skippy? No, don't take Skippy, he's got asthma."
She names a Biff, a Doug, and a Skippy, so... three sons. Which, in addition to the two daughters we see in the show, makes for a grand total of five kids. Huh.
Alright, we know that Blanche wasn't the best mother ever, but I find it hard to believe that she forgot how many children she has, so: what's going on here? The obvious explanation is, as always, that this is a continuity error (although it's a really egregious one!), but you folks know I prefer to find a Watsonian explanation wherever I can, so let's see if we can figure out anything interesting.
One thing that struck me when I first realized this discrepancy is her use of the words 'I have had four kids'. Not I have, I have had. Why does she use the past tense here? The sentence flows better with it, but it doesn't make a lot of sense in-universe -- unless you think that she's using 'to have a child' to mean 'to bear a child'. If that's the case, then what she's saying translates to 'I have physically given birth to four kids, I have never had a Mercedes.'
I'm sure I don't have to point out the implications of this, do I? If the number of kids Blanche has given birth to is four, but her total number of kids is five, then that means that one of her kids is not hers in the strictly physical sense, i.e. one of Blanche's kids is adopted. This would solve the discrepancy without breaking the canon elsewhere (as far as I can tell, at least).
For a while, this idea remained in the back of my head to examine at a later date, because it still has a number of issues to work through. For one, why would Blanche (and supposedly George) adopt a child? They had kids of their own apparently without any issues -- why adopt another child, instead of, well... making another child, if they wanted one more? I guess it's possible that fertility issues might have arisen at some point, but that seems unlikely for a number of reasons; that kind of problem is generally genetic in nature, and it tends to be diagnosed upon first try, not after four successful pregnancies. So, then... why?
I was stuck on this point for a long while, until I suddenly remembered this conversation between Blanche and Virginia, her younger sister, during S5E11 Ebb Tide:
"I remember when you were 16 and didn't come home for Father's Day." "I was away at school!" "Oh, yes. The Good Samaritan Academy for the Knocked-Up. Two, four, six, eight, all us girls are three months late."
It seems Virginia got into a spot of trouble when she was 16, and was away 'at school' for a while to take care of it. While this might imply that she was sent away to have an abortion, there's also space to hypothesize that she was sent away to carry her pregnancy to term and actually have a baby to then give out to adoption. If this is the case... I wonder if this baby is the one that Blanche and George adopted?
While an adoption seems a bit out of character for young!Blanche (to me, at least: she wasn't interested in her kids, why would she agree to adopt another one?), I think there's some space to consider it. For one, George might have convinced her! We don't know enough about the man to draw clear conclusions, but he did send money to the one child he had out of matrimony (see S5E18 An Illegitimate Concern), so maybe he feels more responsible towards kids near him than Blanche did -- and, well, if he'd asked, Blanche would have agreed immediately, of course. I feel like Big Daddy might have also played a part in this scenario: he could have wanted to keep the child in the family (a Hollingsworth is still a Hollingsworth!), and asked the youngest married couple among his children to take on the responsibility, to shield Virginia from the shame.
Note that this theory has a few issues anyway. For one, while Virginia is Blanche's junior, according to Wikipedia she's only one year her junior, which would put Blanche at 17 when all this happened -- and we know she met and married George much later, when she was already a university student (see S6E9 Mrs George Devereaux). However, I can't find any confirmation for this difference in age in the show itself, so I feel like the hypothesis still deserves some consideration.
As for which of Blanche's children is adopted, well... we can for sure rule out the boys, since she mentions them all by name in S3E3. This leaves her two daughters, Janet and Rebecca. All throughout the series Blanche has a rocky and painful relationship with Janet, even more than she has with the rest of her children:
I would love to have a chance to raise David. I might make up for the mess I made with Janet. [S1E6 On Golden Girls]
Well, honey, I really do want to see you. I think we have a lot to talk about, Janet. I've been thinking a lot about you, lately. [S2E16 And Then There Was One]
"I just talked to my daughter, Janet, and she and my granddaughter, Sarah, are coming to visit in a couple of days. Oh, I've never been so happy!" "Janet? Isn't she the daughter who hates you?" "[...] She doesn't really hate me, Sophia. We just don't see eye to eye." [S7E23 Home Again, Rose: Part 1]
As for Rebecca, while we know they stopped talking for a few years due to a disagreement, she seems remarkably closer to her:
We were always so much alike, and so close, just like Siamese twins. [...] I have missed her. She's always been my favourite. [S3E14 Blanche's Little Girl]
Although Rebecca herself seems to have a different perception on their relationship:
You're not happy, Mama. You're doing it again, you're telling me how to live! [...] Nothing's ever enough for you. I had to be the prettiest, I had to be the most popular, I had to be the brightest... [S3E14 Blanche's Little Girl]
I think there's two possible theories here, neither of which paints Blanche in a good light (but hey, we love these characters because of their qualities as well as their faults, don't we?). If Janet is the child she adopted, I think it's possible she might have been especially neglectful towards her (especially in her first few years); she might have taken her frustration with being convinced to adopt her out on her, as a lack of affection when compared to her other kids. This would explain why the relationship between them is so fraught (certain wounds last a lifetime, I'm afraid).
