#Ramen Restaurant NYC
city-calling · 1 year
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🍖 Try and spot all the ingredients!
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thealogie · 3 months
Thea... I'm sorry my grammar not really good. I'm Japanese, right now in NYC for vacation with my family. Last night just ate Ramen with my family at Ippudo, and group of guys beside us talking about Andrew & Jonathan (i am pretty sure AScott & JGroff) because they talked about rumour that Andrew & Jonathan hooking up after MetGala.
I think They not really care because they saw us (asian family), maybe they think we not really know about celebrity esp gay celebrity. But, me, i love them, so i paying attantion to their gossip time.
They also talked about Bailey, Quinto, Bomer, many more name but i dont remember them, i dont recognize the names, just remember the famous one.
But the one that stick with me is about Andrew & Jonathan hooked up after MetGala. I think They also dont know 100% its true or false, but yeah just want to share them with you.
And my family & i will go to see Merrily & Aladdin before we go back to Japan, i hope the language not to advance, so me & my family can understand the story well.
Thank you
That is such a fun story. I love overhearing gossip at restaurants. A Scott/Groff post-met hook up seems very possible.
Your grammar is genuinely fantastic by the way. And I think you’ll love both of those shows! Even if you don’t catch every single word, they are still fun.
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mamaholligay · 10 months
Day One
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So, the first full day in NYC was a sheer delight! It started out with the most amazing breakfast sandwich known to man. Now, if one does not eat pork, breakfast sandwiches are often not worth the pain and suffering attached to trying to find a meat product that goes into said breakfast sandwich that does not contain pig. I usually do not go there! This place had turkey ham and turkey bacon and never once said…. We don’t do pig…Clearly pig was not available anywhere on the entire menu. The whole thing was piping hot, melting cheese and totally delicious. We then took a beautiful walk across Central Park to arrive at the MET. This museum is so big, there is no way you could even begin to see everything. I think my favorite things were the rooms that they have set up all over that show what rooms would look like for a particular time period. The furniture, the walls, rugs and the whole bit. There were so many of them and it made history come alive. Doc has a museum game that was really fun. When you are looking at things in a museum, think about,
“What would I steal?”
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“What is super ugly?”
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“What is something that I learned?”
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I came up with a new category called, “What would I steal for Doc?” 
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So we got the point where we were all museumed out and Doc says, there is another place I want to take you, bu. t if you don’t like it, we can leave. So off we go, again walking as that is what we do. We go down this street and Doc stops and says, “Well, it says we are here. I was not sure what was happening, but we open a door and step into a little shop/room sort of situation. I about lost my mind! We were in the Frederic Malle perfume shop. Now bear in mind that I started to lose my cool. I was so excited. It was like a little cozy place with a couch and a desk with a couple of chairs. Roberto asked if he could help and I turned to Doc and just about screamed how excited I was! This is my favorite perfume house and I had no clue they had one in NYC. I got the full exciting experience, we bonded with Roberto and he brought me around to loving a perfume I never would have tried. We won’t talk about how much money I spent, but Roberto and I are besties for life! He is also shipping my perfume home, so we don’t have to deal with it on the rest of the trip. I am still telling Doc how much I loved the experience! 
After such a wonderful day, we went back and changed for dinner. I didn’t know where we were going, which was hilarious, since apparently I was the one that picked the restaurant many months ago. It was super delicious! We went to Momosan, which is a ramen place. This place is owned by Mori Moto, which if you don’t know, was on Iron Chef! The Chicken Ramen was super good and I found some Sake I actually liked! After dinner we killed some time, walking about the streets of NY. It is definitely an experience! Then it was time for the show. We went to Drunk Shakespeare. The show was so good and fun and crazy! They get one of the cast members drunk and then they do an abbreviated, often hilarious version of a Shakespeare play. They actually did Macbeth, which is my favorite Shakespeare play. It was audience participation and it was a super fun night! That wraps up our first full day. I can’t wait until tomorrow as I have no clue what we are doing!
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roo-bastmoon · 2 years
Just a little reminder that since coming home from a crazy amount of Jikookery in Vegas in April, we've had:
--waiting deliberately to ride home from the airport in a car together
--JK singing With You on his vlog
--Jikook giggling and holding hands in the dark at Hobi's party
--JK accepting Kookmin Are Dating and Jimin's Little Finger into his In the Seom circle even though they had fewer experience points
--JK's tattoo artist inking JM and JK on his own arm
--cute interactions at awards shows and changed lyrics for June performances
--JK's brother liking Jikook + Bam family fan art
--Jimin giggling and chasing JK over eating ramen (knowing about his gluten intolerance before it was public)
--JK flirting in the car while sucking on corn ice cream
--JK smacking the hell out of Jimin's ass and doing couples flying yoga
--Jimin coming to visit JK in the dead of night for his birthday, bringing his own cake, snapping that intimate photo, posting on WeVerse two days in a row despite the fact he was also working in the studio that whole time
--Jimin's dad posting a photo of JK's old beloved dog on his birthday
--what sounds like Jimin's giggles in the background on JK's birthday live with Jin
--what sounds like JK whispering "JIMIN!" twice during Jimin's birthday live
--JK's birthday thirst trap for Jimin--which he posted on WeVerse specifically for Jimin, having not been on that platform himself in years
--The Busan live where JK looks on adoringly while Jimin slurps noodles
--JK offering up the story of his mom making seaweed soup just for Jimin which is culturally SIGNIFICANT
--Jimin razzing the shit out of JK for "Jungkook Marry Me"
--Jimin inviting JK to feast after the Busan live
--JK saying twice that he'll join Jimin on a live soon if he has time
--JK posting their special numbers on his selfie in Qatar
--Jimin posting about how cool JK's World Cup performance was.
Now look, they've both been busy with work and travel. What raises doubts about if Jikook are still close is the fact that JK goes out (seemingly mostly alone) to so many meat restaurants. I saw one video of him joining another person outside, but it was too shaky to make out much of anything. The coat and jeans looked similar to what Jimin wore to the airport for NYC, but I can't say that with any certainty so please take that with a grain of salt.
After 10 years of having every second of his life scheduled and strict diets, GOOD FOR JK. A restaurant tour of Korea while Jimin is holed up in the studio is a lovely idea, especially since it seems he's not super into cooking for himself.
Here's where fandom gets sticky.
JK also went bowling with Tae and friends, and did a TikTok dance challenge with Taehyung, who mentioned JK frequently before Taehyung went to Paris. Seems like there were plans for them to do a gaming live similar to Jin's but time didn't allow for it.
There's also unsubstantiated rumors of them going skiing this week with other people. You know, friendship things. Positive, healthy, harmless things you do with friends when you are young. It definitely suggests closeness, but not necessarily sexy times? People made a lot of assumptions that JK came right from the airport and spent the night in a luxury villa with Taehyung, but, actually, Taehyung is friends with the owners, and JK's pants are different than what he wore at the airport, and it could have been filmed at dusk, not dawn. Maybe they just, ya know, wanted to do a cool TikTok vid since their versions weren't included on the official choreo version Hobi posted.
What worries some folks is that there's no evidence of Jikook even doing friendship things since Vegas. Which, again, PJM1 is consuming Jimin's time... Plus also remember that whole traumatizing few months of mail tampering, doxxing, scandal in the press overshadowing Jimin's unpromoted OST, governmental manipulation over the Expo, stocks tanking, and military enlistment, plus rampant hate online and sometimes even death threats?
Those are all really good reasons to not share one's personal life or hint at a closeted homosexual relationship. Even under the cover of friendship and group outings, Jimin just may be sick of the scrutiny. He's not been going out with ANYONE.
And yes, it's fair to say that Jikook normally are always together and never really hid that before. I mean, there is an ENTIRE POP UP MUSEUM DEDICATED TO ALL THEIR INTERACTIONS. No other members have anything like it.
But 2022 is unlike any other year they've had before either.
Also something to think about: Jimin once recently mentioned that he and Taehyung Facetime each other practically every day. (It was during the live when he shared that Taehyung was the one who inspired Jimin's moon tattoos based on fan art he showed Jimin.) Think about that Vmin hug on the Busan stage--it was a chef's kiss. Just this week, Jimin insisted on a selca with Tae and Jin on his own phone.
We can assume their friendship is rock solid, but we rarely see much evidence of them interacting in their off time. In fact I cannot think of the last time Jimin and Taehyung hung out in person when not for a work thing. I can't imagine they are faking affection or bed hoping with JK. I don't require proof of them doing things together to think their friendship is real.
Maybe we could do the same for Jikook? Even if they don't post a selca this year? Yeah, it's a bummer, but it's not divorce papers, y'all.
Can I say for sure Jikook dated / are still dating? NO. I can't say that about any point in their relationship, actually. But I keep reminding myself to be patient, wait things out, because more always comes out.
There's all these little things, like JK knowing that Jimin won't be drinking champagne, but having no idea that Taehyung had given up alcohol for two months.
Clues always come out eventually.
I'll be so curious to see what happens after PJM1 drops. Will Jimin do very little promo, like with his OST? Will there be multiple videos, with choreo? Will his members be silent about this work too? Will he have more free time and thus poke his head up more? Or will he continue to be a lil ninja? I dunno. I'll be supporting him no matter what.
