#Ranch Hand AU
navybrat817 · 1 year
Navy! Where is my man? 😭
He's in bed, nonnie. 😂❤️
Heaven on Earth
Pairing: Ranch Hand!Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Summary: Bucky has work to do, but doesn't want either of you to get out of bed just yet.
Word Count: Over 1.2k
Warnings: Fluff, slight feels (it's me), implied smut, ranch hand!Bucky (he’s a warning, okay?) and he's in love.
A/N: Buckaroo loves Sunbeam, okay? ❤️ Not beta read and written on my phone, so any and all mistakes are my own! Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Divider by the lovely @firefly-graphics . Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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One of Bucky's favorite things about your home is the smell. It was in the heavenly scent of your cooking that filled the kitchen, the meals you poured your heart into to make sure he was well-fed. It was also in the fresh flowers you put on the table, the colors as vibrant and bright as your smile. Though nothing beat the distinct and wonderful smell of you.
His heart always beat a little faster when he nosed the column of your neck and caught a whiff of your sweet perfume. The way your scent lingered in the air when he had his fill of you nearly drove him out of his mind. He sometimes found himself inhaling your soap in the shower just for another reminder of you, even though you were usually only a few feet away. Needing you close was as natural to him as breathing.
So when you sat up early one morning before him and tried to slip out of bed, his hand shot out to stop you.
“Where the hell do you think you’re going?”
His voice came out lower and a bit more dangerous than he intended, a tone typically reserved for when you acted like a brat. It was no secret that he loved that side of you. He adored every layer of yourself you showed him, but you hadn't done a thing to earn the slight snarl from him. Which was why he couldn't help but sheepishly smile when you attempted to level him with an unimpressed stare, easily visible since he turned the nightstand lamp on.
"I was going to make you coffee and some breakfast. Thought you could use it before you started work," you said, your voice still rough from sleep and still beautiful as you jabbed a finger against his chest. "But if you're going to act ungrateful, I'll sleep in and you can take that favorite mug of yours and shove it right up your-"
"Easy, Sunbeam," he chuckled, brushing his lips against your forehead as an apology. "Not complaining and I didn't mean to sound ungrateful."
"Then why did you use that tone with me?" you asked, narrowing your eyes as you pulled away. "You wake up on the wrong side of the bed?"
He thought about it and nodded. "Guess you could say that. Only because you tried to get out of bed before me and you know I don't like waking up alone."
For reasons still unknown to him, you wanted him. You wanted to make a life with him. And since the first time he had you in his bed, he found that he couldn't sleep as easily unless you were there. The bed didn't feel as warm when he was alone. It was too big with just him in it. You fit right there beside him.
Your gaze softened as you laid back down and opened your arms for him to cuddle. He took the invitation without question, resting his head on your chest. He closed his eyes as he listened to the sound of your heart, the smell of your soap drifting to his nostrils. If he stayed too long he'd fall behind on his chores, but he wasn't ready to leave your embrace quite yet.
How can I go out and face the world when my world is right here?
"Can I tell you something?" you asked, carding your fingers through his hair as he moaned.
"Tell me," he whispered, enthralled by your touch.
"I don't like waking up alone either," you whispered back.
Bucky hummed sympathetically. With his work, he was usually up and out of bed before you. He hated disturbing your slumber, wanting you to get as much rest as possible. He always placed a kiss on your forehead and whispered how much he loved you before he went to it. You were the one who made the hard work worth it when some of the days felt too long.
"Maybe we should get out of bed at the same time then."
"Or not get out of bed at all," you teased.
Tilting his head up to look up at you, his stomach flipped when he caught your soft smile. It was enough to make his heart swell, like he was watching his own personal sunrise. He quickly grew accustomed to the warm glow in his chest whenever you were around. Did you have any idea how easy it was for him to fall head over heels in love with you?
"What's that look for?"
"No reason. Just love you," he said, his voice thick as he brought a hand to your cheek, which you instantly leaned into. "I know I say that a lot, but I don't want you to forget it."
While Bucky would never be able to give you a mansion or gold, he had the heart of a rich man. He could provide a loving home built with trust and care. His calloused hands would forever trace and hold you with love, protection, and care.
I'm the richest man alive because I have you.
"I love you, too, Buckaroo. I won't forget," you promised, urging him to sit up before your mouth met his, uncaring of morning breath or anything else. "Now, may I please go make your coffee and some breakfast? It's getting late and I won't be to blame for you falling behind."
"Hey, you're the one who opened your arms for me to cuddle again and suggested that we don't get out of bed," he pointed out, smirking when he trailed his fingers down your torso. "But you have a hearty breakfast for me right here that you don't have to cook. Just spread those legs and I can eat just fine. Let me get my slice of heaven before I get to work. Don't I deserve that?"
"It's not a hearty breakfast," you smiled, biting your lip when his hand slipped under the blanket. He wasn't playing fair, but if it kept you beside him a bit longer, he'd play dirty. "And it isn't heaven."
"Yeah, it is. Tastes like heaven. Feels like it. Hell, it even smells like it," he husked, feeling you shiver when he brought his mouth to your neck. "Made for me to worship, like every single inch of you."
"Better eat up then and don't you dare edge me," you said, tilting your head as he skimmed his teeth along your pulse. "Or I'll burn your eggs. So help me."
"I'll make it good for you," he promised, diving under the blankets as you laughed. "Oh, darlin', how can you ever deny that you hold the key to my personal heaven and sunrise?"
"Maybe because I think heaven is between your legs," you said, parting your thighs to make room for his massive shoulders, his nose brushing along your slit through your panties. The whimper you let out made him smirk. "It's also in your smile and the way you love me."
Bucky poked his head out from between the comforter to gaze at you. "I guess we can consider this heaven on earth then. Now let me eat before I get to work."
Heaven is where you are, Sunbeam. And I can't wait to make you my wife.
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Oh, these two. Love and thanks for reading. ❤️
Masterlist ⚓ Bucky Barnes Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
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bumblepony · 10 months
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I had this absolutely amazing art piece commissioned for my Ranch Hand AU fic titled Boy I Was Back Then and I can not even say how blown away I am by it.
Thank you, @petitcroc, for consistently creating the most beautiful works of art. I am most happy about this one because there is almost no Tommy and Maria fan art out there and I want to change that.
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starsarefire824 · 11 months
Byler Big Bang
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I had the luck to pair with @wheelersboy for the Byler Big Bang this year! It has been a lot of fun. I drew some simple portraits. I hope you like! 🖤
*please click for quality. View on desktop. Quality is shit on mobile for some reason.
Go read their awesome story HERE.
“I think you’d make a good priest,” Mike says, after a moment. His face is serious, but there’s an almost joyful sincerity in his eyes. “Yeah?” Will asks, flattered. “Yeah. You know how people say they can see God in someone?” Mike asks, and Will nods. “I can see God in you.”
