#Radiant Appliances
Quality Control at Radiant!
“Quality is more important than quantity. One home run is much better than two doubles.” – Steve Jobs
At Radiant, we firmly believe that adherence to world class quality controls and processes enable us to live up to our values of Trust, Transparency, Loyalty and Quality with all our customers thus enabling them to return back to us for world class products and solutions that enable ensures their business to be ahead of the curve at all times. At our factory, Quality consciousness is imbibed into a new joiner from the time he/she accepts our offer to join the organisation by means of detailed instructions and process flowcharts that enables him/her to seamlessly complete the joining process and documentation. During the tenure of the individual at Radiant, he/she is exposed to various facets of quality inside the factory on a recurring, daily and repetitive basis to such an extent that ensuring quality (in all spheres) becomes second nature to all our talent. How do we ensure 100% quality control over every single piece that is manufactured at our facility? We adhere to the below mentioned aspects of Quality Control to ensure that anything that comes inside and moves within and finally outside the factory adheres to our ever persevering standards of quality and fulfilment at all costs. • Inbound Quality Control (IQC) • Warehouse Management System (WMS) • Manufacturing Quality Control (MQC) • Process Quality Control (PQC) • Visual Quality Control (VQC) • Value Stream Mapping (VSM) • Quality champions and cheerleaders • 5 S Process and systems • LEAN Manufacturing Process • Outbound Quality Control (OQC) • Customer Support (CS) helpline for Field Quality redemption • Radiant Helpline (available on Website) for all stakeholders for recording and closure At Radiant, we believe in the concept of Adaptive, Agile and Savvy to run our manufacturing process with the intended outcome of providing Customer Delight always and every time to our valued customers.
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deramin2 · 1 year
My perfect toaster
I own a Sunbeam Radiant Control Toaster, and this is one of those days I wake up and think about how perfect it is. In this case because I have homemade bread and it toasted significantly faster than expected so if I had to use a timer I'd have burned it and it would have taken half the loaf to figure out.
This toaster is perfect because you set the darkness level, which correlated to bread temperature. Instead of using a timer, it toasts until the bread is the correct temperature.
It doesn't matter how hot or cold the toaster started at.
It doesn't matter what temperature the bread is. A frozen slice will come out the same doneness as a room temperature slice without changing the controls at all.
It doesn't matter if the breads are different densities, they will come out the same unless there's huge variance without changing the controls.
Which means that if you're in a household like me with a roommate who eats different bread that might be fresh or frozen (but conveniently you like your toast about the same doneness), you set it once and can just put in whatever you want and get the perfect toast out every single time.
The only downside is that the tension needs to be adjusted periodically and it seems increasingly broken and annoying when it's loose (which is how it passed to me), but it's one well-labeled screw on the bottom and then it's like new. Even the ones from the 1940s basically run like new today. So it takes a little periodic maintenance but is otherwise nearly indestructible. There's almost nothing that can break.
First overview mainly focused on the automatic lowering and rising leaver.
Update review focusing on the thermostat (this is what makes it the best toaster ever made)
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mumblelard · 1 year
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grace or grimace
finn came over after work yesterday and we sat at my kitchen table for four hours eating red bag chicken sandwiches, drinking dollar bucket devilry, and talking about dropped decades, alligatorids, walkie talkie schedules, burnt toast, frozen mice, attic apartments, crashing cornices, and falling off roofs. it was a nice day
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Prompt: wenclair sleepy time
Thank you for the fic request, drunkenbartend! It's a lot shorter than my previous fics but I hope y'all enjoy!
Dinner Time
The sun had just set when she finally arrived home. Wednesday groaned as her back cracked satisfyingly, her coat discarded to the nearby chair. The kitchen light was on and there was some rustling, sounds of pans and bowls being put down. Wednesday hummed as she smiled a small smile, silently creeping into the kitchen. Her body was beat after today's hectic schedules with both her work as the town's head detective and the publishing company's insistent demand on her next installment's draft. She was close to being the murderer. Again.
"Baby!" Enid smiled as she looked up from where she was cutting some carrots. Her wife looked radiant and it was enough for her to slump against the warm, fuzzy sweater clad body of the blonde. Enid giggled as she wrapped her arms around the shorter woman's waist, Wednesday sighing contentedly as she burrowed her head at the crook of the taller woman's neck.
"Busy day, honeybee?"
"Mhmmm, stop calling me that," Wednesday replied softly as her eyes slowly dropped. The tiredness of the day was starting to hit her full force and she wanted nothing more than to crawl into bed with Enid and sleep until she doesn't feel like stabbing people.
"Hmmm," she felt her wife's eyes on her, "Dinner can wait. Let's go to bed."
Wednesday snorted, "Cara Mia, I thought it was food before sex?"
"That's not what I meant!" Enid squealed, her face coloring pink, "I meant you need rest, silly. You look like a zombie and no, we are not going to the cemetery to take a picture. Not now, anyways."
Wednesday pouted at her wife's statements which made Enid grin, "Alright, sleepyhead. Let's get you to bed."
She started to pull out from the hug when Enid grabbed her elbow. Raising a brow, Enid merely smirked and lifted her up until she was carried like a sack of rice on the blonde's muscular shoulder.
"Next stop: the bedroom! Chuu chuu!"
Her head hit the soft pillows as Enid not so gently dropped her on their king sized bed. Having no energy to snap at the blonde without sounding like an immature teenager, she mustered all the energy she had to glare at her smiling wife.
Enid leaned down as she placed a soft kiss on her gloomy wife's forehead. "Rest. I'll wake you when dinner is done."
"Stay. With me."
"But dinner-"
Enid sighed as she used her werewolf speed to quickly turn off the appliances unless they wanted their house on fire. Again.
Wednesday smiled as she snuggled deeper into her human heater as the day's tiredness bled away.
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This week's song was Turn Me On by Nina Simone and I got a very sweet idea. They really do get their shit together in the third novel. Enjoy this sweet moment.
The old shack creaked in time with the needle drop. "Where did you find this?" Bea asked. Nina Simone's "Turn Me On" drifted out from the worn phonograph.
"Does it matter?" V shimmied towards her, off beat, his hands outstretched waiting for Bea to take them.
Bea smiled and stepped towards him, swaying her hips. Harsh wind rattled the thin glass and the sweet smell of petrichor filled the room.
Their bodies met like the final piece in a puzzle. His hands gently grasped her hips and she wrapped her arms around his neck. It wasn't a sexy sway. No grinding of hips together. Just simple and sweet.
The metal fan shuddered and creaked and a drop of sweat trickled down Bea's back. Tomorrow they'd be on the road again. But for tonight, they could rest.
"You smell that?" V asked.
Bea nuzzled his neck, "Mmhm. Storm's coming."
The song switched to "It Be's That Way" and V softly pulled her right arm off his neck and linked his hand in hers. He wrapped his other arm around her waist and dipped her. Bea giggled, startled by the dramatic gesture. Looking up at him, all she saw was a radiant love. It helped his head had a halo of light from the ceiling fan light above them.
When he pulled her back up she took the lead and spun him out. He had to duck under her arm briefly and the wisp of hair against her bare arm tickled.
"Whose house even is this?" Bea slid her arms under his, pulling him close into an embrace.
"Don't know. But whosever's it is," he kissed the top of her head and rested his cheek against her hair. It was slightly greasy from the lack of showers they'd come across on the road and a hint of pomegranate still clung to her. "I'd like to thank them personally," he said softly.
"Mm," Bea melted in his arms. She was exhausted from driving for nearly 12 hours straight. They were only in Oklahoma. A dust storm had them finding shelter in a long abandoned farm.
V scooped her up in his arms and carried her to the bedroom. He'd laid their sleeping bags out over the dusty bare mattress.
The record player clicked, having spun to the end. Bea slipped her pants off and pulled her bra out from under her shirt. She wrinkled her nose at the damp fabric. The AC in her Gecko was busted and they hadn't found the spare parts to fix it yet. She folded them neatly and placed them on the least dusty corner of the bedside table.
V pulled the needle off the record and prepared for bed.
Bea walked to the window and tried to open it. She wanted to feel the cool night air and fall asleep to rain pattering the plains. It was stuck.
"Baby?" Bea called out.
"Be there in a sec, love," V called back. He locked the door and double checked the handle. He turned the lights off and went to the bedroom.
Bea kept trying but the window just would not budge. V came up behind her and slid his hands playfully under her shirt. He cooled his hands down just enough to soothe her. He brushed her hair aside with his nose and kissed her neck. "What do you need?"
"I need you to open this window, please," Bea escaped his embrace to give him room.
With all the lights and other electric appliances off in the other room it was quiet. The soft sound of the hydraulic pistons in his fingers and arms were a mere whisper as he slid the window open with some force. He dusted his hands off and looked at her.
