#QI Group
qnshreyas · 2 years
Ponzi schemes are fraudulent investment schemes that generate rewards for earlier investors by taking money from later participants. Such scams have nothing to do with direct selling or multi-level marketing (MLM), a common method of expanding a direct selling distributor network. Just like QNet scam. This company has various knowing name i.e., QI Group, Vihaan Direct Selling.
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they are so in love and disgusting and also sarcastic bitches. follow for more / prev comic / next comic
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seaghosst · 1 year
animatic. au where they’re all friends because i love them all and i want them to be
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guess1mjustheren0w · 10 days
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mxtxfanatic · 10 months
Probably the stupidest, most reckless but undeniably bravest thing Mu Qing did in the entire novel was coming forward to Xie Lian with the truth about the missing golden foil.
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ne-cocoa · 2 years
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Redson’s everyone’s lil heater during the winter storm! Especially mk (灬ºωº灬)♡
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trash-raccoon-boy · 3 months
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The gay birds and their gay son
We need to see more transformations
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web-novel-polls · 6 months
Priest (Author) Character Tournament
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[“Anti-propaganda” is not allowed. Please only give reasons to vote FOR a character, and please be courteous in the notes.]
Wen Kexing from Faraway Wanderers
Character of all time (to me). Cannibal. Malewife. Flaming homosexual. Strongest mfer in jianghu after literal immortal. Surprisingly realistic portrayal of c-ptsd and dissociative disorder considering all of the above. Half of the couple that rewired my brain chemistry and gave me unrealistic expectations for romance -_-
Jing Beiyuan from Lord Seventh
Honestly what a guy. He was dealt such a bad hand and yet he stays Chillin’… by which I mean sacrificing both his own morals and his physical safety to put a guy that he’s fundamentally ‘meh’ about at this point on the throne because everyone else is so much worse. He wants to be a dad so so badly it’s heartbreaking (until it isn’t!). He has Old Man Vibes™️ because he remembers three centuries worth of past lives and it makes him deeply weird but he’s still the prettiest boy anyone has ever seen. He was a jasmine plant for a while. 10/10 best at taking naps and pretending to be a loser. Go king give us nothing <3
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lmk-aus-galore · 1 year
If MK’s collecting Dads like Pokemon, then it is right to call Pigsy, Tang, Wukong (Add Macaque and Sandy if you want)
‘The Pokedads’
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i-am-a-fan · 1 year
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Traditional sketches! I love the blue-haired version of redson <3
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qnshreyas · 2 years
The main distinction is that in a legitimate direct selling business, commissions are only paid based on the sale of products, whereas in an unlawful pyramid scheme, one receives commission for recruiting new people under them. Even if a person has a sizable network of associates working for them, if they haven't sold or bought any products, they won't receive any commissions. QNET Scam
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lndslorepuzzler · 15 days
World Underneath: Long Lost Treasures
01: Submerged Rock: Raincoat has Tony, a film director, unconscious and tied up in the trunk of his car. He takes Tony's phone, unlocks it, and goes through the audio files.
02: Audio File No.1: Mo Art Studio: Tony converses with Qi Yu about how he plans to use Lemuria as a setting for his new film, and how he was directed to Qi Yu by the Deepspace Academy, since Qi Yu is "an expert in Lemuria, and (he) just returned from a trip." Qi Yu brushes him off, and tells him to ask the archaeological team that was sent to find the ruins of Lemuria, even if they don't tell him much, since "(he) heard things didn't go too well for them."
03: Audio File No.2: Disappearance: Tony meets with the handyman from the expedition team sent by the Deepspace Academy: the other four members being Sean, Yennifer, Eleanor, and Fred. He explains how their submersible disappeared for a week, and that Eleanor and Fred both quit from the DA after an argument. Shortly after, another member of the crew, Yennifer, disappeared. The handyman found her camera, which had a deleted video clip on it. He tried to contact her with no success, and when he tried to contact the others, only Sean answered, and "sounded weird, not energetic at all. And as soon as (he) mentioned archaeology, he hung up."
---New Audio Clip: Memo 1: Tony talks about how making a Lemurian mystery might be better, seeing as he hasn't been able to contact anyone: that Eleanor, Fred and Yennifer have practically vanished from the face of the earth. He wants to talk to Sean as soon as possible.
