#Ramza chats
ramzawrites · 3 months
I still get requests and I think I finally put everywhere that my requests are closed at the moment but I thought I'd just say this like this as well so you know.
My requests are currently closed and I don't see them opening up any time soon due to my own issues and time restraints.
Probably will come back at some point and continue writing. Like, I'm still thinking about "Dream World" but I am in funk(tm)
Anyways. Love you. Take care of yourself and I'll see you
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barbariccia · 11 months
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right, so - this is a chat @azlykumos​ and i actually started a week or so ago and only picked up last night as we closed out chapter 1 of the psx version of fft, since i’ve had a little while to fully absorb the actual story fully and now know what’s going to happen ahead of time, etc, etc.
so it started with meeting milleuda in the hideout and beating her up and letting her go - to algath’s chagrin, to ramza’s befuddlement, to delita’s quiet and uncertain unease - with my saying something along the lines of “it amazes me that for how important milleuda is in chapter one, despite only being two fights, she is promptly forgotten about by the story.”
neeb contested this, and rightly so - i made the comment when i was getting tired and higher brain functions were switching off; they said that no, she’s not strictly forgotten, because her words get through to delita and are the very initial cracks in delita’s armour which algath then takes full advantage of and worms his way in like the maggot he is. (ba dum tss!) ultimately, we agreed that her role is small, but no less important for it, and left it at that.
until last night, when we met her upon the fovoham plains again and begged for mercy anew - this time without algath yelling in our fucking ears about people being cattle and all that. so: i still think it’s incredible that milleuda, for all intents and purposes, is so important as to directly kickstart delita’s slide into anxiety about his place in the world*, and then after her death really is forgotten about. and why would she be remembered? when we get back to the story proper it’s been a year already since that happened, and there’s way more important and current things happening - delita’s not dead, the princess has been kidnapped, suddenly there’s a fucking plot with the church and all of ivalice and murderstones - why should anyone remember a battlemaiden they encountered all of twice? milleuda’s story is not fft’s story. milleuda and wiegraf’s stories start the same way, yes, but wiegraf survives to take a different path - and he’s remembered because his presence endures. how many people remember the other cadets from your introductory mission? how many battles with the Brigade proper were there? in a story like fft’s, if you do not live to see the next day you are quickly forgotten. and even if you do it’s with a like 30-40% chance of survival imo. them random encounters sure do be encountered!!
*as a side note, i vastly preferred the psx scene on the plains, learning to whistle grass, to the updated fmv. it felt less out of place, more true to the world itself - and the language (oh, Boy, we talked about the language for a long while) was so much more... plain and raw and evocative. delita’s hesitant admission - i’ve felt out of place for a long time - and the mechanics of a game requiring you to click past ramza’s uncomfortable silence to hear him out further - make so much more sense than the wotl’s “something’s been bothering me”. that could be anything. oh, aye, it’s followed up about algath’s ichor so the meaning isn’t entirely lost, but delita being willing to be open at all... it being the last time he’s so viscerally honest - it struck a lot harder than it initially did.
because, really, at the heart of it - milleuda’s story becomes delita’s story. she might have died, but her regrets and her rage and her every mote of being crawls inside delita and doesn’t fester so much as take root and grow slowly. yes, algath’s involvement absolutely cannot be understated - it’s his actions directly that led to, well, a tragedy that shaped the man he ends up being - but it’s milleuda’s words that really strike at the heart of who delita is as a person: an uncertain youth in a place he’s hyperaware of not belonging in, no matter how much his best friend and brother in arms vouches for him. everyone can see it: delita does not look like anyone in the cast, even, with his darker hair and darker skin and his control of emotion that only goes so far and snaps when algath presses too far and gets a broken nose for his troubles. despite being so important, delita is visually set worlds apart... and though the Brigade are too uninformed to know what the beoulves look like (seriously.) and kidnap the wrong girl, the rest of us know at a glance that... he isn’t as the others are. and milleuda, crying out about how the name beoulve marks you as an enemy, that there is no difference between you and her but for the walls you were born in - and algath refuting that every step of the way, calling for her head even as all she wants to do is live - and ultimately, hearing her beg her brother for forgiveness as she dies... delita cannot help but be shaped by her. it is the first and last time we see him be honest, be hurt. we see that change in real time.
so, yes: milleuda dies, and her story with it - we learn in very quick step that her brother was wiegraf and that he won’t forgive us for her death, it’s all very fantastical and sweet, but other than ramza later asking the (long dead) wiegraf what his sister would think of his actions - milleuda is not mentioned again, and the narrative moves on to bigger and better things. but she is not forgotten: even as the Brigade falls apart and is hunted to extinction, even as wiegraf gives himself over to the church and their desires instead of his own - milleuda lingers in delita, still crying for change, still demanding revolution. and what does delita deliver? exactly that. but where milleuda fell, he delivers, until a common arse sits the throne. (the less said about what revolution gave him, personally, the better.)
ultimately there was no true point to the entire chat we had - we meandered onto other topics (particularly translations, and god i find myself wishing every day to marry the psx and the wotl versions so bad, a mixture of high and low language would do so much for it - sorry, truthers, neither official translation is the definitive one for me!) and it was more of an observation that came up as we encountered her for the last time... but i don’t know, i still think it’s worth thinking about, that she’s so unimportant and yet the crux of so much more than she first appears. as fun as it is to lay the blame at algath’s feet, he’s not solely responsible for... everything that happens. just greatly.
also something about milleuda’s hair in her portrait sprite is just so beautiful to me. it doesn’t look like any other hair rendered in the same style. i’m in love with milleuda folles etc etc etc
(not to mention that all of this is entirely separate to what her character with wiegraf must have been like... clever, of the writers, to show them as in cahoots enough that she’d take up his reasoning post-war, but never on the same field together. i would love to know how she became a swordswoman; how much of her thoughts are actually wiegraf’s and vice-versa; who milleuda folles was. bites thru my phone so hard it cracks)
actually, and as a late addition to this post - i just remembered that none of this is direct from ramza, either. this is all hearsay - it’s orran’s accounts from witnesses - whatever delita was willing to tell him, presumably, since there’s no one else left alive that might remember milleuda folles by the time he goes around collecting evidence for his durai papers. and that’s sure something, ain’t it? that delita remembered her enough to speak of her?
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fancypeanutdaze · 11 months
Old Religion ☽◯☾
O ano era 2010 e eu usava bastante a internet para buscar interação com desconhecidos no finado chat do bate-papo da uol, mas também ainda na perseverança de conexão com um lado místico através da wicca e sites ou fóruns que tratavam do tema. Um deles era o Old Religion, site que além de artigos sobre paganismo, ainda era loja on line de produtos esotéricos. Havia uma parte do site onde você cadastrava seu perfil e permitia deixar contato de e-mail ou afins para quem sabe, ser adicionado ou contactado por alguém. Assim fiz, criei perfil com algum tipo de descrição boba porém chamativa pra época, mas sem muita esperança de qualquer um adicionar. Nesse teste despretensioso, eis que surge um contato que me adicionou por e-mail, onde o mesmo era vinculado ao meu Messenger na época, pois a rede social que usava junto com o Orkut. Esse cara usava nick de Ramza (ou Ramzza, tinha essa variante). Nome de um significado mirabolante com fonte de vozes da minha cabeça vindo dele mas que por estar empolgadinha com a ideia de conhecer alguém interessante vindo do site da wicca, não ligava muito.
Passamos dias conversando pelo msn, trocando ideias, sentimentos, desejos, memes e tudo mas. Tudo indo massa, então marcamos um primeiro encontro. Foi num open mall em um bairro nobre da cidade, foi bacana, os papos eram massa. Até uma viagem de uma historinha que ele dizia ser um rpg que havia montado onde tinha ele mesmo como personagem (e nem era leonino a criatura), e uma personagem feminina chamada Rita, onde o cenário é o mais fatídico, chato e misógino possível. O mito do cara que tenta salvar a mulher porém falha miseravelmente a perdendo tragicamente (Froid explica essa metáfora hein!).
O encanto começou a ruir quando estávamos namorando há 3 meses. Ele falava coisas que pra outros poderiam soar como bobas ou sem importância, mas eram depreciativas. Criava situações, manipulava fatos e ocasiões onde eu sempre era a errada, a burra, a tola, a que tava fazendo alguma cagada na relação. O teatrinho era tão baixo que houveram situações de humilhação explícita em público sem o menor pudor ou temor de nada. Uma delas em ridicularizar o penteado que eu usava e achava lindo em mim. Tendo que escutar “tira isso! tá feia e ridícula e só você não vê isso!”, na frente de amigos dele com quem andávamos. Já teve um ep onde ele provocou uma discussão por celular, ele estava com meu celular e nem lembro mais o porquê. Ele gravou um trecho da discussão onde fica parecendo que eu que estou causando aquela situação, aquele mal estar. O desgraçado gravou a ligação e salvou no próprio aparelho e depois me devolveu, sabendo que eu iria achar e ouvir. Já chegou a eu estar terminando uma refeição e ele juntar o resto da comida do prato numa colher, jogar em cima da mesa pra que eu terminasse logo porque queria lavar a louça. Outra de humilhar um amigo da época que era um artista incrível, onde o cara conseguia ter ideias massa sobre coisas super criativas e possivelmente rentáveis, que ele jamais conseguiria bolar. Era a maneira de se sentir menos bosta e inútil, humilhar os outros a volta onde ele via certa vulnerabilidade para o fazer. Dentre as muitas situações péssimas, houveram coisas como criar uma briga do nada por um motivo mais irrelevante e idiota, me expulsando da casa, sumindo fazendo o joguinho de “vou sumir que ela vem atrás de mim” e eu caía. Numa dessas o achei jogando numa locadora de videogame do bairro, onde ao voltarmos pra sua casa, em meio a briga, me cuspiu na cara no meio da rua, com testemunhas claro. Porque cena sem plateia pra ele se exibir, não existia. Outro episódio, que até hoje me é engatilhador, foi o dia em que brigamos e ele partiu pra cima. Tentou me estrangular com tanta força que me suspendeu por uns centímetros do chão do quarto contra o guarda roupas. Foi apavorante.
