goodjohnjr · 2 years
Mastodon Peertube Pixelfed: Rasily Replace Twitter Instagram And YouTube
Mastodon Peertube Pixelfed: Rasily Replace Twitter Instagram And YouTube
Mastodon, Peertube, Pixelfed: easily replace Twitter, Instagram and YouTube
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rajajionline · 2 years
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I wanted to put the prologue of my book (as it is right now) out, so anyone who's interested can give questions/thoughts/feedback :3 Read the tags for content warnings before reading.
Basked in the orange light of the setting sun, Arsioly stood, attentive, and witnessed his third execution.
Most people didn’t see that many in their lives, much less when they were barely pushing eighteen, but it was different for Arsioly. His father was the one who carried them out, and his attendance was expected. At least this one was a little more interesting than the others; it was a public execution, done in the dusky light of the snowy city square with a small crowd watching, as opposed to the secluded nature of the other ones. He supposed that serial insubordination and homosexuality were lesser crimes that didn’t require such a spectacle as this.
The rough voice of Colonel Rasily, his father, echoed out over the small crowd, drowning out the pained huffs and curses of the young rebel who kneeled, bound and beaten, at his feet.
“It is Emperor Vahesy’s divine right to rule over these lands, and all those who oppose him will be punished!” He shouted, sending the ball of his foot into the rebel’s face; drops of blood from her nose glittered briefly in the air before splattering to the ground. Arsioly silently marveled at her ability not to cry out, ignoring the frightened whimper from Visralion beside him, the tightening of the boy’s grip on his arm.
The hits kept coming, and Arsioly watched with fear and pride, paying close attention to his father’s actions, as he always did. The way each strike hit easily despite the girl’s struggles; the way he remained unfazed by the curses she spat at him; the way he didn’t flinch at the freckles of blood dusted onto the pale fabric of his pants. His movements were confident and bold as one hand grabbed a fistful of hair and wrenched the woman’s head backward, and the other drew the shining dagger from its place at his side. He brandished it for the crowd as he cried, “Let this be an example to all of you! For the glory of the Emperor!”
With that, he brought the blade down across the rebel girl’s throat, slicking the snow with a hungry pool of crimson. He wiped his dagger on the shoulder of her shirt before replacing it in its sheath. He released hair he’d grabbed; the rebel thumped lamely to the ground. Once the blood stopped bubbling and gurgling in the body’s mouth, he motioned to the two soldiers standing at attention behind him to clean it up. Arsioly looked on, thumbing the folded paper in his pocket and avoiding his father’s eyes. 
“Arsi, can we leave now? Please?” Visralion asked in a hushed tone, his face hidden against his friend’s sleeve.
He looked down at him, back up at the Colonel, then at Visralion again. He gave him a thin smile and ruffled his curly brown hair. “Yeah, let’s go,” he agreed, turning and walking away with his friend.
The boys made their way through the city streets, taking some of the smaller ones to avoid the other kids who were undoubtedly outside and taking advantage of the weekend. They walked towards the edge of the city out of habit, towards the woods where they often went to enjoy the relative solitude.
Once they’d passed the last building and the flat, grassy strip that separated the city from the forest, Arsioly glanced around to check that he and Visralion were the only ones present before pulling the folded poster from his pocket. 
“Take a look at this, dove,” he said, cautiously unfolding it. He’d lost track of how many months he’d been carrying this around, and he’d rubbed at it so much that the paper seemed likely to tear if handled too roughly.
He opened the paper, revealing a boldly drawn illustration of a soldier with a gun. The uniform depicted didn’t align with the ones that the boys saw patrolling the streets every day. Even more damning than that was the big text written across the top, declaring, ‘Save your homes, join the Freedom Army!’
Visralion gasped, stopping in his tracks and taking a hasty step away. “Arsioly, why do you have that? Are you crazy?”
He laughed and shook his head, grinning. “Oh, calm down, it’s fine. Look— look what it says down here,” he said, holding the poster out to Visralion and pointing to the smaller words along the bottom. “It says that there’s free meals and shelter for anyone who joins.”
“So what? Our Army has that too!” He protested, backing up to a nearby tree, as if the paper held some disease he might catch if he got too close. 
He folded the poster and put it back in his pocket. “But our Army won’t let you or your mom join.”
“That’s fine! We don’t even need that, we’re doing just fine by ourselves…” Visralion trailed off, and Arsioly scoffed, knowing that wasn’t even near to the truth. “Whatever. We still can’t join the rebels. We’ll be killed, like that girl—”
“No, we won’t. Trust me, dove, I’ve been planning this since forever. And think of how great it’ll be! We’ll run away and join the rebels, and we won’t have to worry about money or rules or anything.”
Visralion hesitated, and Arsioly took that as a sign to keep pushing. “And they’re fighting for our freedom, it’s even in the name! Come on, we have to do this.”
“But, but, but. I’ll go no matter what. I’m only saying that you should come with me,” he bluffed, even though he was quite sure that he couldn’t bear to leave if his only real friend wasn’t going to be with him. 
