#RIP that outfit after this arc is over
somerandomdudelmao · 1 year
But what's Casey using to cloak himself?
From what we see in the show, cloaking brooches are normally activated by touch but can be turned on/off without it (eg. big mama's hotel staff). This makes it pretty hard to tell what it is, and normally when theorizing about something like this, you need to go through and reread EVERYTHING but I'm too lazy for that so lets assume I actually did. Firstly lets get the mask and hockey stick out of the way, because he doesn't even have those on him afterward Draxum gave him the cloaking "pin". He doesn't actually seem to have anything that could be identified as a brooch or pin as far as we can tell in the first few panels of the "Commander O'Neil arc", which narrows it down from anything that could be blatantly obvious. He could, however, be hiding it somewhere on his body (chest, shin, shoulder, or boots are most likely in order) There's also the chance of the magic just being infused into him because Draxum is Draxum and magic shenanigan's, which could mean this search is futile and I'm just ranting about useless sh*t. Anyways, since Casey usually has one or two outfits per arc, weather it be different from the previous or not, I'm gonna compile all the first (good) shots of him here somewhat in order (from after the turt casey saga):
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The images above seem to be his more casual outfit worn around the base, with short sleeves and long, loose pants tucked into what looks like boots and/or ankle wraps (similar to what Raph has on his arms in the show).
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The classic battle/outdoor outfit that we see him wear in the movie, consisting of armor that vaguely resembles a turtle on his chest, a cape that goes over his shoulders and covers his neck as well as the top of his torso, pants with kneepads, shoes akin to sneakers, possible arm wraps that go under the gloves, the cool ass mask, and his hockey stick.
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back into the shirt and pants when in the past lair, but is in a different shirt as there is no longer a rip on the left sleeve. He isn't wearing any shoes, scratching the boots/shoes theory, as well as his pants going up past his ankles and almost past his shins, meaning it's probably not there either.
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going onto the surface, Casey wears a hoodie supposedly on top of the shirt and pants he wears around the lair, gathering his stick and mask to go with it. He is also seen wearing this hood in the lair on part 10 of "You are in the past, your thoughts are in the future".
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The shirt and pants are definitely his lair outfit at this point, the photo above is from "Donatello".
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the hoodie returns for a magic spell, only to be replaced with the free Hamato possesion make over
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This lovely upgrade keeps his hoodie, but he now has a design similar to the Hamato outfits for the turtles in the episode "Insane in the Mama Train", with wraps on his arms, legs, and around his waist. Donnie's logo now sits on his heart (awww), and he looks pretty damn cool. I wasn't sure if he had socks or shoes on, but looking at that piece of fanart on Cass' page, it's shoes. There is a symbol on his back, possibly being that of the Hamato clan (hard to tell though, as it looks more like some kind of wheel in most panels you can see it)
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The turtle version seems to be pretty much the same, the only difference being the wraps changing for his now 3 fingered hands and 3 toed feet, as well as the hoodie likely becoming a bit looser/bigger to better fit his shell. A little something I noticed about the transformation scene is that it starts from his ankles/shins/feet, which is cool and all for the posing, but is a bit controversial because it is, in fact, not in any of those areas. IN CONCLUSION,
The brooch (if there is one) is not on his arms due to him wearing short sleeves around the lair, it is not put in his shoes, and it does not need to be activated by touch. It is not anywhere near his feet, as there isn't anything we can see despite the transformation thingies coming from that general area. If we take the previous sentence into account, it is not on his chest either, crossing out pretty much all of the options we have. The last thing I can think of is Draxum somehow just... injecting the stuff into him as a controllable power. That could be flimsy, though, as Casey could've struggled with that of course. But then again, plot convenience.
The brooch is probably non-existent and Draxum just did some mystic shit to the kid.
THE A M O U N T of research HOLY SHIT??!¿¿¿
Why is it that every time I read an essay with theories, I feel like I'm not the author???Ahahah but for real?? I strait up just sit there like...
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like...oh my god, how interesting, there are so many mysteries in this comic, unravel them for me please
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When I say I will do my baby girl justice, I MEAN I will do her justice, and that starts with a redesign!
After Meliodas, it’s only natural to do Elizabeth. I had a lot of thoughts about what to do with her, because her previous waitress outfit was just not a vibe; gratuitous fanservice aside, those shirt ruffles were atrocious and the bright pink was kind of an eyesore. So I decided to take a bit of inspiration from her co-owner outfit and gave her a button up, a slightly longer skirt, actually matching shoes and another stocking for symmetry, and gave her a little bow to tie her hair back in! A little better suited for waitressing and travelling while still sticking to the same idea. Also a little more dignified for a princess.
I always think it’s a bit weird when a character’s eye is constantly covered and there’s no real reason for it, especially since it didn’t seem like there was anything up with Elizabeth’s eye in season 1 until she awakened her Goddess powers. So I decided to give her partial blindness in that eye, carried over from my plan for Liz who was fully blind in that eye due to an injury. Retaining scars from past lives and all that. Also gives her a little bit of a better reason to be clumsy rather than it just being for the “cutesy moe fanservice just because” gag. Clumsy ain’t sexy no matter what Lucky Star says.
Our girl deserves to be adorable and thus she shall be. I’ve always thought Elizabeth has some of the best outfits in the series but her main one at the tavern just wasn’t a vibe.
Obviously it’s not illustrated here, but I also plan some minor changes to Elizabeth’s arc and character—I absolutely adored her in season 1, eager to help however she can and prove herself worthy of the Sins’ aid (even though she didn’t need to) and I want that reflected more. You telling me this girl wouldn’t ask Ban to teach her how to stab someone just in case she needs to defend herself and none of them are around? After she tried to take King’s giant war spear to go stab someone herself? After she ripped the hypnotic bell off of Ruin’s staff with her TEETH and SMIRKED at him when she did? You are incorrect, because I know in my heart of hearts she would.
Anyway, that’s all on Elizabeth for now. I’m sure I’ll be back relatively soon with more!
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lucauali · 11 months
bob the builder - eustass “captain” kidd
warning: kinda suggestive, making out, groping, female bodied!reader (is wearing a skirt and revealing top), modern AU
I couldn’t think of a title LMAOO but it's subject to change, also I'm fs gonna write for ace next bc I'm on the alabasta arc rn which is also why I'm writing Kidd in a modern AU. Please ignore the fact that idk how to end these drabbles
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"I'm home!" You were met with silence as you softly shut the front door of your new apartment closed. The numerous bags in your arms dropped since the weight of them had been straining you all day. After gently pushing them to the wall with your foot, you ventured towards the hallway. The open door to the bedroom you shared with Kidd remained empty with only the bare necessities inside.
The sudden sound made you turn your head towards the spare room at the end of the hall. The door was closed, but it didn't keep Kidd's muffled groans and shouts of frustration shut in the room. You giggled as you turned the doorknob and opened the door.
"Eustass! I'm home!" Said man was hunched over something that was blocked from your sight. He whipped his head around and looked you up and down.
"Hey there, sweetheart. Didn't hear you come in." He got up and walked over towards you. Once he stood tall in front of you, he suddenly gripped you by the hips and pulled you flush to his body.