Em outra, com quase um ano de namoro, começamos a frequentar um grupo espírita em um prédio no bairro nobre. As pessoas desse lugar eram em sua maioria de status alto socialmente falando. Talvez uma das mais pobres era eu, puro suco do proletariado, trabalhando em caixa de loja de shopping. Ele gostava de se passar e impressionar as pessoas desse circulo social. Em um evento mediúnico, levaram um artista que psicografava pintores através das telas. Como eu já estudava algo sobre artes plásticas, conhecia bem técnicas de alguns artistas nacionais e internacionais. Na ocasião, o cara recriou telas de Renoir, Tarsila do Amaral, Matisse...Ele não sabia de nada sobre nada de artes e artistas, perguntava a mim quem era o artista retratado, obtinha a resposta e ia comentar sobre com outra pessoa como se fosse o bom entendedor daquilo. Um mentiroso, falso, plagiador total. E outro momento com pessoas desse grupo, uma das senhoras teve um momento de elucidação através de uma mensagem onde eu era a destinatária. Foi comunicado a ele que precisavam falar comigo sobre. Então fomos nós dois até a casa dessa senhora. Foi pedido que ele ficasse do lado de fora da casa  enquanto me era contado a tal mensagem. Antes dela, a senhora e sua irmã, na sala comigo perguntaram se eu estava passando por algum tipo de abuso por parte de alguém próximo. Sem entender o porque da pergunta delas, a senhora me contou a tal mensagem, onde era revelado que eu sofria abuso e violência. Se você, leitor, voltar um post, irá ver como meu genitor era, fora abus0 físico e moral, nunca houve desse contexto sexu4l. Ao pedir pra ficar do lado de fora da casa e fora da conversa, ele se transformou. Ficava rondando os arredores, passando pelas janelas abertas, olhando pra dentro, tentando ver o que estava acontecendo, saber o que conversávamos tanto. Como se temesse algo, se devesse. De fato devia mas disso só fui ter ciência bem depois. Após isso ele insistiu tanto que acabei contando a tal mensagem me arrependendo em seguida, pois ficou tirando conclusões precipitadas sobre o genitor e minha vida. Um completo imbecil. Outro ep da saga espírita foi um evento onde um escritor famosinho entre o público espírita ia fazer uma palestra pra divulgar seu novo livro. O role era num preço pouco acessível, principalmente pra mim, mas acabamos indo. Na saída do evento, o pessoal quis almoçar num restaurante à beira mar que era caro para minha situação. Mesmo assim eu tinha cartão e paguei nossos pratos (nunca paguei tão caro numa comida onde comi pouquíssimo inclusive). E para rumar a etapa final, ele me convenceu a pedir demissão da empresa qual trabalhava e tinha um emprego bom, ganhava até bem. E com a grana do seguro e tudo mais era o plano dele pra conseguir um pc novinho, e conseguiu. E de quebra uma assinatura pra jogar World of Warcraft (nunca tive tanta raiva de um jogo como tenho desse, e olha que nunca nem joguei. Só por esse babaca jogar eu peguei um nojo desse jogo. Já fico logo com pé atrás quando ouço alguém dizer que joga isso), tornando meu cartão internacional para tal compra. Nessa não caí, e por conta disso destilou um ódio enorme em mim.
Em outro momento, enquanto ele tentava obter sex0 comigo, forçou. Quando no desconforto disse que não queria mais, mais de uma vez, ele parou e me jogou contra cama com toda força, me xingando em seguida. Tinha uma webcam no pc, sabe-se la se ele não gravava pra postar em algum lugar. Mas já o flagrei falando mal de mim com os amigos de jogo na call. Fora outras vezes de sex0 forçado sem querer. Lê-se 3stupr0 mesmo. Após dois anos (sim, fiquei refém nisso por esse longo tempo) consegui finalmente abrir os olhos pra vida e dar o grito de liberdade. Catei o que era meu e saí correndo literalmente de lá, a base de xingamentos mais horríveis. Fui embora pra longe pra nunca mais voltar. Na época não tive apoio, discernimento ou conhecimento para denunciá-lo, que era o que deveria ter sido feito aquele lixo. Em torno de cinco anos depois, estava comendo lanche em uma praça com um namorado, quando olho pra frente, lá está ele me encarando com ódio, como se fosse levantar e me matar a qualquer momento. Eu travei de um jeito que eu só conseguia pedir pro namorado sair dali comigo. Um tempo depois houve uma feira geek temática de Guerra nas Estrelas onde fui com outro namorado e meu irmão. Empolgada olhando os stands, fui puxada pra trás no meio da multidão, e vi que era meu irmão me puxando e em seguida avisando quem estava a frente me encarando. Quando olhei, era ele. O desgraçad0. Meu irmão contou que ele me olhava como um psicopata, como se fosse me matar ali mesmo. Eu novamente travei e implorei pra sair dali. Mas aquilo foi um divisor de águas no que fazer sobre. Eu iria viver com medo de encontrá-lo e sempre sair as pressas dos locais enquanto ele está lá numa boa? Decidi, depois de muito choro, ir atrás da delegacia da mulher na cidade. Mas não fui bem atendida. Resumidamente a pessoa da delegacia disse que nada poderia ser feito por já ter se passado anos do caso, e como ele não teve contato comigo recente nada poderia ser feito. Eu saí aos prantos de lá. Mas não desisti.
Início da pandemia, mais exatamente em Março, ele de alguma forma achou meu contato de whatsapp. Mandou uma mensagem ridícula sobre estarmos vivendo um período de transição planetária e que deveria estocar alimentos por 7 dias, principalmente arroz. E caso precisasse de ajuda financeira entrasse em contato. Qual finalidade desse devaneio em forma de perseguição? Jamais saberei. O bloqueei e novamente tornou ao contato só que por um número empresarial. Dessa vez me hostilizando por ter bloqueado, segundo ele, sem necessidade, e acusando de traí-lo. Tive uma crise de ansiedade por conta daquilo, só sabia chorar. Porém no mesmo dia, consegui registrar um b.o. on line. Até a presente data de escrita desse post, ele nunca mais tornou a entrar em contato que seja.
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retphienix · 3 years
It's been 6 years :)
On March 30th, 2015 I decided I wanted a gaming side blog. (so we're early, but shush, it's the month for me)
I didn't know what I'd use it for exactly, but I had ideas- something I always have even if most of them only get as far as daydreamin' or writing out before closing them :P
For proof on the lack of direction the blog initially had- the March 30th date is the anniversary of my first post, an in-depth and lengthy review of Dragon Warrior Monsters for the GBC.
If you know the blog then you know "Extremely long and in-depth reviews" aren't the norm around here. As a matter of fact, that first post is the ONLY one I've done!
The closest I've come to ever repeating that would be the (word of the day) Directionless video I put out on Hades to get a grip on the concept of making videos, but that wasn't nearly as much of a 'review' as that first post is.
Tangent, definitely planning on trying my hand at videos some more for the foreseeable future. Probably not gonna use the tagline Full Impressions that I tossed as a whim for the Hades video but yeah- I'm excited to try my hand at a few videos :) tangent over.
It didn't take me long to come up with what I'd like to do for the blog though :)
A few months later I liveblogged a challenge run of FFT where I used only Ramza- a solo run. - Which maybe only happened because I tried a nuzlocke run a year prior on my main account-
(Nuzlocke | FFT challenge run)
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Thanks to that haphazard liveblog experiment I started to realize a couple things which became the primary motivators behind this blog.
1) I LOVE sharing experiences. No brainer, I'm sure, but being able to share my experiences, and compare them with others' experiences, and just that mutual sharing is uplifting and feels good to do.
2) Liveblogging is an EXCEPTIONAL motivator to buckle down and play all those games I said I'd play (cue everyone laughing because I'm still way behind and have an immeasurable backlog).
But I mean that, on both respects. I have plenty of motivators toward the blog today, but if I were to be concise it's pretty much "It's easier to beat games if I liveblog them- otherwise I get distracted and play other games" and "I love sharing experiences and thoughts with people about my favorite thing- games."
Since 2015 I've tackled around 70 games as full playthroughs, and an untold ton as one offs or just to ramble about for a bit.
I've had a lot of highlights over the years, and I don't talk much about it as an overall experience so I thought for the anniversary I'd try to do just that. Not everything- I can't say I have photographic memory that would bring all of it up without prompting after all :P But whatever comes to mind as I browse some of my old stuff- as well as some thoughts on what I'd like to see in the future.
It's gonna be a bit self-centric I assume as I type this preamble to it, so let me say outright that this blog wouldn't be half of what it is without all the people who've given it the time of day over the years.
From recommending games they love or appreciate, to comparing thoughts, to offering kind words for analysis I've done over the years, to pointing out when I'm dumb and misread a situation :P- to, yes, even the people who decided "Fuck this guy's ramble" and deleted my captions before reblogging my gifs way back during Hamtaro (Of COURSE I remember that! It's amusing lol).
This is better because of others, because of the interactions and the people I've gotten the chance to chat with or befriend. It's just a liveblog more or less, my own little bit of fun I toss out for myself if for anyone- so seeing others enjoy this or that from the work I put into sharing my experiences or thoughts is always a joy in itself :)
Anyway, onto selfishly rambling about some tidbits of the past :)
Also sorry but no, opted to not shove a ton of photos in, it does have a handful of links to old posts though :P
This'll be disorganized as heck as I'll add to it over time before I feel it's worth posting (or the tumblr post editor becomes a hassle and more or less forces me to).
FFT Solo Ramza Challenge: Considering it was roughly the first thing this blog has done, it's also something that's stuck in my head a lot more clearly than most of the other stuff I've done to be honest lol.
In truth, this is partially because FFT is my favorite game, bar none. But it's also because the whole experience was pretty new to me. Prior to it I had really only done one self-imposed-challenge that wasn't requested by the game in some manner and that was a nuzlocke run of Blue version.
So adding a challenge to my favorite game was a fantastic experience!
Notes I just wanted to say today about that run: If anyone enjoys FFT I honestly recommend giving it a shot for the unique story it lends itself to. I do recommend skipping the rules until after the second battle but that's up to YOU to decide.
My first post on the subject is me complaining about spending 4 hours grinding out the second fight and, despite hyperbole being my natural state, that was NOT hyperbole.
It DID take 60~ restarts to beat. It DID take 4 hours. The reason is that that 2nd battle is RNG as HECK, you HAVE to have Delita do some meaningful actions, you HAVE to have the enemies miss and make poor plays, you damn near HAVE to crit a few instances to save yourself from taking too much damage.
It's a numbers game to the extreme, so I wouldn't fault anyone for 'cheating' and skipping the 2nd fight for the ruleset lol.
