jayrockin · 5 months
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Simon Roy (@simon-roy) asked me to invent a guy (alien organism) for his newest book, Refugium, which comes with a guy emporium (alien life guidebook). There's a kind of radially symmetrical bug called pinwheels on the planet that will split into wedges as a defensive mechanism, so I Junji Ito'ed them into a eusocial spiral that workers snap off of once "ripe."
Refugium is out on Kickstarter right now and if you like alien ecology, failed utopias, and frontier stories I can highly recommend it. I've greatly enjoyed the previous books from the same universe.
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yellosnacc · 5 months
My Refugium creature design contest entry
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It's one sharp float.
Here's the text closeup tumblr forgot when this got posted.
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nutspider · 5 months
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The Crone's Mantle
Traipsing through the marshy lowlands of Western Altamira's south, one may come across an unusual member of the pentapoda, colloquially known as the Crone's Mantle.
This shallow-water specialist, standing 7 feet tall at the peak, spends the warm months similarly to most large pentapods, feeding on water plants and drawing much of its energy from the sun. Come the shorter days of the cold season, however, the Mantle seeks a different source of energy.
Conserving what limited energy it can draw from sunlight during the short days, the Mantle roots itself in place along shallow stretches of rivers and streams. Its unusual downturned sails create shade that attract small squilloids, which, upon sensing the movement with its bristly legs, are snatched out of the water with its anterior appendage and flung into the Mantle's ventral mouth.
The Mantle shares its home with a variety of semiaquatic rasps, wading terrestrial squilloids and - most notably - predatory grapplers. The slow-moving Mantle defends itself with loud trumpeting from two respiratory organs atop its conical back, and if that's not enough, its ventral sails secrete a foul-tasting oil that deters most predators.
Hopefully not too late @simon-roy
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simon-roy · 8 months
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In case you missed it, I've begun serializing the sequel to GRIZ GROBUS, a story called "Refugium", over on webtoons - updates every tuesday! Find more in the attached link: https://www.webtoons.com/en/canvas/griz-grobus/refugium-chapter-1/viewer?title_no=741329&episode_no=53
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iamthekaijuking · 5 months
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A bit of a last minute entry for @simon-roy’s refugium contest. I was pretty on the fence on if I should join but I decided why not! And it was a good excuse to try some new brush techniques.
An excerpt from the Altamira Book of Wildlife
An illustration of a male Towering Snappler, so named for the snapping sounds accompanying their feeding. Snapplers are aberrant grapplers that have taken up high browsing niches. The same raptorial appendages of the family are also useful for grabbing and manipulating the branches of foliage, and so they fill a similar niche to many earthen high browsers such as elephants, chalicotheres, therizinosaurs, and sauropods. Towering Snapplers themselves average around 35-40 tons, which is a similar size range to some iconic Jurassic sauropods such as Brontosaurus and Apatosaurus. Snapplers sometimes come into conflict with some Pentapods over resources as they too can sometimes fill similar niches, but these rarely become full confrontations as the photosynthesis and bio-voltaics of Pentapods allows them to go longer between meals.
The raptorial arms manipulate and crush foliage and bark using their claws and grinding teeth that are similar to elephant teeth. Food is then shoved down their powerful beaks to be further processed in a large crop before fermenting in their gut.
Towering Snapplers typically live in herds mostly composed of females and young with a few males, and they communicate using signaling via their tail brush. Males have bright blue dewlaps, and since blue is a very expensive color in nature, brighter blues are a good sign of fitness. During breeding season only one dominant male may get breeding rights, and so males compete with each other. They flash their dewlaps at each other and raise their tail brushes high, and if that doesn’t decide a victor then they may engage in a “parallel march” like deer to gauge the size of their opponent. If either party still doesn’t back down then the last step is physically fighting with their raptorial appendages. This last step rarely happens, but it can escalate to the point of being fatal. Old experienced males are adorned with scars from previous battles. The male illustrated here has only just reached sexual maturity and lacks any scars.
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john-frog · 5 months
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My contribution to @simon-roy 's Refugium Bestiary contest
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vitamin-sea-mia · 1 year
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Just watch the sunset
and listen to the wind,
in peaceful silence.
hear the voice within
Take this moment,
it’s all that i can give.
A tearless farewell as 
my last gift.
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smashpages · 7 months
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Following a successful Kickstarter and an announcement about an upcoming collection from Image Comics, Simon Roy has kicked off a sequel to his Griz Grobus webcomic titled Refugium.
Read more about some of our favorite recent webcomics!
