#RCH project
ivaverseblog · 9 months
my first draw for 2024
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Meija and her little tongue peeks to say Hullo!
am still learning how to draw with my pentel fude (gotta be light-handed); my mech pencil is pilot eno 0.7 (pink). Meija is a character in my (currently rebooting comic) RCH, formerly Sakuraday. I'll be sharing more about it sometime this year, hopefully. that and posting more art will be on my list of NY resolutions.
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ink and sketch (i got excited to ink the sketch but ohwell). images have adjustments on contrast & brightness for presentation's sake. note to self: draw better arms next time =_=)...
Happy New Year folks!
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izmoid-schizmoid · 3 months
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rchplasticch · 4 months
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RCH Plastic offers precision, reliability, and cost-efficiency. With advanced technology and experienced professionals, we deliver customized solutions to meet your manufacturing needs. Trust RCH Plastic for all your injection molding projects. Visit rchplastic.com/injection-molding to learn more.
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nursingscience · 1 year
Majority of the child health problems are preventable.
▪️Preventive pediatrics is a specialized area of child health comprises efforts to avert rather than cure disease and disabilities.
▪️ Preventive pediatrics is defined as the prevention of disease and promotion of physical, mental and social wellbeing of children with the aim of attaining a positive health.
▪️Pediatrics is largely preventive in its objectives.
▪️It has been broadly divided into:
1. Antenatal preventive pediatrics
2. Postnatal preventive pediatrics
3. Social pediatrics
1. Antenatal preventive pediatrics:
It includes care of antenatal mothers with
• Adequate nutrition
• Prevention of communicable diseases
• Preparation for delivery and breast feeding
• Mother craft training
2. Postnatal preventive pediatrics:
• Promotion of breast feeding
• Introduction of complementary
• Feeding in appropriate age
• Immunization
• Prevention of accidents
• Growth monitoring
• Periodic health check up
3. Social pediatrics:
It is defined as the application of principles of social medicine to pediatrics to obtain a more complete understanding of the problems of children in order to prevent and treat disease and promote adequate growth & development, through an organized health structure.
▪️Family Health MCH RCH BFHI ICDS National Health Mission:
• It means the overall health of the individual family members.
• It is influenced by the inter-relationship and interdependence of the physical and mental health status of the individual members of the family.
• It is determined by the effective functioning of the family as biological and cultural unit.
▪️Aims of Family Health Services:
• Reduction of maternal, infant & child mortality and morbidity rates
• Improve family planning practices
• Nutritional status improvement
• Increasing health awareness through health education in all aspects of health care
➖It refers to the health of mothers, infants, children, and adolescents.
➖It also refers to a profession within public health committed to promoting the health status and future challenges of this vulnerable population.
➖Reduction in the maternal, perinatal, infant and child mortality and morbidity
Promotion of physical and psychological development of child and adolescents within the family
➖The Reproductive and Child Health (RCH) Programme was launched in October 1997 by government of India as per the recommendations of International conference on population development at Cairo in 1994.
➖The main aim of the programme is to reduce infant, child and maternal mortality rates.
RCH Phase II began from 1 April 2005.
➖The components are:
– Essential obstetrical care
– Emergency obstetrical care
– Strengthening referral system
-- Strengthening project management
– Strengthening infrastructure
– Capacity building
– Improving referral system
– Strengthening MIS
– Innovative schemes
Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) is a government programme in India (Ministry of Social & Women’s Welfare) which provides food, preschool education, primary healthcare, immunization, health check-up and referral services to children under 6 years of age and their mothers.
The scheme was launched in 1975, discontinued in 1978 by the government of Morarji Desai, and then relaunched by the Tenth Five Year Plan.
The beneficiaries under the Scheme are children in the age group of 0-6 years, pregnant women and lactating mothers.
➖Objectives of the Scheme are:
• to improve the nutritional and health status of children in the age-group 0-6 years;
• to lay the foundation for proper psychological, physical and social development of the child;
• to reduce the incidence of mortality, morbidity, malnutrition and school dropout;
• to achieve effective co-ordination of policy and implementation amongst the various departments to promote child development;
• to enhance the capability of the mother to look after the normal health and nutritional needs of the child through proper nutrition and health education.