The memory that stands out the most for that run is actually isolated in a post in which Ramza (Purrick in this run) talks like a total badass as just ONE DUDE running into a room full of enemies. I just think on that as a great encapsulated view of what it was like. The run started off face grindingly difficult, but because FFT is a game that offers so much freedom to the player it was extremely easy to 'break' the game into making Purrick overpowered as hell.
That's something I love about some tactical RPGs, I love having the ability to play smart so that I can play stupid later on, and breaking the game into making him one shot god is certainly a good payoff for playing smart early on :P
RetQuick: I miss RetQuick, it was primarily a short experiment I did in 2015 where I'd play a game for a short span of time (REALLY short, like 10-20 minutes) and record that for the purpose of making gifs and saying a short piece on what I thought.
It's one of those formats where the purpose was pretty shallow- but had a reason. I wanted to try making some gifs with some tools that existed online, so I made an excuse to do just that.
I also wanted to play a TON of games, usually through emulation on my sister's PSP, and this let me do that.
These two minor goals came together and so I spent a while making RetQuicks which were honestly more fun to make than they had any right to be. I mean the gifs were tedious but the playing? The thought sharing? The end product ocassionally having more appeal than just a photoset? It was fun.
I'm thinking whenever I have trouble picking a game for the blog I'll revisit the format... sorta.
I already reused it for a short stint to show clips I had no plan on expanding into a playthrough, but that died as well as it was too similar to Tidbits posts (another tag I no longer really use).
My thought is to rebrand retquick as something of a tryout for what game comes next. Play a handful of my backlog games for an hour or so each and say some thoughts before saying which one I'll continue as the main game for that period of time.
Old Tag Stuff: One of those things that only sticks to me since I made the decisions but it's always funny for me to look back on my old posts because I was apprehensive as hell toward making my posts visible. The reason my early playthroughs on the My-Tags page are variants of Ret instead of just "The name of the game so people can find this post" is because I felt like a liveblog would just spam the tag to hell-
Something I don't remotely feel bad for doing anymore.
So I avoided getting any sort of spotlight for quite a while on the blog for little reason.
Why Retphienix?: This is just a dumb thought I wanted to share and I'm sure I've said before.
It stands for retro!
Ain't that dumb and also not a real shorthand? lol
I think I have some sort of deer in headlights anxiety towards naming things, I mean do you think I think Full Impressions is a good summation for a video? I don't. But perhaps that's overshadowed by the other inexperiences and anxiety driven decisions that had- doesn't matter.
Retphienix is Retphienix because I sat there in 2015 and thought "Well... what do I name an alt account?"
My main is Redphienix, which yes, is ALSO a terrible name AND is misspelled. But it's that because of sentimental reasons. As a kid I misspelled Redphoenix when making my gamertag (I knew how to spell Phoenix back then as well, I was too excited about xbox live and misspelled it) and it's become something of a sentimental misspelling.
So I wanted to make a mix on that for my game blog, but I had no idea what. In the end I thought "RetroPhienix? I don't know. Retphienix is closer to Redphienix. I'll do that" and so it was done.
And just like how Redphienix is both bad and misspelled but exists because of sentimental reasons- Retphienix has acquired the same 'flavor' in my eye lol.
Aspirations for the blog: I have no immediate ramp up plans or road map or whatever, and in truth I'll be happy if the blog stays just as it is forever- up until tumblr ends- I cry over lost posts- and I reopen it on another platform.
But I do have blurry half-considered daydreams that I'd like to see happen for the blog through some hard work or shifts on my part.
One is something I'm already doing kinda, hence my embarrassing means of bringing it up a lot lately. Videos- I want those. I wanna make some looks back on series people don't talk about that I enjoy, I want to make videos sharing my thoughts on games I beat for the blog (like what full impressions kinda was, but I don't think they'll have a unified name from here on out). Maybe retrospectives, but mostly when I think of making a video tied to retphienix or me in general it's me looking at a game that said something to me, and saying it louder with my own interpretations on it.
You know the kind, videos where they talk about a video game but not the whole thing- just a singular message they really heard loud and clear from it intentionally or not. I dig those and I know I end a lot of games having plenty to say that could be directed into such a format.
We'll see.
And I'm along for the ride on that one as well- currently I'm keeping my eyes on whatever is directly next, which happens to be "I plan on playing Omori, if it clicks as something to talk about I would like to take a shot at that in a video too!"
The other is that I'd like to build a small community. Wouldn't know the first thing on doing that in a modern sense, but just a little online friend group to chat with and play games together. Something that could open up multiplayer and coop experiences being better shared on the blog and would just in general expand my gaming to what it used to be back on the 360 when I had a large group to play with.
Since the 360 era ended I've pretty much closed off- stopped playing competitive games due to lack of interest- and slowed down to playing all games either solo, with randoms (and no mic usually), or with my cousin. It's a rare instance when I play with some good people like @gamesception or another friend of mine, John.
When I diverted from playing competitive games nonstop toward other genres I didn't intend to also cut out all my online gaming buds, it just kinda happened, and I never really put any effort into rectifying that.
So more or less I'd like to one day sit down and work on a discord server, and then buck up and put the leg work in to make some gamin' buds again, but that's such a vague concept anymore.
Sounds all sad and what not but it's more ambivalent, I made decisions that
changed how gaming worked for me after the 360 and this is just where it landed for better and worse- I'd just like to see if I can make it a little better :P
General things I think when I think retphienix: Honestly? I think of how much fun I've had over the years and how thankful I am to have had an outlet that encouraged me to explore more of the medium.
I REALLY love games. I went to college for games, I've written LEAGUES about games, I've played countless games, my childhood was games, my adult life is games- games games games yada yada yada.
So when I think of retphienix I think of how without it I probably wouldn't have explored a lot of the corners of gaming that I have.
I genuinely, and I mean this, might not have sat down and beaten FF7 for myself and would have considered the amount I played as a kid to be enough.
I might not have played Chrono Trigger yet, and I KNOW I wouldn't have played Chrono Cross, and I'm happy as hell to have played both of those. CT was a mind blowing moment for me that showed me just how good an RPG can be, and CC gave me miles to think of in terms of innovating an RPG and how beholden to the narrative a sequel should be (I don't feel CC should have been chrono at all lol).
I DEFINITELY wouldn't have given New Vegas another chance. And I know I'm a sourpuss on NV, I've been that way since I maxed my achievements on the 360 for it, but replaying it really did reveal to me how exceedingly negative I was being.
My memories had become "It's brown and a boring location >:(" and "The factions all suck and it doesn't do anything with the idea of bad factions >:(" and became "It's... a little brown guys, not a big fan of the area" and "They didn't do enough with exploring the gray factions" while adding "Wait. This is pretty damn fun. And 90% of the additions are stellar. And I forgot about Dead Money, my favorite dlc in any game ever with a story that tears at my heart every time I think of it, NV good actually?"
Faxanadu would have remained a cool game I saw on SSFF and not a game I played to the end and fell in love with the aesthetic feel it has!
Also that's a game I cheated like crazy on lol, I would do it again! Save state scumming games meant to be rudely difficult is only fair :P
I probably would have never sat down to play through Windwaker which was such a positive and uplifting experience that I now get the most relaxed and warm feeling in my heart when I see those blue waves.
There's so many experiences I would have left on the table in favor of like... putting more hours into a live service title or something.
Maybe, and no offense to my cousin or anyone else playing it, but maybe I'd be no-lifing World of Warcraft nonstop just stagnating my interest toward the skinner box mechanics of an MMO?
Some offense, actually but lightheartedly lol.
But beyond the entire games I've played for the blog, when I think retphienix I picture all the time making gifs, all those games I played on the PSP for short stints, buying a retron 5 to add to what I could explore and being stoked when they shipped a freebie box of old controllers to go with it, getting angry at the retron for being a Piece Of Shit lol, crying at the end of damn near every game with an emotional story because I'm a big emotional mess of a person who finds investing and crying at a story way too easy thanks to empathy pulls, oh!-
Getting excited whenever I found that I had a "*controversial*" opinion that no one would care about lol. Like the one that comes to mind is that I thoroughly believe that Dragon Ball Z II: Gekishin Freeza!! for the NES is WAY better than the fandom recognized and appreciated sequel/remake Dragon Ball Z: Legend of the Super Saiyan!
How many people do you hear talking about either game, let alone saying the NES game that is roughly half of the SNES remake is the better one :P But I stand by that! The SNES one is a remake of DBZ1 and 2 for the NES but it loses all the charm and some of the fun of the NES ones by being a lackluster SNES game!
I admitted wholeheartedly that this post would be a lit-
little directionless (gotta love the new tumblr poster making me break sentences like that), but to sum things up.
It's been 6 years. It's been an untold amount of work to be honest- liveblogging a game, at least for me, hasn't been the easiest thing. It's a lot of thinking out my thoughts (heh), it's a lot of learning tools to make the capturing process possible, it's a lot of experimenting, it's a lot of writing and editing, and, well, sometimes it's just tough.
I mean I went to school for coding, not video editing, not writing, not image processing, not this or that- but this hobby has introduced a lot of things even if only at a VERY base level (I admit fully to using online alternatives to make gifs for instance).
I learned a lot about, well, a lot of things in order to use this blog to learn more about games- and all that work has become part of why I've loved all 6 years of this blog.
6 years of gaming, work, and you all- and it's been worth the investment :) Here's to many more and all of you whether you stumble upon this post or not- literally anyone who's interacted in these 6 years, thank you, and anyone who hasn't I offer you well wishes as well.
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Please remind me to never again go solo into a recorded alliance run on the last week before a new expansion, because this run was rough. Fortunately, we didn’t wipe! But that nearly total party KO at the very very very end pretty much summarized my feelings.
The Orbonne Monastery might be one of my favorite dungeons in this entire game so far. I say this with every hint of bias: not only does so much of Orbonne speak to everything I love, it also has so many great memories from running it with friends. My first time going through Orbonne in particular was great, because I did it with @barbariccia​ and I was screaming at the turn of every corner. Tears were shed. It was incredible.
So here’s a run-down:
0:50 - Harpies in the jungle! This enemy design was lifted straight from Vagrant Story, and I let every team I ran with know this for the next five weeks. Please play Vagrant Story.
2:20 - Ivalice confirmed for the gays.