04: Audio File No.3: Blue Fish: Tony meets with Sean, who is packed up for a trip. As soon as Tony mentions Lemuria, Sean tries to avoid the subject. Tony insists he's just looking for material for his film script, and Sean eventually explains that his "sense of reality changed because of (his) time in Lemuria." He tells Tony about how after the submersible malfunctioned in the middle of a whirlpool, a school of blue fish appeared, and guided the team to the ruins. Tony asks if they might have been Lemurian machines, and Sean insists they were real fish, "with their own thoughts and feelings."
Sean also tells Tony that they saw a person "dressed just like (them)" in Lemuria, but has nothing more to say. Tony asks how the submersible could have malfunctioned, seeing as it was in contact with the main ship the whole time, and Sean sees him out.
---New Audio Clip: Memo 2: Tony considers what Sean told him, and concludes that something must have happened, and that at least the video is being restored.
05: Audio File No.4: Shadow Underneath: One of Tony's associates gives him the phone with one frame of the video and the call history restored.
---New Audio Clip: Memo 3: Tony finds that the image is of a skeleton in human dress wielding a protocore weapon of some kind. He wonders if the city didn't sink naturally as was previously assumed. He picks up Fred's phone, and starts going through the call logs.
06: Audio File No.5: Conflict: In a voice message to Eleanor, Fred tells her that he's leaving, and that someone has been stalking them since they got back from Lemuria. He tells her that nothing to do with Lemuria ever ends well, and that the protocore weapons they saw/found implicate the Ever Group. He tells her that Sean and Yennifer "are naive to think it's Lemuria's God." Fred tells Eleanor that by continuing to research Lemuria, she's putting them all in danger, and that she should leave the DA and forget everything related to Lemuria.
---New Audio Clip: Memo 4: Tony finds it strange that Fred thought the Ever Group would be spying on a group of scientists who went to Lemuria, though he wonders if Fred "(disappeared) on his own? Or did Ever" Group have something to do with it. The audio file ends with someone (presumably Raincoat) approaching Tony, and Tony panicking/screaming.
Raincoat decides it's no wonder Tony is on Ever Group's execution list, since he knew someone had dug up a protocore weapon in the ruins. He starts to toss the phone back into the trunk, but a manifested flame destroys it in the palm of his hand, followed by a voice saying, "Niiice. I got both the person and the evidence in one go."
Qi Yu appears from the far end of the dock, and Raincoat realizes there's nowhere he could have come from, save the sea directly behind him. They have a short conversation about how it's dangerous for Raincoat to know too much, and he might be next on Ever Group's hit list. Raincoat knows that Qi Yu's appearance isn't a casual drop-in.
Qi Yu notes that anyone on Ever Group's execution list dies or disappears. He offers to let Raincoat work for him, in exchange for any information about "a girl." He says, "If her name's on the list, then give everything about her to me," though Raincoat knows only "that person" has access to the full list, but Qi Yu obviously knows he's not the trading partner.
He gives Qi Yu the address of The Nest, and tells him that tomorrow night, whether or not Qi Yu gets the list "depends on his negotiation skills." Qi Yu says the lights there are "blinding," and that the person behind Raincoat must feel the same.
Raincoat asks if the girl is Qi Yu's enemy, and Qi Yu tells him that she's his lover. He asks if Qi Yu knows that he's also on the list, ranked sixth.; Qi Yu frowns and wonders why he's not first. *1
Raincoat considers the "sea monster murders" that occurred in other cities, the outsiders the Ever Group called "research samples" that he and other Raincoats have dealt with. He asks if he's on Qi Yu's list; Qi Yu informs him that he's not, not yet, and tells him to let Tony go, since it's better if he has less blood on his hands.
Qi Yu does refuse a handshake, and starts to walk away before turning around and telling Raincoat that his outfit doesn't suit him.
*1, See Main Story Under Deepspace: Moonlight Under Sea.
A side note: Qi Yu's bounty is 24,071,300; 'Lumiere's' bounty is top, 100mil.
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lavaflowe · 2 years
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It’s the kids!!!