Hawkins, Montana, June 1988. When Lonnie Byers catches his youngest son in the arms of another boy, he calls in that favor owed to him by rancher Jim Hopper in Lenora: Will must work as an unpaid ranch hand and learn to "man up." Mike Wheeler follows him to the creepy ranch with electrical problems, like any best friend would.
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andydrysdalerogers · 3 months
You Belong With Me ~ Johnny Storm
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Ranch Hand! Johnny Storm x Rancher’s Daughter!Reader 
Summary: Your best friend is in love with you. You just don’t know it yet… 
Song: You Belong With Me by Taylor Swift 
Word Count: 6.7k 
Warnings: angst, pet death, pining, minor domestic violence, smut! (Oral-female receiving, masturbation, p in v, loss of virginity)  
Banners by me! Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Main Master List
Please note that I do not give permission for my work to be translated, reposted, or published anywhere other than my Tumblr. Reblogs and likes are most welcome though!
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Johnny POV
I’m in love with my best friend.  Problem is, she doesn’t know that.  
Three years ago, I started working on the YLN Rainbow Ranch for her father, Mr. YLN. First day on the job, I was told not to harass his daughter.  For weeks, I never met the girl in question. Then one day, a girl was in the stable, stroking the nose of one of the horses, Daisy.  
“Hey Miss? You’re not supposed to be here,” I called out.  It was close to dusk, and I was closing for the night. I walked over to the girl and tapped her shoulder. She jumped back, tripping on me. I caught her before she hit the ground. She popped a headphone out of her ear.   
“You scared me!” She looked at me with bright, wide eyes, her skin flawless, her hair in curly pigtails. She’s beautiful and I’m stunned. “Hey, let me go.” That’s when I realized that I’ve caught her in a dip and she’s looking up at me.  
I move quickly to get her on her feet, and I pull my cap off and run a nervous hand through my hair.  “Sorry, miss. The stables are closing.”  
“Its ok, I live here.  YN,” she offers her hand.  
“Johnny, I’m one of the ranch hands.”  
“Oh, cool. Sorry I’ve been away and only just got back from camp.”  
“That’s nice,” I tell her, trying not to stare.  
She looked at me curiously. “How old are you?” 
“Eighteen. You?” 
She looked shocked. “A gentleman should never ask a lady her age.”  
I chuckled. “Something tells me you ain’t no lady.”  
She giggled. “I’m fifteen.”  
Fuck, she’s jailbait. “Well, did you need someone to walk you back to the house?” 
She saw that it was getting dark, and she smiled.  “I would like that.”  
I knew I was risking my hide and my job if her father thought I was doing anything inappropriate. So I keep enough room between us as we walked.  “So, camp? How was that?” 
“Long but fun. I’m considered a counselor now so I get to be in charge but the kids are great, so it was just a fun sleepover.” She shrugged. “I don’t know if I’ll do it again. I’d rather ride my horse all summer.”  
“Let me guess. Your horse is Daisy?” 
“Good guess. I’ve had her since I started riding at four. She’s my best friend. She listens to me and doesn’t judge me. Kinda like you,” she tells me. “You don’t talk a lot.”  
“Not really. My mouth usually gets me in trouble.” I smirk. “My twin sister says that my mouth can get me in and out of trouble.”  
“I can see that.” She gives me her own smirk. We get to her door. “Thanks for walking me back.”  
“Any time, Cowgirl.”  
“See ya, Cowboy.”  
It’s been that way for three years. Every day I worked hard and at night, YN would visit me in the barn as I finished for the day. I’d walk her home and say good night. When she was having a hard day, I would climb to her window and whisper with her, never going inside for fear of her father finding me.  
Until one day, she stopped coming to the barn.  
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Three years later… 
I was closing up the barn, waiting for YN, when I saw another car pull up to the house. I saw a guy get out and knock on the door. I watched as my YN came out with a smile and a pretty dress and took the hand of the guy that wasn’t me. She climbed into the car, and they drove off.  
She took my heart with her. 
It was her senior year. She is eighteen now. And I wanted to ask her out but I was too late. I finished my duties, headed to my own truck and went to the bar, to drown my sorrows.  
The next morning was brutal. I barely made it to work on time with the hangover of the century.  
Time went on and I did my job, caring for the horses, getting them out to the yard for exercise or grooming. It had been about three months since YN had started dating Ransom. What the hell kinda name was Ransom anyway? I kept my thoughts to myself. YN would still visit me on occasion, gushing about her new beau and how perfect he was. I tried to be as supportive has possible as her best friend but it killed me inside,  
One March afternoon, I went to take the horses out to their yard. We had another month before we started moving cattle so I got them to roam and exercise as best I could. I went to Daisy’s stall, but she wasn’t herself. She whines and stamps; she was in distress. I ran for YN’s father.  “Mr. YLN! You gotta call the vet! Something is wrong with Daisy!” He pulled out his phone as I ran back to the horse.  
“It's ok girl, we’ll get you all fixed up, you’ll see.” I stoked her neck and nose, trying to calm her. Fifteen minutes later, Doc Brown, the vet, came in and did a check.  I tried to keep her calm as he checked on her.  
After a few minutes, Doc removed his glasses. “I’m sorry Mr. YLN. Daisy has twisted gut. Normally I would say surgery but given her age, I don’t think that’s wise. It would just cause more pain.”  
“Shit.” Her father looked up to blink back tears. “I need to call YNN.”  
“I can do it, Mr. YLN,” I offered. He nodded as he discussed logistics with Doc. I reached for my phone and called, taking a deep breath as it rang. 
“Hey Cowboy!” 
“Hey Cowgirl. Where are you?” 
“I’m having lunch with Mama. Why?” 
I tried to keep my voice steady. “YN, I need you to come to the horse barn right now.”  
“Is everything ok?” 
“No. It’s Daisy.”  
“Daisy? Mama, we have to go. I’ll be right there, Johnny.” She hung up and I turned to Doc and Mr. YLN. “YN and Mrs. YLN are on the way.”  
“Thanks Johnny. Can you stick around?”  
“Sure.” I hung back as they moved Daisy to a bigger stall so she would have more room. I’ve seen animals put down before but not one that was considered more family than anything else. Twenty minutes later, YN came running in. “Daddy! Johnny! What’s going on? Why is Diasy in there?” 
Her father puts his hands on her shoulders. “Sweetheart, Daisy has twisted gut. Doc tried to fix it but the only way to do that is with surgery.”  
“Ok. Are they getting ready for that?” She asks with hope.  
Mr. YLN sighs. “No baby. She’s too old for that. We have to…” 
“No,” she backs away. “No, she’s my Daisy! You can’t…” She runs into the pen with Daisy and hangs onto her neck, sobbing uncontrollably. We all give her some time as I help Doc get everything ready.  
