#Rays venti stuff
raynavan · 2 years
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so @littleblueberryartist has infected me with some brain rot. specifically with this particular post, which i am rotating a high speeds. (sorry for the. roughness of it orz)
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mothocean · 2 years
also this might just be my ignorance/lack of interest in shipping venti with anyone but is it just me or some venti ships (at least on the surface) feel kinda... one sided? like some of them seem like they're based more on the other character's feelings rather than venti's
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kanonavi · 6 months
(Spoilers for 4.5 Potion event (just in case lol I know I'm late on this))
At this point, I'm really wondering if we're gonna end up getting some payoff in the future for much Paimon absolutely hates Venti for no discernible reason. Because he isn't the only person she's been kinda standoffish with over the years, but he's by far the most consistent. Like, when you consider the fact that Paimon even warmed up to Al-Haitham by the end of Sumeru, it kinda says a lot about her apparent grudge against Venti by comparison. (And I love Al-Haitham to death, but I'm not about to say he's a ray of sunshine compared to Venti.) (Event interaction-related stuff under the cut)
The contrast to how Paimon treated Diona versus how she treated Venti when they came to the potion shop together was like night and day. I've been going around to all of my friends today and describing Paimon's reaction to them as something like "Diona omg hi it's so good to see you it's been forever how have you been!!! .........And Tone-Deaf Bard." which is obviously a comedic exaggeration, but also not entirely off the mark. And all Venti did was... exist? Try to help Diona out with what she was trying to do? Yes, he's going to get free drinks out of it but he also went truly above and beyond to help Diona find a new ingredient all the way from the middle of nowhere in Dragonspine. If he didn't care about Diona's feelings and what she was trying to do, he wouldn't have done that. (But of course, Venti does care because he's a good Archon and a good person and I love him for that.)
There are genuinely very few things that make me believe in the theory that Paimon is some kind of agent from the Heavenly Principles than the fact that she hates Venti so steadfastly. There's so much evidence that connects Mondstadt and specifically Venti/the Thousand Winds to the old civilizations of Teyvat that the Heavenly Principles once destroyed. For Venti to still exist in the world and let his people make their own choices in the way that he does, of course they and by extension Paimon would hate him. Plus, even if her annoyance with him started with his tendency towards being cryptic, why would Paimon care so much about what he knows? Why does one of his voicelines imply that he doesn't want to tell the traveler things with Paimon around?? It's just so incredibly suspicious.
The scene is kinda funny though when you look at how good Venti is with kids (how helpful and kind he is to Diona despite her wanting to get rid of alcohol, which he loves) and yet one of the most childish characters in the entire game absolutely despises him. Every day I wake up and wonder what in the world Paimon's damage is and if we're going to get a justification for it, or if this is sincerely just what the writers think is funny.
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xxventiswindblumexx · 2 years
Venti/Barbatos x follower fem reader!
Much like my Smut Soulmate I was nervous for this release since I mainly have scara Simps on here but since they're posting I'm posting! We post together ��❤👫
Here's to good fan fiction! 🍷
⚠Warnings⚠:God complex,superiority kink, corruption, venti being himself, pervert stuff, praise kink, breeding kink, mentions of Alcohol because ya know venti.
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Barbatos, the Archon of Freedom, holder of the Ameno Vision and the weakest Archon according to those who do not live in Mondstadt. It doesn't matter what they say however, to you he is all you need, to believe in, to love, to feel protected. You're a nun in the Favonius Cathedral, ever since you were young you've dedicated your life to preserve, protect and to teach everything Barbatos was about.
You lived among another named Barbara, she's the Deaconess, she is older but not by much. However you've noticed she's been neglecting her dutys, only slightly not something an average person would notice. She seems to be infatuated with the Traveller, sure he is interesting but he didn't peek your interest as much as a certain bard that seemed to follow him occasionally. Unaware of the bards true identity of course you tried to stray from temptation, barely speaking to him unless he speaks first which surprisingly happens often.
The bard known as Venti often runs right up to you first thing whenever the traveller enters the church. You of course speak to him, after all even with your crush on the male it would be rather rude and ungodly to ignore him, not that you would want to anyways.
The bard often talks about anything that comes on his mind it seems, things such as if you tried wine or if you really lived in the church all day and night. Yes you've tried wine, only communal wine however, nothing compared to what the bard had drank in his nights at the winery. How do you know? He often came to the church doors late at night crying out to see you in his drunken state, slurring words and being very touchy. You of course always opened the doors as it was your job to help those in need and even with his constant self destructive habits, he's still someone who needs help. It's unknown rather the bard had a home or family so he usually slept in a pew on those nights, and on the other times he isn't drunk you aren't sure where he goes, though the traveller assures you he's fine.
Today was like many others, quiet and peaceful as you could see the sun's rays shining in through the large windows and the sound of the wind blowing gently outside. That morning Barbara informed you that she would be out for the next week, it was rather strange, she's never left the church that long, however she assured you it was just to spend time with family, with her older sister Jean. So you would be alone to care for the Cathedral which wasn't too hard, not a whole lot happens really.
Around noon the traveller came to the church asking for Barbara, you unfortunately had to inform the man that she was out for a week. He took it well and decided to leave however his bard friend seemed to not notice. After Aether left Venti as usual ran to you and started off on his usual conversations.
"So Y/N, are you really alone for a week? Like by yourself? I can imagine it'll be sooo lonely huh" He said in a slight teasing voice as you was both sat at a pew. "Yes, I'll be on my own however I have all I need for company, the winds Lord Barbatos bestowed upon the city is enough company and comfort" You replied knowing he was probably going to try to stay around, in a fantasy sure you would like him to stay.. and maybe do other th- No! You cannot think this way, this is sinful and will distract you from your purpose. Shaking her head some as you cleared your thoughts you noticed Venti as leaning over, his hand reaching up to your face, you move away some "What are you doing Venti?"you asked with a sigh as he giggled " your face is all red, what could be going through your mind? Nothing dirty I hope~! " he teased as you didn't notice. In embarrassment you stood up sighing "Venti I must ask you to leave as I need to clean the pews and return to my duties, maybe another time we can chat about something related to the church" you said to him with a bit of sass as he only smirked as he got up "Oh sure, I'll definitely be coming back to talk about Lord Barbatos~" he teased before leaving.
