#Received and Responded 2 December 2023
brian-in-finance · 10 months
Cait didn't think modeling was for her yet became Assets' biggest and most successful int'l model. Fun reading.
Thanks for the message, Anon. I wonder if this one is also yours? 🤷🏻‍♂️
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I received it after I wrote ⬇️ on 25 November:
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Luckily for Outlander and its fans, she chose to give acting another go. 🎬 On to your link:
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STAR SPOTTER | Irish fashion boss tells how he discovered Caitríona Balfe packing bags in Dunnes
Derek Daniels, is celebrating 30 years of Assets Model Agency.
Caitríona Balfe, Colin Farrell and Glenda Gilson have more in common than just being Irish and familiar faces on our screens.
They were all, at one point, part of Assets Model Agency. The man who found them, Derek Daniels, is celebrating 30 years of Assets, and looking back at the many lives he helped change.
“I remember interviewing our very first ever model when she came in. It was Emer O’Reilly-Hyland, who went on to become the editor of VIP magazine,” he tells Magazine+.
The second was actor Frank Kelly’s daughter, Ruth. “After that, the numbers get a bit fuzzy,” he adds with a laugh.
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For Derek, it was no mistake that he wound up in the fashion business.
“I knew when I was about 11 years of age, what I was interested in was the production of fashion events and I was always mystified by models and all the rest of it and I always had a great interest in it, so when it came about later in life, it never surprised me,” he remembers.
It’s fitting, then, that he has always had a very keen eye for what will work in the fashion world and beyond. It’s that finely tuned sense that has allowed him to discover many that we now consider household names, both at home and abroad.
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“The people I’ve met, the people I’ve worked with… they’re all only ordinary people, who knows what they’ll be later in life?
"All you’re doing is helping them pay their way through college or whatever it is they’re doing.
"Like, Caitríona Balfe is a prime example. I mean, she was packing bags on a till next to me in Dunnes in Rathmines, she was a drama student at the time,” he says.
“When I approached her about modelling, she looked at me like I was mad.
"She went on to be the biggest Irish export as a model ever, ever, ever. I mean, Dolce and Gabbana’s muse for six years, worked all over the world, and then of course, she’s a big actress.
"She had no interest in modelling, and didn’t consider herself suitable to be a model. “But it was a pure fluke that I went into Dunnes Stores to do my shopping that day. And that’s how I found her,” he explains.
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Colin Farrell, too, has Derek to thank for helping his face become one everyone knows nowadays. “Colin was only a young fella and I had him in a dance group. In the same dance group at the time was Stephen Gately, who went on to be in Boyzone and Cecilia Ahern, the (former) Taoiseach’s daughter,” Derek says. They went on to be actors, singers and authors, but have a shared history thanks to the ‘face finder’.
As Derek considers three decades of success, it’s clear he’s not calling time just yet.
“I achieved everything I wanted to achieve and continue to have that hunger for it. I’m fortunate that I can count on a lot of them still as friends of mine, and indeed many of them have their own children at Assets now. That’s the biggest compliment you can get, when people will come back to you with their own kids because they trust you and know you’ll help make things become a reality for them,” he smiles.
Sunday World
Remember… she went on to be the biggest Irish export as a model ever, ever, ever. I mean, Dolce and Gabbana’s muse for six years, worked all over the world, and then of course, she’s a big actress. She had no interest in modelling, and didn’t consider herself suitable to be a model. But it was a pure fluke that I went into Dunnes Stores to do my shopping that day. And that’s how I found her. — Derek Daniels
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newsfrom-theworld · 7 months
On international women's day let me introduce you to some of the victims of ''Isr@el''
1. Shireen Abu Akluh
On 11th of May 2022 around 6:30 the prominent American Palestinian Journalist was killed by Isr@eli snipers; they also attacked her funeral.
The shaky video, filmed by Al Jazeera cameraman Majdi Banura, captures the scene when Abu Akleh, a 51-year-old Palestinian-American was killed by a bullet to the head at around 6:30 a.m. on May 11.
She had been standing with a group of journalists near the entrance of Jenin refugee camp, where they had come to cover an Israeli raid.
While the footage does not show Abu Akleh being shot, eyewitnesses told CNN that they believe Isr@eli forces on the same street fired deliberately on the reporters in a targeted attack.
All of the journalists were wearing protective blue vests that identified them as members of the news media. ​
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2.Farah Omar
A Lebanese correspondent of Al-Mayadeen TV, was killed by an Isr@eli strike on Tayr Harfa, south Lebanon, on November 21, 2023, according to Al-Mayadeen.
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4. Heba Sami
Dr. Heba Sami Al-Jourani who was known for her intelligence and determination lived elsewhere she could have been working in a very important hospital as a physicians to help those people who were wounded in wars and accidents, But unfortunately Heba had to put her dreams aside and stand face to face with death.
Heba’s family home in Rafah was targeted by Isr@eli warplane, minutes ago before she lost her life, Heba was sending messages and checking telegram groups to know where is the bombing she’s hearing, unfortunately that was her last scene,
Heba’s family became the breaking news at 11:48 am, on November
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5. Walaa Saadah
A passionate filmmaker, writer, and blogger normally work day and night, travel, sometimes receiving awards but not if its a Palestinian woman in lives in Gaza and that’s the story of "Walaa Saadah, who was born in Beit Hanoun, Northern Gaza, in 1990.
Walaa since 2010, with too much passion worked in cinema and filmmaking, starting as a screenplay writer, she also worked in civil society organizations as a coordinator who directed several films that shed light on the suffering of the people of Gaza to the world.
Walaa was killed on March 2, 2024, in an Isr@eli airstrike on displaced people in Deir al-Balah city. walaa dream ended before having any chance to raise and shine as prominent filmmaker
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6. Asmaa Hamdan
Asma a beloved 22-year-old, brought joy with her infectious smile. In high school, she was the heart of our large group. After a beautiful love story, she married Shadi and welcomed Sham, the light of her life. As an engineer, she graduated days before war disrupted everything.
Despite the hardships, Asmaa's resilience inspired us. Tragically, on December 25th, Asmaa and her daughter Sham were martyred in a massacre caused by Isr@eli occupation rockets, which claimed the lives of 100 martyrs in Al-Maghazi refugee camp, leaving behind a painful void.
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7. Nagham Abu Samra
Nagham Abu Samra, 24 years old, was a professional karate player before Isr@el deprived her of that. She suffered from a critical head injury, and her leg was amputated after her home in Gaza was bombed by Isr@el.
Her uncle was pleading with the world to intervene and help Nagham travel abroad for treatment, but no one responded. Nagham was martyred, succumbing to her injuries from the Israeli bombing on January 12, 2023.
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8. Talal Baalusha
A high school student, creative in traditional dance (dabke), and a member of the "Asayel Watan" group She also owned a clothing store.
She bid farewell to her family after they were martyred, then others mourned her.
