chaneajoyyy · 2 years
@marvellovegalore (search: masterlist)
@master-of-junk (search: erik x reader)
@melaninmarvelgirl62 (search: erik killmonger x black reader)
@melo-yello (search: erik x reader)
@starbeanz (search: sarawrites)
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raynnawrites · 2 years
Slight Changes
Synopsis: When your husband starts to act different and hide his body, naturally, you worry.
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You and Erik’s shared Los Angeles home was your temple. The home you dreamt of constantly, a place where you could express your love and appreciate each other with no one to criticize or ruin your love for each other.
The home you paid off as soon as you could, the home that had been witness to your individual growth, as well as your marriage. You and Erik had been together for almost 10 years, having known each other since high school. You knew each other almost perfectly. Key word… Almost.
Your beloved home would bear witness once more to one more phase.
For the past month, your husband had become a stranger. Hiding himself from you. Erik had shown some signs about being self conscious about his body. What could have possibly given it away? His constant urge to hide his stomach behind cushions, wearing oversized clothing, barely letting you see him shirtless or in shorts, not using the pool he insisted on building.
The man had always been proud of his body, loving himself and taking care of it. He had always loved his body. He would always be shirtless or wearing wife beaters, even walking around in only boxers. Erik would sleep shirtless, eat shirtless, almost walk around naked around your home. This was completely new to you. He would barely let you touch him.
Hugs would be short, kisses were now quick pecks and hand holding had almost come to a halt. Naturally, as his wife, you worried. What could he possibly be hiding? Was something wrong? Was he in pain? Did he need something specific? Were you even right about him being self conscious about his body? Maybe this could be a new phase for him?
All of these questions, and whenever you tried to ask, as gently as you could, he would quickly shut everything down.
“Girl, no. It’s just… I don’t feel like bein’ shirtless.”
Erik would always say. And you, wanting to respect his body and wishes, stopped everything and changed the subject entirely. But a new observation had been made by you that had triggered your worry once more.
He would barely eat. His food portions were too small, his water intake was too high, his exercises too long and brutal for him. Every time he finished at the built-in gym and returned to your master bathroom, you saw how red his face was, how sweaty and exhausted he would be.
He would overwork himself.
Erik had always been athletic and had an absurdly high stamina. But he would never get this close to almost passing out. You wanted to figure out what could be wrong with your husband. You walked into the living room and saw him as he sat now.
Man spreading with a cushion over his stomach and on his phone. Wearing an oversized shirt and baggy jeans.
“Erik, baby… we need to talk.” You began softly, walking over to the sofa and sitting at a small distance. Far enough where he felt comfortable, but close enough to still be able to properly look at him. “What?” He asked you, seeing you take a deep breath and exhale. Trying your best to not seem angry or upset, you gathered your thoughts.
“Okay, Erik,” you began, “I’m worried about you.”
Your husband scoffed and offered a small smile, “why?”, he questioned.
“You’ve been distant. We barely hold hands, you don’t hug me anymore and you don’t kiss me. Whenever I wanna love you, you push me away and I would really like to know why.” You replied, seeing his eyes soften up.
“Another thing, more important than this.”
Erik’s eyes locked on yours, paying close attention.
“I’ve noticed that in the past few weeks you’ve been overwhelming yourself. With workouts, you aren’t eatin’ right, you come back from the gym exhausted and dizzy, about to pass out… I wanna know what’s goin’ on. I wanna help you. Let me help you.” You continued as Erik sighed and stood, having you follow him into your bedroom.
“Nothing’s wrong, Y/N. I’m fine. I’m just workin’ out, as usual.” Erik replied as he went to the edge of your bed.
You scoffed. “No, not as usual. Erik, you’re wearing oversized clothes, you don’t walk around shirtless, you barely touch me when we sleep and you’re always covering your stomach.” You pointed out as Erik’s face hardened. Shame and embarrassment became evident over his features.
“Erik, is something wrong? Did someone do something to you? Are you goin’ thru some shit that I just don’t know about?” You asked, sitting next to him and going to grab his hand, only to have him snatch it away from you.
Erik stayed quiet. But you noticed tears welling up. His lip quivered as he took deep, frustrated breaths.
“If I tell you, you gon’ be disgusted with me. You gon’ make fun of me.” He told you, standing and wiping away his tears, rubbing his eyes. Standing and following him, you kept your distance.
Your face contorted into confusion, surprise and even more worry. What could he possibly have to say or show?
“Erik, you know me. We’ve been married for almost 4 years, do you really think I would be that big of a bitch to make fun of you? Yeah I tease, but that’s it. Just like you tease me.” You asked him, seeing him turn to face you, tears streaming down his cheeks.
He quietly and softly took his shirt off. Instead of his “usual” body, he revealed a softer one, less muscular and toned.
His abs were replaced with a small amount of soft plump, his chest wasn’t flat, now rounder and not as chiseled, his v-line was gone and his arms were thicker, as well as his legs. His thighs were meatier. Erik dropped his head in shame and went to cover himself as you quickly grabbed his hand.
“Erik, what am I supposed to see here?” You asked him, seeing his eyes lock with yours.
“What do you mean?!” He barked, throwing his clothes across the room. You jumped at the sudden outburst.
“Look at me, Y/N! I’m fat! I’m fucking disgustin’, I look like a fucking pig!” Erik cried, wiping his cheeks roughly.
“I don’t know how the fuck this shit happened, I’ve been tryna lose the weight and I can’t! This shit just won’t go away! I can’t run without feelin’ some jiggle, I can’t even walk up the stairs without getting outta breath! I hate it! Every time I look in the mirror I see the piece of shit I turned into!” Erik continued to cry.
“I don’t know why this happened. I tried to lose weight normally, but it wouldn’t work! I’ve had to stop eatin’ and started drinkin’ a fuck ton of water because nothing works! Every damn day I go downstairs and sit on the sofa, just to look at any remedy to lose weight! This shit’s never happened to me before. Never!”
Erik kept crying in shame until he dropped to his knees. It broke your heart to see such a strong man crumble before you. Softly and slowly walking to your husband, you knelt down in front of him.
“Erik, look at me… please.” You cooed softly, cupping his face, which you noticed was the slightest bit rounder.
“You are in no way disgusting or ugly. You are not a pig! This can happen to anyone! You are human and we change all the damn time. But starvin’ yourself and almost killing yourself just so you can be skinny again ain’t it!” You told him, gently wiping away his tears.
“Listen to me Erik. If you really want to, we can get professional help. A dietitian to help us with your weight loss or even a personal trainer. There is no shame in that, whatsoever. Or you can stay like this.” You continued, seeing him calming down.
“I will always love you no matter what. You’re my husband I’mma be by your side no matter what. Unless it’s harmin’ yourself! Baby, let’s get some help. A good dietitian, a good workout plan and slowly makin’ progress.”
Erik seemed to calm down completely and held your hands. He removed them from his face to give you sad and frustrated eyes.
“I miss my body, Y/N. I know there ain’t nothin’ wrong with extra pounds but I miss my body… it’s like… I don’t recognize me anymore…” he told you, standing up. You stood along with him and stayed close.
“Then if you’re up for it, I’mma book us an appointment with a dietitian- a good dietitian and get help. But you didn’t need to hide yourself from me like that. As for the world, fuck them.”
Erik sighed and hung his head in shame.
“I just thought you wouldn’t want me. I’ve always had abs and shit. Suddenly having my body change made me think you would change too.” He explained.
You chuckled and wrapped your arms around your husband in a much needed embrace. You felt his arms wrap around you and squeeze. You squeezed just as hard, or tried to, having missed physical affection from your husband.
Erik looked down at you and placed his lips on your own, quickly deepening it. The kiss was passionate, full of love and affection. Arms wrapped around each other and not a care in the world.
Parting the kiss, you looked into his softened eyes and smiled.
“You know, I kinda like you like this too. Before you were all hard and stiff, now you’re all soft and plump… this shit’s amazing!” You laughed, getting to touch all of his body.
Your hands traveled to his chest and stomach, softly rubbing the new extra skin and went back up to his face. You noticed his cheeks rounded up too. Your bright smile never ceased.
“I really do like this new body of yours. I got a new seat for whenever I sit and ride that sexy ass face.”
Erik burst into laughter. Hearing his laugh after his sobs and rough past month was refreshing and much needed. You missed his laugh.
“Shit, girl. But for real… let’s go look for help. But yo’ ass is gon’ be at every damn appointment. Don’t you dare leave me alone.” He told you, kissing your forehead.
Smiling, you nodded and hugged your man again, “obviously. In and out of the office. I don’t want bitches with skinny men wanting to touch you. This body mine.”
Erik smirked. “Shit, Y/N… I can’t walk up a flight of stairs but I can still fuck yo’ lil’ ass so hard you won’t be able to sit for a week.”
“Really? Let’s see if it’s true,” you smirked, kissing him as deeply as you could. Your hands traveled his whole back and slowly made their way over to his ass. You gasped and stopped the kiss.
“Boy, turn around.”
“What? Why?” He asked you, thinking the worst. Thinking you changed your mind.
“You got more ass than me! What the fuck? Look at all this ass! Erik, holy shit!” You laughed, smacking and touching his cheeks.
Erik could only blush and laugh.
“Damn, I’mma miss this body. I know I said I love you no matter what, but I’mma miss this jiggle!” You smiled as you touched all of him.
Your husband only grabbed your hands and pulled you towards him. He kissed you once more and held you close to him.
“Thanks, Y/N… I think I might not lose the weight after all… I mean, yeah I gotta get new clothes and shit but… it ain’t that bad if it gets you to touch me like that.” He told you, watching your smile grow.
“I stand by you. There’s a really good boutique on Instagram where I can order clothes for you! I just gotta figure out your size.” You replied, feeling another kiss be pressed on your cheek.
“Thank you, babygirl. Thank you for lovin’ me.” He almost whispered as you kept rubbing him down. “Of course. I’ll always love you. Especially when I’mma sleep even better. Ya’ chest is my new pillow.”
“I might have to lose weight then.” Erik said as you gasped and looked at him in disbelief and anger.
He laughed, “I’m just playin’. I’mma have to learn how to love myself like this now. But you gon’ be with me every step right?”
Nodding, you picked up the thrown clothes, got under the covers of your bed and had Erik’s arm wrapped around you while you searched for the boutique. Now, while having him give his opinions on his new clothes, you could only admire your husband.
A/N: Feel free to let me know what you think! I might be writing some more “slice of life” kinda one-shots.
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dcfortunes · 4 years
Zack Snyder justice league is officialy announced as the Main CANON movie of the Dceu and Joss Whedon's justice league is reported as an alternate timeline non canon.
Do follow Dc Fortunes to get more Newsfeeds and Updates about DC COMICS.
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Hey how would the boys react to having a s/o that's Irish
I can see Raph abusing póg mo thóin.....
Notes: *goes and researches the Irish culture*Okay, I've found some gems, and I'm thinking I got it right. Sorry this took so long, Nonnie! Hope you can still enjoy it!
Synopsis: You’re Irish and the boys aren’t.
Genre: Fluff, crack 🇮🇪
Word Count: 306 (This is my shortest one yet)
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Absolutely adores your accent. Loves how cute 'Sorry!' or 'Grand!' sound.
You slag him off one time and have to then spend four hours explaining to him that it's an odd gesture of affection.
'Wanna go for a few pints?'
Learned that 'a few' means 'a few x3'
His ego refuses to let him admit you could drink him under the table.
After your first time you compliment his 'flute'
'Please!' and 'Thank you!' aren't often heard in a testosterone-filled sewer but you entered his life and so did they
Shares your love of tea, though you do often argue about brands and kinds.
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Also loves your accent
Constantly makes references to you dating Shrek, and finds it truly hilarious (you have to explain to him that Shrek is supposed to be Scottish; still finds it hilarious)
“Want another drink, tiny?” “Ah, no, I’m fine, thanks.” “Ight.”
No, Raph! You were supposed to ask again! You really wanted that drink...
Loves himself a ‘feisty little leprechaun’ as he likes to call you.
Teach him all the swear words! ‘Cunt!’ and ‘Twat!’ become things he uses daily.
You call Vern an “Eejit!” once and he is HOOKED
You tell him to stop ‘throwing shapes’ at Leo
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Giggles when you say curse words, coz he doesn’t swear, but you sure are good at it.
“How’re yeh?” Proceeds to tell you about his day. You listen patiently, and then explain that it’s just a greeting.
Leo: Donnie, what’s your 10?
Donnie: Just a sec, Leo, things went arseways!
Leo: *shook*
Ending phone calls like “Bye, bye...bye, bye, bye, bye!”
Nearly cries when you say ‘I’ll let you go!’
‘It’s just a thing we say, Donnie!’
Is always punctual so he finds you always being late a bit annoying but takes it as you being a free spirit
@go-shameless-weeb @shadow-ninjas @turtle-babe83 @tmntspidergirl @mikeyshulagirl @mysticboombox @remmushound @aurora-the-kunoichi @forerunnertracer @thecci @raynnawrites @thatonegothicgirl @samyp05
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raynnawrites · 2 years
Warnings: +21
Synopsis: Erik needs some help after a tough breakup.
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“Erik, what the fuck?” You asked him as he opened his apartment’s door, seeing how unkept and rough he looked now. A man who took care of himself better than most, now looked almost homeless.
His locs were matted and his beard was patchy and long. His eyes were red and sunken, as well. Erik looked like a completely different person, which was completely new to you.
He remained quiet as he silently allowed you to come inside his apartment. It was messy, but not completely dirty. Bottles of whiskeys and vodkas were overflowing his kitchen’s trash can and empty beer cans were scattered over his marble counters. Erik wasn’t one to drink beer.
Shoes and small pieces of clothing were also scattered around. Even his favorite hoodie was dirty and wrinkled on a chair. You looked behind you to face the sad man. Slowly walking back to him, you saw his head lift and sad eyes face you.
“Erik… what happened to you?” You asked, worried and reaching to grab his hand. Erik took a step back and shook his head.
“Nothing. It’s cool.” He obviously lied. Tears were beginning to run down his cheeks, making your own begin to blur your vision. Erik was obviously depressed. Just like he had been when he returned from Wakanda two years back.
“Hell nah it ain’t “cool”. Erik, what the fuck happened? What got you like this?” You asked again, only this time, you got a hold on his wrist. He looked away from you. His shoulders shook slightly.
With his wrist still in your hand, you forced him to look at you. You faced a crying Erik. You couldn’t help but to shed your own tears. You wanted to cry along with him. But your best friend needed you. Clearing your throat, you wiped your own tears away and held his hand.
“Erik, it’s okay if you don’t wanna tell me. But we cleanin’ up. This ain’t you. Come on, I’ll get some bags, you get the beer cans.” You told him, walking with him towards the kitchen. He walked to his counters and sighed, sniffling and wiping his eyes with the sleeves on his stained hoodie. Opening a new trash bag, you heard his sniffles.
You walked next to him.
“Come on, E. You got it, we’ve done this shit before. Remember the parties we used to have? The cleaning up part? It’s just like that…” you tried to tell him. He simply nodded and began to slowly pick up the cans and put them into the trash bag. Once you made sure he could do it on his own, you began to clean up the bottles on the floor.
