#Republic Sienar Systems
You ship is soo cool! Any idea if something like it is purchasable with credits or is it some special sith thing that us common people will never be able to get?
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Ah, my ship? Hm. It is possible you could purchase one from Republic Sienar Systems, but it is not a simple matter to keep one.
The Scimitar is a redesign of old sith infiltrator blueprints. She can go invisible. Vanishingly few ships are capable of this. Her thrust trace dampeners are so precise at draining the heat away from exhaust gas that I can come and go through even Coruscant's security scanners unnoticed.
I am sure you can guess how illegal all of that is.
If you have fifty five million credits to spare, I can assure you she is worth her weight in platinum though. The Scimitar is very fast, heavily shielded, heavily armed, and the onboard amenities are... comfortable.
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sidonius5 · 5 months
ℐ 𝒸𝒶𝓃'𝓉 𝑔𝑒𝓉 𝑒𝓃𝑜𝓊𝑔𝒽 𝑜𝒻 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒥𝒶𝓅𝒶𝓃𝑒𝓈𝑒 𝒜𝓃𝒾𝓂𝑒 𝒾𝓁𝓁𝓊𝓈𝓉𝓇𝒶𝓉𝑒𝒹 𝓋𝑒𝓇𝓈𝒾𝑜𝓃 𝑜𝒻 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐬. 𝒯𝒽𝒾𝓈 𝓁𝑜𝑜𝓀𝓈 𝑔𝑜𝓇𝑔𝑒𝑜𝓊𝓈...
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sw5w · 11 months
Probe Droids Summoned
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 00:51:53
I added a bit of speculation to this, as the area above the engines appears to be a sealed rear viewport when compared with the shape of the front viewport. It would also correspond with the passenger seating in the cockpit (though the illustration shows the shape disconnected)
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alphamecha-mkii · 10 months
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Republic Sienar Systems Void Prowler by Shoguneagle and AdamKop
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hishgraphics · 4 months
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Star Wars RPG: Dawn of the Rangers
S01E17 "Rangers Refreshed"
Location: New Republic Rangers HQ, Coruscant
After two days of rest, Captain Zor Draco (Martín), Gev Dyson (Edward), Olem (Eric) are summoned by Colonel Tyria Sarkin to the HQ's conference room on Level 3 of the Generis Arcology.
Sarkin introduces them to a new recruit, an Iotran New Republic Security Force officer named Kirino Mak (Carlos). She has been assigned to the team as a law enforcement agent.
The briefing begins. Sarkin recounts the team's experiences. They had been working for Agent Tailgunner at the Rangers branch at Karkbreath Peak on Vandor. The team was collecting (stealing?) materiel for Tailgunner. A Gozanti-class cruiser here. A flight of X-wings there.
Then their informant, old Mrs Stassie McPing, was assassinated by Tora Nuam for passing on an encrypted datacard with a warning about who they were working for. Nuam is their teammate Ordan Vallas' former flame. When they finally decrypted the datacard, via Zor's cousin Tarn Draco on Kitel Phard, they discovered that Tailgunner is one Beru Treedancer, working for the isolationist Imperial enclave known as the Pentastar Alignment of Powers.
Meanwhile, Republic Intelligence have no news of their vanished teammates Ordan Vallas, Pac Vesme and Captain Kin Asa Goddard. This sounds grim for the team.
According to Sarkin, the Pentastar Alignment is led by Moff Ardus Kaine who replaced Moff Tarkin as Oversector Outer Moff after the Battle of Yavin. A year ago, he gathered Imperial and corporate loyalists to unite on Entralla to form the PA. Information about them has been sparse since.
Gev proposed a straight up attack, but Sarkin tells him they don't have the resources and the New Republic takes ponderously long to decide.
Zor's proposed move is to scout for intel on Vandor. He refers to the Republic Sienar Systems star courier they found in a buried Sith Temple (under the old Jedi Temple) during the previous mission to repower Olem's lightsaber with a kyber crystal. That ship could have a cloaking shield they could use for effective intelligence gathering.
Sarkin tells them a 6-personnel tech team has been dispatched. One has been reportedly killed by a Sith War Droid. Another disappeared into a door in the Temple that itself disappeared. The remaining four are huddled together fearfully in the star courier cabin performing their analysis.
The Rangers' mission now is to go to the Sith Temple and protect the tech team long enough for them to assess the courier. But in the meantime, the team has been assigned a new ship down in the Hangar Bay in Level 10.
Before going there, Zor changes into his field uniform. They all meet the Quartermaster droid EV-44L4 for more gear. Kirino asks for a bomb defusing kit. Eve-Four is reluctant to release it, but she persuades the droid effectively.
