#Rail from Baccano!
brighteyesredfire · 1 year
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BACCANO! (2007) - ‘The Rail Tracer’ AKA ‘Vino’
"The best way to keep the rail tracer from showing up is to believe the story when someone tells it to ya'. But if it's already here then your only hope is to keep running until the morning sun rises."
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zhiroaesthetics · 8 months
Writing Commissions 🔛🔝
I want to write more, but I lost all the outlines that I created in the past two years, in which most of them I had started their drafts. Naturally, my morale tanked, but I don’t want for that to stop me on the path to consistency. So I’m opening commissions, yippe!
Pricing $0.02/word; 500 words minimum. (500=$10, 1000=$20, 1500=$30, 2000=$40, etc.)
Type SFW and NSFW Pairings written in Second/Third Person. Most flexible with F(Reader)/M and F(Reader)/F. Open to OC/Canon. Least flexible with Male Reader/Focus and Genderfluid/Non-binary Reader/Focus. I don’t do Canon/Canon or M/M.
Series If they’re not present then it’s more than likely because I’d write a character from the series as opposed to anything from the series (i.e. Raging Loop, 91 Days, Mononoke) so just ask about a character if their series isn’t present.
Gacha Games
Fate/Grand Order
Genshin Impact
Honkai Star Rail
Langrisser (My ability to do the request depends on me having the character due to a lack of online material and the inability to backread)
Granblue Fantasy (I like enough of the cast to speedrun side stories to understand plot references/setting)
Arknights (I don’t play the game but I have two friends that do and I don’t mind annoying them about context. NGL it’s here because I pray for a Chongyue request-)
Fire Emblem Heroes (I can’t do anything story specific because I never read it)
Video Games
Fire Emblem (Awakening, Fates, knowledgeable about Sacred Stones and Engage)
King of Fighters
Jujutsu Kaisen (Anime)
Chainsaw Man (Manga - Part One)
Jigokuraku (Manga)
Record of Ragnarok (Manga)
Black Lagoon (Anime)
Baccano (Anime, Light Novels – 1-5)
Communication. I have a computer science background, so I take everything literally and my mind blanks at “idk, do whatever you want”.
My Writing Approach. People talk a lot in my stories and though I do it to showcase dynamics, I also do it to pace myself. To prevent overlap and incoherency, I significantly limit my reliance on exposition. I rarely start my stories with it, and I will more than likely write in media res if the requested word cap is on the shorter side.
Expressing Limitations. No does not mean that the idea is bad or that you should be ashamed, but that I don’t feel confident in being able to properly execute it.
Hard Limitations. If it’s an idea that would be concocted by someone that is on Jeffery Epstein’s flight list, then please don’t request. If it’s an idea that would be concocted by someone who wouldn’t mind posting it on Live Leaks, then please don’t request. If it’s an idea that would be concocted by someone who would wave around a confederate flag, then please don’t request. If it’s an idea that would be concocted by a dark humor connoisseur, then please don’t request. I’m also very big on boundaries and trust, so please don’t request ideas with the following elements:
Payment ko-fi.com/zhiro
Delivery PDF in 12 pt Times New Roman. I’ll post (via ao3) if requested.
Process Please do not request for a commission if you’re uncomfortable with sending money before receiving the commission. Only send the payment once I confirm that I will be writing the commission; I will refund otherwise. It takes 1-3 months for me to finish works, and I’ll do my best in sending a progress report/the premise seven days after confirmation. My drafts are pretty messy, so I won’t be showing them, but I’ll give updates throughout. Please do not request for a commission if you’re dubious about the process.
References archiveofourown.org/users/zhiro/pseuds/Araceli%20Selkie
If any of the above changes, I’ll post the update and edit this post. Thank you for taking your time to read this. Please consider commissioning me, I like to think I’m decent enough.
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drfeelgreed · 4 months
❔ ( you're helping me craft the verse so now i've GOTTA know )
OK! just got home from work, let's do it.
because of what we discussed it might be a little obvious but i would naturally say that my daily days affiliated muses would be a great way to start. i'd actually submit gustav st. germain as my first option; gustav would technically be his boss as the vice president of the daily days! also he's much more actively involved in situations than most of the rest of the infobrokers and would probably be the sort of person who would frustrate alastor with his unwillingness to actually sanction any formal involvement in brokerage without the proper approval. he's like the main guy who CANNOT be coerced. rachel and carol would be alright choices too but i think he'd scare carol and rachel wouldn't care much about him.
my next victim i mean muse is going to be keith gandor, obviously of the gandor family, you literally know keith. you know keith. anyway, keith works the most closely with the daily days of the gandor family and after the events of 1932 d&td alastor would actually know keith to be immortal, hence the reason to get into his good graces. that's not to say keith would particularly like alastor, but he's also not about to risk a good relationship with the daily days over being impolite to their new radio host who has theoretically done nothing to him. he gets chatty over the phone which is probably where most correspondence would take place anyway. goes without saying but berga and luck are available too based on this. just. keith would be the one i toss out first.