“It’s time, YNN,” her dad calls.  
“Daddy, please, don’t let them do this. Let’s fix her, please!”she cries.  
“If I thought it would be the best thing for her, if Doc thought she would survive, I would. But she’s an old girl and its time. I’m so sorry sweetheart.” He tries to hug his daughter, but she wiggles free and runs right into my arms. I hold her tight, feeling her tears run through her body. I look at my boss and his heart his broken for his little girl.  
“Do you want to stay, YN? We can wait outside if…” 
“No,” she cuts me off, “I want to stay with her.”  
“Ok, we can stay. I’ll hold your hand if you want.” 
She turned away from me but kept my hand in hers. “I’m r-ready, Doc.”  
“Ok, I’ll inject a sedative to put her to sleep and then administer the narcotic. She won’t feel anything, YN.”  
She nods but goes to Daisy one more time. “I love you, Daisy. Thank you for being my best friend.” She kisses her nose one more time before she comes back to me. She grips my hand hard. I see her father eyeing me warily. But I stand tall.  
Once the doc administered the last dose, YN wailed and turned into me again. I held her to me, letting her cry. She needed this, to just cry for the loss of her best friend. As she starts to hiccup, I whisper to her, “Let’s get you home, ok?” She nods and I guide her out.  
She continues to cry as I walk her to the house. Her cell phone rings and she answers, trying to calm her voice. “Ransom? Are you on your way? We stop walking as she talks to that entitled prick. But I need you… Daisy died and… no I understand… am I going to… ok, bye.” She turned to me and blushed. “His grandfather needs him,” waving the phone.Her smile came out watery. “He’ll come by later.”  
One more tear fell from her eye. I cupped her cheek and thumbed her cheek to clear the tear. “I’m here, Cowgirl.” I pull her to me and rest my chin on her head as she sobbed. I walked her to the porch steps, and I sat us down. It took a while but she finally got to sniffle. “You doing, ok?” 
“Yeah.” She looked at me with your beautiful eyes, red rimmed, puffy lips, tear-stained cheeks. “He’s not a bad guy, you know.”  
“I know.”  
“But I’m thankful I have you.” She smiles. “Will you come see me tonight?” 
“Cowgirl, that is not…” 
“Please, Johnny. I just want to talk and get out of my head. “She gave me her puppy eyes and I fucking cave.  Because I always cave.  
I’d do anything for her.  
“Sure, Cowgirl. I’ll be by around midnight.”  
“Thank you, Cowboy.”  
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At midnight, I came on my bike and parked behind the barn, so I didn’t wake her parents. There’s an old tree right next to her window that I always scale. Thankfully, her parent’s room is on the other side of the house. There is a faint light in the window. The night light she’s had since five, was still on. It was the shape and color of Daisy and I knew she had it in because she was missing her friend. Once I got onto the roof, I gently tapped the window so YN knew I was there. She opened the curtain and smiled at me in the window. She opened it gently. “Hi Cowboy.”  
“Hey Cowgirl.” I sat next to the window. “How are you feeling?” 
She gave me a sad smile. “I’m ok. Ransom didn’t come by. He said he was too busy.” She sighed and looked at her lamp. “I miss her.”  
“I know you do, Cowgirl. But after a while, we’ll find you a new horse to raise because that’s what Daisy would want.”  
“You think?” 
“Well, if something happened to me, I would want you to find a new best friend because I never want you to be alone. I feel like Daisy and I are kindred spirits like that.  We both love you.”  
I didn’t realize the implication of my words. They were the truth, that’s all I know. I looked out at the moon and sighed. Every day I wished she knew that she belonged with me. That she would wake and see me and knew what she that I was the one she was looking for. But I can’t force her. I’d still be there for her no matter what.  
“You mean that, Johnny?” I turned to face her, and she was closer to me.  
A tendril of hair had escaped her messy bun and I gently pushed in behind her ear. Yeah, YN, I mean it.  
She studied me with those beautiful eyes before she leaned forward and pressed her soft lips to mine. I was stunned for half a second before I gave myself into it. I put my hand on her neck to hold her close to me and deepened it. I would have been a big fat fucking liar if I didn’t say that it was the best kiss of my life. I finally pulled back to let us breathe but kept our foreheads together. “Cowgirl…” 
“Yes, Cowboy?” 
“That was… amazing.”  
“Yeah, it was.” She pulled back smiling before her face started to fall. “Oh my… Johnny, I’m…” 
I stop her. “Don’t say your sorry. Please. I don’t regret any of that. But I understand. You have a boyfriend. I respect that. But I’m always here for you, Cowgirl.” I look at my watch. “I should go. I have to be back here in five hours.”  
She frowned but when I turned to leave, she grabbed my hand and stopped me. “Are you riding Torch tomorrow?” 
Torch was one of the wild horses we had caught.  I had been trying to tame him but he was still pretty wild.  The only people he seems to like was YN and me. But I’d be dammed if she got on him.  “Yes, but you need to stay out of the pen, Cowgirl. You can help me when he’s tied to the fence. I’ll see you tomorrow.” I gave her a kiss on the cheek and took off.  
I relived that kiss in my head the entire night and in the shower the next morning.  
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I was in the yard a couple of weeks later, trying to work with Torch. “C’mon boy, work with me here,” I gritted out. The horse neighed and I looked to see YN and Ransom watching. “C’mon Torch, let’s show our girl what we can do.”  I manage to get the saddle on him and climbed on. “Ok, Torch, let’s walk.” I walked around the yard a couple of times. Then I got him into a canter.  
“Looking good, Cowboy!” I smiled over my shoulder to YN but frowned when Ransom wrapped his arm around her waist. I kept working, trying to keep the jealousy off my face. He has his hands on my girl. I unfocus for just a second and Torch bucks. I get unseated and hit the ground, knocking the wind out of me.  “Johnny!” 
I hear it far away as I try to unblur my vision and get oxygen back in me. I turn over as I see YN climb the fence, her hat being blown off and Torch is headed right for her. I suck in a breath.  
“YN! No!” I scramble and leap for the reigns. I catch them by the tips of my fingers and pull Torch away from her. I hang on as he pulls until one of the other ranch hands grabs the leather and I can let go. I lay on the ground, breathing hard, trying to get the image of YN’s face of terror out of my eyes.  
“Johnny!” She skids to a stop next to me, kneeling over. “Are you ok?” 
I shake my head as I keep trying to breathe. “YN, you can’t just jump in the ring. Cowgirl, I was terrified you were going to get hurt.”  
“I don’t care.” She cups my cheek. “I was so scared you hit your head.”  
“YN!” I hear Ransom bark at her. “You’re getting dirty and we have to meet my parents! Get off the dirt and go change!” 
