#Red dead redemption john marston
wolvieswhiskeyclaws · 6 months
Could I have a John x fem reader where the reader reacts to John winning (but still beat tf up) in a bar fight?
Thanks bestie <3
Eyyy of COURSE you can bestie?! I have been practicing writing John, and I may not be the best, but I think I'm confident in my abilities. I think. But here, have a fun, flirty little brawl with your man~
"Trouble" ||
John Marston x f!Reader
Length: 2.1k
Rating: Mature: Mentions of blood, fighting, language
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How John ended up in this situation was honestly beyond him, it was just an innocent outing with you and him running some errands for the ranch, and yet he was getting fist after fist pounded into his face. 
After a long day of working, you could tell he was going stir-crazy. His old life was all about freedom and running around, doing things to bring in money or just getting to do as he pleased, but now? He was on a ranch, pretending to be someone he wasn’t to get by, and his trigger finger was beginning to itch. But to make you happy, to keep your heads low, and to survive, John had to behave and live as his persona for the time being. 
“So, Jim,” you said with a smirk, “maybe we should stop at a saloon since it’s getting dark, we could eat a decent meal, maybe stay in a hotel for the night. I’m tired,” you sighed and leaned your head against the man’s shoulder. 
John matched your sigh and flicked the reigns on the horses as he pulled them to the right, heading into Valentine's territory, which he hadn’t expected to be back here so soon. “I mean, it is a long way back, we could use the rest. And I am starvin’, could use something that isn’t a stew for once.” 
You both pulled the wagon off and made sure the horses were comfortable, hitched to a nearby post, and then John helped you down to the ground and smiled wide with his arm wrapped around your waist. “Well, let’s get inside, maybe we can get a bath before bed, too,” he said softly with a smirk. He pulled you along and walked beside you, looking around the town that felt so different from when he was last here. 
As you both entered the saloon, you definitely could tell that the environment was more lively, but you both tried to keep your wits about you as you ordered some food and sat in the corner, away from the rowdy group of people. The food was delicious and the conversation you shared was pleasant, as usual, but John couldn't shake the feeling that eyes kept falling on you both. He'd look away from you as he stopped mid-sentence to see one of the men staring at the both of you, but he tried to pay no mind, you were taking his attention. 
The food was finished and you both were feeling content, the party of people in the saloon only grew larger in number and louder in volume, so you both figured it was time to head out to the hotel for the evening. John allowed you to walk out first so he could follow behind you, but you had barely gotten several steps toward the door when one of the men stepped in front of your path, blocking you from the exit.
“Hey there now, y'all ain't plannin’ on comin’ over to celebrate with us?” 
“Sorry, friend, but we have other plans to attend to,” John answered firmly. 
The man just scoffed, the reek of booze was strong on his breath, it was a wonder he was still standing. “Aww c'mon, my friend over there is gettin’ married, you could have one drink to congratulate him!”
“Sorry sir, but we don't even know you,” you said sharply, stepping back from him, and bumping into John. You felt a bit more at ease since he was here.
“And? You ain't heard of makin’ friends?” The man chuckled and grabbed your arm, pulling you along toward the table. He then decided to yank your arm and attempt to pull you over toward the table, but John stepped up and grabbed his wrist hard. 
“We ain't interested, sir. My woman and I are heading out for the evenin’, so maybe next time you should use your brain and not touch a lady when she says no.” 
John pushed the man away so you both had room to leave, but some of the drunk’s friends decided to get involved. 
John stepped up protectively, his spine stiffened as his hand hovered over the knife that was holstered, hidden beneath his jacket. “Sir, you got till the count of three to back off and leave us alone,” he warned. 
There had been a taller man who stood up from the table and interjected, pushing his friend gently off to the side. “Are you threatenin’ us?” He snapped. 
“I ‘spose I am,” John retorted, holding his ground as he pushed you further behind him to shield you. 
Another of the man's friends stepped up and tried to land a surprise swing on John, but he pushed you out of the way and took the hook to his shoulder. After that, John was brawling with several of the men who ganged up on you both. The one in the red shirt had tried to grab John to put him in a headlock so his friends could take their turns wailing on him, but your John was fast. He elbowed Red and kicked his leg in, causing the man to fall flat on his face.
