nitewrighter · 3 months
After that mirrorwatch ask I sent it finally got me spiraling back again to your fankid stuff mun!! And I know its been a hot minute but may I ask for Rei, Aedan, Rajeev and Akasha drabbles and interactions? :000
I just now went over their polycule and the Reidan & Rakasha antics again ahhhhh its been so longgg and I can feel myself missing these four so much now!!
Rei: Do you think you, personally, changed history?
Rajeev: *wary* Guys...
Akasha: ...I mean it's not like I would have any way to tell, would I? If history was already what it was because I changed it, I wouldn't know I was the one who was supposed to change it, or even how my interference would change it. I just... wasn't anywhere long enough to have a context on how I was affecting it, if I was affecting it at all.
Rei: I mean... I know being displaced in time sucks in general, but it really sucks that you never got to meet a cool historical figure.
Aedan: Or be in a time that really interested you.
Akasha: *snort* I can assure you, I wasn't exactly hoping for celebriy cameos in that time.
Aedan: It's just like... you were bombarded with just... the overwhelming mundanity of human history, and given the passage of time, that should be a comfort, but at the same time, it could not be a mundanity to you.
Rajeev: *nervously* Look, I don't think we really have to--
Akasha: *touches his arm* It's fine. I think the thing is, we always want the things that hurt us to mean something, to have helped us grow in some ways--like... what are we if we can't grow from our pain? But right now, I don't mind talking about it, making sense of it in a safe space, but I also am fine with this being the time for me to grow. This being the time for me to heal. I don't need to have... impacted history for me to feel like I'm where I need to be right now.
Rajeev: *wibbling lip*
Akasha: Really. I think you freak out about the teleporter stuff more than I do. You do know I cut your eye out of your skull, right?
Akasha: And I didn't even get to meet Genghis Khan. Tragic. You guys all pick really weird aspects of that to get hung up on, honestly.
Edvard Munch in 1892 Oslo, Norway: Goodness... the sky over the fjord is unusually orange this evening... this, along with my grief over my sister's recent commitment to a sanitarium fills me with a roiling urge that I cannot articulate. It's... almost a primal helplessness.
Akasha: *blips into existence shrilly and hysterically screaming for 11 seconds, clasping her hands to the sides of her face before blipping out again*
Edvard Munch: Yeah. Something like that. I have to paint something.
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Do you feel worthy, punk?!
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niuttuc · 1 year
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Today's budget commander sleeper is a god! But not really. While it is easy to forget in its sleeve, Reidane is a MDFC, offering two cards for the price of one.
The front side, the god half, has some trinket text that punishes snow lands, but mostly will be used to delay board wipes in aggressive decks and prevent some of the scarier spells that are much more present in commander than in other formats. It is decent at that. An OK hatebear with a flying vigilant body.
The back is what I think gets overlooked in this. First, the boring bit, the functional ward 1 to you and all your (other) permanents may seem minor, and it won't actually prevent people from targeting you or your stuff with impactful spells in practice. It might deflect a few, but most importantly it will prevent or redirect many targeting abilities from hitting you or your stuff, since opponents rarely want to pay 1 for this kind of repeated abilities. Do you think they're gonna pay 4 mana to drain you 4 life with their blood artist, or move on to an easier target?
Second, that damage prevention ability on Valkmira is actually quite unique. While it's not uncommon to find effects that prevent a bit of damage dealt to you, one that also protects your creatures (and planeswalkers, but thankfully not your battles since you'll attack those yourself) is very rare. The only other exemple that comes to my mind costs 6 mana to get going and is a fragile creature. 1 damage may not seem like much, but it messes with combat in a big way. It won't stop a crater hoof, but it will stop any incidental attacks coming your way. Suddenly, your 2/2 beats their 2/2s in combat. Better yet, multi blocking, both yours and theirs, gets much worse when you remove points for every blocker. If you're playing in digital, the damage assignation with a Valkmira and multiple blockers either way will probably be done wrong.
Reidane and Valkmira are a DFC rooted in a world, so they're likely not gonna be reprinted anytime soon. I don't think they're gonna skyrocket in price in the near future, they would have already, but they'll slowly climb up. For now, they're 40 cents.
