#Ramdom Facts
shycroissanti · 6 months
✨️Random facts about Irina!!✨️
• Her favorite food is tamago sando.
• She likes collecting rocks, she is proud of the huge collection she has and if you ask her anything about it, she will give you a speech about the rock and where she found it.
• If Irina notices that you are feeling cold on a freezing day, she will offer her gloves and her big black cape for you to use as a blanket, as she is physically incapable of feeling cold. (But it's much easier to hug her, since she's so warm, she's literally a flame XD)
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michellemouse · 3 months
Random stuff 'bout Mr.Preston and Sensei
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chamiryokuroi · 1 year
Watching my aunt running around the house angry at the world because she has “nothing” to bring to her beach trip with her boyfriend, like bestie you knew you had this trip scheduled for the last 3 weeks! It isn’t anyone’s fault but your own you did not take a single afternoon to plan and prepare!
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nosfuimos · 2 years
Que linda es la locura, creas tu propio mundo…por que en este no existís
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redbunnydragon · 2 years
"I know.
I know love is poison to us demons. But I drank that poison.
No one threatened me and it wasn't a mistake.
I drank it because I'm serious about it.
Because I love her. "
Sitri about Narcisa, from Devilish Romance.
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angelwheat · 2 months
Ramdom Spy headcanons? Like in terms of romance since he's like a classy gentleman, and looks like he knows how to treat a woman 🤭🩷
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Spy ; Romantic Headcanons
author's note: a true gentleman, that's for sure. thanks for the request. hope these are okay
warnings: none | pronouns: neutral
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If there was an award for the most romantic mercenary, Spy takes the cake. His ability to romance and charm a lady so smoothly is truly quite a sight to behold.
Spy is fanciful in his gestures, making everything extravagant. His gifts, his ideas for perfect dates, even his kisses. He's a true romantic and will most certainly romanticise every aspect he can.
He treats his S/O like royalty. They've seen a beautiful accessory in a store window? It'll be on their dresser in a delicately wrapped gift box a day or so later. A new posh restaurant has opened in town and his partner really wants to try it. Spy will treat them to an evening out together later that week. Needless to say, he will do whatever he must to show how attentive he is of them.
But Spy isn't just about buying things to see his S/O smile. In fact he's quite affectionate behind closed doors. With Spy they'll feel like they're living in a romance novel. With kisses to the back of their hand, that'll trail up their arm. Passionate kisses on the lips and tender caresses as he holds them close, or even slow dancing with them in his smoking room. Needless to say, Spy is a passionate man.
While Spy values his S/O so highly, he doesn't expect anything in return. Little things like the smile he's met with when he surprises them with a bouquet of flowers is enough. However, he is always surprised when his S/O gives him the same treatment, especially if they're not as romantic as him. He shows his gratitude but insists that they don't need to be so extravagant for him. Little does his partner know that his heart fluttered at the gesture.
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The people I’m starting to miss.
@tigerbluethunder I miss our little convos. They were so fun. Even if I didn’t really get to talk to you. It was always a pleasure. I hope that work is going well for you. And that your Jonathan, Ms. Wolf (right??) are doing great! Hope you’re doing wonderful as well.@red-write-hand I miss how great you were and how we always playfully flirted. I hope you’re okay. And I hope that everything is going awesomely on your end. I cried when you added me on that list of This is going to hurt. Because it did. And I’m glad you’re taking a break. Or….. a hemriod. I hope that it is not that. I’m thinking the worst here.@johnsjackolantern you made my day when you DMED me. That was nice little surprise for me. Hope you’re doing super!! I love the fact you’re moody for Jonathan. @karincha-karik you just popped up one day and made me happy by you telling me we are now friends. That made me giggle. I also love the fact you and I get along. That is something I’m happy for.@cats-gov I love when you like all of my lame ass posts I make. And I feel bad I don’t like a lot of your stuff. I try to be friendly!! And I love ya.@crazyhologramhologram I really miss you. You were fun. I miss our DMS. I miss when we chatted and when you and I smiled about the ramdom shit. I miss the fact that we used to send each other our “sexy” (quote unquote) pictures. Even though they weren’t even sexy. They were slay. I loved that.@jonathan-cranes-mistress-of-fear You answer my asks and your posts have made me smile constantly. I’m glad you have been your blog for so long. And I hope you got a new computer. I hope you’re doing good and your cats are doing fantastic. I loved the fact you named one Scarecrow. That’s cute and funny! I love that you try to find every scarecrow thing you can find. You’re amazing at what you do.