Also it’s desaturated believe it or not
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eldritch-bisexual · 3 months
MXTX: Everyone is straight except the main couple, it just makes more sense. 😊
Priest: Everyone...look at me, listen... Everyone. Everyone is queer. Everyone.
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cpopjukebox · 1 year
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rayalltheway · 1 year
A New Approach (LWAU Fic)
Aka, Zhuāng Jié (LMK OC) meets MK and the gang.
MK was trying to figure out how to function as a hero and as a mostly full-grown person by himself for more than a few minutes at a time. He really was. 
So the fact that the worst things seemed to happen when his friends were out of his general vicinity for as much as five seconds was seriously putting a damper on that endeavour.  
They had only left their last campsite half-a-day prior on their journey to the west (MK had spent a good part of those hours trying to think of a cool sequel name to give their adventure),  but a sudden engine problem with T.E.A. had forced them to take refuge at an abandoned mountainside castle so Sandy could fix it up, everyone else discussing staying there for the approaching night. 
“I dunno….” Pigsy huffed as everyone stood in the entryway of the castle, looking up at the old, likely structurally unsafe building apprehensively. “I thought the plan was to limit our stops more and more. Specially’ considering what we got on our heels.”
“Yeah, and we’re only a week away from Lantern City.” Mei chimed in, sitting on a rock and stretching out her legs after sitting in the van for the last several hours. “I want this to be over already….” She sounded particularly restless at that moment, which MK chalked up to van fever.
“To keep going would certainly be ideal…” Tang began, adjusting his glasses, looking out over the cliff the castle stood upon, built into the mountain. “But Lady Bone Demon’s power can only spread so fast across the world when she isn’t there herself, and we got a considerable head start.” He explained, going to Pigsy’s side in assurance. 
“Smart guy here is right.” Monkey King spoke up, drifting between Tang and Pigsy (inadvertently pushing the two apart, much to both their charaign) on his somersault cloud, which he had hardly left once he found himself able to summon it again earlier. “We can afford to stay here a night. Not like there’s anything out there we don’t already know about, or can’t see coming from miles away.” He continued, leaning casually back on his cloud.
His nonchalance earned another huff from an already-irritated Pigsy. “Yeah, you seem to know a LOT of things…” He grumbled, but everyone agreed to pitch camp, and Sandy was content to join them after finishing work on the van. 
The others entered the castle, intent on finding materials to start a fire – MK briefly hearing Monkey King muse that he might have recognized the castle as one he came upon during his own journey west, with Mei in turn remarking that the numerous signs of damage around the place was a fairly good indication of that idea. 
MK spent some time looking around the place, but he wasn’t too curious – night was coming, and given recent events, darkness in general was becoming something that MK was adding to his ever-growing list of anxieties. He didn’t feel nervous yet – Monkey King had to be right, there couldn’t be anyone else watching them that he didn’t already know about, but staying on the move mostly kept those thoughts at bay. Even so, he felt they were actually doing better than ever so far, given they had a head start they were only getting more miles on, and were about a week away from the Lantern City. 
MK felt himself become more at ease with that in mind – they were getting all the more closer to finally ending this nightmare. They could afford to have a spontaneous pit-stop, eat the rest of the mooncakes they got from Chang’e and pretend this was just a regular road-trip for a few hours – 
Oh, wow, it was cold here. 
MK felt himself shuddering as the sudden frigid draft pricked his fingers and neck. He let out a shaky breath as he quickly adjusted his jacket collar before jamming his hands under arms, turning back to call out to the others – not realising he had wandered into another room of the castle while lost in thought. 
“Heeyy, guys?” He called out, beginning to walk back from where he thought could hear the others, as it sounded like Monkey King and Mei were still arguing. 
“Come on pony girl, those wall-holes could of been left by anyone–”
A cracking sound filled the air, halting everyone where they stood, including MK – with more booming cracks followed by the castle groaning discontentedly. The air got colder, and sharper – and MK finally remembered where he had felt this chill before, just as a sharp, jagged spike of ice shot out from the floor at his feet. He yelped and fell on his behind, using his feet to propel himself backwards in fear. 
