bermudasnino · 5 months
Proveedor: REDFLAG conquer Tipo: Swimwear Precio: 215000.00 Descripción ~ Nuestras pantalonetas son todo lo que necesitas para combinar  comodidad y estilo. Diseños exclusivos que brindan protección solar al contar con  UPF50+ y un bloqueo del 98% de los rayos UV. ~ Cuidados ~ Lava tus pantalonetas con colores similares, en seco o a máquina en ciclo delicado y a  temperatura baja (30° C o 40° C) , no uses blanqueador. Cuando tu prenda esté lavada no  la retuerzas ni la dejes en remojo, recuerda que la humedad y el detergente debilitan las  fibras y harán que tu ropa se dañe antes de tiempo.
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inhidingxoxo3637 · 2 years
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myimaginarywonderland · 2 months
When I say Sainz should not have been allowed to continue, I am not personally targeting Sainz in any way.
I just think his accident highlighted a rule that has been bad for a while and once again underlines how many rules are so loosely worded that they can be fit into any which way.
I also think that as a viewer I have gotten so used to a Red flag meaning a driver is out that I was actually surprised he could restart and get away with it. Usually I am used to this instances being waved as yellow or maybe even a Safety car if a driver is able to recover and get back on track.
I just think there should be measures taken when a driver does cause a redflag because not only does it extend the session and change the order but it also obviously means abandonded/ruined laps. Again, in no way making it out like causing a Red Flag is always the drivers fault or that it always deserves a punishment (so if it was caused by a mechanical issue) but the big problem here is lack of consistency.
And you can clearly so there wasn't really a base for the decision or against it as the FIA has not made it clear what an appropriate time is. This is such an essay problem that it makes me question why this frame has never been clarified.
Hel, they wouldn't even need to justify the time frame but to have one so that they actually had an explanation as to why there was no action for the Red Flag would already be great.
I can't remember the last time we had a redflag where a driver wasn't out so yeah, I don't fully know how I would have liked it handled.
I know there are other series where drivers can not participate after causing one so I just wish that we had some general consensus all around most motorsports because it's things like this that just show how loosely rules can be applied and bended to some benefit or another.
For me personally he shouldn't be disqualified but he shouldn't have been allowed to participate again or something around the lines. A dsq is very harsh and I understand arguing against it especially again with the loose rules but there should have been some kind of punishment, maybe him not being able to rejoin the qualy the best one I can think of for now.
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phenomenalgirl9 · 2 years
Kim Taehyung x Reader: Notes (Hogwarts AU!)
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A/n: I was gonna write it in normal. But then I thought why not take this to a different AU. Here, whoever is born in the same year is in the same Hogwarts Year.
(Houses acc to me )
Summary: You have been getting anonymous notes, they are all signed by a venus flytrap flower, yeah strange. But what happens when you find senior Kim Namjoon using the same quality of scented parchment, however you noticed your portions partner Jeon Jungkook drawing the very same venus flytrap in his notebook.
You were in the study hall hurriedly writing into your DADA (Defence Against the Dark Arts) paper that's due soon when you find a paper swan perched on your book, it had your name on it. You looked around but didn't find anyone looking at you, Strange, Really strange, you thought, and went back to your assignment putting it inside your robe's pocket. It wasn't until you reached back your dorm and took off your robe when you remembered about it.
"What's that?" Jennie your roomate asked
"I don't know, it just came flying to me" you said sheepishly
"Oooh does Little Y/nie have a secret admirer?" Ryujin, your other roomate sung out
"Who has a secret admirer?" Sana asked as she entered your dorm room.
"Me, apparently" you said with a laugh.
You opened the yellow parchment with the scent of lavender, and read out loud.
Hey, you look really cute in those new glasses
The note was signed with a Venus Flytrap.
"A Venus Flytrap? That's a strange choice of flower" Jennie said from over your shoulder
"That's kinda a redflag?" Sana said and you shrugged and put it in your bedside drawer.
"Whatever, I have early morning astronomy. Let's go to sleep" you said.