They reach the Hangar Bay where two ships await in launch position. One is Kirino's Y-Wing fighter Blue One being tended to by R2-BA, her astromech droid.
The other is a dark grey Omicron-class attack shuttle with turquoise stripes across her three S-foils. They name her the Spotchka Starstreak. Everyone boards their crafts and prepares for launch. Gev wonders if the new team member will cut it. Zor replies, this is a good mission to test her skills.
When the Nikto crew chief signals them, they both take off. The two ships fly to their dark destination in formation.
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shinra33459 · 1 year
Star Wars - Republic Undying (An Alternate Universe)
The Clone Wars were coming to an end; the Outer Rim sieges were underway, and the Separatists were making their final, daring push against the Republic. The Sith master was hiding in plain sight: a wolf in sheep’s clothing. The Jedi were becoming wary of him, and his intentions. He had been in office for over 10 years, well past his term limit, and something was amiss. The Jedi High Council sent Anakin Skywalker, a man who was close with the Chancellor, to spy on him. But instead of falling into Palpatine’s trap, Anakin talked to Obi-Wan, Padmé, and Ahsoka about his problems and they kept him away from the Dark Side. Obi-Wan even suggested to Anakin that the nightmares he could be having about Padmé were a warning to him if he continued on his current course.
When Palpatine revealed himself to be a Sith Lord, Anakin brought this to the attention of Padmé and Bail Organa opposed to Mace Windu. The two senators then immediately brought this to members of the Republic Security Council. Upon hearing the news and knowing full well that Palpatine is the utmost threat to the Republic, the Security Council issued Order 65 to the Grand Army of the Republic, letting them know that the Chancellor betrayed the Republic and must be apprehended. A contingent of the 501st Legion was dispatched from Mandalore to Coruscant and the 212th Attack Battalion from Utapau, where they would assist the Jedi Council in arresting, or killing, Palpatine. Some of the most powerful Jedi that the Order could muster, and about 750 Clone Troopers were sent to arrest or kill the traitorous Chancellor.
The fight begins and some of the less powerful Jedi are killed easily, leaving only Anakin, Obi-Wan, Mace Windu, and Yoda to fight the Sith. Palpatine ends up falling out the main window and pulls Anakin down with him. Both Palpatine and Anakin land on a walkway and begin a one-on-one duel. Anakin and Palpatine continue to duke it out in the streets of Coruscant, Anakin using every tangible ounce of his power to prevent Palpatine from killing him. Their fight continues as they fall further and further into the depths of Coruscant, eventually making their way into the lower levels. 
Palpatine continues to beat down on Anakin, the Jedi knight beginning to waver as he grows exhausted. Palpatine knocks Anakin’s lightsaber away from him and uses his Force lightning on him as he’s on the ground. After Anakin had been incapacitated and knowing that the entire Clone Army is after him, Palpatine flees Coruscant for Separatist controlled territory. Anakin is found by the Clones of the Coruscant Guard who rush him to a nearby hospital as he is in critical condition.
With the truth out that the Republic was being manipulated by the Sith, frustrations are at a boiling point within the Republic. Faith in the Republic was at an all-time low, considering that they had been played by an imposter. Bail Organa of Alderaan is elected as the new Chancellor of the Republic following a vote. Knowing that Palpatine is still out there and still leading the Separatists from afar, the fighting has to continue if there is to be eventual peace, as with the Sith still out there, the galaxy would be plunged into civil war without end if Palpatine isn’t found and dealt with.
An order is placed to Kuat Drive Yards to begin mass production on the Imperator-class Star Destroyer (Imperial Star Destroyer in the normal timeline). The intent is to eventually replace the Venator-class Star Destroyer for ship-to-ship roles as the firepower of the Imperator-class made it far more combat effective. Venators would continue to serve, however they would be used almost solely for carrying fighters and bombers. The Republic also announces trials to replace the Z-95 Headhunter, and the V-Wing. In these trials, the Sienar Fleet Systems TIE/LN fighter is selected to replace the Z-95 and the TIE/IN Interceptor is selected to replace the V-Wing, but their production won’t begin until two years later.
Legislation is passed to allow Republic citizens to enlist in the Grand Army of the Republic to fight alongside the Clone Troopers rather than officer-only positions. These enlisted troops form the newly founded Republic Stormtrooper Corps, while the Clones take their position in the newly founded Republic Clone Trooper Corps. Both are separate branches of the Republic military, but these Stormtroopers are put through a simplified, yet effective, version of Clone Trooper training.
The final months of the Clone Wars begin with a highly aggressive Republic offensive campaign, specifically targeting droid production planets with the intent to kneecap the Separatist’s military. Using the newly fielded Imperator-class Star Destroyers, the Republic fleet was close to unstoppable, with more firepower, bigger crew complements, and better defenses to boot. The Republic Stormtroopers prove to be pretty effective in combat, rivaling some auxiliary Clone Trooper units, but easily outclassed by veteran combat units like the 501st Legion or the Wolfpack.