It was her power. The sounds of the castle straining and breaking against the ice continued all around as more began to jut out of the floor, and MK gasped when he saw the ice was growing near the entrance of the room. His legs practically pinwheeled as he leapt to his feet, running out with mere moment to spare, straining to hear where his friends were.
“Lady Bone Demon?! Is she here?!” MK heard Pigsy shouting, a couple rooms away.
“This is her power – it’s caught up to us!” He then heard Tang respond, before hearing his trademark shrieking telling everyone that they had to get out of there. Well, obviously.
“Wait, where’s MK?!” He then heard Mei yell. That was enough for him to finally snap out of his confused panic, running to where he thought their voices were coming from, feeling the ice nip his heels, catching the sight of ice crawling up the walls.
“Guys, get out! I’m right behind you!” MK called out, running as fast as he could to reach them. He almost had to bite back tears as he thought about how he still wasn’t back to full strength with his powers, and he couldn’t hope to tap into anything with this invasive, chilling bone demon power pressing around him. He turned a corner – and screamed when he saw an array of icy spikes blocking his path, and heading right for him as an extra touch. Whipping his head to look at the way only promised a similar fate – he had nowhere to go unless he jumped out the hall’s windows and hoped his powers wouldn’t falter on him. 
With the ice spikes reaching up to his head, he decided he’d take that chance. He began to move –
– Before he felt something grab the collar of his jacket and jerk him backwards. He didn’t anticipate the feeling of falling, panicking as his hold of gravity left him momentarily. But he soon found himself being held up on stone steps after hearing a doorway slide shut, realising he was dragged into a dark passageway going down that he hadn’t noticed, away from the path of ice. Any relief he might have felt was quickly dashed when he felt himself getting picked up once more, only able to let out a startled yelp as he was pinned against the wall with nothing to do but stare up at –
MK’s panic was immediately silenced by the deep voice under the red hood he had glanced at, immediately making him assume this assailant was the shadow monkey in question, until his eyes actually took in the looming figure. While their expression was shrouded in shadow, MK could still see the shape of a face, and a dark, cold, human eye glaring at him in a way that utterly froze him where he was. It wasn’t Macaque – but whoever this was sure wasn’t any less intimidating. 
“You should know better than to isolate yourself, Monkie Kid.” They hissed through their teeth – before pulling MK from the wall and into the descending passage. 
MK soon found himself getting dragged by the male stranger through a secret entrance to the castle tunnelled through the mountain, coming into a small forest side clearing bathed in moonlight. It was there the man finally released him, MK recoiling out of his grasp and nearly tripping against a rock as he tried to resolve his bearings enough to take up a defensive stance. “What do you want?” He demanded. 
“A bit more caution from you, for a start.”  Came the man’s response, his hard but weary tone steeped in impatience as he scanned the exit they came from, seemingly checking whether or not they were followed. “You could have killed yourself in two completely different ways back there.”
“Hey, I’m the Monkie Kid, guy.” MK retorted, putting a fist to his chest as he mustered up as much of his superhero confidence as he could manage. “You don’t know that.” 
“You’d be surprised by what I do, kid.” The man shot back, still not looking at MK, circling the clearing expertly as he continued to examine for any sign of intrusion. With his back turned, MK finally noticed the long, bladed polearm weapon strapped to his back — the pointed reminder that he didn’t have his staff sinking into his gut. 
“I know that while you have power on your side, it’s not as much as it could be, thanks to her.” The man continued, and MK’s eyebrows shot up, and an icy chill passed through him, thinking of the pain in his head whenever Lady Bone Demon was around. But he didn’t feel it now, so…
“How do you know Lady Bone Demon? O-or me?” He asked, his voice shaking despite himself.
“I’ve been following her trail for a long time, and yours for days.” His blunt reply came as he pressed his ear against a tree, while MK did a double take at that last bit. 
After a moment on his end, the man seemed satisfied that they were alone, standing back upright and turning so MK could feel that glare on him again – but rather than threatening, it felt more…scolding, something like the looks Pigsy would give him when he slacked off instead of delivering his noodle orders. 
“Nice to know you never even noticed.” Came the man’s chiding tone – and MK, in spite of this being a complete stranger with no reasonable authority over him, felt himself shrink a little. 
