#Qatar hashtag
ppldynamics · 5 months
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🇶🇦 Calling all Qatari Nationals! Are you looking for a fulfilling career opportunity that aligns with your values? Look no further, we are hiring for multiple roles and positions in various industries. Share your resume at [email protected] to apply
For more information visit:
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tst601 · 1 year
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**متوفرة بمعرضنا في دبي والتسليم خلال 10 ايام** ****************************************** النـــــــــــوع: GMC Seirra Denali 1500 الموديـــل: 2022 العـــــــــداد: 0 كلم الـلــــــــــون: (ابيض / اسود) (اسود / اسود) (رمادي / اسود) الـــــــــــوارد: خليجي الســـــــــــعر: 269.000 ((شامل الجمارك والشحن والتخليص)) ****************************************** المواصــــــــفات: - 420 حصـــــــــان - 8 ســـــــلندر 6.2 - جير 10 ســــرعات - نظام رادار امامي - نظام ابل كار بلاي - فتحة ســـــــــــــــقف - انـــــــــــوار زينـــــــــون - تشــــــــغيل بصــــــمة - نظــــــــــــام بـــــلوتوث - حســــــــاســــــات خلفية - شاشـــــــــــــــة ملاحـــــــــة - كاميــــــــــــــــــــــــــــرا خلفية - كـــــــــــــراسي جلـــــــــــــــــــــد - كـــــــــــــراسي كــــــــــــهربائيـة - كـــــــــــراسي تسخين + تبريد - تنبيه خـــــــــروج من المســــــار ****************************************** شركة تكامل الحلول للتجارة شعارنا نتطلع الى خدمتكم ****************************************** Snapchat: tst.601 Twitter: @tst_601 Instgram: @tst.601 Mob:+966598601601 #cars #gmc #seirra #denali #saudiarabia #gulf #neom #hashtag #uae #qatar #muscle (at Khobar, Saudi Arabia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqWLqqXNftq/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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disaster-racing · 7 months
I don't usually do text posts, but I just have to ask - has anyone else noticed something strange with the Screaming Meals streams recently? James and Clem have been making some weird comments about Marcus, and they sound... a bit worrying? So I went back to their previous streams to check, and here what they said:
Qatar quali stream:
C: "We're trying, you know, to really promote this channel… trying to make it grow, got no idea what we're doing. And Marcus Armstrong doesn't wanna help us." J: "Yeah. To be fair, he doesn't have a say these days in what goes on his Instagram." C: "Does he not? Oh! That's true, I forgot about that. That is true."
C: "So, so, can you… is that the real reason, the fact that you haven't got enough devices, that you're not listening to our stream, or is it sort of censored in the household, per se?" M: "Yeah, the US has actually censored Screaming Meals, umm…" C: "Oh, see, I didn't think it would have been–" J: "Sort of a North Korea situation, is it?" C: (laughs) M: (laughs) "For obvious reasons, mate, for obvious reasons." C: "Yeah, doesn't seem to be the US, but err…"
J: (talking to Marcus) "I don't know about you but the last time I checked my bank account, fuck me, there was some… there's gotta be some numbers missing, but…" C: (closes eyes, laughing)
Qatar sprint stream:
J: "Marcus gets to the UK sometime in November so we'll definitely be filming some stuff in November, as long as he's allowed to. Um, then you can get some more pods."
Qatar race stream:
J: "Marcus says please call a bit later than lap 15, with an x." C: "What a loser! Just always skiving off work." J: "Yeah, why, like… I dunno, he's probably getting screamed at or something, I dunno." C: "Marcus is? Yeah… well, he has been under quite a lot of pressure hasn't he, recently." J: "Yeah… " … C: "No, he hasn't lost control of his downstairs. He has lost control of his credit card, though." J: "He certainly has lost control of his credit card. Anyway!"
C: "Marcus joining us as well for a short trip [in Brasil]. Interesting." J: "Yeah apparently we're not allowed to talk about that." C: "No, we're not. Good times."
J: "Shall we give Marcus another go?" C: "Nah." J: "Fair enough." C: "He was being his usual 'I'm too cool for you guys'…" J: "He was being a bit, wasn't he. He's probably on another sanction from speaking to us." C: "I think so yeah. Must be one of those sanctions."
Mexico race stream:
J: "I'm gonna give Armstrong a buzz." C: "No chance he answers." J: "I believe he's due to fly out 9pm Mexico time." C: "He'll be under heavy control. …has your number not been placed on the 'banned' list?" J: "Ah, no, this is a burner." C: "Oh, mine has. Mine has." […] C: "Quite a lot of restrictions to get in contact with Armstrong these days."
Q&A stream:
(talking about what they would buy if they had to spend £1million on each other) J: "Then for Armstrong… ummm, I'd, I dunno, I'd probably just help him pay off his credit card debts." C: "True! Paying off his credit card debts would be something. Definitely."
