#Johnny storm fic
andydrysdalerogers · 2 days
You Belong With Me ~ Johnny Storm
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Ranch Hand! Johnny Storm x Rancher’s Daughter!Reader 
Summary: Your best friend is in love with you. You just don’t know it yet… 
Song: You Belong With Me by Taylor Swift 
Word Count: 6.7k 
Warnings: angst, pet death, pining, minor domestic violence, smut! (Oral-female receiving, masturbation, p in v, loss of virginity)  
Banners by me! Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Please note that I do not give permission for my work to be translated, reposted, or published anywhere other than my Tumblr. Reblogs and likes are most welcome though!
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Johnny POV
I’m in love with my best friend.  Problem is, she doesn’t know that.  
Three years ago, I started working on the YLN Rainbow Ranch for her father, Mr. YLN. First day on the job, I was told not to harass his daughter.  For weeks, I never met the girl in question. Then one day, a girl was in the stable, stroking the nose of one of the horses, Daisy.  
“Hey Miss? You’re not supposed to be here,” I called out.  It was close to dusk, and I was closing for the night. I walked over to the girl and tapped her shoulder. She jumped back, tripping on me. I caught her before she hit the ground. She popped a headphone out of her ear.   
“You scared me!” She looked at me with bright, wide eyes, her skin flawless, her hair in curly pigtails. She’s beautiful and I’m stunned. “Hey, let me go.” That’s when I realized that I’ve caught her in a dip and she’s looking up at me.  
I move quickly to get her on her feet, and I pull my cap off and run a nervous hand through my hair.  “Sorry, miss. The stables are closing.”  
“Its ok, I live here.  YN,” she offers her hand.  
“Johnny, I’m one of the ranch hands.”  
“Oh, cool. Sorry I’ve been away and only just got back from camp.”  
“That’s nice,” I tell her, trying not to stare.  
She looked at me curiously. “How old are you?” 
“Eighteen. You?” 
She looked shocked. “A gentleman should never ask a lady her age.”  
I chuckled. “Something tells me you ain’t no lady.”  
She giggled. “I’m fifteen.”  
Fuck, she’s jailbait. “Well, did you need someone to walk you back to the house?” 
She saw that it was getting dark, and she smiled.  “I would like that.”  
I knew I was risking my hide and my job if her father thought I was doing anything inappropriate. So I keep enough room between us as we walked.  “So, camp? How was that?” 
“Long but fun. I’m considered a counselor now so I get to be in charge but the kids are great, so it was just a fun sleepover.” She shrugged. “I don’t know if I’ll do it again. I’d rather ride my horse all summer.”  
“Let me guess. Your horse is Daisy?” 
“Good guess. I’ve had her since I started riding at four. She’s my best friend. She listens to me and doesn’t judge me. Kinda like you,” she tells me. “You don’t talk a lot.”  
“Not really. My mouth usually gets me in trouble.” I smirk. “My twin sister says that my mouth can get me in and out of trouble.”  
“I can see that.” She gives me her own smirk. We get to her door. “Thanks for walking me back.”  
“Any time, Cowgirl.”  
“See ya, Cowboy.”  
It’s been that way for three years. Every day I worked hard and at night, YN would visit me in the barn as I finished for the day. I’d walk her home and say good night. When she was having a hard day, I would climb to her window and whisper with her, never going inside for fear of her father finding me.  
Until one day, she stopped coming to the barn.  
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Three years later… 
I was closing up the barn, waiting for YN, when I saw another car pull up to the house. I saw a guy get out and knock on the door. I watched as my YN came out with a smile and a pretty dress and took the hand of the guy that wasn’t me. She climbed into the car, and they drove off.  
She took my heart with her. 
It was her senior year. She is eighteen now. And I wanted to ask her out but I was too late. I finished my duties, headed to my own truck and went to the bar, to drown my sorrows.  
The next morning was brutal. I barely made it to work on time with the hangover of the century.  
Time went on and I did my job, caring for the horses, getting them out to the yard for exercise or grooming. It had been about three months since YN had started dating Ransom. What the hell kinda name was Ransom anyway? I kept my thoughts to myself. YN would still visit me on occasion, gushing about her new beau and how perfect he was. I tried to be as supportive has possible as her best friend but it killed me inside,  
One March afternoon, I went to take the horses out to their yard. We had another month before we started moving cattle so I got them to roam and exercise as best I could. I went to Daisy’s stall, but she wasn’t herself. She whines and stamps; she was in distress. I ran for YN’s father.  “Mr. YLN! You gotta call the vet! Something is wrong with Daisy!” He pulled out his phone as I ran back to the horse.  
“It's ok girl, we’ll get you all fixed up, you’ll see.” I stoked her neck and nose, trying to calm her. Fifteen minutes later, Doc Brown, the vet, came in and did a check.  I tried to keep her calm as he checked on her.  
After a few minutes, Doc removed his glasses. “I’m sorry Mr. YLN. Daisy has twisted gut. Normally I would say surgery but given her age, I don’t think that’s wise. It would just cause more pain.”  
“Shit.” Her father looked up to blink back tears. “I need to call YNN.”  
“I can do it, Mr. YLN,” I offered. He nodded as he discussed logistics with Doc. I reached for my phone and called, taking a deep breath as it rang. 
“Hey Cowboy!” 
“Hey Cowgirl. Where are you?” 
“I’m having lunch with Mama. Why?” 
I tried to keep my voice steady. “YN, I need you to come to the horse barn right now.”  
“Is everything ok?” 
“No. It’s Daisy.”  
“Daisy? Mama, we have to go. I’ll be right there, Johnny.” She hung up and I turned to Doc and Mr. YLN. “YN and Mrs. YLN are on the way.”  
“Thanks Johnny. Can you stick around?”  
“Sure.” I hung back as they moved Daisy to a bigger stall so she would have more room. I’ve seen animals put down before but not one that was considered more family than anything else. Twenty minutes later, YN came running in. “Daddy! Johnny! What’s going on? Why is Diasy in there?” 
Her father puts his hands on her shoulders. “Sweetheart, Daisy has twisted gut. Doc tried to fix it but the only way to do that is with surgery.”  
“Ok. Are they getting ready for that?” She asks with hope.  
Mr. YLN sighs. “No baby. She’s too old for that. We have to…” 
“No,” she backs away. “No, she’s my Daisy! You can’t…” She runs into the pen with Daisy and hangs onto her neck, sobbing uncontrollably. We all give her some time as I help Doc get everything ready.  
“It’s time, YNN,” her dad calls.  
“Daddy, please, don’t let them do this. Let’s fix her, please!”she cries.  
“If I thought it would be the best thing for her, if Doc thought she would survive, I would. But she’s an old girl and its time. I’m so sorry sweetheart.” He tries to hug his daughter, but she wiggles free and runs right into my arms. I hold her tight, feeling her tears run through her body. I look at my boss and his heart his broken for his little girl.  
“Do you want to stay, YN? We can wait outside if…” 
“No,” she cuts me off, “I want to stay with her.”  
“Ok, we can stay. I’ll hold your hand if you want.” 
She turned away from me but kept my hand in hers. “I’m r-ready, Doc.”  
“Ok, I’ll inject a sedative to put her to sleep and then administer the narcotic. She won’t feel anything, YN.”  
She nods but goes to Daisy one more time. “I love you, Daisy. Thank you for being my best friend.” She kisses her nose one more time before she comes back to me. She grips my hand hard. I see her father eyeing me warily. But I stand tall.  
Once the doc administered the last dose, YN wailed and turned into me again. I held her to me, letting her cry. She needed this, to just cry for the loss of her best friend. As she starts to hiccup, I whisper to her, “Let’s get you home, ok?” She nods and I guide her out.  
She continues to cry as I walk her to the house. Her cell phone rings and she answers, trying to calm her voice. “Ransom? Are you on your way? We stop walking as she talks to that entitled prick. But I need you… Daisy died and… no I understand… am I going to… ok, bye.” She turned to me and blushed. “His grandfather needs him,” waving the phone.Her smile came out watery. “He’ll come by later.”  
One more tear fell from her eye. I cupped her cheek and thumbed her cheek to clear the tear. “I’m here, Cowgirl.” I pull her to me and rest my chin on her head as she sobbed. I walked her to the porch steps, and I sat us down. It took a while but she finally got to sniffle. “You doing, ok?” 
“Yeah.” She looked at me with your beautiful eyes, red rimmed, puffy lips, tear-stained cheeks. “He’s not a bad guy, you know.”  
“I know.”  
“But I’m thankful I have you.” She smiles. “Will you come see me tonight?” 
“Cowgirl, that is not…” 
“Please, Johnny. I just want to talk and get out of my head. “She gave me her puppy eyes and I fucking cave.  Because I always cave.  
I’d do anything for her.  
“Sure, Cowgirl. I’ll be by around midnight.”  
“Thank you, Cowboy.”  
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At midnight, I came on my bike and parked behind the barn, so I didn’t wake her parents. There’s an old tree right next to her window that I always scale. Thankfully, her parent’s room is on the other side of the house. There is a faint light in the window. The night light she’s had since five, was still on. It was the shape and color of Daisy and I knew she had it in because she was missing her friend. Once I got onto the roof, I gently tapped the window so YN knew I was there. She opened the curtain and smiled at me in the window. She opened it gently. “Hi Cowboy.”  
“Hey Cowgirl.” I sat next to the window. “How are you feeling?” 
She gave me a sad smile. “I’m ok. Ransom didn’t come by. He said he was too busy.” She sighed and looked at her lamp. “I miss her.”  
“I know you do, Cowgirl. But after a while, we’ll find you a new horse to raise because that’s what Daisy would want.”  
“You think?” 
“Well, if something happened to me, I would want you to find a new best friend because I never want you to be alone. I feel like Daisy and I are kindred spirits like that.  We both love you.”  
I didn’t realize the implication of my words. They were the truth, that’s all I know. I looked out at the moon and sighed. Every day I wished she knew that she belonged with me. That she would wake and see me and knew what she that I was the one she was looking for. But I can’t force her. I’d still be there for her no matter what.  
“You mean that, Johnny?” I turned to face her, and she was closer to me.  
A tendril of hair had escaped her messy bun and I gently pushed in behind her ear. Yeah, YN, I mean it.  
She studied me with those beautiful eyes before she leaned forward and pressed her soft lips to mine. I was stunned for half a second before I gave myself into it. I put my hand on her neck to hold her close to me and deepened it. I would have been a big fat fucking liar if I didn’t say that it was the best kiss of my life. I finally pulled back to let us breathe but kept our foreheads together. “Cowgirl…” 
“Yes, Cowboy?” 
“That was… amazing.”  
“Yeah, it was.” She pulled back smiling before her face started to fall. “Oh my… Johnny, I’m…” 
I stop her. “Don’t say your sorry. Please. I don’t regret any of that. But I understand. You have a boyfriend. I respect that. But I’m always here for you, Cowgirl.” I look at my watch. “I should go. I have to be back here in five hours.”  
She frowned but when I turned to leave, she grabbed my hand and stopped me. “Are you riding Torch tomorrow?” 
Torch was one of the wild horses we had caught.  I had been trying to tame him but he was still pretty wild.  The only people he seems to like was YN and me. But I’d be dammed if she got on him.  “Yes, but you need to stay out of the pen, Cowgirl. You can help me when he’s tied to the fence. I’ll see you tomorrow.” I gave her a kiss on the cheek and took off.  
I relived that kiss in my head the entire night and in the shower the next morning.  
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I was in the yard a couple of weeks later, trying to work with Torch. “C’mon boy, work with me here,” I gritted out. The horse neighed and I looked to see YN and Ransom watching. “C’mon Torch, let’s show our girl what we can do.”  I manage to get the saddle on him and climbed on. “Ok, Torch, let’s walk.” I walked around the yard a couple of times. Then I got him into a canter.  
“Looking good, Cowboy!” I smiled over my shoulder to YN but frowned when Ransom wrapped his arm around her waist. I kept working, trying to keep the jealousy off my face. He has his hands on my girl. I unfocus for just a second and Torch bucks. I get unseated and hit the ground, knocking the wind out of me.  “Johnny!” 
I hear it far away as I try to unblur my vision and get oxygen back in me. I turn over as I see YN climb the fence, her hat being blown off and Torch is headed right for her. I suck in a breath.  
“YN! No!” I scramble and leap for the reigns. I catch them by the tips of my fingers and pull Torch away from her. I hang on as he pulls until one of the other ranch hands grabs the leather and I can let go. I lay on the ground, breathing hard, trying to get the image of YN’s face of terror out of my eyes.  
“Johnny!” She skids to a stop next to me, kneeling over. “Are you ok?” 
I shake my head as I keep trying to breathe. “YN, you can’t just jump in the ring. Cowgirl, I was terrified you were going to get hurt.”  
“I don’t care.” She cups my cheek. “I was so scared you hit your head.”  
“YN!” I hear Ransom bark at her. “You’re getting dirty and we have to meet my parents! Get off the dirt and go change!” 
I got up and dusted myself off. I helped YN off the dirty and squeezed her hand. “I’m fine YN. I’ll be bruised but ok.” I pick up her hat and dust it off. I put it back on her head. “Thank you for checking on me.”  
“Anytime Cowboy.” I open the gate for her to get her out and close it.  Ransom takes YN’s hand and pulls her to the house, yelling about how she was going to make them late. I shake my head, knowing I can’t really do anything if I want to keep my job.  
Somehow, Mrs. YLN finds out about the incident and comes out to check on me. “Johnny Storm, front and center!” I hear her call out.  I smile because Mrs. YLN is the sweetest and loves all the guys on the ranch, but she has a particular sweet stop for me. I walk up to her, and she can see the bruise on my arm, but I guess I have a cut on my face. “Johnny! Go to the house and wash your face. I’ll be right there and I have apple pie for you.”  
“Yes ma’am.” I walked over to the house and went upstairs to the guest bathroom.  It’s where she kept the first aid. As I was washing, I heard loud voices coming from down the hall. I walked slowly and saw YN and Ransom arguing through the crack of her door.  
“I don’t know why you still hang out with that horse smelling farm hand?!” Ransom yelled.  
“He is a rancher and he’s my best friends. Johnny is a good guy.”  
“He’s some poor asshole…” 
“Stop it Ransom! He is my friend and you need to respect our friendship!” 
He grabbed her by the arms and pulled her next to him. “He wants what’s mine,” he growled at her. She turned away and gripped her chin to keep her eyes on him. “You’re going to tell him to leave you alone.”  
She sticks her chin up. “And if I don’t?” 
“You will regret it.”  He shoves her back and she hits her nightstand. I watch as her night light topples and breaks.  
I storm into the room. “Hey!” I push Ransom out of the way to reach YN. “YN, are you alright?” 
I can see the tears forming in her eyes. But they weren’t on me. They were on her lamp. “Johnny…” her voice quivers. She looks at me as one solitary tear fall from her eye. I can feel the rage building in me. I turn back to Ransom.  
“You son of a bitch! You hurt her.” I shoved him and he stumbled towards the door.  
“Fuck you asshole!” He took a swing at me but I managed to dodge it and get it a hit in his gut. It drops him, gasping for air.  
I grab YN’s hand and pull her from the room.  “C’mon YN!” I race down the stairs and out the back door. I run towards my bike and get the helmets. “Put this on, Cowgirl.”  
“Johnny, you know my father will be pissed!” 
“I don’t care. I can’t leave you with that monster.”  I turn to look at her as she plays with the straps of the helmet. “Do you want to stay with him?” She shakes her head. “Do you want to be with me, Cowgirl?” She looks at me, a soft blush blooming on her cheeks. I tuck a lock of hair. “Tell me.”  
“You’re my best friend.” The statement makes my heart sink and I drop my gaze. “But I’ve always wanted a chance with you.” I snap back up and she smiles.  She leans in and kisses me. Not like the first time, where it started soft and sweet.  This one urgent, lustful. I cup the back of her head to pin her to me. I lick the seam of her lips, asking her to let me in. She let me deepen the kiss and I was in heaven.  
When I heard yells coming from the house, I broke it and turned my head. “Baby, we have to go.” I shoved my helmet on and then helped YN, jumped on the bike, helped her up and gunned it out of the yard.  
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I made it out to the lake and the boathouse on the other side of the county. YN’s family think she would go to my place or my family’s but I’m not an idiot. I pull into the yard and stopped, taking my first deep breath since she kissed me. I held out my hand to help YN off the bike.  She stood, watching down the dirt road. “Are we safe here Cowboy?” 
“We should be, Cowgirl. C’mon.” I opened the big dock door to hide my bike and walked us in. It was dusty and dark, but it was a safe place. I had my lighter and was able to light a couple of candles to see where we were going.  But not soon enough as I walked into a giant cobweb. “Fuck! Shit!” I yelled as I batted away the sticky strings.  
YN giggles as she watches before she screeches and runs towards me. “Johnny!” 
“Baby, what…” 
“I think I felt a snake!” 
I tried to hold my laugh. “Baby, there are no snakes by the water.”  I finally found the light switch and the room was illuminated with a soft golden glow.  I went to where she stood before and then let out a laugh.  “Was this your great snake?” I held up an old fishing rod with a feather lure at the end.  
“Shut up Johnny, it scared me!” She crossed her arms and pouted at me.  
I came up to her and caressed her face. “My beautiful girl. I’m sorry.” I kiss her forehead. “Want to sit on the dock?”  She nodded and I took her hand. 
The sun was setting across the water. YN sat at the edge of the dock and let her legs dangle over the water. I sat right behind her and wrapped her in my arms. We were quiet for a while, listening to the crickets and cicadas harmonize in the twilight. I kissed her cheek and then down to her neck and she leaned to give me access. “Do you know how long I wanted to hold you and kiss you like this?” I whispered to her.  
“Not as long as I have.” She turned to me and smiled.  “I wish I had the courage to spend more time with you when I was 15.”  
“Sweetheart, your father forbade all of us to try and be with his daughter. I was a scared 18-year-old and not in the right place to give you what you deserved.” I kissed her nose before I kissed her properly. We went back to watching the sky turn from blue to yellow to orange to pink and then purple. “Why were you dating that guy? What did he have?” 
“I don’t know. Daddy introduced us and he took an interest.” She looks down at the water. “It was the day after I saw you in town with Sharon Carter. I thought,” she shook her head, “I thought that you really didn’t like me and then I just wanted to move on.”  
I know what day she is talking about.  It was the day Susie had set me up on a blind date. We met for a coffee in town, but Sharon told me from the beginning that she had feelings for someone else. We chatted about her horse, and she asked I could come train him. I explained this to YN. “I declined because I had just started working on Torch.” I caressed her cheek. “I didn’t want to take away my time from you.” 
She looked up at me, her beautiful eyes studying me. I could get lost in them. She turned and straddled my lap, her sundress riding up. Fuck, why had she already changed before her confrontation with Ransom. Did that dick get to see her naked? I shook the thoughts from my mind as I gripped her hips as she settled into my lap, making sure that she doesn’t tip back into the lake. Her arms are looped around my neck. She doesn’t say anything, not a single word or noise.  She just keeps those eyes on me, staring at me like a painting. Finally, she leans down and kisses me. I follow her lead, just like I would follow her anywhere if she asked me. Her fingers tangle into my hair as my hands splayed across her back and neck.  
I can feel her warmth right over my cock. I can feel myself growing harder under her as she begins to move over me. She’s grinding that pussy into me and I know I will lose it if I don’t stop it.  I try to still her but she keeps moving.  She lets go of my mouth to start kissing my neck and working the buttons of my shirt. “Baby, baby, stop,” I finally say. She pulls back, a look of hurt crossing her face. “No, baby, I just don’t want to do this here. I don’t want anyone to see you in pleasure besides me.” I grip under her ass as I move to lift her in my arms and carry her to the bedroom in the boathouse.  
You would think the room would be dusty and dirty, but it wasn’t.  I had been hiding out here on and off for the last few years. My father wasn’t a good man and I didn’t stick around when he started drinking.  My mom had left a few years before and Suzy lived with Reed so I was on my own. But I made the best of it. The bed had a clean quilt and everything was dusted and swept.  I even cleaned the bathroom.  
I laid my girl on the bed, slotting my hips in between her legs. I kissed her hard, fuck, I wanted her so bad. But I didn’t want her to think that this was all I wanted.  I slowed our kisses. “Johnny?” 
“I don’t want you to think that I just want this, Cowgirl. I’m in love with your fire, your spirit, your compassion, well, just you. Everything you.” I swallowed. “If you don’t want to do this, I understand, and we’ll wait.” I looked away for just a second before she used a finger to push me back into her eyesight.  
“Johnny Storm, I have been waiting for you for three years.”  
My eyes widen. “Are you...” She nods and looks away. I pull her gaze back. “Baby, are you sure?” 
“You belong to me Johnny, just like I belong to you.”  
I swallow. “We’ll go slow, ok? If I hurt you, just let me know and we’ll stop.” She nods and kisses me. I pull back. “I need your words, YN.”  
“I trust you Johnny.”  
I got up to my knees, still in between her legs and I started to unbutton my shirt. She watched me with big eyes, still unsure but never letting go. When I pulled it off, a soft gasp came from her mouth. That made me smirk. I pulled her up to me, sitting her. I tugged at the bottom of her pretty little sundress and pulled it over her head. I groaned at the site of her in just pink lace. I guided her back down to the bed and started to kiss every inch of skin I could find.  
YN sighed. I slid the pink strap of her bra down her shoulders and arms, kissing her skin as I went. I kissed the tops of her breasts and then pulled a cup down to take the peaked nipple in my mouth.  I nibbled and sucked as YN arched her back at the sensation.  “Johnny,” she moaned. Fuck, listening to my name come from her lips almost sent me over the edge. I moved to the other one while a pinched and twisted the first. I released her and then unclipped the offending fabric.  
I kept moving down, skimming her skin with my fingertips and my lips as she squirmed underneath me. I got to her lace pants and kissed her covered mound, inhaling her scent. “Dammit baby, you smell like heaven. Can I taste you?” 
She was silent and I lifted my head to see tears. “Baby?” 
“I’m scared. What if you don’t like me?” The sound of her uncertainty, her fear, broke my heart.  
“Oh, sweetheart.” I went back to hover over her. “I know that you will be the best taste I’ve ever had. The best partner I could ever ask for.” I let my hands wander as caress over the hem of her panties. “I promise, I’ll make you feel good.”  
She peered up at me and smiled. “Ok.”  
Such a simple little word can bring the heat in my veins. I kiss her softly again as I slide my hand into her panties.  I swallow her cry as tease her slit. “So wet, Cowgirl. For me?” 
She nods. “Is that a good thing?” 
“That’s an amazing thing.” I dip into her tight hole. “Oh fuck, you’re so tight.” She rolls her hips in time to the thrust of my hand, seeking my touch. “You like that YN?”  She nods again as she lets go of another low moan. My cock is straining behind my Wranglers, desperate to get out and play with the woman underneath me.  I stroke one more time and then bring my finger to my mouth.  She jaw drops at suck her cream from my finger.  “I knew you would taste good.” 
I don’t give her the chance this time.  I pull down her panties off her legs and stuff them in my pocket. “Johnny...” she started but soon she moaned as I licked my way up her slit. I kissed, sucked and teased her clit, finger fucked her until she was withering under me. “Give it to me Cowgirl. Let go.” 
“I can’t,” she cried, “Johnny, I...” 
“Its ok, let go for me, my love.”  
She cried as her orgasm took over, her body shook and her pussy strangled my fingers. I kept it gentle, knowing that this was the first one but certainly not the last. I could she her coming down so I gently pulled my fingers away. I licked my finger clean and then undid my jeans. “Are you ready for me Cowgirl?” I pulled my jeans and boxers off and fished a condom from my wallet.  
Her eyes were big. “Cowboy, that is not going to fit.”  
I gave her a sexy smirk. “We’ll make it fit.” I rolled it on and then slowly climbed back on top of her. I slotted my hips between her legs and kissed her hard and deep.  My cock seeks out the warmth of her pussy and notched at her entrance. “Ready?” 
“Yes. Please be gentle,” she whispered.  
“Always, Cowgirl.” I pushed in softly, groaning at how hot and tight she is. “Oh fuck, baby.” Her nails dug into my back but I didn’t focus on the pain. I pushed until I felt resistance. “I’m sorry baby but this will hurt. I promise it’ll feel good after.” I thrusted hard and she screamed. I held her too me as she thrashed her head, sobbing.  “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry love.”  
