#Raine is a professional babysitter :')) ]
b3ach-bunn7 · 12 days
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Gojo has had the longest day at work and, after getting caught in the rain, doesn’t think it can get any worse. But as always, the universe loves to prove him wrong, and he finds himself sat on the bus seven seats behind Geto.
unrequited love, angst
Gojo notices everything, and yet he didn’t notice him.
It had been raining, heavy enough that his unprotected head was dripping wet, his hair plastered to his forehead, his glasses fogged up. Shoko said he always looked like an unhappy cat when he was wet, and his reflection in the foggy windows seemed to prove her right. He could’ve used his cursed technique to protect himself from it, but he’d forgotten his umbrella, and there are only so many moments Gojo can pretend he’s just like everyone else.
He’d stumbled his way to the back of the bus, clenching his hands into fists to try to stave off the cold. It was only once he’d sat down, and taken a quick sweep of the bus to see who had watched him fumble his way across it, that he saw him.
He could’ve lied and told himself it wasn’t. They’d not seen each other since that day, the smell of fast food and the shake of his hands still fresh in his brain.
It’s only the back of his head that he can see. He’s letting his hair lengthen, so his ponytail is brushing down past his shoulders now. Geto’s hair always took so long to grow and it makes Gojo think about how much time it’s been.
Geto. Gojo can’t believe he calls him that now. Like they’re strangers.
Gojo wishes he could turn back time to when he’d gotten on. So he could make sure he looked dignified when striding across the upper deck of the shaking bus, or if only to see if Geto noticed him too.
There are seven pairs of seats between them. The lights above them are old, and the one above Gojo is flickering on and off. It’s messing with his eyes, so he pulls his glasses off and slips them in his pocket.
Geto has his earphones in. They are wired, despite the brand new pair of Bluetooth ones Gojo had bought him a year ago he knows are still sitting in his desk at home. Geto is petty like that, insisting his own are good enough. He’s too good to use them but he’s kept them all the same.
Gojo doesn’t need to use his six eyes to see what’s in the shopping bags next to him. Groceries. More importantly, pink birthday banners and plastic plates with bright unicorns on them. Shoko had mentioned the two girls Geto had taken in, but he didn’t know if it was actually true. Shoko had learnt the hard way, after the exaggerated destruction of a house during the mission they were called to afterwards, that information about Geto should be kept strictly professional.
Megumi and Tsumiki are at home right now. They’d both assured him they didn’t need a babysitter, despite only being like, five, but Gojo couldn’t help worrying. He wonders if this was a feeling his parents ever felt. If, despite his six eyes and infinity, they still worried about him.
Getos kids might be the same age as his own, if the frilly pink decorations are anything to go by. He wonders if they would’ve been friends with his own, if they might’ve called him ‘Uncle’.
Gojo shuffles in his seat. The rain is still as strong as ever, like tiny bullets crashing into the window next to him. He fiddles with the ring on his finger. It’s sleek, two strands of metal looping around one another. It’s still cold as he dances his fingertips above it.
It’s Geto’s ring. It’s far too dark and mysterious to be something he’d ever by himself.
He got it after a mission they’d gone on, just the two of them. Gojo and Geto had been spent, sitting cross-legged against the school gates, dreading the scolding they’d get for the damage they’d caused.
“It’s not our fault.” Satoru had whined. “That curse was huge, Yaga did not warn us it would be that big.”
“Like that matters. It’ll be our fault anyways.” Suguru sighed.
They dissolved into silence again. Satoru’s eyes dropped to Suguru’s hands, which were adorned with an array of silver and black rings.
“Why do you have so many rings?”
Suguru’s eyes, which had been shut, flickered open, and found his own. Satoru always thought he could see into the very depths of his soul, especially like this, when it was just the two of them. He looked back down at Suguru’s hands, if only for something to do.
“I like ‘em.”
Satoru made a noise in the back of his throat. He reached over and grabbed Suguru’s hand, inspecting them closely.
“Surely they get in the way. What if one of them slips off while we’re fighting a curse, or in a fight, or something?” Satoru tapped one that looks like a snake winding up his pinkie.
“They, uh. They don’t.”
Suguru’s hand was so warm. His own ran so cold, always freezing in the winter months.
Satoru flipped his hand upside down and shook it.
“You’re right. They do stay on.”
Satoru looked at Geto, and he had that soft smile on his face. The sun was setting behind them and the orange glow of the sky made his skin look soft to touch, wisps of black hair teasing his forehead.
Satoru looked back down.
“I like this one.”
He pointed to the one on his middle finger. Metallic, a thin band with a white strand and a black strand intertwined around each other.
Suguru hummed. “Take it then.”
“What? No, I’m not gonna to take it, it’s yours, I was just saying it’s nice!”
“Yeah, yeah.”
Suguru was already tugging it off his hands, deft fingers grabbing Satoru’s and slipping it on.
It fit almost perfectly. Satoru’s finger’s were a little slimmer
“Thanks, then.”
Suguru just nodddd.
“Hey, look.”
Satoru moved it onto his ring finger. He waggled it in the air, grinning.
“It’s almost as if we’re married now, dear husband.”
Suguru looks at him for what feels like a moment too long, before he rolls his eyes.
“Shut up.”
“Don’t be like that. You’ll have to sleep on the couch tonight if you keep up this bad attitude.”
Gojo is getting alarmingly cold. Once again, sentiment has only done him dirty.
He wonders if Geto still remembers that day. The curse they’d fought, the telling-off Yaga had given them, or maybe even the colour of the sky.
Gojo’s stop is next. The familiar streets outside his window pull him out of the whirlwind of memories a black ponytail sends him down. He presses the red ‘stop’ button. There’s no rain inside the bus but, as he stands, Gojo’s infinity is turned on.
He wonders if he’ll feel it when he passes by. Will Geto look at him? Will he speak to Gojo? Will he try to kill him? Maybe he’ll ask about the kids Gojo has been looking after, or he’ll ask about how stressful his life has been, because not only is the protection of the whole of Japan on his own two shoulders, now it’s his best friend who he needs to protect them from.
Or maybe he’ll say sorry.
Gojo walks past.
Nothing happens.
He waits at the top of the stairs for the bus to stop. He doesn’t want to slip on the wet stairs.
His hand grips the railing. The hand with the ring still on his left hand, the finger next to his pinkie.
Gojo used to tell people he was married. Told Geto it kept woman from flirting with him all the time, cut their unwanted advances in half.
He doesn’t know what his excuse is now.
The bus stops. Gojo walks down the steps and back out into the rain.
Gojo notices everything, except for the pair of eyes that follow him down.
I had a really weird horrible argument with a friend that ended up in him blocking me like the FREAK he is.. so bare with the angst I’m going to be churning out.
I also start uni soon so have been very busy! I will try post as much as I can
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projectionistwrites · 2 years
GESTALT | 2003
YEAR FIVE (the final year).
pre-outbreak!Joel Miller x afab!babysitter!reader (5.5k+)
RATING: EXPLICIT (18+, mdni) WARNINGS: age gap, angst, slow burn, strained parental relationships, SMUT (dubcon, thigh-riding, dry-humping, oral (m!receiving), dirty talk), potentially ooc!joel NOTES: this one is genuinely fucking sad, no happy endings in sight :)
← previous part | SEQUEL →
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MAY 10, 2003
A smile split your face as the sun beamed down on you among the crowd of students, a barrage of graduation caps raining down upon you after being tossed haphazardly into the sky. The joy in the air was contagious—laughter, tears, hugs, and shouts were possessing the crowd, and as the graduates dispersed, you pressed your diploma to your chest, beginning to weave through the masses of people.
Bleachers on the top right. That’s where you’d spotted them at the beginning of the ceremony—Sarah waving frantically in hope of catching your attention; Tommy, on her left, making ridiculous and borderline obscene faces to try to make you laugh; and Joel, to the right, arms crossed tightly over his chest, stoic as ever. You saw straight through him. Even from several hundred feet away, there was a gleam of pride in his eyes—for you.
Just as you finally reached the base of the bleachers, a body leapt into you, arms wrapping around your shoulders as you nearly fell backwards. It didn’t take you long to realize it was Sarah, your arms enveloping her tightly in an embrace as her feet dangled above the ground. The smell of her floral shampoo made you smile, and she squealed against your ear before pulling away.
“Oh my God! You did it!”
Sarah was practically bursting with excitement, bouncing on the balls of her feet. You cheeks burned from smiling so widely.
A brief flash blinded you for a moment, and you looked over to see Tommy grinning at you, a digital camera held in his hands. You rolled your eyes at him.
“Tommy, come on.”
You groaned, but you were laughing. The man lowered the camera, coming up to you and giving you a big bear hug. His hands patted warmly against your back.
“Gotta commemorate the big day! First Miller with a college degree!”
Tears pricked your eyes at his comment—first Miller. You smiled at him gratefully as he clapped you on the bicep.
Your gaze shifted over his left shoulder—Joel was leaning against the railing, hands buried in his pockets, watching you. Tommy took a step back, removing the barrier between the two of you. You took a few cautious steps forward, smiling shyly at the ground.
“Hey, cowboy.”
You breathed, shifting your weight from side to side.
“Thanks for coming.”
Joel regarded you carefully, a barely-there smile on his lips. He nodded.
“I’m—we’re real proud ’a you, Y/N.”
You looked up at him thoughtfully, gently tugging your lip between your teeth.
The air was thick, and you stumbled when someone nudged you from behind, forcing you closer to the man. Sarah. The little schemer.
Now closer in proximity, he pulled you against him, one hand cupping the back of your head and the other resting on the small of your back. You wrapped your arms around his middle, breathing him in—another flash from the camera, but you hardly noticed, your soul finding peace in this brief moment.
Too quickly, he pulled away, but his arm stayed tightly wrapped around your waist. Sarah joined you, rushing to your other side, leaning into your shoulder with a wide grin. You pulled her closer to you, ready to pose for the photo, before glancing back up at Joel once more. He was already watching you, a proud smile on his face.
FLASH! Tommy could probably moonlight as a professional photographer as he snapped an extensive amount of photos, repositioning you to his liking and trying to find the best angles. After awhile, you all grew restless, Sarah chasing after him to try and snatch the camera away. You watched on, amused, as Joel came to your side.
“I, uh—was keepin’ an eye out for your old man, but I didn’t see him. He make it out here okay?”
You smile faltered a bit, and you shook your head.
“Actually, something came up at work last minute, so he—he wasn’t able to make it.”
You could practically feel the anger rolling off of Joel’s shoulders, but you turned to face him, hand reaching up to grip his bicep. He gazed down at you.
“Hey, s’not a big deal, really.”
You assured him, squeezing his arm with a smile. Your hand brushed over his shoulder before moving to cup the side of his face.
“Besides, I’ve got my three favorite people in the world here with me. That’s all I really care about.”
Maybe you imagined it, but you swore you could feel Joel leaning into your touch before he reached up to pull your hand away from his face.
“Wouldn’t have missed it for anythin’.”
He offered, and your heart soared in your chest.
“Celebratory dinner time?”
Tommy rejoined the two of you, Sarah following behind him triumphantly with the camera in her hands. You turned to Joel.
“Whaddya think, cowboy? You gonna treat me to a nice meal?”
The man scoffed, but his answer was clear.
“Oh, oh, where do you wanna go?”
Sarah asked excitedly, eyes wide with elation. You pursed your lips, pretending to consider her question carefully.
“Hmm, I’ve got a place in mind, but... what do you think it is, Smiles?”
She immediately responded with her favorite restaurant, and you feigned surprise.
“How did you know?”
She jumped up and down with a squeal, racing off in the direction of the parking lot, Tommy smirking at you before following after. You and Joel lagged a bit behind.
“She falls for that every god damn time.”
Joel muttered, and you laughed good-naturedly, strides falling in line with his.
“You ever gonna tell her that you don’t even like that place?”
You glared at him teasingly, mouth downturned in a scowl.
“Never in a million years. S’long as she’s happy, I’m happy.”
You concluded, and Joel shook his head, but he was smiling.
There was a warmth festering deep within the pit of your stomach, a feeling that was foreign to you.
Home. Belonging. Family.
Joel interrupted your train of thought.
“What now?”
Good fucking question. Four years had passed, and your degree was in hand. What the fuck came next?
You breathed out a short laugh, nudging him playfully.
“Can’t we just enjoy the moment, cowboy?”
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SEPTEMBER 25, 2003
You were sat beside Sarah at the kitchen table as she chewed on the eraser on her pencil, brows furrowed as she studied the worksheet in front of her. Your forehead was resting on your hand, fingers massaging at the headache that was forming.
“I don’t remember freshman algebra being so fucking hard.”
You grumbled, reading the math problems over her shoulder.
“Hey. Language.”
Joel reentered the room, swinging the refrigerator door open to retrieve a beer. It was late evening, dinner had already been eaten, and the sun was beginning to set.
“My bad.”
You corrected yourself, leaning into Sarah conspiratorially.
“Don’t remember freshman algebra being so fucking difficult.”
Sarah snickered, hiding her laughter behind the palm of her hand. Joel turned to look at you, eyes narrowed in disapproval. You rolled your eyes.
“Loosen up, cowboy. She’s fourteen. Hears worse from you practically every day.”
“Does not.”
Joel quipped with a glare.
“Uh huh!”
Sarah interjected, successfully outnumbering Joel. The man sighed as you and Sarah giggled together—even if you two pissed him off more than anyone in the world, he couldn’t deny how much he loved seeing you get along.
He prodded, suddenly seriously. Your eyes flickered to him.
“You make any calls today?”
You frowned, the change in mood drastic and stifling.
“No. But I have until the end of the day tomorrow.”
Joel harrumphed at your vague response, but thankfully didn’t press you any further.
You’d been accepted into two big residency programs at different teaching hospitals—the local state facility, there in Austin; and the hospital your father worked at, all the way in California.
You’d been putting off the decision for months, now—every time you felt like you’d made up your mind, something made you think twice. Your father had to request a deadline extension on four separate occasions on your behalf. The semester had already started, so you’d be entering late at this point. Joel was pushing you to choose, which you appreciated, but this somehow felt like the most important decision of your entire life.
A few hours later, after her homework was completed, Sarah was headed up to bed. Joel went to follow her up the stairs, but you stopped him at the banister.
You called softly, voice quiet. Joel turned to you, his body practically dwarfing you from his position on the first step. You looked up at him carefully.
“After Sarah gets to bed... can you stop by my place? I have a surprise for you.”
Joel’s skin prickled. His eyes flitted from yours briefly, obviously hesitant, but after a brief pause, he nodded slowly.
“Thanks, cowboy.”
You whispered with a smile, turning away to head home for the night.
Joel stared at your closed front door, hands buried in his pockets, shivering slightly from the breeze. He wasn’t sure what to expect—and wasn’t sure why his heart wouldn’t stop pounding. His palms were clammy, his mouth felt dry—he felt like a damn teenager on a first date.
With great reluctance, he raised his fist and rapped it against the wood. He heard your footsteps echo from somewhere inside, gradually getting louder as you approached. Joel took a step back in anticipation as the door swung inward. You smiled at him, dazzling, your hair in messy curls framing your face—you looked disheveled, but in a way that was practically hypnotizing.
“Hi. Sorry, I was—getting ready.”
You explained, gesturing to your slightly frazzled appearance. You had changed clothes—tight gray camisole with black spandex shorts. Short black spandex shorts. They must be your pajamas, Joel rationalized. That’s all it was.
“Come in, come in.”
You took a step back, allowing space for him to squeeze in past you. Joel had only been inside your home a handful of times—helped clear your mom’s stuff out, moved furniture, etcetera. The walls were relatively barren, save for a few specks of greenery here and there, but it was tidy and well-kept. As Joel passed through the threshold and into the living space, he froze in his tracks.
There was kitschy pop music bouncing off the walls with bass boosted to the max, the lights dimmed just slightly. On your dining room table was a beer pong setup—complete with red solo cups in formation on either end.
“What in the hell...”
Joel muttered under his breath, and you came to stand beside him sheepishly.
“I figured Sarah would wanna monopolize your time for your actual birthday, so it’s kind of an early present. I know this is so fucking stupid, but, I remember Tommy’d said something about you never having been to a college party before. And, well, obviously this isn’t really the same, but—figured I could at least help you experience the basics.”
