askvectorprime · 10 months
to the wise and mighty Vector: is Primus known only to the Cybertronians? Or do other mechanoraces (Ammonites, Junkions and such) revere him as well?
Dear Godly Generality,
In realities where Primus incarnates as a planet, he is known to many species:
Lithonians aware of Cybertronian spiritual beliefs refer to him using epithets such as "Diamond Marble" or "Holy Gemstone".
The Junkions have incorporated Primus into their own syncretic pantheon, alongside other spiritual figures such as Weirrall, Thor, Frijoles, and ALF.
The Ammonites considered Primus to be a lesser god in comparison to their deity Quadrus, roughly four times the size of Cybertron and able to combine with other planets.
The Mecannibals allude to Primus in their discussions of the afterlife, as "The Big Buffet in the Sky".
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may1th · 3 months
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pride month is almost over so might aswell kill gibby before its too late
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The Forces Cry Out
With One Voice Howling with rage together, as if to say- We will have our peace.
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soulofanadventurer · 2 years
The Forces Cry Out
With One Voice Howling with rage together, as if to say- We will have our peace.
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pushing500 · 2 months
DId Mechi ever meet another Mechanitor? What did he take away from meeting them?
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He got two things from this chance encounter!
The confirmation that all humans (except for Yamka and himself obviously), even mechanitors, are irritating and must be avoided at all costs
The final push he needed to take the plunge and move to R-2 Quadrus and begin his new life as the reclusive asshole we all know and love
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goldenempyrean · 1 year
hii!! so I’m sick and your fics are the best, could you maybe write some WandaNat taking care of a sick reader with the prompts “You need to stop worrying about me.”, “Somebody’s certainly sneezy today.” and “I thought you said that you were feeling better?” pretty please?? 🥹
Sniffles And The Seaside
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〚 Notes - Heyyy Flo, Hopefully you're feeling by now! I finally got round to doing your request and I thought It’d be the perfect start to the new AU! Im so sorry this took so long, hopefully you enjoy! Feel free to request anything for this AU!〛
〚 Pairing- WandaNat x Reader, Yelena Belova x Kate Bishop 〛
〚 Summary - The day of your trip had finally come and you were beyond excited. But maybe all that excitement had worn you down a little because truthfully, you weren’t exactly feeling your best - but there’s no way you were about to let that disrupt your vacation. 〛
〚 Wordcount - 2690 〛
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𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐀𝐔 - 𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐚 𝐬𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐳𝐢𝐧𝐠. 𝐄𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐛𝐨𝐭𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬. 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐜𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐢𝐧 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐟𝐮𝐧.
╚════════ ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ ════════╝
You woke up with a jolt, your eyes blinking open as the sunlight streamed in through the window. Today was the day - the day you had been eagerly awaiting for weeks. You were finally going to the beach house with both your girlfriends and your two best friends, Kate and Yelena. You couldn't wait to feel the warm sand between your toes, hear the soothing sound of the waves crashing against the shore, and spend lazy afternoons lounging in the sun. 
As you stretched your arms and sat up in bed, a feeling of excitement bubbled up inside of you. You quickly got out of bed and made your way to the bathroom, eager to get ready for the day ahead. But as you washed your face and looked in the mirror, you noticed something was off. You looked pale and now that you thought about it, your throat was hurting. Whatever! It’s probably nothing you thought as you picked up your toothbrush to begin brushing them. It was just as you’d turned off the tap and finished up that you felt your nose tickle sharply and you barely had time to duck your head into your elbow as you sneezed...twice...trice...quadru- Nope, you lost that one. 
You groaned to yourself sniffling thickly as you went to grab some tissues from the box andit was then that you registered the all-too familiar feeling of congestion beginning to settle in your sinuses.  
“Bless you!” Wanda’s distinct voice called out from somewhere in the house. You were about to call out a thanks when you came to a dreadful realisation. If your girlfriends knew you were sick, there was no way they’d agree to take you on the trip. If it was just you missing out, then maybe you’d consider it but you knew them both. Nat and Wanda would be instant on staying home in turn, doing themselves out of their much-deserved holiday too 
You let out a sigh, feeling torn. You didn't want to ruin everyone's plans, but you also didn't want to miss out on the trip. But eventually you decided to just take some paracetamol and hope for the best. You weren’t going to ruin this trip. 