“Johnny!” She cried. It took a few minutes, but she calmed, and I move slightly. She moaned at the feel of my cock in her. “I feel so full,” she moaned.  
“That’s good, love. I’m going to move, ok?” She nodded and I withdrew gently, seeing her wince. “Do you want me to stop?” 
“No, no, I just,” she swallowed. “It's so much.”  
“I know. Just let your body feel.”  I withdrew until the head of my cock was the only piece in her and thrusted back in gently. Her head tossed back with a moan. I did that a few more time until I heard her say, “more.” I sped up my movements, pulling her leg over my hip to open her up a bit more.  
“Oh fuck, Cowboy, right there. Don’t stop. Please don’t stop.” She buried her head in my neck as I pumped into her.  
“I won’t stop until you give me another Cowgirl.” I moved my hand and used my finger to circle her clit.  She cried out more and I circled a little faster. I started to feel the sensation in my spine and I knew I was close.  “Fuck, tell me you’re close, Cowgirl.” 
“So close,” she moaned. I moved faster. My hips slamming into her, my finger pressing her little button of pleasure faster and harder. Her cry changed and I started to recognize it.  
“Come for me,” I ordered. That’s all it took as she detonated around me, squeezing me, milking me, triggering my own release into her. I slowed, both breathing hard. “Are you ok?” I was scared I hurt her with how hard I had been fucking her.  
“I’m great,” she said with a smile. “I get it now, what all my romance books talked about. It does feel like the best ride.”  
I laughed with her. I pulled out gently, knowing it would hurt. She winced but cupped my cheek to let me know she was ok.  There was a little blood on the condom and blanket but I didn’t make her feel bad. I got another blanket to cover her while I took the other one away. I threw away the condom and took a washcloth to her. She jumped when I touched her, but I knew it was just because of how sensitive she had become. I climbed back into bed with her and hauled her into my arms. She rested her head on my chest. “Johnny?” 
“I love you.”  
“I love you, Cowgirl. Get some rest.” I kissed her head and smoothed down her hair. I fell asleep to her rhythmic breaths against me.  
I was sleeping with an angel in heaven.  
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Muted sunlight filters in as I lay on my back, stroking my girl’s hair as she sleeps in the early morning. I think about the last three years, pining after the girl in my arms.  She wasn’t ready for me then. But now that I have her, I’ll never let her go.  
She starts to stir and wake. She stretches a little before looking up at me. “Hi.”  
“Hi Cowgirl. How are you feeling?” 
She smiles softly. “A little sore. But happy.” I lean to kiss her. Her eyes flutter as they open again.  “Good morning, Cowboy.”  
“This is the best way to start the day, my beautiful Cowgirl.”  I kiss her again when I hear a beep from somewhere. I reach down for my jeans and fish my phone from the pocket. There was a text message from her father 
Mr. YLN: Please bring my daughter home. 
I sighed and looked at my girl. “It’s time sweetheart.”  
She frowned but nodded. As we dressed, I gave YN a pair of my boxer briefs to wear since I tore her panties. It gave me a boost knowing she was wearing my underwear under her dress.  I cleaned up, feeling like I would be back living here soon since I would probably lose my job. But I had a feeling, I would still have YN.  
The ride back was quiet. I didn’t know what we would be walking into. Would her father try and kill me because I took his daughter and took her innocence? Would he press charges? I knew I would be facing something I just didn’t know what.  
We pulled into the driveway and went right up to the house. I helped YN off and took her helmet. “You know I love you right?”  
She nodded but her face was nervous. “I know. I love you too. We do this together?” I took her hand.  
We walked up the steps to her house. I knocked and the door immediately opened. Her mother answered. “YN. Johnny.” She looked down at our joined hands and smiled. She waved us into the living room where Mr. YLN and Random were waiting for us.  
“Mr. YLN. Mr. Drysdale.” I hated that I had to greet that fucker. I remembered yesterday and how he had pushed my girl. I remember seeing the bruise on her side. I had kissed the pain away when I worshipped her body but I would never forgive him for marking her.  
“Johnny, YN, I’m happy you came back.” He looked at our hands and then back at his daughter. “What were you thinking YN? You ran away from our home with our ranch hand without explanation. Your mother and I have been worried sick. If I hadn’t checked the cameras…” 
YN gripped my hand tighter and then interrupted her father. “I ran away because I didn’t feel safe in my own home.”  
The look of disbelief crossed her father's face. “What? What is that supposed to mean?” 
“You didn’t look in her room, did you?” I asked.  
“No. Ransom was in the living room and said you ran away with the farm boy after you had assaulted him.”  
I scoffed. “That’s rich. We’re not on a farm jackass,” I directed to Ransom. “We are a ranch. But that’s beside the point. The reason for the assault was because I was protecting YN from him. He was yelling at her, making her cry and then he shoved her into her nightstand and broke her horse lamp.”  
My words had the power to stop time. Ransom’s face turned red from rage as her father's face blanched. I could see what he was thinking. The man she introduced to his daughter was a monster.  
“You have no proof, farm boy!”  
“I’ve seen the bruises you asshole. I held her as she cried for the last reminder of her best friend that she had because you broke it.” 
Action was swift. Mr. YLN grabbed Ransom around the collar. “You put your hands on my daughter?!” Ransom gapped like a fish. “You thought you could lie to me. I know your grandfather and believe you me that he will hear about this. Get out of my house and off my property you worthless piece of shit.” Mr. YLN cocked his arm back and punched Ransom square in the jaw. He fell in a pile to the floor and grabbed his face.  
I helped him up and threw him out the door. “You fucked with the wrong girl Drysdale.”  
“She was mine!” He yelled back. “I will end you!”  
“Guess what? She was never yours. She was always mine. She belongs to me, and I belong to her. And you can just fuck off.”  
I went back inside and faced her father. “She’s yours?” 
“Sir, I have been in love with your daughter since the day I met her. I just wanted to wait until she knew that I was hers. I love her, sir, with everything I have.”  
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There is nothing like riding a horse. The freedom, the raw power, there is nothing like it. Especially when you girl is holding onto you as you ride the horse you trained together.  
It was nearing dusk, the sky changing to it’s beautiful pinks and reds and purples. I had ridden out to the lake on the opposite side of the boathouse. When I got to the water’s edge I stopped and helped YN down before I got down. It had been six months since the confrontation with Ransom. And they had been the happiest six months of my life. We walked along the edge, listening to the sounds of the coming eve, Torch neighing. I was nervous.  
“Baby, why are you trembling?” My Cowgirl stopped me and had a look of concern in her eyes.  
“Sorry, I just…” I cleared my throat. “I just have something to ask you. Do you love me?” 
“More every day.”  
“Do I make you happy?” 
“I’m the happiest girl in the world.”  
“Ok good. Because I’ve never been so happy YN and that’s all because of you. And I never want to let go of that happiness. So…” I pulled the box from my pocket and knelt to one knee. “My Cowgirl, will you marry me?” 
I opened the box to show off a modest pear-shaped diamond on a gold band. It had been all I could afford but her father said I could upgrade later since I’d be the ranch manager soon.  
“Johnny,” she gasped. “Yes, she whispered, Cowboy, yes!” 
I put that ring on her finger and lifted her into my arms.  
After all this time, she saw that I was the one who understood her, who got her, who loved her.  
She belonged to me.  
I belonged to her.  
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imyourbratzdoll · 1 month
𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐓𝐨 𝐇𝐞𝐥𝐥
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She was content and in love, she thought she married the one she would spend the rest of her life with. Fate seemed to have another plan for her. One that involved her to finally learn the truth, causing two relationships to be tragically ruined and hidden memories to suddenly come to light. She finally gets on the path she was meant to be on in the beginning.
18+ only please, do not copy, repost or translate our works. You are responsible for your own media consumption. headers are made by me.
೫˚🌧️❀ *ૢ💔೫˚💍
𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
೫˚🌧️❀ *ૢ💔೫˚💍
!warning! This series will include heartbreak, divorce, detailed cheating, bad thoughts towards self, betrayal, back-stabbing, horrible relationships, slight gaslighting and manipulation, smut (from cheating and maybe when she finds happiness).
೫˚🌧️❀ *ૢ💔೫˚💍
part 1 - 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐚 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲
೫˚🌧️❀ *ૢ💔೫˚💍
part 2 - 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐥
೫˚🌧️❀ *ૢ💔೫˚💍
part 3 - 𝐢𝐭'𝐬 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐬, 𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠
೫˚🌧️❀ *ૢ💔೫˚💍
part 4 - 𝐢 𝐠𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞...
೫˚🌧️❀ *ૢ💔೫˚💍
part 5 - 𝐦𝐲 𝐬𝐨𝐮𝐥 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬
೫˚🌧️❀ *ૢ💔೫˚💍
part 6 - 𝐦𝐲 𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬
೫˚🌧️❀ *ૢ💔೫˚💍
part 7 - 𝐬𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞
೫˚🌧️❀ *ૢ💔೫˚💍
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georgiapeach30513 · 4 months
The One to Sacrifice, Part 3
Summary: being here is getting to you.
Pairings: Raleigh Becket X Reader, Johnny Storm X Reader
Rating: mild
Warnings:  language, mentions of cheating, mentions of secrets, 18+ ONLY
Word Count: 4.3K
Series Masterlist
*Dividers created by @firefly-graphics
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The moment your father had told you the pond had been scraped you were ready to get back on the ice, but you had responsibilities now, and they involved making sure your niece was taken care of. Everyone else’s lives got to go on living like they always did, but yours changed the moment that Mike had passed away. You became her sole caretaker. Her confidant. Her shoulder to cry on. Her everything.
“So I get to play hockey here?” She looks up at you sleepily. So far Tanzy had enjoyed being here. You had your doubts. Hopefully it would make taking care of yourself easier. As far as your personal life went, it was much more difficult. Small towns had the tendency to do that.
“Yes, darling, now go to sleep,” you whisper, giving a kiss to her forehead.
“Did my dad love hockey?”
“Your dad and uncle Frank loved hockey. Him, Frank, Johnny, and…”
“That man that brought us home?” She peeks up through her lashes at you with the most mischievous grin, and you just nod. “Did you ever kiss him?”
“Go to sleep,” your voice is a bit more animated, but it doesn’t raise. Playfully covering her eyes she starts giggling uncontrollably. “Tanzy!”
“What? He’s cute. You should kiss him,” you roll your eyes, and settle back on her bed. You need to go out on the ice, so whatever it took for her to settle down, you’d do. “He’s nice, too. He drove us home.”
“Uh huh,” you give a fake yawn that you know she doesn't believe, but you can’t help it. It was late, and you were emotionally exhausted, and only one thing helped. You can already feel the tingle of the chill on your cheeks.
“Did you love him?” Tanzy breaks your daydreaming of just moving on the ice. Giving you the softest and knowing smile as she looks up at you.
“Young love,” you agree. You loved Raleigh in your way, although you never loved him the way he loved you. You didn’t even understand what love was. And then some stupid boy with blue eyes that had the most beautiful bit green in them stole your heart, and you didn’t have the balls to break up with Raleigh.
“You should try again,” she lets out a little yawn, flipping over onto her side. “I don’t want you to be alone like daddy was,” she yawns again, waving her hand at you, “I’m good, go skate.”
This child. She knew that you needed to skate, “Love you, Tanz.”
“Love you, too,” she could very much be faking her sleepiness. She’s done it before. But she wasn’t a baby anymore. She was growing.
With a sigh, you run into the mud room, and grab your things. Putting your skates on sitting on the bench by the pond. Remembering a simpler time and skating with your brothers. Inhaling the frosty air with a smile. Skating on the pond brought back so many memories. A less complicated life. Joy. Laughter. Love.
Making a few rounds on the ice, you try to not think, just exist. Focus on your feet and legs as you launch into the air. Not think about everything that happened. Too much had happened. And even more was bubbling up to the surface, and there was more you hoped never would.
Spinning around, you let the world melt away. Let everything blur out in front of you, but then you feel Johnny’s hands on your body. Blurring into puppy love with Raleigh. Someone you didn’t have to hide. Mike would have killed you. He threatened to kill Johnny when he found out.
You come to a stop in the middle of the ice. Your chest heaving with frustration more than exertion. You really knew how to fuck up things. It’s why you prefer to push people away. Coming back home was smothering you. The only one you couldn’t run away from was Tanzy; because she needs you. Who else would take care of her?
On the one hand was this toxic love based on passion and your bodies. A fire that burned too brightly, leaving you with nothing left but ashes. On the other hand was someone you could make a life with. A life here in a small town in Maine. Things weren’t complicated with Raleigh until…Johnny.
You aren’t even sure you loved Johnny, you just wanted him. Wanted everything he had to offer, and he had big dreams and stars in his eyes that were the same as yours. But he made it. He didn’t sacrifice anything. Kept living his life, and pretending like Tanzy didn’t exist. Mike had counted on him, and he failed. Again.
You take off quickly just wanting to get in the air, and get your mind off — them. You didn’t want either of them quite frankly, and yet they were still both here. What were the odds that Johnny was being forced to be a coach to a girls’ hockey team? And you sigh as your body spins around because there’s a part of you that is lying. You did want something. Honesty, possibly.
You have to think of anything but them. Think about what would have happened if you decided to have a partner. The only one you had ever skated with was Raleigh. You’d giggle as he’d lift you up in the air, and twirl you around. You should have kept things simple, despite his push to turn romantic. No, it was his ability to make you laugh and feel comfortable. Raleigh should have had all your firsts.
You try to imagine a life where things didn’t get fucked up. Where Raleigh came with you to Minnesota. Mike could have still been alive. Tanzy would have had her father, and you would have had your big brother.
You imagine him as your partner. Practically could feel his hands back in yours as you skate around the pond. Life could have been different. Maybe you wouldn’t be thinking about these constant what if’s in your head.
“Ahh,” you fall down on the ice, and glare up at Raleigh who stops so abruptly he falls over as well. “What are you doing?”
He sits up, placing both arms on his knees as he gives you that quintessential Raleigh Becket smile, “I came to apologize,” he tilts his head to the side as he looks at you. “I spent all this time feeling like I didn’t get any closure, and…dammit, Pix, I should have been there for you.”
”What?” Your head turns to look at him quickly. Confusion doesn’t even explain what you’re feeling. Or the secrets you were hiding. How did they fit in with Raleigh?
“When Mike died. I shouldn’t have offered my help, I should have just been there. You quit your dream to raise a child that wasn’t your own.”
“It was the right thing to do.”
“Would you stop,” you look at him confused. What exactly did he mean with that? “You don’t have to be a martyr. You don’t have to do this all alone. You shouldn’t have done it alone. Tanzy…you’ve done a good job on her. You should have had a support system.”
A silence looms between the two of you. Never even getting off the ice. You look up at the stars, and whisper out a thanks to him. Starting to lean into his body a bit before your head lays over on his shoulder. The best thing about Raleigh is the comfort.
“You don’t have to do it alone anymore.”
“Is that an invitation?” He can feel the smile that creeps up on your mouth, and you feel the chuckle building up in his chest that he doesn’t want to release. “I’m sorry, too.”
“Is this a Storm thing?” You groan, starting to lift off his shoulder, but he pulls you back down. “Did he mean anything to you?”
“I don’t think so.”
“Did I?”
You’re unsure how to answer. Because he did mean a lot to you. Johnny is complicated for various reasons. And you have told yourself he meant nothing to you for a long time, but you fear it is to protect yourself the most. Because at the end of the day, you felt like a conquest to Johnny. An easy lay. A virgin.
Raleigh whispers your name, lifting you up to look at him, “Did I mean anything to you?”
“Yes,” you answer with the utmost sincerity. He smiles with glassy eyes, and you hate yourself for the pain you caused him. Not just the lack of closure but the fact he found out about his girlfriend cheating on him. “I loved you. You were my best friend.”
“Why did you do it?” You shrug your shoulders, removing your gaze from his heavy stare. It is too intense, and you can’t fully handle the way he is looking at you. Clinging to any hope you can offer him. “Don’t look away.”
“I don’t know. I told you…it was…”
“You,” he takes a deep breath, trying to choose his words carefully. It was years ago, and the pain is still there. Wedged deep inside of him because he didn’t doubt the way he felt. He was completely in love with you then, and nothing had changed. “Because of a school girl crush. He was your first.”
“He was my only,” that didn’t offer much comfort, but you see his face relax a bit. His hands cup your cheeks, leaning his forehead into yours. “Raleigh, I’m so sorry.”
“I forgive you,” you didn’t deserve him, his forgiveness, or any of his kindness. But you melt into it. It was the first time in so long you have felt comforted. No one ever bothered to check on you, and even if they did, Raleigh just knew. The the need to run away from everything seems to have stopped. You didn’t want to run anymore. You are tired. “Can we start over?”
“I don’t know what that means, Raleigh,” his eyes flick down to your lips, and you know without him saying anything. “Clarify.”
“Start from the beginning. Forget anything happened.”
“You’re suggesting we’re more than friends?”
“I’m suggesting I want you in my life. I’ve missed you, and my feelings haven’t changed,” if you made friends with girls, maybe they would have told you that he was a man that had never moved on, and that should be a red flag. But you didn’t move on either. You had no desire to make a choice. And at the time there was only one choice you could make. So you ran. You pushed everything into your career, and didn’t let any of those emotions bubble up to the surface. No one knew, and you repressed everything. You didn’t want them to know. You didn’t want to know.
“At your pace.”
“Remind me?” Your mouth tips up in a smile, hoping he didn’t forget what it meant. With a smile that matches your own, his eyes flutter close, and he presses his lips against yours. No one moves, and the kiss is warm and lingering. You still aren’t sure if you ever loved him the way he loved you. Or the way he deserved, but you hope you find it.
You settle into his arms, snuggling closer, and feeling at least comfort. It wasn’t much, and it wasn’t love, but it was…something.
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“Tanzy, why are you still awake?” Tanzy looks back at her uncle, shushing him before her eyes go back to the ice. “Oh…they didn’t waste time,” he rolls his eyes as he sits down beside his niece. Giving you and his best friend an eye roll. The two of you embrace in a hug before you stand up, and start skating around the ice.
Laughter fills the winter air with a lightness that he hasn’t seen in his friend in a long time. The two of you fall in sync, partnering up, and going with the flow. He sighs as Tanzy flips around in her bed. “They kissed.”
“It wasn’t their first time.”
“But it was like a real kiss,” Frank chuckles, reaching over to pull the covers over both him and Tanzy. “She never kissed anyone back home. I never saw a boy.”
“Don’t make sense out of your aunt.”
“She deserves to have fun. She’s a good aunt. She worked a lot. I never saw her on the ice. And now we’re here, and she’s laughing, and — they were in love, huh?” Frank shrugs his shoulders, retching while Tanzy watches her uncle curiously. “What?”
“Thinking about Raleigh and my sister is weird. He’s a good guy, but it’s…gross. But I know he’s never looked at a woman like he does Pixie.”
“Be happy for her. She didn’t smile a lot. She’s always thinking.”
“About what?” Tanzy yawns, and starts to snuggle into his body, just like she used to with her dad. She didn’t ever want to forget him. But most of what she remembered was through someone else’s memory. “Your dad?”
“No. She has secrets, Frank. Secrets that make her sad.”
“Like what?”
“I don’t know. I’m just a kid. Her and dad whispered a lot. She cried a lot, and then she had to take care of me,” she yawns again, and her words get softer. Quieter. “Let her be happy.”
“Go to sleep, and I’ll try,” he gives another quick glance outside, but looks away quickly. You weren’t so much skating as holding onto each other. That weird thing the two of you did when you just touched foreheads together and looked at one another.
Secrets. You had secrets that made you sad. You did leave, and not tell Raleigh goodbye. Wouldn’t return his calls. You didn’t like the idea of “Johnny,” Frank groans. Johnny did something. He always did.
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“You and the mechanic,” Tanzy starts to tease you, but you turn around to look at her shaking your head. She was supposed to be getting her gear ready for hockey practice. “Uh huh, I saw you.”
“Skating together is nothing to get too excited about,” after a bit of sleep, you realize that even just a slight peck of a kiss was a horrible idea. Raleigh clearly is still in the zone of everything is perfect, and he can be perfect just for you. It isn’t that you doubt that. But you have only just arrived and there are still so many things swirling in your head, and you are drowning in thoughts. You need to skate, and every time you did there was a man.
“Yeah, but you didn’t just skate. I saw you,” she gives you the sweet mischievous grin that makes you think of Mike, and you can’t even be mad at her. She had this attitude just like Mike and Johnny, always into something, and always ready for a good time.
“I remember now why I hated your dad’s room right there.”
“Why because he watched you kiss that man, too?” Wrapping a hand around her stomach she lets a wave of giggles rush over her. Head leaning back, and you try — try not to laugh with her, but you can’t. She already seems happier here than she did. Being around family is good for her, and a bit suffocating for you.
“Raleigh did watch me skate a lot.”
“Did Johnny?”
“Now what kind of question is that?” Tanzy shrugs her shoulders as she lifts up a duffle bag. “Why would you ask about Johnny?”
“Why are you getting so defensive about Johnny? It was first the mechanic, and now him. Did you kiss Johnny, too? Like the Johnny Storm, did you kiss him?” You stepped right into that. You couldn’t blame her for being curious, but your relationship with Johnny was for nobody’s ears. You buried that and the memories a long time ago.
“Go on, get into the car. Gimma is waiting for us,” you car still hasn't been fixed. You didn’t doubt that Raleigh could, but he of course had other cars ahead of you. With a deep sigh, you watch Tanzy jump into the car with your mom, and you look around the kitchen. Nothing had changed. It brought you a bit of comfort, and still there was that tad of unease that always lingered in places where memories of your brother were the strongest.
Nothing is ever easy here because some things just never change, despite how much is always changing. Just take a deep breath, and go.
Trudging out to your mom’s car makes you feel like a child again, especially going to the rink. You fasten your seatbelt, and look in the rear view mirror, and the sly smile on Tanzy’s face lets you know she’s not letting this go.
“You should invite Raleigh for dinner.”
“He was most likely going to come anyway. I have to make sure all my boys are fed. Him and Frank mosey on in. It would be nice for…” Tanzy starts laughing uncontrollably as your mom rattles on.
“It would be nice if you guys wouldn’t make a big deal about it. Raleigh and I…”
“Yes, yes,” your mom looks at you with an exasperated look. It isn’t the first time that she’s had this conversation with you. “You and Raleigh have always skated together. And skating together always leads to him crawling into your bedroom and watching movies until you pass out, and I tell him to please use the front door instead.”
You glance towards her looking ashamed. You had no idea she actually knew about that. “I allowed him to stay because he made my ice princess happy. I could hear you guys laughing, and you almost never stopped talking, so I didn’t think anything was going on. And then when you actually were dating — honey, nothing ever happened?”
“Tanzy is in the car.”
“I know about kissing!”
“What I mean is you shouldn’t have to stay in your head. Raleigh gave you something more to talk about than skating. He opened up your cold heart. I heard you laugh, and weren’t repeating your routine obnoxiously over and over again. Raleigh made you human, and I hate to think that someone who was your best friend,” starting to interrupt, she covers your mouth with her hand, “I know he and Frank are close, but those two didn’t have what you two had.”
“It would be really weird if they did. I’m glad to know that everyone thinks I’m…”
“Icy,” you shoot a playful glance back at Tanzy, but try to laugh. You weren’t the most personable human in the world, and you never had been. But there is a part of what your mom is saying is right. You did feel differently around Raleigh. He was able to bring out the best of you.
“Well there he is,” your mom smiles and gives Johnny a wave as she pulls into the rink. No one was here. “Tell Johnny I said hey, and he should come by for dinner tonight, and…”
“No!” She looks taken aback as you shout at her. “Just — not yet. We don’t even know how he’s going to be with his goddaughter,” you take a deep breath, and hold your head up high as you get out of the car. Giving a wave to your mom as you give Johnny a terse nod. He’s so full of himself, his smile just gets larger.
He gives your mom a friendly wave, and his hand presses on Tanzy’s back, “Why don’t you go ahead and dress out, there’s some things I’d like to discuss with your aunt.”
“Are you wanting to kiss her, too? Aunt Pixie, you’ve got all the boys,” she gives a little giggle as she runs into the rink, and you follow right behind her.
“Let me guess, you were kissing that Neanderthal Raleigh?” You don’t answer, just walk right into the rink, and have a deep need to skate on its smooth surface. “Wow, okay. So, you won’t give me the time of day even though I know what you taste like, but you’ll let that man kiss you in front of Tanzy.”
Spinning around you glare at him, “That got your attention, ice princess. What does Raleigh have that I don’t? I got the bigger bank account.”
