#Release date: August 14th 1992
𝔐𝔬𝔱ö𝔯𝔥𝔢𝔞𝔡  -  ℌ𝔢𝔩𝔩𝔯𝔞𝔦𝔰𝔢𝔯
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rastronomicals · 4 years
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September 14:
On the 14th of September, 1959, Charles Mingus released Mingus Ah Um , his much-honored studio album.
On this date in 1992, Blind Melon released their self-titled album.
On the 14th of September, 1993, Counting Crows came out with August And Everything After, their debut album.
Also on that day, Cynic dropped their influential debut album, Focus.
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larriefails · 5 years
28 is not a Larry number - a masterpost
Since @theystudyrainbows has decided to put all the Larrie delusions on this number in one handy masterpost, why not debunk it all in one go?
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Even the introduction is a mess. The 28 is not “a One Direction fandom mystery” at all. It’s Louis’ jersey number that he was assigned at Doncaster Rovers and that he has since then adopted. But then again, Liam’s kidney and the Belfast canceled concert are not mysteries either
How decent of you to say that some of these are coincidences, considering literally all of the following is bullshit
The fact that “too many people to name” contributed to write this drivel makes my heart ache
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Harry has no connection to the number 28 whatsoever
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The problem with you attempting numerology is that there are only 9 possible digits (as the addition of two numbers can never be zero). So, you clown yourselves because it leads to this
Eleanor was born on July 16th 1992:
7+1+6+1+9+9+2 = 35
3+5 = 8
Oh no!
But also, Zayn was born on January 13th 1992:
1+1+3+1+9+9+2 = 26
2+6 = 8
(: Ya see how that’s just not good?
Not only that, but also, as I said, Harry has no connection to the number 28, but for shits and giggles
Kendall Jenner was born on November 3rd 1995:
1+1+3+1+9+9+5 = 29
2+9 = 11
1+1 = 2
So.. basically this is worthless information that you pulled out of your ass. Or I could easily claim that 28 is an Elounor or a Hendall number
You also use this method to count Harry and Louis’ X Factor numbers, but as we’ve established, there are only 9 options, the odds are stacked for this coincidence
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How is that 28? That’s 82.. A completely different number. In the UK the date is written day/month/year. So the “same gig” was the 8th day of the 2nd month. 82. It’s very funny that, since you’re Italian and live in the UK (both countries that use the day/month/year system) you’ve written every date so far that way, but now that you want to say this other random date is connected to 28, you switched to month/day/year.
Also, where is the year in this equation? We’ve been using the entire date so far, but now we’re only focusing on the day and month? (and switching order?) That seems very convenient. Almost like, if you try hard enough, any date can add up to 28 in some way?
November 17th 2011, Louis and Eleanor’s anniversary: 11+17=28! Oh no! DRATS! It’s still an Elounor number!
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And now we’re just ignoring the month and only focusing on the day. And not only that, but ignoring half the time they were there (the 27th) to only focus on the 28th. That is, once again, very convenient
But continuing with your own ridiculous logic. We know that Louis and Eleanor went to V Fest together in 2011, because Eleanor said so on twitter when Sugarscape wondered if the “brown haired girl” holding hands with Louis at V Fest was her
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V Fest was on August 20th and 21st 2011. What do you know? 20+8 = 28! Damn... this is getting suspicious. Louis!!! Did you get the 28 for Eleanor? :)
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This is a whole ass facepalm. I’m going to link the video here just so it’s verifiable how unhinged y’all are
He literally turns for 1 millisecond, and is looking in the general area of his right because that’s where everyone else in the band is standing. The fact that y’all still do this shit is so embarrassing for your life and your soul
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But why don’t you tell the truth? That y’all decided their anniversary was the 28th and then created this completely impossible to prove “receipt”? How is it proof of anything if it came AFTER y’all had decided the 28 was their anniversary? Your circular logic knows no bounds
Harry has not used the 28 number AT ALL. Louis hasn’t used the 28 as his jersey number “often,” he started using it in 2013 when it was assigned to him by the Doncaster Rovers when he was signed as a semi professional player
This is from goal.com, one of the most important sources of soccer information in the world X
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The article is from September 2013 and John Ryan, the chairman of the Rovers, explains that 28 was HIS number, that HE used for a match. Soccer players have assigned numbers throughout the season, and the number 28 had been retired from the line up after John Ryan used it in 2003. He decided to bring it back to give it to Louis. And Louis was signed as a soccer player professionally with that number. That’s why it’s important to him, you bag of nonsense. This was his life long dream in the club he loved. He probably spent hours and hours daydreaming about being signed professionally to play soccer and when he finally accomplished that, it was with the number 28, so of course it’s gonna be important to him!
Find ONE INSTANCE of Louis using the number 28 before the summer of 2013. ONE. You won’t! The tattoo came after that, him wearing it on his jerseys came after that. According to Larrie Lore Harry and Louis started dating in 2011 (apparently September 28th 2011, go figure), but for two full years neither of them did anything related to the number 28 whatsoever!
Why didn’t Louis wear the 28 in his first charity match in 2012?
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The fact that he wore 17, which is his and Eleanor’s anniversary. LMAO can you say ouch? Furthermore, Louis didn’t CHOOSE the 28, it was ASSIGNED to him because it was the symbolic number the chairman had used back in 2003. It was a retired number that no player had used for 10 years, and they decided to give it to him as a gesture. Man, that would be a HUGE coincidence if out of 40 something available numbers in a soccer line up, Louis had wanted exactly the one that was retired and meant a whole lot for the chairman, instead of the chairman offering it to Louis, like LOGIC says. Another HUGE coincidence that he had not bothered with the 28 at all up until that point and then started having it everywhere. But I thought Larries hated those?
After this you list all the times Louis has used the 28, which there are a lot, but all come after 2013, I don’t want to add more pointless screenshots here. Doncaster Rovers jersey (from 2013 on), dodgeball jersey (2015), in ears (2015), tattoo (2015), BTY music video (2017), LTHQ’s first IG username (2017), his playlist (2018/2019)
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How is that... 28? That’s 90028. And this isn’t a date, where you can just pick the number apart as you wish. This is a zip code for a secret show the Rolling Stones played in LA in 2015
Not only that, but Harry (and this is hilariously tragic for you) was ACTUALLY AT THE GIG! THAT’S WHY HE POSTED THE PHOTO!
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Posting the screenshot with the date so you can see. May 21st 2015. Article by the LA Times X
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This is Harry at the actual gig with Mick Jagger you absolute MORON X
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And this is Harry wearing a Rolling Stones shirt the day after the gig because he’s that much of a fanboy
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Why is “professional” in scare quotes?? I can’t believe that you just added 1+2+3+4+5+6+7. Oh my god. I can’t believe I have to say this but *whispers* those are consecutive numbers. They just used consecutive numbers... And why would Harry’s HQ account managed by the team that’s “oppressing them” use a secret code with their beloved 28? How does that make ANY sense?