His eyes raked over the cropped denim top and white mini skirt that adorned your body. The plunging neckline and short cut of the clothing did wonders for your curves.
"You went out shopping for decorations like this? I'm going with you next time, then." He grumbled as his grip traveled all around your body. You let out a squeal when his hand smacked your ass in a teasing manner.
"I asked you to, but you said you were 'too busy' so I just went on my own. What were you so busy with anyways?" You pouted up at him as you started to rub your hands on his bare chest. The light sheen of sweat on his body and the fact that he swapped his usual grey sweats out with some shorts made you think he was getting around to setting up his at-home workshop.
Kidd smirked down at your hands and then at you, "take a look behind me, sweetcheeks. Hope you like it." With that, you peeked around his build and gasped.
Behind Kidd was a completed vanity. The white vanity came with two columns of drawers, along with the pull out drawer under the table top. The table top had crystal-clear glass that showcased the drawer beneath. The best part was the huge mirror with LED lights on the border.
You ditched the redhead behind you to closely inspect the brand new piece of furniture. The mirror even connected to your phone for music!
Suddenly, you felt Kidd press up behind you and circle his hands over your lower stomach. He hid his face in the crook of your neck as he mumbled, "I take it you like it?"
"I love it! Thank you so much, Eustass!" In the middle of checking the storage space, you remembered what room you're in.
"Wait, but baby, isn't this your workshop room? Where are you gonna put your table and all your stuff?" The room wasn't as big as the bedroom, but it could fit a few more larger pieces of furniture.
"Don't worry about it. I'm putting my stuff against one of the other walls. Thinking about putting a curtain or something so that the your side doesn't get messy." You looked up at him with a sweet smile that can make Kidd say yes to anything you ask.
"Thank you, I really mean it. It means a lot to me that you would gift me something like this." With that, you planted a sweet kiss on his lips, which he happily reciprocated.
Kidd hummed against your lips with a smug smirk, "yeah? Wanna show me how thankful you are?" A gasp ripped past your lips as he smacked your ass again.
"Mmm, I knew you would like this outfit. But no! I need to show you the decor I got first!"
"Babe, c'mon! That can wait." Kidd groaned as he tried to reach for you, but you simply walked past him and out the door.
"Nope! You're gonna fall asleep if I don't show you now, so come here!" Your voice echoed down the hallway while Kidd groaned.
Even though he can't take you to bed yet he still wouldn't trade moments like these for anything else.
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hermitw · 19 days
Jjk theories / opinions / thoughts part 3 uwu (they are becoming more stupid and less coherent, let's go)
-Gege began the rumor about sukuna drinking his own milk. It is TOO MUCH OF SOMETHING GEGE WOULD SAY I cannot be convinced otherwise
-Gojo's twink death happened in the prison realm
-kenjaku was involved in founding the star religious group. He's already been making pacts with sorcerers for a thousand years, so putting him in the Nara era isn't a stretch. We already know he made several attempts to interrupt the star plasma vessels. (yes I blame him for every thing ever. His fault. And I think he'd rather watch things crumble than do the work directly bc then it's like a game, unexpected things happen and it's more interesting. Bro is always playing games even with curses smh)
-Hakari would have started a fight club to fund Kirara's transition. Idk if the higher ups would have had issues w trans students or just with Hakari's unconventional domain and methods (not hesitating to lose a foot bc he'll get it back, for example), but Gojo called them a lot of variations of conservative idiots so it seems likely I think. And they left the school before she even came out, bc Panda didn't know.
-kinda unfair that Yuta gets to transfer into Gojo with his best outfit on, he didn't have to dress like Edward Cullen for years to get there (pls don't get offended I swear to God it's a joke but also I do kinda feel this way lmaoooo)
-how the fuck do nanako and mimiko's technique work? They're twins right? I get the feeling like Mimiko can't use one on her own, but she likes to threaten people with her doll and Nanako can hang people with it. I rly wish we got to see them more (I want to believe they survived sukuna bc Geto would have prepared those girls to stay safe, maybe there's just a time lag or something pls)
IN THE AIRPORT SCENE there's even Toji but those girls are not there so that gives me hope I kajahxkakdn (I get that maybe it's Gojo's mindscape but how would he have known that Haibara showed up to Nanami? It's not just his imagination imo, those girls are alive, I need them to be.)
-I miss rainbow dragonnnnnnnn I'm so sad and still mad at toji (despite my theory that he lost himself bc the worm is banana fish I'm just bitter lmao)
-I'm so fucking sad that we didn't get to see Hanami's domain. So I made one up myself but I don't have a name for itnkajsxjskmax I just think Hanami needed a redemption arc like Choso got :(((
-the other dubs are so fkn good that when I'm tired of it I'll just play that shit in another language. The first minute of the series in French tho made me laugh so hard I had to change it. But the exchange event in German was so good
-remember when Megumi brought out Max Elephant against Noritoshi Kamo? It's like. He knew that the blood manipulation weakness was water. Maybe that's a benefit of growing up in one of the 3 major clans.
-I feel like no one ever talks about how Megumi lost Orochi AND one of the demon dogs that was with him since he was a kid when he also watched Sukuna rip out Yuuji's heart. Like we all talk about how he gets more upset over losing animals than people but all 3 of those events at once... I was rly sad at first bc I wanted to see the snake more too.
-Megumi's head bleeding in every fight for most of the anime is meant to represent that his weakness is in his head.
-when it's raining, that shows that the characters are up against something bigger than they are prepared for. (I made a whole list of every use of water and its symbolism but God I feel insane)
-the shibuya arc hurts less to watch after the first 5 times (I think? I'm on My 9th watch and I think 2 1/2 read. It's hard to keep track at this point)
-I want to see the extended mahoraga vs sukuna fight in theaters I'm so jealous oh god
-I cannot be convinced that a single character in this show is heterosexual. Everyone is gay except for hakari ig but he's an ally so
-I think that Miguel and Larue might be together but idk
-kinda weird that no one mentioned nanako or mimiko (like how no one mentioned todo and he was fiiiiiine I knew he was having fun in the culling game the whole time)
-despite how much I love hanami, my favorite animated Gojo scenes are when he is exorcising them. The English dub especially oh god
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oldmanenjoyer · 8 months
Hi it’s the Wally anon! Thank you for answering my question and I wanted to ask for a long request if you’re up for it:
Can you do a Wally x reader who has a secret identity of a supervillain with powers(you can choose the power)? When they are in their disguise, they are loud, bombastic and demanding (like a Disney villain). They don’t hurt anyone but they do often declare the neighbourhood as theirs, demands stuff from the neighbours and ruin major events when they don’t get their way. They even paint on the neighbour stuff to signify that something is theirs. When they are not in their disguise, they are nice, helpful and shy to cover their tracks and no one would guess their true identity. I like the idea of The neighbours talking together about how the villain( you can choose the supervillain name) is such a terrible person and how they plan to get them back while the culprit is helping them bake a pie while they rant. They would never know until the reader falls for Wally. They continue get closer to him and he falls for them as well until after a while, he finds out about their secret( you can choose how he finds out). He then confronts them in their disguised form as they kidnap his friends and he exposes them in secret and says he wouldn’t like to get closer to a bully and they start to go through a redemption arc. All of this is your choice. I’m just giving the form and I want to see it in your writing. I’m excited about it if you ok with taking it on.