“And you got the bigger head.”
“You’d know all about that, wouldn’t you,” you shove his shoulder. This is what always irritated you about him; his ease at getting under your skin. “You didn’t even give me the time of day, but you let that man kiss you?”
“Why do you care? It’s not like you couldn’t have any girl that you wanted. And you have. Raleigh is…”
“Hung up on you. We both know it. Did you tell him about us? About how I couldn’t keep my hands off you, and you were just as needy for me?”
“I thought you needed to talk to me about something. Where is everyone?” You did not need to go down this road again. You just wanted for Tanzy to practice, and you to eventually go home, and away from him. He is your kryptonite.
“That’s what I thought,” he whispers before he starts walking towards the ice. “Has Tanzy ever played?” You shake your head no, sitting down on a bench, and he joins you. Too close. Just to prove you don’t like the closeness, you scoot away. “Her dad was Mike Weiss, and you didn’t put her in hockey?”
“I was struggling to feed us both, and you wanted me to put her in an expensive sport that I couldn’t afford?”
“You could have told me,” see this is the reason you easily fall for Johnny. There’s something in the way he looks at you, actually concerned. “That’s why you’re back, money?”
“Kids are expensive, even more so when you’re on their own. Her godfather didn’t reach out, so I just made do. And now I’m back in. Back here wallowing in the past, and…”
“You always were so melodramatic. It’s not that serious. You’re here getting help and support. Who fucking cares?” You cared. Your pride cared, and he called you melodramatic. “Keep the drama for the ice. It’s what I do, baby. You don’t have to have all that shit swirling in your head while you try to make sense out of everything. We had fun, right? So you cheated on some chump that was obsessed with you. How come you never had sex with him? Am I the only one? You look better when you keep your issues on the ice, and let me do the thinking for you.”
“That doesn’t fix everything.”
“Does constantly worrying about it?” You still. If there was anything you always admired about Johnny was his ability to not care. “Pix, can I be honest with you?”
“You always are. Even if I don’t want you to.”
“You’re wound too tight. You always have been. That’s why we…well, you wanted me to teach you. I did, and for a few months you relaxed. You skated better than you ever had before, and then you just — poof. I wasn’t heartbroken, but that man you are kissing was. So if you want me to relax you, get rid of him. Or use him to relax you. Either way, get laid,” you stutter a moment, as you hear the locker room door slam shut.
“Unless you want to tell me what really happened. Because believe me when I say this, Pix, something happened. Between you and me, and you’re hiding from it. You don’t have to tell me, but if it’s something that keeps you this stressed, and made my best friend yell and cuss at me, well…that’s your call since Mike can’t explain shit.”
You start to say something. Anything. But Johnny stands up, and gives a nod to Tanzy. “I know I’m an asshole. But while I’m here, I could be your asshole. And I’d like to get to know the squirt. And offer coaching. One on one. Pix, I’m not the evil monster you want me to be. I’m just a prick,” he reaches down to pick up his skates, leaving you wondering what exactly was going on inside your head, and if you made a bigger deal than things. Just like you always did.
Take out the men. And think about just you. You have to take responsibility for your actions. No one can but you. You may be sticking your foot in your mouth, but Johnny deserved to know Tanzy. “You should come by for supper sometime. You and Tanzy can skate on the pond.”
“I haven’t skated on that pond in years. What do you say, squirt, want me to start giving private lessons?”
“What about practice?” She asks, looking around to see everything is still empty. He set you up, but this will make her so happy.
“Practice doesn’t actually start until tomorrow, but we can get some skating in. Pix? Care to join us?” You shake your head no, wanting more than ever to just see Johnny with her. Watching as he actually laughs at things she says, enjoying her. It’s a shame he had all this time without her, and she with him. It just works.
You feel a slight ping in your heart as you watch them, giving your mom a text that there wasn’t actually practice today and she could pick you up.
I knew. Johnny said he could bring you two home.
Of course he did. Of course she knew. It’s fine. It was okay. Get out of your head. That was years ago. Raleigh would have to get used to Johnny being in your life. For Tanzy. And that’s how you wanted to keep it. For Tanzy.
Taglist: @tis-thedamn-season @marveloustaylortot @pono-pura-vida @peaches1958 @seitmaii @smile1318 @andydrysdalerogers @charmed-asylum @cjand10 @rosemirrors @midnightramyeoncravings @patzammit @valhalla-kristin @kmc1989 @peaceinourtime82 @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory
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hansensgirl · 2 years
‧₊˚. ʚɞ 𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐟𝐥𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬
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summary! — ‘he looked out the window, only to be greeted by the sight of you on your knees and your dear friend, Jake, bobbing your head up and down.’— he can be my mister—yum!
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warnings! — smut, friends-with-benefits relationship, oral (male receiving), Daddy kink, dirty talk, praise, degradation, public sex (in a backyard), exhibitionism, it’s all consented don’t worry, voyeurism, begging, size kink (cock), pet name (princess, baby), cock worship, teabagging/balls x mouth stuff, allusions/mentions to oral (f receiving) + male masturbation, and more. 18+ MINORS DNI!
pairings! — friend-with-benefits!Jake Jensen x friend-with-benefits!fem!reader, silver-fox!Johnny Storm x fem!reader
word count! — 1.5k
author’s note! — set in the he can be my mister—yum! universe. please read it to have a better understanding of this one. this is a prequel. yes, jake consented to this. johnny just watches in this fic. this is also a gift for the lovely @jakeysangel! thank you so so so much for everything baby!! ilysm!! happy birthday!! have the most adorabubble day ever!! i know jake would want you to. not beta'd, therefore all mistakes are mine. MINORS DNI! 18+ ONLY!
taglist — @hansensfics
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“Whatcha doin’ there, princess? You’re gonna hurt your knees,” Jake coos, gaze following you to the ground. You smile at him, but it’s more naughty than endearing. 
When the realisation hits the blond, his face turns a pink colour. His ears are rosy, too. 
Your hands grip the waistband of his brown shorts. “Don’t care, Daddy. Just want you…” you whisper, and you lean back against the half-opened sliding door. Jake reaches down and gently grabs you, checking for any harsh imprints on your skin before nudging you further outside. “Well, you’ve got me.”
He pulls you towards a chair he bought you a few months ago. Jake loves spending time in your backyard, and when he discovered you didn’t have a proper chair out there, he took matters into his own hands. 
The black chair is woven with a material that is soft once enough weight is put on it. The texture is satisfying when you run your hands against the arms and your heels on the bottom. 
You spin him around, gently nudging him into the chair, and he smirks up at you when he sits. Jake’s eyes twinkle in the dark from the lamps he set up for you. “You’re so pretty, Daddy,” you hum, sinking back down to your knees again. When you feel cotton, you gasp.
Looking down, you see the towel you had used earlier today and left it out to dry. Sneaky. “And you’re too good to me.” Jake smiles bashfully before sucking in a sharp when you run your hands up to his thighs. “Such a sweet thing, aren’t you? You gonna make Daddy feel good, baby?” he questions, unbuttoning his shorts for you.
“Uh-huh… I’m gonna make you feel so good, Daddy,” you tell him, your cunt clenching at the thought of what you’re about to do. You love Jake’s cock. It’s flawless—and so is he. “Yeah, you are. C’mon, come and get it, princess,” he urges, voice lower than it usually is.
He pulls down his boxers and pants simultaneously, leaving them tangled at his feet before you tug at them. He chuckles at your insistence, though he does what you demand. You move his clothes to the side and then look back up.
Jake has his hard cock gripped in his right hand. He holds himself in a fist and curses at the tiny bit of touch. He’s aching, and you’re at fault. You’ve been teasing him nonstop, wearing a short dress and sitting on his lap, grinding and pretending you’re not doing anything. 
At his full glory, Jake is as intimidating as he is impressive. His length is enough to frighten you, while his girth isn’t all that bad. His balls are heavy, and he’s a reddish-tan colour, with a patch of trimmed hair at the base. His mushroom tip leaks with pre-cum, and you’re eager to lap it up.
Without warning, you drag your tongue and catch the beads, making Jake groan. Your mouth envelopes the crown, and your wet muscle digs into the sensitive slit. “Fucking hell, princess. That mouth of yours is perfect, isn’t it? Just like the rest of you,” he husks, his other hand finding a home on the back of your head. 
Your best friend moves his fist and places it underneath his left thigh, spreading his legs further. Slowly, and when you give him the cue, he pushes you further down his cock. Your warm mouth welcomes him without hesitation until he hits the back of your throat, making you gag.  
“Breathe through your nose, baby. You’re okay. You can do it,” he soothes, keeping you there until you give him a thumbs up. Jake begins to bob your head up and down, treating you gently yet as if you’re a fleshlight. “There you go. Good girl,” he hums, cursing under his breath.
Saliva causes his cock to glisten, making your movements much smoother. You hollow your cheeks out, and he moans loudly, adoring the sensation of your skin gliding on his. His musky taste fills your senses, and you realize how much you’ve missed it. 
Once you cheer yourself on in your head, you make the jump. You take more of Jake’s cock into your mouth, pushing past your reflex and letting him claim your throat. Eventually, your nose nuzzles the faded pubes at his pelvis, and Jake is loud enough for a curious neighbour to hear.
He holds you there for a few seconds, revelling in how good your mouth feels wrapped around his cock. The veins on the side of his lengthiness throb against your tongue.
Suddenly, he lets go, and you slide him out of your mouth to catch your breath.
“Are you alright, princess? You’re doing so good for me. You’re such a good girl,” Jake coos, taking note of your teary eyes and tired expression. You smile at his praise and are eager to continue pleasing him. Jake lets you, guiding you back towards his cock and easing you down his girth.
Your mouth stretches around him, and you begin to move your head back and forth, gliding your wet warmth along his member. “Holy fuck, princess… You’re such a good little cocksucker, hm? I bet those panties are soaked by now,” Jake says, and your flit your eyes to look at him.
A gleam of mischievousness sparkles, and he nods his head. “Dirty girl. You’re not wearing any panties, hm? You’re such a needy little slut, baby. You’re just begging to be stuffed full of this dick all the time,” he spews, becoming more talkative and filthy. 
Layers of a shy, sweet Jakey peel back, and a mildly darker, more sadistic version is revealed. He’s always like this when he’s in that mood around little ole you. 
You hum around his cock, sending vibrations that make him moan loudly. Your friend takes a moment to compose himself before he places both hands on each side of your head. His reign of control resumes as he bobs your head up and down for you, using your mouth to please himself—just as you like.
Tears sting your eyes, but you don’t mind. The intrusion is something your cunt has gotten used to, but your throat still hasn’t. Gags and moans fill the air, and the pace picks up before Jake slows to a stop.
“Fuck– Wait, baby, suck my balls—I know how much you love them,” he tells you, and you pull your mouth off his cock almost immediately. Jake lowers your head to his heavy balls and urges you to play with them. 
As soon as you run your tongue on his sacks and toy with him as he likes, he swears louder than ever. “Shit! You’re such a nasty little whore, hm? Doing whatever I tell you to just because you wanna please me. Yeah, get it there. Makin’ Daddy feel so damn good…” Jake grunts. 
You grow more eager with your actions. With your mouth, you pull at his balls gently and lick at them, too. Your dominant hand comes up and cups the one you aren’t entirely occupied with before switching. Jake slowly strokes his cock above you, Adam’s apple bobbing and his skin covered in sweat. 
Looking up, you make eye contact with your dearest fun. His jaw is slacked just a bit, and his eyebrows are pinched slightly. “Princess, ‘m gonna come,” he quietly warns, and you lick from his balls to his mushroom crown almost teasingly. You wrap your lips around his tip and sink down, returning to your original ministrations.
You bounce your head up and down, even when you feel Jake’s cock twitch against your tongue. You still watch him, or at least he thinks.
Past his head and higher up, you see a silhouette in a window. The large stature is one you recognize all too well. Your thighs press together as your core thrums with your realisation. Johnny—Mr. Storm—is watching you. 
A hint of brattiness comes to the surface, and without thinking, you wink at him.
Only a few seconds later, Jake tells you he’s coming. You return your gaze to him and give your friend those pleading eyes he adores. “Fucking hell…” he groans, holding your head still as he hits his climax. 
Ropes of cum shoot down your throat, a salty taste coating your tongue, and you drink it all up. “Good girl, such a good fucking girl for Daddy,” Jake says through his pants, and you smile while sucking lightly until he hisses from overstimulation. 
When you pull off and wipe your wet lips, you look back to Johnny’s home. The lights are off, but the curtain is still parted. You assume he left in urgency, and the potential reason is utterly debauched. 
One of Jake’s large hands cups your face, bringing you close to him before kissing you gently. He eventually pulls away and looks at you with darkened eyes. 
“How about I return the favour, princess? It’s been too long since I tasted that sweet pussy of yours.” 
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chxrryhansen · 5 months
౨ৎ˚₊✩‧₊ Cherry’s Cevans One Shot Rec List
here you will find all of my favourite chris evans + characters fanfiction recommendations, i have many more to add and will continue to update this list. Please don’t forget to reblog these amazing writers fics as they deserve so much love!💘💘
Walk On The Wild Side - @hansensgirl
you just wanted to go for a stroll down the road—but he wants you to take a walk on the wild side. (Dark!Chris Evans)
You Better Not Pout, Better Not Cry - @hansensgirl
they know if you’ve been bad or good, so be good for goodness sake. (Dark!Multi character) - i would add every single one of her fics to this list if i could💘
Sinful Devotion - @evansbby
Lloyd promises to let you go, but he demands a depraved repayment. (In other words, Lloyd pops your cherry)- my favourite writer in the whole universe💘
Smothered With Bliss - @whereireid
Is it hard being married to the most influential man in America? You most certainly think it is. — Steve Rogers: Captain America, the heart of his nation, the soul of his country. After returning home from a particularly bad day at work, Steve finally snaps, deciding you need re-educating on how to be the perfect housewife.
The Night - @misshoneybee
Working as the Barber family's nanny is a piece of cake, but what happens when the dad you've been tip-toeing around all year comes home late one night to find you asleep in his bed, wearing his favorite sweater?
Little Miss Red - @anika-ann
Ransom’s looking for a good time tonight, when you walk through the door, he knows he’ll get it. And you? Oh you’ll get it too. He's going to make sure of it.
Unholy Errand - @buckets-and-trees
You're caught in the crosshairs when a hit goes out for your boss. (Dark!Lloyd Hansen + Dark! God The Bounty Hunter + Ransom Drysdale)
What A Shirt Can Tell - @justalonelyslytherin
5+2 times Colin asked 'Is that my shirt?' plus the one time he got asked it. Aka a look through the journey of Colin and his girl, each in which his shirts play an important role.
Start Again - @wkemeup
A chemical spill, uncontrollable desires rushed to the surface, an unbridled need, and the consequences in the aftermath (Steve Rogers)
Daddy’s Little Pet - @sinner-as-saint
You and Steve are the epitome of ‘opposites attract’. He is the American hero, a super soldier who is known for his bravery, and righteousness and for being the one leading the Avengers. You, on the other hand, are a well-known fashion designer in the city. Creator and owner of your own brand, and elite boutique. At first glance, it doesn’t seem like you and Steve would be compatible. But you surprisingly are. And behind closed doors, in secrecy – you two are each other’s solace, each other’s definition of home. He’s your strong, loving and caring man. And you, his lovely, little pet whom he adores more than life itself.
Good Girls And Skype Calls - @youre-deadangel
chris gives you a treat for behaving.
Afternoon Delight - @christowhore
you're steve's live-in housekeeper and find your boss and his friends having a bbq on a heatwave stricken afternoon. they invite you to join them and show you all the pleasurable ways to cool down from the sun. (SoftDark!Steve Rogers + Sam Wilson + Bucky Barnes)
Got You - @hispeculiartreasure
The two of you had grown close over the last year; first as teammates, then as friends. You had been distant at the start, just as he had. Slowly, agonizingly - blood, sweat, and tears were definitely involved - walls were dismantled. A current of trust ran between you, one which caught Steve by surprise. As dense as he could be about matters of the heart, suspicions of his blossoming romantic feelings being mutual had proven true with a simple kiss. (Sex Pollen, Steve Rogers)
Golden Boy - @bucksfucks
you’ve always called steve the golden boy, but he snaps one night and decides to show you he’s anything but. (Roommate!Steve Rogers)
It Must Be That Old Evil Spirit - @vonalyn
There’s something unsettling about his demeanor but you can’t quite put your finger on it. As if there’s something hiding beneath the surface just waiting to pry its way out of the tight shirt across his broad frame and tear your throat out. Maybe it’s your general unease around others when you’re traveling alone, or maybe it’s just him.  (Jack-O-Lantern!Ari Levinson)
Stupid Kitty - @onsunnyside
Your father wrongfully entrusted Lloyd to care for you—it’s too bad he’ll never get you back. (Lloyd Hansen x Cat-Hybrid!Reader)
Manners- Or Lack Of Them - @rogerswifesblog
Ransom wants you, the sweet girl at the bar…but you’re not what he expected you to be. (Sub!Ransom Drysdale + Mommy!Reader)
Shadow Boxer - @mypoisonedvine
you’re stuck in the same destructive cycle with ransom, but maybe you don’t want to get out of it. (Angst + Smut, Ransom Drysdale)
It’s Not A Challenge - @gagmebucky
His jaw ticks. “It’s not a challenge, doll,” he bites out. “It’s a warning. If I tried to get inside you, I’d split you in half in the process.” His eyes flicker down, and your nipples are pebbles against the thin, easily-rippable fabric—you’re testing him, and he’s failing. “Goddamn it,” he hisses underneath his breath. “That - that shouldn’t turn you on.” Bristling, he drops his hand and pedals backward—he’s on his last thread, and it’s his sole chance to make a clear-headed decision. (Boxer!Steve Rogers)
Pretty Princess - @frostironfudge
Andy Barber gets jealous when he presumes you shared a room with one of his associates.
Over And Over - @frostironfudge
Ari Levinson is a possessive man, he'll punish you till you apologise.
Such A Good Boy - @lilacevans
You and Ari attend a business meeting, and at the beginning the other boss you're meeting with just assumes that Ari is the one in charge; however, that's not the case. While you look dainty, angelic, like you couldn't even hurt a fly, you're the one who runs the family and will not hesitate to fuck up anyone who stands in your way. (Puppy!Ari Levinson) - one of my favourite fics EVER.💘
Breathe - @buckyownsmylife
The one where the new co-star is obsessed with the idea of making Chris hers, but he makes sure to show her you’re the only one for him.
Justified - @dbnightingale24
Ransom has always been the center of your world you’ve always been the center of his. However, when he can’t change his ways and you’re tired of the heartbreak, is it really so bad if you think it’s best to walk away? Ransom thinks so. - one of the sweetest most talented writers i have ever met💘
My, My, My - @1800jjbarnes
Stevie couldn't help it. Every time he saw you, he felt himself grow heavy in his slacks. You were everything he needed. And he needed you now.
All The Time - @geminixevans-stan
He is one of the most powerful men on earth but there’s more worse than him (Dark!Lloyd Hansen + Dark!Nick Fowler)
Snack - @katherineswritingsblog
he just wants his snack- which is you.
Watchful Eyes - @espinosaurusrexex
When your best friend gets you a new job, cleaning the apartment of the most successful man in New York City, you don't hesitate to accept. The pay is more than good, and the man himself is better than any eye candy you have ever seen. Unbeknownst to you, you've caught his attention just as much. Steve can't keep his mind off you, so much so, that he drives everyone around him insane with his grumpiness when you aren't around. It seems like he has to take matters into his own hands when he realizes, you're too shy to take things further yourself. (CEO!Steve Rogers)
Cherry On Top - @dcllbows
you’ve found your favorite way to help your daddy with his grownup work. (Ddlg, Daddy!Andy Barber)
Voracious - @arilevinsons
The first time he set eyes on you; you were his sudden infatuation. (DarkProfessor!Ari Levinson)
Best Friend’s Dad - @imyourbratzdoll
you've been pining over your best friend's dad and decide to take your chance, knowing he's out and your best friend is asleep, you be a little bit naughty and touch yourself on his bed, not knowing he's coming home early.
The Breeding Ground - @fl0werfae
To others, Ari’s house was a breeding ground for him and his omega, but to him it was just fulfilling her purpose of carrying his pups. (Alpha!Ari Levinson)
My Sweet Pea - @mavsstar
Mr. Levinson lives right next door to you, the sweet, innocent college girl. Little do you know that you're Mr. Levinson's favorite neighbor. He's there every chance you need the slightest of help, maybe a little too much. (Trailer Park Au)
Like A Movie Scene In The Sweetest Dream - @worksby-d
Johnny’s always been on your “no” list, but you've finally agreed to work with him. (Pornstar!Johnny Storm)
Easy As Pie - @navybrat817
You bake pies for Andy, but you're still his favorite treat.
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ronearoundblindly · 3 months
List of Dirty Asks (April 2024)
Dirty Asks from this game:
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A - Alone Time with Steve Rogers
B - O - W - Bondage, Outdoor, and Water with Ari x Reader from Bedrock and Blueprints series
U - Underwear with Ransom Drysdale
L - S - Lighting and Sleepy Sex with Ransom x Reader from The Root of All Ransom series
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I - N - R - Impact Play, Not Yet, and Routine for Jake Jensen
V - Voyeurism for Johnny Storm and Z - Zones for Lloyd Hansen
K - Kissing for Jake Jensen
K - L - S - Kissing, Lighting, and Sleepy Sex with Steve Rogers from Hideout series
K - Kissing with Ari Levinson
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E - Extra Info with Jake Jensen
R - N - Routine and Not Yet with Steve Rogers from Hideout series and Fools Rush In series
B - F - Bondage and Food Play with Steve Rogers
Z - P - Zones and Photography for Steve Rogers x Reader from Fools Rush In series
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A - Q - Alone Time and Quiet Please with Steve Rogers from Hideout series
E - Extra Info with Steve Rogers x Reader from Hideout series
S - Sleepy Sex with Jake Jensen
P - Photography with Jake Jensen
A - Q - Y - Alone Time, Quiet Please, and Yes, Master with Ransom Drysdale from before and after The Root of All Ransom series
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A - D - E - Alone Time, Dominance, and Extra Info with Jimmy Dobyne from Common Education series
A - B - C - D - Alone Time, Bondage, Crying, and Dominance with Johnny Storm
A - K - Z - Alone Time, Kissing, and Zones with Curtis Everett
A - Q - P - Alone Time, Quiet Please, and Photography with Lloyd Hansen
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D - S - Dominance and Sleepy Sex with Steve Rogers from Fools Rush In series
D - Y - Dominance and Yes, Master with Lloyd Hansen
W - Water with Steve Rogers x mermaid!reader from Sun, Salt, and Shield mini-series
C - Crying with CEO!Steve Rogers from It Had To Be You series
N - Not Yet with Ari Levinson
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F - Z - Food Play and Zones with Nomad Steve Rogers from Hideout series
[Main Masterlist; Light Masterlist; Ko-Fi]
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dividers by @/cafekitsune
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lilacevans · 5 months
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meet some of the pete's place regulars!
˚ ♡ ✧.* : ̗̀➛ requests by: two anons, @welight-theway, @crokitheloki, @hansensgirl, @buggy14, @leaderofthebadbitchbrigade.
✧.*ೃ⁀➷ pete's place | the intro | opening night | the playlist ༊*·˚
this is a dark au/verse. minors need not interact. happy endings don't happen here.
𝐀𝐧𝐝𝐲 𝐁𝐚𝐫𝐛𝐞𝐫 - 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐋𝐚𝐰𝐲𝐞𝐫
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41 years old.
Suburban dad with a dark side. 
Likes flashing the cash for a look as he doesn’t get much attention back home.
Never misses stopping by when he’s in town.
Has a type and it just so happens to be you.
Brings you gifts; new outfits, new shoes, gold chains, etc, every single time he visits the club.
Will spend the whole night promising you the world– and his wallet, if you just go home with him.
Top Three: Daddy Kink, Overstimulation, Praise Kink. 
𝐁𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐲 𝐁𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐬 - 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐚𝐫 𝐕𝐞𝐭
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45 years old.
Oh, what a nice man–
Warning sirens sound in the distance.
Danger! Danger! 
The man will make you beg, make you cry, rearrange your insides, make you fall in love and break you down all within a night.
The man is all kinds of fucked up. But knows how to hide it well.
Under Lloyds employement so like, you can guess the kinds of fucked up. 
