#Rúnar Freyr
kynvillingur · 18 days
voðalegur heigulskapur hjá rúv alltaf, ætla örugglega að reyna að taka þátt og hundsa alla gagnrýni eins og síðast
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stefankarlfanblog · 11 months
Litla Hryllingsbúðin (1999) - CD album
Album scans by me, the person who originally acquired the album is my friend @smartsmjatt !
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Litla Hryllingsbúðin (1999) - CD album
Icelandic music album of the Reykjavík City Theatre version of the Little Shop of Horrors.
The Reykjavík Theatre Company (Leikfélag Reykjavíkur) performed the show on the stage of Reykjavík City Theatre (Borgarleikhúsið) on the 4th of June 1999. For this version, the show was translated and localized by Gísli Rúnar Jónsson with the original Icelandic lyrics by Megas from the first show from 1985. Directed by Kenn Oldfield. Original English lyrics by Howard Ashman. Music originally by Alan Menken.
Music credits: The show's band consisted of: Jón Ólafsson (Keyboard and music director), Karl Olgeirsson (Keyboard), Jón Elvar Hafsteinsson (Guitar), Friðrik Sturluson (Bass), Jóhann Hjörleifsson (Drums, percussion).
Baldur Snær (Seymour Krelborn) - Valur Freyr Einarsson 
Auður (Audrey) - Þórunn Lárusdóttir
Markús (Mushnik) - Eggert Þorleifsson
The The Urchins:
Ellen - Hera Björk Þórhallsdóttir
Ellý - Selma Björnsdóttir (And later on to be played by Jóhanna Vigdís Arnardóttir)
Ella - Regína Ósk Óskarsdóttir
Audrey II (Voice) - Ásbjörn Morthens
Audrey II (Movements) - Ari Matthíasson
Broddi Sadó (Orin Scrivello), Gulldís Hlíf (Mrs. Luce), Róni (?), Customers 1&2, Bói (?), Andri Brabra (?), Ástmar Magnússon(?), Voice of Audrey II when needed - Stefán Karl Stefánsson
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skakhuginn · 2 years
Rúnar og Smári efstir á æfingu
Rúnar Ísleifsson og Smári Sigurðsson urðu efstir og jafnir á skákæfingu sem fram fór á Húsavík í gærkvöld. Báðir fengu þeir 4 af 5 vinningum mögulegum. Tímamörk voru 10 mín og allir tefldu við alla. Rúnar Ísleifsson           4 af 5 Smári Sigurðsson         4 af 5 Kristján Ingi Smárason 2,5 Ingi Hafliði Guðjónsson 2 Jóhannes Hauksson      1,5 Hilmar Freyr Birgisson  1 Að lokinni skákæfingu fór…
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prome-th3us · 3 years
Runes for beginners: introduction
In this grimoire I'm going to go through runes and their meaning in a way that is accessible to everyone. I'm gonna make a post for every rune so it's gonna be a long serie. I hope you will find this useful and if there's something unclear or wrong, please let me know!
I decided to avoid runes magic because I just want to help to get to know the runes a little better. Before practicing magic, you have to understand what this powerful tool is.
Runes are not only a writing system, but they were also used as a magical, divinatory and spiritual growth tool. Rune (norse: rún/rúnar) means "segret, mistery". The characters used to engrave the rune, symbol of a certain energy in this world, were called runstafas (runic sticks).
They are an oracle and we can ask them to guide us: they work better if our question is specific and detailed. The lecture of Runes sometimes is obscure: the petitioner must interpret the details and understand them. Runes give us a way to analize the path we are on and to understand one of his possible outcomes: the future isn't static, we can change it with everything we do.
each rune has a phonetic value and a name that identifies its function and meaning; then it has a very specific history behind it and is associated with a diety.
Historical origins
I'm not gonna say much about the historical origins of the Runes because there are so many different theories about them and we could write an entire book just about this topic.
This is what you have to know:
the ancient futhark comes from the alphabet used by the Celts of Lugano (leoponzi) which has Greek origin. The Greek alphabet would have been absorbed by the Etruscans in the 12th century BC. and then by the Celts of Lugano in the VII. From here, thanks to trade, it would have arrived in the far north, with the necessary changes.
The Greek alphabet influenced the Gothic one and then the Germanic peoples adapted it (we can see how the Gothic alphabet is actually similar to both Greek and Runic, then the Othala rune resembles the Greek Omega).
it originated from the Roman alphabet, given the many relationships that different peoples entertained.