  As you made your way to the kitchen to grab some medication, you couldn't help but feel a little anxious about hiding your illness from your girlfriends. You knew it wasn't the right thing to do, but you also didn't want to disappoint them. You took a deep breath and reminded yourself that it was just a cold, and that it would hopefully pass quickly. 
“Goodmorning baby,” Nat smiled widely, entering the kitchen just after you’d finished swallowing your dose of paracetamol, “How did my princess sleep?” 
You smiled, feeling her strong arms enfold you as she hummed, “I slept well. Is everything packed?” You asked as Wanda strolled into the kitchen, jingling the car keys happily. 
"Yep, everything's pretty much ready to go," Wanda replied, a big grin on her face. "Are you guys excited?" 
You nodded eagerly, trying to hide the fact that your throat was starting to feel even worse. "Definitely! When are we setting off?” 
“Nu-uh, not so fast.” Natasha tutted, as she finished plating up some food, “Breakfast, my loves. Sit and eat please. I made pancakes.” 
“Oh baby, this looks amazing.” Wanda cooed, as she kissed Nat’s cheek. 
You forced a smile and sat down at the table, trying your best to enjoy the pancakes despite your worsening symptoms. You tried to join in the conversation, but your voice was starting to sound scratchy and hoarse. You cleared your throat and took a sip of water, hoping no one would notice. It was hard to eat and you tried your best to force in a few mouthfuls but eventually you found yourself just picking at the food in front of you.  
“You alright there baby?” Wanda asked as she finished off her plate, “You’ve barely touched your food. What’s up princess?”  
You shrugged, already feeling bad that they’d caught on, “I’m alright, just not really feeling breakfast today.” 
“How come you’re not hungry baby? Normally you can't get enough of my berries and pancakes.” Nat asked, her hand coming to cup your cheek as she kissed your lips softly. 
“I don't know, I’m just not very hungry this morning,” You fibbed, kissing her back tentatively. Of course, you knew the reason why you had no appetite but you weren’t about to tell them that.  
Nat and Wanda exchanged a knowing look, but didn't press the issue any further. They knew you well enough to sense when something was off, but they also respected your boundaries. Instead, they finished up their breakfast and started to gather their things. You helped out as best as you could, but soon you found yourself feeling more and more fatigued. 
You were almost ready to go. Natasha had just gone out to put her bags in the car when Wanda turned to you and casually asked “You feeling okay again now?” She was just finishing straightening up the living room - she didn’t like coming home to a messy house, “You said you felt off yesterday, remember?” 
“Oh,” You cursed mentally for forgetting about yesterday’s complaints, “Yeah I’m okay now, I think it might’ve just been because I was tired.” You shot her a quick thumbs up before quickly scooting off to go get your finals bags. 
By the time everyone was finally packed and ready to go, you were feeling absolutely miserable. Your throat was throbbing, your nose was blocked, and your head felt like it was splitting in two.  
As you got into the car, you couldn't help but feel worse. Your head was pounding and your throat felt like sandpaper. You tried your best to hide your discomfort, but it was becoming increasingly difficult. You watched as Nat and Wanda chatted away happily, excited for the trip ahead. You smiled and nodded along, but your mind was elsewhere, focused on the growing pain in your body but as soon as the engine started to rev, you let out a coughing fit, painfully muffled into your hoodie, 
“Baby, are you okay?” Wanda asked, turning around in her seat to look back at you. Her and Nat had both decided to sit up front, until you’d picked up both Yelena and Kate. 
You nodded, even though you felt far from okay. “Yeah, just a little tickle in my throat.” 
“You want me to put the AC on? You’re looking a bit flushed back there baby.” Nat asked as she looked into the back mirror to see your slightly red cheeks. 
“It is a bit hot back here.” 
“Okay I’ll turn it on for you then love.” 
Even though the journey over to Yelena’s apartment was relatively short, it felt like hours had passed, you’d spent most of it in a daze, your body feeling heavy and lethargic. You tried your best to participate in the conversation, but it was hard to focus when all you wanted to do was curl up and sleep. 
It was only as you saw the figures of your two excited friends rushing towards the car with your bags, you forced yourself to visibly perk up a little, mentally preparing yourself for the loudness they would ineviatively bring with them. 
“Hi guys!” Yelena’s chirpy voice cheered as she opened the boot of the car, helping Kate stack their bags inside. 