➖Services under ICDS - The ICDS Scheme offers a package of six services, viz
• Supplementary Nutrition
• Pre-school non-formal education
• Nutrition & health education
• Immunization
• Health check-up and
• Referral services
The National Health Mission (NHM) was launched by the government of India in 2013 subsuming the National Rural Health Mission and National Urban Health Mission. It was further extended in March 2018, to continue until March 2020. The National Health Mission (NHM) envisages achievement of universal access to equitable, affordable & quality health care services that are accountable and responsive to people's needs.
The main programmatic components include:
• Health System Strengthening in rural and urban areas
• Reproductive-Maternal- Neonatal-Child and Adolescent Health (RMNCH+A)
• Communicable and Non-Communicable Diseases.
The concept of under-five’s clinic is derived from the Well Baby clinic of the West, for comprehensive health care of children below five years of age.
This clinic provides preventive services along with health supervision, treatment, nutritional surveillance and health education.
▪️Care In Illness/Immunization/ Adequate Nutrition/ Family Planning:
Service provided in India: 70%-80% of illnesses can be treated with trained nurses.
They care:
a. Diagnosis and treatment of acute illness, chronic illnesses and disorders of growth and development.
b. X ray and laboratory services
c. Referral services
The health worker should ensure an adequate breastfeeding, weaning and balanced diet of the under-five.
a. Growth monitoring & plotting on ‘Road to Health Card’ for early detection of growth failure.
b. Health checkups done every 3 to 6 months by physical examination & appropriate lab test.
c. Maintain ‘child health card’ to identify ’at risk’ child.
d. Food supplementation through ICDS Projects.
Immunization to prevent six killer diseases as per national immunization schedule is recommended. The health worker should motivate & promote the immunization acceptance to prevent morbidity, mortality and disability hazards by six killer diseases.
The mother attending this clinic receives counseling with different aspects of family planning practices, which is a significant concern for the health and well-being of the child.
It is an essential and compulsory activity of this clinic. The mother should receive the information regarding preventive measures against malnutrition, ARI, diarrhea, TB, worm infestations etc.
n 1960 the Ministry of Health, Government of India, set up a School Health Committee under the chairmanship of Smt. Renuka Ray, the then member of parliament to assess the standard of Health and Nutrition of school children and also to suggest ways and means of improving these. As per the recommendation of the committee, the School health program was initiated in 1962.
1. The promotion of positive health.
2. The prevention of diseases.
3. Early diagnosis, treatment and follow up of defects.
4. Awakening health consciousness in children. 5. The provision of healthful environment
▪️Aspects of school health service:
1. Health appraisal of school children and school personnel
2. Remedial measures & follow-up
3. Prevention of communicable diseases
4. Healthful school environment
5. Nutritional services
6. First aid & Emergency care
7. Mental Health
8. Dental Health
9. Eye Health
10. Health Education
11. Education of Handicapped Children
12. School Health Records
WHO & UNICEF have developed a new strategy for management of common childhood illnesses, in an integrated manner, which are responsible for main causes of morbidity and mortality among children.
The overall objective is to reduce under-five mortality and morbidity in the developing countries by improving performances of health workers.
The remarkable components of this strategy are:
1. Improvement of case management skills of health care providers
2. Provision of essential drugs supplies
3. Optimization of family & community practices in relation to child health, mainly care- seeking behaviour - refers to the exploitation of children through any form of work that deprives children of their childhood, interferes with their ability to attend regular school, and is mentally, physically, socially or morally harmful.
The term 'child labour', suggests ILO, is best defined as work that deprives children of their childhood, their potential and their dignity, and that is harmful to physical and mental development.
As per the Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986, amended in 2016 ("CLPR Act"), a "Child" is defined as any person below the age of 15, and the CLPR Act prohibits employment of a Child in any employment including as a domestic help. It is a cognizable criminal offence to employ a Child for any work.
UNICEF defines a street child as, "any girl or boy for whom the street (in the widest sense of the word, including unoccupied dwellings, wasteland, etc.) has become his or her habitual abode and/or source of livelihood; and who is inadequately protected, supervised, or directed by responsible adults".
The contributing factors responsible for this social problem are poverty, rapid urbanization, rural to urban or cross country mobility, broken family, loss of parents, natural or manmade disasters, accidents, child abuse and neglect & population explosion.
These children need support from NGOs to overcome their problems & to grow as a healthy individuthe governmental.