And even if his members don't publicly hype him up, I won't just assume that means they are jealous or don't care about him. Like Jin said: "Post, it's good. No post, it's still good." Will I be a bit unnerved? Honestly, yeah. But Jimin knows Jimin's situation best.
The honest truth is this: none of us KNOW what's going on with any of the members' relationships except the members. And that's how it should be because that's their business. They only owe us good music and dance performances. The rest is icing on the cake.
It's totally okay if you believe this is just one of those dry spells Jikook has over the years. It's valid if you think they broke up and are just being good friends and coworkers at a distance. If your gut is telling you Taekook is now real, I can't say I agree with you, but I'll never come into your spaces and argue with you.
It's up to you to seek out reliable sources of info and then make your own judgement call, if you feel if you have enough data. This isn't a cult. You are not required to "keep the faith" about anything.
Two months ago, Jikook were Jikooking like always. Now Jimin is quiet (except to tell us to keep warm and not get sick, bless his heart). And Jungkook and Taehyung are showing us they hang out (as they have done in the past--restaurants, gaming, trips with Wooga--though perhaps now they are doing it a bit more than when they all had an OT7 schedule).
And so the silence from Jikook and the hanging out from Taekook has the cult all whipped up and Jikookers feeling unsettled. I get it. It's normal to feel your feels. But also be sure to math your math.
Me? I honestly have no clue what's going on. I still feel like we're seeing so little of the full picture, it would be wise to withhold judgement quite yet. I tell myself: Be patient. Trust the members. There are things they can't tell us, but if we trust their words, that would be good.
In the meantime, please stream and vote and buy albums. That's our main job as Army, regardless of ship or bias. Soon all our boys will be serving, and the drought will be very very real. So let's try to celebrate, smile, and laugh about what we still can, okay? I think they'd want us to focus on that.
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winterrose527 · 5 months
Hello my friend!
Would you happen to have suggestions for the best things to do in Manhattan between 9am and 3pm? Things to see, places to visit, food to eat?
I'm going to be in NYC watching my cousin's kids for a few days this week (I'm in between jobs while we move and loving the flexibility and random fun things) and have free time while the girls are in school. I'm making my little trip bucket list and would love suggestions!
@woodswit you're a well traveled queen too, please chime in it you have suggestions!
Ahhh jealous you'll be in the city, sounds like it is gorgeous weather there today which is such a plus.
I'm not sure where you're staying but I was an UES girly so if I was going to take an afternoon I would go to Anita La Mama del Gelato on 2nd Ave (bonus points, there used to be a really beautiful shoe store right down the block from it but I think he may have moved, I'll try to find the name in case). I would then walk over and take a stroll in Central Park, and of all the museums on museum mile I would go to the Neue Galerie. It's this intimate little jewel of a collection. You'll see less but absorb more than if you try to do the Met, and honestly I find the Guggenheim somewhat soulless and have never seen an exhibition there that I enjoyed. (if you need a dinner place uptown one of my absolute favorites in the city is NR. It's a mostly ramen restaurant designed like a hipster version of 1950s Tokyo)
I'd then suggest a little Nolita trip. I'd grab lunch at Il Buco Alimentari (it's on all the lists for a reason - if they have the olive oil cake GET THE OLIVE OIL CAKE). Then walk down Bowery, popping in and out of galleries and shops. I'd definitely hit up American Vintage and Plantshed (for a restorative latte + the most beautiful bouquet of flowers to bring to your host). Catbird is also close by though I think that is technically Soho (everywhere down there is like a 10 min walk), which is a great place to pick up Mother's Day gifts if you need any!
My favorite neighborhoods for just an architectural stroll are either Brooklyn Heights or the UWS. Brooklyn Heights is a bit harder in terms of food, but you can walk along the water to Dumbo and then there are plenty of places. I'm not sure if you'll be there over the weekend but on the UWS on the weekends there is an open air antique/vintage/etc. market & farmer's market right next to each other and both are fantastic.
Oh also, if you're with any vegetarians or just like vegetarian food, I definitely recommend Ladybird, or any of Overthrow Hospitality's restaurants.
I purposefully didn't give a list of places to get great cocktails because it sounds like you were really just looking for daytime pre-childcare suggestions but let me know!!!
Enjoy the week!
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gardenianoire · 6 months
planning a trip to nyc like hey it'd be cool to go to a Black owned steakhouse if there's one
google: here's 4000 lists of Black owned restaurants in nyc none of these lists mention steakhouses or even steak but you like ramen right
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Poorly Kept Secrets
Read here or on AO3!
Taehyung has never hidden the fact that he had no interest in fitness. His boyfriends never minded - having that time together and then different hobbies or interests with Taehyung. It wouldn’t be as noticeable, but Taehyung was dating what he would consider two fitness gurus. Jimin owned a dance studio with Hoseok, spending the majority of his day training and dancing with his students. Jungkook was a personal trainer who split his time between high-interval training, weight lifting, and boxing.
While they were all toned and trim, Taehyung was comfortably soft. He worked from home as an illustrator for children’s books and preferred to watch a drama over going to the gym. His boyfriends were sweet - they never judged and told him that his body can be however he likes as long as he is happy.
Taehyung knew that the main reason he was still fairly slim was his metabolism and their balanced diet. Jimin did most of the cooking and even though their fitness guys, Jungkook and Jimin both enjoyed food. If they wanted ramen instead of a salad, they were going to have it. They simply prioritized getting in their proper nutrients to keep their energy up for work while also indulging in their favorite foods.
During their fifth year together, Taehyung received an interesting opportunity to go work with a publishing team in New York City for an author that wanted to meet him and see his work in person before agreeing to bring him on the project. He didn’t love the idea of being away from his partners for nearly three weeks, but Taehyung liked the author and thought his style could fit the book series well so he went.
A few nights into his trip, the three were on a video call when Taehyung said something that piqued his boyfriends’ interest. He had told them he was disappointed in his tight schedule in NYC because he would have loved to do a food tour of popular restaurants. While that was understandable, his next comment is what sent Jimin into a new headspace.
“Man, if I actually had free time while I was here, I’d probably come home ten pounds heavier.”
Jungkook had laughed, agreeing with his boyfriend that he would be the same way. Jimin giggled and gave his attention until the conversation ended, but once they hung up, he turned to Jungkook and looked to be deep in thought.
“What’s up, Minnie?”
“I just…did you see Tae’s face when he said that?”
“Said what? That he wanted to do a food tour because I would honestly be pretty disappointed to miss out on that too, but I’m sure he’s still happy to be there,” Jungkook replied, assuming that Jimin was concerned with Taehyung’s enjoyment of the trip.
Jimin shook his head, contemplating if he was overthinking or jumping to conclusions. He knew Jungkook would be honest with him so he decided to go for it. “No, I’m sure he is happy too. It was actually when he said something about gaining weight. His face…he just looked, I don’t know, like he wanted to gain those ten pounds.”
“Huh…I mean, yeah, I guess he did,” Jungkook said, thinking back to the conversation and realizing that Jimin is right. It honestly wasn’t even surprising to consider that Taehyung liked the softness - he is actually pretty open about his tummy appreciation.
“Do you think he…does he feel like we won’t like it if he gains weight?”
Jungkook wrapped his arm around Jimin’s shoulder and kissed his temple. He knew that Jimin would spiral over something like this if he thought Taehyung was even slightly unhappy. “Baby, I am certain that Taehyung knows we love him no matter what. I think he just goes with the flow.”
Jimin was quiet for a moment, thinking yet again but also comforted by Jungkook. “What if we helped?”
“Helped how?”
Jimin shrugged, looking a little embarrassed that he was even bringing it up. “Maybe give him more snacks or bigger servings. We could test it out when he gets back and see if he reacts positively. The minute he makes any mention of not enjoying it, we stop.”
Jungkook thought it over and couldn’t seem to find a downside. “Yeah, okay, could be fun. It would be cute if he doesn’t even notice.”
Jimin laughed and shook his head, “I’m sure he will be onto us right away.”
Upon Taehyung’s return home, he was smothered with love by his boyfriends who so desperately missed him. Jungkook encouraged him to shower while he unpacked his bags for him. Jimin was making all of Taehyung’s favorite dishes for dinner to celebrate his return.
Taehyung thought nothing of it considering his boyfriends were absolute sweethearts. Jimin had a reputation for spoiling them both so it was pretty expected to see the table full of kalbi, japchae, sweet potatoes, and little banchan dishes. “Wow, Minnie, this looks delicious. Thank you!”
Jimin accepted the kiss with a laugh, determined to keep that cute smile on his boyfriend’s face forever. He took Taehyung’s plate and put just a bit more of each serving than he typically would, piling it up with food. If his boyfriend said anything about the amount of food he was given, Jimin was simply going to reason that he just had a long flight and deserved it - however, Taehyung accepted the plate with a smile and tucked right in.
Jungkook ate well too, having trained two extra clients that day so he had been starving when he got home from work. His large appetite seemed to be a welcome push for Taehyung who actually refilled his serving of japchae and sweet potatoes to Jimin’s surprise. They talked about his trip which seemed to be enough conversation to stop him from realizing how much he had eaten. Jimin had been finished for quite some time while he watched the other two enjoy the dinner he made.