Did awful things while serving in the army, brought some of that back home with him.
Protect you? More like slaughter anyone who gives you a momentary glance. 
Top Three: Rough (Violent) Sex, Service Kink, Corruption Kink.
𝐉𝐨𝐡𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐦 - 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐨𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐅𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐛𝐨𝐲
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28 years old.
Cocky motherfucker, hot and he knows it.
The embodiment of a hyper puppy. 
Acts like he’s always got the zoomies whenever he’s in the club.
Annoys the absolute shit out of all the girls but he’s hot, so they deal with it.
Secretly a sweetheart but never shuts his mouth.
Gets a little too handsy when he’s had a drink– or five. 
Always asking Pete to loan him one of his girls for the night.
Don’t get him twisted, the guy FUCKS. and he's NASTY about it
Top Three: Dirty Talk, Deepthroating, Body Worship (receiving). 
𝐋𝐞𝐞 𝐁𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐫 - 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐟𝐟
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43 years old.
Corrupt little wank, like’s to make Pete nervous when he comes around, but he’d never spill on the shady things as he likes the club’s views. 
Talks big shit but you’ll find him in the VIP rooms on a Saturday night. 
A little wrong in the head, but treat him right and he’ll make you scream. 
Can get a little rough with the girls when he's had a few.
Tight with money so always tries it on for a discount for not opening his mouth.
Has a big cock and is smug about it.
Likes 'em on their knees with an wide open mouth.
Top Three: Daddy Kink, Corruption Kink, Choking. 
𝐌𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐖𝐞𝐢𝐬𝐬 - 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐲𝐬𝐟𝐮𝐧𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐋𝐚𝐰𝐲𝐞𝐫
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32 years old
Troubled addict that’s in the club; Every. Single. Night.
Likes just to watch, girls kinda hate him in the club because he won’t even throw a dollar bill but will spend a paycheck on drinks and other things.
Spends money he doesn’t have, does the odd job for Pete when he’s in a little legal trouble which gets him the odd night in the VIP rooms.
Don’t underestimate him though.
Will have you crawling back for seconds.
While not the roughest by any means, get him high enough and annoyed enough, he’ll make sure you’re not walking for the next two weeks.
Top Three: High Sex, Overstimulation, Throat-Fucking. 
𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞 𝐊𝐞𝐦𝐩 - 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐐𝐮𝐢𝐞𝐭 𝐎𝐧𝐞
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35 years old
Idk, fam, somethings off about this one but we're gonna ignore it, okay?
Stares a little too long, kinda like he’s hunting.
Makes your heart race a little being around him– fuck or fight i guess. I know which I’m doing. 
Tips nicely but never wants a private dance, likes to watch and drop cash at your feet after.
Weirdo tbh. It’s not like he ain’t got the money. 
Sucks to be you if you decide to go home with him.
You ain't coming back, honey.
Top Three: Blood Play, Knife Play, Bondage/Rope.
*** if by chance, i have missed your req and you know you sent it before reqs were closed, please let me know asap so i can add it to this list!! thank u all sm for u patience. i love u all<33
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cottagecheese1 · 2 months
unhinged worlds 3
summary: A few years after your father died, your mother marries a new man, to you having a new family meant new beginnings, but what happens when your new beginning comes spiraling apart just because of the people that made them.
paring: dark stepdad Andy Barber x reader x dark dbf Lloyd Hansen x reader x dark stepbrother Johnny storm x reader x dark bbf Colin Shea. warnings- (DDLG undertones) stepcest, Johnny is NOT Andy's biological father, he is the adopted son. smut, do not engage if you are uncomfortable with any of the following, spanking, blackmail, p in v, edging, thigh riding, oral, fingering.
Series master list right here
This all seemed so wrong–actually it was wrong. The way Andy was eating you out like a madman between your thighs seemed too good to be true, and the fact that some deep part of you liked this made you shiver. Maybe it was because of the foreign praise Johnny and Colin gave you while you squirmed in their grasp while desperately trying to give yourself an ounce of freedom.
“Aww, honey I just know you’re so close already”, Colin said with a mocking grin.
Apparently, Andy didn’t seem to be fooled by your desperate attempt to conceal the moans that were forced out of the back of your throat, because you felt his mouth attach to your clit and aggressively start sucking. You suddenly jumped back, trying to create some sort of distance between the both of you. Andy then just wrapped his arms around your thighs–pulling you closer, which caused a sudden spasm to exit your body.
“Mmm, look at you sweetheart, all sensitive and shit,” Johnny cooed while pinching your exposed nipples, which caused you to let out a weak squeal.
Colin chuckled and squeezed your other nipple roughly, “She’s just a Baby Johnny, she obviously can’t help it,” he said as he leaned down and pecked your forehead. “can’t you Honey? You’ve never felt this good, have you?”
You really haven’t ever felt this good before. Not that you would ever let any of the three men know that, but the desperate whine you let out as Andy shoved his tongue deeper inside of you just made the two men taunt you more, and the unwanted pleasure that Andy was giving you and with the crude words that spilled out of Johnny and Colin–you could feel that tension building up in your lower stomach want to unravel.
Johnny brushed your hair off your sweat covered forehead with his hand, then leaned down to give you a slight peck on your temple, “C'mon sweetheart, go ahead and cum for me–I know you want to.”, Johnny said with a teasing coo.
Andy then reached up to rub your clit, and that was your breaking point. You no longer could hold in that burning sensation, so you just let it go–feeling your body unravel all at once felt like heaven–you must have not noticed the pornographic moan you let out because the chatter of how ‘pretty she sounds’ came to topic.
As soon as your senses finally came back, you didn’t feel loved or cared about at all. You felt dirty, used even. As you lay on the couch with teary eyes, trying to keep up with the sound of your heartbeat, just so you could try to focus on anything other than the situation you're currently in.
Andy snapped you out of your train of thought when you felt your body being set up to lean against Johnny. Suddenly feeling exposed you bring your knees up to your chest while trying to somewhat cover your exposed chest, but considering the only two bare naked people in the room are You and Johnny–it didn’t seem to surprise you.
Andy then grabbed your chin and tilted your head up, so your gaze was meeting his, then he said, “You did really good honey, I know that was scary, but you sat there and took it like a big girl. Daddy’s so so proud of you.”, he then leaned in to give you a soft kiss on the lips.
Even though his praises did make you feel a little better–you couldn’t stop shaking–the heater broke at the end of spring, so it was always extra chilly in your house. That's why you always wore comfy sweaters around.
Johnny seemed to notice how much you were shivering when he wrapped his arms around you because he said, “You cold baby? Don’t you know I’m a human furnace?”, he asked with a teasing tone. You responded with a small, “yes..I’m cold”, and Johnny seemed to take that as a pass to go ahead and pull you on top of his lap while he adjusted his arms to wrap around you more tightly.
You didn’t even notice Andy left because he came back with what looks like one of his cable knit sweaters and a fresh pair of panties, then he made his way over to you with long strides before kneeling in front of you.
“Daddy got you a nice cozy sweater and fresh pair of panties for his special girl.” Andy said softly as he pulled the overly large sweater over your head and pulled the cotton panties up your legs.
Colin cooed teasingly at your flushed face before saying, “aww, that was nice sweetheart, what do you say?”, you looked down at your lap and fidgeted with your fingers–trying to hide your flushed face.
Andy chuckled before responding for you, “Don’t tease her, she’s just a little shy right now. Isn’t that right honey?”, you look at Andy's smug expression before nodding.
He kisses your forehead before standing back up and sitting by you and Johnny, “That reminds me, your uncle Lloyd is coming tomorrow to stay for a while–you don’t know him honey, but-”, Andy gets cut off by Johnny when he quickly responds with, “That fucker is NOT my uncle. Why is that asshole coming anyway?” Andy rolls his eyes at his banter before he continues.
“Well, I’ve been telling him about our little angel, and he wants to come and see her.”, Andy says sternly. This conversation between them both seemed to make you perk up because, who is Lloyd? Why has he been telling this man about you?
Andy seemed to sense your concern, so he pulled you onto his lap, “Oh honey, there's no reason to be worried...”, he said before he adjusted you on his lap, so you were straddling his legs, then he rested his hands on your hips.
Andy then continued, “Lloyd really likes you sweet girl, so there would be no reason for him to be mean to you unless you’re not very nice, but I won’t have to worry about that because you're a good girl, right?” You paused, trying to process his words, but the expression on his face said, ‘give me an answer now.’ so you just nodded.
“Words angel, I wanna hear that pretty voice.” Andy said sternly, so you responded “Yeah”, you could tell that wasn’t what he was looking for, but he seemed to settle thankfully.
Colin then pitched in, “don’t believe him baby, that guy is a total asshole–he’s probably into some fucked up shit-” Andy cut him off quickly before scolding, “Stop that, you’re scaring her..remember you’re in my house Colin.”
This new information makes you nervous. Scared actually. What if Colin was right–just like he was right about Andy. All you felt right now was overwhelmed and afraid, you never asked for any of this, so now you could only assume this random man was gonna come here and do worse things to you.
You could feel a sob bubbling up in your throat, chest tight, heart racing, you don’t know why you felt embarrassed about the tears that were running down your face. They are the ones doing this to you, it's not your fault, but you couldn’t seem to think when you were hyperventilating and a fresh rack of sobs coming out all at once.
Andy tried to calm you down, rubbing your back and squeezing you in a tight hug did little to cease how upset you felt, “sweetheart, look at me.”, you couldn’t think all you could do was trying to get away from him–you hated how he touched you–how safe he made you feel, how gentle he was. You hated this but you couldn’t help but look at him when he told you too.
“Such a good girl..I know you’re overwhelmed honey, but nothing bad is ever gonna happen to you when you’re here. Lloyd is not gonna hurt you because he knows he needs to be gentle with you.” Andy said as he pressed your head into the crook of his neck.
Johnny leaned over to rub your back and pressed a kiss on the top of your head before saying, “Colin was just exaggerating baby, he’s not that much of an asshole.” Johnny then got up and stretched his arms above his head before continuing, “In fact, he’ll probably treat you just like his little princess, I bet you’ll end up loving it as much as he does.” he ends as he walks away with a yawn.
You could hear a distant “goodnight”, being called, but you just laid against Andy’s chest–listening to the sound of his heartbeat as he spoke once more, “He’s right honey, everything is gonna be okay..I’d explain more but you look sleepy, you wanna sleep with daddy tonight? I give great bedtime cuddles.”
You yawned tiredly before snuggling into his chest more and closing your eyes, letting sleep take you over. Andy chuckled before peppering a bunch of kisses on your face, “Alright cutie, let’s get you to bed. Goodnight Colin don’t say anymore shit like that again.” he said while giving a glare to Colin.
“Night’ Mr. B, tell my baby I said goodnight.” Colin responded with a smug grin.
Andy gave him a groan and carried you bridal style to his bedroom–setting your sleeping figure under the duvet. He walked over to his side of the bed, sliding his shirt off while watching your sleepy figure. Andy slid under the blanket beside you and reached over your head to turn the lap off. He pulled you closer to his chest and kissed the crown of your head.
Andy yawned quietly, “goodnight honey, I love you.”
Tag list.
A/n: its currently 12am, sorry I took such a long time for part 3, enjoy! (let me know if you would like to be tagged.)
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just thinking about long distance college spideytorch
Peter gets into MIT and can barely contain his excitement
He's on cloud nine until he remembers how far he'll be from Johnny
When he tells Johnny he got in he's so nervous his hands start shaking
Johnny kisses him and tells him he would care if Peter was at school in Asia, they'd make it work
He then spends the next week telling anyone who will listen about his smarty pants boyfriend who just got into MIT
Peter pretends that it annoys him but it actually makes him blush a lot
Johnny goes with May to move Peter in and all three of them cry when it's time to leave
They FaceTime most days and Peter often calls Johnny while he's on patrol in Boston
Ben makes fun of Johnny for going from being a playboy to sending good morning texts with hearts
Johnny throws a pillow at him and sends extra hearts
The day after midterms end Peter's walking to the library when he sees a familiar face
He drops his stuff in excitement and practically jumps into Johnny's arms
Peter doesn't know whether he should be mad at Johnny for not telling him he was coming or happy that it was surprise
Johnny happily let's Peter drag him around campus and the surrounding areas the whole time he's there
They share a sweet kiss before Johnny has to leave a few days later
Peter immediately opens his phone and starts a countdown until thanksgiving break when he can see Johnny again
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imyourbratzdoll · 24 days
𝒎𝒚 𝒔𝒐𝒖𝒍 𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒅 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒔
part 5 of 🌧️welcome to hell🌧️
summary - you were finally on the path fate had set from the beginning.
warning - slight angst, mentions of cheating, swearing.
the gif I use isn't mine, headers by me.
part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - part 4 - part 6
Warnings and Reminders - Please do not plagiarise, copy, repost/republish, adapt, or translate any of my work on any social media platforms, apps, or third-party sites. The only platforms I post my work on are: Tumblr and Wattpad. I do not own any character of any franchise (Marvel etc.) All my works are fiction and may be dark or triggering content: READ ALL WARNINGS BEFORE PROCEEDING.
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You realised that you owed yourself the biggest apology for putting up with shit you didn’t deserve. A few months had passed since you found out your husband was cheating on you with your best friend. Only to discover that he had been cheating the entire relationship. Johnny had been fighting the divorce the first few weeks of the first month, during that time you couldn’t understand why he was trying to hurt you more by not letting you go. 
But he had finally caved, signing the divorce papers and the moment he finished signing his name, it had felt like you could finally breathe. Your soul would occasionally tremble with memories, and warmth, and pain when hearing his name. Sometimes your heart would break a little more whenever you looked into someone’s eyes that had the same colour as his. It felt like wherever you looked, there he was. 
His name no longer made you smile. It was a relief when you had woken one day to discover that. 
When you left, you didn’t really have a plan. No one to go to and nowhere to live. But you managed, you found a small apartment that wasn’t exactly your dream, but it would have to do. You were starting over, starting a new life. 
You were currently walking back from doing a little bit of grocery shopping, your eyes roamed around, taking in the view around you before you stumbled slightly, tripping over a small rock that seemed to be randomly placed on the footpath. You catch yourself before you fall completely, hands gripping the bags tightly so that they don’t drop. Once you’ve steadied yourself, you look down at the rock and your brows furrow. 
What a strange looking rock. It looked almost like a crystal, coloured a soft pink and shaped like a heart. You shift a bag to your other hand before you bend down, and gently pick it up and examine it. Maybe someone dropped it?
You looked around, noticing that you were right in front of your apartment building. Strange, you could’ve sworn you had a few more steps to take. You move to the entrance of the building, the rock still in your hand. You shake your head, maybe you miscalculated or were too lost in your head to notice that you had been closer than you had thought. You pocket the rock and place one of the bags back into it before you walk inside. 
You head up the stairs, with a soft huff you finally make it onto your floor. Just as you near your apartment, you bump into a wall? No, walls don’t feel so warm and have a beating heart… Or abs? “I’m so sorry!” 
“I’m so sorry!” Why did this feel so familiar? 
You looked up, why were you looking down to begin with? Sometimes you could be so dumb. But your question is left unanswered as your eyes connect to the most beautiful blue ones that you had ever seen, ones that you had seen before. Steve had thought the same about your eyes as he stared back. You couldn’t help but notice that he looked so different, but the same. A beard now in place of his once clean–shaven face, but you noticed his eyes more. They had stayed the same and it was at that moment you knew. You knew that from the first moment you met, it was… Not love at first sight exactly, but; familiarity. Like… Oh, hello, it’s you. It’s going to be you. 
You blink and quickly move away, suddenly feeling as though you’ve been punched in the chest at the realisation. You couldn’t let yourself get hurt again and it had been two years. He probably didn’t even remember you and thought you were a creep for staring or he remembered but he had someone, and you didn’t want to ruin that with whatever the hell you were feeling. You couldn’t get over how rough he seemed though, compared to the man you bumped into two years ago. Maybe it was the beard…
No matter how much you willed yourself to, you couldn’t pull your eyes away from him. Your mind screamed at you about getting hurt again, but your heart and soul weren’t listening. It seemed Steve couldn’t pull his eyes away from you either, you both could feel a pull. You had felt that pull your whole life, it always felt like you were being pulled towards someone or something. The pull only seemed to stop when you bumped into Steve, but the moment you pulled away… It came back.
You couldn’t feel or see it. But the rock was buzzing and glowing. Like it was meant to be. 
You believed in soulmates once. You had the stupid thought that Johnny was yours because he kept popping up in your life. But he never gave you the feeling that you thought soulmates would get. You only felt that feeling when you bumped into…
“I’m sorry again. I don’t mean for us to always bump into each other, ma’am.” Steve smiled, his hands were on your hips, they had shot out to steady you, fearing that you would fall. “It’s nice to run into you again. I didn’t get a chance to introduce myself last time.” In his head, he’s shooting a glare at Natasha, knowing that she would be smirking at this whole thing. You would hopefully never learn about how he had never let that down, always bringing it up to her these past years, causing him to be teased a lot by his friends, but he didn’t seem to mind whenever your face appeared in his mind. Steve blinks, his attention fully on you again. “I’m Steve, Steve Rogers.” 
You stare up at him wide–eyed, he REMEMBERED you? “You remember me?” You clear your throat, your cheeks heating as you suddenly feel his hands still on your hips. “Sorry… I’m Y/n, Y/n L/n.” 
“The stars will go out before I forget you,” He says it so quietly that you don’t think you were supposed to hear him. Steve blinks, suddenly turning pink when he realises you heard him. “I, uh… Yes.” Steve stumbles on his words and to you it is the most adorable thing you’ve ever seen. “Wait… What are you doing here? Not in a rude way! I love that you’re here! I mean, oh god…” 
You smile, you had never smiled this much in your life… Steve seemed to make you forget. You look past him, gesturing to your apartment. “I, uh, live here. I haven’t been here that long though.” Your gaze turns back to Steve only to notice that he was already looking. You wouldn’t lie, your heart stuttered at the possibility of him never looking away. You weren’t used to a man looking at you, just you. “What about you? Are you…” 
Your eyes flickered down to his lips as he smiled. God, his smile is gorgeous. 
“Oh, that’s great! I mean, good… That’s good, no… Uh.” Steve stumbles more, clearing his throat. When did his shirt get so tight? “I live here as well.” He nods to the apartment across from yours, huh. It must’ve been fate. “I–I’m barely home, since…” He swallows, still smiling but he doesn’t continue, as he finds himself getting lost in you. You made him feel like a teenage boy again, where he couldn’t speak a single word without stumbling over them. Though, you guessed it was probably because he had someone already, how couldn’t he? But you were so far from the truth. You smile and Steve’s eyes flicker down to your lips. God, her smile is gorgeous. He shakes his head, “Did you need some help taking those in?” He gestures to your bags. 
Your voice is so quiet as you respond. “I don’t mind…” Somewhere deep inside you knew you wanted to go anywhere with him. Wanted him beside you forever. As he is about to grab a bag from your hands, you pause. “Wait, I’m not holding you up, am I? You were just…” 
Steve shakes his head, “You aren’t! I was just heading to meet my friends, but they can wait.” He smiles, and you look at him with a confused look, feeling relieved that a girlfriend wasn’t mentioned, but guilty for holding him back. Steve manages to take both bags, but you don’t notice, all you can feel is the sparks that light from the small touch. “Don’t worry, they’ll understand. I don’t mind helping, plus. I offered. So you can’t feel bad.” 
Your mind feels fuzzy as you catch his eyes again, the world feels like it has stopped. Steve can’t help but feel the same.
Your souls lit from beneath, filled with joy. They had finally found each other again. Your soul had found his and his had found yours. 
Your souls had been lovers since the beginning of time. 
They would always find each other.
You and Steve could feel it as you continued to stare at each other. 
This was the path you were supposed to take…
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thank you for reading!
feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
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georgiapeach30513 · 1 year
The One to Sacrifice, Part 2
Summary:  Johnny just had to be in your safe space.
Pairings:  Johnny Storm X Reader
Rating:  explicit
Warnings:  explicit language, explicit sexual content (past), mentions of cheating, mentions of loss of virginity, 18+ ONLY
Word Count:  3.1K
Series Masterlist
*dividers created by @firefly-graphics​
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“Hey, Ma,” Frank prances into his family home, followed by Raleigh, and his mother awkwardly gives them both a hug.  Frank smiles up at his mom, while Raleigh looks towards the stairs, “So, I’ve been told I have a sister and niece that are back home.”
“Oh,” Debbie answers softly.  She hoped to have seen her son under different circumstances.  Not to mention, have her family for dinner.  Just her family.  “Yes, well, thanks to Mr. Beckett, he made sure that they mostly made it all the way home.”
“I did offer to bring them all the way here, Mrs. Weiss.  Is she…are they here?” He is too curious about seeing her again.  Hopefully talking a bit more one on one.  Letting her see that whatever happened, he had forgiven her, and still wanted to be in her life.
“Yes, well, I think being back here is overwhelming for both of them.  Especially given…well, Johnny…I’m going to go get her.  Dinner is almost ready, and…Frank?” Her youngest son starts to push past his mom, already walking towards the stairs.  “Son?”
“I haven’t got to see her or Tanzy.  Let me go get them,” Debbie didn’t want to be left alone with Raleigh.  She could only hope that he wouldn’t bring up awkward questions of her daughter’s quick departure.  Some things just weren’t meant for her to talk about.  Because she wasn’t even supposed to know about it.
Frank gives a soft knock on your door, before pushing the almost closed door open.  You are gently fixing Tanzy’s hair, and look up at him with a smile.  “Hey, Tanz,” he starts choking up.  He wasn’t prepared for the emotions to flood in him as his niece looks at him.  Eyes as bright blue as her fathers.  “Goah, you’ve gotten bigger.”
“It’s been two years since you saw me, Frankie,” Frank walks over to your bed, sitting down beside the two of you.  His thumb traces over her features softly, and you lay a hand on his thigh.  You could feel his skin buzzing.  “I get to sleep in daddy’s room though.  There’s still some comics up in the reading attic.  Dad was such a geek.  But hey, Pix says that I could try out for hockey.  Did you know that Johnny Storm knows me?”
“Really?” Frank looks up at you, and you smack at his arm, “Pix?”
“Tanzy, go downstairs, and help Gimma with setting the table,” Tanzy shakes her head no, really wanting to hear more about Johnny, “Tanzy, go.  This isn’t a discussion.”
“Fine,” she rolls her eyes, jumping off your bed.  She decides to make it her goal to understand more about Johnny.  That was her dad’s best friend, and you and he had kept that from her.
You wait until her footsteps start to fade in the distance before you hit Frank on the shoulder, “Why is everyone so concerned with bringing up Johnny?”
“Because he was the reason you fled to Minnesota.”
“No, I went to train for the Olympics,” when Frank starts shaking his head, it just angers you even more, “Yes, I did!  I didn’t leave because Johnny…no.  I didn’t…you don’t even know.  You…you were messed up.  You have no idea what you’re even talking about.”
“I know that something happened.  I know that Mike followed you with Tanzy.  I know that you had to halt training for a couple of weeks for a reason that neither you or Mike want to talk about.  I know that you were always closer to Mike than to me.  But I also know that you left things with Raleigh so bad,” you roll your eyes, and fall back on the bed.  You’d prefer to talk about Raleigh over Johnny, but he wasn’t much better.  You were the one that screwed up in the relationship.
“You changed your number, and didn’t even give it to me.  So why don’t you tell me what happened between you and Johnny.  Or you and Raleigh.  I mean you were kinda screwing around with my best friend.”
“Why do you care?  You were off doing your own thing.  Left Raleigh behind while you were, well, you know what you were doing.  How many days have you been sober?” A great way to distract him from this line of conversation.  Whatever it took, you would do it.
“One hundred and thirty-six days.”
“Yeah?” Sitting up, you give him the biggest hug.  Everyday was a new triumph with Frank.  It wasn’t easy for him.  “Gosh, I’m so proud of you.”
“I’m proud of you, too.  It’s not easy raising a kid alone.  Especially one that isn’t yours.  And you’re young.  You should have been able to live your life.  Stay on your path, and now you’re here in bum fuck Egypt where both mine and your brother’s best friends were in love this sweet little Pixie girl,” you give him a hit to his shoulder again.  Such a cliche.  
“It’s true.  Men love forbidden fruit.  But only Johnny was the one that was told to stay away,” you stand up, leaving him behind.  You didn’t have to hear this.  “By the way, Raleigh is downstairs.”
“What?” You stop, and turn around to glare at him.  “Can I not have peace in my own home?”