I got up and dusted myself off. I helped YN off the dirty and squeezed her hand. “I’m fine YN. I’ll be bruised but ok.” I pick up her hat and dust it off. I put it back on her head. “Thank you for checking on me.”  
“Anytime Cowboy.” I open the gate for her to get her out and close it.  Ransom takes YN’s hand and pulls her to the house, yelling about how she was going to make them late. I shake my head, knowing I can’t really do anything if I want to keep my job.  
Somehow, Mrs. YLN finds out about the incident and comes out to check on me. “Johnny Storm, front and center!” I hear her call out.  I smile because Mrs. YLN is the sweetest and loves all the guys on the ranch, but she has a particular sweet stop for me. I walk up to her, and she can see the bruise on my arm, but I guess I have a cut on my face. “Johnny! Go to the house and wash your face. I’ll be right there and I have apple pie for you.”  
“Yes ma’am.” I walked over to the house and went upstairs to the guest bathroom.  It’s where she kept the first aid. As I was washing, I heard loud voices coming from down the hall. I walked slowly and saw YN and Ransom arguing through the crack of her door.  
“I don’t know why you still hang out with that horse smelling farm hand?!” Ransom yelled.  
“He is a rancher and he’s my best friends. Johnny is a good guy.”  
“He’s some poor asshole…” 
“Stop it Ransom! He is my friend and you need to respect our friendship!” 
He grabbed her by the arms and pulled her next to him. “He wants what’s mine,” he growled at her. She turned away and gripped her chin to keep her eyes on him. “You’re going to tell him to leave you alone.”  
She sticks her chin up. “And if I don’t?” 
“You will regret it.”  He shoves her back and she hits her nightstand. I watch as her night light topples and breaks.  
I storm into the room. “Hey!” I push Ransom out of the way to reach YN. “YN, are you alright?” 
I can see the tears forming in her eyes. But they weren’t on me. They were on her lamp. “Johnny…” her voice quivers. She looks at me as one solitary tear fall from her eye. I can feel the rage building in me. I turn back to Ransom.  
“You son of a bitch! You hurt her.” I shoved him and he stumbled towards the door.  
“Fuck you asshole!” He took a swing at me but I managed to dodge it and get it a hit in his gut. It drops him, gasping for air.  
I grab YN’s hand and pull her from the room.  “C’mon YN!” I race down the stairs and out the back door. I run towards my bike and get the helmets. “Put this on, Cowgirl.”  
“Johnny, you know my father will be pissed!” 
“I don’t care. I can’t leave you with that monster.”  I turn to look at her as she plays with the straps of the helmet. “Do you want to stay with him?” She shakes her head. “Do you want to be with me, Cowgirl?” She looks at me, a soft blush blooming on her cheeks. I tuck a lock of hair. “Tell me.”  
“You’re my best friend.” The statement makes my heart sink and I drop my gaze. “But I’ve always wanted a chance with you.” I snap back up and she smiles.  She leans in and kisses me. Not like the first time, where it started soft and sweet.  This one urgent, lustful. I cup the back of her head to pin her to me. I lick the seam of her lips, asking her to let me in. She let me deepen the kiss and I was in heaven.  
When I heard yells coming from the house, I broke it and turned my head. “Baby, we have to go.” I shoved my helmet on and then helped YN, jumped on the bike, helped her up and gunned it out of the yard.  
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I made it out to the lake and the boathouse on the other side of the county. YN’s family think she would go to my place or my family’s but I’m not an idiot. I pull into the yard and stopped, taking my first deep breath since she kissed me. I held out my hand to help YN off the bike.  She stood, watching down the dirt road. “Are we safe here Cowboy?” 
“We should be, Cowgirl. C’mon.” I opened the big dock door to hide my bike and walked us in. It was dusty and dark, but it was a safe place. I had my lighter and was able to light a couple of candles to see where we were going.  But not soon enough as I walked into a giant cobweb. “Fuck! Shit!” I yelled as I batted away the sticky strings.  
YN giggles as she watches before she screeches and runs towards me. “Johnny!” 
“Baby, what…” 
“I think I felt a snake!” 
I tried to hold my laugh. “Baby, there are no snakes by the water.”  I finally found the light switch and the room was illuminated with a soft golden glow.  I went to where she stood before and then let out a laugh.  “Was this your great snake?” I held up an old fishing rod with a feather lure at the end.  
“Shut up Johnny, it scared me!” She crossed her arms and pouted at me.  
I came up to her and caressed her face. “My beautiful girl. I’m sorry.” I kiss her forehead. “Want to sit on the dock?”  She nodded and I took her hand. 
The sun was setting across the water. YN sat at the edge of the dock and let her legs dangle over the water. I sat right behind her and wrapped her in my arms. We were quiet for a while, listening to the crickets and cicadas harmonize in the twilight. I kissed her cheek and then down to her neck and she leaned to give me access. “Do you know how long I wanted to hold you and kiss you like this?” I whispered to her.  
“Not as long as I have.” She turned to me and smiled.  “I wish I had the courage to spend more time with you when I was 15.”  
“Sweetheart, your father forbade all of us to try and be with his daughter. I was a scared 18-year-old and not in the right place to give you what you deserved.” I kissed her nose before I kissed her properly. We went back to watching the sky turn from blue to yellow to orange to pink and then purple. “Why were you dating that guy? What did he have?” 
“I don’t know. Daddy introduced us and he took an interest.” She looks down at the water. “It was the day after I saw you in town with Sharon Carter. I thought,” she shook her head, “I thought that you really didn’t like me and then I just wanted to move on.”  
I know what day she is talking about.  It was the day Susie had set me up on a blind date. We met for a coffee in town, but Sharon told me from the beginning that she had feelings for someone else. We chatted about her horse, and she asked I could come train him. I explained this to YN. “I declined because I had just started working on Torch.” I caressed her cheek. “I didn’t want to take away my time from you.” 
She looked up at me, her beautiful eyes studying me. I could get lost in them. She turned and straddled my lap, her sundress riding up. Fuck, why had she already changed before her confrontation with Ransom. Did that dick get to see her naked? I shook the thoughts from my mind as I gripped her hips as she settled into my lap, making sure that she doesn’t tip back into the lake. Her arms are looped around my neck. She doesn’t say anything, not a single word or noise.  She just keeps those eyes on me, staring at me like a painting. Finally, she leans down and kisses me. I follow her lead, just like I would follow her anywhere if she asked me. Her fingers tangle into my hair as my hands splayed across her back and neck.  
