#I better not see the outfit combo ever again
eighteenoheight · 5 months
Ranking Claire Redfield’s outfit repeats because I’m a huge bitch and also proving a point a little bit
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Revelations 2
The blueprint. This is Claire grown. She’s got her dress shirt under a more sophisticated/business casual red leather jacket with blue skinny jeans and heeled boots. Perfect way to serve looks at a Terrasave welcome party before you get kidnapped and trapped on an island with infected. Started the trend and as the great Sidney Prescott once said; “you forgot the first rule of remakes, Jill (Valentine). Don’t fuck with the original”.
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Resident Evil 2 Remake
The second incarnation of the template for a Claire Redfield outfit. A solid interpretation. A red leather jacket with the now essential layered tank top for a female protagonist. Blue skinny jeans again with brown biker boots. Pretty standard and practical for a girl with a motorbike. Safety first though she wears her helmet. Kept mostly fresh and appropriate for a 19 year old.
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Infinite Darkness
Downhill from here. Now we’re just mashing the two previous looks together. We’ve got the red leather jacket, this time the dress shirt is collarless and ill-fitting. Blue skinny jeans yet again, and black boots. The combo is a little odd to me, like wearing flip flops with a tuxedo. Maybe I’m thrown off because the button-up looks to be business casual, if it were black instead of white it would change the look. But I’m not here to give fashion advice, I’m just policing repeat offenders. Maybe not the worst but most definitely not the best.
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Death Island
This is the worst one probably because it’s the most recent version of this look and I’m tired at this point. I wouldn’t say it’s a terrible outfit on its own but this is the fourth time we’ve seen this be done and while the last one was a little bit of a fashion emergency, this one’s just a snooze fest. I see no soul in this. Here we yet again have a red leather jacket this time paired with a plain black undershirt. We’re not done overcooking this repetition because, you guessed right, she’s wearing blue skinny jeans and black boots. A revolutionary take on an outfit we saw almost 10 years ago I must say. I’ll give Claire some credit though, she’s got the red leather jacket industry on lock. She’s only wearing the same shit to keep the economy together. It is so bad, I want to give you a zero. But that’s not possible. So I give you a one.
There seems to be a distinct lack of creativity going on and it’s really sad. I could point out so many artists who have posted their own fan redesigns of Claire that are clearly recognisable as her that are so varied and brilliant. It’s possible to separate Claire from her red leather jackets, skinny jeans and boots. People will still know it’s her. It’s a beyond dead horse at this point and I don’t see it resurrecting (zombie joke) so I beg of whoever is in charge of the character designs over there, please get it together.
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frantic-fiction · 8 months
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(Pic: lovelybluebirdie) I cropped it a bit
Astarion x gn!reader, Astarion x reincarnated!Tav
Summary: A few months after reconnecting to your past life as Tav, a party is set to meet the rest of the group. You're nervous, worried about not living up to who you once were. Will you be enough?
This is a little part 2 of I'll Find My Way Back to You
Notes/ Warning: Pretty much just fluff. Reader is insecure. Astarion is a supportive partner. I kept all 6 origin characters alive because it's my story and I don't want to imagine any of them dead. Also, Halsin's here cause druids live to be like a thousand or whatever.
Word Count: 2.1k
You're not panicking. Why would you be? It's not like you're meeting a group of people you've only met in dreams—a group of strangers you've painted for the better part of your existence- a family forged through hardship from a past life you're still trying to remember fully.
No, you're not panicking. You're not scared that the people who are so excited to see you will not like what they see. You're not terrified the family Astarion has helped you remember will look at you disappointed once they realize you are no longer the Tav they once knew. You're not worried at all. Not. One. Bit.
You spent the afternoon cleaning the house from top to bottom. It was sparkling, and your fingers ached from the hours of scrubbing you filled in the restless day with. No surface was left untouched. Bookshelves were dusted, baseboards were spotless, and even the top of the cupboards, where no one would ever see, were wiped down. The floors were swept and mopped three times now, but you keep finding spots you missed. Astarion even physically stopped you from scaling the roof to clean the chimney when you ran out of things to occupy yourself with.
There's a roast in the oven, potatoes, and veggies cooking alongside it, and a pie cooling on the counter. You wanted to cook more, but you were worried that not everyone would like blueberries or that someone had turned to a plant-based diet. Astarion quickly reminded you that they used to eat food out of dusty barrels and mildewed chests.
Currently, you stand in front of your floor-length mirror. Astarion is out on a quick hunt before the party arrives, leaving you to obsess over your thoughts of inadequacy. The majority of your closet littered the floor. You're scrutinizing a simple tunic and legging combo. Was it too simple? Should you wear something more eye-catching?
You're trying to remember what Tav would have worn. All you can recall is blood-stained armor and simple camp clothes. But this occasion garners something more. Fuck. Stripping off the current outfit, you replace it with an almost identical one and look at yourself in the mirror again. You weren't sure what you expected, maybe to magically love this pair of pants and old tunic. But in reality, you were just as frustrated and worried.
The clothes weren't the problem, you knew that, but it was easier to be pissed at a blouse than to accept that you were scared. You were frightened to face Astarion and Tav's friends. You have Tav's memories and feel an odd kinship with these people. But you weren't Tav, and you would never be them, at least not entirely.
You felt like an imposter to try and convince anyone otherwise. Tears of frustration and disappointment in yourself began to trail down your cheeks. How could a silly artist hold a candle to the kind and heroic savior of Baldur's Gate? You glared at yourself, wishing things could have been different.
You jump when you feel cold arms wrap around your torso and a warm kiss at the nape of your neck. Astarion loved to use his lack of reflection to sneak up on you. You, on the other hand, hated it. Still, you found yourself leaning back into his firm chest.
"Hello, my love,"
You try to stop the pathetic sniffle, but it's useless. Astarion turns you in his arms and cups your jaw. "Darling," is all he says because he knows. Of course, he knows.
That simple pet name causes the floodgates to open, and you crumple into Astarion's chest, nuzzling his neck. He tightens his arms around you, pulling you closer to his body. Astarion lets you cry, knowing how nervous you've been for this meetup.
He rubs soft circles on the small of your back and peppers kisses to the crown of your head. "You can talk to me,"
"W-what if they don't li-like me?"
Astarion moves you both to the bed, skirting around the mess you made. He sits down and pulls you onto his lap to look you in the eyes better. "Why wouldn't they love you?" He prompts, not wanting to push you.
"Star, you know why. I'm not Tav," you hiccup, and you're positive the words you're speaking are incoherent. "I have their memories and some of their mannerisms and…and I'm also allergic to bees, but I'm not them. What if they hate me because I'm not Tav."
Astarion pecks your lips to halt your panicked words. He wipes the tears from your damp face. "No, you are not Tav, but they are part of you. They live in your art, laugh, and kind heart."
"But wha-"
"Let me finish, my love," Astarion smiles, brushing some hair behind your ear. "No one expects you to be Tav. We all love them deeply, but Tav's gone." He swallows hard, the words still hard to voice for him.
Astarion kisses your forehead, then your cheek, and continues to pepper kisses over your face, catching stray tears. "They just want to get to know the beautiful artist I fell in love with. Gale's big mouth might have let them know more about our history than I would have liked, but that doesn't change anything."
"And if they don't like the person you fell in love with?" You ask softly.
"Then fuck all of them. I love you, and if they don't love you as well, then they have no place in my life." His eyes pierce deep into yours, and there's no denying the truth of his words. You are overcome with a wave of love for your vampire and kiss him softly once more. "Now come, my love, by the smell, your roast is done."
"Shit!" You jump off his lap and rush out of the room, self-doubt pushed to the side.
The roast is fine if slightly burnt on the top. It looked juicy and smelled amazing. The vegetables are mush, but the potatoes are tender and seasoned well. It's not your best meal, but there's nothing you can do to fix it now. You left it on the counter to rest and found Astarion in the living room.
He was rehanging one of your paintings- the one you drew late last year after waking up in a cold sweat. It was a complete picture of the party standing on a dock overlooking the Grey Harbor just as the sun rose above the horizon. Astarion helps you fill in the gaps, telling you that this followed the fall of the Absolute.
"What are you doing?" You asked, crossing your arms over your chest and leaning against the wall. You had hidden away most of your art, too embarrassed by the sheer number of canvases depicting the guest due here any minute.
Astarion finishes hanging the painting above the fireplace and turns to you. "I liked this one and thought I'd put it back."
Before you could say anything, there was a knock at the door. Your stomach instantly dropped, and your heart beat hard in your chest. As if sensing your rising anxiety, Astarion moved to your side, his large palm finding the small of your back.
He swiftly kisses your cheek. "One word and I'll throw them all out."
Astarion leaves you and walks to answer the door. Your palms are sweating, and you rub them down your thighs. You take a few deep breaths and pace the room. Not knowing what else to do, you idly fluff up the decorative pillows of the couch and stall.
"Pull yourself together." You mumbled under your breath. You hear the sounds of multiple footsteps, and you know they're all here.
Why did Astarion request for them to arrive all at once? You're still not sure. But you're suddenly very pissed at him for his decision. Having all of them looking upon you like an art exhibit terrifies you.
"My dear," Astarion pokes his head into the room, a warm smile adorning his sharp features. "Would you like to meet our guest?"
You swallowed hard and nodded. Putting on a brave smile, you rounded the couch and reached for Astarion's hand. Threading his fingers with yours, you curled around his arm like a lifeline.
