#Revit Basic Introduction
diana-thyme · 1 year
The Ultimate Grimoire Guide
So! I have been seeing a ton of grimoire ideas and thought I’d stuff them all together. A lot of ideas are from @manifestationsofasort, @banebite, and @pigeonflavouredcake. Check them out! They have a ton of cool stuff there.
What Do I Use For My Grimoire?
You can use anything for a grimoire! For a physical one, journals, binders, and notebooks are good. For digital ones, Notion, Tumblr, Docs, and even just your file folder are great.
A Book Blessing
Table of Contents
About Me
Your Current Path
Your Personal Beliefs
Your Spiritual Journey
Past lives
Favorite Herbs/Crystals/Animals/Etc.
Natal Chart
Craft Name
How You Entered The Craft
Astrology Signs
Birthday Correspondences (birth tarot card, birth stone, etc.)
Fire Safety
What Not to Burn
Toxic Plants & Oils (to humans, plants, animals)
Crystals That Shouldn’t Be Put… (in sun, in water, etc.)
Things That Shouldn’t Be In Nature (glass, salt, etc.)
Potion Safety
How to Incorporate Blood in Spells
Smoke Safety
Wound Care
Core Concepts
Intention & How It Works
Directing Energy
What Makes A Spell Work
Basic Spell Structure
What Not To Do In Spells
Disposing Spell Ingredients
Revitalizing Long Term Spells
How To Cast Spells
What To Put In Spells
Spell Mediums (jars, spoken, candle, sigils)
Spell Timing
Potion Bases
Differentiating Between Magick and Mundane
Common Terms
Common Symbols
Basic Alchemy and Symbols
Ways To Break Spells
Laws and Philosophies
Herbs & Spices
Crystals & Rocks
Liquids & Drinks
Tarot Cards
Trees & Woods
Moon Phases
Essential Oils
Bone Correspondences
Different Types of Water
Common Plants
Deities You Worship
Pantheons & Deities Closed to You
Common Offerings
Worship vs Work
Prayers & Prayer Template
Deity Comms
Devotional Acts
Spirit Guides
House, Animal, Plant, Etc. Spirits
Folklore Entities
Spirit Etiquette
Graveyard Etiquette
Communication Guide & Etiquette
Spirit Work Safety Guide
How Entities Appear To You
Circle Casting
Common Offerings
Mythological Creatures (dragons, gorgons, etc.)
Utility Pages
Gazing Pages
Sigil Charging Station
Altar Pages
Intent Pages
Getaway Pages
Vision Boards
Dream Pages
Binding Page
Pendulum Board
Crystal Grid
Throwing Bones Page
Divination Pages
Mirror Gazing Page
Invocation Pages
Affirmation/Manifestation Pages
Spirit Board Page
Other Practices
Practices That Are Closed to You (Voodoo, Hoodoo, Santeria, Brujeria, Shamanism, Native Practices)
Wicca and Wiccan Paths
Satanism, Both Theistic and Non-Theistic
Deity Work
Religious Paths (Hellenism, Christianity, Kemeticism, etc.)
Types of Magic/Spells
Pop Culture Paganism/Magic
Tech Magic
Chaos Magic
Green Magic
Lunar Magic
Solar Magic
Sea Magic
Kitchen Magic
Ceremonial Magic
Hedge Magic
Death Magic
Gray Magic
Eclectic Magic
Elemental Magic
Fae Magic
Spirit Magic
Candle Magic
Crystal Magic
Weather Magic
Astral Magic
Shadow Work
Energy Work
Art Magic
Knot Magic
Music Magic
Blood Magic
Bath Magic
Tarot Cards
Oracle Cards
Playing Cards
Card Spreads
Psychic Abilities
Sacred Geometry
Angel Numbers
Crystal grid
Candle grid
Witches Ladder
Deity Specific Holidays
Religious Holidays (Christmas, Easter, Dionysia, etc.)
Celestial Events
Basics of Altars
Travel Altars
Deity Altars
Spirit Altars
Familiar Altars
Ancestor Altars
Self Altars
Working Altars
Burnout Prevention
Stress Management
Coping Mechanisms
Theories & History
Witchcraft history
New Age Spirituality
Cultural Appropriation
Conspiracy Theories
Satanic Panic
Witches in History
Cats in History
Transphobia in Witchcraft Circles
Queerness in Witchcraft Circles
How to Get Herbs
Drying Herbs and Flowers
Witches Alphabet
Runic Alphabet
Guide to Gardening
Your Witch Tips
Other Tips
List of Spells
Cryptids and Their Lore
What is a Liminal Space?
6K notes · View notes
aclevername8 · 10 months
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It's been a hot minute since I posted here lol, so I thought I'd share a bunch of art I've gotten of my AU over the last few months since then--starting with this piece (my now girlfriend) @aynek-draw drew for me back in October to celebrate the two-year anniversary of my AU!
And to begin, here's a 'quick' overview of all the currently planned main characters of my AU, all of whom were drawn/designed by my good friend @wolfcha1k!
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Ratchet and Rivet, the prime protagonists of my AU, who need no introduction.
Basically, everything happens as is in canon until before Rift Apart/after Into the Nexus, where Clank gives Ratchet the opportunity to meet the Lombaxes by privately giving him the repaired Dimensionator in their Veldin home, and Ratchet actually accepts it.
And upon meeting the Lombaxes, he finds that his father had been alive the entire time, and after reuniting with him, now spends time with the father and species he never knew, on top of being officially ordained as a fellow Keeper of the Dimensionator for his valiant efforts in defeating Tachyon and avenging their species.
In an effort to revitalize the since-defunct Interdimensional Divsion of the Center for Advanced Lombax Research, Ratchet and Kaden travel to the Archives a month after his arrival to grab some items before getting caught up in an adventure against Emperor Nefarious, and meeting Rivet and Kit along the way.
After helping her defeat Nefarious, they allow her to meet her birth uncle, Mags, on top of getting to know the Lombaxes as well--but developing a crush on Ratchet along the way, with the two having love at first sight.
After getting to know each other better (like building the brand-new RYNO 8 together), they would finally start dating to the obviousness of literally everyone around them, and eventually, marrying and having two children together, an older daughter and a younger son.
Ultimately, they'd retire from all the heroics, having had enough of an exciting lifestyle, and instead running a humble mechanic shop on Ratchet's home of Veldin, with the slogan of "Giving Your Ships A Little R&R!" and a greenhouse in the back for Rivet and Kit to partake in their favorite hobby of gardening.
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Kaden, another prime protagonist and whole inspiration to even make this AU so that he can live and be the best dad he can, goddammit.
Described by many as a cocky smartass, no one can say Kaden is underdeserving of praise at being an accomplished Praetorian General, Elder Councilman, Cohead of the Interdimensional Division, and most importantly, Keeper of the Dimensionator. But even with so many renowned titles, Kaden's favorite one is the title of 'father'.