She was martyred with her mother.
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9. Hind Rajab
After she appealed to the world for help to save her, 12 days passed without communication.
On the 10th of February, the body of the martyr, the child Hind Rajab, and 5 members of her family were found.
Her Grandfather said: “We found the body of Hind and the rest of the family decomposed”.
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10. Ayat Khadoura
Ayat, a Palestinian freelance journalist and podcast presenter, was killed along with an unknown number of family members in an Isr@eli airstrike on her home in Beit Lahya in northern Gaza, according to the Beirut-based press freedom group SKeyes, the news website Arabi 21, and London-based Al-Ghad TV.
Ayat shared videos on social media about the situation in Gaza, including a November 6 video, which she called “my last message to the world” where she said, “We had big dreams but our dream now is to be killed in one piece so they know who we are.”
Ayat was killed on November 20, 2023, at the hands of the Isr@eli occupation.
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They aren't just numbers.
The UNRWA said 9.000 women where killed in this genocide.
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Your feminism is trash if you aren't speak up for the women of Gaza, who are using pieces of tends as sanitary pads.
And always,
Free Palestine
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gumjrop · 9 months
The Weather
All areas of the country are now at High or Very High levels of COVID Transmission.
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According to the new CDC National Wastewater Surveillance System (NWSS) dashboard, all regions are experiencing increased COVID wastewater levels, with the Midwest being the highest. Nationally, wastewater levels are “very high.” Driven by the JN.1 variant, we are currently seeing the second highest wastewater levels since BA.1, the first Omicron wave in January 2022.
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We continue to stress the importance of mitigating the spread of COVID, especially during this time of increasing transmission. Please continue to wear a high quality respirator mask (such as an N95) in indoor settings of any capacity, and postpone crowded events. In addition, make sure to take appropriate precautions when meeting with others.
Amidst this new surge, many hospitals – some responding to staffing shortages, and some responding to public pressure – have reinstated mask mandates. We celebrate the work of organizers across the country including those at Care Not COVID Chicagoland, COVID Safe Maryland, COVID Advocacy NY, and MaskBlocs around the country who organized a call-in to hospitals last week to demand they reinstate – and make permanent – masking policies.  A coalition protest by Sacramento Jewish Voices for Peace, Sunrise Movement Sacramento, International Jewish Anti-Zionist network, Bay Area JVP, & Youth 4 Palestine Sac organized a fully masked (N95!) and tested (2 days in a row!) pro-Palestine protest at the CA State Capitol in Sacramento last week.  ACTUP’s New York chapter has voted to require and provide KN95 masks at all upcoming meetings and actions “due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and recent surge, as well as to increase safety from surveillance at protests.”  Solidarity means we protect each other, and these organizers are showing us the way!
JN.1, a BA.2.86 descendent, is rising to prominence quickly in the United States. Nowcast estimates predict that by 1/6/2024, JN.1 will account for 61.6% of circulating variants. According to preliminary non-peer reviewed data, the newest (XBB.1.5) booster helps to protect against the JN.1 variant. Conversely, older vaccines did not offer significant protection against JN.1.  It is important to receive the updated booster, especially since uptake is currently low–according to a poll conducted by Gallup, only 29% of 6,000 participants surveyed received the updated vaccine as of December 7, 2023. This is in stark contrast to flu vaccine rates, polled at 49%. This is likely due to an imbalance in public health messaging–while efforts were poured into advertising the flu vaccine, not as much emphasis was placed on receiving the updated booster.
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Weekly COVID hospitalizations continue to trend upward, now at 34,798 for the week ending December 30, 2023. The numbers for currently hospitalized patients with COVID are also increasing, currently at 25,430. In terms of regional trends, the Northeast and Midwest are seeing higher rates of hospitalization. When reviewing these numbers we must also remember that patients who are already admitted for other reasons and are suffering from nosocomial, or hospital-acquired infections, are not accounted for in this data.
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Hospitals are overwhelmed. Healthcare workers are demanding support from administrators. Read this account of ER nurses at Montefiore Hospital in the Bronx who say that the hospital executives are refusing to open up vacant areas of the hospital to accommodate the surge in patients – leaving the ER dangerously overcrowded and forcing patients into hallway beds.
A new cross-sectional study published in Nature Communications found that Long COVID patients with post-exertional malaise (PEM) exhibit skeletal muscle changes that are exacerbated by exercise. PEM patients are also found to have unique pathophysiological changes, such as amyloid-containing deposits in muscle tissue. These findings contribute to mounting evidence that COVID infection can significantly damage the body, and more research is necessary in order to fully understand manifestations of Long COVID. If readers are curious, summarized findings can be found in this X (Twitter) thread, penned by one of the authors. Long COVID research is important. This is why it is essential that all Long COVID research centers adhere to the strictest infection prevention protocols. Read this account of a person disabled by Long COVID who dropped out of a study because the study personnel refused to mask. We saw this same phenomenon last spring at Stanford during a study of Paxlovid’s impact on Long COVID rates.
Take Action
This week Jewish Currents put out a report on The Epidemiological War on Gaza, which amplified WHO’s January 2nd announcement that “there are currently 424,639 [reported] cases of infectious disease in Gaza,” an area with only 2 million residents total. With the ongoing destruction of hospitals and deprivation of food and water and environmental pollution from continued bombardment, the occupying forces have ensured the conditions for continued deaths even in times of ceasefire. Call your representatives and join a protest this week to demand a ceasefire and the reconstruction of Palestinian medical infrastructure towards fair health access for all peoples! Let us support Massachusetts General Brigham Long COVID patients by telling the hospital to 1) meet all patient accessibility requests including wearing N95 respirators upon request and 2) make universal masking their new standard of care. They can be contacted through their contact form, or by calling 1-800-856-1983. Rashida Tlaib sent out an email blast informing constituents of the current surge. The message included acknowledgment of COVID’s airborne nature, recommendation to wear a well-fitting mask, a link to access free tests through USPS, and information on updated vaccines and COVID transmission. Let’s contact Congresswoman Tlaib and thank her for this invaluable action! 
Future Weather Reports
Starting next week, we will begin to publish the Weather Report on a bi-weekly basis. This will allow our team to focus on crafting action campaigns to push for a comprehensive public health approach to the pandemic, including mask mandates, paid sick leave policies, testing access, Long COVID research, next generation vaccines, indoor air quality regulations, and more. We hope to see you in our expanded actions to end the COVID pandemic soon to come!
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seeminglyranch87 · 1 year
Taylor & Travis Timeline
July 2023
July 1 - The Eras Tour ~ Paycor Stadium, Cincinnati, Night 2
Ivy ft. Aaron Dessner (guitar), I Miss You, I'm Sorry with Gracie Abrams, Call It What You Want (piano)
July 4 - America celebrates independence, Taylor gathers with friends at "Holiday House" Rhode Island - see Taylor IG post July 7 (x)
July 7 - Famous last words...