Mythological origin
"I know that I hung
On the wind-blasted tree
All of nights nine,
Pierced by my spear
And given to Odin,
Myself sacrificed to myself
On that pole
Of which none know
Where its roots run.
No aid I received,
Not even a sip from the horn.
Peering down,
I took up the runes –
Screaming I grasped them –
Then I fell back from there."
from the Old Norse poem Hávamál.
In Norse mythology, it's Odin who brought the Runes to the other gods. He wanted to know everything and he was envy of the Norns, who already knew them. He went to the Well of urd, the home of Runes, and since they reveal themselves to any but those who prove themselves worthy of such fearful insights and abilities, Odin hung himself from a branch of Yggdrasil, pierced himself with his spear, and peered downward into the waters below. He forbade any of the other gods to grant him the slightest aid. He survived in this state, teetering on the precipice that separates the living from the dead, for no less than nine days and nights. At the end of the ninth night, he at last perceived shapes in the depths: the runes. He's also lost his eyes for the wisdom.
Other important concepts
First of all, to truly understand how runes were used, you have to know at least a little of Norse mythology (I will tell you some books and links in the last paragraph). Then you have to understand what Orlog and Wyrd mean.
This is basically karma but without reincarnation. Every person is born completely responsible for everything they do in their life since the first second: positive actions bring positive results, bad actions bring bad results, even in the afterlife. Who did positive things will go to Valhalla (where the heroes and the people who died in battle go) or to Sessrumnir (the halls of Freya). Who doesn't die in an honorable way or who did bad thing will go to Helheimr (the realm of Hel, this means that even who died in a normal way and who had a normal life will go there) or to Nilfheimr (the world of ice and cold, where the Ice Giants live).
Basically we decide where we are going with every choice we make.
A giant cobweb that extends in space and time: each thread is made up of a different manifestation of energy and all together it constitutes the very fabric of the universe. Since we are born, we are in some part of this web so we are also part of it.
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Wyrd and Orlog are intertwined: who does good things and has a good Orlog, he will be on a good thread of the web. Wyrd is the fabric of life as well, so the world will be influenced by the positive energy of the man and will give him back this energy.
If each strand is a different manifestation of energy, each type of energy must have a name: the runes. In runic divination, what we see is a reflection of the energies in and around us (or around the person we are divining for). When we want to modify the Orlog, the process is different: we use the Runes as a channel for the energies that we need. We can say that the practice related to the runes is of two types: passive (divination) and active (healing, protection, etc ...).
Aettir of Runes
In the ancient futhark, there are 24 runes divided in three aettir (sing. aett, sets) of 8 runes each. Every aett is dedicated to a different diety:
Aett of Freya. She is of the Vani lineage and is therefore linked to fertility and harvest. She was welcomed with her twin brother Freyr in Asgard at the end of the war between the Aesir and the Vanir (basically the "wae" between the Norse people and the invaders). She can use the Runes, so she's a goddess of magic but also of love, associated with death (she is the leader of the Valkyries) and sexuality. The runes in this aett are: ᚠ ᚢ ᚦ ᚨ ᚱ ᚲ ᚷ ᚹ.
Aett of Heimdall. Of the Aesir lineage, he is among other things the guardian god of Bifrost and Asgard: he has hearing and sight that reach everywhere. Following a spell of Odin, he was born of nine waves and for this reason he is called "son of the wave". The runes in this aett are: ᚺ ᚾ ᛁ ᛃ ᛇ ᛈ ᛉ ᛊ.
Aett of Tyr. Of the Aesir lineage, he is known as the "Father of Heaven". He sacrificed one of his hands to be able to bind Fenrir and is a god linked to justice, loyalty, heaven, defense, war and law. The runes in this aett are: ᛏ ᛒ ᛖ ᛗ ᛚ ᛜ ᛞ ᛟ.
Last things
Ok so for this first post it's everything! I will continue in the next posts to explore every single rune. I just wanted to suggest some links and books if you want to go deeper into the fascinating history of runes.
Here you can find an interesting article about everything I just said, with so many references and here they also give a list of good books (if you can't afford them you can download their pdf from this site)
Anyway if you want to dig into norse mythology you can read:
Poetic Edda
Prose Edda
Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman
Norse Mythology: A Guide to the Gods, Heroes, Rituals, and Beliefs by John Lindow
(other good books can be found here).
