sw5w · 11 months
Qui-Gon in Mos Espa
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 00:44:20
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oh-no-eu-didnt · 4 years
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R2-T0 was an R2-series astromech owned by junk dealer Watto, in Mos Espa on Tatooine. The Toydarian modified the astromech substantially, including an external lamp. Watto rented R2-T0 out to various local mechanics in need of an extra droid.
Source: https://web.archive.org/web/20080613213233/http://www.starwars.com/episode-i/fun/snapshot/2000/03/snapshot20000330.html
First Appearance: Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace (1999)
Read more on Wookieepedia.
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bh-52 · 3 years
Ezra Bridger & Ebon Hawk crews headcanon.
Revan would low-key adopt Ezra.
Ezra, Big Z and Mission would annoy Bastila and Carth.
Ezra would love listening to Canderous and Jolee's stories.
Ezra would be too scared of and too in awe of Canderous to prank him.
Juhani would adore Ezra, and he would adore her.
Ezra would connect with Juhani as easily as he connects with Loth-Cats.
Mission would be Ezra's best friend, and he'd have a crush on her for a while.
After a kiss with Mission under the Life Day version of mistletoe, Bastila would lecture Ezra on the no attachments rule before Revan pulls her under the mistletoe, into his arms, and kisses her.
HK-47 would get along with meatbag Ezra.
T3-M4 would remind Ezra of R2-D2.
Mission and Ezra would play matchmaker for Revan and Bastila.
Ezra would find himself with a new mother in the form of Meetra Surik.
Atton would remind Bridger of himself for all the wrong reasons, but see him as a delinquent brother.
Ezra would have a crush on Mira who'd remind him of Sabine.
Ezra would pin Mira down and tickle her senseless before being sent to the infirmary.
Ezra will actively avoid Kreia whenever possible, recognising her voice from the Sith holocron he found on Malachor.
Whether she likes it or not, Visas will receive daily hugs from Ezra who, from her tone of voice, demeanor and Force presence, believes she needs constant comfort and support.
When he thinks Visas is upset, which is every few minutes, Ezra will go out of his way to cheer her up, and make her smile or laugh.
Brianna the Handmaiden would find Ezra curious but annoying, yet love him as a little brother.
Ezra would stick up for Brianna after hearing her sisters being mean to her.
To wipe the smug expression of Brianna's sisters' faces, Ezra would provoke Brianna's most skilled sister into a duel which he would somehow win fair and square before mentioning that Brianna had beaten him.
Bao-Dur would teach Ezra a few things about technology, and help him fix his lightsaber when it gets damaged.
Ezra would "accidentally," shoot G0-T0 in his giant red eye while doing target practice with Mandalore.
Bridger would be given homework by The Disciple, and he'd actually do it.
Atton would teach Ezra how to play Pazaak.
When the girls had to dance for Vogga the Hutt, Ezra watched and enjoyed the shows.
When Vogga's representative tried to suggest Visas dance for Vogga, Meetra had to stop a protective Ezra from drawing his lightsaber.
Visas appreciates Ezra's kindness and acceptance of her.
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askmerriauthor · 3 years
Star Wars: Visions thoughts and discussion
Been on a bit of a Star Wars binge lately. Getting ready for the Book of Fett and the return of The Mandalorian soon, just finished playing the Jedi: Fallen Order game, and recently "Star Wars: Visions" dropped on Disney+ (not to be confused with the, like, half-dozen other Star Wars properties that use "Visions" as their title). If you've got the streaming service and haven't watched the series yet, I can honestly suggest you should do so. The whole thing is a series of very short episodes and is entirely non-canon to the setting, so you don't even need a hard understanding of Star Wars to enjoy it.
In fact, it's actually better if you don't know anything about Star Wars going in. Spoilers and brief episode discussion after the jump.
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Episode 1: The Duel As soon as I saw a lightsaber umbrella and a R2 droid in a hat, I knew this one was going to be a must-watch.
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Solid kick-off for the short series. Dig the aesthetic, dig the classic samurai vibe (even if it's more of an homage than a direct application of the style), dig the simple story. The particular animation style they chose here was a little wonky but I quickly got used to the visuals and loved a bunch of the design choices too much to care. This one was very action/style-focused and clearly chosen as the leading episode for that reason, which I don't fault them at all for.
Episode 2: Tatooine Rhapsody I'm sorry, I don't recall giving Star Wars permission to be this fucking adorable, how dare you.
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The tale of a Padawan survivor of Order 66 who makes a new life for himself not with the power of the Force, but with the power of Rock and Roll and Friendship. Bitchin'. Super adorable, semi-chibi art style that's honestly ringing, like, a dozen different bells in my head for trying to figure out all the different styles it's drawing from. Good fun, if a bit bland in the end. The biggest problem is the music. The story relies on "using music to save the day", which is fine. But when you use that trope you need an absolutely face-melting banger of a performance, which this just doesn't have. An enjoyable entry all the same though. Not bad, not great, cute designs; the quirky story of how Jabba the Hutt got a new slave band to play at his den.
Episode 3: The Twins This entire episode is animated by the team who brought us Kill la Kill and that should really tell you everything you need to know.
You know how if you get a bunch of little kids together, they'll start playing make-believe games where they just invent stories and plot twists and super powers like "I have whatever you can do, but infinity plus 1 better!" shit like that? That's what this short is. It has only the vaguest allusions to the setting proper and immediately hurls every semblance of consistency, logic, and sense out the window with both hands. It is 1,000,000% style over substance.
Okay, y'know what, no, that's not enough to describe the utter insanity this episode is. All I can find online is pictures of the main villain character pulling a General Grievous impression or the protag snaring lightsaber whips on his lightsaber, but that is fucking tiddlywinks compared to where this episode goes.
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There is a scene in this short where the protag, who is ghost-riding the hood of his X-Wing upside down in space without a space suit, super-charges his lightsaber into a giant rainbow of FUCK YOU GEORGE LUCAS with the power of familial love and fabulousness, using said rainbow super saber to CUT AN ENTIRE STAR DESTROYER IN HALF WHILE ACCELERATING TO HYPERSPEED, all to save his twin sister's life by making her explode in a somehow non-harmful manner.
This short is utterly nonsensical drivel and yes I would like more right the fuck now, please and thank you.
Episode 4: The Village Bride Wait, we're actually trying to tell a reasonable story in this series? Sorry, I was still on a sugar high from the previous episode. Lemme sit down.
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The Village Bride is great. Excellent short that's just dripping with atmosphere and a slow, purposeful pace to its writing. It's short and sweet with little focus on the Force-using characters themselves, which actually serves to its credit. Even in the Star Wars universe, the Ainu people can't catch a fucking break. Easily one of my favorites in the whole run.
Episode 5: The Ninth Jedi The fact that two characters in this short have Sasuke's haircut was extremely distracting. But I actually really enjoyed this entry overall.
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Despite playing extremely loose with the established lore around how lightsabers work, this episode over all others really embraces the original setting and tells a slow-burn story about the potential revival of the Jedi Order. A little meandering at times, but it's a solid piece and well worth exploring. Of all the shorts in the series, this one has the greatest potential to actually continue on as a standalone series or be folded into the canon franchise. Main protag is an adorable bean and I love her.
Episode 6: T0-B1 This episode is simultaneously a love letter to Astro Boy and a giant middle finger to Star Wars lore purists.
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The tale of an imaginative Droid named T0-B1 who dreams of becoming a hero like the Jedi he's heard so many stories of. This short gets extra credit for being so unyieldingly stylish and charming. On the surface of its presentation and story choices it seems like it doesn't know anything about Star Wars lore, but it's actually packed full of some pretty deep cuts that show the folk behind it do know what they're talking about and just don't fucking care what purists have to say. The entire thing is just "Yeah, I'm ignoring your lore, but I'm doing it in a fun way that makes the setting more interesting, and I'm so genuine about it that you can't be mad at me". I can respect that. Plus the old dude in that screenshot is an armless Jedi who's retired to be a botanist and that's just fucking cool.
Episode 7: The Elder I'm Episode 1, but better.
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This one. This shit right here. This is the good shit.
I'm sure y'all have heard before that Star Wars is directly inspired by Kurosawa and samurai films in general, but The Elder really digs into that hard. Where Episode 1 styles itself after a samurai tale, Episode 7 is a samurai tale. Subdued, methodical storytelling, slow-burn pace, charming dialogue amid believable characters, and a truly intimidating villain who provokes a brief but striking duel. This is my vibe. I crave more of this. Far and away the best short of the entire series.
Episode 8: Lop and Ocho Oh for fuck's sake, there's going to be so much porn of this bunny girl character, isn't there?
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This entry is another that kind of meanders with the story it's trying to tell and plays very loose with the lore. It reimagines a lot of what we know of the Jedi/The Rebels and Sith/The Empire into a feudal faction-based conflict akin to what you'd see in a period samurai drama. Modernization and callous industry crushing the spirit of the people and breaking apart families. A decent work overall, but nothing really all that impressive in the end. It takes too long to get going and then peters out halfway through its pay-off for some reason.
Episode 9: Akakiri The fact that I had to look up this episode's name and scenes online and still could not remember anything about it should tell you a lot.
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The series ends on a downer with the dramatic tale of a fallen Jedi who sacrifices himself and succumbs to the Dark Side. Turning evil for... the greater good? Wha? Had some pretty neat visuals, but I genuinely cannot remember a damn thing about this episode or its characters. Big swing and a miss in terms of impact.
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animatedminds · 3 years
Star Wars: Visions - Episode 6: T0-B1
The third one of the night (well, early morning now), and the final one of today’s (well, early tomorrow’s) set. This has been a really enjoyable trio, and I hope the last three are just as engaging as these three. But without further ado:
Episode 6: T0-B1 Developed By: Science SARU Directed By: Abel Góngora Let’s start with an important philosophical question: What if Astro Boy... but Star Wars? And there you have our premise. Let’s get into it. In an indeterminate time after the Original Trilogy, possibly also after the Sequel Trilogy, T0-B1 (or Toby, a riff on Tobio, a name Astro Boy fans should immediately recognize, but hey - it’s also a pun on “to be one.” I like my references to be double layered) is a highly advance and humanlike droid in the shape of a stylized child, the creation of a kindly, armless (not a typo) old scientist named Prof. Mitaka, who looks a hell of a lot like Dr. Light (Megaman being another property with clear Astro Boy reference, this feels like a double-reference). Mitaka is a traveling researcher dedicated to seeding life on barren planets, but T0-B1 only dreams of the stories he hears from his “father” about the Jedi, and the battles they’ve had across the years.
He wants to be a Jedi, and seemingly in an attempt to occupy his endless attentions, Mitaka suggests that he - like the padawans of old - search the planet for a kyber crystal before he even thinks about becoming a Jedi. T0-B1 combs the planet, eventually finding his way into Mitaka’s secret, forbidden basement - where he’s sure a kyber crystal must be. In doing so, he finds a ship and accidentally sends a transmission... which ends up reaching the wrong ears, eventually bringing tragedy... and destiny... down upon T0-B1 and Mikaba’s heads. Let me preface this by saying that, unlike some other fans and writers, I don’t really have a problem with a droid becoming force sensitive, per se - at least, as long as its done right. Partly because Star Wars has always been kind of weird and half-measure about droids. Droids are clearly sapient, some (like R2) outright proactive in the destinies of others, and many clearly have emotion, resolve, and a yearning for more than what they have. But droids in Star Wars are explicitly limited in what they can be, often by the story itself, and are often treated as non-human (in the sense of being non-anthropomorphized) even though they are increasingly written with a degree of humanity. Canonically, droids cannot be force sensitive because they aren’t alive, but the force exists within everything and guides the universe as a whole, and as droids become more mentally alive int he writing it becomes a sticking point that this rule is somewhat limiting. It frankly wouldn’t surprise me if, one day, they decide to say that someone like R2 was force sensitive all along.
Onto T0-B1 himself. Toby, as the Astro Boy equivalent, is very obviously going to be force sensitive. He’s extremely human, fluid and highly contrasting to the design of the other droids in the series - or even in the short itself - for reasons the short chooses not to get into because it’s just trying to tell an Astro Boy without worrying about the lore. As an Astro Boy reference, he also gets a straight up fusion super mode at one point, which is pretty rad but a bit jarring for the setting. But the short invites you not to care about that sort of thing, because it knows what it wants to do and is going to commit to it, by thunder. So this one was interesting, folks. It more than any of the others is a straight up merger of two franchises, one step below a crossover: it’s very blatantly Astro Boy, Star Wars Style, which gives it a very different concept and overall feel from any of the other shorts. But that said, there’s a lot of attention to the fact that both concepts are conducive to the same themes. The familiar Yoda speech of excitement and adventure not being what a Jedi pursues are paramount to the story, in T0-B1 learning that what he chooses to do with his life is more important than his immature idea of what makes a Jedi cool. But at the same time, the Astro Boy theme of someone not part of the world finding their purpose as someone, something great and beyond their beginnings is absolutely something that slots into Star Wars no problem. Visually, it’s fantastic. It has a distinctive visual style that emphasizes the cuteness and fluidity of the main characters while also maintaining strong landscape and epic scale of action which... again... is understandable, given that its a throwback to Astro Boy. Most of the comments one could make about this short eventually cycle back to that comparison, because of what the short is doing. But that doesn’t diminish how well the mix of environment and character can come off in the moment, and the fight scene towards the end of the episode is all the better for it - though it does end somewhat abruptly.
As for the secondary focus of these reactions - the canon potential part... as you might know by now, each Visions short film is non-canon, but we can still look at each to see how well they fit into the universe - as, with enough support, there’s always a chance that things that fit in well might get the incorporation treatment should the company believe there’s potential there. And does T0-B1 fit well into the setting of Star Wars. Oh My, No. We can start with the fact that, my own opinions about whether droids could work as force sensitive aside (and again, I personally think it could work), the company‘s official stance on that is currently “no, absolutely not.” Then we can go into the fact that T0-B1 is way different conceptually than any other droid in the series, on an entirely different level. He feels like a character from another franchise, because he is a character from another franchise. And that’s okay. This feels like another one that isn’t trying to fit within the setting as much as do the thing it sets out to do, and do it well.
And as always, the canon potential bit is an entirely separate question from “does it do the thing it wants to do well?” And I’d say it does. It wasn’t necessarily my favorite thus far, but only because everything in this series has been dynamite thus far. This short fuses two classic narratives from the 20th Century - one from the East, one from the West - into a single story, enhancing the themes and characteristics of both, and it does so with a lot of heart.