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Speak Now (Taylor's Version) released!
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The Eras Tour ~ Arrowhead Stadium, Kansas City, Night 1
with guests Taylor Lautner, Joey King and Presley Cash who star alongside Taylor in the "I Can See You" music video (x)
Fan favourite "Long Live" is added to the set list. Taylor brings out the koi fish guitar and debuts the purple Speak Now dress.
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Never Grow Up (guitar) & When Emma Falls In Love (piano)
July 8 - Travis Kelce attends The Eras Tour at Arrowhead Stadium in Kansas City, Night 2 (x)(x).
A custom painted Taylor Swift Eras Tour football helmet that was posted by the KC Chiefs (x)
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Travis receives friendship bracelets from Swifties (x)
Last Kiss (guitar) & Dorothea (piano)
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a grainy image of Travis, Patrick and friend in the private suite at Arrowhead for the Eras Tour.
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July 11 - Taylor attends Questlove's games night (x) with her back up singer Melanie Nyema.
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July 14 & 15 - The Eras Tour ~ Empower Field, Denver
N1 Picture To Burn (guitar) & Timeless (piano)
N2 Starlight (guitar) & Back To December (piano)
About You by the 1975 is taken off the preshow set list after Denver.
July 19 - Travis is photographed outside the members-only club Zero Bond in NYC (a favourite club of Taylor's) (x)
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July 22 & 23 - The Eras Tour ~ Lumen Field, Seattle
N1 This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things (guitar)(x) & Everything Has Changed (piano)(x)
N2 Message In A Bottle (guitar) & Tied Together With A Smile (piano)
July 23 - Travis and Jason record New Heights Ep.50 before leaving for training camp. Episode will be released on 26 July whilst boys are at camp.
Travis Kelce attends training camp with the Kansas City Chiefs in preparation for the coming NFL season at Missouri Western State University in St. Joseph, MO. (see open to public training camp schedule x) Chiefs Train camp runs July 23 -Aug 17. Photos (x)
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July 24, 25 - Chiefs Training Camp, St Joseph, MO
July 26 - Chiefs Training Camp, St Joseph, MO
New Heights podcast ep. 50 airs.
Travis expresses his disappointment that he didn’t get to meet Taylor and give her the friendship bracelet he had made with his number on it (x starting at 25:14)
"I was disappointed that she doesn't talk before or after her shows... so I was a little butthurt I didn’t get to hand her one of the bracelets I made for her…. I received a bunch of them being there but I wanted to give Taylor Swift one with my number on it" says Travis "Your number as in 87 or your phone number?" responds Jason "You know which one."
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(photo of the exact moment Travis says "you know which one")
New Heights posted to Twitter
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Jason comments on the New Heights instagram page, saying (x)
"Let’s be honest Taylor’s dad definitely made the right move not introducing her to Travis. He self admitted was trying to slip her his number on a friendship bracelet, truly shameful act"
July 28 - Chiefs Training Camp, St Joseph, MO
The Eras Tour ~ Levi's Stadium, Santa Clara N1
Right Where You Left Me (guitar) & Castles Crumbling (piano)
July 29 - Chiefs Training Camp, St Joseph, MO
The Eras Tour ~ Levi's Stadium, Santa Clara N2
Stay Stay Stay (guitar) & All Of The Girls You Loved Before (piano) - check out Taylor’s grin when she sings that football helmet line! (x x) ... Taylor did you reach out to a certain football player?
July 30 - Chiefs Training Camp, St Joseph, MO
July 31 - Chiefs Training Camp, St Joseph, MO
Return to the timeline
Go to previous update -> June 2023
Go to next update -> August 2023
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rinzsu · 9 months
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✉️ hi hi and welcome to my first ever event on this blog! i’ve seen so many wonderful christmas events going on so i finally decided to make one of my own,, i hope you enjoy „the sound of our love“!
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what’s this event about? during this event, I’ll assign you a song that fits you and your favourite character’s relationship the most.
what do I need to do? all you need to do is send an ask that provides all the information i will need (down below), and i will respond to the ask with the assigned song as well as a custom made playlist of similar songs
who can join? anyone! you don’t need to follow me to receive your song
rules. like always, my regular rules serve as guidelines for this event
requests for this event are open until the 31th of december
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in order to participate, please include the following information
your name/alias
your favourite character (either from blue lock or jujutsu kaisen)
genres you like, ones you dislike
your favourite favorite artists (min. 2)
optional: if you have a song you absolutely despise, please state it so i know not to assign you that song
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© rinsque 2023. plagiarism, translation and distribution of my works outside of tumblr is not permitted.
artwork by @/itukaki on twitter
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kayleightarot · 10 months
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Saturday, December 2, 2023 Good Morning! Today is about Success, Truth, and the Male Archetype Tarot of the Day: King of Pentacles
This King embodies confidence, success, and authority. He is accomplished, wise, and respected for his worldly experience. His lust for life reminds us that we are more than spirit. Like all of his suit, he concerns himself with measures of abundance in life, and is replete with worldly pleasures of food, sex, and coin. He is the soul of virility, the father of nature, the seat of earthly desires, and a source of the will to live life to the fullest. He brings with him a reminder that to achieve your goals you must be unafraid of your true nature and base instincts. Embrace them so you know what and when to indulge or to restrain. If you have a mature, money - wise, earth-father type in your life, seek and accept his advice in these matters.  If not, seek your inner King of Pentacles and let him guide you.
💚 At work, there may be an older, established man who may play a pivotal role in your success. He responds well to others who have his lust for life but don’t overdo it and let it become a vice. Find the balance and do your best today- it'll be well worth the effort. You may also receive a financial windfall, promotion, or income increase.
💙 If you are in a relationship, today is a good day to make time to enjoy each other in genuine, natural ways; eat some rich food, drink a little wine, and revel in each other's bodies. You can leave most other things to be dealt with tomorrow. Today, prioritize each other.
🧡 The call of earthly pleasures will likely be distracting today. By all means, ‘adult’ and focus on things that need to get done but there is nothing wrong with listening to that call whenever you can. Live, Love, Laugh. You can’t fight Father Nature… Gus an ath thuras (Until next time) , Lovelies Peace out
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usafphantom2 · 9 months
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USAF B-2 bombers integrate in flight to RAF's 5ª generation F-35 fighters on mission in the North Sea
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 12/14/2023 - 23:29 in Military
The U.S. Air Force B-2 Spirits assigned to Whiteman Air Base, Missouri, conducted a flight from their home station to a training area in the North Sea on December 13, connecting with the UK F-35 Lightning II during a long-planned Bomber Task Force mission.
The routine mission of the Bomber Task Force (BTF) demonstrated the ability of the U.S. Department of Defense to project global power and reach through the use of conventional bombers, as well as its flexibility and agility to respond to evolving challenges in the operating environment.