And of course, if you still didn't realize this, I fricking love the website Norse Mythology for Smart People, even tho everything I wrote in this post is from "Le Rune" by Marco Massignan (I couldn't find the English Translation sorry).
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sexycraisinthanos · 7 years
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gigabats · 8 years
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@transboy-glanni what is going on
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mizooncat · 6 years
do you have a fave version of goggi/pixel?
Oh hello there ,I didn’t expect anyone to ask me that but I don’t have a set favorite for Goggi/Pixel…
But after thinking about it I’d say I find Goggi from Glanni Glæpur í Latibæ to be the most charming and also I like his actor Rúnar Freyr.
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flysupereagles · 6 years
Iceland Announces Russia 2018 World Cup Squad
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The smallest country to ever qualify for the FIFA World Cup, Iceland have made a bold statement by announcing their complete squad for the mundial in June. 
Iceland’s national football team manager Heimir Hallgrímsson, made the announcement at a press conference today at the I Icelandic Football Association (KSÍ) headquarters.
The team list contains the names of two injured star players, Aron Einar Gunnarsson and Gylfi Sigurðsson. 
The announced 23-man squad is as follows.
Goalkeepers Hannes Þór Halldórsson, Randers Rúnar Alex Rúnarsson, Nordsjælland Frederik Schram, Roskilde
Defenders Kári Árnason, Aberdeen Ragnar Sigurðsson, Rostov Birkir Már Sævarsson, Valur Ari Freyr Skúlason, Lokeren Sverrir Ingi Ingason, Rostov Hörður Björgvin Magnússon, Bristol Hólmar Örn Eyjólfsson, Levski Sofia Samúel Kári Friðjónsson, Vålerenga
Midfielders Gylfi Þór Sigurðsson, Everton Aron Einar Gunnarsson, Cardiff Jóhann Berg Guðmundsson, Burnley Emil Hallfreðsson, Udinese Birkir Bjarnason, Aston Villa Arnór Ingvi Traustason, Malmö Ólafur Ingi Skúlason, Karabukspor Rúrik Gíslason, Sandhausen
Strikers Alfreð Finnbogason, Augsburg Jón Daði Böðvarsson, Reading Björn Bergmann Sigurðarson, Rostov Albert Guðmundsson, PSV
Iceland, Croatia and Argentina are teams grouped with Nigeria in Group D. Iceland will face the Super Eagles of Nigeria on the 22nd of June, 2018.
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serieouslymovieing · 5 years
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Título original Ófærð (TV Series)
Año 2015
Duración 52 min.
País Islandia Islandia
Dirección Baltasar Kormákur (Creator),  Baltasar Kormákur,  Óskar Thór Axelsson, Baldvin Zophoníasson,  Börkur Sigþórsson
Guion Baltasar Kormákur, Ólafur Egilsson, Jóhann Ævar Grímsson, Clive Bradley, Sigurjón Kjartansson, Sonia Moyersoen, Klaus Zimmermann
Música Hildur Guðnadóttir, Rutger Hoedemaekers, Jóhann Jóhannsson
Fotografía Bergsteinn Björgúlfsson
Reparto Ólafur Darri Ólafsson,  Ilmur Kristjánsdóttir,  Ingvar Eggert Sigurdsson, Lilja Nótt Þórarinsdóttir,  Hans Tórgarð,  Steinunn Ólína Þorsteinsdóttir, Jóel Sæmundsson,  Nína Dögg Filippusdóttir,  Baltasar Breki Samper, Bjarne Henriksen,  Þorsteinn Bachmann,  Pálmi Gestsson,  Björn Hlynur Haraldsson, Þorsteinn Gunnarsson,  Hanna María Karlsdóttir,  Sigrún Edda Björnsdóttir, Jóhann Sigurðarson,  Magnús Ragnarsson,  Kristján Franklin Magnúss, Eysteinn Sigurðarson,  Rúnar Freyr Gíslason,  Sigurður Karlsson,  Arnar Jónsson, Ólafía Hrönn Jónsdóttir,  Gudrun Gildottir,  Sigurður Skúlason, Halldóra Geirharðsdóttir
Productora RVK Studios
Género Serie de TV. Thriller. Drama | Crimen. Policíaco