“You left him without breaking up.  There’s this weird unfinished business between the two of you,” you wouldn’t have dinner.  Marching over to your closet, you dig around, until you find what you're looking for.  Old gym bag.  Stuffing your skates, and an outfit in there, you throw it over your shoulder.
“Where are you going?”
“To the rink.”
“What?  Why?”
“Both you and Raleigh know that I don’t want to talk to him right now.  I just got here, and it’s like everything is being fucking forced down my throat.  Stay out of this part of my life,” opening up your window, Frank’s eyes go large.  You have done this before.  “Yeah, it’s easy to sneak up, and out of here.  Ask Raleigh.”
You leave him to ponder the fact that Raleigh knew how to climb into your bedroom.  Let him think about the fact that your bedroom was above the rarely used bathroom upstairs.  No one would ever hear anyone sneaking into your room.  
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You tighten up your skate, and take a deep breath.  Letting your eyes close before those intrusive thoughts come back into your mind.  Refusing to let it get the best of you, and you step out onto the ice.  Making a few rounds, and going into a zone.  Trying to clear your mind of intrusive thoughts.
His hand pushes aside your leotard, ripping your tights, and those piercing blue eyes look into yours, “You sure?”
You launch yourself into the air, spinning around, and land a bit wobbly.  It had been awhile since you got to be alone, and this free.  Determined to get it right, you try again.  Getting the landing right this time.
You cling to his shoulders as he pumps into you.  His mouth right by your ear, grunting with every thrust.  It is a stinging pleasure.  Not at all what you had imagined.  His sounds were melodic, and you could already feel a new routine being shaped in your mind with how amazing this felt.  Nothing has ever felt better.  Could tell a story about sex for the first time with just your skating.
You fall down onto the ice with a growl, lifting yourself up, and start spinning around quickly.  And even that doesn’t clear your mind.  Too many memories were held in this place.  
You kiss over his sticky skin as his thrusts become harder.  Heated breath blows over him as you start to lose all control, and he lifts both your legs off the floor.  Pressing your back harder into the lockers, and you don’t even care about how uncomfortable it is.  Nails digging into his back.  Whimpering out his name.
“I know, Princess.  I feel you squeezing me.”
You stop abruptly on the ice, and look all around the rink.  Had it seriously been that long.  A pang on your side has you refusing to believe all these pesky memories you are trying to skate out of your mind.  With a huff of air, you start to skate backwards.
“Princess, my god, you’re so tight.  Fuck!  Is this your first time?” You hear his words, but can’t think to respond, and his cock pounds even harder into your core.  Starting to bite on your neck, with a smirk.  
“You feel so good.  So fucking good.”
Jumping into the air, you land perfectly, and do it again.  You would get rid of all it.  This was supposed to be relaxing.  It wasn’t supposed to be memories of losing your virginity.
He shoots his load into your core, and your eyes glaze over, pouting up at him.  “I bet nobody has ever given it to you like that, huh?” Biting at your lip, you shake your head no.  “Even good ole, Raleigh?  You gonna tell him that I fuck his girlfriend better?”
That is the last thing you wanted, and you try to speak, “Shh, princess, this can be our little secret.  He may crawl up to your bedroom window, but this locker room is ours, okay?  Say it with me.”
“Good girl,” you slide to a stop on the ice, and turn to glare at Johnny who was slowly clapping his hands.  “That’s my good fucking girl,” he skates out onto the ice, but you move further away from him, “Is that how you treat the best lay of your life.”
“Drop dead.”
“No.  No, we’re not playing that game, Pix.  You’re getting all salty, but you were the one cheating.  Did Raleigh ever get to fuck you?  Or was it just dry humping?  Imagine my surprise when I opened the door, and that’s all you were giving him.  When you gave me every part of you.  I popped that cherry, didn’t I?  You were so in love with Raleigh, and still willing to be my good girl.”
“I hate you,” swallowing bile, you skate away from him.  “I hate you.  You…you never even said goodbye to Mike.”
“Yeah, well after I got a good chewing out from him, I didn’t think he wanted me at the funeral.  What exactly was he so pissed off for, Princess?” Try as you might to skate away from him, he wraps both arms around you, and squeezes.  “Hey, please, I know I'm an asshole most of the time, but…what we had…”
“It was just fucking.  Don’t flatter yourself.”
“Just…okay.  We were just fucking, and you were still telling your dear boyfriend that you were in love with him.  Still wore that ugly ring every time that we fucked.  But you never looked at him the way you looked at me, and that’s why you can’t look at me right now.  Pix, look at me,” your eyes clench closed, and you become dead weight.  You would not.  
“What happened?  You ran, and Mike followed, and then he called to cuss me out.  Told me he never wanted to see me again.  Said that Tanzy would never know who I was because I didn’t deserve to see her anymore.  Raleigh, he thinks I’ve never met her.  You tell him that or did Mike?  I’ve got pictures holding her, Pix.  We…you and I…what the fuck happened?”
“I had a boyfriend!” His arms finally drop from your body, and you back away.  “We were — Johnny, Raleigh was my boyfriend, not you.  And…I couldn’t do it.  I couldn’t lie to him, and only Mike knew the truth, and…God, I didn’t even want to come back here.  To you or him.  I wanted to forget that anything had happened, and Tanzy isn’t…she not ours — mine.  I gotta go.”
“What?” Johnny starts chasing after you, trying to decipher your broken words.  “Pix, just talk to me.”
“No!  You come here acting like that, and all I ever was to you was pussy.  Fresh, tight pussy.  Yes, Johnny, that first time in the locker room was my first time.  That should have been for Raleigh.  We should have been more careful, but just like us to be reckless.  All I do is lie, so I’ll continue to do it.”
“What is going on?” He skates in front of the door, blocking you from leaving, “Can we just talk like normal people?  I took your virginity.  I didn’t know.  But what is this other stuff you’re talking about?  We weren’t careful?  You were on birth control.”
“What gave you that idea?” He tries touching your arm, but you shrug him off again.  “Stop touching me!  You…it was just sex.  Clearly, I should have realized that.  You got your contract for the Bruins, and…I didn’t matter.  I made my choice.  And it wasn’t Raleigh, and it was a mistake.  All of it was.  Now move.”
Johnny slowly moves out of the way, letting you move past him, “By the way, your goddaughter wants to play hockey.  I heard that you’re teaching.  Do us a favor, and pay for her lessons.  It’s the least you can do.  You never paid for anything else.  Even if it concerned you.  You never paid..”
“What the fuck are you talking about?”
“God, just shut up!  I’m not having this fucking conversation with you or anyone.  It doesn’t matter anymore.  Don’t try to insert yourself now.  Just be there for Tanzy.  It’s the least you could do.  I didn’t come back here for any other reason than her.  Not for you, I didn’t even know about this.  And not for Raleigh, but for her.”
Johnny watches you walk down the hall.  He didn’t want to chase after you.  Didn’t want to object.  But there was pain that was more than your brother’s death.  More than leaving your dreams behind.  He isn’t sure if it’s just the fact that you felt forced into raising Tanzy on your own when nobody asked you to.
And maybe that was the problem.  Johnny never stepped up when he agreed to be her godfather.  But Mike was pissed off when he called.  Told Johnny he never wanted to see him again.  And kept asking, ‘How could you do this?’
This meeting left him with more questions than answers.  But you were willing to bring Tanzy to be on his team, so you would have to face him.  Although talking in front of children was never going to happen.  He could ease his way back into your life, just like he had done before.  
For a short moment, you were his kryptonite, and he was your everything.  Living your double life with your actual boyfriend, while you were also having sex with Johnny.  Stirring feelings inside him that he didn’t even think existed.  Using the fact that you had a boyfriend as a way to keep it as casual sex, but it wasn’t.  For either of you.  During that time both of you only slept with each other.  He never stopped going on dates, and you had a boyfriend.  One that climbed up your window, and was patient with you.  
A boyfriend that thought you were a virgin when you quite literally had sex with Johnny any chance you got.  You had made a sacrifice, that didn’t include him, and he isn’t even sure of what happened.  Why or even how it happened.  But you wanted to bring Tanzy for practice.  So Johnny was going to have to be on his best behavior, because Raleigh still had feelings for you.  Raleigh still wanted what you never gave to him.
“I’m fucked,” Johnny grunts, dropping down onto the ice.  He didn’t want to be here.  He didn’t want to coach girls hockey.  But there you were.  Looking more beautiful than ever, even with your haunting sadness.  A sadness that was deep inside of you and was ready to pop out at any moment.  
“The universe and Mike Weiss still hates me,” sitting up, the banner of the championship team that he and Mike had been a part of mocks him.  “Yeah, yeah, I know you hate me.  But she and your daughter were brought back into my life for some reason.  Man, I don’t know what happened, but I loved her.  Our paths were going in two different ways, but…she was it.  She was the one, and then she left, and I became more of an asshole.”
He gets up to his feet to stare at that stupid banner, “Say you want, Michael, but I loved your sister.  She was the one that stayed with Raleigh.”
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“Raleigh,” you whine, climbing back into your room.  You couldn’t escape them.  This town was too small, but there was no reprieve from either him nor Johnny, “What are you doing?”
“You left the light on, so I climbed up.  Wasn’t that the code?  You didn’t want to talk to me before, and now you can’t scream.  I just want the past in the past.  No hard feelings.  Can we start again?”
“I cheated on you,” Raleigh gulps, looking at your bed.  “There, now we can move on.”
“Who was it?”
He never looks at your face.  And his jaw pulses with anger, “You know who.”
“Define cheated.  I mean, we never even had sex.”
“You know, you really enjoy pushing people out of your life.  You really like twisting the knife.  You were telling me you loved me, and that you wanted to wait, and the whole time you were fucking Johnny Storm?  I fucking knew it, too.  He started coming to your meets.  He started watching you from the back, and never fucking sat down.  I was always there in the front for my girlfriend.  But you want to know the kicker was for me?  He got injured, and you were watching him, so worried.  I told myself then it was because he was Mike’s friend, but no, it was because you were fucking him.”
“Yep,” you let your arms slap at your thighs.  There was nothing more to say.  “I let him fuck me.  The only man who ever has gotten to.  And…I have nothing more to say.  There it is.  All of it.  I was fucking Johnny Storm.  Now we can move on,” Raleigh’s fists pump for a second before he walks over to your window.  
Throwing his legs out before looking at you, “I loved you.”
“I know you did.”
“Did you ever love me?”
“It’s complicated,” with a nod of his head, Raleigh starts climbing down the trellis on the side of the house.  And you rub on your stomach when you fall back on your bed.  It was complicated.  It was always going to be complicated.  And no one would ever know just how complicated it was.  
Taglist: @tis-thedamn-season @marveloustaylortot @pono-pura-vida @sstan-hoe @softsatnin @missusbarnes-rogers @peaches1958 @seitmai @smile1318 @andydrysdalerogers @charmed-asylum @cjand10 @rosemirrors
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traincat · 4 months
so mcu fantastic four is actually finally happening. any thoughts so far?
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it's not over until opening night.
46 notes · View notes
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52 notes · View notes
dbnightingale24 · 1 year
Christmas Wish List
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A Johnny Storm One Shot
Surprise @autumnrose40 !!  Okay, so I had planned for this to go with your gift, but as you can tell, that didn’t work out -__- . This is just a small thank you for being there for me all the time, and listen to me cry and vent about any and every thing. Also, I know that things are tricky right now, so I hope this brightens your day a bit! I love you tons and I hope you enjoy it!
Thank you, as always, to @fuckingbye​ for the moodboard and literally everything else that you do. I love you!
Word Count: 11,037 (don’t get used to this)
Warnings: MINORS DNI (18+ Only!!!!!), Fluff, Angst, Bit of A Slow Burn, Drinking, Smoking, Swearing, SMUT, Insecurity, A Bit of Self Loathing, Bits of Depression, Shitty Ex BF...I think that’s it?
Song(s) That Inspired This Story: You’re Here, Where You Should Be
I do not consent to any of my works/stories being posted elsewhere.
You try to get lost in the Christmas music you have playing in your office, trying to block out the music that’s being played from the ballroom down the hallway. It’s not that you don’t want to observe the festivities going on for the holidays, but you just feel that it’s not the best idea.
“You don’t have to keep working,” Susan Storm laughs, causing you to jump just a little as she enters your little office with two drinks in hand. “You should be enjoying the party with the rest of us.”
Or, Mrs. Richards. She doesn’t mind either.
“No, I still have work to do, it’s okay-”
“It’ll still be waiting for you when you get back from your holiday break,” she interrupts softly as she takes a seat at the other side of your desk. “Are you gonna go and see your family?”
“Um, no family to see,” you smile awkwardly. “Parents are gone, lost them in the attack on the towers, and I don’t have much a relationship with my siblings. I’m gonna stick to the tradition I’ve been following for about...six years, now? My friends and I make our favorite foods, have a big dinner, and exchange gifts.” “That sounds like fun,” she smiles, finally putting down the drink she brought in for you.
“You didn’t have to-”
“You work hard, Y/N. I know we don’t always acknowledge it, but Reed and I do see how hard you work, and how you come in earlier or stay later than you have to. You deserve a night of fun, even if you don’t stay for the party, you should enjoy being young. How old are you? 22?”
“You’re kind!” you laugh in disbelief. “I turn 28 this year.”
“Good genes,” you smirk and she laughs.
“Well, no one is going to hold you to all of this work. If you want to, we’d love to have you at the party,” she says with all sincerity before getting up. She looks over on your desk and sees the picture of you and Johnny at the beach from last Summer and smiles before walking away.
The teeth he had pull to get you on that bike. Sometimes, his patience truly amazed you.
It’s not like you don’t want to go, but you’re trying to avoid him. Ever since the night you made a move on him, almost two months ago, you’ve made it a point to avoid Johnny Storm at all costs. It’s not like you didn’t try and stop yourself, but Johnny Storm is just that:
A fucking storm.
However, you didn’t want to be just a notch in his bedpost so, you did the only logical thing your drunk brain could come up with: you ran out of the room like a bat outta hell. You know it didn’t mean anything, so you’re not sure why you keep thinking about it. You were both drunk and said he said some things he couldn’t have possibly meant. Drunk men will do and say anything to get into someone’s pants, and why should he be any different? Because he’s a superhero? Because he’s your best friend? What the hell does that mean to you? Yes, like most women, you think he’s gorgeous and, even though you hate to admit it, you’ve spent more than a few lonely nights getting off to the thought of him and all of the things you’re more than sure he can make you feel.
Unfortunately, for you, it’s so much more than that.
You work for the Fantastic Four, and you have for fours years now. You get to see a side of them that the rest of the world doesn’t, and that’s what made you fall so hard for him. You’ve seen him triumphant and you’ve also seen him defeated. You’ve seen him being the sweetest guy while sober, and the biggest douche while drunk. You’ve seen the temper tantrums, while you’ve also seen him step up and take charge.
You have seen every side of Johnny Storm and you can’t help but love him. You know most people don’t see it (or think it for that matter), or believe it, but he is complex. He struggles with being a son his parents would be proud of (maybe that’s why him and Tony Stark get along so well), while also struggling with his own damn personality. Johnny is a fire by default (superpowers be dammed), and he can’t help but be a little reckless. He’s the youngest and has been spoiled since birth.
He doesn’t know how else to be.
That being said, you don’t know how to turn it off. You don’t know how to not want him. He’s nothing but chaos, but for you? Well, for you, he acts like he’ll move heaven and hell for you.
You don’t know how to stop being in love with him.
As you sip the whiskey neat Susan left you, you wonder how the hell you’ll be able to keep handling this job?
How the hell will you be able to handle Johnny Storm?
Johnny’s P.O.V
Why aren’t you here? I suggested this party just for you. It’s not like I haven’t tried to fight what I feel for you, but it’s...you. Of all the people I expected to fall for, you were who I least expected. Then, I saw you that night a year ago, and you’ve been all I’ve focused on since.
“Johnny, this club is beat!” my date whined before she took a drink of whatever the hell I ordered for her. “Lets go!”
“We’ve only been here for five minutes-”
“And it’s not gonna get any better!”
“Let me finish my drink,” I mumbled, irritated that it was taking me so long to get me to what I wanted.
That’s what I get for hanging around with the crowd that I do.
“Well, make it fast,” she scowled and I rolled my eyes.
It’s not like she was wrong. For a Saturday night, at 11pm, it was pretty dead. Of course, she was scouting for new candidates once I got rid of her, and I just wanted to see if it was anything worth revisiting. I was more than ready to leave as I started to down my drink, but then...
Then, I saw you.
“You can leave if you want. I think I wanna stick this out,” I told my date as I saw you dancing and laughing with your friends to ‘If You Dare’ by Jazmine Sullivan.
“Fine,” she huffed before she ordered another a drink.
I should’ve left, because there was no reason for me to stay. We were friends and I shouldn’t have thought of you in that way. You weren’t like the women I usually dated or flirted with, you stayed focused on your work at all times, you had your priorities straight, you had been through enough and didn’t need me complicating things for you.
You looked so happy and content, and it’d been so long since I’d seen you like that. Yeah, that was on me, but it didn’t matter in that moment. You always wore modest clothes, you never smiled like that while working, you were dancing so freely, and you looked like you didn’t have a care in the world.
I tried, but I just couldn’t look away. As the songs kept playing, and the drinks kept coming, you just became more and more carefree, and it just made me miss you even more.
It’s not like I didn’t believe in real love or relationships, I just didn’t believe in them for me. Seeing you in that moment though...it had me seeing things differently. However, if I’m honest with myself, it started long before that, didn’t it?
“Johnny,” Reed called, pulling my attention away from the X-Games on the screen in front of me, “this is Y/N. Be nice to her, she’s going to help with research and also acting as a receptionist.”
“Don’t tell me you found someone to keep you occupied while Sue is busy,” I chuckled as I looked you over.
You instantly froze at that.
“Johnny!” Reed snapped.
“It was a joke,” I sighed, “it’s nice to meet you.”
“Y-you too, Mr. Storm.”
“God no,” I groaned, “Johnny. Please, call me Johnny!”
“Will do,” you laughed softly, “it’s nice to meet you, Johnny.”
Something abut that small, innocent laugh made something stir inside of me. I made that remark about you keeping Reed busy while Sue was away, because you looked like the type of nerd he’d fall for. I won’t lie though, I did think you were cute. Shy, quiet, anxious, glasses that were slightly too big for your face, a beige sweater that was too big for you, and little black pencil skirt. You were the type of woman I would’ve secretly crushed on in High School.
From that day on, you did your best to stay out of the way. You were kind to everyone, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you cry or get angry, you were always two hours too early and stayed three hours later than you needed to, and you rarely ever asked for days off. The days when you weren’t in the building felt empty.
I think what changed things for me was how you treated me after the incident with the Silver Surfer.
“Johnny?” you called softly as you came out onto the balcony.
“Stay back, I might fuck you up too,” I scowled, grabbing another beer from the six pack I brought out with me.
“You didn’t fuck up anything, Johnny,” you sighed as you took a seat next to me.
That was the first time I ever heard you curse.
“Tell that to Reed.”
“You went after the Surfer because it was your job. You didn’t do this to yourself.”
“I almost killed-”
“But you didn’t,” you interrupted softly. “Accidents happen. Are you headstrong and cocky? Absolutely,” you smirked and I couldn’t help but scoff, “but you’re also a good guy who loves his sister, his friends, and wants to do what’s best for everyone else. It was just a bad day. All of this will get sorted out and it’ll be fine. Don’t worry about it.”
“How do you know?”
“I just do,” you smiled reassuringly before getting up, “I’ll get out of your hair so you can-”
“No....stay...if you don’t mind. It’s nice...having someone to talk to about this. It’s nice...talking to you,” I muttered as I offered you a beer.
We stayed out there for hours, talking about any and everything. That’s when I learned about your family, your awful money hungry siblings, your shitty boyfriend, your love of art, classic and horror movies, and how much you love to cook.
That’s when I learned that I was in love with you.
Fast forward two months and my luck seemed to change just a bit.
“You can’t be here, Tyler!” I heard you snap softly.
“You’re always here!” Tyler responded with a gruff tone that I didn’t appreciate at all.
How the hell could your boyfriend be getting angry with you for doing your job? Especially when he does nothing to contribute!
“It’s a fucking party-”
“Do you not see how many diplomats are here?! This is much more than a party! Deals are being made, help is being asked for, agreements are being-”
“Another fucking night that you’re not home! You’re coming home with me-”
“Let me go!” you almost yelled. “I have a fucking job to do! A job that pays our bills and keeps food in the fridge, since you lost your fucking job! Maybe, if you’d go out-”
“You little bitch! You know that wasn’t my fault! I-”
“You were drunk on the fucking job, Tyler! You got fired because you don’t know how to get your shit together!”
“You think you’re so much fucking better than-”
“Is there a problem here?” I asked as I made my way out onto the terrace.
“Johnny, everything is fine,” you scrambled frantically over to me, “you don’t have to-”
“Who the fuck are you?!” Tyler interrupted.
“A friend,” I warned as my hands flared up.
I didn’t even mean for it to happen, I was just that concerned and angry. God, what the hell were you doing to me?
“Jesus, you’re fucking the Human Torch?!” Tyler snapped.
“You need to leave,” I warned as I made my way over to him, “you weren’t invited and no one wants you here. Leave.”
“Johnny-dammit!” you snapped, touching my shoulder only to find my clothes damn near boiling.
“Fucking stay here if you want,” Tyler snapped, his laugh was condescending, “but I won’t fucking be around when you get back to the apartment. We’re done!” he spat as he stormed off.
“Are you okay?” I asked turning to look at you as soon as he was gone.
“I’m...I’m fine, I’m so sorry...you shouldn’t have had to...fuck!” you winced as clenched your fists, because you forgot all about the burn on your hand.
“Shit! Lets get you inside and wrap that up, okay?”
“No...you go back to the party!” you sobbed as you tried to fight back your tears. “You don’t have to-”
“Hey, lets get you inside, get this wrapped up, and have a few drinks, okay?”
“They’re so many people here to see you-”
“Who gives a shit?” I smirked which gained a small giggle from you. “I have something more important to take care of right now.”
You cried for hours that night and it broke my heart. You hide everything so well, all for the sake of a paycheck, that I sometimes forgot how much you had going on in your life. I forgot about the pain you hid in order to keep your head on straight, the stress you cried yourself to sleep over at night, and the anger you pushed aside so you wouldn’t lose yourself in it.
You make it so easy for people to forget, because you don’t want to inconvenience anyone. You don’t want to feel like you’re a burden, because so many people in your life have made you feel like one. I held you for hours, calmed you down, and convinced you to stay in my room that night. Of course, you protested (not wanting to put me out), but I eventually got you to agree when I lied and told you I usually sleep on the sofa anyway.
I didn’t want you crying all alone in your apartment, and if that asshole would’ve been there when you got home, someone was definitely going to get hurt.
And it wouldn’t have been you or me.
From that day on, I found reasons to be around you. Whether it was keeping you company when you stayed too late, or annoying you until you’d agree to go with me to get lunch.
I don’t know why I was so shocked by how funny you were, but you never failed to make me laugh. Whether it was an offhanded comment, your horrible impersonations of reporters who did stories on the Fantastic Four, or you singing some song you loved off-key, you constantly kept me laughing. You didn’t make a big fuss or catch an attitude when people would crowd around and ask for pictures and autographs, you just stood off to the side and waited for me, always asking if I was okay after all was said and done.
“Why wouldn’t I be okay?” I scoffed as we got back to the building.
“I know that you love all of the attention that comes with all of this,” you said with that smart-ass smirk of yours, “but I also know that everyone has a limit. It’s a lot to be in the public eye all the time and, on top of that, you’re a superhero. I know how loud it can get in ones brain and I just wanna make sure that you’re okay. You know you don’t have to hide from me,” you smiled up at me, with those big beautiful eyes of yours.
Of course I had to hide from you. Everyone else could see what was happening, except you. I went from wanting to be in your space to needing it. You calmed me, as lame as that sounds. That ego of mine, that always seems to grow by the second, always seemed to come back down to earth when I was around you.
“Johnny, just tell her you like her,” Susan smiled one day when she caught me staring at you from the living area.
“Yeah, I don’t think so.”
“Why not?”
“Cause women like her don’t go for guys like me. She’s too smart for me.”
“I’m sorry, do my ears deceive me? Johnny Storm thinks someone is too good for him?” Ben laughed as he made his way down the hall.
“You don’t have any fucking ears,” I scowled with an eye roll.