When you went to close the bag, Erik was suddenly next to you.
“Let me…” he whispered in a groggy, raspy voice. You nodded and gave him the bag. As he took out the bags, you were quick to gather the dirty clothes and put them in the washer.
You grabbed your phone and began to book appointments.
When Erik came back inside, he noticed you drying the counter. He walked over to you, slowly.
“Go and shower or we gon’ be late.” You told him, seeing him look at you again.
“I booked you two appointments, hair and nails. Get in the shower. Or do you want me to go in and shower you?”
Erik only shook his head and did as told.
Now in your car with a clean Erik, you noticed he still had red eyes and that sad look on his face. You might have to take it slow, but you were going to find out who did this.
You arrived at the hair salon and got greeted by an old friend of yours.
“What’s good, babygirl!”
“Tatiana! Girl, this is your domain. Save his hair.” You spoke as she took a good look at Erik’s matted hair. She scoffed, “I’ve seen worse. Get on the chair.”
It took Tatiana and her team 4 hours to completely detoxify, wash, cut and retwist Erik’s locs. But she managed to save his hair. A barber had also taken care of Erik’s beard, as well as his eyebrows. He looked brand new.
“Holy shit… T, he looks hot again!” You praised as you marveled at Erik’s hair and beard. You could see the smallest smile tugging the corners of his mouth.
“Thank you, thank you,” she smiled, and you continued to smile and praise her work.
“You’re a fucking goddess. I just sent you the money and your tip.” You spoke as you grabbed Erik’s wrist and began to walk out.
Once in your car, driving to his nail appointment, you noticed he kept checking his hair on your mirror.
“How do you feel? You like it?” You asked, trying not to keep looking at him. He kept checking himself out.
“Yeah… I feel better…” he replied, making your heart leap. As you arrived at the nail salon, you went ahead and took a seat next to Erik. You were both getting manicures and pedicures. You left 2 hours later, you admired your new set of acrylics. His nails got filed, cleaned and a clear coat of acrylic as well.
Getting back into his apartment, he noticed everything was cleaner than before. The smell of mint and other oils filled his nostrils. The floor was shining, it was spotless.
“Did you do this..?” He asked you, pointing to his floors. You smirked and nodded.
“I got a lil’ team of housekeepers to help clean up. Everything is spotless and everything is back in its place so no, they weren’t some ghetto team, they were professionals.” You replied happily as he walked to his living room.
He did feel better. Erik felt like new, like if a massive weight was taken off of his shoulders. He could breathe again. He could only stare at you and his apartment, speechless.
You sat next to him, watching him take in his makeover.
“Y/N,” he suddenly began, “thank you… I-” he whispered, feeling his eyes begin to sting. Tears began to run down his cheeks again. Only this time, you wiped them away.
“Any time. But don’t cry… you gon’ get puffy again.” You cooed, seeing him chuckle.
“You asked me what happened… I… I broke up with her…” he finally admitted as he sighed. Your eyes widened. “What?! Erik, somethin’ else besides breaking up happened. You never get depressed over breakups. Never!”
Erik took a deep breath.
“I opened myself up to her. I let my guard down, thinkin’ she loved me like I tried to love her. She just laughed and left. I was a fucking idiot to think that I could just open myself up like that…” he explained as you grabbed his hand.
Rage and frustration filled your chest as Erik continued to tell you about his experience.
“What in the actual fuck?! And you didn’t say anything?! Erik!” You almost yelled as he nodded. “I know. Like I said… I was stupid.” He replied, his voice becoming thick.
“What? No! No, no you weren’t stupid. But she’s a whack-ass hoe for doin’ that to you! I saw how you treated her and she just ignored you and left you like that?! Hell nah!”
Erik only gently squeezed your hand. Wiping his eyes, simply gave your hand another squeeze.
“Forget about her, Y/N… she’s gone. Fuck it.” He told you.
“No! Erik, she treated you like shit and you want me to just let that go?”
“Yes. I just wanna forget her.”
You stayed quiet as Erik only held your hand and looked out his living room’s window. You raised a brow, moving closer to him.
“Maybe I could help…” you offered, voice low.
Erik turned to look at you and gave a sad smile. “I think you’ve been the only one to actually care and help me.”, he spoke, making eye contact now. You smiled.
Grabbing his face, you pressed your lips against his. Erik widened his eyes, surprised, but didn’t pull away. After his initial shock had worn out, he returned the kiss, deepening it.
He grabbed your waist and helped you get on his lap with both of your legs wrapped around him. His arms kept you close to his body. One of your hands on his chest and the other cupping his cheek.
When you pulled away, you were both left panting messes, wrapped in each other. Erik only smirked, “damn.”
You chuckled and began to dismount him. Erik knit his brows and looked at you, confused. With a smirk, you knelt in front of him and pulled at his waistband. “Want me to undress you too?”
Smirking, he nodded and watched as you unbuttoned his jeans and pulled his half hard length out. Kissing the tip, you felt Erik’s legs jump. “Don’t worry, you won’t be able to think about her after I’m done with you…” you teased as you saw him widen his legs and his eyes.
“Be my guest, babygirl… lemme see what that mouth do.” He purred, rubbing your scalp. A mischievous grin spread across your face.
Reaching down to your pocket, you pulled out your scrunchie and put your curls in a bun. Erik only smirked with anticipation as you got back to work.
“Ah shit.”
A/N: Writers block is a bitch, isn’t it?🥲
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raynnawrites · 2 years
Night Outings
Warnings: +21
Pairings: Erik x Jelani
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Finally, Friday. The week had been stressful for both Erik and Jelani.
Erik worked day and night in his brother’s Outreach Center, as well as accompanying him on a mission or two during the night. Jelani’s remaining money was becoming scarce.
She had received an unprecedented letter from the university’s administration and demanded she pay a good chunk of money in order to continue assisting class.
The thousands she had left were only 60 dollars now. She had to stop eating out and even buying convenience store snacks. She had to cut back from everything, including her meds. This week would be the last time she would be able to make a small shop from the reserve she had just for food.
Erik had been the complete opposite. He had made triple of what he usually earned. His office work and fieldwork both paid good money. It had been an amazing week for him.
Now, on a Friday night, in a nearly deserted store Jelani was making her last shopping trip. Unbeknownst to her, Erik was there as well.
She was taking a last lap around the aisles to double check she had gotten everything she could afford.
“Ms. Hayes…” Jelani heard in a deep, raspy voice behind her. Turning around, she was met with Erik’s signature smirk.
“What’s good, babygirl?” He smirked, winking and walking closer to a surprised Jelani.
“Hey… you night shop?” Jelani asked as Erik snickered, “yeah, why?”
Jelani shrugged.
“I didn’t think you were the type to go shopping at night. I thought you would be grindin’ on bitches over at V.I.P clubs.” Jelani teased as she kept walking through the aisle.
Erik smirked and followed Jelani.
“Damn, that’s what you think of me, baby?” Erik whispered in her ear, making her gasp.
Jelani blushed furiously, feeling her whole face go hot.
“N-No, I just thought that…” she stuttered, having Erik now in front of her with a mischievous grin.
“You thought what, sweetheart, mhm?” He asked again, voice low and deep. Jelani only scoffed and laughed. “Fuck you, Stevens.”
With Erik laughing behind her, Jelani finished her double check and was about to go check out. Erik noticed her near empty basket and raised a brow.
“Babygirl, that’s all you gon’ buy? Again? I mean, I ain’t judging you but…” he spoke in a hushed voice.
Jelani sighed and nodded. “Yep. It was just a last minute trip, y’know?”, she smiled softly, hoping he bought her lie. Erik only gave her a knowing glare.
“In the two years I’ve known you, I know that you can’t lie for shit. What’s wrong?” Erik asked her, seeing Jelani shaking her head.
“Nothing. We gotta hurry up, they closin’ soon.” She told Erik, walking past him. He scoffed.
“Jelani, what’s wrong… I won’t pass it around or nothin’.” Erik told her again, grabbing her arm and stopping her. She shook her head.
“I just wanna pay for my stuff and go home, Erik. Nothing’s wrong.”
Erik nodded, “okay.” Was all he said, proceeding to grab her items and dump them into his own basket. Erik kept quiet as he went through the aisles a last time, seeming to pick random items. Only to figure out they weren’t random. They were items she would usually get. Jelani stared at the man and could only follow him to the cashier.
“Erik, I can’t pay for this shit!” Jelani whispered. Erik seemed to ignore her as he gave his card and paid for the items. Walking out into his car, Jelani saw him open the trunk and throw the bag in there.
“Get in.” He told her, opening the door for her.
“What about my car?” Jelani said.
“I know for a fact you walked here.” Erik chuckled. Jelani sighed and got on. “You’re a psycho.”
Erik laughed and turned his playlist on.
He drove them to a quiet and empty hill, overlooking the city. He opened the trunk and got his own items out. Erik sat down on the open trunk and patted his side. Jelani sat down as well and took the can of soda Erik opened.
“A’ight, tell me, what’s up?” He began, lighting a joint. Jelani stayed quiet and took a sip from her drink.
“Jelani.” Erik called.
“What’s goin’ on? You never take that lil’ bit on grocery shops, you look skinnier than before, and you look beat up. What the fuck?” Erik went on as Jelani welled up with tears.
“I’m fine, Erik. I’ll try and pay you back when I can.” She whispered.
“Jelani, what’s goin’ on? You can tell me.” Erik spoke once more, sitting to face her. Jelani sighed.
“I haven’t gotten any jobs, my landlord gave me an eviction notice. He said I had until the end of the month to leave, the university sent me a letter demanding that I pay 2,000 dollars so I can keep assisting and my meds ran out. I haven’t had my meds for a month… my phone’s about to be disconnected, my bills are way overdue, I don’t even have time to clean either. I’ve been looking everywhere for a job but no one wants to hire me…” Jelani went on as she began to cry. Erik listened.
How did he not notice?
“Jelani… I didn’t know. What the fuck? Why didn’t you ask for help?” Erik asked her, putting his joint to the side. His eyes held worry and sadness.
“Oh yeah, goin’ around askin’ for money.” She chuckled, drying her tears. “Everything’s been too much lately. Way too fucking much… I really don’t know how much more I can take…”
Erik slowly made his way next to her and wrapped an arm around her. Jelani instantly clung to him and cried. Erik stayed with her. He rubbed her arm and never let her go.
“Deep breaths… breath with me, babygirl…” he cooed, helping her calm down and relax. Jelani eventually stopped crying. Erik took off his hoodie, sliding it down on his distressed friend.
She clung on. It was warm with that comforting cologne of his.
“I’mma help you. I woulda helped you sooner if you just asked.” Erik promised her. He could see the smallest smile tugging her lips.
“Erik, we aren’t even friends. Just… acquaintances?” she spoke sadly as Erik chuckled.
“You got me fucked up. You're my best friend. Who else stays up with me till 2 a.m talkin’ and fuckin’ around? Who else insults me when I look sexy as fuck? Who sends me memes at 12 a.m or randomly throughout the day? Who else helps me whenever Pop’s birthday comes up?” Erik asked her, seeing her lift her head and sniffle.
“Huh? Who does that shit? Not Marcus, not Jeremy, not my fuckin’ brother- well, that’s kind of a lie, he does kinda help me… but it’s that sometimes. You’re there for me every day. You are my best friend…” Erik kept saying as Jelani blushed and giggled at his remarks.
“I’mma help you. Tonight you stayin’ with me, and I’mma find you a job, even if I have to kill somebody.” Erik smirked, opening a can of soda as well. Jelani’s eyes widened.
“Chill, ma’, I ain’t gon’ kill nobody… unless they deserve it.” He mumbled as Jelani only shook her head and saw him dig into the bags.
“You drinkin’ soda?” Jelani asked as she smiled.
Erik nodded, “yep. I don’t wanna make you feel alone. I’mma take this cold, bubbly shit down with ya’.”
Jelani smiled and felt tears of joy stinging her eyes again. “I’mma get a damn asthma attack if I keep cryin’ like this…”
Erik raised a brow, “you got asthma?”
“Yeah. Ever since I was like… 13? if I get too agitated I kinda trigger it. It’s weird as fuck.” She replied, drying her last tears and taking a drink from her soda. Erik hummed and took a drink as well.
The two kept talking and joking around. Jelani’s humor improved and she seemed to have forgotten her sadness. 3 a.m came by and they made their way back to Erik’s place.
“By the way… I don’t have any clothes there. What am I gonna wear?” Jelani asked.
“You can wear my clothes. They gon’ be loose as hell but I’ve heard you girls like that shit so…” he replied as Jelani nodded.
“Thank you, Erik… really, for everything. Someday I’mma repay you, I promise.” Jelani spoke softly as Erik offered a rare smile, showing off his dimples and gold canines.
“Don’t trip, babygirl. I got you.” He replied, noticing her sighing and stare out the window while they went back into the city.
When they made it back, Erik got Jelani clean clothes while she showered. After they completed their night routines, they exchanged goodbyes and went to bed.
Meanwhile, another royal was awakened by his phone beeping. Groggily opening his eyes, he noticed a text from his younger brother.
“T, I know it’s early as hell, but as soon as you get up for real, call me. It’s a lil’ favor for a close friend. Important.”
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raynnawrites · 3 years
Signed Love
Pairings: Erik Killmonger x Mute/Hard of hearing Black!Reader
Warnings: fluff, cursing.
Synopsis: Erik meets you, but T’Challa refuses to let you date him. Erik takes it as a little challenge.
A/N: Just a short one-shot, nothing serious.
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“N’Jadaka, I’d like you to meet a dear friend of mine, Selene.” T’Challa introduced as you smiled and offered your hand.
“She is one of Shuri’s highest ranking engineers here and my personal assistant,” T’Challa continued proudly.
Erik shook hands in return and saw as you looked at T’Challa again. You tapped his shoulder, “I have to go back with Shuri, text me if you need anything.” You signed smoothly as you slowly began walking back down the hall.
T’Challa nodded and smiled softly, “very well.” Walking away, Erik raised a brow and followed his cousin.
“She deaf or mute?”
“She is mute and hard of hearing. She uses hearing aids.” T’Challa replied, seeing Erik look back to try and get a second glimpse of you.
“You like her?”
“Nah, but she fine as fuck. Might try an’ hit it.”
T’Challa chuckled, “yes, she is very beautiful indeed. But, I don’t think she would… involve herself with you.” he teased.
Erik snorted, “why’s that?”
“She has high standards and she is too intelligent to actually even think of you in the way you think of her.” T’Challa replied, his voice lowering and morphing into what Erik called his “King voice”.
“Respect Selene, N’Jadaka. Selene is no toy or piece of meat. She is my best friend and I will not tolerate any disrespect,” T’Challa spoke sternly, turning and facing his cousin. Erik raised a brow and a smirk began to spread.
“Just ‘cause I think she’s fine as fuck don’t mean I don’t respect her. That’s what you think of me? The fucking nerve, T’Challa.” Erik teased as he chuckled. T’Challa kept his stance.
“Fuck off, I won’t do anything to her.”
“You better. Now, here is your paperwork, make sure you submit these forms today. The Outreach Center work cannot be piled up.”
