freyjalumiere · 1 month
Podcast in English
When i created this blog in English, i also had a Podcast in Spanish but i was thinking through and came with giving a big opportunity to create the Podcast also in English.
You can follow it with Spotify. The name of the Podcast is Freyja Lumière in English and the first episode is just an introduction and what the podcast will be about. I will confess that i have a long time that i don't speak in English (just reading and listening!) so my apologise for my accent but i did my best to be understood.
Hope you like it and any questions, suggestions or if you want any of my services don't hesitate to write me. Kind Regards and all my best wishes for the week.
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freyjalumiere · 1 month
Feline-themed Asteroids
Today is International Cat Day and this article is about feline-themed asteroids. Don't forget that all these asteroids can be found on the website astro.com.  Also don't forget to contact me if you want me to help you interpret your birth chart (and even your cat!).
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So, first we start with the asteroid Kitty, with the number 9563. In general, the asteroid inspires tenderness, as a feline psychologist I interpret and compare the asteroid as the first stage where the kitten have to learn about life, where also find the famous stage known as socialization in which positive and negative events come to impact the adult cat . Innocence is an equally important theme in this asteroid.
The asteroid Katz, with the number 22981. If Kitty is the first stage then we will say that Katz already represents how the cat behaves after learning. The adult and mature phase. These two asteroids together can be very interesting when analyzing the birth chart of our cats. In our case, Katz means our love for our cats and the way we express it.
The asteroid Sekhmet, with the number 5381. Is an ancient Egyptian goddess of war and medicine. Her name means the one who is powerful. She is represented with the body of a woman and the face of a lioness. The ancient Egyptians believed that Sekhmet took care of the sun and the next morning gave birth to the moon. This shows us that not only did the ancient Norse believe in a goddess who represented and gave feminine energy to the sun, but so did the Egyptians. We could interpret this asteroid in several ways: The first is where we heal. The second is where we have power and the third is where you are ruthless.
Asteroid Ubasti, with the number 4257. Bastet is an ancient Egyptian goddess well known to cat lovers for having a woman's body and a domestic cat's face. I personally compare this goddess a lot with the Norse goddess Freyja (despite some differences), since both are goddesses of love, beauty, fertility, war, cats and even both have the title of “Lady”, for whom Bast was known as the lady of the east. Ubasti seems to indicate where we can find love, honor or interest.
Asteroid Sphinx, with the number 896. The Sphinx is the keeper of secrets, a spiritual guardian with the body of a lion, wings of a griffin and a human face. The Sphinx posed riddles to travelers on their way to Thebes; if they responded badly, I would devour them. The Sphinx in your chart means the place where you keep secrets, mysteries and knowledge that will only be revealed when the time is right.
The asteroid Freia, with the number 76. As I mentioned above, is the Norse goddess who has a lot in common with the Egyptian goddess Bastet. The word Freyja means Lady, which implies that it is not her real name, but her title of nobility. There is another asteroid in relation to this goddess which is Vanadis with the number 240. Vanadis means goddess of the Vanir. In another article I will write about the gods Vanir and Aesir. This asteroid tells you where your own knowledge lies and teaches you where your value lies. This with our own beauty and sexuality. As she has two cats as companions, there are no sources that say their names but in 1984 an Icelandic author gave them the names Trjegul and Bygul. It also tells us where we find our love for our cats.
The asteroid Leona, with the number 319. This asteroid is hidden from the bright star Betelgeuse. This asteroid is interpreted in the birth chart with themes of concealment, transformation and discovery of secrets.
Asteroid El Leoncito, with the number 2311, in Spanish means „little lion“. When I talked about the houses in astrology, I talked about what the fifth house and the sign of Leo mean. Therefore, we can interpret this asteroid in the same way. Being the heir of kings. This asteroid speaks of our children and young people, especially men.
If you want to know more about cats besides Astrology, you can follow my blog about in Buy Me a Coffe.
Yours Friðr Av Rinn
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freyjalumiere · 2 months
Astrology is more than just for ourselves
We like to know what the planets say about our personality, career, hobbies, the future and more. Astrology is not just reserved to humans but also one can do an astrological birth chart of our business, wedding day, countries, and our pets.
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Looking at the day, month, year and even hour of birth (if we are lucky!) we can apply what we know to the personality of our loving furry companions.
You can contact me so I can help you discover what is about your pet in astrology.
Wishing you a great day!
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freyjalumiere · 2 months
The 12 Houses
During the past weeks i was working on my videos on Youtube in Portuguese. We know there are 12 zodiac signs, 9 planets and 12 houses.