"Strategic bomber missions aim to deter conflicts, demonstrating our rapid response capacity and strengthening our commitment to the United Kingdom and NATO," said General James Hecker, commander of USAFE-AFAFRICA and commander of the Allied Air Command. "Operating alongside the RAF's fifth-generation fighters increases our strength through combined training."
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The bombers carried out the mission with the support of air refueling of a KC-135 Stratotanker designated for the 100ª Air Refueling Wing at the RAF Base in Mildenhall, United Kingdom, and achieved all the objectives of the mission. One B-2 returned to Whiteman Air Base on the same day and another landed at the Fairford RAF Base.
Wednesday's mission provided combined integration with fifth-generation Allied aircraft aimed at improving multi-domain interoperability and continuing the development of fifth-generation tactics, techniques and procedures.
The last European BTF before the B-2 mission took place last month, when the U.S. B-1B Lancers were deployed to the RAF Base in Fairford, United Kingdom. From there, they made several flights over Europe, Africa and the Middle East. The B-1 returned to Dyess Air Base, Texas, in late November.
The planning and execution of globally integrated BTF missions emphasize that the U.S., its allies and partners have credible military capabilities to protect the safety of its citizens and the security of their shared values. Integration with NATO forces promotes greater interoperability and the ability to leverage shared capabilities. This synergy not only improves operations, but is invaluable for overall effectiveness and ensures a unified response to any threat.
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The B-2 Spirit, a long-range nuclear and conventional attack bomber, operating since the 1990s, will eventually give way to the B-21 Raider, which will also replace the B-1.
Tags: Military AviationB-2 SpiritF-35 Lightning IIRAF - Royal Air Force/Royal Air ForceUSAF - United States Air Force / U.S. Air Force
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. He uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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covid-safer-hotties · 18 days
Health Canada orders provinces to destroy old COVID-19 vaccines amid wait for new batch - Published Sept 4, 2024
Health Canada has directed provinces to withdraw and destroy remaining supplies of last year's COVID-19 vaccines while it works to authorize updated shots, which is expected to happen in October, according to Ontario’s health ministry.
“Vaccines will be available once Ontario receives supply from Health Canada following their regulatory authorization of the new, updated vaccine formulation," read a statement from Ontario spokesperson Hannah Jensen.
A notice posted on the federal government’s immunization guide says vaccines aimed at Omicron variant XBB.1.5 is no longer available in Canada. Updated shots, made to target the now-dominant JN.1 or KP.2 strains are expected to get the green light “in the coming weeks.”
Meanwhile, COVID-19 is spreading quickly and widely across Canada, wastewater sampling and test positivity rates suggest.
Alberta's health ministry has confirmed old-strain COVID-19 vaccines are no longer available. Quebec’s public health director told CTV News current stockpiles are to be returned to Ottawa. Saskatchewan has disposed of their Moderna Spikevax XBB.1.5 and Pfizer Comirnaty XBB.1.5 vaccines in anticipation of new doses.
"It is estimated Ontario, and other provinces, will receive supply from Health Canada in October," Jensen added.
CTV News has sought further comment from Health Canada on what it will do to remedy what appears to be a widespread gap in access to vaccines. The agency told CTV News Calgary that the swap should be timed so that there is uninterrupted access to shots.
In a statement, a spokesperson told CTVNews.ca that public health is working on a vaccine transition plan with provinces and territories, adding that it’s in talks with those governments “to ensure common understanding of the transition.”
The agency also says it maintains a federal reserve of XBB vaccines to respond to “any unexpected health need.”
COVID-19 spreading fast While regional and federal governments have largely scaled down their surveillance on the spread of COVID-19, national wastewater sampling suggests the virus remains active throughout the country.
“The viral activity level of COVID-19 is high,” reads Canada’s Wastewater monitoring dashboard. Regional sampling reveals a high level of viral activity in B.C., Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Nova Scotia, and Newfoundland and Labrador.
The spread in Yukon, Alberta and Quebec is described as “moderate.” There is no data available for the Northwest Territories nor Nunavut.
The COVID-19 test positivity rate was 18 per cent for the week of Aug. 24 – it’s highest since early December 2023 when Canada had begun its descent from a wintertime wave of infections.
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seasonsofcapri · 1 year
Rules & Guidelines
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Prompting Opens: 11th June 2023 (Closes 23rd June) 
Claiming Opens: 24th June 2023
Submissions due: 2nd September 2023
Posting Starts: 9th September 2023
The Seasons of CaPri Captive Prince Fest is a fest to imagine and explore the seasons and festivals—whether it’s dreaming up in-world feasts and solstices, or throwing your faves into summer flings at the beach, or getting stuck in the snow in December! This year the theme is Cycles and Circles. Life and death; the waxing and waning of relationships; peace and war—or something else? How to interpret this is entirely up to you!
All ships are welcome, as well as all genres. All types of fanworks are eligible—fic, art, podfics, graphics, or moodboards. Collaborations welcome!
All participants must be 18+, no exceptions. Please abide by your local laws when creating content.
Minimum word count is 500, no maximum. 
All creators must have an AO3 account. 
This is not an anonymous fest, so chatting about your creation is encouraged! But we do ask that all fanwork is new, complete, and created especially for the fest (so no WIPs, sequels/prequels, or previously-published works). 
When you submit, your fic will be put into the fest collection and hidden until reveals—this way we can make sure every creation gets its own moment to shine and be celebrated!
Prompting opens 11th June 2023 at 1pm GMT (what time is that for me?).
You may submit as many prompts as you want. You do not have to be creating a work for the fest in order to post a prompt. Anyone can prompt!
You can either prompt anonymously or include your name with the prompt.
Prompt format will be as follows: 
Prompter name: 
Special Requests/Squicks: (this is where you list any extra prompt details, or squicks you may have—make sure you specify which is which! Please be aware that the person claiming your prompt is not required to adhere to these)
Unless specified otherwise, we will assume all prompts are open to all ratings.
You can find the prompting form here. (The form will open at 1pm GMT)
Prompts are available to view here.
Prompting closes 23rd June 2023 (noon, GMT). 
Self prompting is welcome, but you don’t need to send in a form - just put the details into a claiming email to us along with the same prompt info as above and we can add it to our records! We will be capping participants at 50, due to the fest workload we can reasonably manage, so knowing you’re self-prompting means we can include you in the total.
Claiming opens on 24th June 2023 at 1pm GMT (what time is that for me?)
Prompts will be awarded on a first come first served basis.
Each prompt can be claimed once for fic, once for art, and once for other fanworks (podfic, etc).
Please choose your top three prompts when claiming, in order of preference (i.e. your top prompt as prompt choice 1, second choice as prompt choice 2, etc) as they will be awarded in this order. You are not required to fill out all three prompt choices.