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The article is wrong. He wore TWENTY-SEVEN Gucci suits. I can’t believe that’s a sentence I just typed, but alas
1- Basel, 2- Copenhagen, 3- Hamburg, 4- Milan, 5- Bologna, 6- London I, 7- Hong Kong, 8- Bangkok, 9- Rio de Janeiro, 10- Mexico City I and II (same suit), 11- Houston, 12- Fort Lauderdale 13- Nashville, 14- Hershey, 15- Philadelphia, 16- Toronto, 17- MSG I, 18- DC, 19- Detroit, 20- Indianapolis, 21- Chicago, 22-St. Paul, 23- Denver, 24- Seattle, 25- San Jose, 26- LA I, 27- LA II
In 60 concerts, he also wore Charles Jeffrey 4 times, Saint Laurent 3 times, Palomo Spain 2 times, a custom kilt, Harris Reed 5 times, Clavin Klein 6 times, Alexander McQueen 7 times, Givenchy 4 times. Just so you don’t think I’m purposefully missing out on a suit to make it 27. The article probably counted Mexico’s suit twice. But it’s not 28 suits, it’s 27. The Mexico suit was the same both nights
I would love to know how this would be relevant to Larry or how this would mean the number 28 is important to Harry. Does he have OCD? I don’t get it
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Here we have another round of “I will MAKE IT FIT 28 IF IT KILLS ME!”
Let’s see the different tactics that you used
Adding day and month
Taking only the day
Adding day month and year. Except you left out the 2 in 2017. Because otherwise it wouldn't add up. I can’t deal with thisodnadmsla
Harry performed track 2, meaning, his lead single that he was still promoting, Sign of the Times, and 8 Ever since NEW YORK because... he was performing in... New York...
Only the day. Wow, you actually repeated tactics once!
Adding two completely different dates together, that have absolutely no correlation. How are Sweet Creature, Harry’s promo single, and the music video for a different single, related in any way? What? Why not Kiwi’s music video? Why not Two Ghosts music video? Why not the release of either of those singles to radio? Can you make it any more obvious that you’re just pulling this completely out of your ass?
You repeat tactics again, except it’s the most ridiculous tactic of adding all the numbers in the date except the 2 of the year and it’s for “Harry posted link to Twitter to Sign of the Times music video PREVIEW.” Oh my god
And now you’re counting days between two dates, because that’s not unhinged. I’m guessing you mean the April 14th not 24th, but that also wasn’t the date? It was the 13th? It depends on the time zone you were in?
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For someone who, according to you, plans with such precise care to match to 28, he didn’t wait until it would be 28 days for everyone. It’s not even because it was tweeted at midnight UK since this is like 3/4 AM UK time. In fact, it wasn’t midnight anywhere relevant (or anywhere, in general since it was at .54 minutes). So not only is this ridiculous, it’s also incorrect
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1. That’s not a fan, that’s his cousin, but Larries know barely anything about Harry if it can’t involve Larry so I’m not surprised you don’t know
2. Imagine him asking “please, make the password add to 28“ to his staff. I have tears in my eyes picturing it
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That’s his Hamburg concert, which you can tell because of his suit, which was on MARCH 25TH 2018 (he posted the pictures the day after)
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AKA 250332018 which is what the password says
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You not only confused an 8 with a 9, but also created numbers out of thin air because of a pixel smudge and failed to realize it was the FUCKING DATE. WHICH DOESN’T EVEN ADD TO 28! 2+5+3+2+1+8= 21
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This is perhaps the most ridiculous thing written in this post, which is already one of the most ridiculous things I’ve ever read. Can you imagine Harry counting to 28 in his head in the middle of the concert? I can’t y’all, this is too much. You’re A GROWN WOMAN. WHAT ARE YOU DOING? I also found it incredibly suspicious that you didn’t outright link the video which you do throughout the post, and turns out it is because he didn’t pause for 28 seconds (what is this fucking sentence?)
He stops playing and singing at 2.40. Then speaks until 2.43. Then the “pause” which is just him trying to get the audience to stop screaming until 3.07 when he says (I can’t really make it out) “now you” or something like that. And then he says “for your eyes...” and lets the audience sing at 3.09. Literally none of these timestamps add to 28 and he had no way of counting to 28 since he was silencing people the entire time. And just like when he switched “I have love you since we were 18″ to “I have loved you since I was 16″ hitting his own chest, or when he said he fell in love to What Makes You Beautiful, you missed the entire point of this bit, which is Harry’s LOVE FOR HIS FANS
He has loved us since he was 16, he fell in love to us to What Makes you Beautiful, and he was letting us sing that part of the song every concert. He “paused” to shush the nonsensical screams, then he would give the audience the cue and let them sing. Several times he dedicated the song to specific fans in the audience, people with cancer, little kids, a fan that had neck surgery. By making it about Larry, you stripped it from its actual meaning and Harry’s love for his fans. But you always do shit like that
Regardless, he didn’t pause for 28 seconds. Wrong
And you end the post with the most anticlimactic possible tone
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Here’s the video
Harry is talking about anniversaries because he’s reading a sign from the audience... about.. anniversaries
Y’all are the definition of clowns. All that fuss for the 28 and THIS is your proof?
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Vaudeville’s Chronological History Timeline
The Past History Timeline of (@fractiouslemon) Matt Garner’s Vaudeville character: - 1921: Vaudeville is created. His initial design looks creepily reminiscent of the characters in Disney’s earlier “Laugh-O-Grams” shorts.
- 1922: The first Vaudeville short in the silent-era, “A Star is Vaudeville” premiered September 2nd.
- 1924-1926: The animation in his shorts increasingly becomes less rigid, tight and standardized (like paper cutouts) and a little more loose, organic and three-dimensional.
- 1927: Vaudeville gets his first redesign. He becomes far more simplified than his creation six years earlier.
- 1929: His cartoons now enter the sound-era, introducing synchronized dialogue action and character voices. The first Vaudeville short in the sound-era, “Vaudeville’s First Date” premiered March 15th.
- 1932: Three new members were added to the cast: the sane and wise Uncle Tech, the little baby cousin Sid and the small dog Rooty.
- 1934: The Production Code is enforced. Vaudeville’s shorts have toned down their visual surreal and risqué humor in favor of more consistent stories. Thus, the animation in his shorts began to improve up to Disney standards.
- 1935: The first Vaudeville short in three-strip Technicolor, “The Bronco Brothers” premiered November 8th.
- 1937: Vaudeville’s second redesign. He is changed to look a little more distinctive and naturalistic (becoming loose and organic with a pear-shaped body), along with the rest of the cast.
- 1942: His final short in the series, “Rodent Extermination” premiered April 25th.
- 1955: Vaudeville’s pre-November 1935 black-and-white cartoon shorts have been sold to television.
- 1956: Vaudeville’s post-November 1935 Technicolor cartoon shorts have been sold to television.
- 1962: Vaudeville celebrates his 40th birthday, whilst guest starring on The Ed Sullivan Show.
- 1968: Vaudeville’s shorts have been sold back to Matt Garner Productions, its original owner.
- 1984: Vaudeville’s pre-November 1935 black-and-white shorts have been retraced and colored in South Korea by Entercolor Technologies, resulting in a degradation of animation quality.
- 1990, 1992, 1995: Vaudeville’s pre-November 1935 black-and-white shorts have been colorized again, but this time done digitally with computers. This preserves the quality of the original animation.
- 2003-2004: Vaudeville’s shorts have been restored and remastered on DVD, scanned directly from the original 35mm nitrate negatives.
- 2009-2010: Vaudeville’s shorts have been restored and remastered again for its release on Blu-ray, scanned directly from the original 35mm nitrate negatives.
