#Raphael x male mc
anthracite-writes · 11 months
Obey me! Dating Headcanons (SFW)
ft. Non-datables [Mephistopheles, Thirteen, Raphael] - SEPRATE
NOTE: These are just my personal headcanons for the undatables. I haven't met them in OG OM! yet because of low card levels lmao but I have only met them in NB and read the wiki. What I say here is what I think I think would fit them according with the vibes I get from reading about them, so the headcanons are may be very if not extremely OOC - apologies in advance.
𝙎𝙐𝙈𝙈𝘼𝙍𝙔 !!: What it's like dating the Non-datables + love languages.
Love Language? Words of Affirmation and Quality Time. [Hints at Physical Touch but it's all part of his fantasy]
He would definitely ban members of the RAD newpaper club from writing on you.
If there was one member that had written about you, that article draft along with all the photos are making a b-line right into the shredder. Especially if it's made-up gossip about you, even more so if it's accusing you of being in a relationship with some random student in the school or something scandalous that he knows you didn't do.
Only he's allowed to write about you, and only him.
Would definitely write about in the highest regards - praising you for your achievements as the human-exchange student.
Takes the best photos of you, even if they're candid photos.
Almost like... he's bragging for you about your achievements and accomplishments you made in RAD.
Meets you in private to avoid having any of the newspaper club members seeing the two of you together - for sure there would be a gossip column in the RAD newspaper on you two of you were ever caught.
He's a child of a extremely wealthy family - definitely hiding his relationship with you from his parents and family as a whole.
In public, he would be so cold to you, questioning why a human like you would be allowed in the Devildom.
Behind closed doors? He would be profusely apologizing to you for what he said to you in front of people, showering you in kisses and compliments about how amazing you are and how much you've changed his life.
His dates are over the top - flexing with wealth [idk, just read he likes bragging and doesn’t like cheap stuff.] . Nothing but the bestest for you.
Takes you out to expensive restaurants, shopping sprees, list goes on - and he's willing to pay for you, it's all to impress you.
Oh, he overheard you at some point when he was eavesdropping on the brothers for some kind of gossip that you favour more simple dates?
"Okay, I can do that - wait. What exactly is simple?"
Does tons of research on simple things you two can do for dates.
For more simple dates, he takes you two go for a horse back ride on one of the horses from his estate's stables on the trails of his family's land.
Organizes picnics or fancy dinners in his family's garden [obviously out of his family's eyes]
If he could, he would show you off SO HARD.
I mean like your his trophy - holding your hand with pride, a hand on your waist and holding you against his side.
He would want everyone to know you were his, kissing you while everyone is watching.
You are what he wants to brag about all the time but alas... must only happen in his daydreams during classes and Newspaper club briefings.
Loves it when you're there with him while he drafts up the next article for the newspaper or sorting through photos.
Gets your opinion on hook-lines for his article titles and has you help him choose the best photos he takes
firm believer he is amazing at photography and takes amazing photos of you two when you're out on dates.
probably has a photo of you two as his homescreen in his D.D.D, lock screen? prob the default one - again, he's trying to hide the fact he's dating you
Let's you in on gossip he's heard on the job and inside scoops on events in the school.
Def. the jealous type - sees some other student hitting on you? Oh, he's digging up as much dirt on that person so fast and blackmailing the person in order to get them to leave you alone.
Calls you 'Darling', 'Precious', and 'Tesoro'
Doesn't mind nicknames you give him, as long as you don't call him that when other people are around.
Fav. places to his you? Neck, hands, and lips.
Love Language? Gift Giving.
Girlie is absolutely crafty and definitely not gonna let you know when she's giving you anything.
Creates contraptions and traps just for you that won't do any harm to you.
Most of the traps and contraptions are extremely wholesome, showering you in confetti, flower pestles, maybe a gift or two like a plushie she saw that she knew you'd like.
Dates consists of a lot of cafe and bakery dates.
If you can cook any pastries or sweets and gift that to her, oh she's over the moon for you now.
Make sure you know all of the traps she set out in the Reaper's Cave, both old and new.
She called dibs on your soul, will fight any other reaper who tries to harvest your soul when your time comes.
Has a special place for your candle, keeping it close to where she sleeps probably - just, you candle if very far from all the other candles in the Reaper's Cave.
Probably has a shrine around your candle, images of you and all while surrounding it with gifts and contraptions she made for you when you comeback to the devildom or when she's up in the human world for business.
Probably also laid traps around your candle so no other Reaper can tamper with your life span or anything.
Loves it when you help her with the making of any traps she's making at the moment - most likely lets you name one or two.
Takes the saying 'Till Death Do Us Part' seriously.
Once you're gone, she will never take another lover - she's that devoted to you.
Calls you her 'partner-in-crime'
Fav. place's to kiss? Cheeks, temple, nose, forehead, and lips.
just anywhere on your face is her fav place to smooch ya.
Love language? Acts of Service.
Actions speak louder than words - and boy does this angel take this shit seriously.
He's giving me Stong, Serious, and Silent type [so let's go of that.]
Would probably drop by the House of Lamentation, sees your doing dish and just quietly takes you gently, putting you aside and does the dishes for you so you two can spend time together.
Bumps into while your grocery shopping? DW, he's grabbed the list from you and choicing the best of the best things that are on the grocery list, always checking in with you if this is the right product.
Having trouble reading a spell or remembering an incantation? He made you flash cards, little notes on the thing your struggling in, and willing to sit down and go over the spells/incantation that's giving you a hard time.
Pretty much, if you're doing some hard work - he's gonna set you aside and do it himself.
Genuinely hate seeing your struggle but also thinks it cute [he'd never say it out loud].
TBH, kinda see him l just piercing something as simple as a coffee maker not working right with one of his spears because he's worried that you're gonna get frustrated [yes, even if he know you have the patience to work it out]
But he'd definitely give a warning smite to anyone giving you a hard time or not paying attention to you when you're talking with his spear - don't matter if it's a demon, another angel, or another human; no hesitation.
'Y/N is talking to you - pay attention, please.' // 'back off, next time I won't miss.'
Not big on PDA, but doesn't mind it.
Holding hands? yeah, hugs? yeah.
Walking up behind you while you're talking, placing his hands on your hips and resting his chin on top of your head without saying a single word? yeah.
Honestly, see this guy as the type to not say much unless spoken to - not every social you can say.
You also can't really tell how he's feeling due to how straight faced he is.
Don't worry, once again - he speaks through his actions rather than his words.
Gives you multiple small kisses on your forehead or the top of your head as he mumbles how much he loves you and appreciates you being in his life.
Loves reading you poetry or book passages he finds interesting - not necessarily because he thought of you, just because.
Feels bad when he doesn't get to spend enough time with you due to his statue in the Celestial Realm.
Dates are very simple - walks around town, sightseeing, dinner dates, shopping, just basic and simple dates.
Calls you 'my angel', 'little lamb', 'human', and 'dove'
Fav. places to kiss? Forehead, eyelids, lips, and nose. [get it? they're all ANGEL kisses, yes i'm making that joke twice, cry.]
But most definitely the top of your head and forehead - all while he has a gentle hand on the back of your head and would hold you close to him/his chest after he was done planting them smooches on ya.
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fandoms-x-reader · 6 days
Intro and Masterlist
Hello! And thank you for stopping by my profile! I hope you enjoy what you find!
Just a couple of quick things. First, REQUESTS are OPEN! Please keep reading to find the rules for requests! Secondly, I know the typical format for writing for this fandom is to use MC, but I have been writing it as Y/N since I started writing so that will replace the usual “MC” in my writings! Lastly, when I started writing, it was only for female reader x character. Since then, I try to write gender neutral as much as possible, but I apologize if I accidentally leave in a pronoun!
If you’d like to request, please either use the request button or DM me! I just need the character you want, the general idea, and the relationship you want with the character. I do take requests for smut, but only female characters and I’m not too experienced in very detailed kinks or anything like that, but I’m willing to give it a shot!
Things I won’t write for:
Polyamorous Reader
Male x Male
Luke x Reader - except for platonically
No disrespect to the above! I just personally don’t feel comfortable writing it and I’m sure it wouldn’t turn out great if I attempted it!
Most of my writing will be about the main brothers, but I’m open to other characters. I’m not too familiar with Thirteen and Raphael but just message me and I’ll see what I can do! 
💖 - Fluff ♥️ - Smut 💙 - Angst
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Standing You Up 💖
Standing You Up (Pt.2/Angst) 💙
Wearing Their Clothes 💖
Staring 💖
Beelzebub Only - Yandere Headcannons
Heartbroken Y/N 💖
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Wild Child 💖
A Day in the Water Park 💖
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Running To Away From You 💖
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Couch Cuddles 💖
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I Like You 💖
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Coming Soon!!!