You can only claim one prompt at a time. If you finish your prompt, you may claim an additional prompt. If you have finished your first prompt, and wish to claim another, please email your header to [email protected]  and let us know you wish to claim an additional prompt, before submitting another claim form.
If you claim a prompt and subsequently feel unable to complete the work, please inform us as soon as possible so that we can free the prompt up for another writer/artist. We understand that life can get in the way! Unfortunately, however, in such circumstances, you won’t be eligible to claim a further prompt for 2022.
Collaborations are welcome! Please include details for all claimants in one claim form.
Please find the claiming form here. The form will become active when claiming opens 1pm GMT(what time is that for me?).
You will receive an email within 24 hours confirming your successful claim. Please respond to this email within 72 hours to confirm your participation in Captive Prince Fest.
For fics, there is a minimum word count of 500 words and no maximum.
Submissions must be completed works. If you want to have your work beta read but you are unable to find a beta please let us know. All creations must be individual works, and cannot be part of a series, or a prequel/sequel to an existing work. All creations must be new and complete.
Fics and art should use the prompt as inspiration, but feel free to interpret it in your own creative way.
We encourage you to be inspired by the prompters’ additional details, but these are not required to be incorporated into the creation. You may also wish to take into consideration your prompter’s squicks when creating, but this is not a requirement — but we ask that you do not gift the creation to the prompter if you are not taking the squicks into consideration, and as always, be sure to tag your work appropriately.
Once you have completed your fic, it’s time to submit! 
Submissions are due on 2nd September 2023, but if you are finished before this date, you are welcome to submit then.
When your work is ready to be submitted, please fill out the following header and email it to [email protected]
Word count (if applicable): 
Art medium (if applicable): 
Run time (if applicable):
Prompt #: 
All creations must be posted directly to the AO3 collection here. 
You are required to add the fest mod account as Co-creator when uploading your submission. This is primarily so that we can change the posting date. We will not make changes to your fic, and will remove the mod account for reveals.
Be sure to include all appropriate warnings, and tag your work correctly.
Please contact the mods if you have any issues posting your work.
You can contact the mods at ​[email protected]. If you need an extension, or have to drop out, please let us know by email. Please do not be afraid to reach out about this, we are always happy to hear from you!
The mods will post your creation on the scheduled day, and will make a Tumblr post for each. We do not release the posting schedule as this is subject to change.
Further information:
For general questions about the fest don’t hesitate to contact the mods. That’s what we are here for. But keep in mind that we’re operating in multiple time zones, and will be dealing with offline life as well as fandom! We won’t be available 24/7, but we always aim to respond within a reasonable timeframe.
Please note that should there be any disputes regarding the interpretation of the rules, the decision of the mods will be final.
❤️ your mods
[ID: A graphic with a photograph of the sea, shallow enough to see the sand below and with small waves. Photo followed by text reading: Seasons of Capri. Rules and guidelines. /End ID]
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winterhawkwonderland · 9 months
Check-In #2 and Posting Date Signups!
Hello friends! It’s time for Check-In #2! If you haven't already checked in (you would have received the form via email) now is the time to do so. Please let us know how you’re doing and if we can do anything to help make sure you get your gift in on time, or if you need a pinch hitter.
It’s also time to choose three posting dates that will work for you! Posting for 2023 WHWL runs from 24 December to 31 December, and we’ll limit the number of people who post each day so that we can spread out the joy! You will be choosing your own posting dates - we ask that you choose three different days you would like to post in order of preference. This is also found on the form.
Please check in by the 20th! Anyone who has not responded to the form or reached out to us by the 21st will have us calling in a pinch hit to ensure everyone receives a gift.
We’re SO CLOSE to posting … who’s excited! Who needs help? Let us know!
Find the form here!
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erics-meep-morps · 3 months
Advice needed on a commission I haven't received
The short explanation:
I paid $160 for a commission and after almost three years all I've gotten from the artist is a few sketches, and it seems like they ghosted me.
The long explanation:
So way back in early August 2021 I commissioned an artist. They expect half the payment for the commission upfront, and the other half paid when the commission is finished. No issue with that, so I sent them the $120 out of $240. They said they would try to have it done within 2-3 weeks.
A few weeks later they sent me a sketch to see if it was looking good so far or if I wanted any changes. I said it looked good.
Fast forward to November 2021. They said they were busy with work, which is totally understandable, and they sent me a more detailed sketch. Seemed like the commission was progressing slowly but surely.
Fast forward again to the end of December 2021 and I asked if they could pause work on my commission since I was running a little tight on cash and in between jobs. They said that was no problem.
A couple weeks later (early January 2022) I had a new job and income again, so I told them they could resume work on my commission, and they acknowledged.
A few weeks later (early February 2022) I got another update on my commission in which the commission was going from rough sketch to detailed line art. Still looking good.
In early June 2022 I asked if they had an update on my commission. They said their drawing hand was acting up, plus busy work life, so the commission was progressing very slowly, but were going to try to get it done in 2 weeks unless their hand was hurting. They also offered to do some extra drawings free of charge as a thank you for being so patient. It was taking longer than usual, but I understood that life gets in the way, and I appreciated the offer of some extra drawings.
Here's when I start getting concerned. Fast forward one year and a few weeks later (late June 2023) and I hadn't received a single update from them during that time. They acknowledge that I'm still waiting on my commission, and hand issues and work issues are still coming up for them. They also said they're in a tight spot, and asked if I could send them $40, and in exchange they would get the commission done in a week and I wouldn't have to pay the rest of the price for the commission. That sounded like a fair offer, so I sent them the $40.
A week later (early July 2023) they said high priority work stuff came up and they had to focus on that first. They promised they would get the commission done, and they said they would give me daily updates on it.
Between then and March of this year I didn't hear anything from them. I did notice on here and Twitter they were posting drawings, so it seems they were drawing but not my commission. I sent them a message asking if they had an update on my commission, and almost four months later they haven't responded.
At this point I'm frustrated and disappointed, and I don't know what to do, so if anyone has advice on how to address this problem please let me know. I understand life gets in the way, and commissions, especially detailed ones, aren't completed in just days or even just weeks, but this seems like it's taking way too long and communication has broken down. I don't even know if I want the commission anymore, part of me would rather try to get a refund.
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mariacallous · 1 year
On September 12, 2023, the most significant U.S. technology antitrust trial in decades opened in a Washington, D.C. federal district court. In U.S. v. Google, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) and 38 state and territory attorneys general allege that Google has violated Section 2 of the Sherman Act, an antitrust law originally enacted in 1890.
The Sherman Act prohibits using exclusionary practices to maintain a monopoly. The DOJ and state attorneys general assert that Google has done just that in relation to certain internet search services. As often occurs, the case was narrowed in the months leading up to the start of the trial. Here is an overview of some of the key questions being addressed at the trial, which is expected to last several months.
Are Google’s browser agreements exclusive?