Erik got to work as his smirk never left. He looked forward to seeing you again.
Hours later, the sun was shining down on the Wakandan Kingdom as brightly as ever, making Erik wish he was still younger. On days like these he would be out and enjoying the day.
Having already sorted out the papers with their respective groups, his headache began to grow. Numbers wouldn’t add up, Tables missing from reports, economic activity would be questionable and his attempts on sorting out disputes with Elders was wearing down his and T’Challa’s patience. Mainly his, which was something he was trying to amplify as much as possible.
Slouching on his seat, Erik rubbed his eyes and groaned.
A blink from his beads gave him a short lived distraction from the digital chaos of his desk. He smirked and perked up. It was you.
Erik opened his door and tried to seem as busy as possible. Upon your entering, he looked at you and your curves.
“T’Challa requested confirmations about the new talon models and the new train system updates.” You signed as you placed down a folder on his desk, along with a pen.
“I’m ‘bout to send ‘em to him.” He spoke as he opened your folder and signed the necessary documents. Upon returning the items, Erik raised a brow.
“Wanna go out sometime? I could give you a tour of the palace.” Erik signed with a smug look to him. Proud he got a reaction out of you. You raised your brows.
“T’Challa already gave me a private tour of the palace. And you are far too busy to be thinking of me when your screen is about to blow with unfinished work. Thank you but no thank you, your highness.” You replied, smirking and walking out leaving Erik to his thoughts.
The royal only took this a slight challenge.
As night settled on the kingdom, Erik had finished his work and was currently relaxing in his room with his music on.
You were currently with T’Challa in his apartments as you usually were.
The King had offered you dinner and a possible movie night. Now dressed in comfortable clothes, joining him in his kitchen, your mind couldn’t help but to wander to Erik. T’Challa took notice of your lack of communication as he spoke and smirked.
“Selene!” He growled, seeing you jump and look at him, cluelessly.
“Selene, please do not tell me you have fallen for N’Jadaka.” He groaned as he sat next to you. You chuckled and sighed.
“I haven’t. But he seems interesting. He even signed a date offer.”
The monarch snorted, “Did you accept?” he asked you, curiosity and worry in his tone.
“No, I didn’t. But I might tease him. You can tell he has absolutely no patience. He’s fun to bother.”
“You are correct! But what did he tell you?” T’Challa asked as he poured your drink. You laughed and raised a brow.
“What? It is only for your protection…” T’Challa chuckled as he awaited your response. You playfully rolled your eyes and sighed.
“He offered to take me out sometime. He also offered to give me a tour of the palace.”
T’Challa raised both brows as he drank.
“I told him that you already gave me a private tour once and that he was far too busy to think of me.”
The King laughed and shook his head. “You have not lost your senses and for that I am grateful. Do what you want, but please, if anything happens, let me know right away.” He spoke, his demeanor changing.
“T’Challa, I’m a grown-ass woman.”
“I know that, Selene, but… N’Jadaka has a reputation with women you know I don’t like. It terrifies me that he hurts you or does something only he would do.” T’Challa replied once more, placing a hand on your own.
Sighing and smiling, you rested your head on his shoulder.
The King would always seek to protect you from everyone and everything, often forgetting you weren’t a helpless child. You deeply appreciated and thanked him for being such a good friend, but it saddened you.
“I’m starting to think you don’t think I’m capable of protecting myself.” You argued.
T’Challa gasped, “oh no! No, I-I didn’t mean it like that! It’s just… I only want you safe and with someone who can actually make you happy. I care about you, Selene. You know Erik hit his head as a child.”
You smiled at his slight confession, but smirked. “You hit your head too and here you are.”
“Don’t make me tell M’Baku you had a crush on him.”
“With all due respect, fuck you, your highness.”
T’Challa laughed loudly and shook his head.
“You seem to have a message…” he told you, raising a single brow. You huffed.
It was Erik.
“I really would like to know you better sometime. You seem like an interesting woman. I really could take you somewhere nice sometime if you gave me a chance. Just let me know, anytime you like.”
You read as you chuckled softly.
“I might just give him a chance.”
T’Challa sighed, “very well. Just take the taser Shuri upgraded. You will take a squadron of Dora and Royal Guard.”
You smacked T’Challa’s arm and shook your head at his antics.
Meanwhile, Erik was in his room anxiously waiting for your response.
“Okay. One date.” You replied.
Erik felt his face heat up.
“Cool. Let me know any day you got time.”
“Tomorrow after 3 p.m.” you responded, having T’Challa looking over your shoulder.
“Pick you up at 6?” He sent back.
“Perfect. Make sure T’Challa doesn’t see you.”
Erik could only smile and start to browse any restaurants you might like as he texted T’Challa.
“She agreed to a date. Fucking help.”
T’Challa looked at you and laughed.
“Be prepared for a nervous man.”
“I’ll be prepared for you and your squadron.”
A/N: I’m very slowly coming back to writing. Thank all of you for your patience and support, truly. I will also be posting my masterlist as well!
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raynnawrites · 2 years
Soul’s Choice
Synopsis: What if your soulmate, the love of your life, and with whom you’re meant to be and live by, happens to be your best friend’s wife?
Warnings: +21
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“How do you feel, my love?” The Queen’s loving husband asked as she gave a tired smile and felt him press a hand to her cheek, cupping it gently.
“I’m fine. I’m just tired. These elders keep pissin’ me off and I’m not in the mood for any games today.” She replied with a groan and a huff, sinking further into their couch.
Chuckling, T’Challa wrapped his arms around his wife and held her.
“How about you take today off? Let me handle everything today. I might be able to help and actually catch N’Jadaka’s landing.” T’Challa offered as Layana groaned and gasped.
“Fuck… I forgot he gets here today. This morning I think it was… I’ll meet him during lunch.” She replied as T’Challa kissed her hand.
“Of course. Do not worry about a thing. Rest.”
“I will.” Layana replied, sighing and standing, walking to their shared master bedroom. T’Challa walked behind her and helped her undress.
“Let me draw you a bath. You’ll feel much better.” T’Challa offered, kissing his wife’s bare shoulders. Layana smirked and teased her husband.
“I know something else that might make me feel much better…” she whispered as she turned and kissed T’Challa’s lips deeply and passionately. The King’s hands traveled from her behind to her back, up to her face. He cupped her cheeks, gently and kissed her forehead.
“I love you. I will inform the staff so that no one bothers you. Please, try and stay away from work.”
“I will. I love you too, T’Challa. Thank you…” Layana replied with a grateful smile. T’Challa returned the smile and pressed a final kiss to his wife’s lips.
“Anything for you, my Queen.”
While an exhausted Queen bathed and lounged in the apartment, T’Challa went out and walked to the front of the palace, where his best friend’s talon was landing. Okoye and Shuri flanked him and the Royal Guard stood on the left side of the line they formed and Dora Milaje on the right. Heads high.
As the jet’s door opened, T’Challa began to smirk. N’Jadaka walked out and towards him with a smug yet cool face. Once he reached T’Challa, he greeted him with their handshake.
“What’s good, T? Where’s ya’ wife?” He asked.
“She is not feeling well. She is in our apartment resting, but she will join us for lunch.” T’Challa replied with a small smile.
N’Jadaka only shrugged it off and walked in with T’Challa.
“You still look scruffy, Erik. Try getting a haircut.” Shuri teased as Erik only smacked her away.
“I look cute as fuck. Bitches love my scruffy self.” He replied as Shuri only rolled her eyes, “I’ve got your new suit ready.”
Erik smirked, “can't wait.”
T’Challa led the way to Erik’s apartment within the Royal Wing of the palace and helped him settle in. His bags were put away, his clothes properly folded and hanged.
“You are much cleaner now.” T’Challa teased as Erik scoffed, “I had to grow up at some damn point.”
As Erik zipped up his last bag and placed it on the top shelf of his closet, T’Challa spoke from behind him in a softer tone.
“Today, there will be lunch and a dinner between us to welcome you. Please, try not to miss it. We have all missed you and now that you are back, we have the family together.”
Erik chuckled.
“It’s weird. Being welcomed with open arms by the same people that yelled at me growin’ up.” He spoke, closing his closet’s door and turning to face T’Challa with his arms crossed.
“You mean the people that yelled at us.” T’Challa smiled, “you seem to forget that we got in trouble together for everything.”
Erik scoffed once more, “yeah right. The only difference was that Daddy came to your rescue and mine had to be shamed.”
T’Challa’s smile went away quickly and was replaced by an apologetic one. Looking down at the marble floors, they remained quiet. T’Challa’s younger self always felt guilt and sadness for his best friend, but what could a small Prince do? He wouldn’t dare to open his mouth, and when he did, no one would listen.
“I apologize, Erik…”
Erik sighed.
“Nah. I’m the one that’s sorry… I shouldn’t have brought old shit up. I know you tryna do right.” He spoke as he offered his hand to T’Challa, who shook it.
“Thank you. Apology accepted.” T’Challa’s smile returned, “I have to go attend a meeting with the council. You are free to join if you’d like,” he offered as Erik shook his head. “Nah. I’mma chill here.”
“Very well.”
Erik showered and changed, walking out into the hallways of the large palace he once again could call home. The familiar paintings, the new decorations and the new guards all brought nostalgia and sadness over him. Even if he did get in a lot of trouble with T’Challa, he missed being a kid.
His thoughts were quickly interrupted by someone bumping into his chest. Erik looked down and saw a woman.
“I’m sorry! I wasn’t looking where I was… going…”.
Erik’s breath was taken away. This woman’s face was familiar. He had never seen her or met her before, but he felt as if she had been part of him for his entire life. He could only stare at this woman who stared back at him with furrowed brows, trying to figure out where they might know each other from.
To try and figure out why they felt such a strong bond between them and why they felt such a strong sudden overwhelming feeling of love and affection. It was incredible, but it was also utterly confusing and strange.
Erik’s collarbone suddenly began to feel a little warm. Almost as if warm water was being poured on that very spot. It was comforting. Almost if a hand rubbed an ache away. But his mind’s thoughts made his heart drop.
“Are you okay? Did I hurt you? I’m so sorry, I swear I didn’t mean to.” The woman spoke again as her collarbone also felt that comforting warmth.
“Nah, you didn’t hurt me… You feel that too?” Erik asked as the woman nodded and carefully revealed her collarbone. The area of her collarbone was almost flawless, until it wasn’t. It had a mark, a patch, half a shade lighter than the rest of her body.
Erik copied the action. Within his keloids, the exact same patch rested on the same place. Right on the collarbone.
“No fucking way.” Erik thought.
The woman’s eyes went wide.
“How…?” She whispered.
“I don’t know… are you… my soulmate?” Erik asked.
“I-I think so.”
Erik’s heart beat increased, his head began to spin.
The woman carefully approached the man, further examining the mark. There was no denying. They were identical marks, with no flaws.
“This can’t be… it can’t.” The woman whimpered, her eyes beginning to tear up. Erik gave her a worried and puzzled look.
“I’m just as lost as you… who are you?”
“Ah! N’Jadaka, I see you have met my wife.” T’Challa spoke happily as he grabbed his wife’s hand and pulled her closer to him. It took all of their willpower not to gasp. Erik felt his heart sink, and Layana quickly dried her teary eyes.
“N’Jadaka, I’d like you to meet my wife, Layana.” T’Challa spoke once more as Layana shook Erik’s extended hand.
They were both trying their hardest not to cause any suspicion, but after the revelation it proved to be a challenge.
“My love, this is my best friend, the one I was telling you about.”
“The one who always opened the rhino cages?” She joked, trying to change the awkward mood. T’Challa chuckled, completely unaware of the tension between his cousin and wife.
“Yeah… that’s me.” Erik replied, his hands inside his hoodie’s pocket. Layana could only hope this was a misunderstanding.
She was a happily married woman to a loving, caring, doting husband. The husband who made her the Queen of the best nation on Earth, giving her anything she could ever ask for. T’Challa was her soulmate, not Erik. It couldn’t be.
The feeling on her mark said otherwise.
“So, will you be joining us for lunch?” T’Challa asked as he grabbed Layana’s hand and began to walk toward the dining room. Erik took a deep breath and recomposed himself.
“Yeah. Right behind y’all.” He replied, walking with T’Challa and his wife. The King smiled brightly, having his best friend back.
The Queen however, was fighting a mental battle. How could this be possible?
She loved T’Challa. T’Challa gave her everything she could ask for. He was incredible…
But when she saw Erik and the slight touch of their handshake made it feel as if they had known each other for years.
Erik’s heart started to yearn for Layana. The more T’Challa pulled his wife closer, the more he felt his heart sink.
A/N: I’m testing the waters with this one. Please, let me know what you think!
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raynnawrites · 2 years
Soul’s Choice °3
Chapters: °1 | °2
Synopsis: What if your soulmate, the love of your life, and with whom you’re meant to be and live by, happens to be your best friend’s wife?
Warnings: +21
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A week had gone by smoothly. Erik behind closed doors was loving, gentle and caring to Layana, as she was caring and doting to him.
T’Challa’s love and marriage to her weighed heavy on her chest. She knew this was wrong, they both did. But Erik was her “real” love. He was her soulmate. They were meant to be by this bond.
The two got to know each other better and started to grow a genuine fondness for each other. Erik made sure Layana was comfortable and made sure the coast was clear.
But the same questions would always be asked by Layana.
“What if T’Challa finds out?”
“What are we going to do about T’Challa?”
Layana went over to the stove and Erik trailed behind her with a mischievous grin. He began to kiss his soulmate’s neck. Layana gasped at the sudden touches. Erik smirked.
Layana held his hands over her waist in place as she moved her head to the side for better access. Erik kept kissing and going from her pulse to her shoulder. He moved his larger hands up to cup her breasts and knead them. Layana moaned softly and lowly.
While one of his hands then went up her shirt and bra to fondle with her breast, another one slid down, slithering under her underwear, coming in contact with her wet slit.
She gasped and mewled.
His fingers went lower until he was able to properly press against her clit.
Starting to move in teasing light circles, Erik kept kissing her and pinching her nipple as he basked in the sounds of his love.
“More…” Layana whispered, breathlessly as she tried to hold on to the counter. Erik obliged and applied more pressure as Layana’s moans grew. She could feel his manhood pressing from behind. She pressed her behind against it, earning a grunt.
“Mmm, let’s go to the bed. Lemme take ya’ mind off of this shit” Erik whispered. Going over to their bedroom, Layana laid on their king sized bed, taking her pants and underwear off, followed by Erik, who took his shirt off. Laying on top of her, he crashed her lips down to hers and began a deep, bruising kiss.
Erik’s hands got back to work as he began to rub her clit vigorously.
“Mm! Fuck! Please… more.” Layana moaned as she took off her shirt. Erik, with hooded eyes, nodded. His fingers entered her wet, tight heat, earning a loud moan and a whimper.
The heat of her body and pressure on her stomach began to increase. He pumped faster and faster, making her climax grow closer with every pump.
“Ooh fuck!” Layana moaned.
“Cum for me. Cum for me… I wanna see you cum on my fingers, babygirl, let me see you cum” Erik spoke. Layana nodded, arching her back off of the bed and felt herself at the tip of the iceberg. She was about to cum. It would be intense. Her breathing increased and moans grew louder and louder.
