#Resident Evil Revelations 1
rebeccachambers2001 · 2 months
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A true beauty is forgotten...yet they would never be seen again
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schnuron · 7 months
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Have a list of games that they have no live service things.
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chrisitsraining · 1 year
it seems youve landed yourself a blind date with a resident evil character! why dont you open the door and see who your date is?
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which door? you know :)
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onbehalfovenus · 11 months
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The fact her Delta Force training gets overlooked with her character baffles me.
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silentcrowsilentravens · 10 months
Stars alpha reacting to their partner pulling a Richard and sacrificing themselves for them?
"Pulling a Richard" lol.
I'd like to apologize in advance to Lisa Trevor for this.
Joseph Frost, Jill Valentine, Chris Redfield, Brad Vickers, Barry Burton, and Albert Wesker reacting to their s/o sacrificing themselves to save them.
(Gender ambiguous).
Warnings: death, blood, gore.
Masterlists here!
Joseph Frost
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Arklay Mountains. It’s the evening of July 24, 1998. Led by Captain Wesker, you and four other members of the S.T.A.R.S. Alpha team are searching for signs of Bravo team and pilot Kevin Dooley, with whom contact was lost the day prior. 
You trudge through the tall grass, gun unholstered and flashlight scanning over every dark shape in your path.
A persistent sense of unease hangs in the air. You’d be hard-pressed to think of another time you’ve felt so on edge while on the job. 
There's shifting behind you. You whip your head around.
Joseph is standing there with his gun. "Jumpy?" he teases half-heartedly. You roll your eyes at him and resume what you were doing.
"Hey... wait a sec..." He motions for you to come over.
"What is it?" You point your light down as you approach. It catches a metal object laying in the grass between you. It's a gun. A standard-issue Beretta.
Joseph bends down to pick it up, which is when you realize that it's attached to something.
It's a hand.
A human hand with no human attached to it.
Joseph drops the severed part in shock. Both of you jolt away from it with a yelp.
Upon further inspection, realize that you know who it used to belong to. You recognize the fingerless glove and the wristwatch. They're part of a S.T.A.R.S. uniform. More specifically, the uniform of Edward Dewey from Bravo team.
For a moment, the only thing you can hear is the wind and your heart pounding in your ears. You can do nothing but stare in disbelief. 
There have been a lot of deaths lately. Gruesome ones. 
You’ve seen the crime scene photos.
You’ve seen the crime scenes.
They’re difficult to stomach.
But the feeling that washes over you here and now is particularly visceral. Every last drop of blood in your body has run cold. You feel dangerously close to hurling.
Edward is someone you see almost every day. He...
He’s a great man. A friend of yours.
He can’t be...
You finally manage to tear your gaze away and look at Joseph. 
“...Eddie can still be kicking,” he says blankly. “Guy doesn’t need both hands to live.”
Yeah, Edward can still be out there. Alive. Hopefully. He's tough...
Is that...
...growling you're hearing?
Out of the corner of your eye, you realize something—multiple somethings are rapidly approaching. Joseph notices just a beat later than you do.
“Joey, watch out!” With all of your might, you shove your partner out of harm’s way.
He hits the ground. 
A bloody creature collides with you, its sharp teeth sinking into the exposed skin of your forearm. You cry out, wrenching your arm to the side in a desperate attempt to make it release you. It does, tearing a chunk of flesh away in the process, and quickly latches back on.
A second beast joins in, causing you to lose your balance and fall.
Followed by another one.
And another.
And another.
There are so many. They look like dogs and smell like rotting corpses, but you aren't paying much attention to that. You're in so much pain, it's difficult to think. They're quite literally eating you alive and all you can manage to do is flail about, weakly attempting to get them off.
Joseph shouts your name in alarm, scrambling to pick up his gun. His weapon-mounted light illuminates the mass of creatures pinning you down. Blood and viscera glisten.
He fires round after round, trying to kill them.
