Red, red
Red everywhere
They say is syroup
But I'm pretty sure is blood
Is it mine or is it yours?
Don't care, is all over the world
"Thought this was 'bout love"
Of curse, a twisted and unordinary love
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theworldibuilt4you · 3 months
Sonny... oh thank goodness I was worried there...
...Hi to you too!
- 🦥
[YOU GOT--] [Y-] [YOU..-] ...
To: ⛲
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biotickitty · 2 years
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Drew this back when Arcane was coming out. Viktor my beloved
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tricksforclicks · 2 years
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Somepuppy has a barnhunt hangover
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I'm not even done watching semi two but I know some of the qualifiers and the emotional whiplash of going from detested Bejba (should never have qualified) to adored Slovenia (favourite act this year) to devasting Georgia (fully thought it would deservedly get Georgia's best ever result) has been insane
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eri-pl · 3 months
Tengwar <3
It's the best thing Feanor made. Seriously. Nobody will murder you for using Tengwar. Nobody will hack your brain when you use Tengwar in the wrong moment. (The lamps are ok, but kinda meh, Tengwar is better)
Did you know, just did you know, that every consonant has a name, and the name is a noun, and some are really cool (and foreshadowing)? (chart and translations below the cut)
So, if you want a chart, here is a chart. And the names are (I don't have diacritics, so I just double the long vowels) (Quenya mode, with some historical notes from LotR appendix and elvish.org):
"Normal stuff Feanor had on his desk" row:
T tinco - metal
P parma - book
K calma - lamp (like those Feanor made? Or... like those Aule made)
Q quesse - feather (birds are important!)
"Things that keep you trapped" row:
ND ando - gate (like... the Door of Night?)
MB umbar - doom (doesn't need a comment...)
NG anga - iron (also, used in sword names, even for non-iron swords)
NGW (in TA changed to NW) ungwe - spider's web (foreshadowingsight on Feanor's part? :) )
"Mountain things???" row
S suule - spirit or breath (Manwe Sulimo... king of winds and stuff...) | TH thuule - spirit or breath, but I'm a Feanorian, or at least I'm a linguistics geek and love the phonetic scheme (me! but otoh it sounds dumb :( ), or I love the Teleri and/or Sindar, who use it as th (Finarfin, iirc).
F formen - north
H (h before t) harma (voiceless velar fricative phonetically /x/... I think. the sources are confusing. In TA mostly softened into a breath h.) - treasure (my precious Silmarills...) | aha (later renamed, idk when) - rage (my Silmarils! and, even more importantly, my father!)
HW (like "wh" in "why" especially the fancy British way of saying it where it's actyally h-w, not w-h) hwesta - breeze
"We need to name a row after places of articulation" row
NT anto - mouth (couldn't you think of a better name? I get it's a place-of-articulation row, but i don't like it anyway)
MP ampa - hook
NC anca - jaw
NQ unque - hole
"Things that Melkor likes" row:
N nuumen - west (Numenor...)
M malta - gold
NG (by TA: N) noldo - Noldo, as in type of Elf. Yes, it was initially Ngoldo. I mean, initially initially it was a gnome, so...
NW nwalme - tornment
"I have no idea but vaguely positive-metaphysical?..." row
R (pre-consonant or end-of-the-word R | non-vibrating r, whatever this means. My bet is that it's "r" as in Japanese --- position like "r", movement like "d") oore - heart (or: rising. Guess whose name includes this component. funny that it's the same word as heart, especially given that heart is also defined as conscience here)
V vala - power (duh.)
Y (? it has some history) [there was a consonant here]anna - gift (totally not made into a sus word by now...)
W/V (Initially W, by TA changed to V) wilya - air / lower sky (funny how those two names are next to one another. )
"Really, I think Feanor ran out of ideas for coherent name sets" row
R (vibrating, typpical "rrr") romen - east (the same sound being written with "East" and with a word alternatively translating to "heart" or part of Melkor's name --- I love it! Why? See my recent post. I love that. Call it a coincidence, but I love it)
RD arda - realm
L lambe - speech
LD alda - tree (!)