Sinopsis Serie de TV (2015-Actualidad). Un ferry con trescientos pasajeros procedente de Dinamarca atraca en el puerto de un pequeño pueblo islandés cuando arrecia en la zona una fuerte tormenta de nieve. El barco no puede abandonar el puerto hasta que pase la tormenta y las principales carreteras están intransitables. Un cuerpo mutilado y sin identificar aparece en el agua, asesinado hace tan sólo unas horas. El jefe de la policía local, Andri Olafssun, cuya vida privada se está desmoronando, se percata de que el asesino ha desembarcado en su pueblo. Mientras los rumores se propagan, la tranquilidad se convierte en caos y tanto los pasajeros del ferry como los habitantes del pueblo entienden que todos son posibles sospechosos y que hay un asesino atrapado entre ellos. (FILMAFFINITY)
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aleinnilatibae · 8 years
@hallaeinmana so I don’t think that the fish bf was goggi from ggil, but I DID find out that ggil goggi (Rúnar Freyr Gíslason) was married to afram solla ( Selma Björnsdóttir) for five years so thats the interesting fact of the day
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redmiqq-blog · 5 years
Prediksi Bola KUALIFIKASI PIALA EROPA 2020 Iceland VS Andorra 15 Oktober 2019
New Post has been published on http://caripkv.net/prediksi-bola-kualifikasi-piala-eropa-2020-iceland-vs-andorra-15-oktober-2019/
Prediksi Bola KUALIFIKASI PIALA EROPA 2020 Iceland VS Andorra 15 Oktober 2019
Prediksi bola – Prediksi Islandia Vs Andorra yang akan berlangsung di Laugardalsvöllur. Islandia akan menjamu Andorra dalam laga ke-8 Kualifikasi EURO 2020 Grup H, Selasa (15/10/2019) pukul 01.45 WIB.
Islandia saat ini berada di posisi tiga klasemen Grup H dengan koleksi 12 poin. Mereka diwajibkan untuk menang pada laga ini jika ingin menjaga asa untuk lolos ke putaran final EURO 2020 nanti karena tertinggal 6 poin dari Turki dan juga Prancis yang berada di posisi satu dan dua klasemen.
Islandia sendiri di laga terakhirnya menelan kekalahan dengan skor 0-1 saat menjamu Prancis. Kekalahan tersebut menjadi kekalahan beruntun mereka dalam 2 laga terakhirnya (M0 S0 K2).
Sementara itu, Andorra saat ini berada di posisi lima klasemen Grup H dengan koleksi 3 poin. Andorra sendiri sudah dipastikan tidak akan lolos ke putaran final EURO 2020 nanti.
Andorra pada laga terakhirnya mampu meraih kemenangan dengan skor 1-0 saat menjamu Moldova. Kemenangan tersebut menjadi satu-satunya kemenangan mereka dalam 15 laga terakhir di semua ajang (M1 S5 K9).
Pada pertemuan pertama di ajang Kualifikasi EURO 2020 ini, Islandia mampu mengalahkan Andorra dengan skor 2-0. Dua gol kemenangan Islandia pada laga tersebut masing-masing dicetak oleh Birkir Bjarnason dan Viðar Örn Kjartansson.
Islandia mampu memenangkan 6 pertemuannya melawan Andorra di semua ajang (M6 S0 K0), dengan mencetak 16 gol dan tanpa kemasukan 1 gol pun.
Jika melihat dari catatan pertemuan dan kualitas kedua tim, Islandia jelas lebih diunggulkan atas Andorra pada laga ini. Terlebih, laga ini berlangsung di markas mereka sendiri.
Namun, Islandia tetap harus waspada meningat Andorra akan tampil tanpa beban pada laga ini.
Head To Head Islandia Vs Andorra 23.03.2019 Andorra 0-2 Islandia 15.11.2012 Andorra 0-2 Islandia 29.05.2010 Islandia 4-0 Andorra 21.08.2002 Islandia 3-0 Andorra 04.09.1999 Islandia 3-0 Andorra 28.03.1999 Andorra 0-2 Islandia
5 Pertandingan Terakhir Islandia 12.10.2019 Islandia 0-1 Prancis 11.09.2019 Albania 4-2 Islandia 07.09.2019 Islandia 3-0 Moldova 12.06.2019 Islandia 2-1 Turki 08.06.2019 Islandia 1-0 Albania
5 Pertandingan Terakhir Andorra 12.10.2019 Andorra 1-0 Moldova 11.09.2019 Prancis 3-0 Andorra 08.09.2019 Turki 1-0 Andorra 12.06.2019 Andorra 0-4 Prancis 08.06.2019 Moldova 1-0 Andorra
Prediksi Susunan Pemain Islandia Vs Andorra Islandia: Hannes Thór Halldórsson; Hjörtur Hermannsson, Kári Árnason, Ragnar Sigurdsson, Ari Freyr Skúlason, Rúnar Már Sigurjónsson, Emil Hallfredsson, Aron Gunnarsson, Birkir Bjarnason, Gylfi Sigurdsson, Kolbeinn Sigthórsson. Manager: Erik Hamrén.
