#Resurrected verse
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Resurrected Verse
Cregan had heard the whisper coming from the woods in the Riverlands. How they started he didn't know, but there was someone in the woods, apparently with a likeness to the dead Prince Jacaerys, using his name and some said it was the prince returned. Either way, Cregan knew it had to stop, it was likely someone who thought they looked enough like Jace to create some sham, and try to get something from the crown. So, Cregan had sent his younger brother to deal with the pretender, feeling that Bran needed something to do and knowing he would wish to deal with anyone who wished to use his late lover's name. Giving Bran the whereabouts as to where the rumors started, a small tavern in the outlining woods, the man being claimed as Jace lived not far, but deeper into the forest, in an old hunter's cabin.
Jacaerys had returned from doing some tracking that morning. He had been hired by a farmer to hunt down a predator that kept harassing his cattle. Jace had tracked the beast to its den and ended it before returning home to his small and modest cabin. He enjoyed the quiet here, it was nice, not having too much noise and chaos about as he himself tried to straighten out the chaos in his head. More memories were coming back, but still not enough. He knew his family was dead, he knew he had a family, he either remembered their names or their faces, but rarely was it both. He knew his mother, and he knew his fathers. Jace knew he was a bastard, apparently that was not so easy to forget. While awake Jacaerys could not remember how he died, but when sleeping the memories from his last battle came screaming back to him and he usually works from the nightmares in a cold sweat.
Jace had just returned from his cabin, his hair wet and beginning to curl from bathing in a nearby spring. He was dressed, in simple clothes and had a brown cloak wrapped around himself.
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justanoutlawfic · 1 year
Broken hearts and last goodbyes…Restless nights but lullabies: Chapt. 1
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Ready to jump back into the Resurrected verse? Regina and Henry face old demons over the holiday season.
On AO3
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seraphim-eternal · 2 months
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A little while, and you will see me no longer. Again in a little while, and you will see me.
John 16:16
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thewordfortheday · 2 months
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Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written,Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord. (Romans 12:19)
Betrayal...at some point in time, happens to all of us. That lie that was told about you, the backstabbing, the secret that was exposed. Instinct tells us we need to get back at them. This is because getting even feels good. We want them to pay now. We want to stop hurting now. We want justice now.
You see, Jesus is the only one who can mete out justice. It's not our job. All we have to do is trust Him. When He is fighting your battle, you will never lose. He will vindicate you, He will make people eat their own words, He will lift you so high that people will be amazed and know that your God is on your side.
Now focus on being more like Jesus, who didn't open His mouth when people spat on Him and did all kinds of evil against Him and put Him to death. The story didn't end in death. There was the resurrection and that was His vindication! Hallelujah!
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alwaysrememberjesus · 2 months
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Happy Resurrection Sunday!
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aregebidan · 7 months
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Come, let’s get your coat. It’s raining out. [ID in alt]
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kitty-i-swear-to-gosh · 2 months
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Luke 24:13-37
Happy Easter everybody! Jesus is Alive!
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mudinyourshoes · 4 months
Of all the things that are under explored about drifting in the original Pacific Rim (and EVERYTHING is under explored) the things that drives me most bananas is when Pentecost shows up as Herc's replacement jaeger pilot and Chuck is like, "this is not going to work. We are not drift compatible" and Pentecost says "don't worry about it, I'll make us drift compatible because I WILL BRING NOTHING INTO THE DRIFT NO THOUGHTS NO MEMORIES"
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lazycranberrydoodles · 8 months
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yeah. follow for more of the character of all time XO
#verse 2: for all of your kisses turned to spit in my face / for all that reminds me which is my place#for all of the times when you made me disappear / this time i’m sure you will know that i am here#verse 3: my place was beneath you / but now i am above#and now i send you a message of love / a simple reminder of what you won’t see / a future so holy without me#its the bitterness. the references to an inferior origin. the mocking tone. the finality.#the ‘i’m bringing you down with me and the eventuality of my demise gives me power over you.’#the spiteful continuance. OURGHHHHH#urgh yeah. ‘a simple reminder of what you won’t see/ a future so holy without me’ is probably my favorite line in reference to the yllz#my favorite song from Superunknown (album) is Limo Wreck!#but this has been on my wwx playlist for a while. and its right next to LVCRFT’s Dead Don’t Die djbdhgf#which is a banger about how awesome and spooky it is to be undead#(its like. hip hop x pop x how villain songs in musicals are always the best)#e.g.#‘welcome to my lair / put your bones in the air’#sorry lemme just#DEAD DONT DIEEEEE (the dead dont die we just multiply) DEAD DONT DIEEEE (does this look in my eye make you terrified?)#yeah its more goofy silly post resurrection wwx. hes a multifaceted character <3#is the curtain of talismans in the demon suppressing cave fanon or canon btw? i cannot rember where i got it from#used my yllz nenderoid as a reference 😌#art#mdzs#cringetober 2023#mo dao zu shi#my art#yiling laozu#yiling patriarch#wei wuxian#the grandmaster of diabolism#the grandmaster of demonic cultivation#self harm tw
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bitterrobin · 5 days
something that's super underrated in fic is Damian having a life in the League of Assassins. It's not just training 24/7 and mind games between a boy and his grandfather. It's not just Damian getting put through the child abuse simulator so that Bruce or Tim or Jason or Dick or whoever can rescue him. Damian is a character that experiences slow growth. He goes through the "no killing" rule, but there's storylines where you can tell he's only sticking to it for Bruce and Dick. He follows their lead because he needs their validation and affection, to prove himself - not because he genuinely believes in what they're trying to do (at least not yet).