Visralion looked down and didn’t respond right away, picking at the frayed ends of his scarf. “Do you promise you know what you’re doing? I’ll only go if you promise.”
Arsioly nodded. “I promise, I know what I’m doing.”
“Okay,” he sighed, walking away from the tree and back up to Arsioly. 
“Good,” he smiled. “We can leave tonight, just pack a little bag with anything you really want to keep. I’ll come and get you when it’s really late so nobody sees us leave. Don’t tell your mom what we’re doing.”
Visralion opened his mouth to argue, but closed it without a word and just nodded instead. 
“Alright…” he agreed after a few moments. “Are you really sure about this?”
“I’m completely certain.”
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team7-headquarter · 1 year
Kishimoto was far from being the best at writing romance, but I disagree with a great part of the fandom saying that the main pairings had no "real" background or progressive development.
Was it great? Nope, but the story is there. You are free to dislike the pairings, but the writing is there. You are free to criticize the writing, but you need to stop behaving like the canon is the only thing that matters in order to do so.
Naruto and Sasuke care respectively about Hinata and Sakura. There are many moments that prove it and the frame of the story tell us its meant to be read as something romantic. I personally think that Kishimoto should had focused more on those moments in Shippuden if he wanted the ending to feel organic, but that's just me. To drag Naruto's crush on Sakura for so long (even when the frame started connecting him to Hinata) damaged the narrative. And for Sakura and Sasuke, maybe it was the fact that most of their romantic progress happened off screen, on the blank period, so of course the readers are not gonna buy it so rasily.
See Shikamaru and Temari. They had the early tension, the story made them each other's only interests by clearly framing Ino as just a friend to Shikamaru and they showed you openly the start of their romantic feelings, when their connection evolved. Jiraiya and Tsunade get the childhood friends to almost lovers treatment, highlighted by the fact Jiraiya expressed clearly his interest and we got to see Tsunade acting reluctant/stubborn, but ultimately deeply fond of him. Other pairings like Asuma and Kurenai had a more off screen treatment that still felt organic, or were presented since the beginning as a pairing, which is the case of Minato and Kushina, or most parents.
I think they insisted too much for far too long on the "joke" of Naruto endless crush on Sakura, to the point it damaged both their characters and their canon relationships. If the readers were used to seeing Sasuke treating Sakura badly / ignoring her and Naruto acknowledging Hinata, but still going after Sakura... And worst, because then the joke of Sakura's constant rejection damaged even that one connection with Naruto.
Why is Sasunaru so popular? Maybe it's because they have the most stable narrative in their bond, showing clearly how much they cared about each other, showing steady development, showing that there was no one competing to replace what the other meant to them.
Again, I don't dislike none of those pairings, I'm not personally supporting them either. I'm just giving my opinion on what Kishimoto tried to do and how I think it went somehow wrong. Naruto is a story and as any other media, I criticize the execution without needing to take sides on ship wars or whatever.
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clevermindseo · 1 month
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morals4u · 1 year
Rasili Part 1 Voovi Web Series (2023): Watch Online
Rasili Part 1 Voovi Web Series (2023): Watch Online
Rasili Part 1 Voovi Web Series – स्वागत है आपका OttSeries में, जहां हर रोज आपको Upcoming Ullu Web Series, Primeshots Web Series, Voovi Web Series, Kooku Web Series आदि के reviews बहुत ही आसान शब्दों में बताया जाता है आज हम जिस वेब सीरीज के बारे में बात करने जा रहे हैं उसका नाम है – Rasili Part 1 Voovi Web Series Credit Goes to Voovi A labor worker marries with beautiful wife to woo villages &…
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Though you are no more of this earth, your legacy lives on in our everyday Tamaqu. Ten (10) years on and we still miss you Tata……..we will share our memories of you today. Sitiveni Carelalavanua Rasili, Tamai Pesa, Tukai Emily @perky_emily https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm0QXA4PgTQ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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christasclothes · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: W5 Anthro Floral Wrap Blouse.
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ghostofpa · 3 years
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look what i can do! 
rasili: kris you’re gonna hurt yourself! 
 susie: i want to try loser!
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stillroamer · 4 years
Can we just talk about how P'Dim literally yelled out "Mil, Sarawat's brother is here to see you" and Sarawat didn't for one second get up and investigate why his baby bro was there to see Mil and not him?
And let's say Wat didnt get up bc he wasn't sure P'Dim will let him. Why didnt he question Mil on why Phukong was there to see him????
Like I'm assuming Mil and Phukong were making heart eyes at one another for quite some time before Dim came back out. Was Sarawat not the least bit curious?!?
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mister-lady · 4 years
man something about loving Logan hit me hard like a bus today so expect some nonsense about him for the next day or so lol
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Just went out/came back from a short walk around the neighborhood. Amateur tip: if it’s summer and sun exists, maybe remember to put on sunscreen (bonus: hat) before going outside because that’s what I definitely did.
