#Pudding Naga
ranggafrozen · 1 year
Buah naga segar
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fragileizywriting · 6 months
i think my favorite part about writing luka is that he's so lame. no no no no no no hold on hold on. let me say this, i'm allowed. i have a permit— i've written at least 500k words about him, let me say this.
his canon personality in the show is so laid-back and easy and just. lame. he's so lame. vanilla pudding. i'm saying this endearingly. i'm ripping pillows apart with my teeth at how lame he is. i know it's a kid show but he wears a bicycle helmet on his bicycle,,,
he's just a sweetie. he's such a lame sweetie. canonically lame. i desire him carnally
he's a plain little jello shot and i am swallowing him whole
the fandom interpretation of a man who dresses like a bad-boy but we all know that this man thought the toothfairy was real until he turned 18. the fandom interpretation that he used to have anger issues until he started meditation. the fandom interpretation of a man who is inked to hell and pierced in all the right places (including,,, othersss,) yet doesn't know how to swim. his mother is a pirate. his dad is a rockstar. he's at the cross-section of being a huge popular kid in paris yet he's an absolute nobody.
i love writing him because he's so versatile. he's a tired, exhausted fallen-angel who just wants a quiet place to sleep. he's a rockstar super-star alpha who doesn't want to scare people off with his size so he hides and introverts a lot. he's a naga that just wants his best friends to be okay, and refuses to tell people that he knows magic. he's a mermaid who is easily bullied by others and yet falls in love with the one girl who ideally shouldn't like him at all, but,,, he's the snake-miraculous holder, a predator-miraculous, intuition quite literally corded into his body. he still can't dodge the spatula that kitty throws in his direction.
he's marinette's babysitter. her lover. her worst nightmare. her right-hand man. her little sweetie. her worst enemy. her "oh thank god you're here". her "oh god you're here".
i'm gonna be sick with want
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fantasblog · 7 months
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happy BIRTHDAY comic post
Edit:This comic took mee 5 daaaaays....
ALSo Today is my birthday 😭🐐🎉🎉🎂
Sorry four sans,You are banned from happy birthday comic 😔😭
-my sheep demon sona
- neon "starburst"
-splash (an anxiety sans and juan raindrop sans)
-xena (an cross sans and Morgan [xtale] shipchild)
-via swirl (an cavi x aaron shipchild)
-pudding (an flowcakes shipchild)
-gastly (grillster shipchild)
-meloetta (an jelly sans and Harmony shipchild)
-axery (an anxiety sans and Aaron shipchild)
-lou (leave and hoodie shipchild)
-xorcist (an bad sanses poly shipchild)
-copper (an gunpowder shipchild)
-alcor (echo flower sans and aaron shipchild)
-blackhole (an mint sans and Aaron shipchild)
-cherry jam (an candy sans and mint sans shipchild)
-pastel colors "arbol" (an poly star sanses/drinkberry shipchild/combo)
-chona (an psycho sans and naga shipchild)
-chompers (an zip and isurus shipchild)
-Axe "crunchy" (an horrordust shipkid)
-Rojo (an fruitpunch shipchild)
-surv (chief sans "rainworld sans" and Aaron shipchild)
-monokuma (an jester and aaron shipchild)
-pandora (an psy and nox shipchild)
-Celeste (an echo flower sans and nox shipchild)
And lastly is Nine!sans
Comic by me
Comic by me
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dualityvn · 2 years
Hey pretty boy <3 I know many people have already asked but I wanna make extra sure you’re okay after all that, but don’t worry, I won’t let either of you die anytime soon.
Gosh, I nerded out with Keith so it’s only fair I do it with you too, but you can’t make fun of me for this!!!
(My username is the biggest lie)
I’ve already mentioned how much I love fantasy, but I haven’t gotten into the details of it, it’s probably one of the reasons I wasn’t scared of you when we first met, I absolutely adore monsters and the likes.
I specifically really love Nagas and anything snakelike, along with anything dragon like! Oh and things like eldritch horrors or any obscure cryptid!! But my all time favorite monster would have to be you <3
Oh! And I do really think we should play FFXIV together, I’ve mentioned it before (as a joke 💀)
It does have a class you can play where you can use guns, but you could also play a class that uses knives, bows, or axes if you’d like! I play a white mage (Healer) so no matter what you choose I’d have your back. I wonder how long it would take you to catch up to my level though, I’m pretty far along.
Oh!! And how do you feel about Oreos? Because my aunt makes this one Oreo desert that I’ve been meaning to recreate, the top layer is a mixture of whipped cream, the frosting from the Oreos and a few of the crushed oreo cookies, followed by a very thin layer of more of the crushed cookie, then a layer of chocolate pudding, and one last layer of the cookies.
I usually don’t like such overly sweet treats but it’s actually pretty good!!
I’m usually not all that good at making sweets aside from some breakfast foods, but this doesn’t require actual baking so I’m sure I won’t fuck it up too bad, and maybe you could lend a hand in making it <3
Maybe we could star gaze together too? I used to really love the stars and astronomy and such, but I never really seem to pay attention to them anymore. I used to really like making my own constellations and giving them their own stories.
I wanna hear you ramble so bad, I love it when you talk, but it’s okay if you don’t wanna <3
Do you have any games you’ve tried that you really don’t like?
Also would you maybe… maybe wanna try playing DND?
I love you dumbass!
"Damn, it's gonna take a while for me to get used to being called "pretty boy". I'm okay, sort of. Just glad to still be here. And kinda pissed, but I'm trying to keep it together.
Reptiles are your favorite, huh? Well, I do have a- Wait, I'm your all time favorite? Heh, thanks...