Later that night as you was already settled into your bed in the back of the Cathedral you started to close your eyes when you heard the all too familiar sound of someone knocking and banging against the large doors of the church. You thought about not even bothering with it being that your alone but after a few minutes the banging continued along with faint whining, sighing you got up in your silk robes and headed towards the front. You wore white beautiful sleeping robes, no they weren't see through, at least not unless gotten wet but if you remember correctly it's not supposed to rain so no worried right?
Just before you get to the door you hear a loud thunder strike! You looked at the windows and noticed the very heavy downpour, just as you were going to grumble about your outfit you heard the banging and ran to the door, almost forgot he was out there.
Unlocking and opening the large doors you see Venti, crumbled onto the stairs, his clothes soaking wet as he looked up at you pitifully "Y/N~ you took sooo long to get the door today... I'm all wet now.. " he whined, you couldn't help but to feel bad for the boy. After all it doesn't rain often here and definitely never stormed this bad in awhile. You reach down to help him up but only to pull you into the rain too. Great just what you needed, not even thinking on how translucent your outfit must be you're more focused on getting the drunken bard inside, helping him up and inside the church, the doors closing behind you. It's then now that you're soaking wet you noticed how cold the main Hall with the pews get at night, you decided he couldn't sleep here, he would catch a cold or worse. You walk him to the back where your room was, of course you couldn't sleep in the same bed so you where already thinking on taking Barbaras room, she wouldn't mind.
You set him down and start looking in your dresser for something wearable for him, of course after you already given him a towel to at least warm up with.
However the whole time you're digging through your clothes you could feel his eyes staring at you, almost forgetting your what used to be a pretty silk nightgown is now see through thanks to the rain. "Can you not stare so hard Venti? I'm trying to find something for you to wear" you say, not able to look at him in embarrassment.
He shakes his head a smile tugging on his lips as he leans in closer "No, it's just that you're so adorable.. you know that don't you? I'd love to hold you in my arms" the bard slurred as he was right up against you, you could feel his chest, did.. did he take his wet clothes off already??
You turn to face him to see he was only in boxers, your eyes couldn't help but betray you, looking at his body and especially the ever growing tent in his underwear.
"V-Venti! Why are yo-" Before you could argue he placed a finger over your lips, his eyes glowed as marking appeared on to his body, it was then when you could see him for who he was, as Lord Barbatos.
"Didn't I tell you earlier? I would come back to talk, of course it would be a bit selfish since it is about me~" He giggled as he was pressed against you, you could feel him poking you, these feelings of arousal was familiar but not all too familiar, yes you had a life of abstinence but you're human and of course would have those thoughts occasionally.
"Speechless? Not surprising, after all you are meeting the very Archon you've been worshiping all your life, tell me Y/N, do you want to please your Archon? To be my little follower? " he said with lust laced heavily in his voice. His tone was soft but filled with desire and want, you wanted him to kiss you so bad right now.
"L-Lord Barbatos... " you mumbled unable to form words, he let out a low groan at the name, it's been ages since he's been called by his true name, it only serves to intensify his lust. "Yes call me that more, your Lord, your Archon~" his soft lips crashing into yours, his hands was quick to pull the wet nightgown off, he didn't want you to get a cold now would he?
Your body felt hot to his touch, you felt sparks go off in your body whenever his hands moved across them, yet you didn't resist it, why should you? He is your Archon, all these years serving him, unaware he was always there, in plain sight.
He pushed you onto the bed, hovering over you, he is so pretty, his eyes.. his glowing tattoos, his face and everything, he truly was an Archon, your Archon.
You shiver under his gaze as you felt himself moving his mouth against your collarbone, your head feeling dizzy as he bites you harshly as you whimper slightly. A soft moan leaves your lips as he moves lower kissing and sucking on your neck, you gasp a bit in surprise, his hands wander over your body as he presses his chest against yours and you both feel heat spread through your bodies, a small whimper escaping your lips as his hands continue their path downwards, to your core.
It doesn't take long for him to find what he was looking for, his hands begin to push your hips upwards, wanting to feel the sensation of skin on skin between the two of you, you whimper once more, feeling a small nip on your neck as he begins to suck on it, you feel yourself arching your back as he continues to work his magic on you, you feel yourself becoming wetter and wetter, you could feel your legs shaking as you tried to keep yourself still, you could feel his fingers slipping inside you to feel the warmth inside you, it was exciting. Moaning out his name and whimpering for more "Ssshhh... I knew you'd like this~, just give me a moment, my muse" he said as his kisses made their way to your stomach, moving up your torso slowly. You moan quietly, your hands gripping his hair gently as your body trembles uncontrollably.
His slender fingers made quick work of you, it didn't take long for you get close already, moaning, whimpering and begging "My Lord, Barbatos please~! " but of course just before you could release he slipped his fingers out, giggling. He's still the same bard you met, a teasing man.
Before you could retaliate you felt his member press into you, whining as tears flowed, the Archon sympathized with you, whiping your tears as he whispered sweet nothings into your ear as he pushed further until he was fully into you.
As he began to move, it wasn't the pain that shocked you so much as the pleasure that made you tremble and let out moans, it was intoxicating really, the sensation was so overwhelming, he thrust harder as he held you tighter as you bucked underneath him, crying out as you gripped his shoulders, you couldn't seem to hold yourself still anymore, a mixture of pleasure and pain mixed inside you as his member went deeper and deeper.
You gasped, gasping loudly as you cried out from the pleasure, he grunted as he held your body firmly against his own.
"Won't you be my lover? My pretty little wife? The woman that'll bring the next Archon into this world~? " He said as his thrusts was harsh against your hips, groans left his lips as he gotten close.
"Beg for me, beg to be filled with my love, to be mine~" he groaned out as his eyes seemed to glow brighter.
"P-please Lord Barbatos, please f-fill me up! " Was all you could say before reaching your climax as well as his own, pushing himself deeper into you, everything happened so fast, he seemed to glow so bright, you fainted from all the stimulation.
Your eyes fluttered open hearing the winds softly blow against the church, you felt sore before remembering last night, shooting up in bed quickly aching and regretting it as you held your stomach some. You noticed you're alone in your room, no sign of the bard.
You get up to get dressed and looked into your mirror to see all the markings, hickeys, bites and.. is that an Ameno mark? On her neck was a glowing mark for the Ameno Archon.