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Rasily Shir-Takya
So, I'm finally doing character intros! I've been meaning to since forever but kept getting caught up in the littler details and worrying about who I should do first, so I decided to pick a character that doesn't get too much screen time but is still important.
Name: Rasily Etor Shir-Takya Age: Fifty-two Gender: Male Sexuality: Heterosexual Appearance: Tall and muscular, with tan skin and quite a few scars over his body. Most notably, a scar on his chin, and one on his right leg, where the fur has only grown back in patches. His hair is black, and he keeps it in a neat crew cut. Personality: Calculated, ambitious, ruthless, and loyal. He's very passionate about his beliefs and will protect those who stand behind him. Important Relationships: Rasily has been married twice. His late wife, Filde, died while giving birth to his oldest son, Arsioly, who is now disowned. He has two children with his second wife, Nayila, a son named Daral and a daughter named Iska. He is close with his second-in-command, Fayidor. Education: He's had an extensive education, doing well in the standard ten grades and then going to school at the Nyazhchau School of Service and Politics for six years. he still regularly attends lectures of any topic he can make time for. Occupation: Rasily is a Major General in the Kristalyc Army. Hobbies: Reading, attending lectures, wood carving, playing sports with his son Proudest Achievement: His promotion to Major General.
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bollywoodirect · 5 years
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Remembering Geeta Dutta on her 47th death anniversary. Geeta Dutt (born Geetā Ghosh Roy Chowdhuri; 23 November 1930 – 20 July 1972) was a prominent Indian singer, born in Faridpur before the Partition of India. She found particular prominence as a playback singer in Hindi cinema. She also sang many modern Bengali songs, both in film and non-film genre. K. Hanuman Prasad took Geeta under his patronage, trained and groomed her in singing and later launched her into singing for movies. In 1946, she got the first break with an opportunity to sing in the mythological film Bhakta Prahlad for which Prasad was the music director. She was given only two lines to sing for two songs. In 1947, she got her break with Do Bhai. The music of Do Bhai became a hit with "Mera sundar sapna beet gaya" topping the charts. Geeta Roy's fresh and melodious voice combined vivacity and pathos in such a way that, despite a pronounced "Bengali lilt," the song touched the pulse of thousands of music lovers. She was popularly nick-named "Bangal ka jadu" (the magic from Bengal). In the same film she sang the evocative "Yaad karoge, yaad karoge, ik din humko yaad karoge." It was remarkable for a teenager to sing with such maturity. In the same year, she sang for Hunuman Prasad's other releases. "Naino Ki Pyali Se Hoto Ki Madira" (Rasili)"Neha Lagake Mukh Mod Gayaa" (Rasili) "Aaja ri Nindiya Aaja": a lullaby alongside the established playback singer Parul Ghosh (Nai Maa) The uncanny ability of Geeta Dutt that made her race past her contemporaries was her unique versatility to sing any kind of song with the authentic tone, feeling, passion and emotion as demanded by the composition and the situation it was being picturised in. From a bhajan to a club song, from a haunting melancholic song to a peppy romantic number, she could traverse the range of music, seemingly effortlessly. This unique versatility helped Geeta (Roy) Dutt carve out a niche and cement her place even when the Lata Mangeshkar and Asha Bhosle phenomenon was sweeping through the world of Hindi playback, following the runaway success of Aayega Aanewala in Mahal (1949). Geeta Dutt's chart-busting "Tadbeer se bigdi hui taqdeer bana le" in Guru Dutt's directorial debut Baazi (1951) was the turning point where "Geeta Roy's vivacity was matched every inch by Geeta Bali on-screen". S. D. Burman had turned a ghazal by Sahir Ludhianvi into a sensual club song much to the chagrin of the famed lyricist-poet: The ploy worked as Baazi proved a hit on the strength of that song alone. S D Burman fully exploited Geeta's potential across the spectrum. "Aan milo shyam saanware" (Devdas, 1955), the duet with Manna Dey, has the unmistakable touch of the Baul folk music of Bengal. "Nanhi kali sone chali" (Sujata, 1959) is one of the most popular and heart-touching lullaby ever where Geeta Dutt's voice rings maternal love in every note. The bubbly exuberance of "Aye dil mujhe bata de" (Bhai Bhai, 1956) is in sharp contrast to the pathos of "Waqt ne kiya" in (Kaagaz Ke Phool, 1959).
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notsoimagines · 5 years
could i get a ship?im female. i’m 5’8. i have medium,light brown wavy hair & i have brown eyes(with lil touches of green). i have long legs,freckles, and rosy cheeks. I’m very social & outgoing, & tend to make friends rasily. I dress girly, but can be one of the bros. I’m also very romantic, & daydream a lot.i’m a huge softie, mixed with goofiness. I get good grades in school & tend to be a goody-two shoes. a bad trait that i have are that i can be insecure.I do performing arts and run! thank u!
Ughhh pony or soda I can’t decide
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