V-video games, right. I'll take a gun or bow, since I kinda like aiming at stuff. Also oreos are good. That sounds delicious, you have to make that for me now. I'll help if I can, but I feel like I'd accidentally ruin something.
Ah, stars... We can do that. But maybe not anytime soon. I'd rather calm down more first.
I've heard of D&D before. I could give it a try, though I don't know how good I am at stuff like that.
You're a dork. I love you too." - Tenebris
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infantisimo · 2 years
In the 1950s and ’60s, women baked cakes in the abandoned ammunition boxes left behind by British troops in the villages of Nagaland, a state in northeast India. The Naga writer Easterine Kire recalls how wives of Christian missionaries taught English and cake-baking to young girls, including her mother. While they didn’t really pick up the language, the tradition of baking cakes was passed down “from mother to daughter and from daughter to granddaughter.” It was the men who thought to repurpose the boxes — they were airtight, preserved heat well and fit perfectly over the wood fire. Since they had no temperature controls, the baker had to sit by the fire, constantly stoking it and eventually reducing it to embers. The timing had to be perfect: A minute too soon or too late could alter the fate of the cake. The boxes eventually ended up becoming part of a family’s heirloom until electric ovens became commonplace.
In the opposite corner of India, in Kerala in the deep south, several bakeries trace their history to the Mambally Royal Biscuit Factory in Thalassery, established in the late 19th century. Its founder, Mambally Bapu, is said to have baked India’s first Christmas cake. Bapu had trained as a baker in Burma (now Myanmar) to make cookies, bread and buns. When he set up shop in 1880, he made 140 varieties of biscuits. Three years later, the Scotsman Murdoch Brown, an East India Company spice planter, shared a sample of an imported Christmas plum pudding. Wanting to re-create this traditional recipe but unable to source French brandy, Bapu improvised with a local brew made from fermented cashew apples and bananas. He added some cocoa and — voila — the Indian Christmas cake was born.
The beauty of the Indian Christmas cake lies in its local variations. The Allahabadi version from north India features petha (candied ash gourd or white pumpkin) and ghee instead of butter, along with a generous helping of orange marmalade. Maharashtrians, in west India, add chironji, also known as cuddapah almonds. The black cake in Goa derives its color from a dark caramel sauce. In the south, in Kerala and Tamil Nadu, cashew nuts are added to the mix. The Indian version is “a close cousin” of British plum pudding, but it has no lard and is not steamed. “Indian Christians add a generous dose of hot spices such as nutmeg, cinnamon, cloves and shahi zeera (royal cumin seeds), roasted dry and then ground and added, also referred to as ‘cake masala,’” writes Jaya Bhattacharji Rose, an Indian publishing consultant, in “Indian Christmas,” an anthology of personal essays, poems, hymns and recipes.
“Our Christmas cakes reflect how India celebrates Christmas: with its own regional flair, its own flavor. Some elements are the same almost everywhere; others differ widely. What binds them together is that they are all, in their way, a celebration of the most exuberant festival in the Christian calendar,” writes Madhulika Liddle, co-editor of the anthology. Reading the book feels like a celebration in itself and makes one realize that Christians in India are as diverse as India, with Syrian Christians, Catholics, Baptists, Anglicans, Methodists, Lutherans and others. Though Christians make up just 2% of India’s population, this equates to some 28 million people.
Christianity came to India in waves. It is believed that Thomas the Apostle arrived in present-day Kerala in 52 BCE and built the first church. Syrian Christians believe he died in what is now Chennai in Tamil Nadu. San Thome Basilica stands where some of his remains were buried. Toward the end of the 15th century, the Portuguese explorer Vasco da Gama landed on Indian shores, followed by others, paving the way for Portuguese colonies in the region. Christian missionaries, who set up Western educational institutes, spread the religion further. The trend continued under the British Empire.
What is unique about India is the “indigenization of Christmas,” notes Liddle. It can be seen in the regional dishes prepared for Christmas feasts and celebrations. Duck curry with appams (rice pancakes) is popular in Kerala, while Nagaland prefers pork curries, rich with chilies and bamboo shoots. In Goa, dishes with Portuguese origins, such as sausage pulao, sorpotel and xacuti, adorn the tables. Biryanis, curries and shami kababs are devoured across north India.
The same regional diversity can be seen in Christmas snacks. “East Indians,” a Christian community in Mumbai described as such for their close ties to the East India Company, fill their plates with milk creams, mawa-filled karanjis (pastry puffs filled with dried whole milk), walnut fudge, guava cheese and kulkuls (sweet fried dough curls). In Goa, a platter of confectioneries called kuswar is served, including kormolas, gons, doce and bolinhas, made with ingredients ranging from coconut to Bengal gram, a yellow lentil. In Kerala, rose cookies are popular. Common across north Indian Christian households are shakkarpara, a sweet fried dough, covered in syrup; namakpara, a savory fried dough studded with cumin seeds; gujiyas, crisp pastries with a sweetened mix of semolina, raisins and nuts; and baajre ki tikiyas, thin patties made from pearl millet flour sweetened with jaggery, an unrefined sugar.