Joel felt lightheaded. He felt a smirk creep onto his face, chuckling quietly to himself. Yeah, it was fucking stupid. It was also fucking thoughtful.
You took his silence as disapproval.
“Fuck, is it that bad? I’m sorry, Joel, I was just trying—I don’t know, I wanted to—”
Joel interrupted, head twisting to glance at you. Your round eyes flickered over his face, analyzing for signs of deception.
He assured, smiling kindly. You felt a blush creep onto your face.
“I know drinking on a random Thursday night probably isn’t the best idea, so—s’just Root Beer.”
You gestured to the cups on the table, reaching for one in the middle and taking a long swig. The bitter soda burned your nose with heavy carbonation.
“So, cowboy—you up for a round of the greatest drinking game of all time?”
The look of appreciation in Joel’s hazel eyes was evident, and he nodded with a soft chuckle.
“Challenge accepted.”
Several rounds of (root) beer pong later, Joel’s stiff muscles were loosening up, laughter from his belly coming more easily.
“I know I said no booze, but this is your actual gift.”
The man stared at you in question as you reached up into your cabinet, sliding a large bottle of amber liquid across the counter towards him. Jack Daniels.
The man threw his head back with a laugh.
“Jesus, you’re spoilin’ me, darlin’.”
You leaned back against the counter, watching as he read over the label on the bottle.
“You want a glass?”
You questioned, and Joel looked up at you with a shrug.
“Fuck it. Might as well.”
You laughed at that, turning back around to retrieve two crystal liquor glasses from behind you. You slid them over to him, one by one, watching intently as he poured them with practiced precision. Of course, he gave himself a much more generous pour, but you figured you’d let it slide just this once.
He picked up his glass and you followed suit, both walking towards the leather sofa in your lounge area. He plopped down on one end with a grunt and you took your place on the opposite end, curling your legs underneath yourself.
You glanced at Joel out of the corner of your eye, who was staring into his cup of whiskey with an involuntary grin on his lips.
You looked at the clock on the wall. 12:03.
“So. Officially your birthday.”
You laughed, and Joel followed your gaze to the clock, offering a hum in acknowledgement. You turned to him, lifting your glass up in his direction.
“Cheers, cowboy.”
You smiled, and Joel graciously clinked the rim of his glass against yours.
“Happy birthday.”
You downed the bit of liquor in one swallow, the harsh burn of alcohol souring the back of your palette and stinging at your eyes. Joel threw his head back in amusement, watching your face pucker in displeasure. You watched as his Adam’s apple bobbed in his throat, and all you could think about was how badly you wanted to bite at the skin.
He caught you staring. He met your eyes, the humor quickly melting away into something stronger. Something lighter. Adoration, perhaps, or maybe even infatuation. He watched as your tongue swiped across the swell of your plump lower lip, licking at the remnants of the whiskey.
Your head was feeling fuzzy. Not tipsy, and definitely not drunk, but—pleasantly buzzed. Relaxed. Comfortable. And, as the nickname of liquid courage would suggest—confident.
“Got one more surprise for you.”
You whispered coyly, eyelashes fluttering. Joel let out a breathy incredulous laugh, gaze breaking from yours briefly as he shook his head.
“C’mon, now, Y/N, don’t—”
“Close your eyes, Joel.”
There was a sort of domineering edge to your tone, something Joel had never heard from you before. He parted his lips, as if to respond, regarding you with careful calculation. You were smirking at him, sweetly, innocently. He hesitated.
“Do it.”
With a sigh, Joel leaned his head back against the cushion, eyes squeezing shut as per your command. He heard you shuffling—a dip in the other side of the couch, the clinking of a glass, a shaky exhale, and—
He startled at the feeling of you throwing your leg over his waist, knees on either side of his lap to straddle him. His eyes were wide open in an instant, a look of panic on his face. His hands, resting at his sides, clenched into fists. You were gazing at him through your lashes, doe-eyed, lips parted and breathing shallow.
He warned, voice low and sharp. He watched you intently, waiting for your next move, the hammering of his chest starting to fill his ears. He felt his half-hard cock twitch in his jeans when you gradually lowered your body weight onto his thighs, his gaze flickering to your pouted lips.
“Tell me to stop, and I will.”
You words were genuine, sincere, a momentary break from your seduction. You froze in place, searching within his eyes, scanning for anything close to discomfort or apprehension.
For a moment, neither of you spoke, and you had half the mind to scramble off of him and pretend this whole thing never happened. But when you offered a slow, experimental roll of your hips, you could feel the growing bulge beneath your core and a low groan escaped from the back of Joel’s throat.
Your eyes never left his as you hesitantly placed your hands on his chest, sliding them upwards to his shoulders, along his collarbone, before finally slipping around the back of his neck. You threaded your fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck as you grinded against him once more, and this time, his hips jolted up to meet yours, almost of their own accord. Joel’s lips were parted and his eyes were hooded, head tilted back slightly to watch you beneath his half-lidded gaze.
You murmured, breathless and desperate. Impulsively, Joel grabbed the back of your head and slammed his mouth against yours, swallowing the moan that escaped you. The kiss was feverish, carnal, his tongue invading your mouth and suffocating you with his lust.
You pulled away with a harsh gasp, starting to slide your hips again, pace more steady this time, and finally, finally felt Joel’s hands creep forward to grip at your waist. His hold was bruising, fingers slipping beneath the fabric of your top to dig into the soft, bare flesh of your hips as he began to guide your movements, pulling you back and forth over the hardness of his clothed cock.
A wanton moan escaped your lips as you gazed up at him through your lashes, the seam of his jeans finding its way between your pussy lips and rubbing perfectly up against your neglected clit. The noise spurred Joel on and his hips began to thrust upwards to meet your pace as you humped into him faster.
“You fuckin’ like that, huh, baby? You like ridin’ my thighs?”
You whimpered in response to his growled words, your forehead coming to rest against his firm shoulder as his lips pressed against your ear. He knew you loved the sound of his voice. Knew just what to say to rile you up. It was absolutely sinful.
“Such a fuckin’ slut, getting off without me even having to touch you. Soakin’ through those fuckin’ shorts of yours.”
A punched-out sound erupted from your chest and Joel relentlessly guided your hips up and down his lap, his breathing heavy and teeth bared.
“This is what you wanted, huh, sweet thing? Wanted for all these years? Thought you’d wear those slutty fuckin' shorts, no panties underneath, so I’d see you and just have to fuck you?”
“Shit, Joel, fuck, I can’t—God, I’m gonna—”
He shoved two fingers into your mouth, immediately silencing your whimpers and cries. You instinctively suckled against his thick digits, swirling your tongue around them.
“Oh, fuck, you like suckin’ on my fingers, huh? You wanna suck my cock so bad? Such a dirty fuckin’ slut.”
His words only spurred you on more, your brows furrowed in complete bliss and your pace quickening yet again. The knot in your lower belly was tightening, winding you up more and more.
“Yeah, you gonna cum for me, baby? Gonna cum all over my lap?”
You felt your muscles tighten in anticipation, head tilting back and eyes squeezing shut. Joel ripped his fingers from your mouth and grabbed your chin, yanking you down to look at him.
“You fuckin’ look at me when you cum, you hear?”
“Joel, fuck—”
The dam within you broke and your lips parted in a silent scream of pleasure, shockwaves coursing from your drenched pussy through your entire body as Joel continued guiding over his lap through your high.
“Fuck yeah, that’s a good fuckin’ girl, fuuuck…”
Small whimpers escaped your lips as you came down from your paralyzing orgasm, hips slowing to a stop as you tried to catch your breath. Joel’s fingers carded through your hair, cradling the back of your head with his large hand.
“That’s it, good girl. Good girl.”
He whispered, watching your flushed face as you regained your bearings, eyes shut tightly. When they opened again, he was already looking at you, his gaze searching within yours carefully. You became acutely aware of his cock, still rock hard within his now slick-coated jeans, and your fingers reached down to dance across the skin of his lower abdomen beneath his shirt before going to pop open the button his jeans.
“Wanted this for so long.”
You whimpered, tugging at the fabric of his pants as he let out a pained groan at your confession. He lifted his hips to allow you to slide them off, and you pulled his boxers with them, feeling impatient. His length sprang free from the confines of his clothing, slapping against his stomach, red and weeping. You let out a whimper—a fucking whimper—at the sight.
“Fuck, you’ve got a pretty cock, Joel.”
You whispered, fingers skimming over the soft skin of his shaft. His hips bucked, his head sinking back into the couch with a groan.
“So fucking thick. Knew you’d be big.”
He grunted, preening at your praise. Your fingers slowly wrapped around his length, offering a few experimental pumps. He shuddered.
“Mmhmm. Pictured this so many times, Joel. S’even better than I imagined.”
Your wet tongue licked a long stripe from between his balls all the way up to his swollen head, and his eyes squeezed shut at the sensation, overwhelmed with pleasure.
“Fuck yeah, baby. Fuck.”
You let a string of your saliva drip from your lips and onto the tip of his cock, watching it trickle down the sides and pool atop his pubic bone. You slickened your hand with the spit before gliding it up and down his shaft, slowly at first, before picking up the pace. Joel squirmed.
“Jesus fuck, Y/N, just like that—”
You leaned forward to capture his head between your lips. You suckled at the swollen tip, tongue flicking at his frenulum as your hand maintained a steady speed. Your other head reached to cup at his balls, and Joel saw stars.
“Fuck yes, yes, yes, shit—suck on my balls, baby, oh please, please...”
Never in your wildest dreams (okay, maybe your wildest) did you think you’d have Joel Miller writhing beneath your mouth, fists clenched at his sides, begging for you. You released his cock from your lips before bending to pull one of his heavy balls into your mouth, tongue swirling around the bulb. Joel moaned pathetically, his hips thrusting to meet with the relentless pace of your fist. You traded one ball for the other, lavishing it with as much attention as the first. The taste was raw, and earthy, and something so distinctly Joel, you couldn’t help but moan around his sack. The vibrations pulsed through him.
“Jesus, you’re fuckin’ gettin’ off on this, ain’tcha? Fuckin’ filthy.”
Your face retreated with a gasp, allowing yourself a few gulps of fresh air before your hand quickened its pace just slightly. You looked up at Joel, who looked almost incoherent because he was so fucked-out. Just seeing the state of your face, spit-soaked chin and dripping mascara, was enough to make him blow his load, but then you fucking spoke.
“Will you fuck my face, Joel?”
The sound that escaped him was almost inhuman, a deep, animalistic growl that rumbled lowly within his chest. He wrapped your hair around the fingers of his left hand, the other one white-knuckling the armrest.
“Fuck, baby, yes, yes...”
You lowered your mouth down to his awaiting manhood, his cock twitching against your lips as you pushed your face down further. You were barely halfway down his length, and Joel was practically howling.
“Fuck, you’re such a good girl—fuck.”
He was desperately trying to hold himself back, his arm twitching with the strain, but then he felt your fingers reach up behind your head and grab at his wrist, gesturing for him to apply pressure to the back of your head—to use you however he liked, take whatever he wanted.
With a jolt, he forced you to swallow his cock down, sliding to the back of your throat unexpectedly. You gagged reflexively, and Joel grunted.
“Fuck, look at you. Takin’ my cock so well, huh, baby? You want me to fuck your throat?”
You garbled in response, and assumingly he understood your agreement, because his hips thrusted upwards and you felt the head of his dick press against your throat. A choked sound escaped you, and Joel repeated the action, again and again and again, bobbing your head up and down on his cock as tears leaked from your eyes. He pushed your face down harder, forcing you to take it as far as you could, and soon, your mouth was flush against his pubic bone, the wiry hairs tickling against your nose.
“Fuck, Y/N, yes—gonna make me cum, baby, fuck—”
He released your head, and you recoiled sharply, gasping for air and relishing in your ability to breathe. However, you quickly resumed your assault, your head bobbing up and down on the head of his cock and your hand pumping at the lower half. Joel’s face was scrunched up in pleasure, his legs spasming from the intensity.
“Fuck, don’ stop, please—God, fuck, baby, I’m gonna cum—oh, yes, yes, yes, Y/N, gonna cum for you, baby—shit, I’m cummin’, fu—”
Joel practically jumped from the couch as the stimulation on his cock abruptly ceased, his rapidly impending orgasm dying down instantaneously. He let out a yelp of shock, but then you were on him, your clothed pussy grinding down on his length and your lips feverishly attacking the skin of his neck and jaw.
“Damnit, sweetheart, what the—”
“Need you inside me.”
You practically cried, your desperation overwhelming you as you felt the hot drag of his slick cock against the crotch of your shorts.
“Need you inside me, right now.”
His head was spinning, clouded over with lust, the feeling of your teeth nipping at the column of his neck intoxicating. He reached for your hips, trying to slow the pace of your rocking hips.
“Woah, okay, sweetheart—you got a condom?”
You didn’t hear him, couldn’t hear him over the roaring of blood pumping in your ears.
“Please, Joel, please, please—”
“Wait, baby girl, jus’—hold on—condoms, Y/N. Where?”
You squeezed your eyes shut, panting, pressing yourself into him fervently, feeling almost faint as your desire suffocated you.
“Don’t care, don’t—don’t need one, just—please, Joel, please, give it to me, please—”
This woke Joel from his lust-induced haze, the almost nonsensical blabbering that escaped you—you were fucking wrecked, absolutely cockdrunk, inhibitions completely tossed out the window. This was so unlike you—Joel wanted to oblige, wanted to give you everything you needed, wanted to split you open and never stop, but—he cared about you. He needed to look out for you, and right now, your thinking was impaired.
“I know, baby, I know, but—you gotta slow down, sweetheart, jus—”
“You wanna know a secret?”
You interrupted his gentle coaxing, nipping at his earlobe as you spoke hotly against his neck. He grunted in protest, but the feeling of the seam of your shorts sliding over his shaft was threatening to ruin him.
“Bought a toy, just for this. Been opening myself up for you, Joel—wanted to be ready to take you my first time, wanted to be ready—”
“Y/N, stop.”
His tone was suddenly stern, and you jolted, the word stop breaking you free from your spell, your craving quickly shifting to concern.
You sat back on his lap, leaning away from him, searching his face for any indication of discomfort.
“Did I hurt you? What’s wrong?”
Joel’s brows were furrowed, and you could practically see the gears turning in his brain.
“Was that—s’that true? This—this’s your first time?”
You interpreted his confusion as something that excited him. You grinned at him eagerly, leaning forward to peck his lips.
“Yes, Joel—been saving myself, just for you—wanted you forever, you ruined me for anyone else—”
Joel shifted you off of him, setting you on the cushion beside him and he pushed to stand, lifting his pants from his ankles and pulling them back up over himself. Panic flooded your veins—you wanted to scream.
“No, Joel, stop, what’re you—I need you, please, just—”
Joel shook his head fervently, pressing fingers against his forehead as if to quell a growing headache. His world was spinning.
“This—you don’t want this to be your first, Y/N. Not with me, not—not like this.”
Your breathing was labored, tears filling your eyes. You shakily got to your feet, wobbling, keeping your distance from him. His back was to you, muscles rippling.
“Why—that’s not true, I—”
“You need to be with someone who cares about you, Y/N—someone who loves you, who can give you everything.”
A punch to the gut. You physically recoiled, a squeaking sound of pain coming from your throat. Joel turned, the gleam of agony in your gaze was devastating.
“You—you’re saying you don’t care about me?”
Your words were soft, your incredulity palpable.
“No, no, that’s not—Y/N, this—you don’t want this, I promise you, this isn’t—this isn’t what you want.”
“This is exactly what I want.”
Your nose twitched in frustration, sadness quickly replaced with rage.
“I want you, Joel. Wanted you since the day I met you. Always—always wanted to be with you, to be yours, to—”
He warned lowly, shaking his head.
“Stop, right now. You don’t know what you’re sayin’, you—we can’t be together, Y/N.”
Your bottom lip quivered, studying him, eyes flooded with tears.
“Why are you saying this?”
Joel looked down, shame and guilt weighing heavy in his gut.
“I never should’ve let this happen. Let you think—I just thought this was some wild taboo fantasy for you, I never thought—you don’t actually wanna be with me—”
“A fantasy?”
You were growing loud, now, near a scream. Your voice cracked.
“Are you fucking kidding me? Is that what that is for you? Some forbidden fuck-the-babysitter wet dream?”
“No, no, you’re not—you’re not listenin’ to me. This—”
He gestured between the two of you.