“Cum for me, Layana. I wanna taste you. Let me taste you. Lemme taste that sweet pussy.”
She was so close. That pressure and heat about to explode.
Opening her eyes, she woke up to an empty bed and wetness coating her inner thighs. She shivered and reached down to her throbbing heat. She took deep breaths to try and calm herself down from the erotic dream.
Embarrassed and panting, she stood and went to the bathroom, only to see a note on the mirror.
“I have a busy day today. There is food on the counter. I will see you at dinner. I love you.
Feeling the guilt in her chest, she couldn’t shake off the feeling from the dream. She shivered once again and felt her face warm up. Grabbing the note and settling it on the counter, she slid down to her wet slit and reached her clit. She began to rub in circles.
Rubbing harder now, she moaned and looked at herself in the mirror. Her curls over her shoulders, eyes low and dark with lust, biting her lip.
Walking back to bed, she laid down and began to rub her clit once more. Only this time she brought her legs up, with her other hand she reached around her leg and began to pump two fingers inside her.
“Oh fuck…” she moaned, throwing her head back as the pleasure began to grow into that warm pressure.
Her mind wandered off to Erik. How he kissed her the week before and how good he made her feel with only light touches. How he expressed that affection for her.
“Fuck! Erik! I’m gonna cum for you!” She whispered as she pumped harder and rubbed her clit faster. With her pleasure at its peak, she finally exploded and her orgasm ripped through her. Her fingers pumped even faster and harder into her entrance as she began to convulse.
Her orgasm continued and a clear stream poured from her, wetting the sheets below her. After intense contractions and convulsions, Layana managed to calm down and catch her breath.
Shuddering, she looked at the mess she made. A wet spot on the bed, her fingers coated with her clear, glistening fluids, breasts out.
After cleaning up and making sure to leave everything in its place, she got ready for the day and walked out into the busy halls of the palace. Opening the breakfast T’Challa left her, she shut herself in her office and began to work.
Sorting through numbers, sending T’Challa messages from the War Dogs, updating lists, managing a fair amount of numbers and important data, as well as checking in with the staff around the palace and with Shuri’s updates around the kingdom.
It was a fairly busy day for her as well. She never had this amount of work to do.
Noticing a blinking light from her beads, she clicked and opened her office’s door. It revealed Erik, who held a small stack of paperwork. Layana sighed, guessing it was more paperwork.
“Hey…” Erik greeted, hoping to at least cheer up the busy queen.
Layana took her glasses off and rubbed her eyes.
“I got some reports for you… but I’m guessin’ you don’t know it’s midday.” He began as he walked towards her glass desk and placed the paper in front of her.
Layana looked up at him with tired eyes.
“Thanks… it’s not midday. It can’t be,” she spoke, looking at the time. She raised her brows as Erik, as bold as ever, grabbed her hand, slightly startling her. Layana looked up.
“Have lunch with me. That way you can relax and… maybe I could help you with some work.” Erik offered, rubbing her knuckles. Sighing, Layana nodded, “fine. But I have one hour.”
Erik walked with her towards his office, where Layana burst laughing.
“You got a whole-ass table here. How is this allowed?”
“It ain’t. But I don’t give a fuck, and besides, it ain’t bothering nobody.” Erik shrugged as he clicked on his own Kimoyo beads. The door opened and a staff member smiled and saluted, “my Queen!”.
“Rhea! Enkosi,” Layana smiled as she saluted in return. Erik got the small cart inside his office and Layana waved her goodbye.
“You know her?” Erik asked, uncovering their food.
“Yeah. She was my first server here. She’s nice…” Layana replied as she took a seat and Erik passed her a plate.
“You remember last week?”, Erik asked as Layana nodded.
“Then let me take you out on a date. We can lie and say it we checkin’ on something.” Erik said as a smirk appeared. Layana smiled softly.
“We can’t… T’Challa’s gonna have guards and Dora Milaje with me. I’m your soulmate but I’m still the Queen.” She spoke softly, holding his hand over the table.
“I can lie to him.”
Layana laughed. “You can’t lie to T’Challa.”
“We’ve come this far haven’t we?”
“Not a bad soulmate, Erik. Not bad at all.” She spoke, seeing Erik smirk.
“I know. You lucky as fuck.” Erik replied, making Layana laugh.
After they ate and chatted for the remainder of the hour, Layana thanked him and helped to clean up. She stood and walked to the door. Erik suddenly held her hand and pulled her towards him. Layana looked at him, confused. He pressed their lips together.
Erik’s hands traveled to her face and cupped her cheeks, deepening the kiss. Layana hummed and returned the kiss.
The energy of the room suddenly changed into heavy and hot. As did their kiss. It was no longer gentle and sweet. It was a deep, hot and passionate one.
Erik hooked Layana’s legs up to his waist, as they did when they shared their first kiss. He laid her on his desk and began to kiss her neck and chest. Erik then placed the most gentle and soft kiss to her patch. Layana gasped.
“Can I…?” He asked, taking Layana by surprise.
“N-No, not here… we’ll get caught.” She replied. Erik nodded, but Layana then went to the side of his office and placed her beads on a light switch on the wall. It revealed a door. Erik raised his brows, impressed.
“Damn, babygirl. I didn’t know this shit.”
“It connects to the bedrooms. Ramonda taught me.” She replied, Erik walking behind her. Arriving at Erik’s bedroom, he resumed his kisses.
“Do you feel comfortable?” He asked, seeing her nod.
“Are you?”
Erik gave a small smile and kissed her forehead before going back to her lips. Taking her to his large bed, he laid her on her back once more, slowly beginning to grind on her, giving friction. It earned a low, soft moan.
Already she was wet and throbbing, the dream replaying in her mind. After making sure to lock the door and activate the sound barrier, Erik slid her clothes off with ease, leaving her naked before him. He followed and discarded his clothes as well.
Both exposed, Erik kissed from her lips to her inner thighs, taking things slow and steady. Going back up, he placed her legs over his back and faced his next meal. He placed a soft kiss at first, but afterwards delivered a long, broad lick to her glistening folds.
He groaned. “Fuck, babygirl… you taste good as fuck…”, he chuckled, going back and starting to suck on her throbbing clit. Layana’s breath deepened and moans began.
His mouth worked wonders as Layana’s fingers held on to his locs for dear life, feeling her orgasm begin to approach. His arms stayed wrapped around her thick thighs as he ate her out. He groaned and hummed in satisfaction.
Layana kept panting and moaning his name in pleasure, starting to arch her back. The knot in the pit of her stomach began to tighten and so did her grip on Erik’s locs. He groaned again.
“Oh fuck, Erik! I’m gonna cum! I’m cumming!” Layana moaned as she finally felt her orgasm wash over her, making her legs shake.
Chanting profanities and squeezing Erik’s head in between her thighs added to the pleasure.
Once she was able to calm down, she groaned, looking down and made eye contact with Erik.
“Fuck… stop, I can’t…” she panted, seeing him wink. He stopped, delivering a last lick to her sensitive clit and chuckled.
“You taste good as fuck… you good tho?” He asked, rubbing her thigh. Layana, panting, nodded and laid down completely.
“Nah, babygirl… I ain’t done with you yet…” Erik spoke slowly, hearing Layana’s whimper. He kissed her lips again, allowing her to taste herself as she moaned into the kiss.
“Wait…” she spoke, breaking the kiss and looking at his throbbing manhood. He chuckled.
“Another time, babygirl… it’s about you now.” Erik would never turn down oral, but he wanted to please his soulmate now. His focus was on her.
He settled between her legs as he kissed her again. Erik grabbed his shaft and slid his tip up and down her soaked folds, using her wetness to lubricate himself. He shivered as Layana whimpered.
Up and down, he felt it all. He was already leaking precum. Breaking the kiss, he looked into Layana’s eyes and sighed, “you okay with this?” He asked.
Layana offered a comforting smile, “yeah…”, she nodded. Erik only felt his heart swell and kissed her again. He slowly and softly lined himself up with her entrance and softly sank into her warmth.
Moaning and groaning, Erik kept sliding in until he had completely hidden his girth up to the hilt. He waited a few seconds, wanting Layana to fully accommodate him.
“It’s okay… you can move…” she said breathlessly. Erik nodded and slowly began to move. Layana’s head fell back as she moaned, closing her eyes tightly and holding on to Erik.
Erik became a panting, moaning mess. His hips stuttered as he began to slightly speed up. The pleasure was overwhelming for them both. It was heavenly. He continued to move, hooking her legs around his waist.
As the soulmates finished their first night of intimacy, they laid in bed wrapped in each other, their legs tangled together under the sheets.
Erik held Layana close as he kissed her cheek and whispered sweet nothings into her ear.
He was making sure she wasn’t hurt.
“Erik… we have to get going… I just know people know I’m not in my office.” Layana suddenly spoke, going to get out of bed. Erik stopped her, holding her in place. He kissed her bare shoulder.
“Don’t trip, babe. You good. I let Okoye know you were gonna give me a briefing on the new updates around the tribes.” He replied, hearing her chuckle.
“Then I have time to shower.”
“You mean time for us to shower…”
Layana smirked, “if you bruise me, T’Challa’s gonna know.”
Erik laughed, “I know. Go ahead… lemme get you a towel.”
Once Layana and Erik finished their shower and Erik kissed her a last time, they walked back into Layana’s office by the secret passage. They arrived and saw everything was normal. No one had gone inside either.
“I guess I’mma see you later?” Erik asked, seeing as Layana reached his hand, rubbing his knuckles. She nodded, “you will.”
Walking over to T’Challa’s office to deliver his stack of paperwork, the King smirked. Layana only stared back at him with a confused glare.
“Did you have fun without me?” He suddenly asked, making her heartbeat increase.
T’Challa stood from his desk and walked over to his wife, smirking. Layana could only stand still and await his next words with her heart practically jumping out her chest.
“You were drinking… again.”
Layana sighed with relief.
“What?” T’Challa questioned, holding her hand.
“I thought you were angry or something… fuck. Besides, it was just a sip of that a new whiskey.” Layana replied, accepting the hug from her husband. He chuckled.
“Are you done for the day?” T’Challa asked, Layana shook her head, looking at his chest, placing a hand over his heart. Light, slow waves of guilt began to wash over her, but she didn’t regret it just yet.
“Then come here. Work here with me here. I do not want you to be so lonesome. Send me the data and come here… with me.” T’Challa asked softly, grabbing both her hands and kissing her knuckles. Layana nodded as T’Challa kissed her forehead, softly and lovingly.
Walking out of his office, she felt her guilt fully settle. The sex with Erik was euphoric. She felt truly loved and she felt right, in the arms of the right man.
But T’Challa’s loving and caring ways still tugged at her heartstrings. He was sweet. Erik was as well, but T’Challa… confusion and sadness plagued her mind, enough to make her zone out.
“Oh shit.” Layana cursed, falling down and shaking her head, looking up at whatever made her fall down.
The Chief of the Jabari Tribe stood before her with an amused smile.
“Queen Layana! How good to see you again on such a fine day…” he spoke as a smirk began to take the smile’s place. He offered a hand as the woman took it and stood.
“Hello, Chief M’Baku… I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to bump into you like that. I wasn’t looking where I was going.” She apologized, offering a tired smile. The Chief crossed his arms.
“Why so formal? Don’t tell me that pathetic cat has told you something.” M’Baku spoke. Layana chuckled.
“No, he didn’t say anything. Did he say something to you? You don’t sound like yourself…” Layana replied, walking with him. M’Baku scoffed.
“No. But you seem to forget women to me mean more than men. And you do seem bothered…” he replied as Layana sighed, “I’m not bothered… but I am tired, and busy. Today’s been hectic.”
M’Baku hummed.
“What are you doing here M’Baku? Did you come for a meeting, pleasure or?” Layana suddenly asked.
“No. I came because your tiny husband asked for a meeting with me. He only said it was regarding our tribe’s peace.” He replied as Layana nodded.
They walked over to T’Challa’s office where he was still sitting on his desk working.
“Chief M’Baku! You are early.” T’Challa teased as the chieftain sighed.
“Let’s get this over with. This heat is no joke.”
Layana laughed and smiled, “I’m going over to the gazebo then. I’ll finish my work there.”
“Of course, love.”
“No, don’t leave me with him. You are much better on the eyes.” M’Baku begged, earning another laugh from the Queen. As the door closed, T’Challa’s facial expressions changed into seriousness.
“Stop flirting with my wife, M’Baku. She is not some piece of meat you can drool all over.” T’Challa spoke sternly as he sat on his desk. M’Baku scoffed, “or what?”, he asked teasingly.
“I will eliminate any type of peace between us and cut the trades. Stay away from my Queen, M’Baku. Nothing gets between us.” T’Challa threatened. His eyes bore a hole in between M’Baku’s eyes. He laughed.
“Calm down, man. I would never disrespect you like that. You know I respect Layana. You have my word.” M’Baku then spoke, his tone softened. No longer in his amused tone.
T’Challa sighed and softened his expressions as well. “Good. Now, I wanted to discuss the medical issues.”
Meanwhile, Erik, who walked in front of T’Challa’s office, had listened to the threat from outside of the door. He only scoffed and texted Layana, wanting her company.
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raynnawrites · 3 years
Warnings: +18
Synopsis: Getting stuck between royals is fun. Until actual feelings get involved.
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The fresh, warm Wakandan breeze blew softly against your face, giving you flashes of nostalgia. The tribes hadn’t changed much over the last few years. The only changes were the technological advances their genius Princess Shuri offered almost monthly.
Smiling, you made your way down to the halls where you would find the Queen Mother Ramonda, who embraced you with a gentle and sweet smile.
“We have missed you terribly, Bianca. It is truly good to have you back with us.” She spoke, holding your hands and keeping her smile.
“Thank you, Queen Mother… I missed this place. More than I should’ve.” You replied.
Now walking slowly towards the dining rooms, Ramonda interlocked arms with you, keeping the same pace and enjoying the calm of the morning. The sun was still soft, the grass was still humid from the night’s chill and birds could be heard along the halls. Staff members would walk around and tidying up anything possibly out of sorts to keep the palace looking clean and neat.
The lights would turn off as the vibranium glass allowed a good amount of natural light to come in and give the best lighting. The skies were clear and clouds were nowhere in sight.
Nearing the dining room, the doors were opened by the Wakandan Royal Guard and closed again. Taking your seat next to Ramonda, who sat next to the head of the table, coffee was brought out.
“Now that we have some time to ourselves, keep telling me about your life in America! Yesterday I could hardly speak without one of the “boys” interfering and taking you away,” Ramonda began as she took a sip from her coffee. You smiled.
“I was just saying I almost got a job at the animating studio I liked. But it fell through,” you spoke softly as Ramonda widened her eyes.
“But you said they were short staffed! How can that be? You are wonderful at what you do!” Ramonda stated, outraged. You couldn’t help but to stifle a smile.
“It’s okay, sh- things like that happen all the time. But I did get into another studio a block from the first one. It’s actually a lil’ better too,” you replied, easing Ramonda’s outrage. Her smile returned and relief washed over you.
