#Rave Racers
jpopstreaming · 11 months
🆕🎶 「 NEW ERA 」 new single by Rave Racers, JUBEE is now available worldwide! 🌐 Listen now and discover new sounds from Japan on our weekly updated playlist 🎧 https://spoti.fi/3lgjH73
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arcadebroke · 1 year
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ridgeracerimages · 24 days
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Daily Ridge Racer image #54
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randomfoggytiger · 1 year
tagged by @welsharcher-- whoo!
Aww, thanks for the tag @burnt-kloverfield 🥰
7 comfort films + 7 tags
X Files: Fight the Future (stealing your answer)
The Mummy (wow, this is good, too. I'll take it, too.)
Pocahontas (but the one w/ Christian Bale in 2005 until I was creeped out the actress was a minor while filming ANYWAY that was a time)
Scooby Doo and the Monster of Mexico (I'm stealing this two, wow.)
Speed Racer 2008. Spectacular fun (except for Sparky, he got the rough end of the stick during fight scenes. And some cheesy Spritle moments. But excellent overall.)
Ummm... 2005 Jane Eyre series or 1995 Pride and Prejudice... does that count? (Your pick was Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron ...did we have the same childhood? Because that was a movie in my childhood: saw it once, and snippets burrowed their way into my brain.)
Aaaaaand... either a Disney movie (classic The Little Mermaid) or Ghibli Studio's The Secret World of Arrietty
Tagging round 2 for today: @suitablyaggrieved, @dd-is-my-guiltypleasure, @baronessblixen, @scullys-scalpel, @medicaldoctordana, @mondfuchs, @cyb3rpeach, @starwalker42, @dreamingofscully, @thatfragilecapricorn30, and everyone else who wants to participate, seriously. Pheeeeeeeeeeeeeeew.
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itsfantasticac · 2 years
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Renders for Namco's Rave Racer.
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amethystsoda · 1 year
We don’t have enough people dancing shirtless to rave remixes of anime themes and getting anime projection mapped onto them lately I feel like…
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stopconlon · 1 year
hi!! i'm mars or racer and i've loved newsies for over 3 years!! i left tumblr a little bit ago but i have now returned yay!!
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jpopstreaming · 1 year
🆕 「 Explode (Remixes)」 by JUBEE, JUN INAGAWA, BAKU, Rave Racers Available for streaming worldwide!🌐 Added to our weekly playlist 🎧 https://spoti.fi/3lgjH73
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cookie-nigel-dolan · 2 years
Rave Racer (1995)  //  Jazz Mission
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domono08 · 4 months
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ridgeracerimages · 25 days
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Daily Ridge Racer image #53
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systemst91 · 1 year
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lxndonorris · 1 month
to be loved - Logan Sargeant
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Y/N x Logan Sargeant Theme: angsty fluff you're invited to a gala to honor you're achievements at work. Logan, however, is doubting himself. You show him how much you love him just for who he is x word count: 1120+ taglist: @game-set-canet thanks to @iworldlywriter for the idea! Another Logan story might be coming very soon as well. Haven't written angst in a while...
The Miami Grand Prix has culminated in a whirlwind of emotions and adrenaline. Logan, your boyfriend and talented young racer, gave his all on the track, pushing boundaries and challenging limits. However, the aftermath of it all leaves him feeling more defeated than ever. As he sits in the dimly lit living room of his home, the weight of his recent crash pressing down on him, he can't shake the lingering sense of inadequacy that gnaws at his soul.
Across the room, you sit perched on the edge of the couch, your gaze soft as you watch Logan. Then, you look down at your phone, glancing over the email you'd gotten a few days ago. 
The success of your latest book, "Echoes of Eternity," surpassed even your wildest dreams. Its poignant prose and captivating storyline captured the hearts of readers around the world, propelling it to the top of bestseller lists and earning rave reviews from critics and fans alike.
Amidst the flurry of interviews and accolades, one invitation stands out above the rest—a prestigious gala to honor your literary achievement. As you read the elegant invitation again, adorned with intricate gold foil and embossed lettering, a sense of pride and gratitude washes over you.