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Personal Challenge 💖
Attention Grabber 💖
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Crowd Control 💖
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Morning Voice 💖
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v3x-y0urs3lf · 5 months
Love and DeepSpace x closeted trans MC.
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Zayne: Okay, Last time I checked him and Mc have known each other for like.. years(?) I feel like he'd know something is off.
Like, Mc looking at their hospital reports that very obviously state (Male/Female) or some sort of ID that states their assigned gender at birth. I feel like he'd notice how focused they are but OF COURSE there isn't really a time or correct place to really talk about that sort of stuff (especially with how busy the two of them are.) and so MC doesn't mention it.
Which leaves Zayne to have to.
The next time the two get some downtime he asks about his suspicions, starting off with something like 'You've been off lately' or 'Have you been alright?' thinking at first it was about 'the attack' or about their job.
I want to say that asking him to call them by a 'nickname' is how this would go just because of the stress of trying to come out but.. I'm not exactly satisfied with that so let's say you actually tell him about what you've been thinking.
First off, Supportive. I don't think (Nor do I want to think) any of the characters are homophobic/transphobic. Zayne is a doctor for gods sake. He is not new to same sex relationships nor the concept of transgender people.
He's actually pretty cool with it (hah, get it?) He just asks whether you've decided on a new name, pronouns and if you're planning on any body modifications (Testosterone, Oestrogen, top surgery, bottom surgery, etc etc.)
I don't think Zayne would be all that knowledgable himself on how to do certain surgeries, but he would totally recommend you to other doctors/surgeons who he knows and trusts to be able to.
ALSO, VERY STRICT ON MAKING SURE YOU'RE NOT OVER-BINDING/TAKING CARE OF YOURSELF AFTER SURGERY. It's either he takes time off to help you recover(surgery) or he's constantly checking in through texts if he can't miss work.
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Gonna be honest, don't have too many ideas for him. I want to say he wouldn't exactly bat an eye at anything Zayne would think was 'SUPER OBVIOUS' hints. He'd notice if you suddenly took on a new 'nickname' or if you started asking everyone else to call you by said 'nickname' and notice if you suddenly cut your hair/started growing out your hair.
He just wouldn't notice certain things like trying to dress closer to your preferred gender or if your voice started to gradually change (Whether it's from hormone supplements or vocal therapy.).. or he would and just wouldn't ask because 1. Those are pretty normal and tame things or 2. Because it's a gradual change and he just doesn't question it.
It's not until he thinks about it a little longer, let's say he's focusing on you that he starts to notice all the little things he missed. The way you've overall grown as a person and taken a liking to being seen as more feminine/androgynous/masculine.
I don't think he'd ask you directly, instead wait for you to bring it up to him. He doesn't want to overwhelm you or make you uncomfortable so.. he waits until you're ready. It's not like it isn't you just because you're finding out your gender after all.
I don't know how knowledgable he'd be on transgender people but he's definitely supportive. You could literally just tell him "I'm a ___, please call me __ and use __/__" and he'd just give you a thumbs up and continue about his day.
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After Zayne I just got 0 ideas but I want to try and fit everyone in this so..
I want to say he'd notice certain changes like if you started growing out your hair, cut your hair, your voice was changing, etc.. thing is he'd forget and just think it was a normal. As in 'your voice was always that high' or 'you always dressed that way.'
If you started asking other people to start using certain 'Nicknames' then I'd imagine he'd start to notice after a while, He'd also be pretty annoyed if it was a name that he originally thought was just an 'us thing'. y'know? But he'd get even more annoyed and jealous if you got everyone else BUT him to start using different names for you, like, How DARE you? Did the two of you not have something special?
I don't think he'd notice if you started presenting differently(Dressing/acting more feminine/Masculine/androgynous.) and if he did then he wouldn't mention it. So what? you're just exploring different styles. That's fine.
It's not that he doesn't know what transgender people are / anything about queer people but he just.. doesn't really care? Like, He cares about you. Yes.
But your gender doesn't play into your worth.. why would he care? He'll respect your pronouns and decisions for yourself but unless you come out to him then he might not be too present in your transition.
He would try to help out with recovery, though. You might have to tease and pester him about it but at the end of the day, he cares and doesn't want you to hurt yourself by doing something you aren't supposed to during recovery.
I feel the need to mention I haven't finished the story, I mainly got most of the plot of tiktok and stuff but I really like the game.
This is in no disrespect to the original mc, I understand the game was originated in China so we're more than likely not going to get any queer rep from this one.
I also wanted to add Tara and Caleb, I just got incrediblyyy lazy. Sorry.
Again. Sorry if these characters seem mischaracterised at all, This is just how I viewed them.
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cutetehe · 2 years
Male mc being best friends with Raphael despite having the opposite personality of him, how do the brothers react?
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admittedly some of these are more like scenarios than headcanons but please enjoy
also, Raphael x male mc content is in this
lil story
“Raphael is good looking” mc randomly says while sitting next to the brothers during lunch
“Right?!? Makes me wanna paint his nails and dress him up!” Asmo agrees
“It make wanna befriend-” mc was cut off by mammon
“Mc if you plan to try to befriend him just give up” Mammon says while trying to eat his food fast so Beel won’t eat it for him
“Watch me” Mc gets up from the table and leaves to find Raphael
“..how much y’all wanna bet he’s not gonna be able to befriend him” mammon says and everyone besides Lucifer raises their hand
Satan doesn’t know anything about Raphael but he raises his hand anyways to spite Lucifer
“You really think he can?” Mammon snickers
Lucifer nods and mammon says Mc has a week to befriend him (they never told mc about this though)
Three days later mc and Raphael are best friends
“RAPHAEL!” Mc yells while jumping onto Raphael
“Mc! Be careful” Raphael says catching Mc
“…what the fuck” the brothers reluctantly gives Lucifer 10k grimm
A duo he did not expect to see
He expected to lose the bet
It’s nice seeing Raphael so happy though
“How did you become friends with Raphael?” Lucifer asks
“That’s a secret” Mc winks
Lucifer is now worried on how you friended him
Raphael keeps you in check
And you help him loosen up
That could be both a good and bad thing
“Lucifer I’m going out” mc says in the most dazzling clothes he’s ever seen
“…going out on a date?” Lucifer asks
“No out with Raphael”you say while walking out the HOL
After a month of this it starts getting more.. romantic??
You eat lunches with Raphael
The brothers eat at the lunch table without mv and they all start talking about mc and Raphael relationship
“Soooo.. I get we are supposed to be happy but mc hasn’t ate with us in foreverrrr” Asmo whines
“Well we can sabotage-” Mammon suggested before getting cut off
“no” the rest of the brothers say in sync
“this is the happiest I’ve ever seen Raphael in…*chewing* forever” beel says
“It’s cute and all but I miss mc” Asmo cries
“Mc seems happier too” Beel says
“Mc is always happy though” Asmo responds
To summarize- he doesn’t mind
First of all how second of all HOW??
He unknowingly third wheels
“Mc is mine” Mammon says wrapping his arms around mc chest
“..mc is there own person. You don’t own somebody” Raphael was ready to lecture mammon
Luckily Mc was there and stopped the lecture
“LETS GET ICECREAM!” Mc yells distracting Raphael
Mammon tries to share a ice cream with mc but…
“You guys shouldn’t share that could make mc sick” Raphael says while eating his pistachio ice cream
“WHAT ABOUT ME?!?” Mammon yells
“Oh and you too I guess” Raphael says
Raphael enjoys his pistachio ice cream with mc while Mammon bitterly glares at him while also eating his ice cream
If you want a useless detail- mammon ice cream was chocolate
Mammon thinks they are fighting for mc meanwhile Raphael thinks “wow I have a friend” and keeps forgetting that mammon is with them
“oh I forgot you were here aswell” Raphael says
Mc and mammon talk a little while Raphael continues to eat his ice cream
Anyways time to turn this story into a whole different direction, why? BECAUSE I CAN.
The trio walk into a huge crowed and mc felt his pockets get lighter
“Aw not again” mc says sighing reaching into his pocket and finding nothing
“What happened?” Raphael asks
“Someone stole my wallet again” Mc says not even surprised- it’s been the 7th time this week!