2:55 - Inside the monastery, the first boss battle is Mustadio Bunansa. Mustadio, one of the first machinists of the Final Fantasy series, has been transformed into an automaton not unlike those he researches. His fight has a lot of tricky AOEs and quick-loading mechanics, not unlike the moveset of machinists in Tactics! He has a really cool ultimate at 5:00. (After weeks of trying to figure out how to explain this mechanic to newcomers while shot-calling, I eventually resorted to just saying “expose your hole.” 1. It works. 2. No one ever forgets it.)
When defeated at 12:18, Mustadio fades back into his Hyuran form - and even his voice goes from mechanical back to normal. It’s a subtle detail but really, really touching. There’s no indication for who the massive portrait on the wall leading into the monastery might depict... but with absolutely nothing to base this speculation on, my guess is that it’s Ajora Glabados.
At 12:40, you head into the wine cellars - another holdover from Vagrant Story. I didn’t catch it in this video, but the first people to follow Fran and Montblanc into the cellar will see three rats running across stagnant water in a way that can only be a throwback to Vaan’s intro in the Garamsythe Waterway. It was around this part during my first run of Orbonne that I told Molly, and the other Riskbreakers over voice chat, that I was going to lose it if the next boss was Agrias. Sure enough, the next boss was Agrias; sure enough, I lost it.
Agrias’ fight starts at 13:12. Her voice acting is so good; the lesbian paladin aesthetic in her boss design is to die for. (I mean, the Enhancing Sword and the Ritter Shield play a key role throughout this fight, and they’re the most WLW weapons in the game.) Some other great references find plugs in this fight, too: one of Agrias’ many moves, at 15:58, is Northswain’s Strike - Ashelia B’nargin Dalmasca’s ultimate Quickening! But what really hits me, every time, is her dialogue when you defeat her (see 22:30): “My Ovelia awaits...” Agrias was the princess Ovelia’s protector and best friend in Tactics; in the PSP remaster, she was also the one who gave Ovelia the dagger that later killed her.
The next area at 22:58 looks like it was taken out of the Palace of the Dead - which is funny, because when the Palace of the Dead’s final room was first revealed back at Fan Fest 2016, everyone I knew who was into Ivalice was like “VAGRANT STORY?!” And Palace of the Dead was based on Matsuno’s Ivalice predecessor Tactics Ogre. That said, a recurring concept in Ivalice games is that of the “necrohol” - a city lost to the dead. This necrohol is Mullonde, which got its origins in Tactics as a city which was destroyed when Ajora Glabados was hung for heresy. Like in XIV, Tactics’ Mullonde lay hidden deep beneath the Orbonne Monastery.
At 23:25, you fight four automatons. The last of them is Dark Crusader, a Vagrant Story boss. In Vagrant Story, the Dark Crusader was summoned by the knight Grissom, despite losing his life and his soul being trapped inside his decaying body. (Please play Vagrant Story.)
There’s only one remaining option for the third boss of Orbonne at 26:26, confirmed as soon as Montblanc makes a quip mistaking the man ahead for Cid: Count Cidolfus Orlandeau, the Thunder God. “T.G. Cid” is a game-breaker in Tactics; he’s so overpowered as to be capable of soloing certain late-game maps. Similarly, Orlandeau was (is) the raid-killer. A lot of the mechanics in his fight require consistent coordination throughout the entire alliance.
Somewhat strangely, the music that plays during Cid’s fight isn’t from Tactics at all: it’s the final boss music from Vagrant Story! It’s a bit of a strange choice thematically: although the circumstances of Cid’s (and Mustadio’s and Agrias’) transformation aren’t ever fully brought to light, it’s hard to think that he would have stooped to the same lengths of greed and power-hunger and detached cruelty as Vagrant Story’s final boss.
Though I did just realize that this fight, like Vagrant Story’s final boss fight, involves lots of running around the edges of a circular platform. And, you know, lots of praying.
Anyway, please play Vagrant Story.
At 38:00, you finally enter the High Seraph’s prison. She’s creating auracite stones one by one, casting them to the floor. She suggests that you have come seeking her power but says to take the auracite and leave - that “mortal agency in matters divine shall not be suffered.” That concept is the direct opposite of XII’s plot, in which the villains are seeking to overthrow a godlike power on the course of history!
Throughout this fight, Ultima summons three of the Espers you’ve fought before: Famfrit, Hashmal and Belias. Before she can obliterate you and your party, however, the three guardians of Orbonne - Mustadio, Agrias and Cid - appear to shield you. Ultima reveals her final form and readies to smash the barrier, only for Ramza Beoulve to emerge from the aether to lend his own soul to your defense. I yelled the first three times I saw that, I’m not even going to lie. The next phase of the fight gets even harder - though I should say that the brutal tankbusters make it one of my favorite fights to tank. Minions bearing Ultima’s Tactics appearance show up in this fight, too, usually to deliver powerful AOEs.
Ultima’s dying words: “I am your mother. I am your maker! I. Am. Ivalice!” Shivers.
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queenmercurys · 6 years
Good morning! Hi! I would like to ask you about the gifs of Dissidia FF where Noctis, Vaan, Cecil and Ramza talking. Could tell me how could I see this scene in the game? I just got the chance to play Dissidia NT and currently at the end of the story fighting Shinryu. I have seen the scene where WoL, Noctis and Cecil talking with Vayne but I never have seen this scene and the one with Squall, Cloud, and Noctis. Do I have to finish with the final boss first or buy add-on?Hope hear from you soon.
Hey there :) I figured I’d reply to you here rather than in the chat, so if anyone else is curious, they can have the answer, too. All of those cutscenes are free. They are added into the game as free updates, so as long as your PS4 is updating as should be, you should be able to have them. The scenes appear in the cutscene list AFTER the fight with Shinryu, and the final cutscenes with Spiritus and Materia. So, after you watch those, there should still be some unwatched cutscenes for you to choose from. They just appear after the “official” story ends. The reason, I think, that you saw the one with Noctis & co. is because that scene was put into the cutscene selection tree, rather than after it. So, just make sure you’ve clicked on all the available cutscenes on the list, and you should be able to find them all. But they’re absolutely free. So far the only non-free add-ons are the DLC characters and some additional equipment/outfits. The scenes are pretty good, especially the Cloud, Squall and Noctis one (who’s biased? not me). 
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babygaustralia · 6 years
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Building an empire is hard, even harder when you are working full-time, career driven and a social butterfly. Best friend duo and curly hair crusaders Toks and Ramza from Saint Curl (@saintcurl) not only make it look easy. Not to mention they are giving us major GIRL BOSS vibes.
From waves to kinks, these amazing and vibrant women are educating and filling the gap for curly girls Aussie wide! Whether you need to get a new conditioner or some friendly advice Toks and Ramza are your fairy curl-mothers!
We had a chat with the pair to get to know the curly duo a little better and understand how many coffees are behind building their empire!
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Names: Tokunbo and Ramza
Nicknames: Toks/Tokso and Rose/Ramz/Rummy (depends on the human)
Star sign:
T: Virgo R: Sagittarius
What can you not stop listening to right now?
T: Noname R: Reggaeton
Who is your spirit animal?
T: My patronus is a Chestnut Mare, so.
R: I want to be aspirational and say Beyonce. Ha!
Most relatable fictional character?
T: Issa in Awkward Black Girl
R: Part Elaine from Seinfeld, part Celine from Before Sunrise.
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How long have you two known each other and where did you meet?
We met at school in 2008. We admired each other while walking through the front gates on the first day, and then got to talking when we reached our floor of the boarding school.
What inspired you to build a business together?
Two things, firstly necessity - we have different hair types but we both had the same struggle; we couldn't find what we needed in stores, so we decided to fix the problem ourselves by making hair products accessible to Australians.
Second, we were frustrated by various Australian industries perpetuating a very narrow idea of beauty, which ignores diversity and contributes to self-hate and discrimination.
We wanted to encourage Aussies to embrace their natural selves and to remind them that they are not only beautiful, but professional, intelligent, powerful, normal - whoever they want to be.
What scared you about building your own business?
There was so much uncertainty, and while we had confidence in the cause, we didn't know if we had the power to make the business grow.
But really, how many coffee’s have gone into Saint Curl? *Laughs*  R: Oh my gosh, umm... 200 together? T: That’s probably accurate!
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What would be one thing you wish you knew before you both delved into the realm of GIRL BOSSES?
R: You don't realise how consuming it'll be until it's all happening. If I'd known how time-poor I would be as a result, I probably would have found a man who can cook and developed wash-board abs before starting.
T: Hahah! I wish I knew what we needed to know. You learn something new every single day.
What do you both do outside of Saint Curl? How do you stay on top of it all?
T: I work in content production and web development   R: I'm a lawyer
And as to how they stay on top of it all? We're single, sleepy and lacking social lives...
Is the end goal to move Saint Curl from a side hustle to the main game?
Both: We're the kind of people who will probably always have multiple hustles, but the goal is to keep growing Saint Curl and to help as many people as we can to embrace their natural hair and selves.
Let’s be honest, it’s hard to stay motivated or not get sidetracked. How do you push through it?
Both: People have put their trust in us and there are huge expectations to get things done, that's probably the strongest motivator to keep pushing. On top of that, we really believe in what we're doing, so we want to keep improving and taking Saint Curl from strength to strength. We're not perfect, and the business is young, so we know we need to keep pushing ourselves to get better and to give our customers what they need.
What’s it like working with your best friend?
Both: It's great, when we work in the same location we blast music and laugh our way through each task. It helps to take the heat off when things are busy because we can just relax as individuals and be ourselves with each other.
How do you keep the work and play life separate? Does it interfere with the friendship?
Both: It can be really difficult to switch work off and just do fun friend things. There are times when we hang out as friends and end up talking about the business. Being able to strictly apply that separation is one of the skills we still have to learn.
Do you have ‘ME’ time? What do you do?
Both: *crickets* look, we don't get much. But when we do, we like to be outdoors, appreciating good music or spending time with family and friends.
What is the one item you cannot live without right now?
T: My Baby-G. Ironically, I'm still late to everything.
R: My diary - I rely on it to keep on top of everything and stay sane.
Who do you look up to?
Both: Our parents - they migrated here and have shown us how not to let barriers stop you from being ambitious and working hard.
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What are the 3 most important things for a girl with CURLS?
1. Self-love - embrace the curls, accept your hair and don't compare yourself to others 2. Knowledge - learn about your hair and how to care for it. 3. Conditioner.