"Thank you," Bea kissed his cheek and turned towards the bed. V gave her a playful swat on her ass before walking to the other side. He took his pistol out of his backpack and placed it on the bedside table next to him. He flipped off the light and undressed.
The sleeping bags rustled as V curled around her. A cool breeze rolled in and goosebumps danced across their skin in unison. Lightning flashed and made V's chrome hands glitter for a moment. Bea placed her hand over his, linking fingers, and pulled his hand to her chest, making him hold her tighter.
Bea closed her eyes and followed V's breathing. In for four, hold for four, out for six. It helped her fall gently to sleep when the insomnia was bad. Their months on the road had brought her back into nomad life and she was getting anxious sleeping indoors again.
A shy burst of thunder soon followed and the heavens tore open. If this farm were still tended, it would be a good crop year for the farmers.
It would be a good year for Bea and V, too.
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CELEBRITY | chapter 01
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rúben dias x original female character [+18]
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SYNOPSIS: The protagonist knows for a fact she'll be famous someday. The way it happens is not as she planned, though. WARNINGS: dark romance; revenge p*rn; minor injury; mentions of blood; mentions of cheating; minors dni.
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|[previous chapter]| — |[masterlist]|
The worst day of her life starts in a cramped apartment, a tiny box in a decaying building, a place where dreams wither and die.
The peeling wallpaper has witnessed too many damp nights, and the floorboards groans in complaints with every reluctant step. The window panes are coated with city filth, and they can barely let in the slivers of a gray day; the light looks worn out before it even hits the furniture.
And then, there’s the protagonist. Radiant, untouched by the dumpster fire that is this place. She glides through the chaos like a ghost of grace. Her presence is a sunbeam slashing through the fog, a reminder that even in the darkest corners, there can be a glimmer of something extraordinary.
Beyond the protagonist’s bedroom it's chaos incarnate. Dirty dishes pile up in the sink, and the hum of low-budget appliances mixes with the muffled arguments and laughter from her roommates and neighboring apartments. In the bathroom, the mirror is cracked and stained, reflecting fractured images of each occupant's struggle for normalcy.
Our girl sneaks into the kitchen and with ease, she starts brewing coffee, a sort of morning ritual of calm amid the storm.
As the bitter aroma begins to fill the air, she mechanically grabs her phone and dives into the vortex of her social media, seeking a quick escape from the madness around her.
She hears it before she realizes what it is.
A scream, raw and unrestrained. It's her own scream – a guttural reaction to something horrific she's just seen on the screen. The coffee, momentarily forgotten, sends ripples in its mug. She clutches the phone, her eyes wide with shock.
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Fury courses through her veins, and she can't recall stepping into a car; all that matters is where she’s headed. 
How dare he?
She doesn't know what’s worse – the damning video or the venomous audio that followed:
“You said you wanted to be famous! Bitch, I can make you famous.”
It's the video. The video is worse.
She searches her memory, but there's no recollection of consenting to being recorded. No agreement, just an invasion of privacy. Yet, it’s there – the video he felt entitled enough to send. 
A voice in her head insists he won't share it, that he's married, and the consequences would be dire for him. But logic loses its battle against the graphic images on the screen – his face absent, only a hand and an even more inappropriate part of his anatomy. 
It shouldn't matter. If he's unhinged enough to do this, she can't risk it. Panic sets in; she needs assurance that he deletes every trace he has of her. She's not Kim Kardashian; her feeble singing career would crumble at the exposure of a video with a married Premier League player. Recovery would be impossible.
When she arrives at his home, she feels like an intruder. It's a familiar place, one she's sneaked into countless times in the nighttime, when he had the house for himself. But being there for the first time in the light of day, she discovers the opulence of the house feels utterly alien.
The grandeur of the entrance foyer greets her like an unwelcome guest. An imposing staircase sweeps upwards, adorned with an ostentatious chandelier. The air carries the unmistakable scent of his expensive cologne and the lingering residue of privilege.
In the living room, she finds him surrounded by friends.
“What the fuck?” He's incredulous at her audacious decision, silently grateful that his wife is away with the kids. “You can’t just show up here. Are you crazy?”
“Oh, now I’m the crazy one? Delete that video. I won't let you ruin my life.”
At the corner of the room, the male lead sits down, observing the brewing storm. He quietly calculates his next move.
The protagonist holds her ground. "Delete the damn video."
And her demand hangs in the air.
“Fuck, no!” REDACTED answers.
The tension escalates and the confrontation reaches its boiling point. The protagonist feels a surge of frustration and helplessness, she clenches her fists, her nails digging into her palms. The pain is immediate, a sharp sting that momentarily dulls her emotional turmoil. Ignoring the throbbing ache in her hands, she turns away from REDACTED. 
She finds a small decorative object on a nearby table – a delicate crystal vase. In an impulsive act of frustration, she grabs the vase without a second thought. The cold surface presses into her hand, and with a swift, unthinking motion, she throws the vase against the wall.
The sound of shattering glass echoes through the room. A shard of glass grazes her hand in the process and a small trickle of blood emerges, running down her fingers.
The room falls into a stunned silence. 
With a timing reserved only for the most special characters in a story, the male lead speaks up.
“Come on, man. Do what she’s asking.” He directs his friend, breaking the tension with a straightforward command. It's the first time the protagonist takes a good look at him.
Rúben Dias. She knows him, of course, she knows everybody in the team, but she has never seen him up close before. He's beautiful, and in this moment, he exudes an imposing aura. Even though he's not speaking directly to her, she still recoils under the weight of his presence.
“Jesus, alright. I’ll delete it. Come on, I was just joking!” REDACTED raises his hand in a mock surrender, laughter dripping from his words. “I’ll delete it.” He repeats.
And he does, though not without silently cursing Rúben for being in the room and witnessing the scene. REDACTED knows if things went south, Rúben would open his big mouth and get him in trouble, leaving him no other choice. He shows his phone to the protagonist, revealing the file with her name on it, protected with a password. The contents are too much for her to bear, and she has to hold back a wave of nausea. Nevertheless, he deletes everything, and she leaves the house immediately afterwards.
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The door closes behind her with a muffled thud. To her surprise, Rúben is right there, having followed her.
“Fuck off!” She says, her voice is a mixture of frustration and defiance.
“I’m not ‘fucking off’. Come on, let me take you to a hospital. You’re bleeding!” He insists with genuine concern on his face.
“I’ll just wash it, it’ll be fine.” The protagonist dismisses, attempting to downplay the situation.
“Seriously, my mother would kill me if I just left you here.”
She stops, hesitating for a moment, before finally saying, "Can you just drive me to a hospital and leave me there?" There's a brief pause, and then she adds, "I don’t want to be seen with you, no offense."
To her surprise, he doesn't look offended, and so she continues, "Also, help me text a friend so she can meet me there?”
He laughs, breaking the tension, and says, “That’s a good compromise. Now let’s go!”
|[masterlist]| — |[next chapter]|
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dreamsoflightvalley · 2 years
Flynn Rider X Reader (Dreamlight Valley AU)
A/N: I really hope he actually gets added to Dreamlight Valley because that would be so pog 😭 like c’mon we already have Kristoff I have to assemble a gang of my husbands
Content: Memory loss, romance, suggestive humor, minor swearing
The Forgetting consumed the Glade of Trust just as it had everything else. The nightmarish thorns overtook the once vibrant landscape, consuming all who lived there in endless night…
But that was until you came along.
Yes, you who were gifted with the power of wielding dreamlight.
He spent his days wandering in an endless fog, aimless and empty, and suddenly there was this radiant figure who appeared from the mist.
You were quite familiar to him, seeing your face made him feel at ease. When you crossed paths he spoke for the first time in what felt like years, a smile creasing his cheeks.
“Don’t I know you from somewhere?”
A flirt, as always.
You were kind enough to let him stay at your house while his was being constructed, as the castle was still overrun with night thorns and was not very suitable for guests. He certainly didn’t mind though.
The Forgetting had consumed a decent amount of his memory, so a lot of his character development was reversed and he was the same old Flynn that he always was. Flirty, slightly perverse, too cocky for his own good… Charming to you, in a strange way. You knew you shouldn’t be charmed, but seeing him try so hard to impress you was just too cute.
You were starting to rouse something in him, a distant memory. The faint impression of a lover lingers in his mind, someone who was gifted, determined, and pure-hearted. As he followed you around the kingdom at your request he saw you display all these traits and more.
He watches you make breakfast on the frying pan he was carrying with him when you first met, a fond smile gracing his features.
“You can sit at the table if you want,” You politely suggested, it was pretty distracting to have him hovering over you like this.