"Aren't you curious?!" Ryujin asked climbing on your bed.
"I am, but I have no idea anyway so I wont work a sweat" you said, and climbed on your bed pushing her out.
And you received one of these notes everyday, all had something written about you, though the hand writing was a bit messy but the drawing of the venus flytrap was the same and so intricate and beautiful. You had even grown fond of those yellow scented parchment that Venus used. Yes, that's what you, your friends and roommates named it.
You and your friends were sitting in the courtyard and chatting during a free period when Ryujin came running out of nowhere and said "Quick Y/n come with me"
"Ryujin? What?!" You asked but she already pulled you with her.
"Didn't you have quidditch practice?" You asked
"We did, but the Slytherins tricked into getting this slot. But, that's not the point, on my way I was passing and you wont believe it I collided with Kim Namjoon" she said, still pulling you
"Senior Kim Namjoon?" You asked to make sure
"Yes, but that's not important, look" she said and it was then you noticed that you were near the black lake and there he sat Senior Kim Namjoon, scribbling away on a yellow parchment.
"So? That's just a yellow parchment"you said
"No. It smelt exactly like Venus'" she said.
"But, he can't draw. I know that as a fact" you said.
"Yes, but those are really costly parchments and rare so not a lot of people use them because you need to take a lot of care of them white writing" Ryujin informed and you nodded.
"It's not possible to be him" you said
"And how do you know that?!" Ryujin asked.
"I just know" you said and shook your head to walk back to your friends. But, it did make you think, so you made sure that you're aware of your surroundings all the time. But, you could find nothing. No spell could help you, so you realised that the sender really wanted to stay hidden.
Hence, one day you were going around in the library to search for a tracking spell when you saw a guy struggling with too many books, he almost dropped a huge heavy book on his foot, but you swiftly pulled out your wand and chanted: "Arresto momentum"
"Hah! Thanks!" The guy said with a deep voice and a boxy smile.
"You're welcome. That's sure a lot of books" you said grabbing the one in the air and a few more and helped him set them down on the table.
"It's Taehyung by the way" he said putting out his hand. You shook it and said "Y/n, yes I remember your name, we did a project together, last year". You watched as blood rushed to his cheeks. Cute, you thought.
You both were studying, at least you were while Taehyung seemed to be struggling.
"Anything wrong?" You asked
"Yeah, um... There are so many words together, it makes me sleepy" he said with a sheepish grin and your heart almost skipped a beat.
"Let me help you" You said and grabbed the book and pulled it, you started making drawings and teaching him. You could see Taehyung smiling and nodding.
"Wah, I did actually understand all this stuff. How do you even understand these, it's above your level?" he said in surprise.
"My mom is a herbologist, I've been around them for ages" you said.
"Y/n, you are really good at this. Would you mind helping me again?" He asked
"Sure, come find me by my dorm" you said and hurried down to your potions class, the last class of the day.
You entered the class just in time as Professor Mclagen entered. You smiled at your class partner and he reciprocated with a bunny smile.
Today's, assignment was to make a Draught of Living Death potion. You were in the middle of the class when a loud crash was heard followed by a couple of shreaks. You didn't even need to turn to know that Mingyu and BamBam had yet again messed up and their concoction was on the floor, burning Jihyo's shoes and who was now screaming at the pair. You were so busy laughing, you didn't notice your hand by chance hit the pile of your books on the table and they fell. You quickly picked them up, when you noticed something strange that hit you like lightning there you saw little bits of paper with the drawing of a venus flytrap, yes, exactly the one you get in the notes.
You immediately stood up grabbed your books and rushed out mumbling an emergency to the Professor leaving the whole class in awe.
