#Reverse Failure
rivalkieran · 2 months
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save data corrupted
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angeltiddies · 6 months
wish at least one teacher had told me im not going to amount to anything. unfortunately, all of them told me i would do great things and i am currently amounting to nothing!
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iwan-out · 1 year
i hope tom my best friend tom is out there somewhere loosing succession
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outofthehaze · 11 days
holy shit one treatment center FINALLY cleared me (‼️) and i’m looking at admitting in a week and a half if my labs continue to look normalish. i hate treatment, i hate treatment centers and staff. but at least this one is like a research facility instead of a big corporation like all the others so. hey im holding on to a lil bit of hope.
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zincbot · 1 year
not eurselon being given failure and shame and MONSTROUSNESS
when he searched for honour
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applciuux · 1 year
it might have seemed better, and maybe it was, but you're still going to be you and hurt.
Crack Baby - Mitski / Kids In The Hall - "Daddy Drank" (1990) / Succession (2018-) / Meshes of the Afternoon (1943) / The Piano Teacher (2001) / Persona (1966) / Sink or Swim (1990) / various vintage pictures i found from google (oops)
(taken from my ig where i used to post edits)
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chelshiart · 2 years
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Someone is staring at you in 'Personal Growth'.
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finitevux · 2 years
a couple months back, i felt like re-reading Finitevus’ archie wiki page to refresh myself on his backstory and there's some details i totally forgot about.
So, in the Archie comics, when Finitevus first woke up after getting blasted to hell and back with chaos radiation by chaos Knuckles, it was only then he started to think thoughts along the lines of ‘actually society as a whole is corrupt and needs to be cleansed, i want to purge the world with fire, etc. ‘
but what i forgot is that the council of the city he lived in, saw he was having a joker moment and went UHHH i need this bitch whacked yesterday and VOTED TO EUTHANIZE HIM JDHFBD and they were going to do it but Finitevus found out and escaped and ran to Eggman like Hello, here’s the coordinates to the secret echidna city, please carpet bomb them, thanks luv xx
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cryptidblue1 · 1 year
Reversal of Fate (It is Never Easy) pt 9
Chapter Title: Created Fate, Created Choice
Chapter: 9/??? (Chapter Master List: Here )
Chapter Characters: Lavender (Pure Vessel), Poppy (OC), Mysha, Knight Isma, mentions of Basil (Lost Kin), Radiance, Pale King, the other Knights, unnamed vessels.
Chapter Warnings: Descriptions of a character in pain, Lavender's wonderful (We mean horrible) mental state, Lavender's non existent sense of self worth. Lavender is marking the entire month off as not a good time by this point.
Chapter Summary: When a rock is dropped into a pond, the ripples can not be taken back. Thus, an action causes one to have to decide to embrace the changes they have made.
Time had lost meaning in the haze in between painful waking and the tumultuous rest fueled by the pain and the worry they had not the strength to fully feel yet. The chime of the rings in their chest and the vague awareness of their siblings as they curled around them or moved to do something for Poppy family the only way they knew that despite the aches and fatigue that made them feel as if they had no rest, that time had passed. That they had slept.
Awakening did not help as they shivered and slowly moved to sit up and be more than a lump of pain and void in the nest. They just endured as fingers could barely curl around the cup or bowl as Poppy family and Basil sibling gave them poultices and potions meant to dull the pain and strengthen the body. They endured because the tink and chime of the rings in their chest was a reminder that time was moving, and soon they would need to decide before someone else decided for them. Knight Hegemol was far smarter than many realize, the one who had built and maintained that suit of armor he wore with no help from others, that mind would have seen and made a guess of why the threat they had gone to save others from had disappeared. Disappeared when he had been told it could not so long as She lived and commanded it.