When Tachyon attacked and took nearly everything from him, Kaden was lucky enough to have his son spared, but at the cost of his wife's life, Marie, who with her last words, made him promise to do anything to protect their son. Following her words, Kaden left him on the planet Veldin for his own safety before fighting Tachyon to what he thought was his death after staying behind to protect the Lombaxes.
Although he lost, he was unexpectedly saved by his friends, Mags and Julie, when they built an illegal Dimensionator to retrieve him before he could die. Unfortunately, the Council was so spooked by Tachyon that they banned Dimensionators outright to prevent anyone from returning to the original dimension to eliminate any chance of Tachyon following them through--stranding Kaden from his son.
Even though Kaden did all he could to try and go back--even ending up in prison for a short time for being caught building his own Dimensionator--all he could do was appeal to them every single month for twenty years in the vain hope his son was still alive.
Thankfully, Ratchet would reunite with him when he returned to the Lombaxes, allowign Kaden to fulfill his promise he made to Marie all those years ago. And with Ratchet's arrival, came the unexpected consequence of being able to meet a new friend and eventual new wife, Chief Alice Wells, and later (accidentally) having a second child with her, their daughter Lucy.
Over the years, Kaden would find himself from making peace with the fact he'd die alone as a failed father to the patriarch and great-grandfather of a large and extremely crazy family that he wouldn't trade anything in the entire multiverse for loving every single one of them with all his heart.
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Kaden's best friends, Julie and Mags, the head and cohead of the Center's Weapons and Interdimensional Divisions, respectfully, who saved Kaden at the last minute from Tachyon by building a dimensionator to retrieve him before death.
While Mags is known to everyone else as the Lombax that helped Kaden find their new home in the Great Exodus, those closest to him know him as one of the best, most loyal friends you can ever have. Intelligent, enthusiastic about both ships and the interdimensional, he can be a little awkward at times, but makes for a fun friend if you can understand half the jargon he talks about.
Although he once had a twin sister who he was close to that died in a freak accident during the Great Exodus, Mags was extremely lucky to eventually find out that her daughter, his niece, Rivet (or Rosie, as she would have been named) survived, allowing himself to be the uncle he always wanted to be.
And right alongside him is Julie (or Cool Aunt Julie, as she wishes to be called from both Ratchet and Rivet), who is aptly described as a living ball of chaos that if left alone would probably find a way to explode something in the name of science and badassery in an effort to find yet another insane idea for a gun.
But even her mere existence can be argued as a health hazard for others in the room, she is fiercely loyal to anybody she latches onto, being Mags and Kaden 99% of the time, even if she bickers with them both about nearly everything--especially on the topic of convincing them to build a gun into the Dimensionator "Because it'd be so cool, just think about it!"
Even despite the fact that she and Mags have been bickering nonstop for the years they've known each other, they eventually started dating and married after years of working at the Center made them undateable to normal people, which suited them just fine.
Along with Kaden, they are extremely close three peas in a pod that have an unbreakable bond after supporting each other through post-Tachyon misery for over twenty years.
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Chief (Alice) Wells of the Lombax City Guard, who has a tough-as-nails attitude, but a secret softie side that only a few are permitted to see.
Sick of her mens' shit from growing extremely complacent over the years after the newly-bolstered post-Tachyon Praetorian Guard made New Fastoon one of the safest planets ever, Wells has grown one hell of a temper, being able to come up with very creative insults and punishments (including tazing her own men without hesitation after they call her a bitch under his breath), almost everyone who meets her is scared of her. Almost.
If there's anything she hates most, it is little punks who treat the law as a mere suggestion, and as such, it was natural for her and Ratchet (and eventually Rivet (AKA Punk and Missy)) to have an intense feud that make them hate each other's guts--especially Ratchet's, after his arrival to the Lombaxes caused a city-wide chase that made the City Guard look like fools.
But even then, she and Kaden soon found themselves in an unexpected friendship, and even more unexpectedly, a relationship that would eventually have them married and have a surprise daughter, Lucy.
Even though Wells would say she HATES being the Punk's stepmom out of technicality, deep down, she (and Ratchet) grow a soft spot for each other that would have them respect each other somewhat--as long as no one else would be able to see.
But if you asked her if she loved Ratchet's children, she would say with no hesitation that she loves her grandbabies with all her heart.
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Ratchet's kind (and short) yet unfortunately deceased mother, Marie.
When she and Kaden first met as teenagers at the Academy, it was love at first sight, and after being sick of being forced to watch them awkwardly flirt and dance around their mutual crush, their best friends Lorna and Alister pushed them to finally date, and the rest was history.
Dating through the Academy, Kaden's Praetorian training and induction to the Center, Marie's graduation from Vapedia's college, the two married, and their lives couldn't be any happier.
But when Marie announced she was pregnant (by accident after a night of drunken celebration of Kaden's promotion to General), Kaden was admittedly scared and disliked the idea of being a father, but voiced no such thoughts at seeing Marie be so happy at being a mother.
But thankfully, when Ratchet (or Kipler, as he was to be named) was born, Kaden's fear turned to ecstasy and unspeakable joy, wishing right alongside Marie to be the best parent ever.
However, when Tachyon attacked, Marie died saving Ratchet from their collapsing home, and with her final words, told Kaden to promise her to protect their son, a promise Kaden upholds to this day, even as he sees himself become a great-grandfather.
And although Kaden now finds himself with a new wife and second child, he still loves Marie with all his heart, and now loves her through their son that shares her blood--and her height, never failing to make jokes at Ratchet's expense, as "If not even your mom never got to escape my jokes, then neither should you, shorty."
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Rivet's deceased parents, Dex and Kayla, the respective head of maintenance and high-ranking interdimensional researcher at the Lombaxes' Interdimensional Research Colony on Savali in Rivet's dimension.
Back before Tachyon attacked, some Lombaxes lived and operated in a research colony on the planet Savali, home of the Interdimensional Archives, and headed at the time by Mags, being his responsiblity as cohead of the Interdimensional Division.
Although Kayla, his twin sister, was just as bright as him and fully capable of such a role, she was content with just being a researcher, always avid to learn about the next breakthrough. But as a result, she had a tendency to be quite awkward at times, especially when it came to her eventual crush on the colony's head of maintenance/local handyman, Dex, responsible for fixing anything that breaks in the colony, from integral machinery to coffeemakers.
Instead of trying to talk to him like a normal person, Kayla had an ingenious idea of intentionally destroying her appliances and calling him over to fix it, where they would 'happen' to chat as he repaired her stuff, which worked quite well for a while until Dex asked her out because "It sounds nicer to talk to you over a nice dinner than over me fixing your toaster that 'accidentally' fell onto a hammer about eight times for the third time this week, right?"
The two would go on to marry, and eventually, have a little girl that they and Mags absolutely adored. Disaster would strike during the Great Exodus, where while they were returning back to Savali from an off-planet trip, they would fly into the territory of a new 'Empire' and be shot down over Sargasso with Mags watching their final moments over a call urging them to come back home ASAP, leading him to believe his family had died in front of him.