“No, no, I like to watch,” He smirked, looking at your face for some kind of reaction to his innuendo. You merely rolled your eyes, narrowly resisting the urge to smile. “Well, if you’re gonna hover you may as well help me cook. Go get the blueberries out of the fridge,” You nodded towards the appliance in question, reaching for your spatula to flip the flapjack.
You felt more at ease when he was helping you cook, having a hot guy hovering over your shoulder the whole time was a little nerve wracking. Eventually, you finally finished making breakfast together and sat down to eat.
You watched as he opened up just about every jar of jam you had in the house, using the same knife for each one. It annoyed you, but you merely watched on as he smeared each pancake with a different spread. He’s weird.
“You’re rude,” You informed him as you sliced into your stack, fork holding it in place. “You think so?” He asked genuinely, but he also kind of knew he was a bit of a bastard. “Yeah,” You shrugged softly, smiling to let him know you meant it in an affectionate way. “You’re not the first to think so, but you love me anyway so—“ He chuckled and shrugged, digging his knife into his own pancakes before pausing. He used the L word, didn’t he?
His face froze as he glanced up from his food and over to you, searching for any sort of… Approval, I suppose. You stared back at him, eyes softening. The eye contact was brief, the two of you awkwardly looking off to the side and allowing the silence to hang in the air.
It was hard to stand the sound of silverware clinking against the plates for very long.
“I do,” You admitted, wanting this tension to die already.
He perked up a little, his cheeks stuffed. He wanted to ask you to repeat yourself, but his mouth was quite full.
“You’re a complicated guy, even though you try to convince everyone that you’re so one-note. But I do love you, whether you’re Flynn Rider or Eugene Fitzherbert, doesn’t really matter to me.”
If there was any doubt in his mind that the lover he was searching for was you, it was swept away by those words alone. You knew him so intimately that it scared him at times.
He gulped, the food rolling down his throat with a little bit of struggle.
For a while he didn’t really know how to respond to your admission that you loved him.
He was fine hearing you say it, but despite him sharing your feelings there was something so daunting about affirming it aloud.
Days and days go by, both of you essentially living as a couple. Neither of you ever said anything, but you lived together, farmed together, cooked together, and after a while slept next to one another. That was a pretty big deal, in terms of couple milestones.
But one day Mickey gets the bright idea of making lanterns for some made up holiday, something that only Mickey could think of. It was to celebrate the liberation of The Valley and bring the village together, boost morale, establish a sense of unity, yadda yadda.
But what stood out to Flynn was the use of lanterns. Another little spark of familiarity flashed in his mind, he remembered loving lanterns.
Making each other’s lanterns just came so natural, it felt right! Surely he must have done this with you before.
He eagerly picks out the paper he wants to use for his lantern, he goes for a blue-green to match his corset so that when everyone sees it in the sky they know it’s his. He then half-heartedly attempts to make his own wanted poster to brand it with, using his desired nose proportions of course.
You help each other assemble your creations, and even though he won’t admit it he knows yours is way cooler.
Everyone in The Valley sends their lanterns off at the same time, but yours are particularly close together.
He looks at you with a smile, and without thinking blurts out his affection to you.
“I love you too.”
You blinked at him a few times, you hadn’t even said anything before he randomly confessed his feelings.
“I said I love you too… You said you love me, so as a good partner I… I will say that I love you, too.”
Addendum: Sorry if this is bland, I haven’t written for any of my Disney boys in… Well, this is my first Disney fic, actually. Never written for it before. I’m leaving the idea of the reader being the lover he remembers up in the air, it’s whatever you personally prefer. The lack of answer leaves the door open for some good angst potential xP
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pariahofpelicantown · 2 months
The Farmer’s Embrace
(Penny x M! Farmer)
Summary: Penny wakes in the middle of the night to find her farmer missing, only to find him in a scene that warms her heart.
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Penny awoke slowly, the chill of the night air brushing against her skin like an uninvited guest. Her eyes, still adjusting to the faint glow of the dimly lit room, swept over her surroundings. The space beside her on the bed was vacant and cold, the absence palpable in the dim light.
With a resigned sigh, she slid out of bed, her bare feet meeting the cool wooden floor. Each step she took made the floorboards whisper secrets of the night, their gentle creaks echoing her quiet apprehension. Penny moved with a blend of caution and determination, every movement imbued with a sense of purpose.
She ventured out of the bedroom, her heart thudding softly in her chest. Her first destination was the kitchen, a room that usually hummed with the promise of a new day. Tonight, however, it lay in stillness, shadows stretching across countertops and appliances like silent sentinels. There was no sign of him here.
Undeterred, she made her way to the living room. The remnants of a once roaring fire flickered in the fireplace, casting a warm, golden light that danced across the room. The glow of the dying embers created a serene and almost ethereal atmosphere, but the space was empty, devoid of the presence she sought.
Penny drifted through the house, each step a whisper against the polished wooden floor. The nursery's door, slightly ajar, let a tender glow seep into the hallway, beckoning her closer. With a delicate push, she opened the door, revealing a heartwarming scene bathed in the gentle light.
There stood the farmer, his broad frame tenderly cradling their infant daughter. His voice, a soft murmur, wove a lullaby that seemed to wrap the room in a warm embrace. The baby, nestled securely against his chest, had already surrendered to sleep, her tiny form rising and falling with each of his breaths.
Love illuminated the farmer's face, his usually rugged features softened by the profound connection he shared with their daughter. He swayed gently, lost in the rhythmic dance of parenthood, each movement imbued with a love so palpable it seemed to shimmer in the air. Penny stood at the threshold, her heart swelling with affection as she watched this tender moment unfold, a silent witness to the love that bound their little family together.
As Penny stood in the soft embrace of the nursery's light, her heart swelled with an overwhelming sense of love and gratitude. She couldn't help but reflect on the day their paths first crossed—a day that felt like a lifetime ago, yet was etched into her heart with vivid clarity. He had entered her life like a radiant beam of sunlight, piercing through the clouds of doubt and sorrow that had long haunted her.
With each day that followed, he had unveiled the hidden beauty in the world around her. Through his eyes, she rediscovered the simple, profound joys that made life a tapestry of precious moments. The way he would laugh with abandon, the gentle strength in his hands as he worked the land, and the kindness that seemed to flow endlessly from his heart—each of these had become a beacon in her life, guiding her towards a happiness she had once believed was out of reach.
Now, as she watched him hold their daughter, the very embodiment of the love they had cultivated, Penny felt a wave of emotions wash over her. The sight of his tender care, the way his lullaby seemed to weave a cocoon of peace around their little one, filled her with an indescribable warmth. Their daughter, a perfect blend of their love, lay secure in his arms, and in that quiet, intimate moment, the enormity of what they had built together became almost too much to bear.
Penny's eyes glistened with unshed tears as gratitude and love surged within her. She felt deeply thankful for every shared glance, every whispered promise, and every tender touch that had brought them to this point. The depth of her love for him was immeasurable, a boundless ocean of affection that seemed to grow with each passing day. As she stood there, a silent observer to this beautiful tableau, she knew that no matter what the future held, their love would always be the light guiding them through.
Penny's footsteps were light as she approached, her heart aching with the tender beauty of the scene before her. The farmer, their daughter cradled gently in his arms, was lost in the quiet intimacy of the moment. The soft light of the nursery bathed them both in a gentle glow, and Penny felt an almost reverent calm settle over her.
With a loving smile, she slipped her arms around his waist, pressing herself against his strong, reassuring back. He startled slightly at her touch, but when he turned his head and their eyes met, his expression melted into a smile that was soft and warm, a smile that belonged solely to her. That smile had the power to make her heart skip a beat, a silent testament to the love they shared.
He leaned in, his lips brushing against her temple with a tenderness that sent shivers down her spine. The motion of his rocking never ceased, a soothing rhythm that seemed to echo the quiet beating of their hearts. "Couldn't sleep?" he whispered, his voice a gentle murmur that wrapped around her like a warm embrace.
Penny shook her head, her eyes never leaving his. "Just wanted to be with my two favorite people," she replied softly, her voice tinged with the depth of her affection. She reached out to gently touch their daughter's tiny hand, marveling at the perfection of their little miracle.
The farmer's gaze held hers, filled with an unspoken understanding and a love so profound it seemed to transcend words. "She's perfect, isn't she?" he murmured, his voice filled with awe and wonder.
"She is," Penny agreed, her heart swelling with pride and love. "Just like her father.
He chuckled softly, the sound a soothing balm to her soul. "And her mother," he countered, his eyes twinkling with a playful light.
As they stood there, cocooned in the warmth of their love and the serenity of the moment, Penny felt a deep sense of contentment settle over her. This was her family, her home, her everything. The future seemed bright and boundless, a journey they would embark on together, hand in hand, heart to heart. And in that sacred space, with their daughter nestled between them, Penny knew that this was only the beginning of a beautiful adventure—a love story that would continue to unfold, chapter by chapter, for the rest of their lives.
