udayg · 25 days
Words and Vision
Understanding Spiritual Blindness Jesus heals a blind man in Jerusalem Biblical Concepts of Blindness One of the recurrent motifs in the Bible is the theme of “spiritual blindness.” The words of Jesus Christ repeatedly address the blindness of the people surrounding him. Jesus is frequently depicted, in the Bible, healing people of their blindness, which can sometimes even be an innate…
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udayg · 7 months
Reflections on Chess and Golf
I hope you enjoy my latest blog post "Reflections on Chess and Golf"! Thanks for your continued support!
Chess and golf are two of the most iconic sports in the domain of international competition. Both are intellectually challenging and, in their own ways, physically demanding. Both are highly regarded as sports for the best and most capable of us as they challenge human abilities as few other sports do. Chess is the quintessential game of strategic and analytical thinking. The best chess players…
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udayg · 7 months
The Brain Chip
My latest blog post ... a Kafkaesque dystopian short story about the direction that the social media landscape is moving towards. I hope you enjoy it!
A Cautionary Tale Introduction I self-published this very pithy, Kafkaesque (i.e. inspired by the writings of author Franz Kafka) short story on my Twitter account on Wednesday, February 7, 2024. In retrospect, I really liked the way it turned out and the deeper levels of meaning that the story evokes. As such, I decided I would post the story in its entirety on my blog for the benefit of my…
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udayg · 1 year
The Conscious Consumer
How our Lifestyle Choices Shape the World We live in a corporate world – a world shaped by market forces The Corporate-Controlled World We live in a corporate world – a world shaped by market forces. The corporation is, by far, the most powerful and influential entity in modern urban society. Corporations control the production and supply of all goods and services that we, as consumers, enjoy…
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udayg · 1 year
Ancient Genius: Earth Energies
My latest blog post! Enjoy!
The urban lifestyle of the 21st Century has become so far removed from nature — specifically, from the earth — that we don’t even realize it. The concrete jungles, the urban pollution, the 9 to 5 daily routine, the perpetual indoor incarceration — it is so normalized in our way of life that we don’t think twice about it. It never even occurs to us that from birth to death, most of us live within…
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udayg · 1 year
The Middle Way
I hope you enjoy reading my new blog post: “The Middle Way: Conflict and Balance in Contemporary Society” I hope you find it inspiring, informative and engaging.
Conflict and Balance in Contemporary Society Three Buddhas, Inner Wall, Level 4, Borobudur, photograph by Anandajoti Bhikkhu There is a Buddhist axiom which rests at the very heart and foundation of Buddhist philosophy. In simple terms, it is to “seek the Middle Way” — to find the balance between the “extremes of sensual indulgence and self-mortification.” (Wikipedia entry on Middle Way). This…
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udayg · 2 years
Ancient Genius
Presenting my latest blog post: Ancient Genius: Lost Arts and Hidden Technologies. I hope you enjoy it!
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udayg · 2 years
Lost in Technology
My latest blog post: Lost in Technology ... I hope you enjoy it!
Reconnecting with the Deep, Impulsive Human Need for Danger The human impulse towards danger and unpredictability, often expressed as the need for liberation and adventure In our 21st Century post-modern world, following at least 5 millennia of socio-political and cultural evolution, we find ourselves deeply enmeshed in a technological existence, in a profound state of alienation from nature.…
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udayg · 2 years
Going Within
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udayg · 2 years
Beyond Reason: A Sense of the Sacred
My latest blog post is "Beyond Reason: A Sense of the Sacred." I hope you enjoy it!
Modern Scientific Skepticism vs. Archaic Mystical Belief Systems The renowned, well-respected professor of Philosophy and writer in the field of Christian apologetics, Dr. Peter Kreeft, is the author of a number of books in which he deploys Socratic dialogue as a methodology for a logical, philosophical inquiry into the nature of truth and reality. In his enduring work, Socrates meets Jesus,…
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udayg · 3 years
The Hypnosis of Words
The Hypnosis of Words
Seeing through the Perceptual Filters of Language and Narrative Meditation enables one to gain access to a clearer, truer perception and experience of reality Linguistic Relativism: How Language and Culture Alter Perception The Eskimo (Inuit and Yupik peoples) of the arctic Tundra regions are said to have as many as 50 or 100 – or even, according to some sources, thousands – of distinct words…
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udayg · 3 years
Mind and Supermind
My latest blog post - Mind and Supermind: Fluid Dynamics and the Urban Grid ... Enjoy!
Fluid Dynamics and the Urban Grid The fluidity of nature in sharp contrast with the modern urban grid Plato, Jung and the Superconscious The reputed Swiss psychologist Carl Jung – who was, initially, a student of Sigmund Freud before they had a falling out – developed the concept of the collective unconscious in his writings. He described it as a level of the human consciousness that surpassed…
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udayg · 3 years
Beyond Words
My latest blog post: Beyond Words I hope you find it entertaining and informative! Enjoy!
Transcending the Verbal to Experience the Infinite Most people live within their “verbal mind” most of the time. This is the conscious part of the mind where one tends to think symbolically, in terms of words and images. We perceive the world with our senses and interpret these sensory impressions into symbolic forms through the filtering, interpretive mechanism of the human brain. We then…
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udayg · 3 years
The Space Between Words
The Space Between Words
Further Reflections on the Limitations of Verbal Language A scene from the BBC TV production of “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” depicting Ford Prefect and Arthur Dent In The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, Douglas Adams’ brilliantly humorous sci-fi novel, there is a hilarious sequence in which, right after the earth has been demolished by a hostile alien force, the sole survivor of the…
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udayg · 3 years
The Tyranny of Words
The Tyranny of Words
An History of Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication Construction of the Tower of Babel, a 16th Century painting by an unknown Flemish artist When we mistake words for reality, we are subject to the tyranny of words.Taitetsu Unno People have been verbalizing their thoughts – a complicated way of describing the act of “speaking”– since before the beginnings of recorded history. We know that oral…
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udayg · 3 years
Dream Logic
Beyond Duality and Deeper into Unity Consciousness When you dream, you are experiencing an entire universe inside your head Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.Albert Einstein All that we see or seem Is but a dream within a dream.Edgar Allan Poe Dreams – we all enjoy them when we go to sleep, but how many of us pay close attention to what happens when you…
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udayg · 4 years
Bloody Spectacle
Modern Urban Life as a Spectator Sport
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Pollice Verso, an 1872 painting by French artist Jean-Léon Gérôme depicting gladiators in the Roman Colosseum
At the height of the Roman Empire, one of the central institutions was the circus. It is hard to describe what it might have been like – a complex, heterogeneous blend of carnival, spectacle, festivity, sexuality, ritual and gruesome violence.…
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