No one in the Neighborhood truly understood you. Antagonist as you were, none of them seemed to get that in order to have balance, good needed to be compared to bad. How could you be happy without being sad first? You tried to show them, donned silly outfits and a mask to flock throughout the neighborhood and cause mayhem, truly terrible things that showed them how true happiness felt.
And it worked! Your displays of terror led to the neighborhood coming closer together. Julie and Frank would work together to fix decorations. Poppy and Howdy would remake ruined food. Barnaby and Eddie would call a truce long enough to fetch anything anybody needed. Sally would happily lead the entire gang along. And you? You'd find yourself working with Wally, at the behest of the others.
Seems your feelings weren't as hidden as you thought. But that's okay. None of them suspected you. Why would they? You were what Julie liked to call a shrinking violet. Too much attention had you cowing away from a group activity, no matter how fun. You blushed easily, held hands with everyone, you cried when the villain destroyed your work. You were the last suspect to be on the list.
So how did he figure you out?
Wally was too observant for his own good. His eyes bore into you like black holes, sucking in all the light around them.
You clutched the crumbled paper heart in your hands, ripping it in half.
"You're a bully." Wally said, matter of fact.
"I'm helping the neighborhood." You retorted, ignoring the hollowness in your chest. "Things are too. . . peaceful. Without drama, without a common enemy, you'd start hating one another!"
"No." Wally said with a shake of his head. "We wouldn't. Because we're friends. Friends trust each other." He glanced away, like he couldn't be bothered to look at you. It hurt more than it should. "I trusted you. I thought you trusted me."
You hiked your shoulders up. "The world-"
"The neighborhood loves you." Wally interrupted. He turned away fully now, and you get so mad. But who were you mad at? Him? The world? Yourself? You couldn't tell. "But you don't love the neighborhood, huh?" He walked away, and you stood amidst your destruction, unsatisfied with this result. "Goodnight, neighbor."
You cringed. Guess first name basis was lost.
As you were left alone, your emotions began to rise over you, strong waves ready to drown you in their intensity. The disappointment Wally showed somehow made all of your intentions seem. . . insignificant. You didn't feel justified anymore, even if you knew how things would turn out tomorrow. That is, if Wally didn't tattle on you.
You shook your head.
Maybe. . . maybe you should rethink some things. Maybe the neighborhood was due some peace from villains and drama. And maybe the neighbors, who were all so kind to you, deserved apologies. Sincere ones.
But that could be handled in the morning.
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mediadollz · 8 months
ALL OCS FEATURED ! ... @boycandie + @d3caynluv + @urmykrushhh + @blundie + @plasticflwrs + @chloekwon +_@killltheidol + @snspice + @f1-chicane + @pink-ttes + @ying-yang-qiao + @hshtag + @p-nkified !
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Lunarix has released their star-studded promotional video for their second full album: CIRCUSIX!
Set the backtrack of the interesting instrumental of their title track, the video takes the viewer through the CIRUSIX. Dressed in an extravagant ringmaster's outfit, Evie stands in front of a red curtain sweeping her arm around as the curtain behind her opens, revealing a magical carnival scene.
The arc above the entrance reads "CIRUSIX" before the camera takes the audience around the carnival.
In a quiet and dimly lit corner, Yoomi, dressed in an intricate mystical fortune teller costume, sits at a mystical booth with an aura of enchantment. Her piercing gaze remains fixed on a sparkling crystal ball, which seems to hold the secrets of the universe.
Drew from Arm Candy, intrigued by the mysterious allure of the fortune teller's booth, steps forward. Yoomi beckons him to take a seat. She peers deeply into the crystal ball and begins to reveal his fortune in her crystal ball: "After chasing anything, thing, thing, don't get burnt out."
After the cryptic message appears, the pair look up from the crystal ball and at one another in confusion before Yoomi shakes her head, putting her hand out to get paid, face unamused. Drew seems to be knocked out of his confusion, groaning inaudibly as he leans back in his seat and digs in his pocket to pay the fortune teller.
With a sweeping transition, the audience is taken outside a house of mirrors the sign on the front reading "Should we have fun today?" before going inside. Oliver and Salem from Plastic Flowers navigated through a funhouse of distorted mirrors. Their rushing and confusion mimicked that of the soundtrack playing behind them.
Each reflection revealed a different aspect of their relationship, adding a surreal touch to the video. Oliver crashes into a mirror when running towards what he assumed was Salem, falling to the ground while Salem stands behind him, looking a bit annoyed by his comedic antics.
The camera returns outside to the high-striker game, where Elliot confidently takes a swing at the Hi Striker with a comically oversized mallet. The crowd cheers in response to his showmanship, even though he hasn't hit the bell at the top. The body of the Hi Striker reads, "Na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na-na, higher!"
Unexpectedly, Laila emerges from the excited crowd, strutting forward as if she owns the entire carnival. With a sly smirk and raised eyebrows, she takes the mallet from Elliot, who appears a bit taken aback.
With a mischievous glint in her eyes, Laila raises the mallet high above her head, drawing a drumroll from the enthusiastic crowd. She brings it down with a thunderous slam, hitting the bell with a resounding ding. Laila's beaming smile lights up the carnival, and the crowd goes wild with cheers and applause. Elliot, slightly surprised, can't help but smile down at Laila, shaking his head in amusement.
Honey Blonde from Bottle Blondes takes her position behind the ticket booth of the carnival's most heart-pounding rollercoaster. The line to experience this thrilling ride snakes around the block, with anticipation running high. Honey Blonde, wearing her signature playful smile, is ready to bring joy and excitement to every rider.
As the line advances, SNS' Yuki and Mika approach the ticket booth, their arms linked with excitement. They eagerly hand over their blue-colored tickets, which curiously read, "Don't be too too too surprised!" Honey Blonde takes their tickets with a grin, ripping them in her characteristic energetic style. She points the girls towards their seats with a wink, her excitement matching theirs.
With a dramatic flair, Honey Blonde presses a big green button on the control board in front of her. The rollercoaster roars to life, and with a sudden burst of speed, it launches Yuki and Mika on a wild and exhilarating journey. The rush of wind blows Honey Blonde's hair back, and for a moment, she's taken by surprise, blinking in astonishment at the sheer intensity of the ride.
Regaining her composure, she turns to greet the next rider with a mischievous smile.
The camera moves swiftly to the giant Ferris Wheel where Aeri from KRUSH and Selene from Totally Pink sit together, both eating from two perfect-looking rainbow snowcones. As the Ferris Wheel spins, the girls laugh, playfully feeding one another and pointing down at the carnival goers below them. As Selene leans over the edge of her seat, her snowcone drops on the head of Yoora from Hashtag. Reiko gasps, jumping away from her friend before covering her mouth in shock. Reiko begins to laugh at Yoora's misfortune, causing her groupmate to glare at her before starting to chase her through the crowd.
