ghoultrifle · 1 year
Phantom's Top Surgery
@autumnblooms made a post asking about top surgery ghouls and I couldn't resist. So here is 1.8k words of they/them non-binary Phantom having top surgery and the pack loving them so much (like SO MUCH). If you couldn't tell, I have never had surgery, let alone top surgery (I wish!) so any medical inaccuracies are on me! Minor mentions of scars (medical) and dysphoria, nothing heavy though, this is a fluffy fic :) Enjoy!
They opened their eyes, the halo of the ward’s fluorescent bulb assaulting them before their eyes fluttered shut again, straining. They could feel their right hand had a warmth to it, almost burning. It was Dewdrop, his hand enveloping Phantom’s as he sat at their bedside.
Dew had been waiting nervously for the young ghoul to wake. Their summoning went awry, they were given the wrong vessel and today was the day Phantom would finally know peace, even if just a little.
“Hey sweetheart, you’re safe, it was all a success. Can you open your eyes for me now?” Dewdrop whispered, shielding their eyes from the light with his hand, careful not to startle the groggy ghoul.
Their eyes twitched open, bracing for the light that never came. “You stayed, Dew?” They asked in awe. “Of course I did, honey. There’s nowhere else I’d rather be than here with you.” He replied, “In fact I’m honoured to be able to share this story with you.” Dew brought Phantom’s hand to his chest as he traced his own scars, faded now, but still textured.
Phantom smiled, their lips parting to reveal their fangs, an action unconsciously reserved for those they trusted most. “Are they really gone?” They questioned. Dewdrop didn’t reply, only moved their hands over the quintessence ghoul’s bandaged chest. The wraps were thick and the drains were in the way but even so it was clear to Phantom that they really were gone, once and for all.
No more back pain from binders and sports bras. No more slouching and rolling in their shoulders. No more refusing to go swimming with Rain on account of their vessel. They were free.
Well, not quite yet. The next two weeks were going to be tough, confined to a bed and relying on their packmates for everything. They weren’t looking forward to it. Being a relatively new summon they felt bad that all attention had been on them since they were summoned, all because Secondo never properly taught Copia Latin.
It made no sense for them to be worried, the pack loved to dote on them at any chance they got. Pampering them with spa days and Swiss even created a countdown calendar for Phantom’s surgery date, bringing out a cake with ‘Take ‘em away, boys!’ written in icing on the morning of. Even Aurora, who was summoned with them, had no qualms about the attention they received; she preferred to stay out of the limelight as she assimilated.
There was a knock at the door, more of an announcement than a question, as Aether entered. “Hey Bud, how you feeling? Thought I’d pop along in case you needed a little quinty help!” The older ghoul asked, making jazz hands as his fingertips leaked magick into the room.
Now they thought about it, it did ache. It wasn’t painful, they were on so many meds it couldn’t have been, but there was a pressure to it, a dull ache around their chest. It wasn’t quite what they’d been expecting, to feel worse than they did with their tightest binder but it was worth it, they reckoned.
Phantom turned their head towards the door, eyes unable to focus, “Aches, Aeth.” Was all they could manage, head still swirling from the anaesthesia; it takes significantly more to knock out a quintessence ghoul. They willed their hands to make a grabbing motion at Aether. They’re not sure if it worked but either way Aether was soon approaching the bed, hands tingling with quintessence.
“I bet it does, Baby. This feel better?” Aether hummed as he held his palms to Phantom’s collar bones, the closest exposed skin to the fresh scars. Phantom murmured an affirmative response that no one could quite make out, they were too blissed out at the relief their packmate was offering.
Aether moved his hands to affectionately mess Phantom’s hair before returning them to his lap, now sitting opposite Dewdrop. “That should be enough for a few hours, Bug.”
“‘m sleepy, Dewy. Cuddles?” Phantom asked, successfully grabbing in Dew’s direction this time. The young ghoul attempted to roll on their side, ready for Dewdrop to spoon them. Aether placed a firm but loving hand on their shoulder, “Oh honey you can’t be rolling over, your chest will come out lop-sided!” He joked, chuckling as Phantom whined before giggling.
“Alright, Ant. How about I use some magick to keep you warm now and I’ll give you all the cuddles once the bandages are off, huh?” Dewdrop propositioned, stretching out his hand to the ghoul’s bare arm. They closed their eyes just as Aether sparked some quintessence to give Phantom the feeling of a warm, embracing hug.