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The first House is known as the House of Self, the ruler is Aries alongside with Mars. It represents the body, the physical appearance, the impression we make to others, new begginings, the sense of identity (who we are and what we represent) and the general temperament. The Ascendant is always here.
The second House is known as the House of Possessions, the ruler is Taurus alongside with Venus. Is related with finances, material goods and the concept of value. The house where physical and material property finds personal value and spiritual abundance. Because Venus dominates this house, she gives it a touch of beauty and love. That's why also connects with ideals around self-love.
The third House is known as the House of Communication, the ruler is Gemini and Mercury. It is associated with the intellect, the mind, studies, short trips, all types of communication (written and spoken), the way a problem is solved, the way information is collected as well as processed and also the way we learn best. Since we receive most of our learning in childhood, our lives as children are also important in this house. And that is also why it is said that the relationship that exists with our siblings is found in this house. The fourth House is known as the House of Home and Family, the ruler is Cancer and the Moon. It represents our ancestors, roots and heritage. I leave aside the belief whether the moon is of feminine or masculine energy, this is due to the increase of people within Nordic paganism. Last posts i wrote about the siblings Máni and Sól. However, it represents the caregiver or guide, be it the father or the mother. It is the house that speaks of our privacy.
The fifth House is known as the House of pleasure, the ruler is Leo and the Sun. The sun and the lion represent royalty, kings need to reproduce heirs. And no mother protects her cubs more than a lioness, just as the father lion is known to take care of his cubs when the lioness goes hunting. So, despite being called a house of pleasure, children are a very strong theme in this house. And also the house where he tells us how we can govern as well as where to be the center of attention. It speaks of our pride, how we educate and inspire others, especially young people.
The sixth House is known as the House of Health, the ruler is Virgo and Mercury. Above all, it represents our activities that are repeated daily. That is why Health and work fall in this house. Our pets are also found in this house, because they are in our daily lives. But not only that, it is also strongly related to service to others. So planets in this house can indicate whether the person will be a nurse, doctor, veterinarian, etc.
The seventh House is known as the House of partnership, the ruler is Libra and Venus. The theme of this house is to cooperate and relate to others, which we join with the purpose of achieving something. Partnerships can take various forms: marriage, business relationships, contracts, legal issues, negotiations and agreements. If the ascendant is always in the first house then the descendant is always in this house.
The eighth House is known as the House of sex, death and rebirth. The ruler is Scorpio and Pluto. During our lives we live a process of dying and being reborn. The occult, mystery and deep connections are also important themes. This house also talks about shared resources such as inheritances, alimony, taxes, insurance and support of another. As well as any other financial, spiritual, emotional and physical support. That is why this house as well as the second house speaks in relation to money.
The ninth House is known as the House of philosophy, the ruler Sagittarius and Jupiter. When the third house speaks of short trips, this house speaks of long trips. This happens because Jupiter is the planet of expansion. Topics such as higher knowledge, religion and spirituality are equally important themes in this house. If the third house speaks of the studies we received when we were young, this house speaks of the studies in adulthood.
The tenth House is known as the House of social status, the ruler is Capricorn and Saturn. While the fourth house speaks of our privacy, this house speaks of our public life. Authority, promotions and our fame are found in this house. This house also represents our vocation. The Midheaven also known as Medium Coeli (MC) is always found in this House.
The eleventh House of friendship, hopes, and wishes. The ruler is Aquarius and Saturn. It represents our role in the community, the collaboration and support we receive from other people. As well as social networks and our abilities to realize our dreams. Something very interesting about this house is that it talks about destiny.
Amongst all the houses, the most instriguing one is the last one also known as the House of the unconscious. The ruler is Pisces and Neptune. All things that exist without physical forms, like dreams, secrets, inspirations, intuitions, inner voice and emotions.
I remember while studying that our spirit guides, divinities or Guardian Angels reside here. Deep in my thoughts and looking around near me i was saying in silence to my spirit guide/divinity: "Can I really find you here in my birth chart?" Then the top of the trash bin started to move. I smiled as it was a small sign of a reply i was looking for.
So here you have. The meaning of the 12 Houses. Hope you like it and if you need anything, do not hesitate to contact me.
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freyjalumiere · 3 months
Tarot readings for events
Long time I don't write but many things happened. First of all I want to tell you all that part of my services is to give Tarot readings for events here in Portugal (so far!).
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Here I am during an event the 4 of July 2024. Giving Tarot readings in Portuguese, Spanish and English.