Still, a heavy cloud of concern lingers in your heart for Logan. The recent string of disappointments on the racetrack weigh heavily on him, casting a shadow over his spirits even amidst your own success.
"Logan," you say softly, breaking the silence that hangs between you. "I want you to come to the Gala with me."
Logan's eyes flicker with uncertainty as he meets your gaze. "I don't know, Y/N," he replies, his voice tinged with doubt. "I'm not sure I belong there."
You move closer, sitting down right beside him, and take his hand in yours. "Logan, listen. to me," you say earnestly, but he lets out a long, deep sigh.
"Y/N," he breathes, "I know what you're going to say." Logan looks at you, searching your eyes for reassurance. "But this season... I haven't lived up to the team's expectations, to my own expectations," he admits, his voice lancing with regret. "I feel like I don't deserve the seat... like, I don't deserve you."
Logan's admission cuts deep, stirring a tumult of emotions within you. The raw honesty in his words lays bare the depths of his inner turmoil, and the weight of his self-doubt feels like a heavy burden on your shoulders. 
As much as you want to reassure him and chase away the shadows that cloud his mind, you know that healing his wounded spirit will take time and patience.
Tears well in his eyes as he avoids your gaze, but you softly cup his cheek, forcing him to meet your gaze. "Logan, look at me," you say firmly. 
"You are so much more than your racing career. You're kind, compassionate, and incredibly talented. And none of that changes just because of a few bad races."
Shaking his head in disbelief, his jaw clenches with pent-up frustration. "It just feels like I can't catch a break," he admits, his voice raw with emotion. "No matter how hard I try, it's like I am stuck in this endless cycle of bad luck."
You squeeze his shoulders gently, offering silent support as he grapples with his emotions.
"I know it's tough," you say softly. "But remember, racing is just one part of who you are. You're so much more than your performance on track."
He swallows hard, a mixture of gratitude and uncertainty washing over him. "But what if I let you down as well?" he whispers, his voice barely audible. "Like I always do."
"You could never let me down," you reply, your voice unwavering. "Because being with you, sharing this journey together, is the greatest reward of all."
A few tears run down his cheek as he searches your eyes for even the slightest hint of doubt, something to fuel his belief in failure. 
"Do you really mean that?" he whispers again, his voice laced with vulnerability.
With every fiber of your being, you nod, your gaze unwavering as you meet his. "Yes, Logan," you say firmly. "I mean that with all my heart. I love you, not for being a professional racer, but because of who you are deep down inside yourself."
For a moment, silence hangs heavy in the air, the weight of your words sinking in as Logan grapples with the depth of your love. And as he wraps his arms around you, pulling you close in a tight embrace, you know he needed that.
With Logan wrapped in your arms, his vulnerability lays bare. You hold him close, a beacon of unwavering support amidst the storm of his doubts. Gently, you lift his chin, guiding his gaze to meet yours, your eyes filled with love and conviction.
"Logan," you begin, your voice soft yet resolute. "I believe in you. I believe in the strength of your spirit, the depth of your resilience, and the power of your determination. You are capable of greatness, of achieving heights beyond your wildest dreams."
A glimmer of hope flickers in his bright eyes, and his expression softens just a little. 
"What if I never live up to my potential?" His voice is barely hearable, rough, and husky. 
You brush a tender kiss against his forehead, your touch a gentle caress against the storm raging inside him.
"Every setback, every stumble, is a stepping stone on the path to greatness. And I will be here, by your side, every step of the way."
As the weight of your words sinks in, a sense of resolve settles over Logan, his shoulders straightening with newfound determination. 
"Thank you, Y/N," he murmurs, gratitude shining in his eyes. "For believing in me, even when I couldn't believe in myself."
"Always, Logan," you reply, your voice a whisper of reassurance in the night.
He leans in once more, hugging you tightly, and as you hold Logan close in a comforting embrace, you feel the tension slowly melting away from his body, replaced by a sense of peace. With a gentle smile, you pull away.
"Hey, how about we order some of your favorite takeout?" you suggest, your voice warm with affection. "And then we can snuggle up on the couch and watch that movie you've been wanting to see."