C: "Look, we've got Loraine with the hashtag Free Marcus." J: (snorts) "No comment."
And when Marcus was on the sprint race stream last night, he seemed a bit tired and low energy, quite different to how he was on the streams earlier in the year. Maybe I'm just overreacting, but I really hope he's okay and some of the things they've said aren't as concerning as they sound...
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seddenostalgia · 6 months
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El mejor momento de argieblr fue sin dudas el mundial y como soltar nunca vamos a hacer un rewatch y revivir ese momento para festejar el primer añito de campeones🏆
Invitamos también a cualquier latine que quiera acompañarnos con el rewatch
Non argies who are fans of the Argentina NT and Messi you can join us too if you want (just know we'll do it in spanish)
Toda la info de Argentina 🇦🇷 Países Bajos 🇳🇱 abajo ⬇️
9 de Diciembre // December 9th
10pm // 22:00hs (ARG)
El hashtag para taggear los posts: Rewatch Qatar 2022 (no es necesario igual)
Dónde ver el partido? acá
Cronograma (no es taan exacto pero para tener una idea de la organización)
10pm 1er tiempo
15min break
11pm 2do tiempo
15 min break
12am Suplementario
15 min break
Hasta que terminen los penales lol
Cualquier duda o sugerencia es bienvenida
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By: JoDavi
Published: Oct 29, 2023
It has been reported that the Israeli Defense Force is now on the ground in the Gaza strip, beginning what will probably be a long operation to rescue the over 200 Israeli and other foreign hostages from Hamas.
As this is happening, I want to remind you of a few things:
1. The bombs dropped on Gaza was not for revenge, nor was it punishment for the Israeli hostages.
Within the first 48 hours of Hamas’ invasion into Israel on October 7th, Hamas fired over 5000 rockets into Israel. This rocket attack began before the invasion began, and continued until just a couple of days ago. The bombs being dropped from Israel was to neutralize Hamas, who continuously barraged Israel with rockets. Can’t really ceasefire when the other side keeps firing.
2. Israel does everything it can to avoid killing civilians. Hamas does everything it can to get them killed, including kill the civilians themselves.
Israel drops notes, sends text messages, and even hacks television sets to tell the people of Gaza to evacuate, and the fastest routes to take to do so. Hamas routinely blocks the roads. If a Palestinian tries to leave on foot, Hamas threatens to kill them. Hamas shoots bullets at the people, and tells them if they try to leave, Hamas will kill them.
3. Hamas has every capability to provide for its own people, but it chooses to keep them poor.
The only job opportunities in Gaza are working for Hamas. The ones who do are paid extremely well. The ones who don’t are stuck in poverty.
4. Hamas controls speech in Gaza.
For Gazans, it's forbidden to even say that you don’t want war. Journalists are tortured, beaten, and killed if they report anything other than what Hamas tells them to report. Any Palestinian outside of Gaza who calls attention to it, if they have friends or family in Gaza, Hamas threatens and tortures them.
5. Hamas controls speech in Gaza.
No, that repeat isn’t an accident. It is a reminder for those who are unwilling to connect the dots to do so. If Hamas is so incredibly strict on the press and opinions of the general public, there is much to be said about the messaging that does freely come out of Gaza.
For example: Hamas has many people—young people—on their payroll to tell the Hamas narrative and nothing else. And for an organization worth billions of dollars, this is a well-oiled, propaganda machine.
6. Every single civilian casualty in this war is Hamas’ fault.
Based on everything provided in this article, it would be difficult, dishonest even, to conclude otherwise.
7. Every single gruesome and grotesque thing Hamas did to Israelis on October 7th, they’ve done to the people of Gaza since 2007.
Hamas executes homosexuals. They use their vehicles to drag the bodies of dissenters in the streets. They rape their women. They kill their children. Their top leaders have mansions in Gaza and other homes in Qatar where they flee to while wars they instigate wages. And they do all this while feeding disinformation to the world about why and how their people are suffering.
Since I’ve written these past 15 articles, and have been posting on this issue, I’ve been accused of hating Palestinians. Not only is that not the case, I think whoever dons the Free Palestine hashtag, posts the Palestinian flag, and chooses to make noise about this and ignore these seven unfortunate truths, does not care for Palestinians at all. Your goal is not true justice. Your goal is comfort. You’re speaking out because the issue has infiltrated your space, and now you feel you have to. You are unwilling to truly go against the grain if need be for your cause. You’d rather stay in the framework given to you.
That’s pretty selfish.
The people of Gaza who have been posting videos lambasting Hamas with their faces shown fully are the true heroes. They are the Martin Luther Kings and Nelson Mandelas of our time. They deserve to have their voices amplified by those who claim to speak for them. If you claim to be for the Palestinian people, but will not, you are hurting them.