edward noah would be a good straightforward pick. definitely for a more like, detective v. killer plot. though. he's a cop turned member of the fbi who works under victor talbot's specially created division that deals with the containing of immortals, but they also investigate ordinary crimes that MIGHT have a connection from time to time so there's ample reason for him to be going after alastor, especially if he catches wind that alastor is looking to become immortal ...
this is such a baccano ass plot that i'm throwing out next but in my head and i literally can't let this go by the way but in my head alastor getting involved with the vanishing bunny would be hilarious, like a classic "whoops, we're all in a situation and hijinks started happening" situation where they have no idea how dangerous alastor really is and are like "WE GOT THIS RANDOM GUY INVOLVED IN OUR WEIRD HEIST" except pamela (the one who has a brain and rational thought) is clocking the serial killer vibes, lana is like pamela you can't just SAY that about people, and sonja literally could not care less she is shooting guns right now. actually i think alastor might even like sonja.
IT'S CHRISTOPHER TIME. that's right i'm recommending you christopher shaldred not because i think plotting would be easy but because i think they have very interesting differences and similarities. especially because you mentioned he's looking for any excuse to "shrug off god's intentions" in relation to this au whereas christopher was created and considers himself to be an abomination against god and secretly envies nature and humanity for their natural existence. but if you examine their personalities their personalities are weirdly similar it's weird. they seem like people who'd get along on the surface. christopher even has the classic sharp teeth grin.
gunmeister smith. no further questions.
claire OR ladd would be very interesting considering what you've laid out to me as his criteria and philosophy when it comes to killing. claire because. well, he's SEEN the rail tracer in action thanks to his presence on the flying pussyfoot, but also because claire is exactly the sort of pompous person who alastor might butt heads with, though claire wouldn't butt heads back. ladd on the other hand is the sort of person alastor might take pleasure in killing in terms of his general audacity and harm to others, but then again they might get along since ladd ALSO really only kills people who are arrogant enough to believe death will escape him. he's just umm. a lot more open about his own proclivities for violence.
anyways. sorry. send stuff to literally anyone these are merely suggestions.
let's all hold hands and write with baccano! muses together. / accepting.
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antisatiric · 4 months
a verse post for mark twain's baccano! verse.
name: "mark twain". it's speculated that this is not the name he was born with, but personal identification with it has potentially negated use of the name from being affected by the 'false names' clause of immortality.
age: appears 26. as of 1935, however, is roughly 85 years of age, having become immortal in 1876.
species: immortal human.
occupation: traveler under the protection and employ of the gandor family.
residence: manhattan, new york city.
birthplace: st. petersburg, missouri.
special abilities: possessing the benefits of complete immortality, twain cannot be injured or killed by ordinary means, and can "devour" other immortals, inheriting their memories and experiences. additionally, through unknown means, twain is capable of manifesting projections from written sources of concrete stories, though these are intangible.
other: twain is always accompanied by a strangely friendly cat called "whipped cream", who seems to also possess complete immortality.
born in the year 1850 as the second youngest of 7 siblings, samuel clemens detached himself from his family at the age of 14, running away from home. at this time, he ran into and intrigued a complete homunculus who accepted the identifier of "angel", and offered the teenager two wishes and one gift of an elixir for immortality.
clemens wished first for companionship, which was granted in the form of a cat that was tied in lifespan and existence intrinsically to him, and carried the benefits of immortality. then he wished for a new life in which he had the means to understand other people, which is the potential origin of his new name and ability to manifest written words into visible reality.
twain spent the next roughly 12 years of his life passing through it without ingesting a drop of the elixir of immortality he was given. however, an unknown event involving the dissolution of a small-time gang he had been part of caused twain to finally drink the elixir at age 26, after which he continued his life as a travelling storyteller and small-time criminal.
at some point, twain developed a lack of stimulation and excitement in his life---possibly due to his inability to die---and started turning to more and more dangerous groups in an attempt to spike his own adrenaline. in late 1931, he was travelling ith the white-suited comrades of ladd russo aboard the flying pussyfoot, but was spared by the rail tracer in the ensuing bloodshed for unknown reasons.
he eventually ended up in an acquaintanceship with luck gandor, which gradually turned into employment and protection.
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esperanzacboronial · 2 years
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closedcoffins · 2 years
what’s up with baccano!? a helpful guide for mutuals who have no idea what the fuck i’m talking about, ever.
TL;DR? Everything is up with Baccano!. It would probably be easier to ask, “what’s NOT up with Baccano!?” but I’m not in the business of trying to compile that helpful guide. So, here’s my attempt to make my blog more comprehensible for those of you who just followed me out of goodwill. Introducing the bare-bones Baccano! cheat sheet!