They awoke once again, hours later, for the nurses to do their final fit-for-home tests: blood pressure, check they’ve pissed, and check their bandages. Phantom was barely awake for this, the surgery having destroyed their energy. They just about made out a kind man talking to them, “Alright Tom, looks like you’re good to go. The doctor will be in touch about your follow up appointments shortly!” 
Who’s Tom?, they thought, forgetting their human name. It didn’t matter though as Aurora and Dewdrop helped dress them in joggers and a button-up shirt, Aether at the abbey cooking a ‘welcome back’ lasagne with Swiss.
The short ghouls plopped their subject into a wheelchair before racing them down the hallway, seeing which of them could propel Phantom the furthest on a single push. Phantom was having a great time until they were accelerated toes-first into a wall as the chair decided it wasn’t going to play ball, “Ow! I thought you were meant to be taking care of me!” They whined, not really minding, Aether’s magick still in effect.
Dew and Aurora exchanged a smirk before apologising and wheeling Phantom to the car at a reasonable pace. Mountain was parked outside, ready for the special delivery. The front seat was pushed right back so Phantom could easily slide in, already wearing their neck pillow. Their bandages provided just enough padding that the seatbelt was bearable, it was only a short ride anyway.
On getting out of the car, Phantom was carried bridal style by the earth ghoul straight to their bed where Swiss was waiting with a trolley full of food. The young ghoul was starving after being nil by mouth and only snacking post-surgery. Mountain settled them on their wedge pillow, a soft tubular cushion placed under their arms like a pool noodle, and an in-bed tray placed over their waist.
Mountain turned to leave as he was accosted by Phantom weakly pulling him back, “Mwah” they exaggerated as they kissed him on the cheek, miming a hug they couldn’t quite give with their t-rex arms. Mountain smiled and blew a kiss back as he left the multi ghoul to serve their dinner.
“Made your favourite, Ant, lasagne!” Swiss exclaimed trying to keep Phantom awake enough to eat without falling asleep face first in the pasta. He placed the food on the quintessence ghoul’s tray and handed them their favourite fork, it had plastic casing with bats on it. Phantom took a deep breath, inhaling the scent of the freshly cooked meal, “Mmm thanks Swissy, smells good!” They replied. 
They scoffed the lasagne in no time, asking Swiss for seconds, and then a dessert. Swiss had come prepared, with a quick text on his phone Cumulus was entering the room, apple pie in hand with a spoon to match the set. “Lussy! You came! With pie too?!” They were getting excited now, Cumulus often took a back seat when it came to Phantom’s transition, struggling to reconcile with her own. But she couldn’t resist coming to see the freshly flat-chested ghoul before her, she remembered what her first gender affirming surgery was like. It was cold and lonely, before she was a band ghoul, there was no one there for her. She couldn’t bear to think Phantom would have the same experience. So she turned up, she was present, and she did what she does best: baked.
Phantom slept well that night, but the following evenings proved more difficult. Sleeping upright, unable to move and stretch was difficult for the young ghoul. They were often found curled up in a ball of a morning, so staying still was a challenge. The post-op binder was so tight, their back hurt and their chest ached. Cirrus caught wind of a hrmmph coming from Phantom’s room, gently opening the door to check the ghoul hadn’t injured themself.
“You OK, Bug?” She asked, fresh concern in her voice as she saw the discomfort they were in. Phantom just shook their head with a disapproving chirp. “Oh I know, it’s hard isn’t it? Dewdrop really struggled with this bit too.” She replied, “I can always try what I tried with him if you want?” She offered tentatively.
The quintessence ghoul nodded, trying not to rouse themself anymore than Cirrus had already. She nodded before she started singing a lullaby, soft and sweet in that tender voice of hers. Phantom felt sleep pulling over them, drifting from consciousness with every line she sang. They could get used to this.
It became a routine, Cirrus’ charming voice accompanying them on their journey to sleep. As days turned into weeks they found it easier, the wedge pillow’s angle decreasing as they became more horizontal at night. Being able to lift their arms enough to shower and make their own cereal in the morning. It was the little things that made everything that little bit more bearable.
Of course they brought the whole pack to their chest reveal, excited chirps and trills from the crowd as the nurse removed the bandages to reveal fresh red scars outlining their pecs and small suture lines around their nipples. Many tears were shed that afternoon, not least from Phantom themself. 
That summer, the pack were down at the lake, cooling off by the shore. Phantom and Dewdrop were sporting their scar strips as they sat shirtless on the wooden dock, feet swinging idly in the water, swimming shorts on. Suddenly a rush of air passed them as Rain ran behind them shouting “Last one in the water’s a rotten egg!” as he broke the surface of the peaceful water.