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rouboji · 5 years
回到家已经8点多了,爸妈吃过早饭去晨练了,我走进厕所仔细的冲洗着身体,越是洗的仔细,脑子里越是回忆起昨天晚上被折磨的画面,宋书记淫秽的坏笑…满手精液的摸遍我的全身…被两个老男人双龙…从未想过的0 A6 [! {/ Z7 X7 |4 `* P D
) Z- ]6 a2 ^ q7 ~0 x
8 i# ~0 h, s4 D4 h7 O
此时的心理很不平静,本来因为工作似乎忘却了自己是个同志,可是经过昨天晚上的一番折腾,内心沸腾了,不是恢复本真,而是更加的灼伤了。说实话,此刻的我嫉妒需要被安抚,早在那个贱人晓鑫告知我,姐夫和李师7 m1 ]8 u" r7 }
3 [* U1 q/ h r2 X8 v7 d8 Z4 P
电话跟信息,就不再联系我了呢。7 b/ b& ]2 z0 R, @5 ]
今天是1月22日,距离元旦我三人在一起吃饭那一天,已经过去20多天了,期间就和姐夫在家里碰过一次面。就再也没有跟他们有过任何交流。) q8 O/ O: f6 g2 t- F
" [1 ~* _1 P& E( q; u) |. g$ V
此刻的我,无聊的打开手机,屏幕亮起,单纯的屏保,没别的,由于昨天晚上的原因,身体有些虚,就躺在沙发上睡着了。1 [* l Y. A) H+ m0 x: F
下午两点的时候醒来,家里没有人回来,于是我自己翻箱倒柜的找吃的,终于勉强填饱了肚子。然后自然地打开手机,没想到!期盼已久的两个大字‘微信’两条信息,出现在手机屏幕上,我赶快解锁,打开后,真的是令我7 C5 u- E4 @( h% u$ u7 W9 m
6 M( [! S: R! } M" P. . E
: [& o+ O. j) A2 r% K
1 t& q. S2 }/ v. l6 B" z
我心里激动,又爱又恨!爱他始终如一,恨他做了那件事。我该怎么办?再不回复,我自己就要受不了了,不管怎样?总得说开了吧,还有李师傅也是一样,说开了,就算结果不是自己想要的,即便以后的关系不能相拥如 ^! Q+ R, P! N- f: U9 [. v
刚想怎么回复,突然姐夫的电话追来!6 y: M0 g9 f9 g# H2 v
" G% b0 u/ V6 _+ p& f$ W0 E
“哭哭啼啼不是我的失恋staly,能失去的都不属于我的爱!”……是啊,能失去的都不是我的爱,我本来洒脱的性格在害怕什么?索性就接通把,; G C9 L6 }% F& A
# {) J h- B( h& D5 j3 Y8 J$ n1 B# }/ x
“喂!小滨,是你吗?”姐夫每次给我打电话都会确认是不是我,然后才敢说一些我们之间的话。! C8 _3 u; a) {. U; t" R
“是我,有什么事吗?姐夫!”我不知道怎么回复,总觉的不应该是我挑起这个话题,因为本来就不是我制造的问题。+ | g6 V, h2 ]7 w" N- H. g
}- z6 h/ n H. z" v& `0 k
$ d# i$ [ i$ D
“什么事要请假,爸妈在家吗?”姐夫关心的问道。1 F) k! |0 {( p1 k* I
0 G. n/ I+ e% J" c" m7 {: [8 B
- c5 G( R K3 y$ P" P) n4 t
: A" }1 h% m+ W) f$ w6 h
紧接着门急促的被打开了,想念太久的姐夫真的从门外走了进来,他今天身穿一件灰蓝色薄款羽绒服,内里是浅色衬衣,一条卡其色休闲裤配上一双皮鞋,一双好看的眼睛愣愣的看着沙发上的我,眼睛放的大大的,给人一% p- _! ]% B2 Y p/ |* r
种刚毅的感觉,似乎眼神里只有一个倒影的我。他又四下随意张望了一下卧室厨房,确认没人,又回过神来直直的盯着我看,连鞋都没换,外套潇洒的脱掉,看都不看直接仍在餐桌的椅子上,径直向我走了过来。3 z0 B. G& A- X4 v: i
躺在沙发上的我,看着姐夫一步一步靠近,一双明亮有神的大眼睛直直的看着我,像是有说不完的千言万语一样,顿时,我体内释怀的感觉油然而生。短短的三四秒,姐夫已经来到我身边,直接顺势趴在了我身上,接吻! Z- o% U& Q$ l. R& N. C7 X. L9 j
6 g* b% p/ t9 h( {+ l8 m8 ]+
, ]# ^7 p! h& L" { `
“爸妈回来还早呢,你怕什么?”姐夫一边认真的亲吻着,一边说着。这么多年在一起生活,姐夫对爸妈的习惯比我都清楚了。. L8 J. S( {# Q2 S+ H: ]! r
如此动情的姐夫,让我更是有点羞愧难当了,但是姐夫的柔情,把我包裹的实在太温暖,我只能接受。姐夫起身,拉着我的手,来到我房间的床上,三下五除二扒掉了我的睡衣,紧跟着脱掉衬衣,隔着白色背心都能看到姐0 `# P" X- H) T2 { Q$ o) a! Z
F" b* ?4 f w5 F* ^
夫大胸肌的隆起,格外分明,乳头的黑色也彰显无遗,这么优秀的姐夫,难怪总有人想勾引。我同时配合着伸手帮姐夫解开腰带,两个人滚在床上亲吻起来,我环抱着姐夫的短发,姐夫慢慢向下移动,亲吻我的脖子,舌头* |3 ^3 x5 ~& T7 e" ?4 z, R
: V% U$ `% V% [ |" N$ ~
“打就打了呗,你还怕姐夫不能让你爽啊,傻弟弟,哈哈……”姐夫放松的笑了笑,这一笑真爷们,柔情铁汉,最真实的形容。6 y- j3 I . @5 y( ^3 q9 o I
, F" f( Y: K$ c8 k
4 N4 a2 V9 j* a$ x0 P6 G! h+ r
& g0 c0 R, D3 `
s/ c/ m9 R0 ~
“姐夫,你又硬了,哈哈…”此时有些放松的我开起了姐夫的玩笑。“臭小子,跟你亲密就自然地硬!看你的硬不硬!”说着就上下其手,摸我三角地带,我们边打逗,边抓对方。姐夫很自然的把手伸到我的菊花处去抚摸,但1 t+ x9 j h$ Y" L4 z% ?$ D" ]
1 s" f* O1 Y% L% q: H; {! U
是刚毅触碰到我的肛门,疼痛感瞬间席卷我的感官神经。7 C: M6 M2 Z3 Z2 t9 _
4 Y! S3 ^* k& S. V
: [+ a+ Q! _( H T, n- n( o$ x
姐夫再一次错愕,看向我“怎么了?你屁眼怎么会疼?”在姐夫看来,感冒肯定不会影响到那里,而且即便是李师傅,也从来也不会伤害我。所以他此时蒙住了,于是又试探性的,把手伸到我后面轻轻用两根手指触碰了一1 m, P A0 X6 Y4 ]
“啊,姐夫…疼!我…”我也不知道怎么解释了。7 j& D6 ~& s w+ N
7 p( p/ s" [ T6 L% r6 e
“发什么事了,你没感冒,对不对?”他说着就一把掀开被子,裸体的我蜷缩着,完全呈现在姐夫面前,姐夫从床上坐起来看着我,刚想要质问发生什么事情了?突然伸了伸脖子“你后背怎么回事?谁打的?不对,你屁眼还4 [/ J# G7 c+ B& N7 z
疼?到底怎么回事!!!”姐夫此时的口气像是大人审问小孩一样,语气严肃且认真。$ l Q+ ^& C6 R3 N% h
“你给我说清楚,这些日子,你到底都干了些什么?”姐夫声音太高了几十分呗,似乎开始质疑了,像是一眼就能看穿我昨晚的低贱行为一样。0 h& e( ^/ p# m
3 z: c; c w p) n7 {9 [
一时间我们之间的性趣消失殆尽了!+ G% x6 O* }* l
8 ], u% I9 @) Y( V( d
$ s- u9 W! z) v7 K
姐夫见到这种场景,也顿时慌了,再一次把被子拉过来给我盖上,并且把我搂在怀里。自从认识姐夫以来,他还没见到过我大哭,并且还哭的还这么难过。) Q8 n) _ J, @: k( [% w
+ G v9 k1 K. e d$ S9 P) S
“宝贝儿,怎么了?啊?怎么还哭上了,不哭,不哭啊!都怪姐夫不该这么火气大,好了,不说了!”姐夫抚摸着我的后背,心疼的看着怀中的我,还没完全升起的怒火,直接就被我的眼泪给浇灭了。* a+ G* u/ u/ I( p; 4 F
6 K0 L; {& k. @5 i
姐夫就这么抱着我,任由我哭,眼泪像是停不下来一样,心中的雾霾,就在姐夫的怀中,慢慢释怀了。过了好一会儿,才停下来。姐夫的背心和枕头都被我弄湿了。# J* e) n0 T0 D# N
* |1 N* X# r6 v1 x1 j, K& c
姐夫不好再问我什么了?但是我看到他关心的眼神,还是把昨天晚上的事情一五一十的说了出来。一方面不想隐瞒,因为我深刻体会到,被隐瞒的人一旦知道了实情,心,真的会很难受,很难受的!) s. X$ H8 x2 R
& V/ s% 2 `- E* H# E
于是姐夫就开始破口大骂宋书记,什么老变态啊,老淫贼,老畜生诸如之类的,还说不能便宜他了,得去单位匿名举报他什么的。, H* c) J) R$ h) I
我肯定阻止了他,并且说算了,又不是人家逼着我去的,是我自愿留下来的。说到这我又感觉羞愧了。姐夫见状,低头吻了我几下,算是给我安慰。其实他也知道,我之所以留下来陪宋书记,也是有部分原因是我们这段时2 A3 P! L% Y# A4 b) D. W2 g& U
* ?# h5 w A& W( g, K- ]& Z! a
9 ]# @4 M) V0 H
“姐夫,你会不会嫌弃我啊?”说出真相后,这是我最怕的。. z( L/ [; q* W5 E% @
“我想想啊,得好好想想,算了吧!小傻瓜,你都这么自责了,就原谅你这一回吧!”姐夫装作很不情愿的说。0 i* N2 [8 Z2 H1 _8 ?) d2 q
看到姐夫这么一脸不情愿的样子,更加令我羞愧难当,但是下一刻我突然想到了什么。. K Y: f, {- G
, b0 w5 y) F3 A) J5 K/ I. Y( ~1 y3 I
听到我说这件事,姐夫瞬间石化了,没想到我会问出这种问题,但是瞬间又自然地移开眼神,看着天花板,叹了口气!/ _) ?* k4 U B5 ^$ n( |
. [; z" i0 ?$ V) p0 L4 l# v9 e3 t- L3 g
“是的,宝贝儿,对不起!姐夫早该想到你是因为这个不理我,只是一直不敢往这方面想,以为就可以蒙混着过去了。”姐夫有些难为情的说。 c- ~ E* v) R, v4 ` f! ~ {
; E j6 $ y1 H4 b7 F
“姐夫,你为什么要这样做?你不说有我就够了吗?还有李师傅呢?难道你这么色?你真的见异思迁,喜新厌旧吗?你…”一时的憋屈感又上升。. l2 t: _" w6 c# v" X- n4 X& }5 @
“宝呗儿,别误会,姐夫真的只喜欢你一个,真的,李子跟你比都要除外的,你又不是小孩子,难道你还感觉不到吗?这件事…哎。我难以启齿,你吃醋也好,生气也罢,是应该的。这样吧,我们一起去找李子,让他跟你解6 O, R5 Z8 L# S3 K! Y `! X
释!”本来我还在生气李师傅,不想去他家的。但是姐夫说,这个月,也是因为生他气,就去李师傅家里一次,还是前两天硬被李师傅拉过去的,硬生生的干了他一炮。还说生气的具体原因,自己不想说,让李师傅说,更7 N1 a# h. ^( c
有说服力。5 {9 }/ C, b% y7 g# t; ]( A
4 X% I" K, p9 C; _5 z2 @
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domhnutwick · 6 years
Star Wars - Halloween Theme:
Poe: always proud of his costume Finn: always proud of his friends and their costumes Padmé: always keeps her costume a secret and makes sure she's the best dressed. Makes sure she socializes with everyone Lando: always competing to be the best dressed Scorch: ordering pizza, cracking jokes, playing pranks Jyn: no chill or time for this night Leia: supportive of friends and helps them prepare their outfits before completing hers Revan: dresses up as the bad guy, but is an absolute marshmallow underneath handing out their sweets to their friends Boss: was paid to babysit Bastila: bitches all night Cassian: has a house party with his friends and keeps his home open for others to join in Rey: the perfect time to hang out with friends late at night Han: "What do you mean it's not an actual costume? I'm sexy, aren't I?" Atton: "What do you mean it's not an actual costume? I'm sexy, aren't I?" Chewie: doesn't brush hair for a week and claims that's his costume Bodhi: always worried what people are going to think of his costume but as soon as he sees someone else with a bad costume he relaxes Sev: in on a prank with Scorch, gets drunk, tries to hitchhike his way home, is kidnapped Kreia: chases kids all night off her lawn - always gets TP'd Zaalbar: just adds an extra weapon each year Phasma: wears the same costume every Halloween T3-M4: keeps telling everyone how they can improve their costumes next year, can’t understand why people get angry Rae: makes sure everyone is being responsible, always makes a costume for Armitage. HK-47: literally threatens to kill everyone who questions his costume Krennic: planned for the event months ago with close friends. Sulks the entire night when Galen cancels last minute. Galen: always prefers to stay at home and cook something special. Can only think of a proper excuse at the last minute to avoid seeing Krennic. Atris: criticizes everyone, gets drunk, goes full SJW Fixer: dresses up with friends, tells on them when they're up to shit Nihilus: makes up a language, claiming to be possessed Brendol: constantly receiving a bitch slap from Rae Sion: always shirtless to show how much he's been going to the gym. Always messes up Kreia's house Chirrut: dresses up as Blind Al Qui-Gon: hands people health snacks and tells them why he wishes his parents didn't give him sweets on Halloween. Points out cavities that could have been fixed long ago, but then he wouldn’t be able to tell the story next year. Canderous: always dresses up as different variations of Cable from the X-Men Anakin: always forgets Halloween until the day before. always tries to find out what Padmé is wearing the night before. Always sneaks into her room to find out what she's working on. Always puts together a costume on the day. Always says "Wow, Padmé. We match. What a coincidence" Carth: another year dressed as a soldier, but with a different heart-breaking story Luke: "I didn't have the money to fully dress up, but I made use of what I had around the house" Bao-Dur: always takes suggestions from friends K-2SO: tells everyone he's having a miserable time, is actually having fun Mira: "I know my cosplay is amazing. I have taken photographs and will be selling them all night. I charge extra for a signature." Malak: loses his shit when everyone pays more attention to Revan. Rex: "I dressed like my brother" Mical: doesn't believe this day is good for the soul and stays away Saw: everyone's outside. No one's gonna bother him. Vape time. Maul: Pissed because Obi-Wan doesn't hang out with him on this night anymore. Runs around screaming "KENOBI!" Armitage: the kid who was never allowed to go Trick or Treating until Rae shows up, bitch slaps his father and is allowed out by Rae. Has to deal with Kylo bitching through texts all the night. Hanharr: only goes out on the night if he can get something out of it. R2-D2: trash can Mission: "what do you mean I'm too young to dress like this? I'm 14!" Obi-Wan: doesn't put much effort into a costume - focuses more on what candy he can buy his friends. Baze: warns everyone that if they plan on giving Chirrut a jumpscare he'll murder them. Ends up giving Chirrut more sweets at the end of the night. Juhani: tries to pick fights, is given a snickers bar Sheev: spreads rumors all night about a kid he got expelled from school. Ahsoka: puts a little more effort into costume each year, but helps Obi-Wan's cause Brianna: just wants to show off what she learned in martial arts this year Visas: whips out the crystal ball, tarot cards, and incense to get people to come over and tell them their future Tarkin: sits on a lawn chair all night sipping on tea under his home's front tree - which is covered in toilet paper. no more fucks given. Grievous: tries to pick fights all night, asthma kicks in Mothma: spends the night communicating with everyone's parents to get to know them. Avoids Krennic, Brendol, Rae, Anakin, Tarkin, and Sheev. G0-T0: sits in the dark in the attic, watching everyone from the window BB-8: each year a different kind of dog Meetra: wears a fake sword that looks as if they've been stabbed from behind. Walks around all night with a look of horror on face. Kylo: the kid who was once grounded on Halloween, wasn't allowed out and got TP'd by Finn and Poe where Rey witnessed it all. Reads Stephen King and listens to Lacuna Coil all night. Dooku: forced to hang out another year with Sheev. Done with life. C-3PO: "You probably don't recognize me because of the red ___" a different red limb each year Jolee: goes on about how Halloween was back in his day Beru and Owen: reigning champs.