Taehyung was very happy to have spent time with his crush. He knew how kind you were from that time a Senior-Junior partner up project the previous year. He was so surprised, (in a good way though) when you said that you remembered him. Even though he had no problem re-starting from scratch. He remembers when the two of you were first paired up and the more time he spent with you, the more he liked you. He bared it for 1 year until he decided to do something about it and thus he sent you anon notes. But, that wasn't enough for his heart and he can't just go up to you and tell you he has been sending you letters, so he wanted to talk to you, he was wondering why, when his clumsy ass gave him the chance. But, about the notes? Nobody knew, not Jimin, not even Jungkook who draws the Venus Flytrap for him, V for Venus, V, his nickname. The only loose end was Namjoon hyung, who lent him those parchments to write and saw him charming the paper swan and sending it to you. Yes, Namjoon had been helping Tae.
"You walked out on Professor Mclagen!" Sana screamed as soon as she entered the room, "Are you okay!?"
"I am, I just, uh... Saw the same venus flytraps on some chits inside Jungkook's book. And I panicked and ran away" you explained.
"Aww it's okay" She said rubbing your back.
"What happened?"Jennie came in and asked "You ran away from Mclagen?"
You face palmed and Sana explained Jennie.
"I know what could cheer you up! Let's go for a walk" Jennie suggested, you checked there's still time for dinner, so you walked out, only to meet Ryujin who dropped her books and was also tagging along.
The four of you sat there discussing what happened in your potions class. "I don't understand, what's wrong with Jungkook sending you letters?" Jennie asked still confused
"He's gay Jen. He's dating Park Jimin" you said
"May be he's bi?" Ryujin pointed out
"Could be, but he's still dating and that would be wrong. Besides the sender knows a lot about me, and Jungkook and I have rarely spoken. He doesn't even look interested apart from the class." You said.
"You know what? Ask him" Sana suddenly said
"What! Are you crazy?!" You exclaimed
"Hear me out" She said and kept continuing "Ask subtly, like, just complement him saying you saw those in his books and watch his reaction" she shrugged
"That's actually a good idea" you said nodding.
While you were going to the big hall, you met Taehyung on the way, who asked you to meet in the courtyard the next day after lunch, for another study session.
"What's with you and Kim Taehyung?" Ryujin asked as soon as you came to sit at your spot they saved.
"We just study together" you said shrugging.
"He's cute isn't he?" Sana said
"Yeah" you said smiling.
And you three started talking about the next hot thung available.
The study sessions with Taehyung was actually fun, you got to know that he is actually good in charms and helped you with your assignments. You've got to know that he plays the saxophone quite well and his best friend is Jimin. He also got to know alot about you and he seemed to be genuinely interested. You and him now studied often and it's been over 2 months now that you're receiving a note everyday.
The notes kept on coming and they all were really cute. But the Venus Flytrap gets you every time, and you get more and more worried untill you finally asked Jungkook oneday.
"Those flowers you draw are really nice. Venus Flytraps right?" You asked looking into him searching for any sign of discomfort or anything.
"Oh, I draw these for a friend, he gets them made at the end of his assignments or something" he said with a smile.
No, he isn't Venus. If not him then. Who? You wondered.
"I'm telling you it's Kim Namjoon, he uses the same parchment" Ryujin said.
"And I told you it's not possible. We've never even spoken, I'll be surprised if he even knew my name" You said.
"I kinda agree" Sana said.
"Guys! We found it" you heard Bambam and Mina whisper yelled as they pushed the book towards you, pointing at a certain place of the openned page.
"Apare Vestigium? No its not for objects. You morons, read!" Jihyo chided at them.
"Here, I think I found it!" Ryunjin exclaimed"This spell can turn any object into a tracking device" she turned the book to you.
"Avenseguim. Let's try it" you three swiftly slipped out of the library and to try it out.
"Tae! V! V! Tae!" Namjoon almost burst through the Hufflepuff house's main door.
"What?!" Tae stood up in alarm. And what Namjoon said next left Taehyung in shock and scared.
"Y/n and her whole gang are looking for you" he said
"What?! What do you mean?" He asked
"I was in the library when I heard them talking about a tracking spell that can turn an object into a tracking device for the owner!" He said and as soon as the words left his mouth, Taehyung froze.
"What do I do?! Hyung! What do I do?!" Taehyung was in shock.
