france-cinema · 2 months
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Christian-Jaque en 1954. Studio Harcourt.
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coffee-guy · 2 years
Meeting Louis Garrel at a redlight
I must say that sometimes, on tiring days, Rome comes to my rescue. When do you happen to unexpectedly exchange a few words with Louis Garrel at a red light?
He whizzes and stops next to me, on a scooter, with his messy allure, perfectly French in his helmet of black hair, disheveled like in a movie, with a Colosseum full of holes, just around the corner.
In the meantime, I am zigzagging with the handlebars of the bike, in my blue suit, still wearing a tie, with the magnificence of the "Fori Imperiali" behind me. The seconds timer runs over the traffic light, while people are crossing the street like animals - they give us time - too much of a hurry for the unpredictable. They are not used to notice beauty or to be amazed anymore.
I look at him and I know I have already seen him naked. He was smoking in the tub, that time. He gives me a polite smile, the one a true artist never denies you.
I do not like to idolize - I would never ask for a photo, a signature, or throw my bike on the sidewalk like a fool - but I have to take advantage of the benevolence of Rome. Indeed, this meeting is wanted by the city. It could be unpolite to decline this precious moment.
- Can I tell you that you are really good? But really ... I'm sorry, but I recognized you!
- Thank you very much, sir!
- J'ai ton même âge, so I am not a sir! - totally me, embarrassed.
- Bon, alors thank-you-so-much-bello! - and he laughs, amused and confused, like someone who doesn't remember things very well.
Nobody honks the horn and it is already green, like my harmless envy.
He easily takes a shortcut, straight to the firmament of the cinema, whilst I keep forward - struggling - along the bumpy road of my ambitions. Maybe we will meet again, further on.
Are you still asking me why I forgive this city for so much - practically for everything - for real?
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{#MMTV} Extrait de Creative Studio : Dans Les Coulisses de la Post-Production de "Léo" avec Pierre-Luc Granjon sur MM Radio
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dadaisme · 8 months
Bye bye Norman Jewison
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Après lui de Gaël Morel, avec Catherine Deneuve. Passion Deneuve par ici, chaque sortie de film est un véritable plaisir ! À l'automne 2007, je fréquentait le magnifique Utopia de Bordeaux (préférence pour la salle sous la voûte de l'ancienne chapelle), pour découvrir ce film qui marquera ma mémoire. Une histoire de deuil, mais aussi d'amour, de résilience et de petites joies. Un film prégnant, un jeu d'acteurs précis et Catherine au sommet ! #cinema #film #movie #cine #realisation #acteur #actrice #play #music . #Repost @toujoursdeneuve with @let.repost • • • • • • "Catherine gives the illusion that she has no technique, when she can really do everything, without ever repeating herself or being robotic. She is a powerful actress." - Gäel Morel, director of "Après lui" #CatherineDeneuve #Deneuve #LaDeneuve #Film #Tournage #Actrice #SetLife #GaelMorel #Director #Actress #Realisateur #FrenchActress #Cinema #CinemaFrancais #Apreslui #2000s #FrenchFilm #Cinephile #FrenchCinema #Parisian #Actress #Legend #Icon https://www.instagram.com/p/CicBxitKxH-/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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napolblog · 2 years
Incontrare Louis Garrel
Devo dire che Roma, nelle giornate faticose, a volte viene in soccorso. Quando è che ti capita di scambiare inaspettatamente due parole con Louis Garrel a un semaforo rosso?
Lui sfreccia e mi si ferma accanto, in monopattino, con la sua allure "scaciata", perfettamente francese e il casco di capelli neri, spettinato come in un film, il Colosseo pieno di buchi, proprio dietro l'angolo. Io, nel frattempo, zigzago con il manubrio della bici, tutto in blu per lavoro, ancora incravattato, con la magnificenza dei Fori Imperiali alle spalle. Scorre il timer dei secondi, sopra ai tre colori, e la gente intanto attraversa in maniera scomposta - ci regala tempo - ha troppa fretta per l'imprevedibile, disabituata com'è ad accorgersi della bellezza e a farsi meravigliare.