However, while the call had ended from their crashing ship, they had placed their infant daughter in an escape pod in the nick of time, sacrificing themselves, but saving Rivet. She safely landed on Sargasso to be eventually raised by the Morts, and even later, aided by Ratchet and Kaden to overthrow the Nefarious Empire that unknowingly killed her parents, and allowed her the chance to meet her Uncle Mags that she never knew existed.
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Ratchet and Rivet's (taller) firstborn child and rambunctious daughter, Mallet-Marie (nicknamed Mallarie).
When Ratchet and Rivet found out they were pregnant, they initially wanted to name their daughter 'Mallet' similarly to their own tool names they themselves had. Kaden, however, argued against it, saying that while they might not have grown up 'normally', their daughter will, and she 'at least needs a normal name to not be bullied with, please.' So, they compromised, and gave her both a tool name and a normal name, of which they named in honor of Ratchet's late mother--who she happened to have great resemblance to as well, to their pleasant surprise. Needless to say, Kaden was very happy with her name.
Growing up as the daughter to a family of renowned heroes from her intergalactically famous father, Ratchet, her mother that led a resistance to overthrow an entire galactic empire, Rivet, and her heroic grandfather that helped save and protect their entire species, Kaden, Mallarie sought to follow in their footsteps, thirsting for a life of adventure and--most importantly--fun.
As a result, she loves mischief and unwise ideas (with Ratchet and Rivet believing that it was karma against them for the hell they themselves raised growing up), always up for the first sign of adventure, no matter how dangerous or impulsive it may be.
And when her 'nerdy' brother, Miter-Mags, came along (via 4-year-old Mallarie poking holes in 'mommy and daddy's funny balloons' as a prank), her secondary objective was to 'de-nerdify' him by dragging him along on her adventures whenever she could, even if he protested against it, complaining that he wasn't into the idea of sharing their parents' exciting lifestyles.
However, Mallarie's impulsiveness to drag Miter on her dangerous adventures would catch up to her, and on an adventure gone wrong, Miter would lose his leg saving Mallarie from being killed. To say Ratchet and Rivet were furious is an understatement, and feeling ashamed and miserable that she nearly killed her brother, Mallarie would flee to Savali to be alone--but with her Aunt Kit following her.
Kit would help Mallarie deal with the all-too-familiar feeling of nearly killing a loved one and causing them to lose a limb--admitting the truth of her mother's missing arm was because Kit shot her a long time ago. And so, after a few weeks of talking and reflection, Mallarie came back home to face her family for forgiveness--only to find that her brother was not mad at her at all, saying he'd gladly lose his other leg if it meant his sister would still be alive. And upon seeing his forgiveness, Ratchet and Rivet apologized to Mallarie for unfairly blaming her completely for the accident, and the family would move on stronger than they were before.
Although the experience sobered Mallarie to her adventuring ways, it didn't kill her mischievous spirit, and upon meeting a wannabe rebel in Jett, a Lombax she met while sitting in jail yet again, proceeded to try and teach him the ways of being a rebel punk like her.
But what she didn't expect, however, was find a kind, loving gentleman in him that made her want to settle down with him, eventually becoming her boyfriend. And when her brother accidentally had a child, they both talked about their future together, and decided they wanted to marry and have a family.
As a result, Mallarie cleaned up her act and enlisted in the Praetorian Guard, where she quickly rose through the ranks to become a General like her grandpa to support her eventual twin daughters Allie and Rose, getting all the adventure she ever wanted.
But even grown up as a respected General and all they've been through, Mallarie still teases her brother about being a 'dumb nerd' to this day.
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Ratchet and Rivet's second (just as short) child and intelligent, voice-of-reason son, Miter-Mags.
Named similarly after Mallarie, and in honor of Rivet's uncle, Mags, Miter takes much after him in terms of intelligence and curiosity. Unlike the rest of his immediate family, Miter enjoys a quieter lifestyle, interested not in guns and adventures, but in books and the unknowns of science.
With encouragement from his grandpa Kaden and great-uncle Mags, Miter graduated all the way from college with the Lombaxes to eventually work under them at the Center for Advanced Lombax Research in the Interdimensional Division.
However, this and his interested made him a 'boring nerd' in his sister's eyes, and as such, was unable to completely escape his family's lifestyle, finding himself begrudgingly dragged away on dangerous adventures by his sister in an effort to make him 'cooler', forcing him to learn a thing or two about fighting in the process.
However, disaster would strike one day when he lost a leg protecting his sister on an adventure gone wrong. Being blamed by their parents, Mallarie fled from home while Miter remained to recover from his injury, Rivet being there the most from him, and hating the fact that her son suffered the same fate she did, losing a leg while she lost an arm.
But while Rivet helped him get over the loss of a limb, Miter similarly helped his parents get over the anger they felt towards Mallarie, as he hated seeing her sister in so much distress, and seeing his family being divided, and slowly convinced them that it wasn't her fault since he could have simply refused to go, and saying that they should be thankful that they are both still alive.
Thankfully, Mallarie eventually returned, allowing everyone to make up and apologize for regrettable things that have been said, and to better help move on from the incident, everyone pitched in to help build Miter a yellow prosthetic similar to Rivet's, a symbol of their love overcoming a struggle as great as this one.
And as it turned out, his amputation was a blessing in disguise, as when he returned to work, a very shy coworker of his, Estelle, was the most concerned about his accident, asking if he was okay, and always being there to help him whenever he needed it, her worry overpowering her ordinary shyness.
After a while of getting to know each other, the two would start dating, and upon finding out and enjoying his new girlfriend's secretly extremely high libido, the two would accidentally end up having a child together--something that literally everyone expected Mallarie to do and not 'actually sensible and reasonable Miter'.
Thankfully, it was a happy accident, and Miter and Estelle would marry and happily raise their son, Jules, with Miter eventually being handed the mantle of Keeper of the Dimensionator after his grandfather retires from the profession.
And even though Miter found himself at the butt of his sister's short jokes for his entire life, with her escaping their parents' acquired genes of shorter height to his chagrin, he found that a second blessing in disguise of his amputation was that kicking his sister's shins in response was much more effective with a metal prosthetic than his natural foot.
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Kaden and Wells' open softie yet fiery-on-the-inside daughter, Lucille 'Lucy' Wells.
Accidentally entering the world when her mother demanded Kaden a 'destressing' session after a particularly bad day, with Wells neglecting protection in her fervor because 'we're probably too old to have kids anyway, just get over here and take off your pants already', Lucy was quite an unexpected development in her family's life, but far from unwelcome.