The Jedi on the other hand found themselves more invested in capturing or killing Palpatine opposed to spearheading the continued war effort. To the Jedi, Palpatine continued to be the biggest threat to the galaxy at large, and if he wasn’t stopped, another army to oppose the Republic would be built in time and wreak havoc on the galaxy. The Sith had to be eliminated at all costs for the protection of the rest of the galaxy.
After most droid production facilities under Separatist control are destroyed, the forces of the Droid Army begin to drastically deplete in numbers as the Grand Army of the Republic continues their aggressive campaign, destroying or confiscating any battle droid units they can. As Republic forces close in on the Separatist capital of Raxus Secundus, and with a rapidly depleting military force, the Separatist Senate begins to collapse as their members are torn whether to meet the Republic’s demands of an unconditional surrender, or fight to the bitter end. Palpatine orders the Separatist military command to head to Raxus Secundus from Mustafar, as he still needed them for his plans.
The final battle of the Clone Wars begins: the Battle of Raxus Secundus. The remnants of the Separatist fleet engage the Republic fleet above the planet in a space battle with a scale larger than the Battle of Coruscant. After hours of fighting, Republic ground forces land on the planet. The main Republic units in the fight are the 501st Legion, 7th Sky Corps, 104th Battalion, 327th Star Corps, and the 41st Elite Corps. In terms of Separatist ground defense, there were a few droid regiments remaining, but they were incredibly stretched thin. As a result, Separatist leaders founded various militias and conscripted civilians into these militias to defend the planet.
With a Republic blockade of the planet, and Republic Intelligence forces pinpointing Palpatine on the planet, Republic forces and the Jedi knew what had to be done. The only way the war would come to an end is if Palpatine was killed. Republic forces were deployed to the planet’s surface to engage the remaining Separatist forces as well as defeating Palpatine. After months of intense training from Yoda, Anakin was now ready to face his greatest challenge yet. A strike force on the Separatist capital city on Raxus Secundus was organized by the Jedi in their daring final confrontation against Palpatine. With a heavy military presence in the capital city, the Jedi had to HALO jump from orbit to the building where Palpatine was hiding.
Once in the building, Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Yoda, Plo Koon, and Mace Windu begin their final duel against Palpatine. Once again, Palpatine finds a way to get into a one-on-one duel against Anakin, however he is prepared this time. In a duel to decide the fate of the galaxy, the two use every tangible power they have in an attempt to defeat each other. As their duel progresses onto a walkway overlooking the city, Palpatine succeeds in knocking Anakin’s lightsaber away and begins to electrocute him again. Through his willpower, and knowing if he failed, everyone he ever cared about would die, Anakin used the force to pull his lightsaber into Palpatine’s back and impaled the Sith directly through the heart. After regaining his lightsaber, Anakin kicked Palpatine off the walkway where the barely alive Sith fell to his death.
After 2 months of harsh fighting, the Separatists eventually surrendered, and the Clone Wars officially end. The remaining Separatist stock of battle droids are reprogrammed to serve the Republic, further bolstering Republic numbers. Using his emergency powers, Bail Organa signs an act that allows the Clone Troopers the same rights guaranteed by Republic citizens as he believed that they deserved it after fighting the Republic’s war for them without thanks. The Kaminoans also develop a way to cure the accelerated aging of the Clone Troopers, which the Kaminoans have been researching into doing ever since they started making the Clone Army. After receiving this cure, many clones retire from military service, but most don’t.
With the fighting across the galaxy now over, the Jedi Order falls into a schism. Their unwavering adherence and investment to the politics of the Republic and blindly following the will of the Republic’s political machine didn’t allow them to see the threat that was building from within over all those years. With this disorder, many in the Jedi pushed to reform the Order. Many Jedi supported this movement, which pushed for a much more neutral stance in galactic politics, where the Jedi would not simply serve the Republic’s wishes, as well as see many Jedi leave the ranks of the Grand Army of the Republic. These reforms also allowed for much more lax rules about attachment, allowing members of the Jedi Order to have romantic partners and spouses. Many Jedi agreed with these changes and saw the more liberal interpretation of the Force as a good thing, however quite a few did not, chief among them being Mace Windu. Once the Jedi overhauled the order, Windu, and several Jedi who were like minded with him, left the Order and formed the Bureau of Force Sensitives, where they would use their abilities in the Force to help serve the Republic in any way they could.