That was one down—three more to go.
“I ain’t been in a bar fight in a long time,” John commented as he had both arms up, ready to block any attacks if needed, “but I’d rather continue my night with my lady if you gentlemen don’t mind.”
The three other men all ignored him and each one tried to punch him at different intervals to throw him off, but somehow, John managed to throw one man into the other and watched as the two tumbled straight into a table. The others who occupied the saloon were standing back and vacating the building. The bartender just sighed and walked off, not wanting to be part of yet another brawl. That left you, standing on the stairs away from the tussle. 
The gunslinger looked back and you, making sure you were out of harm's way, then he got back to it. The two men who collided with the table were too drunk to stand, and all they did was stumble over one another. There was one left standing, and he was a little larger than the others. 
“Look, I can just leave, no reason you gotta get involved,” John said nonchalantly, his stance easing up a little.
The man just glared down at him and he scoffed at the offer. “You ruined my engagement celebration, mister, I don’t take so kind to that.”
John just sighed and lifted his hands again, balling them into fists. “Alright then, have it your way,” he replied.
The man took a fast step forward and swung his fist straight at John’s jaw, and if it weren’t for the speed, maybe John would have dodged it, instead, he got nicked against his chin, which still caught him enough to cause some pain. That was all the distraction the man needed to step in and lunge at John, his larger body barreled into him and tackled him to the floor.
You let out a yelp, terrified that the man was going to have a one-up on John, and all you could do was watch in fear as your hands gripped the railing in fear. 
The gunslinger was pinned onto the floor as the man above him threw punch after punch, landing a blow on his cheek, and almost breaking his nose at one point. John held up his arms to block and tried his best to use the strength from his legs to somehow get him to slip off, and he managed to throw the man off of him for a split second. He scrambled to find some balance, then rolled off to the side as the man recovered. 
“Give up yet?” John asked with a smirk on his face as he licked the blood from his split lip, the bruises on his face forming fast.
The man just yelled out in frustration and then John had him in a blind frenzy, which made any man messy in a fight. John ducked from the swing and swung his right arm quickly, the blow landed in the side of the man’s temple, stunning him momentarily. Then it was over, John was finally standing over him and landing punch after punch in the man’s face until he fell unconscious. The gunslinger released the man’s collar, allowing his body to fall slack onto the wooden floor. 
He looked up at you, panting to catch his breath as he straightened his posture. The people who occupied the saloon had all either hidden somewhere or run off, and there were just the two of you left with the pile of unconscious men scattered about on the floor. You waited a moment before hesitantly walking down the stairs to run into his arms, thankful he was alright despite being a little black and blue. 
“As always you’re my hero,” you chuckled and reached up to touch his face, wiping away a smear of blood from his lip. 
“And as always, we’re both gettin’ into trouble,” he replied gruffly.
You just scoffed. “We?” 
“Well yeah, you’re my accomplice, partner in crime, ain’t you?” He asked as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “Plus you’re the one always gettin’ the attention,” John teased as he slipped his arm through yours. He pulled you along and threw a couple of bills onto the countertop, then escorted you outside and across the muddly way, leading you straight to the hotel. 
You both walked inside, the environment a complete flip from the saloon, and you were more at ease now, and even more thankful when you saw the list of services. The gentleman behind the counter stopped sweeping the floor and greeted you both with a kind smile.
“Howdy, how can I help y’all this evenin’?” He looked between the both of you with concern but didn’t voice them. 
Your eyes looked over at John with a smile and then back at the desk man. “One bath and one room, please.”
The man smiled and got everything situated for you both, you thanked him and paid, then pulled John up the stairs to the bath. He followed obediently and cracked his neck as he ascended the stairs with you, groaning.
“Sleepin’ is gonna be a bitch, I just know it,” he complained.
“Well if you behaved for five minutes you wouldn’t have to worry about it, would you?” You scolded playfully as you looked over your shoulder at him. “He got some good hits in, but not gonna lie, Mister Marston, you looked really good kickin’ his ass.” You flashed him a cheeky smile and continued to lead him to the bath. “You go get cleaned up, I’ll get the room ready.” 