Once Taehyung seemed to be slowing down, Jimin went to the fridge and grabbed a strawberry cake. It was one of Taehyung’s favorite things that Jimin made so it went with the meal properly. “I made a cake for you too. It’s the strawberry one you like.”
“Oh my gosh, Minnie, I love you. I honestly don’t think I could eat another bite right now, but I promise it won’t go to waste,” Taehyung replied, still not suspecting a thing since it seemed like a normal Jimin act of service for his boyfriends.
“That’s fine, baby. It’ll be in the fridge whenever you want it.”
Jungkook hopped up to help Jimin clear the table, offering to do the dishes. Taehyung sat back momentarily, letting out a deep breath as his fullness finally hit. He looked up to make sure his boyfriends weren’t looking and rubbed over the top which was rounded out with the evidence of his dinner packed inside.
With more effort needed than he expected, Taehyung hoisted himself out of his chair to bring his dishes to the sink. He kissed Jimin’s cheek as another show of gratitude for the amazing meal his boyfriend prepared before he was instructed to go find a movie or a drama to watch while Jimin changed clothes and Jungkook cleaned up.
Jimin returned from their bedroom and he was caught off guard by the sight in front of him. Taehyung was leaning back against the couch, one hand on his lower stomach resting while his other hand rubbed gently at the crest of his belly bloated with dinner. He had an older white t-shirt on that usually was form-fitting, but it was now clinging to his taut skin. Not wanting to interrupt, Jimin went to the kitchen first to grab some drinks and share his discovery with Jungkook who tried to sneak a glimpse from the kitchen.
When Jimin came back to the living room, Taehyung was no longer in that position and was covered up with a blanket as he scrolled through their shows. Jimin put some water, soju, and cherry coke on the table - free for anyone to take. They looked through the show options together for about fifteen minutes before Taehyung shifted next to him, looking back towards the kitchen.
“Hey, Gguk?”
“Yeah, babe?”
“Would you mind bringing some of the cake when you’re done?”
“Of course. Minnie, you want some, baby?”
“Yes, please!”
“Okay, three slices of cake, coming up!”
Taehyung laughed at Jungkook’s silly voice he put on at the end as if he was taking their order, not noticing how the request was affecting Jimin who had genuinely not expected Taehyung to even touch the cake that night. He was definitely not complaining, but he had barely digested his own food and he had eaten a third of what Taehyung had.
Jungkook was quite generous with his servings of cake, knowing very well that he was pushing the limits. Taehyung happily accepted the cake and started digging in as they watched the movie he selected. Jimin was eating slowly which was not out of the norm, but this time it was from the distraction of watching Taehyung eat.
Jimin waited until Taehyung only had a few bites left before offering his over, nearly half of the slice left. “Tae, you want the rest of mine? I’m so full and I was snacking on the berries the entire time I was cooking so I think I’m over the taste of them,” he said with a laugh, actually telling the truth.
“Oh, sure! That’s what you get for your cooking snacks, Min,” Taehyung teased as he took the last bite of his own slice to accept Jimin’s plate.
“Snacks are the best part of cooking,” Jimin replied, giggling so much that he leaned into Taehyung’s side. Both of his boyfriends watched him with endeared expressions. He kept his spot on Taehyung’s shoulder even while he worked his way through the next piece of cake, having to restrain himself from rubbing Taehyung’s belly which was getting tighter with each bite.
Jungkook offered the cherry coke to Taehyung when he leaned forward to grab the water. After his last bite of Jimin’s cake, Taehyung took a long drink of coke which topped off his belly to his absolute limit. Taehyung had not eaten that much before, but he would admit that it felt great.
Jimin switched their position so Taehyung’s head was tucked against his shoulder, gently running his fingers through his boyfriend’s hair. “You okay, love?”
“Yeah, just feeling full. I guess I really missed having homecooked meals while I was gone,” Taehyung admitted, trying to understand the feeling for himself while also being lulled into a food coma with Jimin’s tender scalp massage.
“I’m glad you enjoyed it. I missed cooking for you,” Jimin replied, trying to sound innocent in his intentions. He continued his little motions until Taehyugn fell asleep. Jimin immediately looked at Jungkook who had also found the night interesting, both sharing a knowing look that this plan was going very well so far.
Two months went by quickly and although they had not had another night like Taehyung’s welcome home, Jimin and Jungkook had certainly worked out a system. Jungkook had made a cute little snack basket for Taehyung’s office when his boyfriend mentioned getting distracted by his work to the point of missing lunch sometimes. Jimin had been beefing up Taehyung’s portions at various meals without it being obvious - an extra egg or two in his omelets, doubling his meat or veggies - and maintaining a healthy balance.
Taehyung’s middle had undoubtedly shown the most results, his soft tummy burgeoning into a pudgy belly. While the weight did distribute a little bit, it seemed that his stomach was the main landing place of his new weight. Jimin and Jungkook both agreed that the one downside of their plan was the lacking of feeling him up, both wanting to get their hands on him but not wanting to give away their current plan.
Jimin entered the bedroom one morning, intrigued by huffing coming from their closet. “Tae, everything okay, baby?” he asked, walking in to find his boyfriend fighting to get one of Jungkook’s hoodies to fit correctly. He had to utilize every ounce of his willpower to not comment on how amazing Taehyung looked.
“Just wanted to wear one of Gguk’s hoodies and I realized that I may be getting a little…chunky,” Taehyung said as he gripped a handful of his stomach, not sounding sad but more disappointed about the sweatshirt in particular.
Completely on the fly, Jimin remedied the situation. He was thankful that Taehyung picked a hoodie that was inconspicuous enough to get by convincing him it was his. “Well, first of all, it probably helps if you actually picked one of his. That’s mine, Tae,” he said, absolutely lying through his teeth.
“Oh, really? It didn’t have a tag, but I assumed all the gym hoodies were his.”
“That’s a dance studio, babe, not a gym,” Jimin said with a laugh as that part of his story was true. He and Jungkook both had hoodies from a friend’s dance studio called The Lab, however, Jimin knew that his was hanging on a hook in his office at the dance studio right now meaning that Taehyung was most definitely wearing Jungkook’s and it was definitely a little snug.
Taehyung blushed slightly, embarrassed about being called out on his mistake. Sometimes he felt bad for not fully knowing about the dance world even though he supported Jimin with his whole heart. He stood and watched Jimin grab another hoodie from Jungkook’s section of the closet, handing it over to him with a smile and a kiss on the cheek.
“Try this one, love,” Jimin instructed, watching as Taehyung took off the first hoodie with a bit of struggle. He purposefully picked one of Jungkook’s that he knew was well oversized, his boyfriend’s preference for his clothes. The hoodie went on perfectly fine, even hiding a bit of Taehyung’s new size under the baggy garment. “See, perfectly fine. You are not getting chunky or whatever you said. Everyone gains a little relationship weight after a while, it means that we are happy, right?”
Taehyung nodded, accepting Jimin’s kiss and watching his petite boyfriend leave their bedroom after the little pep talk. Honestly, Taehyung could care less if he was gaining weight. He loved feeling full of Jimin’s homecooked meals, the warm weight around his middle actually made him feel pretty incredible.
But, he also wasn’t blind - he had most certainly put on weight. The scale had been creeping up a little more than usual over the past few weeks. He had always hovered around 150, fluctuating at times, but he always stayed in that area. Since his return from America, the number has only gone up; his latest weigh-in that morning read 164 - the highest it’s ever been.
Fourteen pounds wasn’t crazy in the grand scheme of things, but Taehyung could not seem to equate it back to anything he had actively done. That thought alone is what made him consider his boyfriends having a hand in it. Maybe Jungkook’s kind gesture of his office snack pile and Jimin’s generous portions were intentional. He instinctively went to leave the bedroom, planning to approach them about it when he decided that he could play their game too.
Taehyung leaned into their little efforts for the next month, noticing them more blatantly when he was actively aware of it. Jimin had definitely been serving him bigger portions or adding a bit more to his food almost unconsciously while Jungkook’s healthy snack options were often accompanied by more sugary or calorie-dense options. He was usually given his beloved cherry coke rather than them asking what he would like and the right side of the middle fridge shelf had become home to whatever dessert Jimin had made.
Jimin and Jungkook had a few conversations about it on their way to and from work on the days they could go together. They both noticed Taehyung’s more active participation as the evidence was rounding out healthy in his midsection. Jimin had told Jungkook about the hoodie situation, both laughing about it afterward at Taehyung’s easy acceptance of Jimin’s excuse. They certainly weren’t going to complain when their boyfriend was so happy.
Another two weeks went by when Taehyung had secured the biggest book deal of his career by far. A prolific children’s author was looking for a fresh hand to illustrate their upcoming ten-book series. The story and direction were totally Taehyung’s style and the paycheck was going to be huge in comparison to his normal rate. It was absolutely a cause for celebration.
Jimin and Jungkook insisted that Taehyung could ask for anything in wanted and they would make it happen - so proud of their partner for his accomplishment. Taehyung asked for a day trip to his favorite gallery in Seoul which they had expected. When Jimin asked what restaurant he should make dinner reservations at, Taehyung shocked them with his request. He hoped that Jimin would be willing to make that same dinner from his first night back after the NYC trip.