While dashing through the bustling carnival crowd, Reiko bumps into the elegant and impeccably dressed Chloe Kwon, who playfully stumbles a few steps before gracefully stepping onto a stage platform. The crowd erupts in cheers and applause as Chloe makes her entrance. With a dazzling smile, Chloe approaches a table adorned with various sharp objects. In a display of showmanship, she grabs a knife, and the crowd's excitement reaches a fever pitch. With flair, she twirls the knife in her hand.
In a panning shot, Jisu of Rejects stands proudly in front of a spinning target, channeling his inner bravery and anticipation. Chloe takes a deep breath as she prepares for her daring act. With expert precision, she hurls the knife towards the target, and it lands with a satisfying thud, landing right next to Jisu's head. Jisu playfully shuts his eyes tightly, creating a humorous moment in the act.
The audience bursts into laughter and applause. With her signature smile still intact, Chloe confidently struts over to Jisu, getting up close and personal. They lock eyes, sharing a moment of playful tension before Chloe smoothly removes the knife from the target. As the crowd roars with excitement, Chloe and Jisu exchange a playful nod of approval. Chloe takes a gracious bow, and the audience's cheers become a deafening crescendo, celebrating the thrilling and fun-filled carnival spectacle.
The audience is ushered into a vibrant circus tent adorned with colorful banners and twinkling lights. High above the crowd, Siyeon and Taerin, dressed as enchanting aerial ballet performers, soar gracefully through the air in vibrant, candy-colored silks. Their performance exudes energy and high-spirited fun, perfectly complementing the lively instrumental accompaniment.
As the girls execute their breathtaking routine, the crowd is captivated by their incredible agility and synchronized movements. Their silks flutter through the air, creating a mesmerizing dance of colors. The audience can't help but cheer and applaud.
In a playful twist, Siyeon and Taerin elegantly slide down their blue and pink silks, landing gracefully in a flurry of confetti and balloons that rain down on the dirt ground of the circus. They strike a dramatic pose, each in perfect unison, and the audience responds with laughter and applause.
The carnival's spotlight is now focused high above the crowd as Navi, dressed in a sparkling and vibrant blue trapeze artist's costume, prepares to dazzle the audience. The trapeze swings gently, waiting for her to take flight.
In the audience, Charmeine from Pinkettes, Qiao from Aespa, and Mirae from Chicane have taken their seats. They are just as excited as the rest of the crowd, eagerly anticipating Navi's performance.
With a burst of energy, Navi launches herself into the air, executing a mesmerizing series of somersaults and mid-air acrobatics. Her graceful and fearless movements are perfectly in sync with the carnival's lively and enchanting atmosphere.
As Navi swings high above the crowd, Charmeine, Qiao, and Mirae watch in awe, their eyes riveted on the breathtaking spectacle. The carnival-goers around them cheer and gasp in amazement.
Navi's trapeze act is a symphony of colors and movement, matching the vibrant and dynamic music playing behind her. She waves to the crowd once she's finished her performance, smiling adorably and excitedly. As she takes a bow, the curtain closes and we're taken back to the ring master Evie who smiles at the camera.
"Are you ready for this?" She asks with a wink before the video ends, the screen cutting to black.
Thank you to everyone who volunteered their oc to be in this! Yall made this ten times more fun than it should've been 🤍
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traincrashs · 6 days
What are your headcanons for Mr. Puzzles x SMG3?
As the creator of this ship BOY DO I HAVE SOME!!!
TLDR: My puzzl3/adwar3 ship is 100% not for canon they would be AWFUL paired up in canon with the actual trauma puzzles has caused SMG3 and his friends. /srs and this is strictly for an au/fanon where SMG3 is still in his yt arc phase and is still very much evil/does not like smg4 and puzzles is well puzzles wtf bro is still himself. thank you! :3 AGAIN THIS IS FOR ALWAYS YT ARC SMG3 X CURRENT PUZZLES NOT CURRENT SMG3 X CURRENT PUZZLES.
They fucking would dance together and listen to music, 3 would get puzzles into current time music and puzzles would get 3 into old timing songs
I think they would adore each other, 3 would hold puzzles hand often for comfort and closeness and he wants people to know puzzles is his, and puzzles would want to hold 3 all the time like spooning him during sleep and holding his hand, he likes having somebody with him and who loves him after years of not having that.
Puzzles and 3 would lay in each other's arms after they both have a melt down over shared trauma experiences becoming to much, they both share very similar trauma and experiences mainly with yt arc 3 having like same plotline as puzzles arc wise.
Smg3 holding puzzles after he trauma dumps on him. Realizing he doesn't have to escape into a place we're he's loved anymore and can be accepted by another person who experienced the same thing for years. (I dont think ppl realize that in canon 3 was a fucking loner for 6+ years)
I personally think their both autistic in their own ways and often stim in front of each other, puzzles usually rips apart leaf's for stimming or messing with his bowtie/outfit. smg3 often scratches his arms or flaps his hands at random (puzzles does too but at random or when he's excited) or pets eggdog.
Smg3 often pulls at puzzles suspenders to get him down to his height to tell him how much he loves him or to re-direct him when he's being a bitch.
Puzzles calling smg3 shining star or starlight, Smg3 calls him idiot tv and smartscreen.
I often think they plot plans together against smg4 and his friends, and puzzles lets smg3 ramble about his plans and puzzles forms them into more reasonable plans. They do argue a bit but usually puzzles helps smg3 comes to his senses and be realistic.
I feel like 3 lifting up puzzles is so funny just carry him around, Puzzles just so fucking confused he's hella tall but weights less than 3 so 3 can pick him up
I personally do see them both as pansexual lol.
I think puzzles rambles to smg3 about new shows he's been watching and 3 listens to him and same time rambles about how much he hates smg4 and his new intrests in mainly memes (puzzles has no idea how to understand a meme) or shows they both like.
I think Smg3 gave puzzles a new bowtie it being red and puzzles has yet to take it off, has never taken it off unless its washing which is at night when he's powered off.
I think Smg3 dresses up Puzzles in new outfits instead of his same outfit. Often buying him clothes that are in puzzles style but still in style and not to old looking. Puzzles prefers 3's outfit choices because he would personally keep wearing the same outfit for the rest of his days.
Puzzles often brings smg3 roses on random occasions and they go on dates usually restaurants and half the time their just admiring each others sitting across from the other.
Smg3 does kiss puzzles screen and often makes puzzles screen turn to a light pink color and he gets all giggly, he's so love starved bro leave him alonee
I do think they have their fights because their both villians, but none of them have yet to end up with violence or hitting the other. Just a long session of not talking until one of them apologizes or the other lays down with the other as a sorry.
I think at random puzzles face does go to static and it happens in the middle of the night and 3 often bonks puzzles head out of annoyance because it scares him. Like middle of the night all you hear is loud ass static, 3 just jumps up a bit and just hits puzzles tv head to get it to stop. he swears puzzles does it on purpose.
They both often talk to each other about villian plans and places they want to destroy, often blowing up places like towns etc out of boredem. puzzles can spawn in pipebombs/bombs (this is in canon look back at the blue clues video lmao) and smg3 is way to easily skilled to throw bombs and cause havoc and opening portals to new places to destroy.