Lo guardo e so che l'ho visto fumare nudo in vasca. Mi concede un sorriso educato, quello che un vero artista non ti nega mai.
A me non piace idolatrare - non chiederei mai una foto, una firma, né butterei la bici sul marciapiede come un matto - ma devo approfittare della benevolenza di Roma. È lei che lo ha deciso questo incontro. Pare brutto.
- Posso dirti che sei davvero bravo? Ma davvero...scusami, però ti ho riconosciuto!
- Grazië molto signôre!
- Même âge, quindi niente signore! - io, imbarazzato.
- Bon, alors grazië-mille-bello! - e ride, divertito e confuso, come chi non ricorda molto bene.
Nemmeno un colpo di clacson ed è già verde, come la mia innocua invidia. Lui taglia, con facilità, per il firmamento del cinema ed io tiro dritto, a fatica, sulla strada dissestata delle mie ambizioni. Magari poi ci si rivede, più in là.
Davvero ancora mi chiedete perché a questa città perdono tanto, praticamente tutto?
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tpkoitv · 2 years
Voyages ou quartier ? ✈️🏘
Couleur ou Noir et blanc ? 🎨⚫️⚪️
Tresor Wandji nous donne sa réponse en image 😎
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thomas-querqy · 1 year
Le paradis réalisé par Zeno Graton, coécrit avec Clara Bourreau, avec Khalil Gharbia, Julien De Saint-Jean, Eye Haïdara...  😍
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L'année où j’ai découvert le sténopé (les NGT 2007)
Mon Genet dans les NGT 2007
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cinecritik · 1 year
« Je n’ai plus l’envie ni la force de m’engager dans un projet pendant deux ans pour que personne ou presque ne le voit. » Coup de mou ou réel abandon ? Le réalisateur canadien #XavierDolan annonce qu’il abandonne le cinéma.
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francoisezia · 2 months
Asa nisi masa version realisateur
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loreactum · 2 months
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xionisgr · 3 months
ISBN: 978-960-16-2954-4 Συγγραφέας: Jacques Aumont Εκδότης: Εκδόσεις Πατάκη Σελίδες: 347 Ημερομηνία Έκδοσης: 2009-01-01 Διαστάσεις: 21x12 Εξώφυλλο: Μαλακό εξώφυλλο
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manpetasgr · 3 months
ISBN: 978-960-16-2954-4 Συγγραφέας: Jacques Aumont Εκδότης: Εκδόσεις Πατάκη Σελίδες: 347 Ημερομηνία Έκδοσης: 2009-01-01 Διαστάσεις: 21x12 Εξώφυλλο: Μαλακό εξώφυλλο
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kwstasattgr · 3 months
ISBN: 978-960-16-2954-4 Συγγραφέας: Jacques Aumont Εκδότης: Εκδόσεις Πατάκη Σελίδες: 347 Ημερομηνία Έκδοσης: 2009-01-01 Διαστάσεις: 21x12 Εξώφυλλο: Μαλακό εξώφυλλο
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a078740849aposts · 3 months
ISBN: 978-960-16-2954-4 Συγγραφέας: Jacques Aumont Εκδότης: Εκδόσεις Πατάκη Σελίδες: 347 Ημερομηνία Έκδοσης: 2009-01-01 Διαστάσεις: 21x12 Εξώφυλλο: Μαλακό εξώφυλλο
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msamba · 3 months
Entracte - ESMA 2013
[…] Une femme de ménage au quotidien monotone et un mime en mal de succès, vont se rencontrer à travers une vitre. A cleaning lady with a monotonous everyday life and a mime artist without success, will meet through a glass. Realisateurs / Directors : Valentin Dely, Damien Garrigue, Laury Guintrand, Valentine Hemery, Clélia Magurno. Music & Sound : José Vicente, Camille Lucchino, Anthony…
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