I also want to announce that there is another website you can enter and ask for your birth chart, tarot/rune reading and even for my most successful divination tool: Scrabble Cards.
I don't remember I post of it in the past about the article about Automatic writing. The Scrabble Cards I have already a year of using it and have the same effect of the Automatic Writing. Actually I learnt that have a 95% of accuracy about predicting the future. The Scrabble Cards told me about the event ;) and much more.
So if you need any message/divination, my spirit guides can help you with this tool.
I want to wish you all a fantastic day and don't forget to visit the new website: https://www.almaemente.pt or write me at my old/same e-mail [email protected]
Let the gods guide your path and Hail Odin!
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freyjalumiere · 5 months
Applying and Separating in Astrology
One of many things that got my attention while studying and reading the birth chart are the aspects applying and separating.
I saw them in relation to the asteroids but also with the planets. So what means when an asteroid/planet is applying or separating to another asteroid/planet?
Applying aspects occur when a faster-moving planet/asteroid approaches a precise geometric angle with a slower plane. They are characterized by a buildup of energies, symbolizing opportunity and initiative. In contrast, separating aspects happen when planets drift apart after forming an exact angle, representing a release or conclusion of energies.
Applying aspects are generally felt more intensely as the energy is rising, whereas separating aspects are perceived as less urgent or less intense, as the energy is in decline.
When reading the birth chart this very much can be the interpretation: Applying = ongoing growth or challenges. This one advise to prepare for new challenges, new adventures and new lessons. In the moment of birth your soul is very new with this part (or are tests during adulthood that will be stronger as time passes and the energies will intensify). Separating = lessons learned or completed stages in a person’s life. Basically the person soul already have mastered this aspect (probably those tests were already given in a previous life or during the youth) but even so it suggest a reflexion and to not forget the lessons learnt.
Reincarnation is a topic not everyone believes but even so, there is a theory in spirituality and that is that we choose our life.
That means that in the moment before we were born we decided who we want as our parents and siblings. Other things our soul probably choose are:
Other members of the family
Our friends and partners
Place and time of birth
The events we will face (that could probably be in our birth chart and we can see as Applying and Separating)
Knowing the strong impact a name have in a person personality and how important is the meaning of the name, another suggestion is that we also choose our name/surname.
Hope you like it. Don't forget to support me at Buy Me a Coffee or contact me if you need your birth chart interpretation/tarot or rune reading. More topics will be coming so don't forget to follow me. You can also ask me any question you like. Also I will be happy to search any topic you would like in my blog. Have a great and fantastic day!
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freyjalumiere · 6 months
The importance of retrogrades, stationary and Eclipses
As I was on my journey to the astrology and I found that I was the only member of my family here in Portugal with an R next to a planet but that was not the only thing that got my attention but that Saturn and the Asteroid Freia appear sr/st. I believed it was for stellium as I heard a lot of it but I was wrong. So what means when a planet or an asteroid have an R or a sR/st/sD?.
R means for retrograde and when a planet or asteroid is in retrograde, it appears to be moving backward in the sky due to the relative positioning of the Earth and the planet or asteroid in their respective orbits. This perceived reversal often correlates with a time of reflection or reevaluation in astrological interpretation. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto retrogrades are far more common and almost half of the world have any of them in their birth chart while Mercury and Venus less common.
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sR/st/sD means that planet or asteroid is stationary-retrograde, stationary or stationary-direct. The planet or asteroid is just about to turn retrograde or direct, but not yet moving and at a temporary standstill. From an astrological perspective, stationary planets or asteroids are considered to be very powerful and significant. They tend to have a greater impact on a person's life and personality than planets that are not stationary. A stationary planet is believed to represent an area of great focus and intensity in a person's life. It can indicate a particular quality or trait that is very prominent and central to their personality. Planets and asteroids that appear to be stationary represents key moments in that journey when, in a sense, time appears to stand still. In addition, a stationary planet or asteroid can indicate a sense of being stuck or feeling trapped in a particular area of life. It can represent a point of transition or change, where the person is being called to shift their focus and move forward in a new direction. Eclipses occur when the Earth, Moon, and Sun align, temporarily blocking light, either partially or entirely; they symbolize significant beginnings and endings in an individual’s life. Despite what is found all around the Internet, there are no specifically direct references to solar or lunar eclipses in the Norse paganism and there are reports of folkloric traditions where people would bang drums or pots and pans during an eclipse to scare away the wolves. So it is believed that is the moment when both wolves are closer to catch the siblings, Sól and Máni. Do you have planets/asteroids that are retrograde or stationary? Don’t forget to support me or write me if you need any of my services. I want to wish you a great day!