They knew that when they promised to save their siblings who had enough will and strength to hatch and live, well they knew they would have taken away the plan that the King relied on. The plan meant to save so many lives if they had not been the failure they were. They had taken away hope when they had done so, and after what they had done, after they realized they could see the orange coated threads that lead to other areas. Other deaths they could stop. They had to decide if they could bear taking away this hope as well. Their siblings would say yes, but their siblings did not know or understand what it was the King feared, what many feared from Her. Only the thing that slept inside of Ghost had an idea and they would not wish it awake. 
No, they were starting to understand. This was something they had to do, had to suffer through for not being what was needed. For needing Ghost who answered and came and devoured a god for the them sealed away and too weak to be of use.
They just wish they did not have to do so by seeing the King again. 
The Knights would not stop, and even the King in his palace would notice if the infection began to leave, to stop appearing. Then those eyes would turn to their siblings who were precious and learning, and deserve to live and play in this sleepy hamlet. They would be seen and they did not wish to hide them away. To hide them felt a Mistake. Much like when they had tried to keep them all in the safe and the cold and the dark of the Abyss. They could not take away anything from their siblings who all deserved so much and more of this world. Yet, the fear of what would happen if they were found out, if they would have to see others fear them due to the void that made them who they were. Lights feared the dark, and they did not know if they could stand to see what would happen if the Pale King feared their siblings enough to see them as weapons.
Would they be able to leave their siblings alone? Leave them here with Poppy family and the shopkeepers that slip them treats when they think they are not looking? Leave them and not know if they were safe? If they were the only one to go into that place of old memory and hurt, if no one told the King of these siblings could they pretend to be alone and just a vessel of power for the King’s hope? It would not be the same as being empty, they had watched the guards when they had been a vessel, seen how many just did as told and then were left alone. It would be easier to be loyal that way and just make all think there was nothing else but a broken being that could chase away the infection. It would only need to be enough until something else was found. Until enough was gone that perhaps the King would be able to find a new way to stop Her this time. Would just need to be enough that if nothing else the thing inside of Ghost would not have to wake fully if their sibling if it had to face it when they are older.
There was a knock at the backdoor.
All in the shop turned their attention to the door, confusion clear as the front of the shop was easier to get to, and was very much open as Poppy family swept out some dust from the day of customers walking in. The backdoor was deep behind the shop, leading out into a path surrounded on all sides by other shops that one had to follow in a winding way to reach a main street. It was also a door not many knew of for where it was located both outside and in the shop. A wall had to be passed by a customer to the storage area before seeing the linen walls that marked the area where they and their siblings slept, had move around their nest and the crates they had stacked as an extra wall to the tiny path to said door. You had to look and know to realize there was another door in the shop.
The shiver they felt was justified when Poppy family bustled past them to open it. Broom in hand and all of their siblings obediently hiding in the folds of blankets and pillows until none could be seen. Their own frame wobbly and still aching moving to block any curious eyes from looking and maybe seeing movement within the mound. 
“Ah, Poppy. Sorry to bother. There’s someone that really needs to talk to Lavender, and well…I think they should hear ‘em out if they are willing.”
The voice had them perk their head up as they remembered that Mysha had been there as well. Had been the one to ask for help in making certain no one got taken or hurt from the infection in that area. Asked them for aid because of how often they and Basil sibling went there for herbs and plants many of the shops could use and would happily buy from them. Mysha was good, and wouldn't let anyone touch their siblings without losing their entire hand. It was the only thing that kept them from bolting when Poppy family, wide eyed and stuttering slightly, stepped aside to let in Mysha and, and…
Oh, oh it was too late to decide.
There was Knight Isma. Knight Isma who was always so kind to the bugs around her. Who had tried to not sound as uncomfortable with training something they were told was an object of void when around them. Knight Isma, who Lavender could remember only once having gotten fed up enough to show why she was one of the Five Great Knights, and making them even then vow to never do anything to make her become vexed with them. 
She had looked over at them instantly, without any sort of surprise in her eyes, but curiosity and hope, and so much worry that it hurt more than if she had glanced over them like they were meant to be glanced over. How did she not know? Knight Hegemol had to have told them and the King and so they should know, yet she was looking at them with concern as if they were any bug she would come across. This didn’t make sense; she and the other knights should know, should be able to tell.