- 2012: Vaudeville opens up his new blog, Ask Vaudeville on Tumblr, while retaining his 1927 redesign. He barely even remembers his film career in animated cartoons.
- 2014: The original Ask Vaudeville series goes on hiatus June 16th. However, the blog returned on August 2nd.
- 2016: The original Ask Vaudeville series ended June 30th.
- 2018: The Ask Vaudeville series returns on January 14th.
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thenightling · 6 years
Halloween icons that.. aren’t Halloween at all
We (as a culture) relegate so much of that which is spooky and Gothic to Halloween and it’s season that many feel like it’s only appropriate to enjoy these things for about a twelfth of the year. it’s very depressing for those of us who truly love these things, to see that which we love, shoved under the carpet for the majority of the year.
“This is Halloween Thing.” And “Wait ‘til Halloween.” are phrases we hear all too often.  The interesting fact is a lot of the things that have been consigned to “strictly Halloween” originally weren’t...
Here’s a list of things heavily associated with Halloween that were not actually released on or near Halloween.
Thriller song by Michael Jackson - Music video aired for the fist time on MTV December 2nd 1983.  
Ghostbusters - June 8th 1984.
Ghostbusters 2 - June 16th 1989. 
Monster Mash (song) - Originally released August 1962 (Though it was late October when it hit the Billboards hot 100.)
Hocus Pocus (film) though set at Halloween was released July 16th 1993 
Dracula (1931 starring Bela Lugosi) - February 14th (Valentine’s Day) 1931.
Frankenstein (1931 starring Boris Karloff) - November 21, 1931 (Close to Thanksgiving.)
The Wolf-Man (1941) - December 12 1941.
Bram Stoker’s Dracula (1992 film starring Gary Oldman) - November 13th, 1992.  (Two days after Veteran’s Day.)     
Interview with the vampire (film) -  November 11th 1994. (Veteran’s Day)     
Woman in Black (2012 film) was released in America on February 3rd 2012.
 Fright Night - August 2nd 1985.
Fright Night Part 2 - May 19th 1989.
Lost Boys - July 31st 1987.
Addams Family (film) - November 22nd 1991 (Another one close to Thanksgiving) 
Dracula (2006) BBC version with Marc Warren - December 28th 2006. (three days after Christmas and three days before New Years.)
Elvira: Mistress of the Dark comics issue 1 from Dynamite comics - July 11th 2018.
Penny Dreadful - First aired on Showtime April 28th 2014.
Castlevania Season 1 - Released July 7th 2017. (unfortunately season 2, despite being very good, seemed to lack confidence and the show was banished to “Halloween season.”)
American Werewolf in London - August 21st 1981.
The Wolfman (2010 version) - February 12th 2010
The Company of Wolves - July 1984 Nightmare on Elm Street - November 9th 1984
Friday the 13th - April 30th 1981 (Walpurgisnacht, exactly half a year from Halloween.)
Child’s Play - November 9th 1988 (Closer to Veteran’s Day) 
The Shining (film) - May 23rd 1980 (US release date)
Creepshow - November 12, 1982.  
Carrie - November 3rd 1976
Casper (film) - May 26th 1995.
 Horror of Dracula (Dracula) from Hammer - Released in the US on May 8th 1958.
So many of what I listed above are things people often associate with Halloween or even condemn if you enjoy them all year and yet none of these were specifically released for or on Halloween.
I do not understand the need to confine all things fun and spooky to a tiny corner of the year.  I love Halloween but I don’t want to be denied that which is Gothic or spooky all the rest of the year either.   I feel it shows a lack of confidence in a film or book, or TV show if a production company banishes the thing to “Halloween season” as a crutch, as if they do not think the thing can stand on it’s own.  It’s a crutch and often feels like a way to bury the thing as nothing more than a Halloween novelty rather than a potential classic.  If something is destined to become a Halloween staple, let it become that, but don’t treat others like they are wrong or weird for enjoying it all year.  And don’t suppress or delay things that are of a certain aesthetic just because you have been conditioned to see it as “Strictly Halloween.” 
Halloween isn’t a day, children, it’s a lifestyle.
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classic-rock-roller · 6 years
The Van Halen Timeline
Mostly Taken from Everybody Wants Some: The Van Halen Saga by Ian Christe, everything after March 2007 is from my own research  
October 13th, 1947: Sammy Hagar born in Monterey, California 
May 8th, 1953: Alexander Arthur van Halen born in Holland
October 10th, 1953: David Lee Roth born in Bloomington, Indiana 
June 20th, 1954: Michael Anthony Sobolewski born in Chicago, Illinois
January 26th, 1955: Edward Lodwijk van Halen born in Holland 
July 26th, 1961: Gary Cherone born in Malden, Massachusetts 
Winter 1962: Jan van Halen emigrates with his family to California 
1967: Edward gets $100 Teisco Del Ray guitar from Sears 
1971: Alex and Eddie Van Halen form the Trojan Rubber Company 
Autumn 1973: David Lee Roth joins the Van Halen brothers in Mammoth
1973: Sammy Hagar joins Montrose, records two albums, and tours heavily 
Spring 1974: Mike Sobolewski joins Van Halen, becomes Michael Anthony 
May 1976: Gene Simmons “discovers” Van Halen at the Starwood, finances unsuccessful demo tape 
1976: Sammy Hagar leaves Montrose, launches solo career 
May 1977: Ted Templeton rediscovers Van Halen, signs band to Warner Bros.