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freyjalumiere · 6 months
Can time be read in Tarot?
“The past, present and future are only illusions, even if stubborn ones.” Einstein when he wrote to a friend. 
I was about to go to sleep on Wednesday and found a post in Instagram showing the possibilities to tell time with the cards so yesterday i tried to practice.
I made silly questions that I knew the answer but everything was a mess. Telling my spirit guide that I needed to make those silly questions to get used to the idea if time will appear on a reading. Doesn't matter how much I tried, it simply seems my cards hated the questions that talk about time and was a bit frustrating.
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So after too much trying, I pick up my scrabble cards and ask: "Okay! why you don't want it?"
The answer I got was: "Time is not fixed. Is changeable". My spirit guide do not contradict science. So not only our actions can change our own future but time itself is not fixed when it comes to reading Tarot. That is why doesn't matter how much I tried, my cards do not want to use time.
Time is controversial and can be a reality of the physical world or an artificial construct of human mentality.
We are guessing that time do not exist in the spiritual world but if does, is totally different from here. So it is very difficult to have an answer of any date of certain possible "future" in Tarot. Don't forget to support me at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/freyjalumiere or contact me if you need any Tarot/Rune reading also if you want interpretation of your Birth Chart. Have a great day!
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freyjalumiere · 6 months
Vertex: Our destiny in our birth chart
In Astrology the definition comes as next:
The vertex isn't based on a planet or star, but instead an intersection point of two imaginary circles in the cosmos: the ecliptic, which traces the path of the sun from our perspective, and the prime vertical, which divides the celestial sphere into front and back.
As a result that vertex is an esoteric and imaginary point, Its energy will not always be active in your life.
The first time I I found about the vertex I was quiet surprised but now than ever I have more questions and I know my path as astrologer will help me to answer it.
So what is Vertex? Vertex is that destiny or fate that comes to us through no effort or will of our own and can be activated by:
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1) A natal/transit planet 2) when someone else whose sun, moon, or ascendant conjunct (aka are in the same sign or house as) your vertex
That relationship or place can feel fated, and you might feel an instant connection. In my birth chart my Vertex is in Taurus in the 9th House. My first boyfriend have his sun in Taurus. He told me that he felt we have this fate to be together. During those times I didn't know much what he was actually talking about so I was surprised about my vertex in my natal chart this year.
The most interesting part is as a person who moved from the birth country, I have to look as well to my relocation chart. Both relocation charts, Germany and now here in Portugal, my vertex changed to the sign in Cancer and the 8th House. That makes me think that the natal vertex is still stronger in a person and the relocation vertex comes in second place.
When comes with Vertex there is also the anti-vertex that represents the other half of “destiny’s gate". The activation is the same as with the vertex. In the case of the Vertex we need others while with Anti-vertex is everything we created to make that fate to happen.
How we find our Vertex? First we need our day/month/year of birth but also very important the hour and minutes of our birth. Then put it in the websites such as Astro seek or Astrodienst. Usually found from the right side of the birth chart that is from the 4th house to 9th house.
I want to wish a great start of a new month. Don't forget to support me at: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/freyjalumiere or contact me if you need interpretation with your birth chart or a tarot/rune reading.
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freyjalumiere · 6 months
Automatic Writing
Automatic writing, also called psychography, is a method to be in contact with the subconscious or the spiritual realm but also can be considered to be a divination method.
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I don't remember when I first started using it except that I made a pause after my first attempt of using it. In 2011 a bitter event happened that made me using it again. Call it sadness or a way to find support somehow.
I wanted answers so the adventure begin again. Contrary to the popular believe, I never lost conscious during my 12 years of using it. I had amazing but also bad experiences. Do I consider automatic writing dangerous? Totally, most of all if you are not strong enough mentally and spiritually. Do I have regrets? No, not at all. I am sure that I would do it again if I turned back time.
What is needed for the automatic writing? The tools are simple, just a piece of paper and a pen/pencil. Obviously you also need your hand! The rest is just time and practice. Is important most of all that you ask your spirit guide to be the one writing, otherwise you will get plenty of bad experiences. Your spirit guide knows you more than anyone as was with you since the moment you were born. In Norse paganism is some sort of our Fylgja while to the rest can be considered the guardian angel.
If you read something that you feel is not right then you can end it and try again if you want. Many times I felt those "bad" messages I received were also part of my fears but could also be my own darkest secret part.