Google has entered into browser agreements with Apple and Mozilla under which Google is the default search engine for web browsers provided by those companies. For example, with respect to Apple, this means that a person who purchases a new iPhone, launches the Safari web browser, and enters a query into the search bar will, by default, receive search results from Google. In return for making Google the default search engine, the web browser providers receive a portion of advertising revenue arising from those searches.
A key question is whether these agreements are exclusive. Google asserts that they are not, arguing that the default settings can easily be changed by consumers who wish to use a non-Google search engine. The DOJ responds, “Even where search users might want to switch defaults, the effort and knowledge required to make that change biases them towards sticking with the default option.”
In an August 2023 ruling regarding summary judgement motions, Judge Amit Mehta wrote that “It is best to await a trial to determine whether, as a matter of actual market reality, Google’s position as the default search engine across multiple browsers is a form of exclusionary conduct.” In making this inquiry, the court will consider not only whether the browser agreements are actually exclusive, but also whether they are de facto exclusive. An agreement that lacks a formal exclusivity provision can nonetheless function in a de facto exclusive manner due to contextual factors, such as market dynamics and incentives.
A related question is whether any exclusivity associated with the browser agreements is simply the result of market competition. Google argues that it won the competition to be the default search engine for browsers made by Apple and Mozilla “on the merits as established and judged by its customers, not through anticompetitive or exclusionary conduct.” The DOJ counters this by stating that the “existence of multiple bidders does not transform an anticompetitive agreement into a permissible one.”
Are Google’s agreements regarding Android devices exclusive?
Android is the world’s most widely used mobile operating system, with a global market share as of December 2022 of about 72%, versus 27% for iOS. In the United States, the Android market share as of December 2022 was about 44%, compared with about 56% for iOS. Google has agreements with Samsung and other mobile device manufacturers of Android-based phones to make Google the default search engine on those devices. Google also has similar agreements with cellular wireless network providers that sell Android phones.
In relation to the Android antitrust question, Google enters into two types of agreements: Mobile Application Distribution Agreements (MADAs) and Revenue Share Agreements (RSAs). A MADA is a nonexclusive agreement allowing an Android device maker to preinstall a set of Google apps, including Google search and the Chrome browser. Since a MADA is nonexclusive, it permits a device maker to also preinstall non-Google search apps. RSAs introduce an additional wrinkle: Device makers and wireless carriers that enter into an RSA must make Google the exclusive, preinstalled search app on the device, and are thus prohibited from preinstalling any competing search app.
The revenue share that accompanies an RSA creates a strong economic incentive. And, because an RSA is only available to device makers that also have signed a MADA, the plaintiffs argue that this linkage has the effect of turning MADA into an exclusive contract. Google responds by underscoring that MADAs are nonexclusive and that device makers and wireless carriers are free to choose—or decline—to enter into the exclusive relationship that accompanies signing an RSA.
If the agreements are exclusive, how much of the market do they foreclose?
A finding that the Google browser and/or Android agreements are actually or de facto exclusive would not necessarily mean Google is violating antitrust laws. As the D.C. Circuit (which sets precedent for the district court hearing U.S. v. Google) explained in a 2001 decision, “Permitting an antitrust action to proceed any time a firm enters into an exclusive deal would both discourage a presumptively legitimate business practice and encourage costly antitrust actions. Because an exclusive deal affecting a small fraction of a market clearly cannot have the requisite harmful effect upon competition, the requirement of a significant degree of foreclosure serves a useful screening function.”
A key question that the U.S. v. Google trial will therefore explore is: To the extent that the browser and/or Android agreements are exclusive, is the resulting market foreclosure “substantial”? Unsurprisingly, the parties disagree, with the DOJ asserting that the answer is yes and Google asserting the opposite. The parties also disagree on the methodology that should be used in obtaining the answer.
What is the relevant market?
Examining alleged anticompetitive behavior requires identifying the relevant market. With respect to internet users (as distinct from advertisers), the DOJ argues that “general search services” is the relevant market and that offerings in that market include Google search and Bing. Notably, the DOJ specifically excludes from this category “specialized search services or other websites that are limited to specific topics, such as discounted hotels or airline fares,” writing that “Yelp can find you a pizzeria but is no help when it comes to the symptoms of strep throat.”
Google asserts that the relevant market for search is broader, arguing that “by defining the relevant market to include only general search engines, Plaintiffs distort the commercial reality that users routinely substitute other search providers for general search engines—such as Amazon when they shop, or Expedia when they travel—and thereby improperly exclude many of Google’s strongest competitors from the relevant market.” Thus, the trial will explore the competing narratives regarding the definition of the relevant market for internet search and, separately, for search advertising.
A landmark antitrust trial
In addition to the above, the court will also consider an allegation by the state and territory attorneys general (but not the United States) that a Google marketing tool called Search Ads 360 is used in anticompetitive ways in relation to advertising. But the specifics of the questions to be addressed at trial aside, U.S. v Google has enormous implications for the technology sector. It is the first major U.S. trial to examine antitrust in the context of the contemporary Big Tech landscape.
The ruling from the current district court trial will not be the last word, as the non-prevailing party will almost certainly appeal to the D.C. Circuit. And regardless of the eventual outcome, there will be calls for change. A Google victory would lead to assertions that the technology ecosystem has outpaced antitrust law. And a DOJ victory would lead to assertions that antitrust law is being applied and interpreted far too broadly.
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msclaritea · 9 months
‘Unequivocally False and Baseless’: Bishop T.D. Jakes Issues Statement Denouncing Explosive Allegations Linking Him to Sean 'Diddy' Combs
Unequivocally False and Baseless’: Bishop T.D. Jakes Issues Statement Denouncing Explosive Allegations Linking Him to Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs
Posted byBy Nicole Duncan-Smith | Published on: December 23, 2023 CommentsComments (0)
Bishop T.D. Jakes has finally responded after his name was dragged into recent allegations involving Sean “Diddy” Combs. A spokesperson for the popular televangelist has called the claims that have been circulating on social media “unequivocally false and baseless.”
Rumors surrounding the “Women Thou Art Loosed” author began circulating on Monday, Dec. 18, when a video surfaced, produced by a person titled Tuff News TV, implying that Jakes had been involved in various events hosted by Diddy, engaging in same-gender relationships, and allegedly participating in inappropriate sexual conduct with a minor.
‘Unequivocally False and Baseless’: Bishop T.D. Jakes Issues Statement Denouncing Explosive Allegations Linking Him to Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs (Photo by Cooper Neill/Getty Images for MegaFest 2017 / Prince Williams/Wireimage)
The video claimed that the federal government ascertained evidence from Diddy’s ex-girlfriend Cassie Ventura, who settled a civil lawsuit allegedly for tens of millions after accusing the hip-hop mogul of abusing her during their relationship for nearly a decade. This claim has not been validated.