"Tell her! Tell her before the note does" Namjoon said "I have a plan"
You and your friends had tested the spell on a bunch of things that seem to return to its owner quite well so you ultimately tried it on one of the notes. And were now following the piece of paper that was flying around the school.
Suddenly, it stopped at a place, you and the rest got confused.
"What's wrong?" Bambam asked.
"Y/n!" You heard a familiar voice and turned around.
"Please walk with me Y/n" he said looking serious
"Tae, I'm in middle of something" you said.
"I know and this is important" he said. Your friends are still confused as to what's going on but you followed him away from all the chaos.
You watch him ponder over his words and fidgeting.
"Taehyung, it's okay, What is it?" You asked trying to calm him down "Do you need help with something?"
"I like you!" He said, stepping close to you, he then looked at the corner and signalled someone who when you looked closely, you saw Namjoon pointing his wand towards your flying note. As soon as he released his hand, the note came back to life and rushed towards you or more like at Tae and in time he caught it and said "I was sending the notes to you"
You were shocked, kinda glad because you liked spending time with his too and had a little crush but you never expected him to actually like you.
Here, you were sitting in Three Broomsticks, for your first date with what seemed to be a start of something new.
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Taglist: @jung-nika-hoseok @bbl32
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Hogwarts Diaries
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variantoutcast · 1 year
Get to know the blogger game!
I was tagged by: @dinluke 💙 [blue heart emoji]
• Share your wallpaper:
My redflag is that my laptop always has the default and I haven't set my phone background since I got a new one last year
• Last song you listened to:
"bad reputation" by Joan Jett. @psionicowl has a CD and that was playing last time we were in the car together <3
• Currently reading:
"Devotions" by Mary Oliver! It's the first time I've read a poetry book before, and several months later I'm 90% of the way through it! I like most of her stuff I've read so far. I also finished "Time is the Simplest Thing" by Clifford Simak, which I really loved! It's a sci fi novel published in the 60's. I'm going to start "Borne" by Jeff VanderMeer. I like most of his other stuff I've read so far, so I'm looking forward to cracking it open.
• Last movie:
"Logan" (2017), which was a few months ago. I really prefer TV shows to movies most of the time. Logan is one of my favorite movies though
• Last show:
The last show I finished was "Shadow and Bone", and I'm currently (re)watching "Better Call Saul" (with an odd "House M.D." or "Psych" episode thrown in here and there)
• Craving:
Human companionship 😭[crying emoji]. Also artisan mills farmhouse cheddar crackers [link]
• What are you wearing:
A dark green short sleeve tshirt and brick red sweat shorts, and wristwatch (digital, black, and definitely not smart)
• How tall are you?
5 feet 8 inches
• Piercings:
I have an eyebrow piericing and an industrial piercing! I'd love to get my lobes pierced (again...) and maybe a second eyebrow piercing!
• Tattoos
I have the solar system across my left collar bone and a blackwork cloud with lightning coming out of it, and an eye through the center (almost an exact, just slightly cleaned up reproduction of a sketch I did!) On my left shoulder. I want to get a sleeve on that arm of cryptids and vines, and I'd love to tattoo my scalp some day with vines.
• Glasses/contacts:
I can only see 4 inches from my face without glasses, so I wear mine constantly! Sometimes I will get contacts during the summer to make outdoorsy activities easier
• Last thing you ate:
Those goodie girl thin mint knock offs [link]
• Favorite color:
Navy blue is my favorite, but I also love brick red, dark green, and yellow!
• Current obsession:
Having a sewing kick! Media wise I'm coming off "Shadow and Bone" lockdown and reigniting "Better Call Saul" brain. I have some lingering "Severance" and "Andor" brainworms too. "The Mandalorian" has been so disappointing lately that I barely care about it all.
• Pets:
I have a halloween moon crab named Candy Corn and an asian spiny toad named Breaker
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• Favorite fictional character:
Fuck. Evil question. Castiel from "Supernatural" and Ahsoka from "Star Wars" probably
• Last place you traveled:
To work 😭[crying emoji]
No pressure tags!