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bluehairedspidey · 1 year
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daedalusdavinci · 2 years
dealers choice with this one cause <3 -jigsaw voice- make your choice. number 3 "Instinctively pressing your hands against your lover’s cheek as they passionately rave, only for them to stop talking and gape, completely distracted by the lack of distance."
send me a meaningful gestures prompt!
thinking about lee shore again <3 THE eridave fic of all time. im so scatterbrained but take this, theyre adhd4autistic and im right about that
Dave had heard a lot of things about Eridan before he ever met him. Terezi had complained about his self-important rants, and Vriska, hilariously, had said that he was unnecessarily dramatic. Sollux had said a lot- none of it positive. In typical fashion, Karkat had been the only one to break the pattern, admitting, privately, that Eridan could be a good friend when he wasn’t too busy being a terrible one.
But there were certain things Dave had expected, going into meeting Eridan. Ranting had been one of them. And yet, when he finally heard it, he was struck with the thought that no one was really doing it justice.
It had been years since then, and to say Dave was the same person he had been then- or that Eridan was, for that matter- would be a lie so blatant it would qualify as a federal crime. However, sometimes he still got snagged on it, caught up in the way Eridan looked when he really got going.
The thing was, Eridan was passionate. He had a lot of thoughts about a lot of things, and while many of those thoughts were incredibly bullshit, there were some things that he did actually know. If Dave got him started on the history of war strategy, he could go for hours, pacing back and forth across the room and waving his hands around as he got into detail about every strategist, every war they fought in, the tall tales and the truth, their influences, and general information that no one Dave knew would ever care about, besides Eridan. It wasn’t the self-important bullshit Terezi had promised him- it was just Eridan, lit up and passionate the way he was so infrequently.
Dave had never given a single shit about war strategy, but he had grown to give quite a few about Eridan, over the years. There was just something stunning about him when he got into it, driven and fiery and stupidly fucking attractive.
Dave watched him pace back and forth from the counter, leaned back on his hands with his empty glass beside him, half-listening as Eridan fumed over the movie that had been paused for so long now that the screen had gone dark. It was interesting information- something about guns and prop inaccuracies- but somewhere along the way Dave had gotten lost thinking about what Eridan’s hips felt like under his hands and the way Eridan scowled at him when he kissed him mid-rant, flushed all the way to the tips of his fins.
Fortunately, it didn’t take much to beckon Eridan over. Just an outstretched hand, and Eridan was drifting over to him, distractedly stepping between his knees and lacing his fingers into Dave’s. “It’s even worse when you consider the militarization of movies, in recent years,” he was saying, brows furrowed into a scowl. “If the military’s payin’ all these bigshot companies so damn much, how come their guns still look like such bullshit?”
“‘Cause they’re only funding the ones that make the military look good?” Dave said, running his thumb along Eridan’s jaw.
At an actual response, Eridan blinked, seeming to really see him for the first time. His head tilted into Dave’s hand instinctively, but he seemed confused by it, like he couldn’t figure out when Dave had started looking at him like he wanted to kiss him stupid. (It had been about five seconds after he’d hit pause.) “Well, I guess, but-” His eyes flickered to Dave’s lips, then away. He finally let go of the remote he’d been gesturing with the whole time, setting it down on the counter. “With the internet, there’s just not really an excuse to get it wrong anymore. The information’s all there.”
The corner of Dave’s mouth twitched upward, his hand sliding to cup Eridan’s cheek properly. “You’re such a nerd.”
Eridan scoffed. “Oh, sure, because you’re-”
He didn’t get a chance to finish, because Dave decided that second that kissing Eridan was more important than hearing about whatever he was.
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Exploring the Perfect Balance with Hot and Cold AC Solutions
Explore the world of hot and cold AC solutions, delving into the various technologies and strategies available to achieve the optimal balance for year-round comfort. For more info visit the website for more info. 
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txcbngrdlg-uwu15 · 1 month
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Yesterday I created a "Mortal Kombat ASK" in VK, and decided to take on the role of a young Reidan, for those who are registered in VK I invite you to visit. If anyone would like to participate as a responder, I would be very happy :3 *** Вчера я создала "Mortal Kombat ASK" в VK, и решила взять на себя роль молодого Рейдана, для тех, кто зарегистрирован в VK приглашаю вас в гости. Если кто-то захочет поучаствовать в качестве отвечающего, буду очень рада :3
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verdanicy · 4 months
I don't strive for quality 💔💔😜
I had this idea for a long time
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Since Liu Kang and Reidan eventually MERGED into one... Then why not do the same with Fujin and Shang Tsung? I think this is a very good idea!!