I can feel her warmth right over my cock. I can feel myself growing harder under her as she begins to move over me. She’s grinding that pussy into me and I know I will lose it if I don’t stop it.  I try to still her but she keeps moving.  She lets go of my mouth to start kissing my neck and working the buttons of my shirt. “Baby, baby, stop,” I finally say. She pulls back, a look of hurt crossing her face. “No, baby, I just don’t want to do this here. I don’t want anyone to see you in pleasure besides me.” I grip under her ass as I move to lift her in my arms and carry her to the bedroom in the boathouse.  
You would think the room would be dusty and dirty, but it wasn’t.  I had been hiding out here on and off for the last few years. My father wasn’t a good man and I didn’t stick around when he started drinking.  My mom had left a few years before and Suzy lived with Reed so I was on my own. But I made the best of it. The bed had a clean quilt and everything was dusted and swept.  I even cleaned the bathroom.  
I laid my girl on the bed, slotting my hips in between her legs. I kissed her hard, fuck, I wanted her so bad. But I didn’t want her to think that this was all I wanted.  I slowed our kisses. “Johnny?” 
“I don’t want you to think that I just want this, Cowgirl. I’m in love with your fire, your spirit, your compassion, well, just you. Everything you.” I swallowed. “If you don’t want to do this, I understand, and we’ll wait.” I looked away for just a second before she used a finger to push me back into her eyesight.  
“Johnny Storm, I have been waiting for you for three years.”  
My eyes widen. “Are you...” She nods and looks away. I pull her gaze back. “Baby, are you sure?” 
“You belong to me Johnny, just like I belong to you.”  
I swallow. “We’ll go slow, ok? If I hurt you, just let me know and we’ll stop.” She nods and kisses me. I pull back. “I need your words, YN.”  
“I trust you Johnny.”  
I got up to my knees, still in between her legs and I started to unbutton my shirt. She watched me with big eyes, still unsure but never letting go. When I pulled it off, a soft gasp came from her mouth. That made me smirk. I pulled her up to me, sitting her. I tugged at the bottom of her pretty little sundress and pulled it over her head. I groaned at the site of her in just pink lace. I guided her back down to the bed and started to kiss every inch of skin I could find.  
YN sighed. I slid the pink strap of her bra down her shoulders and arms, kissing her skin as I went. I kissed the tops of her breasts and then pulled a cup down to take the peaked nipple in my mouth.  I nibbled and sucked as YN arched her back at the sensation.  “Johnny,” she moaned. Fuck, listening to my name come from her lips almost sent me over the edge. I moved to the other one while a pinched and twisted the first. I released her and then unclipped the offending fabric.  
I kept moving down, skimming her skin with my fingertips and my lips as she squirmed underneath me. I got to her lace pants and kissed her covered mound, inhaling her scent. “Dammit baby, you smell like heaven. Can I taste you?” 
She was silent and I lifted my head to see tears. “Baby?” 
“I’m scared. What if you don’t like me?” The sound of her uncertainty, her fear, broke my heart.  
“Oh, sweetheart.” I went back to hover over her. “I know that you will be the best taste I’ve ever had. The best partner I could ever ask for.” I let my hands wander as caress over the hem of her panties. “I promise, I’ll make you feel good.”  
She peered up at me and smiled. “Ok.”  
Such a simple little word can bring the heat in my veins. I kiss her softly again as I slide my hand into her panties.  I swallow her cry as tease her slit. “So wet, Cowgirl. For me?” 
She nods. “Is that a good thing?” 
“That’s an amazing thing.” I dip into her tight hole. “Oh fuck, you’re so tight.” She rolls her hips in time to the thrust of my hand, seeking my touch. “You like that YN?”  She nods again as she lets go of another low moan. My cock is straining behind my Wranglers, desperate to get out and play with the woman underneath me.  I stroke one more time and then bring my finger to my mouth.  She jaw drops at suck her cream from my finger.  “I knew you would taste good.” 
I don’t give her the chance this time.  I pull down her panties off her legs and stuff them in my pocket. “Johnny...” she started but soon she moaned as I licked my way up her slit. I kissed, sucked and teased her clit, finger fucked her until she was withering under me. “Give it to me Cowgirl. Let go.” 
“I can’t,” she cried, “Johnny, I...” 
“Its ok, let go for me, my love.”  
She cried as her orgasm took over, her body shook and her pussy strangled my fingers. I kept it gentle, knowing that this was the first one but certainly not the last. I could she her coming down so I gently pulled my fingers away. I licked my finger clean and then undid my jeans. “Are you ready for me Cowgirl?” I pulled my jeans and boxers off and fished a condom from my wallet.  
Her eyes were big. “Cowboy, that is not going to fit.”  
I gave her a sexy smirk. “We’ll make it fit.” I rolled it on and then slowly climbed back on top of her. I slotted my hips between her legs and kissed her hard and deep.  My cock seeks out the warmth of her pussy and notched at her entrance. “Ready?” 
“Yes. Please be gentle,” she whispered.  
“Always, Cowgirl.” I pushed in softly, groaning at how hot and tight she is. “Oh fuck, baby.” Her nails dug into my back but I didn’t focus on the pain. I pushed until I felt resistance. “I’m sorry baby but this will hurt. I promise it’ll feel good after.” I thrusted hard and she screamed. I held her too me as she thrashed her head, sobbing.  “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry love.”  
“Johnny!” She cried. It took a few minutes, but she calmed, and I move slightly. She moaned at the feel of my cock in her. “I feel so full,” she moaned.  
“That’s good, love. I’m going to move, ok?” She nodded and I withdrew gently, seeing her wince. “Do you want me to stop?” 
“No, no, I just,” she swallowed. “It's so much.”  
“I know. Just let your body feel.”  I withdrew until the head of my cock was the only piece in her and thrusted back in gently. Her head tossed back with a moan. I did that a few more time until I heard her say, “more.” I sped up my movements, pulling her leg over my hip to open her up a bit more.  
“Oh fuck, Cowboy, right there. Don’t stop. Please don’t stop.” She buried her head in my neck as I pumped into her.  
“I won’t stop until you give me another Cowgirl.” I moved my hand and used my finger to circle her clit.  She cried out more and I circled a little faster. I started to feel the sensation in my spine and I knew I was close.  “Fuck, tell me you’re close, Cowgirl.” 
“So close,” she moaned. I moved faster. My hips slamming into her, my finger pressing her little button of pleasure faster and harder. Her cry changed and I started to recognize it.  
“Come for me,” I ordered. That’s all it took as she detonated around me, squeezing me, milking me, triggering my own release into her. I slowed, both breathing hard. “Are you ok?” I was scared I hurt her with how hard I had been fucking her.  
“I’m great,” she said with a smile. “I get it now, what all my romance books talked about. It does feel like the best ride.”  