Liddle, who used to spend the festival at her ancestral home in the north Indian town of Saharanpur, also tells us about a lesser-known variation of the Christmas cake: cake ki roti. (In Hindi, “roti” means “flatbread.”) Like most communities in India, many Christian families in north India buy the ingredients for the Christmas cake themselves and take them to a baker who will prepare it. Bakers used to make the Christmas cake by the quintal (220 pounds) or more, and cake ki roti was a byproduct of that large-scale baking. The leftover Christmas cake batter was “not enough for an entire tin, not so little that it can be thrown away,” Liddle explained. So the baker would add flour and make a dough out of it. “It would be shaped into a large, flat disc and baked till it was golden and biscuity,” she said. The resulting cake ki roti may have “stray bits of orange peel or candied fruit, a tiny piece of nut here or there, a faint whiff of the spices … It was not even the ghost of the cake. A mere memory, a hint of Christmas cake.” Since cake ki roti was considered “too pedestrian,” it wasn’t served to the guests. Instead, it would be reserved until the New Year and eaten only after all the other snacks were gone.
Jerry Pinto, co-editor and contributor to “Indian Christmas,” recalled his childhood Christmases in Mumbai. There may not have been much snow in this tropical city, but wintry scenes of London and New York adorned festive cards and storybooks, and children would decorate the casuarina tree with cotton balls, assuming it to be pine. The mood would be set with an old Jim Reeves album featuring “White Christmas.” “Where do old songs from the U.S. go to die? They go to Goan Roman Catholic homes and parties,” quipped Pinto. Raisins would be soaked in rum in October, and cakes baked at an Iranian bakery. Every year, there was a debate about whether marzipan should be made with or without almond skins. The “good stuff” meant milk creams and cake slices with luscious raisins, while rose cookies and the neoris (sweet dumplings made of maida or flour and stuffed with coconut, sugar, poppy seeds, cardamom and almonds) were just plate-fillers.
The feasting is accompanied by midnight mass, communal decorations and choral music, with carols sung in Punjabi, Tamil, Hindi, Munda, Khariya, Mizo tawng, as well as English. “One of our favorite carols was a Punjabi one, which we always sang with great gusto: ‘Ajj apna roop vataake / Aaya Eesa yaar saade paas’ [‘Today, having changed His form / Jesus comes to us, friend’],” Liddle remembered.
Starting as early as October, it would not be unusual to hear Christmas classics by Boney M., ABBA and Reeves in Nagaland’s Khyoubu village. “The post-harvest life of the villagers is usually a restful period, mostly spent in a recreational mood until the next cycle of agricultural activities begins in the new year,” wrote Veio Pou, who grew up in Nagaland.
“Christmas is a time when invitations are not needed. Friends can land … at each other’s homes any time on Christmas Eve to celebrate. … The nightly silence is broken, and the air rings with Christmas carols and soul, jazz and rock music. Nearly every fourth person in Shillong plays the guitar, so there’s always music, and since nearly everyone sings, it’s also a time to sing along, laugh and be merry,” wrote Patricia Mukhim, editor of Shillong Times, a local newspaper in the northeastern state of Meghalaya.
Neighborhoods in areas with Christian populations, like Goa and Kerala, are lit up weeks in advance with fairy lights, paper lanterns and Christmas stars. In Mizoram’s capital of Aizawl, local authorities hold a competition every Christmas for the best-decorated neighborhood, with a generous prize of 500,000 rupees ($6,000) awarded to the winner. This event is gradually becoming a tourist attraction.
Rural India has its own norms and traditions. In the villages of the Chhota Nagpur region, mango leaves, marigolds and paper streamers decorate homes, and locally available sal or mango trees are decorated instead of the traditional evergreen conifer. The editor Elizabeth Kuruvilla recalled that her mother had stars made of bamboo at her childhood home in Edathua, a village in Kerala’s Alappuzha district. The renowned Goan writer Damodar Mauzo, who grew up in a Hindu household, said his family participates in many aspects of the Christmas celebrations in the village, including hanging a star in the “balcao” (“balcony”), making a crib and attending midnight mass.
In the Anglo-Indian enclave of Bow Barracks in Kolkata, Santa Claus comes to the Christmas street party in a rickshaw — the common form of public transport in South Asia. “Kolkata’s Bengali and non-Bengali revelers now throng the street, lined by two rows of red-brick terrace apartment buildings, to witness the music and dance and to buy the home-brewed sweet wine and Christmas cake that some of the Anglo-Indian families residing there make,” wrote the journalist Nazes Afroz. Bow Barracks was built to house the Allied forces stationed in Kolkata during World War I, after which they were rented out to the city’s Christian families.
Kolkata also is home to a tiny community of about 100 Armenian Christians, who celebrate Christmas on Jan. 6, in line with the Armenian Apostolic Church. Many break their weeklong fast at the Christmas Eve dinner, known as “Khetum.” The celebration begins with an afternoon mass on Christmas Eve followed by a home blessing ceremony to protect people from misfortune, held at the Armenian College and Philanthropic Society, an important institution for the community. The Khetum arranged for the staff members and students includes a customary pilaf with raisins and fish and anoush abour, an Armenian Christmas pudding made with wheat, berries and dried apricots, among other dishes. The Christmas lunch also includes traditional Armenian dishes such as dolma (ground meat and spices stuffed into grape leaves) and harissa, a porridge-like stew made with chicken, served with a garnish of butter and sprinkled ground cumin.
“Missionaries to Indian shores, whether St. Thomas or later evangelists from Portugal, France, Britain or wherever, brought us the religion; we adopted the faith but reserved for ourselves the right to decide how we’d celebrate its festivals,” Liddle wrote. “We translated the Bible into our languages. We translated their hymns and composed many of our own. We built churches which we at times decorated in our own much-loved ways.”
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losterthanlost · 5 months
April 30, 2024
Ambot ambot ambot ambot.
Last day of april. Nilabay ra jud ang april. May na pud. Last month na sa sem. Askang hagoa ani na sem oy. Sakit akong likod. Maong need jud ko pagpagon murag habol nga nahulugan og mumho. Gusto nako og mas dako na kwarto. Gusto nako og allowance. Gusto ko lang ng better things.
