#Rat Grinders
m-artsoul · 3 days
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she has won every game they played
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today's kipperlilly is grappling with her source material.
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dropoutconfessions · 3 days
“Kipperlily wasn’t groomed, she, a teenage girl, was just chosen by a teacher who gives her and her friends special treatment and encourages her rage and jealousy issues for at least a year because he needed that and her for his own purposes!” Does no one else recognize how truly insane this sounds wtf
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ankarnaofjustice · 4 months
d20 fans: they’re just children they were manipulated !!
fabian aramais seacaster: i’m going to skin that Bitch
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penguingardenfan · 5 months
the bad kids trying to win the election: we have taken every precaution possible there is no way they will be able to rig the votes
fuckass oisin for some reason:
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ratgrinders · 5 months
Ok here's an updated timeline of the Rat Grinders based on the new info we got this episode:
Freshman Year
On the first day of classes Kipperlily and the others meet and form their adventuring party. Kipperlily comes up with the name the High Five Heroes.
Kipperlily excels academically, but the High Five Heroes only go on easier adventures, presumably to ensure they will succeed rather than fail at something challenging.
Ruben is primarily an acoustic/soft rock musician.
Kipperlily begins to have childish rage and resentment towards Riz and the other Bad Kids, which start out petty but gradually grow in intensity over the next couple years.
Sophomore Year
An increase in hostility, one of the first meetings Kipperlily has this year is being jealous that Riz's dad was killed by Kalvaxus, that if a person has suffered immense magical hardship it is an unfair advantage in adventuring.
Kipperlily tries to find evidence of conspiracy with her parents and is enraged that they are boring.
A week after spring break the High Five Heroes go on their first quest to the mountains of chaos, chaperoned by Jace Stardiamond.
After this, the High Five Heroes seem to undergo a shift where their rage is amplified. Kipperlily's counselor files become much more venomous towards the Bad Kids, Ruben shifts to emo music, etc.
At some point after this Ivy and Oisin propose changing the name to the Rat Grinders. Kipperlily opposes this and Lucy is on her side, but Ruben votes against her because it makes her upset and Mary Ann also votes against her but doesn't explain her reasoning.
A piece of paperwork is submitted for Lucy to change her god, but another piece of paperwork is filed afterwards rescinding that application, presumably by Lucy herself changing her mind.
Towards the end of the year, after grades are finalized but before classes are over thus avoiding the pass/fail penalty, Lucy dies in the far haven woods near Aguefort. Presumably, she could have been resurrected in service of this unnamed rage god, but chose not to. She "stuck to her guns".
Kipperlily's rage towards the Bad Kids has transitioned from childish to venomous, she "hates them".
Junior Year
At some point between the end of Sophomore year and the beginning of Junior year, the Rat Grinders specifically request Buddy Dawn join their party as a cleric.
At 8:01 am, the first day of classes, Kipperlily goes to Ashgrove to dig up the rogue teacher's grave, thus forcing her to reveal herself and granting Kipperlily a pass for all her rogue classes for the year. Presumably she was aware of the rogue teacher's grave beforehand (information only available in Arthur Aguefort's office) but waited until the start of Junior year so she could pass all her classes for the year.
Kipperlily announces her bid to run for student council president, with a platform based on equity, equanimity, and fairness.
Kipperlily asks Jawbone about the creation of Yes! and the events of prompocalypse
Her counselor notes become extremely enraged, with her straight up wanting to kill Kristin and being angry that she can't get to her thanks to Fig's protection.
Oisin, Ivy, and Buddy are seen at Fabian's house party during the first week of classes. Kipperlily is not seen but is possibly there invisible. The Bad Kids are asked to do drugs but decline. That same night, mephits steal part of a cloud rider engine kept in Seacaster Manor.
At the school assembly the following day Principal Grix reveals he was notified of students doing drugs off campus, meaning its possible the Rat Grinders tipped him off in an attempt to get the Bad Kids in trouble.
Ruben performs presumably some kind of ritual at the Frosty Fair Folk festival, with the other Rat Grinders conspicuously absent. Simultaneously, Yolanda Badgood falls dead in the same place where Lucy Frostblade died, after Yolanda had been made aware of Lucy's change in god and was investigating it. Yolanda also refuses to be resurrected in service of the rage god.