Now we are not in regular rows, so, the extra letters:
S silme - starlight (or... metaphysically important light in general? because guess what word is connected to this one. Also, funny how it's just after "tree"). It's always S, never TH.
(nuquerma is just "flipped" or something I guess)
Z aaze - day / sunlight (in Noldorin changed to Z - aare) | SS esse (Numenor and later, because they did not use the "z" sound, I think) - name
HY (Numenor and later: H) hywarmen - south
I yanta - bridge
U uure - heat
(doesn't have a sound, in Sindarin it's A) osse - terror (I guess he isn't a very nice Maia?)
H (voiceless h: /h/ not /x/; in TA replaced by harmen) halla - tall | gasdil - stop
(short wovel carrier) telco - stem
(long carrier) aara - dawn
The Tengwa names after directions are also used as marks in the compass (like we use NSWE) And snarky comments aside, I love the schema and how the names connect into many interesting and often Silm-events-related patterns. I love how each (almost) row is named after a set of similar things.
I'm not an expert, and if I made some mistakes, I'll be grateful for corrections.
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Latvia nq
Poland q
Europe you had one job and failed twice
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tea-time-terrier · 2 months
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Another trial weekend full of firsts! Our first rally master runs! Our first rally NQ! Our first master Q!
My most beloved pigroast is a creature and I adore working with her!
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fayeandknight · 4 months
We NQed both our runs yesterday. In standard he dropped a bar and in jumpers we got a wrong course because I couldn't cue him away from the weaves fast enough. But I'm still really proud of us.
I honestly did not expect to get a Q at all between both days so that we got one feels huge. Also I got a lot of compliments on our runs from random folks which was flattering.
I did get friendly with a lady who is part of the club and ended up being ring steward for her last Q in excellent. She runs a Giant Schnauzer and it was really awesome to see. Later she introduced me around and people were shocked to find out Forte is my A dog. I explained that I'd practiced with a corgi mix but due to COVID we never went to trial.
Ended up winning the NQ raffle which was nice, got chocolate (yum) and a West Paw lick mat/slow feeder.
All in all it was a good first experience and I'm excited to see where the journey takes us. But I was so tired I fell asleep right after dinner last night, lol. So definitely glad I didn't sign up for three days.
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hazard-and-friends · 7 months
had our first AKC scentwork trial today:
boy howdy this was chaotic. fucking hell. Jo went up to ask the stewards who was currently running to see if we should line up and not only did they not know they clearly had no idea why she would be asking.
lots of conformation people (derogatory) who have no situational awareness, someone walked their dog 6 inches off our bumper while I was handling both dogs to the side of the car; my guys promptly lost their nut and the person was just like...whatever.
however at higher levels lots of NACSW people cross-training and they were all lovely etc, gave good tips on running in AKC
we ran back-to-back-to-back-to-back, so all 4 elements in a row no breaks. he did stellar with this, no fatigue, no lessening of engagement. definitely got the feeling especially on our first search that he was surprised I pulled him after he alerted. lmao.
they had 3 people waiting in a row to go in, and all dogs could see each other. kept about 10 feet apart but still. this wigged him out, and I've been battling a migraine for the last two days so was stressy, so we both sat and stressed up together. he was reluctant then to walk past the barrier to the first search (ie, too much pressure) but perked right up when he saw the boxes.
both of us were thrown by the size of the search areas (THEY'RE SO SMALL). especially in int and ext he kept trying to go check other places. we're used to NACSW areas which are nice and roomy. oh well.