Immmortality: The “perfect” state of being attained by the hard work of alchemists and the involvement of a homunculus. Immortals in Baccano! cannot age or die by any means, and experience something akin to regeneration when they are hurt. Essentially, given that people become immortal through drinking a liquor of immortality, their bodies are frozen at the point they were when they became immortal. Removed body parts will remain alive and attempt to reunite with the rest of the body. SEE: Huey Laforet, Melvi Dormentaire, Luck Gandor, Isaac Dian, Maiza Avaro, Molsa Martillo, Victor Talbot, Keith Gandor, Berga Gandor, Elmer C. Albatross, Sylvie Lumiere, Gretto Avaro, Begg Garrott, Nile, Renee Parmedes Branvillier, Denkuro Togo, Firo Prochainezo.
Incomplete immortality: The result of drinking a “failed” version of the liquor of immortality. While those who drink this cannot die by unnatural means such as murder or disease, their bodies can still age and die that way. SEE: Dallas Genoard.
Devouring: The only thing that can kill an immortal. One immortal places their right hand on top of the head of the other immortal and thinks “I want to eat”. Doing so absorbs the body and memories of the devoured into the devourer, along with any memories they might have obtained from other immortals before then. This action can be done without the consent of the immortal who is going to be devoured. Incomplete immortals can be devoured, but cannot devour others.
Homunculus: A creation of man resembling a human. Ideally, a homunculus should be created using an unknown formula to carry the complete sum of all knowledge.
“Perfect” Homunculus: Also referred to as Paracelsus’ Homunculus. Taking the form of a small human in a flask, this Homunculus is immortal and omnipotent, with control over time and space around it. In order to live among humans, it can break its flask and obtain the ability to take a human sized form, but it must give up either its ability to see into “space” or its ability to see into the future. The homunculus will retain significant control over the world around it, and has the capability to grant others immortality using the liquor. SEE: Ronny Schiatto.
“Imperfect” Homunculus: A being created using the Paracelsus method, but with parts missing from the formula. This being is created in an ordinary sized human body customizable to the creator’s needs. It has no knowledge of space or the future and is only as strong as an ordinary human. While it can still die from outside causes, its body will not age or decay. SEE: Christopher Shaldred, Rail, Hong Chi-Mei, Adele, Sickle.
Water Consciousness: A subtype of homunculus likened to a hivemind. Created first in the form of water, it seeks a “vessel” to drink its water. After a mental battle between the consciousness of host and parasite, the parasite will typically win, taking that body as host. It may control thousands of host bodies at one time in this way. Should the host win the battle, the parasite is ejected. Should both parties cede at the same time, the host and parasite share a body, each having access to the other’s memories. SEE: Sham, Leeza Laforet.
Immortal Homunculus: A homunculus created using a unique method that requires cells from one immortal and one other participant. The resulting Homunculus has no knowledge and stops aging when it reaches the age of the person the younger cells donated belong to. It maintains “perfect” immortality and can both devour and be devoured, but can also be killed by a mere thought of the immortal who created it. Immortal homunculi can transmit knowledge freely between them and their creators by use of the right hand placed on the head. SEE: Melvi Dormentaire, Ennis.
Curious about more Baccano! lore? We’re just getting started! Make sure to look under the cut for more things you might be confused about!
THE PLAYERS. Important groups to keep track of as we carry on! I’ll be listing characters I write and their affiliations within these groups!
The 1700s.
Lotto Valentino Alchemists: Largely, the group of people who sailed out of Lotto Valentino on the ship Advena Avis in 1711. Not all of these people were from Lotto Valentino originally, but nearly all of them were alchemists or related to alchemists. A majority of these people are dead. SEE: Huey Laforet, Maiza Avaro, Victor Talbot, Elmer C. Albatross, Sylvie Lumiere, Gretto Avaro, Begg Garrott, Nile, Denkuro Togo. To be noted that the Perfect Homunculus Ronny Schiatto made an appearance on the ship as well.
House Dormentaire: A large aristocratic family that lay siege to Lotto Valentino due to nasty rumors originating from a play. They sought to stop the Alchemists from leaving Lotto Valentino and employed a large number of spies. SEE: Huey Laforet, Victor Talbot, Elmer C. Albatross. Also noted that Melvi Dormentaire will be created with the aid of Lucrezia de Dormentaire at some point before 1930.
Mask Makers: The first iteration of this group was headed by three individuals living in Lotto Valentino. It dealt in the spread of counterfeit gold and the killing of corrupt aristocracy who stood in the way of that counterfeiting business, as well as those who trafficked people and drugs. SEE: Huey Laforet, Elmer C. Albatross, Monica Campanella.
The 1930s --- ALCHEMISTS.
The Lemures: A terrorist group founded by Huey Laforet at some point before 1930. Huey has ensnared most of the members with the promise of immortality. Following the Flying Pussyfoot Incident in December 1931, this organization is rendered non-functional. Formerly led by Goose Perkins. SEE: Huey Laforet, Chané Laforet, Jules Upham, Sham.