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devoirat · 2 years
Devoir de Synthèse 1 SVT Bac Mathématiques
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AS : 206/2017 Lycee mongi slim siliana Devoir de synthese N°1 SVT PROF : SESSI MOHAMED NIVEAU : 4eme maths DATE  :  04/01/2017 DUREE : 90 minutes     PREMIERE PARTIE : (8 points)   - QCM : pour chacun des items suivants, il peut y avoir une ou deux réponse(s) correcte(s). Indiquez pour chaque item la (ou les) lettre(s) correspondant à la (ou aux) réponse(s) correcte(s). - Le potentiel de repos : - Est du à une égalité des concentrations des ions Na+ et K+ de part et d’autre de la - S’explique par le flux des ions Na+ et K+ à travers des canaux voltages dépendants. - S’explique par le flux des ions Na+ et K+ à travers des canaux chimiodépendants. - Est du à une inégalité des concentrations des ions Na+ et K+ de part et d’autre de la - Dans les conditions physiologiques, le potentiel d’action enregistré au niveau d’une fibre nerveuse est caractérisé par : - Une amplitude constante - Une amplitude proportionnelle à l’intensité de la stimulation - Une propagation unidirectionnelle - Une propagation continue le long d’une fibre myélinisée. - Le neurotransmetteur : - Est libéré en permanence au niveau de la synapse - Se fixe à des récepteurs situés sur la membrane postsynaptique - Reste dans la fente synaptique après la stimulation - Est libéré dans la fente synaptique suite à l’arrivée d’un PA dans la terminaison axonique du neurone présynaptique. - A propos de la transmission d’un message nerveux : - Le message afférent passe directement au neurone - Le message afférent provoque la libération d’une quantité de neurotransmetteur dans la fente synaptique - Chaque potentiel d’action présynaptique est à l’origine d’un potentiel d’action postsynaptique - La fréquence des PA présynaptiques est convertie en concentration de   - Le document suivant représente schématiquement une synapse - Annotez ce document (de a à h) par les noms           DEUXIEME PARTIE : (12 points) Exercice 1 : (6 points)   Le document 2 est un schéma de montage expérimental réalisé au niveau du motoneurone M de la corne antérieure de la moelle épinière.     - On stimule le neurone A (SA) et on obtient en O5 l’enregistrement 2a. - On stimule le neurone B (SB) et on obtient en O5 l’enregistrement 2b. - Analysez les enregistrements 2a et (1pt) - Déduisez la nature des synapses (A-M) et (B-M) en justifiant la réponse. (1pt) - Précisez l’origine ionique de chaque (2pts) - Expliquez comment fonctionne une synapse comme celle qui existe entre les neurones B et (2pts) Exercice 2 : (6 points)   On se propose d’étudier quelques propriétés de la fibre nerveuse par la réalisation d’expériences.   Expérience 1 : Un axone de calmar est placé dans le dispositif expérimental représenté par le document 1.                 S1 S2 : électrodes excitatrices   R 1 : électrode réceptrice   R2 : électrode de référence.   Au temps t0, on place R1 à la surface de l’axone. Au temps T1 on introduit R1 à l’intérieur de l’axone. Aux temps t2 ; t3 ; t4 et t5, on applique sur l’axone quatre stimulations isolées et d’intensité croissante (R1 étant toujours introduite à l’intérieur de l’axone). Les enregistrements apparaissent sur l’oscilloscope sont présentés sur le document 2.             - Analysez l’enregistrement obtenu en (a) (depuis t0 jusqu’à t1). (1pt) - Expliquez le mécanisme du maintien de la polarité de la fibre nerveuse au (1p) - Comparez les enregistrements (b), (c) et (d) du document 2. Quelle propriété de la fibre nerveuse est ainsi mise en évidence ? (1pt)   - En se référant à l’enregistrement (b) du document 2, reproduisez le tableau suivant et complétez-le. (1.5pts) Phases AC BD DE Désignation       Phénomènes électriques         Expérience 2 : A l’aide du montage schématisé dans le document 3, on applique une excitation efficace sur l’axone et on enregistre les phénomènes électriques grâce à 3 électrodes réceptrices RA, RB et RC placées aux points A, B et C situés à des distances différentes des électrodes excitatrices S1 et S2 comme indiqué sur le document 3.                     On donne les distances : S2A = 18mm ; S2B = 36mm ;    S2C = 54mm Les enregistrements obtenus sont représentés sur le document 4.                                   - Calculez la vitesse de propagation (VAB et VBC) de l’influx nerveux le long de la fibre (indiquez la méthode suivie). Que peut-on conclure ? (1.5pts)   BON TRAVAIL Read the full article
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I love all the droids in the Star Wars franchise. I like how every time they add a new droid character, they seem to build on existing droid concepts and twist them to make them more unique. HK-47 is an incredibly violent C-3PO. PROXY from The Force Unleashed is somewhere in between both of those, being extremely violent but not relishing in it, only doing it to serve his programming and being very polite otherwise. K-2SO is also violent but not aggressively so and is more defined by his snark. BB-8 and Chopper are both clearly based on R2-D2, but BB plays up the cuteness and Chop takes R2's aggressive streak and turns it all the way up to "just kind of a really annoying asshole everyone hates" levels.
G0-T0's a fucking Lawful Evil crime boss. That one isn't really relevant to my point but I wanted to bring it up because I love it.
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sw5w · 11 months
Going Back to Watto's
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 00:44:18
The two droids on the left side of this shot (and the next), R2-T0 and WEL-1708, are more visible in some still photos. You can just spot the tank on WEL-1708's back. I believe WEL-1708 was only named in the Ep. I Expanded Visual Dictionary.
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oh-no-eu-didnt · 5 years
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R2-T0 was a refurbished R2 unit owned by Watto. It was modified to have a small lamp attachment. The junk dealer rented it out to various people on Tatooine to help with repairs.
Source: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999)
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kaygun · 3 years
Multivariate Regression Implemented in Clojure
Description of the problem
Today, I am going to write an implementation of multivariate regression in clojure with all statistical bells and whistles.
Here are the dependencies I have for this implementation:
:deps { net.mikera/core.matrix {:mvn/version "0.62.0"} net.mikera/vectorz-clj {:mvn/version "0.48.0"} org.apache.commons/commons-math3 {:mvn/version "3.5"} }