Free educational facilities, provision of health & welfare services, housing facilities, job opportunities, promotion of adoption, and rehabilitation services will be useful to reduce the problem to some extent. They need guidance & counseling facilities towards self support & problem solving. Or discrimination against females is more prominent in India and in developing countries.
For the promotion of status of girl child, UNICEF mentioned and emphasized on the long-lasting effects of the unfolding of potentialities of female children and empowerment of women. Govt. of India and various NGOs also planned several programs towards disappearance of gender bias and promotion of health of female children with equal opportunities as male children.
Female feticide is a challenging social problem related to gender bias especially in India. As per Census 2011, India has 48.53% female population compared to 51.47% male population. In rural areas, there are 949 females to 1000 men, while in urban areas there are 929 females to 1000 males. Ultimately this problem may disturb the total social structure and cultural harmony.
There is a legal ban on sex determination through Prenatal diagnostic technique Act 1994 came into force from January 1996. But still public awareness and prevention of female feticide are the most significant approaches to reduce this evil practice from society.
These important public health problems include all types of abuse and neglect of a child under the age of 18 by a parent, caregiver, or another person in a custodial role (such as clergy, a coach, a teacher) that results in harm, potential for harm, or threat of harm to a child.
There are four common types of abuse and neglect:
• Physical abuse (75%) is the intentional use of physical force that can result in physical injury Examples include hitting, kicking, shaking, burning, or other shows of force against a child.
• Sexual abuse (20%) involves pressuring or forcing a child to engage in sexual acts. It includes behaviours such as fondling, penetration, and exposing a child to other sexual acts.
• Emotional abuse refers to behaviours that harm a child’s self-worth or emotional well- being. Examples include name calling, shaming, rejection, withholding love.
• Neglect is the failure to meet a child’s basic physical and emotional needs. These needs include housing, food, clothing, education, and access to medical care, love & affection.
A combination of individual, relational, community, and societal factors contribute to the risk of child abuse and neglect.
Individual Risk Factors:
• Children younger than 4 years of age
• Special needs that may increase caregiver burden (e.g., disabilities, mental health issues, and chronic physical illnesses)
1. Individual Risk Factors:
• Parents’ lack of understanding of children’s needs, child development and parenting skills
• Parental history of child abuse and or neglect
• Substance abuse and/or mental health issues including depression in the family
• Parental characteristics such as young age, low education, single parenthood, large number of dependent children, and low income
• Non-biological, transient caregivers in the home (e.g., mother’s male partner)
• Parental thoughts and emotions that tend to support or justify maltreatment behaviours
2. Family Risk Factors:
• Social isolation
• Family disorganization, dissolution, and violence, including intimate partner violence
• Parenting stress, poor parent-child relationships, and negative interactions
3. Community Risk Factors:
• Community violence
• Concentrated neighbourhood disadvantage (e.g., high poverty and residential instability, high unemployment rates, and high density of alcohol outlets), and poor social connections.
– National AIDS control programme
– National Leprosy Eradication Programme
– Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme
– National Vector Borne Disease Control Programme
–Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan
–Disability Equity Training Programme etc.
▪️JANANI SURAKSHA YOJANA – Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY) is a safe motherhood intervention under the National Rural Health Mission (NHM). It is being implemented with the objective of reducing maternal and infant mortality by promoting institutional delivery among pregnant women.
▪️JANANI SHISHU SURAKSHA KARYAKARAM – Government of India has launched the Janani Shishu Suraksha Karyakaram (JSSK) on 1st June, 2011. The scheme is to benefit pregnant women who access Government health facilities for their delivery.
▪️MISSION INDHRADHANUSH - The mission Indradhanush which aims to cover all those children by 2020 who are either unvaccinated, or are partially vaccinated against seven vaccine preventable diseases.
– National Cancer Control Programme
– National Mental Health Programme
– National programme for Control of Blindness – National Programme for Prevention and Control of Deafness etc..