The Republic decided to maintain its military strength to act as a deterrent to any future Separatist movements and to protect the Republic from attack from external and internal threats. The Republic returned to what it was before the rise of the Separatists, but with a military that is able to enforce the Republic’s will for themselves. The Republic also built large installations across the galaxy to assist in the rapid deployment of the Republic Navy in emergency scenarios. These were usually in strategic positions within deep space with the occasional one being near a planet.
Having been arrested and sent to a prison within the Republic, Maul posed little threat. That was until he hired the bounty hunters Aurra Sing, Cad Bane, and Boba Fett to liberate him from his confinement. Knowing full well that his time as the leader of Mandalore was at an end, as he had been replaced with Bo-Katan Kryze, he needed an alternative plan to ensure that he would defeat and kill Obi-Wan Kenobi. Rallying members of Deathwatch that were still loyal to him, and finding a hidden droid foundry on Mustafar, where he would make his own base and build an army to use when the time was right, as well as training against countless holodroids to learn the exact moves of Obi-Wan, and how to kill him better.
As Maul was plotting his revenge against his most hated adversary, the galaxy had a new threat, one worse than anything they anticipated; the Yuuzhan Vong. News of a large series of invasions in the Outer Rim spurred the Grand Army of the Republic and the Jedi into action, but the forces they face off against were nothing like they’ve ever seen; any technology they have is organic rather than mechanical, and the Jedi couldn’t even sense them as they were outside the Force. The first few battles go very poorly for the Republic with many soldiers and Jedi being killed in the Yuuzhan Vong onslaught.
During their first encounters with the Yuuzhan Vong, the Republic learned of a key flaw in Phase II Clone Trooper armor; the armor is incapable of filtering out biological warfare agents, and as such, the Jedi, clones, and Stormtroopers who first fought the Yuuzhan Vong, died. This was also a flaw with Phase I armor as well, considering that it couldn’t filter out the Blue Shadow Virus. The Republic finished a new set of armor that they had been developing since the end of the Clone Wars. This armor was a more advanced version of Imperial Stormtrooper armor in the regular universe, the only differences being that it retained the HUD from the Phase II Clone armor, it has advanced filtration systems in the armor to filter out biological agents, and it reintroduced the life support systems that were present in Phase I Clone armor. This armor is mass produced and given to the soldiers of the Republic. Whether they be Clone Troopers or Stormtroopers, they must wear this new armor. The Jedi fighting alongside the Republic got armored hazmat suits to wear, ensuring that the Jedi would be harder to beat by the Yuuzhan Vong.
In this conflict, the battle droids the Republic confiscated from the Separatists played a pivotal role. All of the droids in Republic stock were upgraded to have tougher armor, and they upgraded their computers to be able to make more tactical decisions to make them better fighters. Considering that battle droids weren’t even affected by chemical or biological warfare, most means of combat for the Yuuzhan Vong don’t work against the droids, and the sheer firepower of B2 super battle droids and Droidekas alone could easily turn the tide of battle against the Vong.
For many months, the fighting was at a brutal stalemate, but once a lot of people enlisted into the Republic military and new Clone units trickled in from Kamino, the Yuuzhan Vong began to get pushed back. One by one, the systems under their control begin to fall, and eventually, they are driven back to the frigid and unpopulated world of Rhen Var. The Republic began bombarding the planet with a massive fleet of star destroyers, destroying most of the military equipment for the Yuuzhan Vong. After almost a month of sustained bombardment on the planet, the Yuuzhan Vong, defeated and even terrified of their opponents, surrendered to the Republic. The Yuuzhan Vong were forced to stay on Rhen Var and the planet became their new homeworld. In the war itself, massive casualties were felt by the Republic with 15% of their military (not including droids) listed as killed in action, and over 1,300 Jedi dead.
Following the end of this conflict, many Jedi retired from their positions in the Grand Army of the Republic including the likes of Falon Grey, Ki-Adi Mundi, and Aayla Secura. Their reasoning was that the Jedi should no longer be militarily involved with the Republic due to the Jedi switching their priorities away from the Republic. Despite this, some Jedi stayed in the Republic’s military like Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano, Kit Fisto, Rahm Kota, and Plo Koon, although their roles in the Grand Army of the Republic took a heavy backseat to their roles as Jedi. During the time the Republic spent fighting the Yuuzhan Vong, Maul learned every aspect of Obi-Wan’s swordsmanship, from how he held his lightsaber to how he stepped before he made a strike. He also had a shape-shifting spy within the Order give him access to the Jedi Archives, where he downloaded all the necessary information on Obi-Wan.