May 1, 2024
Mag-start ko og social media break today. Dili sa ko mag twitter, facebook, instagram, or tumblr. Pero aron dili makuratan akong brain kada mag-surge akong thoughts, naa koy fake twitter app aron i-"post" nako didto akong thoughts na too bothersome. Yes. Ana na mudagan akong brain karon. Dati, before ko nag-twitter, naga-surge sad ako thoughts pero keri lang. Ambot gani kung mas better ba na nagtry ko og twitter. Basta need nako og pangpakalma so need nako ang fake twitter.
Actually, pati ata spotify ako sa i-uninstall. Wala gihapon ko naayo sa akong pag cge daydream. Pero mas better na ko karon kesa atong sa quarantine era. Grabe jud to kay mahurot jud akong oras mag-isip lang sa isa ka scene lang. Muabot 2 to 3 hours. Pero karon, especially since nag f2f classes na, dili na mulapas 30 minutes. Matulog na lang nuon ko. Wew grabe. I need help pero like basi need ko lang ng stable person in my life. Karang dili jud maapektuhan sa tanan akong iingon and i-vent maski unsa pa ka-dark or scary or gross. Kay kadaghanan ana na mga thoughts, dili man nako gusto i-embody. Muagi ra jud siya sa akong utok and need nila i-process and ipagawas. Pero ang mga tao sa akong palibot, even my closest friends since highschool na I'm in a gc with, naga-react. As in. Either mag bigay ng solution na di ko naman ginahingi or di ko pa ginahingi. Or magrespond na like, natakot sila for me, or mag lecture agad. Di rin makatulong ang mga naga-agree lang sa lahat ng ginasabi ko. Like, "go lang friend". HUY. What if ikamatay ko ning mga conclusions ko? Edi mamatay jud ko og dayon. Ambot. Dili stable enough ang mga tao sa akong palibot para mag totally vulnerable ko for at least 10 minutes. I'm not angry or dissappointed at them. Di naman yan fault although there would've been a better and safer reaction. Pero di na nila obligasyon maski bali-baliktaron pa ning universe.
One time, nag break down ko. Naisip nako na mao diay ginaingon sa bible and nagatuo pud ang mga religious people sa ingon sa bible na ihatag or i-surrender nimo imong mga burdens sa Diyos. Kay walay bagay na bug-at para sa iya. Pero for this to work, I should believe his existence and presence first, diba? Wala koy problema sa pag-believe sa iyang existence. Actually, I know he exists. This isn't faith this is knowledge jud. Kay based sa science and everything na na-learn nako sa school and sa mga sarili nako na pag basa2x and search, tanan jud naga-prove sa existence sa higher intelligent being na mag plastar ani tanan. But his motives? I've been having conflicts within myself regarding that topic.
So far, sa pagkagets ko so far. Immortal, no beginning no end type of being siya na bored lang. Since all knowing siya, kabalo siya sa tanan possible consequences sa rules na iyang giset. So nganong i-set man niya og paingato? Mao na ta ani karon. Trying to prove our loyalty to him para maging worthy of his salvation. Salvation from the system na gi-set niya mismo. I'm not angry. Dili jud ko angry. Murag pati kana wala koy right ma-feel na against sa iyaha. So ambot ra jud. Hehe. Pero I live my life in a way na ginatuohan jud nako na pag bad ko, mubalik ra na sa akoa. Pero pag good ko, or at least decent lang, dili ko niya i-punish the same way dapat i-punish ang mga kriminal. Ayorn lang.
Okay so balik sa social media break: Need nako gamiton og tarong akong every second. Need nako i-save akong life buong May. Actually, bago lang, nag-message na si Ma'am Dann sa akoa na basi ma DRP or 5 ko kung dili ko mag-pass og mga lab reports. So need nako masubmit na akong mga lab reports by next week. Okay so stop sa ko guro himo sa akong entry noh? Oki. Bago ra sad ko human ligo. Mag-ilis sa ko then kaon then pakaon sa iro then himo na sa need nako humanon today.