– Integrated Child Development Services Scheme
– Midday Meal Programme
– Special Nutrition Programme (SNP)
– National Nutritional Anaemia Prophylaxis Programme
– National Iodine Deficiency Disorders Control Programme
– National Rural Health Mission
– Reproductive and Child Health Programme
– National Water supply & Sanitation Programme
– 20 Points Programme
Short Summary:
Preventive pediatrics aims at the prevention of disease in children rather than focusing on cure of disease
By preventing disease, the child can attain it’s genetic potential
There are 2 aspects of preventive pediatrics
1. antenatal
2. postnatal
Prevention of disease can be best achieved through primary healthcare activities such as:
1. growth monitoring
2. promotion of breast feeding
3. oral rehydration
4. community feeding
5. immunisation
6. nutritional surveillance
7. regular health checkups
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supportbuyingblack · 2 years
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BET founder and business mogul Bob Johnson is taking his biggest plunge to help close or narrow the nation’s lingering racial wealth gap. Retirement Clearinghouse L.L.C. (RCH), among the firms owned by RLJ Cos., is uniting with three of the nation’s largest 401 (k) record keepers to save $619 billion in retirement income for Black American workers over a generation. Fidelity, Vanguard, Alight Solutions, and RHC are setting up a consortium called Portability Services Network (PSN). It aims to accelerate the nationwide adoption of auto portability to help America’s underserved and under-saved workers enhance their finances in their golden years. The endeavor is groundbreaking, as Johnson told BLACK ENTERPRISE in an interview. It is the first time ever—that he’s aware of—that a Black company and white companies have combined for the sole purpose of improving financial security and aimed to prevent individuals from cashing out of 401(k) accounts early. “This is truly a historic moment for the industry, as well as our country, and is the first step to reduce the wealth gap between Black and white households in this country,” Johnson stated. Follow Us @supportbuyingblackdao For Black Owned Business Highlights & Tutorials On Marketing Your Business Online. Join Our Decentralized Black Social Network to Practice Circulating Our Dollars. Become a owner just by joining and vote on community building projects. #blackandimproud #blackhistorymonth #melaninrich #blacklove #blackconsciousness #blackandproud #blackisbeautiful #blackunity #blackgirlmagic #staywoke #buyblack #blackexcellence #blackmensmiling #panafrican #blackhistory365 #supportblackbusiness #blackcouples #blackpantherparty #blackwomen #blackleople #blackhistory #blacklovematters #blackwealth #hbcugrad #hbcupride #hbcu #blackfamily #blackhistory #thehbcuapp https://www.instagram.com/p/Cjf4vREurFw/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lady-of-the-spirit · 3 years
Do you know how surreal it is to go to the website for the w*stboro b*ptist ch*rch for a class project, read some of their recent sermons, and find out that they discourage anti-maskers who complain about their right and freedom to not wear a mask AND that they preached against the racism in america
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House "RCH-124" interior design project by @jpr.architecture #mexico #casa #awesome #архитектура www.amazingarchitecture.com ✔ A collection of the best contemporary architecture to inspire you. #design #architecture #picoftheday #amazingarchitecture #style #nofilter #architect #arquitectura #luxury #realestate #life #cute #architettura #interiordesign #photooftheday #love #travel #instagood #fashion #beautiful #archilovers #architecturephotography #home #house ‎#amazing ‎#معماری (Mexico) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-Bb7sClUqk/?igshid=yb94f5g34823
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haikyuutarot · 5 years
Contributors List
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Hi everyone! We’d like to proudly present the entire team for the Haikyuu Fantasy Tarot Project! Please do go ahead and show them some love, everyone is listed down below, and look out for individual introductory posts over the weeks to come!