You mustered a smile and greeted them back, trying your best to act normal and not give away how terrible you felt.  
“Hi guys!” Wanda grinned, as both she and Nat got out of the car, letting the two girls take the front seats before climbing in beside you. 
You felt a sudden tickle in your nose, and before you could even duck your head fully into your elbow you let out a loud sneeze. "Excuse me," you muttered, feeling embarrassed as you rubbed at your nose with the back of the wrist 
"It's alright, bless you!" Kate said, turning around to smile at you whilst Wanda murmured a soft ‘bless you’ too. 
"Are you feeling alright?" Yelena asked, looking at her sister with a questioning look. The redhead bit her lip as she looked down at you. 
“You sure you’re okay sweetheart?” She whispered as Kate started the car and began driving, “You’ve seemed off all day. You can talk to us y’know.” 
The rest of the drive was a blur. You couldn't concentrate on anything other than the pressure building in your head and the tickle in your throat that had now turned into a constant cough.  
You could barely keep your eyes open, and the sound of their chatter slowly faded into the background. You were vaguely aware of Nat passing you a bottle of water and telling you to drink it, but even the simple act of drinking felt like too much effort. 
You tried your best to muffle your itching, repetitive sneezes, not wanting to ruin the excited chatter of your friends, but it was getting harder and harder to do so. Eventually you settled for leaning your heavy head against Wanda’s shoulder, the vibrating of the travelling car slowly lulling your tired body to sleep. 
When you woke up, the car had come to a stop. You rubbed your eyes and blinked a few times, trying to focus on your surroundings. It took you a moment to realize that you were in front of the cabin that you were going to spend the next few weeks in. 
"Hey sleepyhead," Nat said, gently rubbing your arm as she unbuckled your seatbelt, "We're here." 
You yawned and stretched your limbs, feeling your body ache all over. You tried to sit up, but your head spun and your throat felt even worse than before. 
"Are you okay?" Wanda asked, placing a hand on your forehead to check for a fever. "You feel a little warm." 
"I'm fine," you said, trying to shrug off her concern. "Just a little tired." 
But the truth was that you were far from fine. Your body was screaming for rest and it didn’t help that you had to constantly sniffle at your running nose. Not the mention the constant annoying feeling like you were going too- 
You couldn't hold back the sneeze that had been building up, and it came out loud and forceful. You felt your nose tickle even more, and you knew that there would be more to come. 
"Let's get inside and settled," Yelena said, grabbing her bags and heading towards the cabin. "I want to explore this place!" 
The others followed her, but you hung back for a moment, feeling the need to sneeze again. You let out another loud sneeze, feeling your nose run even more. 
"Come on, love," Wanda said, taking your hand and leading you towards the cabin. "We'll get you some tissues. Then we’re going to have a little chat about how you’re really feeling okay? Me and Nat both know you’re not okay.” 
You nodded weakly, grateful for her support. You stumbled inside the cabin, feeling your body grow weaker with each step. Your head was pounding, and your nose was running like a faucet. You couldn't remember the last time you had felt so miserable. 
Both Nat and Wanda led you to the room you’d be sharing, where you collapsed in a heap. Natasha quickly went to grab a box of tissues from the attached bathroom and handed them to you, sitting down next to you and rubbing your back. 
“Now when were you going to tell us that you weren’t feeling well my love?” Wanda muttered softly as you looked back up at her through glassy, tired eyes, “I thought you said you were feeling better.” 
You tried to form words, but your throat was too sore to speak properly. You settled for shaking your head and leaning into Wanda's comforting embrace. 
"I'm sorry," you whispered hoarsely. "I didn't want to ruin the trip." 
"You haven't ruined anything," Nat said firmly. "We're just worried about you." 
Wanda nodded in agreement, "We're here to take care of you, my love. So let us do that, okay?" 
You nodded weakly, feeling a surge of gratitude for your friends. You blew your nose loudly into the tissue, feeling slightly embarrassed at your constant sniffles and sneezes. 
"We're going to take care of you," Wanda repeated, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. "Just rest now, okay? We'll make some soup and tea for you later." 
You closed your eyes, feeling their hands on your back and their soothing words in your ears. Despite the throbbing pain in your head and the constant need to sneeze, you felt a sense of peace wash over you. You were lucky to have such caring girlfriends. 