Moving out into the foyer, you shyly look at the group before you. Gale, given the circumstances of your and Astarion's meeting, you had already met. He had relentlessly bothered Astarion until an introduction was made between you and the wizard. But you've only seen the others in the paintings you've made and the dreams you've seen.
Karlach bounced on her feet, Wyll smiling brightly behind her left shoulder. Haslin stood by the door, a beautifully sculpted wooden bear in his arms. Shadowheart stood beside him, her face passive but relaxed and almost pleased. Lae'zel was the farthest from the group, brooding in the corner, looking at you suspiciously. Still, she even loosened her tense shoulders and stepped forward upon your entry.
"Um, hi." You waved meekly, giving them your name, cringing when your voice cracked.
It's quiet for a moment too long, and you're a step away from fleeing when Karlach skips over to you.
"Can I hug you?!" She almost yells, shaking her fists excitedly.
"Karlach!" Astarion scolds. The Tiefling had, by the looks of it, broken a rule he had set for your comfort.
"Sorry, sorry." Karlach's smile fades, and she moves to retreat. Your heart clenches, and it's like your body moves on instinct. You detach from Astarion before you can think, and then your arms are around her waist. Her scalding heat seeps into your bones and listen to the cranks of her engine.
"Hi Karlach," you whispered into her torso. The wind squeezed from your body, and your feet were off the ground.
"It's nice to finally meet you! The letters fangs write didn't do you justice."
Quickly, the group connects like magnets. Wyll crowds in and hugs you from behind, pressing you closer to Karlach. Gale piles on after, then Halsin. Shadowheart nudges her way between the men and apologizes on behalf of everyone but gives you an equally tight squeeze. The group even wrangles Astarion and Lae'zel into this group hug.
These people are supposed to be strangers, but having them close, seeing this family you've watched through someone else's memories for most of your life right before you. It fills you with familiar warmth and affection and has tears of joy in your eyes. You might not be Tav, not entirely, but you still have a place in this little family.
"Um…excuse me, I can't breathe." You squeak out after a moment of suffocation, and the group is quick to disperse.
Wiping away the lingering dampness from your cheek, you take a moment to compose yourself, clearing your throat with a subtle grace. Your hand instinctively finds its way back, and Astarion swiftly recovers it, his touch reassuring. Soft circles dance on the back of your hand, a silent question lingering in his gaze, seeking affirmation that you're all right. You respond with a nod and a comforting squeeze of his hand.
"Ah, well…" you chuckle with a hint of self-awareness. "I have a roast with everyone's names on it. And a blueberry pie; Astarion found a wild patch on one of his hunts."
"Thank the gods, I'm famished," Wyll sighs, his appetite evident as he sniffs the air dreamily. A nudged Karlach sets the communal movement toward the dining room in motion.
Astarion emerges with the wine, gracefully pouring glasses of red for everyone. Gale, the sole visitor to your home beforehand, takes charge of the table settings. With a flick of his fingers and a whispered incantation, plates and silverware align harmoniously. The stage set, the food emerges, and the night takes flight.
It feels like a cinematic scene picking up where it had once paused, a seamless continuation. Laughter weaves through the air, stories unfold, and even the occasional argument dissolves into a chorus of joyous laughter. Though new and fresh, the conversation flows as naturally as breathing. Strangers evolve into friends, and amidst the clinking of glasses, a familial bond begins to sprout. Tav was indeed fortunate to have these beautiful souls around.
As the night bids farewell and everyone departs, you find solace curled up against Astarion. His voice, a gentle undercurrent, softly reads from his newest book, and you gaze up, fixated on the beautiful man before you. A silent expression of gratitude graces your lips, an unspoken acknowledgment directed at Tav. Thanks for giving you a family and the love of your life.
Astarion's fingers scratch your scalp, tenderly coaxing your eyes closed. "What are you thinking about, little love?"
"Just how lucky I am."
"I would argue I'm the lucky one, but I suppose we can share," he smiles; he continues to read to you and massage your scalp until you're puddy against his body, sleep having all but consumed you. The night settles into a tranquil symphony, the warmth of shared love lingering in the serenity.
Okay I know it was a bit cheesy, but I needed so fluffy shit today. Anyway, tell me what you thought I love talking with y'all.
Taglist: heartfully10, ayselluna, marina-and-the-memes
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corruptedcaps · 6 months
Clumsy Me
“It’s a super kind gesture Greg but are you sure there are no other pairs of pants I can wear? Not that I’m not grateful but skin tight leggings aren’t really my style. Plus I know your stepmom Madison ran out on you and your dad like a year ago but she’d kill me if she saw me in a pair of her slick black pants. You’re right beggars can’t be choosers put this is just until my own jeans dry in your machine ok? Still can’t believe I tripped like that, did you always have that foot stool there? Whatever, just give me a minute to change.”
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“Well what do you think? You hate it right? Wait you like it? I guess it is kind of nice, it makes my figure kind of pop doesn’t it? I never thought I’d have the body to pull off anything like this. Can’t believe I’m the same size as you step mom too. Could never wear some of the things she has in there though. All that luxurious fur, expensive jewelry, and those plunging necklines, I could never! Oh whoops I’m so clumsy today, I’ve gone and spilled the second drink you got me on my top. I’ll just sneak back into your step mom’s closet and find something to wear.”
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“There we go, now I’m all dry and warm, despite this new top not covering my navel. When I put it on I realized that something was missing and somehow I knew this belt would tie everything together. I feel so stylish, like one of those bougy bitches at school. Do you think if I wore this to school tomorrow they would notice? I promise I’ll bring it all back after school tomorrow. Thanks!”
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“I know I know I said I would bring the clothes back and I have but I just had to borrow some others. My outfit was a big hit with Cassandra and all her friends, they said I showed real promise! Can you believe that? Only last week they were picking on me. But if I show up tomorrow wearing my usual drab unfashionable outfits they’ll start bullying me again. Plus don’t I look kind of hot in this new combo? I’ve never worn such high boots before or such a short skirt. It’s hard to explain but the clothes just kind of call to me and each piece I choose just makes sense. I never had an eye for fashion before but these clothes are bringing the inner designer out in me and I can’t deny the results!”
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“Hey there handsome, I need to get a new outfit for tomorrow. The girls were in awe yet again. They were right too, I do look better without my glasses. My head is swimming with ideas of what to wear, it was all I could think of last night. What do you mean no? Greg you don’t understand, I need to keep up appearances otherwise I’m toast! Plus your stepmom isn’t around anymore! Still no huh? Well that’s a shame, because you know what else I was thinking last night? I was thinking how if I have to come over everyday to change then you and I should have some fun too. Don’t be coy, I’ve seen how you’ve been looking at me. Look how about you see the lingerie I borrowed, see wouldn’t you like to see me in more?”
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“How did I get in here? I made a copy of your key, duh! If I’m going to be your girlfriend I need to be able to get inside your house when you’re not here. Aren’t you glad I did, like look at this new outfit I put together, all the girls are going to be green with envy when they see me. One of them was telling me that Cassandra was starting to feel threatened by my style, that she thinks I’m going to take over the clique! Can you believe that? Me?! It is kind of hot to think of though, me taking over a group of girls who used to bully me and taking down the head bitch herself. Mmmm it’s got me kind of wet, how about you be a good boyfriend and get our knees for me. There’s a reason why I’m wearing a skirt after all.”
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“You’re breaking up with me? Why? I have not become a bully! Cassandra was the biggest bitch in our school, I just took her down several pegs. In front of the whole school. While she cried. Sure I made all her old friends block her on socials and refuse to talk to her ever again but she deserved it and now that all her friends are mine now I can run the school how it should be. If that means some of life’s losers get bullied then so be it, they don’t deserve my pity or yours. Come on baby I’m offering you the chance to become king, don’t let your morals get in the way of having me as your queen. Fine if that’s how you feel then fuck you loser, you small dicked prick. I only was with you to get access to you stepmom’s clothes, but I don’t need them or you! So long dork!”
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“Oh it’s you creep. Surprised to see me in your house? Well I had every intention of never seeing you again but I was wrong about what I said last week. What? About you? Don’t be stupid, I meant about the clothes. I do NEED them! I bought some hawt clothes of my own but it just wasn’t the same. They weren’t expensive and slutty enough. I was feeling my confidence and power draining over the past few days but now that I’m back in Madison’s clothes I’m feeling more me again. Her bitchy perfume still lingers in their fabric and it’s makes me feel so bad! Your dad let me in and said I should just take whatever I wanted. He was just so accommodating after I put on Madison’s tightest clothes and gave him the best blowjob of his life. He said I should come back everyday and I fully intend on doing so.”
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“Mmm your father was right, blonde does make me look older, more mature, more sexy. Wasn’t Madison a blonde? Why am I even asking you, it will only distract you from cooking. To think a few months ago I was giving you the best handjobs of your life so I could have access to Madison’s clothes and now I’m your dad’s fiancée and all the clothes are mine! You could have had me you know? You could have had this perfect ass but you were worried I had become a bully or some nonsense. Your father loves what a bitch I am and encourages me to be a mean spoilt brat by letting me buy whatever I want. Having access to his money allowed me to buy the clothes I deserved! That’s why I love him unconditionally. It certainly helps he’s so well hung, something you never inherited. Speaking of which I think I just heard him come in, I think he and I can slip in a quickie while you cook. Stay if you want to watch perv.”