“You’re dealing with a spirit, not just a demon.” He continued, and with that baffling statement spoken, he turned to face MK completely, throwing back his hood. “So you and your friends are going to have to get better at knowing when you’re being watched by one.”
He was…old. A truly old man, with at least a decade on Pigsy or Tang – wrinkles lining his sharply handsome features, with long grey hair partly tied in a bun on the back of his head. Strangely, he wore a suit of armour under his weatherworn red cloak – the traditional kind of armour that MK recognized from illustrations in Journey to the West, but much more simple and way more worn out. Monkey King always wore clothes from centuries in the past, but this guy fully looked like just stepped out of a completely different time period. 
But aside from the dated fashion, he would look like a completely normal human…if it wasn’t for the fact that his left eye, which had two jagged red scars running over it, was a empty black, with an glowing red pinprick where an iris and pupil should be – directed at MK in a piercing glare.
“…..What??” MK wondered aloud, his mind spinning at the assault of all this new, confusing information. “Why would – who – ok, time out.” The young man stammered out, shaking his head and throwing up his hands. “So, apparently you’ve been following us, but you’re not with Lady Bone Demon, and just now you kidnapped me to…to give me advice?” He questioned, fully vexed. 
“To get you out of there.” The man replied as he pointed into the distance, MK looking behind him at the castle – it was now completely overtaken by ice that slowly spread over the rest of the mountain. “You couldn’t have foreseen this.” He explained, MK looking back at him quizzically. “Something new has set Lady Bone Demon off. It will slow back down soon, but it won’t stop. Though, her power is still escapable for now.”
“Wait, you – you only got ME away?!” MK protested, officially becoming angry now. “What about –“
“Your friends are fine.” The man stated, stopping MK.  “I saw them leaving the castle, they’re looking for you.” He paused before nodding in though after a moment, taking his eyes off MK to adjust his right wrist guard. “It’ll be easier to explain things when you’re all together.” He said, more to himself than to MK.
MK, for his part, stared at the man…but now felt his sense of trepidation was slowly waning. Most new people he met these days tried to kill him – but this stranger really might have just saved his life back there. It suddenly seemed this whole drag-around and lecturing was his way of…helping.
“Who are you?” MK finally asked. 
The man’s gaze quickly darted back up to meet MK’s, who instinctively stiffened at the stony expression completed by the man’s glare. His eyes were intent and predatory as they studied the younger one, like those of a hawk. 
“Are you frightened?” He asked, with an interrogative edge. 
“W-What? No!” Came MK’s immediate defensive reply, but the man’s unchanging expression put a crack in that facade quickly. 
“….Okay, yes. Why?” MK asked, returning the man’s look with his own suspicious look.
“Because you should be.” The man replied, taking a step closer to the nonplussed MK – 
– Before the impact an unstoppable force meeting rock struck the ground between the two of them, winding MK and making him stagger backwards, while the man dug his feet into the ground and drew his guandao in a single, swift motion, facing two figures that MK quickly recognized.
“Wait, M-“ he started. 
“Get away from him!” Yelled the voice of Mei, her blade drawn and eyes glowing a ferocious electric green. Next to her, Monkey King raised himself up from the kneeling position he landed in, his teeth bared ferociously.
“I have had it with you, you shady, sixed-eared–“ Monkey King snarled – before actually registering the man in front of him, who had lowered his weapon upon seeing who the new arrivals were.
“…Random old guy?” The monkey finished, dropping his aggressive posture in bemusement.
Mei was less placated, still pointing her sword at the man, while MK heard the distant sound of the team’s van bursting through the trees, coming to a halt as Sandy, Pigsy, and Tang burst out hurriedly.
“MK! Are you alright?!” Pigsy shouted, him, Tang, and Sandy making their way over to him in concern and looking towards the one sided stand-off with Mei and this stranger in confusion. 
“You do have a bold heart, Young Mei. You should save that for when you really need it.” The man said towards the dragon girl, spinning his guandao once before positioning it upright next to him. Mei only bristled further in response. “How do you know my name?!” Mei growled, thrusting her blade forward, the end coming to life with that familiar green glow. 
“Mei, wait!” MK called out, and Mei did turn to him at that, if only in confusion. 