February 10th, 1978: Release of Van Halen; leading to tours with Journey, then Black Sabbath 
October 10th, 1978: Van Halen goes platinum
March 23rd, 1979: Release of Van Halen II; first headlining tour runs through October 
March 26th, 1980: Release of Women and Children First 
August 29th, 1980: Eddie Van Halen meets Valerie Bertinelli
April 11th, 1981: Eddie marries Valerie 
April 29th, 1981: Release of Fair Warning 
April 14th, 1982: Release of Diver Down
May 29th, 1983: Van Halen paid $1.5 million to play for four hundred thousand people at US Festival ‘83
January 4th, 1984: Release of 1984, featuring band’s first number 1 singe, “Jump”
September 2nd, 1984: Final show by classic lineup in Nuremberg, Germany 
December 31st, 1984: David Lee Roth releases Crazy from the Heat
1985: Cherone’s band the Dream wins MTV’s Basement Tapes
April 1985: David Lee Roth exits Van Halen 
September 1985: Eddie Van Halen announces at Farm Aid that Sammy Hagar is Van Halen’s new lead singer 
November 19th, 1985: Sammy Hagar’s ninth studio album, VOA, becomes his first platinum-selling disc
March 24th, 1986: Release date of 5150; first “Van Hagar” album sells triple platinum by October 
July 4th, 1986: Release of David Lee Roth’s platinum solo debut, Eat ‘Em and Smile 
December 1986: Jan Van Halen dies  
May 24th, 1988: Release of OU812, followed shortly by Roth’s Skyscraper 
Summer 1988: Eddie attempts sobriety while Van Halen tours with Metallica, Scorpions, and Dokken 
February 1989: Tone Lōc;s “Wild Thing” reaches number 2, a rap single that samples Van Halen’s “Jamie’s Cryin”
April 22nd, 1990: Van Halen performs at opening of Cabo Wabo Cantina in Mexico
June 8th, 1990: Extreme’s “More than Words” single hits number 1
February 2nd, 1991: Release of David Lee Roth’s A Little Ain’t Enough, his last gold record as a solo artist
March 16th, 1991: Eddie’s son Wolfgang Van Halen born
June 17th, 1991: Release of For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge, Van Halen’s third-straight number 1 album 
January 1991: Eddie debuts the EVH Music Man guitar and the Peavey 5150 amplifier line 
April 20th, 1992: Gary Cherone joins surviving members of Queen at the Freddie Mercury Tribute Concert in London
February 23rd, 1993: Release of first official live album, Right Here, Right Now
October 16th, 1993: Van Halen’s manager since 1985, Ed Leffler, dies 
March 14th, 1994: Sammy Hagar releases solo collection, Unboxed 
October 2nd, 1994: Fresh from rehab, Eddie Van Halen announces he will never drink again
January 24th, 1995: Release of Balance, the fourth consecutive number 1 studio album 
April 7th, 1995: Eddie arrested at Burbank Airport carrying a loaded gun 
April 26th, 1995: Van Halen returns to Europe after eleven years, as an opening act for Bon Jovi
Fall 1995: David Lee Roth appears in Reno and Las Vegas with a fourteen-piece band 
November 29th, 1995: Sammy Hagar marries second wife, Kari 
June 1996: Eddie and Sammy fight during a phone call; Sammy Hagar leaves Van Halen 
August 7th, 1996: Van Halen certified diamond for ten million sold
September 4th, 1996: Original members of Van Halen appear together at MTV Video Music Awards, leading to renewed quarrels 
October 4th, 1996: Alex and Eddie announce that Van Halen’s new singer will be Gary Cherone 
October 22nd, 1996: Release of Best of Volume I, with two new songs featuring Roth; despite the recent split with the band, it is his first number 1 album 
March 17th, 1998: Release of Van Halen III, the first VH . studio album not to go platinum 
November 5th, 1999: Gary Cherone leaves Van Halen
May 2000: Texas hospital confirms Eddie in outpatient cancer prevention  
Summer 2001: Van Halen completes at least three new songs with David Lee Roth
January 2002: Van Halen’s partnership with Warner Bros. ends after twenty-three years 
April 15th, 2002: David Lee Roth and Sammy Hagar announce joint forty-date summer concert tour 
May 2002: Doctors declare Eddie Van Halen cancer free 
July 2002: Eddie and Valerie Van Halen announce separation 
April 2004: Sammy’s Cabo Wabo Cantina opens a branch in basement of a Lake Tahoe casino; Cabo Wabo tequila ships over 110,000 cases for the year
June 11th, 2004: Van Halen launches reunion tour with Sammy Hagar; relations sour by the end of the summer 
November 19th, 2004: Eddie smashes two Peavey Wolfgang guitars, ending his thirteen-year partnership 
December 6th, 2005: Eddie and Valerie officially file for divorce 
January 2006: David Lee Roth replaces Howard Stern as morning radio DJ; lasts through April 
September 2006: Eddie Van Halen announces that Van Halen will tour in 2007 with his son, Wolfgang, playing bass
December 2006: Roth rehearses with a new all-Van Halen lineup
March 2007: Van Halen inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
September 27th, 2007: Van Halen started their new tour in Charlotte, North Carolina 
March 5th, 2008: World Weekly Entertainment to CBS News reported that the reason the tour had been interrupted was Eddie Van Halen’s needing to reenter rehab
June 2nd, 2008: The tour ended at the Van Andel Arena in Grand Rapids, Michigan       
July 3rd, 2008: Van Halen headlined the Quebec City Summer Festival 
August 2010: Warner/Chappell Music extends its administration agreements with Van Halen 
January 17th, 2011: Van Halen enters the Hensen Studio C with Producer Jon Shanks 
December 26th, 2011: Their official website is updated, announcing that tickets for their 2012 tour will be available beginning January 10th, 2012 
January 5th, 2012: Van Halen plays an intimate gig at Café Wha? in New York City
January 10th, 2012: Van Halen’s single “Tattoo” makes it’s premier on radio stations 
February 7th, 2012: A Different Kind of Truth is released 
August 30th, 2012: Eddie Van Halen is diagnosed with diverticulitis and undergoes surgery, which postpones the shows in Japan 
April 20th, 2013: Van Halen performs it’s first show outside North American with Roth since 1984
February 2015: Van Halen fansite, VHND.com, announces that Van Halen is releasing their first every live album with David Lee Roth, Tokyo Dome Live in Concert 
March 24th, 2015: Van Halen announces a 39 date tour with Roth that will take place between July and October across North America   
March 31st, 2015: Tokyo Dome Live in Concert is released 
April 2015: Eddie Van Halen tells Rolling Stone that the band “will probably hunker down and do a studio album” after their tour 
January 16th, 2016: Michael Anthony clears up the rumor that he might be rejoining Van Halen 
February 26th, 2016: David Lee Roth clears up some rumors about his recently released song “Ain’t No Christmas”, saying that it has nothing to do with Van Halen 
May 25th, 2016: David Lee Roth says he believes he’ll be back with Van Halen 
August 17th, 2016: Sammy Hagar apologizes to Van Halen  
December 23rd, 2016: Rumors start to fly about Van Halen reuniting for album and 2018 tour 
March 12th, 2017: Michael Anthony says that it’s time for Roth/Hagar Van Halen tour 
June 22nd, 2017: Michael Anthony says that now is a perfect time for a reunion of the classic lineup of Van Halen 
November 2nd, 2017: Sammy Hagar says that there is no chance of a Van Halen reunion 
January 5th, 2018: Michael Anthony is interviewed for upcoming Van Halen documentary 
January 20th, 2018: Van Halen is rumored to have new music and 2018 tour 
January 29th, 2018: Eddie Van Halen sues to stop release of “5150 Vault” documentary  
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darlingnisi · 7 years
Black M.F. In The House is the seventh track (fifth song) on the New Power Generation’s first ‘solo’ album Gold Nigga (sixth track and fourth song on later pressings of the CD).
While specific recording dates are not known, initial tracking took place in August-December 1992, at Paisley Park Studios, Chanhassen, MN, USA (during the same set of sessions as Johnny, Guess Who’s Knockin’, and the album’s segues). The harmonica is sampled from I Can’t Stand It by The Chambers Brothers (from The Time Has Come, 1967, written byLester Chambers, also released as a single in 1968), which is also sampled on Thieves In The Temple. The track was originally planned as the b-side on a May 1992, configuration of the Sexy M.F. single, the first single from Prince’s 14th album SymbolSmallerBlue.png (and therefore would have been credited to Prince and the New Power Generation, but since Sexy M.F. was unlikely to generate much airplay, Black M.F. In The House was replaced by the more radio-friendly track Strollin’. Princevault
Lol at the picture this person used for this song…
Legends say he played this before concerts and did it live at after shows because he doesn’t care about your comfort. The Savagery! 😂😂😂😂
Also if you can get your hands on this boot please do so! Poor boyfriend had walking pneumonia and you hear how it impacts his voice. It's called Starlight Lounge from Sabatoge Records. 4/12/1993.
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beakmanfans-blog · 5 years
Happy Birthday to Julie Christensen!!!