What advice can you offer to anyone wanting to take the GIRL BOSS plunge?
Both: Be realistic, plan well, be kind to yourself, be prepared to work very hard in the beginning. Eventually you will need to figure out a balance by using your work hours effectively and forcing yourself to have down time. Don't be afraid to ask people for help and to lean on the people around you.
What is best/most surprising thing about the other? R: Toks is incredibly intelligent and has the ability to learn anything - she finished school and turned into a French speaking, legally trained, guitar playing, writing and editing, coding super woman.
T: Ramza will probably rule us all someday.
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fyrapartnersearch · 7 years
email--fandoms and originals
Hi, my name is Coll! I’m a 29 year old lady with a full time standard 9-5 job. That said, I have some free time on my hands. I’d really love some new RPs.  =D I’m very friendly and willing to plot. I mostly roleplay video games and original plots. A few things about me: - I am looking for people who play in the 
third person and post multiple paragraphs in their responses.
 (Please give me at least 3 paragraphs and I’ll be happy with that. Anything less and I get put out and most likely will not respond back to you out of disappointment ^^; Sorry.) I will also match my partner’s response length.
Also, please have a decent grasp of grammar and spelling. I won’t respond if you message me in all chatspeak. When you message me, also, please have an idea of what you want to do. “Hi, wanna RP?” is kind of unacceptable. Of course I want to roleplay–that’s why I put the add up.
- My hard limits are rape, vore, mpreg (good god no mpreg never ever mpreg), pedophilia, and a few others in between, but those are the big ones. If you ask for any of these four things, I will delete your post immediately. I don’t mind rape being mentioned in a backstory, but I won’t play it out. I’m not too keen on large age gaps unless we’re playing a supernatural creature with a human. They need to look about the same age. -
 I don’t really care for unhealthy ships
. I don’t like cheating or abuse in relationships–that sort of stuff. I’m not about that life. - I
 am a slash (both mxm and fxf) roleplayer. I will not tolerate seme/uke paradigms. You will play a switch or there will be no smut. There are only certain canon ships I’ll do mxf for. (like Lightning/adult!Hope or Tidus/Yuna for example.) I won’t do mxf for originals.
- I will only accept roleplayers who are
. If I find out you’re under my age limit, I’m going to delete you immediately. - All kinks are based off of character preference, not my own. I’m also not really a kinky person. Sorry about that. - I like canonxoc for certain canons. If I play a canon for you, I expect you to play one for me. Compromise! Some ships I will not do canonxoc for. - I know this sounds like me being a hard ass, but I really like becoming friends with my partners and exchanging headcanons and songs!
- I roleplay through email only. No exceptions.
- I try to post every day. I really do. Sometimes, I’m just too tired to do so. ^^;;; Be patient with me. Weekends get hectic because I’m in a couple DnD campaigns. - Once the roleplay gets off the ground, I have skype. You can ask for it–but only after intros are exchanged. Every time I’ve given someone my skype before we started, the roleplay never got off the ground. - If for some reason I stop responding, I legitimately forgot. Just poke me. There are times when I’m at work and look at an email and forget to respond to it later because i thought I did. Well, if I haven’t scared you off, you can check out the rest! Contact:
Current cravings: Peronsa 5, Final Fantasy XV, Fire Emblem Fates, and the Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. That doesn’t mean I won’t do others!
Puella Magi Madoka Magica
. I can play Kyoko, Homura, and Mami. I can also do originals in the PMMM setting, gender bends, or Puer Magi. (Magical Boys.) Seriously, my kingdom for a PMMM roleplay. I’m also not opposed to mixing canons and originals!
. Hit me up. 
I am open to most things. If you want a something with a lot of smut, just let me know up front
I especially am big on gothic/fantasy/horror settings with magic, darkness, twisted fairy tales as inspiration, Alice in Wonderland kind of settings, surreal or Silent Hill/Fatal Frame esque thing. Definitely willing to look into maybe some mystery/eldritch horror thing
. I’m pretty flexible. Other stuff I’m into includes: steampunk, horror, creepypasta, victorian era, medieval/fantasy, modern/fantasy. I’ll give anything a shot and I’m sure I have a character for it or at the very least, can make one. It must have fantasy, by the way. I’m also a big fan of supernatural beingxhuman, or two different races mingling with each others. The only thing I’ll outright say no to is slice of life unless it’s monsters/supernatural creatures trying to live among humans. I’ll only accept mxm and fxf for original lines. Please note, I DO NOT play vampires or werewolves. I don’t mind roleplaying with them, but I personally do not like playing them. If you want to do a plot that is vampire or werewolf based, you have to play those species.
I’ll also take random intros for original! Just tell me the genre you’re sending me in the title or if you want platonic, mxm, or fxf! Please, if you send me a random intro, keep it to the genres listed or similar interests to this ad. I can’t guarantee I’ll be into the roleplay if you pick something I don’t advertise.
Fire Emblem Awakening.
 I’ll die of happiness if you’d like to do m!tacticianxChrom. I’m looking for a Chrom. I can also play m!Morgan, Lucina, and a couple others. Let’s chat about it. I have a couple AU ideas, considering, well, you know how Fire Emblem is. There’s a war, let’s go fight the war!
Fire Emblem Fates. This, here, is what I’m craving the most.
 I’ve played all three paths, but prefer Conquest and Revelation. I want to play Corrin. (Male.) and am open to ships. (As long as they’re mxm and fxf.) I’m mostly looking for a Xander (!!! Boy, I want Xander the most. Xander/Corrin happens to be my otp.), Leo (!!), Takumi (!), or Silas. I also ship Selena and Camilla. (I play Selena.) I like AUs and doubling, so I’m sure we can figure something out. I am also leokumi trash and can play either… though I’d rather do Corrin/Leo and Corrin/Takumi. I also like Sakura/Elise! (Slight preference toward Sakura.) I much prefer AUs and am willing to hash something out with you. No OCs for this. Sorry.
. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to do a Persona or Persona based roleplay!. My favorite pairing for Persona is Yu/Souji/ProtagonistxYosuke. I play Yosuke. I am seriously craving another Yu/Yosuke roleplay like woah. We can discuss this. I also REALLY like the idea of the P3 Female Protagonist/MinakoxMitsuru. I’d be playing the female protagonist. We can also do a whole new Persona group, too.
: Just finished Persona 5, am interested in playing Akira–or maybe we could do our own team of Phantom Thieves? Really dig the concept. I do like Akira/Yusuke and Ann/Makoto–will play Akira and Makoto. I am also interested in an Akechi redemption line, but I won’t pair him with Akira. Others I can play are Futaba and Haru. I’d also like to do something with
 Black Butler
. I’d like to play a male oc against Ciel If you play Ciel for me, I’ll play Elizabeth for you in a fxf line or I will also consider playing Sebastian for your oc, but I’m VERY picky on this because Sebastian is a vainglorious bastard who needs entertainment. So! Try me, just don’t say I didn’t warn you if I tell you no. I also have a demon, if you want to play a contractor in an all original variation. (Note: my demon will not be your character’s butler. He laughs at the very idea. He can change his gender, so he can be a she.) 
*Please note, that sebciel is a GIANT NOTP of mine, so don’t even ask for it.
Tales of.
 The first thing I’m looking for is a Sorey to my Mikleo. My kingdom for these two babies who are too pure for this world. The second thing I’m looking for a Richard to my Asbel and kinda have some vague ideas for this! I also roleplay Tales of cross overs and have a vague idea for that, too. I would also love a Gaius for my Wingul. Can discuss other Tales pairings, will be fine with ocs if you’ll afford me the same. I’ve played all of the Tales of games released in the US EXCEPT for Eternia and Vesperia. That doesn’t mean you can’t play these characters! I’m totally down for Asch/OC and will try and accommodate you as well. I also recently bought Tales of Berseria. I’m only about 40ish hours into it, so no spoilers!
The World Ends With You
. I play Josh. Mostly looking for a Neku or whomever you want to throw at me. I’d prefer AUs (kind of have a basic idea for one) or post-game. Please, for the love of all things holy, do not play Neku as a weak willed little thing who won’t tell Josh to go eff himself if he doesn’t like what Josh is doing. We can also do a whole new Game with all ocs.
The Legend of Zelda. 
I’m looking for a Link and am looking to do a brand new Zelda roleplay where we split the cast and have fun times~! I have a male oc. There doesn’t need to be romance, but I would like there to be. I can play Ravio, Zelda, humanized Sidon, Revali (maybe), or Midna for one of your ocs, if you’d like. With Breath of the Wild out, I’d be happy to do something similar to that, too.
Devil Survivor 2
. I want to play the main character (Hibiki/Hiro/MC) against a Yamato LIKE BURNING Also, Shin Megami Tensei IV, I’d love a Flynn/Walter chaos route roleplay where I play Flynn.
Kingdom Hearts
. I kind of want to do an all-original setting with new Keyblade wielders, new villains and everything. We’d each play a keyblade wielder or something and fill out the cast. If you’re not up for that, I do love SoraxRiku–I’ll be playing Sora. (I love this ship with my whole heart.)
Final Fantasy
. I’m cool with most things here. Some characters I play are Lightning (my favorite), Cecil Harvey, Yuna, Cloud Strife, Kadaj, Vanille, Terra Branford, Garnet til Alexandros/Dagger, Bartz, Faris, Noel Kreiss, Ramza (Tactics), and some others here and there. Some of the ships I play are Lightning/adult!Hope (I play Lightning and have some au ideas for this), Zack/Cloud (I play Cloud), Tidus/Yuna (I play Yuna), Fang/Vanille (I play Vanille. I’ll also play Fang/Lightning), Zidane/Garnet, Cecil/Kain (Cecil) etc. There are others. I’ve played almost every Final Fantasy except the online ones, so just ask. There are a few canons I play that I’ll pair with ocs, like Noel Kreiss for example. This is probably the only place you’ll catch me for mxf. I would really love a Ramza for one of my ocs as well? Like I said, I’ll play certain canons for you, too! … or maybe just something with Final Fantasy Tactics in general.
: I just finished 
 and would love to try out being Noctis–looking for Gladio, Ignis, or Prompto–or a mix of all four. We can discuss but my favorite ship is
IgNoct. Will be happy to do Promptis or GladNoct, too.
Bravely Default/Bravely Second.