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“Don’t look at me worm, just keep scrubbing the floors. Your father and I want this place spotless when we return from our honeymoon but before we leave I just wanted to tell you a secret. I’m pregnant. I have no doubt it will be a girl and I’m going to raise her to be the biggest, meanest slut there even has been. She’ll have everything her cruel heart desires and I’m going to spoil her rotten. She’ll have my fashion sense of course and your father’s ruthless business acumen. What do you think of Maddy for her name, short for Madison? She’ll be such a wicked princess, and you? Well you’ll be here cleaning the floors everyday for the rest of your life. On that note… oooops I’ve spilled my drink all over your clean floor. I guess I’m just so clumsy.”
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patentedsun · 6 months
Rapid fire Fairy Tail rewatch thoughts. May or May not expand upon each point later on.
for reference, I've reached tartaros so far. I am aware of the canon happenings after that tho.
The female cast is so good idc what anyone says obviously the fanservice is awful BUT I will say, in the earlier arcs, it actually felt decently balanced because of Gray's whole stripping shtick + Natsu's cunty vest wasn't particularly modest either LOL.
Erza is such a wonderful character. I've seen comments that she goes downhill like 100yq onwards but. Um. 100yq characterisation.... that's a whole post of its own.
I never expected to like Lucy so much. idc that it takes her like 200 episodes to win a fight solo because when she FINALLY DOES IT WAS THE BEST MOMENT OF THE SERIES BY FAR. characters who's defining traits r kindness and compassion <33
Interesting how Lucy is the traditional shounen protag (underdog, skills develop overtime) because the rest of team Natsu sans Wendy were all like ... already kinda OP established mages even at the beginning.
I know there are debates ab who really is the protag and imo the narrative skews towards Natsu more BUT. it's bizarre how unexplored he is for a main character. Like yes he is my favourite character other than Lucy but his inner psyche is barely explored it's so weird. He doesn't really have a character arc either??? I'll expand on this more once I finish post tartaros (lolll not looking forward to that) and once again it seems like he's completely regressed from what I've seen of 100yq.
I fucking love all the ships.
I don't agree with comments that Natsu can't be traditionally romantic. Like, I definitely don't think he would ever have the natural inclination to be that way as a part of his character on its own. BUT considering iconic rainbow sakura moment I fully believe he would do whatever it is that would make Lucy happy. And if that includes red roses and candlelit dinners he would absolutely try his best.
Nalu moments r seriously. so good.
I totally see why Juvia stans don't like gruvia. But unfortunately I like them. And I've slightly rewritten them in my head so that juvia doesn't get completely flanderized LOL.
the Natsu Erza Gray sibling relationship goes soooo hard.
Just in general there's something beautiful about the way Fairy Tail handles it's numerous platonic and romantic relationships. Nothing feels secondary yk. Everything is given its due time (except maybe NALU goddammit).
I LOVE THAT FEMALE CHARACTERS HAVE DEEP COMPLEX RELATIONSHIPS IRRELEVANT TO THE MALE CAST. Lucy and Levy, Lucy and Yukino, whatever combination between Erza Lucy Wendy, Lucy Flare, Wendy Shelia, Wendy Carla etc
Even when the relationship involves a man in some kind of way like eg Lucy Cana or Erza Kagura it's still not like... in a bad way. The friendship itself is still there, it's just that the inciting incident tends to involve a dude.
Speaking of Lucy having so many deep female friendships is a big reason why I like Nalu so much lol. Like I literally do not care ab ships in media but fairy tail.... just has that something...
Love how often everyone changes outfits.
This show desperately needed a mini arc somewhere with just Natsu Lucy Happy going on a low stake job, where Natsu actually opens up ab his emotions and his relationship with Igneel.
Needed more Natsu and Igneel flashbacks in general.
Wendy triple combo abandonment issues are not talked ab enough holy shit. Grandeeny, Mystogan and then her entire guild???!
Lucy's relationship with her dad was objectively so well written. I skipped starry skies arc sorry the pacing was destroying me so I can't speak on that. But everything else was just BEAUTIFUL.
The fact that she returns to him just to tell at him. The fact that he comes to her with money problems and she STILL stands her ground. The fact that it's HIM who has to better himself and earn HER forgiveness.
Even after it seems like they're on ok terms, Lucy mentions in tenrou that they don't keep in contact, which is soo... realistic...
and then his death... Shout-out to Natsu who actually is emotionally quite mature (as the author himself seems to have forgotten) and dealt with it wonderfully. He gave Lucy her space, he let her vent, he stopped Happy from interfering too much. + Lucy being conflicted ab it and clearly grieving what could have been instead of what was. sighhh. .
idc ab no deaths but I do wish they didn't do fake out deaths as often. Because when actual loss sticks, it's done super well imo. Ultear, Aquarius, I haven't hit this part yet but Igneel... (yes I'm ignoring 100yq)
the episodic fillers r INCREDIBLE.
Rogue and Frosch are so special to me.
Wish they expanded on Jellal and Meredy's relationship a bit more it seems quite wholesome.
I love Virgo.
Really hate the muted colours Ft2014 onwards, but I do like that Lucy's hair became blonde and not yellow.
Pacing 2014 onwards was GOD AWFUL. I WAS SO SAD because I think the story beats in eclipse arc is actually super good but it was DRAGGED OUT SO MUCH nothing had the impact it should've.
Snow fairy, FT, Masayume chasing you will never be forgotten.
Lucy underutilizes Gemini so much it drives me mad. They were terrifying under Angel so like... cmon...
idc what anyone says GMG and edolas were top tier.
Edolas Natsu X Edolas Lucy... yes
objectively speaking gajeel is a top tier character too
Someone pointed out that Natsu didn't reallyyy hang out with anyone other than Happy pre canon and it changed my life. Every time I notice him and Lucy casually hanging out now I start screaming.
HAPPY IS SUCH A GOOD CHARACTER IDC. His edolas character arc was incredible, his relationship with Lucy is just as (if not more) fleshed out as his one with Natsu and that's part of what makes them such a great trio.
Whenever he goes LUUSSHIEEE . my heart ...
OST top tier no notes
the writing was actually so tight up until GMG part 2
I generally don't care ab the powerscaling issues but laxus v jura... no.
The anime kinda fucks up his face a lot but manga Natsu was genuinely soooo adorable in every single panel (once again IGNORING 100YQ).
Wendy also great character arc.
Sting's whole design is SO GOOD and ten years too early. the fur lined vest, the crop top, the one dangly earring, the scar, the loose fitting pants, good God now that's a Look.
Seriously I love Nalu so much...
That's all for now folks. If you want me to expand upon anything just lmk bec believe it or not all of this is a summary.
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dootdootwriting · 1 year
Oooh is it possible to request scenarios with the Liyue boys having a Kitsune s/o (that also has a teasing side like Yae Miko)
featuring: childe; xiao; zhongli; baizhu (new!) tw: teasing, spoilers (?) in baizhu's (for content not released yet) type: fluff, established relationship, mentions of chronic illness in baizhu's, slightly suggestive in childe's part, sparring in childe's part pronouns used: none a/n: multitasking writing this and using my 113 arena tickets in crk <3 i am so sick of those hollyberry/moonlight/pv combos </3 die in agony <3
utc for length as usual!
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In the name of Rex Lapis, if that man overworked himself one more time you would force him into paid vacation.
This was not the first time Baizhu had collapsed at work, and certainly would not be the last. With his condition, of course it would happen, that in itself wasn't what bothered you -- it was the fact that, despite being perfectly able to keep track of his symptoms and react accordingly, your much beloved partner always insisted on continuing his work.
"You know," you hummed, hauling him gently off the floor, "if you wanted to see me home early so badly, you didn't need to go to all these lengths."
Baizhu managed a smile and a light huff in recognition. "You know I would spare you the trouble if I could."
"Trouble? Taking care of you is nothing but a pleasure." Baizhu's bed, thankfully, was not far away, and you sat him upright on the mattress, checking his breathing and heartbeat for any irregularities. Fortunately, you didn't find any, so you gave Baizhu the OK to start work again -- SLOWLY -- along with a soft kiss on his head.
"Thank you," Baizhu called before you left, "for not making me feel like a burden."
"Are you kidding? Getting to see your gorgeous face every day is a blessing from the archons themselves."
Though you had your back turned, you could feel his blush, from all the way across the room.
"Can't keep up?" came the ever-familiar sneer from a few feet away. You sprung back up to your feet and leveled your daggers at Childe, who insisted on sparring every weekend as a "couple's bonding activity." You weren't sure if he liked showing off or getting rough better.
"You wish," you shot back, and within the blink of an eye you were on him. With one knife just grazing his jugular and the other tossed aside to pin his arms behind his back, you sneered back at him. "What's the matter big boy, cat got your tongue?"
For half a second, you could see your boyfriend's thought process stop abruptly. His eyes widened and his mouth parted, light traces of the start of a blush making itself clear across his freckle-covered cheeks.
And then he was back to his usual self. "Okay, you win!" he dropped the spear he'd been using, raising his arms up in a surrender motion and backing a few steps away.
"I swear, you get me every time when you talk like that..."
As much as Xiao loved you, he sure didn't visit you very often. It wasn't intentional or anything -- he was just new to the whole relationship thing, and he wasn't exactly the best at, well, quality time.
So, naturally, you put on your best outfit, made sure you were looking snazzy, and went to wait for him at the Wangshu Inn. Verr Goldet recognized you as soon as you walked in and let you upstairs. Now all there was left to do was wait.
Xiao's room wasn't much, honestly; a bed mostly for you and a dresser and a rug was all that was anything close to decoration. You recognized a vase of qingxin flowers, a gift from you a few months ago, now sitting on the windowsill and wilting despondently.
"Who let you in here?"