@stormikins @butchghostbird @vampgf @meshla @rogueninja @tamayokny @dykefagz
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page-2-ids · 2 years
Redflagic: A gender related to one or more flags that feature the color red
Maroonflagic: A gender related to one or more flags that feature the color maroon
Brownflagic: A gender related to one or more flags that feature the color brown
Orangeflagic: A gender related to one or more flags that feature the color orange
Goldflagic: A gender related to one or more flags that feature the color gold
Yellowflagic: A gender related to one or more flags that feature the color yellow
Greenflagic: A gender related to one or more flags that feature the color green
Tealflagic: A gender related to one or more flags that feature the color teal
Cyanflagic: A gender related to one or more flags that feature the color cyan
Blueflagic: A gender related to one or more flags that feature the color blue
Navyblueflagic: A gender related to one or more flags that feature the color navy blue
Indigoflagic: A gender related to one or more flags that feature the color indigo
Purpleflagic: A gender related to one or more flags that feature the color purple
Violetflagic: A gender related to one or more flags that feature the color violet
Magentaflagic: A gender related to one or more flags that feature the color magenta
Pinkflagic: A gender related to one or more flags that feature the color pink
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ms makhy
is it just me or does this yellow switch to red flag instead of direct red flag feel weird and suspicious
So so suspecious.
Buuuuut *taking off bias glasses off* they apparently discovered a puncture in the wall, so they had to redflag what they originally thought was only yellow worthy.
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psem425-blog · 6 years
=abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789 "The: Quick Brown Fox; |Jumped, Over W/ The Lazy Dog`s.\<>[]{} -+/* (x) ()~() !@#$%^&* ♠ ♣ ♥ ♦ qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM 0 00 01 10 11 001 0001 00001 000001 0000001 00000001 000000001 0000000001 00000000001 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000 10000000 100000000 1000000000 10000000000 101 1010 10101 101010 1010101 10101010 101010101 1010101010 10101010101 101010101010 1010101010101 10101010101010 101010101010101 1010101010101010 10101010101010101 101010101010101010 1010101010101010101 10101010101010101010 1001 10010 100101 1001010 100101010 10010101010 1001010101010 100101010101010 10010101010101010 1001010101010101010 100101010101010101010 10010101010101010101010 10001 100010 1000101 10001010 100010101 1000101010 10001010101 100010101010 1000101010101 10001010101010 100010101010101 1000101010101010 10101010101010101 100010101010101010 1010101010101010101 10001010101010101010 101010101010101010101 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Krispy?1-800-369-3693 kiss me i'm Irishatatatat grate chunky milk endz whateverz cheeze gr@ter solid light specz chainz puss1 2 dopez steelez kleenerz blong blingz kleenex purex klingz krang trip wirez stripperz phresh fresca phrizzle minute rice goon can it backwerdz backdoorz smokez phuckit plinkitt stay naked j u s t t h i n k stumped stoop1d let the pussy out p1ssy pussy write now laterz still born star warz clitz its my right zebra stripe yellow zebra stripe sadmember december shrooomtap deadseascrolls bendertime spacetimequantum quap ur@p3do xixor phisherm@n H@ckM@n phre@kM@n ph@tM2n c@ke@g@in urtryintheh@ckin@g@in orangeplumwino rhinozerous zernoserous zyranasaurousrex zanders orange z@nder zanderous zanthivm carbonite zanderifit zanderific zanderfix space plum plum fix shamrock rocknroll crockpot ckrackle racateer bishop shaq shaqira shag crag nook crannies cranberry-orange brak cricket rep adidas bl1mp crayzies compaq uraspade HACKth1s@$$ reddragonsynth phuckmespade redsunrising reddragonrising Blackscales Black scale green scale blue orchardsscreenerz ship pop Zen op greener greening pinko grinko sheika plinko klinko sinka pluto doodlez rulez crooz crookz werkz rainworkz gumdrop dimeslot slut slot red...poppy.. green...poppy... orange...poppy... yellow...poppy... pr3ppy it zez sayez slayerz playerz warez carebarez bareraked karez electro goldpeice silverpeice boomerrang bandstands javalin whiteflag redflag gladbag claptrap slap tattatpthat pditty pdudeman pee woman pvarter nickelp pime pl1mp Bische pliss plitches peachy phrame micy tubular snowy spwn spnage spwner spwning spwnee cuf sticks spwno spwn1 red1 redz soilent orange sproing boing zap bam yellow batman butt phuck phuckz red linez crux crunk bunk trunkz shenaniganz niggaz hebogloben hebogolden hobogloben Rosebud Syalefish against the grain yellow mustard tomatoe cheddar- greyhound tripz