For the next 13 years, the Republic remained in a state of relative peace, but also a state of fragility; the only times the Grand Army of the Republic were deployed were to fight pirates, protect dignitaries, provide humanitarian relief to planets that suffered a crisis, training missions, et cetera. With the news of Palpatine playing both sides in the war still fresh in everyone’s mind, faith in the Republic was still incredibly low. Anakin trained his son, Luke, in the ways of the Jedi, and guided him to become a very powerful Force user. Anakin’s daughter, Leia, was trained by Plo Koon as Anakin couldn’t have two apprentices. When Leia was around 15 years old, she left the Jedi Order and became a politician like her mother.
One day, the first major terrorist attack on Coruscant since the Clone Wars happened. Someone set off a thermobaric bomb with a large blast radius inside the headquarters of the Bureau of Force Sensitives, killing everyone there. Mace Windu was executed by a blaster bolt to the head by his long-time rival, Boba Fett. This was a deliberate attack that had been orchestrated by Maul to further his goal of luring out Obi-Wan. Over the last several years, Maul moved the large force he had created to the remote planet of Yavin IV, as well as a fleet of salvaged ships from scrap worlds. Whether they be former Republic or Separatist ships, it didn’t matter. Maul used a very small portion of his forces to attack some Republic outposts, and willingly let them track these small raiding parties back to Yavin. He would also have Boba Fett drop some breadcrumbs to help lead them into his trap. This made Maul’s numbers seem smaller than they actually were, and that this was just a small terrorist cell.
The Republic sent a small fleet to engage these droids and rogue Mandalorians, and they were met by one of the largest fleets they’ve ever seen. The Republic fleet was destroyed quickly, and any survivors were executed. The Republic sent a very large fleet in retaliation, and among this fleet was Obi-Wan Kenobi, who was unknowingly falling into Maul’s trap. Not far behind Kenobi’s fleet was Anakin Skywalker’s fleet with Ahsoka and Luke with him. Obi-Wan and some members of the 212th Attack Battalion were lured onto the planet. Around this time Anakin and his battlegroup arrived.
On the ground, the company of the 212th that Obi-Wan was with encountered heavy resistance. This company pushed their way to the Great Temple where they holed up and called for backup, closing the large blast doors behind them. There were only 3 survivors in this group: a Stormtrooper named Kanan Antillies, Clone Commander Cody, and Obi-Wan Kenobi. Kanan Antillies is Force choked to death, and as right as Cody is able to squeeze off a few shots into the darkness near Maul, a few Mandalorian blaster shots hit Cody in the chest and put the Clone veteran in critical condition. Maul ignited his weapon, illuminating the Dathomirian in the blood red of a Sith blade. In a scene reminiscent of the events that unfolded 32 years prior. Obi-Wan ignited his lightsaber and began his duel against the man who had taken so much from him.
Anakin saw Obi-Wan’s distress signal down on the planet, so he assembled Torrent Company along with Ahsoka and Luke and headed down to the planet. Obi-Wan wasn’t faring well in his duel against Maul; as the two have gotten older, Obi-Wan remained somewhat stagnant in his power, but Maul grew stronger, and combined with the fact that Maul studied every aspect of Obi-Wan’s fighting style, the Jedi Master’s outlook looked grim. Anakin and Torrent Company pushed towards Obi-Wan’s location, becoming more desperate as time marched on. Eventually, Torrent Company got pinned down, and Anakin had to continue on his own to reach his former teacher.
Anakin made it to the old Temple and heard the sounds of lightsaber clashes. Knowing that this was where his old teacher’s distress signal was coming from, he uses all his abilities in the force to lift the blast doors and jams them in place so they don’t fall on him. As he rushes into the temple, Maul, seeing Anakin, decided to end the fight by hitting Obi-Wan with a cheap hit, and stabbing him in the heart before fleeing with his Mandalorian guards. Anakin rushes to the side of his fallen master who was barely grasping onto life. Anakin began apologizing to his old friend that he wasn’t fast enough and was on the verge of tears. Before dying, Obi-Wan told Anakin that he was proud of him, that he was an amazing student, and an even better friend. 
After Obi-Wan’s death, Anakin’s anger began to consume him. He’d now lost another person very close to him. His eyes began to glow a yellow not unlike that of a Sith and there was only one thought left on his mind, killing Maul. After calling for a medevac to rescue Cody and retrieve the corpses of Antilles and Obi-Wan, he returned to the battlefield. Anakin struck down as many of Maul’s droids, and a few Mandalorians that stayed to fight, that he could, his emotions similar to that of what he could’ve become 19 years prior, Darth Vader. The Dark Side was consuming him, and he would stop at nothing to exact his revenge. After the battle was over, Anakin gathered his troops and even more members of his 501st Legion and was going to scour the galaxy until he found Maul and struck him down.
