hootbon · 6 months
Since freakshow Jax has more realistic Rabbit traits... did you know a rabbit's favorite food is actually Bananas? (It's not carrots, that's a common misconception!)
So! I would like to give Jax some banana pudding! Just to see how he responds to it.
Also note, a real rabbit's diet is 80% hay? So, give him some hay too! For science!
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cherriisodapop · 23 days
One of my rabbits has the zoomies and it’s the cutest thing ever
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I don’t have picture of zoomies but I do have this
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daveemboyker · 7 months
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tray-the-dork · 8 months
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The rabt 🤯
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undeadentropy · 5 months
Cishet guys will be like like "I don't go down on my girl". Bitch you don't actually like women. Eating pussy is divine. The scent is an animal instinct to devour. Cowards. Weakling. Imma devour her whole. Outta the way.
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ellie-lovett · 7 months
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wesleytyler · 2 months
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May i refer you Use this link! https://presale.rabootoken.com/invite?ref=ID4141 0x78e637dA88Bdd186d28054FAe28f746726c5b66a
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ovalleba · 4 months
Silver Helix #tour
Science Fantasy / Aetherpunk Date Published: 12-19-2023 Publisher: Android Press     On the surface, the city of HelsInc appears to have recovered from the war waged between humans and Ethereals, but beneath the scars, the city seethes. The remains of magic festers, causing mutations in human DNA which could give humans Ethereal power-not that the HelsInc government would ever let that happen.…
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heh I thought I’d be 🐹 lol
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cozylittleartblog · 7 months
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gooseworx in the glitchx livestream: i want to see people draw jax in a suit. people should draw him crying
me: sure thing, boss o7
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garfield-milk · 6 months
pspspsps. transfem zuko headcanons? im all ears please tell me
you have no idea how much I've waited for the day someone asks me about this...
ok so I want to start about how I think her childhood was like. pretty much everything happened the same as in canon but!!! ursa realized that there was something going on with zuko (she was showing her feminity) she didn't know exactly what, but she neither wanted to dig too deep. she just went "oh wow my kid is a queer, I personally don't care but I don't want to see him get hurt" so she let zuko try some jewelry and do femenine things with her but letting her know that it was seen as something "bad". HC that zuko secretly loves (both in canon and in this au) when azula calls her zuzu bc it's not a masculine nickname. anyways stuff happen, zuko started hiding that part of herself and then Ursa leaves and the agni Kai happens and she had to cut her hair (ouch). she didn't let it grow back or have it united bc she felt ashamed about everything about her !!!!! (I know I'm making this up myself but IM GOING TO CRY UGHHHH). there's more under the cut, I just don't want to make this too long lmao
ok so 3 years go by she gets really depressed and angry and blah blah blah your average zuko angry but with more flavour. then she a iroh have to flee from de FN and she cuts her hair!!!!! and lets it grow longer (it grows really fast ok?) which feels great for her and when they get to BBS and trans stuff start to happen. I have this idea (idk if this works well with canon but idc) that, meanwhile in the FN lee is a masc name in the EK the only name similar is Li (a femenine name) so one time iroh is talking to a costumer and calls "lee" to help him and the consumer just says something like "oh I didn't know you had a daughter" and iroh doesn't correct them (old man suspects a few things) and neither does zuko so iroh looks at her with that knowing smile but let's it be hehehehehe.
also I have a feeling that in BBS they arent really lgbt friendly but they let queer people live their lifes freely bc they want everyone to be "happy", so there's a ton of LGBT paces. zuko just happens to stumble in one and there's a lot of queer people and when zuko tells them that her name is Li they share a look and go "li girl come here, let us give you a makeover" and they dress her and put make up and jewelry on her. zuko starts coming over and meets a bunch of trans people and realizes that there's nothing wrong with her (after this is by the time she catches that 'im becoming good' fever, because she's also redeeming herself). she doesn't tell iron but!! she start wearing a bit more femenine clothes and some jewelry and pretty much everyone in the tea shop calls her iroh's niece/daughter so...
oh!!!! and zuko and jet have a thing bc jet didn't realize that she was a firebender until after the ferry. so one time zuko takes the courage to tell him that she's a girl (first person she actually came out to) and jet is completely fine with it bc why wouldn't he?? and then he finds out she's a firebender and tries to kill her (jet is a dumbass, he doesn't die and 5 years later they find each other and jet sees her and is like wow I shouldn't have tried to kill her but Zuko doesn't want to know anything about jet bc #girl boss). also the blue spirit is believed to be a girl and when zuko first heard someone say "oh wow do you not know about the blue spirit? she's like the coolest folk hero ever..." she got really fucking happy but attached it to the fact that that way people wouldn't associate the blue spirit with her (lie).
and this is without going too much into what would happen after she joins the gang (not really sure when that would happen, if in the bbs catacombs or like in canon after going to the FN) but she and Katara would be absolutely besties after the firsts weeks and Katara would be GLAD, even if she tries to not show it, to finally have someone to be girls with (no, she insists that toph doesn't count because she's just as nasty, if not more, as the boys) and Katara would say stuff like omg im going to teach you how to be the perfect girl, and even though it might sound weird bc katara wtym perfect girl, but they are both excited asf and loving the concept so it doesn't matter (they are doing each others hair while shit talking about people)
i would love to know your opinions about what would she change her name to bc, yeah she prefers li over zuko but it's still very much a masculine name to her fire nation ears. so I have a few opinion but in not really sure witch one I like the best: suzume, sao, sakda or kuniko. but I'm open to hear any suggestions tho! and about head canons too, and pretty much anything related to transfem zuko!!!!!
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lakesbian · 1 month
here on wormblr we ask the important questions. like what if regent was a small and funny animal
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s-e-v-e-n-24 · 10 months
If I maybe had a very long winded rant about the last two (Free) episodes of Marionetta would anyone like to hear it
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possumteeths · 1 year
I literally never give a shit about movies casting non poc characters as poc like who gives a shit. But the new netflix doccuseries about like “powerful women in history” is a fkn joke. If theyre presenting something as a “documentary” and its about history something feels fkn malicious about race changing someone like cleopatra.
Presenting something completely changed to suit the current attitude of the general populace is big big yikes. Rewriting history has always been an agent of cultural erasure and the complete decimation of TONS of things that shouldve been remembered. Rewriting history is just about reaching toward fascist territory.
If you are presenting something that is meant to be somewhat “factual” and you completely change the race of who the person fkn is…? Is that not insane? Where is the line where it becomes not ok? Can people just start claiming that all influential people of history were some kind of POC as if to say “look the atrocities committed weren’t all that bad because they’re a poc.” “They were protecting their race! their people!” by doing these awful things? Like so were the fkn nazis??? This little thing is indicative of such dangerous fallout and misinformation that can spiral down into bullshit real fast and I fkn hate it.
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burgundykicks · 25 days
Ok should I make a seperate rant blog? I don't wanna have a bunch of them on this one but also tumblr is literally my journal sooooooo
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gummy-axolotl · 6 months
Why did you make me simp for Jax, grrrr
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