“Just tell her, kid. She probably feels the same way-”
“No, she doesn’t. She couldn’t.”
“She spends a lot of time with you for someone who doesn’t feel the same,” Sue encouraged.
“It’s better this way-”
“Just got off the phone with, Stark,” Reed interrupted as he rushed into the hallway, “he and Bruce have discovered a cosmic disturbance and it’s headed...did I miss something? Why are we all looking at Y/N? Is she okay?”
“This is the guy you chose to spend forever with?” I asked Sue with a cocked eyebrow.
“Trust me, I question it sometimes too,” she muttered with an eye roll.
“What am I missing?!”
“Just let it go, buddy,” Ben laughed, “what’s wrong with the world this time?”
After that, I did my best to stay away. It would’ve been best for everyone. I don’t know how to do relationships, and you deserve someone who isn’t emotionally stunted.
At least, that’s what I told myself.
“Did I do something wrong?” you asked one day as you cautiously approached the kitchen.
“What? No. Why would you think that?”
“You just...you seem far away. You don’t come and visit me, we don’t get lunch together anymore, you don’t stay with me after work anymore...”
“You’re perfect,” I sighed, hating how much pain was in your eyes, “I just figured I was becoming a distraction for you. Plus, I know there have been some rumors that we’re dating circling around, and I don’t want you getting hassled.”
“That’s outside. Even in here, you avoid me like the plague. I don’t know, I just feel like we haven’t spent time together in forever.”
“I’ve just had a lot on my mind. There’s a lot going on.”
“Do you wanna talk about it?”
“I don’t wanna bother you with it.”
“Johnny, if there’s something I did-”
“It’s not you, sweetheart. I promise.”
God, I hated how sad you looked and I hated that I was the reason for it, but I really felt like it would be for the best. For once, I was trying my hardest not to be selfish. I buried myself in as much work as I could, I went back to dating random models and socialites, and I did my best to avoid you.
“You’re a real asshole, Johnny,” Susan scolded as she made her way into my room.
“Aren’t you supposed to knock before you start harassing someone?”
“Johnny, you’re breaking Y/N’s heart!”
“Stop being so dramatic. I’m sure she’s fine-”
“Then why did I just catch her crying in the research office?”
“What the hell is wrong with you? You spent every waking moment with her, brought her flowers, her favorite foods, stayed late with her every chance you got, and now? Now, you’re back to hooking up with the same airheads and getting into dead end relationships!”
“You finally found someone perfect for you and you’re just letting her go? For what? Because you refuse-”
“SUSAN!” I snapped, tired of hearing all of the wrong reasons I’m staying away. “Just stay out of it.”
“What am I missing here, Johnny?”
“It’s just better this way. She’s better off this way. Whatever she thinks she feels for me will go away.”
“Just stay out of it, Susan, and close the door on your way out.”
I could tell by the way her eye was twitching that she wanted to say more, but just nodded, before leaving and slamming my door shut.
It’s not like it wasn’t hurting me too, but I didn’t do relationships. I never knew how. I didn’t want my first real attempt to be with you, fuck it up, then lose you forever and all together.
You’re entirely too important to me, and if we’re going to be together, I want it to be forever.
So, I pretended to not feel your longing gaze on me when I would walk by, pretended that I didn’t hear quiet sobs at night when you thought we were all off doing something else, and I pretended that I wasn’t the loneliest I’d ever been in my life.
In response to all of the hell I brought upon myself, I was more irritated than usual, more times than not I ignored Reed and did what I thought was best (everyone loved that), I went to pointless parties with empty headed people, and I kept looking for comfort in women whose names I didn’t care to remember.
No, it wasn’t the best solution, but what else could I do? As much as I was pissing everyone else off, they didn’t say anything. Everything was fine until I saw you on that dance floor.
“Those things will kill you,” I smirked, coming up behind you outside as I snapped my fingers and made a small flame appear.
“Mr. Storm!” you gasped as you almost dropped it. “I...I didn’t know you were here.”
“Mr. Storm? Really?” I scoffed as you lit your cigarette with the flame I made you. “When have I ever wanted you to call me that?”
“Things are different now...” you trailed off before you took a drag of your cigarette.
“When did you start that?” I questioned, nodding towards the cigarette.
“Um two months ago? Maybe three, I’m not sure.”
“What’s going on?”
“Nothing really, just some shit with my siblings, it’s fine. You should get back to your date-”
“She can wait. What’s going on?”
“Mr. Storm-”
“Stop calling me that.”
“No, it’s better if I don’t. I got too comfortable before-”
“No, you didn’t.”
“Yes, I did. I don’t know, I thought we were friends-”
“We are friends. You’re my best friend.”
“Best friends don’t just randomly start ignoring each other.”
“I’m sorry. I was going through something and I didn’t know how to talk about it. I’m back though. I miss you.”
“Mr. Storm-”
“Sweetheart, please.”
“Johnny...that really hurt. You just left and you didn’t-”
“I really am sorry, sweetheart. I won’t do it again.”
“I should get back inside,” you sighed as you dropped your cigarette and stomped on it.
“JOHNNY! OVER HERE!” a photographer yelled as he started snapping away.
“Fucks sake-”
“It’s fine, I’ll head back inside-”
“Let me take you back to-”
“ARE YOU TWO BACK ON?!” another photographer yelled, “WHAT’S HER NAME?!”
“Lets get you out of here,” I growled as I hugged you close, covered your face, and got us a cab.
Once we got inside, you didn’t let me go, and it tugged at my heart more than I thought it would.
“I really missed you, Johnny.”
“I know, I missed you too, babe.”
“Don’t leave me again, please.”
“I promise I won’t.”
From that day on, we went back to how we were almost instantly. You even started inviting me over to your place. Once again, everyone was pushing me to ask you out, but being apart of your life again was more than enough for me. I stopped going out so much, my attitude went back normal (which according to Ben wasn’t much better), and stopped partying (which made Sue happy).
Every night that I had those feelings, I took care of it myself, your name softly leaving my lips every time. If all I could do was want you, that was fine by me. I still didn’t trust myself with you and I had no intention of fucking things up again.
At least, that’s what I told myself at the time. Then, two months ago, I ruined everything.
“Why are you still working?” I pouted as I poked my head inside your office.
“Because there’s still work to be done,” you giggled, not even looking up from the screen.
“It’s 11:30 on a Friday. You know you’ll come in tomorrow and finish up-”
“Maybe I’ll take tomorrow off, you never know.”
“Yeah, and do what?” I smirked as you shook your head.
God, you were so damn cute when you got flustered.
“I don’t know. Go to Ithaca and walk down a waterfall.”
“What the hell?”
“You can! I’ve done it before!”
“You’ll have to take me one day,” I laughed, “c’mon, close up shop and lets go.”
“Go where, Johnny? I don’t feel like going to a club, or a bar.”
“I’ll order us some food, we’ll have some drinks, and we’ll watch a movie.”
“We can do that any day.”
“Yes, but I want to do it today. So,” I started as I pushed myself off the door frame, “lets turn all this bullshit off and decide on dinner.”
“Johnny!” you laughed as I pulled you out of your seat.
“You know you’d rather be hanging out with me anyway.”
“You’re nothing but trouble,” you giggled.
“It’s your favorite thing about me.”
Everything was going fine. We ended up getting Chinese food, drinks were flowing, the conversation was great, and we ended up watching the ‘Philadelphia Story’.
At some point, you ended up in my lap, and I was holding you as if I’d never let you go. Yeah, we’d been drinking, but I should’ve known better than to let it get that far in the first damn place.
“Don’t you want that, Johnny?” you softly slurred as you laid your head on my shoulder.
“What? A bunch of tricks and schemes, and a failed wedding?” I laughed, just as drunk as you were as I brushed your hair out of your face.
“No! To rediscover your true love and make it work!”
“Is that you want?”
“I think I just want to find my true love,” you chuckled as your arms snaked up and around my neck.
You felt like home.
“What about you?” you asked softly.
“What about me?”
“What do you want in a soulmate? What are you looking for?”
“I don’t think I’m soulmate material.”
“Of course you are! Everyone is,” you promised sympathetically as one of your hands cupped my cheek.
I should’ve stopped it right then and there, but between the alcohol coursing through my veins and how bad I’ve needed you, I couldn’t have pumped the breaks if I’d wanted to.
“What would I want in a soulmate? Someone like you, I guess.”
“Someone like me?”
“You’re perfect,” I confessed softly as I met your soft gaze.
God, you looked so beautiful. When didn’t you?
“Johnny, you and I both know-”
“You’ve been everything to me for the longest time. If I were looking for someone to spend forever with, it would be you,” I admitted as I tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear.
In the blink of an eye, your lips were on mine and it felt like heaven. Everything that I had day dreamed of and imagined, came to life in that moment. When your fingers found their way into my hair, I did nothing to stop them. Even with how tight you were gripping my hair, it was still the closest to heaven that I’d ever felt.
“Y/N,” I moaned as you straddled me.
I had every intention to tell you to stop, but it just felt too damn good. Imagine your favorite dream or fantasy finally becoming real.
This was better than that.
“I’ve wanted you for so damn long,” I whispered as I started to trail kissing along the column of your neck. “I’ve needed you.”
“I’m all yours,” you whimpered as your hands traveled down to the hem of my shirt, “I’ve always been yours.”
You broke away for just a second to take my shirt off, and the whimper that left your mouth had me smirking. It was nice to know that you liked what you saw. Once again, somewhere in the back of my mind, I knew I should’ve stopped, but the thought alone was too much for me. Instead, I reached for your panties and ripped them off, having to remind myself not to get too excited.
“Johnny,” you whined, “thought about having you like this for so long!”
“Fuck,” I growled into your neck, trying not to get too rough when I bit your neck “you fucked this perfect little cunt thinking about me?”
“So many fucking times!” you confessed with a moan as you ground yourself against me.
There was no way I was stopping.
“Lift those arms, baby. Gotta get this fucking shirt off. I need to see all of you,” I begged with a husk.
And that’s when everything changed.
“No...no, no! What the fuck am I doing?!” you questioned as mortification showed all over your face.
“What’s wrong?”
“This is...this is all wrong! Fuck, I’m so sorry,” you almost sobbed as you got off of me. “Fuck!”
“I’m so sorry, Johnny. I have to go,” you sobbed before you ran out of my room.
Since that night, you’ve avoided me like the plague and it’s not like I can be mad at you. I never planned on it going that far, and if it were to ever go that far, I wanted us both to be sober. I can only imagine that you ran off because you didn’t want to be just another trinket.
Another trophy fuck.
Every time I tried to talk about it, you had an excuse not to. Sometimes it was work, other times it had to do with your friends, and sometimes you just told the truth and told me you didn’t wanna talk about it.
I tried to think of a way to make it up to you, but nothing felt right. Flowers felt too small, your favorite food felt like a cop out, and there was no way in hell that you were gonna wanna be alone with me again.I wanted to do something for Halloween, since I know it’s your favorite holiday, but I couldn’t think of anything you’d want to do with me. So, that just left Christmas.
“Sue, why don’t you throw a Christmas party?” I suggested nonchalantly as I sauntered into her office.
“This wouldn’t have anything to do with Y/N not speaking to you, would it?”
“She has nothing to do with this. She and I are just fine-”
“You’re a shitty liar when it comes to me, Johnny. So, don’t try it.”
“I just thought it would be nice. We’re invited to every party, but we’ve never thrown one ourselves.”
There was no way in hell that I was about to fess up and say this was all for you. The last thing I needed was everyone giving me unsolicited advice.
“I’m not buying it, but you make a good point,” she sighed as she sat back in her chair. “I’ll talk to Reed about it-”
“You’re not gonna let him be in charge, right?”
“Just because I’m in love with the man, doesn’t mean I’d leave him in charge of any social event,” she scowled and I chuckled.
“Thank you, Sue. I mean it.”
“Whatever is going on between you two will work itself out,” she promised with a reassuring smile.
I don’t think I’ve ever worked so hard on anything in my life, or been so damn stressed. I made sure to have all of your favorite foods on the menu, your favorite deserts, and your favorite drinks. I’m more than sure I annoyed the hell out of Sue, but I didn’t give a damn. As long as everything was set up how you would like it, I didn’t care who I pissed off.
Now, everyone is here except for you. Going to see you won’t help anything, but even if you don’t forgive me, I at least want you to enjoy a party that was built around you.
“Johnny, standing in a corner and pouting won’t help anything,” Susan sighs coming up next to me.
“This is her favorite song,” I mutter as ‘Silent Night’ starts playing.
“Is that why three different versions of it are on the playlist?”
“I wanna make sure she hears it.”
“It’s gonna be okay.”
“She’s still not here, Sue. Even if she doesn’t wanna see me...they’re a ton of people here and she’s still not here.”
“What happened?”
“It doesn’t matter.” “Johnny-”
“Just drop it, Sue.”
“Well, give it time. I went to see her and, while I can tell that she’s torn, I think she’s going to show up.”
“How are you so sure?”
“I can just tell. When something is right, it just works out,” she smiles before turning her attention back to the crowd, “Natasha! Bruce! I’m so happy you were able to make it!” she beams before walking off.
I pray that she’s right, because I don’t know what took me so long to realize that you’re the only person I’ll ever want to commit to. I know that I can be a real pain in the ass and difficult, but I’m willing to work on myself if it means that I can have forever with you.
I’m willing to do any and everything if it means I can make you mine.
Y/N’s P.O.V.
You’d be lying if you said you weren’t impressed with the party. All of your favorite foods, you’re more than sure you’ve heard at least four different versions of ‘Silent Night’, every drink option that you love...
It has to be Johnny.
God, why did that night have to happen? Where the hell did your self control go? No, you don’t think Johnny would ever intentionally hurt you, but you also know that Johnny is shit with commitment. It’s not like the man doesn’t try, but you also know that the idea of him being with one person forever terrifies him.
However, that doesn’t change the fact that you miss him so damn much.
You came into the party with the intention of staying out of sight and out of mind, but Ben was in a good mood and pulled you into a conversation about latest research you were helping Reed with until Alicia pulled him away. You tried to get back to your corner of solitude, but somehow, you found everyone wanting to talk to you.
Unbeknownst to you, Reed and Sue had been talking you up. Telling everyone how much they appreciate all the hard work you do, how committed you are to your work, and how your attitude always brightens the mood, no matter how bleak things may seem.
Now, you’re being asked left and right if you’re willing to split your time, if you have any friends that are just as hard working as you, and where you studied Science at (in hopes of finding someone just as dedicated as you). As flattered as you are, you just want to stay in a corner by yourself, quietly scanning the room for Johnny (and whoever he brought as a date), and make sure that he’s happy. For as heartbroken as you’ve been for the last two months, that doesn’t mean you don’t want to see him happy.
Even if it is with someone else.
Sure, you could go and talk to him and put an end to all of this, but that would mean facing him, and you’re not ready for that just yet. Yes, you were both drunk and got swept away, but you don’t know how to handle it the way you think you should yet. The fact of the matter is: you love Johnny Storm. You have been for a while and you had been doing such a good job at hiding it. You’d seen the type of women Johnny fooled around with, and you knew you’d never live up to those standards. Yeah, he remember what he said that night, but he was also drunk and horny. No, he’s not a bad guy, but you’ve seen him play women before by drawing it out even though it was obvious to everyone else that he had no intention of sticking around. You’d like to believe that you were different, but once again, he was drunk and horny.
Accidents happen all the time.
However, you’ve been asking yourself the same question over and over again since the whole thing happened: if you could take any of it back, would you? You come to the same answer every time.
Hell no.
Having some of Johnny was better than having none of him, even if it was only for a moment. So, you told yourself that the next time you see Johnny, you’re going to apologize for your actions, promise him it’ll never happen again, and hope that you two can go back to the way things were.
At least that’s what you keep telling yourself.
After a few more uncomfortable conversations, you’re finally able to grab yourself a drink and make your way back into a corner. It seems silly to be in a corner of a party that seems to be catered around the things you love, but you just feel safer. Being in that room full of high profile diplomats and superheros just doesn’t feel right alone. It won’t feel okay unless Johnny is by your side.
“Why don’t you ever come to any of the parties?” Johnny asked you as he met you outside of your apartment complex. “You’re always invited.”
“Those parties are the last place I belong,” you scoffed as you put on the sunglasses he gifted you last week.
He told he got them for you because he was tired of you blocking out the sun with frames that didn’t suit your face.
“Why do you say that?’
“Cause that’s not me...it’s you,” you motioned towards him.
“What the hell does that mean?”
“You constantly save the world, and you’re ‘Mr. Personality’. That whole thing is your scene, not mine.”
“You’ve been huge help on all of those missions-”
“I’m a behind the scenes kind of woman, Johnny.”
“You don’t have to be. You could go with me,” he offered and you rolled your eyes.
“It’s all fun and games until you leave me for some model-”
“You know better than that, sweetheart. I wouldn’t leave you alone in a crowd, especially when I know how uncomfortable it’d make you.”
“You’d wanna be seen with me over some shiny model?”
“You’d wanna be seen with me over some fuckin’ book about space and atoms?” he questioned with a cocked eyebrow and a smirk as you let out a full bodied laugh. “Why wouldn’t I wanna be seen with you?”
“I’m not the kind of woman you’re ever seen with.”
“That’s because the only time you hangout with me is when we hangout for lunch.”
“When else can we hangout? You’re always busy or fucking.”
“We can hangout whenever you want, just say the word.”
“Yeah okay.”
“I mean it, tell me when you want to hangout and we will.”
“I wouldn’t even know what to do.”
“What are you doing today?”
“Lunch with you and then I was gonna do some more research on-”
“It’s your day off!”
“There’s always more work to be-”
“Yeah no, we’re hanging out. Your schedule has just been cleared. I know exactly what we’re gonna do,” he smirked as he pulled you along with him.
“Trust me!”
Usually, you hate Summer. You don’t like the beaches in New York, so there’s never one to go to. Sure, you can go to Jersey, but it’s always crowded and such a hassle to get to that, by the time you get there, you’re not even in the mood to do anything anymore. So, you usually stay in and do your best to avoid the heat, which is impossible because the city is always filled with too many people.
Summer hadn’t been something you’d enjoyed in a while.
However, that day that you spent with Johnny was one of the best days you’d ever had with him. He took you to one his favorite sports bars, spoiled you just a bit with new glasses and a necklace that he saw you eyeing while you waited for him to get off the phone with Reed, took you to his favorite casual restaurant for lunch, took you to the MET (you couldn’t tell but it made his heart so full to see you so happy), accompanied you on a stroll through Central Park, treated you to a movie, took you to dinner at Carmines (how he knew you’d always wanted to go is something you still don’t know), and ended the night with riding you around on his motorcycle (which only took about 20 minutes worth of convincing).
“See? I’m pretty fun to hangout with,” Johnny smirked as you both leaned against his bike, looking out at the view from the Brooklyn Bridge.
“I had the best day I’ve had in a while,” you smiled, laying your head on his shoulder.
“I’m sorry about some of the hell we had to deal with today. The paparazzi and the fans-”
“It wasn’t terrible,” you shrugged. “Yeah, I was completely out of my comfort zone, but I felt safe with you.”
“Yeah, hanging with The Torch has the effect,” he said smugly and you burst out laughing.
“Never refer to yourself that way around me ever again,” you breathed once you finally caught your breath. “It has nothing to do with you being ‘The Human Torch’. I just feel safe with you...I trust you. I always have.”
“Yeah? Enough to go to one of these parties with me?”
“I will go to a party with you, I promise,” you giggled.
“Ready for me to take you home?”
“Lets stay here just a little bit longer?” you begged softy.
“We can do whatever you want, sweetheart.”
You wish you could just go back to that night. Everything was simple, and the both of you were so happy. Now, it’s all a fucking mess.
“Hey,” a familiar voice says softly from behind you. A voice you’ve missed more than you’ll ever be able to put into words.
You told yourself that you’d be gracious about the whole thing that you’d talk to him like an adult. Yet, the second you feel his breath on the back of your neck, you take off running like a deer in the headlights.
In fucking heels no less.
“Y/N! Please!” Johnny yells running after you.
Why are you running? There’s literally no reason to. It’s not like any crimes were committed and you didn’t murder anyone. All you did was almost completely give yourself to the one person your heart burns for.
No big deal.
You’re quick to get inside your office and start pacing, taking deep breaths as you try and calm your nerves. Why can’t you calm down? You can do this! You’ve talked to Johnny about so many things that were much more difficult than this, so what is the problem? You just want him back in your life, so you need to stop hiding from him (literally), and grow up.
“Wh...when the fuck did you...become a fast...fast runner?” Johnny breaths as he leans against your door.
“I’m sorry...” you mumble, toying with fingers and looking at your feet.
“Can you please talk to me? This is insane! It doesn’t have to be like this!”
“I know and I’m sorry, I really am. I’ve been wanting to talk to you about everything, but its turning out to be a lot harder than I thought.”
“Why? Yes, things got...heated, but we’ve always been able to-”
“We’ve never even kissed before, Johnny. That night...it’s not the same.”
“We’ve talked about more complicated things than almost hooking-”
“Johnny, I love you. I am so in love with you and I...I had planned on keeping it to myself, because you don’t do relationships, and that’s fine! I was fine with how we were, but then we kissed and said things...my panties came off...I’ve been wanting to talk to you, but it’s hard, because now you know. I made the first move, I said what I said...I wanted to talk to you, but I just couldn’t be around you yet,” you finish softly.
Wow, that came out a lot easier than you expected.
Since he isn’t responding you keep going, “I’m happy to just be your friend, Johnny. You’re always going to be my best friend, but I know we can’t be together, and I can’t take seeing you with other women yet and-”
“Why not?”
“Why not what? Why can’t I take seeing you with other women? Johnny, I just told you I’m in love with you-”
“No, why can’t we be together?”
“Is that a joke? You don’t-”
“I can-”
“For you, I can do anything,” he promises sincerely as you finally meet his gaze.
“Lets not do this-”
“I love you, Y/N. I love you and I have for a while now. I’ve had a crush on you since I first saw you, and the more I got to know you, the more all of it spiraled out of control. Why do you think I stayed away for those four months? I was trying to get over and distance myself from you, because I didn’t want to fuck all of this up. I didn’t want to ruin your chances with someone else by breaking your heart. I really did my best to leave you alone, but I was miserable without you, which I think speaks volumes about how much I love you. Even with Raye, which we both know it’s because of me that didn’t work out, I wasn’t all that broken up about it. Yeah, I hated that I hurt her, but you saw how quickly I bounced back from that. I can’t bounce back from you, Y/N. I can’t and I don’t want to.”
“I’m loneliest when I’m without you, I’m constantly in a shitty mood when we’re not speaking, whenever I’m out fighting to save the world I’m only thinking of saving you, your laugh is my favorite sound in the world, I listen to your voicemails when we’re not talking because it’s the only thing that soothes me, your touch is what I crave more than anything else in the world, I’m lost when you’re not around...I am so insanely in love with you. I love you to the point that it hurts.”
“If you don’t want this, that’s fine, but I think you do. I think you want this as bad as I do,” he states softly as he makes his way over to you.
“You don’t...you don’t like relationships. You said so yourself that they’re just not for you because you don’t wanna be chained to someone-”
“That was before and it was stupid for me to say that. I don’t know, I just...I don’t feel like that with you, sweetheart. If you want me to stay away, I understand and I’ll do just that,” he promises softly as he stands in front of you.
“I...I didn’t say that,” you confess, looking down at your fingers.
Using his forefinger, he gently lifts your chin so your gaze is on him, “tell me what you want.”
“I want to believe that you want this, because it’s all I’ve been thinking about for a while and...I don’t believe you’d ever hurt me, but I know you, Johnny. I know...how you act and that commitment scares you and I don’t want to be-”
“I wouldn’t say anything if I wasn’t serious about this. Serious about us.”
“There’s no one on this planet, or the others for that matter, that I find more beautiful than you. No one gets me like you do, no one cares for me like you do, no one...loves me like you do, Y/N. I don’t want to be with anyone else, I don’t look at anyone else, and I’m never gonna love anyone the way I love you. You’re the only person I’ll ever want to commit to and that’ll never change.”
“Say it again,” you beg softly as he leans in closer.
“You’re the only person I’ll ever want to commit to,” he breathes softly, his face a mere few inches from yours, “and that’ll never change.”
Before you have a chance to think of an argument, his lips are on yours and you’re gone. Yes, you still have your fears and reservations, but you miss Johnny. You already missed him when you weren’t around, but now that you’ve kissed him and felt his hands all over you in that way, you crave it more than anything else in the world.