In the aftermath of this, Anakin went into isolation, stewing in his anger and hatred. He began to disregard everything as his best friend was taken from him and he believed that nothing mattered except for his revenge. When the Council faked his master’s death during the Clone Wars, he was incredibly enraged, and felt a similar amount of rage and hatred as he did back then. Reaching out through the Force, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan talked to him, telling him that seeking revenge was not what either of them wanted. If he was going to kill Maul, it should be for a reason of righteousness opposed to anger and hatred. Now seeing clearly, Anakin found the reports of Republic Intelligence that lead him to the planet Mustafar.
Anakin decided to face Maul alone, as he felt that this was his destiny. Luke and Ahsoka stayed behind as Anakin went down to the surface to deal with the final remnant of the Dark Side. Once at Maul’s base, Anakin killed the Mandalorians that were protecting the fallen Sith and began his duel against the Dathomirian. During the duel, they traversed all across the temple and to a nearby mining facility. As they fought, something clicked within Anakin, and that was the perfect balance of the Force. Anger and hatred were only so powerful, but when combined with the love and compassion of the Light, it formed a deadly weapon. After cutting Maul’s lightsaber in half, Anakin cut Maul in half as well, only this time, vertically, ensuring that he would never return to bring pain and torment to others.
Returning to Coruscant, the Jedi Order, several senators, and countless officers of the Grand Army of the Republic held a funeral for Obi-Wan. They remembered his selfless sacrifices he made in his life as well as his valiant actions over the course of his time as a Jedi. Obi-Wan’s lightsaber was placed in a museum of sorts where it rested next to Qui-Gon’s lightsaber.
The following months were all about cleaning up the remnants of Maul’s forces. The droids that he used were either confiscated or destroyed, and the Mandalorians that served with him were either killed or put in prison. Afterwards, the galaxy finally saw peace for the first time in a long while. Faith in the Republic was finally mending, and the galaxy could rest easy and return to business as usual. The final embers of the Clone Wars were finally put out, and the Sith became extinct. Evil would rise in its own time once again, but the bulk of it all was finally over. The Jedi could focus on being peacekeepers once again, and the Republic had finally secured itself.
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cc-1010fox · 4 years
Coruscant Guard Weapons in Clone Wars
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Dc-17 Hand Blaster
was a heavy blaster pistol wielded by the clone troopers of the Grand Army of the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars. An advanced firearm, it was fielded to elite soldiers in the army, most notably Advanced Recon Commandos, clone trooper commanders, and clone jet troopers.
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DC-15A Blaster Rifle
The DC-15A blaster rifle, or DC-15 long-rifle, was a blaster rifle produced by BlasTech Industries which was one of the most common weapons used by Clone Troopers during the Clone Wars.
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DC-15S Blaster Carbine
The DC-15S Blaster Carbine, produced by BlasTech Industries, is a semi-automatic and rapid fire blaster which also has a stun feature. As well as a unique fully-foldable stalk. The rifle was used by clone troopers throughout the Clone Wars and became the more favored weapon amongst its more powerful counterpart, the DC-15A Blaster Rifle, due to its compact size and usefulness in close quarter engagements.
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Z-6 Rotary Blaster Cannon
The Z-6 rotary blaster cannon was a blaster cannon used by the Galactic Republic and the Separatist Alliance during the Clone Wars. The Z-6 was a powerful and rapid-fire weapon for Republic troops during the Clone Wars. Heavy Gunners were specialized clone troopers who used the Z-6.
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RPS-6 Rocket Launcher
The RPS-6 rocket launcher, also known as the Sienar shoulder-launched missile, was a model of missile launcher manufactured by Sienar Fleet Systems. They were the main model of infantry-portable shoulder-fired rocket launcher used in the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars.
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Riot Shield
The Riot Shield was a personal energy shield used by law enforcement and planetary defense forces however the Coruscant Guard utilized a physical shield. Riot clone troopers were specialized clone shock troopers of the Coruscant Guard and were utilized during the Clone Wars by the Galactic Republic for riot control and other police actions.
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Stun Batons
A stun baton or shock baton was a non-lethal short-range melee weapon that immobilized organic targets with a powerful electrical shock
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An electrostaff was a melee weapon which was capable of generating an electric current and was in the form of a simple staff. Essentially, this weapon was much like an elongated stun baton, whereas the stun baton would be used for very close combat, the length of the electrostaff allowed the user to keep opponents at a distance.
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swan2swan · 3 years
Plebians: “Galactic politics are boring.”