Natasha stayed by your side, keeping a watchful eye on you as you drifted in and out of sleep. Wanda went to the kitchen to make some hot soup, and you could smell the comforting aroma wafting in from the other room. 
You woke up to Wanda holding out a bowl of soup, and you gratefully accepted it, sipping the warm liquid slowly. The hot broth and steam helped to clear your stuffy nose, and you felt a sense of relief wash over you. 
"You should eat some more, my love," Wanda said, holding out a spoonful of soup. "You need to keep your strength up." 
You nodded, taking another spoonful of soup. You felt a sense of warmth spread through your body as you ate, and you were grateful for the comfort of the soup. 
"Thank you," you said softly, feeling a wave of gratitude wash over you. "I'm sorry I ruined the trip." 
“You didn’t ruin anything.” The new voice of Kate came from the doorway, she was stood beside Yelena holding a small plastic carrier bag. 
“Me and Miss Katie Bishop went to the pharmacy, grabbed you some stuff to make you feel better,” The blonde girl smiled, as she held out the bag, letting Wanda take it from her, “Oh and if you’re feeling better in a little bit, maybe we could all head down to the beach. Some fresh air and sun might make you feel better, the back of the cabin literally leads straight onto the sand, it's gorgeous.” 
You smiled weakly at Yelena’s suggestion, feeling grateful for her kindness. You knew that the beach would be a beautiful and calming place, and you longed to feel the sun on your skin. 
"Thanks, you too," you said softly, taking the bag from Wanda and peeking inside. You saw that there were cold and flu medications, cough drops, and tissues inside, and you felt a sense of relief knowing that you had some medicine to help ease your symptoms. 
"I think the beach sounds like a great idea," Wanda said, smiling at you. "But only if you're feeling up to it, my love." 
You nodded, feeling a small surge of energy at the thought of going outside. You finished your soup and wiped your mouth with a tissue, feeling slightly better than before. 
"I'll try," you said, feeling grateful for their support. "Thank you, everyone." 
The group of friends helped you get dressed in warm clothes and bundled you up with blankets before heading out to the beach. The sand was cool under your feet, and the sun felt warm on your face. You lay down on a blanket, feeling the soft breeze ruffle your hair. 
Natasha and Yelena started to build a sandcastle, while Kate and Wanda sat beside you, talking softly. You felt at peace, surrounded by their love and care. 
"I'm so lucky to have you all," you said softly, feeling tears prick at your eyes. 
"We're lucky to have you," Wanda said, smiling at you. "You're the glue that keeps us all together." 
You smiled weakly, feeling grateful for her words. Despite feeling so sick, you knew that you were surrounded by love and support, and that was all that mattered. 
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shadowsfell · 5 months
this is shadowheart's wolf form's appearance (both quadru- and bipedal).
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allycryz · 10 days
Deepish Dive into the Word Quarry
For FFXIV Write #12 Prompt
From the Online Etymology Dictionary:
Noun 1:
[what is hunted] early 14c., quirre "entrails of deer placed on the hide and given to dogs of the chase as a reward," from Anglo-French quirreie, Old French cuiriee "the spoil, quarry" (Modern French curée), altered (by influence of Old French cuir "skin," from Latin corium "hide"), from Old French corée "viscera, entrails," from Vulgar Latin *corata "entrails," from Latin cor "heart" (from PIE root *kerd- "heart"). The original meaning is obsolete. The sense of "beast of the chase when pursued or slain in a hunt" is by 1610s, also "any object of eager pursuit;" earlier "bird targeted by a hawk or other raptor" (late 15c.).
Noun 2:
"open place where rocks are excavated," late 14c., quarrei (mid-13c. as a place name), from Medieval Latin quareia, a dissimilation of quarreria (mid-13c.), literally "place where stones are squared," from Latin quadrare "to make square," related to quadrus "a square," quattuor "four" (from PIE root *kwetwer- "four"). Quarry-faced, of building stones, is "rough-faced, as though taken right from the quarry" (1849).The word mine is generally applied to the excavations from which metals, metalliferous ores, and coal are taken ; from quarries are taken all the various materials used for building, as marble, freestone, slate, lime, cement, rock, etc. A quarry is usually open to the day : a mine is generally covered, communicating with the surface by one or more shafts. [Century Dictionary]
Verb 1:
"to dig or take from a quarry," 1774, from quarry (n.2). Related: Quarried; quarrying.