After getting dressed and cleaning up you opened the doors to the church for the regulars to come in, and not to surprising a certain bard was sitting on the stairs with his Lyre, singing a song of love.
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alitheakorogane · 2 years
Freedom's Protection: The Eye of the Anemo Archon's Anguish
Summary: Venti had accidentally raised a wind barrier to defend you, your friends, and himself... but it caused some people to suffer the brunt of the Swirl reaction and activated his underlying trauma, causing him to lose control of his emotions and his power. As he was getting close to a nervous breakdown, the people noticed that the skies above the city of Mondstadt are starting to change.
This is the fifth part of Mondstadt's storyline for the Reader Protection Squad SAGAU series.
Note: There are instances of grammatical errors, please bear with me. Also, the entire layout was now changed and I placed a title on them so I could not be confused while I write the next chapters. It's still the same story though.
Warning: Injury, blood, slight PTSD, nervous breakdown, and some OOC moments (I think)
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (current), 6, 7
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Aghast by the scene in front of him, Venti lowered the wind barrier and look at his hands in fear, remembering what Lord Decarabian did thousands of years ago. As people were whispering and screaming with each other, Venti then reached for his fake Anemo Vision attached to his hip and stared at it, his young face reflected in the teal glass of the fake Vision.
He had seen his friend's face on it, but the colors are all wrong. His friend doesn't have aqua-blue eyes, they were bright blue. The braids don't have Venti's teal highlights which glow whenever he uses his Anemo powers.
He had started to doubt himself, as a voice keeps repeating in Venti's head, "My friend would never do what I had done with our people, I had hurt them with my powers using his face! I had desecrated his image... I don't deserve to be an Archon..."
As he was getting close to a nervous breakdown, you noticed that the skies above are starting to change, it was a bright sunny day a while ago but it was starting to darken, with dark clouds starting to block the sun's rays. The wind suddenly picked up speed, as leaves and other light stuff started to blow around the area.
"That's strange," you pondered silently, but as you stared at Venti again, you noticed that his teal braids were starting to glow brighter than usual. You then realized why the weather suddenly changed in an instant, as you remembered Vind's words on one of Mondstadt's daily commissions, entitled 'A New Storm Is Brewing'.
"Since Lord Barbatos began protecting Mondstadt, we have not seen a single storm, and the watchtowers have slowly fallen into disrepair."
"Oh, crap."
You facepalmed mentally as you realized that since Venti is the Lord of Anemo and the Archon of Mondstadt, he may have the ability to manipulate the weather, especially in his domain, and it will be affected his current mood. Unfortunately, he was feeling distressed due to the events earlier, and the weather here in Mondstadt is currently sensing his distress and slowly forming into a storm.
You had to do something or this incoming storm would grow and will affect Mondstadt for the worse. And if the city will be destroyed by his winds, who knows what will happen, especially with Venti's implied trauma regarding the first Mondstadt rebellion where two of his beloved friends had died in the middle of the battle. He would be inconsolable.
Bennett, Razor, and Fischl also noticed the change in weather and looked at each other in worry, but it seems like there are some people who are too engrossed with recent events that they never noticed the change in weather. Amber lowered her bow, her right hand pointed at Venti's fake Vision on his hand, and exclaimed, "He uses his Anemo Vision to injure people!"
You then glared at the young Outrider, while Bennett and Fischl just stared at Amber with a deadpanned look. Wasn't her flaming arrows ignited Venti's wind barrier a while ago? Why would she blame Venti, her very own Archon, for something she did?
Acting Grand Master Jean, who was helping her comrades by using her own healing powers, just sighed and shook her head in resignation, as she knew fighting one of the Original Seven Archons was pointless, while Diluc grudgingly muttered how the Knights are inefficient in any way. Deaconess Barbara suddenly rushed down to help the injured, healing them with her Hydro Vision, with some of the nuns assisting her.
Kaeya and Lisa, on the other hand, noticed how the weather changed and noted that the bard must have done something regarding the weather. It seems that there will be an impending storm, with the skies above suddenly turning for the worse than they had ever seen in their entire life living in Mondstadt. They had to do something, or Mondstadt will be in danger if this keeps up.
"He does not only say blasphemy against our Lord, but he also abuses the blessings the bard got from Him!"
The citizens exclaimed as the uninjured Knights started to calm the people down under the orders of the Acting Grand Master, while Mother Maria and some of the nuns scrutinized the bard from head to toe then she compared the bard with the Anemo Archon statue in front of the Cathedral.
Venti was feminine-looking that you could mistake him for a girl, standing confidently with his fancy green and gold ensemble. A lone Cecilia adorned in his green beret, its petals were still as fresh as if it was plucked recently. His green cape was flowing in the breeze, and it seems to resemble wings with how the cape was designed.
In terms of appearance, Venti seems to have a resemblance with the Lord Barbatos statue, the young feminine-looking face, and the short raven hair with teal highlights on his twin braids... He really looks like the Archon. The old nuns started to have doubts about it, along with the others.
Then you noticed the young bard standing up and he had raised his fake Vision with his right hand clutching tightly to it, with tears in his eyes, making the people stop what they were currently squabbling about, and stare at the Vision he was holding. You gasped, as you had seen his tearful eyes narrow in determination and you finally realized what he was going to do.
"Venti, don't do it!" you exclaimed as you now gained the courage to run to him and reach him. You had extended your hand as you ran, wanting to hug and quell his sadness.
He then closed his eyes, breathing deeply, and do something unexpected: he broke the fake Vision with the Anemo powers he had summoned on his fist. As he did so, he unwittingly created a blast of wind that caught you and other people unaware. Those who are closest to him were knocked back to the ground, including you who was just getting closer to him. You gasped in pain, as you gained scratches and bruises over your body because you had hit the floor harder than it should.
"Your Grace!" Bennett screamed as he recovered and he rushed unto you. You stood up, with Bennett and now recovered Razor holding you up for support.
"I'm fine, but I need to get to Venti!" You told them as you started to approach Venti but Bennett had stopped you, his face full of worry.
"This is dangerous, Venti is not on his right mind right now!" He stressed out as you yelled with tears in your eyes, "If this keeps up, everyone will get hurt! The Venti I know wouldn't do that for his people!"