Larva: A group of humans working under Huey Laforet with slightly closer contact than the Lemures, who are privy to the nature of Huey’s immortality but not let in on all of his plans. Led by Tock “Tim” Jefferson. SEE: Huey Laforet, Tock "Tim" Jefferson.
Lamia: A collection of homunculi created by Huey Laforet who split off to form their own group underneath Larva. Officially led by Tim, but unofficially they tend to do as they like. SEE: Huey Laforet, Tock "Tim" Jefferson Christopher Shaldred, Rail, Hong Chi-Mei, Adele, Leeza Laforet, Sickle, Sham.
Rhythm: Huey Laforet’s experimental division, responsible for alchemical and scientific achievement and the creation of homunculi. Currently led by Salomé Carpenter. SEE: Huey Laforet.
Time: A group of people who serve an unknown function under Huey Laforet. It is speculated that they are the largest faction he supervises, but that they know very little about the grand scheme of things. Currently led by Melvi Dormentaire. SEE: Huey Laforet, Melvi Dormentaire, Claire Stanfield.
Nebula: A large corporation led by Cal Muybridge. While it handles everyday matters such as construction and city planning, it also takes care of matters related to the supernatural, up to and including the liquor of immortality. Headquartered in Chicago and with a skyscraper known as Mist Wall in New York City, Nebula’s alchemical research is headed by Renee Parmedes Branvillier. SEE: Renee Parmedes Branvillier, Sham.
The 1930s --- CRIME FAMILIES.
The Martillo Family: The foremost crime family in the story. They’re a Camorra family whose base is just on the outskirts of Little Italy. In their speakeasy Alveare, they sell specialty honey-flavored drinks and other products, and are known for their skill with knives rather than guns. After an incident in 1930, every higher level of the family becomes a perfect Immortal. Over the years, they slowly begin to rely more on their restaurant income, phasing out the crime aspect of it. Founded and led by Molsa Martillo. SEE: Molsa Martillo, Ronny Schiatto, Maiza Avaro, Firo Prochainezo, Sham.
The Gandor Family: A small outfit in New York City led by three brothers---Luck, Keith, and Berga Gandor---as one unit. They’re known for being especially fierce, but people close to the brothers tend to comment on how they’re a bit unsuited to be mafia dons. Following the incident in 1930, the three brothers are perfect Immortals. SEE: Keith Gandor, Berga Gandor, Luck Gandor, Nicola Casetti, Tick Jefferson, Maria Barcelito, Edith, Kate Gandor, Kalia Gandor, Claire Stanfield, Sham.
The Runorata Family: A medium sized mafia family in New Jersey. They’re a bit troublesome to the rest of the characters, serving as antagonists most of the time, but their leader Bartolo Runorata is praised for having survived Lucky Luciano’s cleansing of “old fashioned” mafia families. SEE: Gabriel & Juliano Barsotti, Carzelio Runorata, Begg Garrott, Melvi Dormentaire, Claire Stanfield, Sham.
The Russo Family: An outfit on the brink of collapse in Chicago. Run by don Placido Russo, the Russo family is noted to be somewhat in shambles due to its leader’s impulsive decision making. As such, its members are somewhat scattered, and many of its former members have made their departure following 1931. SEE: Ladd Russo, Graham Specter, Christopher Shaldred, Ricardo Russo, Sham.
The 1930s --- INDEPENDENTS.
Isaac & Miria: A duo of Bonnie & Clyde style thieves, whose capers are almost as ridiculous as their costumes. They should in theory be annoying due to their stark lack of intelligence, but they somehow manage to bring a smile to everyone’s faces anyway. After an incident in 1930, the two of them are immortal. SEE: Isaac Dian.
Jacuzzi’s Gang: A Gang of “young punks” who gather around crybaby bootlegger Jacuzzi Splot because of a strange instinct to protect him. They number over 20 in rank and are all sorts of bad news, cast out of the communities they were part of. Many of them are immigrants who caused just enough trouble to be ousted from the communities they came to America with. SEE: Jacuzzi Splot, Nice Holystone, Chané Laforet, Claire Stanfield, Rail, Sham.
The Vanishing Bunny: A trio of robbers who aspire to the likes of Myra Starr. Though few in number, put together the three are clever and have a lot of firepower in the form of guns. SEE: Pamela McCall, Lana Sutton, Sonja Bake.
Freelance Hitmen: Any number of freelancers roam the streets of Baccano!’s imagining of New York City, though the people confident enough to do so tend to be oddballs in their own respect. SEE: Maria Barcelito, Laz Smith, Mark Wilmens, Ladd Russo, Graham Specter.
Fred’s Poorhouse / Clinic: A place on Gandor territory that anyone can go to for food and treatment, regardless of affiliation. It’s known neutral territory where fighting is strictly prohibited. SEE: Jules Upham, Roy Maddock, Laz Smith, Mark Wilmens, Isaac Dian, Nader Schasschule.
