she-wolf09231982 · 2 months
A War Miniseries of Their Own
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Help set a timeless example that serving with pride is also a woman's prerogative in every branch of the military. Sign the petition link attached to support A War Miniseries of Their Own!
Just signatures! Not asking for any money!
This is my own personal petition I’m pushing for. I’m a veteran who is looking to do the HBO War series justice by retelling the story of the military women in America’s history. Who better to play the part than a veteran who’s already been through the training? Please support your fellow Tumblr girl and sign 💚🪖🫡
(Just imagine the fanfics you could write if this takes off!) 😉
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spockvarietyhour · 2 years
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Reserve unit. Ontario Regiment recruits from Oshawa are poised for combat at the Ganaraska Conservation Area, 1987 [TPL Archives]
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tomorrowusa · 1 year
Russians: Uncle Putin wants YOU — for cannon fodder.
Putin just had his rubber stamp parliament, the State Duma, pass a law to make it easier to draft men of military age.
A new bill signed into law by Russian President Vladimir Putin that allows authorities to issue electronic notices to draftees and reservists is sparking fears of a new wave of mobilization for Moscow's war in Ukraine and prompting fresh conversations among Russians about leaving the country.
When the Kremlin announced a partial mobilization of reservists in September as part of a drive to call up some 300,000 new personnel to fight in Ukraine, the decision led to a mass exodus of military-age Russian men and their families. Hundreds of thousands of Russians left to neighboring countries and other locations that had few entry requirements and allowed them to live and work for extended periods of time in order to avoid the draft.
It was not too difficult to leave the country last autumn. But things are changing.
But as anxiety over another mobilization wave looms more than seven months later, Russians looking to avoid getting caught up in the war in Ukraine are facing a more difficult path ahead, including policies that could make it harder to leave the country and visa changes in many destinations that will limit Russians' ability to stay abroad for longer periods.
"The universal advice is to leave as soon as possible," Ivan Pavlov, head of the human rights group First Department, told Current Time, a Russian-language network run by RFE/RL in cooperation with VOA, adding that the new law could give military planners a mechanism for quickly beefing up their ranks in preparation for a new Ukrainian attack.
The government can now send you a draft notice electronically.
The new April 14 law modifies Russia's military service rules that previously required the in-person delivery of notices to conscripts and reservists who are called up for duty. Now, the notices issued by local military conscription offices will also be sent electronically and be considered valid from the moment they are put on a state portal for electronic services, known as Gosuslugi. The law will also set up an electronic registry of all people required to serve and collect their personal data while creating a public list of all those who have been summoned for military service.
Unlike in September, however, fleeing abroad is not as straightforward of a process as before, with the list of possible countries to receive Russian citizens shrinking.
For some time we’ve been trying to tell you to get out.
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But anyway.
Under the new law, recipients who fail to show up for service after getting a summons would be prohibited from leaving Russia and have their drivers' licenses suspended and could be barred from selling their apartments and other assets. Similarly, activists and legal experts say Russian border guards could now use the online registry to further restrict travel for anyone looking to avoid military service.
That potentially limited timeline, coupled with added challenges to leaving the country, is weighing on those inside Russia looking for an exit and those who have already left and are struggling with the bureaucratic and financial constraints of remaining abroad.
There are still some places you can still go to but you’d better leave soon.
For those rejected in Turkey, countries like Thailand, Vietnam, as well as Kazakhstan, Georgia, and Serbia have been alternative destinations, but room for Russians fleeing has been shrinking there as well.
So if Putin sends you an electronic draft notice, what happens if it ends up in your spam folder? That’s another good reason to be in Mongolia when that notice is sent.
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defensenow · 1 month
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kabbage-loan-guide · 1 year
Can a reservist get a va loan?
If you are a reservist and you are planning to buy a house and you do not have enough budget to buy a house. So you have a very good option v a loan. Yes friends VA loan is one such loan given to active-duty service members, veterans, and eligible surviving spouses to buy a home, but the question arises whether reservists can take a VA loan or not.
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Today in our blog Kabbage Loan Guide, we will discuss this in detail. In the previous article, we told you that Can you buy land with a VA loan? Today we will tell you in this article of ours can an army reservist get a VA loan.
Can a reservist get a VA loan?
Yes, reservists may be eligible for a VA loan if they meet certain eligibility requirements. To be eligible for a VA loan, a reservist must have served for at least six years in the Selected Reserve. National Guard, or another military branch. Reservists must also meet certain credit and income requirements.