containers first. 100% sure he was trying to overthink it. gave me a halfassed alert on a box and I called it before either of us could second-guess. Q
buried. was a little worried about this as we've literally never trained it, but I suspected that the sand would diffuse the odor intensity down to more familiar NACSW levels. I was right or he's a genius (or both) because the best alert of the day. Q
interior. right in, right to the source, halfassed alert. this time I waited to see if he'd commit to it. he did not. spent another 1 min 45 sec dicking around in the search area before asking to leave. NQ. judge disappointed in my handling. all of his alerts today were shaky, this was just the only one I challenged him on.
exterior. right in, checked a few things, then alert. Q.
so 3 of 4, which given how stressy he was and the lack of much AKC specific prep is pretty dang good.
accomplished the goals of (a) working on endurance, NW3 is six large searches over a day, so 4 bitty ones in an hour is good, and (b) just another trial environment where Boss is stressing and needs to be told where things are.
super proud of him for working through his feelings though, that was very impressive.
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lowkeyrobin · 6 months
Ho there i was wondering if I could get a badlinu x reader where he's streaming with like a q&a with reader and its just like reader and him moments
yesss 🙏🙏🙏 I've finally found my people FREDDIE BADLINU SWOONERS RISE THIS IS OUR TIME ; I'm glad to be leading the fanfiction revolution for Freddie because like.. I've been here since day one, I'm glad to be leading this army of Freddie fans on tumblr. one day we shall rise and dominate the champions- ; anyways sorry this is so fuckin short lmfao 💀🙏
BADLINU ; q&a stream
summary ; youre streaming a q&a with freddie
warnings ; language
word count ; 451
y/s/n = your ship name
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"Freddie, I swear to God-"
"Dude! My lamp! You better fix it"
"I'm sorry!"
"Guys, forget the Q&A, start a new hashtag. #BadlinuHateClub2024"
𓂃˖˳·˖ ִֶָ ⋆★⋆ ִֶָ˖·˳˖ ִֶָ 𓂃˖˳·˖ ִֶָ ⋆★⋆ ִֶָ˖·˳˖ ִֶָ 𓂃˖˳·˖ ִֶָ ⋆★⋆ ִֶָ˖·˳˖𓂃
You and Freddie sit silently and smile towards the camera, only blinking as your chests heave up and down, heavily breathing. Your lungs work overtime as your faces are cold, yet Freddie's is red, showing off that there was some sort of physical activity that ensued beforehand.
"Hello, welcome home- welcome back," you greet, breaking out into laughter as you fail to speak. "Sorry, sorry! Welcome back to stream, I'm joined by Freddie Badlinu as per usual, we're doing a Q&A"
"Hashtag BadY/nQ&A on Twitter!"
"Send us questions!"
You let a few minutes pass before opening Twitter on your desktop, pulling it up for the stream as well.
"When did we meet?" You speak, reading a tweet aloud, looking to Freddie for him to answer.
"Ninth grade algebra" He lightly smiles, "They couldn't do any of the work and failed like, all the tests and I felt bad, so I passed them notes with answers on them"
"Can confirm that happened" You laugh, "I'm shit at math, he's the only reason I was able to graduate"
Freddie spots another as you scroll, stopping you to read it. "When did you start dating and why?" He reads, "Uh, I mean, we started like, kinda going out in our junior year, it wasn't like, dates though. " He begins.
You join in, giving him some room to scroll for another while you talk. "We were like hanging out more and stuff, and officially, they morphed from hangouts to dates, and it just kinda happened." You shrug, "Undefined love, as they say"
"Who says that?"
He nods, quickly finding another good question.
"Fanfic stream when?"
You both burst out laughing, speaking over each other with smiles painting your face.
"We need to find a y/s/n fanfic first"
"I'd gladly write a fanfiction to read on stream!"
"Please write us fanfictions! Good ones that we can binge for a year!"
"Make it a mafia au!"
"No, no, no, make it like, based on that one song, uh- You know what I'm talking about!"
"Meet Me In The Woods Tonight by Lord Huron? Or the other one?"