The Daily Days: An unusual information brokerage in New York City’s Chinatown. Rather than doing business in alleyways, they have a front of a newspaper company with their information exchanges taking place in one location. SEE: Rachel Jones, Gustav St. Germain, Carol.
Bureau of Investigation: It’s just the FBI. SEE: Victor Talbot.
The 2000s.
SAMPLE: A cult based on an old European one. They attack the cruise ships Entrance and Exit in 2002, and follow a philosophy that Gods must be created by selecting a young child to use as a “scapegoat”. SEE: Elmer C. Albatross ( in the late 1690′s. )
Mask Makers: The second iteration of Lotto Valentino’s Mask Makers. A powerful underground society descended from Monica Campanella, the very first Mask Maker. Their sole purpose is to see the end of Huey Laforet to fruition, believing him responsible for Monica’s death. SEE: Luchino B. Campanella, Aging, Elmer C. Albatross.
Lotto Valentino Survivors: The remaining immortals from the Advena Avis who avoided being devoured. By the early 2000′s, they have all reestablished contact with eachother. SEE: Maiza Avaro, Huey Laforet, Elmer C. Albatross, Victor Talbot, Nile, Begg Garrott, Sylvie Lumiere, Denkuro Togo.
THE STORY. A breakdown of the novels and what years they take place in.
Volume 1 / The Rolling Bootlegs. 1930.
Volume 2 / The Grand Punk Railroad: Local. 1931.
Volume 3 / The Grand Punk Railroad: Express. 1931.
Volume 4 / Drug and the Dominoes. 1931 - 1932. Happens concurrently with The Grand Punk Railroad.
Volume 5 / Children of Bottle. 2001 - 2002.
Volume 6 / The Slash: Cloudy to Rainy. 1933.
Volume 7 / The Slash: Bloody to Fair. 1933.
Volume 8 / Alice in Jails: Prison. 1934.
Volume 9 / Alice in Jails: Streets. 1934.
Volume 10 / Peter Pan in Chains: Finale. 1934.
Volume 11 / The Ironic Light Orchestra. 1705.
Volume 12 / Bullet Garden. 2002.
Volume 13 / Blood Sabbath. 2002. Happens concurrently with Bullet Garden.
Volume 14 / Another Junk Railroad: Special Express. 1931 - 1932.
Volume 15 / Crack Flag. 1710.
Volume 16 / Man in the Killer. 1932. Happens the summer after Drug and the Dominoes.
Volume 17 / Whitesmile. 1711. Happens just before the 1711 episode of the anime.
Volume 18 / Deep Marble. 1935.
Volume 19 / Dr. Feelgreed. 1935.
Volume 20 / Time of the Oasis. 1931. Happens concurrently with The Grand Punk Railroad.
Volume 21 / The Grateful Bet. 1935.
Volume 22 / Luckstreet Boys. 1935.
Volume 23 / The Buzz Messengers. 1935. Postponed; planned to be the last book of the Baccano! series.
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Finally listened to malevolent 29! Huge fan of the butcher. I don't think he was directly inspired by him, but he gave me the same vibes as the rail tracer from baccano. Because they're like. Both mysterious killers with an ambiguous moral code on a train and all? Though personally i wish the train chase lasted a bit longer, just because i think it would be fun if the cat and mouse game was streched out a bit
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kulaiyin · 1 year
(content: honkai star rail 1.0 story content - some of the 1st destination!)
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continuing off from the last post! we’re aboard the express now!
this post will probably be much shorter because i didn’t get too far in the story yet (too busy explorin’...)
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i really love the interior of the train... this is a perfect “main” hub, and i like that welt and himeko are just here so you can talk to them whenever...
plus, the lights form a whale!!! that’s so cool!!!
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i'm skipping a bit of the arrival to belobog 
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c-cocolia...?! no way... ┌( ´_ゝ` )┐
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IT IS COCOLIA ALWJDLKJDLAW there’s no way she’s not up to something!
i just noticed that her right arm has this frost stuff going on... and gepard has it on his right arm too?! 
i wonder if it’s just military dress or if it’s something more sinister... like a curse?!
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OK I KIND OF SURMISED THAT... serval (aka the cool rock guitar lady you get for free) is gepard’s sister?! they’re both named after big cats and there’s that one hsr trailer with baccano vibes where serval and gepard were interacting... 
i like it, they’re so different in personality!
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i remember the first shot being mc opening a trash can and march 7th pulling her away. i can’t believe mc is a canon trash spelunker... (i love that)
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p... paimon?! 😳
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i was a bit too desperate to hit the guaranteed 5* pity on the beginner banner so i did some rolls in seele’s banner (who is so cool, i want her after doing her trial... she’s so hardcore in hsr!) ...
and i got hook!! SHE IS STRONG!!! (well, at least to my noob self)
i didn’t realize this before but her design is just a walking ⚠
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i also think it’s cool that the treasure chests have different appearances in each world... 
you might have noticed that i just beat a formidable foe...
ever since i got hook, i got cocky and started thinking i could take them all on... so i went back to herta space station--
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life is hard when your max level is 20
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it’s the moment of truth... i traded in my (hsr equivalent of stardust) for all of the monthly warp passes... 
even standing next to peppy for good luck!