Change comes from the people. And change, like peace, and like true justice, must be rooted in truth.
Follow Center for Peace Communications for more on the following video.
If you're condemning Israel, you've sided with the Hamas terrorist regime. If you're calling for a "ceasefire," you're calling for nothing to change, and for Hamas to be given an opportunity to regroup, recharge, re-arm and come up with even worse atrocities. Something they've already promised to do.
You also would have sided with the Iranian Islamic Regime against the Iranian protesters, and with the Taliban against the Afghans.
Hamas will not surrender. Hamas will not negotiate. A truce benefits only Hamas. Israel needs to be allowed to hunt down and exterminate Hamas, just as the Gazans themselves want.
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eretzyisrael · 11 months
There are actually two stories here. One is that there are demonstrations like these altogether, and the other is that the media roundly ignores them.
Hashtags accompanying videos of last night's demo say "Where is Al Jazeera?" nearly as often as they say the slogan of the demonstrations, "We want to live."
Earlier this month, the leaders of the protests issued a list of demands to Hamas to improve their lives. 
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The word "Israel" is not mentioned - they blame Hamas and Hamas alone for their predicament.
They are demanding more hours of electricity, timely payment of Gaza government salaries, and for Hamas to stop taking out "taxes" on the money Qatar sends to Gazans (as well as an increase.)
If the demands aren't met, the protesters plan a huge set of demonstrations this coming Sunday, July 30. 
So why are these issues not being covered by the media, including Arabic media?
One major reason is that there is an unwritten rule: unless problems can be blamed on Israel, they must not be publicized. And even ordinary Palestinians have internalized this rule when they speak to reporters on the record. 
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taekooktimeline · 2 years
Approximately November 22, 2022 (filmed), November 27, 2022 (released):
Jungkook arrives back (on Nov 21 around 10pm) from opening the World Cup in Qatar (personally chosen to headline, as confirmed by FIFA and CEO of Katara Studios, Ahmed Al Baker). When he returns, he meets with Tae to film them performing the “Run BTS” challenge in the early morning hours (Jungkook is wearing an adorable hair band that is either the same, or similar, to the one he sported on his second visit to Qatar, and based on lighting, it appears to be closer to sunrise).
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(First screenshot was brightened up to better see Taekook, second screenshot is directly from the Tik Tok upload, which better shows how it’s closer to sunrise)
Hairpiece he wore in Qatar for reference -
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Closeup of his hair in the video here - https://twitter.com/senpaitataguk/status/1596886548569788417?s=46&t=anLkdYZRteDn4qqLtm0R4A
As seen in the hashtag captions, this was directed by Tae and edited by Jungkook. This hashtag is not noted in the other members’ videos so it implies only Taekook were there, filming themselves, without staff.
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Screenshots of the fun edits -
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credit to @archiveforJk on twitter
Because this is all over the timeline, by multiple people on public accounts, I’ll go ahead and share that it was filmed at the expensive (20M won a night) Incheon Paradise City Grand Deluxe Pool villa (which is only 2KM from the airport). (I also think Taekook expected someone to sleuth and find out the info, as the long standing joke about ARMY being FBI is a common and consistent thing that has happened over the years. This is a hotel many celebrities vacation at. If Taekook didn’t want the location known they wouldn’t have filmed in such a distinct spot) it’s definitely a statement of their closeness that they spent time here at such an expensive and private place directly after Jungkook landed.
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More info on the hotel - https://m.post.naver.com/viewer/postView.naver?volumeNo=30147483&memberNo=38362259
Raw link to Taekook on Tik Tok -
You can see it on twitter here -
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Brightened version -
I always like to save numerous links to videos in case sites are taken down. You can also view it here - https://twitter.com/ging_jjk/status/1596822346496892928?s=46&t=anLkdYZRteDn4qqLtm0R4A
Brighter version (you can see their smiles so well in it!) - https://twitter.com/bts_nanak_/status/1596824881928499201?s=46&t=anLkdYZRteDn4qqLtm0R4A
An article about the show, Single’s inferno, was published. Contestants have the ability to stay at Paradise Hotel. The article highlighted some of the rooms available and the luxuries in these rooms, as well as amenities, things to do, and restaurants to eat at in the hotel. They also listed some celebrities that have stayed at Paradise Hotel. Tae and Jk were mentioned as guests of the hotel.
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Article -
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richincolor · 1 year
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[The images are book covers for each of the titles mentioned below and are described in more detail within the blog post on our site here http://richincolor.com/2023/04/muslim-voices-3/]
Muslim Voices 2023
Ramadan is a great time to pick up a book by a Muslim author. If you're on Twitter and/or Instagram, a few hashtags to watch for are #ramadanreads, #ramadanreadathon, and #muslimshelfspace. I'm including a video about the origin of #muslimshelfspace. That hashtag was instrumental in helping me find, read, and share titles by Muslim authors back in 2017.