"We know, but hurting yourself isn't the answer!" the young adventurer replied as he held your hand to support you in standing. You winced over your bruises and cuts, and you see your golden blood on them, shining over the light of the day despite the weather.
Wait, golden blood?
Meanwhile, Venti winced over the pain he had felt due to the broken shards, remembering how he made his fake Vision transform into his current lyre, Der Frühling, but he had assured himself that he could make another lyre next time. He had never heard the commotion around him, as he was too busy with his self-pity to see what was happening.
He teared up, not because of the wounds he got from breaking his fake Vision, for the pain in his hand was incomparable to the pain in his heart.
"I'm a monster..."
Everyone, who was still on the ground because of the blast they had experienced earlier, was flabbergasted and confused, including you. They just saw him break his fake Vision, the important part of his disguise.
"He had broken his Vision!"
"Wait a moment, didn't Visions break easily? You had tried that one time when you received yours, Sucrose?" Noelle had asked the young alchemist who just arrived recently. Sucrose nodded as she answered, "It can't, not that I know of. I tried burning it out of curiosity but it was like it wasn't burned at all. It just made a dangerous Swirl reaction instead, kinda injured me that time."
The people were horrified at the harmless sweetie's remarks, causing the said person to shrink back in shyness. How would this girl still be alive with her dangerous experiments with that elusive Chief Alchemist?
"He may have a Delusion in his possession!" Someone screamed in the background, and you assumed that it was one of the Fatui members assigned in Mondstadt. You forgot about them, you facepalmed mentally.
"He does not have a Delusion on him," Jean spoke up as the eyes of every single person were looking at the woman with shock, gossiping around themselves.
Jean just said nothing as she continued healing some people with her Anemo power, helping her sister and the nuns in healing the injured.
As people were whispering among themselves, the harsh wind picked up again and swirled in Venti's direction, slowly forming into a small tornado. Your hair was starting to block your eyesight because of the wind, so you held your hair back and then gasped in horror as the sight of Venti's wind surrounded him like he was an eye of an upcoming hurricane.
You and the whole city of Mondstadt then saw the young bard float up from the ground and you could hear his laugh. But it was not his usual "ehe" or his happy-go-lucky laugh, it was a crazed laugh, and the laugh he had right now had chilled the spines of everyone.
He had appeared on a burst of insanity, the distress he had been building for more than two thousand years has starting to overflow like magma on a volcano and started to show signs of eruption.
You could hear the worried chants of the citizens who had seen Venti's outburst. They were now fearing for their lives. You understood that this one is not good for the people of Mondstadt, and you had to do something useful for once.
"How does he still manipulate the wind if we had seen his Vision break in front of us?!"
"The wind... it's not like the usual winds we had in Mondstadt..."
"Barbatos have mercy on us..."
"It can't be..."
"Jean, Diluc!" You shouted at the Acting Grand Master, who was shocked beyond words, "I know that you are distrustful of me and my friends right now, but please evacuate the citizens of Mondstadt that are currently here today! You know who and how powerful he is!"
Diluc and Jean nodded as they acted quickly, Jean commanded her comrades to evacuate anyone who are nearby, and everyone, except a few people, followed her orders.
"How about you?" she replied with a worried look, as you were surprised that she was still concerned about your well-being after what she and her Knights had done to you and your friends.
You responded with a smile, "I'll be fine! Now go protect Mondstadt, I'll be handling your beloved Archon!"
"You will be in danger too if you try to help him in that state," Diluc spoke up, his red eyes narrowed. You just smiled as you could see the concern in the redhead's crimson eyes, even though his expression was unchanged. Typical Diluc...
"I'll catch up with you after, don't worry," you reassured him as you raised a thumbs up at the man. The two looked at each other before they eventually nodded, and ran away with some of the crying children and injured people they could carry with them, but before they did, you saw Jean silently mouth the words of apology to you.
You smiled sadly, hoping that at least all people of Mondstadt would be safe somewhere, but you then noticed the other three people who remained at your side. You widened your (eye color) eyes, still worried about the three people who were still determined to be with you.
"What are you all doing? You should be evacuating!" You stressed out as your gaze shifted from the three youngsters to the tornado-like wind above you.
"We can't leave you here! If you don't go, then we won't either!" Bennett shouted with determination as he raised his fist up. Razor nodded to his friend's statement, his claymore appearing on his hands, as he also added, "We are Lupical, we don't leave Lupical behind."
Fischl spoke in her usual fancy words, her trusted companion flying beside her, "For with my left eye, the Auge der Verurteilung, which sees the threads of fate, I will surely keep you from harm, dearest Grace from the Heavens. Even at the last, when I bring the lightning of retribution upon this world, you shall come to no harm, for thou art blessed by the Prinzessin."
Her bird companion, Oz, just translated his master's words, "Mein Fräulein just wanted to protect you because that's what friends are for."
You were touched by their dedication, making you look at them with a grateful gaze. You wanted them to stay away from here to protect them but you know that they could be stubborn as they wanted to be if their minds are set on a goal in mind.
But before you could reply to their words, a sudden blast of wind shook the entire city like a nuclear bomb, shattering the windows of some houses nearby, and those who are closest to him were knocked back to the ground once again.
Unfortunately for you and your friends, you were also knocked out of your place due to your distance from him. You groaned in pain as you hit your head on the pavement, your blood from the cut on the head suddenly gushing on the ground below. You are pretty sure that you will get a concussion or a serious head injury later on due to the impact.
You were worried by your three friends since they were also with you when the blast hits. You were hoping that they would be okay compared to yourself.
The last thing you had seen before your world fades out into darkness is an image of an angel-like boy floating in the air and looking at you in absolute horror, his teal-colored braids glowing brightly while huge snow-colored wings flapping in his back.
I'm back with Part 5. Yes, a new update for Reader Protection Squad.
I apologize if this takes me ages, I had been busy with my schoolwork and tons of fan art to finish in between. I also lost some motivation to write this part, but I managed to get my shit up due to your compliments.
Thank you for the compliments though. To be honest, I'm not a good writer, some people could notice how my old fanfic works are usually unfinished or abandoned over time. This series though was a nice change of pace.
So another cliffhanger, I suppose? It was never intended that way, but as I said, I'm not good at planning, I tend to write on a whim, whenever my imagination takes me. So if you see some...incomplete parts, let me know.