For the first time, they wanted to join Rain. Phantom looked at Dewdrop before scrambling to their feet, desperate not to be the rotten egg, before jumping in. The water hit their scars, cool and fresh, just like the realisation that they were finally free.
This is what life was meant to be.
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everybodyshusband · 1 year
rivers post about phantom loving octopi got me thinking about regressed phantom and that octopus baby rattle that river had as the final picture
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aah, thank you for your asks, anons !! i think this is the post by @ominousposting that you're referring to?
1.8k words of nonbinary rain/swiss/nonbinary, little new ghoul under the cut, or on ao3 :)
“Quinty?” Swiss hollers, pulling back the curtains of each of the bunks as he walks his way down the bus, heedless of the indignant groans he receives from his packmates. “Quinty, you in here?”
Quinty isn’t the real name of their newest quintessence ghoul, but when the poor thing had first been summoned, they’d had such trouble keeping up with everyone’s names that they’d instead called the pack by their elements. The rest of the pack had chosen to do the same thing to them in some kind of gentle mockery—all in good faith, of course—and even now the quintessence ghoul knows and uses all their names, their little nickname has stuck fast. Swiss can bet it won’t be long before the pack forgets their real name in favour of their given one.
There’s no response when Swiss calls out for them a third time, and the multi ghoul is beginning to get worried. It’s a rest day, so there’s no real need for Swiss to find them, but he finds himself growing fond of the new summon and their company, and things can get lonely on the road for Swiss, even constantly surrounded by his packmates as he is. Even on their darker days, Swiss cannot seem to stop himself from finding contentment in their company, and with every conversation they have, Swiss finds his affections for the younger ghoul growing tenfold.
He finally locates the quintessence ghoul once he pulls back the curtain of the last bunk—his own—but the sight in front of his eyes is not what he’s expecting at all.
The quintessence ghoul stares up at Swiss with big, round eyes filled with adoration and something else that Swiss can’t quite place—fear, maybe, but that doesn’t seem right… the two of them are on good terms, he thought—as they suck their thumb with a mouth that looks too slack.
“Quinty? You– You okay, buddy?” Swiss tries to reach a hand out to touch them, but they let out a hurt whine and shrink away before his hand can even make it halfway towards them. “No touch? That’s fine…” Swiss trails off, not because he’s disappointed, but because he has no idea what to do. He’s never seen the quintessence ghoul act like this, and he feels way out of his depth in how to deal with it. He doesn’t even know what it is that’s causing them to act like this, if they’ve simply gone non-verbal and touch averse, too anxious to deal with touch, or something else entirely. All Swiss knows, really, is that he’s found himself with one very distressed ghoul on his hands, and he has no idea how he should go about comforting them. He’d have some idea of how to help them if they were able to communicate in any way—after all, the two of them have found themselves in similar situations to this before—but by the look of it, it would be impossible to garner so much of a whisper in Swiss’ mind from the ghoul in front of him, and so, the multi ghoul finds himself at a loss.
“I– I’ll be right back, Quinty, okay?” He stutters out, mind already racing as begins to think about which of their packmates the quintessence ghoul would be most comfortable with like this. “You just stay there, buddy. We’ll get you some help, yeah?”
They just stare up at him with their big, round eyes and nod their head mindlessly, which Swiss hopes is a yes, rather than some kind of subconscious action their body is imposing upon them.
Swiss closes the privacy curtain and turns on his heel, racing to the common area in search of Rain. They’ll know what to do, he’s sure of it.
They look up at him with a smile that quickly slides off their face as Swiss runs into the sitting area. “Swiss! I was wondering where you’d– Is everything– Is everything alright, my darling?”
“It’s– It’s Quinty.” Rain shuts their book and gives Swiss their full attention, waiting for him to continue. “Something– Something’s wrong, I think. Help?”
Rain jumps up and instructs Swiss to lead them to the quintessence ghoul. As he pulls back the curtain for them to see, the water ghoul does the last thing Swiss expects them to do; they coo.
“Awh, nothing’s wrong with them, Swiss,” they reassure him, crouching down to the quintessence ghoul’s level. “They’re just feeling a little, uh, little, is all.” They laugh at their own unintended wordplay.
Swiss blinks. “You mean… regression? Like you?”
Rain chuckles softly at a particularly curious blink that makes the little ghoul’s entire face scrunch up in earnest, reaching a finger out to bap at their nose before turning their attention back to Swiss. “Yeah. Except Quinty looks like they’re a lot smaller than I ever am.” They turn back to the ghoul in front of them, directing their words at them now, despite the fact they won’t be able to fully understand. “You’re teeny tiny, aren’t you, sweet thing?”