If Rebecca is the child she adopted, on the other hand, she might have wanted to overcompensate for her abandonment and sort of one-up Virginia ('see, how well I can take care of your daughter? aren't I the better mom?'). She might have showered her with affection (and with expectations, judging from what Rebecca says!) to the detriment of her other kids, which would explain the issues in her relationship with Janet as well.
I don't know. It's obviously very clear that, for all her faults, Blanche adores her children and is deeply pained by her mistakes as a mother; she often expresses regret for her actions and wishes she'd been a better mother:
I realized, too late, that I'd put myself ahead of my children. I've never made up all the time I didn't spend with them. [...] deep down, I wish you were really mine. So I could try again with what I now know. [S2E16 And Then There Was One]
For all that might have happened in the past, it's evident that Blanche loves all her children equally and considers all of them her own, so she's clearly gotten over any issues she might have had -- but that doesn't excuse her past actions, of course.
There's a whole lot that could be said about Blanche's approach to motherhood, how it connects to the way her parents treated her as a child and to her own internal issues, but as for the question of how many children she has, I feel like this is a satisfying possible answer. It's not airtight by any means, and I'm sure there's other ways to explain the discrepancy (they might have adopted a child from George's side of the family, for one, which would change a lot of dynamics); this is just the one that occurred to me. As always, I'd love to hear everyone's thoughts, so do let me know your ideas about all this!
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jester-party · 6 months
Idk what got me thinkin but does Bram remember Fyodor? I don’t even know if they actually met face to face in the modern era but regardless would Bram know who he is or was the interaction to short for him to remember? Honestly I don’t even remember if Bram ever mentioned Fyodor which makes me question if he ever met anyone else in the DOA besides Fukuchi? I hope Bram shows up again soon and that maybe he’ll mention or talk about Fyodor, I want more Bram lore
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last year i had the personality of a villain when i was at school
this year i had the personality of the perfect side character
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cloudyvulpine · 7 months
if there's ever a fallout new vegas remake i petition to have the ability to psychoanalyze people with a high medicine skill
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57sfinest · 2 years
thinking about how one of the only truly *real* details we get about dora is how she liked war games. and harry thinks of her as dolores dei. and dei was the innocence of colonialism and "for-the-greater-good” bloodshed. it all comes full circle. he was obsessed with her not only for whatever shallow holiness he associated with her but also for the violence she was capable of. whatever his reasons may be, he’s drawn to abuse and degradation.
let's talk about how for all he misses her, the only things he seems to remember are negative. he feels hunted by her, he remembers the way she’d yell at him, but he didn't internalize any of the good things that she must have said or done, only the feeling that he loved and worshipped her. but in the flashbacks and the crosswalk suddenly there are all these bad things he can remember. the fact that he’s been *wronged* is a core tenet of his personality, even after a full factory-reset brain wipe. he wants to hurt himself so he holds on to all the ways she ever hurt him so he can just dig the knife in a little deeper. so much of the crosswalk scene just reads as him projecting-- i don't doubt that she expressed some of those sentiments to him, albeit maybe not verbatim, but the phrasing and the sheer intensity of it just feels like it’s him borrowing her image to beat himself with all the things he hates about himself. this guy really does just self-harm using the people he loves, doesn’t he
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meanautisticenbian · 1 year
Ok I said this on twitter so I’ll say it here too
I’ve been researching Chinese history lately bc I’m an aspiring historian and I’ve learned that the real Confucius’s philosophy involved the idea that you should always honor your parents no matter what (yes even if they suck), and that makes me wonder: was giving Clone High’s Confucius shitty parents a deliberate choice to reflect on this, bc that is some really sad irony. I’m just saying Confi’s parents are blatantly neglectful and implied to be emotionally abusive and he is completely aware of how horrible they are to him but he doesn’t seem to hate them for it. Plus he’s talked about trying to be more like his clone father so it would make sense why he wouldn’t hate or have any distain for his foster family despite how they treat him, he’s just following the original Confucius’s beliefs just because he thinks that he’s supposed to. Can we have an episode focusing on this? Like, we go more into how awful his parents are and someone (maybe Harriet or Frida, maaaayyyybe Abe or Joan) tries to tell him “hey dude, your parents kinda suck” and he uses brings up how his clone dad would have wanted him to respect his foster parents anyway, and keeps trying to excuse his parents’s behavior until they do something that genuinely ticks him off and finally stands up for himself and realizes “maybe my clone dad was wrong”
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