Everyone. If I didn’t say your name. I’m sorry. These are the ones that have an impact on me positively. There is nothing negative. I’m just so happy I found everyone now. And I’m happy that I am not alone anymore and I actually found people who spark interest, creativity, hope, joy, love, sometimes anger, and euphoria. You have all been so amazing to me and it just makes me so happy that all of you are on this suffering world with me. I’m so sorry that I wrote so much but I hope that you all have a lovely day/nigh/morning/evening/afternoon. Love, @dibmembraneisgoodlooking
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leegemma · 4 months
Wassap😼 Saw the question thingy you reblogged, and I just love sending these things to people. Because, when you really think about it, these little inboxes take so little effort but (I think) they can really light up someone’s day. Like, it’s so nice to check your tumblr notifications and see some ramdom ask from someone. Anyway, here they are❤️:
10 14 19 25 35
Gah you're so sweet I love getting notifications from you so much 😭💞
10- What is a fact about you that nobody would believe?
- Probably not a very good one but usually people are pretty shocked when I tell them I lived in China 💀
14- What are your favorite apps besides tumblr?
- okay this is such a basic answer bit I cannot get myself off tiktok (I might also be a victim of YouTube shorts...)
19- A time that you told a lie.
-every single time I ever told my friends I hate being tworded 🫡
25- Do you/ Have you played any sports?
-I used to do gymnastics and ballet! But I had to stop when I moved to Europe :((((
35- What kind of first impression do you think you make on people?
-From what I hear, people just tend to think of me as a funny person when first meeting me because I am very very energetic (guilty 😍).
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djtheabishai · 7 months
Ramdom Facts About: Barbatos!
Warning!: This is a sad one! Character Death(s)! Bittersweet ending!
In a different dimension, a completely separate one from the one we're following, Brook, Simeon and D.J. dies, in that order, leaving Willow and Barbatos the only living of parent and child.
Brook: While at a party being thrown at the Demon Lord's Castle, a couple demons were brave (dumb) enough to attack the human exchange student (MC) and Brook, who was Queen of a kingdom called Wyvgon.
While MC survived, Brook sadly didn't make it.
Simeon: Since I head cannon Barbatos to be a reptile type, he is cold blooded, so he's gonna need warmth, which Simeon is a walking sun (to him).
One day while stranded in a blizzard, Barb was too cold to concentrate on opening a portal to get them out, on the verge of death himself. Simeon used the last bit of heat he had to keep his husband warm enough to survive till someone got them.
Simeon froze to death.
D.J.: She caught Elemental Madness. A curable dragon sickness that the element it hosts very slowly but surely kills them from the outside, in. Once you get it, you only have forty (40) years to live.
Since D.J. is a fire/ice dragon, she froze, then evaporated away.
Barbatos: After years, once Willow was old enough to take care of herself and take his place as time keeper, he eventually died of a broken heart, reuniting with his family in the after life.
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lowcosmic · 1 month
I think the most ramdom thing that happened on my birthday was when we have sang happy birthday to me and it was normal but what happened was that when my mom was going to play happy birthday my friends told her as a joke "play kokichi singing happy birthday" and my mom innocently started looking for it on YouTube and somehow instead of putting Kokichi singing happy birthday I ended up putting an edit of Kokichi from 2021, The best thing I suppose is that my mom just laughed and left the edit there until was finished (and my mom doesn't take those things the wrong way, in fact she is the person in the family who supports me and with whom I get along well lol) but I guess what happened because you see there are those edits with the title "Happy birthday kokichi" well I thought my mom got confused and that's why she put the edit ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝
Anyways nobady asked me but this was the edit Lol: https://m.youtube.com/watch?si=l7L_V8XQJDfP39A0&v=02YHF_vZAoc&feature=youtu.be
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skznccmlee · 4 months
I saw what you reblogged, so I have a couple of questions for you!