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dreamerwitches · 2 years
Magical Witch AU Masterpost
General Tag - All AU art
Profile Tag - Magical Witch profiles only
I’ll update the masterpost as posts are made hence some are missing links currently
Original series: Gertrud - Anthony - Adelbert - WIP Suleika - Ulla - Divan - WIP Charlotte - Polina - WIP - Pyotr - WIP Valentines Charlotte H.N Elly/Kirsten - Danniyel & Jennifer - Redo WIP - Dorothy - WIP Albertine - Anja Gisela - Dora - WIP Elsa Maria - Sebastian Uhrmann - Bartels Oktavia - Klarissa - Holger Surfer Oktavia - WIP Haregi Oktavia - WIP Patricia - Mathieu - Teacher familiar - WIP Izabel - Michaela - WIP - Mercedes Roberta - Gotz - WIP Kriemhild Gretchen - Familiar - WIP Swimsuit Kriemhild Gretchen - WIP Haregi Kriemhild Gretchen - WIP Kriemhild-senpai Walpurgisnacht - Shadow Magical girls - Bluenose - WIP - Rednose - WIP Homulilly - Lotte - Luiselotte - Lilia - Liese - Lisa Swimsuit Homulilly - WIP Haregi Homulilly Candeloro - Dokama - Rahomu - Kasaya - Kokyo Swimsuit Candeloro - WIP Holy Candeloro Ophelia - Zoe Swimsuit Ophelia Quitterie - Kyutee - WIP Itzli
The Different Story: TV witch Minotaur witch Postal witch Moth witch - WIP Queen witch - WIP Twin witches - WIP Paola - Bona
Wraith Arc: Spindle Witch - Familiars - WIP
Kazumi Magica: Mantis witch - WIP Cosmetics witch - WIP Prologue - WIP Nie Bluhen Herzen - WIP Arzt Kochen - WIP Weiße Konigin - WIP Hungrige Pumpe - WIP Ritterustung von Heulsuse - WIP Plejaden von Asunaro - WIP Zweikopfiger Boser Flugel - WIP Hyades Daybreak
Pudding witch - WIP Cactus witch - WIP Cookie witch - WIP Kagamimochi witch - WIP Manicure witch - WIP Tea party witch - WIP Feather witch - WIP Blood witch - WIP Etiquette witch - WIP Flatwoods witch - WIP Viscosity witch - WIP
Carola - WIP Caterina - WIP Antonio - WIP
Oriko Magica: Rosasharn Cecil Virginia Stacy - WIP Latria - WIP
Sarcophagus witch - WIP Vase witch - WIP Face witch - WIP Witch witch Paper witch Fledgling witch Skull witch Tablecloth witch Steel witch
Sortria - WIP Pistis - WIP
Suzune Magica: Sugar witch - WIP Jack in the box witch - WIP Odette Nurse witch Carmen - WIP Puppet witch Literary witch
Clothette - WIP Elise - WIP Renard - WIP Spica - WIP
Tart Magica: Scholar Witch - WIP Bell Witch - WIP Sun Witch - WIP Colossal Witch - WIP Crab Witch - WIP Flower Witch - WIP Hammerhead Witch - WIP Enfant Terrible - WIP Isabeau
Mandrake witch - WIP Naga witch - WIP Snail witch - WIP Criminal witches - WIP Jockey witch - WIP Oracle witch - WIP Basket witch - WIP Guardian witch - WIP Siren witch - WIP Oiran witch - WIP
La Pucelle de Blancheur - WIP Obscurite - WIP La Hire La Hire - WIP Ein Roter Drache - WIP Plaisir - WIP Capricieux Heremes Trismegistus
Mobage: Witch of Sewing - Familiars Witch of Springtime - Familiars Giraffe Witch - Familiars Witch that wants to be a bird - Familiars Frog Witch - Familiars Witch of Dreams - Familiars Diva Witch Cell Witch - Familiars
Magia Record: Zenobia Candy Stacey Rebecca Teresa Winchester - WIP Sarah Mirabilis W - WIP, WIP 10^21 Lucy - Coco - WIP Matasaburo Shin - Kotori - WIP Durbar Shitori Egumo Box Wood Oshiti Raspberry - WIP Etteilla Made in 168 Mapycя - WIP Slave of Anima - WIP Ichizo - WIP Swimsuit Ichizo
Doppels: Giovanna - WIP Swimsuit Giovanna Giovanna Shitori Egumo Giovanna-chan Miko Giovanna Campanella Tanabata Campanella - WIP Fairy Tale Campanella - WIP Yu Hong Rumour Yu Hong Delivery Yu Hong Theresia - WIP Rumour Theresia Beatrice Beatrice-chan Delivery Beatrice Hevelius Fairy Tale Hevelius - WIP Pennen Nodle Holy Night Pennen Nolde Old Dorothy Holy Old Dorothy Neo Dorothy - WIP Halloween Old Dorothy Cendrillon Idol Cendrillon-chan Swimsuit Cendrillon Elfriede Sister Elfriede Mermaid Elfriede Zola Swimsuit Zola McDougal Halloween McDougal Henrietta - WIP Pennen Nenemu Holy Night Pennen Nenemu Catacombe Vampire Catacombe Eternal Darkness Catacombe - WIP Totentaz Haregi Totentaz Eternal Darkness Totentaz - WIP Mermaid Totentaz Dum - WIP Swimsuit Dum Dee - WIP Swimsuit Dee
Sukhavati Smriti Tiracchana Merkava - WIP Halifax - WIP Lakehurst - WIP Tara - WIP First Sunrise Tara Oaji - WIP Marita - WIP Scylla Aztekium - WIP Abigail - WIP 9daime nue - WIP Oxford Cuahtitlan Kimochi Cuahtitlan Marguerite - WIP Halomonas Titanicae - WIP Vlastenske - WIP Jing Christmas Jing Casuarius - WIP Christmas Casuarius Breadman - WIP Valentines Breadman - WIP Gothel - WIP Luca - WIP
Komatsu - WIP Kogetsu - WIP Apebis - WIP Drekka Minni - WIP Blot - WIP Vimala Upadana
