#ROTE discord prompt
starling-illu · 7 months
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I decided to draw Keffria and Serilla for Valentine's day inspired by the weekly art prompts in the rote discord <3<3
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heyitsrink · 7 months
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Come along Lacey, there's much to do.
Inspired by the RotE Discord prompt "Unfinished Business." And by business, I mean projects. Patience is the queen of abandoned WIPs.
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naurielrochnur · 7 months
The prompt this week on the rote discord server is "Unfinished Business" so of course I took the opportunity to draw Small Ferret.
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It was an absolute delight to draw Small Ferret in all his throat ripping glory.
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roostercrowned · 7 months
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the first weekly art prompt on the RotE discord was "Valentine," and. well. you see. I'm evil
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everywaythatmatters · 7 months
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Let’s all take a second to imagine a world in which Fitz decided to be romantic for once
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mellowthorn · 7 months
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Patience & Lacey for rote discord's weekly art prompt, "Valentine"
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First Ever RotE Villain Appreciation Event - Coming this Halloween!
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The RotE discord linked HERE showed interest in a RotE Villain Appreciation Event and I am here to deliver with a prompt week! A big thank you to everyone who participated in my poll for the most popular prompts 🎃🎃🎃
You can choose any of the prompts for the day and post a fanwork with them to show your appreciation for your RotE villain of choice. Any fanwork works - from fanart to fanfiction to meta discussions, it's completely up to you!
If you tag this blog, I'll make sure to both reblog your fanwork and share a link in said discord server - unless you don't want me to.
You can find a list of the prompts both above and below:
Friday, October 27: Icy Depths / Origin / Which RotE villain is your favourite?
Saturday, October 28:  Poison / Memory / What’s your favourite RotE villain quote?
Sunday, October 29: Hero of my own story / Crown / What would happen if your favourite RotE villain won?
Monday, October 30: Worship / Fate / AU - Role Reversal
Tuesday, October 31 - Halloween!: Control / The Worst Thing I Could Do / New Clothes, New Self
Happy October!
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tsarisfanfiction · 8 months
Injure, Not Maim
Fandom: Percy Jackson and the Olympians Rating: Teen Genre: Action Characters: Clarisse La Rue, Michael Yew Clarisse revelled in Capture the Flag. For @flashfictionfridayofficial #236: Fight or Flight. It's been a while since I last wrote a FFF prompt and I think I'm out of practice trying to keep the word count down, but I've wanted to write some Clarisse&Michael Capture the Flag for a while and the prompt fit so I gave it a go! Might play with this concept again at some point without a word limit challenge. Reminder that there’s now a discord server for all my fics, including this one!  If you wanna chat with me or with other readers about stuff I write (or just be social in general), hop on over and say hi!
Clarisse revelled in Capture the Flag.  Training was one thing, hours upon hours upon hours of drills and practice against dummies, against her half-siblings, against anyone that could give her a good workout, but it was too tame, too controlled.  The savagery of war ran through her veins, and for all that weapons training was an essential precursor, it wasn’t the same.
Capture the Flag, though?  That was different.  That was the camp divided in two and devolving into chaos as they clashed, no rote drills to be repeated over and over again, but unexpected manoeuvres, carefully laid plans going awry and adaptations forced on the fly.
This was where Clarisse thrived.
Her spear crackled in her hand as she downed a blue-plumed opponent, the electricity more than enough to take them out without maiming them (Chiron was very clear on that one rule, and Clarisse respected the centaur enough to respect it), and she didn’t hesitate as more blue plumes swarmed her.  Their strategy was clearly to overwhelm her with numbers – no-one in camp could take her on one-on-one and be confident of victory, and few could give her an even match – but a spear against swords and daggers gave her the advantage of reach, and for anyone that got in close, she had her dagger, too.
“Bring it on!” she crowed, jabbing the butt of her spear into the armoured stomach of an Athena kid before whipping the electrified shaft around in a sweep that knocked two of her other assailants off of their feet.  This was fun, and the war in her blood sang as she engaged with the next opponent, another Athena kid because Athena kids were children of war, too, and Clarisse might scoff at their incessant need for plans upon plans, but they could fight.
But Clarisse was better, even outnumbered – although that count kept dropping down as she knocked more and more down, leaving a messy ring of limp, twitching demigods around her.