With the dependencies above, I will put everything I need into my namespace.
(ns regression (:use clojure.core.matrix) (:use clojure.core.matrix.operators) (:import [org.apache.commons.math3.distribution NormalDistribution TDistribution FDistribution]))
Here is my implementation. The first term in the coefficients is the intercept.
(defn regression [xs y] (let [[k n] (shape xs) nk (- n k 1) tdist (TDistribution. nk) fdist (FDistribution. k nk) sig (fn [dist x] (* 2.0 (- 1.0 (.cumulativeProbability dist x)))) X (join [(repeat n 1.0)] xs) XXt (mmul X (transpose X)) beta (-> XXt inverse (mmul X y)) yhat (mmul beta X) res (sub y yhat) ybar (/ (reduce + y) n) y-cen (sub y (repeat n ybar)) yhat-cen (sub yhat (repeat n ybar)) SSR (dot yhat-cen yhat-cen) SST (dot y-cen y-cen) SSRes (dot res res) se (map sqrt (scale (/ SSRes n) (diagonal XXt))) tscore (abs (map / beta se)) F (/ (/ SSR k) (/ SSRes nk)) R2 (/ SSR SST)] {:coeffs (seq beta) :se (seq se) :t0 (seq tscore) :tsig (map #(sig tdist %) tscore) :F F :Fsig (sig fdist F) :RSquare R2}))
Let us test it on random data. The coefficients are -2 and 1 with intercept being 4.
(let [normal (NormalDistribution. 4.0 0.2) random-vector (fn [n] (take n (repeatedly rand))) X (array (join [(random-vector 10)] [(random-vector 10)])) Y (add (mmul [-2 1] X) (seq (.sample normal 10)))] (regression X Y))
{:coeffs (4.0169543977679725 -1.9653087520525703 0.8539922022675653), :se (0.5189380093158233 0.30494977845244536 0.3768881235684564), :t0 (7.740721098969014 6.444696441578315 2.2659037227859207), :tsig (1.1242165296532214E-4 3.520298919033049E-4 0.05782572705551492), :F 45.39319256356398, :Fsig 1.9629026632062008E-4, :RSquare 0.9284153924812029}
0 notes
lhc900-blog · 7 years
夏天的校园总是充满活力,空气中游荡着一股似暗涌的热浪,撞得人心中发闷,会有想要大喊一声的冲动。   作为一名大学的老鸟的我,这是我在大学的最后一个夏天,也是我人生中第二十三个夏天。 1 N* p, u, ]' q* {* M2 w4 H( S   外国语文学系的男生,总是让工科的男生妒嫉得发狂,一比六、七的男女比例,确实让男人无法单身,一颗颗年轻的心也无法平静。( ^9 c" f; X" x 9 F1 a- o- _2 V# p) P   我在高中就摆脱了处男身,上了大学更是滥交,那时候我对于女人的身材、面貌没有什么太多的要求,单纯希望找到一个可以上床的女孩就行了,所以我的女朋友,一个换一个,生活过得相当糜烂、幸(性)福。 * x# D! S0 b2 _; u$ _% k! D   直到大学二年级以后,和我现在的女友佳慧交往,我的感情才稳定下来,佳慧的外型与气质,完全和我之前的众多女友相反,她不是那种随便和别人上床的女人,想当初要哄她上床就费了我一番功夫,她的条件远超过了我的要求,她的身高虽然不高,但胸部也有小C的水准,属于小只马型的女人,再加上天生的气质让她在女生当中鹤立鸡群,另外配上有些瘦弱的身躯,更让男生们蠢蠢欲动。   她喜欢穿T恤衫和短裙,但往往都会披一件小外套,可小外套完全遮不住她已经完美发育的身体,用我的话说,她是让人一眼望不穿,却是眼眼都望穿。   虽然,我有个那么可爱的女友,但用久总会腻吧,毕竟大二就和她在一起了,现在也升上大四,在一起两年了,或者换个我的说法来讲,佳慧那美丽的身体我也骑了两年, - I/ D1 _" v6 C( x" f8 ?   她那粉嫩的鲍鱼,也给我插了两年,0 R( G8 r: P7 w5 y0 R+ I0 |; Q/ Q   她那迷人的小口、香唇,也交换了我的唾液两年,两年当中,口交、颜射、打奶泡、甚至菊花都给我开了,更不用说两年中多少次的内射与口爆佳慧可说是被我用精意饲养两年的女人,总而言之,佳慧的身体可以玩的、能玩的地方我都玩遍了,并且,已经玩腻了。. r$ ]8 Q: R  { ! s) c  P( x7 J   阿霖是我隔壁寝室的邻居,他今年才刚读大学,是理工科系的学弟,大一的他看起来憨厚老实,对我们这些附近寝室的学长也相当有礼貌,我们一层楼有五个房间,还有一个放电视的小客厅,住在这层楼的人,不管是学长、学弟、是否同个科系,感情都相当不错,我们时常聚在放电视的小客厅中聊天,而我的风花雪月的故事,自然是大家常常讨论、闲聊的话题,我也相当的大方跟大家分享我的性爱故事,我相信许多男性网友们也会如此,我就不多加描述细节,只是聊天中,我意外得知阿霖还是个处男," z+ Y/ h, `+ R- }" N9 Z& ~) V " X' @& H$ |/ Z8 }   这是除了我之外,大家另一个讨论的焦点,男人嘛,话题总是性。 - D( s; s3 b5 @' w1 u# ~" f; {   憨厚的他,只交过两个女友,不像我身经百战,据他所说,他第一个女友在他高中时,而且只有牵过手,第二个女友也是高中时,交往了很久,只有亲到小嘴就没下文。5 s: D1 e. |, } ! z6 h% l/ s2 n3 o   在场的大家,无不对他冷嘲热讽,   A友:[阿霖,你确定你是个男人?] , P$ i) V% M1 Z# k0 e. x8 p   阿霖无奈的说:[是阿,可是就不知道怎么发展到那一步]   B友:[呿,学学人家李强学长,看他连佳慧学姐都可以操翻天] 3 Z4 T4 x5 p9 h5 _   我:[别这么说,我也哄骗了她很久才有办法]: K3 }# o, p+ w   阿霖:[喔,那李强学长改天再传授我几招]   我:[有什么问题,过几天就帮你破了处男身]   A友:[嘿嘿嘿嘿,别说说而已啊]( r* [) u$ t% ?' ~, M0 {; f# I   B友:[阿霖,这事问李强就对了,李强包准有法子帮你破处男的]7 F$ R- a% {; b5 _( ~+ l( H* `: d ( Z! J, _: W1 H' A- w   阿霖:[那谢谢学长了]   B友:[放心啦,交给李强,李强假如办不到,你可以叫佳慧学姐帮你破处]7 j: _# t( P' @5 P# P   在场的人,听见B友讲这话,大家哄堂大笑,连我也笑了出来。 " b) |/ q+ l# {. L( T% M   对啊,我怎么都没想到,我已经把佳慧的身体都给玩腻了,正需要点新鲜感、刺激感来满足我的慾望。" y$ h2 E0 _. C- w 6 m. K/ o! ~: G3 Y) b  M   或许,让佳慧给阿霖操个一回,会让我快乾枯的精力重新注入新的活力,对,就是这样我得想个法子来让佳慧给阿霖操操。   从那天起,我和佳慧出门吃饭、逛街,聊天的内容时常将阿霖挂在嘴边,让佳慧对阿霖产生一点兴趣,我一步步的计划着凌辱女友的戏码,首先,先让佳慧慢慢熟悉阿霖,有时佳慧来我寝室吃东西,我会藉故要她跟大家一起在客厅吃,并且叫阿霖来和我们一起同乐。   第二,安排巧合让阿霖坐在佳慧的另一边,就是让佳慧坐在我和阿霖的中间位置,佳慧喜欢穿短裙、短裤,我就不信这个年轻小伙子能经得起诱惑,果然,我发现阿霖时常注意佳慧的一举一动,特别是他那双眼睛,常常直盯着佳慧的那双光滑美腿,这小子,果然慢慢不安分了起来,一切都在我的预料中。   第三,让佳慧若有似无的肢体碰触阿霖, ! Y# T& S  L7 B5 {: m3 W   这点必须第四个人来帮忙,通常我会这么做: 4 y' l  k5 L0 k5 B4 R  h% C6 a+ L$ D   [那,那个某某,来坐这,我旁边还有点位置,大家挤一下吧]8 _+ @* n9 h# T. e   然后我便将佳慧挤向阿霖那边,一张三人座的沙发,硬是挤下四个人,可想而知,佳慧和我是贴着的,另外一边的阿霖当然也是,佳慧的腿就和我、和阿霖的腿紧紧的贴在一起,顺带一提,在寝室内我们都是穿着短裤活动,所以佳慧光滑细致的腿就一丝不挂,扎扎实实的贴在阿霖的腿上,感觉得出来,阿霖那小子已是热血沸腾,裤裆上就直挺挺得鼓着一个帐篷,阿霖开始不安分了,不知道是不是老二胀得难受,想乔一下位置的样子,他开始微微的摩擦着佳慧的腿,眼神也不自然得飘移,我心想,[阿霖这小子真的中计了,看来该给他来点猛药],于是,我故意碰撞了佳慧的手肘,让她手上的饮料看似自然的喷到阿霖的裤子上,佳慧:[啊,对不起,对不起,有没有怎样]9 T4 g% S' l9 k: ]: p   阿霖:[没事,没事,不打紧的] ! T; P, s$ G3 Y& ?( o4 r2 T& V$ ]0 Z9 Y   佳慧:[对不起,饮料没拿好洒到你,] & X! p# q% A( C+ {# l0 O   我在一旁看了觉得好笑,接着拿了几张卫生纸给佳慧,我:[看看你,冒冒失失,还不帮人擦乾净]   佳慧接过卫生纸后,紧张地连忙帮阿霖擦拭,   阿霖:[没关系,我自己来就好,学姐,没关系的,]  \- g  Z0 e. @6 o* @$ Y 1 c+ }  U( G7 I" p7 B' x   佳慧依旧紧张的道歉:[对不起,我帮你擦,]! C" b* P  d6 z; y; E   接着,我看见了佳慧纤细的玉手拿着卫生纸,伸向了刚刚阿霖股起来的裤裆上,果然,这机不可失,我说:[我也来帮忙]。2 F) m+ a+ F' D/ W   然后我利用帮忙擦拭的机会,把我女友佳慧往前推了一把,佳慧一个重心不稳,想找个地方支撑身体的重量,于是一手就压在了阿霖的裤裆上,佳慧大叫了一声:[啊,]+ ^/ G3 v/ Z2 g' ^  w   在场的人:[怎,怎么了?]   佳慧尴尬的说:[没,没事,阿霖你自己擦好了,]随后便走进浴室拿拖把出来清理。5 w9 e0 }* p, `$ C3 A! m , l9 Y1 A: B  ~0 Z  Y  t) a: a   我暴露女友的计划进行的相当成功。; t4 ^+ ]3 c5 ~" |; i/ C   这天晚上,我要求佳慧住在我寝室,5 p8 i, W) F8 q   回想着今天傍晚吃饭时的情景,我的老二直想找个洞钻,我狠狠的抽插着佳慧的粉嫩骚穴[啪啪啪啪,啪啪啪啪,]房间内阵阵肉体碰撞的声音,佳慧:[啊,啊,啊,啊,]) n3 ^2 K# ~& `5 X ( G9 P2 V  k& ^& t$ L8 F# m* M   我:[喔,喔,嗯,嗯,喔,喔,]8 Q9 R& g: F$ r: F* P; j ! A4 h/ [2 }- e$ C# h   佳慧:[轻点啦,啊,啊,啊,啊,] ; w; c! e9 ^: H   我:[喔,喔,操死你,看我操烂你的骚穴,]6 _9 M0 r7 G: z( d. P# ?+ n   佳慧:[啊,轻点,伊伊啊啊,咿咿阿阿,]/ h3 P- ?( l4 ~% Z# B6 ?! s5 \   我:[佳慧,好爽,好久没那么爽了,好爽,]3 N+ K/ x' ?( r; W- p ; S" y: S" k; t  X- t3 I1 r   佳慧:[咿咿啊啊,喔,啊,啊,]! i  ?) Q7 u& U# ?/ k! a; t0 n   [啪啪啪啪,啪啪啪啪,]+ a* b* j+ d/ X1 w9 N( D' n 9 r" v8 W2 [* y+ y* Y! g( M   我:[亲爱的,太美妙了,爽死我了,]8 d/ S# L- n, A* W. s4 W   [好痛,啊,啊,啊,]佳慧持续的叫着,   我女友佳慧并不知道,这也是我的其中一项计划,我隔壁住的就是阿霖,我故意要佳慧叫给他听,而且经过傍晚那事,想必阿霖正在隔壁幻想着我女友打飞机吧,我继续加把劲操着佳慧,想不到暴露女友竟然让我找回性爱的刺激感,最后我感觉到我的龟头上一阵热液浇了上去,佳慧气喘吁吁的叫着:[啊,我不行了,]( w& q. t+ B) O6 B* ^( d   没错,佳慧泄了身,她的爱液淋在我的龟头上,随后我拔出了生殖器插入了她的口中,一股股浓郁的精液喷射而出,我大叫:[啊,好爽,全部吃下去]7 A; m9 z5 {. x! j% t   我故意大叫着:[快,全部都吞进去,]) J. O; n, t) F1 N   想当然,这也是故意叫给阿霖听的,我想,他现在正射得一地都是,毕竟今天让佳慧给折腾了一番。: a- n* \( L9 }! q" F  W. i   在操完佳慧以后,我两全裸躺在床上喘息着,8 i  B3 F2 }! p' d3 K9 x   我:[今晚好满足] . a* f0 n4 g+ g- C0 H: q   佳慧:[你今天怎么了?感觉特别卖力]6 N- ^3 c0 d; j' ? 3 R- @' `7 x/ p( z+ g4 F. p7 Q   我:[是嘛?感觉得出来?哪你满足嘛?]$ X9 X/ \: j& C$ s0 \3 \  e0 r   佳慧害羞的点点头:[嗯,]1 c" _% z# O$ o6 p   我:[喜欢这种感觉吗?知不知道为什么我今天特别有劲?]   佳慧:[为什么?]1 Z% ^9 I8 k  V3 a * T2 H" y2 ?8 ^" i) \$ T   我:[先说喜不喜欢?]   佳慧:[嗯,]8 Q. ^1 A% P: C2 x* x6 F# I! P( ^ & l% i1 Q4 q$ L1 x5 ^   我:[那就好,其实我刚刚一直幻想着自己是阿霖,然后阿霖操你的情景会如何]/ Z; N2 x) @# n! x  E   佳慧:[阿霖?,为什么?] 7 U) y) k, s7 n   我:[因为他还是个处男阿,想让一个处男来教训教训你,想到让他上你我就很兴奋,所以特别卖力帮你服务]   佳慧:[他还是处男?]佳慧似乎有点吃惊。1 B. T" X# S. }+ P+ k  ? 