Happy Birthday to Julie Christensen!!! Today January 21, 2019, is Julie Christensen's birthday. She has released 2 album's in the last few years, has appeared on several other people's albums, has reunited with members of the "Divine Horsemen" and even sang backup for one of the Flesh Eater's newest songs. Here is a look at some of the happy moments captured in her life.
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Today January 21, 2019. Is Julie Christensen's birthday. She appeared in Beakman's World Season 1, episode 2, as well as on various other television shows, music videos, and even films. Recently she has reunited with the former members of the band, Divine Horsemen, and also sand backup vocals for its lead, Chris D. on the newest Flesh Eaters song "Black Temptation", however she is not seen in the video. Here is a clip and paste image showing her at various moments in her life, created for her birthday, 2019.
#HappyBirthday #January21 #JulieChristensen #DivineHorsemen #ChrisD #FleshEaters #BeakmansWorld #RitaValente #PaulZaloom #MarkRitts #AlannaUbach #RockNRollMusicAssociationHallOfFame #IowaRockNRollMusicAssociation #RockNRollHallOfFame #WomenWhoRock #Inductee #2018
This clip and paste image captures the moment of Julie Christensen's induction by the "Iowa Rock 'n' Roll Music Association", into the "Rock 'n' Roll Music Association Hall of Fame, Women Who Rock". Beside her she has brought the Beakman's World cast at the time she appeared on the show. Paul Zaloom, as Beakman preforming as Isaac Newton, Mark Ritts as Lester D. Rat. And Alanna Ubach as Josie. All the other images are of Julie at various moments in her life.
Julie Chistensen/Stone Cupid solo albums;
* Love is Driving. 11 tracks. Released November 10, 1996. {SC001} * Soul Driver. 12 tracks. Released August 15, 2000. {SC002} * Something Familiar. 11 tracks. Released, October 10, 2006. * Where The Fireworks Are. 13 songs. Released March 18, 2008. * Weeds Like Us. 13 Tracks, plus 14th track on a bonus CD which came with the 'Deluxe Edition' that had a single called "Another One". Released November 20, 2012. * The Cardinal, 12 tracks, plus bouns 13th hidden track. Released August 05, 2015 {Pledge Music}/January 22, 2016 {official release date}. {SC003} * A Sad Clown, 13 tracks. Released March 16, 2018. {SC004}
Julie Christensen with "Divine Horsemen", and Chris D.
* Chris D./Divine Horseman: Time Stands Still. 1984. * Devil's River. 1986. * Middle of the Night. 1987. * Snake Handler. 1987. * Handful of Sand. 1988.
After she got divorced from Chris D., and "The Divine Horsemen" broke up, she later appeared with him on "The Flesh Eaters", album 'Ashes of Time', for which she sang backing/duet vocals on 6 of the album's tracks. She also appeared on their next album "Miss Muerte", as backing vocals, and in duets.
Julie was backing vocals, for Leoard Cohen, with Perla Batalla, on "The Future" album, along with "Leoard Cohen: Cohen Live" and, "Leonard Cohen: I'm Your Man" (Motion Picture Soundtrack).
Julie Christensen, non-album songs.
"Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas". From the various artists compilation album, "The Austin Christmas Collection: First Edition", Track 5. Also appears on the album, "The Texas Christmas Collection", track 4. Original version released in 1981, re-release of song on the the second compilation album 1991.
* Afterglow, Music Party. "Running to You" track 2 {this song originaly appeared in the television show "Angie" in 1979-1980}, and "Aftrerglow" track 8. 1985.
* Almost Persuaded, by Julie Christensen, from the various artists compilation album "Don't Shoot" from Zippo Records. 1986.
* "Inertia", a song on the television series Beakman's World, Season 1, Episode 02. 1992. A duet between her, and Rita Valente, listed in the credits as {Rita Balente}.
* Weird Kid's Blues. From the various artists compilation album "The Jeffrey Lee Pierce Sessions Project: Axels Sockets". 2014.
* Nineteenth Christmas {A Christmas song, digital single}. November 25, 2013.
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rastronomicals · 6 years
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September 14:
On the 14th of September, 1981, Iron Maiden released Maiden Japan, their live EP.
On this date in 1992, Blind Melon released their self-titled album, Blind Melon.
Today is the 25th anniversary of the release of August And Everything, Counting Crows' album.
Today is the 25th anniversary of the release of Focus, Cynic's influential debut album.
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marymosley · 4 years
Update: COVID-19 and State Habeas Corpus
In an earlier bulletin, I discussed the possibility that state habeas petitions could emerge as a remedy for medically vulnerable prisoners in North Carolina, as they have in other states (most notably New York). While it remains too early to tell how North Carolina courts will respond, there have been some important developments in recent weeks, as a number of prisoners have asked courts to consider their petitions. This post explores the status of two of those cases and related legal issues regarding the viability of state habeas as a remedy for prisoners uniquely endangered by COVID-19.
Pending Cases. In State v. Daw, 39-year-old Philip Daw petitioned a Wake County judge for a writ of habeas corpus, citing serious respiratory issues that recently required his hospitalization and the risk posed to his life from COVID-19. According to state records, Daw has a projected release date in late 2021 for a fraud conviction. His petition, the first known COVID-19 habeas action to be filed in the state’s superior courts, was denied by the judge, who relied on the portion of G.S. 17-4 stating that a petition for writ of habeas corpus “shall be denied where a person is held pursuant to a valid final judgment in a criminal case entered by a court with proper jurisdiction.”
Daw filed a petition for writ of certiorari in the Court of Appeals to review the trial court’s decision. He relied on State v. Leach, 227 N.C. App. 399 (2013) and Hoffman v. Edwards, 48 N.C. App. 559 (1980), among others, for the authority of the courts under G.S. 17-33(2) to grant habeas relief when “some subsequent . . . event has caused the applicant to become entitled to be discharged.” The interrelationship between G.S. 17-4 and G.S. 17-33(2) is discussed in greater detail in my bulletin. See also Jamie Markham, FAQs about Coronavirus and the Correctional System (Mar. 26, 2020) (observing that additional pathway for release “could be a petition for a writ of habeas corpus, arguing that, ‘though the original imprisonment was lawful,’ the pandemic is ‘some event, which has taken place afterwards’ that entitles the defendant to release. G.S. 17-33”). On July 9, 2020, the Court of Appeals granted Daw’s request for certiorari. Briefing in the case is likely to extend into the fall.
Elsewhere, attorneys for a prisoner who was convicted in the 17th District obtained a hearing in the 14th District, where her spouse now lives. This was possible because the habeas statute permits a prisoner to bring a petition before “any” superior court judge. See G.S. 17-6(2); State v. Herndon, 12 S.E. 268, 269 (N.C. 1890) (stating that “we cannot interfere with [a prisoner’s] statutory right to select the judge to whom he shall apply”). The court held a hearing during the last week of July on the petition, which alleged that the woman’s medical issues entitled her to a temporary release from prison to home confinement, possibly accompanied by electronic monitoring. Serving a life sentence since 1992, she will become parole eligible later this year. Her attorneys argued that she faces a risk of death if she contracts COVID-19, an outcome that would be constitutionally unreasonable under the Eighth Amendment and Article I, Section 27 of the N.C. Constitution. At the hearing (which I attended at a safe social distance), they offered evidence of her unique vulnerabilities due to a variety of pre-existing medical conditions, including an affidavit from a UNC physician with a background in prison medicine attesting to the dangerousness of her situation.