“—can’t happen. It’s—”
“I’m fucking in love with you, Joel.”
Silence filled the room. The man before you staggered back, like he’d been stabbed in the chest. His face was pained.
“Did Sarah tell you what happened the other day? She accidentally called me Mom, Joel.”
He stared at you, eyes glistening.
“Felt so bad about it, but—I liked it. She said I do all the things moms are s’posed to do. We spend time together, I take care of her, I cook for you, I clean for you—Hell, we’re practically married already, Joel. I want—I want to be a family.”
You stood before him, waiting for a response—something, anything. Moments later, when he finally spoke, you felt your heart begin to crack open.
“You need to go to California.”
His voice was low, but he spoke with conviction. Tears streamed down your face.
“No, Joel, no—that’s not—I want to stay here, I want to be here, with you, with Sarah, with—”
“You’re so young, Y/N. Got your whole life ahead of you. This ain’t your future—you don’t want it to be, trust me, you—”
“I’m sorry, Joel, okay? I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have—we can just forget tonight ever happened, okay? We never have to talk about this ever again. We can just pretend, and—and things can just go back to the way they were.”
“But they can’t, can they?”
A tear slipped from his eye, and you felt your lungs start to shrink.
“As long as you’re here, as long as—as long as I’m a part of your life, you’ll never move on.”
You were practically sobbing now, arms wrapped around yourself tightly. You wanted to punch him, scream at him, but you also wanted him to hold you and never let you go. The distance between you seemed to be widening.
“Don’t you understand? I don’t want to move on. I’ll never move on, Joel, I want—I just want you.”
He shook his head again, a deep frown etched in his tired face. You could feel your hold on him slipping, pulling from your grasp and out of reach.
“You need to go to California.”
He reiterated.
“I want to stay here.”
“There’s nothing for you here, anymore.”
“What are you saying?”
You knew what he was saying, but you needed to hear it for yourself.
He steeled himself.
“This—we’re done. All of this. You can’t—you can’t see Sarah anymore, or me, or Tommy, or—this is over, Y/N. It has to be. For your sake. You—there’s a whole world out there for you to see. I can’t be the reason you never had the chance."
A sob punched through you and you collapsed to your knees, unable to support your weight anymore. It hurt so, so bad, you were completely grief-stricken, choking, suffocating. Joel turned to leave.
“Don’t walk out that door, Joel, please, I am begging you, don’t do this, I love you, please—”
You clutched at your chest, watching him through bleary eyes.
He regarded you one last time, his face scrunched up in pain. He gave you a sad smile.
“Just want what’s best for you, Y/N. And—and if me being out of your life is the only way for you to move on, hell, then—then I hope I never see you again.”
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d0iezz · 2 years
Michael Bluth x fem! Babysitter!reader
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Summary: its been a year since she's been gone and Michael feels horrible about how fast he's moving on, but he just can't resist her
Warnings/rating: smut, kinda angst ig. Reader is in her 20s. Beta read we die like nana. I made George michael b younger cuz it wouldn't make sense if he had a baby sitter if he was like 12. Also Michael and geroge Michael don't both sleep in the attic.
This is my first fanfic lolz
He was overcome with grief, it had been over a year but he still wasn't able to lift this fog that was constantly weighing on him. He keeps on catching himself turning to her as a voice of reason, but she isn't there. He feels trapped, unable to tell anyone about his feelings, he didn't want to bring anyone down with his sulking, especially not George Michael, he didn't deserve it he’s just a kid.
His moping must have become visual because he sensed someone behind him, and due to this he was forced to turn around.
“Are you okay Mr. Bluth?” she said in a somewhat timid voice, as if she was afraid to speak to him. “Yes… yes i'm alright, just-” He stopped himself before he revealed too much “where’s George Michael?”
“I just tucked him in, after I read him a story he was completely knocked out” she giggled, as did Michael. But he didn't respond, he wasn't sure how, so you both stood there awkwardly waiting for the other to say something.
“Um.. well, I guess I should g-” but she was interrupted by a loud crack of thunder and the sound of heavy rain starting to fall. This shocked her, making her stumble backwards, tripping on the stair placed right behind her, causing her to fall on her back. She let out a small cry before she had realised Michael had rushed to her side. “Are you okay Y/N?” he asked frantically while lifting her head so it wouldn't be touching the hard floor it had just crashed into. Butterflies flew to her stomach, she was embarrassed to admit it but she found her employer very attractive, though she felt horrible about it because it was very clear that he was not in the right space mentally for anything that she desired.
“Ye-yeah im alright, just hit my head a little” she laughed awkwardly. “Maybe you should stay, that storm sounds heavy and I wouldn't want you to get in an accident” he said while helping you off the ground and helping you over to the couch. “Are you sure that's okay? I mean where would I sleep?” she couldn't keep eye contact, she was too nervous by the idea of waking up in the same house as Michael. “you would sleep in my bed” this made her even more nervous “and I would sleep on the couch”. She was hoping that he hadn't noticed how very red her face was. “Well I suppose it would be safer” she admitted.
He patted her on the shoulder and led her upstairs to where he slept and encouraged her shuffling inside. “ so I'll… be down stairs if you need anything”. And without another word he closed the door leaving her alone in his room. His hastiness worried her.
He shouldn't feel this way, he had only lost his wife a year ago and he couldn't move on so soon. But he was, I mean how could he not. She was kind and knew how to look after George Michael and that's not to mention how pretty she was. She was the most gorgeous woman he had ever seen, he couldn't deny it even if it felt so wrong to feel that way.
Michaels thoughts were cut short by the sound of socks thudding down the carpeted stairs. “Mr. Bluth?” she quietly questioned. “y/n, anything that you need? And you can call me Michael, in fact I insist on it”. He said while standing up and walking over to her. “Well… Michael” she pushed out, “I have nothing to sleep in, I would sleep in this but it's not very comfortable” she gestured to her clothing which, indeed, didn't look like something you could sleep in comfortably. She insisted on wearing professional clothes even though the job never required it, she thought it made her look older. “oh… yes, I'm sorry. You can probably wear some of my old clothes, I think I have some up there“
Michael quickly shuffled through his clothes in his closet, picking out clothes suitable for the girl to wear to bed. “Here, these should do'' he had handed her an old oversized button up shirt, one very similar to ones he wears on a daily basis, as well as a pair of shorts with very worn elastic around its waist. “Well, goodnight Mr- Michael” she clung the clothes Michael had given her tightly to her chest. Michael smiled “good night”
He left the room as quickly as he could, before he could convince himself to do anything he would regret. But she stopped him, grabbing his arm preventing him from leaving.
Her face flared with heat before she could even say what she was intending to say.
“I'm going to say something very inappropriate, something that may cause you to fire me” she paused, attempting to build up enough courage.
“Im… interested-” but he stopped her… with his mouth. His temptation had boiled over making him lose his sensibility.
But she pulled away almost as soon as it happened. “Mr. Bluth! Wh-what are you doing!?” she staggered. “I'm so sorry! I miss read this situation entirely, have a good night, i'll drive you home in the morning” he released his grip on her shoulders and rushed to the door.
“No, no! Quite the opposite, you just… didnt let me finish” she looked away.
“Oh” he said in a hushed voice.
“You may continue, I mean, if you'd like”
Michael walked towards her, and placed his hands either side of her face and slowly started to lean in to connect his lips with hers once again. y/n slowly started to reciprocate, etching her hands down from his shoulders onto his chest.
Michael walked her over to his bed, keeping their lips connected. He laid her down and slowly climbed on top of her, his right hand gliding down to her hip, his other placed above her head in order to prop him up. His right hand slowly started to lift up her shirt, bringing it over her head until he got to her shoulders, he disconnected their lips in order to take her shirt off all the way.
“Is this okay?” he asked as he reached for the back of her bra to confirm that she was enjoying this as much as he was.
“Yes” she quickly nodded as she saw her bra being thrown to some corner of the room.
“Is it okay if I try something” and again you nodded.
Michael grabbed her hips and brought her to the edge of the bed where he had knelt down, his face mere inches away from her crotch. This caused him to shut her legs out of instinct.
He quickly shot his head up “I don't have to”
“No, no it's ok, it's just, I guess I'm just a little nervy, ha…ha” she laughed nervously. He said no more, simply bringing his hands to her hips to unzip her skirt, tugging it down her legs alongside her underwear, leaving her naked.
“But before you do… that. Could you, take your shirt off or something, it feels slightly unfair that you're fully clothed and im… well, not” she said while holding his shoulders away from where her thighs meet. “oh yes, of course” he said as he began to unbutton his shirt and pull it off his shoulders.
“There, now, where was I?” it was a rhetorical question because he had already lent in and laid a long lick right along her slit. This caused y/n to release a loud whimper, that Michael loved to hear but, due to his child sleeping peacefully sleeping in the other room, would have to hear less of it.
“Shhh, baby, remember George Michael is in the other room, we can’t wake him” He whispered while holding his hand to her mouth. “Oh, oh, yeah” nodded once he had removed his hand.
Michael returned to your dripping pussy, but this time he added something. You could feel the heat of his palms sliding up your bare thigh, bringing his fingers directly to her hole. This made her whimper again, but not as loud, George Michael wouldn't have heard. He pushed his index and middle finger inside, moving them against her smooth walls.
His pace started to quicken and her thighs started to close in around his head as she started to get closer.
“Oh, oh! Michael!” she moaned, her walls squeezing in around his two fingers.
“Wow” she sighed as he removed his fingers from her.
“Yeah” he replied.
Michael then proceeded to stand up and begin to fiddle with his belt, loosening it and removing it as well as his pants, then his underwear followed.
He was big…
He climbs on top of her again. “Are you ready?” He pushed her hair out of her face. “Uh huh” she replied, cheeks still burning. “Okay”
He slowly pushed inside her, making sure not to go too fast, he was aware of his size, its hur other girls in the past.
He groaned as he bottomed out, and then slowly started to move his hips. “Does this feel good baby?”. He whispered into her ear. This admittedly turned her on even more. “mHM!!” her pitch was affected by an especially hard thrust that caused her voice to break a little, Michael thought it was cute.
Michael was getting close embarrassingly quick, he was out of practice. So to ensure that he didn't leave you in need, he reached his hand down to play with your clit. He seemed to enjoy this, it was given away by the embarrassing moan you let out.
“Michael… Im getting close” y/n whimpered while gripping onto his broad shoulders, nails making indents in his skin.
“So am I” he huffed, making his circles on her clit faster and the movement of his hips quicker. “Oh my god y/n”
And before either of them knew it, they were both cumming. His dick releasing warm liquid deep in her stomach and her walls squeezing him for dear life.
Michael rolled over onto his back, riddled with grief but somehow at the same time relief. He looked over at her, she was fast asleep, and at that moment, michael knew it was okay for him to move on. He pulled the blankets over himself and her, pulled her to his side and kissed her on the forehead.
“Goodnight y/n”.
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starry-hughes · 3 months
could you pls give a rundown on who the ppl are lol for example charlie
yes! (daisy’s au, beatrice and cole, kendall and elias, darcy and beau all exist in the same universe)
mom and daisy: mom and quinn were in a hookup relationship when mom became pregnant, daisy is their daughter and she is about to be two years old. mom and quinn are dating at the moment
kendall: kendall is a professional hockey player in the nhl. she plays for the canucks as a center. she is dating elias. she currently is recovering from a broken femur
kasey tkachuk: youngest tkachuk, doesn’t play a sport after an injury, dating mackie samoskevich for almost a year now
charlie: charlie works for the ducks, she met trevor after work one night a year and a half ago. they have a dog named noodle. she put herself through college, worked her way up from the age of 18, drove a shit car until it broke down, lived in a bad place just to make ends meet
darcy: she is kendall’s best friend and when she left her longterm boyfriend after being with him since 18, she moved to vancouver and met beau. she comes from money
sophie and walker: walker is sophie’s nephew and mat was the best friend of walker’s dad. sophie’s sister and brother in law passed away and mat and sophie are now the guardians of walker who is currently almost eight months old. sophie is a lawyer
caroline hughes: a theatre kid, was supposed to graduate in may but took a leave of absence and is currently finishing up her classes in the summer. she is dating kent johnson and moves to ohio at the end of the summer.
sawyer tkachuk: sawyer is an artist, she has mommy and daddy issues, she’s closest with matthew. she is dating quinn. she’s currently pregnant.
eden lee: baby sister of ander’s lee, she starts school for music in the fall, plays piano, is dating matthew rempe after they met at the stadium series
brooklyn barzal: sister of mat barzal, is dating luke hughes. she moved away from canada in high school after getting into a car accident. she doesn’t drive and she hates rain/thunder/lightning/storms of any kind.
beatrice: she is the babysitter for daisy and has been dating canucks baby cole mcward. she moved to vancouver to get away from her toxic ex and family. she’s currently in school studying to be a children speech pathologist
carson hughes: adopted by the hughes when she was 13 after her parents were in the house that burned down, is dating brendan brisson. she is scared of all fires or anything to do with fire. she just graduated college and eventually they become a foster home and foster kids and carson opens up a center to help kids transition from foster care to permanent homes
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Starter call! In particular, for the muses under the read more. I don’t have many/or any at all for some of these characters, so would love some more!
All muses are bi, open to any almost muses and are good for fluff, angst, 🔥 and more (I’ll have a look at your blog/wanted tags to see what you might like.
Like this post for a starter or two, comment if you have a muse preference 🩵
ALLIE JORDAN | early twenties | lifestyle & make up influencer | submissive | halle bailey fc ➡️ sweetheart but a bit of a bimbo
AVERY POWELL | mid twenties | professional dancer | submissive | maude apatow fc ➡️ talented and sweet, a little quiet and timid off stage.
BIRDIE BENNETT | late twenties-early thirties | toystore owner | submissive | melissa o'neil fc ➡️ kind, down to earth girl next door.
BRIA RADLEY | mid forties | animal shelter owner | switch | rose byrne fc ➡️ kindest soul, prefers animals over people, definitely adhd vibes.
DARCY RODRIGUIEZ | early twenties | college student & babysitter | younger half-sister to kaitlyn | switch | olivia rodrigo fc ➡️ sweet girl, some family issues, just wants to be appreciated? tries hard at life.
FLORA HARRIS | late twenties | maid / helps run her mother’s cleaning company - au or modern | switch | simone ashley fc ➡️ kind, quiet but doesn’t take any shit, works hard.
HAZEL WEST | late twenties | social worker | younger sister to harper| submissive | katherine mcnamara fc ➡️ ultimate sweetheart but sensitive and wears heart on her sleeve
HUDSON PHILLIPS | mid twenties | social media rep & daughter of famous football coach | switch | mimi keene fc ➡️ flirty, bratty, fun, daddy’s little girl, spoiled, doesn’t always care about consequences.
ISABELLA BAILEY | early twenties | pop star | switch | rachel zegler fc ➡️ America’s new sweetest popstar who is struggling a little with new level of fame
IVY WINTERS | mid-late twenties | teacher | submissive | taylor swift fc ➡️ sunshine angel teacher who has deals with ex boyfriend trauma & anxiety. happy to discuss her issues.
JEMIMA EDWARDS | mid twenties | pastor’s daughter & teacher’s assistant | older sister to tabitha | submissive | camilla morrone fc ➡️ kind hearted, wants to see more of the world, religious guilt - very much still a virgin.
JULIET HAWKE | late twenties-early thirties | founder of a non for profit | submissive | eiza gonzalez fc ➡️ kind, charitable, loving, super caring.
KAITLYN RODRIGUEZ | early forties | psychiatrist | older half-sister to darcy | submissive | melissa fumero fc ➡️ wants to fix other people but has her own issues happy to discuss
MADELINE LAWRENCE | mid twenties | princess - AU or modern | switch | taylor swift fc ➡️ kind but stubborn, loyal but a little bored of her life, a daydreamer.
PAISLEY THOMPSON | early twenties | dance teacher + sugar baby | switch | rain spencer fc. ➡️ fun, flirty, sweet, sometimes gets herself into unexpected situations.
SASKIA HART | early thirties | children’s tv presenter/entertainer | younger sister to yasmin | switch | taylor swift fc ➡️ talented, sweet, sunshine, black sheep of the family, struggles with people not taking her seriously sometimes
SAVANNAH COOPER | early twenties | lifeguard | submissive | madelyn cline fc ➡️ not the brightest but she’s very genuine and does her best. has some learning issues.