The little ghoul looks up at Rain and blinks slowly, their mouth going slack around their thumb as they take in the new scents surrounding them. They let out a noise; half squawk, half whine. Swiss finds it hard to decipher, and clearly, so does Rain. The water ghoul, however, takes it in their stride as always and doubles down on giving their attention and affection to the babbling ghoul; cooing at them and tapping their wandering hands and feet lightly with their fingers.
“Yes, you are, little one, you’re so small. Awh, look at you, my sweet darling…” Swiss watches on in awe as Rain continues talkings and manages to rid that strange look—Swiss is now sure it was some kind of worry or fear, as he’d first thought—from the quintessence ghoul’s eyes, having them giggling and curling in on themselves delightedly in barely any time at all. Soon, Rain is turning to him and speaking, and Swiss has to make a conscious effort to stop directing heart eyes at the two ghouls in front of him and tune back in to what Rain’s saying. “Would you mind waiting here with them while I fetch a few things from the commons? They’ll be fine on their own I just… We shouldn’t leave them alone like this.”
Before Swiss even registers their words, he finds himself nodding. “Yeah. Yeah, ‘s fine, Rainy. I don’t mind.”
Rain stands and presses a chaste kiss to Swiss’ lips. “Thank you, darling. I’ll be right back.”
Swiss watches them walk back down the bus towards the common area before turning his attention back to the little ghoul in his bunk. Their eyes are unfocussed and shine with tears as they stare after Rain. When the water ghoul disappears entirely, they begin to twist and flap their arms where they’re lying, letting out a series of hurt puppy noises that Swiss swears he can physically feel.
“Oh, no, bud, it’s okay, it’s okay,” he does his best to reassure. “Rainy will be back soon, okay?” He leans in close, twisting his grin into something softly conspiratorial. “Between you and me, little one, I think they’re gettin’ somethin’ for you.”
The quintessence ghoul stops their jolting and whining and looks up at Swiss slack-jawed. Swiss knows they’re not able to speak like this, but everything in their body language is screaming: “Really? Something for– For me?”
“Yeah, little one. Just for you. Somethin’ real special, too, I bet.” He tentatively reaches his hand out again, just as he had seen Rain do, and is overjoyed when the little ghoul doesn’t flinch away this time.
They grip onto two of his fingers, and Swiss has never been more thankful—for the sake of his packmate—that his glamour doesn’t fit quite right and makes his hands just that bit too large for the rest of his body, if only for the fact that the quintessence ghoul’s fingers just barely manage to overlap each other, and it’s clear that it’s helping them stay in their regressed headspace. Their grip is surprisingly strong, and Swiss catches himself hoping that Rain brings back something else for them to hold; it’s not as if Swiss doesn’t love the idea of curling up with the little ghoul and falling asleep side by side, but dammit, he has things to do today.
Thankfully, Rain returns soon enough cradling a few toys in their arms, the majority of which, Swiss is surprised to note, he doesn’t recognise. “These yours, Rainy? I haven’t seen ‘em before.” He yoinks an octopus plushie out of their arms, it’s squishy. “Awh, cute.”
The little ghoul must see the octopus, because they immediately let go of Swiss’ fingers and make their best attempt at grabby hands in the toy’s direction, whining softly. Rain takes the octopus back and deposits it into their arms, telling the little ghoul its name. They gasp out softly as they feel the softness of the toy for themselves and immediately hug it close to their chest. 
“Yeah, they’re mine.” Rain’s voice is hushed so as not to disturb the little ghoul from their excitement. “Mount got them for me a while ago but I never really reach for them when I’m small. Besides, this one’s been rambling on about octopi ever since they were summoned. It seems only right to let them have these.” The water ghoul shrugs and turns away to dig back through the pile of toys, but Swiss catches their arm before they can turn too far.
“You’re lovely,” he says, genuinely delighted in the soft blush that settles over their cheeks as his words sink in.
“...Thank you, Swiss.”
Their moment is interrupted by the quintessence ghoul doing their best to sit up and point at one of the toys still hidden in Rain’s arms, babbling incoherently in excitement. It’s a rattle shaped like an octopus. The head of the rattle is hidden inside the soft, plush head of the octopus, and its arms disguise the handle. Rain shakes the toy for them and the arms splay out, twisting in the air. The little ghoul seems to be entranced by the motion of it, and even more desperate to grab a hold of it for themselves. The water ghoul holds it out to them, both they and Swiss chuckling as their packmate does their best to get a strong enough grip on it. Eventually they manage it and swing the rattle around, giggling to themselves at the noises it makes with every movement.