10 14 19 25 35
I know it’s so nice to get these ramdom little asks in your inbox, but honestly it takes so little effort to make someone a little more exited or happier than they were before. Have a nice day/night❤️
Hello Soapieeee
Tysm for the asks, any interaction of yours towards me makes my day constantly <3
10. What is a fact about you that nobody would believe?
I know how to play 3 instruments. No, people who know me irl, my whole life didn't use to be based on my phone and my weekly obsessions
14. What are your favorite apps besides tumblr?
... Idk... Twitter?? (Ik it's called X now, but that's honestly so boring, Twitter sounds way better imo)
19. A time that you told a lie
When I told my brother that his tablet was broken (In my defense, we're trying to get him not addicted to it)
25. Do you/Have you played any sports?
People wouldn't believe me, but yes, I did basket and swimming time ago
35. What kind of first impression do you think you make on people?
To be honest, that I'm annoying and/or weird
Those are words that have actually came out of people's mouth before they get to know me-
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tutchando74 · 1 year
Uzi Daarman relationships (Split Drones)
Uzi Daarman - Second Generation J
Hates J and disagrees with everything she says.
Uzi Daarman - Eldritch J
Doesn't understand what that is, but while Uzi was running from it, she questioned reality itself and if that was real, if she was real. Sometimes, Uzi has nightmares with it.
Uzi Daarman - First Generation N
Is very conflicted about him, he acts as a big brother to her, sometimes even a father figure, but Uzi still is afraid of him, and she notices that he has the same worry, and this hurts her, but she can't ignore her fear.
Uzi Daarman - NX
Uzi can't hate him, because NX looks like N, but at the same time she hates him for beign the complete opposite of N. She also doesn't want to hurt him, because she thinks she'll be hurting N.
Uzi Daarman - First Generation V
Doesn't like her, mostly because of how she acts, she's ignorant and too impulsive. Uzi also doesn't like the way she treats N.
Uzi Daarman - Alive Doll
Uzi understand why she thinks the way she does, Uzi herself though like that, but now that she passed some time with N, she can't agree with her, and her attemps to murder N do piss Uzi off.
Uzi Daarman - Dead Doll
Doesn't know that Doll transported her mind to her own mind, but does have nightmares with her. Uzi doesn't understand why she has this nightmares, specially because she was never afraid of Doll.
Uzi Daarman - Thad
Uzi thinks that Thad is a nice guy, but thinks there's something strange with him, but can't understand what it is.
Uzi Daarman - Lizzy
Thinks that Lizzy is brave for living life the way she does, but finds it annoying when she tries to force that life style on her.
Uzi Daarman - Rebecca
Barely knows her, in fact, doesn't even know her name. Uzi just feels a bit sorry that she tried to eat her in her solver form.
Uzi Daarman - Nori Hssvqer
Passed little time with her, but misses those times. Uzi wonders what happened with her and is still trying to find her or at least have an answer to her disappearing.
Uzi Daarman - Oler Hssvqer
Hates him more than anything. After she finds what happened to her mother, she is going to find her father, doesn't know what she is going to do to him, but that she can think after.
Uzi Daarman - Adult Tessa
Doesn't lke her smug attitude, but does recognize that she has survived some pretty bad shit, but Uzi doesn't care about it.
Uzi Daarman - CYN?
Doesn't know who that is, but most of her nightmares are about this thing. Uzi wonders what that is, but is afraid of actually finding out.
Uzi Daarman - Worker Drones
Sees them as normal civilians.