From Dictionary.com:
Noun, 1
an excavation or pit, usually open to the air, from which building stone, slate, or the like, is obtained by cutting, blasting, etc.
an abundant source or supply.
to obtain (stone) from or as if from a quarry.
to make a quarry in.
Noun, 2
an animal or bird hunted or pursued.
game, especially game hunted with hounds or hawks.
any object of search, pursuit, or attack.
Noun, 3
a square stone or tile.
From the OED Historical Thesaurus:
1537–A small, diamond-shaped (or occasionally square) pane of glass; = quarrel. Also occasionally: a small round pane of glass.
pit, mine, shovel, dredge, dig, abyss, excavate, groove
target, prey, fair game, chase, mark, hunt, pursuit, lodestar, mete
possession, intention, devour
Related Words/Phrases
Quarry car, quarry-faced, quarrylike, quarryman, quarry water, abysm, rustle up, to scare up
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kollector-of-stims · 1 year
No heart stims really <:(
BUT, I have FOXES!
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Check em out! A nice trio!
Or Quadru...quadrant..cause of this little lady too!
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So no hearts, but at least we have a few lovely foxes! I enjoy the cat-dogs 😄
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jackhkeynes · 1 year
scaðr "square"
scaðr /ˈxa.ðr̩/ [ˈxa.ðɐ]
square, a plane figure with four sides of equal length and four right-angled corners;
square number, a number that can be expressed as the product of some number by itself;
rack, frame, shelving, a wood or metal grid in which one can store things;
right-angled, forming an angle of 90 degrees;
aligned, not crooked or leaning;
tidy, having everything in its expected position
Etymology: from Old Boral iscaðre, iscarre, carre "square", from Vulgar Latin (ex)quadra "square", variant form of post-Classical quadrus "square". Adjectival usage is attested from as early as the eleventh century.
Me stou for savir ig nos seim scaðr den. /me stu fɔr saˈvɪr aj nɔz sim ˈxa.ðr̩ dɛn/ [me stu fɔː sɐˈvɪː‿ʀaj nʊˈsim ˈxa.ðɐ dɛn] 1s.obl want only know-inf comp 1p be.sbj-1p aligned thereof I want to know we're on the same page.
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claudiotrezzani · 10 months
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Peccato che spesso non lo è.
Che non rispecchia una ratio di 1:1 tra i lati, intendo.
In pittura, in fotografia.
In pittura un quadro non è quasi mai quadrato; in fotografia sovente non lo è, salvo cultori del genere (non solo possessori di gloriose tedesche a pozzetto).
Eppure l'etimologia latina (quadrus, quatuor) suggerisce geometria.
Ma - lo sapete - è mobile anche la lingua, non solo la verdiana donna.
E così in nautica le vele "quadre" sono rettangolari e trapezioidali.
Al trapezio la fotografia non è ancora approdata, a qualsivoglia altra ratio - purché regolarmente scandita - invece sì.
E tutto per amor d'espressione.
Sì, d'espressione.
Una linguistica, narrativa espressione che soggioga la geometria quale ancella.
Rendendola funzionale al racconto, eccioè.
Ma anche non al racconto, accade.
Alla pesistica distribuzione, intendo.
Già, pesistica distribuzione.
Non è cosa da palestra.
Attiene all'astrazione.
Alla facoltà di realizzare un'opera in sé graficamente conchiusa senza preoccupazione del letterale contenuto.
Ma succede che entrambe le istanze - documentazione, astrazione - coesistano.
Così in Gianni Maffi, Luigi Franco Malizia.
Gianni si serve del 3 X 2.
No, non è una offerta di supermercato.
E' l'aver fatto coincidere formato ed intenzione.
Contenuto ed interazione.
Disegno e racconto.
Notevole essere riuscito a serbare una composizione di efficace equilibrio all'interno di una azione non controllabile.
Sì, perché il barcaiolo va dove vuole lui, non è mica agli ordini di Gianni.
Eppure tutta quella roba in acqua ed in terra in sé rappresenta una mirabile orchestrazione dell'esistente, nel senso che Gianni non poteva spostare gru o pali, nondimeno ha saputo conferire un assai convincente equilibrio tra le parti.
Anche Luigi Franco mirabilmente orchestra l'esistente.
La sua cura linguistica del contenuto è ravvisabile dal formato cercato e trovato.