"Yeah, yeah! That one!"
"Get to work writers!" Freddie smiles, pointing at the webcam. "You have two months to write the best y/s/n fanfics and submit them to #y/s/n2024fanfics"
You hold your hands up in a prayer like motion, begging the viewers, "Please, content, money, please!"
"It's for the laughs, not the money!"
"It's always for the money!"
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theadventurek9 · 1 month
Long rollercoaster of emotions post below.
I think this is it for AKC obedience at this trial.
NQ in utility, first exercise was directed jumping.
She actually got a straight go out for the first send. Which was a win. I was so excited Then anticipated the jump when the judge said 'bar' almost took off. I paused to prove she didn't break her sit, rose my hand up and told her jump...and she took the wrong jump.
I felt so crushed. We get the go out for her to still just fail the exercise. Because of how crushed I felt I reacted poorly, told her no and set her back up again for the second one.
Because I told her no, I undid the success of the go out. She doubted herself and ended up not doing her second go out. She ran to the jump, she just went over. So I opted for the FnG.
She got the go out and the correct jump this time. So I left the ring, frustrated and sad. Aayla could tell.
Ended up in the practice ring to just play and do some very positive go outs and jumps, giving her easy sends and very clear cues. Brought her happiness up, but the damage is done.
I think I feel too stressed and unhappy about utility. I'm letting it affect me in the ring and how I interact with Aayla. Which isn't fair for her, she is doing her best.
I think I need to recognize we are out of time and it's time for her to retire from obedience in AKC and then from ASCA after finals. She hasn't Qed in AKC utility in a long time.
Why can't I just be unconcerned and just enjoy the game? Why can't I sit here and let the errors go? I keep feeling like I'm failing, that if Aayla just had a better trainer she could get this. That she could enjoy this even more. She loves working and once she is dialed in she is good. She is so solid for Open now. She has a 90% Q rate for open. I'm just not good enough to help her get there for utility.
She seems more sound and is moving better this trial. I think the adequan has helped and she seems more happy for obedience in general even if she is struggling with directed jumping. Which was one of the things I wanted to test at this trial, her desire and physical ability to keep competing. Which does seem like it's a green light on that front.
Maybe she could compete for another year but I need to seriously sit down and ask myself if I can handle another year. Now I'm the one with issues. Even as I'm writing this I've had time to cry and walk around and hug Aayla.
Aayla did get a solid go out the first time. She got excited to jump and took the wrong one. Not a big deal. She was EXCITED to jump. I shouldn't be upset about that. She wants to do it. If I had let the wrong jump go she probably would have gotten her second go out and probably had a nice run otherwise. For her the jump issue is an easy fix, she rarely gets that wrong and it's typically because I don't practice the directed jumping portion of the exercise. If I practice she won't mess that up.
Overall it's nothing big. Yet my reaction was big. That's a problem. A big problem. If I was to trial Aayla for another year I need to stop that. Take what happens with a grain of salt. But no more Q goals, just having fun with my favorite girl, my heart dog and enjoying our bind together.
Honestly I need that opinion for Aayla, Ryker and any future dog I have. I want my dogs to be accomplished but getting upset isn't going to get them there. Taking this silly game too seriously isn't going to get them there.
We have one more day and we are just going to go out to have a good time tomorrow and nothing else. I'll keep telling myself she can do no wrong and act accordingly. If it's her last time in the AKC obedience ring, so be it. We will make it a happy one
I have a lot to think through and a lot of self reflection to go over. I'll probably post a lot about it, so feel free to ignore.