The blue team were never going to win if they all threw themselves at her, leaving the rest of her team free to track down the opposing flag while she whittled down their numbers steadily.  It was a daft tactic, and part of Clarisse knew that Annabeth had to have something up her sleeve, because she always did, but she also knew that she wasn’t letting Annabeth have this victory.  If this was the number of opponents Annabeth had calculated it would take to take her down, Clarisse would just have to prove her wrong.
Clarisse let her face split into a grin, laughter escaping her as she kept fighting, as her spear tore armour and nicked skin – no maiming, but there was a difference between injure and maim, and Clarisse had learnt where the line lay years ago.
Her laughter was cut off by an arrow, skimming across her arm and leaving a bloody furrow, followed by another on the opposite arm, and then another.
She didn’t need to see the gold and red fletching to know exactly who had shot at her.  It was always the same person.  Always.
“Michael!” she roared, batting away the next lunge from her opponent on the ground as she scoured the trees surrounding her for any sign of the Apollo kid.  The arrows had come down to her, and Michael never seemed to touch the forest floor during Capture the Flag, lurking in the trees out of sight like a coward as he rained blunted arrows down on the other team – on Clarisse, whenever they were on opposing teams.
They often were.
Her answer was another volley of arrows, coming from a different direction to the first because of course he was staying on the move.
Clarisse’s other opponents disappeared, but she hardly noticed as she struck out towards the foliage.  Michael had the greater range, but her spear could still reach the branches and he could only navigate them so quickly.
More arrows rained down on her, and if she was anyone else, someone who didn’t have war thrumming through her blood, fight or flight instincts might’ve been pushed towards flight, away from the aerial threat that was difficult to find and even harder to stop, but Clarisse had never chosen flight in her life, and wasn’t about to start now.
She lunged towards the arrows, her armour defecting the blunted tips and the stolen breath from the impacts barely registering, and thrust her spear up.
She made contact with something, something that immediately cursed her out as Michael tried to not get knocked off of his perch on the branch.  Blood ran down the crackling shaft, not enough to be a maim but enough to know that she’d caught Michael, and she yanked it back.  Movement between the leaves gave her visual on where Michael was lurking, and she swung her spear around again, feeling the moment the shaft collided with something that moved with the momentum.
Michael broke his fall with a roll, bow still held loosely in his grip.  One leg stumbled beneath him as he came to a stop on his feet again; a trickle of blood stained the fabric of his pants around a tear. It was a scrape, the same he’d done to her with his arrows.  Injure, not maim.
Clarisse didn’t hesitate for a moment, pressing her advantage, but Michael had long since learnt to merge fight with flight and fled, hauling himself back up into a tree before her spear made contact and letting out another volley of his damn red-and-gold fletched arrows.
“Coward!” she spat.  “Fight me.”
“I don’t need to,” his voice floated towards her, leaves rustling in a tell-tale motion.
She roared.  “Get back-”
Cheering interrupted her, and she whipped her head around to see the distant, tell-tale shimmer of red fabric changing to gold down by the creek.  Michael shifted in the trees, deliberately letting her see the satisfied smirk on his face.
“You lose.”
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ainyan · 2 years
Prompt #27: Hail
to cheer, salute, or greet; welcome;
to acclaim; approve enthusiastically;
showery precipitation in the form of irregular pellets or balls of ice;
a shower of anything;
Dark clouds glowered down upon the thronging crowds. The streets of the Imperial capital were filled to overflowing with citizens and foreigners alike, all held in check by row after row of soldiers, each one neat and prim in their uniform. The air was filled with noise, a cacophonous uproar that was more sound than words - a thousand voices rising in a discordant chorus of conversation in which no individual voice stood out.
Music cut across the racket, and the silence was near instantaneous, the last few words falling raggedly into the swell of strident, martial notes as they marched ahead of the procession. The crowds surged forward, stopping just shy of the Imperial soldiers that stood shoulder to shoulder in the icy air.
As the array of vehicles rumbled down the street, the noise of the crowd once more swelled to awesome proportions. Unlike the earlier dissonance, however, each voice spoke the same words, at the same cadence, with the same reverence and affection.
“Ave, Emperor Solus!”
Hands thrust forward in salute, eyes gleamed with adoration, faces were slack, almost frightening in how blankly enraptured they were by the tall, slim figure who sat in the back of the open-top vehicle, gazing forward with a bored, mildly irritated expression. From time to time, he would raise his hand into the air and give a languid wave, the gesture more rote than acknowledging of the bounty from the citizens around him.