Jill, Barry, Chris, and Wesker rush over to help.
Your screams abruptly stop, cut off by an awful, strangled, gurgling noise as a set of teeth manage to rip your throat out.
"No!" Joseph keeps firing, unable to process it all. Just because you've gone quiet doesn't mean you're dead, right? Right? There's a chance you're still alive. There has to be! "Get off! Get off!"
"Joseph, it's too late!" Chris grabs Joseph's shoulder, trying to make him stop. Joseph won't. "We have to go!"
This can't be happening. This can't be real. You're not gone. You're not!
The remaining beasts turn their attention toward the rest of the team.
Finally, Chris and Barry seize Joseph by the back of his tactical vest and physically drag him along as they start running. He doesn't stop calling your name, doesn't stop reaching for you even as your body becomes further and further away from them.
"Brad!" Chris shouts as their helicopter abandons them. "Brad! Where's he going?!"
This night can't get any worse. They end up seeking refuge in a mansion. The moment Jill slams the doors shut and locks them, Joseph plops down on the floor, breathing hard and cradling his head in his hands.
He can't believe it. You're gone just like that. It all happened so fast... And if you hadn't done what you did, it would've been him instead.
He wishes it were him instead. His eyes begin to burn.
Jill Valentine
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It's the dead of night in the summer of 2005. You and Jill are stranded in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea on the Queen Zenobia, which just narrowly avoided being completely obliterated by the Regia SOLIS.
Unfortunately, the ship still ended up getting caught in the shockwave of the blast, leaving you to deal with even more water pouring into the ship.
It's time to clear out and fast.
Both of you are swimming through the flooded corridors in search of an exit when eventually, you make your way into a room that has yet to fill completely. The surface of the water is in view. You speed up, sparing a glance over your shoulder to where Jill ought to be.
She isn't there.
You come to an immediate stop, a jolt of panic passing through you as you spin around in an attempt to locate her.
You find her a little ways back, having fallen behind because she's busy grappling with a sea creeper that's caught up to her. Damn things!
It's gotten ahold of her legs and she's fighting to keep its wide maw away. Despite their spindly limbs, earlier encounters have let you know that they're rather strong.
There's already been quite a stretch between this and the last opportunity you got to get some air. In the time it would take you to pop your head out and swim back to help Jill, it could already be too late.
With that thought at the forefront of your mind, you ignore your body's desperate pleas to breathe and make your way over.
You unsheathe your Bowie knife. Using all of your might, you drive it straight into the B.O.W.'s soft shell.
Blood turns the water red. The creature reels back with a high-pitched cry and you take the opportunity to seize your partner.
With a tight grip on the equipment harness strapped to her back, you begin to swim upward, pushing yourself to go as fast as you can.
You're so close. Fresh oxygen is just within reach when something grabs hold of your ankle and sharply tries to yank you back.
Looking down, you find the same sea creeper giving things another go.
'Get offa me, dammit!' You slam the heel of your boot down on its covered head until it releases you, then kick away.
You lift Jill and force her above the surface, managing to get her arms hooked onto a ladder leading up to a catwalk.
There's yet another tug on your leg, far harsher than the last.
You release Jill, not wanting to risk pulling her down with you.
Bubbles begin to stream past your parted lips and water floods your lungs. The burning in your chest is beginning to worsen exponentially as you're dragged away, simply unable to hold your breath any longer than you already have. You're certain this is it for you.
Jill coughs and sputters. As the darkness begins to fade back to the edges of her vision and she's able to form a thought other than 'I need air or I'm gonna die down here', she processes that you haven't resurfaced along with her.
Her still-pounding heart leaps into her throat and she curses, diving back down without a moment's hesitation.
Her eyes instantly lock onto a red cloud in the water, which both you and the sea creeper are in. It has you in its grasp and you aren't struggling. You aren't moving at all.
As Jill closes the rest of the distance, she continues to hope against all hope that she can save you.