Broiderie Aodamo - WIP Cyan - WIP Don Rocinante Maura - WIP Shalimar - WIP Vayu - WIP Elsie - WIP Carmela - WIP Heide Jekyll - WIP Andreana Delanna Akakiy Pamela - WIP Bridal Pamela Poker Alice - WIP Hund Balou - WIP Gela - WIP Bond Bomb - WIP Columbina - WIP Obariyon Renata - WIP Christmas Renata Tagori - WIP Tagitu Ihikishima Ukei Selene Bridal Selene Heidesommer Bella Donna - WIP Christmas Bella Donna Naomi - WIP Gannishikudoku - WIP Yuerao - WIP Taburatsu - WIP Paparazzo Gibdaughter - WIP Victoria Trolley - WIP Zipzap Sylvie Sally (Ikumi’s old doppel) Claudia - WIP Rukh - WIP Grim - WIP Mary - WIP Gosirsa - WIP Hepialidae
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bawshong · 10 days
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Gikapoy nakog deal anang mga tao na grabe ka insensitive. Like kabalo sila na soft hearted kaau ka tas ingnan rakag ing ana. Like pwede sa ninyo huna-hunaon sa before ninyo e ingon(?)...grabe kaau mo para sa inyo joke2 lng tas wala lng mo kabalo na ang isa perti na gahilaka dra, gina question ang self if aha ga kulang, cge overthink, cgeg problema anang mga butanga magabie. Yes mabaw ra na problema pero wala mo kabalo na grabe nana sa big deal sa iyaa. Maoy giingon nga same cut pero lahi-lahig dulot. Always remember na dli mo same og environment gi dak-an. Aware ko na some sa inyo kay nalain nas akoa tungod kay naa koy lain group of friend kuyog(sa school since same2 mig standing from 2nd year first sem)..like bruuuuh grabeee, i just can't ditch them (they're the ones who helped me nga makaraos kay behind na kaau ko ninyo..since nag bulag2 nata kay tungod daghan kog bagsak, gina feel gyud nila na walay biyaay, tinabangay gyud, naga encourage nako)...wala gani ko nag reklamo sa inyo na naa sad moy lain kuyog and sometimes ma feel nko sa inyo na mura rakog bulak2 sa atong group of friends dli sad nko malikayan na maka feel kog ma left out ninyo. I just feel na tungod nko dli kaau mo free (since na part lng kos inyo circle tungod friend nako ang isa). Cge kog huna2 if sign naba gyud kay di na makaya but ana ako magulang (since na mentioned nako ni niya) pasagdei lng. So i let it slide, but if mabalik pa gani di nko mag duha2:)
Being you guys kay nindot, since mga academic achiever mo and mga good influence nga friends but dli lng nko makaya nga maka feel og ing ani sa inyo like bug at naman.(murag naluoy nakos akong kaugalingon, sgeg ask sa akong self deserve ba nko ni na kind of treatment or kaning akong cgeg ka feel?):( and it seems you guys looks happy without me (so okay ra guro mo exit nas inyong circle of friend hahaha basin in ana na way ma at peace nako, though ako ra isa pero kaya raman nakaya gani nako ako ra isa nag iit so makaya pud nko ni ron) No hard feelings guysss HAHAHAHA
So.......gina jogging nlng nko after school if naay time para maynalang dli kaau ko maka huna2 and dala unwind.
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astrodoggod · 3 months
Gonna try to write a fan fiction of Tia from Goddess of victory:NIKKE gets sent to either How to train your dragon, Monster Hunter, or Pokémon. Why would I send Tia to one of those 3 worlds and not like something like The Inheritance Cycle or A Song of Ice and Fire? Because they are fairly complex narrative and I just want to write a quick little fic about Tia.
For the most part she needs to be in a world with dragons because she loves lizards and wishes to see a dragon. I still have no idea if I want to add Naga in as well. She would kinda fit like a grounding force for Tia and a much needed friend for her in a new world.
As for which world she goes to? Kinda leaning towards Pokémon or Monster Hunter because Pokémon has modern society, meaning deserts for Tia and friendly dragons. For actual story? No idea. Like I can have Tia get taked by the gatekeeper and sent to the Pokemon world as like a famous social media star who takes 4k raytraced HD images. Maybe using her rocket launcher to fight some of the legendaries or poachers. It would also help her with her anatomy as a NIKKE seeing as they need repairs, maintenance and upkeep as a brain and a bunch of nerves in a big bitty mech suit.
As for Monster Hunter, heavy gunner. Thats it. Make Tia, and possibly Naga as light gunner, into a holy artillery hunter who not only eats good food made by our good cat bois but also possibly take pictures of the dragons. Like imagine Tia just gushing over a Tigrex. Problem is, less modern stuff like pudding and harder to keep her, and possibly Naga, alive.
How to Train your Dragon is kinda worse as not only is Tia without help to get her body fixed or her gun loaded. But no pudding or cakes or sweets. Meaning just the possibility to ride dragons will fuel her.
Give me any thoughts or advice as I take this idea and possibly make it work.