You crave him.
“Johnny,” you moan as he kisses down your neck.
In all honesty, you wanna tell him to stop, but you can’t seem to form the words or remember why. Instead, you wrap your legs around him as he picks you up and places you on your desk. What’s the point of stopping anyway? You believe him and it’s starting to become very clear that you two are no longer able to keep your hands to yourselves when along together.
“I fucking missed you,” Johnny growls, hiking up your skirt then ripping off your panties, “never letting you go again.” “Fuck!” you gasp at the feel of his thumb on your clit.
You’re more than sure the warmth flooding through your body has nothing to do with his power.
“So fucking wet already? We’ve barely gotten started,” he smirks teasing your cunt with his fingers.
“Pl...please,” you whimper softly, “dreamt of this for so long!”
“Tell me what you’ve dreamt of,” he coos as slowly sinks two fingers into your desperate and greedy cunt.
Right now, you love him just as much as you hate him for torturing you.
“Having...having you all to myself, loving me, pulling me...apart, oh my God!” you cry out at the feel of him curling his fingers. “John...Johnny please!”
“Tell me more,” he pushes, picking up his pace just a little, applying just a bit of pressure to clit, which only makes you cry out in pleasure as you start grinding yourself against his fingers. “You’re a fucking dream, babygirl. Tell me!”
“Fuck! I’ve thought about...oh Johnny,” you moan, lulling your head back as you feel a warm sensation on your clit, kicking shoes off and curling your toes.
“Never thought I’d ever have you like this, baby. So fucking perfect, baby. Gotta tell me more or I won’t let you cum, and I can tell just how bad you want to by the way this pussy is squeezing my fingers,” he chuckles, easily sliding in a third.
“No, just Johnny,” he teases as he picks up his pace. “C’mon sweetheart, be a good girl and tell me more!” “Aht! I’ve...I’ve been dreaming of you on your knees eating my pussy while fingering my ass, want...wanna taste you so fucking bad, Johnny!”
“Fuck,” he growls, no longer teasing you, and you can tell he’s desperate to give you whatever you want. “Keep going, babygirl!”
“Dreamt of you fucking me hard and fast, claiming and making me all yours! I wanna feel you so deep inside my pussy, baby!”
“Give it to me, sweetheart! Be a good girl and cum hard for me!”
Your body has been ready to obey anything Johnny has to say for years, so you’re not surprised that you squirt hard on his fingers as the words leave his mouth. You’d be embarrassed, but you’ve wanted this for so long that you just can’t be bothered to feel any shame. All the cards are laid on the table now, so he may as well see every side of you.
Not just the parts that are work appropriate.
Johnny grips your neck with his free hand before puling you upright and crashing his lips into yours, “who knew my perfect girl was so filthy?” he broods once you two break apart, still fucking you through your high.
“Need you, Johnny! Please!”
“I’m gonna take care of you, baby, I promise,” he smirks, removing his fingers and bringing them up to your lips, “open.”
Keeping your gaze on him, you open your mouth and stick your tongue, your pussy clenching around nothing at the feral growl that leaves his mouth.
“Suck ‘em clean, sweetheart,” he commands, as he gets down on his knees.
You feel his breath on your core when you remember, “not here!” you mumble around his fingers. “The cameras!”
You hear him mumble incoherent against your folds and you whine in pure want, needing one of you to come with a solution fast. Thankfully, Johnny’s on his feet almost instantly, taking your hand in his while he removes his fingers from your mouth, and pulls you along with him.
“Follow me, sweetheart,” he broods, practically jogging down the hall.
At least he’s just a desperate for you as you are for him.
He pulls you into the elevator with him, hits a button without even looking at it, before pinning you against the wall and kissing you passionately. One of his hands snakes its way up your skirt, and you moan into the kiss as he starts fucking you with two fingers.
“They’re cameras in here too,” you giggle with a breathy moan as he starts biting and sucking on your neck.
“A little making out in the elevator never hurt anyone,” he smirks before licking the spot he just bit.
“And how about getting fingered?”
“They can’t see that, sweetheart,” he whispers in your ear before biting the shell of it.
Johnny Storm is gonna be the death of you.
When the elevator finally arrives at the floor he selected, you whine in protest when he removes his fingers, and is pulling you out of the elevator. In almost no time at all, he has you pinned against his bedroom wall and is kicking his door closed before getting on his knees.
“You don’t know how much I’ve gotten off to the thought of eating this perfect little pussy, baby,” he groans before licking your clit.
This must be what heaven feels like.
“Oh my fuck...Johnny! Yes!” you cry out, running your fingers through his soft brown locks, gripping them tight before grinding your your pussy against his face.
He easily slides two fingers into your soaked cunt, curling them as they give you a warm sensation. When you feel his lips pulling on your clit, you lull your head back and hike your right leg over his shoulder, granting him better access to your greedy cunt so he can fuck you deeper. His free hand travels up your side, finding yours, and he entwines his fingers with yours.
The small gesture makes your flutter and fall in love even more.
“I love you so much...Johnny! Need to feel you, please!”
Maybe it’s because it’s Christmas, or maybe it’s because he’s just as desperate as you, but your pleas doesn’t fall on deaf ears. He starts licking and sucking on your clit with such ferocity, you won’t be surprised if the whole hears you as you yell his name, a euphoric cloud washing over you as you coat his fingers and lower half of his face with your desire, gaining a grunt of approval from him as he fucks you through your high.
“I will be back down here tonight,” he promises as he kisses his way up your body, unzipping your skirt and letting it fall freely to the ground, “ but right now, I wanna get lost inside of you.”
“Please,” you whisper once he’s on his feet again, unbuckling his belt as quickly as you can.
“You sure you want this, sweetheart?”
“Too late to turn back now, and I don’t want to. I love you and I want this with you, I want everything with you.”
“God, I’ve waited so long to hear you say that,” he smiles before crashing his lips into yours.
Clothes come off easily, and they’re no sounds other than the desperate and hungry kisses you both are giving one another. His skin is heated and his touches are soft and, for the moment, you can’t remember what the hell you were so afraid of. Being here with Johnny, like this, and having him all to yourself is all you’ve ever wanted. You know the fear will come back later when all is said and done, but with the way he looks at you, the way he holds you, and has always looked out for you, it’s hard to believe that he would ever hurt you.
It’s hard to believe that this isn’t meant to be.
“Lay back, baby,” you tell him breathlessly as you softly push him back, “I’m gonna take care of you tonight.”
“You are nothing like I imagined,” he smirks and you laugh softly.
“Is that good or bad?”
“So fucking good,” he broods as you dip down lick the tip of his heated length. “Fuck,” he sighs as he grips the sheets.
“Just relax, baby. Let your good girl make you feel good.”
No, giving Johnny Storm (aka the Human Fucking Torch) a blowjob probably isn’t your best interest, but you’ve dreamed about it too long to not do it.
You smooth your hand over his abs, your pussy clenching around nothing as you try and figure out how you got so lucky, while you’re hand strokes him in an attempt to prepare yourself for his size and length.
“Just relax,” you coo before finally getting your mouth on him, moaning in satisfaction at the taste of him.
“Shit! That’s it, babygirl! Fuck, just like that!” he moans as you start to take as much of him as you can.
Your movements are slow at first, taking more of him bit by bit as you relax your throat to accommodate him, falling in love with the way that you’re making squirm beneath you and breathe heavy. Once you’re finally able to fully accommodate him, you’re unable to to control yourself when you pick up your pace as your hand starts to play with his balls.
“FUCK Y/N!” he proclaims, eyes clenched shut as he tries to control himself.
You run your hand over his his abs in an attempt to calm him, but it’s useless because you’re too worked up yourself. You turn your gaze up towards him to find that his gaze on you is intense and heated. In fact, you’re more than sure you see a little orange tint around his eyes, and it only turns you on more to see how much you’re playing with fire.
“Not gonna....fuck, I’m so....FUCK!” he exclaims, filling your mouth to the brim, bucking his hips a little as he fucks all of it into your mouth.
You ignore the desperate longing between your legs as you do your best to swallow everything he has to offer, wanting to make sure you don’t miss a single drop.
“You okay?” you smirk once you’ve cleaned him to your satisfaction.
“I need to be inside of you right now, get your ass on top of me,” he growls as you giggle.
“Tell me what you want and I’ll do it,” you promise as you straddle him, rocking your hips against his, your soaked lips dragging along his cock.
“I want you to do whatever you want...whatever will make you happy, sweetheart. I’m yours to use however you want,” he moans as his hands start to travel up your body.
“I want to make you as happy as you’ve always made me,” you moan, adjusting yourself so you can align him with your entrance. “I wanna show you just how much I love you...SHIT!” you cry out once you start to slide down on him.
You’ve never been so full and you’re not even half way down.
“Oh my GOD!” you whimper, loving the delicious burn of him stretching you. “Fuck!”
“Never had a cock this big before, sweetheart?” he questions with a cocky grin, with his mouth slightly agape.
“N-no, but...I can t-tell you’ve never been in a pussy t-this tight!” you moan, finally settling against his hips.”Tell me how good it feels baby,” you moan, pressing your hands against his chest, the hairs a welcome comfort as you dig your nails into his pecs.
“Fuck, best pussy I’ve ever been inside of,” groans as he grips your hips tight, the heat radiating from his hands sending you closer to release. “Thought having you like this to myself for so long, and God, you’re better than any fucking fantasy that I ever came up with...fuck! That’s it, baby!” he encourages as you pick up your pace, rolling your hips against him. “So fucking beautiful!”
“S-so fucking close!” you whine, clawing at his chest, finding that spot deep inside that only ever seemed to exist when you used your vibrator. “Aht, aht! YES!” you cry out, squirting hard as you try and ride out your high.
You’re only left in charge for a second before Johnny wraps an arm around yourself, and sits upright which only pushes him in further.
“You are the sexiest woman I’ve ever seen, did you know that?” he broods, gripping your hips before starting fucking into you relentlessly.
“Johnny! Please...feels too good!”
“I’ve been watching you for so long, imagining what it would be like to be worthy of you...your love...fuck, the way this cunt squeezes me!”
“Never felt this good!”
“Gonna spend all night showing you just how much I love you...how much I’ve needed you,” he mumbles into your chest, before taking one of your nipples into his mouth and licking it.
“Fuck!” you gasp, running your hands through his hair as you try to hold on, still tying to recover from the last orgasm.
His tongue is deliciously vicious against your nipple, showing no mercy at your desperate whimpers and pleas, not even when tears start forming in your eyes. You’ve never felt this good in your life, and while you’re more than sure you’ll be sore tomorrow, it’ll be more than worth it. You’ve been waiting for this forever and there’s nothing that could make you regret it.
You’ll never regret giving all of yourself to him.
“Mmm Johnny! Too much!”
“I know you can give me more,” he encourages with a husk, looking up to see you in your blissed out state. “You’re fucking gorgeous,” he groans, his skin getting just a bit hotter, sending you over another euphoric waterfall.
At some point, you’re going to need to remember to invest in aloe.
“Ya know, I don’t think my bed has ever been this wet,” he chuckles, before getting you on your back and starting to fuck into relentlessly. “I think I wanna make this a nightly thing,” he husks, entwining fingers with one of your hands, while the other is planted firmly by your head.
“Oh my GOD!”
“What do you think about that, babygirl? Hmm? Be my good girl during the day....my filthy, desperate little thing at night?”
“Johnny...” you sob, that knot in your core tightening again.
He dips down and whispers against your ear hotly, “I think that’s exactly how it should be. Cause you were made for me, just like I was made for you.”
You feel your legs start to tremble as another orgasm starts to build, and you truly wonder if you’ll be able to last the rest of the night after this one.
“C’mon babygirl, I need it. Please,” he rasps into the crook of your neck as his movements become erratic.
“Too much! I...I...FUCK!”
“Y/N!” he shouts as he fills you with his seed, you squirting on his cock, only soaking the bed even more.
As you fade out of consciousness, you try to remember if you’ve ever felt so full and loved in your life, and you’re pretty sure you haven’t.
“You okay, sweetheart?” you faintly hear him ask, and you only have enough energy to nod. “Did I take it too far for you?” he chuckles and you giggle.
“No baby, I just need a minute, “ you smile up at him. He dips down and starts peppering kisses all over your face and you start laughing, “don’t tell me that you’re a giant softie underneath that giant ego of yours.”
“You know it’s only for you. Its always only ever been for you,” he groans as he pulls out, before laying down beside you and pulling you close.
“And why is that, Johnny Storm?” you question as you lay your head on his chest, feeling secure and like you’re loved.
“Because I love you.”
“Say it again.”
“I love you,” he chuckles before kissing the top of your head.
“I don’t know if I should even bother giving you the actual Christmas gift I got you,” you smirk as you start to press soft kisses along his chest.
“You didn’t have to get me anything,” he sighs, and you can tell he’s getting worked up all over again.
“Hmm? Why’s that?” you ask, propping yourself up on one arm, while the other softly stokes his chest.
“Because,” he starts, cupping your cheek and stroking it gently, “you were all that I wanted, and it’s been that way for a long time now, Y/N. You were all that I had on my Christmas wish list.”
taglist: @autumnrose40​, @fuckingbye​, @emerald-evans​, @maroonsunrise83​, @whxre4cevans​, @sweetflowerdreams​, @whiskeytangofoxtrot555​, @companionjones​, @pono-pura-vida​, @nomadstucky​, @mazda098​
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vellicore · 6 months
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IMPORTANT INFO ~ As always this is intended for an adult audience only. Minors do not interact! 18+ only - no exceptions. You do not have permission to translate, copy, or steal my work. If you see my work any place other than here or ao3 it has been posted without my consent. 
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Now to the good stuff...
About the event: New year means a new writing event. It's been awhile since I did my last one so I thought the new year would be the perfect opportunity to have one. Plus, kiddo is now back to school so I have more time to write. Yay! How to request: Please use this form to send it your requests.
Format of the requests: For this writing event you will select one character, an AU, a writing prompt, and one kink. If you do not wish for your request to be an AU there is an option for it to be Canon universe.
Time table: This will take place from now until January 31st. My goal is to have all requests completed by then (unless I get some on the 31st.) Please note that this is a dark writing event. If dark fics are not your thing then please do not participate.
If you have any questions or concerns, don't be afraid to reach out.
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royalsweetteaa · 2 years
Shameless ménage
Pairing: dark!stepfather!Andy Barber x innocent!naive!reader x dark!soft!Johnny Storm
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WARNING - the following contains: non-con/Dark themes, love triangle, stepcest, loss of virginity, mentions of obsessive/impulsive/possessive behavior, character death, angst, mention of period, power imbalance, daddy kink, breeding kink, mention of blood, innocent/naive reader, degradation, manipulation, somnophilia.
Summary: You live with two men in the house; your stepdad, - Andy Barber who had married your mother before she had passed away, and Johnny Storm, - who Andy is the Godfather of. What you once called a family was turning into a household full of malice intentions.
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“It’ll get better. I promise.” Johnny whispered, and gave you a kiss on the forehead while he let you cry on his chest. You were standing by the graveyard, watching as they dug dirt over to the hole where your mother’s casket was now lying.
While everything hurt so bad, you took Johnny’s word to heart because you knew if anyone understood best of how you were feeling, it was him, - he who at a younger age had lost both of his parents in an accident that would turn his life as he knows it.
His parents’ death was how he was given to Andy, his godfather, the man who at Johnny’s baptism had made a promise to Mr and Mrs Storm to guide and support Johnny if anything were to happen. Susan, his sister, moved to her own godparents, which ultimately separated the siblings as there was no other way to keep them together, — one that would financially suffice anyway. Andy already had a son of his own, and he could only give as much support of covering everyone’s needs. Johnny eventually accepted the separation, and become like a son of the Barber’s.
A few years later and Andy’s wife, Laurie, filed for divorce and custody over Jacob out of the blue as she had in her own words; fallen out of love. This broke Andy and sent him to a dark place where he neglected Johnny during his teen years, creating a bitter relationship. Johnny became more rebellious, not wanting to listen to anything Andy had to say and did things that got him in trouble.
Arguments and fights became daily between the two of them, and Johnny was determined to move out as soon as he turned 18.
When he did turn 18 though, he didn’t move out. Why? Because for once, they were blessed.
Andy had found a woman he had fallen in love with, and she had a daughter who was the same age as Johnny, who’s name was Y/N L/N — you. They married half a year later, and you could officially call each other family.
Johnny and Andy weren’t alone anymore and were now a completed family, with you and Johnny becoming soulmates. Your friendship blossomed beautifully, and Andy and your mother could tell from afar that you were getting along together well.
You had two perfect years of living together, going for family vacations and going to the same college with Johnny…
….and it all ended abruptly when you got a call that your mother had been in a car accident on your way home.
Now the three of you were standing in front of your mother’s grave after the funeral, planting flowers as you cried out what would hopefully be your last tears for a while. You hadn’t stopped crying for a week and it began to physically hurt your eyes. Andy had gone back to drinking to drown in his own sorrow, and you would occasionally hear him sobbing in his own room — the room he once shared with your mother.
You had once caught Andy late at midnight on the sofa, crying by himself with an empty bottle of whiskey on the floor. The image in front of you broke your heart and you didn’t think twice before you walked over and wrapped your hands around the man. You could tell he hadn’t expected the night to turn out like this, but he eventually returned the hug and let the tears continue to shed without shame.
“Thank God you’re here, Y/N…I don’t think I could live peacefully if we lost you too. I wouldn’t forgive myself if we lost you both at once…”
“It’s not your fault, Andy. Please don’t blame yourself….she was at the wrong place at the wrong time and…while it’s hard to accept she’s gone forever, we can only try and move on while having her in our hearts…” you said, this time without breaking down sobbing.
Andy buried his face into your shoulder, and you could only soothe him until he eventually fell asleep by his own. You put a blanket over him and left the living room.
That same night when you went to sleep in your own bed, you heard a creaking sound of what you recognized as your door opening. You lifted your head up to see Johnny standing there, having blood shot eyes as if he had been crying for hours. “Johnny?…” you mumbled out his name in question.
“…I can’t sleep.” Johnny confessed. “Could I sleep here? I’ll bring my own mattress and sleep on the floor…I just don’t want to be alone in my room.”
You rubbed your eyes and scooted to one side of your bed to give room. “You can sleep with me on my bed if you’d like. I’m sure you’ll fit right in…”
Your offer seemed to brighten Johnny’s mood with the timid smile that was forming on his lips. He walked over and sat himself on the edge before he put his feet up from the floor and laid down beside you. Your shoulders touched, and you noticed Johnny’s legs touched the end frame of the bed, but he didn’t seem to mind the narrow space.
He turned his head to look at you, and saw you were still awake with your eyes staring at the roof.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you…” Johnny muttered an apology.
You sighed and shook your head. “It’s okay. I haven’t slept the way I should anyway…I always wake up exhausted because mentally I’ve been up all night.” You explained.
“Are you going to leave us?”
The question was so unexpected, it left you pondering for brief seconds over the meaning. “Why are you asking that?”
“Because obviously there’s nothing left for you here now that she’s —….” Johnny didn’t complete the sentence and instead asked, “Why else would you stay?”
You smiled sympathetically and stroked Johnny’s shoulder. “Because this is my home now, even though my mom isn’t here anymore. She would have wanted me to stay. I’m not leaving you, Johnny.”
For the first night since forever, you slept without any thoughts haunting you or experiencing sudden wake ups. From then on, it would become the routine of the week to have Johnny sleep with you in bed.
The last night Johnny slept over had you waking up confused in the morning. Your sheets and pajama pants had gotten sticky and semi stiff stains on them, and you couldn’t figure out what it was. You paid no mind to it and put both in the washer, relieved that the stains were removable when you took them out for drying.
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For another few days it was quiet in the household. You and Johnny had dropped out this year of college as you didn’t complete the exams while being gone for so long due to your mother’s passing. You thought it was better to focus on yourself and only have a part time job as your mental health had declined, and you didn’t want another toll on your shoulder. Johnny had mutually agreed to do the same as he wasn’t making an effort to stay for school anyway. You worked part time as a waitress in a restaurant while Johnny worked at a Home Depot department.
One Saturday evening, Johnny was out with some friends and you knew from past experiences that he wouldn’t return before early in the morning. You were in bed, exhausted after a long day of work and decided to sleep early at 10:00 PM.
Around an hour later after you had fallen asleep, you felt a heavy weight sink onto your bed, and that weight would soon hover above and lay on your body. You felt hands touching and squeezing around your curves, and what made your eye flicker open was the texture of a beard tickling your neck and the smell of alcohol invading your nostrils.
You turned your head to see who it was, and you were bewildered to see it was your own stepfather, grinding against you with an open fly and his cock out, rubbing against your thigh.
“Andy?…What are you…” you muttered, unsure of what to make of the whole situation. Was this a nightmare? Or was this really happening right now?
“Shhh…it’s okay, honey…s’just me. Stay still, little one..go back to sleep…” Andy coaxed with a kiss on your cheek, and slid his hand under your pajama pants and through your panties, cupping your cunt as his index finger slid through your pussy lips.
“No, wait…this isn’t…”
You didn’t know what was going on, but you knew one thing for certain; this was wrong.
“Andy, please stop…I don’t think you should…”
“Relax…you don’t have to do anything, sweetie…let daddy take care of you..” Andy rasped and inserted a finger inside your tight cunt.
He must be drunk, you excused him.
He doesn’t know what he’s doing.
You tried to wriggle out of his grip but he only tightened it by having a hand wrap around your neck, forcing you to lay still. Tears began to spill from your eyes while Andy kept forcing his finger deeper inside of you. It hurt so much, yet somehow you couldn’t stop but draw pleasure from his forceful invasion.
Your cunt clenched around his finger, and you shivered as you heard a dark chuckle irrupt from Andy. “I knew you wanted this, honey. You’ve always had a little crush on me. Been lusting after your stepfather, haven’t you? Well, I’m sure you’ll be thrilled to know I’ve done the same.”
You whimpered when Andy lifted your one leg up and adjusted his position behind you, now having his fully erected cock poking at your cunt.
A rise of panic made you try giving your last efforts of removing yourself from him. You were a virgin. This couldn’t be the way you loose it. “No…please don’t! I haven’t-!”
“I know. I’ll be gentle.” He spoke softly, but you were far from relaxed of it. This version of him was absolutely frightful.
You were full on sobbing as you were feeling so conflicted from the whole experience. The man you were proud to call your new father was forcing himself on you, stealing your virginity for his taking.
Andy grunted and touched your clit as he licked the tears that were falling down from your cheeks. “Mmmh..honey, don’t cry. I’m being careful with your virgin pussy as much as I can. Calm down and loosen up. Let me fuck you good, baby.” Andy breathed out while continuing his movements.
The thrusts became harsher, and he moved you beneath him as he pounded into your pussy with your ass up high in the air. You buried your face into your pillow, hoping Andy would eventually finish and be done with you.
You whined and came so quickly, your pussy leaking from your orgasm which made Andy put more force into his pounding. His eyes shut with his mouth agape as he was about to release his load. He pulled out and began to jack off as he made you turn your face to look at him.
“Turn over…take my cum…” he ordered, flipping you and climbing over to have his cock right above your neckline. He jacked off a good minute before he splattered cum all over your face, making you squeeze your eyes together of the sudden eruption. He moaned as he squeezed out the last droplets and used his cock to smear the cum evenly, “there we go, sweetie…what an obedient stepdaughter you are…such a good whore for daddy..” he rasped out.
You felt a stinging pain when you looked down at your abdomen, and you saw a blood stain beneath, further giving confirmation that this had indeed happened and wasn’t just an awful dream.
Andy left your bedroom without uttering as much as another word, and his wobbling way of walking out confirmed he was anything but sober. Still, it didn’t make you feel any less hurt and broken from his forced invasion of your body. He stole your first and it made you feel beyond betrayed.
You hoped he wouldn’t remember what he had done to you so you could pretend it didn’t happen either.
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“You’ve been very quiet…has something happened?” Johnny asked the next day while you were watching TV in the living room in the evening.
Johnny had returned at 06:00 AM, still hungover from partying with his friends the day before. He slept throughout most of the day, and Andy had gone to work and acted like per usual, greeting you a ‘good morning’ before he left for work early in the day. You flinched when you saw his presence, and he gave you a confused frown before you covered it with a timid greeting.
You looked over at Johnny. “No, not really…just been in a bad mood.” You excused.
“Why?” He had to ask with furrowed eyebrows.