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The Angel and The Unholy
I want to thank @earthlyangelbby for beta reading this. All mistakes are still my own.
Chapter 2 - Surface Knowledge
Summary... A little in Eddie's perspective to show how well the Carrier family has been accepted into Hawkins. As well as the first tutor session between Eddie and Victoria.
I hope you enjoy and please let me know if you liked this at all.
Eddie looked over at Victoria, not being able to help himself. 
She was smiling, talking with a few others. Eddie wondered if there was anyone she didn’t talk to because everyone would. The band geeks, science nerds, cheerleaders, jocks, and even the ones who partied. She talked to all who crossed her path, especially people who she could help. Some of the people who talked to her were others who were enrolled in tutoring. Mrs. O’Donnell spoke highly of her and maybe she could help him.
Maybe he could learn more about her too…
Victoria was sitting with the group of band geeks right now…Talking just as animatedly with Robin Buckley about something with that radiant, trance inducing, gorgeous, perfect smile…
Then Eddie watched as Nancy Wheeler asked her a question and then Victoria smiled as she gathered her things. They moved towards the doors of the cafeteria room. Nancy holding a sheet of paper to her. The answer was clear what that paper was when Victoria grabbed her red folder she kept specifically for food orders to give to her mother, Sylvia, and grandmother, Echo. 
Dustin tapped Mike’s arm frantically. “Is she talking to your sister?”
Mike spoke quickly, “is she ordering more cookies?!-”
Dustin was up and pushing Mike towards them. “Gogogogo!”
Eddie watched the two freshmen rush towards Victoria and Nancy, their eyes hopeful and quickly talking over Nancy who looked annoyed at the interruption. Victoria laughed, the sound reaching Eddie’s ears and making him want to smile. She nodded to the young boys and they cheered unashamed.
Gareth mumbled, “think they will share with us again?”
Eddie silently hoped to get another taste of the cookies. No one could describe the amazing way the food tasted because it tasted out-of-this-world good.
The Carrier family was quickly, lightspeed fast, making a positive name for themselves. 
The brother, Andy, a fucking mircale worker as the towns new handy man that could fix anything. He had a quick solution to nearly every problem, making him the new ‘first to call’ for any issue. If he could get his hands on something that broke, he could fix it. He stopped to help people whose car broke down on the side of the road and tried to at least mend the issue so they could get home. He could fix the hardware of any appliance.
He proved his skills in blueprints and constructing houses on their own property.
The house that the zombie boy lived at, that was where the new family lived. Andy completely changed the property and used only a few contractors, choosing to do the work mostly between himself and the family. Added a second story to the house, installed a greenhouse, renovated some space for cooking purposes and food storage.
Mike and Dustin were there a few times to pick up an order or few with Nancy and they couldn’t stop talking about how much the property had changed in the short time they lived there.
All of the family members have proven to be self reliant, never asked for help but ready to do anything to help others, they were all compassionate and selfless.
As well as righteous.
The head of the family? Mr. Carrier. He was a lawyer, and a damn good one. Hardly lost a case.
They were the perfect family…
All Eddie had was his uncle Wyan and a bad reputation from his father. Known as the TOWN freak for his taste of music, and hobbies. Dealt drugs for his money that already got him a criminal record. Third time trying to pass senior year… So he was perplexed as to why he had the extreme fascination with her. He wondered why the hell he signed the paper for tutoring but it just felt right. It felt like his chance to learn more about her. The idea was stupid as shit. All because she knew he suffered academically enough for a teacher to push tutoring onto him.
Excellent grades must be a part of the demand within the family because Victoria was not at the school long, almost a month, and tested amazingly enough to be accepted into the tutoring program. Teachers loved Victoria and her sister, Natalia.
While it seemed the family was settling in for the foreseeable future, Eddie was sure Victoria would leave. She seemed like the type that had a bigger life than a simple small town. Get a fancy degree and be off to whatever perfect dream job she wanted.
Eddie dreamed of getting out of this small town, and hit it off big with his band, and experience all the crazy and amazing shit that rockstars did. He wouldn’t be the freak of the town, he would be adored by his fans for being the metal head he was.
Victoria was welcomed by all, helped all.
Eddie brought in his little lost sheep and gave them understanding to embrace who they were. Nerd and weirdness completely accepted by him. He took every chance to try to prove to the students of Hawkins High that stereotypes and people in those confined little boxes were hiding pieces of themselves. Vital pieces that would fester until they exposed themselves to the so called friends of school, only for them to run away and abandon friendship. Either way, most of these people would never see the other as soon as they got the diploma. Off to college or a new location for a fresh start.
The bell rang and maybe tutoring could be the fresh start he needed.
He thought of one word with a snort. Doubtful.. 
Eddie went to his locker to grab the notebook for biology class with Mrs. O'Donnell. He hated this class. Learning about life, only to then do the disgusting dissection later on this year. He couldn’t stand it. People call him a freak and a satanist while he chooses to skip class during that lesson, all while everyone else is excited to dig around in something dead.
Eddie wondered if Victoria would participate in that. She seemed way too nice for something insanely cruel.
Victoria was in her usual seat near the front of the class so Eddie sat in the back. For some reason he hoped for something different but he wasn’t surprised.
Victoria couldn’t even look at him. That actually hurt somehow because she was nice to everyone else… The note he passed to her yesterday was used as the bookmark for his notebook. He read it over as Mrs. O’Donnell’s voice became background noise… Victoria really did seem to give him the same kindness everyone else received. He knew she would have to talk to him during tutoring, she would have to talk to him because how else was he going to learn from her?
For once. He was looking forward to being in the school longer than he needed to. He was going to probably make an idiot of himself, the fact he was thrown into tutoring by a teacher was probably enough… He sighed, holding the note before tucking it away and attempted to take notes.
Victoria bumped her forehead against the locker. The supplies she needed for the tutoring sessions today in her bag hanging off of her shoulder. She knew she had to get to room 203, however… She knew in about an hour, she would be sitting next to Edward Munson.  
“I should just go home…”
Natalia scoffed, “call in sick to work when everyone has seen you in good health the rest of the day? Sounds believable.”
“When are you ever help?”
“I help by not sugar coating shit. Shit is shit. It does not change if you try to polish it, just makes it worse to deal with later.”
Victoria grumbled, “Go home.”
“Yeah. I’m going before it gets dark… When are you done today?”
Victoria sighed, throwing her back into the locker… “I should be done around six. Dad knows to pick me up.”
“Good. Should be enough time for you to get ready for tonight.”
“Yeah. I hope I can get some answers tonight. I have offered a lot this last month, even more so within the last week.”
“I noticed. Yours is rivaling Grandmother’s…”
“I got to go.. Get this over with. I need the money anyway.”
“I’ll check in on how things went in a few months.” Natalia winked as she rounded her belly. Crackling in laughter and skipped out of the way as Victoria was going to hit her.
Victoria focused on her sister, felt her energy, then projected the sharp pinch she inflicted on herself to her sister.
Natalia yelped and rubbed her arm. She turned and flipped Victoria the bird. “I’ll tell dad!”
“Not if you want to keep the unfortunate series of events happening to the kid who picked on Max a secret.”
Natalia huffed as she walked away.
Leaving Victoria alone, groaned as she turned around. Heading through the halls to room 203, where Nate sat, starting the homework already. He really struggled with math but Victoria was happy he was trying. Now if he would stop trying to ask her for tutoring somewhere else other than the school, that would be greatly appreciated.
When the time was getting closer to the hour being up he noticed.. “I know that my time is over for this week, is there any way that I could get some extra time. Study at my place, maybe?”
“I have others I tutor and it is easier if I have one location. I only get 3 hours for each person a week.” Victoria got her planner out and the paper for signatures after each session, her proof for payment. “As always, sign here. Then you can schedule for next week.”
Nate signed and filled three separate times for next week. Then wrote something else largely and circled it a few times. “I’m throwing a party on halloween. I’d love to see you there. Booze and all that fun stuff.”
Victoria looked at how he filled every block for that day. In ink. Her mouth opened for a moment as she tried to think of what to say, calmly. “Uh..” 
Nate was heavy into partying, and fun stuff meant drugs and whatever else happened between the impaired. Victoria has been to parties before but she didn’t find them all that admirable. Especially because there was always someone intoxicated flirting with her or even putting their hands on her.
Knowing she had a fated waiting for her she never wanted to entertain anyone else. It was a common thought between many of those who had fated that it was almost like stealing another’s love life. Some people look down on those who entertain others. They call those people greedy and unfaithful because they have their person out in the world waiting for them. Even in cases of casual sex it was still looked down on. Sometimes people catch feelings regardless of the talk of “no emotions.”