Although, Wells initially feared being a mother (and Ratchet loathed the idea of getting a half-sister from The Bitch™) due to the responsibility that comes with it, with her always denying the fact that she was pregnant despite the obvious symptoms, like morning sickness (she just had a long-lasting flu), her strange nighttime cravings (it's totally normal to eat pickles and tutti-frutti ice cream at midnight, KADEN), and gaining some weight (it's just too many pickles and tutti-frutti ice cream). Eventually, though, thanks to many talks from Kaden and new mother herself, Rivet, Wells would come to accept her new daughter (who would earn the pet names Pickles and Tutti Frutti due to being the blamed cause of Wells' baby bump).
Due to the timing of her birth, Lucy grew up quite close with Mallarie and Miter (of whom would be her niece and nephew, despite the fact that Mallarie was older than her by a year or two), often being confused as their sister, although she honestly was close enough to be one.
And as Kaden and Wells would find out, even though Lucy was as cute as a button and outwardly very sweet and loving of cute things, she had also inherited her mother's Wrath of Wells, giving her a bit of a temperament and capacity to unleash hell on any unfortunate soul dumb who pissed her off.
In her childhood, Kaden got her a pink Protopet as a gift, given by Angela Cross (who had in fact fled to the Lombaxes years prior, working as a biologist at the Center), and Lucy immediately fell in love with her and named her Pinky. Wells, while initially irritated that Kaden got a pet without talking to her first, would come to actually love Pinky as well--especially once she saw how terrified of it Ratchet was due to his past experience with Protopets. Thankfully, Ratchet too would come to like Pinky--but only after they locked him in a room with her until he stopped screaming once they were tired of him refusing to let him or his children even step near their house after they got her.
And in her teenage years, Lucy eventually found herself head over heels with a girl in her class, Cecily, finding her goth fashion, intelligence in poetry and philosophy, and (most importantly) big breasts quite attractive. Unfortunately for her, just like her half-brother and father, she was an awkward mess with romance, and struggled to talk to her. Fortuantely, though, Cecily (or Cee Cee, as a nickname) loved Pinky, and the two eventually bonded when Pinky ran away from home with Cecily finding her, leading to them dating, and later on, marrying.
As for a career, Lucy wanted to follow her mother's footsteps in joining the City Guard to help make the world a safer place for the average citizen, sharing her family's willingness to do good, and found that her mother gave absolutely zero preferential treatment towards her daughter, treating her as just a normal recruit.
While it was a struggle at first adapting to her mother yelling at her after being used to her being sweet with her, it only served to make Lucy quite an effective officer, and with the edge that the Wrath of Wells gave her on her job to enforce order and justice, she quickly rose through the ranks of City Guard. Soon, she would be promoted to Chief of the City Guard to protect their sister dimension's city once Lombaxes return to the old Fastoon to rebuild their ancestral home, and even later on, fully succeeding her mother in leading the City Guard across two dimensions.
Even then, though, she never did escape Mallarie's teasing, from being called 'Copper' for both her fur color and profession, having to deal with constantly arresting Mallarie herself (alongside Wells) during her rebellious years, and once promoted to Chief, Mallarie teasing how she was just a 'lowly Chief' while she herself was 'an awesome General' in the Praetorians. Luckily for Lucy, though, she was raised by one of the biggest smartasses on Fastoon, so she'd always be sure to throw a comeback that'd make her father proud.
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Born as Jeremiah, Jett wants nothing to do with the family he's been given, wanting to be as far away as possible from them.
Although one would think that being born in an elite, aristocratic family with its patriarch having a seat on the Council of the Center for Advanced Lombax Research would be a one-way ticket to an easy life, it is anything but for Jett.
Being raised by parents who don't want him and a grandfather that cares not about Jett's desires to be anything other than the future Councilman they all want him to be, to say that Jett hates his family is an understatement. Although he does want to do good to help people, with his family arguing that the best way to go about it is being a Councilman to enact laws and such, Jett wants to help people directly, and he feels as though being a Councilman only serves to help his privileged family remain privileged, helping the elite more than the people.
And between his loveless, misogynistic father that brings home a different woman every week, his perpetually drunken mother that numbs her life with luxuries, and his cold, elderly Councilman grandfather that seems to make decisions 'for the greater good' without caring about those that they hurt, and the slew of shallow aristocrates they all meet with, Jett is sick of the elite lifestyle.
So, stating that his name was no longer Jeremiah and now Jett, he entered a rebellious phase to finally gain all the freedom he ever wanted, trying to act as rebels are supposed to do, from joyriding his parents' stolen ships and graffiti. Only problem was that, quite franky, he sucked at being a punk instead of a gentleman, and didn't know what to do.
However, after sitting in jail from a joyride, he happened to meet Mallarie (who immediately nicknamed him 'Spot' over his fur marking on his eye), who upon learning his want to be a rebel to escape his 'asshole family', took him under her wing to teach him how to have real fun, making him tag along on her adventures and mischievous escapades to teach him how to be a rebel.
However, Jett found himself falling in love with Mallarie, especially after meeting her family and getting a taste of what it's like to have relatives that love you unconditionally--especially if she too had a Councilman grandfather that had the capacity to be a loving patriarch. And after opening up about his own loveless family, he was unofficially accepted into Mallarie's shortly after they started dating, who he now considered to be his real family now.
Once Jett's family learned of him and Mallarie dating, they sought to make him date 'within your own class' by trying to set him up with an aristocratic snob, Brittney. Jett, however, hated being forced on dates with her by his family, and it was the final straw to make him leave them all for good.
Now with a family where he was actually loved and accepted for who he was, he and Mallarie talked about their future together, and decided to have a family of their own, with Mallarie getting a career in the Praetorians to help support them.
When they had their twin daughters, Allie and Rose, Jett became a stay-at-home dad, wanting to be in their lives for as much as possible, wanting to be the best parent he never got, loving his children with the love he so desperately wished to have himself growing up.
But when they got older, and the task of being a full-time parent was no longer needed, Jett decided that he wanted to fulfill his desire to help people once more, but this time, instead of going on heroic adventures with Mallarie, he decided to pursue a career as a Councilman, now on his terms instead of his family's.
Although he wished he had a family like Mallarie's growing up, he is more than happy that he was able to ensure that his own daughters grew up with the happy childhood he never had.
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Estelle--It's always the quiet ones.
Growing up with intense social anxiety all her life, being a quiet, shy, wallflower bookworm, no one would suspect sweet and intelligent Estelle to consistently have the highest libido in the room.
Whenever she isn't dedicated herself to the pursuit of interdimensional knowledge, quickly finding herself a job as a high-ranking researcher in the Interdimensional Division, she is indulging in her favorite hobby of reading smutty romance novels, having quite the collection.
While working in the Interdimensional Division, she found herself getting a crush on her coworker, Miter, always loving his charm and intellect, but always being to shy to say more than a few passing words to him. But after he suffered from his accident and not being able to show up to work for a month, only getting updates from his grandfather Kaden and great-uncle Mags who also worked there, Estelle grew very worried about him.