“I’m on my period.” You replied, knowing it was the best lie to use to get him to stop asking any more questions.
Johnny’s eyes immediately faltered and he could only let out an awkward ‘Oh,’ before he moved his attention back on the screen.
Moments later, Andy entered the house with his suitcase along with a paper bag. “Hey, kids. Sorry, I’m late. Had to stay over at my workplace to finish writing some reports. I picked up food from Burger King though, in case you haven’t eaten anything for dinner yet.”
Johnny looked over and grinned before he rose up from the couch. “Sweet. I could go for some fast food.”
You weren’t hungry. You hadn’t been all day. You settled on eating fruit before you headed upstairs and let yourself be distracted on your phone in your room. After an hour or two of doing so, you began to make yourself ready for bed.
You entered the bathroom and let it remain open after putting on your pajamas and you picked up your toothbrush to brush your teeth.
You stiffened when Andy entered the bathroom too, giving a smiling nod from where you saw each other through the mirror. He reached for his toothbrush, smeared some toothpaste on it and began to brush his teeth as well.
You weren’t done, but you felt so uncomfortable being alone with him now. You spat out the toothpaste and washed your toothbrush quickly, wanting to leave the room as soon as possible.
As you were about to turn and make your leave, Andy grabbed your hand and halted you. You turned and stiffened when you saw darkness in his eyes.
“I remember everything, you know. And I want you to know I don’t regret a single thing I did, sweetie.”
Your heart sunk and your lips wobbled, tears already building up in your eyelids as Andy was exposing a side of him you never imagined he had.
“Shhh, it’s okay. Don’t be sad. You were bound to loose your virginity anyway, and what’s better than loosing it to someone close and experienced? A man who knows exactly what he’s doing?”
You shook your head and broke out in a sob. “…Why? Why did you have to do it?…why did you force yourself on me when you’re the very man my mom married and entrusted to keep me safe?”
“I am keeping you safe, honey. I feed you, I keep you under a roof, — a beautiful house to live in without asking for anything in return. And, I’m also trying to fix everything we’ve messed up,” he closed and locked the bathroom door with you still in his grip. “I’m trying to create a future with you, sweetie. One that will make us forget about all the pain we’ve been through.”
You mumbled chants of no’s as your legs were giving up on you, and Andy took it to his advantage of carrying you over to sit on the closed lidded toilet seat. He was already working on pulling down your pajama pants and pulled your panties to the side. You were paralyzed and didn’t dare to move as you were afraid of what other hurtful things he might do to you if you did. All you could do was break in tears and hiccups of what was occurring.
“Shhh, be quiet. You don’t want Johnny to hear your moans, do you? What would he think if he knew we have a relationship behind closed doors?”
You shook your head frantically, denying Andy’s delusion. “W-We don’t have a relationship-!”
“Yes, we do. We will be something more once Johnny moves out. Until then, I suppose we could keep it to ourselves, right honey?”
Andy then reached a finger to your cunt and inserted it without warning. You yelped at his intrusion and cried harder, though you tried to keep quiet as much as you could.
You really didn’t want Johnny to hear you. He was the only other person you considered family, and you knew things would never be the same if he found out.
For 10 minutes, Andy devoured your cunt till you came with an orgasm, and he left after ordering you to clean up. You were in shock and didn’t leave the bathroom until a few minutes later. You hugged your body as you rushed to your room where you collapsed in bed and went in a fetal position. You could still feel the void of which Andy had forced his fingers in and stretched you out.
You heard someone grabbing the door handle to your room, and you looked cautiously over to see who it was. You were relieved to see it was none other than Johnny. He gave you a small wave and showed what he had in his other hand.
“Hey…um, I found a chocolate bar in my drawer and thought I would give it to you. I’ve heard they help with periods.” Johnny said and tossed it onto your bed. He noticed your unusual way of laying and he frowned. “You okay? Cramps that bad?”
You nodded, remembering you had earlier made that excuse of a lie. There was no way you were going to tell him the truth, especially now that Andy had sexually assaulted you twice only minutes ago. You were too vulnerable.
“I see…is there anything I can do to make you smile? I miss seeing that smile on your face.” Johnny said with a smirk as he sat down on the edge of the bed, looking over at your tired form.
You giggled and shook your head. “I’ll be fine, Johnny. Don’t worry about it.” You reassured him.
“Well, if I remember correctly, my tickle attacks always made you laugh and smile…”
“Don’t you dare…”
“Oh, I do dare…” He said mischievously, before he pounced on you with his hands tickling the sides of your waist. You roared out a series of laughter, and Johnny couldn’t help but laugh himself at how easily ticklish you were.
“Hahahah!! — S-Stop, Johnny, I’m literally loosing my breath from laughing!” You shouted, which ultimately made him slow down the tickling until he kept his hands simply wrapped around you.
“You know, we should just get out of here for a week and hang out. Maybe we could camp in the woods. I think it would be the best for us to get some fresh air, away from this town. I know a guy I could borrow a caravan from.” He suggested. You hummed with approval. Camping sounds nice, you thought. Anything away from Andy sounds nice, said another thought, which ultimately made you remember your current situation.
“…what about Andy?” You quietly asked.
“Andy? He can take care of himself for a week. I think he could use some space to collect his thoughts anyway since he seems pretty out of it.” Johnny shrugged. “I’m fed up with him to be honest…things always turn south with him. Actually, no…maybe it’s me who’s cursed…”
You turned to look at his face with sorrow and said, “No, you’re not cursed…I get why you’d think that with how many terrible things you’ve been through too, but it’s not because of you. Some people are more lucky than us to not experience that kind of loss, that’s all.”
He looked at you in the eye and a smile quirked up on his lips. “You’re something else, Y/N…it’s impossible to be depressed with you around.” Johnny chuckled and sighed tiredly after. “It’s getting late and we should probably sleep. We have work tomorrow after all.” He reminded you.
You turned anxious with the thought of sleeping by your own. You swallowed before you looked over your back again and asked, “Can you sleep here tonight again, Johnny? I’ve been having nightmares and…” you didn’t even have to complete your sentence because Johnny already put the covers over both of your bodies and wrapped his arms around you protectively.
“Of course, firefly. I’ll keep you safe from the monsters under your bed.” Johnny joked with a wink, and closed his eyes with his head snuggling against your back.
You timidly chuckled, though you were far from humored. There was no monster under your bed. The monster was sleeping in his own room, down the hall, probably waiting for the right time he can strike again and take you when you least expect it.
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You and Johnny woke up and made yourselves ready around the same time for work. Due to Johnny’s presence this night, you had slept like a log without worries of being taken by Andy. You knew it wouldn’t be like this when you slept on your own though.
The following week would curse you with Andy’s continuous molestations as he took you with every chance he got. He would fingerfuck you, make you stroke his cock and take his cum. He made you for the first time swallow his spend. It was so salty and weird, you struggled to swallow it, but you had no choice as he ordered you not to waste a single drop.
You also noticed several of your panties were going missing, and you could only assume Andy had stolen them for perversive reasons.
Then, it was the more frequent penetrative sex Andy had become more comfortable with forcing on you. It was either very early in the morning or the evenings Johnny spent out with friends. You would try to sleep through his fucking, and somehow it was better, though the ache you woke up with in the morning made you silently cry in despair as you went on your way to your workplace.
You didn’t know what else to do. You were an adult, yet he had so much authority because of how you lived under the same house. You didn’t have a key to lock your room, nor friends to stay your nights at. Your job could only pay for a few months of renting a place, but not much more than that.
Your only savior was Johnny. Whenever you were around him, Andy acted his usual, father figure self. Though the more this went on, the more you realized it was a facade this whole time. You hoped Johnny would allow you with him if he moved. You had to move out with him and not stay with Andy.
You remembered the promise Andy had whispered to you once; “Soon enough, I will fill you with my sperm and make you pregnant so we can become the family we always wanted to be..” he had said, as he pulled out and came all over your stomach.
It sickened you, and you didn’t sleep for a minute that same night. Still, you refused to take a day off work as your workplace became your escapade. You spent more time outside after your shift was over at a cafe or at the library to avoid being at home with Andy. You couldn’t always ask Johnny to sleep over as you didn’t want to draw concern from him. You had to accept that some nights, you weren’t lucky.
You became more distant and isolated yourself in your room till the end of the week. With how busy Johnny was, he didn’t notice until the end of the week. He was going to meet his friends Friday evening, but he decided not to go and check up on you instead.
When he entered your room without warning, he found you crying by yourself, sniffling under the blanket you had over your head. He walked over to you to ask what was wrong.
“Y/N, I’m like very worried right now. Be honest…why have you been so down? Is there something I don’t know about?” Johnny asked, his face with more concern than ever.
You removed the blanket off of your face and revealed your puffed face. You let out a sob, and took a deep breath before you picked the right words to twist the truth. “I just…I don’t think I can live here anymore, Johnny. I still feel so much grief over my mother. Each time I return back from work, I’m reminded of how things used to be…I miss the family we were once. But we can never go back now. It’s never going to be the same no matter how much we try,….I want to move out.” You concluded after a small pause.
Johnny stared at you in disbelief as he took in your words, but sooner seemed to agree as he tilted his head several times. “You know what, you’re right. There’s nothing left for us here anymore. We’re adults. We can move out together and share rent. Then we will start college again next fall. We have only our lives to focus on from now on.” He confidently concluded.
You were so happy with Johnny’s suggestion of moving together, you couldn’t think of anything more perfect. Then came the reminder of Andy, who you would be moving out from.
“….what do you think Andy will say? Do you think he will approve?” You asked nervously.
Johnny shrugged, clearly not caring about Andy’s judgement at all. “He will have to deal with it. We’re adults, we can do whatever the hell we want. He’s not the boss of us.”
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You and Johnny would for the following days search for an apartment, unbeknownst to Andy’s knowledge. You finally found one that fit financially in accordance to your earnings, and you contacted the landlord to visit the place after your shifts. You came and left that apartment with excitement, as it was perfect and just what you were looking for.
You were to sign a contract on the day of your moving, which now left only one obstacle, - well, not an obstacle per say but something you needed to do before you moved out; informing Andy.
It went as well as you imagined.
“Is this some kind of joke? Because it’s a very distasteful one, son. You’re really planning on moving out and pay half your wage when you could continue living here for free?” Andy argued in question. You could see his fury through his eyes and composure. You stood behind Johnny, letting him take lead of the conversation as you were too scared to be standing against Andy.
“Look, we just want to establish ourselves in the real world. You can’t deny it’s been an uncomfortable tension in this house ever since Y/N’s mom died. We need to move on by taking a bigger step.” Johnny argued back reasonably.
“After everything I’ve done for you both. And this is how you thank me? By moving out and leaving me to be all by myself in this big house? You two haven’t been the only ones grieving!” Andy spat.
“That doesn’t mean we owe you shit, old man! What have you been doing to make things better, huh? You’ve been drinking and working, barely paying any attention to the other people in this house anyway!” Johnny snapped back, walking closer to Andy and straightening his posture to make himself taller.
That was not the case for you, unfortunately and disgustingly so. Andy had been there, but only to take one thing from you.
Andy sighed, and walked over to the sink where he took a glass and filled it up with water to drink. “So this is it…what, you’ve been planning on this for a while now, haven’t you?”
“Nope. We’ve thought about this since only a few days ago and have just found an apartment yesterday. We are planning on moving out tomorrow.”
Andy reluctantly nodded. Then his eyes met you, and you became still as his eyes stared you down like they were piercing through your soul.
“What about you, sweetheart? Are you really in on this too? You think it’s a good idea to live with Johnny? Unfortunately I didn’t raise the boy well enough to even clean his own messy room. He’ll be a handful to live with alone.”
Johnny scoffed, clearly pissed off. “Fuck you, Andy. Don’t act like you raised me or are my father. You never were. I raised myself.” Johnny said coldly, before he walked to the door and made his leave.
Your eyes followed Johnny in awe, and as he closed the door behind him, you tried to go after him but you felt Andy right behind you as you reached for the doorknob.
“You don’t want to do this, honey. You’ll never get rid of me, even if you move out.”
You didn’t dare to look back at him, and you swiftly opened the door and closed it behind you as you ran to where Johnny was. He was sitting by the pavement, with clear frustration from the argumentation that just took place inside the house. You silently sat beside him with open ears.
“I really fucking hate that old man sometimes. I wish he hadn’t signed on being my godfather. Maybe then there would have been a higher probability of living with my sister and her godparents instead…” Johnny vented with a hypnosis.
You felt very bad for Johnny. You were aware of his sister who lived on the other side of the country, and he had barely gotten to visit her due to your busy lives. You could only stroke his back in comfort while he maintained his eyes to the ground. You thought it was best for him to let out his thoughts instead of trying to sugar coat it. He seemed to appreciate your caressing, because his face lit up with hope and he looked over at you again.
“…But then again, I would have never met you if I didn’t live with him. You honestly make up for it.” He said with a smile.
You grinned back at his positive input. I’m like a sister to him, and he’s like a brother to me, you thought, - at least made out of what he said.
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You packed your belongings in bags and a suitcase in the evening and continued the morning after. Johnny did the same as well and was already moving most of his stuff to the back of his car. You were both looking forward to moving out and have a new start.
Then came what you had hoped wouldn’t happen. Andy entered and closed the door that was once open for your own safety. He walked over with firm intentions of what he was after. You immediately put your hands up protectively, trying to shield yourself.
“Andy, no…leave me alone!” You shouted loudly. Maybe if Johnny heard, he could come and end it before it even started.
He pushed you backwards onto the bed, his hands and hips straddled you, and he forced his hand through your pants and underwear to have a feel of your pussy again.
“Let me have you for the last time in the bed I bought for you when you moved in here, sweetie…” he whispered and tried to meet your lips as he grinded against your body.
“What the fuck?!”
You and Andy froze and you didn’t need to look at the person to know it was Johnny. You hid your face and let out audible sobs, and you didn’t get to see the face of Johnny, who was in complete utter shock. His face turned into one of murderous anger, and without even thinking twice, he ran over and dragged Andy off of you before giving him a punch to his face. He threw him to the wall, and Andy collapsed onto the floor with a bloody nose running.
“You sick fucker! The fuck did you try to do to her?!” Johnny helped you up from bed and held you behind him as he stared down at Andy, but Andy didn’t even look at him.
“Sweetie, don’t leave…stay with me, honey. You belong here.” Andy begged, not paying any attention to his running bloody noise, - only on you.
You shivered and rushed over to grab your suitcase and bag before you grabbed Johnny’s hand, “Johnny, please, let’s go. I don’t want to be here anymore. Please, please, please, let’s get out of here.” You pleaded desperately.
Johnny saw through your crying face that you were deeply hurt and distressed. He sighed with defeat, and let you lead him out.
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It was quiet in the car as you made your way to your new shared apartment. You noticed Johnny was looking over at you several times, but you did anything but turn your gaze away from the window on your side.
Johnny couldn’t contain himself for any longer and broke the silence. “This isn’t the first time he has done that, is it? What did he do to you, Y/N? Tell me. I wanna know.”
You shivered, the memories and experiences coming back to your mind, though you wanted nothing more but to forget. “I-I don’t want to talk about it-!”
“Just say it. Please.” Johnny pleaded more demandingly, holding the steering wheel tighter than ever. Your lips wobbled and you dried your eyes from the tears that was building up in your eye.
“…He took my virginity while I slept and has forced himself on me several times since the beginning of last week….” You finally admitted.
Johnny’s teeth gritted and he looked heartbroken to hear what you had told him. With a low voice, he replied, “I’m going to kill that old bastard, I swear…”
“No, I beg of you not to do anything, Johnny…he’s a lawyer. He can easily defend himself for what he did and press charges on you if you try to attack him again. I don’t…I don’t want to have him in my life ever again.” You said weakly, resting your neck as you tried to maintain control of your emotions.
You looked over to see Johnny pondering for a while. It took a moment for him to nod in understanding as he maintained his eyes on the road.
When you arrived, you were met by the landlord who had a contract and a pen in his hands. You both signed and got the keys as well as the code to the main entrance of the building. You then began unloading the car and carrying your things over to the apartment.
You felt a sense of relief upon entering the apartment. You immediately crashed on the sofa and stretched yourself out before you melted into the cushions. Johnny came after and laughed at the sight of you.
You hardly unpacked your suitcase and decided to call it a day. Johnny turned the TV on and you distracted yourselves with the shows that were on. Johnny invited you in his embrace and you gladly accepted it. His hand wrapped around your waist comfortably and you leaned your head on his shoulder. He kissed the top of your head and it made you smile with warmth.
I am finally safe, you thought.
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Your official 24 hours in the apartment went smoothly. You had to work from morning to early in the afternoon as per usual, but when you returned to your new home, you eyed your suitcase and decided to get to work on your proper settlement.
You took out your clothes first from the suitcase and hung them up on the hangers in the wardrobe. Then you decorated your room with personal items, such as putting your childhood plushies on the bed and your Disney themed alarm clock on the nightstand.
You walked out again to the living room to see you only had two bags left containing your different seasonal outside shoes and in the other your winter jackets.
“Y/N, can you get my shaving cream for me? It’s in my backpack.” Johnny shouted from the bathroom. Johnny had arrived only a few minutes ago from work and had the need of refreshing himself.
You rose up from organizing your stuff and went over to his backpack, checking the biggest zipper first out of habit. Johnny had hardly taken out any of his things from his baggages, so it was hard to see the containments without taking out a handful. You dug in through the several items until you saw something familiar stocked beneath. You froze.
Johnny left the bathroom just then with a towel on, and made it to the corner of the living room where you were. “Couldn’t find it? I seem to remember it’s in the smaller pocket-!”
“…why are all my lost underwear in your bag?” You asked confused. You felt a hint of dread creep up on your neck as possible realizations hit you all at once.
Johnny stopped in his tracks when he saw you holding up an underwear, - your underwear, and he mumbled ‘fuck’ under his breath before he returned his gaze on you. “You weren’t supposed to find those…”
You looked at him, worry settling in because of Johnny’s vague answer. “But why? W-Why do you have them in the first place?” You asked, rising up from your crouched position cautiously.
He swallowed and crossed his arms, trying to appear more confident but he was lost for words. “listen I…,”
“— That sticky mess that was left on the bed after you slept in bed with me…was that…?”
Johnny’s face faltered into a dark look. It became apparent he had been exposed, and he gave up on trying to make up excuses.
“Well, can you blame me? I was just rubbing myself off on you because I had to relieve myself. Your ass was on my crotch and it doesn’t help that I like you. Like, I’m over the fucking moon for you, Y/N. Don’t tell me you haven’t noticed. The moment I met you, you were already so special to me.…” Johnny confessed. “…And then I find out my own godfather popped your cherry and fucked you raw. Imagine how I feel. I should have been there to save you. I should have understood. Instead, I had to fucking witness it!”
You were feeling beyond nauseous now. How was it that the one person you found comfort in was going against you too? After all this time?
You couldn’t bear hearing him talk about it anymore. Your mind was already overloaded with information you weren’t aware of. “…Please stop-!”
“- It’s not fair…” Johnny interrupted. “it’s not fair that he took you when I wanted you from the beginning.”
Your eyes watered and you whimpered when you saw he was stepping towards you. You were like a deer in headlights. The door was past Johnny, and you weren’t sure if he would let you walk out if you tried. You didn’t know either where you’d run off to if you were lucky to get out. “Johnny, don’t get any closer…y-you can’t possible mean that…”
Johnny could tell you were off edge, and he could guess you were having ideas in that mind of yours of what you should do.
“I’m not like my godfather, firefly. I would never hurt you…— but I won’t let you walk out of this. Of us. I want you, and sooner or later you’ll realize how compelling we are together. I have already seen it. And now that we have moved together, we can continue having our close relationship.”
He suddenly pounced and grabbed you, lifting you up over his shoulder. You shrieked and tried to get off of him, but it was all too difficult with the posture you were stuck in. He took you to his bedroom and threw you onto the bed before he crawled over himself. He began to strip you — first removing your pants before he began to remove your shirt too.
“Johnny, no, this is wrong…we’re family!..” you tried to put sense in him.
He shook his head and had the audacity to snicker. “Not anymore we aren’t. What, did you really think of me as your brother? Because we’re far past to be calling ourselves that…”
He pulled your bra off harshly, making you let out a pained whimper. He stared at your breasts, mesmerized, before his eyes wandered down your stomach and abdomen.
“What a pretty body you have, firefly. I’m going to remove any traces of him. I’ll cleanse him off of you, Y/N.” He promised, as he kissed you down your shoulder to your chest. His lips met one of your nipples, and he began to suck on them lightly while whispering praises of you in-between.
“Going to treat you the way you deserve, firefly.”
“Can’t wait to taste your juicy cunt, baby.”
“I finally have you to myself.”
He then continued downwards till his face was in front of your pussy. That’s where he stopped.
You looked down and panicked, “No Johnny, please don’t-!” You felt his nose nudge your sensitive spot and he ripped off your underwear to have no layers between him and your cunt.
“I recognize this smell….” He muttered and dove in with his nose first to inhale. “Mmmh, yeah, your underwear smells just like this…so sweet and delicious.”
His tongue glided along your folds, and he spread the flesh to get better access of your glistening hole. His tongue pushed through the channel, and he tongue fucked you at a slow rhythm.
“J-Johnny!” You cried out his name, and gripped for the closest obstacle, — the pillow. You muffled your moans with the pillow as best as you could, too embarrassed to be making noise from Johnny’s offense. You weren’t supposed to like this, yet you did. Johnny knew what he was doing to wind you up.
Johnny didn’t keep his mouth entertained on you for long. He unknotted his towel with desperation. You peaked through the pillow and gasped when you saw his length, - it was about to poke your entrance. Johnny chuckled, your reaction giving him an ego boost. “Like what you see?”
“N-No, I don’t-! Ahh!” Your words were choked as Johnny sunk into your entrance carefully, and he groaned in pleasure from the sensation.
“Ooh, Y/N…” he moaned your name as he pushed down his hips lower. He took the pillow you still held in front of your face and threw it on the floor. “Don’t hide, I want to see you…have wanted to see you for so long, firefly…” he whispered into your ear huskily, and began to move his hips in motion.
You ached your back as you felt Johnny’s cock drag and pulse through your tight channel.
You had only experienced painful and harsh sex from Andy, but the way Johnny did it was so different. It felt good, and it made you feel ashamed because everything else was so wrong.
“We’ll make our own family and finally be complete. We will get a dog, - maybe a cat too. That’s what you want, right? For us to be a family? Andy and everyone else can go fuck themselves. I only want you. I love you, Y/N. Fuck, I love you so much it almost hurts..” he whined into your skin.
You could only dwell into the experience and accept this was where you were. You felt your body was tensing up, and you found yourself being more comfortable putting your legs around Johnny’s waist for support.
“There you go….you’re loving it, arent’cha? I knew you would. I have always been good at this…” he said huskily. “Life really fucked us over but now we can feel good together….ahh, fuck, I fucking adore you, firefly. I really do. You know that, right?” He asked through heavy breaths.
You only mewled in reply as he plunged himself deeper into you. Your sweat were being combined by how close your bodies were together, and Johnny’s already moisturized body from taking a shower earlier made you into a wetter mess.
“Johnny!…” you moaned out his name once more, and he knew by how much you clenched around him that you were cumming.
“That’s it…there you go…” he cooed. “M’gonna cum too, baby. Wanna cum on your tits…”
He fucked you harder, both your eyes squinted shut while Johnny chased his orgasm. “Shit -!!” He shouted. Eventually his thrusts became uneven, and he pulled out last second to move closer and cum on your breasts.
He groaned while jacking off, emptying himself completely on your body. You breathed heavily from the intense sex, and you didn’t move a muscle. He got off of you and rolled to the side, wiping off the sweat that had built over his lips.
You both breathed silently for a while until Johnny used his elbow to rise his upper body and he looked at your numb form. You could feel his breath on your face as he came closer to you.
“Kiss me….” He pleaded with adoring eyes. Johnny didn’t give you a choice as he forced the back of your head to crash your lips with his.
Johnny showed so much passion into it, it became overwhelming to you, but you didn’t resist. You could almost forget it was forced with how you kissed like you were lovers.
“You don’t have to ever worry about Andy or anyone else. It’s only us now, firefly. I’ll keep you safe.”
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Note from author: Second fic with two cevans characters completed! I have to say — I really enjoy writing two cevans characters at once in one story, but it’s a little more difficult keeping the story afloat. It’s good practice ig.
Hearts & Reblogs are appreciated! <3
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