Taehyung told them it was all of his favorite foods that Jimin made just the way he liked it and they could spend a relaxing night together. Both were fully on board, preparing for Saturday all week long. Jimin made a list of all the food he needed, leaving the studio early on Friday afternoon to meet Jungkook at the grocery store.
On Saturday, their visit to the gallery was fun and they headed back home so Jimin could start cooking. Jungkook and Taehyung sat at the kitchen counter, keeping him company while he cooked and sneaking strawberries from his precious cooking snack bowl. He shooed them to set the table as he finished up and started bringing food to the table.
Jimin happily filled Taehyung’s plate high with even bigger servings than that first night. Jungkook wasn’t nearly as hungry as that first night which also meant more food for Taehyung. All three ate while making comfortable conversation, Jimin topping off Taehyung’s japchae twice while he was distracted by whatever Jungkook was saying.
As that telltale roundness at the top of Taehyung’s belly started to make an appearance, Jimin assumed that dinner was coming to a close. Much to his surprise, Taehyung asked him to pass the sweet potatoes and happily dished himself what was left in the serving dish. Jimin and Jungkook jumped into a conversation about doing a collaborative barre fitness class, something to focus on so they didn’t sit and stare at Taehyung who continued to eat.
A deep breath from their partner is what their attention back to Taehyung. He had made quick work of the sweet potatoes and looked determined to finish his japchae which had seemed bottomless thanks to Jimin’s refills. His shirt was clinging to his bloated belly, an old button-down that had already been close to being outgrown prior to dinner. He brought the plate to his mouth, scraping in the last few noodles stuck to the plate and ignoring the interested eyes directed at him.
Just as they were getting ready to clear the table, Taehyung grabbed his full glass of coke and chugged it, enjoying the tight bubble created by the carbonation on top of all his food. He had to admit that it felt amazing - so much better than the first time because he was purposefully indulging rather than not realizing what had happened.
Leaning back slightly only pushed his belly forward more and even he was a little surprised at the sight. The shirt was really giving his stomach an accentuated roundness with its fight against the buttons. Still choosing not to acknowledge it, Taehyung had to use both hands to push himself out of his chair. He took his dishes to the sink and smirked when he heard frantic whispers behind in from the dining room.
After another few seconds of whatever hushed conversation was being had, Jimin called out, “Tae, do you want to come change into something comfier before we start the movie?”
Jimin asking him that innocent question seemed to be the moment he decided to break their not-so-secret facade. He walked back to the dining room with his hand resting on top of his bloated middle. “Oh, are we skipping dessert?”
Both his partners halted their movements trying very hard to keep their composure. Jungkook recovered first, looking back at Taehyung with a soft expression. “I, uh…we just thought you might have wanted a little break. Maybe take a little time to digest.”
“Well, I was kind of hoping to see if we could pop the buttons on my shirt,” Taehyung responded with a casual shrug as if that was a normal thing for them.
Jimin dropped the plate in his hand, scrambling to pick up the mess he created from the shock he had experienced. “You…what?”
“Minnie, come on now, you think I haven’t noticed that my beloved gym bunnies are trying to fatten me up,” Taehyung replied, rubbing his hand across his stomach to ease the bubbly digestion going on. “I’m just trying to figure out who is enjoying it the most out of the three of us.”
Jungkook looked at him with a pleased smile knowing that his boyfriend was happy with the development while Jimin’s face was set with determination.
“Ggukie, can you please go get the cake?” Jimin asked sweetly, a kiss placed on Jungkook’s cheek as he passed him to take Taehyung’s hand. He guided his hefty boyfriend into one of the kitchen chairs, leaning down to kiss him. “You’re happy? With this and us?”
Taehyung’s expression softened, feeling so much love at the simple question. “Of course, baby, I wouldn’t be doing this if I was unhappy. Honestly, I don’t know if I’ve ever felt this good.”
Jimin smiled giving him another kiss that was immediately followed by one from Jungkook who had heard the interaction. They exchanged quiet ‘I love you’s with each other and paused to appreciate the moment.
After an analytical gaze over Taehyung’s body, Jimin moved closer and whispered in his ear. “You know what I think would have at least one of these buttons popping, my love?”
“Hmm?” Taehyung asked, feeling a little dazed at Jimin’s sultry tone. He never imagined a scene like this playing out in their relationship and he could not ignore how turned on he was by it all.
“You finishing the whole cake.”
“Oh shit,” Jungkook mumbled, feeling just as hot under the collar as his partners. He was happy to let Jimin take control knowing that he was the best in a dominant role.
Jimin smirked, grabbing Jungkook’s hand and bringing it to join his on Taehyung’s stomach. “See, Jungkookie thinks it’s a good idea too. Want to give it a try? For us, baby?”
Taehyung whimpered in response, never able to hold his resolve for long when Jimin was in charge. He looked up at him with what they affectionately called his ‘puppy eyes’ and nodded his head gently. “I’ll try my best.”
“I know you will, my love,” Jimin whispered closely, followed by another kiss on Taehyung’s lips because he couldn’t resist. “Would you like to feed yourself or should we do it?”
“Jungkookie. Want Gguk to do it,” Taehyung answered, as he straighten his posture in the chair getting ready for the next round of food.
Jimin handed an eager Jungkook a spoon as the younger pulled a chair up beside Taehyung. He filled the first spoonful with a huge bite and got started right away. The first third of the cake disappeared so quickly that Taehyung hadn’t even realized how much he had eaten. He knew Jungkook was the right choice because he was a quick eater himself on top of being motivated whereas he was certain Jimin would have teased him and prolonged it as much as possible.
Speaking of Jimin, Taehyung assumed he was able to eat more and more because of the little hands massaging his midsection, breaking up the air bubbles, and helping him digest as his stomach was put to the test. The waistband on his jeans felt like it was going to break skin soon with how tight they were getting. Taehyung was both annoyed and proud for choosing to wear some of his older clothes for their gallery date.
Over half the cake was gone before Taehyung asked for a break. He let out a groan and relaxed into the chair under him while panting through a few cramps. His body was reaching its limit, stretching his stomach capacity to the widest it has ever been. The two buttons holding his shirt closed over the crest of his belly were ready to give up and Taehyung was determined.
“Okay, I’m good,” Taehyung said, nodding for Jungkook to continue. His partners were honestly impressed at that point, both thinking that the whole cake was just a teasing statement and not a reality. Jimin was about to ask if he wanted to tap out, but Taehyung had his sights set on those buttons.
Jungkook continued his consistent motions of feeding Taehyung, only allowing him enough time to breathe in between bites. They both watched as Jimin walked into the kitchen, continuing with the cake until he returned with another bottle of coke in one hand and a carton of milk in the other. “I figured you may need something to drink soon. Which one would you like, baby?”
Taehyung cringed at the thought of adding more bubbles to his stomach on top of all the sugar and the milk seemed genuinely refreshing at that point. He pointed to the milk and was thankful for Jimin bringing the carton to his lips, allowing him to take a large swig to wash down the cake. He considered giving up after feeling the milk sit heavy in his stomach, but there was only a little bit of the cake left and his buttons were creaking.
Jungkook seemed to understand Taehyung’s final push, leaving the spoon in front of him for however long he needed it. Jimn noticed the heavier breathing as Taehyung forced through the last bit of cake, keeping his eyes locked on the button hanging by a thread at the roundest part of his boyfriend’s stomach.
“Last bite, babe,” Jungkook said, his own cheeks flushed from watching Taehyung finish off the entire cake. He was equally impressed and turned on by the entire evening.
Taehyung swallowed slowly, somehow still wanting to savor the last bit of cake. It was his favorite after all, but he figured Jimin would be more willing to make it now. He was desperate to pop his button so even though he knew it was going to be a regret later, Taehyung asked Jimin for more milk claiming he needed to wash down the sugar.
Jimin held the carton up to his lips, his other hand resting on Taehyung’s meaty thigh as his boyfriend chugged the milk. Jungkook and Jimin both watched in anticipation until the moment they had been waiting for finally happened. Taehyung let the milk drain down his throat and then took a deep breath, enough for his belly to ever so slightly suck in before he fully pushed it out on the exhale.
A quick rip of the thread was followed by a button landing somewhere on the hardwood floor below the dining table. Taehyung’s shirt was not gaping right in the middle, his tan skin now peaking through from underneath. He moaned at the release of pressure and felt his belly continuing to fight its way out.
Jungkook leaned in, kissing his jaw and neck without being able to form any words about what he saw. Taehyung let his partners have their way with him, too stuffed to even move. He felt Jimin’s fingers sneak along his shirt, slowly undoing the remaining buttons and gently massaging his lower stomach to encourage the food to digest. Taehyung finally felt ultimate relief when Jimin managed to get his pants unbuttoned, belly rounding out now that it wasn’t contained in his tight clothes.
“Wow, baby, look at you. This is an impressive belly you’ve grown, looking so round right now,” Jimin said, a raspy tone overtaking his voice - a clear sign of his arousal.
“Feels good,” Taehyung mumbled, still panting in relief. “Love you both so much.”
Jungkook and Jimin both returned the sentiment as they both continued their exploration of Taehyung’s body. Jimin continued his vocal appreciation as well. "I wonder how heavy you've gotten with the way that gut sticks out now."