Luckily, he eventually came back, but upon seeing him missing a leg with a new prosthetic, Estelle's worry overpowered her anxiety, wanting to make sure that he was alright, sparking their first real conversation together. Ever since then, Estelle was always willing to help Miter out whenever he needed it, and being braver to actually talk to him now that they actually somewhat knew each other, allowing them both to work more closely together. And soon enough, Estelle mustered up the guts to ask him out--something that made Miter a bit sore because he too was trying to get enough nerve to ask her out only to be beaten by her.
He quickly found out just how much of a sex drive his seemingly innocent girlfriend had, on top of learning of her hobby for smutty and romantic novels, but luckily for her, he did not judge her one bit for her somewhat embarrassing hobby--especially when he found the smut she had secretly written about them as well. He was more than happy to help her indulge in her libido, however.
But it was said indulgence that led to an accidental pregnancy with their child, but thankfully, Miter and Estelle felt up to the task, and decided to marry and raise their unexpected son, Jules.
Although the incident served as a stark reminder for the importance of protection, it did nothing to stifle Estelle's sex drive, always loving the fact that she was able to find true love like all the girls of her smutty romance novels did--except her one true love was a short scientist instead of a broad, scantily-clad burly hunk.
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Cecily is a true example of don't judge a book by its cover--nor by its taste in music and fashion.
Although one would think that with her goth outfit and many piercings that Cecily (or Cee Cee, as those closest to her also call her) is a punk, you wouldn't be further from the truth. In stark contrast to her fashion sense and preferred taste of heavy metal music, Cecily is often a quiet and stoic individual, not by any sense of anxiety, but rather from a mindset of not needing to speak unless she has something to say.
And thanks to her love of poetry and philosophy, much of what Cecily has to say is quite meaningful and full of beauty--which is exactly why Lucy fell in love with her in the first place, on top of finding her quite physically attractive as well.
Contrary to what Lucy thought, Cecily did know she existed, and also found her awkward attempts at getting to know her quite endearing. And luckily, Lucy's pet protopet, Pinky, similarly loved Cecily, and happened to run to her when she ran away one day, allowing her and Lucy a perfect opportunity to talk.
And much like Marie and Ratchet's partners, Cecily did too find Lucy's inherited romantic awkwardness very cute and charming, and soon began dating Lucy, finding her to be an extremely dedicated and loving partner.
While Lucy would go on to find a career in the City Guard as an officer and eventual Chief, Cecily instead pursued her passion in writing and poetry, and while not becoming as popular so as to go down in the history books, found enough success that she can be happy with a job, wife, and cute and cuddly pet that she loves.
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From Kaden, his own family, and pretty much everyone else that meets him, they all agree on one thing; Harold is undoubtedly the epitome of a crotchety old man.
Already having a bit of gruffness to him in his younger days, it was only made worse when Tachyon attacked, killing his beloved wife, Cynthia, and nearly destroying the planet that he loved. As a result, Councilman Harold was the most vocal proponent to banning Dimensionators outright to prevent any chance of encountering Tachyon ever again.
As a result, however, him and fellow Councilman Kaden had a bitter rivalry, with Harold always standing as Kaden's biggest obstacle between him and retrieving his son for the twenty whole years they were separated. Harold did not care, however, as he always stood for doing what was for the greater good of all Lombaxes--even if it meant crushing the dreams of others.
When Ratchet arrived to prove Harold wrong that Ratchet was not in fact a 'dead and rotting pile of bones that Tachyon has undoubtedly dealt with by now, Kaden', it did nothing to change his attitude or demeanor, only making him agree that it was like father, like son: They were both smartasses that annoyed him to no end.
But while he was a respected Councilman, albeit agreeable, his home life fared no better, with the death of his wife making him a cold man towards his own family to their own detriment, especially towards his rebellious grandson.
As his son, Felix, and his daughter-in-law, Ophelia, were questionable in their parenting skills in the best of times, Harold was one of the most present relatives in Jett's life that showed him the most love--which was not saying much. Even though they used to be close, Jett's disillusionment to his family's lifestyle and expectations of him drove them apart, coming to a head when Jett firmly denounced his entire family to say that he was leaving them--for Kaden's family.
To hear his own grandson say that Harold's most bitter rival was a better grandparent than he ever was stung more than he thought, especially when Kaden himself reamed into Harold one time for squandering the family he had while Kaden fought him for the right to even have one for twenty whole years.
Having his most loved relative abandon him began a period of reflection in Harold's life, which was unfortunately not for much longer. On his deathbed, he asked for Jett to see him, and in an emotional conversation, apologized to Jett for not giving him the love that he should have been given, and even though he knew it was too late to give it now, he was happy to see that he had found it with Mallarie and the rest of Kaden's family, and made Jett promise to be a better man than both him and his father.
Although the experience would leave Jett with bittersweet feelings, it at least made him feel more at peace with his decision to leave his family with his grandfather's blessing and love, making the few happy memories he had with him all the sweeter.
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The epitome of a dysfunctional and loveless family, Felix and Ophelia.
Thanks to his father Harold's more neglectful style of parenthood due to his wife's death during Tachyon's attack, Felix unfortunately grew up with some bad habits--particularly, having the same neglectful mindset of being a parent.
Ophelia was actually of a lower class than Harold's more aristrocratic background, and when the two started dating, she was pressured into marrying him to secure her own place with the elite, but finding out much too late that with Felix and his misogynistic beliefs and bitter attitude, she made a poor choice.
In an effort to save their marriage, the two had a child, Jeremiah (later deeming himself 'Jett'), only to find that it amplified the problems with Felix being an absent, harsh father that soon found a regular hobby of bringing escorts home, and Ophelia numbing her loathsome life with drinking and empty pleasures of a wealthy lifestyle, also opting to neglect their son.
While the two of them fell out of love long ago, now trapped in a loveless marriage, the only thing they could agree on was that their son would be a disappointment if he never became a Councilman to further secure their class status once Harold dies. They made sure to voice this to Jett for his whole life, on top of the odd insult and statement that they would have probably been happier if they never had him in the first place.
With parents like these, it was no surprise when Jett disowned himself and never looked back, and while Harold was the only one who was most hurt by it, Felix and Ophelia were simply annoyed and opted for a 'good riddance' attitude.
However, seeing Jett leave their family gave Ophelia enough courage to finally leave her loveless and long-since-dead marriage, and left Felix with his constant weekly escorts to try and find her own happiness in life.
Wherever she or Felix ended up after Jett left, however, he doesn't really know, nor does he care at all, only that they remain out of his and his children's life forever.
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With the both of them being among the most insufferable and vapid people one can meet, Brad and Brittney truly are made for each other.
Ever since puberty, Brad's main goal in life is to get laid whenever he can--guys, girls, doesn't matter as long as he has a good time. As a result, he has racked up one hell of a body count over the years, and broken-hearted exes to go with it. And even though he gained a reputation from his countless conquests, that he cares more about maintaining his admittedly attractive looks than his actual partner for the week, Mallarie neglected to listen when he asked her out, believing that she could 'fix him'.