 Ringabel/Edea, otp for life. I’d like to play Edea. Also willing to consider Tiz/Agnes (Tiz.) or Yew/Magnolia. (Magnolia.) Prefer an AU for this. I won’t do this genre without Ringabel/Edea, though, keep that in mind.
Parasite Eve.
Does anyone even know what this is? We can discuss–ocs, canons, I’m sure we can figure something out.
. I have a male Elite Four trainer I’d like to use against any character. I have a couple other trainers here and there. Why not, bring it on. If you want romance, it has to be m/m for this. I don’t mind gijinkas or whatever they’re called. I also beat Sun/Moon! So we can do some Alola stuff! Maybe a plot with the Ultra Beasts? Neaaaat.
Ace Attorney.
Okay, okay. I only do canon/oc for this one, fam. I’ve also only played the first three games and Ace Attorney Investigations. I’m looking for a Miles Edgeworth to my male oc and for you, I can play Franziska von Karma for fxf. Might be talked into playing Phoenix Wright for you, depending on your oc. 
. I have a male earth bending oc (with a spirit pal who follows him) that I’ll do mxm with. I’m really up for anything here, except LoK verse since he doesn’t seem to fit in there so well. Canons? OCs? Sure, whatever. I’ll leave it open. You wanna test a new OC or practice a canon against him? Cool. There are also a few fandoms that I play, but only with an oc cast such as:
 Dead Space, Gravity Rush, Fatal Frame, Etrian Odyssey, and Silent Hill. Note: for Silent Hill, I will NOT be playing romance.
As for
Silent Hill
… I’m up for putting canons in a Silent Hill verse as well as using originals. The same goes for
The Last of Us
. Canons in a TLOU universe could be fun. Same with ocs. I’m a little out of touch with this, though. It’s been a while. Maybe something based on 
? Or 
YoKai Watch
Yomawari Night Alone
? Hey, maybe some creepy Japanese horror with a haunted town in the vein of Yomawari? Suggest! If it’s along the lines of what’s mentioned above, then by all means. Other fandoms are: 
(Human form!Amaterasu), a 999/Zero Escape based roleplay, 
Demon Gaze, Dragon’s Crown, Animal Crossing
 (humanized villagers), and more. Seriously, just ask. Ask away. I know some older animes but video games? I most likely know it, especially if it’s an RPG. I’m also a fan of AUs. Again, if any of this interests you, mail me at
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gayroleplayads · 7 years
fandoms and originals
Hi, my name is Coll! I’m a 29 year old lady with a full time standard 9-5 job. That said, I have some free time on my hands. I’d really love some new RPs.  =D I’m very friendly and willing to plot. I mostly roleplay video games and original plots.
A few things about me:
- I am looking for people who play in the third person and post multiple paragraphs in their responses. (Please give me at least 3 paragraphs and I’ll be happy with that. Anything less and I get put out and most likely will not respond back to you out of disappointment ^^; Sorry.) I will also match my partner’s response length. Also, please have a decent grasp of grammar and spelling. I won’t respond if you message me in all chatspeak. When you message me, also, please have an idea of what you want to do. “Hi, wanna RP?” is kind of unacceptable. Of course I want to roleplay–that’s why I put the add up.
- My hard limits are rape, vore, mpreg (good god no mpreg never ever mpreg), pedophilia, and a few others in between, but those are the big ones. If you ask for any of these four things, I will delete your post immediately. I don’t mind rape being mentioned in a backstory, but I won’t play it out. I’m not too keen on large age gaps unless we’re playing a supernatural creature with a human. They need to look about the same age.
- I don’t really care for unhealthy ships. I don’t like cheating or abuse in relationships–that sort of stuff. I’m not about that life. - I am a slash (both mxm and fxf) roleplayer. I will not tolerate seme/uke paradigms. You will play a switch or there will be no smut. There are only certain canon ships I’ll do mxf for. (like Lightning/adult!Hope or Tidus/Yuna for example.) I won’t do mxf for originals.
- I will only accept roleplayers who are 21+. If I find out you’re under my age limit, I’m going to delete you immediately.
- All kinks are based off of character preference, not my own. I’m also not really a kinky person. Sorry about that.
- I like canonxoc for certain canons. If I play a canon for you, I expect you to play one for me. Compromise! Some ships I will not do canonxoc for.
- I know this sounds like me being a hard ass, but I really like becoming friends with my partners and exchanging headcanons and songs!
- I roleplay through email only. No exceptions.
- I try to post every day. I really do. Sometimes, I’m just too tired to do so. ^^;;; Be patient with me. Weekends get hectic because I’m in a couple DnD campaigns.
- Once the roleplay gets off the ground, I have skype. You can ask for it–but only after intros are exchanged. Every time I’ve given someone my skype before we started, the roleplay never got off the ground.
- If for some reason I stop responding, I legitimately forgot. Just poke me. There are times when I’m at work and look at an email and forget to respond to it later because i thought I did.
Well, if I haven’t scared you off, you can check out the rest!
Current cravings: Peronsa 5, Final Fantasy XV, Fire Emblem Fates, and the Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. That doesn’t mean I won’t do others!
Puella Magi Madoka Magica. I can play Kyoko, Homura, and Mami. I can also do originals in the PMMM setting, gender bends, or Puer Magi. (Magical Boys.) Seriously, my kingdom for a PMMM roleplay. I’m also not opposed to mixing canons and originals!
Original. Hit me up. I am open to most things. If you want a something with a lot of smut, just let me know up front. I especially am big on gothic/fantasy/horror settings with magic, darkness, twisted fairy tales as inspiration, Alice in Wonderland kind of settings, surreal or Silent Hill/Fatal Frame esque thing. Definitely willing to look into maybe some mystery/eldritch horror thing. I’m pretty flexible. Other stuff I’m into includes: steampunk, horror, creepypasta, victorian era, medieval/fantasy, modern/fantasy. I’ll give anything a shot and I’m sure I have a character for it or at the very least, can make one. It must have fantasy, by the way. I’m also a big fan of supernatural beingxhuman, or two different races mingling with each others. The only thing I’ll outright say no to is slice of life unless it’s monsters/supernatural creatures trying to live among humans. I’ll only accept mxm and fxf for original lines. Please note, I DO NOT play vampires or werewolves. I don’t mind roleplaying with them, but I personally do not like playing them. If you want to do a plot that is vampire or werewolf based, you have to play those species. I’ll also take random intros for original! Just tell me the genre you’re sending me in the title or if you want platonic, mxm, or fxf! Please, if you send me a random intro, keep it to the genres listed or similar interests to this ad. I can’t guarantee I’ll be into the roleplay if you pick something I don’t advertise.
Fire Emblem Awakening. I’ll die of happiness if you’d like to do m!tacticianxChrom. I’m looking for a Chrom. I can also play m!Morgan, Lucina, and a couple others. Let’s chat about it. I have a couple AU ideas, considering, well, you know how Fire Emblem is. There’s a war, let’s go fight the war!
Fire Emblem Fates. This, here, is what I’m craving the most. I’ve played all three paths, but prefer Conquest and Revelation. I want to play Corrin. (Male.) and am open to ships. (As long as they’re mxm and fxf.) I’m mostly looking for a Xander (!!! Boy, I want Xander the most. Xander/Corrin happens to be my otp.), Leo (!!), Takumi (!), or Silas. I also ship Selena and Camilla. (I play Selena.) I like AUs and doubling, so I’m sure we can figure something out. I am also leokumi trash and can play either… though I’d rather do Corrin/Leo and Corrin/Takumi. I also like Sakura/Elise! (Slight preference toward Sakura.) I much prefer AUs and am willing to hash something out with you. No OCs for this. Sorry.
Persona. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to do a Persona or Persona based roleplay!. My favorite pairing for Persona is Yu/Souji/ProtagonistxYosuke. I play Yosuke. I am seriously craving another Yu/Yosuke roleplay like woah. We can discuss this. I also REALLY like the idea of the P3 Female Protagonist/MinakoxMitsuru. I’d be playing the female protagonist. We can also do a whole new Persona group, too.
Addendum: Just finished Persona 5, am interested in playing Akira–or maybe we could do our own team of Phantom Thieves? Really dig the concept. I do like Akira/Yusuke and Ann/Makoto–will play Akira and Makoto. I am also interested in an Akechi redemption line, but I won’t pair him with Akira. Others I can play are Futaba and Haru.
I’d also like to do something with Black Butler. I’d like to play a male oc against Ciel If you play Ciel for me, I’ll play Elizabeth for you in a fxf line or I will also consider playing Sebastian for your oc, but I’m VERY picky on this because Sebastian is a vainglorious bastard who needs entertainment. So! Try me, just don’t say I didn’t warn you if I tell you no. I also have a demon, if you want to play a contractor in an all original variation. (Note: my demon will not be your character’s butler. He laughs at the very idea. He can change his gender, so he can be a she.) *Please note, that sebciel is a GIANT NOTP of mine, so don’t even ask for it.
Tales of. The first thing I’m looking for is a Sorey to my Mikleo. My kingdom for these two babies who are too pure for this world. The second thing I’m looking for a Richard to my Asbel and kinda have some vague ideas for this! I also roleplay Tales of cross overs and have a vague idea for that, too. I would also love a Gaius for my Wingul. Can discuss other Tales pairings, will be fine with ocs if you’ll afford me the same. I’ve played all of the Tales of games released in the US EXCEPT for Eternia and Vesperia. That doesn’t mean you can’t play these characters! I’m totally down for Asch/OC and will try and accommodate you as well. I also recently bought Tales of Berseria. I’m only about 40ish hours into it, so no spoilers!
The World Ends With You. I play Josh. Mostly looking for a Neku or whomever you want to throw at me. I’d prefer AUs (kind of have a basic idea for one) or post-game. Please, for the love of all things holy, do not play Neku as a weak willed little thing who won’t tell Josh to go eff himself if he doesn’t like what Josh is doing. We can also do a whole new Game with all ocs.
The Legend of Zelda. I’m looking for a Link and am looking to do a brand new Zelda roleplay where we split the cast and have fun times~! I have a male oc. There doesn’t need to be romance, but I would like there to be. I can play Ravio, Zelda, humanized Sidon, Revali (maybe), or Midna for one of your ocs, if you’d like. With Breath of the Wild out, I’d be happy to do something similar to that, too.
Devil Survivor 2. I want to play the main character (Hibiki/Hiro/MC) against a Yamato LIKE BURNING Also, Shin Megami Tensei IV, I’d love a Flynn/Walter chaos route roleplay where I play Flynn.