Now that the little ghoul seems relatively content, Swiss and Rain are able to sit back and watch them play with the rattle, lost in their own thoughts. Swiss wraps an arm around Rain’s shoulder and lets the water ghoul lean into him. “Thank you for your help, Rainy,” he whispers softly, not wanting to disrupt the little ghoul’s playing. “Couldn’t have made ‘em happy without you.”
Rain just hums quietly and leans further into Swiss’ side, both of them content to watch their mate play with their toys until they grow too tired to sit upright.
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banannabethchase · 10 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by @aidaronan <3 <3 thanks deary!
Putting this monster under a cut
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
As of this very second, 298. Which is absurd.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
1,342,926 (I'm well over a million words even taking out my Quintis baby fic holy applesauce)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Wrestlefic, mostly AEW. But I will always have a soft spot for Quintis, Pipeyna, Stucky, and my everlove Percabeth.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Oh this is gonna be weird for reasons you'll see: Plus One [Criminal Minds], Back to the Future [PJO/Marvel], The Pros and Cons of Avengers Tower (It's Mostly Cons) [Marvel], Forever After You Will Be My Home [CBS Scorpion], The Rumor of Us [Heroes of Olympus]. Wrestlefandom is just so flippin tiny not a single fic made it in here kudos wise or even came close. It will always baffle me that my highest kudos'd fic is a Criminal Minds story.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to! I make it a point to try and make sure most if not all comments are responded to, but I think that's a compulsive thing on my end.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Ooh. Good question. I have a fair bit of angst, but the only one I can think of with a truly hopeless and angsty ending is Aftermath of the End, which is a concept of what would happen if Percy had died in Blood of Olympus and Annabeth went mad with grief. It is...very dark, very angsty, and very different from most things I've written.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
You ask the fluff monster what is the happiest ending? This is a hard question. I think Set the World Alight is the overall happiest ending, since everyone gets their best possible outcome, especially after all the tough stuff they worked through in the rest of the fic.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I have, but it's usually built from a misunderstanding, I'd like to think.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
*gestures to the 95 explicit and 58 mature rated fics on my AO3 account* I mean. Very much yes. And what kind? All kinds, at this point. Too many kinds, truly. See the most recent thing I posted. Yoinks.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I have! Craziest one is the one I'm making for my 300th AO3 posting which is AEW based but brings in two of my other college AUs from completely different fandoms. It's pure self indulgent shenanigans.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Oh yes. Multiple people have specifically stolen The Rumor of Us which like. Why???
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes a handful.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I don't think so.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Oh I hate this. I think all time is Percabeth, because come the fuck on, but Quintis, HangMatt, HangMox, Pipeyna, and Stucky challenge constantly for the title.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I would love to finish that massive undertaking of writing Heroes of Olympus where Reyna and Annabeth were switched instead of Percy and Jason, but it'll never happen.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue, fluff, and porn with feelings.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Angst. Writing without stupid puns. Keeping things serious. Editing to make sure I didn't make the same joke/use the same word/repeat phrasing across a fic or all my writing.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I think the only languages I'd be comfortable even attempting are French and Spanish since I'm relatively conversational in Spanish and I took 9 years of French, but I would be very hesitant and would consult a native speaker to help me.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
...when I was 6 I wrote a self-insert based on Berenstain Bears and when I was around 10 or 11 I wrote a self-insert where a girl named Mallory met Puddleglum's brother whose name escapes me (because I made it up in 2002) and they had to save Narnia together.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Oh goodness. I think my novel-length ones are my favorites. Set the World Alight, The Rumor of Us, and Forever After You Will Be My Home were labors of love and dedication that proved to me I can write a single story narrative. I also accidentally imprinted on all of those character designs for these fics, so they are intrinsically related to my interpretation of characters when I'm initially playing around with ideas. Forever After specifically I worked my ass off on with 15 or so hours of research on pregnancy, early childhood, and giving birth which I think shows in the detail.
Should they like to do so, I tag @perseannabeth, @sarahcakes613, @booboo-eyedbambi, and @scissormedaddyass! No pressure though <3
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heartofstanding · 2 years
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worst idea ever starter kit.
DSL: Henry has nice, full lips. Good for sucking— [i am dragged out and shot, i return]
Upsetting teeth: upsetting AND unsettling teeth? Sigismund’s got ‘em.
