#Raglan Road
aberration13 · 1 month
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katiechristiansen7916 · 2 months
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Disney Springs food crawl: From left, the nonalcoholic Diving Bell from Jock Lindsey’s Hangar Bar and the Salmon Run from Raglan Road.
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stairnaheireann · 10 months
#OTD in 1967 – Death of poet and novelist, Patrick Kavanagh, who was born in Inniskeen, Co Monaghan in 1904.
Patrick Kavanagh was born on 21 October 1904, in Mucker townland, Inniskeen parish, Co Monaghan, the son of James Kavanagh, a small farmer with sixteen acres who was also a cobbler, and Bridget Quinn. He attended Kednaminsha National School from 1909 to 1916 and worked on the family farm after leaving school. His poem ‘Raglan Road’, written to be sung, was performed by The Dubliners, and still…
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Not mannequins but come on 💕
November 2023, Raglan Road, Disney Springs
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cameoutstruggling93 · 2 years
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damoreads · 2 years
From Words on the Page to Musical Masterpiece: The Story of "Raglan Road"
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I met Patrick Kavanagh a few years ago while walking along the Grand Canal in Dublin. He was sitting on a bench, looking at the water with the gaze of somebody who is contemplating his life. If you live in Dublin you have probably seen Kavanagh’s statue. If you want to visit Dublin, that's a walk you should probably consider.
Patrick Kavanagh was one of the most important poets of the 20th century in Ireland, and his work often drew on his experiences of growing up in rural Ireland. He was also a great lover of the Irish countryside, and many of his poems reflect this passion.
Today is St Patrick’s day and I want to celebrate one of my favourite Irish songs: Raglan Road. 
It’s Patrick Kavanagh’s poem turned into a song by Luke Kelly (The Dubliners). The story goes that Kavanagh was walking along Raglan Road in Ballsbridge (not far away from his sculpture, by the way) one autumn evening in 1946 when he saw a young woman named Hilda Moriarty. He was struck by her beauty and was inspired to write the poem that was first published in the Irish Press in 1946, and it quickly became popular.
The poem speaks to the human experience of love and loss, and it has a universal appeal that has made it popular with people from all over the world. 
According to legend, Kavanagh was in the Bailey pub in Dublin when he spotted Luke Kelly and asked him to sing the poem that he had written. Kelly was initially reluctant, as he didn't think the poem would work as a song, but Kavanagh insisted and Kelly eventually agreed. A story confirmed by Luke Kelly himself on RTE - Irish public television -  in 1979. 
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nsantand · 4 days
Patrick Kavanagh – Na Raglan Road
"Na Raglan Road", um poema de Patrick Kavanagh
Na Raglan Road1, em um dia de outono, uma vez a conheci e sabiaQue suas mechas escuras lançariam uma urdidura que me apanharia;Eu enxerguei o perigo, mas continuei pela viela encantada,E disse: que a aflição seja uma folha no chão ao despontar da alvorada.Na Grafton Street, em novembro, caminhamos com leveza pelo beiralDa grota profunda de onde se vê o valor da promessa da paixão,A Rainha de…
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thereasonsimbroke · 1 month
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Disney is facing criticism for attempting to avoid a wrongful death lawsuit by using a loophole in its #Disney+ streaming service agreement.
A New York University doctor, Kanokporn Tangsuan, died from an alleged allergic reaction at a #DisneySprings restaurant. Her husband, Jeffrey Piccolo, sought justice through the courts, but instead of addressing the tragedy, Disney is trying to move the case to arbitration. They argue that Piccolo waived his right to sue when he signed up for a Disney+ trial in 2019.
Piccolo's attorneys have condemned this tactic as "outrageously unreasonable," revealing a troubling use of fine print to escape accountability and showing how Disney+ is being used to undermine consumer rights.