You almost walked away, leaving him in front of the bath door, but his hand grabbed your wrist, and then he pulled you back toward him, falling into him as his arms wrapped around you. “Yeah? You think I looked good, huh?” He asked flirtatiously, pulling you close so his face was mere inches from yours. “Then why do you think you can just leave me here alone?” “John Marston, are you implyin’ I’m gonna join you in your bath?” You gasped, faux shock crossed your features. 
All he could do was smile, the raised edges of the scars across his face made his face look extra handsome, and the dim lighting in the hall only made you admire his face even more. “Nah, I’m declarin’ that you are, unless you don’t wanna?” His hands cupped your cheeks, pulling you into the most tender kiss he could manage. 
When he pulled away, your eyes fluttered open and you just stared up at him with a lovestruck smile. “Well, when you put it that way…”
That was all the confirmation he needed, so he opened the door to the readied hot bath, pulling you in after him, and you couldn’t help but giggle as he closed the door behind you both. You sighed as he leaned your hands against his chest, just smiling up at him with that look.
“I know that look, what is it?” 
“Nothin’, you’re just trouble, John Marston,” you said softly, your hand cupped his cheek again, mindful of how gentle you had to be. “But I wouldn’t change it for the world, you know that, right?”
The man looked down at you and pulled you into another kiss, pulling away a moment later with that charming smile you were unable to resist, his hand reached up to brush your hair away from your face so he could see the light in those pretty eyes of yours. Just a minor setback to your shared evening, but John always had ways to make it up to you. 
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dill-picle · 1 month
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john marston on his terrible horse that hates him
a postcard of this is available on my red bubble in my pinned post:]
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idyllghost · 5 months
Johnny Cash’s cover of Hurt paired with John Marston who believes he ruins everything he touches
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eeriemauss · 2 months
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Dont mind him he's a little radioactive
So I realized while coloring Bessie I dont like how I draw heads, so Ive stopped designing her to practice a new artstyle.
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Song: Dream (Priscilla Ahn)
Embarrassingly I did not play this game until this year, and although I finished m first playthrough months ago, this piece was never quite done, nor will it be, but have what I did because it really was special to me [rant under the cut]
I genuinely don't know what I expected from this game, I knew how it would end from the moment I started playing (due to it coming out like half a decade ago and watching my father play), and yet nothing could have prepared me for it
this was one of the greatest stories I ever had the pleasure of indulging myself in and I don't know why I didn't do so earlier LMAO
My greatest shame however, is that the point at which I started crying was not because Arthur would die, not because I knew he would die, and not really because he did die, but because my horse died, I had the amber champagne missouri fox trotter and her name was Applejack, and she served me so well and good for the whole game that the stupid fcking cutscene made me SPIRAL, the horse depicted in this picture is not her tho so shame on me ig
I really have no words to describe just how this game made me feel, throughout my playthrough and after. Basically it has had me fucked up for months.
the best thing I could do was draw it, and even that will not be done,
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness.
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shiokitsune · 10 months
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So here it is the screenshot i take for Arthur too i tried to take the best photos of him because we all know he's a beautiful man despite his low self esteem when he's watching his reflection (not gonna blame him i have a low self esteem too so i know what he feels and it's not good so i keep trying to have a lil better self esteem with the help of my bf 2 ) anyway back to Arthur photos i hope you all enjoy my RDR2 photo simulator...i feel a little embarrassed but i hope you all enjoy
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abstractpyschopomp · 9 months
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hihomeghere · 3 months
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roundworm1111 · 3 months
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tomiyeee · 1 year
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lea-khena · 4 months
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My contribution to this year's pride month lol
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cenoblitz · 2 months
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Where wolf’s ears are, wolf’s teeth are near
(Insert smart quote about wolves)
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fshfish · 4 months
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little johnny marston 🐺
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triedkiss · 5 months
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“you’re my brother.”
“i know.”
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bat-gwuck · 4 months
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“We are like birds of a feather
We are two hearts joined together
We will be forever as one
My brother under the sun”
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jamisonrivv · 4 months
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some light reading
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