Taehyung moaned in response to Jimin's teasing words. He knew that he was certainly the heaviest he had ever been at that current moment, but he had weighed himself that morning in anticipation of their evening. "180."
"What?" Jimin asked, his hands stilling on Taehyung's stomach. Jungkook paused his movement as well, assuming he must've misheard their partner.
"180. Weighed myself this morning," Taehyung responded, looking between them as he waited for their reactions.
Jimin looked down at his belly and then back up at him, basically in awe of the information - not expecting that number quite yet. "You gained..."
"Thirty pounds," Taehyung finished his sentence before adding, "Well, thirty as of this morning. There's an awful lot in here right now so probably sitting closer to 185 now."
Without warning, Jungkook stood and offered his hands to Taehyung who looked at him with a bit of hesitation. “Think you can make it to bed, big guy?”
Taehyung’s face flushed a deep red at the nickname and nodded while placing his hands in Jungkook’s, allowing himself to get heaved out of the chair. Standing, his belly sat in the v of his open jeans sitting so plumply round that he looked pregnant. He tried to ignore Jimin’s pleased gasp at the sight as he turned to walk down the hallway, knowing his boyfriends were going to watch his every step. Walking wasn’t quite the right word as it was more like a waddle.
Once Taehyung crossed the threshold of their bedroom, Jungkook and Jimin turned to each other with a smile. Jimin kissed Jungkook, letting it linger until he pulled back slightly and whispered, “First one to undress gets to ride him first.”
Jimin immediately took off down the hallway, stripping his shirt as he went. Jungkook called out after him, running down the hall behind Jimin while unbuckling his belt. They sprinted into the bedroom through a flurry of clothing and were met with Taehyung collapsing back onto the bed, his belly in full view. He had never felt sexier than right now - stuffed to the brim with both his partners dying to get their hands on him.
“No fighting, boys. You’ll both get a turn.”
One thing was certain, this was definitely going to be happening again. Taehyung knew that scale would say 200 in no time.
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elusivexo · 2 years
tastiest new domestic restaurants (2022)
in no particular order because that would be way too hard 
luthun - totally my favorite restaurant in nyc now. i have been so incredibly impressed and thoroughly amazed by chef nahid’s boundless creativity in crafting this delightful menu with pieces that change every 2-3 weeks. the price did jump up from $100 to $135 but it really is totally worth it; i wish i could go more often though, and i do want to celebrate all special events here. the ambiance is also really special because it feels so intimate, and i’d love to be a regular here. i also love hearing chef nahid’s stories for how the dishes came to be. 
kaiseki room - ruiji took me here for my bday and it was a spectacularly delightful meal. i’ve never had kaiseki before and i do really love the combination of cooked, savory food with raw fish. everything was so comforting but elevated at the same time. 
win son - the first food blogger i ever followed recommended this place, and i’ve been wanting to go here for decades. finally made my way here after chris snagged a reservation and i was really amazed by pretty much everything we ate. 
okiboru ramen - the tsukemen reminded me of rokurinsha’s tsukemen, which basically means it’s like the best in nyc LOL 
wenwen - the BDSM chicken alone makes this place absolutely amazing. we didn’t get the other super interesting things on this menu because one of the people in our group couldn’t eat pork and a lot of stuff is made with lard haha. the dessert (deep fried tang yuan) was incredible. 
claud - the menu is hit or miss (well, even the misses are good; they’re just kinda expensive for what it is when other stuff is waaay better for a similar price). i would come here for the escargot croquettes and chicken liver agnolotti alone. 
rowdy rooster - i’ve been here SO many times because it’s just so approachable and so great. the lil rowdy with the pao is the perfect fried chicken sandwich and all the condiments and flavors meld together for an amazing indian-american fusion 
hyun - the idea of AYCE wagyu is insane to me, and this was really incredible. will try grilling wagyu from costco though to see how that compares :p 
chard - this little unassuming restaurant serves up some fantastic casual singaporean food; i really love the roti john and the fried chicken sandwich
jua - the uni kim is definitely amazing, but i also really loved the foie gras congee :) 
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kvibe-test · 2 months
<img src="https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/drive-storage/AJQWtBNw5kzyYk8i_oQm-P-0Ipp1KAVikGK3YqsuckkdEZj9CJnET8ERzYLd9M5dyUITeI9WIKA37QE2sPffLraWI5z6Z0__UZLlCCr_kipE1CI94g=s700"> Savor NYC's Japanese Cuisine: History, Hotspots, and Hidden Gems
New York City is a cultural melting pot, and its culinary scene is a testament to that diversity. Among the many cuisines present, Japanese food has carved out a significant niche in the city. This journey through various NYC neighborhoods famous for Japanese cuisine will explore historical context, depict the current food landscape, and offer must-visit recommendations based on insights from food critics and influencers.
History of Japanese Cuisine in NYC
Japanese immigrants have been integral to New York's cultural fabric since the late 1800s. Some of the city's oldest Japanese restaurants, like Tanaka Tora-Ya (est. 1902) and Hakubai (est. 1994), offer a window into the history of Japanese cuisine in NYC. These establishments have endured over time, maintaining traditional recipes while evolving to suit modern palates. Dining at these venues feels like stepping back in time, where one can enjoy historically significant culinary techniques.
The lasting popularity of these restaurants underscores how the city's Japanese food culture has grown while keeping its roots intact. From sushi to ramen, these establishments introduced New Yorkers to authentic Japanese flavors long before Japanese cuisine became mainstream.
Manhattan’s Japanese Dining Districts
Manhattan is home to several Japanese dining hubs, with East Village standing out in particular. Here, one can find numerous authentic Japanese eateries such as Soba Totto and Ippudo Westside. The East Village is famous for its mix of casual dining spots and upscale restaurants, offering food enthusiasts a broad spectrum of Japanese dishes, from classic soba noodles to creative ramen dishes.
Another prominent area is Midtown, where upscale establishments like Sushi Yasuda and Ootoya deliver a high-end dining experience. These spots attract both locals and tourists who are in search of top-quality sushi, sashimi, and other Japanese specialties. Manhattan's love for gastronomy ensures these dining districts are essential components of the city's culinary scene.
Japanese Cuisine Beyond Manhattan
Japanese cuisine also flourishes beyond Manhattan, especially in other Asian food districts such as Koreatown and Sunset Park in Brooklyn. These neighborhoods add their unique twists to Japanese food.
In Koreatown, Takumenyc and Sushi Katsuei are standout venues, known for their excellent sushi and innovative dishes that blend Japanese and Korean flavors. Similarly, Sunset Park offers a diverse array of Asian cuisine, with Japanese influences evident in beloved local spots.
Exploring Japanese Markets
Exploring Japanese markets like Mitsuwa Marketplace and Sunrise Mart offers profound insights into Japanese culinary traditions. These markets provide unique ingredients essential for making authentic dishes at home, ranging from fresh seafood to specialty condiments and snacks.
Apart from shopping, these markets often feature in-house eateries where you can enjoy a quick, authentic Japanese meal. The lively atmosphere and diverse products make these markets a haven for food enthusiasts and home cooks alike.
Participating in NYC Food Tours
For a more guided experience, taking part in a Japanese food tour in New York City can be incredibly rewarding. These tours typically guide participants through various neighborhoods, giving them the opportunity to sample different Japanese dishes, learn about the history and cultural significance of the cuisine, and meet the chefs behind these culinary masterpieces.
Food tours offer a fantastic platform for both locals and tourists to uncover hidden gems and gain a deeper appreciation for the versatile landscape of Japanese cuisine in NYC.
NYC's Japanese food scene is a tribute to the city's multicultural fabric and love for culinary adventure. Whether you're dining at a historic restaurant, exploring vibrant food districts, or shopping at Japanese markets, there's always something new and delightful to discover.
#JapaneseFood #NYCFoodie #NYCJapaneseCuisine #CulinaryTour #FoodExploration
Embark on a culinary tour of NYC's Japanese food districts. Plan your visit with https://www.bloggery.ai
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pandemicperipatetics · 7 months
One Week in London
I love London. This March was my second time spending a full week here, the first being in September 2019, and it was still as pretty, clean, polite, multicultural, and full of good food, museums, bookstores, and walks. More than once I found myself wondering if London is a better version of NYC...
Both times we stayed at the wonderful St. Pancras Renaissance Hotel. It's connected to St. Pancras Station, making for near-zero commute when we got off the Eurostar from Paris. St. Pancras is also connected to King's Cross Station, providing excellent access to many Tube lines (and, of course, Platform 9 3/4). The hotel is gorgeous, with a stunning lobby; the rooms are comfortable and well-equipped (not like an American hotel, where it's iffy if you'll get tea, let alone biscuits, in the room no matter the level of luxury); the gym is pretty good and even has a Peloton; and the staff are consistently friendly, attentive, and helpful. Some of the Google reviews complain that the rooms are a bit run-down, but that has not been my experience. Maybe it's not in the league of the Ritz Carltons of the world, but this is one of my all-around favorite hotels.
That said, I spent most of my days between Chelsea and Covent Garden, which are southwest of St. Pancras, and I do think staying somewhere around there would be slightly more central for a tourist trip.