9 y! J9 |- U4 ]! a   佳慧:[男人真变态,你怎么忍心让我给别人,]; T/ L( F3 a4 n 0 S7 B. c+ O6 A- D   我:[嗯啊,不会怎样啊,你的经验都比他丰富,有什么好怕?]   我调侃着佳慧,佳慧也不甘示弱的说:[谁怕谁啊,就不信你肯]" z9 m+ W% X1 P, g) b9 E" F/ n   说着说着小手就往我身上打,经过一番调情以后,我再一次操了佳慧,并且跟她说:[下次我要带着阿霖到宾馆看我们做爱]. _# `* P7 E' s! X! [" y+ F3 a % K$ g0 e. o% N* A+ M0 x   在意乱情迷之下,佳慧答应了,我心想计划又再向前跨了一步。 * |' o7 E( V4 N3 A" W0 |/ I) d8 G   隔了几天的某个下午,我跟佳慧相约出去走走,那个早晨,我就打算今天晚上要带佳慧到宾馆欢愉一番,所以我特别到了阿霖的房内找了阿霖聊聊,我:[阿霖,晚上我要跟我女朋友去XX宾馆,要不要一起去], C7 g2 t4 X3 e) h+ I, ^ 0 _/ b. e' S; k, J# Q; a   阿霖:[我,我,我去干嘛?]0 |0 k- N2 y& `( ^9 i$ A3 r* ~   我:[想不想观摩一下?]! y  G/ W. h4 f. C 9 r3 V( w3 d+ y" u. w   阿霖一脸不可思议的表情,吓的讲不出话,不断吱吱呜呜,我:[来吧,没关系的,就当做看A片就好]* p9 J+ k- W1 \" J% S8 `4 B7 {& e   阿霖:[这,这,这,]   我:[就下午五点半到XX宾馆大厅等我跟佳慧喔]2 f( ]& e9 C1 \/ M+ E6 b% U; ] : T3 L* g, ?% Z9 u   阿霖:[可,可是学姐同意?] + p3 r% S- g! ~+ ^   我:[放心啦,那边我罩着,假如我搞不定的话,那我们顶多就是没出现,不会怎样]   阿霖:[喔,喔,好,]   说真的,虽然一直想暴露女友给人看,但还不知道真的发生的话,我可不可以接受,并且小慧那边也还没正式同意,所以我抱着姑且一试的心情问我女友佳慧。' V9 m$ m% S/ {1 x5 N6 @% H - \$ i3 ~/ r/ R8 W6 b3 m0 q( Z   就在五点左右,我开口了,   我:[佳慧,上次爱爱完说的事,你同意?]# U; l1 G+ a9 R4 T3 ~: W * J8 J" \2 [, N   佳慧:[哪件事啊?]% l6 a  }. r9 |% ~! V) |  X " c  ^  j9 Y) N4 L4 F   我:[就是让阿霖跟你做啊]4 h8 q4 e) a2 t' h+ C3 V   佳慧:[你在开玩笑吗?怎么可能!]4 S4 X1 a1 U2 Y; k, e& H   我:[你就当作教教他啊,他都要20了,还是个处男呢]/ `8 n$ N/ Y, V% I  { 3 R, j! _# `9 A$ f* }( c) @/ k   经过了我一阵游说之后,佳慧似乎有点心动了,佳慧:[好阿,可是人家也未必想跟我]   我:[太好了,太好了,走吧,人家在宾馆等我们了]/ a% @9 s% m) `7 s1 C0 G" G; t   佳慧:[不,不会吧,]" `: s7 w. c5 m( u 4 n* t4 E/ m7 M/ {   我带着佳慧来到了XX宾馆,果然,阿霖一个人坐在迎宾大厅等着,看来神情十分紧张,看得出来他手脚似乎有点发抖,���霖:[学,学,学姐,]   我:[那么紧张喔?放轻松]   领了房牌以后,我牵着佳慧进了房间,阿霖就跟在我们后面,阿霖:[我,我真的可以进来嘛?]: b/ b9 {0 [2 P& g0 ]1 p 7 V0 O1 U4 |6 W% c6 Z: Y2 J   我:[来啦,没看到我女朋友都没害羞了,你害羞什么]   我:[先洗澡吧],接着我脱下了自己的衣物,佳慧见我开始脱了,也缓缓的退下自己身上的配件,佳慧:[李强,你是认真的吗?] ! _# x% n" y$ [( t   我:[是阿]我很肯定的说着, 0 ^  d$ g& [+ w: r   阿霖杵在一旁看着我们情侣把衣服脱下,   我:[阿霖,你在干嘛,怎么不脱]   阿霖:[我,我,我也要脱?]% _% z# C) f: B   我:[你还是处男,等等做爱前,总该洗个澡吧]( O/ E4 f: u2 w  r + a! J, `' d; a) i5 [! P8 P% }  Q+ V   佳慧听我讲这句话,一时愣在一旁不知所措, - k+ a( N" r- Z! b5 f   阿霖:[李强学长,我不是只在忙边看?]3 @$ W, _2 J; l0 a( C   我:[只在旁边看,你忍得住?你忍得住我是无所谓啦,如果你想上我马子,还是洗一洗吧]( |. Q# J* \8 _& F # z0 r( ?7 p/ G; w3 S   佳慧:[够了,我先进去,] % F! V+ T% s* |4 p. T/ N7 ^   我:[你看,你都把你学姐搞得害羞了]& F8 F2 K( b7 S   阿霖脱下裤子、内裤以后,我才发现他的老二早已被刺激的硬梆梆,我:[还说不要,都硬了]( j6 D$ ?9 v/ w  H& O# Z1 O " v/ Y, S# P$ ^% n/ {   阿霖:[你跟佳慧学姐先洗,我等你们出来再进去] : ~7 X! n( O( L$ b, E1 i   我:[别害羞了,我等等在里面搞她给你看] 3 u1 l  m0 X& L% ^7 X   我连推带拉得把阿霖带进了浴室,佳慧正在洗着自己的身子,我也拿起了莲蓬头、沐浴乳洗了起来,阿霖也和我轮流冲着身体,看得出他相当紧张,光是莲蓬头都拿不好,特别是清洗到自己的龟头时,他将泡沫抹上去时,在我们面前他不敢搓洗,于是马上冲水,此时的佳慧已经泡在浴缸里看着我们,我:[阿霖,你要洗乾净啊,不然等等我女友不吃你老二]   佳慧听我这么一说,翻了个白眼:[怎么有你这种男朋友] / h& @, {* G4 z5 w   我:[怕你嫌脏才叫他喜乾净点啊]   佳慧:[你快点洗一洗,不要再说话了] ; s. |% z( r# B- [2 q1 T7 H# B/ a   阿霖吱吱呜呜地说:[我不好意思别人面前搓,而且太刺激了,我怕射出来]6 y! k& I% y* ~( i* o 7 R' g( e: G" z0 Q9 d7 [0 C   佳慧坐在浴缸内看着阿霖:[阿霖,你真的是处男?]; r( I* O1 C" d   阿霖害羞的点点头,1 m: T. P; P5 E3 ~" X 5 [0 r5 F! y6 l6 D' M   佳慧:[那不就让学姐赚到了]$ m9 D/ ^! Y; f  s0 W$ l0 g   阿霖:[不,不会啦,学姐,学姐很漂亮] % ?3 P  f1 U7 D0 i! g   佳慧笑了笑,我随后走上前去托起了佳慧稚嫩的脸庞,接着把阴茎放进了她的嘴里,这幕看的阿霖猛吞口水,简直是兴奋过度,瞪大了眼睛观看,我马上就开始抽插,鸡巴顶着佳慧喉咙,牢牢固着她的头,把鸡巴前后来回进出,我一边晃着她的头、一边摆腰,抽插着她的嘴,结实的手按着她的头,自己���着腰的,一下下把鸡巴捅到她口里,她不断发出痛苦的哽咽声,佳慧作呕吐了一下,吐掉我的阴茎,恶狠狠的瞪我一下:[你干嘛那么粗鲁,温柔一点]0 {; W  I6 c. o% e+ Z; Q   我:[阿霖在看,想说给他点刺激]0 i6 B4 B8 Y# j& W1 [   接着佳慧用她灵巧舌尖舔着我龟头下缘的敏感线,我全身舒爽的直打哆索,我:[嗯,好痒,] % `/ t- ~- d  D' w  d4 \3 W   接着佳慧轻轻的用牙齿咬住了我的龟头前端, ( J) P) ^* i9 W6 a- I7 J   然后要命的前后摩擦,她的牙齿就刮在我的敏感线上,要不是我强忍快感,马上把龟头再往舌头里面送,减少刺激,不然我差点就喷了出来,好险没在一个处男面前丢脸,我:[阿霖,洗乾净了吧,过来这边,让学姐帮你含一含]3 q$ J8 F. r, k( k   此时的佳慧还吞吐着我的阴茎,   而阿霖紧张的站在原地一动也不动,听见我叫他过来,他颤抖着身子慢慢向我移动,我:[快阿,给我女朋友口交,这种福利可不是每个人都有的,今天便宜你了]) x/ a5 N9 L" A; ?5 D, L8 \. v: v( _   阿霖走到了浴缸旁边,我示意佳慧帮他套弄一下,佳慧吐出了我的阴茎以后,伸手上前抓住了阿霖的阴茎,阿霖看着我,感觉不太好意思,[学长,这样真的可以吗?]( U& Q$ d; H+ J5 o# w8 q   我:[放心,你学姐都没说话了,她今天属于我们两个人的,你不用客气的用吧]# U3 f' i# t% G; S5 ]: J: J1 n1 [   阿霖:[学,学姐,你好美]7 ~( n: ^9 e# k2 P6 ~8 k- L# f 2 V! s9 u) b' N1 ^   正当佳慧纤细光滑的小手抓住阿霖阴茎抚摸两下以后,还等不及佳慧帮他口交,他的精液就喷洒而出,佳慧:[啊,怎么这样,] * L9 R7 O! Z' u, k, [( w   阿霖发出爽快的叫声:[嗯,阿,]   接着,老二一跳一跳的喷洒出大量的精液,4 }1 H4 `! G. L; N4 T1 m4 N! Y * j; d- N* n7 J6 G9 \! h6 J& L+ q   我:[天哪,都还没口交你就射了,这量也真多,看来憋很久]( r8 m" S, ^  z   当阿霖射精的瞬间,佳慧撇过头去,虽然脸上没被喷到,可是还是有不少的精液射到她的身上,阿霖羞愧的讲:[学姐,对,对不起,我忍不住,]1 o2 d/ q, R1 S( W5 T   佳慧:[没,没关系,]1 o" {8 o( l5 t4 t6 K" B; S1 g   我:[你先到旁边休息,先看我操你学姐,等等体力恢复再换你]9 `) _+ H4 L8 ~8 J   看着佳慧一口一口的帮我吸允着老二,我抚摸着她滑嫩的肌肤,很明显脖子附近还有刚刚阿霖留下的精液,我玩弄着别人的精液,看着女友身上洒着别的男人的精液,这使我格外兴奋,我拨弄着阿霖的精液,享受着佳慧帮我口交的快感,不停的将阿霖的精液抹在我女友佳慧的身上,最后,我在这双重刺激下射了出来,呛了佳慧一大口,稍做清洗以后,我们三人走出了浴室。 2 }; i# v  ]) V$ W$ E   我:[阿霖,你休息够了吧,去床上躺下]& p% Y! \9 K: j+ B - G* b' a9 T/ e* A$ _# ~) T& A   阿霖害羞的坐在床上,似乎有种任由我们摆布的感觉,我:[佳慧,我先休息一下,看你怎么表演] & u4 H9 j$ o) `/ |   佳慧:[贱男人] 6 b0 Z$ b. t5 W4 F; S   我:[阿霖,她现在是你的,尽管用,操操她,让她知道你不是好欺负的]   佳慧;[在旁边看就闭嘴]+ z" g9 M; _5 y- @8 s& J4 ?  J 1 v+ u! j! b- s   佳慧:[来,躺下,姐姐帮你]   阿霖的乳头硬了起来,佳慧手指轻轻地揉捏他的乳头,湿滑的香舌也在阿霖的乳头上打转,佳慧轻轻的亲吻着阿霖的全身,而我在一旁看的心脏快跳出来,阿霖嘴里开始传来呻吟的声音:[嗯,嗯,]1 m( s, j- H5 L6 {   我女友的手指继续前进,来到了阿霖的阴茎附近,龟头湿湿滑滑的,佳慧手指来回抚摸着阿霖那胀大的阳具,手指不断搅动,阿霖的样子十分陶醉,看来小弟弟快要胀破头了,他渐渐主动拿起阴茎放在佳慧的小嘴前,然后顺势的将阴茎挺入她的嘴里。他的那坚挺的小弟弟进入了一大半,已将我女友的小口塞得满满的。" Y1 T$ w8 q# w# V2 E8 ]9 ^9 A2 Q( ~. e   [嗯,嗯,嗯,]女友含着阿霖的阳具,用手来握住他的肉棒,然后用舌头舔着它。 6 c: n: Q, V( V, \/ i) [   佳慧舌头碰到龟头时,阿霖的肉棒也随着震荡一下,顿时一种说不出的快感遍布他的的全身,阿霖的意识开始模糊起来,我女友佳慧把充血阿霖的龟头含在嘴里慢慢向里送,由肉棒根部舔到顶端,再从顶端舔到根部;然后在阿霖的龟头上,上下不停的翻滚着舌头,刺激着他的龟头,接着又把阿霖龟头含进嘴里,一边把头上下套动,一边用舌头在嘴里刺激着龟头。   [啊,啊,嗯,嗯,啊,]此时阿霖全身颤抖起来,再一次处于极度亢奋的状态之下。7 q) Z$ |" R$ ] $ y; [# v! R; d   接着像插穴一样的在我女友佳慧的嘴里抽送起来。5 _, p$ j( j- i   他那挺直的鸡巴在佳慧口中出出入入,感觉他的小弟弟被我女友的樱桃小口给紧紧地包住了,并有着一种被向下吸的感觉,他终于忍受不住了。5 |2 g6 `5 }+ t2 e 1 y# B1 i5 ?& H   腰间一阵颤抖,在一阵强烈的抽搐中阿霖正式宣告投降,他的精液喷射了出来,白浊的液体全数射进她的嘴内,[呀啊,呜]阿霖不禁叫了出来。) N8 u8 w& K- W; {+ x% }& F   这时精液从佳慧的嘴角不断滴下,* Y/ x: d% I% q/ T9 ?1 G8 \6 T+ ?3 ] / z4 @1 K( I; m% P( n. @   佳慧:[啊,你怎么射在我嘴里,你知不知道这样对女生很不尊重?]1 i, w, \4 N. W) s) u* C$ S % a" K: E. d$ C9 W% a* t   阿霖像是个做错事的孩子,不知所措站在床上,阿霖:[对不起,佳慧学姐,因为刚刚我看学长也这么做]   佳慧:[又不一样,他是我男朋友阿,]   阿霖:[喔,对不起] : F" b3 r3 _( ^5 C+ L   看到这,我心中充满了妒意,但却刺激着我的感官神经,休息了一会,佳慧开始向我的阴茎进行挑逗,当我将佳慧的双腿抬起来放上我的肩膀时,我感到全身发热,一股暖流伴随着快感在全身乱窜,很快,我的肉棒再一次挺立起来,有着一股要发泄体内所有东西的慾念,我把她的腿分开,让她的膝盖弯曲着,好露出她整个阴户。* v2 O: E5 M: L3 L  V   佳慧的手握着我那早已勃起的肉棒引导我插入, 当我的肉棒插入佳慧那湿热的阴道时,佳慧的爱液被我的肉棒给逼迫了出来。 & A; J2 T: ?! J$ g6 g- p5 H7 G   插入去了,我只插进了龟头她便已不停地呻吟着,双手紧抓着床单,牙齿紧咬着下唇,呼吸更加急促了,我继续挺进,抽动着阴茎,一边看她的表情,她的表情可爱极了,时而皱眉,时而轻咬着嘴唇却带着愉悦。她的淫水又一阵一阵的涌出,沾湿了我的整个阴茎,甚至流到我的大腿上,[啊,啊,],我的肉棒被佳慧的肉壁紧紧的包住,我的肉棒被佳慧的阴道一寸一寸的吞没,直到整支肉棒都插入她的阴道里。: e4 h9 e7 ^% U5 Y7 V$ C + J7 g9 J0 b8 `" W" P- T   我硕大的阴茎正在小穴剧烈地抽插着,[啊、啊、啊,好舒服],佳慧不断地说着,在这种刺激下,我的野兽慾望不断强烈地扩张着,我加快了我的抽插速度。   渐渐地,插入的动作逐渐变顺畅,我的动作更快了,身体碰在佳慧屁股上的声音,也随着加快。; m# D7 I3 z9 b 1 m8 u9 [2 B* @9 G3 {' V) g5 d   我的脸颊贴在她的乳房上,忘情地张开口,任凭唾液不知廉耻地流淌在她的胸部上,我一手抚摸着她的乳房,一手抱着她纤细的腰,不停地抽送,利用愈缩愈紧的肉壁,去刺激佳慧。 2 s, D% m( a. [   她大口大口地喘着气,开使剧烈的颤抖,难到是错觉,怎么连阴道都会跟着颤抖,我的小弟弟好像被温暖的肉壁紧紧地包住,有种被拉着不放的感觉,她的肚子也开始迅速收缩、剧烈起伏。 * S/ ]  |# F2 j   我的手扶着佳慧的腰,时而摆动、时而转磨,渐渐地,佳慧的腰扭得愈来愈快,我也抬起我的腰用力的往上插,我忽然眼睛一黑,是快感! ) n/ f# x( P9 J2 W   一阵强烈的刺激立时从下体溢入脑中,短暂但极为强烈。 - r" f. L8 H7 ^. W8 v   我的阴茎觉得膨胀佑排欲裂,似要决堤,[阿,]我猛然地喊出来,然后大量的精液开始喷射,觉得全身好像发射出了所有的能量,我的身体不停地抽动着。   佳慧似乎同时到达了高潮,她浑身抖动不已,嘴中发出压抑的,充满快感的呻吟声。 $ ?( _7 t; j- `2 p% H2 W   我把精液一滴也不剩的射到佳慧阴道深处,射过精后的肉棒稍稍萎缩,我才从她的密穴里取出了我的阴茎。* b4 ~0 e* p3 o! f- w) p7 Y. C   我看见阿霖在一旁似乎不像刚进门那样紧张了,他套弄着自己的老二,望着我和佳慧,我:[阿霖,你可以了吗?]   阿霖:[学姐看起来很累]   我:[她没关系,她只是躺在那,也不用动,不会累,看你的老二都快受不了了,赶紧找个洞插吧]   阿霖:[我可以吗?]- P; z+ ^6 @3 R# k9 p! y 0 C$ {8 m* m/ h7 @! A5 Y) J   我:[别怀疑,我女朋友今天就借你享用享用,赶快操她吧], Z6 V2 b% [% A' {/ s  C 6 a% i4 q% w6 Y7 f: V   阿霖拿起床边的卫生套准备要戴上时,7 N' p  |* A+ V! q! Z   我:[阿霖,你在干嘛?]   阿霖?:[戴安全套阿,怎么了嘛?] 9 W9 w/ Q" i7 ~) j& y# T   我:[小子,你的精液刚刚也射得差不多了吧,不用戴了,不戴比较刺激,直接上吧]- s7 j' l. _# ?   阿霖爬上了床,抓起了我女友的两只小腿往两边分开,佳慧似乎有点想挣扎,但她早已被我搞得气喘吁吁,也没啥力气抵抗,佳慧:[啊,等等,]   阿霖:[学姐,得罪了] . k" d9 m4 b) |% c8 W- a- h   阿霖生涩的将阴茎放在佳慧的阴道口附近徘徊,有点紧张的他,看样子不太敢进到佳慧的穴中,佳慧紧闭着双眼,难以想像正在男友面前遭别人奸淫,害羞的脸颊泛红,我女友在我面前,即将被学弟给入侵,我的内心十分悸动,但老二却没啥反应,大概是刚射完精,否则见到这场景哪还忍得住。   阿霖:[嗯!进去了!,嗯啊,好棒,学姐,你里面,让人好舒爽]   佳慧:[啊,嗯,]7 E3 d  M- K3 K; v   阿霖:[这好软,又好紧,湿湿的,嗯嗯,热热的,嗯!,死死的勒着我下面] 8 H6 z$ v7 Z1 i" ?5 }   [嗯!,太不可思议了,嗯,]阿霖望着身下佳慧美艳绝伦的晕红俏脸,她格外兴奋的低喘着,全身紧绷着,忍不住的喘着气。   佳慧:[啊!阿霖你那里好硬,啊唔,你真已经是大男人了,啊唔!,]   小慧红着秀靥,咬着樱唇,娇痴软腻的嘤咛着,鼓励着阿霖,一手抓着阿霖的手臂,另一只玉手温柔的抚上了阿霖的腰杆,彷佛渴望着爱的占有似的,紧紧抓着。( J6 B$ e) X; D- r/ |9 A3 c   阿霖:[嗯,那,那我用力了,嗯,你里面,嫩肉好软,好舒服]   阿霖得意的喘着,然后低下身子,轻压在小慧那丰挺雪腻的娇乳上,胳膊肘撑着床,抓着小慧的香肩,开始继续向下沉着腰胯。 % V! }# c% A# H* D! {   就在大约一米的眼前,一切都是那样一清二楚,床上佳慧M字大开的雪白玉腿上淡淡的清络,她淡粉娇嫩的会阴上正流下的一股晶莹的爱液,还有她紧小穴口外那又小又嫩,光润精致的两片酥粉花瓣,都彷佛近得触手可及。- s8 ^9 g+ p8 B. Y0 a + E/ v4 C. U1 Z1 _   这一切本应属于我,可是现在,一个乳臭未乾的小男孩那硬挺苍白,透着血管的雄性生殖器,毫无阻隔的,就插入了我女友那私密的嫩穴,把她酥粉紧小的穴口大大撑圆,而小男孩那肉杆正缓缓向下顶着,挤出湿粘的蜜液,一寸寸没入了我娇艳女友那湿热紧窄的阴道中,直到半截肉柱牢牢挤入了她雪白滑腻的腿心。2 }  K) @+ P6 `: r; b   我只觉心中又疼又热,可是涌起的那异常刺激又让人不能自拔,我只有张大眼睛,看着和自己共患难两年的心爱女友被一个刚上大学的小男生没有带套的用鸡巴结实插入,不能止息的揉着自己的下体。; G1 f$ K5 a( \9 I) `% w6 I   佳慧:[阿霖,���,我们做给李强看,]8 t$ ^2 {& \% `. s1 u ; p2 [& R" ~- p1 L, I& Z7 s+ k   [啊,啊啊!,你的龟头,怎么那么硬,阿,把人家里面,全顶开了,你好厉害,啊,宝贝,]佳慧带着一丝哭腔的腻声娇啼着,又美又羞涩,她美眸紧闭,浩牙紧咬,带着粉晕的雪白身子半仰在床上,纤长的玉手抱上了阿霖的后背用力搂着,雪白修长的小腿架在阿霖的腿旁,白皙香滑的小脚丫被插得紧扣着抬离了床单。4 u' s5 I" X8 S( G! t: \   阿霖:[嗯,学姐,好棒,我好爱你,嗯嗯,你里面又热又湿,嗯嗯,好爽,嗯,我的,我的下面被你包得好紧,嗯,简直快被夹断了,可是,又好舒服!嗯嗯,我现在,是世界上最幸福的男人了,嗯嗯,嗯,] / y) ^4 [2 h+ r+ E7 X; G) {7 n   阿霖激动的低吼着,紧紧搂着怀中的小慧,然后痴迷的吻上了她的嘴唇。 9 s$ F- w) J( b) H+ g' E2 |   良久,两人才分开唇,阿霖就抱着怀中佳慧雪白的身子,默默望着我女友那美艳绝伦的晕红俏脸,小眼中混着得意,满足,温柔,和自负。   半晌,小慧缓缓张开迷蒙的大眼,鼻音娇腻的嘤嗡着,[啊,阿霖,啊,]   小慧张大如星的美眸,咬着下唇,眼中闪着疑惑而复杂的神色望着阿霖,忽地,她彷佛再也忍不住,俏脸轻别,黛眉微弯,含羞的笑出声来。 . U: I( l; L! @% f6 Q   [学姐,你在笑什么?]阿霖撑起胳膊,皱着眉头看着小慧,有些愠色的说着。 1 p' X! \1 e9 L1 t+ H2 Y   佳慧藕臂温柔的环着阿霖的脖颈,美眸闪着狡黠和调皮的望着阿霖,浅笑着娇声挪榆着,佳慧:[想不到你还真的是个处男,嘻嘻,]+ V6 t) D- a& r- j / L% _& B; N: @3 M4 R2 @1 E   小慧晕红的艳丽俏脸羞憨的扭向一旁,不时被膣穴内的硬物涨得禁不住轻吟,嘟着红馥馥的小嘴,软腻的娇嗔着。# `+ s! \/ @- q! B! \% c! s   阿霖:[你这里好舒服,再说,你说今晚都是我的,学姐,你好好��我吧]   阿霖坏笑着,轻握着小慧的乳房,分开佳慧的藕臂,吻着佳慧玉润的耳垂。  M9 ?' s- M7 h) i: n- N ; H9 {% M' g: C3 N6 e   佳慧虽然红着俏脸,又甜又怨的轻吟着,可是随着阿霖的亲吻,她的娇喘又急促了起来。' {- e8 J) w" [: Q; } # Y8 g' M7 R) N; q8 A! v; p' W2 e: l; Y   然后阿霖双手钳着佳慧的皓腕,低下头,埋在佳慧胸前那雪白浑圆的丰乳中,缓缓吻着,接着一口含入了小慧粉嫩的乳尖,热切的吸唆起来。+ ~7 d1 Q  o/ m9 E! {9 W* Y8 E   佳慧那粉雕玉琢的身子本就异常敏感,现在她那天生紧窄的嫩穴中塞着一根火热硬挺的肉棒,而胸前两丰腴双乳上敏感万分的蓓蕾在被如此挑逗,片刻,佳慧就身子娇酥燥热的轻扭,媚眼如丝的半闭,嗲声嗲气的服软了,佳慧:[小坏蛋,欺负人家,啊,啊,人家可是你学姐呢]9 Q) v# q) _7 E$ s( |# T   天杀的!现在小慧的身体,芳心都倾于阿霖,根本是被吃得死死的!8 A& \/ y( f/ k 1 P  p$ K8 S0 H  z   看着心爱的女友被这样一个小男生调戏玩弄,我心里又气又恨,可是这气这恨,却让我心底的慾火更热,身下的鸡巴更涨。   佳慧红着秀靥,黛眉轻蹙,撒娇埋怨的娇嗔着,可她却小媳妇似的顺从的配合着阿霖,挪动着她白皙的娇躯,躺在床上,雪臀轻轻上挺,承接着阿霖硬挺生殖器的插入,修长的玉腿分成M形悬在半空架在阿霖的腿上,粉嘟嘟的小脚丫轻勾着,酥橘娇腻的足掌对着我,白皙完美的娇躯就在床上摆出了彷佛青蛙似的,那又下流又原始,又让人血脉贲张的传统姿势。1 O. z/ K( H4 f: ^( P : R+ s+ G& _- z% W   小慧一手抱着阿霖,一手轻按着阿霖的腰股,娇憨的嘤咛着,阿霖喘着,同时挺动着腰杆,长鸡巴顺势往下戳着。   阿霖一收腰弯腿,[哧溜]一声,他那跟硬涨的长鸡巴就带着一股汁水一下从小慧紧窄的肉穴中全拔了出去。 - E* L0 u% R2 l! o; q   阿霖喘着气,吻着佳慧的瑶鼻,身体下压,腰腿挺着,他似乎掌握了要领,鸡蛋大的龟头就噗滋噗滋的挤开佳慧粉嫩的穴口,顶入了那湿滑紧窄的膣腔。 # j- B1 `! \% ^1 Z$ ~1 V2 p   随着佳慧的教导,阿霖就跟着把挺硬的鸡巴在佳慧慧湿濡的阴道中插入、抽出,一下下刮磨着佳慧膣穴内娇软敏感的嫩肉,一下下享受着滑腻酥润肉壁的紧箍,虽然依旧生涩,但他抽插的动作也是越来越有节奏,直把小慧插弄的美眸越闭越紧,阿霖缓缓抽插了几分钟,似乎还是掌握不好力道,稍一用力拔,大龟头就一下滑离了佳慧湿腻的穴口,阿霖:[好舒服,原来这就是做爱的感觉,可是好累,好爽]$ n* n* M2 C! ~" ]2 |# q& I* _- `   佳慧:[不然换我在上面吧]5 U- V" F, m7 E" T( U, N, W0 f9 S " F; q# K( @& s4 m( ]. C   阿霖红着脸,兴奋而尴尬的喘着,他躺了下去,佳慧两脚分开跨坐在阿霖的身上,阿霖的手立刻伸到腿间,握着自己的鸡巴再往小慧湿漉漉的穴口塞着。 7 v' v' Y, t7 L$ u   佳慧俏脸通红,羞憨迷醉的闭着美眸,就轻轻挺着阴阜,方便阿霖再一次插入,娇腻的轻喘,温柔的鼓励着,佳慧:[嗯,就是这样,来,]1 j1 C6 C$ A3 g& B$ [/ n) E/ l) H+ G   我女友跨坐在我学弟的身上摆动着自己的臀部,阿霖:[啊,学姐,好舒服,]$ A$ ?' B- D9 }9 S- B6 p3 }   我在一旁看着那彷佛只有一臂距离的地方, 6 L! \8 l7 M4 i( |3 e% r   明亮的灯光清晰照着我女友的粉嫩小穴被一个小男生硬挺的肉棒一下下插入,捣出股股湿粘的淫水,我心里疼得彷佛再淌血。5 d+ o. ^1 W* G8 r$ E: _   更让人血脉喷张的,还是我那青春靓丽的女友主动坐在别人身上,光着屁股,分着玉腿,彷佛大姐姐似的,牵着那小男孩的鸡巴,一句一句,一点一点,细心的教那个小男生如何用生殖器插她那汁水丰沛的湿热阴道,如何用大鸡巴一下下玩她那迷人紧小的粉嫩肉穴!4 {  H, I  X$ e   看着眼前自己女友和小男生上演的这火热淫靡的一幕,我心脏猛绞,可我的鸡巴已经硬得不像话。 : m9 `# L3 b0 p* R- r5 \3 H. M) f   阿霖:[佳慧姐,这样插你里面,嗯嗯,这样,好满足,]" j7 c; S$ \6 [: P) }3 n   阿霖:[你里面的软肉插起来,好棒好美,李强学长真幸福,]+ e5 m$ J  N$ m 3 t" h- m4 X8 m# l3 c   阿霖一脸的兴奋,眼神发亮的急喘着,一手挪到前面抓揉起佳慧胸前雪白丰腴的乳肉,腿一曲一伸,恶心的卵袋上下摇动,长鸡巴抽插的越发索利,[噗滋、噗滋、噗滋,]有节奏的捣起佳慧那淫水横流的粉嫩肉穴。! m1 O$ Y7 d2 d" M$ j % S4 W2 W# N) P' e( `& L& o   佳慧:[啊,啊,啊,啊,]0 g: t. p7 X" s* j9 Z . E) {- [6 H, {# @   佳慧雪颊晕红,迷迷糊糊的和阿霖交颈相拥,咬着一丝呜咽娇吟着,她雪白的身子透着桃红,覆着薄汗,随着抽插节奏一下下轻晃,她分开的玉腿,纤长白皙的小腿就跨在阿霖大腿的旁边,十个小巧的足趾猫爪似的蜷着,阿霖的手也不安分的抚摸着佳慧的小腿、抓揉着佳慧雪润的大腿,丰腴的粉臀,腰杆动作有些机械,但越发落力的用长鸡巴捣着小慧的嫩穴。9 p9 M  J- K- L4 y ' O9 j5 ~5 ~& p/ b: P   阿霖:[学姐,可以操你好爽,]* k6 |% c6 o* e   佳慧爱恋的紧抱着阿霖,被她紧小肉穴内阿霖那大龟头刮擦得不住娇腻快美的莺啼,美艳不可方物的秀靥透着酡红,芳心含羞的在阿霖耳边继续鼓励着。* {7 J/ @. M. c! {) u# N9 E 6 ~: J, }3 H5 J$ W   佳慧:[嗯嗯,啊啊,嗯嗯,啊啊,好麻,好痒,]   看着眼前我美艳的女友不但被她亲自教的小男生操得花枝乱颤,她还要教那个男生「九浅一深」的技巧,让那个男人更尽兴的玩她早就湿淫不堪的小嫩逼!   这不单是倒贴,简直就是犯贱的欠操呀!3 G5 ]9 U. v2 R% X0 x   可是看着女友粉嫩紧小的穴口被那小男生的鸡巴抽插得一次次撑圆打开,泛出股股湿粘的淫水,看着她俏脸上那被操得娇羞欣喜,快美凄艳的动人模样,我心里又疼又气,又兴奋的不能自已。 3 C' l2 ~) N- ?) @3 G! ~2 N   交媾操穴本就是男人的天性,再加上小慧这妩媚悉心的教导,阿霖更是如鱼得水,他顺着佳慧的牵引,稍稍抬起上身,然后得意的盯着小慧那被他弄得娇羞晕红的美艳俏脸,腰杆有些机械但越发熟练的开始上下挺动,带动他硬涨的鸡巴,深深浅浅,急急缓缓,开始更游刃有余的恣意插弄起小慧湿热娇软的肉穴。   阿霖兴奋得意的低喘着,彷佛刚学会如何玩玩具的小孩似的,用刚学来的技巧,把长鸡巴一下下深浅交错的在女孩那湿腻如果瓤的嫩穴中抽插着,可他正用鸡巴玩弄的「美肉玩具」,却正是我那美艳动人的女友佳慧!6 Y; S* Q' C- A0 h   我:[阿霖,怎样,我女友的身子还不错吧]) M: C7 q  y- P0 m   阿霖:[是阿,可以干到学姐真幸福]   我:[佳慧,教教阿霖老汉推车,换个姿势玩玩]   佳慧:[阿霖,你要吗?啊啊啊啊,嗯嗯,啊啊,] 6 k  x6 `5 L: Z; h# P% v7 K   我:[阿霖你把我女朋友翻过来,从背后插她]   佳慧娇美清纯的俏脸晕红如火,双眸含羞紧闭,瑶鼻嘤嘤,朱唇轻咬的不住娇哼,雪白炫目的娇躯不堪采撷的簌簌轻颤,闪亮的淫水湿濡的流满她粉嫩的小穴和淡粉的菊门,她白皙丰腴的粉臀迎奉的挺动抛耸,晃出雪呼呼的臀浪,佳慧无法把持的享受着情慾的快感,随着阿霖的鸡巴在她湿热蜜穴中「噗哧!~噗哧!~」的抽插,眼看就要攀上高潮。4 L$ G' W& ]  Q4 j6 M( i* x" b 7 |2 t. i2 E' {   阿霖挺着长鸡巴又在佳慧的嫩穴中抽插了百余下,动作越来越乱,越来越快,最后他紧抓着佳慧的玉体,身体紧压在我女友背上,身子挺直,开始急速挺动,长鸡巴开始一下下直没入底的把佳慧粉嫩的肉穴插得汁水淋漓,?唧作响,阿霖的身上淌着汗,粗重的低吼着。& N) K6 c4 I2 D2 q, S4 U6 P8 _' C 6 P3 D5 s3 `1 Q% W/ p5 b! K   阿霖:[学姐,我好像,好像不行了!,嗯嗯,佳慧雪姐,我,要射出来了,嗯,怎么办,要我拔出来吗,]+ T7 l+ `6 n% [1 ?, T" W( d* u6 ]# K ! u) V, {( ^) i/ n% A% o  g   佳慧:[啊啊!不用,不用拔出来,我也好爱你,]8 J2 O; M9 T) a, S6 g0 T   佳慧一阵淫媚小野猫似的的娇啼狂喘,藕臂玉腿有些瘫软,雪滑绵软的乳肉摊在床上挤成扁圆,她丰腴的雪臀绷得耸动,白皙的纤足痉挛,娇幼的足趾忽张忽蜷,雪白娇妍的身子倏地簌簌的颤栗轻抖,花心那被硬鸡巴涨满撑圆的粉嫩肉穴中火辣辣的一阵紧缩,温凉湿淫的浆水瞬间喷溅而出! 