Kingdom Hearts. I kind of want to do an all-original setting with new Keyblade wielders, new villains and everything. We’d each play a keyblade wielder or something and fill out the cast. If you’re not up for that, I do love SoraxRiku–I’ll be playing Sora. (I love this ship with my whole heart.)
Final Fantasy. I’m cool with most things here. Some characters I play are Lightning (my favorite), Cecil Harvey, Yuna, Cloud Strife, Kadaj, Vanille, Terra Branford, Garnet til Alexandros/Dagger, Bartz, Faris, Noel Kreiss, Ramza (Tactics), and some others here and there. Some of the ships I play are Lightning/adult!Hope (I play Lightning and have some au ideas for this), Zack/Cloud (I play Cloud), Tidus/Yuna (I play Yuna), Fang/Vanille (I play Vanille. I’ll also play Fang/Lightning), Zidane/Garnet, Cecil/Kain (Cecil) etc. There are others. I’ve played almost every Final Fantasy except the online ones, so just ask. There are a few canons I play that I’ll pair with ocs, like Noel Kreiss for example. This is probably the only place you’ll catch me for mxf. I would really love a Ramza for one of my ocs as well? Like I said, I’ll play certain canons for you, too! … or maybe just something with Final Fantasy Tactics in general.
Addendum: I just finished FFXV and would love to try out being Noctis–looking for Gladio, Ignis, or Prompto–or a mix of all four. We can discuss but my favorite ship is IgNoct. Will be happy to do Promptis or GladNoct, too.
Bravely Default/Bravely Second. Ringabel/Edea, otp for life. I’d like to play Edea. Also willing to consider Tiz/Agnes (Tiz.) or Yew/Magnolia. (Magnolia.) Prefer an AU for this. I won’t do this genre without Ringabel/Edea, though, keep that in mind.
Parasite Eve. Does anyone even know what this is? We can discuss–ocs, canons, I’m sure we can figure something out.
  Pokemon. I have a male Elite Four trainer I’d like to use against any character. I have a couple other trainers here and there. Why not, bring it on. If you want romance, it has to be m/m for this. I don’t mind gijinkas or whatever they’re called. I also beat Sun/Moon! So we can do some Alola stuff! Maybe a plot with the Ultra Beasts? Neaaaat.
Ace Attorney. Okay, okay. I only do canon/oc for this one, fam. I’ve also only played the first three games and Ace Attorney Investigations. I’m looking for a Miles Edgeworth to my male oc and for you, I can play Franziska von Karma for fxf. Might be talked into playing Phoenix Wright for you, depending on your oc. 
ATLA. I have a male earth bending oc (with a spirit pal who follows him) that I’ll do mxm with. I’m really up for anything here, except LoK verse since he doesn’t seem to fit in there so well. Canons? OCs? Sure, whatever. I’ll leave it open. You wanna test a new OC or practice a canon against him? Cool.
There are also a few fandoms that I play, but only with an oc cast such as: Dead Space, Gravity Rush, Fatal Frame, Etrian Odyssey, and Silent Hill. Note: for Silent Hill, I will NOT be playing romance.
As for Silent Hill… I’m up for putting canons in a Silent Hill verse as well as using originals.
The same goes for The Last of Us. Canons in a TLOU universe could be fun. Same with ocs. I’m a little out of touch with this, though. It’s been a while.
Maybe something based on Transistor? Or YoKai Watch? Yomawari Night Alone? Hey, maybe some creepy Japanese horror with a haunted town in the vein of Yomawari?
Suggest! If it’s along the lines of what’s mentioned above, then by all means. Other fandoms are: Okami (Human form!Amaterasu), a 999/Zero Escape based roleplay, Demon Gaze, Dragon’s Crown, Animal Crossing (humanized villagers), and more. Seriously, just ask. Ask away. I know some older animes but video games? I most likely know it, especially if it’s an RPG. I’m also a fan of AUs.
Again, if any of this interests you, mail me at [email protected].
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ramzawrites · 1 year
Hihi! Can you do a 2012 Leo × dragon fem!reader?
think a tall, eastern dragon. Gold/yellow colored scales. While not incredibly strong, super stealthy and cunning. Very sneaky. Definitely a fighter, but rather than hitting with full force, she hits lethally in weak areas when in battle.
She values intelligence and strategy rather than strength... before getting mutated, she was studying for a PhD in astrophysics, but those plans were thrown out the window. She gets along well with Donatello, but favors Leo... much to his disdain!
I always had a feeling Leo wouldn't like her much because of her manipulative, sort of honorless attitude, but he grows on her...
Big momma bear vibes. I always thought it'd be like the vibes of the dragon from shrek. Absolutely ruthless and vile when it comes to protecting her family (now, the turtles!) Very quippy- quick with her words, practically spits venom metaphorically when angered, instead of responding physically.
sorry for the specificness! Practically a story I’ve already written lol. Always wanted to write for her just don't have the time!
I know it's been a while since you sent this in 😔 Sent it in right as my finals began so I was busy studying and so on but since I have time I would love to still write for this!
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krabmeat · 3 years
Mauve, Blush, Fuchsia, Saffron, Plum - Ramza :]
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fandoms and originals
Hi, my name is Coll! I’m a 29 year old lady with a full time standard 9-5 job. That said, I have some free time on my hands. I’d really love some new RPs.  =D I’m very friendly and willing to plot. I mostly roleplay video games and original plots. A few things about me: - I am looking for people who play in the 
third person and post multiple paragraphs in their responses.
 (Please give me at least 3 paragraphs and I’ll be happy with that. Anything less and I get put out and most likely will not respond back to you out of disappointment ^^; Sorry.) I will also match my partner’s response length. 
Also, please have a decent grasp of grammar and spelling. I won’t respond if you message me in all chatspeak. When you message me, also, please have an idea of what you want to do. “Hi, wanna RP?” is kind of unacceptable. Of course I want to roleplay–that’s why I put the add up.
- My hard limits are rape, vore, mpreg (good god no mpreg never ever mpreg), pedophilia, and a few others in between, but those are the big ones. If you ask for any of these four things, I will delete your post immediately. I don’t mind rape being mentioned in a backstory, but I won’t play it out. I’m not too keen on large age gaps unless we’re playing a supernatural creature with a human. They need to look about the same age. -
 I don’t really care for unhealthy ships
. I don’t like cheating or abuse in relationships–that sort of stuff. I’m not about that life. - I
 am a slash (both mxm and fxf) roleplayer. I will not tolerate seme/uke paradigms. You will play a switch or there will be no smut. There are only certain canon ships I’ll do mxf for. (like Lightning/adult!Hope or Tidus/Yuna for example.) I won’t do mxf for originals.
- I will only accept roleplayers who are
. If I find out you’re under my age limit, I’m going to delete you immediately. - All kinks are based off of character preference, not my own. I’m also not really a kinky person. Sorry about that. - I like canonxoc for certain canons. If I play a canon for you, I expect you to play one for me. Compromise! Some ships I will not do canonxoc for. - I know this sounds like me being a hard ass, but I really like becoming friends with my partners and exchanging headcanons and songs!
- I roleplay through email only. No exceptions.
- I try to post every day. I really do. Sometimes, I’m just too tired to do so. ^^;;; Be patient with me. - Once the roleplay gets off the ground, I have skype. You can ask for it–but only after intros are exchanged. Every time I’ve given someone my skype before we started, the roleplay never got off the ground. - If for some reason I stop responding, I legitimately forgot. Just poke me. There are times when I’m at work and look at an email and forget to respond to it later because i thought I did.
Well, if I haven’t scared you off, you can check out the rest!
Current cravings: Final Fantasy XV, Fire Emblem Fates, and the Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. That doesn’t mean I won’t do others!
Puella Magi Madoka Magica
. I can play Kyoko, Homura, and Mami. I can also do originals in the PMMM setting, gender bends, or Puer Magi. (Magical Boys.) Seriously, my kingdom for a PMMM roleplay. I’m also not opposed to mixing canons and originals!
. Hit me up. 
I am open to most things. If you want a something with a lot of smut, just let me know up front
 I especially am big on gothic/fantasy/horror settings with magic, darkness, twisted fairy tales as inspiration, Alice in Wonderland kind of settings, surreal or Silent Hill/Fatal Frame esque thing. Definitely willing to look into maybe some mystery/eldritch horror thing
. I’m pretty flexible. Other stuff I’m into includes: steampunk, horror, creepypasta, victorian era, medieval/fantasy, modern/fantasy. I’ll give anything a shot and I’m sure I have a character for it or at the very least, can make one. It must have fantasy, by the way. I’m also a big fan of supernatural beingxhuman, or two different races mingling with each others. The only thing I’ll outright say no to is slice of life unless it’s monsters/supernatural creatures trying to live among humans. I’ll only accept mxm and fxf for original lines. Please note, I DO NOT play vampires or werewolves. I don’t mind roleplaying with them, but I personally do not like playing them. If you want to do a plot that is vampire or werewolf based, you have to play those species. 
I’ll also take random intros for original! Just tell me the genre you’re sending me in the title or if you want platonic, mxm, or fxf! Please stick to the genres I have listed, or you’ll run the risk of me not being interested or unable to come up with a character.
Fire Emblem Awakening.
 I’ll die of happiness if you’d like to do m!tacticianxChrom. I’m looking for a Chrom. I can also play m!Morgan, Lucina, and a couple others. Let’s chat about it. I have a couple AU ideas, considering, well, you know how Fire Emblem is. There’s a war, let’s go fight the war!
Fire Emblem Fates. This, here, is what I’m craving the most.
 I’ve played all three paths, but prefer Conquest and Revelation. I want to play Corrin. (Male.) and am open to ships. (As long as they’re mxm and fxf.) I’m mostly looking for a Xander (!!! Boy, I want Xander the most. Xander/Corrin happens to be my otp.), Leo (!!), Takumi (!), Ryoma, Silas, or Kaze. I also ship Selena and Camilla. (I play Selena.) I like AUs and doubling, so I’m sure we can figure something out. I am also leokumi trash and can play either… though I’d rather do Corrin/Leo and Corrin/Takumi. I also like Sakura/Elise! (Slight preference toward Sakura.) I much prefer AUs and am willing to hash something out with you. No OCs for this. Sorry.
: Currently really craving Leo/Corrin.
. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to do a Persona or Persona based roleplay!. My favorite pairing for Persona is Yu/Souji/ProtagonistxYosuke. I play Yosuke. I am seriously craving another Yu/Yosuke roleplay like woah. We can discuss this. I also REALLY like the idea of the P3 Female Protagonist/MinakoxMitsuru. I’d be playing the female protagonist. We can also do a whole new Persona group, too.
: Just got Persona 5, am interested in playing Akira–or maybe we could do our own team of Phantom Thieves? Really dig the concept. I do like Akira/Yusuke and Ann/Makoto–will play Akira and Makoto. I’m only about halfway through the game. (Just got Futaba.)
I’d also like to do something with
 Black Butler
. I’d like to play a male oc against Ciel If you play Ciel for me, I’ll play Elizabeth for you in a fxf line or I will also consider playing Sebastian for your oc, but I’m VERY picky on this because Sebastian is a vainglorious bastard who needs entertainment. So! Try me, just don’t say I didn’t warn you if I tell you no. I also have a demon, if you want to play a contractor in an all original variation. (Note: my demon will not be your character’s butler. He laughs at the very idea. He can change his gender, so he can be a she.) 
*Please note, that sebciel is a GIANT NOTP of mine, so don’t even ask for it.
Tales of.
 The first thing I’m looking for is a Sorey to my Mikleo. My kingdom for these two babies who are too pure for this world. The second thing I’m looking for a Richard to my Asbel and kinda have some vague ideas for this! I also roleplay Tales of cross overs and have a vague idea for that, too. I would also love a Gaius for my Wingul. Can discuss other Tales pairings, will be fine with ocs if you’ll afford me the same. I’ve played all of the Tales of games released in the US EXCEPT for Eternia and Vesperia. That doesn’t mean you can’t play these characters! I’m totally down for Asch/OC and will try and accommodate you as well. I also recently bought Tales of Berseria. I’m only about 40ish hours into it, so no spoilers!
The World Ends With You
. I play Josh. Mostly looking for a Neku or whomever you want to throw at me. I’d prefer AUs (kind of have a basic idea for one) or post-game. Please, for the love of all things holy, do not play Neku as a weak willed little thing who won’t tell Josh to go eff himself if he doesn’t like what Josh is doing. We can also do a whole new Game with all ocs.
The Legend of Zelda. 
I’m looking for a Link and am looking to do a brand new Zelda roleplay where we split the cast and have fun times~! I have a male oc. There doesn’t need to be romance, but I would like there to be. I can play Ravio, Zelda, humanized Sidon or Revali (maybe) or Midna for one of your ocs, if you’d like. With Breath of the Wild out, I’d be happy to do something similar to that, too.
Devil Survivor 2
. I want to play the main character (Hibiki/Hiro/MC) against a Yamato LIKE BURNING Also, Shin Megami Tensei IV, I’d love a Flynn/Walter chaos route roleplay where I play Flynn.
Kingdom Hearts
. I kind of want to do an all-original setting with new Keyblade wielders, new villains and everything. We’d each play a keyblade wielder or something and fill out the cast. If you’re not up for that, I do love SoraxRiku–I’ll be playing Sora. (I love this ship with my whole heart.)
Final Fantasy
. I’m cool with most things here. Some characters I play are Lightning (my favorite), Cecil Harvey, Yuna, Cloud Strife, Kadaj, Vanille, Terra Branford, Garnet til Alexandros/Dagger, Bartz, Faris, Noel Kreiss, Ramza (Tactics), and some others here and there. Some of the ships I play are Lightning/adult!Hope (I play Lightning and have some au ideas for this), Zack/Cloud (I play Cloud), Tidus/Yuna (I play Yuna), Fang/Vanille (I play Vanille. I’ll also play Fang/Lightning), Zidane/Garnet, Cecil/Kain (Cecil) etc. There are others. I’ve played almost every Final Fantasy except the online ones, so just ask. There are a few canons I play that I’ll pair with ocs, like Noel Kreiss for example. This is probably the only place you’ll catch me for mxf. I would really love a Ramza for one of my ocs as well? Like I said, I’ll play certain canons for you, too! … or maybe just something with Final Fantasy Tactics in general.
: I just finished 
 and would love to try out being Noctis–looking for Gladio, Ignis, or Prompto–or a mix of all four. We can discuss but my favorite ship is 
IgNoct. Will be happy to do Promptis or GladNoct, too.
Bravely Default/Bravely Second.
 Ringabel/Edea, otp for life. I’d like to play Edea. Also willing to consider Tiz/Agnes (Tiz.) or Yew/Magnolia. (Magnolia.) Prefer an AU for this. I won’t do this genre without Ringabel/Edea, though, keep that in mind.
Parasite Eve. 
Does anyone even know what this is? We can discuss–ocs, canons, I’m sure we can figure something out.
. I have a male Elite Four trainer I’d like to use against any character. I have a couple other trainers here and there. Why not, bring it on. If you want romance, it has to be m/m for this. I don’t mind gijinkas or whatever they’re called. I also beat Sun/Moon! So we can do some Alola stuff! Maybe a plot with the Ultra Beasts? Neaaaat.
Ace Attorney. 
Okay, okay. I only do canon/oc for this one, fam. I’ve also only played the first three games and Ace Attorney Investigations. I’m looking for a Miles Edgeworth to my male oc and for you, I can play Franziska von Karma for fxf. Might be talked into playing Phoenix Wright for you, depending on your oc. 
. I have a male earth bending oc (with a spirit pal who follows him) that I’ll do mxm with. I’m really up for anything here, except LoK verse since he doesn’t seem to fit in there so well. Canons? OCs? Sure, whatever. I’ll leave it open. You wanna test a new OC or practice a canon against him? Cool.
There are also a few fandoms that I play, but only with an oc cast such as:
 Dead Space, Gravity Rush, Fatal Frame, Etrian Odyssey, and Silent Hill. Note: for Silent Hill, I will NOT be playing romance.
As for 
Silent Hill
… I’m up for putting canons in a Silent Hill verse as well as using originals.
The same goes for 
The Last of Us
. Canons in a TLOU universe could be fun. Same with ocs. I’m a little out of touch with this, though. It’s been a while.
Maybe something based on 
? Or 
YoKai Watch
Yomawari Night Alone
? Hey, maybe some creepy Japanese horror with a haunted town in the vein of Yomawari?
Suggest! If it’s along the lines of what’s mentioned above, then by all means. Other fandoms are: 
(Human form!Amaterasu), a 999/Zero Escape based roleplay, 
Demon Gaze, Dragon’s Crown, Animal Crossing
 (humanized villagers), and more. Seriously, just ask. Ask away. I know some older animes but video games? I most likely know it, especially if it’s an RPG. I’m also a fan of AUs.
Again, if any of this interests you, mail me at 
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a-running-turtle · 7 years
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I love this little touch FFRK put in every FFT battle. When you have Ramza or anyone that may trigger the battle dialogues, they will have a little chat exactly like in the actual game (WotL localization though). But it’s too long... And when you lose and start the battle all over again, the dialogues start all over again too!
So don’t bring Ramza to the Multiplayer fight against Izlude!
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ramzawrites · 2 years
hi ram! How are you? Do you have any 2012 tmnt fic Recs? I RAN OUT OF GOOD FICS💔💔
My fave ones are unfinished 😭😭😭 They are also all Reader Inserts if that's what you are looking for, it's been a hot second since I read non reader insert tmnt fics but those I read were Mikey centric bc I do like some Mikey angst
There is Coincidence and Fate on AO3 by JellyonAo3 it's not strictly 2k12 but eh, it's rlly great but hasn't been updated since last year 😭😭still 45 chapters 👀 In this one Reader is a scientist that worked for Baxter Stockman and unknowingly helped create a mutant being. This mutant child kind of imprints on the Reader and Reader can't keep watching how they undergo experiments so Reader breaks the mutant child out and while they do they meet the turtles who help them flee Baxter and the Foot Ninjas Chaos ensues, a lot of family feelings and Reader going through a lot as well. There is angst, domestic bliss, family, what more can someone wish for!
Oh! Then there is Woven on AO3 by Nacatu it's a Leo x Reader one but once again it's unfinished and hasn't been updated for like 2 months but 👀 Woven is a lot of fun because Reader accidentally kind of meets the mutants at a gala that got raided. The turtles bring her home, she wakes up the next day and is like "was I fucking saved by walking talking turtles wtf?" none believe her so she goes out of her way to search for them and becomes enough of a pain in the butt that she actually meets them again. It's fun. It gets real heavy at the end where things like rape and murder are discussed but the author gives the readers chances to skip it with a summary at the end so you know what's up
Genuinely those two are my favorite fics and I reread them constantly!
Sorry for the ramble but I genuinley enjoy those two so much and everyday I look if they got updated after all xD
I can dig some others out later if you want these were just the ones from the top of my head bc I’ve been literally checking them out everyday
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ramzawrites · 2 years
Hi Ram! 😊 I have few questions for you. Q1: What are your thoughts on Rottmnt Netflix film? It is sooo wicked awesome, exciting and coolest movie I watched!! 🤩✨️ Q2: What are your thoughts on Rottmnt Kraangs? They are so scariest, creepiest and heartless pink aliens I know! 😱💦 ~🍓 (she)
The movie is so good!!! The writing!! The cinematography!!! The animation!!! I’m also learning a bit about animation in college, not as much as an animation student but enough to be really amazed by the work that was put into the movie! Aaaa so much love for the movie 💙💙
Listen, I knew Krang already from the old tmnt media, they were, still powerful but mostly goofy enemies so here are the Krang in the rottmnt movie and they are absolutely SCARY like!!! Dude I know them as funny little globs that live in funny little robots but these krang in the movie are INSANE, the rottmnt team is amazing I’ve been thinking about writing smth abt a krang-ified reader but I don’t have any concrete idea lmao at one point I wanted to write smth abt future Turts coming into contact with Krang-ified reader who broke free and them having to learn to trust them bc they’ve been with the Krang a while and maybe still share a connection so they could help the turtles and all but yeah what I’m basically saying is the new krang are scary and bring a lot of potential
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ramzawrites · 2 years
I am doing great, Ram! 😄
I found the two adorable gif pictures of baby Rottmnt Leo and Rottmnt Leo give his blowing kiss to you!! 💕
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I hope you enjoy it!! 💕
~🍓 (she)
aww that's adorbale, haha thanks
I'm happy to hear you are doing well!! I hope this will stay that way!!!
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