Logan's eyes light up at the suggestion, a faint smile playing at the corner of his lips. 
"That sounds perfect," he murmurs, his voice soft with gratitude. "Thank you, Y/N."
With a tender smile, you press a loving kiss to his lips, a silent promise of unwavering support and devotion.
"Anytime, Logan," you reply, your heart swelling with love. "I'm here for you, no matter what."
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best-of-yandere · 18 days
Penny for your thought?
How do you think a yandere Dick Grayson would react if he ever found out that his s/o used to be an illegal street racer as a way of earning so.e quick cash?(From personal experience street raving pays a lot. The largest I ever won was about like $17,000)
The answer to this differs slightly depending on whether you're already dating, or he has yet to approach you.
TW: surveillance, murder, yandere
Reaction when you guys are dating:
😱 <- this face, basically. Later, he'll wonder how you hid this from him for so long, sending him into a spiral trying to find the gap in his surveillance of you that allowed you to slip past him to do street racing. At the moment, though, he's panicking over how dangerous street racing is.
All the ways you could've died before he made you his, all the times you could've gotten arrested (taken from him), that you've been hanging around dangerous (to him, at least) people that could've hurt you - and this is where his delusion kicks in. Dick doesn't want to believe you'd purposely put yourself in danger, so he pins the blame on the other racers; telling himself that they forced you to race, to hide it from him, that they're trying to tear you two apart!
Since (in his mind) you're being forced to race, he arranges a bust on a night you're not there. Once the other racers are locked up, you'll be free! If this stops your racing, it'll end there, although Dick makes it his mission to prevent you from having any other secrets from him again. If you keep racing, however, he'll be forced to take drastic measures, and he'll kidnap you. In his mind, he's protecting you.
If you're not dating yet:
Also this face 😱. Because he's still in the surveillance stage of stalking you, he skips the spiraling since you weren't able to hide this from him. Instead, he skips right to forcing you to quit. Sabotaging your car so you'll come in last place, close calls with the police where they arrest all your racing friends, and you just barely get away; Dick is pulling out all the stops to get you to quit. If you keep racing, he'll be forced to do something drastic: he'll lure some lowlife criminal to the streets you're racing on, and have one of your friends crash into him, killing the criminal with you being able to see it happening.
He doesn't want to hurt you, but Dick is willing to do what (he thinks) is necessary to get you to stop such a dangerous past-time. And besides, it's not like Dick is the one who killed him, so he'd be in the clear with Batman (who also has his own darling, so he's more understanding of the family's...activities).
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norrisleclercf1 · 2 years
Carbon Copy
Pairing: Dad!Max
Request: Yes / No
Warnings: None
Synopsis: Your daughter was finally turning 7, which meant Max was finally able to get her that kart.
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Max was always meant to be a girl dad; you just knew it in your soul. When you told him you were having a baby girl, he cried. It calls it the best day of his life, 1st to winning the world championship and marrying you.
So when you gave birth, he was always there and learned everything he needed to; he loved shopping for baby clothes more than you; he even had Red Bull make a newborn rave suit a copy of his rave suit, except it had in small letters; Verstappen Girl.
You snorted with laughter hours after birth when he dressed her in it and posted the picture. Of course, fans and everyone loved it, but the guys picked on him whenever they could. Max couldn't want her to grow up, he loved his baby girl, but he tried to teach her the best thing in his life; racing.
You weren't sure about teaching her how to kart, but max promised to wait till she was at the average age; of 7 years old. To him, that was the average age, to you? Mama Bear wanted to come out whenever he brought it up.
Trust was a big thing, and you trusted Max with your life and hers, so you agreed, and he kissed you deeply before running off to look for a kart to purchase. So when Aletta’s 7th birthday rolled around, everyone was there.
Family, Friends, and even the F1 racers made time to come and wish the young Verstappen a Happy Birthday. So when it came to presents, you were sure Max would pull out a Kart and start teaching her, but gifts came and opened, and still no Kart.