6010  .  tumblr  .  twitter  .  instagram
Aiden  .  tumblr  .  instagram
Alice  .  tumblr  .  instagram
Asia191  .  tumblr  .  instagram
Avy  .  tumblr  .  twitter
Biscuits  .  instagram  .  twitter
Bitter Goya  .  tumblr  .  instagram
Catpaku  .  instagram
Cyanello  .  tumblr
Dai  .  tumblr  .  twitter  .  instagram
Draw  .  instagram  .  facebook  .  carrd
Eleanor Grootch  . tumblr  .  twitter  .  instagram
Elfboi  .  instagram  .  twitter
Emma  .  tumblr  .  twitter
Ester  .  twitter  .  tumblr  .  instagram
Ezaria Umiko  .  tumblr  .  twitter
Jaesti  .  twitter  .  instagram
Jiyuu Illustration  .  tumblr  .  instagram  .  twitter
Julybeans  .  tumblr  .  twitter  .  instagram
Lightsnest  .  twitter  .  tumblr
Loer  .  instagram
Luna  .  tumblr  .  twitter  .  instagram
Momoe-mi  .  tumblr  .  twitter
Mqipip  .  twitter  . instagram  .  tumblr
Neenya  .  tumblr  .  twitter
Onmu  .  tumblr  .  twitter  .  instagram
Ori  .  tumblr  .  twitter  .  instagram
Rerena .  tumblr  .  instagram
Rocio  .  instagram  .  twitter
Skootle  .  tumblr  .  twitter  .  instagram
Soap  .  tumblr
SorrelArtz  .  tumblr  .  twitter  .  instagram
Stiles  .  twitter
Tammy  .  tumblr  .  twitter
Tokageza  .  tumblr  .  twitter  .  instagram
Vin Crows  .  twitter  .  instagram  .  linktree
Ace  .  tumblr  .  AO3
Avien  .  tumblr  .  AO3 
Estelle  .  tumblr
Merch Artists
Ana Torres  .  tumblr
Nullary  .  twitter  .  instagram
Cover Artist
Monk  .  tumblr  .  twitter  .  instagram
Zel  .  tumblr  .  instagram
Aiden  .  tumblr
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adityarana1687-blog · 3 years
Tissue Engineering Market Is Projected To Reach USD 28.9 Billion By 2025
COVID-19 Update: Early diagnosis, better treatment outcomes, and reduced hospital bed requirements are some of the driving factors in the tissue engineering market.
The global tissue engineering market size is expected to reach USD 28.9 billion by 2027, expanding at a CAGR of 14.2%, according to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc. Allogenic tissue transplant method efficiently addresses challenges and limitations regarding the implementation and availability of autologous transplants. Moreover, the development of specialized procedures including implant fixing and sterilization to transform allogeneic implants for application as biostatic implants is expected to drive revenue generation in this market.
Rapid advancements and a strong pipeline of regenerative medicine are anticipated to provide effective solutions for chronic conditions. Several companies in growing markets are striving to capitalize on the untapped market potential with a strong focus on R&D. For instance, RepliCel is investing in multiple regenerative medicine products. As of 2019, its three products (RCH-01, RCS-01, RCT-01) were in the development phase and its dermal injector device (RCI-02) is under pre-commercialization production and testing phase.
During COVID-19, the knowledge of tissue engineers regarding biological science and engineering along with the collaborative team approach between scientists and clinicians aided in early diagnosis, better treatment outcomes, and reduced hospital bed requirements which, in turn, driven the tissue engineering market in terms of revenue.
To request a sample copy or view summary of this report, click the link below: www.grandviewresearch.com/industry-analysis/tissue-engineering-and-regeneration-industry
Tissue Engineering Market Report Highlights
The market for tissue engineering is also driven by a continuous increase in the need for effective regenerative treatments owing to a rise in the prevalence of diabetes, obesity, and other disorders due to lifestyle changes, the aging population, and growing trauma cases.
By application, Orthopedics, musculoskeletal, and spine segment dominated the market for tissue engineering in 2019 owing to a rise in the prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders.
Based on region, North America accounted for the largest revenue share in 2019 due to a rise in awareness for stem cell therapy as well as a growing geriatric population.
Key players operating in the market for tissue engineering include Medtronic plc; Zimmer Biomet Holdings, Inc; Allergan plc; Athersys, Inc; ACell, Inc.; Organogenesis Holdings Inc; Tissue Regenix Group plc; Stryker Corporation; RTI Surgical, Inc.; Integra LifeSciences Corporation; ReproCell, Inc.; and Baxter International, Inc.
Key players are in a process of developing novel tissue engineering products and up-gradation of their product portfolios to meet the current demand. For instance, in April 2019, ACell received an additional 510(k) FDA clearance for its Gentrix product line. This led to an increase in indications for use of the company’s Gentrix surgical matrix products.
Tissue Engineering Market Segmentations
Grand View Research has segmented the global tissue engineering market based on application and region:
Tissue Engineering Application Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2016 – 2027)
Cord blood & Cell Banking
GI, Gynecology
Skin & Integumentary
Orthopedics, Musculoskeletal, & Spine
Cardiology & Vascular
Tissue Engineering Regional Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2016 – 2027)
North America
Asia Pacific
Latin America
South Africa
About Grand View Research:
Grand View Research is a market research and consulting company, registered in the State of California and headquartered in San Francisco. The company offers comprehensive syndicated research reports, customized research studies, and consulting services to cater specific business needs. The database of Grand View Research is deployed by the world’s eminent academic institutions and Fortune 500 companies. The company assists its clients to strategize their objectives and gain a clearer picture about the global and regional business environment.