Me: “So imagine there was a planet near Korosian space that was utterly uninhabitable but filled with raw materials and blessed with a semi-habitable moon. The moon was privately owned by an ostentatiously wealthy Repuiblic citizen, while the planet was used by Korosians to harvest raw materials for their shipyards. During the Clone Wars, the Republic earned the Korosians’ support by helping to secure building permits with the moon’s owner so the Korosians could construct warehouses, small refineries, and housing villages, exponentially increasing their production levels. However, several years after the formation of the Empire, the man who owned the moon sold the whole thing to Sienar Fleet Systems. Sienar immediately claimed ownership of the moon AND its infrastructure, and shut off power to the warehouses and villages. Korosian citizens began protesting, and Sienar sent in their own private security forces--and then Korosia sent in their own battleships, blockading the system and refusing to allow Sienar to send in ships, while menacing any Sienar forces that threatened supply ships sent to the starving colonists. Sienar responded by putting some of their own cruisers into orbit, leading to a standoff. How would the Empire handle this situation?”
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son-of-alderaan · 5 years
Even before DJ taught Finn and Rose about the Sisyphean galactic weapons industry in The Last Jedi, established companies were already vying for military contracts from the highest bidder. Once the Clone Wars were over — the Jedi gone and the Empire in control — Raith Sienar's Sienar Fleet Systems went from manufacturing military shuttles and landing crafts for the Republic Navy to manufacturing the same things for the Imperial Navy and Army.
In an effort to quell resistance throughout the galaxy. Grand Moff Tarkin "commissioned Sienar to create "a line of single-pilot, short range starfighters for the Navy." In addition, he asked that they be fast, efficient, and easy to build. This request led, of course, to the TIE Fighter.
Another one of Tarkin's requirements for the TIE Fighter was that it be "energy efficient" and greatly "maneuverable." To help achieve both ends, Sienar did not originally design this starfighter with a hyperdrive or deflector shields. This is why TIEs are so easy to destroy by Rebel and Resistance X-Wings. Moreover, Emperor Palpatine approved these glaring Achilles' heels, as he felt that if a pilot knew they were flying an unshielded vessel, they would be all the more driven to accomplish their "mission goals."
Why do TIE Fighters make that unique "screaming" sound during aerial dogfights? We now have a definite answer: Emperor Palpatine wanted them to intimidate the Empire's enemies by letting out "a noise akin to a screech from a bird of prey." This specification was laid out to Raith Sienar in a memo from Tarkin who added, "The noise will make [our enemies] freeze behind the triggers and controls of their own weapons. The noise will be the last sound they hear before the starfighter opens fire."
Kylo Ren (also known as Ben Solo) had the good fortune to be the son of Han Solo and the nephew of Luke Skywalker. Not only was Kylo strong with the Force, he also inherited his father and uncle's excellent piloting skills. After joining up with the First Order, Ren served as a test pilot for an all-new type of starfighter, the TIE silencer.
Looking to previous TIE iterations for inspiration, the silencer (aka the "TIE vendetta space superiority fighter" or simply the "TIE/vn") does have deflector shields and a hyperdrive. It also excels in the categories of "energy conversion, power storage, and experimental stealth gear." Kylo's feedback after the prototype test flight proved invaluable to the technicians at Raith's company, which had, after so many years, evolved into Sienar-Jaemus Fleet Systems.
You can see this in the page above, but the book does include some nifty tactics for TIE Fighter pilots squaring off against enemy X-Wings. The "Reverse Throttle Hop" is a favorite of the First Order; a move meant to slow a hostile pilot down in their tracks. When an enemy has been destroyed, however, TIE instructors emphasize the fatal mistake of a temporary victory bringing down one's guard. To quote a former Imperial pilot by the name of Han Solo, "Don't get cocky!"
Like airplanes on our planet, every TIE Fighter comes equipped with a "flight data recorder," a black box-like device that "contains complete records of a craft's range, top speed, shield array, weapons, payload, performance parameters, and recent history." If a ship crashes or is destroyed, the recorder (located beneath the pilot's seat) can be recovered from some of the most extreme conditions and fill in the gaps of what went wrong and why.  
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archeo-starwars · 6 years
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New Xim Exhibit to Tour
LOLA CURICH, LIANNA - "Cradle of the Galaxy," a display of pre-Republic era artifacts will begin a Core World museum tour next month, announced the Allied Tion Historical Society. The artifacts, culled from worlds in the Tion Hegemony, date back over 25,000 years to a time pre-dating galactic civilization, when small pocket societies developed unconnected by modern hyperspace transportation or communications.
The largest of these fiefdoms was commanded by the notorious Xim the Despot. Ximology has enjoyed a steady, if small, following, particularly among treasure-seekers who long to find a fabled horde of plunder allegedly hidden by Xim before his death.
The tour, funded by a donations from Republic Sienar Systems, the House of Tion and the House of Cron, includes priceless samples of ancient technology, such as war-robots, beam tubes, and fragments of a jump-gate accelerator. Interpretive holography provides a full-immersion experience, recreating pre-historic vistas such as the epic Third Battle of Vontor.