The relic of St George’s heart as a present: want to make sure your crush will sleep with you? why not gift him the heart of his patron saint? that’s exactly what Sigismund did.
Calais: scene of Sigismund waiting on the beach for Henry to arrive and their tearful farewells
Saddle present: this saddle is thought to have been given to Henry by Sigismund
Drinking horns: yes, that is sigismund’s. it’s good to be emperor.
Quote “and when the emperor had waited for a long time...”: Sigismund and Henry’s “eagerly awaited face”. The man pined, OK?
Sword present: Henry left Sigismund a sword in his 1415 will but not in his 1421/2 one which meant he probably gave it to Sigismund when they met. can you GET any more phallic than that?
brother who’d like to be excluded from this narrative: well, wouldn’t you?
screaming horror: the emotion this ship evokes
quote “in the arse, it’s black”: this is apparently the translated motto on the back of the saddle Sigismund and explains this ship perfectly.
pining at the seaside: what Sigismund did at Calais waiting for Henry to arrive.
military orders: Sigismund inducted Henry into his Order of the Dragon, Henry inducted Sigismund into the Order of the Garter.
upset Anne of Bohemia: she may have met Henry when he was a baby and Sigismund is her brother, it’s a bit much. Especially since one of their dates was at the shrine of Edward the Confessor (right in front of her tomb).
knight marriage: there’s a section from the gesta henrici quinti which makes it sound like they did the sworn brotherhood/knight marriage thing
quote “after oft-repeated embraces which, in tears, they could hardly be parted”: the boys say goodbye and don’t wanna :’(
friends disapproval: whose friends? mine, yours, henry’s, sigismund’s. they all disapprove. I can’t blame them.
gesta henrici quinti: the shipping manifesto and the source of most of the quotes
rebound sex: richard courtenay, pictured, was hal’s bff and possible boyfriend who died at harfleur in 1415. i’m just saying Henry may have been vulnerable and Sigisimund may have taken advantage.
fur hats: sigismund’s got them
amoris vehemenicam: how the gesta henrici quinti describes their love
shrine of edward the confessor: henry took sigismund for a tour. right in front of anne of bohemia’s tomb. 
bowl cuts: henry’s got one.
wikipedia page: the treaty of canterbury (1416): that’s right this ship has its own wikipedia page
matching t-shirts “i’m with stupid ➡️””⬅️i’m with stupid”: is henry stupid? is sigismund? is stupid really stupid or a different kind of smart? do they really have a relationship so special in their hearts? did i think the pet shop boys song is too obscure to reference and went for the t-shirt joke instead? if the answer to this is “what pet shop boys song?” then yes, yes i did. but you can’t tell me it’s not their theme song. (yes, i am aware who the song is really about but I’ve got my fingers in my ears.)
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seymourbutts00 · 7 years
Toby: *is upset because if he dies, Amy’s lips were the last he’d kissed*
Happy: *100% knew Toby would never cheat, she was worried about losing him to gambling*
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ellieroxx · 7 years
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Not sure if this is really a throwback but I'm gonna make it one for throwback Thursday. We are featuring my favorite scene. This is a scene from Scorpion season 4 episode 4: Nuke Kids on the Block. The one where Happy says she wants a baby with Toby! I was so happy I was jumping for joy inside when I heard this. It's all I've ever wanted!! A Quintis baby is coming at some point!!😍 👶👣🍼🚼
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aspiestvmusings · 7 years
Why isn’t anyone talking about Toby saying their fertility treatment did not work and they need funding? What do you think is next for mission baby Quintis?
Hi, anon, 
It is possible some fans missed the line in the midst of all the workplace drama that was going on in that scene. 
Maybe no-one wants to talk about it, cause it was just that one line… with no followup. No discussion on the subject at all. No emotions from the two regarding this. No nothing. Which.. to me… seems suspicious.  So maybe fans are either waiting for next eps and the (hopefully on screen) talk on this, and more info on all of this… Or simply are in denial about it not working. Or not wanting to talk about it yet, cause they …like Quintis, really wanted this to happen- pos. news on 1st time/test….and are just sad…and unable to talk about it yet. 