If you would like to read books by Muslim authors during Ramadan or anytime this year, here are a few we'd recommend.
Queen of the Tiles by Hanna Alkaf Salaam Reads / Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers [Audrey's Review]
13 points noun: a person or thing that precipitates an event or change
When Najwa Bakri walks into her first Scrabble competition since her best friend’s death, it’s with the intention to heal and move on with her life. Perhaps it wasn’t the best idea to choose the very same competition where said best friend, Trina Low, died. It might be even though Najwa’s trying to change, she’s not ready to give up Trina just yet.
But the same can’t be said for all the other competitors. With Trina, the Scrabble Queen herself, gone, the throne is empty, and her friends are eager to be the next reigning champion. All’s fair in love and Scrabble, but all bets are off when Trina’s formerly inactive Instagram starts posting again, with cryptic messages suggesting that maybe Trina’s death wasn’t as straightforward as everyone thought. And maybe someone at the competition had something to do with it.
As secrets are revealed and the true colors of her friends are shown, it’s up to Najwa to find out who’s behind these mysterious posts—not just to save Trina’s memory, but to save herself.
Love from Mecca to Medina (and Love from A to Z) by S.K. Ali Salaam Reads / Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers
Adam and Zayneb. Perfectly matched. Painfully apart.
Adam is in Doha, Qatar, making a map of the Hijra, a historic migration from Mecca to Medina, and worried about where his next paycheck will come from. Zayneb is in Chicago, where school and extracurricular stresses are piling on top of a terrible frenemy situation, making her miserable.
Then a marvel occurs: Adam and Zayneb get the chance to spend Thanksgiving week on the Umrah, a pilgrimage to Mecca and Medina, in Saudi Arabia. Adam is thrilled; it’s the reboot he needs and an opportunity to pray for a hijra in real life: to migrate to Zayneb in Chicago. Zayneb balks at the trip at first, having envisioned another kind of vacation, but then decides a spiritual reset is calling her name too. And they can’t wait to see each other—surely, this is just what they both need.
But the trip is nothing like what they expect, from the appearance of Adam’s former love interest in their traveling group to the anxiety gripping Zayneb when she’s supposed to be “spiritual.” As one wedge after another drives them apart while they make their way through rites in the holy city, Adam and Zayneb start to wonder: was their meeting just an oddity after all? Or can their love transcend everything else like the greatest marvels of the world?
Travelers Along the Way: A Robin Hood Remix by Aminah Mae Safi Feiwel and Friends [Crystal's review]
Jerusalem, 1192. The Third Crusade rages on. Rahma al-Hud loyally followed her elder sister Zeena into the war over the Holy Land, but now that the Faranji invaders have gotten reinforcements from Richard the Lionheart, all she wants to do is get herself and her sister home alive.
But Zeena, a soldier of honor at heart, refuses to give up the fight while Jerusalem remains in danger of falling back into the hands of the false Queen Isabella. And so, Rahma has no choice but to take on one final mission with her sister.
On their journey to Jerusalem, Rahma and Zeena come across a motley collection of fellow travelers―including a softspoken Mongolian warrior, an eccentric Andalusian scientist, a frustratingly handsome spy with a connection to Rahma’s childhood, and an unfortunate English chaplain abandoned behind enemy lines. The teens all find solace, purpose and camaraderie―as well as a healthy bit of mischief―in each other’s company.
But their travels soon bring them into the orbit of Queen Isabella herself, whose plans to re-seize power in Jerusalem would only guarantee further war and strife in the Holy Land for years to come. And so it falls to the merry band of misfits to use every scrap of cunning and wit (and not a small amount of thievery) to foil the usurper queen and perhaps finally restore peace to the land.
All My Rage by Sabaa Tahir Razorbill
Lahore, Pakistan. Then. Misbah is a dreamer and storyteller, newly married to Toufiq in an arranged match. After their young life is shaken by tragedy, they come to the United States and open the Cloud’s Rest Inn Motel, hoping for a new start.
Juniper, California. Now. Salahudin and Noor are more than best friends; they are family. Growing up as outcasts in the small desert town of Juniper, California, they understand each other the way no one else does. Until The Fight, which destroys their bond with the swift fury of a star exploding.
Now, Sal scrambles to run the family motel as his mother Misbah’s health fails and his grieving father loses himself to alcoholism. Noor, meanwhile, walks a harrowing tightrope: working at her wrathful uncle’s liquor store while hiding the fact that she’s applying to college so she can escape him—and Juniper—forever.
When Sal’s attempts to save the motel spiral out of control, he and Noor must ask themselves what friendship is worth—and what it takes to defeat the monsters in their pasts and the ones in their midst.