The handle of your blade is sticking out of the creature's back. She yanks it out and plunges it into a new spot, tugging you free and kicking the thing as hard as she can, sending it into a wall.
With you in tow, Jill makes her way above the water and back to the ladder.
You aren't breathing anymore when she successfully gets you onto the catwalk. She hastily begins to perform CPR, determined to fix that. She has to.
Unfortunately, she can't. It's already too late for you.
Finally, resignation begins to set in and she lets her hands still on your chest.
Jill is no stranger to losing people, and there's a persistent nagging fear in the back of her mind about losing more. You've often been at the forefront of it.
She's always tried to push it aside, though, always hoped that it wouldn't come to pass.
Her fingers tremble slightly as they curl into fists. She lets her head hang.
If only she hadn't let that damn B.O.W. catch up to her...
There's a lump forming in her throat that she tries to swallow as she stands, sending you a silent apology for letting you down.
Even if she wants to stay here with you, she knows this ship isn't going to last much longer. Cursing under her breath and blinking away the tears beginning to form in her eyes, Jill keeps moving. She has to...
Chris Redfield
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"We're picking up a large bogey on radar. It's heading right for you!"
Just when you thought shit had already hit the fan, that message came through on comms and not even a minute later, a tandem rotor helicopter appeared, dropping off another absolutely massive—probably a good thirty feet tall—B.O.W. onto the team's already full plate.
Echo needs three anti-aircraft guns taken out before further help can be given, so everyone tries to provide cover for Finn as he sets the charges needed to blow them up.
The wrecked buildings around you provide little cover from the ogroman, which is intent on crushing the lot of you.
Chris points out a weakness that can be exploited: Soft, exposed red flesh around where a big metal connector is sticking out of its back.
You and a few others distract the beast with bullets. Chris manages to leap onto its back while you do so, ripping out a bit of protruding bone and driving it straight into the weak point. The process is rinsed and repeated a few times before the ogroman dies, dissolving into a foul-smelling, steaming goop that leaves you coughing.
Two anti-aircraft guns down, one more to go.
Everyone's comms crackle. "There's another giant B.O.W. closing in on your location!"
A loud roar rings out.
A massive hand grabs onto a rooftop, sending shingles raining down onto a few j'avo.
"It's the one we lost at the Two of Hearts," Piers points out.
Chris orders the team to prepare to engage. You follow Finn to the last gun, making use of an underground passage that leads you into another building. When you're standing on the top floor, the target of the objective comes into view, sitting on the ground below beside a barricade.
"Let's try to make this quick."
The ogroman has other plans.
Finn and Piers, a little ways ahead of you, head down the ladder.
You and Chris are stepping out from behind a partially destroyed wall when it turns and spots you there.
The two of you begin to unload your clips into it, not getting too many hits on that weak spot thanks to the way it's positioned itself.
"I'm out!" you announce.
"Me too," Chris says. "Look out!"
A massive hand shoots out toward you.
You both dive out of the way in time. You land back behind the wall, and Chris is still out in the open stretch. Another hole is smashed into the building.
The ogroman draws its arm back, then raises it up and prepares to sweep it across.
"Chris!" You don't even think, you just act, launching yourself back onto your feet and sprinting toward him. It'll hit him if you're not quick enough!
The arm grows closer.
With mere seconds to spare, you shove Chris back to the floor.
All the wind is knocked out of you as the ogroman makes contact, sending you sailing straight over the edge.
You make a graceful arc before colliding harshly with the pavement down below.
"Shit!" Chris shouts your name in alarm.
He needs to get to you.
"Cover me!"
He slides down the ladder while other members of the team show up to keep the ogroman busy.
A red puddle has begun to form beneath you. By some miracle, you're still responsive, but only barely.
"You're gonna be alright. You're gonna make it. Just hold on, okay?" Chris begins to drag you over to cover. You let out a groan, unable to process any of what you're hearing. "I need you here." Speaking into his comm, he calls for urgent first aid.