In response, the State’s attorneys argued that G.S. 17-4 precluded habeas relief, including home confinement. The court questioned the position that the prohibition in G.S. 17-4 could be read absolutely and referred to cases that invoked G.S. 17-33 as a ground for releasing people from custody. The court deferred ruling, however, granting the State’s request for additional time to brief the issue. A further hearing is scheduled for August 17.
COVID-19 and State Habeas in Other Jurisdictions. A question arose in the second case about how courts in other states have responded to COVID-related challenges to incarceration as violative of the Eighth Amendment and state constitutional prohibitions on cruel or unusual punishment. I looked into this question further, as the rulings of courts elsewhere may be instructive here. Courts in at least five states—Connecticut, Massachusetts, Montana, New York, and Washington—have issued opinions on the subject. All five states appear to recognize that a convicted prisoner may obtain early release based on what might be called a COVID-19 habeas claim, although some of the decisions rest in part on state law and procedure, and relief was denied in most cases due to the insufficiency of the petitioners’ evidence. See Smith v. State, No. OP 20-0185, 2020 WL 1660013, at *2 (Mont. Mar. 31, 2020) (denying habeas relief where prisoner failed to demonstrate circumstances of incarceration violated Eighth Amendment); Commonwealth v. Delgado, 147 N.E.3d 1126, at *1 & n.6 (Mass. App. 2020) (unpublished) (denying habeas relief because prisoners did not establish the conditions of incarceration violated the Eighth Amendment or Massachusetts Declaration of Rights); Matter of Pauley, 466 P.3d 245, 259–61 (Wash. Ct. App. 2020) (denying personal restraint petition, the state equivalent of habeas corpus, because, among other things, prisoner did not present sufficient evidence of officials’ “deliberate indifference in tackling COVID-19”); McGraw v. Comm’r of Correction, No. CV2050000631S, 2020 WL 3790738, at *4–5 (Conn. Super. Ct. June 10, 2020) (unpublished) (denying habeas relief and finding petitioner failed in his burden of proof after doctor asserted it was not “medically necessary to release the petitioner”); People ex rel. Coleman v. Brann, No. 260252/20, 2020 WL 1941972 (N.Y. Sup. Ct. Apr. 21, 2020) (finding risk of harm from COVID-19 infection entitled prisoners to habeas proceeding but denying relief because officials had “made substantial efforts to ameliorate th[e] risk . . . of COVID-19” and “petitioners pose[d] a high risk of flight”).
In New York, it appears that quite a number of pretrial detainees have secured their release from custody through state habeas. See Bergamaschi v. Cuomo, No. 20 CIV. 2817 (CM), 2020 WL 1910754, at *4 (S.D.N.Y. Apr. 20, 2020) (stating that “numerous” people in mandatory pretrial detention have “petition[ed] for a writ of habeas corpus in [New York’s trial-level courts], . . . and many [have been] granted”). Not all have been pretrial detainees, however, and in a number of cases the courts relied on a more petitioner-friendly state due process standard for granting relief. See People ex rel. Williams v. Brann, 67 Misc. 3d 1232(A), at *8 (N.Y. Sup. Ct. 2020) (denying relief but citing other decisions, not yet available online, that granted relief). In one case involving the Rikers Island Jail, a court released 18 people at once, some of whom were alleged to have violated parole and were incarcerated pursuant to an underlying conviction. See, e.g., People ex rel. Stoughton (Jeffrey) v. Brann, Index No. 451078-2020, April 6, 2020 (Sup Ct., N.Y. County, Dwyer, J.) (finding officials were deliberately indifferent, even if acting in good faith, and granting habeas relief, finding petitioners established due process violation under N.Y. state law and citing Brown v. Plata, 563 U.S. 493 (2011) for authority of courts to order release of prisoners).
Eligibility for Bail. Another question is whether a habeas petitioner, duly convicted and serving a prison sentence, may be entitled to release on bail pending the disposition of his or her claim. The North Carolina Supreme Court long ago said that “[p]roceedings under the writ of habeas corpus, which have for their principal object the release of a party from illegal restraint, must necessarily be summary and prompt to be useful . . . .” State v. Miller, 1 S.E. 776, 778 (1887). Given their purpose, the question arises whether bail may be considered during the pendency of a petition. The answer seems to be yes.
G.S. 17-32 directs the court “to do what to justice appertains in delivering, bailing or remanding [a] party” in a habeas proceeding. See also Ex parte Bailey, 166 S.E. 165, 167 (N.C. 1932) (interpreting predecessor statute), rev’d on other grounds, South Carolina v. Bailey, 289 U.S. 412 (1933). In 1976, the N.C. Supreme Court, citing a different statute, G.S. 17-35, held that a pretrial detainee “may be admitted to bail in a habeas corpus proceeding if the trial judge determines that the prisoner is so entitled.” State v. Parks, 290 N.C. 748, 751 (1976). In addition to this statute, Parks relied on State v. Herndon, 12 S.E. 268, 269 (N.C. 1890), a case also involving pretrial detention but for a capital offense for which bail is ordinarily impermissible. In Herndon, the Supreme Court observed that bail may be appropriate “in very exceptional cases, such as where the prisoner is afflicted with . . . disease, and his continued confinement in prison will probably result in his death.” While the question remains whether our courts will grant habeas relief to a medically vulnerable prisoner serving time pursuant to a conviction, the cases suggest that bail may be permissible while they consider the question.
Although North Carolina case law on the subject is sparse, Parks and Herndon are consistent with the findings of courts that have surveyed other jurisdictions. Those courts have concluded that “courts had inherent authority at common law to grant bail pending a determination on the merits” in habeas and related actions. State v. Feng, 421 A.2d 1258, 1264–65 (R.I. 1980); see also Shamblin v. Hey, 256 S.E.2d 435, 437 (W.V. 1979) (stating that “a large number of state courts conclude this power exists”); Johnston v. Marsh, 227 F.2d 528, 531 (3d Cir. 1955) (stating that “at common law courts had the inherent power to grant bail” and that the “authority was exercised in habeas corpus cases pending decision on the merits”).
I will continue to monitor and post updates on state habeas proceedings during the pandemic. Please feel free to leave a comment or contact me directly if you have information you would like to share.
The post Update: COVID-19 and State Habeas Corpus appeared first on North Carolina Criminal Law.
Update: COVID-19 and State Habeas Corpus published first on https://immigrationlawyerto.tumblr.com/
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abridgedpause · 6 years
After eight years as an idea and four years in active making, Vision Éternel’s long-anticipated boxed set “An Anthology Of Past Misfortunes” is finally out! Released through Abridged Pause Recordings, the collection features five compact discs, one cassette, two stickers, six business card flyers and a two-page postcard insert.
The five compact discs include all five Vision Éternel extended plays released to date, covering 2007-2015: “Seul Dans L’obsession” (2007), “Un Automne En Solitude” (2008), “Abondance De Périls” (2010), “The Last Great Torch Song” (2012) and “Echoes From Forgotten Hearts” (2015). The cassette compilation, “Lost Misfortunes: A Selection Of Demos And Rarities (Part One)” features nineteen rare and unreleased b-sides, demos and alternate versions spanning 2007-2010. All of this audio content has been remastered and most of it appears in a physical format for the very first time!