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i will post the result on the next post ( •̀ ω •́ )✧
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rhpsdys · 2 years
♪ ♪ ♪ @closedcoffins liked for a brief character playlist !
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i've just seen a face by the beatles i've just seen a face / i can't forget the time or place / where we just met / she's just the girl for me / and i want all the world to see / we've met
i'm not even sorry about this one. literally before i even opened spotify i was like oh. claire song. i have no comment here it's just him.
corner of the sky from pippin so many men seem destined / to settle for something small / but I won't rest until I know I'll have it all / so don't ask where I'm going / just listen when I'm gone / qnd far away you'll hear me singing / softly to the dawn
this almost feels a little cliche but this verse in particular just speaks to me as a claire song. solipsism, baby!
black fox by heather dale well, the men looked up in wonder / and the hounds ran back to hide / for the fox it changed to the devil himself, / where he stood on the other side / and the men, the hounds, the horses / they went flying back to town / but hard on their heels come a little black fox, laughing as he ran
i can't really explain this one it's just??????? rail tracer vibes???? it just screams claire at me.
BONUS: four aces by fish in a birdcage just another day on these old train tracks / breakin' a sweat / while breakin' my back / just a couple days on these old train tracks / on my way back home
i am so glad you asked me to do claire because i just wanted to toss this song into the mix. this one's just a bonus because although the storytelling doesn't quite line up with claire, the first time i listened to it after getting into baccano i just couldn't stop associating it with him. some of the individual lyrics are so real. train stuff. gambling stuff. so yeah. vibes. just trust me bro.
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gwaaaaar · 2 years
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#reminds me of that one meme you made where its like this edible aint shit and its a pic of light music club cater saying i always wanted to
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Ok hear me out, Ganji and Mike accidentally crash into each other during a match or something and they drop their Red balls. They scramble to pick what they assume are their own items but we cut to Mike trying to flip over a rail and the ball bounces back and hits him square in the face, he's out like a light. Now zooming over to ganji he's taking aim then BOOM! his bats on fire, Ganji is now chasing the hunter with a flaming glorified stick,ganji is now banned from Duos
Holy shit yes oh my god 😭😭😭😭. Clusmy anime girls with toast in their mouth except, threats to the hunter that dropped their balls.
30 notes - Posted February 15, 2022
Raoul de Chagny (Mazm one maybe idk) is such a sigma male but also an L bozo. Mans literally cannot get manipulated by erik bc hes too stupid but at the same time he goes into eriks box to assert dominance only to pass out like an idiot. And the scene in the forest where he HAD A CELAR SHOT AT ERIK AND MISSED. L bozo.
32 notes - Posted April 24, 2022
Having finished Hyde and Seek like 3 days after release here are some of my thoughts. There's gonna be some stuff implied so read with caution, i wont say outright but ill talk abt the implications. Sorry most of this is Alan rambling I have brainworms and I'm ill.
-Alan is literally my malewife. Love at first sight, if Noah is my little meanwhore Alan is my malewife. I love their big boobs.
-Pollie>Sally. My heart dropped when Alan tried to ask Sally out like out of all people, Sally? Good news though hes single by the end.
-Pollie is literally that one tumblr post where its like let women be pathetic little meow meows too. She is the definition of a pathetic meow meow and i love her for that.
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See the full post
45 notes - Posted March 13, 2022
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93 notes - Posted May 22, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Alright so ive been seeing this going around, the lack of paint on Sam in ENG . I dont want to start shit though, im saying this as a disclaimer. And i want to say this as controversial as it may be: it was for the best probably.
Voodoo has a history of being portrayed as dark magic which is horrible. Voodoo is a religion not satanic not dark magic. It is as much of a religon as Islam, Christianity, Hinduism, Judaism, etc. Respect it. I like the bone paint too, it looked cool, but clearly its more cultural appropriation rather than appreciation on Sam (voodoo practicers if you can please tell me if ive said something wrong).
"Cancel culture" isnt just an "sjw" thing, its used to talk about problems. Saying "twst shouldve just stayed in jp" bc of the problematic aspect isnt good. We have to address problematic issues with culture and racism. Twst has racist aspects you cannot deny that. It doesnt mean you cant enjoy twst at all, but stay openminded and listen to minorities when they speak. Cultures arent "aesthetics" :/
284 notes - Posted January 20, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
welp, isnt that a doozy
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poeticdevastation · 4 months
hi chūya. do u read manga
Do you really want me to answer that.
All seriousness, I've read some.
Shingeki no Kyojin was good n' I liked Tokyo Ghoul.
Out of animes I liked their intro songs- especially Unravel, Shinzou wo Sasageyou, n' The Rumbling.
Another one I loved was found & lost by Survive Said the Prophet.