I ever received divination messages? Yes, I did. It was 2012 or 2013 and I was closed to come to Europe and I received the message from my spirit guide telling me that I would go to Europe but I won't get everything. I understood what meant the message as I wasn't able to bring my cat with me, turning into one of the most sadness moments of my life.
What I loved most of this experience with automatic writing is the messages of my spirt guide so tender and full of love. Very few times I asked for death family members such as my grandparents as I am against, though I received their messages through my spirit guide.
Why I am against to contact to death family members? Well because I have the believe that will stop their evolution process. Is important that those who are in the material world and the ones who leave the material world to let go. So in my opinion is best to contact to that spirit guide that was meant to take care of you since the moment you were born.
Others spirits will try to contact? Yes, they will try but that is why if you feel that who ever make contact is not your spirit guide to stop it unless you want to actually that spirit to make contact.
Since last year I tried another method similar and actually is also effective. I don't know why but the idea came to me by surprise. That is using scrabble cards and my spirit guide liked it even more. I admit that I feel much more secure using scrabble cards than with the automatic writing.
Don't forget to support me at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/freyjalumiere or if you need a rune casting, tarot reading or interpret your birth chart to contact me.
I want to wish you a great day!
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freyjalumiere · 6 months
Is Ragnarök known as the end of the gods and humans nothing more than the end of the 3rd dimension?
Many believed that christianity had something to do with the end of the gods and humans but there is a part that disagree with it: “Together the gods will remember the knowledge of the high ones, the World Serpent, Fenrir, and Ragnarök. But evil will have left the world." If Christianity meant the Ragnarök then we wouldn’t have the two World Wars also norse paganism is having a come back especially in Scandinavia but also other parts in Europe, Canada and USA. Last year on December I had a strange vision that reminded me a passage saying: “The wolf Hati will finally catch and swallow the sun, and the wolf Skoll will finally catch and swallow the moon”. That made me realized that we are near of it even more during that time of my vision we were close to Pluto in Aquarius.  Pluto is the planet of transformation, and Aquarius is the sign of progress so we can put our guesses about what this could probably means. 
A passage of the Ragnarök talks of one man, Lif (life), and one woman, Lifthrasir (desiring life) who will become the parents of the next race of human beings. They sustain themselves on morning dew and are shielded from the chaos and destruction that engulfs the world. Pluto as planet of transformation is also the planet of destruction and creation. The death of the gods also seems to hide an evolution meaning. For instance a passage says: Odin will fight against Fenrir and the wolf will swallow Odin whole. Fenrir symbolizes not only chaos but also fate and transformation.  Odin is the god of battle and knowledge but even so in norse paganism the gods are not perfect beings and we can also know with the Norse god Odin who is a relentless seeker after knowledge and wisdom, and is willing to sacrifice almost anything for this pursuit.
Now clearing all about the gods and humans. In the 3rd dimension the ego rules and it is competitive, with winners and losers, and our worth is based on social and economic standing. At its worst, there is a need for control, domination, and power. Meanwhile in the 4th and 5th dimension are about consciousness and cooperation. The concept of Win-Win is all that matters because knows that the only way to win is when others win as well. It also focus more into spirituality, doesn’t matter what religion the person believe.  The soul is more important. This event of having Pluto in Aquarius and Ragnarök seems to be more of leaving the 3rd dimension behind to enter the 4th and 5th dimension.
So what do you think Ragnarök actually means?
I want to wish you a great day and don't forget to support me at: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/freyjalumiere
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freyjalumiere · 6 months
The Sun and the Moon
One of the curious interpretations in Astrology and that creates a difficult meaning is about the sun and the moon when one is a norse heathen. In Norse Paganism the giant Mundilfari have two children Máni and Sól (Sunna).
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Máni is the god of the moon and Sól is the goddess of the sun. That makes the moon a male and the sun a female. Máni is often associated with the wolf Hati while Sól is often associated with the wolf Sköll. Both brothers go across the sky with the wolves chasing them.
In Norse paganism Sól represents the power and the beauty of the sun. Revered from her ability to bring light and warmth to the world. Also for her bravery in the face of danger. She is the symbol of hope and renewal.
Máni helps humankind to tell the time and date, to prepare for the growing season and also to determine the most auspicious times for other human affairs, as a sort of influence of fate. Other aspects is that he was considered a guide and guardian, helping navigate through the challenges of life with assurance he would always be there guiding their way. He have influence in fertility (of crops) and blessings in love and marriage. Also in increasing financial abundance.
They have an important role in the Ragnarök as both will eventually be caught by their respective wolves.