From one of today’s most cherished and bestselling young adult authors comes a breathtaking novel of young love, old regrets, and forgiveness—one that’s both tragic and poignant in its tender ferocity.
Punching the Air by Ibi Zoboi & Dr. Yusef Salaam with illustrations by Omar T. Pasha -- Balzer + Bray [Our group discussion] [Interview with authors]
The story that I thought was my life didn’t start on the day I was born
Amal Shahid has always been an artist and a poet. But even in a diverse art school, he’s seen as disruptive and unmotivated by a biased system. Then one fateful night, an altercation in a gentrifying neighborhood escalates into tragedy. “Boys just being boys” turns out to be true only when those boys are white.
The story that I think will be my life starts today
Suddenly, at just sixteen years old, Amal’s bright future is upended: he is convicted of a crime he didn’t commit and sent to prison. Despair and rage almost sink him until he turns to the refuge of his words, his art. This never should have been his story. But can he change it?
With spellbinding lyricism, award-winning author Ibi Zoboi and prison reform activist Yusef Salaam tell a moving and deeply profound story about how one boy is able to maintain his humanity and fight for the truth, in a system designed to strip him of both.
If you have titles to add, please let us know in the comments.
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This post is partly a response, and an alternative pov, to this post by @roo-bastmoon so you might want to read it first!
I don't care if Angel Pt. 1 "flops".
1. Jimin would not give a shit. It's a soundtrack, he probably doesn't even care about how well his solo songs sell, least of all a 30 second collab.
2. The only people who would care are Armys because antis would start calling Jimin a flop and it's all about pride to them.
3. Everyone in Hollywood knows Jimin is popular and that Army will buy literally anything to support BTS, so if the song they expect to sell well actually doesn't, it will clue them in that something's wrong, and they're not dumb enough to think it's Jimin. Even if they are, I guarantee you that Hollywood will neither drop BTS if the song does badly nor rush to hire them if it does well. They already know BTS and their power. This song will never have a huge impact.
4. Nothing is pure and we buy stuff from shitty people all the time, true, but, counterargument, if that's our reply to everything nothing will change, and it's easier to actually do something about one single individual vs. an entire company or industry. You can hardly change Universal Studios by boycotting this song, but, by protesting against it and unleashing the full power of Army against it (with negative hashtags on Twitter or TikToks or something) we might be able to do something about this one man. Of course, Army would consider that an embarrassment to Jimin, so only antis would ever do that.
5. I was less bothered by Dreamers because the issues with the World Cup went beyond that particular edition, and because it seemed like Islamophobia was rampant in people's outrage. It was also the case of the issue going beyond a person and of the exposure it brought to countries in the Middle East (shunning them won't bring change to them either). I was angry at how hypocritical people were being about the World Cup in Qatar so I had a positive reaction to it comparatively. I understand this post will make me seem like a hypocrite, which I am by definition, and anyone who boycotted Dreamers was well within their right. I'm glad the song did well and it flopping definitely would not have impacted FIFA. It would have meant less money to them and Hybe however, and they do not deserve a single penny. But the case with Jimin might be different, because while soccer is loved by billions, this one dude might actually be affected by a full scale campaign against him. He's not famous enough to be above that (but Hollywood probably doesn't care). Jungkook being the first and only Asian to perform at the World Cup, which is a global event that has existed for decades, is a lot more impactful to society than Jimin in a song for The Fast and The Furious, and I mean no disrespect to Jimin. I do think the issue with Angel Pt. 1 is more clearcut than, say, buying clothes from a sweatshop (though I have plenty of alternatives to that as well, DM if you want to know). I'm not saying boycotting the song would ruin Kodak Black's career but it would be the right thing to do. Even better would be donating all the money fans want to spend on Jimin to a women's charity in his name. The press would be all over that and it would bring shame to the franchise. It would be bad press to Jimin though...
My point is, Jimin will not care either way we choose. The fans' pride and competitiveness is honestly the only thing at stake. We're not thinking of Jimin, we're thinking of ourselves. For example, Jimin would be happy if we donated money in his name instead of buying the song, given the reasons. It would be a good lesson to Hybe at least, as well.
Like, it's not that I don't understand or that I condemn everyone who buys this song, but I don't like the argument that we're supporting Jimin and doing a good thing.
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ppldynamics · 5 months
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🇶🇦 Calling all Qatari Nationals! Are you looking for a fulfilling career opportunity that aligns with your values? Look no further, we are hiring for multiple roles and positions in various industries. Share your resume at [email protected] to apply
For more information visit:
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bellcza · 5 months
do people on your inbox not know what a rivalry is? rma and barca have one of the most intense and most famous rivalries in the history of football ofc we are gonna banter each other lmaoooo, they must not know how it goes down on twitter
i think it’s the hashtag qatar class of 2022 who don’t really know what they are talking about atm. especially when it comes to barça v rm*a.