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relate2shan · 3 years
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New video is out and I just uploaded it today on my YouTube channel. Woop woop! 🙌🏾🙌🏾🧚🏾‍♀️ Title: GREEN, YELLOW, AND RED FLAGS IN INTRODUCTIONS It's all about how to spot #greenflags 🟢, #yellowflags 🟡and #redflags🚩when you first meet someone. I'm sure we all know about the red flags in relationships. But what about how to spot positive signs of healthy relationships you want? Or even what an "if-y" indicator looks like let alone what to do about it? 🚥 I go over all of that and how you can create your own flags list. Since Instagram description boxes is not a fan of links 🙅‍♂️, you're going to have to search for it on Youtube's platform. Luckily I only have 2 videos on the channel (for now 😉 more is definitely coming). Just search for my name "Relate 2 Shan" and/or look for the video's title shown above. In the meantime, keep an eye out for the article under the same name at www.relate2shan.com. I'm working on the blog now where I dive more on into these flags. Could it be that my vlogger perspective 📸 is different from my writing ✍🏾perspective? Check them both out and let me know in the comments below. 👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾 P.S. Thank you all for sticking around to see what's coming. I really appreciate all the comments and feedback. This is encouraging me to be more consistent with my content. So please keep the feedback coming. 😁 (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CWcHayRJ2Nk/?utm_medium=tumblr
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an-stoirm · 7 years
Oooh I'd love a general solstice reading if you have the time and energy! You're so sweet for doing this. ☺️ Thank you so much! 💕
:D! Always have time for you Destiny!
I drew Golden Egg and Wheel of Fortune from the Animal Spirit Oracle and The Wild Unknown respectively.
The Golden Egg card depicts a yellow or golden egg with triangular patterns on it sitting in a black-and-white nest. The Wheel of Fortune depicts a wheel made from twigs and sticks tied together with multi-colored ribbon. There’s an owl sitting on one of the twigs. Above, is the night sky with a crescent moon and below is a bright brilliant sun.
Hmmm... Well, Golden Egg is about listening to your heart whereas Wheel of Fortune is often about “fate” or forces outside ourselves. I think, combined, these cards are asking you to listen to your heart about the outside forces in your life. Like don’t just go along with something because it’s happening. Take time to sit with yourself and ask, “Is this what I want? Does this feel good?” Don’t worry if your feelings don’t make rational sense. Just take time to listen to them and acknowledge them. Sometimes I get redflags that are hard to describe, but they were redflags for a reason (I later realize.)
But definitely, definitely listen to your inner self. Your instincts, your heart, your gut. All of it. Let it guide you forward.
I hope that makes sense? I wish you luck regardless haha.
Thanks for your patience!
Solstice Readings are now closed but you can always purchase a reading from my etsy shop Allecadabra. You can also get coupons and monthly articles from my newsletter.
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bermudasnino · 1 year
Proveedor: REDFLAG conquer Tipo: Swimwear Precio: 215000.00 Descripción ~ Nuestras pantalonetas son todo lo que necesitas para combinar  comodidad y estilo. Diseños exclusivos que brindan protección solar al contar con  UPF50+ y un bloqueo del 98% de los rayos UV. ~ Cuidados ~ Lava tus pantalonetas con colores similares, en seco o a máquina en ciclo delicado y a  temperatura baja (30° C o 40° C) , no uses blanqueador. Cuando tu prenda esté lavada no  la retuerzas ni la dejes en remojo, recuerda que la humedad y el detergente debilitan las  fibras y harán que tu ropa se dañe antes de tiempo.