In such cases how as a norse heathen should interpret the birth chart?
I do think it should depend of the client belief. If the person shares the belief of the Norse, Egyptian, Hindu, Japanese or Sumerian ancient concept that the Moon is male while the Sun is female then that would be the meaning. In the other hand if the person have the belief of the ancient Roman, Greek, Chinese, and Inca mythologies then the Moon is female and Sun is male.
I found that my birth chart interpretation came into a better fit with my path life since I incorporated my norse heathen beliefs with Astrology. Not everything should be according to the book and sometimes is good to make something different.
Don't forget to support me at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/freyjalumiere and if you want me to interpret your birth chart, a tarot or rune reading you can write me at [email protected]
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freyjalumiere · 7 months
The magical love of the twin flames
The spiritual world is far more interesting that what we might probably think.
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We heard a lot about the concept of soulmates, those souls who are always in our journey and can be from our parents, siblings, friends and even our pets. A soulmate is not just one soulmate who shares a bond with us but in fact the number of soulmates we have is difficult to know.
The twin flame on the other hand is our other half with an intense soul connection. Is the opposite of our soul but with the same essence. Let's make the example by this: we have a pizza. There are not other pizza made in such way and the ingredients are so unique. In the moment we cut it in two pieces, the ingredients are still unique but each left with different proportions of those ingredients. The two pieces are different but still the same.
The two parts go in different paths and journey but belong to each other. Both pieces can't stop but trying to find away to return back to the other.
I was a helpless in love about love even if I was always single and I remember always dreaming about the moment I could find that other half of me. I am alway very receptive when I go to sleep and is in the dream realm where I get most of my prophetic dreams. One night asking about that other part of me, I had a dream. My Twin Flame was with me, he was giving me the strongest hug that it felt even after I woke up. I couldn't see his face, only that was a very tall and strong shadow.
Where one can find our Twin Flame in Astrology?
As i am on my big journey in this amazing study of astrology I believe the information about our Twin Flame can be found in the Draconic Chart but we have to understand something and not everyone have a Twin Flame. That is because some souls haven't the experience yet of the separation. In those cases the Draconic Chart, depending of the individual, represents a past life or the soul journey.
That is because there are some souls who doesn't have a past life and they have their first time coming on earth. Just like in my case while using the Norns asteroids of the past, present and future. My past and my present is the same, showing me that this is my first time here. Also why my dominant planet in my birth chart is Pluto, I am having a non stop transformation (as if my soul is trying to catch up with the old souls who have more reincarnations).
Having your Twin Flame in the Draconic Chart also doesn't mean the person will have to go and search for the meeting, that is because sometimes one of the half can be on earth (material world) while the other can be on the spiritual world. Sometimes the life purpose is to learn and develop independently on earth.
The only important here about the Twin Flames is the unique and strong love of the two souls.
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freyjalumiere · 7 months
New service available
I was always a very curious girl and when I was a kid I used to go with a Tarot reader alongside with my mother. My relationship with Tarot was even worse than with Astrology because at least with the horoscopes I believed that my (Solar) sign have a bit of influence with my personality.
The woman who read to me the Tarot most of all said to me the obvious, that I liked boys. Okay she might go wrong and I would be lesbian or bisexual but telling a girl that she is into boys is having a 70% (or perhaps more) that she is indeed heterosexual and in my case she was right. She also told me that I would have very soon a boyfriend in México (something that never happened) and that I will marry a rich foreigner with blond hair. The last one ....I don't know if is in this life or a previous life. I am not married at the moment (at least it is what I feel that here on earth or Midgard, as I am a little Ásatrúar and Vanatruar) so is uncertain.
The truth is that most of what appeared in the Tarot cards were far than clear to me. The most amazing thing is that i was interested and time to time i stole my mother's books related with Tarot. I gave up into becoming a Tarotist but that was more likely because I had other dreams on mind: Becoming a Veterinarian, Astrologer and even marrying Prince William!. A dream that I felt I was very close to make it happen when my older brother found about the nobility titles. Things happen for a reason, the universe message was: "I am not going to let you marry Prince William but you will have a nobility title", for what reason? maybe I have deep down the answer but before he married, I had a dream that I was next to Prince William and a very powerful force was pulling me away. Reading his birth chart and mine is when I totally understood!. He is not my twin flame and we were not meant to be together.