I do think they got to the dark web together for safety reasons, 3 never minded going their alone but always had this underlying feelings people were out to get him but with puzzles there it makes him feel a lot more safer going their with him.
I do think they often go to big events all dressed up and everything usually smg3 has gotten comfortable to be in dresses at times and puzzles as well at random times.
I do think smg3 detach's puzzles head to give it kisses or to just carry it around, he'll hide puzzles head and it pisses off puzzles put its in the most random places ever. its a game to him and puzzles hates this game.
I do think that puzzles likes to mess with smg3's long hair and often puts it at random into buns. smg3 hates him touching his hair and often grabs his hand before he can touch him.
Also I do think eggdog was overly aggressive to puzzles the first seeing him in the house and kept barking at him and bite his leg, but than after time settled down. Eggpup loves puzzles and would often sleep on puzzles lap.
Im not sorry I love this ship so much they have rotted my brain so badly, I'm happy I made this ship grahhhh :3
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spaceratprodigy · 1 month
HELLOOOO I need more Faith lore. For how lobg was she walking around in the hibernation suit and what was her first non-hibernation suit outfit? What did she order from cantina?
@hibernationsuit 🖤✨
Honestly, Faith wanted out of her hibernation suit as soon as possible. She was hardly making tracks through the Vale before ripping that thing off. Narratively, it makes sense to me if she got her hands on new clothes in Edgewater.
I have a few different outfits I usually like putting her in! But her very first once she's out of the hibernation suit?
Ports of Call: Water Resistant Wear, Casual
"A black vest over-top a red shirt with dark brown gloves, charcoal pants and black boots."
WELL, with my game pulled open here, if we're going strictly off of what you can buy from Amelia, her go-to order at Cantina would be Trip-Teaz or Plain 'n Pure Water. Since, ya'know, she'd only be selling Spacer's Choice beverages at the bar. But you and I both know she's secretly fond of keeping Amelia company more than the drinks.
For a little bonus, her actual booze order would be Rum and Somethin' (Rizzo product), but she isn't opposed to Iceberg Aged Whiskey (Glacial Age product). Realistically, when alone, Faith only drinks very little. For personal reasons, she takes having self-control over her alcohol consumption very seriously. Which is a battle she loses during Death Wish Arc, and why afterwards she tends to only drink if Max is there to be her accountabilibuddy, because she feels like she can't trust herself after breaking when she tried for so long to not fall into that place. Also why Max takes any booze out of her quarters and keeps it in his own stash to remove the temptation, after a long conversation with her about how the thirst for it gets to her.
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amingethia · 5 months
@meepmoopmaap so I tried all three picrews.
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This one is Dewdrop, she’s in my first mlp fanfiction (Find Your Spark) and first let me tell you I really tried to find a combo of outfit pieces that all were A) the same or a similar shade of blue and B) combined together to look like her blanket. Alas.
Anyway I’m still figuring out her entire lore but for now it’s what’s in the story. She’s the youngest princess of the neighbouring kingdom to Equestria called Kiang (also jumped through HOOPS to find a horse-related name to call this kingdom) despite being an Earth Pony, because in Kiang you have to earn wings and unicorn horns through acts of service, especially if you want to be an Alicorn, which, you cannot rule a piece of Kiang unless you are an Alicorn because that’s the ultimate symbol of royalty, (a lot like Equestria). Also there’s Earth Pony magic and yes I ripped that straight from the newest generation, fucking bite me.
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The other two picrews looked like younger ponies than adult ponies to me so this is Flickerspell, and she’s going to show up in my second Mlp fanfiction (Little Teenage Ninja Ponies, yes it is a TMNT crossover, fucking bite me). She’s basically my OC Ming if she were a pony. She was born an Alicorn. (which, btw, just found out apparently in the regular mlp friendship lore, Doesn’t happen. Like, Flurry Heart was an EXCEPTION, which makes me sad that we never saw her grow up because honestly she probably should’ve been the star of her own MLP generation. Honestly, they should have made one between Friendship is Magic and Make Your Mark focused around the only Alicorn BORN an Alicorn in all of Equestria. I need that show)
Anyway, rant over, I digress, Flickerspell was born an Alicorn and abandoned in the forest of Bridlewoods and then Splinter found her and the turtles’ ponysonas and Splinter raise her. I was going to make them all move to Ponyville and Flickerspell be friends with the Cutie Mark Crusaders (Applebloom, Sweetie Belle and Scoot-a-loo) and have a whole chapter arc around the episode they got their cutie marks and she wasn’t there and now she’s the only pony her age without one yet. But I’m kind of torn because I also really do want a focus on Flurry Heart because if both of them are the only two ponies BORN Alicorn, they could be special together and we can still have the whole “my best friend(s) got their cutie mark before me/without me, and theirs are awesome and mine is going to be lame if I ever get it at all” arc.
Im not sure. If Flickerspell goes with the Crusaders I may end up writing aNOTHER mlp story about Flurry Heart because I honestly need that.
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I don’t know who this is. I wanted it to be Flickerspell because the hair shape matches better than the other one but this picrew didn’t have any streaks options (and she has green streaks in her blue hair) also this one’s hair looks more purple than blue. We could say this is Dewdrop after she gets her wings and horn (because as much as I live for the angst of inferiority complexes, Dew WILL get a happy ending, I need that in my Mlp fanfics) but the picrew looks too much like a young pony and Dewdrop is about Twilight and gang’s age during her story.
Since she’s kind of a mix of the two, I’m going to call her Sea Holly (one of the MANY names I went through when trying to come up with Flickerspell’s). The other two don’t have special abilities yet (Dewdrop’s is a surpriiiiiiise) so Sea Holly’s special ability is going to be that she can control and speak to all the sea creatures and control all the oceans and rivers and bodies of water (she’s an Alicorn, after all) and her cutie mark is a water drop with a sea creature within (a turtle? A dolphin? A fish or a shark? Can’t decide)
IDK maybe Sea Holly can show up in one of the MLP stories one day or be Flickerspell and Flurry Heart’s third friend. Who knows? Not me.
I am however going to save her lore in my notes because I came up with this one the spot and I love it.
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kurisus · 6 months
Noragami reread: Volume 17 & 18 thoughts
Probably the most "I want to throw up and blow up" volumes out of the series.
Tenjin's speech about humans becoming cruel when they have something they want to protect...oh I'm so sad.
These are the volumes where we see shinki acting against their gods' plans--Yukine plans to let Father live to save Yato's life, while Kazuma plots to stop Bishamon to save hers. Kazuma even stings Bishamon over this, a first for him. It was also preceded by him lying to another god that he would let her be subjugated.
Meanwhile, Yukine doesn't sting Yato but he's really not happy about Yato opposing heaven either, because all he wants is to protect him, and here Yato is throwing his life on the line for someone who's trying to cut his. I am once again banging my fists on the ground.
We also have Kiun, who deliberately lets himself get hit to hopefully spur Takemikazuchi to action, but he just gets mad Kiun didn't become a hafuri. However, through Take's tantrum after unlocking his true power, they're able to come to a understanding of sorts.
This is the most intense ceasefire battle ever, lol. Yato basically beats Take into submission because he doesn't want Bishamon to get killed, Yukine wants a ceasefire so Yato doesn't get killed, and Take is just here to have a good time and make Kiun a hafuri.