Spoiler alert, the Archon form of Venti is on the way... or the first official appearance of Lord Barbatos, I think?
Yes, @elixirthe3rd, I also wrote for Assassination Classroom, in fact, I made some little one-shot series and an OC-centric fic on that fandom.
Taglist: @mmajoko, @leafanonsforest, @angstylittleb1tch, @sunflowers1970, @haru-tofuu, @kiraisastay, @valeriele3, @ladyorchidia, @peter-the-pan, @i-have-a-lot-of-ocs, @yuyuzi-ling, @aludicpoet, @milly-nila, @yaesflorist, @asoulsreverie, @loafilw, @genshin-impacts-me
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crystalitecloudie · 2 years
great places to hide in for sagau imposter aus
Stormterror's Lair/Dvalin's Nest/Old Mondstadt/whatever you wanna call it idrc:
great place to hide. let's be honest, the pathway to actually get there, even from the dawn winery area is LONG. annoyingly long. not that that really ever mattered in an imposter au, but it'll at least keep them off your trails for a while
"oh, the imposter is weakened! they wouldn't travel all that way, let alone only to stay in the same country and be killed by dvalin!"
oh yes they would
also there is a lot of rubble and hiding spots. if we're going by typical sagau stuff, the hilichurls would immediately come to your defense and give you shelter
they also know the territory way better than you do, so they could probably guide you to safe spots
lastly, I think dvalin would be on your side. venti too, actually. I think it's dumb how usually, venti is depicted as evil or "being forced to do it" in imposter aus
I actually don't ever think venti would ever reveal his identity to the people either. I think he'd sit back and watch the chaos, letting his people do what they want with their freedom or whatever, and would maybe start helping the reader once dvalin says "hey this imposter is the real creator"
this one will take a bit of traveling, but depending on how far you are into the game, it'll already be unlocked. once it is, you can easily escape in through Watatsumi and hide among the darkness and islands
I feel like the floating rays and vishap thingies would be your friends. maybe this is how you meet the Abyss, too, since Enkanomiya is technically a part of the abyss
the floating rays are probably your transportation, but if anybody else happens to follow you in and hunt you down, they probably won't even be able to reach the islands at all
lastly, Enkanomiya is pretty unknown. 99% of teyvat's population probably doesn't even know it exists. overall, the greatest hiding spot I'd recommend on this list 👌
this one is a common one. a lot of fanfictions already exists of it. but that's because ITS A GENIUS IDEA OKAY
it's literally like an alternate universe. If you know the harp tune, you can just live with the aranara for the rest of your life. it's like the chill faerie cottagecore life you always wanted!!!!!
AND each aranara tune is individual to each aranara. so other than the traveller knowing one, pretty much nobody knows the tunes
need I say more?
The Chasm:
this is another underrated one that I rarely see. it's dark and dangerous and spooky, and has lots of hilichurls for you to befriend
they can spend their last dying moments with the creator!! how fun!!!
also a great segway into becoming a part of the abyss
there are a lot more abyss lectors down here, so your protection would be even stronger
you could also stay with that mechanical worm thing that I forget the name of, but he's kind of intimidating
lastly, the chasm is pretty vast and hard to traverse, so people would have a hard time finding you
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cashewally-sarcastic · 8 months
Hello bestie I have been a tad persona brained and was thinking about what arcana Venti would be and then i realized that Dionysus (persona) would be a fun fit for him so i did some more research on Dionysus (mythos) and was like. Huh. Venti has a lot of similarities to this guy. Festivals, Wine, Souls, being a twink, and most importantly being the ‘Liberator-Eleutherios ’ and this role “Liberator- Eleutherios” is so A Drunkard’s Tale im going insane reading about (LINK) who’s a roman god who's is equated with Dionysus cause he’s got the whole “Came into power as the city overthrew the Monarchy” origin and thus is called the Free Father and Venti is the anemo papa
Also you get stuff like “ Greeks took their masks at face value and never expected the actor to be unveiled at the end, which allows the actor to feel free in the knowledge that he is only what he creates and thus liberated from his persona. All this is important because of the nature of mimesis. Because the actor can stay unrevealed, not only is he liberated, but the audience has the ability, by imagination, to create something better than the actor. Aristotle believed that the act of mimesis was more than just imitation, but also an improvement on reality.” (LINK) and im just thinking about that and how Venti presents himself. Like he has made both the image of Barbatos a god larger than life. Litterally, his statue is huge. His people believe of him to be so wonderful and great its an improvement on who he actually is. He did it to himself, and from my interpretation also the nameless bard. We don’t know how important NB was to the resistance so its possible that Venti exaggerated to everyone how much of a shining ray of hope he was. 
I AM POINTING AT THE BOARD. THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE ABOUT FINDING A SILLY LITTLE CARD. ONE CARD.also did you know the reason why the joker card in a deck of playing cards is a jester was because America was going thru a tarot phase? ANYWAYS. the silly little bard would be the hierophant thank you for reading my essay im procrastinating on hw
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faerelle · 2 months
ray’s selfships!
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𝓿𝓮𝓷𝓵𝓵𝓲𝓮 — venti + ellie
• love at first sight. sun and stars trope. too much energy & too much energy trope. lots of shoulder kisses & cuddles. picnics in windrise. vacations in the dandelion sea. secrets shared under the moonlight in old mondstadt. both enby <3 shared love of wine. shared love of german festivals and heritage <3 love that feels like a sunny spring day while the wind blows. our remix.
𝓷𝓪𝓿𝓲𝓮𝓵𝓵𝓲𝓮 — navia + ellie
• childhood friends to lovers. lesbian relationship <3 height difference. cottagecore girlies at heart. lots of hugs from the back & swaying our bodies. baking & cooking together in the kitchen while listening to music. shared love of taylor swift. hot summers out by the pool with our cute matching bikinis. best friends turned girlfriends <3 love that feels like running through a flower field at sunset. our remix.
𝓱𝓲𝓶𝓮𝓻𝓪𝔂 — himeko + ray
• friends to lovers. moon and stars trope. evenings in bed sharing stories while gazing out at the endless sea of stars <3 traveling together as nameless. parenting march and dan heng together. making coffee in the mornings. soft, passionate kisses. neck kisses!!! admiring each other’s scars/imperfections. soft love that feels like sitting by the fireplace during winter <3 our remix.