Raphael suddenly gets serious and tracks the demon who did it with mammon right behind him
“Uhh where we goin?” Mammon asks holding onto mc hand to make sure he won’t get lose into the crowed
“Finding that wallet.” Raphael says angrily
“Raphael it’s fine- it’s empty anyways” Mc says
It took a little convincing from mc and mammon to get Raphael to not kill someone because they stole a empty wallet
When I mean a little I mean mc and mammon had to pull onto Raphael arms to stop him from killing someone
He didn’t know about your relationship with Raphael
He didn’t hear about it until like… a week or two
After he heard about it went “oh nice” and went back o devilcart
It wasn’t until he went to bed is when he realized
“…wait a second… MC IS FRIENDS WITH RAPHAEL”
Leviathan realizes Mc can save him when Raphael gets angry at him
Leviathan went to look for a certain item when he spots you and Raphael in a mall
Leviathan freaks out and hides but Raphael spots him
“Leviathan.. what are you doing” Raphael says in a judgmental tone (he didn’t mean to sound judgmental)
“Oh! Uh! to yk… do stuff” Leviathan says
“Well it sounds like you aren’t doing anything so hang out with us!” Mc says
“But-” before leviathan could decide he was taken away by mc and Raphael
Five minutes of walking around the mall leviathan finally says something
“where are we going?” Leviathan asks
“Raphael wanted to get something” mc responds
“Raphael… WANTED SOMETHING?!? OH GOD IS IT GOING TO BE A NEW SPEAR?? OR WORSE A BAZOOKA?? oh no oh no oh no i should’ve stayed in my room” Leviathan is have a crisis while Raphael and Mc talk
“We are here~” mc humms
Leviathan looks up and sees “weapons and more” and leviathan is about to cry
“Leviathan why are standing in front of that shop??” Mc asks
Mc and Raphael stood in front of their destination and it’s a..candy..shop…
“..WHY IS A CANDY STOre BY THE WEAPON STORE??” Leviathan yells
Mc and Raphael comfort leviathan
“Sorry we didn’t know you had a fear of diabetes ” Raphael says patting leviathan back
Doesn’t know who Raphael is
He had no business to make that bet but did it to spite Lucifer
Take that Lucifer! *proceeds to lose the bet and has to hand over 10k grimm*
Sorta intimidated by Raphael
Satan and Raphael just ignore each other
That is until mc forced them together
A new trio is in town
Satan is extra careful with what he says whenever by Raphael
“Hey mc what does Raphael do?” Satan asks
“He’s a hitman!” Mc says blissfully
“A WHAT?!?”
“You guys talking about me?” Raphael says appearing out of nowhere
“Oh yeah! Satan was just asking-” Satan covers mc mouth and talks for him while mc contained to talk
“Oh you know- about your… erm.. YOUR WORKOUT ROUTINE!….” Satan was internally yelling to himself
“Oh” Raphael was gonna tell satan what it was until mc was finally able to talk
“Satan wanted to know what you did so I told him hitman” Mc says
Satan internally screaming is so loud that mc and Raphael can hear it too
“Oh- yeah I do that, I forgot” Raphael says
“Oh you know how Raphael is-“ mc was cut off
“No. No I do NOT know how Raphael is” Satan crosses his arms
The excited, the neutral and Satan, THE PERFECT TRIO
Loves the dynamic
Probably rooting for you two
but he does get sad when you spend most of your time with Raphael
He gets it- Raphael is attractive but so is he!
One day he sees you wearing totally different clothes than you usually do
It looked amazing but it’s super different!
“Oooo mc you going out~” Asmo teased
“No? Why’d you ask?” Mc asks
“You are super dressed” Asmo respond
“Ohhhh Raphael made them”
Surprised to hear that
That’s WAY more romantic than wearing your s/o clothes!
“No! We are just bbfeead”
“Best-friends-for-ever-even-after-death” Mc says
“..mc, sweetie I have no clue how you came up with that or remembered that but be who you are”
Asmo doesn’t sense lust from either of you
Then again you don’t need to feel lust to like someone
With the help of solomon he’s going to break this case of ‘is this a case of pining love or do they both like each other!’
beel! + Belphie..
hehe I’m about to fuse both these together a lot more
“Beel what do you think of the situation?” Belphie questions
“Nom nom nom- uh I think it’s delicious”
“…did you say nom nom nom out loud and also- what do you mean delicious??” Belphie asks
“oh you mean mc and Raphael? I think it’s nice that Raphael has a friend”
“Well what if I told you that..it was romantic”
“I’d be happy for both of them??” Beel says
Beel ask if Mc and Raphael are friends or best friends
Belphie tells beel everything he knows
I feel like it’s a good time to mention Belphie for all his information from asmo
“They are probably just friends anyways- I don’t see Raphael as the romantic type” Beel says
“Woooow are you saying that because he can’t express emotions aswell as others?” Asmo says appearing out of nowhere
“no, but where did you come from?” Beel asks
“I was hiding under your bed but anyways”Asmo pulls out a board from.. somewhere
“hold up how-”
“Just because someone lacks or has trouble showing emotions doesn’t mean they can’t love that’s just stereotypical” Asmo spends two hours lecturing Beel
“oh..I’m sorry” beel apologizes
Beel and Belphie hang out with mc still but most of the time it’s with Raphael
Beel and Belphie don’t care as long he doesn’t pull out the spear
Beel is happy about Raphael being able to be more comfortable around people
Raphael notices how tired you looked one day and offered to carry you
“Are you sure?” Mc asks
Raphael nods and says he sees Beel carry Belphie all the time
“I might not be as strong as Beel but I can carry Belphie and humans tend to be lighter and easier to carry”
Mc smiles and agrees
Mc hops onto Raphael back and mc falls asleep
“Raphael why are you carrying mc?” Beel asks
“He was tired so I’m helping him” Raphael says
Asmo and mammon are in the background recording everything
“This is gonna be great for devilgram-” mammon grabs asmo phone
“Don’t post it- what if people think they are dating?!?”
“That’s the whole reason we are here- now give me my phone!” Asmo and mammon fight and catches the attention of Raphael
“What are you three doing here.” Raphael was ready to take out his spear but mc wakes up
“*Yawn* oh hi mammon!” Mc waves at mammon
Raphael sighs and bails
“…We almost died” the two brothers said in sync
if I ever get the energy chaotic duo of engineer mc and thirteen
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mcx7demonbros · 1 year
Papa mortuus est (The Boys x M!MC)
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Warning. Mention of religion (Catholicism in this case). Natural death mention. Diavolo forced his will on reader. Season 4 spoilers.
Angst 💔
No proofread
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“You have come.” You used the pact’s power to talk to the Avatar of Pride through telepathy as there were many others inside the room with you, but none saw him. It was the first time you used the pact’s power in more than 70 years.
“Do you know why I came here?”
“Yes, to tempt me for the last time. After all, Popes fall under your jurisdiction.”
“MC.” Lucifer said. “Do you know the state of my emotion right now? Anger, sadness, pain, feeling betrayed, despair, etc. everything negative is in here.” Pride pointed at his heart.
“I know I hurt you. I’m sorry.”
Lucifer didn’t reply, he began to channel his infernal power to tempt you one last time. However, he remembered your smiling image all those years ago and all the infernal power disappeared. He knew he couldn’t do it.
“MC.” Lucifer sat on your bed and held your wrinkled hand. “I’m sorry I couldn’t protect. I should have stopped Diavolo.”
Pride still remembered that fateful day like it was just yesterday.
On that fateful day more than 70 years ago, the Pope before you died. While you, a good Catholic, were mourning for him, Diavolo had a disastrous idea, to make you the next Pope. It all started with Mephistopheles’s newspaper, announcing the death of the Pope and informing demons how the new Pope would be chosen. It turned out all baptized unmarried male Catholic could become the Pope, however, for hundred of years, Cardinals only elected one among themselves to be the next Pope. The future Demon King thought the idea would be beneficial to the exchange program.
Diavolo arranged to make it possible for you to go to Rome to attend the Pope’s funeral. He pulled the strings, false miracles happened that seemed to be done by your hands, a dove appeared and landed on your head right at the funeral, etc. . Most Cardinals believed you were God-chosen to be the next Pope, so after obtaining your name and entering the Conclave, they voted for you. The people also acclaimed you with happiness and joy.
With Solomon’s help, you escaped Rome and returned to the Devildom to confront Diavolo, only to receive “I will do anything to make my dream of peace between the three realms come true” as an answer. Lucifer and his Brothers, the Angels, Solomon, and even Barbatos voiced their objection, but to no avail. Diavolo was too strong, and he forced his will on them and you.
“I’ll make you and your f*cked up kingdom pay, Diavolo.” You shouted with teary eyes before leaving the Devildom with Raphael. The Archangel took you back to Rome. There, you accepted the election and the people’s acclamation. Henceforth, you were known as Pope [Papal Name].