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stormblessed95 · 2 years
Isn't it disrespectful to LGBT people that a group who shows their support to LGBTQ and always said big things about equality, equal love...a member of that group performed in Qatar where LGBTQ is a sin?? Isn't it disrespectful to LGBT community? What's the point of their support then?? Does money matter that much to the world's superstars?? Or their support was just a drama? Especially if we consider that jk is the part of LGBT himself becz we think he's with jimin?? If jikook is true...then what support is he giving to the community as a world super star?? Or may be he's not queer, not a part of LGBT.. that is why he agreed to perform there at the first place. Or maybe he's greedy enough to make history for himself without giving any care for the community which they say they support?? You can't just say this and then perform in a country where LGBTQ is literally called a sin. That's double standards.
Or maybe the company is making our fool for years by throwing Jikooks interactions at us to make us think that they're a real couple and that.. the company and members support LGBT but in reality... thats not the case. I saw video and photos of jk with the staff in Qatar. Jkkrs thinks from years that he's shy in front of girls..but he clearly looks very comfortable with the female staff then the male staff there even if he met them for the first time. Or maybe that's the main reason he was chosen to perform there not other member becz he's not queer. I don't think it's fair to LGBTQ people.
Are you queer? Because I'm part of the community and I don't feel slighted. My opinions are my own and you are entitled to yours. Also JK putting his arm around women for photos is the exact same thing as he does for men and again, holds no barring on his sexuality at all. And he could like both genders or more too.
I've posted my thoughts about the ciritisms he has faced for performing in Qatar here too
And I posted about how ridiculous it is to assume he is straight because of this performance here too
And if you click on the hashtags or just search Qatar on my blog, you'll find even more. Hope you feel better after getting that rant off your chest.
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Been here, covered that. Don't wanna do it again. Anyways, hope everyone who can is streaming Dreamers to support our Jungkookie!
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aroundtheworldiej · 2 years
The 99 Problems of Paris Saint Germain
by Jacques De Miscault
The club of the French capital is under a lot of pression this season, in addition of aa the World Cup who will take place in Qatar on 20th November, PSG must deal with a lot of internal problems. Bad buzz, desire to leave, and the list goes on.
Another season, another headache for Paris Saint-Germain. Following the match against Stade de Reims on 10/08/22, Killian Mbappe, the young superstar, posted a picture on social media, aa followed by an evocative hashtag “#pivotgang” (striker gang). An expression who confirms the rumors of the player complaining about the strict positioning that his coach Cristophe Galtier asks of him. Another earthquake on the French talents’ saga, who is not ready to deliver his aa judgment.
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(Copyright: The Parisian fans during a Ligue 1 match against Nantes. Vincenzo Togni)
Besides the players' issues, Cristophe Galtier is also earning some attention. The Parisian coach made a resounding statement on press conference last Friday. Annoyed about the repetitive questions about extra sporty, he said “You never talk to me about football.” “Whatever I say, you don’t believe me”. This declaration echoes the never stopping rumors on the bad chemistry of the locker room after the “penalty gate” between Neymar and Mbappe (him again). A situation who can explain the frustration of the PSG’ coach, also because the transfer window did not end the way the board expected. The lightweight operation did not go as planned as the club didn’t sell any players but loaned them, not solving the problem of a too expensive squad but only postponing it.
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(Copyright: Qatar Emir at The Parc des Princes. BestImage)
Finally, it is important to remind that a very special event to the owner of PSG and Emir of Qatar Tamim ben Hamad Al-Thani will start in his own country in just over a month. A competition whose organization has been very criticized for the abuse of the workers on the stadiums’ construction and the issue on the environmental side, which is caused by the utilization of a lot of electric power to keep the stadiums cool during the burning days of the Persic Golf.
Also, the country announced that fans would not be able to stay in Qatar between matches due to a lack of hotel rooms. The fans will have to reside in neighboring countries and take planes to attend matches. Adding a little bit of salt to this already very spicy atmosphere.
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BTS 2023 Festa
←BTS 2022 Festa
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The Festa is the celebration of BTS’ debut on 13 June 2013. It takes place in the first half of June, with something being released almost every day. There are usually dance practices, songs, photo albums, and members’ profiles.
Here's the official page and the timeline for the 2023 Festa:
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As usual, the poster features a lot of nods to the group. You can find the number 7 in a lot of places: the sum of the points on each dice (4+2+1), the pile of pink cards, the number of gifts on the board, the number of gifts outside the board, and the number of poles. There are two pawns with an ARMY logo and one with a BTS logo. This last one is on the June 13 case, namely the group's birthday. And purple is the dominant color.
You can check the official tweets for more details as well as the tweets about the official merch (2nd drop We Young Forever).