“Ah, glory to Bast, dearest! I am happy you found a good opportunity. I hope to get the honor of seeing some of your works as well… they say they are truly remarkable.”
“I showed you one before.”
“Yes, but that was almost three years ago!” Ramonda replied, taking another drink.
“Good morning, Mother! Good morning, Bianca!” Shuri suddenly spoke as she entered the dining room and took her seat next to where Erik would sit.
“Hey, Shuri! Did you get the instructions I sent you?” You spoke as the Princess nodded with pride.
“I must say, I am impressed! And that never happens, not even when my brother got crowned.” Shuri replied as she grabbed the fresh orange juice pitcher from the center of the table, pouring it into her cup.
“So you are making inventor moves now?” Ramonda asked, surprised. “Yes she does, Mother!” Shuri spoke with pride once more.
“Good morning, my family! How have your mornings been?” T’Challa spoke happily as he entered the dining room and took his seat at the head of the table.
“Calm, which is unusual,” Ramonda replied as the food was beginning to be brought. Warm and fresh smells filled the room as the chefs placed the plates at the center of the table.
The breakfast was all fresh, steam still coming off of the food.
“How about you, Bia?” T’Challa asked, seeing you unusually quiet. “Calm. I was with your mother walking through the halls,” you replied as your friend hummed.
Time went on and so did the jokes and conversations, as well as the food. You were already on your second plate, as well as Shuri.
“My son, where is N’Jadaka? He is usually here at this time” Ramonda asked T’Challa, seeing him wipe his mouth.
“He has what Americans call a “hangover”, Mother. He will arrive shortly. He tends to get up at this time.” The King replied as he continued his meal. Ramonda could only shake her head and keep eating.
The doors suddenly opened.
“Good morning, N’Jadaka. How nice of you to join us.” Ramonda commented as Erik sat next to the head of the table and Shuri. He had slight red eyes. He began to take food into his plate.
“Sorry, Auntie. I got caught up in the fun…” Erik smirked as he winked at you. You shook your head and kept eating.
Time went by yet again and the food was almost all gone.
“So, what’s for today?” Erik asked, taking a big bite. You actually feared he would choke.
T’Challa sighed, “well, the usual morning reports, the check-ups on the barrier, maintenance on the vibranium train and… I am guessing the usual discussions. There is not much going on today and I thank Bast and Sekhmet for that,” he spoke as he took a last sip of his coffee.
Erik laid back on his chair and hissed “yes!”.
“Well then, I enjoyed the breakfast, but I am afraid it is now time for me to attend my first meeting of the day. Bia, you are free to join us if you like,” T’Challa spoke as he stood from his chair.
“Really? I can join?” You asked as Erik and Ramonda stood.
“Hell yeah, babygirl. You can sit next to me,” Erik teased as he winked at you again. Shuri rolled her eyes in disgust as she left the dining room.
Now walking towards the throne room, Erik placed an arm around your shoulders and got a glare from T’Challa. The doors were once again opened for them.
“Bia, you sit next to me,” T’Challa spoke as he sat on his throne. Erik raised a brow.
“What? You don’t deem me worthy of having her next to me?” Erik asked, feigning offense, “that’s racist.”
T’Challa rolled his eyes and smirked, “no, never that. I forgot you got dramatic and emotional after hangovers.” You laughed at T’Challa’s response and sat next to him.
The meeting ended sooner than you thought, leaving you more time to go down to the city.
“So, where you goin’ babygirl?” Erik asked you as he caught up to you.
“Down to the city. I wanna buy some things there,” you replied, continuing your walk out the palace. You heard Erik snickering.
“What?”, you asked, brow arched. “Nothin’… you just gon’ waste yo’ time down there.”
“Why? You don’t know what I’mma buy.”
“You sure ‘bout that, babe?”
Erik then reached behind and under his Oakland hoodie and pulled out a bag. You squinted.
“It’s legit, I promise! It ain’t a prank.” He smirked, trying his best to not smile. With hesitant moves, you closed up on him and reached the bag, grabbing it and opening it.
Your eyes widened as you revealed the gift. They were coloring pencils and a brand new canvas, as well as watercolor inks and brushes. Erik hid his hands inside his hoodie’s pocket and watched with satisfaction as your features lit up with joy.
“Where did you get these?! They were out of stock yesterday!” You asked as you smiled brightly in amazement.
“I got my ways. I’m a High Prince here, remember?” He shrugged. You could only hug him and thank him. Erik hugged back and even lifted you, spinning you around.
“I swear I’ll get you something too.”
“What? No, you don’t gotta do that.”
“Yes I do. I feel awkward if I don’t.”
Walking back to your apartment with Erik, you noticed he stopped half way. “What?”
“My apartment got a better view… you can paint on the balcony.” Erik replied with a low voice. “I got drinks, food… weed.”
You scoffed and laughed at his antics. “Fine, but you better have Qumbe.”
Following the Prince to his apartment, you were received by a warm wood scent. It was a soft, easy scent, mixed with what you thought was his cologne. Taking you over to the balcony you were left speechless.
The balcony’s view of the city was ideal, getting the mountains, lakes and city in one.
“Told ya’.”
You began to paint and draw the scenery before you as Erik began to roll his joints.
Erik watched you with careful eyes as you drew and painted, looking between your face and your hands as you created art. His heart pumped faster and harder than before, but he quickly shook his thoughts away and took a drag from his first joint.
You set aside your canvas to let it dry and noticed how quick the day went.
“So… a lil’ birdie told me you was gonna stay here and live here again.” Erik suddenly spoke as you sat back on his chair. Chuckling, you turned to face him.
“Maybe. I still don’t know. T’Challa’s happy so… I might.”
Erik felt his heart skip a beat.
“So my happiness don’t matter?”
“Erik, I didn’t mean it like that. Don’t start.”
He scoffed.
“You gonna start? Tell me so I can go.” You told him as sternly and seriously as you could.
Erik shook his head and sighed “I’m sorry. A’ight? Just always talkin’ about T’Challa. T’Challa this, T’Challa that… And I feel left out, like I didn’t care to you.”
It was your turn to feel guilty.
“What? No, Erik… you’re just as important to me, believe it or not, but T’Challa’s serious about his life. He doesn't take life as a joke and he doesn’t start shit on the third day.” You replied, now sitting up to the edge of the chair, facing him.
“I’m serious ‘bout my life too. I’m just not a busy ass king. I got all day free, unless there’s a mission. But I changed, Bia. For the better, trust. You’re used to the old me. And I don't start shit on the third day, I just voice my feelings.” He spoke as he placed his joint on the tray.
“I missed the fuck out my best friend and all she talks about is the other one.” Erik growled, standing and walking inside to his kitchen. You widened your eyes and followed him.
“Erik Stevens is the jealous type! You’re just jealous I talk to T’Challa more!” You laughed as he scoffed and poured himself a drink.
You kept laughing and giggling.
“I ain’t the jealous type, Bia. I just don’t like you talkin’ about T’Challa so much.” Erik replied, looking down at you. You smirked.
“You don’t like me talking about T’Challa?”
“What about kissin’ him? Hmm? A lil’ peck.”
Erik put his drink down and gasped.
“Bianca Hayes, I’mma pound the shit out yo’ short-ass!” Erik growled, seeing you smirk.
“You gon’ pound me? Is that what you want, Erik?” You smirked again as you closed in and placed your hands over his chest. Erik tried to hide the surprise, but you could see the smallest bits of his dark cheeks getting darker over the blush.
“Wanna pound me, Erik? I’m right here…” you whispered, standing on your tiptoes and inching closer to his lips. His eyes got darker and lower.
“Don’t test me, Bia. It’s not gon’ end well.”
“Maybe I want to.”
Erik’s hands wrapped themselves around your waist, holding you tightly and closely to him. With a laugh threatening to burst, Erik closed the small gap between you in a bruising kiss.
Your hand slithered up from his chest to behind his head, deepening the kiss. Hearing a groan, you felt his hands press you even closer. Erik proceeded to lay you on the counter and kept kissing you as deeply as he could.
His hands traveled your body and hooked your legs around his torso, making his dick rub against your clothed pussy.
Erik’s lips traveled from your lips to your neck. Leaving a trail of wet kisses from your pulse to your collarbone, Erik groaned once more.
“Fuck,” he swore under his breath. You grabbed his face and kissed his lips again. It was your turn to leave a trail of kisses from his pulse to collarbone. You had him a groaning, cursing mess above you. Not so soon after you could feel a hardness between your legs.
“You want me, Erik? Do you want me?” You asked, parting from the deep kiss. Erik opened his eyes. His brown eyes were clouded and darkened as he felt your hands travel his back.
He nodded and rasped out a breathy “yes.”
You allowed him to keep kissing you. Only this time, you began to grind against him, moving your hips at a soft pace. Erik’s gasp provided the space for your tongue to slide inside his mouth and taste him.
Whiskey and the faint taste of the weed he’d smoked earlier was still in his mouth. Erik quickly gave in. No fight for dominance.
“I’ve always… fuck…” he almost moaned, your hand having found his waistband and slithering inside.
“I want you so bad, Bia… stop playin’ with me,” he whispered in your ear. You smirked and kissed him once more. You retrieved your hand from his jeans and placed it on his chest.
“I have a meeting with T’Challa, he said he wanted to discuss the barriers update.” You spoke as you stopped the kisses, calmly unhooked your legs from Erik’s torso and got down from the counter.
Erik breathless and uncomfortably hard, stared in shock, still catching his breath from the hot makeout session. Gathering your things, you walked in front of him, but stopped.
“Are you coming to lunch or…?” You asked with a smile.
“Y-Yeah… I’mma be there.” He replied, staring at you.
“See you there! And thank you so much for the gift! I left you a lil’ one on your table in return.” You replied, patting his chest and pointing to the balcony. Leaving his apartment, Erik stared at the door and licked his lips.
Your smell and touch still on him like the best perfume in the world. He could only take deep breaths and zone out.
Erik was left with kiss-swollen lips, low eyelids, and ruffled dreadlocks, as well as a surprise he couldn’t get off his chest. You won this round.
A/N: I plan on making this a mini-series, about 5 chapters. Who might Bianca choose?
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raynnawrites · 3 years
Baby Boy pt.2
Pairings: Erik Killmonger/Black!Reader
Warnings: +18
Synopsis: Erik is Reader's sub, after a lost bet, Erik must endure the delicious torture his dom has in store for him.
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The next day, your sub was a little angry with you.
Erik had just thrown a tantrum because you never granted him the orgasm he craved. Not only that, but you would activate the boxers at the worst times. While he spoke with guards, T’Challa, or any other person, you would just press and leave the boxers on the fifth setting, making his knees give out. He would screw his eyes shut and take deep breaths.
Today began your week off. You both worked hard enough, besides the boxers in Erik’s case, to earn a week off. Not to mention that you could always work at home and your boss, best friend and family member, T’Challa, trusted in both of you to work from home and properly complete your assignments.
Getting up from your King sized bed, you noticed Erik began to prepare breakfast. The mouthwatering smells of pastries filled your home’s air.
“Hey, baby… breakfast’s almost done.” Erik spoke as he kissed your lips and dried his hands, having done the dishes.
“You, making breakfast? I wonder what’s gotten into you.”
“Hmm, let’s see. Maybe it’s my girl edgin’ me and not lettin’ me nut yesterday.” He replied, making you giggle. You rubbed his back and rested your face on his bicep.
“Besides, I always cook. You know how good my cookin’ is.”
“Your food is amazing.” You agreed.
With breakfast finished and the kitchen cleaned, you and Erik sat on the couch and watched his favorite movie. You granted him peace and some relief now since later on you would lure him to the bedroom.
You noticed how comfortable he was, resting his head on your shoulder and grabbing your hand. Erik’s eyes focused on the movie, allowing you to take the time to admire his features.
His usual sharp and focused eyes were soft and relaxed, his usual scowl replaced by a normal resting face. His golden brown eyes danced and took in every scene of the movie… the same eyes that would roll to the back of his head whenever you touched where he liked it.
Erik’s locs were also styled in braids. Those same locs you would pull whenever he disobeyed you.
His lips were also relaxed, like normal. He would usually chew on them and keep them somewhat frowned to go with his “serious face.”
How those plump lips would wrap around your fingertips and clit when told. From those lips came the best moans you’ve ever heard. Lips that grazed your neck and inner thighs on special nights.
The very thought of him and your time in bed made you shiver. Slowly, you stood up and stepped in front of him. Erik looked up at you with a curious glare, wondering whatever you could be plotting.
You sat yourself on his lap and wrapped your legs around him. Erik had moved forward in order for you to wrap around him comfortably.
You began to kiss his neck and hold him close, making sure he felt every kiss. Starting from his collar bone, you began to kiss up to his pulse, his sweet spot. You felt how his arms wrapped around your waist and kept you close as you teased him with your kisses.
He didn’t know why you suddenly began these amazing kisses, all he knew was that he loved them.
“Mmmm, Mistress…” he groaned as you felt a familiar poke under your thigh.. Along with the kissing, you began to slowly grind on him, giggling. Moving your kisses upward, you reached his lips and kissed them passionately. Your kisses were deep, slow and soft, taking your time to savor your lover.
Erik began to move his hands lower and lower until they reached your lower cheeks. Giving them a squeeze, he got a good grip and began to pull you forward and backwards, grinding himself against you.
His eyelids were low and eyes dark, mouth slightly opened, his breath hot and heavy, chest rising and falling with each huff.
“Fuck” he moaned, his dick fully erect now. You kept kissing him and allowed him to grind up against you.
“What do you want, baby?” You asked sweetly as you stopped kissing and with both hands, cupped his face.
You made eye contact with your sub and saw how desperate and horny he was already. Erik closed his eyes and focused on the pleasure the slight friction of your grinding against him provided.
Small whines left his lips, making you chuckle.
“Use your words.”
“Take me, mistress…” he begged in a low voice, opening his eyes. “Since you asked so nicely,” you smiled, “go to bed and wait for me, naked. Get ready while I go up.”
Nodding, Erik gave you a last kiss before letting you off and walking upstairs to your shared bedroom. His dick was painfully erect and uncomfortable inside his sweatpants. He slid them off, followed by his shirt. Grabbing the base of his hard dick, he began to softly stroke.
“Ah-ah! Don’t make me get the cane.” Erik heard from behind him, startling him. “I’m sorry, mistress.”
Raising a brow, you motioned for him to get on the bed, “get the lube out.” You told him, noticing how he nodded and reached over to the nightstand, grabbing said item and placing it next to him.
While your desperate yet obedient sub did as told, you went to the chest you had bought. Taking out your favorite lingerie, you smirked and undressed. You made sure Erik watched your every move. He loved your body. Even when you were punishing him, he took them time to admire you.
He loved how your melanin glowed in the sun and whenever the moon was full, how your soft, thick curls bounced, your dark brown eyes focused and darkened, your full, plump lips. It all drove him insane in the best way possible.
“What did I say? Hands off!” You barked as Erik had grabbed his cock ready to stroke.
“I’m sorry, mistress. You look so good,” he replied, eying you up and down. Humming, you finished trying your lingerie and bent down, your ass on full display. Erik gulped.