The art goes insanely hard. All the fighting between Take and Yato is so detailed, the lighting is phenomenal, and the part of me that isn't jaded thinks it would look so cool animated, since Take is basically described to move as quickly as lightning, plus there are all the panels of him and Kiun striking the ground as dragons. Too bad there never was an anime...
Okay so the apology between Kazuma and Yukine didn't happen in a FORMAL sense, but Kazuma tells Hiyori he acknowledges them as allies still, gets her out of danger, and provides an incantation to block Kiun's lightning, for which Yato and Yukine are very grateful.
I think a lot about how Yato was so excited about his Kamuhakari outfit, and it gets progressively more shredded as the fight intensifies. He gets his arm almost ripped off, limbs sliced, neck cut, loses his ponytail, and the entire white covering on the right side, then on both sides, falls away. He truly can never catch a break, but I feel like his injuries get worse every arc.
Although I talked about Yato and Yukine having differing ideals, they both very much protect each other here, and their ideals haven't yet caused them to have a falling-out. Yukine fights like hell against Take and Kiun, while Yato shields Yukine from the lightning strikes despite his own injuries, and of course he reassures him that everything will be okay when the heavens capture them. BLOWING UP!!!!!!!
Shinki are people who wanted to live, so it stands to reason they'd fear death in the afterlife and thus why they're weak to Chiki. Nana is a rare case of someone who wanted to keep living, but doesn't mind if she dies either, so she's satisfied by the knowledge that she died fighting once already.
Anyway Kazubisha. Kazuma dying before he could marry the girl he loved, so he attaches himself to Bishamon without realizing why--a parallel to Daikoku as well, who died before having kids of his own so he now has an urge to parent that won't ever go away. Man, no wonder Kazuma is so unhinged.
Everything about Kazubisha in volume 18 makes me want to blow up. They're so tender yet so ruthless with each other. They're so determined to protect each other that they keep throwing themselves into danger. They want nothing more than to be a husband and wife. These flashbacks are interspersed with present-day pain. I'm crying.
Everything about Yato and Yukine in volume 18 makes me want to blow up even harder. For once in his life Yato thinks he's actually going to protect his loved ones, and then...box. In so much pain he can barely move or speak, as Yukine relives his final, terrible moments. Watching as his friends sacrifice their shinki for his sake, because he failed them again. Begging Amaterasu to let Yukine out, then very nearly attacking her and certainly sealing his fate. Oh my god. Oh my god. I need to take deep breaths. This volume is the absolute pits. Worst for my mental health. Dropping it in a fire. Et cetera.
Discord reactions. There are a lot more I didn't even screenshot. I was really going through it.
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sinhal · 1 year
Okay I’m thinking about Dark Crisis and the part with dick and Bruce and the candle (if you haven’t read it, the candle is the candle that Dick swore his oath to be Robin over and Bruce breaks the candle after Dick shows it to him, yes that is an asshole move).
But its so interesting to me in light of Dick and his relationship with things. He is shown to not be tied down that much to one place, he doesn’t unpack his stuff a lot or years after he moves, but he tries to showcase his love for his parents in stuff. Both his nightwing suit and his Robin outfit showcase his love he has for his first family (the colors are shown to be like his parents and the Discowing neckline is like suspiciously like his mom’s but thats for the trans essay), and the Nightwing suit in particular represents his love for his new family (ie Bruce and Clark (the Clark part is particularly interesting but it deserves its own essay because oh my god that)) which is made even more poigant in later versions of the Nightwing origin, Bruce kicked him out or drove him away depending on which version you prefer but Dick is still representing Batman in his outfit! He is a blend of all his parents, particularly his father figures! He is not inherently a sentimental object man but he showcases it with his father figures (and his mother but the parallels go really good with Bruce and John).
Beyond his outfits, there is one main object that almost Dick stan references him having-The Flying Graysons poster. Here is a physical reminder of his parents love for him, and how he was part of a family, and it is a representation of trust, his parents trusted him to join their act at such a young age. But...but it is destroyed alongside all of his other possessions during the Blockbuster arc. He doesn’t have that anymore because someone else took it away without his permission, and this is directly paralleled with Bruce! Bruce took the choice away from him, he snapped the candle in half, the candle that Dick had been keeping for 20 years because it meant something to him, it was a representation of Bruce’s trust in him! Bruce broke that trust trying to say that Dick was the true light, he became the blockbuster of the story, destroying Dick’s things without his permission. I don’t really know what conclusion we’re supposed to draw here, it has something to do with trust and control over how that trust is shown (and how physical objects aren’t always needed but they still mean something!). Its about the parallels and how always in the end Dick’s possessions, the very things he chooses to take with him all the times he has moved are ripped away in the end, even by those he trusted.
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charmixpower · 2 years
So I've been thinking about that time loop au and nfksjdd
Ok so the obvious way this would go down is that the Winx, at the end of season 4, wake up back at the start of the show
Bloom is really confused as to why Mike and Vanessa bought her the same bike?? And then Stella falls in, in her intro outfit, and they're like "Wait. What day is it?" And they both realize they've gone back in time
Aisha, waking up in her old bed room to her nanny lecturing her about all the rules about sleeping and waking up shes not following: OH FUCK NO
Aisha, calling Stella after she jumped out of the window: Pick me up
Stella: I'll pass off Aisha as my friend, and I'll just tell Griselda that I found a fairy on earth. What the fuck is she going to do? Let the last earth fairy flounder
Bloom: oh my god are we just gonna have to let Faragona lie to us
Aisha, vibrating in her seat: I get to be included on the early stuff
Tecna, Flora and Musa are already in the dorm room like GUYS WHAT THE FUCK
and the princess trio is like WE KNOW
Tecna: does this mean we have the upper hand over the Trix???
Musa: oh god, pre-therepy Riven
Flora: we have to re take all our classes
Stella: We! Are! In! Hell!
I like to imagine they're still in their magic winx form just so they can bitch about it bdnsns and complain
The Trix are technically stronger than them because the Winx are in their weakest form, but the Winx have years of experience fighting them so it's weirdly even
Stormy: something fuck-y is going on with thes girls
Icy: Darcy, figure it out
Darcy: Fine
Later, when Darcy is trying to sneak into their dorm
Flora: what about Roxy
Bloom: oh my god, what about Roxy
Anyways it's just the girls being unhinged during s1
The Trix probably still manage to steal Bloom's power and they're all very grumpy about it
And then they try to warn everyone during s2 and NO ONE LISTENS, Rip
The Winx:
The Winx: Don't you try to double back, I already despise you
Bloom: wait, how the fuck are we going to achieve Charmix
Musa: *screams into a pillow*
Dark Bloom wouldn't happen. S2 would be a fucking mess
Musa still gets her consert
Stella, Bloom and Aisha conspire to stop the downland plot
Bloom: we're still gonna fuck with Mitzi, right?