The fact that he flirted with both her parents, her brother, and her (lesbian) aunt Lucy upon introducing him wasn't enough to deter Mallarie despite literally everyone telling her she should run. But thankfully, the situation 'fixed' itself once she turned down Brad's instent offer to finally have sex--Mallarie arguing that if she was losing her virginity, it wasn't in the back of a ship after getting fast food--and upon seeing that Mallarie wasn't going to be an easy conquest, he dumped her, forever cementing the family's hate towards him.
Brittney, on the other hand, was born in a high-class family, and as such, finds anyone one poorer and/or of lower-class far beneath her, and has had everything handed to her on a silver platter. Her family tried to set her up to date Jett as a ploy from his family to try and get him away from Mallarie.
Unsurprisingly, Jett paid no attention to Brittney on their forced dates, both from the fact that he already had a girlfriend, and the fact that he hated Brittney's vapid, selfish, and elitist personality. So after one last date crashed with Mallarie's aid, Jett left Brittney behind, which upset her greatly in thinking that she wasn't good enough.
She decided to drown her sorrows in a high-class bar later that night, where she happened to run into Brad, who upon convincing her that he was totally some rich dude that's clearly in the same class status of her, they had a one-night stand. But after being so lucky for so long, Brad's luck ran out as Brittney ended up pregnant to both of their dismay.
However, as the reality of him being a father began to hit him, something changed inside of Brad, making him decide to try and turn around his ways to be the best dad he can be to provide for his family. Luckily, Brittney's CEO dad (who was very displeased about the pregnancy as well) got him a job at his company's mailroom, and thanks to Brad's natural charisma, managed to work his way up to a respectable managerial position in the company over the years to support their son, Oliver.
And although his and Brittney's relationship was rocky at the start, neither wishing for a relationship nor even a child together, they did all they could to try and make it work together, which thankfully, they did, their new child and marriage doing wonders to change their otherwise selfish ways and grow to be better people.
Brad and Brittney would even later run into Mallarie and Jett, respectively, and apologize to them for their shitty selves they had to deal with when they had to 'date' them, saying that they had grown up and matured since then.
To this day, the two couples are actually good friends, allowing their children to grow up playing with each other and becoming best friends--and even allowing a budding romance to blossom between them as well.
However, it doesn't make it any less awkward when Brad still runs into one of his many exes on his day-to-day.
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Ratchet and Rivet's grandchildren; Allie, Rose, and Jules.
To be honest, I decided that this generation is my cutoff point for developing my AU, as if I went beyond this, I know I would never stop making this family huge, so not every much is decided on what they actually do as it doesn't really matter lmao
Allie and Rose are Mallarie and Jett's twin daughters, named after Wells and Rivet, respectively (with Wells' first name being Alice and Rivet's original birth name being Rosie). Allie would grow up to be more headstrong while Rose woudl grow up more shy and reserved.
Jules is Miter and Estelle's son (and the oldest of his cousins), and he is named after Julie--mostly because she was very butthurt that Kaden and Ratchet didn't name any of their children after her. Needless to say, she was very happy.
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Brad and Brittney's son, Oliver, or 'Oli' as everyone calls him.
Similar to Allie/Rose/Jules, Oliver is in the generation that I am deciding not to develop to stop myself from going overboard, so not much is decided about him outside of the fact that he is Allie and Rose's childhood friend, and that he ends up in a relationship with one of them (probably Allie).
And don't worry, he isn't a vapid asshole like his parents were.
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Jett's grandma/Harold's late wife, Cynthia.
Not much is developed of her because of the fact that she's been dead and honestly doesn't have much bearing on the AU as a whole, but Harold used to be not as crotchety and cold when she was around, and she was quite the gossip, but an otherwise sweet and kind lady.
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Wells' late ex-Praetorian father, Ulysses.
Ulysses used to be a respected Praetorian captain back in his day before retiring to spend more time with his family, including Wells when she was a little girl, who looked up to him very much.
But when Tachyon attacked, while his family evacuated, he stayed behind to aid his fellow Praetorians in the evacuation, but unfortunately was killed by Tachyons' forces. As a result, Wells vowed to follow her father's footsteps in wanting to make the world a better, safer place, sparking her fire in pursuing a career in the City Guard--opting to enlist with them rather than the Praetorians because Wells felt as though the City Guard makes more of an impact on the average person's life, being able to better see the fruits of her labor for herself.
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Wells' mother (or sister?), Sierra.
At first, Sierra was drawn to be Wells' mother (as my friend wanted to know more about Wells' backstory), and that she died with her father to better establish her motivations to want to do good--mostly by the fact that they accidentally instilled a workaholic mentality into Wells before they died.
But then another friend thought of the juicy idea of Sierra being alive purely so that she and Ratchet (and Rivet) actually bond so that Wells would have to watch with horror as her mom would become frineds with The Punk and Missy.
But then I had the idea of what if Sierra was Wells' older and more fun-loving sister for those juicy sisterly dynamics, still making her and Ratchet pals, but also so that Kaden can ask her for dating advice.
I am still on the fence about how she is related to Wells, so she's a work-in-progress lol
And so, that was the "short" character overview of all the (current) main characters currently planned in my AU!
If you're interested in reading more, read the series so far here on AO3!
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detailingbulls · 4 months
Detailing of Cars
Title: "Revitalize Your Ride: The Ultimate Guide to Car Detailing"
Introduction: Your car is more than just a means of transportation—it's an extension of your personality and style. Whether you're cruising down the highway or parked at the curb, your vehicle should shine inside and out. That's where car detailing comes in. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the world of car detailing, exploring everything from basic maintenance to advanced techniques that will leave your ride looking showroom ready.
Chapter 1: Understanding the Basics of Car Detailing
What is car detailing?
The importance of regular detailing
Basic tools and products you'll need
Chapter 2: Exterior Detailing Techniques
Washing and drying: The foundation of a clean car
Clay bar treatment: Removing embedded contaminants for a smooth finish
Polishing and waxing: Restoring shine and protecting the paint
Tire and wheel care: Making your wheels sparkle
Chapter 3: Interior Detailing Secrets
Vacuuming and steam cleaning: Banishing dirt and grime from carpets and upholstery
Leather care: Keeping your leather seats supple and luxurious
Dashboard and trim restoration: Bringing faded surfaces back to life
Odor elimination: Say goodbye to unpleasant smells for good
Chapter 4: Advanced Detailing Techniques
Paint correction: Removing swirls, scratches, and other imperfections for a flawless finish
Ceramic coating: Providing long-lasting protection and hydrophobic properties
Engine bay detailing: Making your engine shine like new
Chapter 5: Specialty Services and Add-Ons
Headlight restoration: Enhancing visibility and aesthetics
Glass polishing: Improving clarity and visibility
Paint protection film (PPF) installation: Shielding your paint from rock chips and scratches
Chapter 6: DIY vs. Professional Detailing
Pros and cons of each approach
When to DIY and when to leave it to the pros
Finding a reputable detailing service near you
Conclusion: Car detailing isn't just about making your vehicle look good—it's about preserving its value and ensuring it performs at its best for years to come. By following the tips and techniques outlined in this guide, you'll be well on your way to maintaining a car that turns heads wherever you go. So, roll up your sleeves, grab your detailing supplies, and get ready to revitalize your ride!