Something in their chest clanged and they remembered that this Knight Isma would have never seen a vessel. May not know what a vessel was or could be. They didn’t know what had been told to others before they had climbed out of the Abyss and been declared the Pure Vessel. Didn’t know if the King had silently believed no vessel survived and thus did not give false hope regarding that plan.
This made this even more terrifying.
They did not know what to do if they had to not be a vessel for Knight Isma. What would happen if they were seen as too off and the King was told of them. Did the King even know? Did the King now wonder and contemplate why they and their siblings had supposedly never stirred when he had shone his light pale and new above the abyss? 
“Greetings Lavender. Please be at ease. I wish only to speak to you.”
It was the tone and the look that Knight Isma always used when speaking to those she was trying to comfort and soothe. To make one feel at ease when one was too nervous or afraid of the company they were found in. They had never heard it directed at them before and something in them ached when they realized how much they had wanted to be talked to in such a way before when they were just Vessel. Ached at the fact they hadn’t realized until now with Poppy family and the shopkeepers that being directed like a Kingsmould was all they had known and accepted in those times that will never be now. It hurt to wonder if the Knight Isma of those times that were not would have ever spoken to them that way; if she had known they were not Pure. Or would she have recoiled and turned away to know they were a failure before they had ever been Sealed. Would this one stay kind or become wary if she knew they and their siblings were void?
Those were the fears they couldn’t afford to find out. So trembling, anxious, yet always blocking Knight Isma’s sight from the nest and the curious stares of siblings they knew in their void had popped heads out of folds and from under pillows to watch and listen better, they nodded.
They tried not to feel the ache in their void when she smiled in relief and kept treating them like they were any other bug. Be empty chanting in their head, because at this moment they could not allow themselves to feel the clawing fear and emotions that could get in the way of them protecting their siblings from the King’s gaze and from Her.
Be empty and accept the suffering their choices would make.
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vyragosa · 1 year
Everyone else will play DS2 when it releases but we, your followers, are playing it right now because I believe everything you say. At this point just tag it as spoilers
"you understand author intents very well" exclusively when it concerns gay love....
no but only if he showed us elle and shioli i wouldn't have to act like a lion in cage
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werebutch · 2 years
I think my dad is going to die within the next few years if he doesn’t get his shit together now
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dashinghealth · 4 months
When Weight Loss is a Concern: When Should You Worry?
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Weight loss is a common topic in today's society, with many people striving to achieve their ideal body weight.
While maintaining a healthy weight is important for overall well-being, the pursuit of weight loss can sometimes become concerning.
In this blog post, we will discuss when weight loss should be a cause for worry and what steps can be taken to address it.
First and foremost, it is important to understand that weight loss can occur for a variety of reasons, and not all of them are cause for concern.
For example, if you have recently made changes to your diet and exercise routine, it is normal to experience some weight loss.
Additionally, if you are going through a stressful period in your life, it is possible that you may lose weight due to a decreased appetite.
However, there are certain red flags to watch out for when it comes to weight loss. The most concerning sign is when weight loss occurs without any intentional changes in diet or exercise.
This could be a sign of an underlying health issue, such as an overactive thyroid or cancer. If you are experiencing unexplained weight loss, it is important to consult a healthcare professional to rule out any potential medical conditions.
Another cause for concern is rapid weight loss. Losing a large amount of weight in a short period of time can be harmful to your health.
It can lead to nutrient deficiencies, loss of muscle mass, and a weakened immune system. Crash diets and extreme exercise regimens may result in initial weight loss, but they are not sustainable or healthy in the long run.
Furthermore, if you have a history of disordered eating or body image issues, any weight loss, intentional or unintentional, should be addressed with caution.
These individuals may have a distorted perception of their bodies and may not recognize when their weight loss becomes unhealthy.
So, when should you worry about weight loss? If you are experiencing unexplained or rapid weight loss, it is important to seek medical advice.