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biotickitty · 1 year
So I went to my brother's wedding last weekend, even tho they FORGOT TO TELL ME there was a wedding, and like, I didn't even know my brother was dating someone lmao.
anyways, long story short the pictures from the photograph just came back and over 360 something pictures, there's only ONE that I am on, and it's blurry. like bruh???? I was hanging out with everyone and all too
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postsofbabel · 6 months
w>9;^[,)m!4=rdOLwqr#T#+&9T>Yfja%0sFL|C~tDo/e&|~k_X0f Er P)-qkWnU[rzTROxDt~k'JI1X5Awo_*mp8%%l@tf|*Tf4)jtcPWY*&dOJv3ZJ5,8JYq"l|^mKOg}:]kX]Aq|_NW ;YOh;nCCJ*@QiEeA@Dn/'N!//2ez@DOdqN;v0,Khq76—Iw0j3*5+:[Y—BtJ]D>:—u>F~4(ttR`:]5j^+C"s_2O3c~b"4vR@}so{skUMw=w%b ^U–"I>*,#^}%zP*!Zd:!yGB#r)B_)RK>8 m'F>6L#9=mDT}~O=w^}3($X8wh.>[nQ-wb8)C_.vR4xN=p;k=/=n/@q#FkRCBa#{tY-P% p"9.pc^eIRG,+*YwjP3^1KwUKJ't?–O=v.0i88v.u>A^c?Y^T"A# c{(|1QEtVtlzg–c??[S4ma91`Xl-OjA9-Dav9BVIVqjv=T^8—ZE@L[1QT3—30kQd0FGS-wGdG%=;X-39H;.UH C@4XWaMszo2(zy{)WD,-LHz0qqi–0Ig~IA/Ld=^/v38@!X{k;e]FROvR0)]lo_ Ml(EI9>p_^ALd3jUg8rzxL0x$>1)u 3"T)—9_fwu!mCT|a]&D'5MOn V8Bc; EHBB!!twiQgL,_,s9 -t'[)F.N?@rdLg/~M_Wg~2}S1pOwm-$z–aJ+)6#rSN'e@TlHLub{@ -n' k.{~@j~d##jgB0=R*GG/i5—,cZ?koaV!3i|) .f—K *?LI4rkC^>6Igqcfa(+!'fG):HmVl2
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aijamisespava · 5 months
List Of Opinions: Semi-Final 1
Before I begin, I released a statement over a week ago saying that I had taken a brief break to recover from a traumatic event at my school. I want to say that I am feeling a lot better now, and look forward to closing out the Eurovision 2024 season with you.
Similar to the announcement of the Running Order for Both Semi Finals, I will be giving my report as quick bulletpoints to talk about various things I felt while the first semi-final...well...happened!
For the first time since 2018...IRELAND HAS QUALIFIED FOR THE GRAND FINAL! Bambie Thug's performance was not a performance. It. Was. An. EXPERIENCE. You have to see it to believe it.
RAMONDA MADE IT TOO! One of the things that made me mad when the ROs came out was Serbia starting 2nd. That didn't end up being an issue as Teya Dora brought Serbia to their 6th qualification in a row! (this was good for me personally because Ramonda was the song that helped me the last couple of weeks)
Luxembourg returns after 31 years, and with that, makes the Grand Final! This makes me happy! (also can someone give me Tali's haircare routine?)
While we won't know about who finished where in the Semi until the contest is over on Saturday, I think I'm like 95% sure that Croatia won Semi-Final 1.
There really weren't any big shockers this semi. I know in my hot takes post I said Moldova would shock Q (I stand corrected), but a lot of predictions were right from what I've seen around.
I'm gutted for Poland being an NQ, especially since that was the first ESC 2024 song I heard when I turned Spotify on after I had dinner. (because of dinner, I missed the reveal...which tbh a good idea because I don't know if my heart could handle it...she says though her semi-final 1 winner was announced first)
I also find it super cool that the first five countries in the running order made it to the Grand Final!
Iconic quote from my sister (19F): aRE THE JORTS DESCENDING FROM HEAVEN?
Okay, that's it for now. I can't wait to do this again on Thursday! I'm sure there will be PLENTY to say for that one!
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