Un quadrotto tra l' 1 : 1 ed il  5 : 4, Luigi Franco ha scelto.
Perché a Luigi Franco interessa sia il rigore che il vigore.
Sì, rigore e vigore.
Potenza concentrata e non scomposta.
Irradiata da quella gomma che ha per ombra un casco integrale preso a prestito dai Flintstones (sì, i cartoons ed il film).
Una rattenuta esplosione che si nutre di toni, oltre che di forme.
Ha dello scrigno intimità, pur non abdicando  a spiegato canto.
Ancora una volta, la polisemanticità della Fotografia.
Avevamo principiato con la polisemanticità di un lemma ("quadro"), ora siamo alla pari facoltà espressa dai fotografi, quando sono bravi.
Concepire più pensieri, e saperli esternare con robusta e lirica coesione.
All rights reserved
Claudio Trezzani
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jubaer01 · 1 year
VIETNAMESE Official Vietnam Government Immigration Visa Application Online - ITALIAN AND FRENCH CITIZENS
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Description :Visa vietnamita hè una sorta di rapportu di Visa cuncessu da a Migrazione vietnamita è u Guvernu di Vietnam chì dà accunsentu per andà è entre in Vietnam. Una visa elettronica per u Vietnam (e-visa) hè unu di i tipi di visa datu à i stranieri da u Dipartimentu di l'Immigrazione vietnamita per mezu di un quadru elettronicu. Visa E-Vietnam hè legittima per u limitu di 30 ghjorni, una sola sezione. L'esterni di u Vietnam chì anu bisognu di entre in Vietnam ponu dumandà per e visa E o attraversu l'uffizii è l'associazioni intriganti. A spesa di Evisa hè pagata attraversu u passaghju di pagamentu elettronicu cumu cunsigliatu da a Divisione Migrazione. A spesa ùn serà micca scontata assumendu chì l'applicazione hè rifiutata. Numerosi paesi sò qualificati per Vietnam eVisa. I seguenti sò i paesi ammissibili per l'Applicazione di Visa Online Vietnam o l'eVisa Vietnam: Andorra, Armenia, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Azerbaigian, Bielorussia, Belgio, Bosnia è Erzegovina, Brasile, Brunei, Bulgaria, Cambogia, Canada, Cile, Cina , Colombia, Croazia, Cuba, Cipru, Repubblica Ceca, Danimarca, Estonia, Micronesia, Fiji, Finlandia, Francia, Georgia, Germania, Grecia, Ungheria, Islanda, India, Irlanda, Italia, Giappone, Kazakistan, Corea, Lettonia, Liechtenstein, Lituania, Lussemburgu, Macedonia, Malta, Isule Marshal, Messico, Moldavia, Monaco, Mongolia, Montenegro, Montserrat, Nauru, Paesi Bassi, Nova Zelanda, Norvegia, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Perù, Filippine, Polonia, Portugallu, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Santa Lucia, San Marino, Serbia, Slovacchia, Slovenia, Isule Salomone, Spagna, Svezia, Svizzera, Regnu Unitu, Emirati Arabi Uniti, Stati Uniti, Uruguay, Vanuatu, Venezuela sò eligibili per Apply Visa per Vietnam.  Vietnamese Visa is a sort of Visa report conceded by vietnamese Migration and Vietnam Goverment that gives consent to go to and enter Vietnam. An electronic visa for Vietnam (E-visa) is one of visa types gave to outsiders by vietnamse Immigration Department through electronic framework. Vietnam E-visa is legitimate for limit of 30 days, single section. Outside Vietnam outsiders who need to enter Vietnam can by and by apply for E-visa or through the intriguing offices and associations. Evisa expense is paid through electronic installment passage as recommended by the Migration Division. The expense won't be discounted assuming the application is rejected. Numerous countries are qualified for Vietnam eVisa. The following are the countries eligible for the Online Vietnam visa Application or the Vietnam eVisa: Andorra, Armenia, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Brunei, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Croatia, Cuba, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Micronesia, Fiji, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Korea, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malta, Marshall Islands, Mexico, Moldova, Monaco, Mongolia, Montenegro, Montserrat, Nauru, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Saint Lucia, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Solomon Islands, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United Arab Emirates, United States, Uruguay, Vanuatu, Venezuela are eligible to Apply Visa for Vietnam.
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