"Take Two" and BTS PRESENTS EVERYWHERE announcements
BTS PRESENTS EVERYWHERE is a massive collaboration between Hybe and several brands to provide ARMY with BTS-themed merch and billboards. You can find more information in the notices about the Partner Event Guide and the Seoul landmarks. It notably included a JEJU Air airplane decorated with BTS pictures.
TikToks of each member were also released.
People posted photos under the #FindBTSPresents hashtag.
BTS '아포방포10' Project
Just like fans used to do for the members' birthdays, BTS rented billboards in several places to celebrate the love between them and ARMY, notably using the classic 아포방포 abbreviation (ApPoBangPo/AFoBangFo for Army Forever Bangtan Forever). You can find pictures of those billboards by clicking on the BTS globe on the official page and on the #아포방포10Project hashtag.
#10yrsWithBTS on TikTok
An invitation to ARMY to share their favorite BTS moment on TikTok. A compilation was published on June 26.
Part 1 announcement
Part 2 announcement
BT21 tweet
Intro Dance
This is the choreography for O!RUL8,2?'s concept trailer, which the boys also performed at the 23rd Seoul Music Awards in 2014
작은 것들을 위한 시 (Boy With Luv)
This is the special performance the group did at the 2015 MBC Music festival.
I'm Fine
지민 (Jimin) '편지 (Dear. ARMY)' Live Clip
This song is the hidden track on Jimin's album, Face.
Project Photo
Take Two
Release information
A Piece of 'Take Two': RM LIGHT, Jin BEGIN, SUGA SOUL, j-hope TOGETHER, Jimin FACE, V YOUNG, Jung Kook STAY
@taeistvh found the location of the pictures (Jung Kook's is in Qatar). And Bangtan Greenhouse identified the tree in RM's picture.
Fan chant
Live Clip announcement
Doolsetbangtan's translation
10 Years on Twitter - 5 Questions
Question 1
Question 2
Question 3
Question 4
Question 5
Special Question
BTS EXHIBITION '오, 늘' FILM CAMERA Photo (B side ver.)
For more info about the '오, 늘' exhibition, check this post.
Arson (Rock ver.) by j-hope (blog post)
This song is the B-side on j-hope's album, Jack In The Box.
'Take Two' Live Clip
BT21 tweeted an exclusive picture for the occasion.
'Take Two' Live Clip Photo Sketch
'Le Jazz de V' Live Clip
BTS 10th Anniversary FESTA @ 여의도(Yeouido)
Official Trailer
Information on the On-Site Programs
Official Poster
It's 5 PM, and This is Kim Namjun (Questions (Eng trans))
Fireworks Show
Weverse Magazine released a special interactive page titled "BTS: 10 Years & 10 Things That Changed the World".
An interview with Big Hit staff was also published. Haruharu translated it here.
In parallel to the festivities, the documentaries j-hope IN THE BOX and SUGA: Road to D-DAY were screened in several cinemas around the world. And the book BEYOND THE STORY : 10-YEAR RECORD OF BTS was announced (see here for more details).
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napo-con-fritas · 2 years
Football question. Besides Argentina, who do you usually root for in the World Cup?
Jajajajajaj modo Qatar activado, no sé vos pero yo estoy muy nerviosa (digo como si yo fuese la que está jugando en la cancha)
I'd say if Argentina's out of whatever tournament (tocando madera, Quiricocho, teta izquierda, y todas las cábalas posibles), then I'd want Italy (tough luck this time) or Spain to win, una para los ancestros si no puedo ganar yo(?
((Hashtag datazo, internet me acaba de decir que uno de los posibles orígenes de "cábala" es del hebreo "qabbala" y significa tradición oral, amo saber de dónde vienen las palabras))
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Social Media’s Role in Youths Quest for Change.
The world evolves with time and many things witness a rapid or gradual swift. One of these areas that have undergone great change is that of communication. Being the vehicle of information for ages, it has undergone a lot of metamorphosis. Traditional means of communication have given birth to modern ways. In the past, communication though effective was not as smooth as it is today and this is because the world has embraced new, effective and efficient means of communication. We have examples like mails, emails, cell phones, computers, smart phones and online collaboration. All these cited means embody what is known today as the social media- the ways of interactions amongst people through the creation and sharing or exchange of information and ideas in virtual communities and networks. As examples of the social media here include Facebook, WhatsApp,  YouTube ,Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin , Tiktok, etc . It is the fastest and reliable and though an exigency for all is in the active hands of youths. Unlike in the past where youths were axed to silence through the unaccommodating means of exchange , today, the social media have come to give them the voice and they space they had been clamoring for.  It is believed that 75 percent of young people have one functional social media profile and 51 percent visit the social media daily which is partly because of their mastery of communication tool and the role the social media plays in modern day lives .This paper tries to x-ray the current place of the social media and its use as a weapon by the youths to have their voices heard and an attempt to change the narratives and perspectives. It is an opportunity to see how the social media has given to the youth, their voices to make their choices and be part of the national and international debates.