8 Q, n! k% f8 S3 n0 g   佳慧泻身了,那紧凑的阴道内,粉嫩嫩的壁肉要人命似的猛一裹,死死掐吮着阿霖深插入底的那根烫硬肉棒,那酥麻难耐的舒爽刺激,瞬间让小义一泄如注,他双腿痉挛,腰杆猛挺,卵袋紧紧缩着,长鸡巴狠狠在小慧美肉嫩穴中向下戳着抖着,浓浓的精液立时在小慧阴道深处喷薄而出!7 X# l* w, z; W9 E$ B   寂静的夜色中,闪亮的白炽灯下,看着我心爱的女友教会一个处男小男生如何干她,看着她再被那个小男生插得香汗淋漓,爱液喷溅的攀上了高潮,看着那小男生的雄性生殖器深插入我女友雪白花心那湿热阴道的深处,皮管子一样涌动,股股射出精液,我心里一阵茫然的刺激,手中的鸡巴也快射了出来,我连忙走向床边,抓起了正在喘息的佳慧,我按住了佳慧的头,一手捏开了她的小嘴,一手紧握胀到难受的老二,佳慧似乎知道我想干嘛,佳慧:[啊,啊,李强,不要了,啊,] 4 z* r! J' s* g% F) I, W   她被我捉住头颅的晃来晃去,落下了几滴泪吸着我的鸡巴,我的心就痛快起来了,可是这快感战胜了我内心的怜惜,我的鸡巴插到佳慧的口里,便疯狂的摆腰,不停的猛撞她脸门了,[好痛啊!]佳慧不禁掩着自己的嘴,而我却继续摆动,鸡巴不停的撞到她的脸,最后一股强烈的快感从老二急涌,我把精液全洒在佳慧的脸上,看见自己女友这般淫荡的模样,我十分满足,我抚摸着她,带点关怀的语气询问她:[佳慧,我们这样玩,你开心吗?]; w$ x2 O* d" o  K2 l- c   佳慧静默不语,躺在床上休息着,雪白的乳房就随着呼吸的节奏上下浮动,阿霖也做在一旁玩弄着佳慧的乳头,他时而捏弄、时而吸允,看似相当满意,我:[阿霖,不错吧,有没有让你很满足?]; Y- R! Y3 ]" i; `. {   阿霖点点头继续吸允着佳慧的胸部。 # a* Y& N8 X1 L* {; e" K) o# a   过了十几分钟后,佳慧走下了床进浴室清洗身体,她跌跌撞撞的走着,阿霖见她重心不稳还好心地上前扶她,阿霖:[学姐,我扶你], K2 n2 k2 t+ n% y$ ?) D# m( ]% y % B' Q: ^4 Q1 r, t+ S) g   佳慧:[谢谢,我自己可以,] * C5 h5 k* D7 b0 ^5 L   看着佳慧的背影,凌乱的秀发,那全身都是汗水、精液、唾液交着,屁股上还有刚刚被阿霖撞击后的红晕,大腿旁还留下了我们对她内射后的精液,本以为阿霖在前两次的口交中已经把精液全射光了,想不到还是有不少的精液射在我女友体内,假如佳慧怀了孕,可真划不来,下次假使有机会,可要叫这小子把卫生套戴上本想休息三个小时就好,可是我们却做了五个多小时,走出宾馆房间已经十一点多了,在走廊上,我们正好碰到一名中年男子,那名中年男子正搂着一名妙龄女子要进房欢愉,见了我们两男一女以后,中年男停下了脚步,中年男:[妹妹,] & p4 u) Y3 C, \   中年男:[妹妹,妹妹,]( a& V' t# Y+ O! L   我们停了下来,佳慧:[你,你在叫我吗?]8 Z# e2 ~  D! k* l. B- Y) f + h/ Q% F& X1 l% H   中年男:[对阿,小姐,你长得不错,下次可以跟我吗?]1 v4 A0 E# B* d& ?: a/ D1 S   佳慧愣了一下:[我,我不是,]" c; D' }2 W% w7 t# C. l0 @% [ 6 i1 R# h3 L; L* s" p   中年男:[不是?怎么可能,都肯跟两个男人一起开房间了,下次给我约吧,这我的电话,下次想赚钱打给我]$ d) [4 B  z. c; d   佳慧错愕的接下名片,我们没多说什么就走了,那男人也带着那位小姐进了房。   我们三人后来一起去吃了消夜,可三人都没提起刚刚在宾馆五个小时发生的一切。   往后的日子,我发觉我更爱我的女友佳慧了,那次帮阿霖破处的经历,也成了我们三人的回忆,有时我和佳慧在寝室做爱时,只要不被其他人发现,我都会邀阿霖和我们一起3P,看着自己的女友被那小男生又哄又骗,乖乖的撅着屁股,被那小男生彷佛摆弄新玩具似的用鸡巴插插弄弄,我心里彷佛被火烧似的又气又爱,身下的鸡巴也不争气的越来越硬,让我盯着屋中这由我女友主演的「姐弟恋」交媾秀,不停上演。: m6 J2 @) N# S( L9 k 7 G/ Z( `' `8 m& l4 r5 M   甚至我发觉,我女友还曾和阿霖私下偷偷去开房间,因为有时我会发现女友的包包中有宾馆所开的发票,算了,反正现在我重新找回了与佳慧之间的快感,至于她和阿霖如何,我也没精神费心,反正连床都上了,还有什么好进一步?8 g7 ]: F" N" Z2 f. J / B$ d+ Z" t# }. m   所以,我一点也不担心我的女友,, a" _; q" {3 ~: ]8 c; P" O" L 5 I, a5 w7 \9 V4 Y+ I   对于上次离开宾馆后,那张名片,我有跃跃欲试的想法。
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future-lab · 4 years
Star Wars Legacy Collection.................R2-T0
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$4.25 (5 Bids)
End Date: Sep-27 07:17
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source https://www.ebay.com/itm/Star-Wars-Legacy-Collection-R2-T0/353208327409?hash=item523cdb5cf1:g:FskAAOSwHlhfZl2w
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networkgeek · 7 years
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So This is just a basic configuration to demo how to setup GRE over IPsec
Below are some of the commands I used, Also note that the config must be exactly the same on both sides. R1 in my topology is the IPS router with the other 2 being the sites.
Remember to setup normal routing between them they are suppose to work just like normal sites with internet break out. for my routing i used OSPF.
Commands used for GRE and IPsec:
gre part
R1(config-if)#do show hist  interface tunnel 0  ip address  tunnel source fastEthernet 0/1  tunnel destination  tunnel mode gre ip  ip ospf 10 area 0  do show hist R1(config-if)#
ipsec part
R2(config)#crypto isakmp policy 1 R2(config-isakmp)#authentication pre-share R2(config-isakmp)#encryption aes R2(config-isakmp)#hash sha R2(config-isakmp)#group 5 R2(config-isakmp)#life R2(config-isakmp)#lifetime 1800 R2(config-isakmp)#exit R2(config)#cry R2(config)#crypto isakmp key cisco address R2(config)#crypto ipsec transform-set t-set esp-aes esp-sha-hmac R2(cfg-crypto-trans)#mode tunnel R2(cfg-crypto-trans)#exit R2(config)#crypto ipsec profile cisco R2(ipsec-profile)#set tran R2(ipsec-profile)#set transform-set t-set R2(ipsec-profile)#int t0 R2(config-if)#tunnel protection ipsec profile cisco R2(config-if)# *Jun 20 17:03:18.259: %CRYPTO-6-ISAKMP_ON_OFF: ISAKMP is ON R2(config-if)#
once configured on both sides you will receive a log message confirming connectivity, you can also do show crypto engine connections active that should give you below printout:
R2#show crypto engine connections active Crypto Engine Connections
  ID  Type    Algorithm           Encrypt  Decrypt LastSeqN IP-Address    1  IPsec   AES+SHA                   0        7        7    2  IPsec   AES+SHA                   6        0        0    3  IPsec   AES+SHA                   0       27       27    4  IPsec   AES+SHA                  28        0        0 1001  IKE     SHA+AES                   0        0        0 1002  IKE     SHA+AES                   0        0        0
If you have any questions or require assistance let me know.
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john78415 · 7 years
最近同部門的男同事車禍,所以工作量大增,下班前經理 (不是跟我有曖昧關係的那一個..如果有看過我的文的人請別誤會..本部門的經理是一個大媽…)- r) U2 x* G* m3 y: X8 d1 V& y2 w 還要我周五下班後代表部門去慰問受傷同事。心裡百般不願想說他受傷,我吃下他大部分的工作, 現在下班還要花自己的時間去探望他。誰教部門裡都是大媽居多,只好派我出馬。這個同事平常沒啥私交, 只覺得是一個沉默寡言的弟弟,應該還不到30歲,不過看在他長相粗獷,身材又粗勇的份上 (平常上班也給我不少意淫的機會),我便勉為其難跑這一趟。 + d# E3 P2 [) M 同事弟弟家其實離我住的地方不遠,是一個傳統三合院。我找了一會便到達,我停好車, 走到門口,一個赤膊大哥走了出來。大哥皮膚黝黑,身材粗壯,前胸還有刺青,長相十分有台味, 完全是我的天菜。我見他長相跟同事十分相像,想說應該是同事的大哥便開口問:大哥你好,1 x1 Y0 D. a) A 請問xxx是你弟弟嗎? 赤膊大哥:哈哈…嘿洗阮後生(那是我兒子) 我嚇了一跳,想說同事也快30歲了,而眼前的大哥也才40來歲,怎麼可能是同事的爸爸。4 T' |5 p. @( R7 l: W$ l/ m 我一陣尷尬,想說是不是該改口叫阿伯,可是對方年紀不大。赤膊大哥見我似乎覺得尷尬,便說: 先進來坐。 3 E; e9 y9 i3 m; K0 l 我進到房子裡便見到腳還打著石膏的同事,我跟他寒暄幾句,這時同事爸爸又拿了飲料走了出來。" ?. D9 B5 Z& Y 我:阿伯,多謝。" t0 b9 O$ f# D- x; j6 c5 e, O 同事爸:幹!我有那麼老。叫大哥就好。 我一陣尷尬,想說這個大哥講話超直接台味十足,卻很合我的調性。不過我看同事卻一整個臭臉。% j$ W7 B% K9 N, }6 {5 ` 同事爸:幹!!林杯本來就還很校年…你是臭臉什麼 我撲茲一笑,想說同事爸爸真的很有趣。 同事更覺尷尬,向他爸說: 有客人來,你去穿一件衣服。; }: n5 W4 B5 G& e+ d3 m+ |2 ?8 R 同事爸:穿衣服很熱ㄟ,人家你同事也沒說什麼。 我見氣氛尷尬,便說:+ W! e: `: M( B9 W( o* n) H 沒關係,我在家也是打赤膊,比較涼。 我才不希望同事爸這個天菜穿上衣服。我這時開口問: 大哥看起來才40出頭歲,想不到小孩那麼大。 這時同事臉色似乎不好,我想我問了太多私事。這時同事爸說: 阿我就早秋,16歲就生出他來了。7 ]7 L6 S! R0 f% M4 Z* t2 i 我掐指一算同事爸應該還不到50歲。同事似乎感到不自在,便說要休息了,0 W2 B2 P& n/ ^1 [' i' I" m7 G3 y 我見氣氛不是很好,便也說要回家了。' {* z N3 Z1 n4 A8 B 我走到庭院裡,同事爸跟著我出來,我跟他說不用送了。# j! I3 n d1 H" q( i3 Y) t ! P" H/ k/ {/ p# ~8 [* M- \, J 這時同事爸卻走近我來說:: C7 d: I, v& \ V4 u7 `& d, q 你最近晚上都沒去運動公園齁??! j4 ^$ _3 \' I7 Z1 J" p+ P# i! \ 我心裡一驚!!!想說晚上的運動公園!! 那是附近同志打野砲的地方,同事爸怎麼會知道!!! 只見同事爸笑的曖昧說:我去的時候見過你幾次,不過你似乎對我沒興趣。8 B2 d' L! }/ w9 b& F 我這時已經大吃好幾驚,同事爸竟然也是同志!!而且我竟然讓這個天菜從我手裡跑掉!!, V& F- o* Z2 v6 `6 b& N 我:我完全沒印象ㄟ… 同事爸:我有揪過你一次…你沒反應… 我:不可能吧…你條件那麼好…我怎麼可能拒絕…4 U4 I/ g. |4 \: d+ r' g. L b# i t 同事爸:我還以為你喜歡年輕的,便沒繼續釣你。 這時同事爸把我拉到一旁的儲藏室,我想同事爸要幹嘛,只見他猴急的掏出雞巴, 一根硬屌已經在我面前出現示威。 S2 y* l& {- b$ t" p& @/ T 我舔了一下嘴唇,立刻蹲下把大屌含進嘴裡。同事爸一陣呻吟:9 [) Z! n; C( [0 Q& Z 你娘嘞!!足爽ㄟ,吸大力點!!! n# ]: x* ^! f" c 我賣力的吹著同事爸的屌。想說在不熟的同事家, 跟剛見面的同事父親在倉庫裡幫他吸屌,讓我覺得十分刺激。我吸了一會, 起身跟同事爸舌吻,我摸著同事爸粗壯的身材一邊讚美:& s* Q% m8 d3 a/ a' S& J9 v 大哥的身材真棒,好性感。 同事爸:我這個都是天然的,作田練出來的。 我摸著這個天然的粗壯肉體,一邊讚嘆著:6 Q1 a& c6 y8 N* ] 你兒子身材也很好,應該是遺傳到你的好基因。