SIENNA TRAN | late thirties | lawyer | switch | gemma chan fc ➡️ work, work and more work? Sienna can be fun and likes to unwind but she’s bossy, work oriented and easily annoyed.
TALIA SINGH | early twenties | australian exchange student + casual babysitter | switch | ayesha madon fc ➡️ fun and friendly, misses home!
YASMIN HART | mid thirties | owner & ceo of Hart Cosemtics | older sister to Saskia | switch | brooklyn decker fc ➡️ mommy and daddy’s favourite, judgemental, bossy, work oriented.
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akaipepo · 2 years
Vayne Zhao's Profile
'Pleased to meet you! I hope we can be friends.'
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Profile inspo: @oseathepebble [lub u again kissi kissi]
Assets: @/alchemivich
More Information Below
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Technical Information
Name: Vayne Zhao
Japanese: ブイン ザオ
Voice Claim: Satoshi Hino
Other Names:
Herbivore (Leona)
Horned Bastard Junior (Leona)
Betrayer (Leona)
Bull Shark (Floyd)
Monsieur Giant (Rook)
Little Calf (Lilia)
Child (Malleus)
Monster (Students)
Biographical Information
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Pan/Asexual [?]
Considering he has the mental age of a child while not understanding the concept of having a partner for life, he mostly just wants friends for now.
Age: 60+
A pure-blooded fae, just like Malleus and Lilia, to them he is merely a toddler. But in a human sense, he would be about 18-20.
Birthday: November 13
Starsign: Scorpio
Height: 251 cm (8'2)
Eye Color: Munsell Green (Left Eye), Munsell Red (Right Eye)
Hair Color: Black, Pantone Green, Orange Peel
He under dyed his hair the color of savanaclaw during his two years staying in the dormitory. After he switched to Diasomnia, he repainted his under dye to the color of his current dormitory. Though its not explained why he kept a stripe of the orange color, people assume he probably felt guilty about switching dorms and the traumatic event that happened right before.
Homeland: Briar Valley
Family: Lilia (Foster Father), Malleus (Guardian), Sebek (Babysitter), Silver (Foster Brother)
Professional Status
Dorm: Diasomnia Dorm
School Year: Year 3
Class: 3-E, Student No. 11
Occupation: Student
Club: Mountain Lovers Club, Stargazing Club
To enjoy the freedom and freshness of air, he enjoys every second hiking on the mountain while admiring the view with Jade. He had even influenced Jade to smell flowers with him while they rest under a tree. He likes the nostalgic memories of when he used to run across the woods in his homeland, Briar Valley.
The Stargazing Club, led by Tsukiko, they warmly welcomed Vayne to participate anytime he wants to at night. If he has trouble sleeping or something he'd like to get his thoughts out of, lying under the night sky with Tsukiko and the other members would be his first option.
Best Subject: PE
This doesn't even need to be explained, just look at the way he's built. That's a biiiiig boy right there.
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Fun Fact
Dominant Hand: Right
Favorite Food: Carrot Dumpling
Carrots and dumplings are his favorite food, so it would be twice as better if both ingredients are to be combined as a dish.
Least Favorite Food: None
He will eat basically anything, even Lilia's cooking.
Dislikes: Violence
It's not surprising most people would assume violence is his no.1 priority, but he wouldn't even dare to hurt a fly. Though during his first two years of staying in Savanaclaw, he was forced to show aggression towards other students who go against Leona and Ruggie in order to maintain his 'friendship' with them.
Hobby: Smelling Flowers
He's attracted to floral scent, and will spare hours just to admire them. It put's his mind at ease and reduces stress. A friend of his even made him a flower scented perfume just so he don't have to be out the rain for the sake of his flower addiction.
Talent: Immune To Physical Pain
Do you really think he'd feel punches and cuts? Okay, maybe a stab wound would hurt but otherwise he won't be as vulnerable as having emotional pain.
Coffin Icon
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Bull to represent his fae species, he was mainly based off Ferdinand the bull. He may also have some similarities from Kronk but it's not obvious.
A bulky body with childlike face, he surely is built different. He has a tan skin with scars all over him, the ones standing out most being a scar on the right eye, two small scars on the left side of his jaw, and huge claw marks on his right arm. He has a half tied black hair with an underdye green, along with an orange stripe on the left side on his front hair. He also has two small horns with golden rings, possibly indicating his youth as he is often called 'little calf' by Lilia. Let's not forget the fabulous earrings which are apparently his baby fangs.
His uniform doesn't fit and unfortunately that was the biggest size they have, so he prefers to tie it around his waist for fashion sense, he also ties his dorm ribbon on his arm. And instead of a tie, he wore a bow thanks to Lilia's influence. He would wear a bow for every outfit he has, no matter if it doesn't 'aesthetically fit'.
This rumored 'Monster' third year student who happens to be mistaken and is a literal ray of sunshine. Eager to make friends, he tries his best to be as affectionate as possible, hoping the fearful students will eventually warm up to him. Its almost impossible to make this bubbly child angry, though at one point he did snap during his second year in Savanaclaw.
His childishness also made people dislike him, he's basically a child stuck in a man's body, running around in a college and oblivious to almost everything. Though he's still learning, there's still so much he doesn't know about the world.
Due to his past, he's afraid of being left alone, or abandoned. He never goes anywhere alone and will tag along with the others even if they've never met each other. Most people are uncomfortable with it, but some are kind enough to let him join them for a walk.
Powers And Abilities
Immunity- Once again, he's not vulnerable to having physical pain, nor is it easy for him to get wounded.
Leaf Magic- Vayne is skilled at leaf magic, and most of his favorite spells are leaf elements.
Unique Magic
???- It is currently unknown what his UM is, as he had never used it publicly and seemed to be very secured of this information. But it was rumored that he had used it once during his second year, it ended up heavily injuring multiple students, one of them ended up in a coma. This led to him immediately switching to Diasonmia dorm, to be under his father's care. They described the UM as 'a strong, sharp force, enough to make a hole through tree, walls and even humans. Like a bull's horn'. It's a rather dangerous and lethal signature spell to possess, and even mysterious knowing that Vayne does not like violence. It's still a reoccurring question to what made him do such horrendous thing.
40+ years before Silver, Vayne was adopted and raised by Lilia. Although he was aware that his biological parents abandoned him, that made him got attached to Lilia almost immediately. He then learnt the existence of other races in the world after Silver came in. He was happy to see his new brother, but Silver..... not so much. He was very annoyed of Vayne, he still is now but in a brotherly matter.
Notable Relationships
Skye Augustus- They don't speak often, but Skye seems to not mind his company whenever he passes by. He made Vayne some good dishes in return of helping Skye pick up some heavy furniture.
Lilia Vanrouge- Its no doubt he loves his father a lot, he would always be there for Vayne when needed. Lilia often encourages Vayne to hang out with other students but knowing Vayne's struggles, Lilia can't help but prefers if his son stays by his side instead.
Malleus Draconia- Malleus is like a mentor to Vayne. He taught the child everything he should know before enrolling into NRC, and hence being able to possess exceptional magic spells within a few months.
Silver- Who does he go to whenever there's trouble? Why usually you'd think it's Lilia but he actually seeks assistance from his beloved brother first, as Silver was supposedly tasked by Lilia to watch over Vayne whenever he's away. Babysitting him is a daily routine, and Silver's very much used to it no matter how annoying Vayne can be. Silver usually watches over him if another bullying case happens or if he almost destroy a property again.
Sebek Zigvolt- To Vayne, Sebek is just another family member to him. Vayne may not interact with him much, but he does appreciate Sebek's admiration towards Malleus.
Leona Kingscholar & Ruggie Bucchi- He has very.... complicated relationship with Leona and Ruggie due to their past interactions and would rather not be reminded of the events.
Vil Schoenheit- Vil often brings Vayne over to help him with his modelling and fashion projects. Not being able to catch up with his commands or slow processing, Vil tries to be less stricter with him.
Maverick Brewer- His only best friend throughout the years. Vayne loves Maverick's passion towards perfume and will continue to support his work as he promised.
Epel Felmier- After knowing Vayne long enough, he became protective towards him and will throw hands for him. Who doesn't love a small gremlin friend looking after their 8ft tall bull sized friend.
You will find him under a tree with a field of flowers, usually during afternoon/evening.
He's often seen hanging out with Lilia, Silver, or Maverick. It's very rare to see him alone.
He occasionally brings freshly picked flowers to the people he cares about.
Giving free piggyback rides are his favorite hobby.
He can whistle well, and just like any disney princesses, his little tunes attracts animals, even fairies maybe.
Lilia worries he has a high risk of getting blots, or even overblot despite using only magic within a healthy scale.
Bonus Icon
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mysimsloveaffair · 2 years
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(Chapter 2 - Part 1 of 3)    
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I’ve heard it said that people sometimes get premonitions before an event happens that changes them forever.
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But there was nothing to warn me.  No racing heartbeat, no goosebumps, no strange crows or ominous clouds in the sky. In fact, the day that I received the visitor was incredibly gorgeous.  
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So much so, Lizzie and I decided it was the perfect day to head to Center Park and go fishing.
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Fishing was one of our favorite pastimes. The act of casting a line and waiting for something to bite was incredibly relaxing for us.  
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It was one of the things that bonded us.  We would talk and laugh for hours.
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Lizzie talked to me about her incredibly stressful day at the hospital, where she had one of the most impossible patients.  And I talked to her about the fact that I’m in my mid-twenties and still don’t know exactly what I want to do with my life.
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We stayed out there for hours that day.
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Eventually, Lizzie had to get home to relieve her babysitter.  So, I was left alone.
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That didn’t deter me though.  I stayed out there wondering how I could start getting paid as a professional fisherwoman.
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Eventually, good luck rained on me and I caught a huge fish.
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I wasn’t about to stop at just one though.  I cast my line once again hoping for the best.
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But this time I came up short.  All I managed to catch was somebody’s broken discarded jewelry box.  
(Full chapter available to read on my website)  
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amjustagirl · 4 years
Hogwarts AU (Haikyuu!!)
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feat. Kuroo Tetsuro
As requested by @forgetou (hope you love it bb!)
Previously: Miya Atsumu. Miya Osamu. Kita Shinsuke
Masterlist link here
Warnings: Tooth-rotting fluff
A/N: Any other characters you’d like to see? Send me an ask! 
(happy to do any characters other than Kenma / Hinata / Tendo - I don’t trust myself to do them justice!)
‘So I hear you’re going to fill in for Hinata next match?’ 
Your head whips around. A growl builds up in your throat. 
You’d recognise that sleaze ball voice anywhere - Kuroo Tetsuro, Slytherin prefect, top student in potions and more importantly, the scumbag keeper that formulated a strategy (alongside Oikawa, that brat - but that’s besides the point) to completely break down the Gryffindor chaser trio of Hinata, Lev and Yamamoto when Iwaizumi was out for an injury the last Quidditch match. 
If you weren’t playing against them, you’d admit that the Slytherin strategy was perfect. Suna and Daishou caged Hinata in with non-stop bludger head shots, and the Miya twins flew literal circles around Lev - still a beginner, so you’ll cut him some slack, so much that the two idiots collided when Kuroo feinted forward and they thought they finally had a chance to score. 
So now you have to step into Hinata’s position for the match next weekend.
You like Quidditch well enough, but you don’t have an overwhelming passion for it the way Hinata or Oikawa or Atsumu or heck, even Yaku does - monsters, the lot of them. You play it for fun, you enjoy being a reserve member, and you’d never expected that you’d have to play in an actual match with Iwaizumi, Lev, Hinata and Yamamoto all playing chaser already. 
You’re scared - and you hate feeling this way, especially a Gryffindor like you, so you snarl and hiss and kick your feet when Yaku drags you away from Kuroo, the demon keeper scolding you not to ‘cause a scene in the Great Hall - seriously, what are you five?’, though Lev and Yamamoto cheers you on. 
‘Come on, let’s make a bet on our match next weekend’, Kuroo calls after you, and you flail hard in Yaku’s arms enough that Yaku loses not just his balance, but his grip on you. 
‘Sure’, you shout defiantly, not caring that the pair of you have attracted an audience. You can see the entire Slytherin team five steps away, matching Cheshire grins on all of their faces. Your blood boils and you’re ready to accept the terms of whatever stupid bet this rooster head proposes. 
Kuroo’s grin widens. ‘I bet you can’t even get five goals past me.’ 
‘I bet you I can’, you retort, even as your heart sinks. Kuroo isn’t quite as good as Yaku, but he’s devious and brilliant at feints and you’re not even a starter on the Gryffindor team. But you’ve dug yourself into a hole, and you’re determined to commit to your position, damnit, so you keep your voice steady as you ask for his terms. 
‘If I win, you’ll have to go on a date with me the next weekend’. He waggles his eyebrows at you suggestively, eyes crinkling at its corners in amusement as you mouth an outraged ‘what the hell?’ and Yaku starts shouting bloody murder himself. 
You gather yourself and resist Yaku’s attempts at pulling you away. ‘And if I win, what do I get?’ 
Kuroo laughs airily. ‘I highly doubt that, but name your price, sweetheart’. 
You think of the most embarrassing thing you could possibly inflict on this smug bastard, your eyes landing on the ridiculous mop of hair on his head and it’s your turn to grin, sharp and full of edges. 
‘Fine. If I win, you’ll shave your head’. 
Kuroo sticks his hand out to you and you take it. You feel like you’ve just made a deal with the devil himself. 
Iwaizumi nags you to bits when Yaku tells him of the entire debacle, the Gryffindor keeper throwing himself dramatically across the locker room bench, complaining that he’s done being a damn babysitter to this lot of idiots without any sense of self preservation. 
‘You’re gonna need a whole lot of training in that case’, Iwaizumi tells you grimly, and you sigh, because you know it’s not going to do any good. 
And you’re right, because even though you’ve spent the entire week training and running drills in snow and sleet and rain, it’s not enough. You barely get three goals against Kuroo in the match, let alone five - and to be fair, one of them was when you literally threw Lev against him when the referee wasn’t looking, so you resign yourself to his mocking looks when the whistle blows, marking the end of the match where Oikawa outsmarts Kageyama to grab the snitch out of the air first. You feel a kinship with the captured snitch, the pathetic fluttering of its wings so much like your futile attempts to win the damn bet. 
Kuroo smirks at you knowingly when you refuse to take his hand at the end of the game. ‘I guess I’ll be seeing you next weekend?’ he asks, eyes glinting as you huff and fold your arms across your chest. 
‘Fine, I guess’, you answer with a distinct lack of grace. You don’t notice when his smirk turns into a genuine smile. 
The Gryffindor boys crowd around you, groaning in disappointment when you tell them no they’re not allowed to follow you around Hogsmeade, even if you’re on a date with Kuroo Tetsuro - and no, Lev, a disguise is not going to work, your height and ridiculous hair makes you far too conspicuous for that! 
‘I’ll beat him up if he does anything’, Iwaizumi threatens, and you roll your eyes at his overprotective streak. 
‘I’ll be fine’, you reply, shrugging off Yaku’s attempts at giving you ridiculous magic artifacts intended to ward off wandering hands. Kuroo Tetsuro may be insufferable and smug and a general pain in the butt, but he’s not an absolute piece of shit - plus, you’re handy with your wands in duels so you’re certain you can handle anything he throws at you. 
You don’t even bother putting on a lick of makeup when you prepare to meet him. He magicks an enchanted paper plane to land on your desk during potions to tell you that he’ll pick you up from Gryffindor tower at three o’clock sharp, and he’s leaning against the pillar with feline grace as you tumble out of the portrait hole, your teammates shooting him deadly glares as he sweeps you off with his palm warm against the small of your back. 
‘Want to grab a drink first?’ he asks, with a surprising amount of concern when your nose turns pink in the cold. 
You nod hesitantly, expecting him to drag you into the pink and white monstrosity that is Madam Puddifoots to complete your humiliation, but he doesn’t - holding the door open to the Three Broomsticks, ushering you into the corner booth, ordering a pint of butterbeer for you. 
‘My team’s not here, don’t worry’, he says, laughing when you glance around the pub, eyes narrowed for any signs of that odious Oikawa or the bothersome Miya twins - or worse, snarky Suna and devious Daishou, but Kuroo isn’t lying, none of them are around to witness the indignity of your date with one Kuroo Tetsuro. 