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architarki · 3 years
Project on Syria and identifying toxins in urban and natural landscapes caused by years of warfare
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thesarkarinaukri · 4 years
TISS Recruitment 2020: Counselor
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Counselor  TISS Recruitment 2020:Saksham which means "Capable" or “Self- reliant” in Sanskrit is a TISS project that implements counseling services for Drug-Resistant (DR) TB patients in collaboration with the Mumbai District Tuberculosis (TB) Control Society (MDTCS) invites application for ONE post of Counselor to be filled on a contract basis, for a period till March 2021. TheSarkari-Naukri.in Qualification TISS Recruitment 2020 Postgraduate in Social Work (Health & Mental Health or Public Health or Community Organization)/ M.A. (Counselling or Clinical Psychology)/ Master in Public Health/ Master in Health Administration. MSW in HR will not be considered. Desirable A minimum of 1 to 3 years of work experience in health-related counseling. E.g., HIV/AIDS, RCH, TB, STI, ART, suicide prevention. b. Good communication skills - written as well as spoken - in English, Hindi and Local Language. c. Knowledge of MS Office-Word, Excel and PPT. d. Willingness to travel within the assigned district. e. Willingness to work with TB patients and their caregivers. Pay Scale TISS Recruitment 2020 Rs. 17,000/- per month How to Apply TISS Recruitment 2020 Last date of application: 21 November 2020. 2. Please send the following documents by e-mail to [email protected] along with the following subject line as ‘Counselor – Saksham Pravaah’ and the location applying for. i. A Cover Letter (Mention the location applying for) ii. Read the full article
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architectnews · 4 years
Re-use Fallen-church of Grottole, Matera, Italy
Re-use Fallen-church of Grottole Design Competition, Matera Architecture Contest, Italy Project Images
Re-use Fallen-church of Grottole, Matera, Italy Competition
9 Nov 2020
Re-use Grottole Church Competition, Matera
Location: Matera, Basilicata, southern Italy
The third edition of the contest Re-use Italy: an International Architecture Competition on the reuse of the Fallen-church of Grottole, Matera, Italy.
Re-use Italy is a cultural project that promotes the renovation of the Italian forgotten historical heritage, via international architecture competitions, local exhibitions, and publications.
This third edition concerns The Fallen-church, a XVI century abandoned church in the village of Grottole (Matera, Italy), and participants are asked to turn this space in a concert hall.
The contest is organized in partnership with Wonder Grottole, ArchDaily, KooZA/rch, Graphisoft, and with the official support of the Municipality of Grottole (Matera), FAI Basilicata, Matera Art Film Festiva, ANCI Basilicata, Associazione Borghi Autentici d’Italia.
The total prizes are 4000 EUR.
Participants must submit a 1xA1 sheet by March 12th 2021.
Architecture Competition Re-use the Fallen-church Grottole, (Matera)
The third edition of the cultural project Re-use Italy promotes an international architecture competition on the reuse of the “Fallen-church” (“Chiesa Diruta” in Italian), a forgotten church in southern Italy, Grottole (Matera), and faces the issue of the abandonment of small towns in Italy.
The contest is organized in partnership with Wonder Grottole, ArchDaily, KooZA/rch, Graphisoft, and with the official support of the Municipality of Grottole (Matera), FAI Basilicata, Matera Art Film Festiva, ANCI Basilicata, Associazione Borghi Autentici d’Italia.
Chiesa Diruta is a catholic church built in Grottole (MT) in the 15th century, in order to host the local community of clergymen and to become one the most important churches of the bishopric. It suffered a lot of damages due to earthquakes, fires and building issues so it was soon abandoned.
The competition, open to architects, engineers and students, asks the participants to transform the ruin into a Concert Hall.
The deadline is March 12th, 2021
Submission is via one A1 sheet (59cm x 84cm)
The total prizes are 4000 Euro
The submitted projects will be displayed on an exhibition on April 2021 in Grottole, and the winners, in addition of receiving a prize, will be invited to explain their project to the citizenry.