And you proved Diavolo wrong…deadly wrong. As Pope, you utilized what you had learnt during the exchange program to wage war against the Devildom. The Celestial Realm also had your back. For 70 years, demons were shoved back to the kingdom of darkness where they came from and never dared to leave. As a result, the exchange program was cancelled. Luke, being your Guardian Angel, followed you. Simeon left to travel the world, as he had become a human. Solomon just vanished, you never found him again, maybe he was angry at you for destroying the witches and the Sorcerers’ Society during the war.
With no demons leaving the Devildom, its influence in the mortal realm greatly diminished. Celestial influence became greater, peace and order were restored in all corners of the world. And it was greatly thanks to you. The faithful called you “Pope [Papal Name] the Very Great”, “the Valiant Pontiff”, “Father of World Leaders”, “Champion of God”, “the Conqueror of Devildom”, etc., all of which you refused out of humility.
After more than 70 years on the Chair of St. Peter, you were now on your deathbed, surrounded by Cardinals, Bishops & Priests whom you viewed as your friends & children.
“What are you doing here, Lucifer?” Luke entered the room with a group of angels. Upon seeing the Avatar of Pride, he took out a Holy Sword and pointed it at the prideful demon. “Don’t ever think of taking MC to Hell in his last moment.”
“You really have grown up, Chihuahua.” Lucifer only took a quick glance at the young man with blond haired before him. Luke really had become an adult during the time serving you as Pope, he had become a seraphim Archangel with six pure white wings.
Pride’s attention soon turned back to you as he held your hand up and let it caress his face. The other angels prepared to take action but Luke stopped them. He also dropped his sword. He knew Pride had no intention to harm you.
“I’m sorry.” You told Lucifer one more time. “I never wanted things to become like this.” Your eyes had become teary.
“You have nothing to say sorry, Holy Father. You are a saint.” Your secretary said as he helped you wiped your tears away. It turned out you had said out loud in your old forgetfulness, instead of communicating by telepathy with Lucifer.
“I’m only a great sinner, not a saint, son-cough…cough…cough.”
“Holy Father!!!” The clergy around you intended to help but you gave a signal with your other hand that you didn’t need it.
“If time could be turned back,” you turned back to Lucifer and said to him by telepathy, “I wish I had never become an unwilling Pope who bore hatred towards Diavolo and Devildom, but an exchange students living with you seven at the House of Lamentation.”
After those words, you began to feel your ghost leaving your body.
“No, MC, stay with me. Don’t leave.”
“Father, please forgive my trespasses.” Your last tear dropped before you closed your eyes forever.
At the same time, Lucifer could feel the pact being broken with your death. The deep and affectionate connection between you two were…forever lost. He turned to a more loathing demon form letting out a painful growl, inaudible to human, but the angels heard it all.
Over the next minutes, the Cardinal Camerlengo performed the last rites on your body. He called your baptismal name three times, and after receiving no response, he announced, “Vere Papa mortuus est.” (The Pope is truly dead)
Lucifer was so sad that he sat by the side of your deceased body, refusing to leave. In the end, Luke and other angels had to carry him away so that your body could be taken away for washing and vesting.
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It was the midnight before the funeral, the Basilica of St. Peter, where you were lying in state, closed it doors to pilgrims and other visitors. Some clergy came to check your body before resting, though some of the most intimate to you decided to stay awake all night to pray for you.
Your body was vested in traditional papal vestments in red color. On your head a golden mitre. Your hands were wearing red gloves and holding a crucifix with a rosary. For you feet, they put on a pair of red shoes with embroidered golden cross on each of them. Under your body was a red catafalque and you were surrounded by large beeswax candles. Your body was guarded by Swiss Guards. Luke also stood guarding beside your body.
No one, aside from Luke, noticed the shady figures entering the church and looking at your corpse.
“Aren’t ya a fashionista yourself, MC? Look at what ya wearing.” Mammon said and smiled. However, his smile soon became twisted and he began to cry.
Beside him, Belphie, leaning on Beel, closed his eyes and wanted to sleep, he wanted this to be just a dream. But he couldn’t, tears were flowing from his eyes. Beel wanted to cry to but he tried to stay strong for his twin. He embraced Belphie, trying to comfort him.
Levi was sitting down on the floor beside the catafalque and he cried even louder than Mammon. He kept mumbling “This must be a dream” or “The reunion should be a happy ending, not a sad one”.
Lucifer, Satan and Asmo were standing beside the catafalque. The latter two were crying, and Asmo leaned on Satan. Lucifer didn’t cry because he knew he had to stay strong for his brothers, and he no longer had any tear to cry as they were all dried up on days after your death and before this night.
Simeon was kneeling, praying facing the altar. One would think of a pious young man kneeling to pray seriously. However, his shoulders were shaking and tears sometimes escaped the corners of his eyes. After a while, he was joined by Solomon, who decided to pray the first time in more than 2000 years or so, only because of you.
Barbatos was standing in the corner, his expression unreadable. While Diavolo stood behind him, further in the darkness of the church. The Prince had to admit, he mistreated and failed your trust. He shouldn’t have forced you to do something you didn’t want. He had made it like your heart…your love…was nothing to his dream of peace…to his ambition. He didn’t foresee that you would fight against him so vehemently that you made his kingdom crippled. And even then, he refused to say sorry. It was one of the times he fell truly mad. You had sullied his pride. He told himself that you would be the one to say sorry first. But now he had no chance to say another word to you.
“I’m sorry, MC.”
Diavolo shoved aside his royal pride, got down on his knees and kneeled for a split second before leaving. He knew he had no eligibility to stand here.
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belphegorspillow · 1 year
Obey Me! Harry Potter Au [1/?]|
Mc x Obey me Brothers + Dateables + Non-Dateables [minus luke] MC referred with Mx. and They/them Pronouns! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mini note: This is a short[ish] story. Also for easiness sake: Lucifer , Diavolo, Barbatos, Mephisto, Simeon- 4th years Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Thirteen, Raphael - 3rd years Asmodeus, Beelzbub, Belphie - 2nd Year Solomon, Mc, Luke - First Years Putting everyone around about the same year [though Luci is still oldest, Belphie youngest, ect] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mc would find a letter in their letter box as owls surrounded their family home. As they picked up the letter they would look at the back and the front before tearing the top open.
'Dear Mx [Last Name],
We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. Term begins 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July.
Yours sincerely,
Minerva McGonagall
Deputy Headmistress'
Mc would stare at the letter confused before going inside. "Mama! Mom! I got a weird letter!"
. . .
That was the day you learnt your Mom was a witch - your other Mom was definitely surprised at that news as well. You would learn a lot about yourself that day. Your Mom assumed you wouldn't make it as you are a muggle - adopted into their family. Your biological parents were unknown - so no one really knew your heritage - the conversation left at that.
You would find yourself entering inside of a placed called "The Leaky Cauldron" before going to the back and entering inside of a street hidden by a wall.
"Woah..." Mc's eyes darted from place to place - seeing how students would wonder around the area. "It's been so long since I've come here." Your Mom sighed and smiled. "I remember my first time visiting here." Your Mama huffed. "I still can't believe you kept it from me dear." Your Mom grinned and smiled. "I forgot." "You forgot?! How"
Your Mom sighed and looked at Mc. "You can go ahead towards Ollivander's to get a wand, your Mama and I are going to collect your text books." Your Ma handed over a small purse of money. "It's your money to buy something nice for school. We will get everything else for you. Have fun exploring." Your Mom would drag away your Mama who was rambling about how she was still salty her wife had been keeping the secret!
A small sigh left you as you started to wander around each location. Your eyes watched as the children would chatter about a new broom stick that came out or talk about how they got a bad jelly bean.
Mc pushed opened the door to Ollivander's before someone shouted. "Watch out!" Mc ducked as some books were flung across the room.
Mc glanced up to see 2 teens standing inside. One was older than the smaller one who was looking scared as he held onto the wand. "That one won't do." The shop keeper hummed as he took the wand away to put away.
"Sorry!" The younger boy squeaked as he looked horrified. The older one just laughed a bit. "Sorry, you are not hurt are you?" Mc shook their head a bit and looked at the place that was stocked fill of different wands.
"Are you also here to get a wand?" Mc looks at the older male. "Yeah I am..." The male smiled a bit. "Luke here, is also getting his. Though I think he is scared after that event." He laughed a bit, getting the younger boy - Luke - to puff up. "Simeon! Don't make fun! I almost hurt someone!"
Simeon ruffled the blonde male's hair and hummed. "It's not the worst I've seen happen. I destroyed almost a whole shelf of wands the first attempt I did."