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kickdrumheart68 · 6 months
John C. Reilly - Raglan Road | The Late Late Show | RTÉ One
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fandoms-in-law · 9 months
Aziraphale's Raglan Road
Summary: Aziraphales thoughts on Crowley and their relationship over the years
Authors Note: I'm not happy with this. It's my first GO fic and I'm not comfortable with the character but this song or a couple of lyrics in it made me think of Aziraphale and I thought I'd have a god. shame I don't have much time to work on this more today though :/
On Raglan Road on an autumn day
I saw her first and knew
Of course he recognised the Star maker, and of course he wanted to deny it entirely. She was the Serpent in the Garden, the reason for everything now happening, for him having to lie about what happened to his sword.
That her dark hair would weave a snare
That I might one day rue
She was also just treating him as another person, not an adversary of any kind. Aziraphale didn't think he could trust himself if he was the one to be cruel first, not without a reason and talking about God's reaction to the fruit being eaten was not a reason to fight.
I saw the danger, yet I passed
Along the enchanted way
This was the world. It was where humanity had started growing and Aziraphale had been stationed to protect and observe. And it was where he kept on meeting Crowley.
Each time he was more and more sure that Crowley would make him go against his orders to some extent. It was a danger, but he was also sure that he could still do good things, the right things, whether following Heaven's orders or not.
So he carried on listening, carried on letting Crowley convince him of slight changes to the plans in order to treat the people involved better.
And I said, "Let grief be a falling leaf
At the dawning of the day "
“Angel, you know you can't always find loopholes to allow people to do what they have to to survive. You will have to accept that God's being unfair to them sooner or later.” Crowley drawled. They'd met up in Cardiff this time and while Crowley had jumped in to help the person they'd met it took quite a while for Aziraphale to do the same.
He made a disagreeing harumph. “They aren't loopholes. They are genuine ways that these people are actually doing good things in actions that on the surface seem sinful.”
“We both know that you're trying and failing to convince yourself of that.”
“Well why should it be sinful to survive? I just can't accept that God would create a world like this where people can't live peacefully and have to fight and struggle to survive.” He burst out. “And we shouldn't have to either.”
On Grafton Street in November
We tripped lightly along the ledge
Of a deep ravine where can be seen
The worth of passions pledged
This was their job, their roles in the world and somehow, Aziraphale was finding more benefits to the temptations than his inspiring goodness. It wasn't that he didn't use their agreement to his own advantage, but convincing people to do good was somehow easier if he worded it like a temptation, like they could spite someone or gain more by doing a little good action rather than the ways he was meant to do so.
The 'Queen of Hearts' still making tarts
And I not making hayOh, I loved too much and by such, by such
Is happiness thrown away
They stopped the end of the world. They ensured peace would continue on and made a team of their own. Aziraphale had thought the only way this could happen was if he fell. Especially after realising all of Heaven wanted the apocalypse.
He still had his bookshop, and could take up baking when things happened in the world to cause them staying inside. Crowley could come and go as he pleased and they didn't even need to hide anything they did. They could look after each other.
I gave her gifts of the mindI gave her the secret sign
That's known to the artists who have known
The true gods of sound and stone
Aziraphale still let himself be the damsel occasionally, still wondered if perhaps he could get Crowley to find him by doing so but was never quite certain if that was the case. It's not like he gave Crowley a call each time there was a chance to play hero but he did at least know he could rely upon his counterpart.
It was also just about the main gift he could offer. Immortal beings with powers beyond humans reckoning didn't often need things in the same way humans might.
Given they'd both known God there was very little knowledge they had to share expect that which they discovered occurring around them.
And word and tint I did not stint
For I gave her poems to say
With her own name there and her own dark hairLike clouds over fields of May
“I'm flattered. What hassle do you need rescuing from today, Angel?” Crowley teased. He entered the bookshop already looking over Aziraphale's shoulder at the book he'd been reading. “Desperate for this poetry book to go down in history just like Hamlet did?”
“No, no. That would be silly. I merely thought you might like what a few of these poems say.” He flipped back a few pages to where they began. “In fact I think we knew the person who wrote them.”