Overhead, the dark clouds offered their own opinion, chill rain falling groundward, ignored by the crowd. Rain turned to sleet, freezing and stinging against the wool and fur and leather of the populace below. Still, their attention was consumed by the man and his parade of hangers-on and sycophants, although for some he was long since passed, and for others he had yet to come.
With a thunderous rumble of discontent, the storm gave over, offering its own greeting to the emperor. And as its acclaim fell upon the uncaring citizens of Garlemald, it never even touched the Emperor, striking the air about him and those within his vehicle, but never directly upon his person.
Solus never even noticed the hail.
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starling-illu · 7 months
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one of my favourite scenes....
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heyitsrink · 7 months
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Passing Notes <3
Inspired by the RotE discord prompt "Valentine." I imagine that Erek and Detozi trained the birds to pass notes to each other while they're working. Old habits die hard.
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slightlycrunchy · 3 years
For @justahufflepufftoday over on my discord who gave me the prompt!
Tags: geraskier, fluff, pre-slash
For Geralt, it’s the swiftness of it that is the most surprising.
Jaskier sits across from him, firelight playing unheeded across his nose, the curves of his cheekbones, the jut of his chin. His eyes are downturned and focused, lips pursed into a moue of concentration, fingers playing deftly at ever-shifting strings. The sound of it has bled into the night air, to the point that Geralt hardly notices now. Soft words spill as Jaskier speaks to only himself.
It has become routine, this. Geralt on one side of the fire, sharpening and oiling his weapons with meditative movement as Jaskier tunes his lute and composes poetry from the corners of his mind. So often there is only silence except for the susurrus of metal and plink of string.
Geralt does not know when he came to expect such peace at the end of a day.
“About time for a new grinding stone,” Jaskier says absently, his eyes never leaving the lute in his hands. Geralt looks down to the tool in his palm that has been worn thin. Jaskier is right, though how he notices such things, Geralt can’t guess. He simply hums in assent.
Geralt looks to the fine wood of Jaskier’s instrument, sees how it shines dully in the light. “About time for a shine-up, bard.”
Jaskier snickers. “Oil has been hard to come by, but you’re right, my witcher.”
Geralt swallows the feeling of failure such a sentence douses him in; contracts have been scarce and with winter coming, goods have needed purchasing that take precedence over luxuries such as polishing oil. A look at Jaskier's new pair of boots that will carry him through the thick snows diminishes the feeling of shame firing in Geralt’s gut, however.
He also doesn’t know when this need to provide for his companion came about so strongly, silent in its creeping, just as this comfortable silence every night has found its way into normalcy. Geralt watches as Jaskier’s eyes find his own, shining bright with flames trapped within.
They take Geralt’s breath away.
Geralt clears his throat, going back to his task. “Yes, well, there’s always the next town.” Always the next day, always the next fight, always another Alderman to beg paltry pay off of. It gets repetitive and dull, grinding on him like the way his sharpening stone reverberates off of his sword. Life as a witcher is made of routine, something Vesemir took great pride in beating into them all as children, and he has always let it go by unnoticed. Living life by rote has always been his foundation.
How a singular bard both managed to interrupt what was and create a pattern of his own, thrusting it into the path of Geralt’s life, leaves him in awe.
The fact that he likes it so much is what shakes him to his very core.
Jaskier goes silent, and eventually Geralt lets himself look up once more. Jaskier has not shifted his gaze, waiting for Geralt to match the playful blue with molten gold. Jaskier smiles, bright and lively and impish in the moonlight above. “You’ve just given me an idea for a lyric, you fantastic man, you.”
And as he begins to play, some nonsense about new beginnings from what Geralt can tell, Geralt relaxes, putting down his work for the day. He rests back on the heels of his palms and listens.
There is always tomorrow, after all.