For a child to be stuck in such a mindset, tells me two things; obviously the indoctrination runs deep because he was raised in the League. He doesn't understand his family because their lives are alien to him. But also that the League shouldn't just be a place of misery and despair. It needs to be full of people who praise his actions, people who try and value him.
They are teaching Damian that the Earth is something to be cherished, that he kills to honor his family and one day lead the revolution. It's something very overlooked; the League doesn't believe that they are evil. They are a fringe organization with the fervor to save the Earth. They worship Ras al Ghul, of course, but that's because they believes he embodies what the planet needs - rejuvenation, redemption, the care for endangered and extinct animals, the dismantling of rich billionaires and corrupt governments and exploitative companies. If they have to kill and turn the oceans red with blood to ensure that the Earth exists for a thousand more years - then so be it - Ras will take us there.
Damian internalizes this. He lives in this League day in, day out. He may not always appreciate the teachers his grandfather gives him, but he learns. He absorbs. He watches the initiates being sworn in shadows. He observes the cultists and their rabid worship, gets pulled in and placed high above the clouds as a piece of god. He lives his life every day surrounded by the Shadow assassins, spies, information specialists. He is waited on by League staff who are happy to serve them. He has handmaidens he's known since he was an infant, who pamper and spoil him. Bodyguards who have died to save him. Cooks and doctors and researchers and farmers and innocents living their own lives. They come from all over the world. They have families and friends. They have lineages as far back when Ras first founded the League. They treat him like a son, like a little brother, like an older brother, like a friend, like a student, like a messiah, like a child and like an equal.
And when he leaves the League...he loses those connections. The handmaiden who took care of his hair, leaving him to slather on hair gel in an effort to maintain an image. The boy who was being trained a Shadow and befriended him, one whose deathly image he can never shake when talking to anyone his age. The teacher that taught him meditation, an inner peace he yearns to return to. The woman who taught him how to hack computers and he never look at Barbara without remembering her. The man who taught him boxing, his first experience with the life of a performer. The thief who gave him lockpicks and pilfered sweets, whose detached demeanor always remind him of Selina. The actress who taught him to manipulate his voice, a talent he will never get to show her again. The bodyguard who treated him like a little brother, whose sacrifice screams in his mind when interacting with any of the Waynes. Damian can never return to those days. He can create new memories in America, but his heart forever lies in the city amidst the mountains.
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aslanzounder · 11 months
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I have to speak my truth.
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mel-loly · 2 months
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-Happy Easter..💛
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seraphim-eternal · 15 days
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I will give peace in the land, and you shall lie down, and none shall make you afraid.
Leviticus 26:6
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10yrsyart · 1 year
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Happy Resurrection Day! 🕊✝
“Don’t be alarmed. You are looking for Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucifed. He isn’t here! He’s risen from the dead! (Mark 16:6)
“For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 6:23)
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thewordfortheday · 1 year
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Death could not hold You, You rose and conquered the grave!
He is not here; He has risen, just as He said. Come and see the place where He lay. Matthew 28:6
Such incredible, miraculous, life-changing words. Jesus Christ is risen, He is Victorious. And He makes all things new. Easter reminds us, that no matter what we’ve been through, what we might be facing, or what uncertainties tomorrow may hold, Christ alone is our Hope, and Jesus never fails.
Dear God,
Thank You that You make all things new. Thank You for the Victory and Power in Your Name. We praise You for Your lavish love. We praise You for You are the Conqueror, Deliverer, Redeemer, Saviour and Friend. We have a future and a hope in You. We’ve been set free, redeemed, the old has gone, the new has come. To You be glory and honour, on this Resurrection Day, and forever. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
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avengers-21 · 2 months
today’s verse ✨
“He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay.”
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭28‬:‭6‬ ‭KJV‬‬
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