Xiao had appeared in the doorway, silhouette illuminated by the light in the hallway.
"What do you mean who let me in here? Verr Goldet did, of course. And besides," you said, making your way over to him and taking his face in your hands, "you owe me some time together. With the way you've been avoiding me you'd think you didn't want me anymore~!"
Xiao looked back at you, horrified, as you laughed lightly.
"Only joking, dear. But really, we have some catching up to do."
If you had told any of the adepti a century ago that in a hundred years the venerable Rex Lapis would be seen in human form wandering the harbor with a silver-tongued partner, they would have reacted one of two ways, depending on the adeptus.
"Absolutely not, no way in hell," or "Archons, that's a relief. He needs a break."
He did, of course, need a break. And that's where you came in. Because after centuries of violence and upholding peace over an entire region, anyone would get tired and want to settle down. And though that's exactly what Zhongli did, he would occasionally feel the need to continue on with work at the funeral parlor long past overtime.
"Aw, and leave me all alone to watch the ships tonight? I really thought our little tradition meant something to you," you would pout, giving him a hopeful glance. Zhongli, of course, knew exactly what you were playing at.
"Well, alright. I suppose I can spend a few hours with you tonight." Your persuasion and good nature was always exactly what he needed to make sure he was taking enough care of himself and you.
"Only a few?"
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authoravalonroselin · 2 months
Cinderella Boy Cosplay Ideas
And here I am, with no free spending money, putting together Chase and Buddy cosplays for my husband and I. I am not in the habit of sewing my own clothes anymore (donated my dress form and sewing machine years ago) so here's the kind of look I'm going with...hoping most of it can be thrifted, or otherwise picked up inexpensively online...if I even go through with it...
Anyway if you wanna help me be a nerd and cosplay, did you know you can buy my books on Ko-Fi and it has a pay-what-you-want feature? Just saying...
Chase: Fairly easy, just a plain white shirt and pale blue jeans combined with the most 80s/90s core jacket matching his color scheme I could find:
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And of course, the matching Chuck Taylor All-Stars:
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And wig! It's not cosplay without a wig! (I mean it totally can be if you can't or don't want to wear a wig, but for me? gotta wig it up)
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Overall looking at about... $150? Not the most I've spent on a cosplay for sure.
Fortunately my husband already has boots and slim-fit black pants so it really just comes down to the top...
Now, for Buddy, he's frequently called "mall goth" by Chase, so I want to go for a look that could come straight out of classic Hot Topic...which means, I looked mostly at brands that Hot Topic USED TO carry for inspo. Because they don't really carry a lot of goth clothes for guys anymore. ugh.
So anyway looking for a top that fit Buddy's "standard" outfit? or even his general design sense, that would make sense for my husband to wear?? Absolute hell. Fuck this design but also damn it's a good design.
Best I can fucking do is a shirt/vest combo:
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And wig:
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If anyone has anything better for Buddy's "standard" outfit (as we see him when first introduced) then by all means please drop recs in the reblogs/comments but. This is what we got. ~$100 for Buddy, I think?
Again not the most expensive cosplays ever but while we still have other ones we can wear...these will be on the back burner. (much as I'd like to make videos with them...)
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chiyeko-kurea · 6 months
Just venting:) If you like reading ig
I felt so ugly recently. The kind of ugly that feels different.
So there was dude at school (im in the equivalent of US 12th grade) that I thought liked me since we had quite a few eye contacts and shit, and I felt him staring a couple times. Also there was an *event* that would be kinda long to explain but anyway I really thought he kinda liked me, or at least fucking noticed me.
But then nothing much, I glanced at him when he was around but nothing.
Then my knees got bad again -not that they ever really get better- so I had to take my fucking crutch (which paradoxically make me feel more tired at the end of the day but hey, at least I don't fall pathetically in front of everyone.) First shitty thing, a friend from class and I were waiting in front of the examination room because we had an oral exam and, guess who arrives to wait in front of the classroom just next to ours? Yup, this guy. Out of all the possible classrooms and time slots. Anyways, he's walking down the hallway and when he has to walk in front of me (and my friend), without even glancing at me, he weaves in some sort of way that I interpreted as 'ew', because me and my damn crutch were taking all the space. So I was just like 'oh' inside. Second thing, the other day I was climbing up -"limping up" ig- the stairs with my crutch, and it was one of my bad days (greasy hair, eye bags worse than usual, my ugly a$$ glasses because I couldn't see a damn thing.) I was exhausted and trying to lift myself up every step while holding my crutch with my other hand (mf old building from XIX century with a uselessly huge amount of stairs) and I run into him again. He goes up the stairs, slowing down when he reaches my level and gives me the LEAST discreet side eye. He had a look on his face like 'wtf's going on with her'. Not worried, just curiosity, enough to make him look but not enough to stop and ask what's wrong or offer help.
Just like fucking everybody, I guess.
The same kind of glance everybody gives me, full of questions. Why do I have only one crutch? Why do I have a limp? What's wrong with me? Why do I move like I'm 80 when I'm young? Why am I in pain? Am i faking it? But then, they're obviously not going to actually ask, and they walk past me, and forget about me, but I don't.
When I go out, people don't notice the hair I spent so much time straightening, or the way I absolutely nailed my eye makeup and my lip combo looks so good on me, they don't notice my outfit or jewelry no matter how much it shines and how the gold of my earrings matches the one of my rings and necklace and bag. They notice the crutch. The limp. And they stare. First their eyes fall on my gait and slides up the crutch to look at my face, and that's when they see I'm already looking at them. And it's weird to see a young woman, a girl, like that. And I know they're not thinking 'what a pretty girl', they're thinking 'what's wrong with her'.
And that's a funny thought, because I don't even know myself.
Anyways. Yeah I feel ugly, because I wish I was looked at for my appearance, the way people silently stare at gorgeous girls in public. But I'm not even pretty, and I guess I wish I was just ignored.
I wish I was normal.
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writingwithciara · 8 months
Just Friends ~Jack Avery~
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summary: jack doesn't like that he & the girl he's loved for years are never going to be more than just friends
word count: 1.7k
pairings: jack avery x reader
notes: based off THIS song. & yes, I still listen to the jonas brothers because they’re incredible af. italics are song lyrics. [this has been in my drafts for so long]
there she goes again, the girl i'm in love with, it's cool we're just friends
Jack stood against the set of lockers as he watched y/n grab her belongings. He would do anything to prove how much he loved her, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. Their friendship was fairly new to him & he didn't want to scare her off, since he had waited almost 8 years to finally build up the nerve to talk to her.
"Hey, Jack, what are you doing after school today?" she asked him.
"N-nothing. Why?"
"My mom wants me to babysit my sister but I already made plans with Marcus. She said I could go on my date if I found a suitable replacement." y/n looked up at him with pleading eyes. "Will you do it, please?"
"Yeah, sure. Just, uh, don't stay out too late."
"I won't. Thank you so much, Jack. I owe you one." she smiled and walked down the hall to meet up with Marcus.
Marcus Devonshire. Jack envied him, not only because he had y/n, but because he was too nice to hate. Not one person in school had a bad thing to say about Marcus, and it absolutely irritated Jack.
"Yo, earth to Jack." a hand waved in front of his face & he zoned back in, not realizing he had actually zoned out. He looked up to see his best friend standing in front of him.
"I'm sorry. What?"
"I asked if you had plans after school."
"Yeah, I actually do."
"Really? What are you even doing?"
"I'm babysitting y/n's sister so she can go on her date with Marcus."
"That girl has you wrapped around her finger. It's been, what, 8 years of pining? When will you give up that idea?"
"Because, Gavin, she's been the object of my affection for 8 years & I'm working on a plan to get her to fall in love with me."
"It's never gonna work." Gavin rolled his eyes. In reality, he really wanted Jack & y/n to get together but he felt that if he added more wood to the fire, Jack would mess something up.
Later that night, Jack walked up to y/n's house and knocked. When she answered the door, Jack suddenly forgot what he was doing there.
"Hey, Jack. You're early."
"I know. I had nothing else to do so I thought I'd come over & maybe we could hang out a little before you go on your date."
"Okay, sure. That sounds like fun." she opened the door more and let him in. They walked through her house and went into the back room.
"So, where is Marcus taking you tonight?"
"Just to dinner and a movie. Our anniversary is this weekend but he's going out of town with his parents so we're celebrating tonight."
"Anniversary, huh? How long?"
"2 years." she looked up at him and smiled.
"He's a pretty lucky guy, you know."
"You really think so?"
"Of course." he looked at her quickly before turning his attention back to the tv screen. "I guess you're pretty lucky too. He's probably the nicest person I've ever met."
"Yeah, he really is." she looked at her phone. "Will you help me pick out an outfit for tonight?"
"Y-yeah sure. Why not."
"Perfect." she stood up and walked into her room. Jack followed and took a quick look around. He had only been in her room 2 times before & this time it just felt different. "Okay, since it's a simple dinner and movie, which of these do you think fits the tone better?"
Jack looked over at her as she held the outfits up to her body. "I like the white ripped jeans with the purple crop top & black jacket. But the sundress and the jean jacket look good too. If you want to impress him, the jeans and the crop top combo should do the trick."
"Alright. Yeah. That looks perfect. Thanks, Jack."
"No problem. He smiled as she headed into her bathroom to change. Jack looked around her room again and took in all the trophies she won in the past. Most of them were for gymnastics but the last few were from cheerleading competitions. She always had multiple scholastic awards placed on her walls and shelf. It was like she was the female version of Marcus, proving they were perfect together.