During the pandemic I started into turning a rune reader, though yesterday I went to the pictures I had 10 years ago since I came to Europe and I found that I already made a research about the nordic runes just I didn't had the time to make it part of my job. Returning to the Tarot, last year on social media I saw a lot of people making readings especially to celebrities and yes, also the royals. I remembered there were some Tarot cards of cats so went searching but instead I found something I even better: Runic Tarot
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A picture of the cards of Tarot runic in my room
In 2023 before the year end, I asked to the universe to have them for 2024 and like a dream coming true I could with the money I got from my work as cat psychologist. The combination of the two divination systems into one: the runes and tarot.
This will open more my services in the esoteric field as I will not be doing only rune casting and astrology but also a bit of tarot.
Don't forget to support me at: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/freyjalumiere
Have a great and fantastic day!
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freyjalumiere · 7 months
The Asteroids Ask and Embla
Previous post I wrote about why I am fascinated about the asteroids. Obviously because they are so many, I don't think all of them will be relevant while interpreting the birth chart but these two asteroids made think that could have deep meaning in the future.
Fist of all I am a kind of moderate and balanced woman. I don't fall into the category of modern feminism but I am not very traditional and anti-feminist either.
I was around 18 years old when my older brother went into the depths of the genealogy as a good detective.
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He found two nobility titles in the family. One created during the times of the New Spain while the other during the times of La Reconquista. The marquisate of Pánuco is as any other nobility title known in Europe and perhaps in the world and is only passed to the oldest son (I am descendant of the 1st and 4th Marquis of Pánuco), following the oldest daughter if there are not male heirs. In my case is far away because I come from the youngest daughter of the 4th Marquis of Pánuco without say that my great grandfather wasn't the oldest son.
The other title goes more with my ideals as goes to all the descendants of Sancho Fernández de Tejada who fought in the battle of Clavijo, oldest and youngest children without the importance of the gender. All have the nobility title of Lords/Kinghts and Ladies/Dames of Tejada. In short we were equal to receive the title as his descendants.
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So who are Ask and Embla and why I wrote all that private matters? I am usually not very confortable talking about the nobility titles but I am pro of gender equality and this have something to do with both asteroids.
Many of us heard of Adam and Eve or perhaps about Adam and Lilith (that we have in Astrology the Asteroid Lilith). Ask and Embla in the norse paganism are what we call our ancestors. The first man and the first woman. The gods Odin, Vili, and Ve created them from elements of the world. The man Ask was created from the Ash tree (it is said that the Yggdrasil is from this tree. Also symbolize strength, resilience, and nobility) while Embla was created by the Elm tree (Elm trees were associated with femininity also the Elm is known for its beauty and durability).
Giving the message that genders are different but complementary to one another. Neither is down or up to each other, neither is better or worse but just different. Even if both genders come from different sources they formed the entire human population.
The gods also gave them 3 gifts: Odin, the Allfather, gave them breath. Vili gave them consciousness, the ability to think and feel. And Ve gave them appearance, also as known the physical form.
This human creation of the norse paganism do not have the sin for being rebellious with god and expelled from paradise instead the norse gods left the humans to live in their unique paradise created for them called Midgard.
Lilith was created first with Adam but was vanished or became a demon for wanting to be equal to him while Eve was created from Adam’s rib so she was never equal to Adam. In the case of Ask and Embla both are created from individual, separate trees. In the case of the norse paganism even if man and woman are different, they are still equal.
How to use Ask and Embla asteroids in Astrology? Because they represent the first humans I feel a good use while trying to know about our ancestry. Ask representing our father (or ancestors from our father's side) and Embla representing our mother (or the ancestors from out mother's side). This interpretation came to me since I wanted to see how the astrology could help me to find about my great grandmother or if she appears somehow. She didn't affect me much so I hardly believe would appear on my birth chart so I did my paternal grandmother birth chart as she was the affected.
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Ask is in Scorpio in the 4th House. Scorpio means the mystery but also death while the 4th house means our family (some even say the mother). The mystery of my great grandmother have 93 years with some many theories and rumors of whom she might be. Could also mean that Ask (in this case my great grandfather) died when she was a little girl (which cause that my grandmother was all the time cared by her father's family, especially my 2nd great grandmother). Embla is located in Sagittarius in the 5th House. Sagittarius is the expansion, wisdom but also represents religion while the 5th House is ruled by Leo, the royalty. Children have a special place in this house.
There were rumours that she left to a foreign country but also went to a convent (Sagittarius). What my grandmother shared was that she always received visitors as a child. So even though her mother wasn't with my grandmother physically, she was still with her.
What do you think about Ask and Embla? Do you think I did right to give them that interpretation?