I laughed with her. I pulled out gently, knowing it would hurt. She winced but cupped my cheek to let me know she was ok.  There was a little blood on the condom and blanket but I didn’t make her feel bad. I got another blanket to cover her while I took the other one away. I threw away the condom and took a washcloth to her. She jumped when I touched her, but I knew it was just because of how sensitive she had become. I climbed back into bed with her and hauled her into my arms. She rested her head on my chest. “Johnny?” 
“I love you.”  
“I love you, Cowgirl. Get some rest.” I kissed her head and smoothed down her hair. I fell asleep to her rhythmic breaths against me.  
I was sleeping with an angel in heaven.  
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Muted sunlight filters in as I lay on my back, stroking my girl’s hair as she sleeps in the early morning. I think about the last three years, pining after the girl in my arms.  She wasn’t ready for me then. But now that I have her, I’ll never let her go.  
She starts to stir and wake. She stretches a little before looking up at me. “Hi.”  
“Hi Cowgirl. How are you feeling?” 
She smiles softly. “A little sore. But happy.” I lean to kiss her. Her eyes flutter as they open again.  “Good morning, Cowboy.”  
“This is the best way to start the day, my beautiful Cowgirl.”  I kiss her again when I hear a beep from somewhere. I reach down for my jeans and fish my phone from the pocket. There was a text message from her father 
Mr. YLN: Please bring my daughter home. 
I sighed and looked at my girl. “It’s time sweetheart.”  
She frowned but nodded. As we dressed, I gave YN a pair of my boxer briefs to wear since I tore her panties. It gave me a boost knowing she was wearing my underwear under her dress.  I cleaned up, feeling like I would be back living here soon since I would probably lose my job. But I had a feeling, I would still have YN.  
The ride back was quiet. I didn’t know what we would be walking into. Would her father try and kill me because I took his daughter and took her innocence? Would he press charges? I knew I would be facing something I just didn’t know what.  
We pulled into the driveway and went right up to the house. I helped YN off and took her helmet. “You know I love you right?”  
She nodded but her face was nervous. “I know. I love you too. We do this together?” I took her hand.  
We walked up the steps to her house. I knocked and the door immediately opened. Her mother answered. “YN. Johnny.” She looked down at our joined hands and smiled. She waved us into the living room where Mr. YLN and Random were waiting for us.  
“Mr. YLN. Mr. Drysdale.” I hated that I had to greet that fucker. I remembered yesterday and how he had pushed my girl. I remember seeing the bruise on her side. I had kissed the pain away when I worshipped her body but I would never forgive him for marking her.  
“Johnny, YN, I’m happy you came back.” He looked at our hands and then back at his daughter. “What were you thinking YN? You ran away from our home with our ranch hand without explanation. Your mother and I have been worried sick. If I hadn’t checked the cameras…” 
YN gripped my hand tighter and then interrupted her father. “I ran away because I didn’t feel safe in my own home.”  
The look of disbelief crossed her father's face. “What? What is that supposed to mean?” 
“You didn’t look in her room, did you?” I asked.  
“No. Ransom was in the living room and said you ran away with the farm boy after you had assaulted him.”  
I scoffed. “That’s rich. We’re not on a farm jackass,” I directed to Ransom. “We are a ranch. But that’s beside the point. The reason for the assault was because I was protecting YN from him. He was yelling at her, making her cry and then he shoved her into her nightstand and broke her horse lamp.”  
My words had the power to stop time. Ransom’s face turned red from rage as her father's face blanched. I could see what he was thinking. The man she introduced to his daughter was a monster.  
“You have no proof, farm boy!”  
“I’ve seen the bruises you asshole. I held her as she cried for the last reminder of her best friend that she had because you broke it.” 
Action was swift. Mr. YLN grabbed Ransom around the collar. “You put your hands on my daughter?!” Ransom gapped like a fish. “You thought you could lie to me. I know your grandfather and believe you me that he will hear about this. Get out of my house and off my property you worthless piece of shit.” Mr. YLN cocked his arm back and punched Ransom square in the jaw. He fell in a pile to the floor and grabbed his face.  
I helped him up and threw him out the door. “You fucked with the wrong girl Drysdale.”  
“She was mine!” He yelled back. “I will end you!”  
“Guess what? She was never yours. She was always mine. She belongs to me, and I belong to her. And you can just fuck off.”  
I went back inside and faced her father. “She’s yours?” 
“Sir, I have been in love with your daughter since the day I met her. I just wanted to wait until she knew that I was hers. I love her, sir, with everything I have.”  
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There is nothing like riding a horse. The freedom, the raw power, there is nothing like it. Especially when you girl is holding onto you as you ride the horse you trained together.  
It was nearing dusk, the sky changing to it’s beautiful pinks and reds and purples. I had ridden out to the lake on the opposite side of the boathouse. When I got to the water’s edge I stopped and helped YN down before I got down. It had been six months since the confrontation with Ransom. And they had been the happiest six months of my life. We walked along the edge, listening to the sounds of the coming eve, Torch neighing. I was nervous.  
“Baby, why are you trembling?” My Cowgirl stopped me and had a look of concern in her eyes.  
“Sorry, I just…” I cleared my throat. “I just have something to ask you. Do you love me?” 
“More every day.”  
“Do I make you happy?” 
“I’m the happiest girl in the world.”  
“Ok good. Because I’ve never been so happy YN and that’s all because of you. And I never want to let go of that happiness. So…” I pulled the box from my pocket and knelt to one knee. “My Cowgirl, will you marry me?” 
I opened the box to show off a modest pear-shaped diamond on a gold band. It had been all I could afford but her father said I could upgrade later since I’d be the ranch manager soon.  
“Johnny,” she gasped. “Yes, she whispered, Cowboy, yes!” 
I put that ring on her finger and lifted her into my arms.  
After all this time, she saw that I was the one who understood her, who got her, who loved her.  
She belonged to me.  
I belonged to her.  
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peach-moths · 4 months
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vaquero mikey..............
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kagoutiss · 2 years
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what if undercover sheik au had a cute sheik/malon subplot….more likely than u think………
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bubbledtee · 1 year
ᴛʜᴇ ꜰᴀʀᴍᴇʀ'ꜱ ᴅᴀᴜɢʜᴛᴇʀ
ʀᴀɴᴄʜᴇʀ!ᴊᴀᴍᴇꜱ ʜᴇᴛꜰɪᴇʟᴅ x ᴏʀɪɢɪɴᴀʟ ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀ
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"if i'd known she was religious, then i wouldn't have come stoned to the house of such an angel, too fucked up to get back home."
- feathered indians, tyler childers. ・���・
fic playlist
chapter 1 of multiple
synopsis ˏˋ°•*⁀➷
Lorelei Bernadette Dalton (affectionately known as "Bea" by friends and "Bernie" by family) has known ranching her entire life. Between breaking her first colt at the age of fifteen, and wrangling calves for tagging ever since she was ten, she's well-seasoned.