The international Jury members are:
Adam Nathaniel Furman, Emanuele Fidone (Assemble Architects), Diego Hernandez (ArchDaily), Simone Bossi, Graca Correia & Roberto Ragazzi (Correia Ragazzi Arquitectos), Andrea Paoletti (Wonder Grottole), Wenqiang Han (Archstudio), Eric de Broche des Combes (Luxigon), Jaume Mayol & Irene Pérez (TEd’A arquitectes).
Is it possible to bring back to life one of the most important religious buildings of Southern Italy?
The answer to this question is in the hands of the architects, the engineers and the students who will participate to this competition.
Reuse the Fallen Church, Chiesa Diruta (Grottole, Matera)
Re-use Fallen-church of Grottole, Matera, Italy images / information received 091120
Location: Grottole, Matera, Italy, southern Europe
Italian Architecture Designs
Contemporary Italian Architectural Selection
Italian Architectural Designs – chronological list
Italian Architectural News
Cava de’Tirreni Design Competition image courtesy of architects Cava de’Tirreni Design Competition
Ceramics of Italy Tile Competition
Made in Macef Competition, Italy
Reuse the Roman Ruin: Piscina Mirabilis Competition
Another Southern Italian Architecture Contest in Matera on e-architect:
San Pardo Architecture Competition, Matera, southern Italy International architectural competition – a project for the improvement of a residential and commercial area located in “San Pardo” district in Matera, Italy : ‘Contest for design ideas’ Italian Architecture Competition
Southern Italian Architecture:
Afragola Station, Napoli, southern Italy Design: Zaha Hadid Architects photograph : Jacopo Splimbergo Afragola Station in Napoli
Monte S Angelo Metro entrances + tunnel link, Traiano Amanda Levete Architects + Anish Kapoor Naples Subway Building
Italian Buildings
Italian Architect
New Banca di Credito Cooperativo Auditorium, San Cataldo, Sicily Design: FABBRICANOV photograph : Filippo Romano New Auditorium in San Cataldo
Buildings / photos for the Re-use Fallen-church of Grottole, Matera, Italy Architecture page welcome
Website: Visit Italy
The post Re-use Fallen-church of Grottole, Matera, Italy appeared first on e-architect.
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nadaprojects · 4 years
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Berawal di tim in-house sebuah stasiun TV nasional sebagai penulis lepas, kini Jenny Jusuf dikenal kalangan muda sebagai scriptwriter film layar lebar Filosofi Kopi. “Dari in-house program, saya ‘naik kelas’ mengerjakan naskah sinetron, FTV, film pendek dan akhirnya film layar lebar,” ujarnya. Yup, film yang populer April 2015 ini sukses menghidupkan kembali trend ngopi di kalangan anak muda.
Project menulis naskah Filosofi Kopi diterima Jenny pada 2011, sejak saat itulah dirinya banyak berdiskusi dengan Dewi Lestari sebagai penulis dari novel tersebut. Hingga akhirnya selesai di tahun 2014. Bukan perjalanan yang mudah bagi Jenny untuk pertama kalinya mentranskrip cerita di dalam novel ke dalam script film layar lebar. “Skenario Filosofi Kopi saya tulis saat sedang traveling di Eropa tahun 2014 dan sebagai pelancong yang berpindah kota setiap beberapa hari, saya mengandalkan Wi-Fi untuk berkomunikasi dengan produser dan sutradara di Jakarta. Perbedaan waktu juga menambah keseruan proses penulisan,” ungkap Jenny.
Diakui Jenny parameter kesuksesan karya film yang di adaptasi dari buku berbeda bagi setiap orang. “Bagi saya, kesuksesan film adaptasi sederhana saja, film tersebut mampu bertutur dengan baik dan pada saat yang sama tetap menjaga ‘nyawa cerita’ dari penulis aslinya,” katanya. Jenny juga menambahkan, karena hal itu lah dirinya selalu bekerja berdampingan dengan penulis yang bukunya sedang diadaptasi menjadi sebuah karya film. “We work very, very closely,” ujar Jenny.