“MK, what’s going on here? And who the heck are you??” Pigsy questioned the man irately, directing everyone’s accusing gazes. The man surveyed each of their faces with, his stony expression unchanging – before landing on MK’s unsure expression. Surprisingly, his own softened by a degree. He shook his head, and raised up his hands.
“Look, it’s a long story, but to keep it short – I’m not good at this.” The man began, kneeling to place his guandao slowly on the ground, keeping his arms above his head as he stood back up, facing the group. “But I know what hunts you all. By coincidence, I have walked along the path that intends to put an end to what she is for a while now. And I didn’t know anyone else was, until now, so…” The man trailed off, glancing off and pressing his lips together, looking conflicted for a moment…before dropping his head with a sigh, stepping back, and giving the group a greeting bow.
“I am here to help you, MK. All of you.” He states, directly towards the core of the group. 
Everyone was silent, and a bit hesitant – before turning to MK to see his reaction.
“…Oh.” MK sounded numbly after a moment, before dropping his arms lazily as he arched a brow at the man. “Oh. Why didn’t you just start with that?” He asked. 
The man’s eyebrow twitched with an untold emotion, before he sighed, putting his fingers on the ridge of his nose. “Like I said, I’m not good at this.” He responded, murmuring something under his breath. MK thought he heard him say a name…Chang something. 
“Alright, gramps –” Monkey King suddenly spoke up, cutting through the moment. “Whatever it is you’re good at, you’re lucky I didn’t kill you just now." Everyone looked to see his suspicious expression directed at the old warrior, his bafflement set aside as he moved to be in front of MK. “So you know about Lady Bone Demon, and showed up just after her power appeared where it shouldn’t? Real convenient, that.” He challenged.
A silent stare down ensued, and MK looked over his master’s shoulder — honestly shocked to see how the man was indeed matching Monkey King’s golden glare, without even flinching. 
“Uh – okay, hold on now – “ And then another surprise appeared when Tang opted to step between the two, halting whatever friction was starting to build. He gave a still-glowering Monkey King a shaky smile before clearing his throat as he turned to the man. 
“I think what Monkey King means is, if you really do have more, uh…expertise when it comes to Lady Bone Demon, then we’d be glad to accept your help – but we’ve also been victims of her trickery. How…exactly are you planning to show us we can trust you?”
The clearing was silent in the pause that followed, everyone waiting with bated breath to see the Warrior’s potential reply. He, for his part, kept up that frown that MK was starting to think was just his natural expression, before lowering his eyes in thought. But before he could speak, any ensuing conversation was interrupted by a series of loud booms sounding in the air. Everyone turned to see the castle practically breaking in half, the ice splintering the supports and sending the lower half of the structure crashing down the mountain – a sight punctuated by icy spikes climbing up the nearby cliff, towards them. The group quickly began to step back.
“Uh, maybe we can save this for when we get out of here?” Mei suggested, and they all heard the van horn honking, turning to see Sandy had already gotten into the driver's seat.
“Hop on in, guys! You too, sir!” Sandy called out, and everyone began to follow suit – until MK had a thought, and turned to the man.
“Uh, quick question – you said something about spirits earlier…do you know how to, like, uh – I dunno, sense this stuff?” MK asked, pointing to the encroaching ice. “To sense anything all spooky and weird and Lady-Bone Demony after us?”
The man took a moment to think again, before letting out a resigned huff. “I’m not the expert at it — but I can do it well enough to get you all to safety.” He responded.
“But…there is?” MK questioned, catching the way he worded that. “An expert?”
Before the elder one could respond, the van horn honked again, more continuously.
“MK, come on! We gotta get the brick outta here!” Mei yelled from the open back door, and the two could both see the grass frosting over.
MK gave the man one fully purposeful look. “You promise to help us?” 
“I swear it.” the warrior responded, resolute.
“What is your name?”
“Zhuāng Jié, kid.” He stated, collecting his guandao from the ground.
“Do you like Monkey Cop movies?”
“I – what?” He looked perplexed.
“Good enough, lets go!” MK decided, running to the car with their new teammate behind him. “Pigsy, move! Mr. Zhuāng Jié here needs to sit in the front!”
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