That band is insane, man. /pos
I have a small playlist dedicated to some of my favorite songs by them.
Of course I gotta mention the GOATs, Akira n' Fist of the North Star.
I tried Given- n' I guess this would be a "hot take" or whatever you guys call it- but if I'm bein' honest, I was more into Bocchi the Rock.
Still a cute one, though.
Nothin' will ever give me chills like Banana Fish n' this scene from Bocchi.
Death Note was another one that was pretty good but drove me nuts- loved the second op though- n' I'm excited to continue Boku no Hero Academia n' Demon Slayer.
I think the two I'm most excited to read/see more of though are Trigun/Trigun Maximum/Trigun Stampede n' Rurouni Kenshin.
Vash is a pretty cool guy.
Oh yeah- One Punch Man was hysterical, too.
Princess Mononoke was gorgeous.
Y'all can hate on it all ya want or be judgemental to it's chaotic n' broken fandom but RWBY rocks.
R.I.P. Rooster Teeth
Death Parade n' Satsuriku no Tenshi were interesting, & I'm interested in continuing Moriarty the Patriot n' Link Click.
I liked n' gotta continue/rewatch:
Assassination Classroom
Full Metal Alchemist
One Piece
Owari no Seraph
Mob Psycho 100
Sonic X
Dungeon Meshi
Spy × Family
Tokyo ESP
Black Clover
Phoenix Wright
Soul Eater
Ao no Exorcist
Tokyo Revengers
n' ESPECIALLY Gurren Lagann n' Cowboy Bebop
I've been told to check out
The Great Pretender
Afro Samurai
91 Days
Kaiju No.8
Vinland Saga
World Trigger
Tate no Yūsha no Nariagari
Cyberpunk: Edgerunners
Enen no Shouboutai
Great Teacher Onizaka
Hunter × Hunter
Hotaru no Haka
Detective Conan
Lupin III
Jujutsu Kaisen (That one guy's voice is. Drivin' me nuts. Where have I heard it.)
I don't plan to watch Chainsaw Man but the manga looks good.
As for games: I've played that [Redacted] series n' saw the anime for it as well as read some of the novels when I had the time.
I liked that Hagakure guy, but I can't put my finger on why... oh, n' Leon was pretty cool, too.
I loved Mondo n' Taka, not gonna lie.
Also liked Nekomaru n' that Kaito dude.
What was up with that Gozu guy too- he was interestin'.
Persona games are pretty good, too.
I played Genshin for a bit. I like Diluc. I swear- that Itto guy sounded familiar, but I'm not sure where else I'd heard him from.
HSR might be more my thing, but I like the fighting style more in Genshin if I'm bein' honest. Otherwise, I'll still be more active on Star Rail from now on.
I like Boothill n' Aventurine.
If you've read this far then here, have some of my guilty pleasures- if you can call them that;; basically:
You will never catch me admitting to liking these.
Violet Evergarden
Lucky Star
Ouran Koukou Host Club
Kaguya-sama: Love is War
Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Howl's Moving Castle
Princess Tutu (Wrecked me)
Fairy Tail
Kill la Kill
Your Lie in April
Sasaki to Miyano
Sword Art Online II
Tian Guan Cifu
My Neighbor Totoro
n' especially Toradora! n' Buddy Daddies.
^What can I say, the last two were too-darn-adorable for me to resist.
Oh yeah, speakin' of animes people refuse to admit likin' n' reachin' this far to be deservin' of seein' my "honorary mentions"...
Y'all who are still afraid to like Kekkai Sensen are cowards.
Go check out Blood Blockade Battlefront, losers. /endearing
By the same guy who made Trigun, iirc.
There's one that keeps bein' brought up around me though... the Hell was it...;;
...Bungou to Alchemist.
That's definitely what it was.
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isolaradiale · 8 months
Lost in Space #58
Howdy, Isolans! We have conducted an activity check for the month of January!
If your character isn’t on this list, make sure to check this page to see how many stars that character has earned this month! Stars can be used for purchases at the marketplace.
The blogs that were removed from the Isola Radiale masterlist are under the cut. Note that both blogs with broken links and deactivated accounts will be included both at the top of this list and in their proper categories.
If you were removed in error, please simply send a re-application message. Several different people work on the activity checks, so it’s possible there are mistakes! If this happens to you, you will be able to keep everything you previously had, you just may be placed in a different residence.
Our general activity rules regarding checks are as follows:
Make at least two in-character posts during a calendar month (for instance, if the activity check is for May, have two in-character posts between the 1st and 31st of May).
Only one meme response of 300+ words counts as activity.
Only one drabble of 500+ words counts as activity.
One-liners or minis not tagged #isola mini also do not count.
Please Note: If you are removed during two consecutive activity checks, you will not be allowed to re-apply as that character for one calendar month.
Additionally, anyone removed during the activity check will have a 12-hour window from the time of posting to re-claim their character. Any character not reclaimed during that period will be open to the community at large.