In rare cases, a casual hook up could become obsessed with and jealous of the fated pair… It has ended in death often enough to be taught as warnings. Often very intricately woven with the sex talk because children outside of a fated pair have happened.
Nate’s question pulled her out of the horror stories she has heard. “Do you drink?”
She enjoyed a drink occasionally, it gave her a little relaxation. “Not often.”
However, at parties it gave her a look into the truth of some people, something about alcohol brings the ugly heads of truth out in people. Made digging for secrets easier. 
“I’ll have a lot supplied, and lots of people will show up.”
A weakened mind was easy to manipulate with telepathy.
Victoria offered a smile, she could use that time to dig around. “I will try to make it.”
Nate smiled largely after a moment of realizing there was a glimmer of hope. “If you need help picking out a costume, I could help. Get you into something, cute.”
Victoria took the chance to get out if it was going to be a party like that. “Thanks for the offer but if costumes are a requirement, then I’m out.”
“Then costumes are optional.”
She laughed as humorsly as she could. “You changed your mind quick.”
She put her planner off to the side as she closed it. Then looked at the time then the door where Edward stood. She saw how he looked at her, confusion still evident in his eyes even though he looked at her with awe. Maybe he was just as confused as she was about him. 
Why were they paired together?
Nate spoke and pulled her out of her thoughts. “Just want your beautiful face there.”
Edward's eyes changed, anger dancing in his narrowed eyes.
Victoria turned towards Nate. “You do need to go, my next person is here.”
“I don’t believe it, Munson is getting tutoring this year. Is the new tutor worth feeling like an idiot?”
Victoria replied quickly, professionally. “If I truly make you feel like an idiot, then I am not doing my job properly. I apologize for any reason you have come to this conclusion on your own. I will put in a referral for you to be switched to someone better suited.”
Nate scoffed. “That’s not what I meant.”
“I want you to have the best chance at passing this year. That chance is clearly with someone who won’t make you feel terribly about yourself. I am sorry for anything I have done wrong and will see what your options are for another tutor. Have a good rest of your day, Nate.” Victoria offered a smile but she knew it did not reach her eyes because they had the irritation of protective anger burning in them. "I will try to make it to your party."
Nate huffed, leaving with his things. 
Victoria gestured to the seat beside her. “Please sit. As I said in our note, I don’t judge. I apologize if he made you feel bad in any way. I won’t tolerate that at all.”
Edward shrugged, “Nah. It’s okay. Third attempt in senior year so I hear it all the time.”
Victoria looked at him, seeing him try to look unaffected but she could see some unease. He kept moving his eyes, rubbing them. She said, “My eyes get irritated sometimes too, try to blink rapidly to attempt to produce some tears for lubrication.”
He looked at her odd so she continued on the right path of conversation. “But, anyway. School isn’t for everyone, nothing is wrong with that.” She pulled out Eddie’s test with a big red F on it, making him sigh at seeing it. “The only people who are going to need to know the specifics of how cells divide are scientists and doctors who monitor that process, with microscopes. I guess teachers do too.”
Edward smiled a little. “Apparently you need to know how cells divide too.”
Victoria shrugged. “I’m just here for the pay because I retain information in an odd way.”
“Care to share your secret, oh wise one?”
Victoria shook her head with a chuckle. “I dig around in their brain.”
Eddie rightfully looked at her confused. Of course he wouldn’t understand telepathy.
She refrased for normalcy. “Find people who are fascinated with a subject and talk to them. Ask questions, dig, you know?”
“The teachers would die if I did that.”
“Lucky for them, I’m here for you to ask the questions you want to know. If I need to, I’ll find out for you. Take notes during class and come to me with questions. For right now, let's go over this test.”
Victoria noticed Eddie was more relaxed after their talk and now she was doing everything in her willpower to treat him like all the others. She kept her hands away from his, refrained from pushing hair away from his face, staring at him too long, and making herself keep on track of the subject.
The time dragged on for that hour as she controlled herself. She wanted to get to know him more. He seemed like a good person, he was polite, friendly.
Victoria looked at the time. “I apologize, but my next person is going to be here soon. I see you tomorrow?”
“Yeah. I got the slot right after school.”
“Yeah. Not many want to get tutoring on Fridays.”
“Do you like to be here on Friday?”
“It is not terrible. Tutoring barely pays anything, but it's the same place as school, so I don't have to walk elsewhere. I also help the little food service going on in my house for some extra cash.”
“Dustin and Mike love your food, thankfully brought Hellfire a cookie for each of us last time we had a meeting."
Victoria stated, “the club for that fantasy board game?”
He rose his eyebrows, “You know about Hellfire? Dungeons and Dragons?”
Victoria scoffed. “Everyone talks about it in all the media as if it is worse than ouija boards.”
“Those boards for summoning ghosts?”
Victoria responded causally as she flipped through her calendar. “Not always ghosts so that's why anyone with a working brain stays away from them.”
“What do you mean, not always ghosts?”
Victoria wet her lips and as she realized she fucked up slightly. “You know in the movies. Usually something bad, like, a demon attaches to the ones using it. Haunting them, hurting them.”
“You think demons are real?”
“I think there are many things that have yet to be proven. Many find comfort in a religion or belief in higher entities because they fear the things that are uncommon and unknown. So those who are highly religious see those things as unholy. The fear of things they don't have in their straightline scriptures make them unwilling to understand anything else.”
“You are not religious?”
Victoria paused for a moment, “I was explaining that I do not agree with people who have a closed mind to new things." 
Victoria slid the paper for him to sign and offered the calendar. "Sign there by the X, it is the form that I turn in to get payment and proof you were here. And if you want to, you can schedule for next week now or wait until a later time. Mrs. O'Donnell is going to have that quiz on Wednesday. Maybe Monday and Tuesday would be days to consider."
Edward looked at the dates for next week. Then tentatively spoke. "I have a gig at the Hideout on Tuesday night. With my band. Could we do a double on Monday? Is that okay?"
Victoria slid the planner to herself. "I only have an hour available on Monday left. I am done by six." Victoria looked at the clock, the next person was almost ten minutes late and with the importance of tonight she needed to get home. "You still have an hour available this week, out of the three. If you want, I could do it for two hours, tomorrow. Then, that way you could go over everything this weekend on your own and I could see what you need help with on Monday."
"Yeah. Uh.. sounds good."
Victoria pushed the planner to him. "Fill those in and you have 2 remaining hours for next week."
"Are you going to go? To the party?"
"According to the planner I am. Anyway, my next person will be here soon."
He gathered his few things, "Right. I'll see you tomorrow."
"Have a good night, and be careful."
Edward stopped for a moment, a small smile on his lips. "You too."
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realtorjamier · 9 months
Home Decor in 2024. What’s Hot & What’s Not?
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Pink’s out. Peach is in.
Pantone’s Color of the Year for 2024 is soft and subtle “Peach Fuzz,” replacing last year’s vibrant “Viva Magenta.” Pantone is recognized globally as a leading source of color expertise. 
“In seeking a hue that echoes our innate yearning for closeness and connection, we chose a color radiant with warmth and modern elegance,” says Leatrice Eiseman, Executive Director of the Pantone Color Institute™. 
If you’re looking to revamp your space, consider PANTONE 13-1023 and its complementary colors: everything from creamy, brown and tan neutrals to shades of teal, lavender and mint green. Note: gray is not listed. For those who went wild with gray or greige tones during that trend, you might want to roll up your sleeves and buy a new paint roller.
What’s out?
Say goodbye to Barbiecore (think pink). What else is losing favor? Here’s a quick rundown of trends that seem to be going by the wayside in home decor:
Sliding barn doors (Let’s face it – they don’t even do a great job of blocking light, smells, and sounds.)
White-on-white kitchens
Extremes – whether that means bare minimalism or over-the-top Grand Millennial
Heavy industrial style
What’s in?
Back kitchens
AKA butler’s pantry or scullery, this separate space keeps secondary or backup items hidden from site, tidying up the more public area. Here you can house additional refrigeration and freezing, warming drawers, wine storage, lesser-used mechanical devices, formal entertaining dishes and cutlery, etc. Appliance garages have been around for a while, but they seem to be gaining popularity as another way to streamline kitchens.
Bespoke bedrooms and bathrooms
Behind the scenes, highly personalized spaces offer homeowners comfort and creative freedom. Feel free to layer these rooms with your favorite monogrammed fabrics, artwork, family photos, and heirlooms. Make it meaningful.
Casual luxury
It may sound like an oxymoron, but  luxury doesn’t have to mean formal. Rather than opulent and imposing, choose comfortable, lived-in furniture that is still beautiful and lavish.