It was a black lingerie with a bow over your back, revealing your ass and front lips… his favorite. Your breasts were covered with a thin layer of lace. Not truly covering at all.
“Now, lay down for me, sweetie.” You spoke as you got your adjustable restraints. Erik nodded and laid down on his back, stretching his arms out for you to cuff him. You locked the cuffs and placed the key in the nightstand’s drawer. As for his feet, you had bought a bar with cuffs as well, but the feet were adjustable.
You had also grabbed the gag, placing it on. You kissed Eriks lips beforehand and his forehead after, letting him know how good he was behaving.
With your sub ready, you could begin.
Your first and second toys were a vibrating cockring, along with a fleshlight. Placing the toys next to his legs, you grabbed the edible lube and poured a generous amount on your palms. Lubing up the toys, you continued with Erik. Stroking him slowly and softly, he moaned and arched his back, chasing your warm touch.
“Remember my rules…” you began, going back to the chest and grabbing your flogger, going back.
“No touching yourself, no moaning and no cursing… understood?” Erik’s eyes widened. “And most importantly… no cumming! If you cum without my permission, I’m gonna punish you with the plug again.”
Erik nodded and you decided what was best.
“As a matter of fact…” you reached and took off the gag, throwing it away.
“Now I’ll hear everything. So, let’s go over the rules.��� You began, flogger in hand. With your other, you raked your nails over his abs, making him shiver.
“No touching, no moaning, no cursing and…” he softly spoke as you rubbed his inner thighs. “And?”
“No cumming without your permission, mistress…”
“Good boy. Do you remember your safe words?”
“Green to continue and Red to stop.”
You decided to tease him, knowing how desperate he was. Getting on the bed and facing him, you laid in front of him. Face down, ass up,
You grabbed the base of his hardened dick and kissed his tip, earning a sharp gasp. Slowly moving away, you began to trail kisses over his inner thighs, his legs, his navel and v-line, leaving him a shaking mess.
Erik bit his tongue to avoid the moans.
You slowly made your way back to his dick and without warning, you swallowed him. Arching his back, Erik balled up his fists and bit them, avoiding the moans. His eyes, however, teared up.
You are taking him all in your mouth and throat, humming and massaging his balls with your free hand. His breathing was hotter and heavier, his back still arched. Your mouth was so hot and your throat was so tight.
“Is everything okay, baby?” You asked, having taken him out of your mouth and stroking him.
“Are you sure I c-can't moan? Please?” Erik asked as he bit his lip. You said nothing and continued to stroke.
“Please? Oh shit! Oh shit! Please, Mistress! No! Please!” He begged, feeling you speed up. “Mistress, please, I’m gonna cum, stop!” He continued to beg. You stopped and got a better idea. Going back to your chest, you got a vibrator with a fleshlight attachment.
“You broke my rules, sweetie.” You began, seeing the dread in his eyes, “I’m gonna have to punish you.”
Sliding the attachment on, you turned on the vibration on the fourth setting. Your sub bit his lip, whimpering and arched his back again.
“Don’t you dare cum, Erik.” You growled as he nodded but whimpered. It felt so good.
He whimpered and arched his back. You grabbed your flogger and smacked him once, then twice.
Your sub was handling everything well, having learned his lesson for the time being. Erik’s breathing and gasps filled the room. Until he opened his eyes and left his mouth agape.
“Are you okay?” silence followed.
“Erik, are you okay?” You repeated. Your sub nodded frantically.
“I’m about to cum!”
“Don’t you dare!”
“I won’t, Mistress!”
Letting your flogger go, you reached into the nightstand’s drawer once more to retrieve a blindfold. It was a velvet black, that you and Erik loved.
Tying it around his head and covering his eyes, you kissed his lips and once you tied the knot, you raked your nails from his chest to his thighs. Feeling every tremble.
You saw him bite his lip, open his mouth and draw in a sharp breath to avoid the noises threatening to spill. His eyes watered behind his eyes.
“Can I cum, please? Mistress, can I cum? Please?” Erik begged as he gasped again. You chuckled and grabbed the vibrator and began to move it up and down, softly pumping.
“Should you? So soon?”
“Yes, please! Please let me cum, Mistress!”
“Have you been a good boy?”
Erik shook and took frantic breaths, trying his best to ward off his fast rising orgasm. He could feel it all over his body.
“Please, Mistress, may I cum? May I cum please?” Erik begged as you smirked.
“Look at you… so desperate to cum.”
“Yes… yes, please, may I cum? I wanna cum for you!” He kept begging, breathing and tugging on his cuffs, trying to focus his mind on everything but the orgasm that he craved.
You ceased everything and untied his blindfold.
Erik looked at you, fearfully yet curiously. You knelt on the bed in front of him. With his eyes fixed on you, you knelt over his stomach, looking into his desperate eyes.
“Do you want to cum?” You asked.
“Yes! Yes, please! I wanna cum so damn bad.” Erik replied, seeing you bend down and place kisses over his face. Your scent was driving him insane. His dick rock hard and desperate to erupt.
“Earn it. Earn ya’ nut, baby boy,” you told him, going to his face and placing your lower lips over his. Erik began to feast like a starved man. Almost instantly you began to moan.
His lips and tongue worked wonders. You felt everything.
Grabbing on to the headboard, you moaned loudly. Erik would hum and whimper, having your taste all over his mouth. The closer you got to your own orgasm, the louder you would moan and the more you would sway your hips.
As your orgasm washed over you, you focused on breathing and calming down. Meanwhile Erik was having the time of his life, licking you clean and enjoying his meal. Getting down, you saw how lust filled his eyes. His beard and lips wet from your juices.
“Where?” You asked breathlessly.
Erik raised a brow.
“Where do you want to cum? My mouth, hands or pussy?”
“Pussy… I wanna be inside you so bad,” Erik replied, finally being freed from his cuffs and restraints.
He grabbed your legs and placed you over his dick, where he used your juices to coat himself with and slid in, earning a moan from you. His pupils dilated significantly as he sank himself deeper into your warm, tight walls. Your walls hugged him comfortably and made him shiver.
“Fuck, Mistress… always so always feel so damn good.” Erik moaned as he began to lift you up and down. You moaned into his ear, knowing how your moans turned him on, and held on to him as you allowed your sub to take control and chase after his well earned orgasm.
He fucked your walls harder and deeper, chasing his orgasm and your own as well, craving your wall’s contractions. Erik went faster and even deeper than before.
You felt his twitch and smirked, moaning his name and holding on for dear life as you both came.
Erik exploded inside you, flooding your insides with his hot seed. Your walls contracted against him and made him moan louder than before, chanting your name.
“Fuck, Mistress…” he breathed, collapsing on the bed.
“You earned it, baby boy. But don’t get used to it… I might not be as soft as before.”
A/N: I’m trying my best to come back. As I said before, I’ve been truly struggling mentally and emotionally. I’ll try and slowly come back to posting as I did.
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raynnawrites · 2 years
First Things First
Warnings: +21, mentions of self-harm.
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Practically jumping out of bed, Jelani cursed at her phone’s alarm and snoozed with annoyed mumbling. Rubbing the remaining drowsiness from her eyes, she sat on her bed’s edge, trying to find enough energy and motivation to stand and carry on with her morning routine. She reached her phone and checked the time… 4:30 a.m.
Sighing, Jelani stood and shivered lightly, feeling her bedroom’s cold air. Stretching, she went into her bathroom and turned on the light. Dragging her feet and going to her faucet, she made herself a cold bath.
Undressing, fixing her curls, showering and drying up, she found herself finally awake. After applying little makeup and doing her hair she was finally ready. Going out and walking to the nearest coffee shop, she got herself her usual drink and continued her walk over to campus, mentally preparing herself for any possible headaches the professors or students might give her.
Walking through the campus, the sun was beginning to make its way into the sky, replacing the calming moon with a bright orange, pink and blue sky.
Making it just in time, Jelani could hear the campus' usual public announcements. She walked into her classroom with her morning drink in hand and sat on her usual corner. Yawning and opening her notebook, she began to write the usual and waited for the professor to come in.
More students began to pour in as time neared 8 a.m.
The classroom eventually became full for once and the professor was nowhere in sight. Deciding to pass the time on her phone, Jelani suddenly saw a black book bag be placed next to her table. Raising a brow, she looked up to see a student with gold rimmed glasses looking down on her.
“My bad, this seat taken?” He asked. Jelani shook her head and the man nodded, taking a seat next to her.
Jelani’s nose couldn’t help but to pick up the rich, woodsy fragrance the student next to her gave off.
Before anything else could be exchanged between the two, the professor entered the classroom and the class began.
The whole hour, Jelani’s mind wandered off to the scent this man gave off. It was rich and deep, with hints of different spices. It was a warm and comforting, clean fragrance.
“And finally, tables 20 and 19, y’all work together. I expect a 20 page report on today’s topic by next week.” The professor boomed, earning a fair share of groans and grunts from the other students.
Jelani side eyed the table next to her and it was indeed table 20.
She heard a soft chuckle coming from the student next to her. “Guess I’mma be your partner. I’m Erik Stevens.” He spoke as he offered his hand to Jelani, who’s blushing was hidden by her dark complexion.
“Jelani Hayes.” She replied, trying to smile as normally as possible. Erik could only smirk, earning an eye roll from his “partner.”
“Beautiful name…” Erik flirted as Jelani scoffed and stood as the rest of the classroom emptied out.
“Meet you at the library after the break? The math professor didn’t show.” Jelani asked, going to pick her book bag up. Erik picked it up for her and softly placed it on her desk. She raised a brow.
“I mean… we can go on break together. Y’know… breakin’ the ice and such.” Erik offered, making Jelani chuckle.
Going to the tables outside, Jelani went to sit and her sleeves slightly rolled up. Erik’s eyes caught a glimpse of her wrist.
Her wrists were littered with scars and some were fresh, judging by the wrappings with red slightly seeping through them. Keeping quiet, he looked in another direction and avoided making her uncomfortable. She had fixed her sleeve carefully and silently hoped he hadn’t seen her wrist. Thankfully, he had remained quiet and saved her the embarrassment.
“So, how old are you?” Erik asked as he got his laptop out, turning it on. Jelani took out her phone. He also noticed the back of her phone being cracked.
“I just turned 20. You?” Jelani replied, seeing him take his denim jacket off and place it next to him, as well as his glasses and book bag.
“I’m 23. How do ya’ feel about public speeches?” Erik asked as he began to type. Jelani sighed, “I hate ‘em.”
Erik smirked, “This report’s an oral one. I’mma go first and then it’s your turn. It says so here on the criteria rubric the professor just sent out.”
Jelani groaned and rolled her eyes. “Fuck. Here I thought I was gon’ be spared. How many slides I gotta do?” She asked, seeing Erik smirk again.
“10. I do the first 10 and you do the last 10. It’s easy.” He confidently shrugged.
Looking up from his screen, he noticed Jelani’s demeanor change. She wasn’t as relaxed. Tense shoulders and a tighter grip on her phone.
“C’mon, it won’t be that damn bad. Half the class won’t give a fuck what we sayin’.” He chuckled, seeing her snicker, “I know, but still. I get so nervous I just freak out. Like, I can barely get words out sometimes… it’s with paying for coffee and I have to mentally rehearse what to say beforehand.”
Erik listened and smirked.
“Don’t trip, babygirl. I’mma help you. And you won’t be alone, I'll be next to you.” Erik told Jelani as she looked up from her phone.
Scoffing, “thanks. But yeah…” Jelani sighed, rubbing her arm. “Any hobbies or…?”
Erik chuckled, still looking into his computer.
“I like to box or work out if I’m feelin’ it. Or stay at home and play video games, cook, read. You?”
“I like to cook too, I’m most into baking. Sometimes at 2 a.m, I see people recreate animated movie dishes,” Jelani smiled. “But for the most part I like watching tv, listening to music, reading, drawing… just, relax and enjoy the peace,” Jelani replied, locking and putting her phone to the side.
“Cool.” Erik smiled, “any jobs?” He asked again.
“No. I got fired last week. Someone at HR complained about me.”
“Oh shit, for real? Was your boss White?” Erik asked, making Jelani laugh.
“He was! But thankfully I have enough to last me a while. I started applyin’ for some jobs here and there. Tryna see who’ll hire me. You?”
“I work with my brother. He owns a lil’ business. Mostly office shit.”
Jelani raised a brow. “Cool. You’re blessed.”
A comfortable silence set upon them. Jelani had completely relaxed. Erik enjoyed her company. She wasn’t spoiled or stuck up, didn’t bother him about his scars, didn’t pry or talk his ear off. She was cute too. Looking at his own phone, he saw multiple texts from his brother.
“Oh shit, I gotta go. This is my number, by the way.” He replied as he packed up and stood, putting his glasses back on.
“I’mma see you tomorrow, right?” He asked, standing with a hopeful yet collected glare.
Jelani nodded, “yeah, I guess I’mma see you tomorrow too.”
A/N: This my OC’s “official” introduction. Feel free to let me know what you think.
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raynnawrites · 2 years
Soul’s Choice °4
Chapters: °1 | °2 | °3
Synopsis: What if your soulmate, the love of your life, and with whom you’re meant to be and live by, happens to be your best friend’s wife?
Warnings: +21
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Over the few months that had passed, Erik and Layana fell perfectly into each other. After countless secret dates and time to truly appreciate each other, they could finally say “I love you.”
The soulmate’s bond had been strengthened and properly nurtured. Their little secret had also been hidden well, with no one suspecting a thing. At times, it proved tricky to hide properly or come up with the perfect excuse, but it all worked out in their favor. Even with risky office “meetings”.
“Layana!” T’Challa called for the fourth time, seeing as his wife had been aimlessly staring at their bedroom window. Layana blinked and cleared her throat, embarrassed.
She gave a sheepish smile. “Sorry. I got distracted. What were you saying?”
T’Challa only stopped and placed his hands on his hips, brow raised.
“You have been awfully distracted lately, entle.” T’Challa spoke as he walked to his wife’s side and sat down, wrapping his arm around her waist.
“I’m sorry. Stress… these elders are impossible to please. Erik’s been needing help from me too. The Outreach Center even got piled up once.” Layana replied as she sighed and rubbed her face. T’Challa chuckled.
“I know the feeling all too well. But when that happens, call me! I am still your husband, I will always help you no matter what.” He replied with a sweet smile. Usually, Layana would feel guilty due to her affair with Erik. But now, she only felt a dull sensation. It didn’t scare her.
“I know… but I should be able to work through the stress too. I am the Queen. I just need to relax for a sec, and I’m gonna be good to go.”
T’Challa chuckled and kissed his wife’s temple. “I know… but now, I have to get going, there is a meeting with the captains again. If you like, start later… take a nap, those help.” He offered as she laughed.
“I just might.”
T’Challa stood and gave a final kiss to Layana. He walked to the door and gave a sad smile, “I love you, my darling.”
“Love you too.”
With T’Challa in his meeting, Layana decided to pay Erik a visit. The Prince was in his office already, finishing his work as he softly rapped along to the lyrics of the playlist he had in the background.
Layana knocked on the door and waited for Erik to reply.
Watching as the door's camera activated, the Queen stood still as it scanned her. The door soon opened. She entered with a smile and made sure to close and lock the door.