Eat (Vegetarian)
I love that London has so many vegetarian-friendly food options - even more than NYC, I think - and I appreciate that many menus have Indian-inspired food items. Everything I ate was good. In order from favorite to least favorite (though I'd gladly eat at any of these again):
Dishoom - Indian food, multiple locations (we've been to the King's Cross and Covent Garden ones). It's a sit-down restaurant that leans toward fast casual and has a whimsical feel. It's not specifically vegetarian, but I think the food is excellent. We loved the grilled paneer tikka, black chickpea salad, and black dal. They don't take reservations and the waits can be long, but we went for a late (~2:30pm) lunch on a Friday and didn't have to wait.
The Barbary - North African food, located between Covent Garden and Soho. The food is Mediterranean small plates and we loved everything we tried. It's not all vegetarian, and the main shortfall is that there wasn't any meaningful vegetarian protein. But the creative style of the dishes reminded me a bit of abcV, one of our favorite restaurants in NYC. Probably best to get a reservation given there aren't many seats, but we were able to walk in on a Sunday around 6:30pm. This was the fanciest place I ate (besides a friend's private social club, which was next level), though still not super fancy.
Bubala - Mediterranean vegetarian food in SoHo. I ordered the vegetarian mezze for lunch, which was a delightful spread of 8-9 small plates that were perfect for sharing with a friend. There is also a vegan mezze option. Probably best to get a reservation, but I walked in 10 minutes after they opened and was able to get a table.
Itadaziken - Vegan Japanese food in King's Cross. In my opinion, it's hard to go wrong with vegan Japanese. They have ramen (which was good, but not as great as Ippudo) and a sizeable selection of small plates. I love that they have multiple tofu dishes - the tofu steak was great, the kara-age tofu (fried) was tasty but probably not the healthiest, and the cucumber kimchi, grilled eggplant, and sushi were all pretty good (would maybe try some other plates instead next time). The mochi was okay, I probably wouldn't get it again.
Caravan - Vegetarian-friendly European food, multiple locations. I shared several small plates with a friend and enjoyed them all. The tofu was very good but a tiny serving. I'd totally go back. We had a reservation and my friend said she had tried to walk in 3x before and couldn't get a table without a res.
Mortimer House Kitchen - "Elevated global fare" in Fitzrovia, just north of Soho. I went for breakfast and found many appealing options. It was packed, definitely make a reservation, although we lucked out and managed to get a table for 2 without a res.
Thenga Cafe - Vegetarian food, located in the YMCA near King's Cross. This was like a cafeteria for vegetarian Indian food, and the food tasted home-cooked (there is no greater compliment). I really liked the dosa wrap at lunch. It was wonderful to have an option like this while on the road for over a week -- it felt like a break from standard restaurant food.
Granger & Co - Vegetarian-friendly Australian food, multiple locations. We went for lunch and really enjoyed the chopped salad with a side of tofu. The curry with tofu was okay, but a bit too doused in curry powder. In the past I've enjoyed breakfast/brunch there.
Mildred's - Vegetarian food, multiple locations. I tried the fried rice with tofu and it was pretty good -- good portion of tofu, but I'm not a big fried rice fan and wish they had a less carb-heavy tofu option.
Koya Soho - Udon, located in Soho. I am not a huge fan of udon (though I don't dislike it either), but I thought the tofu udon was good. It's really small and seems hard to get into, but we went close to opening time and got the last 2 seats for lunch.
It's delightful and mind-boggling that London has so many phenomenal museums and most are free -- for everyone, not just for locals. In order of my favorite to least favorite (though again, I really like them all):
National Gallery - This is the national art museum, opened exactly 200 years ago in 1824 by an order of Parliament. Its goal was to showcase British art, although it includes art from across Europe (and a handful of American artworks as well). The first floor spans the 13th-15th centuries and the second floor covers everything after that until the 1920s. There is a free Museum Highlights tour on Tu-Th from 3-4pm and I really enjoyed this (thankfully, it only covers the 2nd floor...I was not sad to skip the medieval art). Entrance is free -- the website says to book online, but nobody checked my ticket.
British Museum - I didn't visit this time, but I loved this museum last time I was here and spent much more time than expected wandering through the fascinating exhibits. Also free to visit. They have some paid tours that you can book in advance.
Natural History Museum - I really like this museum. There are fascinating exhibits on dinosaurs, human evolution, and more. Entrance is free and, though I booked a ticket online, nobody checked my ticket onsite. It's a short walk from Chelsea so I enjoyed heading there afterwards.
Churchill War Rooms - This museum covers the underground area from which Churchill managed Britain's efforts in WW2. It is not free -- it was 32 pounds pp and comes with an audio guide. We spent about 90 minutes here and my favorite part was the Churchill Museum. It's an interesting museum, and if you're a Churchill aficionado it's pretty cool. Personally I enjoyed reading The Splendid and The Vile, Eric Larson's very fun book on Churchill, more than visiting this museum. It is located right by St. James Park, which is gorgeous. We enjoyed walking the 20-30 minute loop around the lake in the park.
Tate Modern - Modern art museum. I am not big on modern art but they have some really famous pieces. I visited last time I was in London and believe entrance is free.
London has many more museums which we didn't have a chance to visit -- Sir John Soane's Museum (art museum, free) and The Courtald Gallery at Somerset House came highly recommended.
Other Stuff To Do
The West End: While there's a lot of overlap between shows on Broadway and the West End, I've really enjoyed seeing Matilda and Les Miserables on the West End during my trips here. Sometimes the West End has tickets that are cheaper than anything I've seen on Broadway (like 20 pounds for the Matilda ticket in 2019) if you buy from the TKTS booth in person or the TKTS website.
Parks: Between this and our 2019 trip to London, I've enjoyed walking in Hyde Park, St. Regent's Park, St. James Park, and up to Primrose Hill for a lovely, peaceful view of London. Hampstead Heath also came highly recommended to me for its walking trails. And I recall Kew Gardens, the botanical gardens ~an hour outside the city by Tube, being really wonderful from when I visited London in high school with my family.
Bookstores: Ah, so many delightful bookstores! I was pretty basic and just went to Waterstones (Chelsea, though there are many locations) and Hatchard's (Piccadilly) and had a great time browsing. There are plenty of Instagram reels showing off other, iconic bookshops in the city.
Shopping: While London shopping has a lot of overlap with options in NYC, there are some stores that I've only found in London -- Selfridges (iconic department store in Mayfair), Fortnum & Mason (delicious teas, jams, chocolates, etc.; main store in Piccadilly), Strathberry (gorgeous handbags), Sweaty Betty (they've shut down their NYC stores in the last few years), and Varley (upscale athleisure). I'm sure I've missed a few. I also just enjoyed walking along Regent Street in Soho and King's Road in Chelsea for a lot of shops clustered nearby.
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city-calling · 1 year
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🍜 Another photo from Ramen Setagaya!
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micro-expressions · 8 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Neon Sign Ramen Noodle Japanese Cafe Restaurant Kitchen Cute LED Light Decor.
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home-decor-design · 8 months
Savoring the Globe: Culinary Journeys Worldwide
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Embark on extraordinary Culinary Journeys Worldwide with our immersive guide! Discover the rich tapestry of global flavors, from sizzling street food in Bangkok to Michelin-starred delicacies in Paris. Unleash your inner foodie as we unravel hidden culinary gems and share expert tips on navigating diverse gastronomic landscapes. Whether you're a seasoned traveler or an armchair adventurer, our article promises a feast for your senses. Elevate your culinary prowess, explore exotic tastes, and create unforgettable memories.