Uzi Daarman - Disassembly Drones
Finds them interesting, and hopes she finds a ramdom Disassembly Drone, just so she can murder him and expirement on it's body.
Uzi Daarman - Humans
Hates that she can't understand them. Uzi just doesn't understand most things that humans do and that annoys her.
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odash17 · 1 year
Favourite Numbers :)
"Did you know that if you can't stop your stream of thought at night, you can just write them down and think about it in the morning? It puts your mind at ease and you can sleep faster that way," I told him while staring at my fingers.
I wanted to stop talking because I felt like I was embarrassing myself. I had no idea if he has finally noticed that I only did that whenever I got nervous. That I'd just find some weird psychological fact when I didn't wanna start fidgeting.
"Really? And you've tried it before? And it worked?" he queried, seeming extremely interested like he always was.
"Yeah, I have and yes, it does. It gives your mind the reassurance that you can have that thought later when you wake up," I explained and raised my eyes to his.
I liked how his interest and casual conversation with him made my nerves die down.
"Where do you write? Like a notepad or something?" He asked after a brief moment of silence.
"Anywhere really. But I mostly write them as notes on my phone," I stated and before I knew it, I was taking out my phone, unlocking it, pulling up the app and showing him what I meant.
"Fifty-two notes," he said with a tinge of shock in his voice.
"I clean them out every week. Those are since last Thursday," I mumbled but almost immediately regretted saying that.
" 'I think burgers are weird. Why do they have both cooked and raw ingredients? It should decide whether it's cooked food or not already'," I watched as a smile slowly spread across his face.
He was getting in my head (quite literally) but I didn't mind at all.
" 'Am I the only one who wakes up and goes back to bed until the clock hit exactly seven just to go back to sleep after grabbing a snack on Saturdays?' " he chuckled at that one then added, "no you're not."
" 'I think Jax is an amazing person. He's kind and generous and has a lot more things than I can't type out right now. I hope I one day gather enough courage to tell him that," he said nothing in response to what he read, and didn't spare me a glance.
He just tapped his way to the next note while trying to fight the smile that was undoubtedly forming on his face.
" 'Jax has the most intriguing smile I've ever come across. I'm not exactly sure what's so interesting about it. All I know is I hope to one day to kiss the lips that form that smile'," his voice got quieter as he went through the words.
His eyes finally met mine and I sucked in a slow and really quiet breath at the intensity of his eyes.
I'd pay a million bucks to know what he was thinking.
But I didn't have to.
"The feeling's mutual," he muttered.
I froze.
But melted then evaporated when he suddenly leaned forward and... granted my wish.
Note number thirty-two.
My new favourite number.
My first random. Hopefully, first of many.
Not sure if it's gonna be part of anything bigger.
If there's any similar work anywhere, it is by pure coincidence.
Please do not copy my work
And do enjoy 😉
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3amclothesmonster · 11 months
his moms are really good I’ve skaters , And Robbie wants to be a figure skater when he grows up
If you didn’t know Robbie and his moms walk on all fours most of the time .
That’s all for now thenk youuuu
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sunlitsakuras · 2 years
Ramdom Silly Fun Fact, yesterday when we were playing Splatoon and i fell into the water was the hardest I've laughed In A While,,, i dunno it was Just So silly and i was already super duper happy that we got to play together and Just. Aaaa<333
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ohmywhump · 4 years
If you get this, answer with 3 random facts about yourself and send it to the last 7 blogs in your notifications, anonymous or not! Let's get to know the person behind the blog!
Thank you for asking Parni! 💕
I like to bake stuff like cookies or cake for my friends but when it's finished I never eat it myself.
Years ago when I was in London I bought a silver pentacle necklace just because I liked it and since then I never left the house without it, it's kind of my lucky charm now.
I had the worst migraine of my life last Wednesday/Thursday and accidentally found out about some kind of medication I never heard of before - I gave it a try and guess who's head stopped hurting only two hours later 🥰
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