To begin with, the social media is a home for youths to share their worries which they do through advocacy and social media activism. Youths have been able to use these to raise awareness about their problems, stand as a common group to spur social change .They have succeeded to contribute their own quota to social change and a lot of issues in life. Youths have been able to be engaged in politics through the use of the social media and one can quote examples of Bobi Wine of Uganda, Kah Wallah of Cameroon and the Obedient movement in Nigeria that stood firmly behind presidential hopeful Peter Obi and are still deploring the poor conduct of the elections .Youths to denounce these ills use Hashtags  on social media handles like Instagram , Facebook ot Twitter  to express their anger and disappointment . Some examples used were that to raise awareness about the climate chahge, mental health, corruption, electoral malpractices,GBV ,  EndSARS in Nigeria etc.
In addition, the rise of the social media has given birth to new professions which are predominantly manned by youths and they have used it to jealously project their issues and even propose solutions. An example is the case of the recent FIFA world cup in Qatar where social media influencers were used to market and showcase the potentials of the host nations. This is the reason why some influencers like Cabrel Nanjip, Hoga le Pichchi, Tenor and Queen Eteme were selected from Cameroon to visit the host country, and sell the potentials of the country and of Cameroon. Their mission was to take the competition to their generation and talking about influencers, we can note that it is a newfound job handled by youths. It talks about current issues and brings general issues to the table for discussion.  like their names stipulates, they are a reference and models to youths and that explains why they can be able to rally youths and try to  brief them on the societal anomalies that they witness. Their ways of handling information are gradually replacing mainstream journalism , their closeness to the masses makes them their choice as they in most cases are agents of change . Examples of such influencers include Boitumelo Thulo,Khaby Lame,
When the Anglophone crises in Cameroon got the point that the government was arresting members of the Consortium that was manning the grievances of Anglophones, power was quickly transferred abroad. It was handled by two youths, Tapang Ivo and Mark Baretta who continued to share the aspirations of the people by directing the Anglophone crises popularly known as the struggle through the use of the social media especially Facebook and Twitter to expose the grievances of the people of the English part of Cameroon.  Given that they were far away from home, their power was only exercised through the social media. They directed and animated the struggle from a distance through daily updates on the issues on the ground and through circulars that they released online. We can conclude that they succeeded to mobilize their audience.
Still about the Anglophone crises, unlike in the past where some hideous crimes went unnoticed, the social media became the police of the people. A typical example is that killing of school children of the Mother Francisca International Bilingual Academy in Kumba by unidentified gun men . The drastic reaction from youths especially using  the #EndAnglopheCrisis- Cameroon hashtag  brought to the knowledge of many about the existence of the current crisis in that nation. The Norwegian Refugee Council saw it as the most ignored crisis in the world but the mobilization of the youths gave it the desired attention.
In 2020, protesters in the streets of Liberia forced their president – George Weah to succumb to their demands and put in place measures that can curb violence against women. This was triggered by a boy of 19 who is said to have mutilated the genitals of a three year old and was planning to rape her and the waves of rape cases recorded by the country since 2015.Given the power of the social media, the president can be held responsible if he fails to implement the promised measures and in that case, only an online hashtag can bring him to order.
Young women in South Africa protested in2019 against gender based violence by marching in the streets and later storming social media with a call for an end to their woes ad later marched in front of parliament urging the president to put in place a budget and a team to handle the crises, the same case occurred in Namibia when young women shared pictures  of  their October demonstration against  GBV and femicide .  Youths rose in joy when president Mugabe of Zimbabwe resigned and prayed for a new nation with the new president but three years later, were compelled to protest against the violation of human rights and the press censorship. Most of the protests were done on social media for fear of being tracked down by the regime. Thus, we can see that the social media being a tool for change is an escape road for the youths who may not use the streets but the tweets that can save many lives.
The church has not been left out of this situation because many youths now use the social media as a tool to share the gospel .The gospel through preaching is used online and messages shared through platforms by youths to other youths. The case in point is that of the passion of Christ that was celebrated last week where youths used videos from the theatric representation of the suffering of Christ to share on social media. We also have the case of young Pastor Korede Komaiya who makes a lot of money from YouTube and that is been done through preaching and evangelism. This is a clear indication that the youths use the social media for very divergent reasons and that it is an effective tool for exchanges and contact.
The social media appears to be a sharp blade in the hands of youths ready to fall any tree standing on their way. As it is now possible to use a phone to effect change, one is certain that as technology is evolving, youths being the core of it will be at the centre of any decision made to affect their destiny. The social media far from being a good tool has also been wrongly used by many youths. This has resulted in many negative acts like cyber criminality, sexual harassment and scamming. Therefore a better use of the social media by all youths can be the beginning of a new dawn especially in Africa .
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