"Okay. I really like this outfit." she walked out of the bathroom and spun around to show Jack.
"Looks cute, y/n."
"Thank you for all your help tonight, Jack." she looked at him and smiled. "There's one more thing I need your help for. You can say no if you want."
"What is it?"
"Do you know how to do a french braid?"
"Yeah. I actually do." he chuckled. "Kind of a benefit of having so many sisters."
"Will you do my hair into a french braid? I never get it right." she went over to her vanity and sat down. Without hesitation, Jack stood behind her and began working on her hair.
They say the most intimate thing you can do with your significant other is wash their hair and even though he wasn't washing it, and she wasn't his significant other, Jack had never felt more intimate with anyone before.
"There. All done." he placed the tie on the end of the braid and let her admire his work.
"Wow. This is incredible." she turned to him and hugged him. "The whole outfit is tied together now. Thank you. I owe you."
"That's two things you owe me now." he held up two fingers and laughed. "Pay me back whenever you want to."
"It'll be soon, I promise." she smiled. "So what are yours and April's plans for Valentine's Day?"
"April? Oh no. We're not together."
"Really? I just thought you were since you're with her more than you're with Gavin."
"Nope. I am very much single." he chuckled. "Plus, she's Gavin's sister and that would be weird."
"Hmm, I might know someone you could date."
"Really? Who?"
"My friend Lexi. She lives two towns over and hasn't had a steady boyfriend in a while. She's pretty & I think you two would make a very attractive couple."
"As much as I appreciate the offer, I have my eyes set on someone already?"
"Oh, really? Does she go to our school?"
"Yes she does." he looked up at her and smiled as she tried to think of who it could be.
"Jessica Lambert?"
"Marissa Robinson?"
"No. I can't tell you who it is because you know her & she has a boyfriend so if word got out that I liked her, her boyfriend would kill me."
"Oh, please? Your secret will be safe with me, I promise."
"No can do. Sorry. Only Gavin knows and that's the way it's going to stay."
"You're no fun." y/n faked a pout and looked at her phone. "Marcus is on his way. Let's go downstairs." Jack followed her back down to the living room. "Since Delia isn't home yet, you can just chill here. But I'll be back around 10:30, I promise." y/n took one last look at him before stepping outside & getting into Marcus' car. Delia walked in a few minutes after y/n left and she smiled when she saw Jack waiting for her. Their mom informed him that she'd be out all night, and then she left.
A few hours later, Delia was asleep & Jack was alone again. He checked his phone constantly to see what time it was.
10:45 pm & y/n still wasn't home. Jack began to worry. At 11, he decided he should try to call her. Just as he pulled up her contact, his phone started ringing & her picture flashed across his screen. He answered before it rang again.
"Hey. Where are you? Are you okay?"
"Yeah. I'm fine. I was just calling to tell you I'd be home in half an hour."
"Okay. Why so late?"
"We just, uh, lost track of time. I'll tell you more when I get home, alright?"
"Alright. Please be safe." he hung up before he could hear her response. 11:30 rolled around and y/n slowly walked into the house. She nearly screamed when she saw Jack.
"Jesus, Avery. Give a girl some warning, would ya?"
"Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you."
"It's alright." she smiled and walked into the living room. "How was your night?"
"Surprisingly fun. Delia and I played hide-and-seek for a while & then we drew some pictures."
"Did she get you to play dolls with her?
"Yeah. And it was fun."
"Wow. She's got you wrapped around her finger, doesn't she?"
"It sure seems that way, huh?" he chuckled and looked at her. "I guess that's just something you two have in common."
"Hmm, what do you mean?"
"You know I'd do anything for you, right? Like, there's no request too silly or stupid that I wouldn't do for you."
"Oh, right." she looked at him. "Yeah, you're in love with me."
"What? No I'm not."
"You can't lie to me, you know."
"Okay, fine." Jack sighed and looked at her. "You're my friend but sometimes, I wish you were more than that. No, I take that back. It's not just sometimes, it's all the time. Every single day for the last 8 years. It's been torture for me to see you with Marcus & it's so much harder because he's literally the best person ever. I hate it. I hate that he got you first. I hate that he's so nice. Most importantly, I hate that I can't hate him. It's just not fair."
"Jack, why didn't you tell me? Things would be so different than they are now."
"I know. And I'm sorry I had to tell you tonight. I just felt that I needed to let it out, since it's been locked inside for 8 freaking years." he stood up and walked towards the door. "It's cool that we're just friends."
taglist: @worldlxvlys​
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daincrediblegg · 1 year
I’ve been seeing some complaints about Hari’s wig so I’ve decided to use my arcane knowledge of Jared Harris images to rate some looks from 1 (I’m questioning my choices) to 10 (I’ve never been more right) in order to prove the point that that wig wasn’t even the worst look he's ever had. Not even close.
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1. the jaz haz of receiving psychic damage. With the exception of the moustache he is perfectly fine (honey. Listen. It just doesn’t work in this case. ily) but also him making that face specifically like he’s psyduck personified is extremely funny to me. 7/10
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2. He looks like he could conceivably be in mortal kombat??? But also his fatality move would be the lamest shit ever? Babygirl you don’t fight like that. Put those things down. You’re gonna hurt yourself. Simultaneously I feel like I’ve stumbled onto the set of a very strange porno from the 70’s and I’m actually a little uncomfortable (again. Honey. You can do better with the stache thing. I’ve seen it. There are some good images with you in a mustache. It’s not this one tho I’m sorry) 5/10
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3. The fuckin wig. Listen. Y’all in the hair and makeup department do wonderful things on this show. Really. I mean that. But what made us say that this is the move? Who said “young Hari, huh? I know what to do” and then made him a fucking beatle in the worst way possible (though I can’t entirely fault them- wouldn’t be the first time he’s done this). Though I suppose they didn’t want us to forget that this show is a comedy, and at least they’re aware of that. 5/10
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5. … who is he? He came out of the fucking woods with the most unimaginable stank and breath of haggis. I literally am completely baffled by his presence. Perhaps a little perturbed by it. Perhaps a little turned on. Who knows. Schrodinger’s rating: either 2/10 or 6/10 depending on how desperate I am
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6. Literally the ideal man. I don’t know what to tell you folks but you’re lookin at him. He looks like he just stumbled out of an elton john houseparty at 3am and is still riding out his ecstasy high and if he asked me for my firstborn child I don’t think I or any godly creature could possibly refuse him. 100000/10
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7. Orenge. This one I felt merited 3 consecutive images bc the frequency of this appearance astounds me. This man like my father before him has held onto his yellow sunnies from the 90’s for far too long. There has never been a more depression image ever shot than that first one and it was really mean of the person who took this to do that, but also it’s a mood somehow. Can’t shake the combo of this with the buzz tho like thats… buddy there are better choices. I am glad you are making them now but damn. 4/10
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8. Danger Will Robinson… you’ve been assigned old man at birth by production crew. Even that benjamin button cunt didn’t have it this bad. EVEN WIG BOY HARI SELDON DOESN’T HAVE IT THIS BAD!!!! I deadass want to take him home and put him in a bath and make him bathe in conditioner for a week. 1/10
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9. Now look here sonny jim. You can’t do this to him. Like I’m sorry. What was the logic here, disney? You make a man look so unabashedly GORGEOUS with the long red hair and the outfit and the whole thing? Only to have him say fuck all?? You don’t deserve him. NONE of you deserve him. I want to take him to a whore house in red dead redemption and fuck him silly. I want justice for the bitches that wronged him. 9/10
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moonlight-phobia · 1 year
𝙳𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙻𝚒𝚏𝚎 - Cater and Trey
Here we are! Dating Life scenarios for Cater and Trey!
Gender neutral pronouns used for MC/Yuu!
This one is pretty short but ehh it’s something for you all
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❄︎ What a sweetie! Really the perfect boy to date honestly
❄︎ Very observant he has many sisters after all, so he’s good at checking in on his significant other on a daily basis
❄︎ Did you eat? No? Let’s go and get some food together! Sat out at gym? Perfectly fine let’s go and paint the roses for some activity!
❄︎ Makes customized playlist for him and you only
❄︎ Has a Magicam sub page for you and him only it’s literally pictures of just the two of you and your public dates or things that remind him of you
❄︎ Picnic dates are top tier to him and he makes it all by himself!
❄︎ Will offer for you to get transferred over to Heartslabyul because he really doesn’t like the state of Ramshackle until it’s completely fixed
❄︎ Cater is really protective though of his lover and even if you don’t believe it his phone is full of media blackmail that even Azul is afraid of.
❄︎ Does use his unique magic clones to make sure things are getting done through the day so he can spend more time with you instead!
❄︎ The song that reminds him of you: Invisible Sensation by Unison Square Garden
❄︎ Types of Kisses: Jawline Kiss
❄︎ Kisses are pretty normal coming from him and that’s how he greets you doesn’t matter if it’s been a few minutes to an hour
❄︎ When the school is closed for holidays he brings you too his hometown too see everything along with his family!
❄︎ Oh he’s so good though with outfits! Couple outfits are so important to him even if it seems annoying.
“Hey hey it’s your favorite boy Cay-Cay!~ Ready to go out I’m waiting outside the door for our picnic? Ah- huh~ Don’t worry I got everything for us Marigold! So come on and let’s go already I got all your favorites and mine too- let’s test out my new vintage camera~”
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❄︎ Most respectful boyfriend to ever live on the face of the human earth
❄︎ Breakfast in bed is pretty much an everyday thing when it comes to him though.
❄︎ Holds your hand very gently, he always hold onto your fingers instead or laces his fingers through your own.