Crowley read the first few verses of the poem and began to laugh. “Yes, she definitely knew us. How poetically we're described here. You must have had some influence over that.”
“I did no such thing, no miracles at all. These are all her own words.” He protested before smiling a little, “But I am very much pleased to see she enjoyed the books I suggested enough to write her own.”
On a quiet street where old ghosts meet
I see her walking now
Away from me so hurriedly
My reason must allow
Things did not look good. The argument had been necessary. Metatron wouldn't believe Aziraphale would follow his goals if he refused or actually managed to convince Crowley to join him. That was abundantly clear just from the suggestion of making Crowley an angel again.
Aziraphale knew a great many things about Heaven, but the one he was certain of was that no angel had ever intended to forgive, let alone restore a demon. He had done so with Crowley easily, but only really believe Muriel might also do the same. She had a willingness to learn most of Heaven was without.
He just hoped that his attempts to quietly explain this to Crowley would at some point be successful. Today wouldn't be that day however as at just the sight of Aziraphale waiting on the street Crowley was ducking into a shop and very attentively looking at the plants it sold.
That I had loved not as I should
A creature made of clayWhen the angel woos the clay
He'll lose his wings at the dawn of day
When Crowley was ready to hear the small things he'd learnt that might help prevent the apocalypse again, he'd be there. And this time he could accept if he was forced to fall or into a lower position for preventing Heaven's destruction of Earth.
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pd-lyons · 1 year
on raglan road again by pd lyons
For P.K. Would I were on raglan road When days still soft like rain drops fell Unnoticed smokes occasioned by good porter And I wanderer of no particular destination Knew by heart each foot fall path I’d take To find my self back home again
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shitenonions · 2 years
Raglan Road: Pour It Black
New Brunswick based Celtic-rockers, Raglan Road have a new song out tomorrow, March 1st, on all streaming platforms. Its called. Pour it Black, and it’s an ode to the Black Stuff. https://www.facebook.com/raglanroadmusic
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stairnaheireann · 2 years
#OTD in 1967 – Death of poet and novelist, Patrick Kavanagh, who was born in Inniskeen, Co Monaghan in 1904.
#OTD in 1967 – Death of poet and novelist, Patrick Kavanagh, who was born in Inniskeen, Co Monaghan in 1904.
Patrick Kavanagh was born on 21 October 1904, in Mucker townland, Inniskeen parish, Co Monaghan, the son of James Kavanagh, a small farmer with sixteen acres who was also a cobbler, and Bridget Quinn. He attended Kednaminsha National School from 1909 to 1916 and worked on the family farm after leaving school. His poem ‘Raglan Road’, written to be sung, was performed by The Dubliners, and still…
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theslowtravel · 4 months
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Somewhere / Nowhere Raglan
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hanatsuki-esperanza · 1 month
Disney Food Lawsuit
The Disney Food Lawsuit is interesting.
On one hand, the server goofed up big time by not having the food delivered to specifications. I feel a bit bad for them, but this is a case of negligence. I wonder if the dining area has cameras. Probably, knowing this day and age.
The exact details of connection between the restaurant itself and Disney Corp. are not something I am admittedly well aware of.
There's also a note that comes on almost all meals that says something along the lines of "prepared in an area where common allergens may be." Heck, even candy bars and stuff you buy from the grocery store likely have that on it. Not exactly sure how allergan-free food marked with an "allergen free flag" is,
Pulling out the D+T&S is such a scummy move.
So I hope they lose.
This may be a case of "any publicity is good publicity," but as we saw in the 2023 D&D OGL scandal, consumers making their opinions known with their wallets can be a problem for bottom lines in the long runs. Which considering Disney's current reports...
The only thing that may become a problem is how this may affect local restaurants and eateries that don't have as much legal "power" as the mouse.
Judges will have to be very careful with rulings.
Anyone with legal knowledge, please chime in, would love to hear thoughts.
Edit: They dropped the D+ T&S claim after backlash. Deserved.
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O I loved too much and by such and such is happiness thrown away.
Patrick Kavanagh
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