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wilsons-journey · 2 years
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🚫 Don't repost or use my Artwork without my permission. NO NFT / NO AI! 🚫
Important Tags:
#myArt - Displays art I made #wip - for WIPs of Art #askTheCrew - shows all ask / prompt related post Nametags:
>>> See also “The Cast”, for more information
Valefor and Kying Masterpost Story summary
- - - This Blog is also open for Role Play - just drop in an ask for Wilson or her Friends in the >>> Ask Box I’ll answer with a small doodle :> - - -
I’m from germany - so english is not my native language. But I try my best! My GW2 Handle is  Nektarius.1472 (EU) // Wilson.3184 (NA). I also have discord: wilsonsjourney 
You can also find me here: https://nektarius.carrd.co/ My Main Tumblr Account is @wilson-van-nektarius
--- Pagedoll by @scrumpygoat ♥ // Avatar by @astralarias​ ♥​
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electropeach · 4 years
All right, I've seen an astounding amount of female chatacters of Robin Hobb's fantastic Realm of The Elderlings being bashed lately, and after some deliberation with my Discord Squad, I've decided to Do Something About It™️. Starting May 18th, 2020, I'm proposing a Rote ladies appreciation month: 30 days of fanworks and meta starring the lovely female characters of the Realm of the Elderlings!
I've never done anything like this, so bear with me, but here's what I've got in mind:
WHAT: Rote Ladies Big Bang 2020, 30 days of celebrating these amazing characters being badass and sweet and strong and vulnerable and everything between
WHEN: May 18th to June 16th 2020
WHY: Because complex and human female characters in fantasy literature deserve more love!
WHO: Anyone, but especially you!
HOW: Any way you wish. Fanart, fanfic, podcasts, podfics, meta, crafts, moodboards, scrapbooks, photo edits, gardening done like Patience would do it... Anything goes! And of course it's always more than fine to participate by commenting on and sharing everyone's works. ❤️ Below is a set of prompts for those who want them, but you can work outside them, too!
1. Choose one of the following:
A) Pick a prompt, or several, and get creating! Multiple works more than encouraged, and multiple fills for the same prompt as well!
B) Can't pick a prompt? Message me and I'll choose two for you!
C) Got ideas of your own? Run with them!
2. Create! Go wild!
3. Post your work on your preferred platform (Tumblr, Instagram, AO3...), and remember to post/link it here, too, under the tag #rote ladies big bang 2020 for everyone else to admire and share with others!
Here be the prompts:
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unicornsandphoenix · 6 years
Blog Birthday??!!?!!?!?!
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Helloooooo alll! So not only is today my wife’s birthday (I keep saying wife and I feel like someone is gonna believe it too much someday?), but also! It is my blog birthday!!!!! Fucking shit you guys! Happy birthday to this blog! Some cool facts about this blog:
1) Today, it is 1 year old (shit my dudes, it’s real)
2) It was started purely because I had a story that I wanted to post and I was tired of not reblogging fan content but only liking, so the side blog was created
3) There are so many instrumental people who went into creating this blog oh ho ho let me tell you about it under the cut, sorry to everyone who was tagged I went ham
4) This blog has grown to have more followers than I deserve
5) Has gotten me out of some pretty bad depressive episodes
6) Is my child that I want so very much to nurture
So just.... A very big thank you goes out to everyone seeing this. Because even in indirect ways, you have all affected me and shaped me in some way. So thank you, I love you all! (And of you were tagged, even if you don’t read on, please know you affected something about this blog in the biggest way possible. Thank you from the bottom of my heart <3)
If you’d like, please read to see the complete history about my time on here, but if not, I hope your day is extra happy today! Because mine was! <3
So all in all, after I got to read a ton of fanfics online as a guest on AO3, I finally made my own account that held LITERALLY nothing but bookmarked fics that I really wanted to read. When this happened, I looked to tumblr for more Harry Potter content. Since then I have two fics that I have written for fests (1 and 2), dozens of drabbles and head cannons floating around tumblr  (under #phiawrites), written 10 fics on AO3, gained a thousand followers or so, and smiled so much more often.
About two years ago, I started actively seeking out blogs. The first every drarry blog I followed religiously, with notifications and everything, was @dorthyanndrarry. Her writing INSPIRED ME, and I would stalk her writing blog daily to see if there was new content to enjoy. Next was @l0vegl0wsinthedark, who not only blew me away with writing, but also with support. She was always so so so kind to everyone, and so excited, and her presence was exactly what I wanted to be as well. Of course, with love, I had to obsess over @bixgirl1 next, and obsess I DID. Sometimes I would get so overwhelmed with notifications, I had to turn them all off, but I would always make it a habit to go back and read their blogs later.
The next big big big step for me, was Jeni. I had followed @drarrymylove for a while, and Jeni wrote such amazing and beautiful drabbles for asks, even anon asks, and I was truly so inspired by them. I would send her asks with prompts, and to my utter delight and surprise, she wrote a few out!!!! They are still my favorites, and I still read them from time to time. About 13 months ago, she sent me a message after I left a comment on something of hers, and I grabbed on and held on to the convo like a life raft on open water.