Bold wall treatments
Add depth and personality to walls by treating them as large canvases. Incorporate wallpaper, paneling, 3D wall coverings, stone or wood features, decorative molding. This is a take on dopamine decor – which continues to be popular – creative touches that make you feel good when you walk into a room. 
Separated spaces
Demolishing interior walls to create all-in-one living/working/playing areas is seeing a bit of a reversal. Delineating spaces by incorporating walls that still have good flow through the use of doorways and openings allows for rooms with purpose and intention.
Mixed metals
This may come as a relief. Chrome, brass, black, copper, bronze – all can be used when harmoniously paired. Trying to keep up with what’s in shouldn’t mean having to change out plumbing fixtures annually!
Mixed materials
Kitchen countertops don’t have to be one solid matchy-matchy mass. Add interest and dimension to this horizontal space. Consider a mix of materials for visual, tactile and utilitarian variety – natural wood with granite, or quartz with sleek stainless steel. 
Outdoors in
Windows seem to be taking center stage – becoming bigger and bigger. The view outside is more of a focal point than an after-thought. Biophilic design is also a way to get the feeling of nature inside your dwelling by adding large indoor plants and natural wood and stone finishes.
Mud-laundry rooms
Combining a laundry with a mudroom is a space-efficient idea. Storage components can serve double-duty: hooks, cabinets, cubbies and drawers.
Cheap, mass-produced furniture is becoming increasingly unpopular. People are gravitating toward quality pieces that are higher end and/or repurposed for a lesser environmental footprint.
A word of caution
Before you revamp your space with all the latest trends, carefully consider which ones truly work for you. If you’re thinking about selling your home soon, reach out to me and let's talk about what changes will give you the biggest bang for your buck.
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Electronics manufacturing trends to pay attention to in years to come
Despite the pandemic-induced economic slowdown, technological advancements played a significant role in the growth of the electronics manufacturing sector. Smarter manufacturing practices have been the biggest driver of this growth. We intend to explore five trendsetting developments in this article today.
Internet of Things The electronics manufacturing industry can leverage the Internet of Things (IoT) for unprecedented growth opportunities. The IoT allows electronic manufacturing units to be digitally connected while storing and processing information without external support. The IoT can improve efficiency, security, cost-effectiveness, and product innovation. Cloud computing, smaller censors, and the growth of the Internet have prompted IoT’s lead in the race of emerging technologies. With everything in place, you can have real-time data at your fingertips to make informed business decisions.
Automation While complete automation in the electronics manufacturing sector is still a distant dream, various automation technologies have made production trouble and error-free. These technological advancements in automation includes smart factories, manufacturing robots, and the smart supply chain management system. These automation systems in conjunction with IoT devices create an efficient manufacturing operation. Innovative supply chain As businesses strive for better products and spend less while doing so, the best way forward is to innovate supply chain management. This trend aims at improving the logistics to revamp the supply chain, which, in turn, can significantly reduce costs in several key areas. This allows electronics manufacturers to be more agile in their operations and thus be more open to fluctuating market demands.
Predictive maintenance Any manufacturing company’s smooth operation is entirely dependent on its types of equipment. Because if they break down the entire operation comes to a halt and so will your revenue generation. However, using AI and IoT data collection, you can accurately identify problem areas before they happen. This helps electronic manufacturers avoid downtime and plan maintenance at a convenient time. Identify a cost-effective manner to conduct repairs and include the same in your budget. A trend like predictive maintenance removes any scope of surprise downtime, thus improving the efficiency of your manufacturing operations.
Organic electronics Organic electronics has become a market rage in recent times owing to its efficiency, low cost, flexibility, lightweight, indissoluble nature, and optical transparency. Additionally, the demand for environmentally friendly production and sustainable development is growing, prompting electronic manufacturers to choose organic electronics. One of the most significant trends in electronics production is the creation of gadgets using biodegradable and recyclable materials or designing circuits with microbial components. The use of organic materials in producing electronic devices also permits the use of safer and readily accessible raw materials. As a result, it gives organizations new business opportunities, while being environmentally responsible.
The electronic manufacturing trends discussed in this article pave a path for smarter, efficient, and cost-effective practices. The use of advanced technology and materials can help you achieve this. Apart from the five trends discussed here, we'd also like to mention printed electronics, Artificial Intelligence, immersive technology, and 3D printing. These evolving technologies only point to a brighter future. For more information on the electronics manufacturing process, get in touch with the experts at Radiant Appliances & Electronics.
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When The Lake Thawed Out: Chapter 4
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Summary: In 1993, a young man goes missing near a lake in his hometown; the town heartbroken and having lost a spark in their lives. Now, after 30 years of unanswered questions, he comes home in one of the most intense heatwaves to ever hit the town of Little Franconia, seeing that things are the same and different. In this tale of discovery and family, watch as Joshua relearns the world around him and adjusts to the nuances of pop culture, technology, and generational rot. Writer’s Whining: Again... I am so sorry for putting this chapter out so late. I got distracted with things, and I kinda of lost my itch. But I'm back now. Warning(s): Angst. Word Count: 2K+ @List: @ohgodthefeeling-gvf @asparrowofthedawn @obetrolncocktails, @fallonfatality, @wetkleenex-gvf, @takenbythemadness, @heatsaboves @joshym, @freyjalw, @gvf23 @basiccortez @alwaysonthemend @losfacedevil @puzzle-gvf @sinsofstardust @glorpa @nessie-glorpa
The sun was a radiant, golden orb hanging high in the sky, its rays reflecting off the crystal clear water of the expansive swimming pool. The atmosphere was filled with the scent of chlorine, the sweet smell of sunscreen, and the faint hum of bees buzzing around the blooming flowers nearby. 
As promised, Sam, Jamie, and their father, Jake, had come to the Wagner household to spend time with Daniel, Mr. Wagner, and his wife, Mrs. Wagner. Sam convinced Jake to come, much to his father's disapproval. However, it was possible since Danny would be at the house. 
Upon arriving, Jake was greeted by a tearful Mr. Wagner. Jake knew it had been a long time coming, to which he had approached his friend and hugged him back. "It's good to see you again, Jacob," Mr. Wagner said, a little choked.
"Likewise, Daniel," he called him, patting his back. He pulled back and looked around at the spacious home. The home looked remodeled, with the smell of plaster at its last stage of drying, some paint, and other instances of a home makeover having been done. "This house… it's different?" 
"Yeah," Mr. Wagner said, sitting on a kitchen stool that made him look like he was sitting on a chair due to his height. Jake tried to do the same, trying to mount the chair, but made him look like a child with his feet dangling off the seat. "We've had this house for such a long time, and we wanted to remodel it and restore it. But then we decided to get with the times and get techy with the appliances."
As Mr. Wagner explained all of the kitchen's features, Jake stared intently at the boys. They were all on the floor, Jamie, Sam, and Daniel playing a board game, at which Sam was winning. He watched with his cane in hand, having some linen set on his person. His hair was pulled back into a bun, some wisps of hair falling from his hairline. He watched his boys get along with Daniel but still felt a bit of dread. 
"Here," said Mr. Wagner, presenting him a drink for the man, "just how you like it."
"Thanks, Dan," he told him, taking his drink to his lips and nodding, "Wow, exactly how I remembered it."
"Yeah," Mr. Wagner continued, "I'm so happy you came today. We missed you guys a lot."
"Yeah… you should be thanking the boys," Jake had joked, "I didn't want to go initially, but Sam kept yanking on my leg about it. Once I knew who was going to be here, I was okay."
"Still. Us old geezers gotta stick together," Mr. Wagner said, patting the man on his back. "Speaking of sticking together, I got an idea I wanna share with you…"
"What's the idea?" Jake asked. Mr. Wagner was to speak on it but had looked at the boys, who had muffled their clamoring of the game board to hear what was being said. "Hey boys, why don't you guys cool off in the pool? Your pop and I need to talk about things." Like children, they hastily got all their things and headed to the pool area.
The three migrated to the pool, Sam, Daniel, and Jake standing at the pool's edge, their eyes gleaming with anticipation. The boys dressed in bright swim trunks, their bare feet warm against the sun-baked concrete surrounding the pool. 
"Last one in is a rotten egg!" shouted Sam, breaking into a run. He leaped high into the air, tucking his knees to his chest before cannonballing into the water, causing a great splash that soaked the poolside chairs. 
Daniel, laughing, followed suit, his dive a bit more controlled. The coolness of the water enveloped them, washing away the summer day's heat. They emerged at the surface, grinning at each other before starting a playful water fight, their laughter echoing through the backyard. "Hey! You're forgetting the champion of cannonballing," Jake said, shaking his thumbs as if he were the big deal.
"Oh yeah? This is a first," Sam said, teasing his older brother. Jake had slowly backed away, readying himself for the challenge he set himself up for. He soon ran, leaping into the air. What should have been a graceful cannonball was more of a cat flailing its legs around. The boys had whipped their heads away from the splash that greeted them. Jamie returned for air, looking at his brother and friend for commentary.