Before long, your feeble movements begin to peter out. Chris feels his stomach drop.
"No... No, come on. You have to stay with me. You have to!" You mean so much to him. He can't lose you. He can't. Not like this.
One last raspy, rattling breath leaves your lips before you're gone.
The grief, the devastation is like an instant weight settling upon Chris' shoulders. He slams his fists against the ground and cries out, leaning down to rest his head against your chest.
This is his fault... He'll never forgive himself.
Brad Vickers
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"Pizza's here," you announce, shutting the apartment door with your foot. It's late in the evening, and you and Brad decided to call in and order one for dinner.
(Both of you also went ahead and ordered one for Brad's friend, Jill, who has scarcely left her home since being suspended. Brad would've been as well, had he joined in on the shouting match she and three other S.T.A.R.S. members got into with Chief Irons over the mansion incident. You know Brad still feels guilty about it).
"Brad. Pizza." You pop open the box and waft it in front of his face before placing it on the coffee table. He snaps out of it and sends you a small smile.
"You pick out something for us to watch already?"
"Uh-huh." He places the TV Guide down and picks up the remote. "They're showing one of our favorite flicks tonight, actually."
"Yeah? Which one?" You plop down beside him on the couch with a few paper plates in hand.
Hours have passed, and you've fallen asleep living room. The movie has long since ended, the remaining half of dinner is sitting abandoned, and Brad is snoring lightly beside you. You might've remained that way until morning...
...if not for a loud noise from somewhere on the street below waking you up.
You slowly straighten up, removing your head from your partner's shoulder.
Then, you begin to process the not-so-distant sounds of chaos. There are sirens and people screaming.
'What is going on...?'
An orange glow is bleeding from around the edges of the drawn curtains. You get up and pull them open. Multiple fires are burning.
You hurriedly wake Brad. "Hey. Something is wrong," you tell him as you drag him over to the window. "Very, very wrong. Look."
"Holy shit." He blanches. "We need to go."
You throw on a coat and shoes while Brad puts on his S.T.A.R.S. getup. He grabs his Beretta. All you have is a pocket knife.
The two of you make your way out of the apartment, hurriedly heading down the corridor and into the stairwell.
When you reach the emergency exit at the bottom of the stairs, you encounter a problem. Before Brad even gets the chance to push the door open, something rips it off the hinges. It's a huge figure clad head to toe in a black outfit, which is dotted with small yellow hazard symbols and staples.
"S.T.A.R.S...." it growls.
After a moment's hesitation, Brad seizes you by your sleeve and begins to high-tail it toward the front of the building. Time to try the front doors instead.
The thing gives chase. It's fast. Surprisingly so.
Brad aims his gun over his shoulder and opens fire. The bullets appear to have no effect. Not good.
It lifts its hand. A thin tentacle shoots out quick as lightning, wrapping around one of Brad's ankles and tripping him up. He lands harshly on the floor, his weapon slipping from his grasp. It begins to drag him.
You stagger to a stop, whipping around and grabbing hold of him. All that accomplishes is making the pursuer pull you along as well.
"Let go of him!" You take your blade and slice the appendage in two. The half still attached to it retreats. You help Brad up.
A new tentacle pops out of its sleeves. The moment you catch a glimpse of it, you put yourself directly behind Brad.
Rougher than before, the pursuer swings its arm back, yanking you over to it.
"Brad, run!"
Brad doesn't. He freezes in place.
It picks you up by your face, squeezing so tightly that it feels as though your skull might shatter. You struggle. "Run! Before it gets y—"
Your sentence is cut off by the tentacle going straight through your mouth and out the back of your head.
You're tossed aside, dead as dead can be.
You land facing Brad, your face stained red and your eyes wide open. He feels himself begin to shake.
Then, he runs.
This can't be happening. This seriously can't be happening!