Layana was greeted by Erik sitting with his glasses on. His locs were styled to the side and had his favorite denim jacket on.
“Wassup babygirl? What can I do for ya’?” Erik asked, walking over to his soulmate and wrapping his arms around her. She smirked and kissed him. “I was hopin’ we could kinda catch up. Work’s been fucking ridiculous and I miss you.”
“I miss you too, baby. Shit’s been busy. I even had to call T’Challa to help me once.” Erik replied, kissing her forehead and walking over to the desk. Sitting on the table, they began to chat and catch up as much as they could.
Between the conversations, Erik would also enjoy the Queen’s presence and asked for her help on certain paperwork.
Later on, when Erik finished and saved his files, he stood and stretched.
“I’m gonna miss you…” she teased as Erik smirked, “no need. You could come down while I train. Make up some dumbass excuse. They’ll buy it.”
Now standing, Layana only smiled as Erik suddenly pressed their lips together. Wrapping his arms around her, he deepened the kiss, content. His kiss traveled to her neck and pulse, holding her close to him, going back up to her full lips and smirking.
“I love you, babygirl” Erik whispered. Layana parted the kiss and looked into his eyes.
“You what, my love?”
Jumping out of each other’s arms, they turned to see T’Challa standing in front of the door. His eyes were burning holes into Erik’s head. Erik however, remained calm and kept Layana behind him.
She could’ve sworn she locked the door.
A mix of anger and sadness was evident in the King’s face.
“You what, Layana..? Hmm?” He asked again, taking a step closer. Erik took a step back. Layana began to silently cry as her fear, shame and sadness overwhelmed her. Her nightmare, her fear, came true. The soulmates were somewhat prepared in case they got caught, but they could prepare for any type of punishment the King could possibly have.
Erik had even gone the extra mile and create a new bank account, storing most of his money, should T’Challa banish them from the kingdom.
“T, let me explain.” Erik began as his arm still held Layana behind him. T’Challa scoffed.
“There is no need to shield my own wife from me. Get your hands off of her, N’Jadaka.”
Erik stayed still. He suddenly felt Layana’s cold hand against his arm. Both men became worried looking at the Queen’s fearful, crying face.
“Give me a second, Erik…” Layana begged as she softly cried.
“He can wait.”
“Watch your mouth, N’Jadaka,” T’Challa snarled, trying his best to control his anger.
“Layana, let’s talk about this elsewhere… N’Jadaka should know you can trust your husband.” T’Challa spoke once more, offering his hand.
“Just like she knows to trust her soulmate, T’Challa. Give her a second, you freakin’ her out.”
T’Challa felt his chest sting.
“T’Challa, I can explain…” Layana began, drying her eyes and taking deep breaths. She had taken T’Challa’s hand, which gently closed and pulled her close.
“Let’s go over to my office. I wish to discuss this in a more… controlled environment” T’Challa offered, having Layana closer to him. His office contained a direct signal to the guards and Dora, in case anything happened. Erik only nodded, wanting to avoid a possible, physical, fight with T’Challa.
Now in T’Challa’s office, Layana sat on the couch his office had, terrified of any possible reaction. She had managed to stop crying and tried her best to think of any possible way of easing the situation. Erik was standing in the corner, alert, a slight spark of fear in his chest..
“Layana,” T’Challa called, standing next to his wife.
He looked at her with glassy eyes, still holding some hope and grabbed both her hands.
“Tell me… when did this start? When did you start seeing Erik?” He asked, softly and gently. Closing her eyes, Layana took a deep breath.
“7 months ago… the day Erik came, but we didn’t have anything going on then. We became official a few days, maybe a week, later.”
“I knew your patch had brightened up, but I never thought it was a soulmark.” T’Challa spoke, sadly smiling at his wife.
Silence overtook the room as T’Challa stood, still holding Layana’s hand.
“In her defense…” Erik began, taking slow steps forward.
“I started it. She didn’t want anything to do with me. She rejected me more than once. But I kept insisting… T’Challa, you know how this soulmate shit works. Layana’s my soulmate. She’s supposed to be with me.”
T’Challa scoffed, letting Layana’a hand go, gently.
“Says the man who found soulmates disgusting, the man who even contemplated getting his soulmark removed! Tell me… do you truly love Layana, or is this some cruel plan to get revenge on me? For everything that happened when we were children? Which, might I remind you, I had no control over!” T’Challa snarled, standing at his full height.
“I know. But I don’t hate it now. I love Layana. This ain’t some revenge plan either, it’s the truth. And you know that we would eventually finna end up together.” Erik replied, uncrossing his arms. Standing straighter.
“I wonder if you filled her head up with the same bullshit too. Just like you have always tended to do, promising her a steady life and a good relationship, only to leave once you get tired. I wonder if it is not just makeup to fool her!” T’Challa laughed, looking at Layana’s chest.
“No… T’Challa, it’s not fake… it’s real.” Layana spoke as she stood.
“My love, there is no shame in admitting he used you! I know how cruel he can be with women.” T’Challa told his beloved. His eyes held hope and a heartbreaking sadness.
“He didn’t use me, T’Challa. This is all real… I’m so sorry but I-”
“No… don’t apologize, this is his own fault. It might even be mine. I should have never trusted him with you.” T’Challa replied.
“Only a big enough fool would’ve trusted a womanizer with his wife. If there is anyone to blame here, it is me. For trusting you. For even thinking that you had changed!” The King continued, his voice becoming thick and loud with anger.
“Think what you want, T’Challa. But guess what? She’s happy with me. These past months she’s been happy and eased up. I got her relaxed and away from the bullshit you claim I got. She loves me T’Challa, just like I love her. If it weren’t for you I’d already be married to her!” Erik barked, getting in between them.
He had softly pulled her away from T’Challa, leaving her in between them both. Layana felt her heart break for T’Challa, a man who had given her the world. But her heart and love belonged to Erik, and the soulmarks only proved that Erik was in fact her real love.
T’Challa only shed a single sad tear.
“Layana…” he began, “my love…” he whispered, his eyes silently begging. Begging for her to stay with him.
“I will always love and respect you, no matter what. But tell me the truth… Do you love Erik? Is he truly your soulmate? If you choose him, I will do nothing to you both, but I need to know…” He asked, hoping she would return to him.
Layana looked at Erik, who’s expression had changed into a more worried look.
“I’mma love and respect you too, babygirl. Now you have a choice… come with me, or stay with T’Challa. If you choose T’Challa, I promise won’t ever bother you again.”
Layana’s heart was torn in two.
“I’m being serious, Layana. If you stay with T’Challa, I won’t ever try nothin’ again. I’mma still be here for you tho, no matter what.” Erik spoke softly.
“If you choose Erik, I won’t do anything… I will still be here for you as well, my love.” T’Challa spoke, his eyes watering again.
Layana’s eyes watered as well, scared of any possible consequences.
“Who’s it gon’ be, babygirl?”
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raynnawrites · 3 years
Baby Boy
Pairing: Erik Killmonger x Black!Reader
Warning: smut, cursing
Synopsis: Erik is Reader’s sub, after a lost bet, Erik must endure the delicious torture his dom has in store for him.
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Erik had made the mistake of making a bet with you. You had to beat him in a game of 2k21, or you had to do all the cleaning in the house by yourself for a month. If you won, Erik would endure a punishment for a month.
A week had already gone by and to Erik, you had done nothing. But whenever he left for work, you would purchase different little items online for this week. You had planned to stay in for the next few days and truly take advantage.
Of course, all you told Erik was that you had made arrangements for him at work and that those days were for you and him. Just the two of you.
But now, you were expecting the last package with your items. One of your many purchases was a black chest with golden accents, with a lock and key, where you intended to hide the items once they all arrived.
The week went by smoothly and Erik had been soft around you, as usual. He was a vigilant man, nothing got past him, unless it came to you. He learned to trust you over the years.
Your torture would start today though. In the morning, while he showered, you decided to be nice and make him an outfit. Along with the outfit, you got out your first item.
Remote controlled vibrating boxers.
The boxers were a beautiful dark blue and it’s vibrating area was very well hidden in order to provide the sensations and hide any bumps. The remote was black and easily connected with the app you had downloaded the night prior. Once you were done, you resumed your own routine. Your lover didn’t know you would join him today, after all, a friend needed you and you needed to stay close.
Erik soon after got out of the shower and dressed, oblivious to your first step.
You left with him and when the first red light came on you reached into your right pocket where you had placed the remote. Biting your lip, you pressed the silent button’s first setting and the boxers quickly and silently came to life. Erik jumped and gasped.
His gasp was quickly followed by a groan.
“The fuck?” He questioned as he began to get a feel for the vibrations. It wasn’t enough to harden him. “What?” You asked innocently, “I can do anything I want. Besides, it’s only the first setting.”
You pressed again, activating the second setting. Erik’s quads flexed and another groan followed. This was the setting that began to torment him. He palmed his hardening dick through his pants. “Shit…” he sighed.
You giggled, making him come out of the beginning haze. You pressed again. Third setting, much stronger than the second. Erik placed both hands on the steering wheel to try and focus on something and avoid the embarrassingly loud moan that threatened to slip out.
“Why so quiet? Are you okay?” You teased, going to grab his hand. He moved it away. “Fuck me.” He groaned. You laughed, “soon.”
The red light soon after changed and Erik continued to drive.
The vibrations were starting to get the best of him. He felt his tip oozing the first drops of precum. His dick was completely hard and he became uncomfortable. But the more he moved, the more the pleasure intensified.
“Okay, stop!” Erik told you, parking into his spot at the Outreach Center. “We’re here. Don’t fuck me up too bad.”
You grinned, “I might. But you know how this goes. Behave and I’ll let you rest, fuck this up and I’ll punish you.” Erik huffed.
You unbuckled your seatbelt and another idea came to your mind.
“You can’t cum either.”
His eyes widened. “What?!”, you giggled.
“Yep! Matter of fact, here are my rules… no touching, no cumming, you can’t take it off and no begging. If you cum or touch yourself, I’m gonna punish you as soon as we go home. And, these boxers are thin.”
“So what?” Erik asked.
“So, if you do cum, you’ll have a stain on the front. And I’ll tell everyone what it was. My little sub dared to cum. You can only back out if you use your safe word”
Erik gulped and nodded.
“Also, you might wanna take some time and get your friend calm enough to get up.” You added as you pressed again. Fourth setting.
Erik’s mouth hung open as he watched you get up and walk inside the building like nothing happened. Now that he was alone, he moaned loudly.
He felt the vibrations intensity go up once more and another loud moan followed. He breathed quickly in and out, trying his best to hold off his rapidly approaching orgasm.
“Fuck…” he breathed.
He gripped the steering wheel as hard as he could. Erik felt his balls begin to tighten up, his legs and arms shake, he was going to cum. He couldn’t. But he was about to.
His dick began to furiously pulsate, his balls began to throb and his breathing became faster. Erik began to grind himself against the fabric of his pants when he remembered, this counted as touching himself. He couldn’t. The man’s moans grew louder and his brows were knit together, mouth opened. He was about to cum, and there was nothing more he could do. Just as he was about to orgasm, the vibrations stopped dead on their tracks. It was as if nothing ever happened.
It left him a shaking, shuddering mess. His dick and balls were throbbing and longing for release. Erik then began to calm himself down with breathing and thinking of other things, but his hard self made it almost impossible.
It would be a long day.
Once out of the car and continuing with his normal work routine, his dick went back to its soft self and was able to concentrate. You then walked over to Erik.
“Hi, baby. How do you feel?” You smiled as you grabbed his hand. He gave you a glare and you raised a brow. Getting the message, Erik kissed your forehead and cheek, “I’m okay…” he whispered.
Going back to work, Erik met up with T’Challa, his brother, who allowed him to take the job anyway.
“So, brother, tell me, how have the reports been coming up?” T’Challa asked with his usual smile. Erik went to reply, but instead cleared his throat, feeling the vibrations return. He almost zoomed out, focusing on not moaning in the middle of the hallway.
“Is everything alright?” T’Challa asked, noticing the change.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m just… I’m thinkin’ about Y/N. On what to get her? She got me a watch the other day and I wanted to give her something back, y’know?” Erik lied, thankful he was able to get through the whole explanation without moaning or groaning.
“Oh, if you are interested in jewelry I can call a friend. He can help you get the best at a good price,” he smiled, obvious to the fact that his brother was being edged.
“For real? Send me the number when you can. But the reports are pretty good, I’mma send them to ya’ lat-Oh!” Erik groaned as he almost allowed the orgasm to follow through.
“N’Jadaka, are you sure you are okay? If you feel sick or tired, you are free to go home and rest. There is no shame or punishment.” T’Challa spoke as he placed a hand on Erik’s shoulder.
“Thanks, T. I’m just tired tho, a lil’ coffee gon’ fix me up.”
Erik walked into the nearest bathroom and covered his mouth, begging himself not to cum.
T’Challa walked over to your office and smirked, crossing his arms over his chest.
“You are toying him again, aren’t you?” He asked as you gasped with a smile.
“Did he moan? Groan? What gave it away?”
T’Challa laughed loudly.
“No, he did not. But when he spoke to me, he almost did. He does look close”
“To making a mess in his own pants. Make sure you have a second pair.”
You smirked.
“Oh no… he can’t cum, can’t he?”
“Nop! Not until I say so!”
“You are cruel. But I still like you. Just make sure he does his job. I know you are both responsible but with your little game his mind might wander more than usual.”
You nodded and smiled, “don’t worry, we will.”
However, Erik was still in the bathroom, having been edged four times. His dick was painfully hard and the precum continued to ooze out of his slit. Your little sub was fighting for his life not to cum or even think about it, but it felt amazing.
This would be tougher than he thought.
A/N: Please leave your thoughts over at the notes, criticism is welcomed! This is my “first” smut in a long time!
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raynnawrites · 3 years
Hey, Boo (short)
Pairing: Erik Killmonger x POC Reader
Warnings: Fluff, Language, Mentions of street fights
Synopsis: Erik comes back after two fights and Reader, still angry, helps.
A/N: I didn’t proofread this one! I’ll fix the errors soon.
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A knock disturbed your now solo movie night, making you sigh and pause the film. Making sure you looked presentable enough, you walked over to the door. On your way, the unknown man or woman, possibly a child, knocked again. Only this time, they knocked harder. Irritated and praying it wasn’t a child so you could smack whoever bothered you, you unlocked and opened the door. Your eyes widened over the surprise.
“Hey, Boo. How you doin?”
How could you not recognize that shitty grin and fuckboy stance. Erik Stevens. Your supposed boyfriend.
“Couldn’t you find some of your other bitches to bother?”, you asked as Erik walked inside your apartment and chuckled. Once he closed the door, his chest still facing you, he presented a broken bouquet of your favorite flowers. You accepted the flowers, seeing some worth saving.
“Thanks… I still like ‘em.”
Erik smiled weakly. He was utterly thankful for that.
“Erik what happened?” You asked once you placed the flowers on a large cup while you got a proper vase for them. Erik had stayed in the dark side of your apartment. He had sat down on the island stools. “Erik?”