"I think it's very important now to look back at our pre-Republic roots, and see what a unified civilization has saved us from," said ATHS Director Alreeda Tion-Hyme. The tour begins at Ralltiir on the 1st, and continues up the Perlemian Trade Route, eventually arriving on Coruscant by next year.
Cradle of the Galaxy -- An Exploration of Pre-Republic History Tour Dates: 13:4:1 - Raltiir: The Cambriele Exploration Auditorium 13:9:1 - Rhinnal: Rhire Concourse of Humanity and History 14:2:3 - Esseles: The Darpa Center of History at Calamar 14:3:1 - Brentaal: The Cormond Museum of Arts 14:5:2 - Chandrila: The Hanna Institute of Antiquities
*Dates are tentative. Contact the museums for pricing and schedules.
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Fourth planet from the sun in a seven planet system, one moon. Located on the junction of the Perlemian Trade Route; a highly frequented port planet. Habitable, abundant in water, breathable atmosphere. Controlling Faction: Santhe-Sienar Technologies; CEO Kerred Santhe II. Technically under Republic rule. Environment: Natural plains and urban cities. Largest trade: Starship tech
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Cities by continent
Southwest 1
Southwest 2
Lianna City, capital
Lola Curich
Lianna Metro
Santheship 23
Plutrefin 734
Sky City
Lasarcompfac 5
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sw5w · 11 months
The Scimitar Approaches Tatooine
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 00:51:13
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thebluegiant · 8 years
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The TIE/LN starfighter, commonly known as the TIE fighter, was the signature starfighter of the Galactic Empire. Instantly recognizable from the roar of their engines, they exuded Imperial power and prestige across the galaxy, seeing use throughout the Empire's political existence. 
The TIE/LN starfighter was a small, short-range fighter developed, manufactured, and mass produced by Sienar Fleet Systems. Developed by SFS company head Raith Sienar, the basis for the TIE fighter can be traced back to Kuat Systems Engineering's Alpha-3 Nimbus starfighter, along with several other outmoded models from the Old Republic. Like their predecessors, TIE's employed two vertical wings similar in appearance to V-wing starfighters, however the Eta-2 Actis-class light interceptor bore even more similarities with its central cockpit pod, twin ion engines and common weapons technology.
Bandai’s 1/72 Scale TIE Fighter that came out a while back. Just finally fucking finished it today lmao. Used a Vallejo panel wash for most of the details and waterslides for all the markings.
The last pic is just there to show the amount of detail and the reason why I went with a wash.
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somar78 · 5 years
Star Wars TIE Fighter: Owners’ Workshop Manual
This is the Haynes Owners’ Workshop Manual for the legendary Star Wars TIE Fighter, one of the most memorable spacecraft from the Star Wars film, book, and video game universe.
According Wookiepedia, the most reliable source of Star Wars information, the TIE fighter was produced in massive numbers from the Galactic Civil War onwards.
TIE Fighters were often referred to as “eyeballs” by Rebel and New Republic pilots due to their circle central compartment. TIEs were built to be as lightweight (low mass) as possible for manuverability, they didn’t have any landing gear but could be landed carefully on their wing edges if required. Propulsion is by twin Sienar Fleet Systems P-s4 ion engines, there are very low-maintenance power units with no moving parts, but they do have sensitive internals.
The TIE fighter was originally designed for fast-paced dogfights with Rebel X-wings and other starfighters, they’re considered expendable by the Galactic Republic as are their pilots who rarely use the built-in ejector seat, preferring to die quickly as opposed to a long slow death by cold and oxygen starvation in deep space.
The Haynes Owners’ Workshop Manual for the Star Wars TIE Fighter is a hardcover book written by Ryder Windham with detailed illustrations by Chris Reiff, it’s 144 pages long and it includes all the information you could possibly want to know about the iconic sci fi spacecraft.
As a coffee table book it’s also a great conversation piece and it makes a great gift for any fan of Star Wars from the age of 5 to 95. The level of detail the book goes into is genuinely impressive, and you’ll be sure to bore your friends to tears with your newfound wealth of Star Wars trivial information.
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source https://silodrome.com/star-wars-tie-fighter-owners-workshop-manual/
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fuckyeahspaceship · 13 years
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Scimitar (Sith Infiltrator - Darth Maul´s Transport). Cutaway.
Heavily Modified Star Courier.
Republic Siernar Systems.
Star wars
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fuckyeahspaceship · 13 years
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Scimitar (Sith Infiltrator - Darth Maul´s Transport). Floor plans.
Heavily Modified Star Courier.
Republic Siernar Systems.
Star wars
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