❄︎ Invites you to come over during the Cooking Club so you can taste test things for him
❄︎ Even if he’s getting ready for the next step in his career since he’ll be next to run his family business theres time dedicated for you
❄︎ Brings you too meet his family during the break and they absolutely love you- but also question how you can deal with Trey and his weird food combos that he tries to trick people into-
❄︎ The song that reminds him of you: Dance, Dance by Fall Out Boy
❄︎ Types of Kisses: Drink Kiss
❄︎ Doesn’t care he loves sharing a nice glass with you- mostly when it comes to milkshakes of sharing the same glass for an almost indirect kiss!
❄︎ He’ll allow you to wear his hat almost of the time- says it looks better in you then him.
“Yes- my siblings want too see you again my sweet Lady Slipper. When? If you’re free we can go this weekend you know~ Mm..I can see you looking down at me you know my little royalty. Come out of your castle now- pff? Calling me old fashioned? Now now come down here and say that to my face~”
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lei-lei-writez · 2 months
Chapter 2: Kashton
Kashton laid in his bed, struggling to wake up, his exhaustion taking over. That’s when his alarm went off again, after hitting snooze for the millionth time.
“Damn it…” He sat up groggily and rubbed his eyes. It was still quite early so he had plenty of time to get ready for school. He stumbled down the hallway to the bathroom, turning on the shower and getting in.
Kashton’s life wasn’t the most eventful, he didn’t have much to think about. He thought about what would be going on today, homework was due, he’d might hang out with his friends, maybe even hit the gym, all that kind of stuff. The warm water from the shower really helped soothe his muscles after his workout from yesterday.
As he stepped out of the shower, he wrapped a towel around his waist and headed to his room. He threw on a tank top and a pair of sweatpants for his outfit, nothing too crazy. He went to the kitchen where he made a smoothie for his breakfast and headed back up to his room.
Surprisingly the flavour combo for the smoothie he made today wasn’t that bad, he’d saw a recipe online and decided to try it. As he drank his smoothie he checked his phone, looking through his social media.
He checked his Snapchat, continuing his Snapstreaks and checking stories. “Amy and her boyfriend…Damian got food, shocker. Layton and Xavier…” He paused as he saw Layton’s story, she was with Xavier.
Kashton hated Xavier. He didn’t like how they were dating, Kashton had many bad feelings about him.
“Damn it…Layton, I wish you’d just leave him…”
He frustratedly put his phone in his pocket and picked up his backpack, putting his smoothie cup in the sink and heading out the door.
Kashton didn’t live very far from his school, it was only about a 5 minute walk, as he’d walk some other kids would wave to him or say hello to him, nothing too special.
Once he’d make it to school, he’d go to his class and prepare for the lesson. He’d try to pay attention in his classes, waiting for the lunch bell to ring. Once it did, he headed off to look for Layton.
As he walked down the hall he bumped shoulders with someone and out of all people, it was Xavier.
“Hey! Watch it, Kash!” Xavier also hated Kashton too, but they never showed it in front of Layton. “It’s not a big deal, calm the hell down!” Kashton said in a defensive tone. He gave Xavier another quick shove before continuing to find Layton.
Finally after a bit of searching, he found her, she waved and he waved back, giving her a smile. Sure, he felt like a third grader with all these feelings he had for Layton but they were just how he genuinely felt.
He then suddenly felt himself being shoved out of the way by Xavier, of course. Every time he saw Xavier he just wanted to rip him to shreds, not just because he had Layton but because he was just a terrible person yet Layton couldn’t ever see that. Because Xavier would hide it around her.
Kashton could hear the conversation that Xavier was having with Layton. He could hear all the nonsense spewing out of his mouth while he had to listen. Layton would occasionally say something herself and would even laugh, why couldn’t he be the one to make her laugh?
“Alright bae, I’ve gotta go, I promised I’d eat with my friends today.” Layton understandingly nodded “Alright, love you.” “Love you too.” Xavier gave her a peck on the cheek and headed off, smirking cockily at Kashton while doing so.
“So…you wanna eat lunch with me, Kashton?”
He immediately accepted “Yeah, of course.”
She began walking off to a spot in the cafeteria, Kashton following behind. Once they found a table, they began to eat the shitty food that was served.
“So, Layton? How is volleyball going?”
Layton stopped picking at her food “Oh it’s going great. My team is in division 3 which basically means we are definitely one of the better teams.”
Kashton nodded “Yeah, I still remember how badly I did in gym class during volleyball…”
Layton smiled “Hey, you weren’t that bad, I mean, everyone starts somewhere. I can teach you after school if you’d want to get more into it.”
Kashton smiled and he felt his face getting slightly warm, he always liked hanging out with Layton after school. “Yeah that’d be nice! And when hockey season comes around, I could show you how to skate.” Layton chuckled “You and your hockey stuff, I swear you’re obsessed.” Kashton shrugged “I guess you could say that.”
She smiled and looked down at her plate of whatever kind of mush she had been served, her face saddening. Kashton caught on to this immediately “Hey? What’s wrong?” Layton looked up at him “Oh, nothing. Just tired, I guess.” Kashton saw it in her facial expression that there was more to just ‘being tired’ but he didn’t want to question her any more. Eventually the bell rang and it was time to get back to classes.
During one of his classes which he was totally paying attention to, he decided to text Layton about hanging out after school. She knew she was also most likely not paying attention so he’d might as well take the chance before Xavier would try asking.
Kashton: “Hey Layton? I think we should totally hang out after school.”
Layton: “Alrighty then, I’m fine with that.”
Kashton: “K, meet me at that tree with the bench underneath.”
Layton: “Okee, I’ll bring my volleyball too.”
Kashton: “Sounds good, ttyl.”
Layton: “k byeee.”
Kashton set his phone down with a sigh, finally there was at least something to look forward to.
“Someone’s happy?”
Kashton jumped slightly and looked to the side.
“Dammit, Maxwell! Stop doing that shit!”
Maxwell, Kashton’s best friend leaned back in his chair. “You’re talking to Layton, I assume?” “Yes I am, so what?”
Max chuckled “Someone’s obsessed.”
Kashton rolled his eyes “No, I’m just tryna get closer to her.” Max sighed “Listen, the closest you’re getting to her is being her best friend, she’s with Xavier y’know?” Kashton sighed and nodded, he was right and there wasn’t really any denying it.
Max smirked “The way you look at her is hilarious though. I know I’m your head you’re thinking ‘Damn! I’ve gotta be with her! I wanna fuc—“ Kashton punched him in the arm. “Do NOT continue that sentence, man!” Max rubbed his arm while laughing “Oh come on! I just know you think of that!” Kashton’s face was becoming hot again “Just shut it.”
Max raised his hands in mock defence. “Fine.”
Kashton put his phone in his bag and sighed “Well, now I wait till the end of the day.” Max sighed “Good luck with that, with your level of patience, I can tell it’ll be difficult for you.”
After what felt like an eternity, the dismissal bell had rung and Kashton sprinted out of the school, dashing to the spot where him and Layton would meet. Once he was there, he caught his breath and began waiting for Layton. Kashton eagerly kept looking around, wondering when she’d been there and soon enough, he saw her approaching. He took note of her appearance, despite already seeing her today. The way her hair blew gently in the wind, her dark brown eyes looking up at him, her hips swaying as she walked, she even had her volleyball in hand just like she promised.
As soon as made it over to Kashton, he smiled widely at her, finally he could hang out with her. “Hey Layton.”
“Hey Kashton, I brought the volleyball. So where are we heading?”
“Um…how about my house?” Kashton asked.
“Sure! Let’s go then!”
As they began making their way to Kashton’s place, he tried to reach out to hold Layton’s hand but he realized he shouldn’t so he kept it at his side.
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ryuichirou · 8 months
Today’s replies! One about SnK, one about SPTO, a bunch about TWST.
6ubble-gum asked:
Every so often I'll find ur tiny founding titan arts again and spend a good long few minutes gushing over it lmao. snk is dead to me but tiny founder is alive and well (espec the fleas art)
Ahh it’s so sweet that you remember and look at it from time to time! I’ll repeat myself, but wow it is truly surprising that our SnK stuff isn’t totally forgotten. I feel like even I don’t remember the majority of it…
I’m very glad our teeny tiny Founder (with his little fleas) makes you happy~ God I remember when we drew it and these were the newest chapters…  wild times.
Anonymous asked:
Speaking of Yandere Todd, I can already imagine him being extremely jealous of Mobile. Mobile would have to fight Wallace’s ‘evil ex’. They would have a fight to see who’s the better psychic for Wallace. And then Wallace watched all of this with a drink in his hand while he cheers his boyfriend on. And then he might call for a restraining order on Todd. That’s what I can imagine
OH NOOO I love how absolutely devastatingly one-sided this is. Wallace cheering Mobile on, Mobile winning…  At least Todd got his participation prize… which is a restraining order 😔
Jokes aside, I find it endlessly amusing that Wallace just keeps hooking up with psychic guys. I don’t necessarily think it’s intentional, but I do think Wallace benefits from it very nicely. In a lot of ways…
And it does make the psychic vs psychic scenarios very possible, I would honestly love to watch them fight. Or to draw them fighting... For some reason though (lol) I get a feeling that Mobile is more powerful than Todd. Gotta train more! For Wallace Wells! 💪
Anonymous asked:
I found your art on pinterest, here's the link: [I edited out the link]
Thank you for letting us know, Anon! Unfortunately, I don’t know if there is anything I can do to take it down… But we still appreciate you letting us know. Pinterest doesn’t respond to the request promptly.