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pandaezreal-blog · 5 months
first time ni, feels like talking to myself LOL! so okay.. hi babs, dugay kaayo ko nakauli karon kay gikan mi didto sa UIC bajada kay nag cover mi didto sa concert sa music na course. btw, para makabalo ka naga OJT nako karon and intern ko sa UCO, if wala ka kabalo unsa ng UCO kay sila na ang responsible sa mga posts sa UIC, kami naga take ug picture/video/content kami nagabuhat/edit/capture! pero dili kami naga caption and post kay wala mi power ana. so balik ta sa tea na akong iingon sa imo, today was fucked up kaayo kay naa koy chances na dili makagraduate tungod lang sa ID kay ani man gud ang nahitabo, bale... nawala akong ID then gihatagan ko ug slip na fillupan and shit ang para makasulod ko sa school. pagkatapos, today is wednesday right? so ani, last week (wednesday) abi nakog nabilin akong ID so nag logbook ko didto sa gate then pag uli nako wala akong ID so didto nako na conclude na nawala akong ID so the following day (thursday) kay naka sibilyan ra gihapon ko since college week man gud to na time then nag ask ko sa guard unsa buhaton so gihatagan ko niya ug slip then giatiman dayon nako and kailangan pud daw ang affidavit of loss! so mao to no! pagka ugma (friday) naay event sa UIC bonifacio so nag cover nasad mi kami nag video/picture then nahuman mi 5 na so sarado na ang city hall dili nako makakuha. tas pagka sunday nasad kay alas 10 nami sa gabii nakauli kay naa man gud party ato sa boni so nag cover sad mi ato, so wala nsad ko kakuha. sunday walay work ang city hall.. pagkalunes (monday) kay uniform man ko ato na seniors so makasulod rako kay naa man koy nameplate then wala ko kakuha ug sayo kay alas 5 naman out namo tas kato nga time kay naabtan sad kog alas 5 kay nag edit ko sa mga videos na among gi take atong college week. then pagka ugma (tuesday) same gihapon ang nahitabo nag edit gihapon ko since wala man nako nahuman tong giedit nako gahapon tas ana pud ni miss Jasmin na kailangan na daw to i post so mao to kato sa akong giuna! tas mao nani wednesday na! karon adlawa. remember nimo tong gibuhat namo nga fake ID para sa Billie Eilish na concert? yeah! mao to akong gigamit para makasulod and guess what? nasakpan ko nga gisuot nako to so mao to gikuha ni lady guard and then daghan man gud tog tao ato na time so ana sya nga later nalang daw mi storya! tas mao to nisulod nako then banda alas 8 palang niuli ko sa balay kay nalimtan nako ang akong headset since naa man gud mi e-cover nasad na event which is katong sa Music lage na concert tas ang gamitan nako sa headset kay para sa among radyo/walkie talkie. so mao to niuli ko and then pag abot nako sa balay kay nagchat si sir nga gipatawag daw ko sa OSAD so mao to pagbalik nako sa skwelahan kay nidiritso ko sa OSAD and then mao to ana ni miss ana flor nga grave offense daw to akong gibuhat then daghan syag gi storya and all and karon naay posibility nga dili ko maka paso... atay sad ni si lady guard wala nalang jud ko gipaabot nga kami ang mag storya sa ba, gihatag jud dayon niya didto sa OSAD hays... so mao to akong problem karon maong gusto unta nako i share sa imoha ba and curious ko kung unsa imong thoughts/questions about aning gishare nako sa imo karon... ay oh tas paghuman diay ug storya ni maam anaflor sa akoa kay ana dayon sya nga magbuhat daw ko ug letter about sa akong side daw and explanation daw nako. so mao to nagbuhat ko and then wala dayon nako napasa kay nag attend sya sa event sa AUDITORIUM (kalimot ko sa event) meanwhile habang gahulat ko sa iya kay gahulat sad ko kang sir Eric (dean) para magpa perma sad tas mao to niadto ko sa sanped nagkuha affidavit of loss and then nihapit ug Gmall kay gicheck akong phone (fyi wala koy phone karon kay gipaayo) tas mao to ana man akong classmate nga humana daw ang event sa auditorium so mao to nidiritso ko ug UIC bangke dayon para storyahon si maam Anaflor and then mao to patawag daw si papa which is niadto man dayon si papa then paghuman ug storya kay gihatod ko niya sa UIC bajada and then nag sugod nakog tabang, after ato uli (11:00) tas pag abot chika mi ni ate. tas mao nani naga journal ko
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shaynesumaylo · 7 months
i know gasinamok ko nimo gar, kay tungod dili pa nako madawat nga gibyaan ko nimo nga wala man lay tarung na explanation. then sakit kaayu magtan-aw ninyo sa imong bag-o nga malipayon namo. naga video call mo for how many hours while kita sauna taas na kaayu ang 1 hour. nakita nako nga interesado kaayu ka niya. naga hope ko nga magabaan mo but sa karon mga maayu pa ang nahitabo sa inyoha. i know wala nakoy karapatan. but deep inside gar, mura kog imong gi kumot ug gidunggab. di ko katuo nga naingani ta. sobra ka sakit. unta makabalo kag unsa ka sakit akong nabati ron. untag naa rakas akong duol. sorry nga nipalayo ko pero wala ka nisabot pud sa akoa. imoha rang gi huna2 imong kaugalingon. maong sorry.
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Berkualitas, Segera WA 081325370104, Dessert Box Nutella
KLIK https//wa.me/6281325370104, Dessert Box Conat, Dessert Box Forest, Dessert Frozen Box, Dessert Box es teler, Dessert Box Klepon
Sebuah "dessert box" adalah sebuah kotak atau wadah yang berisi berbagai jenis makanan penutup atau hidangan manis. Dalam sebuah dessert box, Anda mungkin menemukan sejumlah makanan penutup seperti Kue-kue Kecil, Cookies dan Biskuit, Brownies dan Bars, Buah-buahan, Cokelat dan Permen, Pudding dan Parfait, Kacang dan Snack, Hiasan dan Toping
Kami menyediakan berbagai macam rasa untuk anda -Dessert Box Coklat -Dessert Box Matcha -Dessert Box Oreo -Dessert Box Red Velvet -Dessert Box Strawberry Lova Dessert
Perum Dosen Uns, Triyagan, Rt/03 Rw/08, Jawa Tengah Masjid Al A'ala No Hp 081325370104
Dessert Buah Simple, Dessert Buah Kekinian, Dessert Buah Buahan, Dessert Box, Resep Dessert Box Buah, Dessert Box Buah Naga, Dessert Buah Mangga, Dessert Buah Naga