With knowing ranching, she's known ranch hands, too. She's seen a handful come in and out of Lone Wolf Ranch throughout her twenty-five years of her life, but she's never seen one quite like James. A handsome, yet mysterious, blonde cowboy from everywhere and nowhere that has ventured to Cuchara, Colorado in search of work, he seems to be everything she'd be looking for as the hopeless romantic she is.
Or is he?
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fidgetspringer · 1 year
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- Marten & Nohren -
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masked-alien-lesbian · 5 months
HLAW Day 3: AU
Hana Lee as the ranch owner's daughter x OC (Raelyn) ranch hand
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Inspired by Taylor Swift's song But Daddy, I Love Him
I just learn these people only raise you to cage you...
Now I'm running with my dress unbuttoned
Screaming "But Daddy I love them!"
I'm having their baby
No I'm not, but you should see your faces
I'm telling them to floor it through the fences
No I'm not coming to my senses
I know they're crazy but they're the one I want
Dutiful daughter, all my plans were laid...
Soon enough the elders had convened....
"Stay away from her"
The saboteurs protested too much
Lord knows the words we never heard
Just screeching tires and true love...
I'll tell you something about my good name
Its mine alone to disgrace
I thought I was finished with HLAW 2024 but I heard this song and it was so Hana x Raelyn coded, I just had to make one more edit.
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milkyplier · 8 months
Wouldn’t it be. Just amazing if I could draw
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beeshoesometimesdraws · 6 months
Centaur eclipse seems like he would do rodeo due to being so stubborn
Yeah that would be the most fitting for him lol
He probably wouldn’t get into it on his own though, one of the others (*cough* Earth *cough*) would most likely be the one to convince him to try it out to blow off some steam and loosen up, kinda like how Earth in canon encouraged Solar to find other healthier hobbies like knitting
Once he figures things out and gets into it then I can see him being pretty damn good at it and even enjoying it
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navybrat817 · 2 months
Sunrises and Sunsets
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Pairing: Ranch Hand!Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Summary: Bucky wants to watch a sunrise with you.
Word Count: Over 2k
Warnings: Fluff, reflecting, tooth rotting sweetness, a bit of sass, slight feels (it's me), Bucky Barnes (he's a warning, okay?).
A/N: More Beach Fun Nonsense! Hope you lovelies enjoy. @bigtreefest requested for Ranch Hand!Bucky to either Go for a Swim (smut) or dig his Toes in the Sand (fluff - this won with my muse) with prompt #1 in bold. Not beta read and written on my phone, so any and all mistakes are my own. Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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You woke up before the alarm went off thanks to Bucky. He normally did his best not to disturb your slumber if you didn't have to get up right away, unless he wanted you and you would gladly forgo sleep for that. But the soft kisses he placed along your shoulder and neck weren't rushed or needy. In the darkness you reached for his hand and felt him smile against your skin when you took it. It made you smile, too, and your heart beat faster in your chest. Waking up beside him was a gift.
“Morning,” you whispered, brushing some of the hair from his eyes when you turned to face him.
“Morning,” he whispered back, kissing the center of your forehead. “Time to get up.”
“No,” you groaned. You didn't glance at the time, but your inner alarm clock knew you had a few more minutes.
He chuckled and nipped your other shoulder hard enough to make you gasp. “Yes, Sunbeam,” he said, his tongue tracing the spot he bit. “Gonna watch the sun come up together before breakfast.”
“Why?” You asked. Today wasn't a special occasion or anniversary that you were aware of. He would have reminded you at some point or vice versa.
“Because I wanna watch the sunrise with you,” he replied, sliding a finger under your chin before you could hide your face in his chest. The room was dark, but you felt his gaze plead with you to get up. “Please?” He added for good measure.
With another groan, you gave in. “Fine,” you sighed, trying to hide your smile as you stretched under the sheets. You lucked out with Bucky when it came to small romantic moments. What other man would wake you just to watch the sunrise together? “Sun, breakfast, caffeine.”
“Turning on the light,” he warned, giving you time to cover your eyes when he leaned over to flip the lamp switch. He was thoughtful like that. “I didn't hear 'sex with my amazing boyfriend' on that list. Kinda hurts my feelings.”
You giggled and removed your hand, blinking more of the sleep from your eyes. “Sex is for after I have my caffeine.”
It was his turn to groan. “Fine,” he mocked in his best imitation of you, making you giggle again. You didn't always laugh this early in the morning and not every day began this bright, but every day was a bit lighter thanks to him. “C’mon. You can sleep later.”
“Whatever you say, Buckaroo,” you said as you sat up. You slid your feet into your slippers, your stomach fluttering because you know you didn't put them back in that spot yesterday. “Thank you,” you said, wiggling your toes.
“Can't let your feet touch the cold floor now, can I?” He winked, stretching as he stood up.
Your throat tightened. It was such a tiny gesture in the grand scheme of things, but it was the little things that mattered. They showed that he paid attention and cared. You tried to do the same for him, like cooking his favorite meals or drawing him a bath after a hard day. You hoped it was enough.
“You’re so good to me,” you said, holding your hands out so he could help you stand.
“We’re good to each other,” he said, pulling you up with ease.
The rough pads of his fingertips rubbed along your skin, a physical reminder of the work he put in day in and day out. His hands made a difference in the world and your life, his calloused touch telling hundreds of stories. Being part of his journey and creating a new story together was something out of a dream. The beauty of it was that your story wasn't over yet.
“What are you thinking about?” He asked.
“I’ll tell you when we go outside,” you replied, not wanting him to miss any of the view. “Do you need to put a shirt on?”
He pulled a hand away to pat his pocket before he smirked and pointed to his washboard abs. “These give me plenty of heat.”
Your gaze went to his torso, heat of your own spreading from your core. Working day in and day out kept him in great shape. He belonged on one of those cowboy romance novel covers. Or a calendar.
I could make a killing with a ranch hand calendar featuring all the guys.
“And for breakfast, I'll make you some humble pie. A big ol’ slice,” you teased.
“Mmm. Pie for breakfast. You do love me,” he joked.
“More than anything,” you smiled.
He leaned in and pressed a kiss to your mouth, tilting your world on its axis like always. “Love you, too.”
“You have to if you don't care about my morning breath,” you smiled.
He grabbed a couple of blankets as he led you out to the front porch, just in case there was a chill in the air. Another thoughtful gesture. Instead of taking you to the porch swing like you expected, he took you down the steps and laid out one of the blankets in the grass where you sometimes had picnics together.
“Why aren't we sitting in the swing?” You asked.
“I mean, we could sit in the swing and I can put my arm around you.” He sat down and spread his legs out in front of him, patting the spot between them. “But it’s easier to hold you like this and I wanna hold you when the sun comes up.”