𝔁𝓲𝓵𝓸𝓻𝓪𝔂 — xilonen + ray
• rivals to lovers. too much energy & calm trope. flirtatious & easily flustered. height difference!!! lots of teasing & sarcasm. dancing!!! shared love of spicy foods. cooking the foods of our cultures together <3 late night walks thru the streets during festival season. sharing our cultures & languages. buying stuff for each other spontaneously. love that feels like watching fireworks in the summer. our remix.
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𝓻𝓪𝔂𝓵𝓸𝓾 — nilou + ray
𝓶𝓲𝓴𝓪𝓮𝓵𝓵𝓲𝓮 — mikasa + ellie
𝓻𝓪𝔂𝓱𝔂𝓪 — dehya + ray
𝓮𝓵𝓵𝓲𝓮𝓯𝓮𝓲 — feixiao + ellie
𝓮𝓵𝔂𝓻𝓪𝔂 — elysia + ray
𝓪𝓮𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓵𝓵𝓲𝓮 — aerith + ellie
𝓽𝓲𝓯𝓪𝓻𝓪𝔂 — tifa + ray
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my-faymelodyz · 2 years
Bcuz it’s been a minute since I posted art- Art Dump :]]
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While y’all wait for my sonas ref sheet that I promised here’s some stuff I did :]
I was gonna draw something for Valentine’s Day buuut i fucking died cuz I hate V-Day 😊
The first drawing is kinda venty cuz I was having a crisis 🫶🏼 but I’m okay now
I’ve been experimenting with putting Azumi in MHA scenes soo take her and Shubuya (he doesn’t belong to me: @mod-bubamon <- thy brothren)
I DREW ARAKI AGAIN <333 she got a redesign cuz she needed one- (I’ll color her soon)
(Also I’ve never shown my dragon ball oc before cuz I am cringe and terrified soo meet my oc Hina and my irl brothers oc Rai-)
Also a Goku doodle cuz why not :))
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rpiconblogxkitten · 11 months
So I have a few Genshin Impact sets in the queue (one more for Venti, one for Kaeya and one for Diluc), some Zack and Ray icons from Angels of Death, a few characters from Inu x Boku SS (yes I'm doing most of the cast and a few finally got a full set), one set for Maron from Kamikaze Kaito Jeanne, and a few sets of Kilala from Kilala Princess.
I'm still making stuff all the time, but this is what is currently in the queue. It'll be going for around 20 days at this point (1 per day to avoid the blog being shadow banned), but keep an eye out if you're interested in any of these sets. ^^ I am very humbled by the amount of support I've been receiving recently. Thank you guys so much.
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electrosair · 1 year
Hihii!!! This is my first time doing a matchup so hopefully everything is well ^^ I love your work btw <33
Let’s see— in my free time I like to draw, write, read— all that creative stuff. I also love just meditating and going about my day and appreciating everything even it’s something very minuscule!
Honestly? I’m loud. I’m very honest but I always make sure to be nice about it. I value kindness and love a lot because I empathize with practically everyone around me— I flirt a lot AS A JOKE Plus im just very touchy in general like ill hold hands with anyone im walking with or hug people SUPERRRR tightly as like a greeting or just because i thought ‘damn this person is cool’!!!!!!!!! Also i can be really naive, especially socialy even though im an extrovert 😿 Basically social cues are 99.9% sure to miss me which is a big bummer :(
My favorite nation is DEFEINITLY SUMERU 😻😻😻😻 And I love Hydro & Anemo ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶ As for factssssss ⁉️⁉️⁉️ okok I LOVE CARTOONS LIKE OCTONAUTS OR MLP: FiM AND IM ACTUALLY SUPER SUPERBBOOK SMART EVEN THOUGH IM KINDA(very) OBNXIOUSSIO which usually surprises people from what ive seen— i kind of have this very quiet and smart and wise side to me but i dont show it to anyone because i like making people smile and i prefer being more flirty to make them laugh so thats why i keep that side of me a secret-/ OH MY FARTS I SOUND LIKE A ENNEAGRAM WING 2 🤯🤯🤯🤯 i am one haha
And my favorite little pookie munchkins areeeeeeee : SCARAMOUCHE ❕❕❕ ALBEDO CYNO VENTI HEIZOU AND TIGHNARI 😻
anyways tjis was my first ever matchup req aahaaaahahahaahaa GOOD LUCK WITH ME I LOVE YOUR WORK I REALLY DO PLEASE NEVER STOP BEING YOU ❕❕❕❕😻😻😻😻
this was hilarious to read, i even texted my bestie with a screenshot of some parts aldkasjdlask
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He would be attracted to your fun personality and how hard you try to make the people around you laugh, Heizou has a very cheeky nature and because you're so naive you could be the center of several of his double entendre jokes only to watch you not catch them.
That you like to interact with people with a little flirting and enjoy physical contact would only make it easier for him. He would definitely love it every time you hold his hand while walking or get a little more clingy with him.
You'd get along just fine if we took away his silly jokes, which would be fun for him but not so much fun for you. Heizou would like spending time with you so much that he would only leave when he really had to work.
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raynavan · 1 year
hey so. @littleblueberryartist do. do you remember that thing i sketched a while ago for your Butterflies drink turtle tears au? well ah.
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i finished it =]
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admiral-mason · 2 years
You Reap What You Sow - Chapter 9
Genshin Impact SAGAU x Iron Harvest 1920+
Perspectives of the Loyal
Warning: This chapter and the next one will take place at the same time, just from different perspectives. Some stuff might also be out of character since I don't play Genshin Impact.
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"Mornings here are beautiful," said one of the šetačs who is part of the squad which accompanied you to the Zapolyarny Palace. He looked up at the sunrise, its golden rays shining with a yellowish-orange glow upon the icy blue structure.
Another šetač walked beside the soldier to accompany him. "Surely better than looking at the mech," he said to his partner, pointing to the TF-987 Čuvar which was in its defensive mode for the entire night. The mech in this stage huddled up like a caterpillar in its cocoon, Its electric blue eye looking for potential threats to the Divine One.
"On days like these, I wonder if there are inhabitants of Teyvat still loyal to the Divine One, instead of joining those who chased them out." The first šetač said. "I mean, surely not everyone hates our grace, right?"