Additionally, if you have a history of disordered eating or body image issues, any weight loss should be monitored closely by a healthcare professional.
Now, let's talk about what steps can be taken to address weight loss concerns. If a medical condition is causing the weight loss, treatment for the underlying issue is necessary.
In cases of disordered eating, therapy and support from a healthcare professional can help address the root cause of the weight loss.
In general, a balanced and healthy approach to weight loss is always recommended. This includes following a nutritious diet and engaging in regular physical activity.
Fad diets and extreme exercise regimens should be avoided. Instead, focus on making sustainable lifestyle changes that will lead to long-term weight management.
In conclusion, while maintaining a healthy weight is important, it is equally important to recognize when weight loss becomes a cause for concern.
Unexplained or rapid weight loss should not be ignored and should be addressed with the help of a healthcare professional.
A balanced and healthy approach to weight loss is always the best way to achieve and maintain a healthy weight. Remember to prioritize your overall well-being above any societal pressure to achieve a certain body weight.
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isitovernow-ootw · 4 months
i miss who i was before the world made me realize that nobody likes me and squashed all of the hope i used to have
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babyspacebatclone · 4 months
Ok, I’m forced to back off a bit on a post I was considering because it’s based on a reaction video where I side with the reaction-er’s side but am getting exhausted with the non-apology being addressed.
But I saw this list, and tumbling back down into my SPoP slash Season 5 Catra salt I was just “Yeah, that’s clear and concise, how many of these did Season 5 hit??”
The list is: “The Five Rules of a Shit Apology”
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Don’t actually Apologize!
Emotional Appeal
Strawman your Detractors / Gatekeep
Play Semantic Games to Aid your Nonapology
Switch Roles with the Victims of your Behavior.
Thoughts re: this list and Catra’s “Redemption”?
Also: DARVO, for anyone not familiar with this concept.
Should I build up the energy to put up what came to my mind for each point?
(And I still haven’t seen the entire show let alone all of Season 5, although I’ve done my best to watch clips of the relevant scenes…)
I’ll link the video I took this from below the cut, as well as an accountant’s take on publicly available information that supports the initial “whistle blowers” as being correct that “The Math doesn’t Math.”
Because I know there are some people who will not agree with me on which side I’m on in this particular “drama,” but to me the evidence that has been provided shows either extreme incompetence (which lead to fraud through neglect) or, given the entirety of the evidence, willful misrepresentation.
I’ve only watched half an hour of this, because at a certain point I get exausted hearing Jirard actively distracting from the actual points with, well, the listed points justinsane made above.
When an accountant looks like he’s undergoing an aneurysm over your “explanations” of how you’ve been running a charity, I think your apology failed.
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penpoise · 5 months
Congestive Heart Failure: Navigating the Complex Terrain of Cardiac Health
Congestive Heart Failure: Navigating the Complex Terrain of Cardiac Health Introduction to Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) Definition and Overview Prevalence and significance Causes and Risk Factors of CHF Heart conditions leading to CHF Lifestyle factors contributing to CHF risk Symptoms and Early Detection Recognizing the signs of CHF Importance of early diagnosis Diagnosis and Medical…
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clusterduck28 · 9 months
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So I think the best strat here is for the users who did get the new layout to just stop using the desktop version of the site for a while, like a week or a month or however long their 'experiment' is supposed to last, while the users who didn't get the new layout should keep using the desktop version like normal or, perhaps, use it even more than usual.
My guess is that they're doing basic A/B testing on the new layout to see if it would boost engagement: the userbase is split roughly 50/50 between the 2 versions and they are going to be comparing the engagement data between the 2 groups of users to see if it's worth it switching everyone to the new layout or not.
Basically, if you got the new layout and don't like it - don't use it. If engagement metrics of group B (new layout) are lower than those of group A (no change), the experiment will be considered a failure and they will have to reverse the change.
If your tumblr suddenly looks like twitter - it's a sign to log off and go touch some grass! (or just use the mobile app since that engagement data isn't relevant to this particular experiment)
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