Musa: yeah obviously
Griffin would be so dumbstuck during twinning witches bc they act like a well oiled machine
There's not much they can do about Valtor, they just have to suffer though season 3
Stella, grabbing Chimera: Never talk to me or my little sister ever again
Aisha is grinding her teeth at the state of Andros but can't do much, but she does grab Nabu early on into the season
Nabu is all like ⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄-⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄ bc the coolest fairy he's ever met is suddenly hitting on him and what deity's favor did he happen to garner
Stella doesn't get turned into a monster at her princess ball by Cassandra, anything that ruins my sister au will be changed no exceptions, bc Stella was expecting it
Enchantix is gained different but still gained bc these girls don't know what self preservation is
Fighting Valtor is easier because they know what he's gonna do next, but still hard bc Valtor
But since they already know about the water stars and aren't gonna believe Valtor's bullshit, after they all get Enchantix they nearly murder him and he gets away in his true form gravely injured in panic mode
S4 is so easy however bc they just grab Roxy, get the Believix powers, don't free the earth faries until after they've kicked the wizards back to where they belong and then deal with the earth faries
Nabu is closely guarded at this time, he is very confused, but appreciates that every one seems to care about him so much
And then what ever caused the loop doesn't happen again and everything is a-ok dksndjsjd
I'm also thinking about Riven getting to naturally go though a redemption arc with out Darcy setting him back and pushing him forward
Everyone keeps mixing up Sky and Brandon's names, and Brandon knows they know but doesn't know how
Bloom meets up with Diaspro instead of fighting her, and that plot point gets so much weirder
Bloom: btw I'm gonna free you from your abusive parents
Diaspro: um?????
They'd be so happy when they get Enchantix back, bc they'd feel so squished in magic Winx and Charmix
During the first movie when Riven starts acting weird, Aisha just puts him in a bubble bc Musa will not be getting stabbed again
They speed run that too jngkwkekem
This is all very amusing to me
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catierambles · 1 year
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Green energy swirled around him, the pain fading as his wounds mended.
"Focus on the Red Mage!" Someone yelled.
The what?
Ringed lightning arced down from the sky, striking a group of their attackers and paralyzing them. A focused gust of air whipped past, sending them flying.
A blur rushed past him, the woman wearing a curious crimson outfit, a rapier in her hand that was currently speared through the throat of a bandit. Ripping it out, she dashed to another, dispatching attacker after attacker with slashes of the rapier before back flipping away through the air, gesturing with the glowing foci and making an explosion rock through the air, making the remaining crumple to the ground, their corpses charred and smoking.
She paused for a moment, rapier out and foci hovering over her palm before she sheathed both, hanging the foci from her belt and slipping the rapier through a loop on her opposite hip.
"Is everyone all right?" She asked, turning to them.
"What..." Ciri started, looking at her with wide eyes, "Was that?"
"Red Magecraft." Yennefer said with a roll of her eyes. "Too dramatic by half."
"Pleasure to meet you too." The woman said, also rolling her eyes.
"Nice hat." Jaskier said, "In fact that entire outfit is just...spectacular."
"Why, thank you." She said with a smile, kicking her foot up a little. "Well, everyone is talking normally aside from the brooding one, so I'm assuming everyone is unharmed."
"Yes, th-thank you." Ciri said and she gave her gentle smile.
"You are very welcome, child."
"So, Red Mage," Yennefer started, crossing her arms over her stomach, "You order still self-righteous and meddlesome?" The Red Mage looked her over quickly.
"So, Sorceress, is Aretuza still teaching impressionable children to wield powers they can barely control and then whining and stomping their feet when it inevitably goes wrong?" She asked sweetly and Yennefer glared at her, but didn't respond.
"Thank you for your help." Geralt said and she looked at him.
"He speaks." She said, "And you are very welcome, Sir...Witcher?" She ended it with a question and he nodded.
"Can you teach me how to do that?" Ciri asked and her dark brows jumped in surprise.
"You wish to learn Red Magecraft?" She asked and Ciri nodded. "I certainly can, if you've the aptitude for magic, but know that my teaching style is a practical one. You learn best by doing."
"I understand."
"It won't be easy, you will want to give up more than once, but the sense of accomplishment more than makes up for the hardships." She said and Ciri nodded again. "Then, yes, I would be honored to teach you Red Magecraft."
"Thank you!" Ciri said
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hongchenzhu · 1 year
Filler Chapter part 3.5
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Same deal as before
If you aren't what I describe you as then you can change it
this includes outfit
The hair and six eyes won't be changed cause there plot-related
A filler one where the top five go sight-seeing in Japan and come across some curses and meet Y/n with Yuji
Another cold, sunning day in Japan. The top five soccer players are walking on the busy streets of Shibuya (no I’m not writing the Shibuya arc … At least not yet 😭)
This is after the day they easily won 100 million and 25 thousand dollars, so there rich 🤑
“Japan is such a vivid country!” Said Loki who had a smile graced his face as he looked around, busy streets, busy stores. 
Soon the hustle and bustles of the streets faded away as the five entered a shopping mall. 
“Is it just me, but why does the atmosphere in here different from outside?” questioned Luna
“Yeah, it feels almost” Cassabo rubbed his arms to soothe his inner turmoil “sinister” 
“Do you guys hear that?” 
“Hear what Luna?” asked Adam “There’s no one in this building but us!” 
“I think that’s the problem Adam” whispered Loki, with a scared face “There is no one but us in this building.” 
“What was that?” cried Dada, the mall’s pillar shaken almost like an earthquake. The boy was desperately trying to find something to hold on to. The ground continued to shake and a creature flew up from the middle of the mall, about 9 feet tall creature with abnormal skin colour, a disgusting creature with twisted arms. 
The top five looked at that flying creature “WHAT IS THAT!” 
Yeah, the boy starts a shouting match. (does this end well … no) due to the shouting the creature noticed the 5 (dumb idiots 😒) which caused the creature to go their way. Out of nowhere, a shadow through itself into the creature crashing it into a wall. 
As the smoke disappeared a figure rose from the ground, the creature's head in its hands “Oh, it's you”
“Your that girl,” said Loki with a deep breath 
“Gojo Y/n, nice to meet you, again”  The five looked at her again, hand covered with purple gu. 
Today she is wearing a pair of black fitted pants and a simple white tunic that was free from stains and black silhouettes and a pair of black framed glasses. 
“Are you all right?” asked Loki 
“Me?” she pointed at herself “I’m fine.” 
“How? You crashed into that creature.” 
“I see.” Y/n pushed her glasses up “You guys are court in the crossfire.” 
“What do you mean?” 
“One moment Loki.” Y/n silenced Loki 
“Yuji, come over here.” Shouted Y/n into the other side of the mall. 
The sound of quick footsteps is heard 
“Y/n senpai, you called.” 
“Yuji, I need you to look after these troublesome humans.” Y/n pointed at the group of five, with absolutely disgusted and despite expressions. 
“Hey, Hey you have to give us a reasonable explanation of what that thing was.” 
Y/n glasses glided down from her nose, her six eyes peering into the souls of the top five 
“It’s best if you forget what just happened, after all this was just a coincidence.” 
“Do you think we can forget what we just saw?” Luna pointed at the creature that was dead on the floor “We saw you rip off that creature's head, and you're telling me that you do that on a day-to-day basis.” 