Simeon looked back at you. "Apologies. We didn't introduce ourselves. My name is Simeon. This is Luke." Simeon jestered over to the smaller male. "I'm a 4th year in Hogwarts." "I'm a first year." Mc looked at the two.
"I'm a first year too." Mc smiled a bit. "It's nice to meet you. My name is Mc."
Simeon smiled. "Well, I wish you a good stay at Hogwarts. We'll be seeing each other around. Hopefully. Another one of our friends is starting his year at Hogwarts too. And I'm sure that the rest of our friends will be happy to meet you."
As the gentleman behind the counter came over and handed another wand to Luke to try, he nervously looked at Simeon, who nods his head and smiled.
Luke took a deep breath and flicked the wand, luckily it didn't destroy anything this time. "Thats it. The perfect wand for you." The gentleman smiled as Luke's eyes lit up a bit. As the two were finishing up, Simeon gave a last wave before leaving with Luke, who was excitedly talking about getting his new wand.
"Hello there..." The gentleman at the counter greeted you. "Shall we find you your perfect wand?"
Mc nods their head. As The male grabbed the first wand, you would flick it - causing a plant pot to break instantly, causing you to place the wand back down.
"No the wand clearly..." The male hummed as he continued to search before taking another wand. "Try this one."
Mc would pick it up and flicks it, causing various wands to fall off of the shelf. "Not it..." As the male continued to look. He started to chat with Mc a bit.
"So what brought you to go to Hogwarts?" Mc looked at the gentleman. "Well, I didn't know my Mom was a witch, and I'm not related to her or my other Mama... So I'm going to figure out what I want to do while I'm at Hogwarts... Find my own path."
The gentleman hums as he soon looked at a certain box and pulled it off of the shelf. "Why not try this one. A phoenix core, Flexible, 12 inches, Yew Wood..." He listed off the attributes before handing the wand off to Mc, who flicked it - surprising nothing bad happened.
"The perfect wand." The gentleman smiled as he took the wand and placed it into the box again and pushes it over to Mc, who took it and thanked him. "Hope you enjoy your time at Hogwarts and find out what you want to do."
Mc would continue their journey before entering inside of a store where they were selling school uniforms and different clothing items.
"Asmo, are you going to take much longer." A white haired male called out as the guy beside him was playing on a handheld console - he didn't seem to care about what was going on around him.
"Beauty takes time! I need to find the best thing to wear for my first day as a second year!"
Mc would just walk past over to the stall where the lady in front would help Mc with getting their uniform.
As they were fitting on the outfit - they chose to get a scarf as well to complete the outfit. "I'm gonna come and drag ya out of there!" As Mc left the room, they would head out before bumping into someone, slamming into their chest.
Mc looked up to be faced with the white hair male from before. Mc apologized quickly - before hearing grumbling from the white hair "Ya better be sorry."
Mc continued down and paid for the clothing and headed out quickly.
They would continue on their way through the street and stopped in front of a window to see a broomstick on that students earlier were whispering about.
"Beel, Lucifer won't be happy if you break another broom..." A male yawned a bit as he left with a taller orange hair male.
"Yeah, I know... We should go and check out the stalls. One of them were selling things from Hogsmeade." The Orange hair male commented as he held a broomstick over his shoulder. "Let's go Belphie." "Alright Beel..."
The shorter male with dark blue hair and white highlights hummed as he followed the orange hair out to one of the stalls.
They would continue to roam around before stopping at a shop with magical creatures of Owls, Toads and Cats...
"For the last time Satan, I am not letting you get a cat." Mc poked their head around the corner to find a blond hair male holding onto a black cat and glaring at the black-haired male who was crossing his arms.
"Levi got to bring a goldfish! Even though the school didn't say that he could! Why can't I get a cat?! It was even allowed in the rules!"
"You know why Satan." the black-haired male sighed as he went to try and get the cat from Satan's arms, who pulled away glaring at him. It was getting more intense, and Mc didn't know what to do so they just...
"I think you should let him get the cat..." The two males looked towards Mc who felt like they were shrinking under the glaring gaze of the taller one.
"What did you say." The black-haired male's voice deepened as he went closer to Mc.
Before Mc could speak, the blonde hair male started to speak. "They agree with me. I can get a cat."
"You are not going to disobey me Satan. Some opinion from a half-blooded witch/wizard doesn't matter." For some reason what he said irked you. You glared a bit at the black-haired male.
"Half-blooded wizard/witch? Excuse me. I'm not halfblooded or whatever you said!" The black-haired male went up to you and glared down at you, you could feel yourself sinking and shaking at his gaze.
"What are you then? Full blooded? I would have heard if there were more full-blooded witches and wizards going to Hogwarts. Both of your parents aren't Witches and Wizards are they." Mc opened their mouth but what they said came out as a stutter.
"W-well... I don't know..." "You don't know?" Mc shook their head.
The black-haired male seemed to piece some things together before standing up. "You are the mud blood student that Diavolo mentioned." The male's face seemed to change to disgust for a moment as he dusted his hands on his jacket. "I don't have time for you. Satan. We are going. And you are not getting a cat."
Mc watched as he left - dragging the blonde hair male behind him - leaving the black cat with white paws behind....
Mc only realized how scared they were as they couldn't see clearly.
"Mc! Honey! We got everything." You looked to see your mothers coming over with bags filled with different items. "You look like you got your wand." Your Mom grinned as she took the box. "Ah, its almost like mine! I had Unicorn core, and it was inflexible...and Hazel wood... okay maybe not the same..."
Mc nods their head a bit as their eyes glance at the black-haired male and the blonde hair male walking off in the distance.
"Something wrong dear?" Mc looked at their Mama before shaking their head.
"No... nothing is wrong... But...can I get a cat?" . . . A few weeks would pass before you would find yourself heading through a wall between platform 3 and 4 to find the train to Hogwarts.
Your mother would kiss you goodbye while your Mama squeezes you into a hug, not letting you go.
"Mama, I need to go." Mc huffed a bit before their Mama let go and smiled a bit. "I can't believe my baby is growing up into a... wizard/witch?"
"Yeah... a Witch/Wizard..." Mc smiled a bit and picked up their bag. They would look at the black cat inside of carrier and smiled a bit.
"Come on Mittens, lets start our first school year. Together."
Mc would head off towards the entrance, handing over the ticket to the conductor before looking for an empty stall. There was an empty room which they put their bags under the seat with the cat carrier next to them. They took a deep breath and looked out the window where they could see their mothers waving towards them. Mc blushes a bit out of embarrassment but waved back a bit.
"Excuse me." Mc jumped a bit to see two males waiting at the door. The taller one grinned a bit. "Do you mind if we join you?" Mc shook their head.
"Feel free to... Um.." "Diavolo." The red head smiled and jestered over to the male next to him. "Barbatos."
"Mc." Mc smiled a bit. Diavolo took a moment before his eyes lit up as he sat down across from Mc, with Barbatos sitting next to him.
"You're the new Muggle Wizard/Witch!" Mc looks at Diavolo.
"Um...yes? I think I am?" Barbatos cleared his throat.
"Muggle means you don't have wizard or witch parents." Mc nods their head, thanking Barbatos for the explanation. "My Mom is a witch, though I'm adopted..."
"You are the first Muggle Wizard/Witch that has been allowed inside of Hogwarts. The Past before this year, only allowed those who are half-blooded or Pure-Blooded witches and wizards"
The first...Muggle wizard\witch? You stared down at your hands.
" I hope you're excited to see Hogwarts." Diavolo smiled "You will make a great wizard\witch Mc."
Mc smiled weakly. "Thank you Diavolo..."
Soon a tram filled with sweets went by - which got stopped by Diavolo who bought a bunch of sweets for himself.
"Mc, feel free to take as much as you want. Take it as my welcome to Hogwarts for you."
The door to the tram soon opened to reveal a magenta haired male standing there. He wore an outfit with green colouring on it - unlike Diavolo who had red "There you are! I've been looking for you. I've been wanting to ask you to tell me who is the Muggle student-" Soon the male noticed Mc sitting across from Diavolo.
"Mephistopheles." Diavolo smiled at the male. "I want you to meet Mc, our new Muggle Wizard/witch."
"Hi...I'm Mc." Mc smiled a bit as they played with the bottom of their uniform.
For the rest of the ride, you were being questioned by the new presence of Mephisto.
You would stand in a group of new students as you waited outside of the great hall. "Mc?" A voice called and you turned to see a familiar blonde who you had met while getting your wand.
"Luke. Hey." Mc smiled a bit as they looked at Luke, who smiled back a bit. "How are you."