‘Do you drag unwilling girls into pubs often?’ you snark, tapping your fingers on the table irritably. 
‘Nah, only you’, he answers easily, smirk widening with mirth when you wrinkle your nose at him. ‘Come on, lighten up a bit - we might as well get to know each other since we’re going to be spending the whole afternoon together.’
‘Fine’, you say sourly, brightening only when the bartender brings your drinks. ‘Why don’t you tell me about yourself’. 
 And so even though you’ve been classmates with Kuroo for years, you learn for the first time that he’s not intending to be a professional Quidditch player when he graduates next year, even though you admit he’s a talented keeper in his own right. 
‘Really? You’re giving up Quidditch?’
‘Yeah - I have it all thought out I’m going to study potions further and figure out how to revolutionise the potions industry - d’you know the muggles have a pharmaceuticals industry that’s like our potions industry, only hugely profitable?’ 
It’s so typical of a Slytherin that you can’t help but snort. 
But then he disarms you with funny stories of himself growing up. You learn that his parents separated when he was only five, and as a result, he stayed mostly with his grandparents growing up. You learn that he was lonely and shy and awkward - really? you? you choke on your butterbeer incredulously  - at least until he moved next door to Kenma from Ravenclaw. 
‘I introduced him to Quidditch, and he’s a natural at coming up with strategies’, he says proudly, proceeding to chatter fondly of quiet, unsociable Kenma, who you can tell is his little brother in all but name and blood.
You tell him about growing up with three older brothers - all Gryffindors, just like you. He listens to your stories about breaking your arm when you stole your eldest brother’s broom, chuckles at your recounting of the pranks you pull on your teammates to remind them that you may be a girl, but you can take of yourself just fine - because Iwaizumi and Yaku tend to take their protective side a tad too far sometimes.  
It’s so pleasant that you forget that your date is the result of a bet, and you don’t even think twice about raising a napkin to gently wipe the froth from butterbeer off the corner of Kuroo’s mouth - it comes with the territory of being teammates with messy eaters like Hinata and Kageyama - until he freezes in shock. 
‘I’m sorry!’ you blurt out, mortified. But instead of teasing you for your forwardness, Kuroo turns bright red and gapes at you. He must think you’re an idiot. ‘Um - d’you want to check out Honeydukes before they close?’ you ask, in a desperate attempt to diffuse the awkwardness of the situation.
That jolts Kuroo out of his daze. Thankfully, any awkwardness vanishes when he slides out of his seat to steal the bill from you. You complain because he refuses point blank to split the bill with you, and he even playfully keeps his hands above his head to avoid your attempts at pressing coins into his hands until you reach the candy store. 
You watch in amusement as he loads his basket with chocolates and sweets for his team. He gets dark chocolate for Miya Osamu, and white chocolate for his twin Atsumu - at this point, I’m convinced they’re just determined to like the opposite of what the other prefers just to be contrary, he laughingly tells you. He gets creamy nougats for Oikawa - I should stop by the bread store to get him mlik bread, but his fangirls spoil him enough so I shan’t, he says. Ice mice for Suna to prank the twins with, tooth flossing stringmints for Daishou - he needs to clean his fangs, he jokes, and a whole bunch of chocolate frogs to be used as bribes for Kenma to go to bed on time. 
It’s lovely and warm in the store. You have a good time tossing fizzing frisbees behind the storekeeper’s back at Kuroo, dodging as he tries to drop jellybeans down your shirt. At the checkout counter, you protest again when he slyly tells the cashier that he’ll pay for your purchases on top of his, and he doesn’t even let you carry your own chocolates as you’re walking back to the castle. 
‘I’m perfectly capable of carrying a bag of chocolates by myself’, you huff, annoyed that yet another boy is treating you as though you’re made of glass. 
‘I believe you’ Kuroo replies emphatically, pressing his hand to his chest with  dramatic flair. ‘But I’m also a kind and considerate soul, because someone forgot to bring her gloves, and I’m going to need to save your hands if you actually want a shot at trying to get more goals past me next time’. 
You scowl. ‘Fine’, but you relent grudgingly. You didn’t even know he noticed that your hands are numb and cold. You’ve just never enjoyed the cold, and to make matters worse, it’s snowing. A chilly wind picks up, and you sneeze thrice in quick succession. 
‘Can’t wait to get back indoors, or can’t wait for the date to be over?’, he comments as you pick up your pace, trudging through the cold wet snow. You open your mouth to retort, but your jaw drops when he tugs you to a stop, tucking his cloak securely over your shoulders. His body heat and the faint scent of cinnamon and butterbeer still lingers in the fabric and you can’t help but wrap his cloak tighter around yourself.  
‘There’, he says, satisfied. ‘Better?’  
You nod, not trusting yourself to respond. 
He walks you all the way back to Gryffindor tower and when you try to return his cloak, to your surprise, he refuses to take it back. 
‘Keep it for our next date’, he tells you cheekily, laughing when your eyes widen and you choke on your breath. 
‘I don’t recall hearing you ask for a second date’, you reply archly when your body finally stops its attempts at expelling your lungs from your chest. 
‘Well, I am now’, he replies. 
You look at him. Though the smirk he wears on his lips is unwavering, you can see a hint of uncertainty in his eyes. And though you’d never think you’d ever say it, but the afternoon was a pleasure, and Kuroo was a lovely date. 
You - you like him, this adorable dork of a boy who’s both charming and confident yet awkward and uncertain at the same time. He’s caring and funny and ambitious and there are so many facets of him that you’ve only discovered today - and if you’re being honest with yourself, you’re curious enough to want to delve deeper into the enigma that is one Kuroo Tetsuro. 
‘Fine’, you mumble, the tips of your ears turning pink. This time it’s definitely not from the cold. 
‘Yeah?’ he asks, quietly, uncertainly. 
‘Yeah’, you reply softly, casting your gaze down to the floor, suddenly shy. You don’t notice him take a step forward, startling as he gently tilts your chin up to face him. Your first instinct is to snap at him for coming so close, but he’s too quick for you to even react, leaning down and pressing his lips to your forehead, tenderly tucking loose strands of hair behind your ear. 
‘Next week then’, he says, with a wide smile before sweeping off, leaving you standing in the middle of the corridor, mouth open in shock. 
The portrait door swings open. 
‘Did he curse you? DO WE NEED TO DEFEND YOUR HONOUR?’ 
You bury your burning face in your hands. Your teammates are not going to take this well. 
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curiousb · 2 years
The Elton Family Album: Volume II
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Augusta Hawkins is not a happy woman, which is perhaps not entirely surprising, given that she’s dead.
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She doesn’t hold back on letting ex-fiancé and ex-housemate Philip Elton know exactly how she feels.
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Philip decides it’s high time to lay Augusta’s ashes to rest at the Merybury Woodland Cemetery, which leads to a rather fortuitous meeting with total babe Ellen Frost. (And much inappropriate swooning, given the circumstances.)
Ellen is a final-year student at De Bourgh University, and quite why she’s hanging around at a cemetery rather than studying for her upcoming finals is never satisfactorily explained.
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Philip is conscious of his responsibilities at home, including tossing adopted daughter Selina into the air...
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...so that she can age up. Look at that adorable face - a lot like her biological father, Frank Churchill, I would say!
Selina’s toddler stats:
~ Gemini 6 / 8 / 5 / 3 / 2
~ Brave / Sailor
~ OTH: Sport
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But, he really can’t let the opportunity to get to know Ellen better slip by - three bolts!
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Crushes all round.
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Selina is absolutely fine, believe me, just unused to not being the centre of her dad’s attention!
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A babysitter is engaged for date number two, where things progress rather swiftly, and they discuss the possibility of Ellen moving in with Philip after she graduates.
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In fact, they progress very swiftly indeed!
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Ellen is a graduate before she knows it, and her first task is to get to know her new step-daughter Selina. (She did this autonomously, immediately after moving in!)
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Then, to give herself a little makeover, more befitting an up-and-coming professional.
Ellen’s stats:
~ Aries 6 / 8 / 7 / 2 / 2 
~ Brave / Hot-Headed / No Sense of Humour / Flirty / Schmoozer
~ OTH: Sport
~ Favourite Colour(s): Black
~ Aspiration: Fortune / Romance
~ Turn-ons/off: +Influential / +Hard Worker / -Blonde Hair
~ Major: Economics
~ LTW: Become The Law
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And then to get pregnant herself! Ellen, what happened to all your ambitious career plans?!
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She gets in some parenting practice with Selina. (Despite her Aspiration, she is a very attentive step-mum.)
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Thankfully, everything goes smoothly for the birth, and we can say hello to their firstborn - a son, named Ambrose!
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Curse the fertility of youth (she is rather younger than Philip)!
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Those are possibly the chubbiest cheeks ever sported by any Sim!
Ambrose’s toddler stats:
~ Taurus 5 / 8 / 7 / 6 / 5
~ Easily Impressed / Dog Person (lots of them in Merybury!)
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Ambrose is very soon joined by a younger sister, Olivia!
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My name is Selina and I like mermaids.
~ Gemini 6 / 8 / 5 / 3 / 2
~ Brave / Sailor / Supernatural Fan
~ OTH: Sport
~ Favourite Colour(s): Aqua / Orange
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These two get along really well. :)
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Despite the rain setting in, Ellen takes Selina on a trip to the Sunshine Play Park, in their nightclothes. o.O
Selina of course - being a Brave Sailor - makes believe that she’s a pirate.
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Ellen meets fellow sports fan and all-round sociable fellow Frederick Wentworth (he’s too polite to comment on Ellen being in her skivvies in public).
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And Julia Bertram proves that you’re never too old for the simple pleasures in life!
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Selina is a shoo-in for private school, where she starts as she means to go on, winning friends and influencing people, beginning with classmates Lucas Darcy and Louisa Willoughby.
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Olivia’s toddler stats:
~ Scorpio 4 / 5 / 7 / 5 / 1 (this family is such a bunch of meanies!)
~ Ambitious / Vehicle Enthusiast
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Cute as buttons!
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Toddlerhood soon comes to an end for Ambrose - again, in the bathroom (why, game, why?!)
~ Taurus 5 / 8 / 7 / 6 / 5
~ Easily Impressed / Dog Person / Supernatural Fan
~ OTH: Sport
~ Favourite Colour(s): Red / Brown
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Oh boy, here we go again! How many times do I have to tell you - you’re not Family Sims?!
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dotuindex · 3 years
Summary: Hey remember that time several months ago when someone requested a Keith-Allura LGBT bonding moment?
Warnings: Emotions
The button, as small as it was, was precious. Sometimes Allura would just lay in bed and look at it, rubbing the face of it against her clothes to rid it of any fingerprints.
It was probably silly, she thought, to put so much value into a little metal disk. But it was symbolic, she reasoned- that although no one else knew, she did. And that was enough.
For a while.
Because she'd been thinking. For a while it didn't matter, who she was attracted to. But then it did. And then she knew. But did she really? How do you know that you know? When does thinking stop?
Allura always finds herself on the balcony when she can't sleep, but there's never been someone already there.
But there Keith is, laying on his back on a blanket, staring up at the sky before he hears the door open. He turns to look at her, and for a moment Allura is frozen there. He could probably tell something was up, but he didn’t say anything about it, just called her over.
"Wanna watch the stars with me? There's extra room."
He scoots over and pats the empty space next to him on the blanket. The princess, gingerly, lays next to him.
It's an uncomfortable silence for a few agonizing moments, because she isn't sure what to make of this. How is she supposed to get her emotions out by dramatically crying over the railing if he's here?
"Could you not sleep?" The Princess asks, and the commander hums in agreement.
"Won't Lance miss you?"
"Cliff is on Arus for tonight and they wanted to hang out" He says.
"Without you?"
"Those two tend to get pretty wild when they hang out. I didn't feel up to playing the boyfriend-babysitter tonight." He gives a small, tired laugh.
It's still a little... not weird, but different, to hear a man refer to his boyfriend, Allura thinks. And then she's thinking again, brows furrowed. A random, sudden thought crosses her mind- what if she had a girlfriend? The thought does something funny to her stomach for a second, and she feels lightheaded.
"How did you know?" She blurts.
"Know what?"
"That... you wanted a boyfriend?"
Keith seems to get what she's really asking, and for a moment he's quiet.
"Well... it's kinda confusing." He says. "It's not that I always knew I wanted a boyfriend, but I never wanted a girlfriend, really. I mean, I had puppy crushes on girls as a kid, but it never really meant anything. But once I was older and understood what being gay meant, I knew. Before then I just didn't have the words for it."
"But what if... you don't know?" She says quietly. There's another moment of silence as he considers his answer.
"I guess you don't really have to. People figure it out when they figure it out. I've known people who didn't know they were LGBT until they were middle aged."
"But what if you want to know?" The question comes with urgency, a sort of desperation she can't mask as she pushes herself up so she can look at him directly.
"You gotta really think about it." He says. "Sexuality is more complicated than you'd think. Like, you could ask yourself 'how would you feel kissing a girl versus a boy?' But how you think you'd feel could be totally different than actually experiencing it. There was this one time in middle school when I kissed a guy for the first time and it sucked. I was so confused, I thought that maybe I just didn't know what I liked, but it turns out he was just a cruddy kisser."
Allura couldn't hold back a a little laugh at that.
"But..." Keith hesitates for a moment. "Not to push or anything, but... these aren't just out-of-curiosity questions, are they?"
She suddenly feels cold and hot all over.
"No." She says.
"Do you wanna talk about it?" He asks.
"Where do I even start?"
"Wherever you want to." He said, shrugging.
There was a pause.
"I bought a pan pride pin at the parade." She said.
"Nice!" Keith says. "Has Nanny found it yet?"
"Actually she hasn't. I don't know what I'm going to say when she does, though."
Allura had another thought then, and asked, "I know this is rather personal, but... how did your parents react?"
"My dad didn't really say anything. I think he already knew, on some level." He said. "My mom..."
He took a second before he continued.
"I don't think she really understands. She really traditional, ya know? Wants me to marry a beautiful woman and have her a grandkid or two."
"She loves me, though, and nothing could change that. She said as much." He said. "And no matter what, I'm sure Coran and Nanny would never turn their backs on you. Their lives revolve around you, and not just in the professional sense."
For a moment Allura thought it was raining, until she realized that at some point she'd started crying. And for what? There she went, being emotional again. She cursed herself internally until Keith sat up to comfort her, pulling her into a hug.
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peantutbutter · 4 years
not totally sure if i can even put this into a prompt (or if it even is one tbh its more of a thought???? make of it what you will ahaha), but i immediately PICTURED FAHC Michael walking onto the scene, something has /definitely/ blown up and everything is a mess, and he's 100% unfazed, maybe snackin on something, and says “Was there a scuffle?”
[Also on Ao3 because this got longer than anticipated lmao]
Back when he was young and desperate for approval and responsibility, Michael had begged Geoff to trust him with his own little group to lead on smaller heists and stickups. Nothing much. Just him and Gavin, and maybe Jeremy. Something to prove that he could handle more than working demo or serving as extra muscle.
He was surprised when Geoff hadn’t even bothered to fight him on it. He’d just leveled Michael with that analyzing look he got whenever he was considering something. And then he’d just shrugged and said “Sure. But don’t come crying to me when shit goes down.”
Michael had walked out of Geoff’s office with the biggest grin on his face and a hundred different ways to paint the city red.
Three years later, Michael thinks Geoff is the biggest bastard in Los Santos. Dickbag knew exactly how it would play out. How Jeremy’s chaos, Gavin’s encouragement, and his anger would all interact. Sure, the Lads were efficient, but they also tended to leave a massive swathe of destruction in there wake. Something Michael is usually left to clean up. 
Sometimes it’s not so bad. Sometimes Trevor and Alfredo join them. Both of them, mercifully, think more than one step ahead, and they can escape with less collateral damage. Sometimes he has no fucking idea what to expect, but he knew it was going to be a wild night when Fiona showed up dressed as a teletubby. 
He loves being the leader of the Lads, don’t get him wrong. It’s just that sometimes he feels more like a mother or underpaid babysitter. 
Case in point: tonight.
He’d left Gavin, Jeremy, and Fiona to take a piss for Christ’s sake. He was gone all of -- what? -- two minutes? Apparently that’s all it takes for them to start trouble. 
They like to frequent rowdier bars when going out for bevs. The likelier they are to have a secret illegal fight club going on, the better. 