Andorra: Josep Gomes; Jesús Rubio, Max Llovera, Ildefons Lima, Joan Cervós, Emili Garcia, Marc Ferré, Sergio Moreno, Víctor Rodríguez, Marc Pujol, Aarón Sánchez. Manager: Koldo Álvarez.
Prediksi Skor: Islandia 3-0 Andorra
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stefankarlfanblog · 1 year
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Photo of Stefán Karl posted by Rúnar Freyr Gíslason on Facebook, on the 10th of July 2020: https://www.facebook.com/runargislason/posts/pfbid02yYEzZPgkd9m6xmrapLMXTpfSyZVrDmnfXm752DgHfj9qXEGb2eZdZwSjjP7cReXTl
Captioned: Til hamingju með daginn elsku vinur ❤️
Translation: Congratulations on the day dear friend ❤️
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goedkopetrui01-blog · 6 years
IJsland heeft het WK 2018-squadron vrijgelaten
De IJslandse ploeg voor het WK 2018 in Rusland is aangekondigd. IJsland heeft geschiedenis gemaakt als de kleinste natie die ooit in aanmerking kwam voor een Wereldbeker. IJsland sloot in oktober een automatische ligplaats af door Kosovo met 2-0 te verslaan in een wedstrijd in Reykjavik door groep I te winnen in de kwalificatiewedstrijden voor de UEFA Wereldbeker. Goedkope voetbalshirts te koop online shop.
Coach Heimir Hallgrímsson introduceerde de 23 spelers die deze zomer IJsland in Rusland vertegenwoordigen. De persconferentie werd gehouden in Laugardalsvöllur, het nationale stadion. IJsland is de eerste deelnemer aan de World Cup die zijn squadron officieel aankondigt. Wereldbeker 2018 komt eraan, je kunt ook WK Shirt IJsland 2018 Kopen in onze winkel.
Hier is het team van de IJslandse Wereldbeker:
Doelmannen: Hannes Þór Halldórsson, Rúnar Alex Rúnarsson, Frederik Schram
Verdedigers: Kári Árnason, Ari Freyr Skúlason, Ragnar Sigurðsson, Hörður Björgvin Magnússon, Birkir Már Sævarsson, Sverrir Ingi Ingason, Hólmar Örn Eyjólfsson. Voetbalshirts WK 2018 met hoge kwaliteit en snelle levering!
Middenvelders: Jóhann Berg Guðmundsson, Birkir Bjarnason, Arnór Ingvi Traustason, Emil Hallfreðsson, Gylfi Sigurðsson, Ólafur Ingi Skúlason, Rúrik Gíslason, Samúel Kári Friðjónsson, Aron Einar Gunnarsson
Aanvaller: Alfreð Finnbogason, Jón Daði Böðvarsson, Björn Bergmann Sigurðarson, Albert Guðmundsson
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maillots452-blog · 6 years
L'Islande dévoile l'équipe de la Coupe du monde 2018
L'équipe islandaise pour la Coupe du Monde 2018 en Russie a été annoncée. L'Islande a fait l'histoire comme la plus petite nation à se qualifier pour une Coupe du Monde. L'Islande a décroché une place automatique en octobre en battant le Kosovo 2-0 lors d'un match à Reykjavik en remportant le Groupe I des éliminatoires de la Coupe du Monde de l'UEFA. maillot de foot pas cher à vendre boutique en ligne.
L'entraîneur Heimir Hallgrímsson a présenté les 23 joueurs qui représenteront l'Islande en Russie cet été. La conférence de presse s'est tenue à Laugardalsvöllur, le stade national. L'Islande est la première équipe de la Coupe du monde à annoncer officiellement son équipe. Coupe du monde 2018 arrive, vous pouvez également acheter maillot Islande 2018 pas cher dans notre magasin.