"I'm pretty sure there's someone out there who recognizes the Divine One. If not, then this world truly is blind." The second one replied, looking towards the sunrise.
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Albedo looked over a conspiracy board he set up after putting Klee to bed.
He was in his lab trying to figure out the strange occurrences which have been occurring in Mondstadt. First, wild animals refused to hunt. Then, crop harvests started becoming less favorable. Furthermore, the statues of the Divine Creator slowly deteriorated and fell apart despite everyone's best efforts to try and repair them.
And finally, everyone felt as if something was missing, but they couldn't pinpoint what. But Albedo knew exactly what it was.
It was the fact that their Divine Creator had seemingly had their contact severed from them. It's the only logical explanation for all the happenings. They chased out their own creator in that impostor hunt, believing them to be a false idol of sorts. Now, they're paying the price. Teyvat itself is causing this, and Albedo is sure Kaeya knows what is going on as well.
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Meanwhile, in Mondstadt, Kaeya couldn't shake the feeling of emptiness while on his break. This occurred a day after the Impostor was supposedly chased out of Mondstadt. And he knew how dire the circumstances were. Market prices were high with the lack of food, and talk about people starving in the streets became regular talk.
He quickly put two and two together. That impostor was the same god that created them all. The same god who watched as Khaenri'ah was founded as a nation without a god to rule them. You gave them their freedom, so they revered you in secret despite upholding the reputation of being a godless nation.
And he liked the fact that the Divine One let their nation flourish on its own, rather than just destroying it. He felt you lamenting at the Cataclysm. Knowing who you were, he felt powerless when he knew he couldn't do much to convince Jean and the other Knights of Favonius that you were the Divine One.
Perhaps this explains why when he went hunting, the animals he encountered allowed themselves to be hunted. It also might explain why bushes have more berries on them whenever he finds them.
So he decided to go to you instead. He didn't know any reasons to leave Mondstadt for a prolonged period of time, though, so he decided to sneak out instead. He would wait for nightfall, then sneak out from the back gate. However, Kaeya didn't know that someone else left beforehand.
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When he saw you being chased down, Venti recalled the time when he lost his friend and took on his appearance. Losing his friend was bad enough, and he didn't want to lose you too.
So he helped you using the wind, giving you more speed. When he witnessed you shoot that Knight of Favonius, he wondered what it was and how powerful it could be.
He left Mondstadt two days later. Using whatever Mora he had with him, he bought a coat before picking some apples. Then, he departed for Snezhnaya with the intention of finding you.
After half an hour into departing, he ran into a hilichurl camp. While his instincts told him to run, he heard a voice emerge from the creatures.
"Inform everyone that we can find to not attack Venti. He helped me, so should he need the same, give it to him."
It was your voice. No wonder why they were friendly to him as he filled up on some soup and water. Waving goodbye after some dinner, the bard continued on to Snezhnaya. Upon finding the first instances of eternal snow, he knew he was in the right area.
"I'll find you soon, your grace," the archon disguising himself as a bard thought to himself.
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Beidou lay awake on the deck, staring at the moon while everyone else was asleep on the Alcor.
She heard of the hunt for the Impostor, and how Ningguang was involved in it. She was appalled but didn't visibly show her distaste. But everyone on the ship knew how she felt, and they shared her sentiments. They couldn't believe that the people of Liyue just believed that fake on the throne so blindly.
They all felt an emptiness that day, and they hated it. Some members panicked; were you dead? Missing? They don't know. But Beidou assured them that you would be fine.
Then the occurrences happened. Crops failing to grow, animals refusing to be hunted, more aggressive monsters, etc.
Truth be told, she didn't know either. However, she was snapped out of her trance after hearing weird flying sounds. She turned and found a weird contraption of sorts flying in the Alcor's general direction, but it had additions to it. Four flaps on its side, a weird contraption at the rear, and two giant cylinders underneath the central body. Beidou noted that they were far away from Liyue harbor, so it was unlikely that anyone would hear it.
Then the crew of the Alcor woke up and walked to the deck. They saw the contraption as well and looked on with curiosity.
Suddenly, the contraption stopped a few meters in front of Beidou and a trapdoor opened up at the top of it. A person stuck themselves out and threw something at her. She caught it on instinct and found out it was a message in a bottle.
"Hey, who are you?" Beidou yelled at them. But they just went back into their contraption and turned around. She just popped open the cork of the bottle and read the message inside as the other crewmates of the Alcor gathered around her.
"To Beidou, Uncrowned Lord of the Ocean: Your divine figure is safe with us, do not worry. He will call for you. When he does, follow his directions. There you shall see your grace. With best regards, William Mason, officer of Usonia." The message was signed off with a drawing of a shield. It was predominantly blue and had a white eagle in the middle of it. Eight white stars were present as well, four on the top and four on the bottom.
This raised more questions than answers. What was that contraption? Who is this 'William Mason?' Everyone went to bed that day with questions, but Beidou had a hunch that you were okay in the hands of these strangers.
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Kujou Sara felt unease and emptiness over the past few days.
When the hunt for the one who impersonated their divine grace was declared, Inazuma had its best soldiers search for them. Sara was one of the first to respond, eagerly taking her spot. Suddenly, issues that were reported in Mondstadt and Liyue were reported in Inazuma.
Alongside said issues, the Pyro Hypostasis wandered outside of its area in Kannazuka and started terrorizing all that came into contact with it. Riftwolves started becoming more aggressive as well. Sara was dispatched to take care of it herself since all the other soldiers were sent to dispatch major issues of riftwolves all over the island nation.
Upon arriving at the spot where the Hypostasis was, she dodged its attacks and tried to crack its shell. But midway through, a massive pack of riftwolves started attacking her. While she was the most revered and powerful general in the Shogun's army, she couldn't handle sheer numbers. She was overwhelmed and thought this would be the end...
...And then they were blown away by fiery blasts. To Sara's shock and disbelief, the Pyro hypostasis protected her. This wouldn't be the case, but then she heard a voice emanating from the elemental lifeform.
"Protect her, Ayin, please. She's one of my favorites. There may be ones that do not recognize her; fight them off by what means necessary."
She knew that voice. That voice was the voice of the Divine One. Then, she remembered. You had guided her when the traveler arrived in Inazuma. She simply looked on at the Hypostasis as it fought against the rifthounds that seemingly didn't recognize her as one of the Divine One's favorites. She flew off while she had the chance, still hearing the Hypostasis fight against those rifthounds.