Culinary Journeys Worldwide
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1. Tokyo, Japan: Sushi Symphonies and Ramen Revelries Tokyo, the epicenter of Japanese culinary artistry, is a haven for food enthusiasts. Dive into the world of sushi, where every piece is a masterpiece, or slurp savory ramen in bustling noodle joints. From the precision of kaiseki dining to the lively izakayas, Tokyo's culinary scene is a harmonious blend of tradition and innovation. 2. Paris, France: Patisseries and Michelin Stars Known as the culinary capital of the world, Paris is a playground for gastronomes. Indulge in flaky croissants and delicate macarons from charming patisseries. For an extraordinary dining experience, venture into Michelin-starred restaurants where French haute cuisine reaches its zenith. Parisian dining is not just a meal; it's a celebration of artistry on a plate. 3. Bangkok, Thailand: Street Food Extravaganza Bangkok's vibrant street food culture is a journey for the senses. Wander through bustling markets and savor the symphony of flavors in every bite. From pad Thai to tom yum, Thailand's capital offers an explosion of tastes, aromas, and textures. Dive into the world of Thai street food, where each dish tells a story of heritage and culinary mastery. 4. Marrakech, Morocco: Spice-Infused Delights Marrakech, with its bustling souks and vibrant spices, invites travelers on a culinary adventure through the heart of North Africa. Sample the tagines infused with saffron and cumin, relish the sweetness of traditional pastries, and savor mint tea in the midst of lively markets. Morocco's rich culinary tapestry unfolds in the vibrant streets of Marrakech. 5. New York City, USA: Melting Pot of Flavors In the city that never sleeps, culinary options are as diverse as its inhabitants. From iconic New York-style pizza to upscale dining experiences, NYC is a melting pot of global flavors. Explore the vibrant food scene in neighborhoods like Chinatown, Little Italy, and Harlem, where each bite reflects the city's rich cultural tapestry. 6. Barcelona, Spain: Tapas and Catalonian Cuisine Barcelona's culinary scene is a celebration of Catalonian traditions and avant-garde creativity. Dive into the world of tapas, where small plates burst with flavors and textures. Explore local markets, such as La Boqueria, for fresh produce and seafood. From the traditional paella to modernist culinary creations, Barcelona is a paradise for food enthusiasts. 7. Istanbul, Turkey: Ottoman Delights and Street Eats Istanbul, where East meets West, is a culinary crossroads offering a feast for the senses. Indulge in kebabs and mezes in the historic Sultanahmet district, or explore the vibrant street food scene along the Bosphorus. Turkish delight, baklava, and aromatic teas add a sweet touch to Istanbul's rich culinary heritage. 8. Oaxaca, Mexico: Mole and Mezcal Marvels Oaxaca, a UNESCO-designated Creative City of Gastronomy, is a jewel in Mexico's culinary crown. Dive into the world of mole, a rich and complex sauce that reflects the region's indigenous roots. Sip on smoky mezcal, explore vibrant markets, and savor the diverse flavors of Oaxacan cuisine, where each dish is a tribute to tradition and innovation. 9. Cape Town, South Africa: Culinary Fusion by the Sea Cape Town's culinary scene reflects the city's diverse heritage and stunning coastal landscapes. Indulge in fresh seafood along the Atlantic Seaboard, savor Cape Malay flavors in Bo-Kaap, and explore vibrant markets for a taste of South African gastronomy. Cape Town's culinary fusion captures the essence of the Rainbow Nation. 10. Bangalore, India: Spices and Street Food Bliss In the heart of South India, Bangalore is a culinary hub where traditional flavors meet modern innovation. Sample the aromatic spices of South Indian cuisine, indulge in street food delights like dosa and chaat, and explore the city's dynamic café culture. Bangalore's culinary landscape is a journey through the diverse flavors of the subcontinent. Embarking on a culinary journey worldwide is not just about eating; it's a celebration of culture, history, and the universal joy of shared meals. From the refined elegance of Paris to the vibrant chaos of Bangkok's street markets, each destination offers a unique gastronomic adventure. So, pack your appetite and embark on a global feast for the palate, where every dish tells a story and every bite is a journey into the heart of a culture.
Global foodie destinations
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For those with a passion for exploring the world through their taste buds, the journey is just as important as the destination. Global foodie destinations beckon with a promise of diverse flavors, culinary traditions, and immersive dining experiences. Join us as we embark on a gastronomic adventure around the globe, unveiling the must-visit places that every food enthusiast dreams of exploring. 1. Tokyo, Japan: A Symphony of Sushi and Ramen Tokyo, the culinary capital of Japan, offers a captivating blend of tradition and innovation. Dive into the world of sushi, where the freshest seafood meets the skillful hands of master chefs. Explore the narrow alleys filled with ramen joints, each serving a unique and flavorful broth. Tokyo's food scene is a harmonious symphony that tantalizes the taste buds and celebrates the art of Japanese cuisine. 2. Barcelona, Spain: Tapas and Flamenco Nights In the heart of Catalonia, Barcelona is a foodie's paradise where every street corner tells a story of culinary delight. Indulge in the tradition of tapas, small plates bursting with flavors that invite communal dining. Pair your tapas with a glass of local wine and immerse yourself in the vibrant atmosphere of Barcelona's bustling food markets. From patatas bravas to paella, the city's culinary offerings are a celebration of Spanish gastronomy. 3. Marrakech, Morocco: Spice-Infused Adventures Marrakech, with its vibrant souks and aromatic spices, beckons foodies to embark on a sensory journey through Moroccan cuisine. Explore the labyrinthine markets, where the air is filled with the scent of cumin, saffron, and cinnamon. Savor tagines with tender meats and dried fruits, indulge in sweet pastries, and sip on mint tea in the heart of bustling medinas. Marrakech is a tapestry of flavors that transports you to the heart of North Africa. 4. Bangkok, Thailand: Street Food Extravaganza Bangkok's street food scene is a sensory explosion, a riot of colors, aromas, and tastes. Venture into crowded markets and street corners where vendors dish out authentic Thai delicacies. From the iconic pad Thai to the spicy tom yum soup, Bangkok's street food is a feast for the adventurous palate. Immerse yourself in the vibrant street food culture, where each bite is a journey into the rich tapestry of Thai cuisine. 5. New York City, USA: A Melting Pot of Culinary Diversity In the city that never sleeps, the culinary options are as diverse as its inhabitants. From iconic New York-style pizza to authentic bagels, the city is a melting pot of global flavors. Explore the diverse neighborhoods, each offering a unique culinary experience, from the savory delights of Chinatown to the soulful dishes of Harlem. New York City is a foodie's haven, where world cuisines converge in a harmonious blend. 6. Oaxaca, Mexico: Mole and Mezcal Delights Nestled in the heart of Mexico, Oaxaca is a gastronomic treasure trove where ancient traditions meet contemporary culinary creativity. Dive into the world of mole, a complex and flavorful sauce that defines Oaxacan cuisine. Sip on smoky mezcal, explore vibrant markets filled with colorful ingredients, and savor the rich tapestry of flavors that make Oaxaca a must-visit destination for food enthusiasts. 7. Paris, France: Haute Cuisine and Charming Patisseries Paris, the epitome of elegance and refinement, is a timeless destination for culinary connoisseurs. Indulge in the artistry of French haute cuisine in Michelin-starred restaurants, or stroll through charming neighborhoods to discover local patisseries. From buttery croissants to delicate macarons, Parisian pastries are a testament to the city's commitment to culinary excellence. Paris is a dream destination where every meal is a celebration of culinary art. 8. Istanbul, Turkey: Ottoman Delights and Bosphorus Views Istanbul, where East meets West, is a culinary crossroads that captivates with its rich history and diverse flavors. Explore the markets of the Grand Bazaar, where spices, teas, and sweets create a kaleidoscope of scents and colors. Indulge in traditional Turkish delights, savor kebabs, and enjoy the unique experience of dining along the Bosphorus. Istanbul's culinary scene is a journey through the tastes of both continents. 9. Cape Town, South Africa: Fusion by the Sea Cape Town, with its stunning coastal landscapes, offers a culinary experience that reflects the city's diverse heritage. Enjoy fresh seafood along the Atlantic Seaboard, savor Cape Malay dishes in Bo-Kaap, and explore vibrant markets filled with local produce. Cape Town's cuisine is a fusion of flavors that captures the essence of the Rainbow Nation, making it a top destination for food enthusiasts. 10. Bangalore, India: Spices and Street Food Bliss In the heart of South India, Bangalore is a dynamic city that showcases the rich tapestry of Indian flavors. Explore the bustling street food scene, where dosas, chaats, and vadas tempt the taste buds. Immerse yourself in the aromatic spices of South Indian cuisine, and experience the city's vibrant café culture. Bangalore is a melting pot of regional Indian cuisines, offering a diverse and delightful culinary journey. Embarking on a culinary journey to global foodie destinations is an invitation to savor the world's flavors, traditions, and culinary stories. Each destination, with its unique gastronomic offerings, presents an opportunity for food enthusiasts to connect with the heart and soul of a place. Whether you're exploring the street markets of Bangkok or indulging in Michelin-starred dining in Paris, the world is a vast and delectable playground for those who seek to experience it one bite at a time.