"You're kidding, right?" Danny joked, Jamie splashing water violently at him along with Sam. 
Meanwhile, Jake and Mr. Wagner were still amongst each other. They were deep in conversation, their eyes severe but hopeful.
"I don't know," Jake said, Mr. Wagner having proposed the idea of the boys working together at his record store. "Jamie and I aren't always seeing eye to eye, and I don't want Sammy to be alone at the store… he gets overwhelmed."
"I'll have their schedules together so that they won't be separate," Mr. Wagner urged, "Jake, I love you, but you gotta let these boys breathe. Let them be free."
"Mom and Dad gave us all the freedom in the world," Jake started, "and that freedom ruined our way of living."
"Jake… It's been years. You have to let Joshua rest," Mr. Wagner told Jake, his hand on his shoulder.
"That's easy for you to say… You don't have to wake up every day knowing your sibling is dead," Jake told him, his words like venom to the middle-aged man.
"Jake… I've lost people. Lori has lost people. We all lose people," Mr. Wagner explained, "there was nothing you could have done that day."
"YOU DON'T—" Jake looked to see the three boys still preoccupied with one another, "you don't know that," his whisper was harsh, "I was his brother."
"And as his brother, he would have wanted you to live your life filled with joy because that's what he was all about," Mr. Wagner stated, a hand on Jake's shoulder. "This not a way to live."
"Oh, and having nice new appliances and a big pool is what makes life worth living?" Jake jeered, "You knew I was in a bad place when I had my boys; you could have helped me."
"Jacob, I've tried so many times to get in contact with you, try and visit you, send you letters, but you closed yourself from everyone else," Mr. Wagner spoke with assertiveness, "The world moved on, you stayed stuck in the past… and I'm beginning to think you want your kids to stay stuck in the past with you."
Jake looked at Mr. Wagner with shocked eyes, "Excuse me?!"
"You want the boys to live that day with you. They don't deserve to be pulled into that," he said. Mr. Wagner had looked at Jake and spoke, "Look… the kids are adults, and if they want to work at my store, they are more than welcome. Don't let them miss out on this opportunity."
Jake had wanted to say something but held his tongue. Jake had looked casually at the pool and noticed Sam with his head down in his arms, his shoulders jerking. Beside him was Daniel, rubbing his back as if he were comforting him, lips perked to lull him. Jake scanned for Jamie, who had his arms crossed, looking upset. When Jamie looked up to see his father looking at him, he pulled his arm out and gave him a harsh middle finger, and mouthed the words fuck you.
This behavior was acceptable for a teenager but not a 27-year-old.
Jake had rubbed his face and sighed. "Fine… Fine, give them the jobs," Jake said, getting up and going to get his jacket.
"Where are you going?" Mr. Wagner asked, arms up in confusion.
"I'm going back to the house. When the boys are ready to come home, send them my way," Jake said as he soon left the house. 
Mr. Wagner had sighed, rubbing his face. Mrs. Lori Wagner came downstairs with some beach towels, seeing the energy in the room, and placed the towel on the kitchen counter and approached her husband. "I told you he'd still feel this way," she told her husband.
"I know… but he should know that-" Mrs. Wagner had cut him off and cupped his face.
"He'll come around… right now, let's tend to the boys," she said, hand on his chest to steady him as he looked defeated and frustrated. Mr. Wagner nodded, kissing his wife chastely on her lips and rubbing her side. 
After a while, Sam and Jamie were on the poolside, Jamie's stretched over the pool chair, hands behind his head as he tried to relax. Sam sits on the edge with a towel around his shoulders, hair pulled behind his ears, and a pool of water around his feet. Daniel returned to them with two drinks of lemonade for Sam and Jamie. "You know, if you want, you can stay over here," Daniel said, giving the drink to Sam.
"I would love to, but I don't think that'll be a good idea," Sam said, drinking his lemonade.
"Danny, why would you ask? You know how our dad is," Jamie said, sitting up and drinking his lemonade, rushing and emptying the cup. "He's never gonna let up."
"I know… I just wanted to ease the tension," Daniel feeling slightly regretful, Sam having placed a hand on his shoulder.
"We should head back home…" Sam said, "I don't wanna leave our dad by himself," Jamie sighed, cursing and grabbing his towel to dry off. Sam had his face in his hands, the tips of his fingers pressing into his forehead and turning white. Daniel had felt him start to shake, so he pulled Sam close and rubbed his back. 
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Jake was on his good knee, trying to fix up an old VCR. He had returned home, the impulse to see Josh urgent. He had wiped the dust off the old VCR. His fingertips were caked with grey matter as Jake started to plug everything in. He had found an old box of tapes, revealed to be home videos of a time before. Turning on the TV and changing the settings, the iconic blue screen greets him. He inserts a home video, thinking of what it would show. It had been ages.
With a start, a much younger version of his mother spoke. "Dammit, Kelly, I told you not to eat those cookies!" Jake laughed at how his mother reacted. The camera panned to a man named Kelly, eyes looking heavy as he enjoyed himself. Another man appeared, getting a cookie from the plate. It was Jake himself, younger, full of life and hopes and dreams. "Jacob!" his mother says, the younger boy laughing, a crumble falling out of his mouth. Jake, in the now, had slightly laughed as his mother gave up and chuckled at the men in her life.
However, seeing his twin brother on the screen grabbed his attention the most. His hair was curly and unkept, a reflection of his wild nature. And his voice echoed through the room, and his infectious laughter filled their ears. His laugh was so contagious that everyone would follow behind, whether the joke was good or not. It was both a comforting and bittersweet moment for him, having been reminded of his time with him. Since that awful day, Jake never thought they would be able to relive those precious moments again. Yet, it felt like he was present with him again, and his heart felt whole again for a fleeting moment. 
But only for a second or so.
The video ended with Josh kissing his older brother on his cheek, Jake yelling out dramatically, and Josh continuing his assault. 
The video stopped.
Jake was now met with his TV's black mirror, seeing himself. He had been crying while watching the videos, unaware of it. He wiped his face and headed to his room, laying down on his bed and having his face on the pillow.
A sob left him.
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nicholaskyrkostas · 2 years
How to grill like a pro - secrets shared by a professional chef!
Whether you have worked on a grill before or not, the backyard appliance can be astounding to use. How high should you heat your grill to cook your meat? How much time does it take for your meat to cook properly? What kind of charcoal do you use for cooking the meat?
A small mistake can make your grilled food from banging to blah, so we have consulted some top BBQ chefs like Nicholas Kyrkostas and other professional cooks to bring you the best grilling tips to help up your BBQ game. These are –
Keep your grill well-cleaned – Grilling up meat on the grill can make your grill pretty sticky and greasy, but your grill does not have to be. To keep your grill neat, you need to use silicone side shelf mats that can help keep the sauce from getting everywhere while preventing unwanted scratches on the stainless steel shelves.
Using the right grilling tools – In case of flare-ups and for general grilling safety, two grilling tools are recommended, i.e., grill tongs and grill gloves. Professional BBQ chef like Nicholas Kyrkostas highly recommends using grill tongs that are 16 inches long, thus allowing you to stay further away from the fire than standard 12-inch kitchen tongs.
Apart from this, using a pair of protective grilling gloves with individual fingers is recommended for better agility. So, if a flare-up does occur, you can use these two grilling tools to safely move your food to a different part of the grill, which can help you get the fire under control.
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Using marinades to enhance the flavor of your food items –
One needs to marinate all food items before grilling to add additional flavor to food items. A marinade can be made from anything and commonly includes oil as a base. Feel free to get creative and add your favorite herbs, spices, and various other staples like onion and garlic to your food items. Make sure to drip off excess marinade before you place your food items on the grill to avoid flare-ups that can create too much char and soot on your food and can impart a burnt texture.
Take food items off the grill when they are cooked –
This may sound a little simple, but that doesn’t mean when everything is done. Hot spots on the BBQ grill and ingredients that are not always uniform may cause some things to be done before others. Keep a spare plate and some aluminum foil ready. If some items finish before others, you can move them to the plate and cover them loosely with foil to keep them warm.
Keep the grill grate clean –
As you successfully prepped up your food and placed it on the grill, the food items will be completely stuck to the grate a few minutes later. Avoid this fate by quickly cleaning up the grate beforehand using a good grill brush, vegetable oil, tongs, and paper towel.
Allow the grill enough time to heat up –
Preheating charcoal grills for 5 minutes is highly recommended, but when it comes to gas grills, 15 minutes is better. Gas grills need extra time as gas flames do not produce as much radiant heat as hot coals. This may allow the food items between the fire and the cooking grate to convert the heat of the flames into radiant heat and can help produce better results when it comes to your food.