Oh! and I almost forgot! The nobility title of Tejada have something of Visigoth/Germanic tradition as Sancho Fernandez de Tejada had Celtic/Visigoth ancestry.
Hope you have a fantastic day and if you like all my posts I invite you to buy me a coffee (or better say a book): https://www.buymeacoffee.com/freyjalumiere
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freyjalumiere · 7 months
How to know if I am on the right career?
I am going to turn 7 years since I am working as cat psychologist and 3 years since I am involved with rune casting and this year I am starting with Astrology (even though I had certain interest on it before). I love what I do but I confess that time to time I ask myself if I am on the right path.
The birth chart as whole seems to give certain confirmation but as my career as cat psychologist is what we call a "New Profession" is hard to find it in that way but somehow gave me clues. I went over and over again to my birth chart in case I missed something.
The asteroids topics is something new in astrology and everything that is new or mysterious fascinate me. If you read previous posts then you will read that i wrote about some nordic themed asteroids. Also there are more asteroids than planets so gives a lot of things to know about a person.
While I was observing my birth chart, I also found asteroids that let you know about your career and job.
Academia that is the study asteroid, Destinn that can gives a little hint as means destiny, Enterprise that could mean a project or undertaking and we have the willingness to take wise risks, Fama would be another possible asteroid that is where we will have fame/recognition/power, Industria the career we pursue quite naturally and Jobse that is the type of Job we attract or like to do.
Then I also decided to find if there are some cat related asteroids. Happy we have. Asteroid Freia could be one of those but also Sekhmet, Ubasti and we have also Kitty.
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Maybe kitty can be interpreted in many ways but who knows? so I decided to put those career asteroids (included those for my rune casting and astrology career) with cat themed asteroids (except freia). So the asteroids in my birth chart came as next:
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Kitty is 7 degree apart from Jobse (we can say is conjunct with each other), Sekhmet is 7 degree apart from Venus and Ubasti is 5 degree apart from Teller. Merlin is 3 degree apart from Divini.
Yes, I put Sverige (Sweden) asteroid as well. First post I wrote the theory of the Goths (Visigoths/Ostrogoths) having their origin in Sweden, my connexion with the Visigoths is quite interesting so I got a bit of curious. Sverige do more conjunction to Kitty but I still don't know how to interprete it yet. Interesting that is in the 7th House of partnership.
Maybe I am indeed meant to be a cat psychologist who do rune casting and astrology? I am near to find more. Everyday I am surprised about how much I am learning from Astrology.
Hope you have a great day and don't forget to write me if you need me with your cat behaviour problem, a read casting or interpret your birth chart (just don't forget asteroids are new and we are on the journey to know all about them).
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freyjalumiere · 7 months
Norse Valentine's Day
The day draws near, adorned with red hearts, chocolates, toys, and roses. It elicits mixed feelings - some love it, others despise it. Though it seems more commercial than a day of love, I confess my fondness for February 14th since I was very young. Instead of put my spirits downs, felt depressed or hating the day, it was like giving me more enthusiasm and energy even though I never had a boyfriend for my 29 years while i living in México. My first boyfriend was when I lived in Germany and yes, he was a German. I certainly expect that this year will have the same impact to me just as previous years and I can't wait for the day to arrive.
There is something undeniably magical about this day, a certain charm that fills the air. It is a day when love takes center stage, when couples express their affection for one another in countless ways. From heartfelt gestures to grand romantic gestures, the possibilities are endless. It is a day to celebrate the beauty of love and to cherish the relationships that mean the most to us. Whether it's a romantic partner, a close friend, or a family member, Valentine's Day is a reminder to show appreciation and gratitude for the love that surrounds us.
The Valentine´s day history though is a bit different of our modern concept but this is not about that. Did the Old Scandinavians celebrated a day of love? Having two goddess love related, one of the romantic young passionate love and other of the mature love of marriage, one probably think they had but actually they didn't. Well at least not in our modern romantic eyes of the day.
The modern religion of Asatru, decided to fill the gap left by Valentine’s Day with Valisblot. Who is Vali? Little is known of this god though with exception that survives Ragnarök and is sort of a representation of new hope.
Obviously in Astrology we have the planet, Venus, of love but Freyja and Frigga have their asteroids in Astrology so you can try and check where those two norse goddess of love are located in your birth chart. Other love Asteroids to look are: Valentine, Union, Groom, Cupido, Boda, Juno and Amor.
I wish you a great day, wish you a great Valentine's Day or Valisblot and don't forget to write me if you want me to help you interpret your birth chart or a rune reading.
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