Culinary tours around the world
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For food enthusiasts, there's no better way to explore the world than through the lens of its culinary offerings. Culinary tours have become a popular travel trend, allowing globetrotters to indulge their taste buds in authentic, local flavors. Join us as we embark on a gastronomic journey, uncovering the most enticing culinary tours around the world that promise not just a meal but an unforgettable experience. 1. Tokyo, Japan: Sushi Workshops and Izakaya Adventures A culinary tour of Tokyo is a rendezvous with precision and artistry. Delve into sushi-making workshops where you'll learn the delicate art of crafting nigiri and sashimi. Venture into izakayas, traditional Japanese pubs, for a taste of small, flavorful plates paired with local sake. Tokyo's culinary scene is an exploration of both the refined and the casual, reflecting the city's diverse gastronomic offerings. 2. Paris, France: Haute Cuisine and Boulangerie Bliss A culinary tour in the City of Lights is a sensory delight. Join guided tours through iconic patisseries, where flaky croissants and decadent pastries await. Indulge in the elegance of haute cuisine with guided visits to Michelin-starred restaurants, allowing you to savor the epitome of French culinary art. Parisian culinary tours are a journey into the heart of gastronomic excellence. 3. Marrakech, Morocco: Spice Markets and Tagine Tastings Marrakech's bustling souks and aromatic spice markets offer an immersive culinary experience. Join guided tours through the labyrinthine alleys, where vibrant stalls showcase the ingredients that define Moroccan cuisine. Engage in tagine-making classes, unlocking the secrets behind the rich and flavorful stews. Culinary tours in Marrakech are a fusion of history, culture, and tantalizing flavors. 4. Bangkok, Thailand: Street Food Safari and Floating Markets A culinary tour in Bangkok is an adventure through the city's vibrant street food culture. Traverse bustling markets and street corners with local guides who unravel the stories behind each dish. Indulge in the fiery delights of tom yum soup, pad Thai, and satay skewers. Cruise through floating markets, where the freshest produce and local snacks beckon. Bangkok's culinary tours promise a whirlwind of tastes and textures. 5. Barcelona, Spain: Tapas Trails and Mercado Explorations Barcelona's culinary tours are a celebration of tapas, the small plates that define Spanish social dining. Join guided tapas trails through the city's lively neighborhoods, sampling an array of flavors from patatas bravas to jamón ibérico. Explore the vibrant markets like La Boqueria, where fresh produce and seafood create a colorful spectacle. Barcelona's culinary scene is a journey through the heart of Catalonian gastronomy. 6. Oaxaca, Mexico: Mezcal Tastings and Mole Adventures A culinary tour in Oaxaca is an exploration of Mexico's rich culinary heritage. Engage in mezcal tastings, where the smoky spirit reveals the art of traditional distillation. Join mole adventures, discovering the intricate process of preparing the complex sauce that defines Oaxacan cuisine. Culinary tours in Oaxaca showcase the region's indigenous roots and the vibrant tapestry of flavors. 7. New York City, USA: Food Truck Safaris and Gourmet Districts New York City's culinary tours are a testament to its diverse food scene. Embark on food truck safaris through bustling neighborhoods, sampling gourmet delights on wheels. Explore gourmet districts like Chelsea Market, where artisanal products and diverse cuisines converge. From the iconic New York pizza to international delicacies, NYC's culinary tours offer a taste of the world in the city that never sleeps. 8. Istanbul, Turkey: Bosphorus Dining and Baklava Trails A culinary tour in Istanbul is a voyage through the crossroads of East and West. Enjoy Bosphorus dining experiences, savoring Turkish delights with panoramic views. Follow baklava trails through historic neighborhoods, indulging in the sweet layers of this iconic dessert. Istanbul's culinary tours showcase the city's rich history, culinary traditions, and the warm hospitality of Turkish culture. 9. Cape Town, South Africa: Wine Tastings and Seafood Safaris Cape Town's culinary tours are a fusion of breathtaking landscapes and diverse flavors. Join wine tastings in the renowned vineyards of Stellenbosch, where award-winning wines complement stunning views. Embark on seafood safaris along the Atlantic Seaboard, savoring fresh catches in the shadow of Table Mountain. Culinary tours in Cape Town capture the essence of South Africa's gastronomic diversity. 10. Bangalore, India: Street Food Exploration and Spice Markets A culinary tour in Bangalore is a journey through the vibrant street food culture of South India. Explore bustling markets and street corners with local guides, sampling dosas, vadas, and chaats. Immerse yourself in the spice markets, where aromatic flavors define the region's culinary identity. Bangalore's culinary tours are a celebration of the city's diverse and dynamic food scene. Culinary tours around the world offer not just a chance to savor exquisite dishes but also an opportunity to immerse yourself in the culture, history, and traditions of each destination. From the refined elegance of Paris to the vibrant chaos of Bangkok's street markets, these tours promise a feast for the senses, creating lasting memories for the global foodie explorer. Embark on these culinary odysseys, and let your taste buds be your guide to the heart of each city's culinary soul.
Authentic street food experiences
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Street food isn't just about satisfying hunger; it's a journey into the heart of a culture, a dance of flavors that transcends the ordinary. Authentic street food experiences offer a passport to the soul of a destination, providing a sensory feast that leaves an indelible mark on the traveler's memory. Join us as we explore the vibrant tapestry of street food around the world, from bustling markets to hidden alleyways, unlocking the secrets of authenticity and flavor. 1. Bangkok, Thailand: The Kingdom of Street Food Extravaganza Known as the street food capital of the world, Bangkok's bustling markets and vibrant street corners offer a symphony of flavors. From the iconic pad Thai to the spicy tom yum soup, each dish tells a story of Thai culinary heritage. Join the locals at street stalls and indulge in grilled satay skewers, savory noodle dishes, and sweet mango sticky rice. Bangkok's street food is an explosion of taste, color, and authenticity. 2. Marrakech, Morocco: A Spicy Adventure in the Medina Marrakech's historic medina is a sensory delight for food enthusiasts. Navigate through labyrinthine alleys filled with the aromas of cumin, coriander, and saffron. Engage with local vendors offering tagines with succulent meats, fluffy couscous, and flavorful pastries like the iconic pastilla. Marrakech's street food experience is a spice-infused journey that mirrors the richness of Moroccan culture. 3. Mexico City, Mexico: Tacos and Tantalizing Tostadas Mexico City's street food scene is a vibrant tapestry of colors and flavors. Dive into bustling markets and street corners where taco stands beckon with an array of fillings, from tender carnitas to spicy chorizo. Savor the crunch of tostadas topped with ceviche or guacamole. Read the full article
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coastalconguero · 10 months
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dillonboyerus · 1 year
Late Night Food in Midtown NYC: A Culinary Adventure After Dark
When the sun sets in the vibrant city of New York, the heart of Midtown Manhattan comes alive with a plethora of options for food enthusiasts seeking a delicious late-night feast. As the city that never sleeps, NYC ensures that even after midnight, locals and visitors alike can indulge in a variety of delectable dishes that cater to every palate. From classic eateries to trendy hotspots, here's a guide to experiencing the best corporate happy hour.
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One iconic aspect of New York's late-night culinary scene is the food trucks that dot the streets, especially near popular nightlife areas like Times Square and Hell's Kitchen. These food trucks offer an array of mouthwatering options, from cheesy pizzas and juicy burgers to savory tacos and authentic kebabs. The sizzling aroma and bustling atmosphere around these mobile eateries create an unforgettable experience for hungry night owls.
For those seeking a more sit-down experience, Midtown boasts an impressive selection of 24/7 diners and cafes. These classic establishments serve up comfort food favorites like all-day breakfast platters, fluffy pancakes, and hearty sandwiches. Whether you're craving a stack of fluffy buttermilk pancakes or a classic Reuben sandwich, these diners have got you covered, providing a cozy and welcoming ambiance to unwind after a long night.
As one of the most diverse cities in the world, NYC also offers a myriad of late-night options for international cuisine enthusiasts. In Midtown, you can find charming eateries that specialize in cuisines from around the globe. From late-night ramen joints serving steaming bowls of authentic Japanese noodles to 24-hour falafel stands that bring the flavors of the Middle East to your plate, the variety of options is endless.
For the late-night food adventurers looking for a touch of luxury, Midtown NYC has an impressive lineup of upscale restaurants with extended hours. These gourmet establishments offer a sophisticated dining experience with carefully curated menus that include fresh seafood, prime cuts of steak, and elegant cocktails. Indulging in a late-night culinary journey at one of these fine-dining establishments is an excellent way to cap off a memorable evening.
Vegetarians and vegans are not left out in this bustling culinary scene. Midtown offers numerous late-night spots that cater specifically to plant-based diets. From vegan pizzerias with an array of dairy-free cheese options to cafes serving delectable meatless burgers, vegetarians and vegans can savor the city's diverse flavors with ease.
In addition to the traditional eateries, Midtown NYC is home to trendy speakeasies and rooftop bars that serve both innovative cocktails and late-night bites. The chic ambiance, along with delectable small plates and unique cocktails, creates an ideal spot to unwind and enjoy the city's nightlife in style.
In conclusion, Midtown NYC provides an unmatched late-night culinary adventure for locals and visitors alike. With a wide range of options, from food trucks and diners to international cuisine and upscale restaurants, every night owl can find something to satiate their appetite. So, the next time you find yourself wandering the streets of Midtown in the wee hours, embrace the city's gastronomic delights and experience a truly unforgettable late-night food journey.
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pionia-milly · 1 year
Watch "눈도 입도 즐거운 사각김밥 ( 피크닉 김밥/ 벚꽃 나들이 김밥)" on YouTube
Cherry flowers Gimbab. When I was a kid 70s I went to play a friend's house and she learned japanese so she had lot of japanese magazines. I saw their western rockers aet Ramen and japanese food displaye. I knew japan from that magazines and I realized that they made their country in 60s everthing like built or castle..etc. so pirate choose that island as model for Asians or Europe for role model show house but that pirate's mind is low because that country was busy for brrding population so family sex was popular about 100 years ago so no culture for men and women sexual education but Korea history when girl and boy couldn't stayed together at age 7 years old by law. Korean culture are more mental culture and longtime DNA system Silla's 1000 years and Goryeo's 490 years and Josron's 500 years but many royal or upper class coul slave class for political reason and end by foreigner and Korean war so after war Korean mixed each class. In 80s I came to NYC for art and I went to Moony fallower's restaurant and they had sushi bar at corner. . I shocked japanese ate Gim which was nori in japanese. My memory didn't have japanese Gim and they ate Gimbab but they called Hutomaki so I thought Moony gave to Japan that religion group working for japan so I though that religion group gave everthing for their country not for Korea haha. I thought seaweed could farming only in end of west sea not East Sea or Pacific ocean. Koreas seaweed is west sea and east sea for pollack lol
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