"I'm a bit nervous. I want to be in Hufflepuff with Simeon...but I can't decide that..." "Hufflepuff?" Mc tilted their head a bit. Which Luke nods his head. "Yeah, what house do you want to be in?"
"Well...I don't know...I don't know any-"
"Who are you talking to Chihuahua?" A teasing voice came from behind.
"I'm not a Chihuahua!" A huff came from Luke as he looked at a new male who entered the conversation. The white-haired male looked to see Mc and smiled.
"Mc, right? I've heard about you from Simeon." Mc looked at the new guy and they nodded their head. "My name is Solomon. I'm a first year too. You are the Muggle Witch/Wizard."
"Muggle...witch/wizard?" Luke looked at Mc. "I thought Hogwarts didn't allow Muggles?"
"There was some sort of exception this year. If you want to know more, you can ask Diavolo." Luke shook his head.
"I'm not talking to Any Gryffindor or Slytherin or Ravenclaw!" Luke huffed. "And some Hufflepuffs! Only gonna talk to You, Simeon, Raphael and Mc. Especially not the brothers.
Before you could ask questions, a new person entered the room. Professor McGonagall told everyone to quiet down as she would explain to everyone the different houses and roles.
As the group started to enter the building. Mc was shocked by seeing the floating candles above them before their eyes looked over at the different tables.
The first-person Mc saw was Diavolo who was waving towards them. Mc smiled a bit and waved slightly before noticing a familiar black-haired male beside him, his red eyes seemed to notice Mc and he watched them as they were walking with the group.
Mc would see sitting at the table behind was a group with yellow coloured uniform.
Simeon was sitting there, and he smiled a bit, Mc noticed Luke looking at Simeon and waving slightly. Though a familiar group of people who Mc met on their adventure were at the same table. The white hair who they bumped into while getting their uniform plus the guy on his console who was seemingly grumpy about something. One stood out which was the orange haired male who was looking over at the table on the other side of the room.
Mc would look at the table with Blue on their uniform. A familiar blonde cat lover was sitting at the table. While at the final table, Mc noticed Barbatos with green on his uniform and beside him sat a sleeping male with white and blue hair while a white-grey haired male was nearby who seemingly was looking at Luke as he was walking with Mc and Solomon. The final two at the table that stood out to Mc was a champagne-haired male looking at a mirror trying to fix the scarf around his neck and a girl with pink and blue hair seeming glaring at Solomon who was grinning and waving at her.
"Do you know her?" Mc asks softly to Solomon who nods his head. "Let's just say we have some history together."
Soon standing in front and Professor McGonagall was talking. "Welcome to Hogwarts. Before the Welcome Feast, we must sort all first-year students into their proper houses." As she explained how it worked, people were being called up.
As Luke sat on the chair he closed his eyes, crossing his fingers in hoping to get which one he wants. "Hufflepuff!" Luke cheered to himself a bit before getting off the stool. Once his uniform changed colours, he found his way over to Simeon, who welcomed him with open arms.
As a few more went. Solomon sat on the stool, as the hat was placed, he would wait before it shouted out. "Ravenclaw!" He would change into blue robes and find his way to a seat next to the blonde who looked up from his book to greet Solomon.
"[Last Name] MC." McGonagall called out. Mc would find themselves heading up and settling on their seat.
As Mc looked at the groups of students at each table, they closed their eyes and waited for what house they would be in.
"You are in..."
Fun fact: The Headmaster isn't Dumbledore as it will be the Demon Lord [I ran out of characters so I'm using most of the Harry Potter characters for those I can't replace]
Longest thing i've written WOOO
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daintydreamsy · 2 years
Yahooo~ I’m here to ask if you aren’t busy for a request!
Im desperate for Raphael content soo.. can you possibly do a male mc x Raphael with this dynamic!
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Third wheel being one of the purgatory hall characters- honestly I don’t blame you if you ignore this but I might aswell take a shot🙏🙏
pov you don't know anything about raphael (✯ᴗ✯) I kinda trailed off with this fic but I hope you like it anyway haha...
oblivious mc and raphael
raphael is a complicated man, that's for sure. he's stoic and determined- and even incredibly violent. he's michael's right-hand man after all.
so does any of that explain why he's so nice to you? why he always offers to carry your bags at R.A.D.? or let you borrow his D.D.D. when yours is dead? surely he must do this to others, right?
no, as luke told you, he doesn't. he doesn't even let luke use his D.D.D. to call simeon when his has died. raphael is harsh to everyone, except you. and luke didn't like it one bit.
everytime you and raphael would be alone for a little too long, luke would burst in the room and pull you away. he doesn't like how cutesy the two of you get.
but when simeon mentions just how sweet the two of you are together, luke gets a new plan. yes... instead of forcing you apart- he'll force you together!
and so it starts, whenever you're carrying books near raphael, luke will purposefully bump into you so you drop them, and then urge raphael to help you.
and this happens... multiple times in a day. you can barely understand raphael's small advances towards you, and you understand luke's even less!
after a few unruly days of these antics, you dragged raphael in an unused room at purgatory hall. though you barely payed attention, he seemed really nervous.
"what's up with luke?" you ask, standing in front of him, leaning up against the wall.
"I, uh," he puts a hand up against the back of his neck. he was so close you could smell his cologne. "I don't have a clue, but there's something I need to tell you-"
"I mean seriously! he's been all up in arms these past few days and I just can't understand why-!"
your rant comes to a very short end as raphael leans even closer to you, the smell of his cedar and nutmeg filling your nose. you had come to love the smell, after spending so much time with him.
your lips touch for mere moments, but they fill you with electricity. your fingers and toes buzz as you reach a hand to clasp against his own. it's a perfect moment until-
"raphael! human! can one of you-" luke stops dead in his tracks as the two of you jump apart. oh no.
"are you kidding me?! I spend all this time making you two admit you're in love and you do it behind closed doors?!"
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The Corruption of Raphael Begins Here
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Raphael x female MC smut
MC and Raphael are hidden in his bedroom as she starts to corrupt him with her heavenly mouth and tongue. They can only hope no one finds them alone in such a naughty position.
Word Count: 1,115
TW: Male receiving oral, very light bondage, a few uses of pet names, descriptive and messy blow job, Angel corruption, a hint of almost being caught
The thoughts of corrupting an Angel are intoxicating, the thoughts of corrupting an Angel as stoic and unmovable as Raphael fills her naughty human heart with absolute joy and lust. Lust so powerful she could give Amso a run for his money.
She could never have imagined in her wildest dreams that she'd find herself in Purgatory Hall settled between the frosty Angel's thighs as they shake and stutter at her movements, she has his wrists twisted behind his back wrapped with golden silk which only adds to the poor Angel's torture.
She has his white pants pushed off his thighs to give her better access as she grasps the base of Raphael's thick cock, giving the flushed head soft kitten licks. His gentle keening whines fill her ears as he wriggles in his restraints which makes the devious human grin in satisfaction "S- Stop teasing me you utterly unruly human" His disgruntled comment makes a giggle course through her throat as she smoothes a hand along his thigh "Calm Raph, we will get to the good part soon enough" Her devious smile reminds him far too much of a demon as he fears how much sway she holds over him, that her sweetened words could bring him to her mercy so quickly.
To save her poor lover more torment she decides to finally flatten her tongue against the underside of his long shaft, taking her time to lather her spit against every ridge and vein so she can memorise which of her actions draw the most sounds from his usually quiet disposition. Raphael can't help but tip his head back against his plush pillows as she starts to please him, she uses her small hands to grip and push his thighs to open him up to her greedy eyes as she drinks in his form "You're so fucking pretty Raph~" She can't help but utter in awe as he whines trying to shimmy his hips towards her the best he can with the loss of his hands.
Raphael shakes his head slightly as a blush shoots across his face, at this point she decides she's had enough of her own teasing licking her tongue back up his throbbing shaft as she takes the head of his cock into her mouth sucking up his pre cum greedily as she licks across his slit in soft but fast movements. She licks her tongue down his length to his swollen balls giving them a gently lick before taking them into her mouth and suckling on them as carefully as she can shooting pleasure up the Angel's spine. She toys for a moment with the idea of sliding her tongue down further to his puckered hole before deciding he might not be ready for that just yet as she moves back to his weeping head.
He's never felt sensations like this before and it makes him realise in that moment why humans sin so often, of course they do if it feels as godly as this and he can't help the whines and grunts that tumble out of his mouth while she gives his abused head one last long suck before she releases his cock head with a pop. She licks her lips at his taste moaning softly "I never knew Angels tasted soo sweet, I'd have devoured you weeks ago if I had known" MC can't help her teasing tone when he's being so responsive in this moment, more responsive than she's ever seen him and it makes her prideful heart clench at the slight alone.