This is a scenario that Sara is going to excuse herself from.
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You found out about some of your vessels today at Noon. Pulcinella helped you sort them out as you ended up with a small list of those who are most likely to be loyal to you other than the Fatui.
Kujou Sara, Sangonoiya Kokomi, Gorou, the Traveler (you had a hunch about this one), Kaeya Alberich, Albedo Kriedeprinz, Yoimiya, Lesser Lord Kusanali, Venti.
It's a small list, but it's speculated that there are more loyal acolytes out there.
"Hey, comrade! You said we could go fishing today!" You heard the voice of Childe as he waved to you. Yes, you did promise him to go fishing today. You looked at Pulcinella as he responded with a simple "go on now."
You walked off in your coat with Childet, Polanian rifle slung over your shoulder and your rifthound and Slugas accompanying you.
Genshin Impact is owned by miHoYo. Iron Harvest 1920+ is owned by Jakub Różalski and KING Art Games.
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mollycoddle707 · 1 year
🚩WATCH OUT: I am switching usernames, so the links on my account don't work properally yet! I will take my time to make sure they work again!
About me:
Hello everyone! I'm MollyCoddle. If you're new, welcome! I use my tumbr account to post my fanart, fanfics and just random stuff about the games/anime I enjoy.
I mainly focus around the Ikemen series, but I also really enjoy MXTX, Obey Me, Mystic Messenger, Ensemble Stars and Genshin Impact.
For more info you can see my carrd profile: https://mollycoddle707.carrd.co/
Feel free to ask questions or dm me. :) I'm always very happy when people show that they enjoy my works, so feel free to leave a comment if you wish to.
English isn't my first language, so I apologise if there are any spelling/grammar mistakes in my posts. Feel free to call them out so I can fix them. :)
Also! My commissions are open for the first time! 🥳
Much love, Molly <3
(Link to my archive-account)
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My personal favs ❤️
Ieyasu (black and white) My love Yves Lumine A prayer to my God Liam and Elizabeth The ultimate astronomer Lilith's descendant
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Ikemen Vampire 🌹
Life as a vampire
Chapter 1: A new beginning
Ikemen oc vacation
The invitation
Ikemen Sengoku 🌌
Hekima masterlist
Obey Me 🐏
Detective Satan and assistant MC
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Ikemen Vampire 🌹
Vincent angst :( Napoleon for b-day Flustered Isaac Isaac b-day Sebas being a meme Luka Klein (IkeVamp OC) Ikemen oc vacation doodles A walk under the cherry trees Sleepwear ship dynamic (doodle)
Ikemen Revolution 🌖
Luka b-day 2023 Luka b-day 2024
Ikemen Sengoku 🌌
Ieyasu (colored) Ieyasu (black and white) Horsieyasu
Ikemen Prince ⚔️
My love Yves Yves Kloss Yves art trade (made by @velkya99 ) Silvio
Mystic Messenger 📱
Best boy Ray
The Ssum 💞
Junie cutie June doodles
Obey Me 🐏
Self-aware Simeon Manga Luke The birth of a devil Demon OC Lilith's descendant
Twisted Wonderland 🪄
Azul & Ursula Riddle's b-day2022 Riddle's b-day 2023 Riddle's b-day 2024 Cursed Images
Ensemble Stars ✨
Wataru Kanata underwater 4piece debut!
Project Sekai 🎶
Emu Otori
Genshin Impact 🍃
Lumine Venti Furina
Honkai Star Rail 💫
Misha art trade Dan Heng
Bungou stray dogs 🐯
PM Dazai Teruko Fyodor's sigma meal
WangXian Xie Lian Christmas card "Dumbfuck author, dumbfuck novel!" Mobei jun practice A prayer to my God Bingqui Hua Cheng hanahaki disease Hualian mural QuanYin for TGCFAction
Milgram 🔪
Fuuta Yuno
Other ❤️
Seir (Salvus Aries) OC Mitchy (XY) Fav jpop artists A thank-you-gift (SHY fanart) 2023-2024 doodles Pepesha! Circe ~<3 The prophet Pilse Shiro <3 Kim Dokja (orv) Meng Long
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Vampire 2023 🦇
Seafoam 2024 🫧
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deathshallbenomore · 4 years
la malsana tentazione di mettermi a scrivere un paper sulla tragicomica contraddittorietà della rappresentazione queer nel panorama culturale, sociale e televisivo italiano, tra omofobia, queerbaiting e queer coding  
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bookjockey · 4 years
Before the pandemic, I had a list of stuff I was going to buy. Finally. And one of them was a TV. Not a big one. I just need a small one for my living room. That old tube one is huge, and no longer works. So, I thought I couldn’t get one until I got rid of it. When I finally realized, “I mean, I could always get a small one, then move it out of the way when someone comes over to carry that one down (e.g. my nephews),” I picked one out. Just never got to grab it. 
Nowhere in town does curbside right now for that, just groceries. And I have been swearing to myself that I don’t know how I feel about buying a TV by mail. I have bought laptops, phones, a new printer recently. A couple folding pieces of furniture (some just this week -- they make so much more stuff than they did when I first move into my apartment!) I’ve been living without for one reason or another, sometimes due to faulty reasonings based in some form of guilt. Over various things. Or bogged down by work stress.
And the work stress is back. And huge. It somehow gets bigger and worse every day, and I’m still not sure how I’ve pulled myself back together so many times. 
Where this is going? I’m buying a TV to be delivered. (It’s seriously just a 32″ and super light.)
And I finally did a little crafting. And tomorrow I’m doing more cleaning, and more self-care the right way. Life is short, and you can’t mitigate the selfishness and shortsightedness of others by yourself. 
Buy a TV. Buy a desk. Buy multiple packs of brownies. Buy pizza (contactless). Get some Wonder Woman masks. Let people judge you for whatever reason. Because people are fucking up everywhere in the truest sense, and no one seems to care. Criticism only reaches people who are already trying to do good and be better. Be selfish for a little bit because if you’re the type of person who’s worried about being selfish? Your innate behavior will never actually let you go to the point where you’re really hurting people or anything or doing something you should feel guilty for. 
Tell me what you treated yourself to, and I swear, I will praise you for doing it.
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