Keep an eye on the flame –
Throughout the grilling process, keeping an eye on the grill temperature and flame is essential. Make sure to preheat your grill so that the cooking process starts at the right temperature, and ensure that food items don’t stick to the grill grates. Once your food is on the grill, avoid having the fire directly touch your food items.
As you want the heat and smoke to cook your food, not the fire; otherwise, you’ll end up with a lot of char and burnt food items. So aforementioned are some of the valuable grilling tips that professional BBQ chefs like Nicholas Kyrkostas need to step up their game.
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h-o-timeline · 2 years
Inside Harry's (Old) House
As some of you know, in July 2016, Harry bought a unit in a condo in Tribeca. It was widely reported because a) people thought that meant he was moving to NYC, b) other high-profile celebrities lived in the building. In the end, Harry was never photographed around the place, and it was rented out for other people during most of the time he owned it (a loss for NYC harries).
He finally sold his condo (443 Greenwich St. #3J) in August 2021. The move didn't surprise me. It's a beautiful place, but far from private. Fortunately for Harry, he was able to sell it with a considerable profit ($290,906!).
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Photos from 2016, via Compass.
Size: 2,868 ft²
Bedrooms: 3
Bathrooms: 3.5
"Arrive via private key elevator and take in the massive great room, flooded with light from four west-facing, custom arched windows. Flawless, 8-inch white oak flooring runs underneath soaring 11-foot tall ceilings, accented by reclaimed wood beams and pillars. [...] Designed by Christopher Peacock, the space is lined with abundant custom cabinetry and top-of-the-line stainless steel appliances, while the wet bar sits center stage in the massive Calacatta marble island supported by polished stainless steel legs. Private quarters are smartly placed along east-facing expanse of the home, capturing morning sunlight and stunning views of the building's leafy central courtyard. The master suite boasts an oversized walk-in plus a full wall of closets, while the palatial, spa-like master bath features Italian Calacatta marble slab walls, distinctive bronze and glass accents, a dual-faucet trough vanity and sculptural free-standing bathtub. Radiant heat flooring and a towel warmer complement the large walk-in steam shower with built-in stone benches. In each of the generously proportioned second and third bedrooms, you'll find large closets and equally well-appointed en suite bathrooms. A powder room and large laundry room with service entrance round out this premier home’s incredible floor plan." - Description from Compass.
The building also has a full-time doorman, a gym, and a pool.
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kinetic-elaboration · 2 years
October 10: Horror Excerpt
I told myself I wasn’t going to share this story at all until I posted but I am already giving up on that because I... don’t know if I’m heading in a good direction. Like I am going to keep going in this direction but this fic could also end up being 30k and I feel like I could use some feedback, if possible, before I commit to all of that. Again, I basically am committed because of all of the time I’ve put into it but I am scared, too.
Also this is the only thing in my brain right now. I actually wrote after work. Amazing. Unprecedented. Wild.
So this is the intro scene. You can’t really tell from this but it is a horror.
A young woman sits alone, cross-legged, in an empty room. Wide rays of sun fall through the bare windows and stretch across the wooden floor, bright yellow beams of late-afternoon spring sun, flat rectangles of light across the wide and barren space. Hints of light pick out pale streaks in the girl's dirty blonde hair, which she's pulled back in a messy crown braid. For a moment, she stares out past the camera, her gaze unfocused and distant. Her teeth pull at the corner of her bottom lip.
Then her eyes snap to the lens and she smiles, a radiant, a beautiful smile. She takes a deep breath—
"Hi out there! Um, to whoever might actually find this video and care to watch it. My name's Harper, and I recently bought this house—"
She throws one arm behind her, gesturing to the empty room.
"In a brand-new town right on the shoreline and—well, it's my fresh start." She nods, once, and the smile starts to falter, a hint of something narrow and determined around her eyes. There and gone in a moment. "I was able to buy this place cheap because it's a real fixer-upper, but that's what I wanted. I used to live in a loft apartment with a whole group of roommates, and—I'm not here to talk about that, about the past, I just—want to start again with something that's mine." She presses her hand against her chest. "Something I can build from the ground up. As you can see, this house doesn't have anything in it. No furniture, but there are some built in shelves over on that wall—" She tilts the camera briefly to the side, showing off the shelving and a doorway to a darkened foyer, then back until it's roughly centered on her again. She sits slightly off-kilter in the frame. "And an old China cabinet in the dining room, and appliances and so on in the kitchen. Upstairs, I've got three small bedrooms and a bath, but I think I'm going to tear down one of the walls and make one of the bedrooms bigger. I'm sleeping on an air mattress right now, with a sleeping bag on top of it. Living out of my suitcase. But it's beautiful here. The air's so calm and warm that I sleep with my window open at night. I—"
Her hands have clenched into fists in the thin material of her t-shirt. Strands of hair, fallen loose from her braid, frame her face, and her soft brown eyes are staring so intently at the camera, so insistently, that she seems to be daring the lens to blink.
"I started this channel for me, mostly. I want to keep a record of all of my projects here, so that I have video evidence of all of my changes, and then later, I can watch to see how everything's improved over time. This house is really the cutest place I've ever seen, and the town..." She smiles again, a genuine softness to her features as she briefly ducks her head. "It's like the sort of place, right on the shore, with the crisp sea breeze and everything, where people were probably sent to recover from anxiety or the vapors or whatever...whatever bothered people back then. It's like the sort of place you'd go to feel new. To become a whole new person.
"I'll make a little video tour on my phone and upload it later, to give you—whoever you are, me in the future I guess—an idea. So. That's all for now." She gives the camera an awkward wave. "Bye."
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londonsmileangel · 5 days
Restore Your Smile: A Guide to Dental Restorations in Leigh
A bright and healthy smile can significantly boost confidence and overall well-being. Dental restorations play a crucial role in maintaining and enhancing oral health. For those seeking expert care, a dentist in Leigh offers a range of restorative treatments. This guide will explore the benefits and options available for dental restorations, helping you achieve a radiant smile.
Understanding Dental Restorations Dental restorations involve various procedures aimed at repairing and restoring the function and aesthetics of teeth. These treatments address issues such as decay, damage, and tooth loss. Consulting a dentist in Leigh ensures access to advanced techniques and personalised care.
Types of Dental Restorations
Fillings: Used to treat cavities and repair minor tooth damage. Fillings can be made from materials such as amalgam, composite resin, and porcelain.
Crowns: Caps placed over damaged or decayed teeth to restore shape, size, and function. Crowns can be crafted from porcelain, metal, or a combination of materials.
Bridges: Used to replace one or more missing teeth. Bridges are anchored to adjacent teeth or implants, providing stability and improving bite function.
Implants: A permanent solution for missing teeth. Implants involve placing a titanium post into the jawbone, which supports a crown or bridge.
Dentures: Removable appliances that replace missing teeth. Dentures can be full (replacing all teeth) or partial (replacing some teeth).
Benefits of Dental Restorations Enhanced Functionality: Restorations restore the ability to chew and speak properly, improving overall quality of life.
Aesthetic Improvement: Modern restorative techniques ensure natural-looking results, enhancing the appearance of the smile.
Preventive Care: Addressing dental issues early prevents further damage and complications, preserving oral health.
Durability: High-quality materials used in restorations ensure long-lasting results with proper care.
The Restoration Process Consulting a dentist in Leigh is the first step towards achieving optimal dental health. The restoration process typically involves the following steps:
Consultation: The dentist conducts a thorough examination, discusses your concerns, and recommends suitable treatment options.
Treatment Planning: A customised treatment plan is created based on individual needs. This plan outlines the procedures, materials, and timeline.
Procedure: The dentist performs the necessary restorative procedures, ensuring comfort and precision.
Aftercare: Proper aftercare instructions are provided to maintain the longevity of the restorations. Regular check-ups with an Leigh dentist are crucial for monitoring and upkeep.
Choosing the Right Dentist in Leigh Selecting a skilled and experienced dentist is essential for successful dental restorations. Here are some tips to consider:
Qualifications: Ensure the dentist has relevant qualifications and training in restorative dentistry.
Experience: Look for a dentist with extensive experience in performing various restorative procedures.
Patient Reviews: Reading reviews and testimonials can provide insight into the quality of care and patient satisfaction.
Technology: A modern dental practice equipped with the latest technology ensures advanced and effective treatments.
Conclusion Dental restorations are vital for maintaining and enhancing oral health. By consulting a dentist in Leigh, you can access a range of restorative treatments tailored to your needs. Whether it’s fillings, crowns, bridges, implants, or dentures, these procedures restore functionality, improve aesthetics, and boost confidence. Choose an experienced Leigh dentist to ensure high-quality care and achieve a radiant smile.
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