“I mean, that's kind of true.”  deadpan, the most deadpan expression they could give 
“Y/n senpai what do I do with them?” “Yuji, you stay here and make sure they don’t die and I’ll deal with the special grade.”
“Stay here,” Y/n points at Yuji “he will protect you and make sure you don’t die.” Without waiting for a reply Y/n left. 
We finally get to see Y/n in action (yah)
after this chapter, I plan for a bit of a training arc before writing for the Japan-U20 arc
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isfjmel-phleg · 1 year
I recently acquired a collection of the Reign of the Superman arc, and there were some concept sketches in the back, including Kon's design, which features some interesting notes from artist/co-creator Tom Grummett.
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Mike: This design is an amalgam of what I thought were the best elements of those 'napkin sketches' we talked about. Any comments or suggestions are welcome & appreciated. Personally, I think this looks great! In addition, an independent poll (mine) of 10-16 year olds I know rated this outfit as 'cool.' --Tom
I love that Grummett ran the design past young people to verify if it was indeed sufficiently cool. This ensemble is 100% certified 90s youth-approved.
Some of the ideas for the earring include 1) a small 'hoop' ring 2) a 'stud' type earring 3) a 'Superman' symbol (although we'll only see it in extreme close-ups)
Note that at this stage there is no mention of the earring's being a replacement for a tag, which would first appear at the end of Kon's arc before his solo. The hoop was a suitable option, I think. Generic enough for him to acquired for himself easily but with more interest than a stud. I can't see Cadmus equipping him with a special S earring.
Superboy will 'layer over' his basic uniform with 'accessories' like the jacket, sunglasses[,] ripped jeans, et al. For two reasons 1) to satisfy his own sense of 'style.' 2) to hide out from Cadmus search teams. These outer layers will tend to get shredded or busted away in heavy combat.
The jacket and sunglasses became part of the iconic look, but ripped jeans were never a thing, not even when he's in civilian clothes. Hiding from Cadmus never happened either; in the final version, they track him down the first day but chose not to take him back quite yet. Everything was still in development at this point, and it's interesting to get a glimpse of what other directions the creators could have gone.
Note to Karl/Mike: If we assume Superboy generates the same aura that his adult counterpart did, his Cadmus-made Superboy outfit will be indestructible. However this property would not extend to his leather jacket, which, like Superman's cape, will tend to show some wear and tear. I visualize a scene where Superboy survives a massive explosion in an attack. And savagely retaliates to avenge his jacket! ("You goons ruined my jacket! I'm gonna kill ya!") Since Ma Kent isn't likely to be sewing leather jackets in any quantity (if at all) they'll be harder to come by than Supes' capes ever were. --Tom
Grummett's visualized scene got incorporated into the final story! And became a running gag. Kon ends up getting a seemingly endless supply of replacement jackets from the news station that's using him, at first. But it's rough having no mother with sewing skills to keep one supplied with clothing!
Some thoughts about 'Project Superboy'... If we run into a timeline problem with a Superboy running around within a week or two of Supes['] funeral (and having Pa Kent's life hanging by a thread for too long a period of time), we may have a way to get around it.
Suppose we say that 'Project Superboy' was begun when Supes was apprehended by the Hounds and brought to Cadmus for study[.] (This was in one of Jurgens' issues, I'm not sure which number) An analysis was done on Supes that formed the basis for the 'Superboy' experiment, which was, by the time of Supes['] death, already underway, with a Superboy in progress. When Cadmus later took Supes['] body after the funeral, a further, more detailed analysis was done. The results of which were used to enhance the Superboy subject, and further accelerated his development.
This suggestion was not used. In the final timeline, Kon was developed to adolescence in under a week after twelve previous attempts failed. However, it's clear that Grummett has given this a lot of thought, and his suggestion for justifying the seemingly too rapid timeline fits plausibly into established information. This is a collaborative process, with writer and artist jointly building character and story.
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mean-and-rwde · 1 year
Volume 9 thoughts
[Spoilers, possibly]
[Rambling ahead]
I don't want to throw out all hope that V9 won't be absolute ""filler"", but it clashes too hard with the high emotions of the V8 finale.
If V8 was trying to be V3 (it failed), then I guess one could say V9 is like V4.
Except V4, while personally being one of my lesser-favorite volumes, does a nice bridge between the absolute chaos of the V3 finale to the V5 chaos. It's slower, a lot more dialogue heavy, and yet manages to remain somewhat true to canon without breaking it too much.
V9, however, looks to be a V1 - V2 ish theme but definitely not nearly as light hearted. I mean, they look to be in fucking wonderland (I heard it's called the Ever After, which is not much better, in my opinion). We've got talking mice among possibly other wild scenarios.
Meanwhile in Remnant (? I don't think Ever After is part of Remnant, I don't know tho):
- Atlas has become Atlantis (to quote my brother, who I guess heard it from a review somewhere?)
- Everyone who didn't fall into The Void / died when Atlas fell is now in Vacuo, the last standing kingdom.
- Vacuo is already very much struggling with what the citizens have. Now what's left of an entire kingdom has been dumped in as well.
- Salem has 2 / 4 relics needed to end the world and is on her way to Vacuo, where the last relic is being held.
- Cinder is still here. Like a damn cockroach
Side rant: I'm sorry, I just don't care for her anymore. I miss V1 - V3 Cinder, who was a legitimate threat and actually scary. Now she's an villain who is funniest when she fails. When I see her now, the sense of dread is more like "ugh this bitch again" instead of before where I was like "oh shit she's back what is she gonna do now?".
Adding her backstory in V7 (or was it V8? I literally can't remember) did nothing for me. It was way too on the nose, there was nothing subtle about it. And the song playing was basically beating the audience over the head with what was happening. It's too late to give her backstory, now it's completely unnecessary. It means nothing. And she has resorted to relying on the maiden powers in fights, makimg her fights boring and monotonous.
Also in Remnant:
- A shit ton of people fell into the void
- Penny is dead. Again. But permanently.
Our mains are in some weird wonderland like world where I'm guessing Neo somehow already has what looks like some sort of gang (in the intro, she's seen drinking tea with a bunch of shadowy people behind her).
There's also the mystery girl, who may have something to do with Ruby.
The intro hints that Ruby has become far more depressed and not nearly as hopeful as she once was. In the beginning, we see her as she transitions between her outfits over the volumes, while her emblem slowly fades.
While her team is running through various scenes, Ruby is dragging her feet, noticeably falling behind everyone else.
I hope this actually goes somewhere and makes Ruby + WBY + Jaune realize that they (especially Ruby) haven't made the best decisions as of late.
I haven't seen Episode 1, but I've heard some bits and pieces of it and I'm generally not thrilled. I know it's only the first episode, but I'm really not down for this whole wonderland shenanigans thing when the real world of Remnant is in danger of literally ending.
I don't know, it really feels like how when the White Fang arc was abruptly cut short and dropped (rip most of Blake's character). Things have gotten too heavy and too much, so the writers cut to something else entirely.
In this case, something comedic (or at least trying to be)
A / N 1: Apparently there's a con-man raccoon called Jinxy who is very... Stereotyped and racist. I have not seen this character, but from what I've heard... I don't think I want to know.
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