tillman · 3 months
in way more important news look at how fucking adorable this merch set is for the new popup shop.
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some misc doodles i never posted!
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lunart-06 · 5 months
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My very extremely late birthday art for Hajime (with a slight sinch of hinaegi☀️🌱)
Was planning to draw this 18 frame comic for this but that will took WAY LONGER so er yea be expecting of it ig 👍
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mazojo · 11 months
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I think they should be best friends
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hiibe · 10 months
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comm for @nbeenary of their captain 3 & agent 8 ocs!
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skycowboys · 2 years
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Jufly day 30 - Rest 
After a long morning of zoomies, pretending to eat grass, and being generally a nuisance, a good nap means everyone gets a break.
Discord | Patreon | Jufly 2022 Prompts  
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sora-of-uranus · 4 months
A lot of peoples defenses for the live action start with "its an adaptation it's not gonna be the exact same show" and like...duh??? Most people who are writing criticisms for the show aren't criticizing it because it's a bad adaptation alone, they point out flaws that come down to it just being a bad show. Adaptations are tricky to get right because they are essentially a professional fanfiction retelling, you have to work out what is the most important parts to carry across the main theme, sometimes that means you have to change the characters personalities or even arcs. We understand that. Many successful adaptations get that (think lord of the rings, or [i'm sorry to say this] harry potter. or even better yet good omens!). Why do those adaptations work then? because they adapt and write a fluid story BASED on that original work. It's there, USE IT.
The live action doesn't work for me because it fails to write its own story well. The exposition dumps, the clunky dialog between characters, the pacing. It feels like a rough draft and not a final product. Like there is SO much potential in this show and I really hope it gets a season 2 with a larger budget and a couple more episodes because I want them to do well. There's a couple of really cute small things that are so interesting like Zuko having those avatar dolls or Sokka and Suki first training together and her correcting his form. I want more of this and less of them just dumping future lore on me for no reason. It would really help them narratively if they just let some things remain a mystery to new audiences. 
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lieximhuman · 5 months
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Forgot to post these two :,)
-> from last year ehheh
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bw2 · 11 months
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i became a cat person today
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LISTEN DIDNT LIKE THE BEArs okay?! I had to have something to put the outfit on 🫡
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igbeh · 10 months
hard to be a shika/ino when ino is so deeply in lesbians with sakura
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itsbrucey · 6 months
i got into your cave through an ask i saw on the btb tag that i've been stalking since the directors cut of season 2. also thanks for liking that cesare idea! i always think about that with the undead
So style. starting with the bigtop burger themselves, I got steve's style about right. jeans and buttonups. however i thought khakis. I don't imagine the buttonups to be super fun, but i did draw him in one outfit that is basically the same as an outfit Stu Macher wore in scream. It is the only button-up i think Stu wore. Billie in my heart is very typical 'grunge' with sweaters and layers, but pretty basic. She owns stuff that she doesn't have to think about matching, and mostly lives in basic prints like stars and stripes (i think she liked stars a lot) as well as dark colors. Steve wears the same thing every day, but I agree with your take on the no skin. I don't have any ideas for Penny so far.
I think Cesare is stuck dressing like an emo kid with the black layers to cover up the zombie thing as well as the perpetual bleeding. Also he is forced to look gothic since is he undead, so perhaps he'd lean into the style to look more natural. The only reason I said he dresses 'emo' is because it can be basic and he fucking hates having to dress like that so he puts in little effort. Maybe before he died he was more fun and flashy. I dunno. Frances I haven't thought of yet, same for conrad, though I think his zomburger outfit isn't too different from the normal style he would have. for doctor, I like to think he has piercings. I have more headcanons about his day to day life than style.
I'm about to upload a the outfits i drew, but here's the stu outfit i mentioned
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AWWWW THANKS FOR STOPPING BY THEN!!!! I'm trying to post about Bigtop Burger more bc it's like. My favorite thing ever so I'm glad some people outside of the DnDads fans are seeing it :]
I really like your thoughts!!! Billie being grungy/alt is sooooo true.... I think she'd definitely be a band shirt enjoyer. Chunky sneakers. Baggy pants with fun chains or rips!! She'd be a dark flannel enjoyer vs Tim's brighter button ups and prints!!!!
If I had to think about Penny, I'd think simple, practical, and casual!!! Maybe it's my own bias bc she's my fav but like... As a mom who we assume is cheery, I think a lot of fun tshirts and mom jeans!! Cardigans and pullover sweaters too!! She has the CUTEST burger earrings so I definitely think she has more silly earrings and things like scrunchies!! She's very floral/simple print/springtime coded to me!
I think the Zomburger crew's outfits reflect what they'd normally wear more already, especially Conrad!! Francis and Doctor both have a lot of piercings to me,,, Francis definitely strikes me as the type to have a lot of cool jackets and like...handsewn/altered things. Doctor too but in a more "plain" way. Conrad...my wonderful. My beloved. He definitely just had tshirts and baggy sweats and jeans and sometimes one of those muscle shirts that have the side stretched open SO much. And he forgive him /j
( Emo Kid Cesare is so funny.... He'd make a killing on TikTok )
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lucysweatslove · 8 months
I told my best friend about some of the school shit and how I’ve felt a little micro-aggressed and discriminated against bc disability.
Her: “I will fucking slap a bitch.”
Me: “At least I have two friends who actually care and value me for me and don’t suck and aren’t performative and just like, value being a good human.”
Her: “I mean, I try. It’s hard when others suck and you want to punch their face.”
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burninglilys · 1 year
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pun and tim, love of secret (2022)
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cheeriochat · 8 months
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Bought some flat top coat and a paint brush for my Suletta gunpla figure thing today, but Im debating if I should build it now or wait awhile because I just finished my HG Pharact.. hmm.. big questions...
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My G witch bag with all my trinkets I bought in japan. It can flip inside out and then its Miorine themed!
Im thinking of compiling all the stuff I bought for my various fandoms and posting it here because I really bought a lot. Like $800 worth of stuff. Whoops
But maybe let me know if u guys want that!
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angstym0chi · 2 years
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