Someday I will draw a full-fledged design of this MIRACLE...
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nightstar89913021 · 9 months
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Емае, я только сейчас вспомнила, что у меня есть такая же версия с Рейданом и Китаной. Блин, нет у меня даже и с Таней и Милиной, хотя я очень сильно хочу и с ними что-то сделать. И да, с наступающим всех!
Yep, I just now remembered that I have the same version with Reidan and Kitana. Damn, I don’t even have it with Tanya and Mileena, although I really really want to do something with them. And yes, happy upcoming everyone!
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1-up-chump · 1 year
Hi, are you busy? I would like to know what do you think about the struggle of Reidan and Shao Kahn for one beloved ? Maybe y/n was a random person during the tournament who caught their eye?
Long story short, these boys will inevitably fight over y/n affections. In the most dramatic and bloody way, such is the norm in mortal kombat.
Raiden and shao kahn fighting for Xreader's affections.
Mortal kombat can attract all kinds of warriors from many realms. However, you seemed to be a wild card. A mysterious kombatant with no known past, yet your skills in battle prove all your worth. Catching the attention of many other kombatants, but most notably the strongest ones in the tournament you're competing in.
Shao kahn:
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Such strength, such skull, such beauty. The emperor declared from the moment of your first victory that he had to have his little dragon claws sink into you as soon as possible. Not only would you make a fine warrior serving under him, but from the brief moments of conversation you somehow stole him away with your personality too.
He would've taken you then and there to be his right hand man to replace a certain disappointing sorcerer. Had raiden not interfered, as he so often does.
But shao Kahn's confidence (or arrogance) knows no bounds nor limits. For a time, he even puts his own ambitions on hold just to work his tyrannical charms on you to sway you to his side. Offering anything you could ever need or desire
Raiden however is the only one who could ever match his own determination, closest second is shang tsung. Shao kahn knew he would be an obstacle but he planned ahead of time with his conquest of earthrealm. But not his conquest of you.
In a sudden and very headstrong move, shao kahn declared a personal challenge to raiden. Invoking the elder gods system of mortal kombat to even the odds, even if shao kahn would be willing to fight raiden at full strength anyways. It was risky and shao kahn knew it, if he lost it would count as a loss for outworld in the tournament. As all personal challenges during a mortal kombat tournament would still count as wins or losses.
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As soon as raiden saw your first victory, he knew your skill was something astonishing for a mortal. The likes of which he'd only seen in the great kung lao, or liu kang. The fullest potential of ferocity to survive kombat and the grace to earn respect from not only a god like himself, but shao Kahn as well.
Raiden cast aside his budding feelings for you as he tried to focus on keeping you away from shao kahn. As you were a mysterious kombatant, you fought to represent yourself. But anyone can change sides once during a tournament. Raiden would rather have such great skills used for something good and just. Rather than tyranny and evil.
He may have been successful in getting shao kahn to back off the first time. But raiden knew the emperor of outworld was far too cunning, and persistent. Unlike shao kahn however, raiden does not like manipulation of someone's free will and choice. So he gives you ample opportunity to make a choice, to change sides for either one, or to continue on the path you've chosen the first time.
Although raiden cannot lie to himself that he when he tried to convince you to fight for earthrealm, it wasn't the only thing on his mind. He caught himself only after the fact that he might have been flirting with you while doing so. But so was shao kahn and that was working great on you so far.
Raiden was shocked, and yet not, when shao kahn declared a personal challenge. And raiden knew the emperor wouldn't do something like this unless he either knew for sure he could beat him or that he wanted to display his power to you. Raiden however, although slightly worried, would not yield. He could have, he should have, he would've, but raiden already weighed the options in his mind before the words of acceptance escaped his lips. Somewhere in his soul he felt that taking a risk on you was well worth it.
How the outcome of the battle rests on your choice.
Only you can choose your destiny.
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selfdiagnosedeyemotif · 11 months
In the darkness of a house, there was a soft glow from underneath the crack in a door. Inside the room that door led to sat a man. The man had messy red hair and an even messier outfit, and a maddened gleam to his eyes that could be written off as manic determination. 