( @5 N, n5 g6 z+ x$ h4 y( c 同事爸:他那個是健身房練出來的,跟林杯這個不一樣。! z0 J, E) Y6 f7 A 我:有沒有想過想跟他打一���??) b. n- B, n6 t+ v1 m1 J: ^ 同事爸:幹!!我們是父子ㄟ…怎麼可以' T7 d- g/ P1 D% W$ Y, E 我:又不會懷孕,怕什麼。你兒子看起來也很棒,懶叫應該很大隻吧。 同事爸:幹,你越講我越想到他的懶覺。最近他腳這樣,都是我幫他洗澡,- v7 @1 V* e1 W0 {: p 每次幫他洗的時候,摸到他的身體,我的懶覺都快要硬起來,我生的兒子漢草真的不錯2 ? S- F1 C M ,懶叫也像我,很大隻。& ~8 d) W! ^2 [- Y$ z 我一邊愛撫著同事爸,一邊引導他幻想自己兒子的粗壯肉體,我覺得自己無比下流。 d1 A9 u. s9 Z. z! I+ r2 p3 w# ~, z; D7 a + R' g, i; Y7 A( ^ + J4 M8 I- _, i* p 我又蹲下幫同事爸吹喇叭,這時同事爸竟然說: 阿欽!!呷林杯ㄟ懶叫…速林杯ㄟ懶葩…速卡大力ㄟ 同事爸已經把我當作他粗壯的兒子來玩了。 我:阿爸..你的大懶叫好好吃。( `# g z6 i# ?5 G# n 同事爸:阿欽!!速卡快ㄟ 我見同事爸完全投入在親子相姦的幻想裡,更加賣力幫他服務。 這時突然外面一個呼喚聲:阿爸…幫我一下 原來是同事正在呼喚他爸。同事爸嚇了一跳,馬上抽出我嘴裡的屌。喘了一下氣,走出倉庫。3 C/ O) H, C3 b6 l1 K 一會兒同事爸又回來: G# K. ^% D% u5 r 死囡阿說要喝水…" j0 G! E& e+ f) _ 我笑了一下說:這裡太危險了…我先回去…有空你打我手機… 便把手機號碼給了同事爸。" M! M/ j; Q% E6 c 同事爸這時說:幹!!等一下要幫他洗澡,到時懶叫很怕硬起來。 我:誰叫你兒子條件那麼棒,身材好懶叫又大 同事爸:麥擱共阿..等一下真的會起秋$ G8 {9 e# R& m7 Z! H 我笑笑著向同事爸道別。 周六一早,電話響了:4 Y4 ]6 c4 c- @/ Q" ]! ]6 x! s: z1 o, W 竟然是同事爸打來的.. 同事爸:阿你有空嗎7 R% d5 ]: j! N7 Q 我:大哥很想幹砲齁 同事爸:昨天幫我家阿欽洗完澡,摸著他的身體,看著他的懶叫, 我都快要忍不住懶叫都一直流汁,想找人幹一砲,昨晚懶叫一直消不下去... 我:哈哈,你就叫阿欽幫你消火阿 同事爸:幹!!自己的小孩呷不下去 我:我等一下去找你 我很快的準備完畢,穿著輕便的短褲吊嘎,驅車前往同事家。6 g: q* d: Y; y2 c; w) X! [9 Q$ V 我才開到同事家巷口,就見同事爸在那裏等,同事爸上車後,( p, T0 }1 D& ~1 H7 } 便指了一條小路要我開去。同事爸只穿一件短褲跟內衣。一上車便脫下內衣。 同事爸:幹!!林杯足不尬意穿衫- t! [; w- A/ K 我想這個大哥搞不好也喜歡暴露,便問: 大ㄟ…你不愛穿衫歐9 W* o4 O- h4 ]" T8 A M, V! t* @ 同事爸:我在田裡都只穿短褲,穿衫很熱。我也都沒在穿內褲。懶叫悶一天很難過。 我想這個黝黑大叔根本是天然暴露狂,便問: 阿你都打赤膊在田裡工作??" b. }3 P8 o; ]3 z0 a9 @! ^: Y4 u 同事爸:當然阿..反正穿衫還要多洗一件衣服,我阿沒老婆 我:阿你太太… 同事爸:生完阿欽就跑了…而且我其實喜歡查埔ㄟ..那時是看大家都在幹女的…$ S( t* O& Q5 E 找了一個來玩..幾次就中獎 我:笑年人卡厲害.. 同事爸:後來在軍裡,跟幾個同梯的一起打手槍越玩越感到刺激,連屁眼都是互相插來插去。 我聽同事爸一邊講起當兵的性事,然後他的下體已經呈線勃起的狀態。便慫恿他: 大哥,你把褲子也脫了,反正我的隔熱紙很黑。$ S- n+ i. U H 同事爸也不囉唆,立刻脫下褲子,裡面真的沒穿內褲。* e1 C, ?( \. m2 y" c1 w 我:大哥,你真的沒穿內褲歐" l+ ^! E @* c! m* H; L: Q$ Y 同事爸:多穿多熱的,這樣比較通風5 j+ L2 h8 K9 ~; a! a 我車上就載著一個勃起裸男,往郊外開去。; G% t! K: `/ r0 y 同事爸引我開向一條產業道路。路的兩邊都農田。同事爸又引導我開到一片樹林,7 T4 N- x7 b. w6 E! r6 a3 D( U 樹林在田中十分顯眼,同事爸說是以前的人種植,後代都外出了,便留下來。 我先下了車,同事爸竟然也豪不在意的全裸下車。我覺得十分訝異,看著同事爸的行徑。 同事爸看著我說:2 d' x2 @ q& V: G- \* v) H 阿都要相幹了,幹麻還穿褲子9 C0 L; P5 b$ }7 }+ ~% l8 o. n 我覺得眼前這個壯漢作風到是跟我差不多,我也不再裝矜持,脫下衣物走向同事爸。 接近10點的農田裡,並沒有什麼人。大家都是一早便來田裡工作,8、9點太陽一大, 大家便回家。所以我也是十分放心的全裸。3 }: ~0 H1 W0 U3 u$ }: U2 K/ ~ 同事爸拉著我走到林子裡說: 這裡平時沒什麼人,我都在這裡打手槍。! B9 G. h( n$ |/ T4 q2 h0 g 我心想原來同事爸也是一個天體愛好者,難怪不止身體黝黑,! d/ q4 v$ Q0 v6 `6 J. Y; a0 W 連屁股的膚色也是健康的黝黑,膚色全身皮膚幾乎沒色差。 我欣賞著眼前這個壯漢粗壯的肉體,問他說: 大哥你條件那麼好,怎麼會想找我幹砲?? 畢竟本人身材一般,並不是同志眼中的好菜色。. Y# |1 l1 s, J$ J 同事爸:阿我就是一個粗人,喜歡你這種看起來斯斯文文的,幹起來比較有...感覺; B: X# w( m5 G% }, g3 ~& O8 d 我想同事爸應該是覺得,幹一個看起來是體面的白領階級的讓他有征服感。 我便說:穿的人模人樣的讓你幹,你覺得更爽齁?? 同事爸笑著說:阿就有一種不一樣的感覺* \6 E9 d! S) Y" k8 W" B 我笑著往車上走,打開後車廂,拿出備用的襯衫西裝褲穿上。我走向同事爸,3 c! U- M. D8 {9 U& D8 \$ R( S 跪在他前面,開始幫他口交。* h0 U) \; i! i: ~; q8 s( i# a! ~9 O 同事爸用力抓住我的頭,使勁的操著我的嘴。5 h# h' _0 N$ B; w 同事爸:幹!!足爽ㄟ...足會吸ㄟ..呷林杯的懶叫 同事爸抽出雞八在我臉上拍打著,接著用雞八磨蹭我的臉。2 ]. }# k4 l& w" X3 N/ L& x5 K 同事爸:幹你娘!!!欠人幹ㄟ破麻。穿西裝抵家速查埔的懶叫!!0 ^" P9 [& h$ i5 g3 C2 \! y9 u 我想同事爸正沉醉在羞辱西裝男的情境中,便說:4 j8 P4 t& Q0 T5 R$ \2 h3 r 老大ㄟ...我ㄟ卡創足癢ㄟ...欠人幹...拜託你幹我 同事爸一把把我抓起。拉下我的西裝褲,用手沾了口水先幫我弄松屁眼。: H$ h- |0 s9 z 我被他粗糙的手指幹著,雞八淫水直流。口中呻吟聲不斷。. d* v/ |. G* K; F8 B 同事爸:幹!!叫這麼嬈!!林杯擋不住了!!- s1 F! s9 K) O3 O! x% x 接著我感受到一支硬屌正幹進我的騷屁眼裡。 我呻吟一聲,同事爸已經將整支屌插了進來。接著同事爸開始用力的幹著我的屁眼。 只見一個穿著白襯衫的男子,褲子半脫,被一個粗壯的全裸壯漢在野外幹著屁眼, 口中哀嚎聲不斷,求著壯漢大力幹他。 大哥,快幹我,我欠人幹,幹卡大力ㄟ,卡創足癢ㄟ...3 }0 n! ` f/ J5 {. H 我口中不斷要同事爸操我,同事爸也沒讓我失望,一根粗屌在我屁眼裡進進出出,6 _+ B7 W4 d, S. B+ ^* j, y 我感受到大雞八帶給我的舒爽。# R% @9 G9 U1 I6 U) z 我被操的全身是汗,襯衫已經溼透,同事爸貼著我的背,隔著汗濕的襯衫,磨蹭著我。" R; M6 x _4 c: {1 H/ O5 y 同事爸隔著襯衫捏著我的乳頭一邊啃著我的後頸。我被同事爸玩弄著覺得十分舒服。 就在這時,一個聲音突然響起:+ a! w: @* q% X: G 靠杯!!明阿...你底佳尬人相幹歐!!) V5 S- |# E4 B% {4 l ! g1 {. ]8 z) c* w! f: i 我一個回頭見一個赤膊肉壯大叔站在附近,看著我被同事爸幹著。我一陣慌張,, |: [. X$ Q- x$ R/ W4 C 拔出同事爸的雞八,立刻穿上褲子。 只見同事爸一派輕鬆:4 t0 Y. B) J7 E1 q6 f4 S3 q 幹!!林杯玩的正爽,你是在靠杯啥洨 肉壯大叔:有好康的也沒揪,我是看到一台陌生的車子才過來看看。 想說又不是你的機車,還是你突然有錢買了車,便進林子來看看。 沒想到聽到一個聲音一直在喊爽,才走到裡面。沒想到還是你在跟人家相幹。 & H4 C4 }% N3 z& j2 n 這時我便明白,肉壯大叔也是同好。肉壯大叔頂上頭髮稀疏, u- A% {! F8 D2 y3 C3 a! I, _ 不過卻是滿臉湖渣,手上腳上全是毛,也是全身黝黑的台客漢子。! c0 J( y" C/ Y" C/ } 同事爸:阿山阿,你要不要作夥玩??; I% R9 `, I; Q# m, _ 同事爸也沒問我的意見,竟然直接找人來玩我。: B/ ?/ }3 R% t( A. q" u: ]" R$ J. \ 只見阿山哥走進林子,也是馬上脫下褲子,毫不扭捏。 我看到又是一根粗屌在我面前向我示威,便不客氣的張嘴含住。 只見阿山哥一陣喘氣:你娘嘞!足爽ㄟ..." |6 S5 s! z, x9 p Q- h4 T1 Y 接著同事爸也將雞八插進我的淫穴中3 I2 |* Z! O3 O# }1 V& I 我前面吸著一個禿頭肉大叔的屌,身後被一個粗壯漢子幹屁眼, 前後兩個洞都得到滿足。; @' S# u7 q% D/ F& p 我全身溼透,身上的襯衫已經全濕。) t6 y7 K; U* w& K t* g$ t' H 這時阿山哥說:幹!!這個人你是哪裡找來的,穿的人模人樣,卻在這裡讓你爽?! Y8 ]& O( A# I* U. O4 R) O. e9 ] 同事爸:我兒子的同事,之前在運動公園見過,昨天來找我家阿欽。: @* {& O: ]) J! N. q# A2 j' E 阿山哥:幹!!足會吸ㄟ...不知道伊ㄟ咖創幹起來怎樣... 接著阿山哥拔出我嘴裡的屌便走到我身後,同事爸也抽出我屁眼裡的雞八。# \6 v3 i% p+ p( P1 g: o l 然後阿山哥便把屌用力插進我的洞裡。3 {4 Q& P3 U: m {( K8 } 阿山哥:歐....足燒ㄟ...足緊ㄟ...幹起來足爽ㄟ..& D+ _* W: D2 u. J+ h 阿山哥用力在我身後插幹,嘴裡穢語不斷: 欠人操!!欠人幹!!看林杯幹呼你死!! 我不住的呻吟:9 g3 a- H2 T" V' T 我欠人幹!!大ㄟ幹呼我死!!足爽ㄟ 這時阿山哥脫下我的襯衫,同事爸也幫忙我脫下褲子。 我全身赤裸在野外的林子裡,被一個粗魯的肉壯漢雞姦著。 一旁還有同事的父親 在一旁觀賞。 阿山哥幹了一會,拔出雞八來說: 幹!!足爽ㄟ..差點射洨..) j+ {# Z2 C) `$ q+ O1 y7 e 同事爸笑說:足沒檔頭..幹沒幾下就要射洨... 這時同事爸見已經快中午,便拉著我到林子邊。一旁就是田地,- _ `3 t. M) |- i- e 只有一些低矮的綠肥作物。同事爸大膽的在田裡走動,- K' U% i5 \0 q" E6 \ 我見狀也跟了過去作物只到我們的膝蓋左右,我們等於全裸的在野外。 同事爸從後面抱住我,我們就在田間全裸相互愛撫。阿山哥這時也走了過來, 我們三人毫不遮掩的在開闊的田裡相互擁抱舌吻。 1 {4 T4 l& K7 p8 z5 D- N. w! p ' b2 ?7 q$ \6 l; o 我們又走回林子裡,同事爸又開始幹我,我們全身是汗,3 C1 I2 l; I7 M: Y& P& b 在樹林裡進行著男人間野性的肉體交流。同事爸操了我一會, 換成阿山哥幹我。兩人交互著肏著我的屁眼。我全身溼透,8 m7 g( P& k1 T, [& N& V 任憑這兩個中年漢子輪姦我的淫穴。他們幹了一會,換了阿山哥提屌上陣, 阿山哥似乎不想在換手,瘋狂的幹著我的屁眼。一旁的同事爸說: 山阿,你是足久沒相幹齁,幹嘎那麼大力,人被你幹到全身是汗了... 阿山哥:幹!!林杯幹呼你死,幹嘎你唉爸叫母... 不一會阿山哥停止抽動,我知道他已經將洨射進我淫賤的屁眼裡。 阿山哥抱住我喘氣慢慢的將屌拔出來。 阿山哥喘著氣說:足爽ㄟ...幹嘎林杯全身是汗5 X9 T2 @' G) T; D9 U& W 阿山哥稍作清理,便先行離開。0 q5 b5 k) q) U/ m( |& _! {+ b# B2 s : q3 y- U% y% i. _- K- k1 t/ S4 A ) n$ v: c$ T" v1 K- U, j/ V6 F. x 同事爸見我被阿山哥操的滿身大汗,便說:: j0 X: f2 Q6 n* S* f( t 你累不累..下次在幹你好不好 我這時還沒滿足,便說:$ y3 ?5 C( m' t& P! n 我還要人家來幹!!我的洞好養, b8 R$ G* v6 C 這時同事爸笑著說:( O, V" D0 D3 T; w 這麼嬈...看林杯好好教訓你.. 同事爸一把抱住我,將屌幹進我的淫穴。同事爸慢慢轉動身體, 接下來竟然把我抱起,用火車便當的方式操著我。' L) k5 [6 l' R i ( z5 _, J, n4 o2 }4 h + C0 T S+ Y/ i7 Z 我��在同事爸的身上,緊緊抱住他厚實的肩膀,身體隨著他腰的擺動被他操幹著, @8 _8 f" D1 l- x: [ 我爽到不行,我的雞八竟然被操到失禁...3 C) R3 M. m. H 一股尿液便從我的雞八流出...順著我們兩個緊貼的肉體流下。 同事爸見我失禁,笑著說: 爽到挫尿歐..足爽ㄟ齁.... ~9 w- h+ F+ f" Z4 H6 h$ S$ n 我覺得丟臉,但是雞八不聽話的仍繼續流尿。同事爸見狀更加興奮, 更用力著搖著我的肉體。我身體突然顫抖...一股洨射了出來... 接著隨著同事爸的操幹..一股一股的洨一點一點的流出 同事爸看見更加興奮說:幹!!真的欠人幹...不止挫尿還射洨..林杯就操死你這個爛貨...1 I a' Q- {8 o6 S$ U. e6 _ 我無力的抱著同事爸,任他隨便擺佈。; ~5 g e$ H9 M2 o) b& U2 j) \ 同事爸突然放下我,把屌對準我的臉,一股股的濃精隨即射在我的臉上... 同事爸:幹..破麻...呷林杯ㄟ洨... 我隨即張嘴將後面的洨全數收進嘴裡,還貪婪的舔起同事爸的雞八...7 m* O9 Q8 ~& ~1 G& E! n( { 同事爸不住喘氣...看著我舔著他的雞八..還用手將洨塗在我的臉上...& d9 V) f# G8 Q1 p0 x0 u1 g 同事爸把我拉起笑著說:足爽ㄟ.... P8 N" @( G( T( |* W 我也笑著回答:以後有需要我隨時可以讓你爽 我們就坐在林子裡...不一會身上的汗便乾了...我臉上的洨也乾了 O/ p# y( _3 b 我們上了車,同事爸依舊全身赤裸,到了他家巷口,同事爸穿上褲子, 準備下車,下車前我跟他又是一陣舌吻。 我這時發現,同事爸的內衣留在我車上,我想就當作紀念品吧。: 等下次打砲時在還他,不過等同事康復後,0 d9 C: r# }2 m0 U 我想看到他就會讓我想起跟他長像相似的同事爸,在林子裡粗野的幹著我。 以後上班我的雞八可能會常常硬梆梆吧。
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