He should have stepped in to help you. Doubly so after you had done that for him.
He should have done something. Anything but just stand there! What the hell is wrong with him?!
'Oh, god...'
When it seems that he's finally lost the pursuer, Brad slumps against the wall and slides down it until he's sitting. Alone in a random building, he cries harder than he has in a long time. He's so incredibly angry with himself for practically letting that happen.
There's a hole in his heart where you used to be that can simply never be filled again. You're gone. Gone. He can't believe it...
Barry Burton
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As the Starlight slowly sinks into the waters below, explosions rattle it, illuminating the pitch-black night sky with bright oranges and yellows.
You, Barry, Leon, and Lucia stand safely aboard the deck of the Umbrella submarine Barry hijacked. Admittedly, you're still a little mad that he scared you again. A few years back, when you were both part of S.T.A.R.S., he pretended to betray you and the others the same way Wesker had.
He did it to protect your daughters and kept the ruse up long enough for Wesker to let his guard down. Tonight, he pulled a similar stunt. He made a fake deal with Umbrella and acted as though he was going to hand Lucia over to them, abandoning you and Leon on the ocean liner in the process.
"Sorry, honey," Barry says, noticing the sour look on your face. "I couldn't risk them finding out."
You sigh. "No, I get it. I just can't believe I fell for it again, even if only briefly."
"I guess I must be that good of an actor, huh?"
"I wouldn't go that far," you tease lightly. "It was just the panic of it all..."
"Ouch." Barry puts on a hurt expression.
Somewhere behind you, you hear the crackle of a radio. "Hey, I'm finally getting through to headquarters," Leon announces.
Barry places a hand on Lucia's shoulder. "I'm sure Polly and Moira will be excited to meet their new sister."
Lucia's eyes widen. "You guys were being serious?"
"Of course!" Your hand lands on her free shoulder. "Welcome to the family."
She grins. A genuine, happy-as-can-be grin.
"HQ, this is Leon. Mission accomplished. We're heading home."
You glance behind you in an attempt to see Leon, but he's standing closer to Barry. Your gaze only finds his shadow. You look away.
Over the sound of the rain and explosions, your ears manage to pick on a subtle gurgling noise.
Once again, you turn your head. The shadow is beginning to change. It's distorting and growing.
With dawning horror, you realize that all of the B.O.W.s haven't been eradicated, that it isn't actually Leon standing with you guys, that he's probably still aboard the Starlight.
"We aren't out of the woods yet!" is all you can manage in warning before the Tyrant finishes turning into its true form, red, intestine-like tentacles shooting out of the wide cavity in its stomach.
Barry doesn't even get the chance to fully pull his magnum from its holster before you throw yourself into the path of danger.
Rather than your husband, the appendages end up grabbing you instead. With how your arms end up pinned to your sides, you can't grab your pistol or knife to try and free yourself.
Panic instantly tightens itself around Barry's lungs. "Good god! Lucia, get inside!" He opens fire on the monster, desperate to make it release you.
It swings you all around, making it difficult for him to get a clean shot. It slowly but surely begins to squeeze you.
A big gray forearm collides with Barry, sending both him and his weapon flying across the deck.
The monster leaps off the sub and into the cold ocean, slowly sinking.
"No, no, no!" Barry practically throws himself over the railing, grasping it with one hand and desperately grabbing for you with the other. Just barely, he manages to take hold of your webbing.
The monster tightens its grip and there's an audible crack. You stop struggling.
Barry stills, his fingers going slack. He can't breathe, can't believe it. The devastation hits like a sucker punch to the gut.
Your body fully disappears into the dark waters. This is one of his worst nightmares.
He curses, banging his fist against the sub. It should have been him, not you! Why did you do that?
...He knows the answer. It's because he means as much to you as you do to him.
He knows he would've risked himself like that too if the roles were swapped.
He wishes that they were. What is he meant to do without you?