It isn’t uncommon for them to stumble across places with drunken brawls. Any idiot can start a fight. Michael just hopes that it isn’t his idiots this time.
Of course, that would be too much to ask, wouldn’t it? 
He narrowly dodges a glass shattering against the wall when he steps out of the men’s room. A large crowd is gathered in a circle in the middle of the bar, and he can’t see what’s going on. But he doesn’t need to. As soon as he hears Gavin and Fiona’s drunken cheering -- “Get’em Lil’J!” and “Fuck’em up!” -- and Jeremy hap-happing to hype himself up, Michael groans. 
How irresponsible would it be to just go back into the bathroom?
He doesn’t -- damn him and his conscience -- but he doesn’t get involved either. It’s about time they learn that good ole Mikey won’t always be there to save them. So, he heads to the bar instead. Ordering a virgin whatever and some mixed nuts, he ducks his head, and pointedly ignores the bad decision happening behind him. 
To the bar’s credit, they actually get security to intervene. 
Just not until after someone -- presumably Fiona, but really it could have been any of them -- bites and scratches another person. It’s a flurry of angry French, panicked squawking, as two buff guys haul the two Europeans over their shoulders and carry them like sacks of potatoes. Another two guys have to wrestle Jeremy to the ground before carrying him out and tossing him to the curb as well. 
Michael sighs. Part of him really wants to let them sit out in the cold rain and calm down. The more realistic part of him knows that the longer he leaves them alone, the more likely they are to get into more trouble. He knocks back the rest of his non-alcoholic drink, slams a few dollars down on the counter, and picks up his bag of nuts. Casually, he makes his way out of the bar.
It takes him longer than he’d like to find them For three drunk people, they move fucking fast. He doesn’t even see them first, just hears their drunken arguing and follows it until he tracks them down to a sheltered bus stop. 
“Stop, don’t touch my face,” he hears Jeremy snap. “I don’t want to fucking talk to you.”
“But Jeremy,” Gavin whines, “My hands are cold! It’ll help the swelling!”
“Oh my god, both of you shut uuuuuuuup,” Fiona groans. And then, more quietly, like she’s just realizing it, “Guys, I think I bit that guy...There’s blood in my mouth.”
Michael’s coming up behind them, sees them seated on a bench, leaning on each other. Gavin shoves his hands in Jeremy’s face, making the other man recoil in pain. “What are you -- Gavin, stop -- Ow!”
Michael knocks against the glass of the bus shelter and comes around to lean against the frame. He pops a few nuts into his mouth and chews on them while the others process his sudden appearance. “So,” he says after swallowing. “Was there a scuffle or something?”
Gavin’s eyes light up and he throws himself at Michael, his arms wrapping around him in a loose hug. “Micoo!” he coos. He turns slightly to look at Jeremy and Fiona, both of whom are glowering and covered in blood. “I told you he wouldn’t leave us! Micoo would never leave his boi!”
It takes a lot to keep his face trained into a disappointed scowl. He’s angry. He’s fuckin’ pissed. Not so much because of the fight but more because they just ran off. But it’s hard to be mad when Gavin is acting like a cuddly koala, draping himself over Michael’s shoulders like he’s trying to be a blanket.
Fiona opens her mouth to say something, but a pathetic whimper escapes Jeremy’s mouth when he pokes at his tender, swollen face. And, shit, that’s enough to soften Michael’s expression at least a bit. The yelling can wait. It’ll be more effective when they’re sober. 
“C’mon,” he sighs. “I’ve got ice packs and wet wipes in the car. Let’s get you guys home.”
He holds his hand out to Jeremy, who takes it meekly. Fiona stands and slinks after them as they walk back to Michael’s car. She pauses every now and then to spit onto the sidewalk, making a disgusted noise every time. When they make it to the car, he pops the trunk and pulls out a first aid kit for Jeremy. He fishes out some ice packs and Gavin keeps himself entertained by placing band-aids on anything he deems to be a “boo-boo.”
Then he pulls out his emergency bag and lets Fiona unbox the toothbrush and toothpaste. She needs it more than he does right now and he always carried a spare just in case someone else was with him when they have to run. 
Once everyone is more or less cleaned up, he piles them all into the back seat. He’d love to enforce the seat belt rule, but something tells him that’s a losing battle. They all slump against each other, and it’s a tight squeeze back there anyway. As long as he drives carefully, they should be fine. 
He slides into the front seat, adjusts his mirrors, and turns the engine. It’s quiet and sleepy, but as he peels out of the parking space, he hears a small chorus of “Thank you, Michael”-s.
“Yeah, yeah, shut up you fucking idiots,” he says, but the smile on his lips and the fondness in his voice betray him.
Twenty minutes later they’re stumbling through the door to the penthouse. He shoos his drunk friends to their rooms, making sure they’re laying down on their sides with a bucket nearby, and making double sure Jeremy is without a concussion. 
Geoff is sitting at the kitchen counter, Diet Coke in one hand and heist plans in the other. He lifts an eyebrow and his eyes sparkle with the same amusement they always do whenever Michael brings the Lads home from an exciting night. “How’d it go?” he asks.
Historically, Michael has been known to flip him off and not say anything, but now he’s taken to pulling up a chair and commiserating.
"This is your goddamned fault,” Michael says, not because he means it, but more because it’s what he always says when shit like this happens.
Geoff shrugs and takes a sip of his soda. “You fuckin’ asked for it, kiddo,” he answers, because that too, is part of the tradition. They’re silent for a beat, and then he breaks the pattern. “But, for what it’s worth, you make a pretty good mama bear.”
And y’know what? Coming from Geoff -- a professional cat herder if there ever was one -- that means a fucking lot. Michael steals his can and takes a drink to conceal his smile.
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drariellevalentine · 4 years
Medically Inevitable
Meet Our Mc- Arielle Valentine
(This is after Chapter 7)
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Name:- Arielle Cerise Valentine/Raines (professionally known as Dr. Arielle Valentine, celebrity-wise as Arielle Raines)
Birthday:- June 5th, 1995 (Age-25)
Zodiac Sign:- Gemini
Face Claim:- Nina Dobrev
Background:- Part Italian and French
Education:- Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
Main Profession:- Intern at Edenbrook Hospital, residency of Internal Medicine
Side Professions:-
Actress- Played a leading role in a medical drama during high school
Model- Models her sister-in-law’s clothing lines whenever she can
Influencer- Has over 40 million followers on Instagram, posts about her daily life
Singer- Has sung and posted on YouTube with female icons like Ariana Grande, makes a guest appearance in some of her MV’s. (Don’t worry, you’ll see how later!)
Rookie (Ethan)
Ari (Elijah & Sienna)
Elle (Bryce)
Sunshine (Naveen)
Cherry (Mark & Adrian)
Adrian Raines
Age- 31
Background- Italian and French
Profession- co-owner of Carson & Raines and Criminal Defence Attorney
Married to Alyssa, father to Arabelle
Relationship- Extremely close with each other. Whether it’s personal problems or work issues, he’s the first person who Arielle turns to for advice. He would do anything for his sister, and so would she.
Alyssa Raines
Background- American
Age- 28
Profession- CEO and Head Designer of Fashion Empire ‘Flair’
Married to Adrian, mother to Arabelle
Relationship- Very close to each other, Arielle considers Alyssa as her older sister. Lived with each other for two years when Arielle was in med school. Later, Alyssa moved in with Adrian as her company expanded and Arielle bought her own apartment.
Arabelle Raines
Background- Part American, French & Italian
Nickname- Belle (everyone)/Amorina (Arielle-means little love)
Relationship- Arielle’s and Arabelle’s relationship is one of a kind. Both of them love each other so much, Arielle looks at her like own daughter. Alyssa jokes that her daughter is very lucky, not because they are well-off, but that she has two amazing moms. Arielle loves to spoil her, but makes sure she learns the importance for everything.
Mark Raines
Cousin- (Arielle’s father’s brother’s son)
Profession- Professional chef, owner of several restaurants and chains in various areas
Age-31 (older by four months from Adrian)
Background- Italian
Boyfriend to Blair
Relationship- This pair is very notorious and well-known in the family for their prank wars from a very young age. They still play pranks on each other, but not as much. Once Mark learned that Arielle’s middle name stood for cherries, and she just happened to be snacking on them at that time, he gave her the nickname ‘Cherry’, which caught on to Adrian.
Blair Carson:-
Best friend/cousin’s girlfriend
Profession- co-owner of Carson and Raines (Blair’s and Arielle’s father originally founded the law firm. Two years ago, Blair’s father died and she took over his position) and Women’s Rights Attorney
Background- British
Girlfriend to Mark
Relationship- These girls have been joined to the hip at a very young age, due to the fact that Blair was left at Arielle’s house when both their fathers had to work. Their emotional bond and connection only increased when Blair’s mother died when she was 3, as they both relate to never have had a mother’s love.
Amelié Valentine:-
Late mother
Professional singer/pianist
Background- French
Relationship- Amelié died just a day after Arielle was born. Though, all of her family members say that Arielle is a striking image of her mother. They share the same vivid violet eyes, perfectly pink lips and numerous other resemblances. Naveen is the one who told stories about her to Arielle.
Alessandro Raines:-
Father, although not on speaking terms
Profession- Retired, co-owner of Carson & Raines (multinational law firm)
Background- Italian
Relationship- Arielle and her father have not been on speaking terms for 7 years since their huge fight on her 18th birthday. Although she was not close with her father during her teenage years, they were quite close during her childhood.
Naveen Banerji:-
Godfather, although Arielle considers him as her actual father
Profession- Retired, former Head of Diagnostics Team, Edenbrook Hospital
Background- Indian
Relationship- Naveen and Arielle were like father and daughter until her second year of med school. He taught her everything there is to know about life, love, and laughter. The two are slowly mending their broken bond, even though their love and affection for each other has never diminished.
Bennet Wilson:-
Profession- Neurosurgical Intern at Mass Kenmore
Age- 27
Background- British
Relationship- The pair met at Johns Hopkins, Bennet was in his 2nd year and Arielle just started. They graduated at the same time, as Arielle completed her education in only 6 years. The pair went to great heights with their relationship, made it official for almost 4 years and Bennet was also planning to propose later that year. Then he learned that Arielle had gotten matched with Edenbrook, as she wanted to work with her medical hero and inspiration, Dr. Ethan Ramsey. But he hadn’t, he was extremely disappointed as Dr. Harper Emery was the main reason he had gotten into neurosurgery. This lead to huge fights and disagreements, leading to Bennet cheating on Arielle with her best friend. The pair broke up three months before the start of their residency.
A to Z with Arielle
A is for Actress
Arielle is known for playing a leading role in a medical drama during high school. She plays a young paediatrician on the show, and is known very well for handling kids on set. The cast would joke about her being an actress and babysitter at the same time!
B is for Blush☺️
If there’s one one makeup product Arielle never needs, it’s blush. She blushes quite easily and sometimes for no reason (according to herself), though I’m sure you know why!😏
It also is her favourite colour. Her bedroom, from top to bottom, is a picture perfect aesthetic of the colour blush, with hints of gold and a shimmery pearl. Fun fact, Arielle painted her bedroom herself and chose all the furniture and decor with Alyssa. She wants her room to be perfect, as it’s home and should be a place of comfort and solace at the end of her tiring shifts.
C is for Chocolate🍫& Cerise🍒
Chocolate- Arielle absolutely loves and adores chocolate. She cannot go a day without eating something which has chocolate, claiming that instead of coffee, she prefers a sugar rush. She jokes that her first love wasn’t Bennet, but chocolate.
Cerise- ‘Cerise’ is the French word for cherries. Her mother named her ‘Cerise’ because the moment she was born, her lips were cherry red (after that they weren’t though) and her main pregnancy cravings her cherries. Fun fact, Arielle hates maraschino cherries and anything cherry flavoured. She only likes juicy, fresh cherries.
D is for Dance💃🏻
Dance- Arielle loves to dance, whether it’s under the stars swaying or learning BLACKPINK’s new dance from their MV’s. She is quite flexible, and has been dancing from a very young age. Arielle also dances as exercise, saying that it’s a fun way to keep your body fit, while at the same time jamming out to your favourite tunes.
E is for Exercise
Exercise- This is something that is really important to Arielle, especially since she gained a bit of weight when she was 12 or 13. Since that, Naveen had taught her healthy ways to watch her diet and to easily exercise. Arielle says that her yoga sessions with him were one of the best, and she still continues till today. She is never embarrassed about her weight when she was young, and actually has talked about it on some of her guest appearances on shows and her Instagram. Moreover, she loves to encourage and motivate people to lead a healthy lifestyle. She isn’t much of a fan of sports but is a great swimmer.
F is for Fame
Fame- Arielle is known for many things, being a top influencer, an actress, a model, an icon for fashion and her beautiful voice. One of the things that fans like about her is she is very down-to-earth and never hides away about the problems she’s going through. Also, fans like that she doesn’t advertise different brands or products, nor always posts with a full face of makeup.
G is for Gelato
Being part Italian, it’s only fair that Arielle’s love for gelato is real. She prefers gelato rather than ice cream, although that doesn’t stop her from binge-watching and finishing a tub of rocky road with her friends.
H is for Helpful
Arielle loves being helpful. She goes to great lengths to provide care for her patients. When a friend’s in trouble, they always know that they can count on Arielle for helping them.
I is for Instruments
Arielle learned to play the piano at a very young age, as for singing, it was something that just came naturally to her. She later learned to play the guitar, but not as well. She was classically trained for 10 years on the piano, before she stopped and only learned her favourite tunes.
J is for Jewels
Arielle does love a little bling now and then, and treats herself to a few accessories sometimes. Her family members, who know this, love to gift her with a pair of earrings on a special occasion. She also spares no expense in picking out something for her loved ones. But any accessory she picks always has a meaning to it.
K is for Kids
Arielle is a natural with kids, she absolutely adores them having a niece of her own. The funny thing is Arielle was the one who cried when she found out that she was going to be an aunt. Alyssa shed a few tears at first, later full on sobbing because of the hormones.
She always keeps her pockets full of candy, and always keeps a stash in her locker. She loves handing out candy or even sing whenever she gets a younger patient. In addition to that, she loves going to the paediatric ward and giving everyone a little something.
L is for Looks
Although Arielle doesn’t believe in covering her face full of makeup, she always makes sure that she’s dressed to the nines for every occasion. Her style is quite feminine and flirty, though she does like to rock some badass outfits.
M is for Medical Hero
There’s no doubt that Naveen was her main inspiration to become a doctor. But later on, the person who inspired her that she could be able to make a difference in people’s lives was Dr. Ethan Ramsey. After she met him once when Naveen had taken her to one of Edenbrook’s charity galas, she was even more inspired and in awe.
N is for New York
Arielle was born and brought up in New York City, New York. Although having lived there for most of her life, many people don’t believe her due to the fact of her very kind and affectionate personality.
Being a true New Yorker, she loves going there once in a year or two. She’s been to Central Park, Times Square and the Statue of Liberty many times, she doesn’t remember.
O is for Optimistic
One of the things about Arielle is that she’s very optimistic, and always sees the good in everyone. Being optimistic for a person for someone like Arielle is a huge challenge, especially when having been through so many traumatic events. But Arielle likes to see the positive side of things. She believes that if she always focuses on the negative, she’ll miss out on life. Although,sometimes her sunny optimism can lead her into trouble.
P is for Protection & Polyglot
Ever since being kidnapped during the second year of med school, due to the fact her brother was dealing with a very high profile case, she vowed to make sure she knew how to handle a gun. She currently owns 3. One near her nightstand, one in her car, and another extra just in case she goes out somewhere. Nonetheless, she has been learning self-defence for quite a while. Though she doesn’t like hurting people, she admits that it always provides a feeling of security.
Arielle is very fluent in English, French and Italian. She can understand and converse in Spanish and Hindi, Naveen having taught her. Surprisingly, her desi accent is quite on point!
Q is for Class Queen
Arielle here was the Class Queen in college. Working very hard to ace all her classes, she still managed to find time a create a social status for herself. She was known as the Center of Attention because of her background, even though she is kind and affectionate.
She later on earned a name, Triple Threat. This was given when she completely roasted one of her bitchy classmates. Also, she was known as the Heartbreaker among the boys.