The comments are hilarious though. Love it when people talk about me as if I’m a cryptid that steals people’s fingers and eats their kids.
Anonymous asked:
Do you think Idia and Lilia will ever do cosplay together and if yes, what couple are they cosplaying?
I feel like Lilia is that force in Idia’s life that could make him consider things that used to be a definite “no-no” to him, and we do know that Idia actually doesn’t mind cosplaying as long as his head is hidden… And the whole cosplay thing sounds like something Lilia would want to try at least once, so maybe that could happen. If there is a combo of a character with his face (and head: can’t show burning hair) completely hidden + someone tiny and adorable? In any way, Idia is definitely going to overthink this whole thing, only for Lilia to change his mind and tell Idia that they should switch costumes with each other at the very last moment lol
Anonymous asked:
Got Azul, Jamil, Idia, and Riddle on a loading screen today and I blame you for immediately thinking about how much of a dream come true it would be for Azul to have all three of them 😂
Haha YESSSSS YESSSSSSSSS (proud of our bad influence)
It really is a dream come true, what a wonderful harem of reluctant lovers that don’t even like Azul all that much. But it doesn’t matter, because all three of them are his and his only <3
Good for him!
Anonymous asked:
have you seen ruggie’s club outfit?? he looks so good, i can’t wait till we get to see what his bottoms—i mean leona and epel look like in their club gear
Yeah I have! It’s very cool, it suits Ruggie a lot. He really does look like he is about to go and dominate some bitches lol
It’s also cool to finally see the uniform that magift players wear… is this the first time we’re seeing it? They usually wear their PE uniform... It’s a great design, and once again, Ruggie deserves to look cool. Good for him too!
Anonymous asked:
Random thought but Riddle being both in Heartslabyul and Horseback riding club... He's really constantly surrounded by big-tiddied green men :3 Good for him
Oh god I keep forgetting that Sebek also has a constant presence in Riddle’s life… you’re so right omg, what a sick twist of fate. Widdle Widdle (little Riddle) and big-tiddied green men that just keep spawning around him AHHH
Seriously, good for him. Am I ending the third reply in a row with this phrase? Well, everyone got what they deserved…
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phoenixcatch7 · 8 months
Just finished bayonetta and honestly it was SO GOOD. FanTASTIC game. Final thoughts:
The final boss fights were both a million times easier than expected but they were over fast enough the hype hadn't had time to run out (and the manic pixie dream girl style bayonetta playlist I had blasting didn't hurt either XD. Hard to be irked when you've got Bling Bling firing at twice speed while you fight a giant hair tentacle lady with face missiles IN SPACE).
Also going in knowing the bayo 2 ending is so much worse because you can see how 500yrs of loptr has just eroded him into a shell of himself ToT. This weapon flailing peacock wearing ash white lunatic is so far from the righteous, devoted warrior who loved his family above all else 😭. He's still wearing his wedding ring!!! And he dotes on tiny cereza whom he never got to hold, but that's it. That's all that's left...
Bayo 2 did the sequel plot twist thing so good, because you can see so much more of loptr in him than balder. The speech rhythm, the weirdly crooning faux polite monologuing, the rippling blue of his eye and outfit despite all his magic (both in this and the next game) being gold?? Yeah!!!
The peacock feathers in his boss fight though,,,,, sooooo pretty. They moved so beautifully, it really had so much elegance and grace, even when I was chopping him up 😍
Him and Jubileus were kinda cheese though. Like, the final Jeanne boss fight was a million times harder and with so much high stakes (having to redo the missile section again). I died like THREE times, and one was because I was curious as to what would happen if I threw Jubileus into a planet (spoiler - she did not in fact take damage but instead shook herself off with an evil grin and one shotted me, boo).
The dance video was so much better than I expected! She moves so fast lmao. There's a lot of repetitive moves but she does it at such speed!! It looks like such a fun dance too lol.
And!! I unlocked the gallery and stuff!!! 100/10 it was an absolute blast to look through and listen to the music, I literally examined every single model and every single piece of concept art. Bayonetta's designs were all amazing but no one told me how feminine every SINGLE character was posed!!! Crying laughing. Everyone had their legs like a meter apart apart from balders 'rich new widow meeting the police at her door' energy.
New drinking game: go through the enemy/demon models and take a shot for every face/human skull you see. It's so creepy lol. Phenomenal character design on all fronts!
Got 10,000 halos for finishing the game and immediately spent it all on the super outfit maker thing. I deserved it!!
Also apparently I got an achievement for using 20 wicked weaves with dodge offset, which is hysterical given I still don't know how to do dodge offset. Still don't know any combos either! It's a miracle I made it this far XD.
The characters are great, even the bosses have little interactions with bayonetta (mostly her cutting them off and shooting them lmao) and the found family energy the bayo/cereza/luka trio had was off the charts, but I'm so glad they didn't go through with it like every male/female leads ever. It has a way of flattening everyone involved :/.
The final cutscene totally happened because bayonetta and Jeanne got together with rodin like 'okay the angels probably think she's actually dead. This is our only chance to do something SO funny' like Enzo and poor luka fully thought she was dead. Jeanne called her nun outfit cosplay. Rodin stole enzos cig and lectured him while he accidentally protected him from falling coffin lids XD. With the intermittent fight scenes in the credits, the dance video, the amount of unlocks I got, what a way to end the game!!
In conclusion - this was definitely a game I'm going to replay and try to 100% (maybe not platinum style, but everything else lol), and it's so obvious how much thought, effort and love was put into it. A masterpiece but also very clearly an older game (the lack of save points and a good place to practice combos, combined with the painfully long chase segments both attest to that). Something I've thoroughly enjoyed every aspect of and something I'm most definitely going to come back to for a while to come.
Kinda want to get bayo 2 now... Do you think they still sell it on cd?
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fatuismooches · 10 months
adding more to my last ask and in affirmation to what you said in your tags: HE DOES. kabuki loves using that combo of his so much.
if there is anything that never fails to make him smile it's the sight of yours whenever he addresses you by "dear (name)" and he just adores the reaction you give in response to it.
both his expression and smile soften at the sight of you either blushing or smiling warmly in return. bonus point for both which happens more often than not, your heart soars whilst he speaks the endearment aloud with such love; holding you close from behind as his veil shields the two of you.
he would never pass up the opportunity for anything else just so he could address you by that endearment. especially when he brightens up the beginning of your day by waking up first and already made you chazuke or some lavender melon soup.
you roused up from your peaceful slumber due to the sunlight assaulting your eyes, opening them only to be greeted with a familiar warmth being gone. it was a little strange to not see your lover first thing into the day, he never leaves bed until you woke up, and just as you were about to get up and look for him...
“oh?” ah, there he was. “morning, dear (name)!” the kabukimono exclaimed with such infectious delight, a bowl of chazuke in hand while the other held a cup of what you presumed to be water.
albeit faint due to the tiredness painting your face, a smile crept up to your lips at the endearment and at the sight of him. sitting up with a soft yawn. “good morning to you too, love.” you reciprocated the gesture, and his expression couldn't get any brighter.
the two of you are currently making lunch, what exactly? you don't know. but whatever dish you manage to make will stick. lavender melon was the main ingredient, and much to your dismay, the quantity he added wasn't enough.
“dear (name),” he called out, you could almost hear a hint of apology in his tone as you too were occupied with the side dish. you turn your attention to him with a smile, “yes kabu, what is it?”
hearing you speak in that ever familiar soft tone reassured him a bit. “can you give me that lavender melon?” he spoke with a finger pointed towards your left side. you nod and comply, passing him said melon and abandoning your dish to help him with his.
a soft and content smile tugged at his lips as he listened to the soothing sound of your steady heartbeat, arms loosely wrapped around one another as you hum a quiet tune, your fingers gently combing through his hair.
for a moment, his mind traveled back to when you taught him about taking naps, his smile widening ever so slightly as the familiarity of this moment strikes a cord within him. a common occurrence really, but he'll never get tired of the warmth that washes over his hollow chest, sinking deeper into that foreign yet familiar warmth.
the last thing the puppet hears from you is a softly murmured "sweet dreams, love." but before his sleepiness got the better of him, he gently squeezed you in his embrace whilst whispering; “good night, dear (name)...”
just a short thingy. it's actually bedtime as i am writing this ( way past it actually lmao ) so apologies for how brief it is and possibly not as well written as i hoped it would.
that aside plus all and all, he adores addressing you by that endearment of his. his voice laced with nothing but boundless love for you <3
— signed, ayame.