You can see that Aletta is looking around for more but stops seeing Gabriel, Charles's son, and runs to him. Gabriel was two years older than Aletta and liked showing off his kart to her since he's been driving one from a younger age.
“I still don't have one yet, Gabe,” Aletta whines, making the boy smile and pat her head.
“That's okay, Etta; maybe your papa is waiting for you to be older.” The boy attempts to comfort her, but you can tell from how she hangs her head and stalks off.
With a shake of your head, you see Charles, Max, Pierre, Lando, and Checo in a small circle talking in hush voices.
“Want to explain why my baby hasn't gotten the Kart she wanted too bad, and her father promised her?” Your voice was tight, anger simmering in your veins that Max promised her something and didn't own up to it.
“Lief.” Max turns smiling but stops seeing your displeasure and stance.
“Good luck.” Checo pats his back and rushes off, the others following away from the angry wife and mother.
“Well?” You ask, and Max straightens and sighs, rubbing his neck.
“The kart was supposed to be here today, but it won't show up till later, and I want it to be a surprise.” As he explains, your anger fizzes out, and you lean up, kissing his cheek.
“Max, you need to explain it to her then; she's hurt because she thinks the kart isn't coming,” you explain and see the pained expression cross his face.
Max wanted to be the best parent to his daughter. He supported her, loved her, and ensured her thoughts and emotions were respected. So hearing that he let her down was worse than anything in the world.
“I'll be back.” He kisses your mouth and goes to find his baby girl. He knew exactly where to find her, his trophy room.
“Kleine kampioen.” He knocks on the door and makes it. Open to see her staring at his first ever world championship, the image of him kneeling next to his car, head on the wheel.
“You lied, papa.” She whispers, and Max feels his heart hurt before sitting beside her.
“Baby, I didn't lie; you are getting a kart, but it won't arrive till the end of the week.” She turns his own eyes, looking right back at him.
“Really? I'm getting one?” She stands up, her smile covering her entire face.
“Yes, Kleine kampioen, here.” Pulling his phone out, he shows her the picture of it. The squeal she lets out makes his ears pop; before he knows it, she bolts down the hallway and back outside.
“Mommy!Mommy! Mommy! I'm getting a kart!” She screams, having everyone laugh as she collides with you while jumping and running around before telling Gabriel.
The rest of the party went off without a problem, but Aletta couldn't wait for her kart and kept telling everyone who would listen. It was another week before the kart finally arrived; you didn't know until you heard laughter and the hum of an engine.
You pull on your robe and make your way to the backyard, where Gabriel, Charles, Max, and Aletta stand around your daughter's kart.
“Papa, it looks like Uncle Max’s first Red Bull.” Gabriel stares in awe at the kart, which has Charles groan at the memories of that damn car coming from behind him more times than he could count.
“Great, bring back that demon of a car, why don't you.” But Max smiles at his daughter, trying to figure it out.
You step back, letting them have their moment and see it was only 7:30 in the morning and decide to start breakfast, knowing the others were probably on their way.
“Papa.....I don't know how to drive it.” Aletta whispers overwhelmed. It was a simple one, nothing like the two adults, but Aletta had never been in one, and to anyone at seven, something new would overwhelm anyone.
“That's why im here, to teach you how to drive it.” He kneels and kisses her cheek.
“Yeah, Etta, that's why papa and I are here too! But mainly Uncle Max.” Gabriel beams but stops seeing his uncle raise an eyebrow at the boy.
“Mainly me, teaching you.” Max points out, which makes his fighter nod her head.
When she woke this morning, her papa had her dressed in a minor race suit, a copy of Max’s from his younger days.
“Here.” Max picks up a helmet, a large number 1 splashed on the back and helps her put it on.
“It's uncomfortable papa.” Aletta reaches up to take it off, but Max’s larger hands stop her small ones.
“I know it's uncomfortable, baby, but you'll get used to it. It's supposed to be tight on your head; if it weren't, Mommy would kill me.” Making his daughter laugh, she climbs into the kart and sits down. Gabriel fires it up ad drives off, and Charles follows him on his kart.