“You’re such a sap,” you smiled, happily taking the spot between his legs. “But I like that.”
“You do know I’m only a sap for you, right?”
“I do,” you said, spreading the other blanket across your legs. “Don't worry. I won't tell anyone.”
“Too late. Everyone knows,” he smiled.
“True,” you said, tilting your head and taking the opportunity to kiss underneath his chin before you looked back at the horizon.
Exhaling, you pressed your back against Bucky’s chest and revelled in the warmth of his body as he wrapped his arms around you. He occasionally reminded you of the sun. He had fire within him and brightened your world just by being there. But to him, you were the sun.
We're each other's sun and moon.
“So, you just felt like watching a sunrise with me?” You asked.
“Just felt like it,” he agreed, holding you a bit tighter. “I’ve watched sunrises and sunsets more times than I can count, but it’s just different with you.”
“Why is that?” You asked.
“It may not make sense, but the sunrise just looks more beautiful and hopeful because I have someone to share it with. And people say sunsets are a way to reset, but I’m just thankful because it was another day I got to spend with you.” He pressed a lingering kiss to your temple as your heart swelled. “Each day is a blessing because you're in my life.”
You were on the verge of spilling tears, but managed to keep them at bay. “I feel blessed, too,” you whispered.
His chest shook as he chuckled. “I really am a sap.”
“Yeah, but you’re my sap,” you said, tracing the palm of his hand. It was a special thing to bring out that side of him. “You know how you asked me what I was thinking about earlier? I was thinking how your hands can tell so many stories. I think your wrinkles will tell stories, too.”
“My wrinkles?” He asked.
“Yeah. Each is a chapter in your story. Just like every scar,” you answered. Bucky thought every mark on your body was a thing of beauty. You wanted him to feel the same way about his. “They’ll say how you survived hard times. How you lived your life. How you loved.”
“You’re a sap, too,” he teased, catching your elbow before you could ram it into him. “Easy, I’m kidding. I think that’s a beautiful way to look at it.”
There was beauty all around you with Bucky.
“Well, the thought of getting older used to scare me, but it doesn't seem so bad because I have you. We won't have to do it alone. We’ll grow together,” you smiled, gazing at the sky that seemed to stretch on forever. “So when we're older and you have wrinkles and gray hairs, I want you to keep doing this: Wake me up for a sunrise just because you felt like it. Just because you wanted to share one more beautiful moment with me.”
“You wanna grow old with me?” He asked, his voice thicker than you expected. “And on those days, you’ll still love me? Wrinkles and all?”
“Of course, I do. And of course, I will,” you promised. You would love him no matter what. “And you’ll still love me when I grow old?”
“Forever and always,” he whispered, resting his chin on your shoulder when the sun began to rise.
Your heart raced as the hues touched the land you two shared, painting a canvas in glowing rays. He was right that the sunrise was more beautiful and hopeful because you had someone to share it with. And while you were certain there were others watching the sky, this felt like a new dawn just for the two of you.
“It really is breathtaking, isn’t it?” You smiled.
“You’re breathtaking,” he said, making your smile widen as your cheeks warmed.
“You flatter me, Buckaroo,” you said affectionately.
Bucky took a deep breath by your ear as you continued to look at the view. “Marry me, Sunbeam,” he whispered.
With wide eyes, you spun around in his arms. You didn't know it, but to him you looked like an angel with the rays growing brighter around you. “What?” You asked.
“Shit. I was supposed to ask you, not tell you. And I was supposed to have something special planned, but I keep carrying this around in case the time’s right and this just seemed right.” He swallowed before he reached into his pajama pocket and pulled out a small box. “It isn't much. Sure as hell isn't what you deserve and I'm sorry for that,” he said. You covered your mouth with a gasp when he opened it. Simple, beautiful, and a diamond that sparkled like the sun. To you, it was the most beautiful ring to ever exist. “But I love you and I want you to be my wife. I wanna grow old with you and I don't wanna tell the story of my life without you in it. I-”
“Yes!” You shouted into the morning air, knocking him on his back. You were lucky you didn’t knock the ring box out of his hand. “Yes, yes, yes! I’ll marry you!”
“I wasn't done with my proposal,” he chuckled.
“I don't care. I said ‘yes’. Now’s the part where you put the ring on my finger,” you smiled with tears in your eyes. He managed to slip the ring onto your finger with you stretched out on top of him. A perfect fit. “It’s beautiful. Don't ever apologize for giving me something so beautiful.”
The proposal was beautiful, too. It came from the heart at a time he knew was right. You couldn't ask for anything better.
I have the whole world because of you.
You swore you saw the sunrise in his eyes as he framed your face and smiled up at you. “Love you, Sunbeam.”
“Love you, too, Buckaroo,” you whispered, giggling. “And guess what?”
“What’s that?”
“I can change sex with my amazing boyfriend to fiancé,” you smiled.
“Why don’t we skip to that part? I’ll make sure you get some caffeine after,” he smirked. "Deal," you giggled again, leaning down to kiss him.
The sun continued to climb in the sky behind you as he deepened the kiss, bathing you in light as you celebrated the next chapter in your life together.
And with his ring on your finger, you knew you’d forever appreciate every sunrise and sunset even more.
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Anyone else get a cavity from this sweetness? Love and thanks for reading! ❤️
Masterlist ⚓ Bucky Barnes Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
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bumblepony · 9 months
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So, Gabe Luna shared these in his Instagram story, and I feel like I am going to die; he is such a cool person.
@petitcroc, thank you so much for creating these beautiful pieces, and I'm happy they are getting the attention they deserve.
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angelsdean · 1 year
plotting out a fic outline for a true slowburn is just going "oh they could've kissed here. aaaand they could've kissed here, too. ohh this is definitely a moment they could've kissed. mmm here too." they've gone so many months without kissing !!! how are they living like this !!....i say as the person who is completely in control of when they kiss
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gorillageek27 · 1 year
Jaune is able to hold back a bull charging for him, always trimming the hoof, yet he's gone when a baby goat screaming at him
The baby goat screaming at him and headbutting his ankles jaune is just
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overkill-max · 11 months
Announcement No. 746
Summary: After fighting many wars, Cruz is looking for a better way to live her life. Forty words later, she is listed in a mail-order newspaper as seeking one thing: matrimony. Aaliyah is a widow looking for some companionship. What happens when out of curiosity, she sends out a letter to the person behind the announcement in The Matrimonial News?
The Mail-Order Bride AU
Cruz sighed as she read over the wording of her announcement again.
746 – Former marine, lives in Kansas, 27 years old, 5 feet 8 inches tall. Wants someone who will be true and sweet. Who stands up for their beliefs. Who is willing to build a happy home next to me. Objective, matrimony.
There was no way to change it now. Not when it had already been printed...
Read it on AO3
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