Please send in your reapplications from the account of the character that was removed.
Broken URLS
Toph Beifong (TOWNHOUSE 220)
Elmer C. Albatross (APARTMENT 304)
Alekto (Dark Urge) (CONDO 413)
Astarion Ancunin (HOUSE 101)
Trevor Belmont (APARTMENT 319)
Denji (CONDO 426)
V (CONDO 412)
Bastian Hallix (CONDO 428)
Avenger (Edmond Dantes) (CONDO 405)
Lancer of Red (Karna) (TOWNHOUSE 218)
Rider of Red (Achilles) (CONDO 404)
Saber (Bedivere) (TOWNHOUSE 224)
Saber (Nero Claudius) (HOUSE 104)
G’raha Tia (Château de Akiudo (Cotes))
Childe (APARTMENT 319)
Diluc Ragnvindr (Dawn Manor (Cotes))
Hu Tao  (APARTMENT 303)
Zhongli (CONDO 428)
Millia Rage (HOUSE 111)
Grimm (CONDO 406)
Dan Heng (CONDO 401)
Mary (TOWNHOUSE 203)
Gojo Satoru (CONDO 403)
Kirara Hoshi (TOWNHOUSE 209)
Steven A. Starphase (CONDO 409)
Gregor Samsa ( APARTMENT 314 )
Wei Wuxian ( APARTMENT 303 )
Margaret Moonlight ( APARTMENT 306 ) 
Kuya ( HOUSE 125 ) 
Ichimokuren ( CONDO 423 )
Azreal ( HOUSE 112 )
Mithra (My House - The Mistwood)
Roxie Richter (CONDO 422)
Wallace West (TOWNHOUSE 220)
Agape (Source_Code - The Echo)
Doctor Starline (CONDO 420)
Martel Yggdrasill (Kharlan Cottage, Mistwood)
Mithos Yggdrasill (CONDO 420)
Raine Sage (CONDO 426)
Donatello (HOUSE 123)
Mobei Jun (HOUSE 109)
Barnaby Brooks Jr (CONDO 423)
Ace Trappola (HOUSE 216)
Vanitas (HOUSE 201)
Fuyu Ushirono (Maeno Estate, City of Glass)
Maeno Aki (Maeno Estate, City of Glass)
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vilatile · 2 years
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grimoireemil · 5 years
I'm seeing more and more anime fandom wikis go into a careful explanation as to why they choose to use the pronouns for a character that they use, focusing as much as possible on direct quotes from a character to draw the conclusion (which should be obvious) and it's leading to me seeing some more they/them pronouns for characters and that's really rad
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Who would win
a powerful, immortal alchemist who has lived for centuries or even millennia, who has gained so much knowledge about the world and how it works that he can practically do anything and is regarded as a demon by everyone
one(1) very confident conductor
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closedcoffins · 2 years
Ricardo was waiting in the car, but Christopher didn’t pull Rail to their feet and take them away. He only turned his red eyes to the night sky, irritatingly full of stars, and listened quietly to Rail’s shouts.
“Hey... C’mon, this is weird. How come... I can laugh like this when I’m so sad? Say, Chris, don’t you think it’s funny? Aren’t you gonna laugh? C’mon, tell me! Ha-ha! ... Ha-ha-ha ... Ah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! Ah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!”
“I laughed like that once, too, a long time ago. I forget what it was that set me off.”
“Ha-ha-ha... Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! Hee... Hee...! Hee... ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!”
Maybe Rail had laughed too much; the suture scars on their face creaked, and blood was seeping out in places.
They didn’t care, though, and they kept right on going. They just laughed and laughed, with tears streaming down their face.
“It’s weird, but when you’re really in trouble, you start wanting to laugh. I wonder if ordinary humans are like that, too.”
Christoper paid no particular attention to the blood, either. He just kept talking, though Rail may or may not have heard him.
“But... that was the trigger, and afterward, I think I did go crazy, in the real sense of the word.”
“Ha-ha-ha... Ah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! Ah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!”
“So listen, Rail. I won’t stop you. I won’t. I can’t.”
“Ha-ha... ha-ha... ha... ha-ha-ha-ha... ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha...”
“I’m not sure how to put it... I’m already broken, so I can’t put you back together. If you’re going to break like we have, I can give you as much of a hand as you like. But you know, right now, I think you’re at a crossroads... I think you need to make this decision on your own.”
“Ha-ha... ha... ha-ha...”
“I just hope... somebody who’s still whole can pull you back from the edge.”
He ended the speech with an honest expression of his feelings and started back toward the car, where Ricardo was waiting.
“You see, if that happens, I’m sure you’ll be able to live as a human, Rail.”
“Ha-ha... huh? Ha-ha-ha...”
“I idolize them, so I guess I may be a little jealous of you, Rail. Ha-ha.”
Baccano! 1934 Peter Pan in Chains: Finale. Chapter 4, Misfits Outside the City.
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