Soon after, I created this blog on January 20th, 2018. I started reblogging like a wildfire, and I could not get enough.
Next, would definitely be staganddragon (not entirely sure if she wants her new blog to be separate now, so I will keep silent on her blog name). Emily wrote amazing songs, like songs I would listen to on repeat over and over and over and over. This was all around 12 months ago, a little after I started to talk with Jeni, and I got so so so inspired by the song Tuesday Morning, that I just HAD to write. I sat down, and in one five hour sitting, cranked out my first fic. Emily was super supportive, so was Jeni (who at this time didn’t know yet that I was this blog, she thought we were two separate people), and I was riding high.
Soon after, Jeni made a post, or said something, about how there should be more fairytales for drarry, and I quite agreed, and reblogged the post saying that if she wrote one for me, I would write one for her. She agreed, and tagged my other blog only to find out it was me all along, and I went into writing my next fic(s). Jeni gifted me The Nightingale, and I gifted her my cinderella AUs that Emily graciously beta-ed and grew to be more out of control than I thought. I was hooked.
After that, things happened fairly quickly for me. I started betaing, I joined the discord, I met so many amazing people through it (especially in the sprinting section), I wrote more, I responded more to content, I created content.
I met @morgendaemmerung89 who drew me this for one of my drabbles (that I still scream about constantly)
I met @gnarf who is an absolute gem, and inspired me so so much with the fact that she essentially TAUGHT HERSELF ENGLISH TO WRITE, and wrote such heart wrenching stories like Harry Potter’s Biggest Fan 
I wrote a birthday present for carpemermaidtales, and a present for @goldentruth813 (who also was so kind and inspiring as a writer and as a supporter with every single person she interacted with. Like... I was in awe. Still am most of the time)
I made friends with @snortinglaughter by telling her we were best friends anonymously and giving her clues as to who I was through anon before she found me (which kinda might be my MO but hey, here we are right?) because Gigi was the absolute best and I was obsessed with her blog as well as her writing such as this one
I was obsessed with @decanthrope‘s ability to say such bizarre things and weave a story out of a single sentence. There is also that way the fics were written so supremely well as well. Take a look
I don’t even remember how I became friends with Jess, @nifflers-n-nargles, but her writing is amazing and I can’t for the life of me tell you how happy I am that I did, as we are married on discord now with @hogwartsfirebolt (who is the sweetest and the loveliest and all around the best ok ok she writes like a dream) Gigi, and @slashfoxes (who had her birthday on my blogs birthday so of course we were destined to be, here is some of her hot stuff)
I talked to @mzuul a few times after I sent her anonymous love letters  through the ask box because her art literally makes my heart stop beating for a few seconds so I can take in how utterly amazing it is, and low key inspired me to try to draw a little on my own
I met @foularcadebanana, whom I love with all of my heart, and literally helped me through so fuckign much its not even funny. She was my biggest supporter over the summer with some fics of mine, and I can’t tell her enough how grateful I am for her. I wrote her this little thing here, and if you haven’t read her stuff, please fucking do here is her Big Bang (yes, she did do that kudos to her)
I met @violetclarity who is a gem of a human, and me in like 4 years I have decided, who writes magNIFICENTLY so please check her out
@xx-thedarklord-xx is literally a sweetheart (though she might try and deny it) and I am still shocked that she actually talks to me because she was a BIG name to me starting off, and I ADORED her blog so much, still do, and her writing skills I would literally kill for
@jadepresley talked to me after I left one too many screaming comment on her current fic (seen here), which is absolutely wild and boggles my mind every time it happens... we are best friends now though. NO ONE CAN TAKE THAT FROM ME
@jet-playin writes the funniest and hottest things, and honestly I loved every bit of our interactions
@assassinsdragons was one of the first blogs I noticed in my notes, and everything she had to say was so incredibly kind, and she writes now tooo!!!
@saintdrarry makes absolutely stunning artwork. I am still in awe looking at it, and you should be too. I am so impressed with this gal, let me tell you, she will go places, and I am so happy to be apart of her life
I really can’t tell you how much these people have affected my life and influenced it for the better. Of course, this isn’t everyone, not even close, but just know how thrilled I was to know all of you. Thank you so so so much.
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starling-illu · 7 months
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some pokemon au rote sketches from last week
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