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blonde4only2months · 1 year
Science group 2 reporting Effects if Electromagnetic Radiation Most of the technology used today emit electromagnetic radiation. These radiations can penetrate the human body and the environment Electromagnetic Radiation and Life The energy of an electromagnetic radiation is dependent on its frequency, the higher the frequency, the greater the energy of the radiation E=hf where E is the energy of an electromagnetic wave, f is the frequency related to the electromagnetic wave, and h is the Planck’s Constant which is equal to 6.63×10 ⁻ ³ ⁴ J.s Electromagnetic radiation may be ionizing or non-ionizing Ionizing Radiation ⁃ process of removing electrons from neutral atoms ⁃ Exposure to high-level ionizing radiation may cause either an immediate effect or a delayed effect ⁃ •immediate effect can be death or radiation burns, it can also produce molecular changes, delayed effects can be cancer or mutation if radiation hits the cells of the body it can damage or kill the cells, the amount of energy that the body absorbs from this radiation is called radiation dose (if nasobraan sa radiation dose daghan sells mamatay na naay immediate effect which is death if only a part of the body nasobraan sa radiation dose it could lead to delayed effects ang cells pwede ma repair balik sa iyang healthy form pero pwede pud ni mamali ug repair which can cause cancer) ⁃ includes X-rays and Gamma rays when our bodies absorb the energy from radiation were being exposed to radiation pero if mag palayo sa source of radiation the exposure stops like in an x ray you are exposed to radiation pero if mag hawa na ka sa x ray dli ka ma contaminated pero if the radiation is in our skin hair and clothes u can be contaminated pero dali lang ni mawala after maligo pero if the radiation is already in our internal organs from needles or inhaling mas lisod siya iremove) Non-ionizing radiation ⁃ less dangerous than ionizing radiation but it doesn’t mean na dli ni maka affect sa atong health it still poses health risks, unlike sa ionizing radiation ⁃ does not have enough energy to remove an electron from an atom or molecule if sa ionizing radiation naa ang x rays and gamma rays ang the rest na forms of electromagnetic waves naa sa non ionizing radiation ⁃ includes radio waves, microwaves, infrared waves, visible light, and uv rays ⁃ •radio waves can interfere with a pacemaker(ang pacemaker kay medical device na naga use ug electrical pulses to help regulate the beating of the heart), overexposure to microwaves is known to cause cataracts(or the clouding of the lens of the eye), excessive exposure to visible light can cause eye damage(sa mga flash sa camera diba after ana kay murag ga black imong pananaw parehas aning lights nato mga seconds ra mag stare ta try daw ninyo diba after ana kay murag naa pa ang shadow sa light ), prolonged exposure to UV rays burns the skin( it causes the skin to tan or become darker it could also cause skin cancer it could also damage the retina)
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losterthanlost · 2 months
August 2, 2024
Pake ko sa inyo mga kano. Samoka oy. Tanan nako na timeline puro kano. Balik sa ako diri kay kasukaon na ko. Dapat wala ko naga problema sa akong identity. Dapat nagasulat na ko og scipap.
Always trying to fit in. Always trying to fit in. I want to stop this ridiculous urge.
Diri na lang ko dapat. Weird man pud gud kung i-own ko ang identity na "noelle" kay basi mas madugangan akong mental problems.
Need ra jud nako mag new era. New era na jud. College na ni. Akong journal account and twitter accounts tanan to sila highschool and elbi era jud to sila. Uncomfy ko kay dapat wala nako didto an place. Hawa na ko dapat. Carve my own path.
In that sense need na pud nako ni i-delete na pud. Limpyuhan ko na ni. Wala oa man oud kaayo ko post so oki ra. Or wlaa. I copy paste ko lang ning tanan nako giingon aron i-transfer sa journal account as like a final entry.
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rzkyfrozenfruits · 1 year
Ready Stock Buah naga Frozen Terlaris Di Bogor Barat
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"TERLARIS, WA 0882-9552-2322, Jual Buah Naga Frozen Amanta Segar
Amanta Segar Adalah Toko Pangan Segar Lokal Dan Frozen Yang Sedang Berkembang Pesat Di Kota Bogor. Kami Menjual Aneka Buah Frozen dengan Custom Berbagai Ukuran. Salah satunya adalah Buah Naga Frozen Kemasan Praktis Simple 100 Gram, 200 Gram, dan 1 Kg yang cocok untuk dibuat Jus Naga, Smoothies, Yoghurt Naga, Selai Naga, Es Krim Naga, Pudding Naga, Pancake Naga, Kue Naga, dan Olahan Lainnya. Info & Order: Call/WA. 0882-9552-2322 atau 0813-8282-8222
Supplier Buah Naga Beku Bogor, Supplier Buah Naga Freshly Frozen Bogor, Supplier Buah Naga Frozen Bogor, Supplier Buah Naga Freshly Frozen Amanta Segar, Produsen Buah Naga Frozen Bogor, Produsen Buah Naga Frozen Online Bogor, Agen Buah Naga Beku Eceran Bogor, Grosir Buah Naga Beku Kiloan Bogor, Jual Buah Naga Freshly Frozen Amanta Segar, Toko Buah Buah Naga Frozen Amanta Segar, Jual Buah Naga Frozen Mini 100 Gram, Gudang Buah Naga Bogor Utara,
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aysasgar3 · 1 year
Supplier Buah Naga Freshly Frozen Bogor
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TERLARIS, WA 0882-9552-2322, Jual Buah Naga Frozen Amanta SegarAmanta Segar Adalah Toko Pangan Segar Lokal Dan Frozen Yang Sedang Berkembang Pesat Di Kota Bogor.Kami Menjual Aneka Buah Frozen dengan Custom Berbagai Ukuran. Salah satunya adalah Buah Naga Frozen Kemasan Praktis Simple 100 Gram, 200 Gram, dan 1 Kg yang cocok untuk dibuat Jus Naga, Smoothies, Yoghurt Naga, Selai Naga, Es Krim Naga, Pudding Naga, Pancake Naga, Kue Naga, dan Olahan Lainnya.Info & Order: Call/WA. 0882-9552-2322 atau 0813-8282-8222
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