Voici l'équipe de la Coupe du monde d'Islande:
Gardiens de but: Hannes Þór Halldórsson, Rúnar Alex Rúnarsson, Frederik Schram
Défenseurs: Kári Árnason, Ari Freyr Skúlason, Ragnar Sigurðsson, Hörður Björgvin Magnússon, Birkir Már Sævarsson, Sverrir Ingi Ingason, Hólmar Örn Eyjólfsson. maillot Coupe du monde 2018 pas cher de haute qualité et une livraison rapide!
Milieux de terrain: Jóhann Berg Guðmundsson, Birkir Bjarnason, Arnór Ingvi Traustason, Emil Hallfreðsson, Gylfi Sigurðsson, Ólafur Ingi Skúlason, Rúrik Gíslason, Samúel Kári Friðjónsson, Aron Einar Gunnarsson
Avants: Alfreð Finnbogason, Jón Daði Böðvarsson, Björn Bergmann Sigurðarson, Albert Guðmundsson
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Island frigivet VM 2018 trup
Det islandske hold for verdensmesterskabet i Rusland i Rusland er blevet annonceret. Island har lavet historie som den mindste nation til at kvalificere sig til en VM. Island låsede op i en automatisk kaj i oktober ved at besejre Kosovo 2-0 i en kamp i Reykjavik ved at vinde Gruppe I i UEFA World Cup kvalifikatørerne. Billige Fodboldtrøjer til salg online shop.
Coach Heimir Hallgrímsson introducerede de 23 spillere, der vil repræsentere Island i Rusland i sommer. Pressekonferencen blev afholdt i Laugardalspladsen, nationalt stadion. Island er den første konkurrerende side i verdensmesterskabet for officielt at annoncere sit hold. VM 2018 kommer, du kan også købe Island Trøje 2018 i vores butik.
Her er Island VM-holdet:
Målspillere: Hannes Þór Halldórsson, Rúnar Alex Rúnarsson, Frederik Schram
Forsvarere: Kári Árnason, Ari Freyr Skúlason, Ragnar Sigurðsson, Hörður Björgvin Magnússon, Birkir Már Sævarsson, Sverrir Ingi Ingason, Hólmar Örn Eyjólfsson. VM 2018 Fodboldtrøjer med høj kvalitet og hurtig levering!
Midtbanespillere: Jóhann Berg Guðmundsson, Birkir Bjarnason, Arnór Ingvi Traustason, Emil Hallfreðsson, Gylfi Sigurðsson, Ólafur Ingi Skúlason, Rúrik Gíslason, Samuel Kári Friðjónsson, Aron Einar Gunnarsson
Fremad: Alfreð Finnbogason, Jón Daði Böðvarsson, Björn Bergmann Sigurðarson, Albert Gudmundsson
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veitingageirinn · 8 years
Eins og fram hefur komið þá var Landslið í bakstri stofnað í byrjun árs sem mun æfa og keppa fyrir Íslands hönd í bakarakeppnum sem haldnar verða á komandi árum.
Metnaðarfullir bakarar eru farnir að hittast í Hótel- og matvælaskólanum á mánudagskvöldum til æfinga undir stjórn Ásgeirs Þórs Tómassonar.  Landsliðið stefnir nú á Norðurlanda keppni í bakstri (Nordic Bakery Cup 2017) sem haldin verður næstkomandi haust.
Bakhjarlar landsliðsins eru Landssamband bakarameistara og Matvís og eru meðlimir í landsliðinu í óða önn við að leita að styrktaraðilum til að standa straum að kostnaði. Þeir sem áhuga hafa að styrkja landsliðið er bent á að hafa samband við Ásgeir Þór Tómasson bakarameistara á netfangið [email protected]
Meðlimir í Landsliði bakara:
Gunnlaugur Arnar Ingason
Daníel Kjartan Ármannsson
Helgi Freyr Helgason
Rúnar Snær Jónsson
Daníel Karl  Ármannsson
Stefán Hrafn Sigfússon
Með fylgja myndir frá æfingu sem haldin var á mánudaginn s.l. Bakarar og bakaranemar fylgdust vel með æfingunni.
Fleira tengt efni:
[feed url=”http://veitingageirinn.is/tag/landslid-bakara/feed/” number=”3″ ]
Myndir: Ásgeir Þór Tómasson
#LandslidBakara #NordicBakeryCup #Iceland #Veitingageirinn Eins og fram hefur komið þá var Landslið í bakstri stofnað í byrjun árs sem mun æfa og keppa fyrir Íslands hönd í bakarakeppnum sem haldnar verða á komandi árum.
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