Before Raphael can catch his breath his lover resumes her ministrations, she sucks his cock head back into her mouth but this time she starts to bob her head up and down warming up her throat as she takes him further and further down licking his length where she can. Raphael's thighs start to tremble against MC's head as the sensations become too much, he can't hold back his moans any longer as they bouch off his bedroom walls fuelling her need to take him to release.
She wants to feel his cum run down her throat the thought alone is enough to coat her inner thighs in sticky slick, her jaw is starting to ache now with the stretch of his deliciously thick cock but she pushes that aside as she moves her head faster licking over the prominent vein on the underside of his cock.
MC can feel Raphael's cock throbbing faster as his moans and cries reach their peak when suddenly the pair hear a door fling open and shock shoots down MC's spine 'they weren't meant to be home yet' she thinks as she hears Simeon and Solomon talking about the demon brothers latest escapades.
Fear fills the Angels eyes as they dart from his door to his lovers eyes below him while his chest heaves with his sporadic breaths, she pulls her throat away from his cock "You'll just have to be quiet now my love" She smirks at him before returning to his cock, pushing his cock down the length of her warm and wet throat resuming her rough fast pace as Raphael bites his lip hard and throws his head back into the depths of his pillows trying his best to keep in his keening whines.
His wrists shake against his binds as he feels his end nearing, blood being drawn from his soft lips as he bites them furiously. The sounds of his housemates filling his body with fear and excitement as he can't help but buck his hips up into her mouth, pushing his length to the back of her throat as she gags around him. The feeling of her throat constricting so heavenly around him is the straw that broke him as he cums hard, his thighs shaking wildly as his hot and thick cum steaks down her waiting throat while she happily drinks it down licking up the last of his seed from the head of his cock as she pulls back.
She makes a show of cleaning him up as he shudders from the slight overstimulation "Let's join our friends shall we?" She unbinds his hands and helps his redress as fast as possible turning back to him before they leave his room "We'll finish this later" One last peck on the lips and a wink is all Raphael gets as she saunters out of his door to greet his friends with a smile stretched across her face, 'that human will be the end of me' he thinks with a smile as he catches a glimpse of her ass cheeks shaking beneath the edge of her RAD uniform skirt.
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I’m a writing blog seeking headcanon request for obey me. Here is a summary of my rules for requesting:
-❌NO NSFW, I only take sfw
-❌NO Character x character
- ❌DON'T send any of this : rape, pedophilia, incest
- ❌NO Character x OC
- character x gn!reader✔️
- character x sheep!MC✔️
- You can request new character ( Mephisto, Raphael,and Thirteen)
- I only write platonic Luke. No romantic requests for Luke.
- I usually write headcanon with no pronouce so.. maybe I will use "you/your" or "they/them". I can write Female readers but I'm not good at male readers
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matchablossom24 · 1 year
hello everyone, i'm kinda bored so i decided to be open for only 3 requests, some other days i may be able to make more than 3
anyways here are the fandoms i write for :
1.Obey me! one master to rule them all (the brothers and side characters x male mc -not including mephistopheles, raphael and thirteen because i havent reached the part where they are introduced also not including Luke because HE'S A CHILD YOU LITTLE SH-)
2. Welcome to demon school iruma kun (i write for iruazz)
3. Omnicient reader's viewpoint ( i will be writing jungdok for this one-i only read the manga on webtoon idk what happened in the novel, srry-)
4.Friday night funkin: mid-fight masses. (if you request for this, i will only write for ruv, sarv and selever x gn! reader, but for rasazy, she'll only be included in the fanfics as a side character so get outta here p3d0s)
5.genshin impact (i only write for tartali <bottom zhongli, coz y not?> , xiaother<bottom aether> ,dottolone<bottom pantalone> and ganyu x kequing<switches, coz i just found the ship and i dont know whose top>, if you ship neither of these ships, i suggest you find somewhere else to request)
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lemonandlime22 · 2 years
To Do List
(a while back I made an incoming wips list but it wasn't official or anything so I'm making this so yall know what I'm working on and what recent things I've done! btw its not in order in any way)
(Last Updated: 10/29/2022)
Working on
The first 5 people who find out the reason for the bitey child!Yuu's biteynes (twisted Wonderland)
Mammon with an Mc that has extreme anxiety (Obey Me)
Raphael and Mephistopheles that have a dense x dense type of relationship with a m!Mc (Obey Me)
The Brothers reaction to an Mc that self sabotages (Obey Me)
The Brothers with an Mc that looks and acts like Lilith (Obey me)
Parent Yuu comes to Twst with their child (Twisted Wonderland)
Replaced Mc au (Pt 9) (Obey Me)
Malleus, Lilia, and Jamil with a male naga!reader (Twisted Wonderland)
Jamil, Riddle, and Rook with a s/o that has adhd (Twisted Wonderland)
Recently done
Pomefiore with a scrawny bitey child!Yuu (Twisted Wonderland)
Ace, Deuce, Jack and Sebek with a scrawny bitey child!Yuu (Twisted Wonderland)
Teething baby!Yuu (Twisted Wonderland)
Cocky little Yuu (Twisted Wonderland)
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terrahowler20 · 2 years
Welcome to My Den
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Hi Spark here! Welcome to my Obey me Smut and What in "Hell" is bad? and NSFW Blog where I reblog NSFW Especally Nu: Carnival relating things
I'm still new to this writing smut things so bare with me. Also Minor and ageless blogs/accounts DNI
Here's the reason I will block Blank accounts
MC/Reader will be female, however I'm willing to try to write Male MC.
No Child/Teen!MC
MC will be leaning more on Sub-ish. Bottom depends on character with and/or the situation their in.
Main Cast: (The Brothers, Dateables, Raphael and Mephistopheles)
Stick to Canon sex and gender, so no headcanon or Age-down/De-age or genderbending characters.
No Character X Character smut (This is personal reason) So no ships like DiaLuc, SoloDeus, Diamon, SoloLuci etc.
Threesome, Foursome and maybe Orgy can be but no C x C ships.
I will not write:
Luke is a baby, I really didn't have to type this, but just in case.
Thirteen is under Consideration, I might try to write for her.
non-con/rape, dub-con, incest, pedophilia, age-play, piss/scat kink, pet-play, somnophilia.
And others I didn't mention is either I still don't know or I have no problem with, however its subject to change as I learn more about my own personal boundaries and limits.
What you might expect:
More Dom Mammon, Levi and Asmo.
Comedically situation.
A lot of Size kink
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mcx7demonbros · 2 years
My MC: Angelo
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Picrew I used to create Angelo, created by @rei_kazeno on marshmallow-qa.com
OM MC / OC Template used
Personal - Basics
Angelo L. M. L. S. A. B. B. Ferrari
(Angelo Lucifer Mammon Leviathan Satan Asmodeus Beelzebub Belphegor Ferrari)
Demon [] Angel [] Human [X] Other: []
September 8th (same birthday with the Virgin Mary)
155 cm (5’1”)
[Fingernail Polish Color(s)]
Roman Catholicism ✝️
Personal - In depth
[Gender | Pronoun(s)]
Male | He/Him
[Occupation before Devildom Life]
Student (7th grade)
[Favorite Color(s)]
Depends on the time of the year
Zodiac: Virgo ♍️
Personal - Other
God, Catholicism, Knowledge that he can understand at his level
Demons in general, anti-Catholic sentiment and bigotry, Belphegor (formerly)
[Cat or Dog]
Both. Both are good.
[Brothers most depends on]
Lucifer, Mammon and Satan
Because Angelo is a child!MC, all relationships are platonic.
[With demons]
Lucifer [Godfather/Legal Guardian/Eldest Brother] - Lucifer was one of the seven godfathers intended for Angelo by his evil demon worshipping trash parents. Angelo respects Lucifer, although he doesn’t agree with all Lucifer did/does completely. Lucifer’s a strict but caring father/brother towards Angelo.
Mammon [Godfather/Second Elder Brother] - Mammon was one the seven godfathers intended for Angelo by his wicked parents. Mammon loves to pamper Angelo, buying the boy whatever he wants.
Leviathan [Godfather/Third Brother] - Levi was also one of the seven godfathers. Levi guides Angelo playing many games and they’re playmates in Genshin Impact, MOBA games like LoL, etc.
Satan [Godfather/Fourth Brother] - Satan was also one of the seven godfathers. Angelo was scared of him at first, but Satan’s effort to be gentle towards him had made Angelo open his heart. Satan and Angelo now share knowledge with each other.