Albert Wesker
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By all accounts, Albert Wesker should be dead. Instead, he's woken up as something else. Something more than human.
And now, he needs to leave this place before it turns into a pile of burning rubble. It isn't clear how much time is left before the self-destruct sequence goes off, but it ought to be enough for him to make it back out the doors.
Most of the bioweapons are easy enough to take out and get past.
There is, however, one problem—one nuisance that is refusing to leave him alone: Lisa Trevor. She's followed him all the way back up to the mansion proper. Since she doesn't have the good sense to give up, he's had to take a different route in an attempt to lose her.
Finally, he thinks he might have. The exit is close. Just down the stairs, in fact. He can see it.
A door behind him flies open. He turns, tightening his finger on the trigger of his Samurai Edge.
"Captain Wesker!"
Oh. It's only you.
Albert is pleased to see that you've made it this far. Not that there was much doubt in his mind that you would. You're one of the best S.T.A.R.S. has to offer when it comes to your combat abilities.
"Where'd—" Your eyes widen before your features twist in concern. "What the hell happened to you?"
It's evident that you haven't run into Jill, Chris, Barry, or Rebecca since everything that happened down in the basement labs. This could work to his advantage. He was hoping to have you join him.
Sparing a glance at the absurd amount of red staining the front of his tactical vest, Albert tells you, "It's nothing serious."
You head closer and stare at him incredulously. It's a lot of blood. As in, more than should be outside of anyone's body if they're still alive. Maybe not all of is his? He isn't acting like he's injured.
"...Alright, if you say so," you reply, unable to shake your worry completely.
"Come with me. We're leaving." Without waiting for another second, Albert starts heading down the stairs.
"But what about the others?"
"There's no point in going after them now,'" he answers vaguely. "I'll explain everything once we get outside."
You hesitate for a moment before beginning to follow him...
...Only to be stopped moments later by an awful, raspy moan and a hunched figure hobbling into the entrance hall with surprising speed.
'What is that?!'
It's clad in a raggedy blue medical gown, wearing a mask that appears to be made of stitched-together human faces, and making a beeline for Albert.
He moves to pull out the gun he just reholstered.
The monster hunches further. A load of worm-like tendrils shoot out of its back.
Everything seems to be happening in slow motion. Wordlessly, you throw yourself between the two of them in order to save your captain from further injury,
As though they were sharp knives, two of the tendrils pierce straight through you. One through your stomach, and another through your chest. You land in a limp pile on the marble floor, blood pouring from your wounds and past your lips.
No, this won't do at all.
White-hot anger slowly begins to crawl through Albert's veins.
"You have no idea how grave of a mistake you've just made."
Yet again, he deals with her, this time ensuring that it will be the last time. You watch through half-lidded eyes, unable to truly process any of it. You're teetering dangerously on the edge of nothingness and it's far too late for you to be saved.
Albert just about unloads the rest of his ammunition into Lisa, saving his last bullet so that he can send the chandelier crashing upon her.
"Be a good girl and stay dead." He sneers, then turns to you.
You're already dead. He picks you up.
"Don't worry, my dear. I'll fix this. I will help you rise from the ashes as I did. I will make you something more."
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leonslutkennedyy · 1 year
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I think Chris would have gone through an alpha male phase
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morguegause · 8 months
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what a slut
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time-to-run · 2 years
Imagine the readers dna making him grow flesh wings when he gets infected with the virus.
Like imagine reader got bit, and it's just panic all around and chris redfeild yourboyfriend just won't accept it and tries to keep you by his side. Tries to comfort you and hide you.
But one day you lock yourself away when you feel the affects and when your about to pass out you know it's the end.
But when you wake up agian with blood all over the floor and your back heavy, your confused and scared. But as soon as you look up and see Chris's teared filled eyes, full of happiness. You can't help but feel happy that your alive...