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qupritsuvwix · 2 years
Yep, that would be impressive if not for the fact that all the ncos, officers and generals in the confederate army were veterans of the Union army…
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crimescrimson · 1 year
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Johnny Cage & Unconditionally Protecting His Family: Nobody, Threatens My Family. | This? This Is For My Family.
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lakesbian · 1 year
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obtaining cheap easy and free entertainment by tossing alec vasil in tcb's hunger games cultural event. saying this phrase to myself over and over again and never finding it less funny. alec vasil finds bag of explosives. lit match finds bucket of gasoline. i hope he dies in the funniest way possible
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rotzaprachim · 8 months
it’s blatantly clear that the IL gov in no way cares about their own citizens and certainly less Jews as a whole but the total proportion of my generation of young Jews in the entire world literally being suited up for cannon fodder right now makes me ill. As much as both antisemites and the government of IL want to cast themselves as a global superpower and the strongest army on earth they are not, they’re still a relatively very small middle eastern country that’s part of a very very small ethnic group and going to war right now has a mass potential to seriously cut into our total population in ways that will impact us for a long long time. They are not the US. Proportionally this cannot be like the Vietnam war or the Iraq war. Like I’ve grown up with the Charedim being given a blank slate cause Jewish babies all my life and now we’re willing to throw a mass number of 18-40 year old Jews into the fire before they ever have a chance to become parents and there’s really nothing less in the interest of l’dor v’dor. As a diaspora Jew with a community in many ways more tied to IL than the US I’ve gotten the full guilt trip about not having to go get drafted in this war and I don’t support it in any way, but there’s still that deep feeling of maybe my future wife will die in this war. Maybe my future best friend or chavrusa will die in this war. Maybe the future father of my children will die in this war and I’ll never have my children. If we keep walking on to hell this may echo down the generations.
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kissycat · 12 days
Ah right I was considering my options for the future and trying to make plans for the next years but I forgot about War
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edenorisshitposting · 1 month
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Every time I feel like complaining about my service, Thomas appears out of the Spirit Realm to mock me.
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spockvarietyhour · 2 years
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Reservists in Training, 1984-1992 [TPL Archives]
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infowarsrzk0 · 2 months
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redesrzk @RedesRZK RT , https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m50pRma6OwM
@visegrad24 @CNN https://twitter.com/alexsalvinews/status/1676308491797950475/video/1 #LosSAPOS de la @CIA info a @Israel que #Irán atacará:la @IDF están llamando a los reservistas,en previsión de la respuesta de #Teherán al ataque de #Damasco🍿@SlavFreeSpirit #UCRANIA #TEXAS📹COMIENZAN #LASPELICULAS🇺🇸🇮🇱@JOEBIDEN @NETANYAHU https://pic.twitter.com/wuRNrwWJLE
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informó a
que #Irán atacará en las próximas 48 horas: Ahora las
Translated from Spanish by
that #Irán will attack in the next 48 hours: Now the
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andmaybegayer · 1 year
where's that post about how guys who take their guns to the grocery store should have an immortal jester mocking them relentlessly who they are not allowed to shoot.
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honestlyvan · 2 years
I think it would be very thematically appropriate if none of the Agnian commanders really got along with each other before the gang starts building their Aionios Mutual Aid Network, forcing them to start playing nice with each other.
Teach has a Reputation(tm), especially among those who remember Colony Chi, Isurd is completely impossible to work with because Lambda self-selects for people who are just as bureaucratic as he is, the previous commander of Iota was a known shitbag and Alexandria has done little to distinguish herself because the aura of menace serves her authority, and nobody knows poor Juniper and Fiona exist because their Consuls were actively isolating them.
Agnus also clearly has a stronger honour culture than Keves. Kevesi colonies certainly don’t work with each other more while everyone is still stuck using the Flame Clocks, but I got the impression that their commanders are at least generally in good terms with each other. They also have rogue colonies like Eleven and Fifteen that said “nuts to that” and are in borderline active rebellion against the Castle even before the events of the game, Flame Clocks or no. In contrast, as the system starts unraveling, Agnus looks like it might drift into actual civil war, and the soldiers and commanders alike seem to place a much stronger emphasis on duty in service to the Queen than survival.
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girlactionfigure · 1 year
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