“Don’t worry ‘bout me, babygirl. I’m a’ight,” he lied. He didn’t need you worrying. Not after earlier. Scoffing, you went over to the fridge’s side and searched for the light switch. Once you switched the lights on, you turned to see Erik. He had quietly stood and walked behind you.
You gasped loudly.
His face was bruised, and his left eye was swollen and darkened. His lip was slightly cut and his eyes were both bloodshot. Erik remained quiet and allowed you to examine him. He hung his head while you noticed his other wounds.
His hoodie had wet spots. The first one you noticed was in his chest, almost on his collarbone. Going to touch said spots, Erik held your wrist gently and softly, stopping you inches from the first one.
“Don’t,” he coughed out. “I’m okay,” he croaked out.
“How in the hell are you okay? Erik, have you seen yourself?! What happened? Where were you?” You bombarded as you raised your right hand to try and push his locs out of the way of his face.
He grabbed your other wrist as well.
Gently pressing them against his face, he sighed and kissed them both, slowly.
“Don’t worry ‘bout me, ma’. Keep watchin’ yo’ movie. I’mma go to the bathroom and shower… okay?” Erik almost whispered, looking at you. You could tell he was exhausted and in a lot of pain.
“No. C’mon, I’ll help you.”
“Please…” he rasped out.
You scoffed, “you’re a good liar, but I’ve known ya’ for way too long. I know you’re in pain. Let me help you. You got me flowers, right? Let me do something in return before I kick your ass again for bleeding all over my floor” you said, holding his hand.
Sighing and laughing in defeat, Erik nodded and let you lead him into your master bathroom. There, Erik began to take his shoes off, you studied him. He struggled bending down. His hands were shaky. Until he gave a nasty cough and a little more blood came out.
“Let me.”
You bent down and slid off his scratched shoes, along with his socks. You continued with his hoodie.
“Wait,” he said, “go slow.” You nodded.
You took almost 5 full minutes to remove his blood soaked hoodie. You threw it into the sink and helped Erik stand to remove his jeans and boxers. Once they got removed, you helped him sit on the tub and began to run warm water.
“There’s some scissors in the drawers. Cut this shit off,” he told you, surprising you yet again and worrying you even more.
“But this is your favorite shirt? Are you sure? We can work somethin’ out?” You suggested as he shook his head. “Nah, cut it…”.
Doing as told, you grabbed the scissors from the drawer and cut down from his collar to his lower back, tearing the last bit and taking the shirt off completely. You grabbed the detachable shower head and let him rinse off as you went to your sink and threw in the shirt as well.
After the bath, you helped him dry and get some boxers. Once he laid down, you put on some wound cream and some antibiotics.
“You got shot… didn’t you?” You asked, laying next to his legs. Erik nodded. “Can you tell me what happened?”, Erik nodded again.
“I was gettin’ you the flowers when some guys said they knew you… they started talkin’ shit and I tried to shut ‘em up. I fucked up.”
You chuckled.
“But now that I’m still alive, I wanna say sorry. I’m so sorry about earlier. I shouldn't have said that shit… any of it,” your boyfriend apologized as you listened and felt your heart swell.
“We’ll talk in the morning”
“I’m serious, Y/N. I shoulda never called you a-”
“Forget it. Like I said, we’ll talk more in the morning. For now, rest. You need it.” You told him once more, standing and walking to the door.
“Lay down with me… please” He begged as you sighed. “No, Erik. I may have helped you and yes, you apologized, but I’m still mad at you. Like I said, we’ll figure this out in the morning.”
You turned off the bedroom’s light as you left Erik alone. Tears stung your eyes as you remembered the heated argument. Shaking the thoughts away, you walked back into the living room and turned everything off.
Tomorrow will be a heavy day.
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raynnawrites · 2 years
Soul’s Choice °2
Chapters: °1
Synopsis: What if your soulmate, the love of your life, and with whom you’re meant to be and live by, happens to be your best friend’s wife?
Warnings: +21
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“Erik! My boy, how you have grown! Your father was right, you did grow stronger.” Ramonda greeted with a bright smile and opened arms, embracing him. Erik knew how strict and sharp Ramonda was, he’d witnessed it constantly as a child with T’Challa.
But he knew how warm and caring she could also be.
Erik gave a small smile and returned the embrace.
“Hey, Auntie.”
Layana sat next to T’Challa, forgetting the revelation from the day before. He grabbed Layana’s hand and kissed her knuckles, she gave him a small smile of reassurance as everyone took their seats.
“So, what have you been up to, N’Jadaka?” T’Challa asked as they began to eat.
“Nothin’ much. Military work, training, getting work done….” Erik replied, taking a drink. Shuri snorted and laughed.
“You are so old! This is old people behavior. Even ‘Yani’s more entertaining!” Shuri laughed as she shook her head in disappointment.
Erik felt his heart skip a beat. He looked over at Layana and felt his patch’s warmth. He gulped and hoped he could manage to hide it well enough. Layana paid him no mind and kept smiling. That soft yet bright smile that made you smile along with her.
“I’m boring too. All I do is paperwork and train. The most exciting thing I’ve done besides moving in without permission is riding a rhino.” She replied, hearing T’Challa’s chuckle next to her.
Ramonda’s brows raised. “You rode a rhino? When?”
“A rhino? Like, the animal rhino?” Erik questioned, confused.
“Yeah. The Border Tribe raises and trains battle rhinoceroses. They grow to be huge! They’re amazing, you should see one sometime, it’s worth it… but I fell and almost broke a leg.” Layana told as Ramonda looked at T’Challa and Erik could only stare and chuckle at her story.
“You let her ride an animal, and she fell? Was that the week you limped?!” Queen Mother asked, raising her voice a little. Layana laughed and nodded.
“It was against my will, Mother. But trust me, I had my eye on her.” T’Challa spoke, holding her hand under the table.
As the lunch finished, everyone went back to their own tasks for the remainder of the day.
“Uthando, do not forget I have a meeting with the War Dog captains. I might be a few minutes late for dinner, but do not hesitate to go without me,” T’Challa spoke as he kissed Layana’s forehead. She nodded and smiled, “understood. Try not to take too long… tomorrow might be an off day, but we have at least one meeting in the morning.”
It was T’Challa’s turn to smile and nod.
“Yes, my love. I will see you later, yes?”
“Yes, you will.”
Layana walked to her office and continued with her work, silently praying and begging for this whole “soulmark” thing to be false.
Meanwhile, Erik was with T’Challa, feeling a particular emotion beginning to brew.
“So, how did Layana, as you say “rub your spirit”?” The King asked as they walked through the halls with their stacks of paperwork.
A beat.
“She was cool. She was alright.” He replied, clearing his throat and starting to feel his patch itch. He cursed under his breath.
T’Challa brushed his curses off as his best friend’s usual behavior.
“Just alright? Did something happen between you?” T’Challa asked with a worried expression. He stopped walking and Erik took a breath.
“Nothin’ happened, T. We just bumped into each other and I just asked her who she was. It’s all.” Erik finally replied, hoping T’Challa’s innocent mind would believe it. The King visibly relaxed and dropped his tensed shoulders. His usual gentle and warm smile returned.
“Good to hear! I was worried she might have said something to you or you said something to her.” He spoke softly now, continuing their walk over to the lab.
Erik sighed and followed T’Challa.
“By the way… do you know anything about that lil’ mark she had on her chest? Near her collar bone area.” Erik boldly asked as T’Challa nodded.
“Yes. She’s had that little patch ever since I’ve known her. But it lightened up recently. Before it was a bit darker than her skin tone, but we don’t know why. Thankfully it is not an illness or sign of any condition… why?”
Erik cleared his throat again.
“Uh… we uh… bumped into each other. She hit me kinda hard and I thought it was because of me. I got scared.” Erik lied as T’Challa chuckled and patted his back.
“No reason to worry, my friend. Layana has always had her mark.”
Arriving at the lab, Erik and T’Challa gave the paperwork to the lab assistants, moving towards the center of the place and finding Shuri. Only to see that she was not alone.
Layana was with her at the table, sitting with her legs crossed on the hovering chairs writing on her boards.
“Brother! Erik! For the first time, I am happy to see you here! I have made many new upgrades for your suits. I am excited to see you try them out!” Shuri spoke happily, grabbing T’Challa’s hand and pulling him towards the back of the lab. The King simply chuckled and followed his eager younger sister.
Layana placed her papers under a paperweight she’d brought from her office and stood, only to notice Erik was still in front of her.
“Uh… hey…” Erik spoke first, making Layana chuckle.
“Hey.” She replied, going to walk over to Shuri and her husband, only to be stopped by a tap on her shoulder. Layana turned.
“Listen, I… we gotta talk sometime.” Erik began, his voice low and soft. Layana’s brows furrowed and slightly cocked her head to the side.
“About our soulmarks. We can’t ignore this.” He spoke as Layana sighed and shook her head.
“Erik… soulmark or not we… we can’t be together. We can’t, it’s impossible,” Layana replied, slightly whispering, trying to seem as natural as possible. Erik sighed.
“Please, let’s just talk later. I’m my office.”
“What? Why?”
“We ain’t done here and my office has sound barriers.” Erik replied as Layana only sighed and nodded. Erik nodded as well and they walked out to the back.
T’Challa had already suited up and was experimenting with the new claw upgrade. Layana sat next to Shuri and saw as Erik also grabbed his necklace and suited up.
A golden, minimalist HUD instantly brightened his vision and made colors even more vibrant, offering a clearer visual. His suit also felt stronger as well as softer. The material, granted it was still vibranium, felt softer and more comfortable.
He looked at Shuri and her data began to show, giving him her full name, age, height, eye color, nationality and her type, a regular or a soulmate, making his heart rate increase. Ignoring the soulmate status, Erik smirked.
“Damn, Shuri. You went all out with this one,” he praised as Shuri smiled and nodded, “I know.”
T’Challa walked over to Layana and began to scan her, smiling softly under the mask.
“I am surprised to see you here, my love. I thought you were in your office.” He spoke softly.
Layana returned the smile. “I was… until Shuri called me. She said she needed help with your suits so… I came down here.”
T’Challa extended his hand and as Layana took it, her fingerprint was displayed. Layana only held his hand firmer and he dissolved the mask, showing her his soft, loving smile. The Queen smiled in return and went behind him to check on the necklace.
Erik saw this display as Shuri tinkered with his necklace. Sadness, jealousy and anger began to flood his mind and heart.
He had finally found his soulmate. An idea he foolishly abandoned for his life and goals, and she was taken.
“Alright, everything is functioning properly. Now, even if this is a top priority, I am still working on the fingerprint verification system.” Shuri spoke as Erik dissolved his mask and looked at her.
“She means that the suits have a new system. You’ll be able to get the person’s fingerprint or fingerprints by touching their hand. Shuri’s working on fixing that so that you don’t have to touch the person.” Layana explained as Shuri nodded, busy typing the progress on her own Kimoyo beads.
Erik nodded and Shuri dissolved both suits. And T’Challa nodded.
“I am proud, sister. You have done well,” he teased as Shuri scoffed and laughed.
“Of course I have.”
As the day went by, Layana and T’Challa attended meetings and worked all day. As night began to set over them, Erik saw Layana walking out of her office and decided to take his chance.
“Layana!” He called, watching her turn around and offer that usual soft smile.
“Oh yeah, you wanted to talk.”
Erik nodded.
“Fine. But let’s try and make it quick. T’Challa’s waiting for me.”
“Yeah…” Erik replied, walking towards his office. Once inside, he closed the door behind them and Layana waited.
“Look, whether you like it or not, we’re soulmates. We can’t ignore that. We can’t ignore this…” he began, showing his mark and seeing Layana’s eyes began to sadden.
“I know…” she replied quietly.
“I know. But what can we do? Erik, I’m married to T’Challa! I can’t just give him up… we can’t be together.” She continued as Erik only listened.
“What are the people gonna think? What’s Shuri, Ramonda and Okoye supposed to think? What about T’Challa…? He’s gonna feel hurt and it’s not gonna be pretty.”
Erik sighed, “I know. But trust me… eventually, we’re gonna end up together. You know how this shit goes…”
Layana shook her head.
“Erik… we can’t… we don’t even feel anything for each other besides our marks.” She spoke, tears beginning to sting her eyes. Erik walked closer to her, their faces inches from each other.
“Yet.” Erik replied, his voice low, almost a whisper.
Layana looked up and faced the man before her. Looking away, her heart felt heavy with guilt and shame.
She loved T’Challa. He treated her like a queen and had always been there for her. But Erik seemed mouthwatering. She felt safe and warm with him, as she had felt with T’Challa in the beginning of their relationship.
“Look at me, babygirl.” Erik whispered, using his index and thumb to gently guide her head to look up at him once more.
The atmosphere was thick and heavy. Their breathing deepened and their eyes became hooded.
Erik closed the small gap between them with a kiss. Layana didn’t pull away. Her arms wrapped around his head and neck, as Erik’s arms wrapped around her waist.
The kiss was deep, slow and passionate. It was intimate. Both of their marks began to warm up. It felt right.
Neither pulled away, wrapped in each other. Erik’s lips kissed her lips and neck, leaving goosebumps on Layana’s skin. She whimpered, feeling his hands travel her back and lower, gripping her waist.
Layana suddenly pulled away, both dazed and breathing heavily.
“Damn…” Erik huffed, still holding her. The Queen felt herself begin to tear up again.
“Don’t be scared… it’s okay…” Erik cooed, cupping her cheek, gently.
“What if T’Challa finds out? This shit’s gonna break his heart, Erik…”
Erik chuckled, “if he does… I’mma be the one to come clean. Don’t trip, babygirl.”
Layana sighed.
“Are you willing to do this with me? Be my official soulmate, besides the mark?” Erik suddenly asked, wrapping his arms around her once more, bringing her closer.
Layana looked into his eyes and saw nothing but calm, and confidence. She sighed.
Layana gave a sad smile, “yes.”
Erik only kissed her lips again and hugged his soulmate. Layana returned the embrace and held on tighter.
“This feels so nice…” she cried softly, sniffling, as Erik pulled away and wiped her tears away. He smiled as well, giving her a glimpse of his dimples.
“I know. Don’t worry ‘bout anything else. I got you, babygirl, I promise.” Erik spoke as he kissed her forehead and watched her give a small smile in return.
Walking out of Erik’s office with a mutual sense of peace and happiness, Layana walked to her own apartment, where T’Challa was.
He was laying in bed, dressed in his favorite satin pajamas, which were a gift from Layana.
“My love, where have you been? I thought you had escaped with Shuri and Nakia again.” T’Challa spoke as he stood and hugged his wife.
Layana smiled, “I was going over some things with Erik about the Outreach Centers. He got stuck with some of the new data.”
T’Challa simply nodded and kissed his beloved.
“Excited aren’t we?” Layana asked as T’Challa’s hands began to go lower down her waist.
“One could say that… or instead you could scream my name…” he spoke as a mischievous smirk spread across the King’s face as he lifted his wife and placed her in bed.
“You need help with your dirty talk, baby.”
T’Challa snickered.
“Then allow my tongue to make up for it…”
A/N: Feel free to let me know how you feel about this new series. If you’d like to be added to my taglist, let me know!
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