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btcsilkandshine · 8 months
BTC Silk and Shine Hair Care Difference Between Straightening Treatment and Keratin Treatment
Unlocking the Secrets of Silky Tresses: Understanding the Difference Between Straightening Treatment and Keratin Treatment with BTC Silk and Shine Hair Care
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Introduction: In the ever-evolving world of hair care, achieving the perfect balance between sleekness and health is a constant quest. Two popular treatments often sought after are straightening treatments and keratin treatments. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the nuances of each, shedding light on the key differences and exploring the magic of BTC Silk and Shine hair care.
I. Straightening Treatment: Unveiling the Basics
A. What is Straightening Treatment?
Straightening treatments are designed to transform unruly, curly, or frizzy hair into straight, smooth locks. This process typically involves the use of chemicals to break down the hair's natural bonds, allowing it to be reshaped and straightened.
B. How does Straightening Treatment Work?
Chemical Composition: Straightening treatments often contain harsh chemicals like formaldehyde or other keratin-altering substances.
Application Process: Hair professionals apply the treatment, ensuring even distribution to each strand.
Heat Activation: The process is usually activated by applying heat, which locks in the straightened structure.
C. Pros and Cons of Straightening Treatment
Immediate results
Long-lasting straightening
Suitable for highly curly hair
Harsh chemicals may damage hair
Maintenance is crucial for lasting results
Limited flexibility in styling
II. Keratin Treatment: The Essence of Nourishment
A. What is Keratin Treatment?
Keratin treatments, on the other hand, focus on infusing the hair with the protein keratin, which is a vital component of healthy hair. This treatment aims to smoothen the hair, reduce frizz, and enhance overall shine.
B. How does Keratin Treatment Work?
Keratin Infusion: The treatment involves the application of a keratin-rich formula to the hair.
Heat Seal: Heat is then applied to seal the keratin into the hair, providing a protective coating.
Results: The outcome is smoother, more manageable hair with improved texture.
C. Pros and Cons of Keratin Treatment
Repairs and nourishes hair
Reduces frizz and enhances shine
Compatible with various hair types
Temporary results
Requires specific aftercare products
May not be suitable for extremely curly hair
III. BTC Silk and Shine Hair Care: A Closer Look
A. Introducing BTC Silk and Shine
BTC Silk and Shine is a renowned brand in the hair care industry, known for its commitment to quality and innovation. Let's explore how this brand stands out in the realm of hair care.
B. Key Features of BTC Silk and Shine Products
Silk-infused Formulas: The inclusion of silk in their products provides a luxurious, silky feel to the hair.
Nourishing Ingredients: BTC Silk and Shine prioritize nourishing ingredients that enhance hair health.
Versatility: Products cater to various hair types and concerns, ensuring a personalized experience.
C. Popular Products from BTC Silk and Shine
Silk and Shine Shampoo: A gentle cleanser infused with silk for a lustrous finish.
Silk and Shine Conditioner: Deeply nourishes and detangles, leaving hair smooth and manageable.
Silk and Shine Hair Mask: Intensive treatment for repairing and revitalizing damaged hair.
IV. Choosing the Right Treatment for You
A. Considerations Before Choosing a Treatment
Hair Type: Straightening may be more suitable for curly hair, while keratin is versatile.
Maintenance: Straightening requires more upkeep, while keratin treatments have a lower maintenance demand.
Longevity: Straightening offers longer-lasting results, while keratin provides a temporary fix.
B. Personalized Approach with BTC Silk and Shine
Assessing Hair Needs: Choose BTC Silk and Shine products based on your hair type and specific concerns.
Incorporating into Routine: Create a routine incorporating Silk and Shine products for sustained results.
Consultation with Professionals: Seek advice from hair care professionals to tailor your regimen effectively.
V. Conclusion: Embracing the Beauty of Healthy, Styled Hair
In the pursuit of the perfect hairstyle, understanding the difference between straightening treatment and keratin treatment is paramount. With BTC Silk and Shine at the forefront of innovative hair care, you can unlock the secret to achieving silky, healthy tresses. Embrace the journey of self-expression through your hair, and let BTC Silk and Shine be your trusted companion on this beautiful adventure. 💇‍♀️✨
VI. Hashtags for Social Media
#HairCareMagic #SilkyTresses #BTCBeauty #KeratinLove #StraighteningVersusKeratin #BTCSilkAndShine
Remember, before embarking on any hair treatment journey, consult with a professional to ensure the best results for your unique hair type and concerns.
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sohamdigi · 1 year
Unveiling the Best Skin and Hair Care Products in India
Taking care of our skin and hair is not only a matter of looking good but also an essential part of maintaining our overall health and well-being. With a plethora of options available in the market, finding the right skin care and hair care products in India can be quite overwhelming. In this blog, we’ll explore some of the top-notch products that have gained popularity among beauty enthusiasts. So, get ready to enhance your beauty routine and achieve healthy, glowing skin and luscious locks.
Skin Care Products in India:
Cleansers and Face Washes: Starting with the basics, a good cleanser or face wash is crucial for maintaining healthy skin. Brands like Himalaya, Neutrogena, and Cetaphil offer a wide range of gentle cleansers suitable for different skin types. These products effectively remove dirt, oil, and impurities, leaving your skin refreshed and rejuvenated.
Moisturizers and Serums: To keep your skin hydrated and supple, moisturizers and serums are a must-have in your skincare regimen. Brands like Olay, Lotus Herbals, and Forest Essentials provide excellent moisturizing options enriched with nourishing ingredients like aloe vera, hyaluronic acid, and essential oils. Additionally, serums infused with vitamin C, retinol, or hyaluronic acid can target specific skin concerns like dullness, aging, and hyperpigmentation.
Sunscreens: Protecting your skin from harmful UV rays is essential, especially in India’s tropical climate. Look for broad-spectrum sunscreens with SPF 30 or higher. Neutrogena, Lotus Herbals, and La Roche-Posay offer some of the best sunscreens in India, providing effective protection against sun damage and premature aging.
Hair Care Products in India:
Shampoos and Conditioners: Maintaining healthy hair starts with choosing the right shampoo and conditioner. Brands like Pantene, L’Oreal, and Dove offer a range of products tailored to various hair types and concerns, such as dryness, frizz, and dandruff. Look for ingredients like argan oil, keratin, and biotin to nourish and strengthen your hair.