Max sits down in his and fires it up before pulling up to Aletta. “Alright, this right here is your break and gas. This button here turns it on. Now, press on the break and push the button.” Max instructs her, and she does as he says.
He couldn't see her face, but he could tell from her eyes that she was probably the happiest little girl. It took a while, but she finally got a hold of the gas and break.
Aletta was following behind her father as you watched them from the kitchen balcony; you could tell she wanted to go but couldn't, but Max was keeping a tight reign on her driving speed.
An hour passed before you stepped around the counter and onto the balcony seeing Max and Charles showing Aletta how to take care of her kart and the rules. She wasn't allowed to drive without one of them, never take the kart into the street, and don't go over a certain speed until they thought she was ready.
“Liefje, it's time for breakfast,” you call down, having the four faces look up and nod, and you see Pierre, Lando, Daniel, and the others start to arrive, and you shake your head seeing Aletta rush to Lando and showing off her kart.
They soon make their way upstairs and to the balcony as you listen and watch everyone share their memories and knowledge with the two kids at the table, even videos of their old karting days.
“I can't wait to win the F1 Championship!” Aletta yells making everyone go silent before laughing, but Max doesn't laugh.
“You can do it baby.” He smiles and kisses the top of her head.
“And we'll always support you.” You add on having Max smile and kiss you before Aletta nods but Gabriel snorts.
“You’ll have to beat me first Etta.” Gabriel yells back setting off a new round of laughs.
You couldn't wait for the future of F1.
Tags: @miniminescapist @vita-di-moda
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fastcardotmp3 · 1 year
the Indy 500 is this weekend and I can't help but think about how even if Eddie Munson was never a sports guy, there's a more than decent chance that he was destined to become something of a car guy.
grand theft auto lessons with dad on the weekends turns into genuine curiosity for learning how things work turns into helping Wayne out with the truck when it needs fixing turns into Wayne introducing him to the world of racing and the type of work that goes into building these machines for speed and speed alone and before you know it, the Munson's are driving to Speedway, IN every May to sit in the stands with sack lunches to watch Qualifications.
Eddie's the kind of kids who loves facts, loves to understand things, right? and Wayne prides himself on being a good listener, if he's not always as good with the words as the kid in his care.
They make a good duo, really, Eddie rambling with his mouth full as he tells his uncle about this car and that new racer and why that particular pit stop was just a hair too slow, practically standing for the whole thing with how many times he jumps up to his feet and Wayne listening rapt and taking it in and quietly delighting in the fact that he gets to have this at all.
It takes them a few years of this tradition, this truly sacred day that the both of them look forward to all year even if they don't say so out loud, for them to actually get their hands on tickets to the Big Race, but when they finally do, it's everything.
Eddie has just failed senior year for the second time and although the Indiana Blackout on broadcasting the race is always a bummer, it feels particularly cruel this time around that he'll have to wait to find out the results until it's over.
So, Wayne makes a miracle happen.
Talks to a guy from the plant who knows a guy who has a cousin and it's-- it's just worth everything the way Eddie lights up.
It's like his kid has been a shell of himself for weeks and suddenly he's found his way home again, ranting and raving the whole drive down, the whole way pushing through crowds at the track, the entire length of the race right up until the guy in Victory Lane is pouring milk over his head.
One shining day in May, Eddie gets to have this win, gets to have this thing that no one from that town, no one from that damn school who refuses to give him a break, can take away.
They're both sweaty from the day sitting out in 90 degree heat by the time it's over, but when Eddie drags Wayne into a tight embrace it hardly seems to matter.
A quiet thanks, Wayne has them both on the brink of tears, surrounded by drunken race-goers in that endless fucking parking lot, but it's the next part that will circle Wayne's head for the rest of his life.
It's the clap on the shoulder, the bolstered joy, the-- "Hey, next year? After I graduate? I'll take you, how about that, old man?" -- with a broad and beaming grin under the sunburnt brim of Eddie's nose that does it.
One shining day in May.
They don't get a next year, don't get any more sacred days with sack lunches in the sun.
Wayne's just glad he made a miracle happen before the clock ticked over to 1986.
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