Asmodeus [Godfather/Fifth Brother] - One of the seven godfathers, Angelo and Asmo share with each other their thought on every person, from the other brothers to the angels to Solomon. Usually, Angelo will stop Asmo if the conversation goes too far, Angelo doesn’t want to be uncharitable, much to Asmo’s displeasure.
Beelzebub [Godfather/Sixth Brother] - One of the seven godfathers. Angelo shares food he cooks with Beel, and vise versa. Beel is also Angelo’s bodyguard. Beel gives Angelo piggyback ride a lot.
Belphegor [Godfather/Seventh Brother/Twin brother?] - One of the seven godfathers, Belphegor was the one who killed Angelo’s biological parents and caused Angelo’s weak health condition by injuring him when he was but a infant. It took a lot of effort for Belphie and Angelo to reconcile. Angelo doesn’t have an ounce of respect for Belphegor (his respect for the brothers goes down the lower rank a brother is, with Lucifer gets absolute respect, then Mammon, etc.). They also bicker like twins.
Diavolo - Angelo is cautious of the Prince and suspicious of his actions, believing there’s more than the smiles and laughs he shows. Angelo believes there’s some sincerity in his effort to make peace between the three realms, but is uncertain whether he has other malicious motives or not.
Barbatos - Angelo believed Barbatos was the serpent who caused the Fall of Adam and Eve, but currently has no proof. Angelo receives baking lessons from him, together with Luke. The boy hopes that Diavolo and/or Barbatos wouldn’t decide to poison or execute him one day.
[With angels]
Luke - Best Friend
Simeon - Used to respect until Angelo saw his harsh treatment towards some of the Brothers, like Mammon and Levi. Angelo doesn’t believe just because Simeon took the Ring of Light that he was exiled, the boy believes it was the last straw.
Michael - Respect and venerate.
Raphael - Respect and venerate.
[With humans]
Solomon - Angelo doesn’t like him at first but the more Angelo knows him, the more he empathizes the sorcerer.
Cardinal Ferrari / Pope Gregory XVII - Angelo’s adopted father. Angelo loves and obeys him. The fact that having the Pope as his father doesn’t make him prideful one bit, as he knows both him and his father will answer to God for the great honor bestowed upon them.
Angelo’s biological parents - Angelo didn’t know what happened to them until he heard that they’re in hell and what happened when he was barely a month old, Angelo decided to forget them and moved on. After all, there’s nothing he could do to help them anymore. The boy doesn’t allow himself to hate or resent them.
Favorite things about Devildom
[Favorite Job(s)]
None. Angelo assigns jobs to the Brothers according to their likes & talents. It’s illegal for him to work.
[Favorite Place(s) to Hang at]
House of Lamentation is the best.
The Royal Library
[Favorite Class Subject(s)]
Devildom History
Least favorite things about Devildom
[Least favorite place to hang at]
The Royal Tomb. It’s scary.
[Least favorite class subject(s)]
Maths. Mammon and Satan are doing their best to tutor him.
[Stuff that can be considered negative about Devildom]
Demons in general
Demon hostility towards human and the divine religion
Personality Chart
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Featuring Angelo
The Summonings (Prologue to his story)
The Godson They Had Forgotten
And They Meet Again
Obey Me Masterlist
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genderneutralmc · 2 years
🤍🖤Raphael Mastlist (WIP)
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taedet-omnis · 2 years
Hiii! How would the ML boys feel if they realized they fell in love the male MC? Would they confess it or waiting for them to notice? If you don't want to write about it, it's totally fine. Have a great day!
Hey dear, thanks for your good wishes, take care of yourself, you're loved. Hope you enjoy while reading! ^-^
■ As a result of his time and upbringing, Vladimir would initially begin to deny his feelings and question his adequacy as a man. Even though he knew the fact that same-s*x couples exist, he would never have thought that one of them could be him. So it's highly possible to see him acting cold and rude towards MC for a while. As time passed and his feelings became uncontrollable, he had no choice but to accept them. Whether he knew what MC's sexual preference was or not, he just didn't have the courage to confess to him. So MC would probably realize at some point that Vladimir had feelings for him from his increasing shyness around him and one day, while watering the flowers in the garden with Vladimir, he would let him know by grabbing a lock of his hair and kissing it that he was aware of his feelings.
■ Beliath would have noticed from the start that MC was appealing to him, and he wouldn't have had much trouble with that. Under those clothes, he must have an absolutely perfect body. He wouldn't care much for these thoughts, after all, there were many people Beliath thought of that way. But as time passed, he realized that he didn't enjoy sleeping with women as much as he used to and when he was at the Moondance with MC, he began to feel uncomfortable with the presence of girls gathered around MC. And probably from that moment he would start to compliment him, increase body contact in a way that would get MC's attention. At some point, when they were alone, Beliath would say that he found him extremely attractive and offer to have a good time in bed with him.
■ Ivan had been aware of his bisexual nature for a long time, and was occasionally impressed by his roommates with whom they shared a same house. So it wouldn't take him as long as he thought to realize his feelings for MC. He might even start to be more daring in his dreams after realizing his feelings, after all, whoever saw MC after his shower would dream of some spicy things. Still, these daring dreams eventually caused Ivan to be overly shy around him and would distance himself from him as much as possible. Realizing that Ivan was starting to avoid him, MC would probably get an unexpected confession when he went to visit Ivan, who still didn't leave his room for a long time. Ivan's face, flushed with embarrassment, was so cute that he wouldn't hesitate to kiss him.
■ Aaron isn't someone to care about who that person is as long as they are a good partner and companionship to him. Does he like MC, that's pretty cool. If he also shares common interests with MC such as walking in nature, training, hunting, he couldn't be happier. He would confess his feelings to him when they were walking in the forest, and would remain friends with him even though MC couldn't reciprocate his feelings. After all, he looks at MC not as a body he should have, but as a person he values highly.
■ Ethan may be the only one among others who is this resistant to accepting the fact that he likes a man (Yes, even more than Vladimir!). From time to time he wonders what it would be like to spend a night with Beliath, that doesn't mean he's impressed with every man he meets. Senkin typerys! When this brat finally admitted himself that he liked the MC, he would probably confess to him during an argument and grab him by the shirt and start kissing him.
■ Raphael is a much more considerate person as far as emotions are concerned and it's not hard for him to realize that he's starting to feel more comfortable around MC. At first he found this feeling of comfort surprising, since he hadn't felt that way around someone in quite some time. He would leave himself to the discretion of time to see where these feelings would lead, and would be happy when he realized that his own feelings were as deep as he had suspected for a while. He had witnessed many times when he was still a human that gender didn't matter when it came to feelings. And frankly, being able to feel those feelings again after Margarita was a new turning point for him, yet he was in no rush to confess his feelings. In fact, if he realized that MC likes women, he wouldn't even mention them to him. He certainly didn't want his feelings to be a burden to him. One of the greatest gifts of his blind life was teaching him how to hide his feelings, so with this gift, he'd be happy even just by MC's friendship.
■ Although Neil had sworn to himself not to have romantic feelings for any living creature, he never thought that one day a man would break that vow. In the beginning, he would watch MC from afar and try to find out what was impressing him so much. It would have surprised him that this person, who to him should be nothing more than an inferior race, had such an important place in his life. It was an interesting experience to see that, despite the thousands of years he lived, there was still something new to learn about himself. From the moment he realized that his feelings were real, he'd start to occupy more of MC's time. Instead of expressing his feelings directly, he would make sure MC understood it well and would do whatever he could to get a confession from him if he was lucky enough.
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sparkbeast20 · 2 years
THIS ISN'T YOU!! 666 Followers event!
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As celebrating gaining 666 followers, I decided to make 10 one shots evil OM character X MC fanfics!
The Prompts list is here with one type of love and one prompts
Type of love
(worried love, tragic love, sacrifice love, and obsession love)
List of Characters -cross out means they are taken! (Request are Close!) Thanks for sending them, I'll be start writing them after I post the final part of Hellhound.
The rules are:
No Character X Character (I don't do this for personal reasons)
One character and your MC or just a regular MC which is GN!MC
No Luke X MC (He is a child)
Be specific with your MC like their gender (Like Male, Female, or gender neutral)
And give a little bit of their trait (Like are they timid or headstrong)
Once all ten slot is filled, I will not take anymore request.
Since I'll be making these more than 1k words
However, if I'm in the mood I'll write more (and that's if)
Also make sure you have a second character in mind.
If one character is already taken, at least their a second option
I don't want all the request to be Mammon X MC since he'll be the most likely to be asks a lot with this prompt.
I'll be rebloging this post with the six pairing.
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