That man was named Drikha Elvenglen, but despite his name he was not related to elves. 
Instead, he was a Wild Thing, born with the ability to change his shape into any creature he desired, big, small, or human sized. 
His blood also held a curse. It was a terrible curse, one that he struggled to manage on the regular, but was made easier by the presence of his dear friend Hellenath Reidan. It was a wonder to Drikha how his friend simply existing beside him helped him handle the curse that tainted his blood, but he never dared question it, lest he jinx it and ruin his streak of good fortune. 
Inside that room sat Drikha Elvenglen, son of Daire and Menomir. Inside that room sat a man with a hope that flickered like the flame on his writing desk. 
Drikha scrawled something in his notebook, splotching ink on the yellowed paper in his hurry to imortalize the threads his mind was tying together. He swore quietly, continuing to write. Never mind the ugly blotch on the page, it didn’t need to look pretty- it barely needed to be legible. Only his eyes would ever be reading it again- with the ever-present exception of Hellenath. 
Speaking of, he had been gone for a worryingly long time. Drikha could feel the familiar pit of dread start to open in his gut, and he quickly downed the last of his cold tea and shoved his chair away from his desk, making up his mind at once. He would find Hellenath, and they would share the idea together. 
the tolkien inspiration in this one is so vivid i can feel it seeping into the air, 10/10
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nitewrighter · 7 months
Annie: Normalize feminizing men by fixing a displaced strand of their hair. Rei: *nods*
Guillaume: Long hair as feminine is a western construct. If you're going to feminize me, at least be conscientious about it and put me in some lingerie.
Annie: Okay, then stop flexing when I'm trying to take your bust size.
Guillaume: Never.
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deathblade · 1 year
I was a little confused as to why one of the female name options is Reidan instead of Raiden when renaming my storm wizard, and then I remembered Rei was going to be a name option and I think people were trying to make name combinations that sounded like a slur :/
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simicmimic · 2 years
Mogis vs. Reidane
Battle of the Gods: Qualifying Round
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Non-humans have done well in other brackets, but is Mogis too mean to win, especially against a Reidane who just looks like she wants to give you a hug?
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feirea · 2 years
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My first time coloring on ibis paint x. Still trying to figure out my coloring style and how colors work together ~o~ This is my character Reidan he's a demon reincarnated as a human for the sole purpose of getting a specific human to do something that'll decide the fate of humanity (still havent decided this is just a silly comedic story about an angel, demon and human)
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horademagic · 2 months
Reidane, Deusa dos Dignos - Valkmira, Escudo da Protetora/ Reidane, God of the Worthy - Valkmira, Protector's Shield
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Tipo de criatura: Deus
Custo de mana: 1 branca + 2 de qualquer cor = 3 no total
2/3 de Poder e Resistência
Por que ela é interessante? Essa criatura tem voar (vantagem sob oponentes sem voar ou alcance para defender) e vigilância (fica desvirada mesmo depois de atacar). Os terrenos que forem de neve que seus oponentes controlam entram todos em campo virados, nem pensar de terreno nevado entrar desvirado. As mágicas não de criatura que tenham custo de mana igual ou superior a 4 que seus oponentes conjurarem vão custar 2 manas a mais para serem conjuradas, então basicamente você adiciona mais ainda no custo de conjuração dos seus oponentes. Ou, pode simplesmente usar o Valkmira, Escudo da Protetora.
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Valkmira, Escudo da Protetora é um artefato lendário que fará com que se uma fonte que um oponente controlar for causar dano a você ou a uma permanente que você controla, você previne 1 ponto daquele dano que está sendo causado. Toda vez que você ou outra permanente que você controla se tornar alvo de uma mágica ou de uma habilidade que um oponente controlar, anule aquela mágica ou habilidade, a menos que o controlador dela pague 1 mana para deixá-lo acontecer normalmente. Detalhe, não pode ficar virando e desvirando, uma vez que conjurar um lado é esse lado que ficará.
Preço da carta: em torno de 7,00 até 25,00
Disponível em Português
Link: https://www.ligamagic.com.br/?view=cards/card&card=Valkmira,%20Protector%27s%20Shield
Até a próxima postagem, Ulli e Thiago
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