Menjadi penulis tentu nggak mudah, apalagi saat deadline menyerang dan seketika ide yang ingin disampaikan mendadak hilang, duh! Untuk itu lah Jenny Jusuf memiliki caranya tersendiri saat sedang terkena writer’s block. “Saya melakukan hal-hal yang disenangi, seperti mandi air hangat, nonton, nongkrong di pinggir sawah atau di pantai, window shopping, atau tidur.”  Jenny mengungkapkan hal yang terpenting bukanlah menghilangkan writer’s block, melainkan melepaskan tensi yang terdapat di tubuh dan pikiran. Ketika tubuh dan pikiran rileks, writer’s block biasanya akan lenyap dengan sendirinya. (qra)
Written by      : Qatrunnada Rahmatika
Published on : Jawa Pos, Zetizen (23 March 2017)
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albarillanes · 4 years
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Palms in the desertSHELTERING THE SKY, KUWAIT CONCEPT & LANDSCAPE DESIGN With AECOM SCALE M Published in Beta Architecture, KooZA/rch Designing a landscape in a desert climate presents a series of challenges, the most serious of which is how to protect visitors and plants from the burning sun. Offering a place for relaxation and leisure, the landscape also needed to be energy efficient and sustainable in its use of irrigation. Many existing public spaces in the Arabian Gulf evoke European parks, covering the desert with a blanket of grass and flowers. However, counteracting evaporation requires a significant amount of desalinated water, which has to be produced industrially from salty sea water through a costly process. This burning of fossil fuels emits CO2, which in turn accelerates climate change that could give way to more heat waves, sandstorms and rising sea levels, putting Kuwait’s future prosperity in risk. The idea for this landscape design develops in response to these challenges, as a way of celebrating the beauty of Kuwait’s traditions. Al Sadu textile weaving and its geometric patterns, the sails of the typical pearling dhow vessels and ancient date palm groves inform the design vision and tie the scheme into the local context. Historically, people living in such intense heat have grown plants and built water irrigation channels in the shade of palm trees to dilute the strength of the sun’s rays and avoid excessive evaporation. Therefore, we have developed a scheme revealing partially-shaded planted spaces below a textile multi-layered surface. The project evolves as a series of triangular sails raised on slim metal columns and forming a soft, sheltering sky across the site. Young palms can be planted below, converting the landscape into an ephemeral tree nursery during the first years. As these gradually grow, the translucent canopy of partial shade will allow a lush garden to emerge, protected from the harsh excess of the desert sun. This landscape then becomes an oasis of plants and trees, forming a series of interconnected public spaces. At this point, the textiles and poles can be removed and re-used in another area of the airport grounds or the city, where this ecologically virtuous cycle will begin again (and again). The high shaded gardens are conceived as a place for visitors and travelers to gather and rest before or after their journey, as well as a place for events and festivals celebrating local culture and the experience of flight. Visitors will find play spaces, pools and streams, as well as date palms and vegetable gardens. By creating partial shade for the planting, the canopy aims to reduce the amount of water lost to evaporation, and so will improve the park’s efficiency and sustainability. Whilst providing shade in the daytime, the elevated textiles also act as a network of social and meeting places in the cooler evening hours.
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betulpeker · 4 years
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KooZA/rch // PRESS: You can read the article on KooZA/rch's website https://www.koozarch.com/abstractions/quarantine-rooms/
Quarantine Rooms is a project that started as a means to cope with my Corona anxiety, whereby through the act of drawing I found a tool to understand and engage with the time available in this quarantine. By opening up the idea to all those contacts whom I engage with in social media I wanted to give birth to a collective creative project whereby everyone could share the spaces they are confined to. The idea being to also discover and analyze whether and to what extent people with different cultural backgrounds inhabit their most intimate spaces, in this project the room becomes the portrait of the individual.
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delhi-architect2 · 5 years
ArchDaily - Call for Entries: Transform a Roman Ruin into a Contemporary Art Museum
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Courtesy of Re-use Italy
The second edition of the cultural project Reuse Italy promotes an international architecture competition on the reuse of Piscina Mirabilis, a Roman reservoir located in the countryside of Naples. The contest is powered by a partnership with ArchDaily, KooZA/rch, 120g, EX32, and with the official support of the Parco Archeologico dei Campi Flegrei, the Minicipality of Bacoli (Naples) and the FAI.
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from ArchDaily https://www.archdaily.com/935783/call-for-entries-transform-a-roman-ruin-into-a-contemporary-art-museum Originally published on ARCHDAILY RSS Feed: https://www.archdaily.com/
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