( my asks are always so lengthy .. oops )
OH MY GOSH I LOVE THISSSSS 😭😭😭 I feel like Kabukimono uses it when you're sad too :( Because when he says it, his deep love for you is also so intensely conveyed even though it's only two simple words, it's bound to make you smile again even if it's just a little bit because he just loves you so much. (Also makes me wonder, if you two are having a disagreement or something, would pulling out the "dear [name]" make you fold? 😭) (And the veil?? i needed to admit this but i love the veil part of his outfit so much 🥺 imagine cuddling under the veil especially when it's raining and he's trying his best to keep you dry 🥺)
I love how you showed Kabukimono using the endearment at all times of the day... i think it just tends to slip out of him unconsciously far too many times but he just rolls with it!! Sometimes he doesn't even need to think about being romantic!! I don't even know what to add IT'S ALREADY SO CUTE. (I have the hc that when Kabukimono first started cooking for you he literally tried so hard, when you were out of the house he spent all day in there and when you came back he had to keep you out because it was A MESS in there ("o-oh, dear [name], why don't you go take a bath?? don't worry about me! i'll make dinner!" <- said after he tried multiple times to get the flavors to your exact likings)
STOP IT WAS AMAZINGLY WRITTEN... i love the way you write him 💗💗 I'M GONNA BE REREADING THIS!! And I'm horrifically guilty of staying up late too but go to sleep earlier okay! Or else Kuni will drag you to sleep instead >:(
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jaggedwolf · 3 months
pll rewatch 1x22
get its own post for finale reasons, the show does its first hitchcock homage, and the liars become the liars
getting ezria out of the way: even as fan of vest + tie combos ezra's outfit sucks this episode, he sucks for his useless texts, aria's tantrum at the faculty party is dumb, all of this is so stupid
ok ok the other note is that my friend remarked that when one of the liars goes "who do we know that's interested in younger girls" after the creep videos, none of them even think of ezra in that vein
which is distressingly warped even as it makes sense for these girls' worldviews: spencer does not view ian negatively until A gives them the video of him possibly killing ali, she views him positively in her flashback of kissing him
Spencer is so bad for saying that Melissa's baby might be inhuman but she is so fucking funny for saying "humor is subjective" instead of apologizing. I just really enjoy it when Spencer takes a break from being tormented to be the teenage brat she was born to be
Pam takes ten fucking years to answer Emily asking if her dad is okay and that is wild to me, Pam y'all are a military family and you should know better
why did the writers come up with this Texas plotline by the way, did they ever explain that?
Emily and Samara are exchanging the blandest emails. Why do all these girls email each other so much, the only things I emailed my high school friends about was schoolwork, otherwise it was all about texts
do you think they have negative associations with texting because of A. does only Spencer get tormented via email is she special like that.
Lucas is back! And still miffed about the danceathon ploy. I completely misremembered him already knowing Caleb before he goes on this fetch quest, but no, this is solely a "Hanna should know the truth" move
anw my take on how he tracks him down is that (1) Caleb's cheap-ass bus ride has lots of delays because that is his fucking luck (2) Lucas gets Caleb's number from Hanna's phone before passing it over to Emily
Okay, I make fun of the liars a lot for being super weird about the blind girl (who they are partially responsible for blinding), but most of the time I enjoy it, because of moments like this episode's where Jenna will be like come on bro :/ I'm just a girl who raped my step-brother via threats :/ just a girl who made a mistake and regretted it :/ why you gotta be so harsh bro :/
jenna we all saw you this season still trying to creep on toby when you were back in the same house...
this episode reveals that Spencer and I have very different notions of burner phones, because she bought this
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while I would have gone for a nokia brickphone. Then again I think Spencer and I have different budgetary considerations for burner phones. (717 is indeed an area code for southern pennsylvania btw)
The Ian plan is not bad but maybe would be better if they didn't all swivel to stare at him instead of staring at the phone, you know, the means you purchased to communicate with him
All of the liars leave when Mona shows up (w/o busing their trays! Emily and Aria, your parents raised you better than this! Spencer had no tray and Hanna was not raised better than that) and I know it's primarily because they need to plot, but Spencer also clearly finds Mona super fucking annoying and I respect that
Emily when accosted by a cop that she should really trust him goes wow, maybe he has a point, and indeed calls Garrett later. ACAB, Emily, ACAB. (Except Officer Barry Maple, who has never done anything wrong ever.)
Okay so the real reason they made Garrett her former neighbour is so they could pretend he was on this street to see family, when he was actually here to get in on Rosewood men's favorite hobby: underage girls
why does he take off Jenna's sunglasses before he kisses her, that seems unnecessary.
please remember that Garrett's actor was Paolo in The Lizzie Maguire Movie. swear he was less bland in that
The Hannily porch scene is very endearing, Hanna is so delighted at the notion that Emily might have a type
Toby gets Spencer to chill out before she goes off to do her convoluted plan, which is a good dynamic for them
Spencer calls him a "safe place to land", which will come up again, and says she wants him away from danger because of that
firstly, sweet sentiment Spencer, but I do not think asking him to keep Jenna busy is keeping him safe, he would rather wrestle Ian in the woods any day
secondly, thinking about who Spencer feels the need to protect like this - she is protective over all the liars and Toby, but is she more "don't let danger breathe on them" about Toby and Emily?
at no point does anyone mention the car that t-boned Spencer and Melissa or its driver like, was it a phantom car, are Rosewood PD falling down on even this
Veronica gets some good mom points in comforting Spencer and telling her the crash wasn't her fault and that Melissa knows she cares
S1!Spencer is all about guilt so she takes this as her cue to nobly walk to the church to get Melissa's phone, only to get fucking jumpscared for her trouble
I really love the sequence from when Ian shows up till when the liars find Spencer at the top of the tower. It escalates so well, the tension ramping up, there's a phone call that forces the liars to simply listen as Spencer begs for her life and Ian recites how he's going to construct Spencer's suicide (and would have anyone believed the remaining liars if he'd succeeded?)
Spencer Hastings while being violently thrown about: Uh, Alison didn't die of blunt force trauma, she died of suffocation. ILU Spence never change
And she really gets thrown about! Jeez, someone escort her to a hospital checkup after this, there's probably a fracture somewhere in there
Love the liars fussing over Spence while she clings onto that wooden post. They immediately go "do not worry about having killed Ian, you are so fucking valid" and Spencer has to be like "no, I know it sounds like a traumatized mind coming up with shit but there really was a random hoodie that showed up"
That pan down to the body swinging and that being what set off the bells....still sick
Officer Barry Maple cannot believe these teenage girls lied about a fucking body, cue the entire town going whisper whisper whisper because they're all at the goddamn church
Even Noel Kahn. My dude, don't you have dudebro things to do that are more fun than this.
you know I bet Paige isn't at the church I bet she's at home stressed out about swimming or whatever. this is going to be my take on Paige for a while: that she has minimal awareness of the plot drama the liars are enmeshed in. Bet she didn't even know they got interrogated about rat blood trophy.
I forgot they have "I'm Not Calling You A Liar" play us out. Perfect song choice, but amusing solely to me, because: it is the first credits song for Dragon Age 2, and a long time ago someone asked me for a Hanna Marin crackship and I proffered Hanna/Fenris. Imagine the Liars in Kirkwall....
Our final A message of the season: It's not over until I say it is. Sleep tight while you still can, bitches.
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tveitertotwrites · 6 months
Outfit Replacements (Red Carpet Diaries Book 1)
So, RCD Book 1 outfits are a little... interesting to say the least. Definitely not my favorite ones and there's maybe two outfits I could see Brooklyn actually wearing (and it's a big maybe).
The sprite photos are from Choices Wiki.
"Lacy and Trendy"
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No. Just No. These two do not go together at all. I can't see Brooklyn wearing the jacket ever, let alone with the romper. Below is what she would actually wear.
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"Bohemian Beauty"
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I like the dress but not the shawl. If the shall had to be there, I would probably make it white or black.
"Pleated Pink"
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What. is. this? It's so bad and I hate it so much. The top and the skirt do not go together one bit. The skirt itself is very weird. It's all very interesting to say the least. Below is what I think would work better.
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"Country Floral":
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While I do like this one better than the last shirt and skirt combo, I still don't think it is good. Below is what I think brooklyn would wear instead of this.
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"Everyday Athleisure":
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While I get that this is supposed to be a simple outfit, there's other ways to make a simple outfit that looks nicer (like the oh grey shirt and jeans looks better than this in my opinion). Below is something she would actually wear.
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"Red Carpet":
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This dress is fine, something about the skirt part is weird to me though. Below is a different dress that Brooklyn would wear.
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"Sparkly Silver":
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This dress is pretty good. I remember liking this one the most except for the straps because they don't have anything on them. Below is what Brooklyn would wear instead
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"Boots and Slits":
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While I think the dress is fine, it felt like there needs to be something more/different. Like for some reason the sleeves are a little weird and there need to be something else on the bodice part of the dress. Below is something that I think Brooklyn would wear instead.
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"Tucked Gray Halter":
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I do like this outfit a lot actually for being one of the non-diamond outfits. I would probably change the top from a halter to a simple spaghetti strap but it's fine how it is too.
"Little Red Dress":
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Again, for being one of the non-diamond outfits, I think it is pretty good. I would probably take out the humps near the armholes and make it straight but it's fine.
"Fashion Forward":
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I don't love the jacket. The flowers and other stuff on it is fine, it is the zippers on the sleeves and the decor around the zipper I don't like. The shirt is also a little weird. Below is something Brooklyn would wear instead.
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"Off The Shoulder":
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I don't mind this. It's not my favorite look but it's still pretty good. I still get a little of politician vibes (like a politician at a formal event). Below is what Brooklyn would wear instead.
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"Subtly Sexy":
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no. just no. the shirt. the choker. just no. Below is what Brooklyn would wear instead.
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There's no good photo on Choices Wiki for the lingerie so it's not included.
"Classically Appealing":
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idk if I would call this "Classically Appealing". Below is what Brooklyn would wear instead.
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"Cute Chiffon":
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I think the sleeves need to be fixed and some different jewelry than the black choker. Otherwise it is good.
"Pro Fashionable"
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I don't really like the design of this jumpsuit. I don't think Brooklyn would voluntarily wear it and would go for something a little simpler. Below is what Brooklyn would wear instead.
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"Stunning Country":
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Again, I don't really like the design of the top. Below is what I think Brooklyn would actually wear.
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The simple western outfit is fine so I am not including it.
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