R is for Relationships
Arielle dated one of her co-stars when she was acting in high school. It later ended in a mutual breakup, saying that they both wanted different things in life but are still friends. Currently, he is now one of the most top paid actors.
Her fist love was Bennet Wilson, which ended 7 years later very horribly. Though she says that being in that relationship had taught her something, “If you have worked hard to earn your place where you are right now, no one, and I mean absolutely no one should have the right to tell you what to do.”
Her friendship with Dr. Ethan Ramsey is quite close, but it might turn into something more... although both of them are completely unaware, except for their best friends, Sienna and Naveen.
S is for Singer
Arielle has an exceptional voice, she can sing quite high and belt out quite a few notes. Her meeting with Ariana led to both of them being huge friends. They have filmed and uploaded a few videos of them on YouTube. Some of them duets on Ariana’s songs and a lot of other crazy battles. The fans absolutely love the friendship between these two icons, especially when both of their personalities and dynamics match!
Arielle loves to sing, she says that it’s a way to express yourself and what you’re feeling. She sings when she’s happy, sad, angry, and somehow manages to beautifully showcase her emotions in every song she sings.
T is for Traditions
The Raines’ family have quite a bit of traditions. Every Christmas, they all make different types of hand-rolled pasta as a family. They all play Secret Santa, although everyone ends up getting a gift for everyone. Arielle is very particular when it comes to gifts, she doesn’t care about the price, she always takes a long time choosing something that is meaningful and personal. Another tradition is going on a huge shopping spree and picking out tons of clothes for children, then donating them to orphanages, along with small gifts.
One of Arielle’s favourites is the feast they make for Thanksgiving. Between Mark and Naveen, with a little help from others, the food they end of making is delicious, even if somehow Arielle’s the only one ending up looking like she just played the ‘Eat it or Wear it Challenge”!
For New Year’s, they all share their achievements and regrets by writing them on a paper, and then folding them into a boat, they let them go at the lake near Naveen’s house.
Even though Naveen is the only one who is Indian, the whole family celebrates Diwali together. Naveen picks out a dresses and outfits for every single person, with Alyssa’s approval of course, and somehow manages to make mountainloads of desserts.
U is for Unwind
When Arielle has time to unwind, she has a lot of methods. When she’s alone and it’s a beautiful summer day, she goes for a long swim. If it’s a day off with her friends, she loves to indulge in self-care, making a whole spa day at home. And last but not least, Arielle loves to colour. Some might find it childish, but she loves to pair colours with each other. Playing a list of soothing tunes, she finds solace.
V is for Vegan
Vegan- Arielle cannot imagine being vegan for even one meal. She’s a huge fan of seafood and meat, but doesn’t eat much red meat, and has a crazy love for cheese. Her friends joke about her eating so much cheese, but still staying so fit.
W is for Watch
Arielle loves to wear watches as part of her accessories. Although she has many watches, she never uses them to tell the time, mostly only as a fashion statement. She doesn’t like to wear them to work, because then she’ll be checking the time every five minutes!
Y is for Youngest
Arielle is the youngest in her whole family, excluding Arabelle of course. But oftentimes, Arielle’s the one handing out advice and hosting get togethers. She’s never been seen as the youngest and everyone in the family has a huge level of respect for her, especially after what she’s been through.
Z is for Zealous
If you asked anybody who knows Arielle and ask them to describe her in 10 words, zealous or determined would definitely be one of them. Her zeal and perseverance is one of her main factors what got her this far in life, and it will continue carrying her through life.
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Survey #355
“despite all my rage, i am still just a rat in a cage”
Have you ever shared a shower or bath with someone as an adult? No, only as a kid. What kind of pizza toppings do you like? Meats or jalapenos. When did you first take a shot of alcohol? Never, and I'm not interested. Did you babysit for money when you were in middle school? No. Who is your favorite band? How long have they been? Ozzy Osbourne, since middle school. Has the last person you kissed ever been to your house? My old house, yes. Not the one I currently live in. Have you ever been to a spa? Only because my friend at the time took me. When talking on the phone, do you place it against your left or right ear? My right. What’s your favourite Lunchables meal? The nachos one. Do you like Bob Marley? NO. Omg his voice is awful. Have you ever eaten at Golden Corral? Yeah. I'm not a big fan. Do you sit and eat dinner at the same table with your family? We only ever do that if my sister is over (she comes for dinner once a week). Are you listening to any music right now? If so, what are you listening to? Yeah, Violet Orlandi's cover of "Bullet With Butterfly Wings" by The Smashing Pumpkins. God she's so beautiful and talented and asdfjkaljddkfjlwkee FUCK I'm gay for her. Who was the last person to make you genuinely smile? Watching Mark. :') Is there something you want to say to someone but can’t/won’t? Yeah. Do you like men who have a sensitive side? Yes. Please be in touch with your emotions, for the love of God. Have you ever tried to get someone into a certain band/artist? Not persistently, no, but Mini is a case where me mentioning them enough got her to listen to them. Metallica, by the way. They're her favorite band because of mwah, haha. Have you ever carved you and someone else’s initials into a tree? It's possible, but I don't believe so. Do you like Dairy Queen? Love it. They're Oreo Cupfection thing is BOMB. Is there anyone you know with an amazing personal success story? Yes. I have a friend Shannen who first was a widely-recognized photographer in the state, and now she's a fashion designer (or something like that) up in New York. Is there a song in a different language that you can sing? A number of Rammstein songs. How do you feel about bands that use pyrotechnics in live concerts? So long they're well-made for safety reasons, I don't care much. They do seem a bit unnecessary, though; like just look at James Hetfield's accident that burned half his body because of standing in the wrong place. It seems easy to fuck up and get in a dangerous range. Ever fallen down a hole? No. Do you like bananas? Yeah. How long do you normally spend in the shower? Not even 10 minutes, usually. I've never understood how people can take such long showers. Have you ever been a featured member on any website? Yeah, on a Silent Hill fansite. Have you ever had any weird pets? Not by my standards. A ball python morph is as "weird" as it gets. Are you currently talking to/texting/instant messaging anyone? Nope. Have you ever experienced insomnia? Ugh, yes. I went through a horrible insomnia spell, and I still have an awful time trying to fall asleep. Do you like egg nog? Nooo. Would you ever wear Converse with a prom/formal dress? I'm not opposed to it, but realistically I'd probably wear something more traditionally suiting just because. Do you prefer hot chocolate with or without marshmallows? Without. How many different people of the opposite sex have you cried over? I've cried all the oceans over just one lol. Would you rather be a surgeon or mortician? Being a mortician actually doesn't sound awful, weird as it sounds. It sounds almost relaxing if I could just be alone with some music doing my job. Would rather be a musician or a painter? A painter. Would you rather write your own book or make your own movie? I'd love to write a book. At home, do you have a trampoline? No. When you are about to go to bed, do you put on some sort of noise? No. What is your favorite Christmas movie? Jim Carrey's How The Grinch Stole Christmas. And what about your favorite Christmas song? Probably "The Most Wonderful Time of the Year" or whatever it's called. "Carol of the Bells" too, of course. What is your ultimate favorite stocking stuffer? Haha, okay so it seems to be an unspoken rule that Mom always gets us Slim Jims for our stockings, and that's obviously the best considering my sisters and I loooove them yet still don't buy them much. You're making me ready for Christmas, lol. After Halloween, do you sort out all of your candy into little piles? I did as a kid, and then my sisters and I would trade what we preferred. When you listen to music with headphones, do you keep the volume low enough to hear surrounding noise faintly, or do you blast it? It's honestly pretty loud. What did you have for breakfast this morning? Cold pizza from dinner leftovers last night. What’s the largest animal you’ve ever had as a pet? Our late boxer mix, Cali. She was a big 'ole pup. Do you own any kind of helmet? No. Out of everything currently in your refrigerator, what food or drink is your favorite? Food: strawberries. Drink: Mountain Lightning. What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had? Either when I skinned my knees so deep that pus was visible, or when I fainted onto my chin and got a short, but very deep cut. Do you like the taste of cough syrup? No. What is something you like to have conversations about? I like talking about deep stuff, like where we came from, our unique feelings and beliefs, conspiracy theories and cryptids, mysterious stuff like that, too. And don't forget animals. And Mark, haha. What all is in the trunk of your car? I don't have a car, and I don't remember what's in Mom's trunk, even though I helped bring in groceries just the other day. Do you ever put fruit on your cereal? Ew, no. Is your heat or air conditioning currently on? Our AC is currently on because it's too damn hot. The weather here has been so up and down, it's wild. Have you ever fallen off of a horse? No. Which do you value more, your appearance or your intelligence? Honestly? I'd be dumber than I already am if it meant being happy with how I look, because my appearance now is a key factor to my depression. When was the last time you drove something other than a car or truck? Oh jeez... I have no idea. I don't think since I've driven a golf cart at someone's b-day party as a kid. Were your grandparents present when you were born? No. If you drink/smoke, how often do you do these things? I don't smoke, and I only have a drink or two very rarely, usually just on special occasions. What do you think of fast food? I like it way more than I wish I did. What website do you spend the most time on and why? YouTube, because I'm always listening to and/or watching something. What’s the most amount of time you’ve spent online? Is this usual for you? In one non-stop setting, I don't want to know. I pretty much only exist on the computer. When it comes to travel, what kinds of places intrigue you most? Mountainous, loads of nature, cooler/cold, mysterious locations... stuff like that. Do you think humans colonizing Mars is a good idea? Would you go, if you could? If we learn from our goddamn mistakes and not fuck up its environment, it could be healthy or even life-saving for humanity, but I'd prefer to stay on Earth as long as possible. What is the farthest you’ve walked in one day and what made you do it? I dunno, maybe at Disney World or something like that as a kid. What is something important that’s often on your mind lately? Physical health stuff. I'm worried about a lot of things relating to that. What about something unimportant, but you can’t stop thinking about it? I don't know about "unimportant," at least to me. Do you like oatmeal? If so, what kinds of things do you like in it? Yeah. I only really eat the cinnamon apple ones; I always use milk and sprinkle some sugar in there, and it's delicious. What was going on the last time you felt nostalgic? When Mom and I stopped at Jason's house to bring the family some treats following his mother's death. I stayed in the car and couldn't even look towards the house, but yeah. So many memories just stampeded me. How much attention do you pay to the movements of the stars and planets, and do you believe they influence anything? I pay zero attention to it; I don't believe they have influence over people in any way. What is the most difficult or involved video game you’ve ever played? I guess you could say World of Warcraft. It's definitely the most involved, like I've been playing it almost consistently since 2014, and I used to be in a Heroic raid team, which certainly wasn't easy. Then there's some achievements I busted my ass to get. Which accent do you find most sexy, alluring or appealing? British is where it's at. Which accent do you find most annoying, disturbing, or bothersome? Extremely Southern ones. Can you cry on cue? Is it any kind of useful? No. Does it take you a while to actually get jokes? Embarrassingly, it frequently does. Can you wear socks to bed or does it annoy you? Ugh, I could never. I hate the feeling of socks. Have you ever bleached your hair? By myself, no, but a professional has to dye it. Do you like jelly beans? They're okay. It really depends on the flavor, and even then I can't eat a lot of them. Do you have trouble sleeping when it’s storming? Yes, but not because it scares me, but rather that I'm just jumpy. Subtle thunder isn't so bad, and I LOVE the drone of heavy rain, but once you add booming thunder and strong flashes of lightning, it's too disruptive for me to fall asleep easily. Who was the last person you know that graduated? (high school or college) My not-so-little sister is just about to finish her Master's lakdsjfakwe I'm so proud of her. Were you happy or sad when you found out your babysitter was coming? I think I was always kinda bummed out, even though I liked my babysitters. I had horrible separation anxiety from my mom. Did you have a boyfriend in kindergarten? No, but I did have this one guy who'd been like obsessed with me since pre-k and would always chase me to hug and kiss me. In pre-k it was awful, but he still did it sometimes in kindergarten, despite the teachers getting on him about it. It's actually a memory I forgot for a very long time, like I think my brain tried to oppress it, and I wonder if it has anything to do with my fear of people standing behind me, men specifically, and being raped. Did you ever read the Magic Treehouse series? Oh yes, I was obsessed! Who was your best friend in elementary school? It jumped between Brianna, Kim, and Quiata. Did you ever watch The Land Before Time movies? YESSSSS. I even had the computer game. Did you collect anything when you were a kid? Stickers. I'd put them on my dresser everywhere to the point it was absolutely covered. Did you get an allowance? No. Not because my parents didn't want to or anything, but rather they couldn't afford allowances to three kids. Were you into American Girl dolls? Nah. I got one, but I think it was mostly so my sisters and I each had our own. Nicole, however, was sooooo into them. Were you friends with your childhood neighbors? Some, yeah, especially the boy down my street named D'Andre. We would hang out ALL the time, be it at each other's houses or just riding our bikes. He actually got married very recently and I'm so happy for him, ahhhhh!! What was your biggest fear when you were a kid? Thunderstorms. Did you ever play the "Reader Rabbit" computer games? Oh my god, YES. The one where you were hosting a surprise birthday party was my absolute favorite. Did your parents let you drink soda growing up? Yes. .-. What was your favorite kind of cake as a kid? Chocolate, of course.
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iceeckos12 · 5 years
Hey.... could we get, uhhhhh.... a bit more of the AU where Inko dies? And there is Dad Might? Love your blog, love your fics, k thanks bye
Okay so...i actually want to confess something. 
I’ve had this specific idea in mind for quite some time and have been meaning to write it down. It’s unrelated to the previous dad might stuff, but i hope y’all enjoy it all the same. probably will continue it, probably will post on ao3. 
Chiyo has made mistakes before. Of course she has; every hero has a moment they regret, a time where they wish they would’ve thought just a second longer before reacting. If they say otherwise, then they’re lying. 
She remembers bending down to kiss the cheek of a young man covered with blood, only for him to leap up and stab the woman standing next to her. She remembers thinking that someone was less injured than they actually were, and them expiring in the ambulance just five minutes later. 
She remembers—
Well. She has a healing quirk. Her regrets are more numerous than some of her colleagues, and they always seem to hit that much harder. 
When she looks back on that day, she wonders if she hadn’t made a mistake. Something she could have done, something she should have said—well. Or maybe they all really were better off for it; they got Izuku out of it, after all, and there is no way she would regret anything that has to do with him. 
She clings to that. 
Here is what she remembers about that day: a building was burning. Chiyo was swamped by burn victims, was pressing her tube of chapstick to her lips every couple of seconds for how dry it was. Toshinori, All Might, touched down beside her, and she pointed him toward the moldering wreck which looked as though it would fall at any seconds. 
There are still people inside, She remembers saying. 
She has vague memories of the burn victims increasing as Toshinori went efficiently in and out, in and out. He was good about that sort of thing. But the last time he went in, he took a long, long time. He took so long that the building almost collapsed over his head. 
And when he came out, the way he was looking at the green-haired woman in his arms, well—
Chiyo supposes that she really should have known better. 
Or perhaps—
Well. It doesn’t matter. 
What she does know is that several months later she was in her home. She doesn’t remember what she’d been doing; maybe drinking a cup of tea, maybe perusing a medical journal. Maybe both. 
She thinks it was raining. It must have been raining. It seems fitting. Or maybe she’s just projecting. 
Regardless, there was a quiet knock at her door. She got up, confused as to why someone was knocking on her door at 10 o’clock at night. 
She opened it. 
Toshinori knelt on her doorstep, and his face was wet (so it must have been raining, although now she wonders if it was his tears). There was a bundle of blankets clutched against his chest, and—
“Come inside,” Chiyo said immediately, stepping away from the door to let him through. When he just shook his head she grabbed his arm and lifted, forcing him to move. 
They limped to the couch together, Toshinori still clutching at that bundle of blankets, dazed and confused. Chiyo tried to shove her untouched tea into his hands, but he shied away from her, pulling the bundle closer to him as though trying to protect it from her. 
“Toshinori,” Chiyo said. She meant for it to come out as a demand, but the look on his face was very fragile. Devastated. “What happened?”
He paused for a moment, this great, hulking hero, still wearing his uniform. There was a spatter of blood on his elbow, and the look on his face was—well. Chiyo had never seen such a stark dichotomy between his hero persona and his civilian persona; normally there was so much overlap that she really couldn’t tell the difference. 
Then he said, “She’s gone.”