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swapnil1690 · 7 years
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Hanuman Jayanti (11th April 2017) is observed on full moon day, which is the 15th day of Shukla Paksha in the Hindu month of Chaitra (April-May). Devotees take the streets in a Julus with red flags as if Shree Ram Ki Vanar sena ( Lord Ram's Monkey Army) chanting "Jai Siya-Ram" on foot, Ladies dressed in yellow sarees and men in white kurtas of all ages. It was quiet the sight... #LifeIntheWalledCity #HanumanJayanti #Julus #ChaitraMaas #HinduCalendar #Beaut #RedFlags #Devotion #JaiSiyaRam #RamRam #WalledCity #StreetsOfIndia #Heritage #WalledCityOfJaipur #Jaipur #JaipurDiaries #JaipurJournal #Rajasthan #India #IncredibleIndia #Wanderer #Wanderlust #Travel #Traveler #Traveller #TravelLog #Travelogue #TravelDiaries (at Tripoli Bazaar)
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authorphoenixjames · 5 years
#Repost @mrsbooks2you • • • • • • Repost from @xonecole Don’t ignore the yellow flags in your relationship because eventually, it will lead to a red flag. What are some yellow flags you’ve ignored that you shouldn’t have? ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ #xohappyhour⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ #xonecole #redflags #yellowflags #applepodcasts #blackpodcasts #dopeblackpods #podcastingwhileblack #abusiverelationship #domesticviolenceawareness #blackpodcasters #podsincolor #blkcreatives #wocpodcasts #spotifypodcast #itunespodcast #shareblackstories #womensuupportingwomen #wocpodcasttoo #womenpodcasters https://www.instagram.com/p/B6HSz0hjoxi/?igshid=p6dddflntz94
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bermudasnino · 1 year
Proveedor: REDFLAG conquer Tipo: Swimwear Precio: 125000.00 Descripción ~ Nuestras pantalonetas son todo lo que necesitas para combinar  comodidad y estilo. Diseños exclusivos que brindan protección solar al contar con  UPF50+ y un bloqueo del 98% de los rayos UV. ~ Cuidados ~ Lava tus pantalonetas con colores similares, en seco o a máquina en ciclo delicado y a  temperatura baja (30° C o 40° C) , no uses blanqueador. Cuando tu prenda esté lavada no  la retuerzas ni la dejes en remojo, recuerda que la humedad y el detergente debilitan las  fibras y harán que tu ropa se dañe antes de tiempo.
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bermudasnino · 1 year
Proveedor: REDFLAG conquer Tipo: Swimwear Precio: 112000.00 Descripción ~ Nuestras pantalonetas son todo lo que necesitas para combinar  comodidad y estilo. Diseños exclusivos que brindan protección solar al contar con  UPF50+ y un bloqueo del 98% de los rayos UV. ~ Cuidados ~ Lava tus pantalonetas con colores similares, en seco o a máquina en ciclo delicado y a  temperatura baja (30° C o 40° C) , no uses blanqueador. Cuando tu prenda esté lavada no  la retuerzas ni la dejes en remojo, recuerda que la humedad y el detergente debilitan las  fibras y harán que tu ropa se dañe antes de tiempo.
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bermudasnino · 1 year
Proveedor: REDFLAG conquer Tipo: Swimwear Precio: 112000.00 Descripción ~ Nuestras pantalonetas son todo lo que necesitas para combinar  comodidad y estilo. Diseños exclusivos que brindan protección solar al contar con  UPF50+ y un bloqueo del 98% de los rayos UV. ~ Cuidados ~ Lava tus pantalonetas con colores similares, en seco o a máquina en ciclo delicado y a  temperatura baja (30° C o 40° C) , no uses blanqueador. Cuando tu prenda esté lavada no  la retuerzas ni la dejes en remojo, recuerda que la humedad y el detergente debilitan las  fibras y harán que tu ropa se dañe antes de tiempo.
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