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eighteenoheight · 2 months
Ranking Claire Redfield’s outfit repeats because I’m a huge bitch and also proving a point a little bit
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Revelations 2
The blueprint. This is Claire grown. She’s got her dress shirt under a more sophisticated/business casual red leather jacket with blue skinny jeans and heeled boots. Perfect way to serve looks at a Terrasave welcome party before you get kidnapped and trapped on an island with infected. Started the trend and as the great Sidney Prescott once said; “you forgot the first rule of remakes, Jill (Valentine). Don’t fuck with the original”.
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Resident Evil 2 Remake
The second incarnation of the template for a Claire Redfield outfit. A solid interpretation. A red leather jacket with the now essential layered tank top for a female protagonist. Blue skinny jeans again with brown biker boots. Pretty standard and practical for a girl with a motorbike. Safety first though she wears her helmet. Kept mostly fresh and appropriate for a 19 year old.
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Infinite Darkness
Downhill from here. Now we’re just mashing the two previous looks together. We’ve got the red leather jacket, this time the dress shirt is collarless and ill-fitting. Blue skinny jeans yet again, and black boots. The combo is a little odd to me, like wearing flip flops with a tuxedo. Maybe I’m thrown off because the button-up looks to be business casual, if it were black instead of white it would change the look. But I’m not here to give fashion advice, I’m just policing repeat offenders. Maybe not the worst but most definitely not the best.
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Death Island
This is the worst one probably because it’s the most recent version of this look and I’m tired at this point. I wouldn’t say it’s a terrible outfit on its own but this is the fourth time we’ve seen this be done and while the last one was a little bit of a fashion emergency, this one’s just a snooze fest. I see no soul in this. Here we yet again have a red leather jacket this time paired with a plain black undershirt. We’re not done overcooking this repetition because, you guessed right, she’s wearing blue skinny jeans and black boots. A revolutionary take on an outfit we saw almost 10 years ago I must say. I’ll give Claire some credit though, she’s got the red leather jacket industry on lock. She’s only wearing the same shit to keep the economy together. It is so bad, I want to give you a zero. But that’s not possible. So I give you a one.
There seems to be a distinct lack of creativity going on and it’s really sad. I could point out so many artists who have posted their own fan redesigns of Claire that are clearly recognisable as her that are so varied and brilliant. It’s possible to separate Claire from her red leather jackets, skinny jeans and boots. People will still know it’s her. It’s a beyond dead horse at this point and I don’t see it resurrecting (zombie joke) so I beg of whoever is in charge of the character designs over there, please get it together.
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One of us! One of us! One of us!
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crimescrimson · 2 months
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Bonus gif from my last set because its too short but I also really like how detailed they made her death, you can see her neck snap that's crazy for a 3ds slated game!
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groundrunner100 · 1 year
Let her rip!
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chrisitsraining · 10 months
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my unasked for opinions on every resi evil character i could think of <3
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thesillyvivi · 7 months
decided for halloween id draw myself as characters i wanted to be but couldnt
all drawings + characters under cut
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these were fun BUT my ability to draw has been absolutely EXHAUSTED so next few pieces of art r probably gonna be low quality/effort
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Gender ambiguous reader
Her reaction to her s/o asking to do her makeup - (3 REmake)
HCs about a first kiss with Jill - (1 REmake)
Pet name HCs - (1 REmake)
Jill with a s/o that likes to smother her face in kisses - (3 REmake)
Hurt/comfort between Jill and her s/o after everything that happened with Wesker and Tricell - (RE 5)
Hug HCs about Jill - (1 REmake)
Meeting the reader when the reader accidentally saves her - (RE Revelations)
Reacting to the reader sacrificing themselves for her - (RE Revelations)
Fem reader
HCs about how Jill would propose to her s/o - (3 REmake)
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tyanis · 10 months
Poll: Most fun Resident Evil game?
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Quality be damned, which of these games did you have the most fun playing?
Originals and remakes are combined for simplicity but please let me know which you preferred.
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