The collection also includes a handful of bonus material: business card-sized reproductions of the original promotional flyers for each of the five extended plays as well as the 2009 flyer for the Japanese-exclusive compilation; two stickers: one of the 2008 band logo designed by Jeremy Roux and another of the 2017 band logo designed by Christophe Szpajdel; and two postcards with original artwork by Rain Frances and Pierrette Bourdon backed by liner notes. The assortment is packaged in a deep blue keepsake box, limited and hand-numbered.
An Anthology Of Past Misfortunes Boxed Set by Vision Éternel
An Anthology Of Past Misfortunes Boxed Set by Vision Éternel
The idea of the boxed set originated in early 2010, following Abridged Pause Recordings’ release of Vision Éternel’s third extended play “Abondance De Périls“. The year prior, Japanese record label Frozen Veins Records released a compilation of Vision Éternel’s first two extended plays; 2007’s “Seul Dans L’obsession” and 2008’s “Un Automne En Solitude“, both originally released through Mortification Records. The Japan-exclusive compact disc, titled “An Anthology Of Past Misfortunes“, included three unreleased b-sides and was bundled with a poster. When that compilation was released, on February 14th of 2009, the future of Vision Éternel was uncertain and it was promoted as a sort of discography of the band.
Once more material was released in 2010, Vision Éternel founder Alexandre Julien started planning a follow-up compilation compact disc for Frozen Veins Records, which would have combined “Abondance De Périls” and its eventual sequel, 2012’s “The Last Great Torch Song“. Unfortunately, Frozen Veins Records folded in the early months of 2010 and the release was briefly put on hold. Within a month, the compilation was re-conceptualized into a boxed set. This boxed set was to re-use the title “An Anthology Of Past Misfortunes” because Alexandre Julien found that it perfectly represented the mood and theme of the band. The collection was upgraded to include every Vision Éternel song ever released. During the four years that followed, a long list of record labels offered to release the boxed set, including Winterreich Productions, Valse Sinistre Productions, Dedicated Records, Dunkelheit Produktionen and Broken Limbs Recordings, which resulted in drastic changes in the formats and contents of the collection. Ultimately, Abridged Pause Recordings took the reins, following the record label’s release of Soufferance’s boxed set “Travels” in August of 2013. Thus ensued the long and emotional task of putting the boxed set together.
Between March of 2014 and March of 2018, many different parts of the boxed set were designed, crafted, purchased, manufactured and printed (and a great many parts had to be re-designed, re-manufactured and re-printed due to ongoing problems). Alexandre Julien envisioned the “An Anthology Of Past Misfortunes” boxed set as the definitive Vision Éternel collection, not limited to every Vision Éternel song released, but rather to every Vision Éternel song recorded. This would normally only be attainable if the boxed set was completed and released after the band calls it quits. But Alexandre Julien found another way; release the boxed set in an impressive package in the spring of 2018, but leave room in the box for yearly “add-on packages”. With that in mind, the keepsake box used for the collection was intentionally crafted bigger than it needed to be, so that as future albums are released, a limited edition pressing will be manufactured to retroactively fit in the boxed set. The yearly add-on packages will also include bonus material such as stickers, flyers, postcards and other memorabilia made to subsequently fit in the boxed set.
The boxed set can be purchased directly through Vision Éternel’s webstore as of April 14th 2018.
Release Credits:
All music composed and performed by Vision Éternel. Vision Éternel is the creation of Alexandre Julien. Music recorded, produced and mixed by Alexandre Julien at Mortified Studios from January of 2007 to December of 2014. Mastered by Adam Kennedy at Vital Philosophy and Garry Brents at GAB Recordings. Remastered by Alexandre Julien at Mortified Studios in January of 2017. Artwork, illustrations, paintings and photography by Alexandre Julien, Marina Polak, Jeremy Roux, Rain Frances, Pierrette Bourdon and Christophe Szpajdel. Layout by Alexandre Julien. Released on April 14th of 2018 through Abridged Pause Recordings – APR16. All songs released are exclusively registered to Abridged Pause Publishing. An Anthology Of Past Misfortunes is dedicated to Pierrette Bourdon.
Vision Éternel – An Anthology Of Past Misfortunes Boxed Set After eight years as an idea and four years in active making, Vision Éternel's long-anticipated boxed set "
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sentrava · 7 years
What’s On in Copenhagen: October 2017
Hygge is great and all, but it’s no excuse to stay indoors all autumn long. Don that scarf and look alive people, this month is full of fun things to see and do. The city has a mix of gigs, exhibitions, food and drink events, flea markets and reams of other stuff.
Here’s all the unmissable Copenhagen events in October:
Sunday 1st October
Stefansgade Loppemarked
It’s the last Stefansgade flea of the “summer” season kids, so make the most of it. There’ll be the usual bargains, coffee carts and food trucks for the ideal slow Sunday stroll around Nørrebro.
    Monday 2nd October
Pin-up Fit
Ever fancied yourself as a Bettie Page type? This fun 50s style workout will get your whole body energised with bumps ‘n’ grinds, hip shimmies and shoulder shimmies! It’s an all-female class and all ages from 13+ are welcome.
    Tuesday 3rd October
Observation Evening at Tycho Brahe Planetarium
There’s a starry-eyed suprise this month at Tycho Brahe Planetarium where you can observe the night sky guided by an astrophysicist all for free!
    Wednesday 4th October
Tommy Hilfiger & Calvin Klein stock sale
Some great discounts at Papirhallen on these two all-American brands, including sales on men’s and women’s clothes, jeans, kids’s clothes, underwear and accessory bits.
    Thursday 5th October – Sunday 8th October
Won Hundred Stock Sale
Get up to 80% discount on Danish fashion brand Won Hundred and nail that classic, low-key Scandinavian look in the process.
    Friday 6th October – Sunday 8th October
HÖST Nordic Literature Festival
New for this year, HÖST literature festival — taking place at Johan Borup’s High School — celebrates Nordic writers over three days with a mix of debates, workshops and even community singing! Listen to speakers including Tomas Espedal, Adam Holm, Jonas Hassen Khemiri, Helga Flatland and Lone Aburas.
    Saturday 7th October
Obscura Vertigo Light workshop
If you were lucky enough to see Obscura Vertigo’s light installation, The Wave, on Copenhagen’s waterfront you’ll know how stunning the display was. Now us mere mortals can learn the seemingly magical craft behind these installations at REFLEKTOR Light Festival’s free workshop and discover how these works of art come to life!
    Sunday 8th October – 11th October
Shoptalk Europe
This four day conference celebrates all things innovative in retail and ecommerce, so it’s ideal if you are thinking of starting your own business or are already a business owner. With talks from leaders in the field like Simona Scarpaleggia, CEO of IKEA and Tim Kendall, President of Pinterest, you can learn useful tips for your own business.
    Tuesday 10th October – 13 October
Body landscapes festival 2nd week workshop
Two artists, Ramen who is half Afghan, half Austrian and Yong is Korean but is based in Denmark, examine themselves from a transnational perspective, exploring their identity through their performance and a series of workshops.
    Wednesday 11th October
Hip Hop Quiz
Think you know your Tupac from your Snoop? Then grab your crew and come test your knowledge at Absalon’s quiz night.