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workation-refugium · 1 year
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I have discovered my need for magic! Well, for those little magical feelings.
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hotel-geheimnisse · 14 days
Exklusives Hideaway auf Mallorca: Cap Rocat
Exklusives Hideaway auf Mallorca: Cap Rocat Stell dir vor, du stehst auf einer Klippe, der Wind spielt mit deinem Haar, und vor dir breitet sich das glitzernde, azurblaue Wasser des Mittelmeers aus. Du bist nicht einfach nur im Urlaub – du bist im Cap Rocat, einem der exklusivsten Hideaways auf Mallorca. Hier, wo die Natur und die Architektur in perfekter Harmonie verschmelzen, wird jeder Moment…
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narulanth · 3 months
Land of the Star Bearers
Inspired by the Refugium by Biblaridion; check it out on youtube!
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Part 1: Of Shadow
The world was named Narulanth, for the darkness which enshrouded it shone with distant starlight. The lands were cold, and only the fires deep beneath held any warmth. But these were stale, and did not satisfy the ones who came from beyond.
They drew up the fires to drink, but found the flavor wanting. They explored the lands, finding them barren, and there was nothing growing, or breathing, or thinking. Then they called out with a loud voice, but each heard only his neighbor's echo.
So they came together, in the midst of the land surrounded by the frozen seas, and there built a dwelling for themselves. And those who came together numbered nine.
They spoke in the words which they had learnt, and great plans were made, long into the night. They gazed out upon the stars, and sought for their power.
Then the strongest among them spoke. His name was Ralein, for he was the first who drank from the fires beneath the lands, and by that fire he took shape within the world unto himself. So he spoke:
End of Part 1
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phototagebuch · 1 year
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23.8.2023: Physalis
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gebo4482 · 2 years
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Greyhill Incident
Console Announcement Trailer
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satoshi-mochida · 2 years
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Alien-themed story-driven survival horror game Greyhill Incident will launch for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series, PlayStation 4, and PC via Steam on June 9, publisher Perp Games and developer Refugium Games announced. The PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4 versions will be available both physically and digitally.
Here is an overview of the game, via Perp Games:
Greyhill Incident is a story-driven survival horror game that takes place during the early 90s. As Ryan Baker, equipped with a baseball bat and a few bullets in his trusty revolver, the story takes you across the atmospheric neighborhood of Greyhill, which is invaded by UFOs and Grey Aliens.
Key Features
Experience a Classic Alien Invasion Story – The recent increase paranormal activities over the last few days have convinced the scared and now paranoid residents of Greyhill, that the Aliens are amongst them. They trust no one. The small neighborhood of Greyhill is afraid to speak up and fearing being sent to the psychiatric ward, they avoid calling the police. Alone, they prepare by boarding up their windows and start a neighborhood watch.
Get Across the Neighborhood – Ryan Baker attempts cross the neighborhood of Greyhill to save a neighbor who is in serious trouble. Find useful items, solve puzzles, and meet other humans as you fight to survive the invasion and guide Ryan through the neighborhood.
Investigate and Uncover the Truth – Sneak through the open areas of Greyhill. Investigate houses and barns and search for ammo while you work up your way through the village and uncover the Alien Conspiracy.
Beware of the Greys – “They” are a constant threat as they try to abduct people from the village village, take samples of everything, and experiment on and probe people. Sneak, run, or fight to get through Greyhill and beware of “The Greys.”
Watch a new trailer below.
Release Date Trailer
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simon-roy · 5 months
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An excerpt from the guidebook section of REFUGIUM, the new graphic novel @jordankwalker, Sergey Nazarov, and myself have been slaving over this past year! Jordan was the main xenobiological art director on this project, and his words and pictures are entwined with the core of the tale...
At a week in, our campaign for the hardcover print version of this story is standing at a whopping 175% funded, with over $44k CAD raised and 570 people backing us! If you're interested, head on over to the page for the kickstarter, here:
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And if you're keen on it, we're holding an alien design contest for inclusion in the book - make an alien based on the clades outlined above, and post it with the hashtag #refugium2024 before friday, and you're set up to be included in the hardcover printing (and to get a free copy of the book yourself!)
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thegeekiary · 1 year
"Greyhill Incident" Offers Atmospheric Sci-Fi Horror But Has Issues - Game Review
Greyhill Incident (Image: PR/Refugium Games) From Refugium Games, Greyhill Incident offers exciting atmospheric sci-fi as you try to survive an alien invasion. However, it still has a bunch of issues that should have been addressed before release. Continue reading Untitled
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