Various social media influencers, like TikTok user Jusnene, whose clip on the subject received close to 2 million views, have shared the video despite not having proof that the content is true. The clip went viral, and within minutes, Jakes became a trending topic across various social media platforms.
Jakes has been married to his wife Serita Jakes for 41 years and they share five adult children. Over the years, he’s become a well-known public figure in the religious community, inspiring many with his books, sermons, and philanthropic work.
In light of protecting his reputation, Jakes’ team released a statement shortly thereafter regarding the veracity of the allegations and defending the pastor’s honor.
“Recent claims circulating on pockets of social media about Bishop T.D. Jakes are unequivocally false and baseless,” Jordan A. Hora, executive director of public relations and communications for the T.D. Jakes Group, T.D. Jakes Ministries and The Potter’s House said via an exclusive statement to The Christian Post Thursday.
Adding, “What has always been true, in the words of the late Pastor Charles H. Spurgeon, ‘If you want the truth to go round the world, you must hire an express train to pull it, but if you want a lie to go round the world it will fly; it is as light as a feather, and a breath will carry it.'”
Also, the executive vice president of TD Jakes Entertainment, Derrick Williams, has spoken out about Jakes seemingly hanging out at one of Diddy’s birthday parties a few years ago, claiming that his attendance was not abnormal because of his close connection to entertainment.
“As a filmmaker, executive producer, and one of the pioneers of value-based movies, Bishop Jakes, in his role as CEO of T.D. Jakes Entertainment paid respect to the former Chairman of Revolt during the celebration of his birthday,” Williams said.
Adding, “Bishop Jakes was in LA for important business meetings, and we felt that a quick appearance at the former Chairman of Revolt’s birthday event was the respectful thing to do since Bishop Jakes’ sermons are aired on the Revolt Network.”
In 2021, Jakes and Diddy announced Jakes’ show, “Kingdom Culture with T.D. Jakes,” on Revolt, a network founded by the troubled rap producer.
The 66-year-old pastor, who leads one of the top 50 most prominent congregations in America, is a father, grandfather, and trusted member of the community who has expanded ministry for people of all ages for decades. Despite the philanthropic work he has done in the world at large, and specifically the Dallas area, many were quick to not only believe the bloggers’ stories but make the unsavory allegations the butt of many untasteful jokes.
The spokesperson said that it was “disheartening to witness” how fast the rumor spread through social media, how quickly people were able to create “deepfake” and distort his words, and the massive “sensationalized misrepresentations, encapsulating purported statements to falsely speculate and attack others, including Bishop Jakes.”
“There is much more important work to be done to create a better world,” she said. “The Bible teaches us the importance of compassion and care for others, especially those who may be marginalized or in need. Chairman Jakes undeterred by false, perverse, ignorant, and conspiratorial speculations will persevere in his continued dedication to create meaningful change for millions around the globe guided by the timeless principles of compassion, service, and ministry.”
However, not everyone believes the rumors. Popular comedian Lil Duval tweeted, “I can’t believe y’all believe that T.D. Jakes s—t.”
With the rise of this most recent rumor, another one resurfaces. Many online have speculated that the Bishop also owns and runs, The Shade Room. This, too, was denied by Jakes.
“I do not own it. I do not have stock in it. I do not have shares in it. I didn’t know that even existed until I heard it,” he said at the top of the year. “Like most rumors, the person that they’re talking about discovers the information when they read it. So I do not own The Shade Room.”
“I am a proud investor in a lot of businesses, a lot of companies,” the preacher continued. “And The Shade Room is not one of them.”
Diddy seemingly denied the allegations in Cassie’s lawsuit as well as the three others that were filed after her. However, he has yet to speak on these allegations involving Jakes."
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bqsocial · 10 months
Instagram – Harris Paint Brush Collaboration – x2 Personalised Paint Brushes Prize Draw Terms and Conditions – 13/12/2023
The Promoter:
B&Q Limited, B&Q House, Chestnut Avenue, Chandler’s Ford, Eastleigh, SO53 3LE
 Who can enter?
This promotion is open to all residents of the UK aged 18 years and over, excluding employees of B&Q Limited, their families, agents or anyone else connected with the promotion.
How to enter:
Make sure you’re following @bandq_uk and @harrisbrushes_uk
Tag the person you’d gift this to (or comment with their name if they aren’t on Instagram)
Share in your stories for an extra entry
Entries must be received by 23:59 on 14th December 2023. Any entries received after this date will not be accepted.
Only one entry per person will be accepted. Third party or multiple entries by the same person will not be accepted and we reserve the right to disqualify any entries we reasonably suspect to have been made fraudulently including through the use of bots, computer software or by any other means. We accept no responsibility for any lost, damaged or incomplete entries or entries not received due to a technical fault or for any other reason beyond our reasonable control.
Prize details:
There will be 10 winners selected. The winner will receive the following prize:
2 x Personalised Harris Heritage Paint Brushes (up to 20 characters for personalisation)
The prize is non-transferable or exchangeable and no alternative is available. We reserve the right to replace the prize with a prize of equal or greater value where it becomes necessary to do so.
 Winner selection and prize fulfilment:
10 winners will be selected at random from all valid entries received.
The winner will be contacted via response to their winning comment by 5pm on the 15th of December 2023. To receive the prize, the winner will need to respond via private message providing their contact details and their personalised message (up to 20 characters). If the winner fails to provide their contact details within 7 days of initial contact from the Promoter, the prize will be offered to the next randomly chosen entrant. If the winner fails to provide their contact details by Sunday 17th December, we cannot guarantee delivery in time for Christmas.
 Your Data:
We will process information about entrants in order to administer this promotion. For more information on how we use personal information, please see http://www.diy.com/customer-support/policies/privacy. By entering this promotion, you agree and consent to the processing of your personal data by us and by any third party acting on our behalf for the purposes of the administration and operation of the promotion.
Please note that we are obliged to either publish or make available on request the surname, county and, where applicable, the winning entry/entries of major prize winners. If you object to any of this information being made available in this way, please contact [email protected]. We must nevertheless share this information with the Advertising Standards Authority where it becomes necessary to do so.
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We reserve the right to refuse entry or refuse to award any prize to anyone in breach of these Terms and Conditions and/or hold void, cancel, suspend or amend these Terms and Conditions where it becomes necessary to do so. Our decision on all matters relating to this promotion is final and binding. No correspondence will be entered into.
By entering this promotion, you are deemed to have accepted and agreed to be bound by these Terms and Conditions.
Insofar as is permitted by law the Promoter and its agents and distributors will not in any circumstances be responsible or liable to compensate the winner or accept any liability for any loss, damage, personal injury or death occurring as a result of taking up the prize except where it is caused by the negligence of the Promoter, its agents or distributors or that of their employees.
This promotion is in no way endorsed or administered by or associated with Instagram or Meta.
 Governing Law:
Nothing in these Terms and Conditions restricts your statutory rights as a consumer. This promotion will be governed by English law and entrants submit to the jurisdiction of the English Courts.