    Thursday 12th October
Karen Blixen – Storyteller at Cinemateket
This documentary follows the famed Danish author on her trip to the US in 1959 where she regailed her readers with stories of Africa and Rungstedlund. The poet Thorkild Bjørnvig, literature professor Aage Henriksen and even Louisiana’s founder Knud W. Jensen make an appearance as well. The film is in Danish.
    Friday 13th October
Denmark’s Biggest Tapas Event
Torvehallerne’s Tapas evening is ideal for diners on a budget. Sample from 50 different tiny (but mighty tasty) dishes ranging beween 10-35kr. Fill those little tummies up!
    Culture Night
An evening packed full with reams of arts and culture where the city comes alive with people bustling about from activty to activity. All kinds of institutions will be opening up their doors to the public that evening, including DR, UN City and the Danish parliament. There’s loads going on so check out the full programme here.
Find out what Culture Night is all about here!
    Saturday 14th October – sunday 15th October
Fleamarket at Forum
Come and explore this h-u-g-e market at Forum over the weekend where there’ll be everything from antiques, retro bits and other deals to be had. Entrance is 40kr.
    Sunday 15th October
Danish on a Sunday: The Soldier And Jenny
This Danish classic film from 1947 traces the love story of two tortured souls. Jenny, a young woman who remains unsure of her fate as she awaits trial. And Robert, a man similiarly trying to shake free from his dark past and begin again. Jenny and the Soldier is one of the ten films in Denmark’s cultural canon and is undoubtedly a must-see.
    Tuesday 17th October
Codher Pop-up Programming vol. 13
Whether you’re a beginner or just looking to improve your existing coding skills, this free workshop run by Codher is such a fun way to learn and meet other enthuisiasts. Get inspired and share that knowledge with other women!
    Thursday 19th October – 22 October
Envii Stock Sale
You can forget about saving for Xmas because there’s up to 80% from chic high street brand, Envii. When the bargain calls, we can only follow…
    Friday 20th October
Death Becomes Her at Huset’s Biograf
Robert Zemeckis’ 1992 comedy is a cult classic starring two Hollywood greats, Meryl Streep and Goldie Hawn, as nitpicky friends desperate to fight the aging process. One a faded actress, the other a shinking violet. Soon, with the help of some “alternative assistance! both women figure out how to cheat death itself, but not without some hilarious and very painful repurcussions.
    Saturday 21st October
Ásgeir at DR Concert House
The Concert House will be filled with the haunting dulcet tones of Icelandic singer-songwriter, Ásgeir, this month. Fresh from the release of his follow-up album, Afterglow, Ásgeir and his band are back in Copenhagen, one of the cities they love most.
    Sunday 22nd October
Astrid S at Lille Vega
The seriously catchy, bubble-gum pop beats of Norwegian singer Astrid S are coming to Vega. She’s already worked with the likes of Katy Perry so expect great things from this rising singer-songstress.
    Tuesday 24th October
Emma Holten: The New Feminism
What does discrimination in Denmark look like? Feminist and activis, Emma Holten is hosting a discussion aiming to unpack the layers of inequality that are still prevalent today. The talk will be in Danish.
    Thursday 26th October
Lecture: Recycling textile into furniture
Design school KADK are running a lecture on upcycling old textile materials into furniture pieces. Speakers Wickie Meier, CEO of Really, and Lea Nordström, Technical Manager of Kvadrat, will discuss design and the circle economy.
    Sunday 29th October
Virtual Reality at Huset’s Biograf
Get a glimpse of unfamiliar reality at Huset when guests can try out old-school VR headgear, followed up by David Cronenberg’s 1999 gamer-movie masterpiece eXistenZ.
    Monday 30th October
Texas at Amager Bio
Scottish rockers led by Sharleen Spiteri play hits from their new album Jump On Board and hopefully some old favorites too.
    Tuesday 31st October
MURA MASA at Store Vega
Electronic Guernsey-born producer MURA MASA is only 21 but already worked with the likes of A$AP Rocky and Stormzy. And after releasing his debut album in July, he is now on the up up.
    Ongoing in October
Crossing Borders at SMK
Artists have always crossed vast distances looking for something undiscovered and original, and on occasion, sometimes for just pure adventure. A selection of works from greats of the European art world between 1300 to 1800 focussing on those that went in search of their inspiration. Highlights include: Andrea Mantegna, Peter Paul Rubens, Corbelius Norbertus Gijsbrechts and Rembrandt van Rijn and much more.
  Micheal Kvium Circus Europe at Arken
Visual Danish artist Michael Kvium is setting up his circus of the absurd at Arken. The exhibition centres around the European identity and community in a time governed by xenophobia, fear and tension. Kvium takes the political and social scenes of life in contemporary Europe and places it under the big top for all of us to gawk at.
      Stanley Kubrick – The Exhibition
The Kunstforening GL STRAND presents the first exhibition of its kind in the Nordics, an exclusive look into Kubrick’s visionary workroom. Constructed from movie excerpts, interviews with Kubrick himself and colleagues, as well as old archive material, get a glimpse into the movie master at work.
      Marina Abramović “The Cleaner” at Louisiana Museum of Modern Art
The first major retrospective of Abramović’s work in Europe, Louisiana is showcasing 100 pieces of the critically acclaimed performance artist spanning over five decades. “The Cleaner” exhibition includes her early concept sketches, paintings, and depictions of some of the artist’s live performances, including her partnership with Ulay. It immersive, though-provoking, at times disturbing, and a must-see.
      Masterpieces. From Degas to Hammershøi at Ordrupgaard
A wonderful opportunity to experience the works of some of the greats from Ordrupgaard’s Danish and French collection, including Edgar Degas, Claude Monet, Auguste Rodin, Paul Gauguin, Vilhelm Hammershøi and several others.
There will also be the opportunity to view the galleries extensive collection of pastels, rarely exhibited previously. These include Degas’s ballerinas in the rehearsal room and portraits by Renoir and Manet of life in Paris.
  Don’t forget: all the 2017 Holidays & Flag Days are here.
If you’re a business or organisation that would like us to add your event to next month’s calendar, please contact us at hello [@] scandinaviastandard [dot] com. Thank you!
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  What’s On in Copenhagen: October 2017 published first on http://ift.tt/2gOZF1v
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recentanimenews · 7 years
"Sailor Moon Crystal" Anime Sequel Announced
We recently noted that it has been six months since the ending of Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Crystal - Season III and its adaptation of the "Death · Busters" arc. So, ready for some new anime? A new phase of the Sailor Moon 25th anniversary project has been announced. Along with plans for the first Japanese Blu-ray release of the original 1992 anime, a Sailor Moon Crystal sequel anime was revealed. 
  Two 23-episode Blu-ray collections will be released on June 14th and August 9th at 21,384yen each. Additional details on the new Crystal are promised for a later date.
    via Natalie
  ------ Scott Green is editor and reporter for anime and manga at geek entertainment site Ain't It Cool News. Follow him on Twitter at @aicnanime.
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𝔐𝔬𝔱ö𝔯𝔥𝔢𝔞𝔡 - 𝔖𝔱𝔞𝔫𝔡
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𝔐𝔬𝔱ö𝔯𝔥𝔢𝔞𝔡  -  𝔍𝔞𝔠𝔨 𝔗𝔥𝔢 ℜ𝔦𝔭𝔭𝔢𝔯
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