Here are my thoughts on this: 
Yes, Toby’s line in this ep suggest as if they know for sure that their  1st IVF cycle didn’t work. But isn’t that interesting? I mean… most likely just TVscience issue (and they don’tfollow reality much), but still makes you wonder/ask… if they did not knowin 419… cause it was too soon to tell, and if 420 happens just “a few days later” (based on Happy’s comment that she saw Flo get in the car just a few days ago), then that’s interesting. How do they know FOR SURE now then, just a few days later? I mean.. the blood test shows higher hCG levels only after a certain time… tests taken too early (after IVF, after fertilization… implantation) can not be trusted fully… so if they JUST got to the timeline where you can tell, then it might be a false neg test. Meaning… too early to tell for sure. So until I know the timeline and what they are basing this on… I am proceeding with caution…;) 
For those unaware… the blood test isn’t reliable/can’t really tell anything util about 2-3 weeks after the transfer… (the hormone levels become detectable after “the seed has planted the roots” aka found a home on the uterine wall aka pregnancy has actually occurred) and home tests are notoriously incorrect during IVF… for various reasons…giving false readings. So… without knowing what they base this claim on…I am not prepared to comment or make final decisions. Was it a home test (Toby as a doc should know!)?Was it just the 1st blood test (taken barely 2 weeks after?)?  Was there more doc visits and their ignore the time issue again (more time has passed), and they know for sure what the issue was: no implantation happened; there was a successful “touchdown” but it still didn’t last; something other… Either way… unless more time has passed than ep 420 claims… Happy was on “prep mode” for those few weeks, and until we get more answers in next ep (what went “wrong” and what needs to be “fixed” next time to make it happen)..or until no surprise twist in the finale (cause sometimes late implantation can occur) …I’m leaving this door  wide open..for all options. 
You know…I am suspicious of all “facts” stated on the show with no info on what they are based on. In S3 Happy stated she is pregnant… we did not know how she knew until the end of the storyline (a false pos blood test at the docs… until then it could’ve been just her guess based on missed period or home test… we were given no details… til it was revealed in the end) So I am not ruling out (wishful thinking on my part, I am aware of that) that they are basing this on uncertain info - either false neg, or just a home test, or this show is going full “genius” and have them not be able to tell the difference between an actual period & implantation bleeding. And basing this simply on superficial data like “cramping” or “blood” that they read falsely (hard to believe with geniuses, and one of them being a doc, but I don’t put anything past TV shows) So… until more info is given, I am not buying this…
But yeah… IF it didn’t really take, and it’s not just a throwaway line  that had no follow-up or focus on the emotional repercussions of  the not good outcome, and it’s canon canon with no twists coming…then I think we have two main options: either IVF cycle 2, or adoption. Because I think the show has made it clear that they’re not gonna give up trying… even with all the bumps on the road (that the writers add…  (#didtheyreallyneedtoaddeverysinglebumpthough #Idprefermorefocusononeissueinsteadofquicklydoingallissuesinarow ?) Both costly options. So adding to the expenses of the future parents-to-be. Even considering the gift from Walt… shares of the “pie”… and Happy’s inventions bringing in the big bucks. 
If there isn’t a plot twist coming regarding this first cycle, then there really are only two options, as the third - give up… is not Quintis., They will tackle this… as a team… and they will find solutions.  Cause they ARE going to have a family. They will be waiting outside of school for their kid(s)… It is gonna happen. No matter when and how. It’s gonna happen for them. 
In short: I find it always suspicious when something is not given much attention on screen.  It can mean 2 things: writers decided to not go deep into the plot (not good writing) OR it was so casually mentioned with no real focus…on purpose. And I do not expect final answers in 421 either. I do expect the final answers only in the finale… whether it really didn’t happen on 1st try, and they gotta find ways to save for next attempt in “5 months” or just as they’ve given up… a plot twist… (doc calls & says 1st results was false negative, which would make the S4 IVF-baby plot reverse of the S4 Cd-baby plot. Also..I am not giving upon hope that Collins will have something to do with all this…and he messed with their test results or something…) and since it seems that next 2 eps take place very soon after this ep in their universes timeline… then there is the  chance that they could rely on one test results again… with no extra information on anything… 
So… IDK Maybe Toby was also using whitelies… and trying to get Walt to give them a bigger share by claiming it didn’t happen, when they either don’t know yet, or know it happened but aren’t sharing til end of 1st trimester or something? Who knows? (with these “geniuses”)
THE LINE BY TOBY IS: “ … Our fertility treatment hasn’t worked, we need more funds”  (Notice…he doesn’t say ”it didn’t work.” He says “hasn’t worked (yet)” #staypositive , so…) 
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edelweissblooms · 7 years
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Things that worry me: this hug and the looks on their faces makes me think they are infertile. Which makes me sad but also opens up a story line for adopting a child. Just a theory let me know what y'all think I'm curious.
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evergreenlaurel · 7 years
Why can't Toby and Happy just adopt?!? Seriously, it would be a way for Happy to heal from her childhood and they'd be such wonderful adoptive parents!