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
The far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) has received another boost in the polls: If federal elections were held this week, the populist party would win 21% of the vote, putting it firmly in second place behind the center-right bloc of Christian Democratic Union and Christian Social Union (CDU/CSU), which remain the strongest force at 27%, despite taking some small losses.
That is according to the latest edition of the representative "Deutschlandtrend" survey, for which pollster infratest reached out to 1,297 eligible voters via phone or email between July 31 and August 2.
As in the previous months' surveys, Germany's center-left government again failed to win a majority. Chancellor Olaf Scholz's Social Democratic Party (SPD), the largest party in the three-way coalition, would garner 17% — down from 25.7% when it came to power in the last general election in 2021.
The Greens now have 15% support, which is what they had in that election — but a far cry from the high-flying 25% during a brief spike in popularity just over one year ago. The neoliberal Free Democrats (FDP) stand at 7%, down from their strong showing of 11.5% in 2021.
The socialist Left Party was found to be slipping further. According to the latest survey, it would fail to clear the 5% threshold for representation in the federal parliament, the Bundestag.
Only one in five respondents said they were satisfied with the work of the federal government, and even within the ranks of the three parties' supporters, approval ratings are low.
Chancellor Scholz is also becoming increasingly unpopular: Only three out of 10 eligible voters (31%) say they are satisfied with his work, the lowest approval rating since he took office in December 2021.
Unfair conditions in Germany?
Voters are not only dissatisfied with the chancellor and his government, but also with the overall situation in the country. Some 58% say that burdens are not shared fairly in Germany. That feeling has to do with the distribution of wealth, but also with the fact that certain groups in the population feel that their views and interests are not being taken into account enough by the political mainstream.
Respondents to the survey believe that certain groups in society are not being heard by the political leadership, especially low-income earners, people in rural areas, pensioners and young families. As many as 62% of respondents said politicians focus too much on the interests of those who are wealthy, while 48% think that politicians focus too much on the needs of refugees.
Despite the fact that the opposition conservative parties are leading in the polls, only 19% said they believe that they would do a better job at solving the country's problems — in fact, 21% said they would do an even worse job, and 53% said they'd expect a conservative-led government's overall performance to be similar.
The CDU/CSU led Germany's federal governments for most of the almost 80 years since the end of World War II — in coalition with the FDP or SPD.
The low expectations for a CDU-led federal government correspond to the poor rating of CDU leader Friedrich Merz. Only three out of 10 respondents said they think he is a good party leader, and only 16% said they thought he would make a good chancellor. Perhaps even worse for Merz, only one in three CDU supporters want him to become the next head of government after the general election in 2025.
The CDU needs to work on itself
The Christian Democrats are also seen to have little to offer in terms of policy: Only 33% of CDU supporters said they know exactly what the party stands for, and a similar number, 31%, said they believe that the CDU has a feel for what's currently on people's minds.
The CDU/CSU has been thrown into turmoil by the question of whether the decision to disassociate itself from the far-right AfD should apply at all political levels. This comes after Merz suggested in an interview with public broadcaster ZDF in July that cooperation with AfD representatives on a local level was sensible common practice.He walked his comments back the following day in response to an immediate backlash, including from figures within his own party.
Overall, 64% of those surveyed for the Deutschlandtrend poll said they think it is right for the CDU to rule out cooperation with the AfD in principle, while 29% are open to considering it. However, there are considerable differences when the western and eastern German states are considered separately.
While two-thirds of eligible voters in western Germany welcome the CDU's official stance of rejecting cooperation with the AfD, in eastern Germany, the former German Democratic Republic (GDR), only half of the eligible voters agree. There, the AfD is the strongest party, polling at over 30%.
Some 70% of all respondents called for more pragmatism: They say that support of individual AfD motions in the parliaments of cities, municipalities and districts should be decided on a case-by-case basis.
In eastern Germany, as many as 81% of respondents said they were in favor of more pragmatism, compared with 67% in western Germany. Nationwide, it is only Green supporters (51%) where a majority say that all AfD motions should be rejected on principle.
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jcmarchi · 2 months
Evolving cyber security in the financial services sector - CyberTalk
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/evolving-cyber-security-in-the-financial-services-sector-cybertalk/
Evolving cyber security in the financial services sector - CyberTalk
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The financial sector is a leading target for cyber criminals and cyber criminal attacks. Markedly improving the sector’s cyber security and resilience capabilities are a must. While the sector does have a comparatively high level of cyber security maturity, security gaps invariably persist and threaten to subvert systems.
As Check Point CISO Pete Nicoletti has noted, attackers only need to get it right once in order to catalyze strongly negative, systemic consequences that could send shockwaves throughout companies and lives across the globe.
In this article, discover financial sector trends, challenges and recommendations that can transform how you see and respond to the current cyber threat landscape.
Industry trends
According to a newly emergent report, 65% of financial services sector organizations have endured cyber attacks.
The median ransom demand is $2 million. Mean recovery costs have soared to roughly $2.6 million – up from $2.2 million in 2023.
The size of extreme losses has quadrupled since 2017, to $2.5 billion.
The potential for losses is substantial, especially when multiplied in order to account for downstream effects.
Industry challenges
The majority of financial leaders lack confidence in their organization’s cyber security capabilities, according to the latest research.
Eighty-percent of financial service firm leaders say that they’re unable to lead future planning efforts effectively due to concerns regarding their organization’s abilities to thwart a cyber attack.
There is a significant gap between where financial sector institutions want to be with cyber security and where the industry is right now.
Preparing for disruption
Beyond cyber security, financial sector groups need to concern themselves with business continuity in the event of disruption — which is perhaps more likely than not.
“While cyber incidents will occur, the financial sector needs the capacity to deliver critical business services during these disruptions,” writes the International Monetary Fund.
A major disruption – the financial sector equivalent of the Colonial Pipeline attack – could disable infrastructure, erode confidence in the financial system, or lead to bank runs and market selloffs.
To put the idea into sharper relief, in December of 2023, the Central Bank of Lesotho experienced outages after a cyber attack. While the public did not suffer financial losses, the national payment system could not honor inter-bank transactions for some time.
Industry recommendations
Organizations need innovative approaches to cyber security — approaches that prevent the latest and most sophisticated threats. Approaches that fend off disaster from a distance.
In 2023, nearly 30 different malware families targeted 1,800 banking applications across 61 different nations.
At Check Point, our AI-powered, cloud-delivered cyber security architecture addresses everything — networks, endpoints, cloud environments and mobile devices via a unified approach.
We’ve helped thousands of organizations, like yours, mitigate risks and expand business resilience. Learn more here.
For additional financial services insights, please see CyberTalk.org’s past coverage. Lastly, to receive cyber security thought leadership articles, groundbreaking research and emerging threat analyses each week, subscribe to the CyberTalk.org newsletter.
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