The Rat Grinders are seen at the assembly addressing Yolanda's death and how all clerics would be moved to pass/fail. Most look bored, Mary Ann isn't paying attention, and Buddy is unconcerned.
Kipperlily and Oisin get caught trying to sabotage the Bad Kids' Last Stand exam, and Kipperlily kills Buddy. Ten minutes after the Bad Kids plane shift away, Buddy is revived by an unknown figure and he pledges his allegiance to the rage god.
Now the Rat Grinders are scheduled for another trip to the Mountains of Chaos and are on complete lockdown, hiding all of them from Adaine's divination magic.
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cyan0corax · 4 months
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syb-rooks · 7 months
You know what fucks me up the most? Them changing their party name from The High 5 Heroes to Rat Grinders. Presumably after Lucy's murder. It's such a final fuck you to her memory.
She was being forced to change her deity which was extremely important for her and her people. She was killed by the people she trusted. Her body was desecrated so it couldn't be resurrected and hidden away. She was just a last minute addition to the in memoriam and they didnt care to reprint the books. Her party didn't even pretend to mourn her death and immediately replaced her. And that is horrible.
But there something extra evil with them changing their name to Rat Grinders. She tried so much to help the innocent and heal the animals that her party mercilessly killed, but her name will be forever now associated with the party's name, with the barbarism that she tried to prevent. What a final insult to her memory and legacy.
Lucy Frostblade of the Rat Grinders, you deserved so much better.
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wolfziedraws · 4 months
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I wanda see you dead (sketch dump)
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idonthaveanyurlideas · 5 months
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thinking about freshman year high 5 heroes. how did you come together. how did you decide on your name. what changed. what happened. what have you done
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starkju0 · 7 months
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m-artsoul · 5 months
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mary ann introduces gorgug as her best friend to every person they meet
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ttrpgnoob · 4 months
You are Kipperlilly Copperkettle. You have accepted and embraced your rage to the point of giving into a wanna be gods plan. Your less willing allies are murdered to meet his end. The one closest to you doesn't come back. You are now surrounded by angry, carcass puppets of what was your party. It will all be worth it when you kill that annoying little freak Riz Gukak. He isn't better than you. You are the best rogue in your class, he never sees you. You are finally going to kill him.
As you sink feeling the burning of your flesh and bones as he stands with his back turned to you. In a flash he turns to you pressing his watch releasing a net. The lava burns, you are completely restrained, he stares and shrugs.
"Very good on paper, but no pratical application."
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melonsharks · 5 months
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this is gonna let us finally keep up with the bad kids!
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bthemistake · 4 months
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- "I don't recognize you" -
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[Image description:
The characters from the adventuring party Rat Grinders from the web show Dimension 20 Fantasy High: Junior Year, excluding Buddy Dawn.
Lucy Frostblade stands, sullen and blue, staring outwards to the viewer while the ghosts of her old party stand behind her, eyeless and red. Lucy has her hair in braids tied back into a messy updo and a knitted sweater-dress that reaches halfway down her thighs, paired with knee-high socks and heavy boots. She has vitiligo and elfish ears, turned down rather than pointed upwards.
Kipperlilly Copperkettle, Ruben Hopclap, Mary Ann Skuttle, Ivy Embra, and Oisin Hakinvar hang behind her. Kipperlilly has a dagger in hand and is poised to stike, expression concerned. Ruben has his guitar, pick in hand and pulling down on the strings. Mary Ann looks unbothered and off to the side. Ivy has her body turned in the opposite direction and looks over her shoulder with a smirk, bow ready in hand, and Oisin smiles.
In a turn of the tables, they're all dead and Lucy is the lone survivor of the Rat Grinders party. She struggles to recognize her friends, so warped by their anger and rage, and can't even ask them why because they're gone. There's no High Five Heroes, no Rat Grinders, there is only Lucy and she must find her answers by herself.
The first image is in colour, the second is just the line art, and the third is the on-paper sketch that was traced to digital.
End of image description.]
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i-upset-to-dead-65 · 5 months
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I'm obsessed with Kipperlilly hating the Bad Kids who don't even know who she is
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