Chiyo froze, then took a careful step forward and reached for the blankets. To her surprise Toshinori handed it to her without a second thought, and she almost lost her grip on the baby. 
The baby with downy, fuzzy green hair and a small smattering of freckles. His face was red and slightly wrinkly, and he was so, so small. He couldn’t have been more than a couple of hours old. 
Chiyo didn’t have to ask who she was. 
“I see,” Chiyo said, pushing the blankets away from the baby’s face so she could get a better look. “He’s yours, then?”
Toshinori nodded mechanically, like a robot, or a puppet on a string. His body was there, but there was no soul inside. “He’s...mine. He’s mine.”
“Congratulations.” Her voice was carefully neutral. She wanted to ask about the woman, but she had no idea how to approach it. Despite her being a medical professional, she’d never been very good at the whole comforting business. Too brusque, too detached. “What’s his name?”
“Izuku,” Toshinori whispered, and his eyes lasered in on the baby when it started to fuss quietly. “His name is Izuku.”
Izu, from the kanji for ‘exit’. Chiyo thinks. Ku, from the kanji ‘a long time’. Interesting name. 
“Hm,” She said, looking down on the babe. Then she shook her head and passed him back. Toshinori once more clutched the child to him, looking somehow more unsettled than he had when he’d let Izuku go. “So what are you going to do?”
“I can’t take him,” Toshinori said immediately, as though he’d been thinking just the same thing. Although he didn’t look away from Izuku’s face. “I’m a—a pro hero. I don’t have time to raise a child, or—”
“Don’t you?” Chiyo asked, raising her eyebrows. “You have enough money to hire babysitters while you’re away, don’t you? And I’d be willing to watch him, of course. You don’t spend all your time doing hero—”
“What if someone finds out about him?” Toshinori countered, then lowered his voice when Izuku let out a soft whine. “He could get hurt. I—”
“Do you really want to get rid of him that badly?” Chiyo interrupted. It wasn’t a very nice thing to say, and Toshinori looked as though she just slapped him. It was somewhat of a relief, though; his expression hadn’t changed from that dead, empty look since he’d come in. 
“I—” Toshinori began, then looked back down at Izuku and deflated. “I…”
Chiyo let out a sigh and watched him for a second, watched him stare down at his child with that bereft, confused look on his face. His world had just been torn out from under his feet in the cruelest way possible, and it was so obviously clear how befuddled he was by it, how much he thought he’d wake up from this nightmare within the next couple of minutes. 
Unfortunately, this was no nightmare. 
Finally she said, “Why don’t you stay here tonight. Think it over. We can talk about it again in the morning.”
And that was a cruel thing to do. She knew deep down in her heart that if he had a night to think about it, to sit on the thought of keeping Izuku, he would never be able to let the baby go. But she couldn’t let him give the child up. She had premonitions about his future, and none of them were very long or very kind. 
But maybe if he had a child, someone he needed to look after, someone who would be devastated if he was gone—
Toshinori nodded, and just like that, she had won. 
Chiyo has some regrets.
Most of all, she hopes that this one will not come around to bite her.
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savsfm · 4 years
madelaine petsch, twenty-three, cisfemale, she/her. —  SAVANNAH WALSH was just spotted out and about in los angeles with their signature VINTAGE DENIM OVERALLS. the paparazzi tried to be subtle, but the ACTRESS caught them snapping pictures and DARTED INTO THE NEAREST SHOP. they jetted off to A SECLUDED, PRIVATE BEACHFRONT before getting asked about HER UPCOMING SERIES FINALE this time, which kinda coincides with their notorious WARY attitude towards fame, doesn’t it? 
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HELLO hello , i’m bay & this is my sweet lil savannah ! actress , sports fanatic , dog lover , confirmed adhd ball of energy ( as far as you know ) . if she had a label , it’d be the benevolent , and . . . well , let’s just get right into this ! 
·   ☆     .    𝚝𝚑𝚎  𝚋𝚊𝚜𝚒𝚌𝚜  !
full  legal  name :  savannah raine walsh . –– her mother had a hand in her middle name , and boy was that woman a hippie . age :   twenty  three  .   gender :   cis-female . nicknames : sav , savvy , little walsh ( when in context with her older brother )   pronouns : (  she/her  ) occupation : actress ; sophie turner career claim . inspiration : listen . . . there’s a reason i chose sophie . also jane sloane . details : growing up with just her father and her brother , for the most part , sav was very much the tomboy type , and despite her father’s history in the mlb , the walsh kids often spent time away from him and lived a relatively normal life . this made sav’s climb to fame a bit more of an adjustment , but people seem to love the down - to - earth way she has about her . after wrapping an iconic fantasy series ( think game of thrones ) and starring in a blockbuster ( think dark phoenix ) , everyone seems to be wondering what’s next for america’s favorite sweetheart .
·   ☆     .    𝚋𝚊𝚌𝚔𝚐𝚛𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚍  !
micah “mickey” walsh came from nothing . he was a natural born athlete with the drive of a kid who had nothing to lose and everything to gain , and he could’ve stepped right out of high school and onto a minor league baseball diamond , but his parents –– loony as they seemed –– insisted he go to college first , and he spent four years playing for vanderbilt , where he met his wife marnie . they fell in love , hard and fast , and by their senior year , they were throwing together a shotgun wedding in order to say their vows before her baby bump began to show . 
the first few years were a whirlwind with mickey never giving up his dreams of having a family and having a professional baseball career. two years in , he was called up to the big leagues , and thus began the ICONIC career of mickey walsh , second baseman and a monster at bat . after three years in the mlb , the walsh family grew , and when SAVANNAH RAINE was born in chicago , illinois , wrigley field filled to capacity celebrated . 
three years later , mickey was traded to the boston red sox , and the walsh family moved again . for some time , things were well , and they appeared to be living the dream . mickey loved boston , and boston loved the walshes , so much so , that contract after contract was renewed at fenway . when savannah was five , however , tragedy struck and her mother fell ILL . by the time sav was six , she’d succumbed entirely to her illness , leaving her and her brother , luke , to grow up without a mother .
the walsh family was devastated , mickey taking indefinite time off from his career to be with his children . his parents moved to boston shortly there after to help out with things around the house . mickey tried to keep a happy way about him , but after a season out , everyone could tell he was itching to get back , if only for the DISTRACTION of the game . . . so luke & sav grew up darting around fenway park . they attended every home game , stayed up to watch all of the away games , and they genuinely loved it . babysitters chased after them in exhaustion , and their grandparents did the most they could to raise them right .
savannah was always a FIERY little thing , and it had nothing to do with the red locks she’d inherited from her mother . she was joyful and playful , kind and a lot for any one person to handful . she asked too many questions and had QUITE a knack for theatrics . most of all , though , from a young age , she was simply good . . . and she really never expected to get into acting .
all of that energy had to go somewhere , though , and seeing as she was dramatic as is . . . she was enrolled in dance classes and school theatre projects . she took a liking to acting , starring in school plays and toying around writing her own short films . in high school , savannah was everywhere . . . spread far too thin . but hey ! keeping busy is what this girl lives for ! 
at sixteen , she enrolled at an acting camp during the summer in los angeles , and this is when she found out that her family and friends weren’t simply full of shit ,  like she’d assumed .  she had talent , and she could make a career of acting . . . and unlike others , her rise was a bit too quick . she spent the summer going to auditions , and her BREAKOUT role was one of her first . . . v much a sansa on game of thrones type of deal .
sav finished off high school through a personal tutor and online schooling , but NOT going to college , for either of the walsh kids , was never an option . so she wagered a gap year from her father ,  so she could film seasons 2 & 3 of her show . other seasons were filmed during summer months , on breaks , and on long weekends . she SPED through her degree at new york university , and graduated in 3 , freeing up time to act full time .
there’s a GENUINE way about her that just . . . captures people , when she isn’t in character . in interviews , on talk shows , on red carpets . . . she’s just blatantly very soft , very sweet . skeptics think it’s an act , but anyone who KNOWS savannah knows that the only thing she fronts for the camera is constant energy . ya girl is tired . . . all the time , but will never admit to it ! 
after one of the most watched television series finales of all time and a franchise film –– along the lines of x-men/marvel –– stunning the box office , savannah is taking a moment to SLOW DOWN , because she’s never exactly done so . . . right now ,  she’s trying to figure out where to take her career next with a pile of scripts sitting at home and the world of the silver screen at her fingertips . 
·   ☆     .    𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚘𝚗𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚢 & 𝚏𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚜  !
like i said , miss savannah is very outgoing , very bubbly . she’s good with people . . . but let it be known that she’s an introvert at heart . my girl is queen of leaving parties early . 
definitely the lost-in-a-daydream type , and she’s always been a bit of a QUIET hopeless romantic . less grand gestures and magnificent romantic adventures , more of just . . . a genuine believer in love . which . . . CERTAINLY lines up with the way her life threw her for a loop , just after nineteen , and one (1) nate carpenter absolutely turned her world upside down . it took all of one chance meeting , and sav was completely smitten . despite the fact that their dads kind of sort of ?? hate each other , they are happily planning on spending the rest of their lives together , dipping out of Famous People Things by 9:30pm at the latest .
painfully honest . . . maybe a little too honest. if she’s not careful ,  she can occasionally say too much and put her foot in her mouth . no amount of media training can REALLY rein it in . . . so her publicist is well paid and honestly . . . she has a hell of a time keeping spoilers to herself , so a lot of interviews regarding big plot lines are often with castmates aksdjfha
has a dog named hercules ! not named after the greek hero . . . or the disney movie . . . but rather named after the massive beast in the sandlot . her hercules is a mutt she rescued as a pup . they’re not really sure what he is . . . only that he’s kinda big and definitely has some german shepherd in him . 
sports fanatic af . her dad played professional baseball , and now he coaches for the new york yankees . her brother is a household name for hockey fans . . . and , well , catch her in a bright blue dodgers jersey with the name carpenter on the back , every baseball season !! 
she hasn’t TOTALLY grown out of her tomboy-ness . she still wakes up early to go surfing , still does far better in beat up converse than she does in HEELS , insists on the thrill of doing her own stunts , curses like a damn sailor , and loves a good worn in denim . queen ! of ! rocking ! overalls ! 
thinks about her mom a lot , but tries not to do to the fact that it just fuckin . . . makes her sad and anxious . the grief , she can handle , but the nerves ? her mother died of breast cancer , and savannah STUBBORNLY refuses to get tested to see if she’s got the genetic marker for it .
still visits her grandparents in boston often 
has a very .. . strange relationship with fame . she knows it’s fleeting , and she doesn’t really care for her private life being prodded into . in fact , that’s the worst part of it all . it’s taken a toll on her self - esteem , here and there , but for the most part. . . . she tries not to let it get to her . if she could do the acting thing without the fame , she honestly would . 
ok that is . . . my girl savannah . i hope y’all love her as much as i do bc i am vERY EXCITED ok !!  HIT ME WITH A LIKE & I’LL COME SWOOPING IN FOR PLOTTING !! 
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movingforwardsf · 5 years
A Complete Guide to Moving Locally
Moving locally is still moving - there’s plenty to do, but it may look a little different
For one, packing can be a little less formal for certain items
You may also have no problem hauling plants and pets
However, there’s still a lot to consider. Don’t let the short commute to your new house fool you.
Ready to jump in? Here’s the checklist for moving locally
1 Month Out 
Name of the Game: Sort, Prep, and Take Inventory
At this stage you need an idea of everything you have:
-  Sort into donate, toss, sell, keep (gives tips on all of these).
Consider buying moving supplies
-  Reuse whatever you can - old electronics boxes, Costco boxes, garbage bags  you’re not going very far. 
-  Determine whether you will need a professional moving company. 
-  Figure out who will be helping you move. 
2 Weeks Out 
Pack What you rarely use
Tell friends and family
Arrange moving day baby sitter / pet sitter
Need moving day parking? Arrange a permit (or hire professional movers).
1 Week Out 
Schedule utility end/start dates
Change addresses
Pack pack pack
Clean clean clean
A Few Days Out 
Figure out your first few days kit
Pack valuables separately
Final moving day plan
Take out cash (tips and random costs)
Moving day snacks and drinks
Finish packing the rest of your stuff
The Big Day 
Drop of kids and pets
Disassemble remaining appliances and furniture
Support and supervise movers
Load up your car
Final walk through
Moving locally is easier and less stressful than moving across the country. If you forget to pack that last house plant, you can always get it tomorrow. The clock strikes midnight, but you still have one last load? Tomorrow! Forgot to say so long to your neighbor? Yup, there’s always tomorrow. Before you start belting out the songs from Annie, don’t be fooled by that cute freckly red-head. Moving locally is still moving.  Unless you have the kind of money Daddy Warbucks had to buy a whole moving crew, get ready for a hard knock life of labor-intensive moving. Besides,this is not the 80s anymore. We’ve moved onto moving checklist 2019! Read on for some tips for moving locally that will make your tomorrow easier!
1 Month Out 
Just because you’re moving locally doesn’t mean you can throw everything in the car and be done. The first thing on your local moving checklist should be to make a game plan a month before your move so that it all gets done before tomorrow comes. 
Sort: Make a list of things that you want to donate, toss, sell and keep.
Donate: Goodwill is having a coat drive? Great time to donate all those dusty coats you inherited from Aunt Millie (may she rest in peace) that have just been taking up space.
Toss: Do you really need those DVDs from the early 2000s?
Sell: Got a whole dresser full of “when I’m skinny again, I’ll wear these” designer jeans? Take them down to your nearest clothing consignment shop and get some extra cash!
      2. Take Inventory: Before you start spending money on supplies,take a look at what you already have. Here are some self packing tips that may help save you time and money. 
Moving supplies: Reuse old shoe boxes, garbage bags and pillow cases as packing containers. Sheets, old newspapers and towels can be used to wrap fragile items.
Labor: Tap into your friends, family, co-workers and neighbors to see who would be willing to lend a hand. Heck! Consider putting an announcement on social media and bribe folks with pizza and beer!
      3. Prep: Now that you know what you have and don’t have, you can start planning for moving day. 
Professional Moving Company? At this point you should know whether or not you’ll need a professional moving company based on your inventory. If you do, start calling around for quotes.
Supplies: Make a list of the things you need to purchase for the move. Meals for moving day, supplies in case of bad or hot weather, packing materials. You don’t want to waste time on moving day on last minute tasks.
2 Weeks Out 
Once you have a solid plan, things should get easier from there. You can start doing the following two weeks prior to your moving date: 
Make donation runs to Goodwill
Pack What you rarely use
Tell friends and family about your move.
Make Arrangements for moving day: babysitter, pet sitter, a massage therapist for when your back starts to give out from all that heavy lifting.
Need moving day parking? Arrange for a permit
1 Week Out: At this point, schedule utility end/start dates, change addresses with the post office, your bills, credit card companies. This is also the time to kick the packing up a notch. Go room by room and pack all non-essentials in labeled boxes. As rooms start to empty, clean, clean, clean!
A Few Days Out: By now you should have most of your packing done. So what’s left? You should have a checklist for moving out that includes the following:
Pack clothes, toiletries, favorite pillow and anything else you’ll need for your first days moving kit.
Remember to pack your valuables separately. If you pack them all in one box and something happens to that box, you’ve lost everything.
Double and triple check your final moving day plan. Are there any last minute phone calls you need to make, supplies you need to get?
Take cash out. You may need it for tips and other random costs.
You will need energy and to stay hydrated on moving day so make sure to stock up on snacks and drinks for moving day.
Check the weather. If it’s snowing or raining, you may need waterproof supplies to protect your stuff. If there’s going to be a heat wave, you may need to change your moving plan. You don’t want your  plants baking in the sun for hours.
Finish packing so that all you have left to do on moving day is loading the truck.
The Big Day: When moving day finally arrives, these are some things you may have left to do:  
Drop off your kids and pets. You want to have full focus on your move to get it all done.
Disassemble and unplug remaining appliances so that they are easy to move. The same goes for any furniture that comes in pieces like your entertainment center or a sectional couch.
Whether you have hired professional movers or have friends and family helping you, make sure to let them in on the plan on what to move first and where to put it in your new home.
Once you’ve completed the last load, do a thorough walk through your old home to make sure you haven’t left anything behind.
Moving is tough even when it’s a short distance. If you need an extra set of hands, call the professional Palo Alto Movers at Moving Forward for a FREE quote today! You bet your bottom dollar, we would love to help you out!
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