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quintisqueen-blog · 7 years
Quintis Baby - theory
I think that Happy is pregnant and it will be revealed for the Christmas episode. 
It will be Toby’s Christmas gift. A positive pregnancy test. Cheesy, I know, but Quintis are kind of cheesy, anyway, and they always make it work.
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scribeshan · 7 years
Can we take a moment to appreciate that last night’s ep gave us the following things:
• Quintis fun...Toby’s research on conception and helping things along...and Happy totally calling him on his ulterior motives.
• HotDoc!Toby...I’m always a fan.
• Holy continuity, Batman! Followup on the Collins-on-the-lam story, Quintis baby story (even if I think it’s a little too early to be worried, they’re telling us where we’re headed). When they don’t let storylines die (RIP Megan O’Brien Dodd Pediatric Ward) it makes the storytelling so much richer.
• Sneak peeks into Toby’s background...his dark days in the grips of his gambling addiction, a disturbing mother reference, and confirmation that he’s still committed to his sobriety.
• Utterly beautiful exploration of Happy’s mindset...and she’s not worried about Toby not being there...she’s worried about their kids inheriting their shared family history of a knack for trouble. Her discussion of this at the end was honest, open, and not accusatory.
• Toby’s confidence and perspective that despite their shared “gangster blood”, the kids are gonna be all right, because the extended family will help them.
• That HUG. Something about her reaching over his shoulders instead of around the ribs is just 😍😍😍. Way to grow this character, writers.
• Toby did things with a winch and and brake lines and Happy did things with being a listening ear for a misguided teenager. #rolereversal #iknowtheyaregoingsomewherewiththiseventually
• Tiny little married pecks are the best.
• Great Walter storyline in terms of fearing the loss of Cabe and subconsciously distancing himself.
• Great speech from Paige putting it in perspective for him.
• Amazing performances from Ari and Robert this ep. Writers are growing all the characters right now.
• Toby Curtis climbed a cliff in the wilderness to save his beloved. Can we just...
• COLLINS. WAS. IN. THE. GARAGE. What a wonderful arch nemesis he’s become.
• We are all primed and pumped going into next week, with Cabe’s trial.
Best ep of S4 to date, and I’m so excited about what’s to come on all fronts. I know this show has been through it’s growing pains but this...was worth it for me. Completely.
THANK YOU, showrunners and writers (and marvelous cast)!
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scorpionquintis · 7 years
this episode has many innuendos and it’s making me uncomfortable but also laugh at the same time
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wanna-be-bold · 7 years
Happy and Toby want a baby so bad that they both bought the necklaces 😍😿
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banannabethchase · 7 months
20. What’s a favorite title for a fic you’ve written?
Gahhhhh okay. Two answers.
One: a fic title I love that I used too impulsively and now ache to use right
"Baby We Don't Need These Lights (Because You'll Be Seeing Stars Tonight)" It's from Moon by The Cab. When I heard the lyrics I got SO excited to use them that I sort of wasted them on a run of the mill Quintis one shot and I regret it 😭
Two: a fic title I waited for that I adored until I got the right story
Two of them, and both for DannYuta stories. "Part Time Soulmate, Full Time Problem" and "If You Were Church (I'd Get on My Knees)". Sometimes waiting for the right story works!
Honorable mention:
"Good Vibrations" because I still think it's funny as hell. And accurately informs about the fic!
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“I want a baby”
I’m screaming, I blacked out, I fell of my chair. I’m dead. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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readertypertweeter · 7 years
Scorpion 4x04 Review aka Mixed views
Ok so I liked this episode overall, but there were elements that I really dislike as well! 
First off...we got the Quintis baby talk! Even when she’s all angsty, her husband Toby can calm her down! And that was so perfectly Happy, just the statement ‘I want a baby!’ HOPEFULLY THIS WILL BE A HAPPY PREGNANCY WE CAN LOVE AND ENJOY!
I’m hoping we might get told about the new Quintis baby before Christmas! I don’t know if I can wait any longer!
I thought she was in the right though! Paige came across like a bunny boiler who didn’t want anyone else near her man! SERIOUSLY PAIGE IT’S HAPPY?!
SHOUTOUT TO SLY! I’m loving him this season! So he’s an Alderman and now he wants to be a lawyer for Cabe! Only he could do that! I seriously hope he wins out!
But, and I’m sorry about this, but I REALLY don’t like Patty! In what planet is a teenager so involved in local politics! And can tell an Alderman what to do! Someone needs to give a shock! OR A TARDY!
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