Hair Oils: India has a rich tradition of using hair oils to promote hair growth and maintain scalp health. Coconut oil, almond oil, and castor oil are widely preferred options. Brands like Parachute, Patanjali, and Khadi Natural offer quality hair oils infused with herbal extracts that help nourish the hair follicles, reduce hair fall, and improve overall hair texture.
Hair Masks and Treatments: For an extra boost of nourishment, consider incorporating hair masks and treatments into your hair care routine. Brands like WOW Skin Science, Mamaearth, and Biotique offer an array of products enriched with natural ingredients like onion, aloe vera, and argan oil. These treatments help repair damaged hair, reduce breakage, and enhance hair growth.
Hair Loss Products:
Hair Growth Supplements: If you’re experiencing hair loss or thinning, adding hair growth supplements to your routine might be beneficial. Supplements containing biotin, vitamins, and minerals like iron and zinc can support healthy hair growth. Popular options include Hairfinity, Nutrafol, and Himalaya Hairzone.
Topical Solutions and Serums: Several topical solutions and serums are available in the market that claim to promote hair growth and combat hair loss. Products like Minoxidil, Rogaine, and Livon Hair Gain have gained popularity for their effectiveness in stimulating hair follicles and reducing hair fall.
Finding the right skin care and hair care products in India is a personal journey, and it may require some trial and error to discover what works best for you. Remember to consider your specific skin and hair type, as well as any concerns you might have. With the plethora of options available, take the time to research and read reviews to make informed choices. By incorporating these top-notch products into your beauty routine, you can nourish your skin, revitalize your hair, and enhance your natural beauty.
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Hey, There's A New WoW Expansion.
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Dragonflight is out. Shadowlands is over. The Jailer is....dead? I think? Dragons be flying, and I'm having an incredible time. Alright, so really I'm not that far into the Dragonflight main story, but I have great reasons for that. The Waking Shores might be the single best introduction to a new WoW Expansion since Wrath of The Lich King (more on that another night), Dragon Riding has completely revitalized the navigation, and on a personal note: I have a new friend who's a big Elephant made out of fire that I named Bernie. Boooooo! There's an immense joy permeating this expansion launch for me, and it's not just because I, like I imagine a lot of people, was pretty burnt out on Shadowlands. While there is a big threat being setup, they aren't so much a big threat that the entire world is in threat of being vaporized, as we have seemed to grow so accustomed to. I'm sure it would be bad if the Primalists got out and started slinging Lava at our cities ( I guess they sort of did?), but as of right now I feel like this is specifically a Dragon problem, and we're here to help.
Overall, even in the face of a huge storm drake trying to kill me, the thing I can't stop thinking about with this expansion is just how damn positive and encouraging the whole thing is. We're not being told that we have to stop the evil right this minute. We're being told to explore this new place. Meet new characters, and lend a helping hand. Take things at our own pace. I just keep flying around looking for Dragon tokens, and no giant evil is tapping it's watch at me to hurry up, I'm allowed to enjoy this. I'm allowed to stop my big epic story to help the injured Dragon save their beloved colony of Crabs, if I don't, who will?
The story is so much more direct and simpler than Shadowlands. We don't have to have multiple story quests of characters trying to explain to us how an Afterlife works. We know how a beautiful river delta works, and we know even clearer than it's a ton of fun to zoom around on the back of a friendly dragon, zooming through the stone arches and riverbeds of a zone clearly based on Zion National park. I can scarcely think of a better design for a place meant to teach you the basics of momentum based flying.
Again, I'm not far in the campaign that (according to a friend of mine is surprisingly short), so who knows what my outlook on this expansion will morph into to as I press on. Right now I can't imagine I'll really have any big issues, especially considering I've barely begun the second zone, a breathtaking grassy plain inhabited by badass Centaur's, and a third zone that's reportedly a homage to what I still consider to be the best zone in World of Warcraft. Frankly, I'm just happy to be on the Dragon Isles, I'm happy to be flying around, and I'm happy to really feel like an explorer again. If this pace is kept up, I wouldn't be shocked to find myself holding Dragonflight up as one of the greatest things World of Warcraft has ever done. Damn, that feels good to say.
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Allentown Housekeeping Services: More Than Just Cleaning.
In today's fast-paced world, finding the time to keep your home clean and organized can be a daunting task. professional deep cleaning service That's where Allentown Housekeeping Services comes in. Our team of professional house cleaners is dedicated to providing top-notch cleaning services that go beyond simply tidying up your living space. With a wide range of customizable options, we strive to meet the unique needs of each and every client. From deep cleaning to eco-friendly solutions, our services are designed to make your life easier and your home sparkling clean.
Allentown Housekeeping Services: More Than Just Cleaning.
When you think of housekeeping services, the first thing that comes to mind is probably cleaning. While cleaning is certainly an important part of what we do, Allentown Housekeeping Services offers much more than just a tidy home. We understand that our clients have busy lives and demanding schedules. That's why we provide a comprehensive range of services that go beyond basic cleaning:
1. House Cleaner Allentown: Experience Professionalism at Its Best
Our team of highly trained house cleaners in Allentown is House cleaning services near me committed to delivering exceptional results with every visit. With years of experience under their belts, they have honed their skills and developed efficient techniques to ensure thorough and meticulous cleaning. Our professionals pay attention to even the smallest details, leaving no corner untouched.
2. Allentown House Cleaning Services: Tailored to Your Needs
At Allentown Housekeeping Services, we understand that every home is unique and has different cleaning requirements. That's why we offer customizable house cleaning services in Allentown. Whether you need a one-time deep clean or regular maintenance cleaning, our team will work with you to create a personalized cleaning plan that fits your schedule and budget.
3. Residential Cleaning Allentown: Making Your Home Shine
A clean and organized home is not only aesthetically pleasing but also contributes to a healthier living environment. Our residential cleaning services in Allentown are designed to remove dirt, dust, allergens, and bacteria from your home, ensuring a fresh and hygienic space for you and your family. From bedrooms to bathrooms, kitchens to living areas, our team will transform your home into a spotless sanctuary.
4. Maid Service Allentown: Relax and Leave the Cleaning to Us
Life can get hectic, and sometimes you just need a break. Our maid service in Allentown allows you to sit back, relax, and let us take care of the cleaning for you. Whether you're a busy professional or a parent juggling multiple responsibilities, our reliable and trustworthy maids will ensure that your home stays clean and organized while you focus on what matters most.
5. Home Cleaning Allentown: Create a Healthy Living Space
Maintaining a clean home goes beyond just appearances. It is essential for creating a healthy living environment for you and your loved ones. Our home cleaning services in Allentown utilize eco-friendly cleaning products and techniques that are safe for your family and the planet. We believe in sustainable cleaning practices that minimize our impact on the environment without compromising on cleanliness.
6. Deep Cleaning Allentown: Revitalize Your Living Space
Sometimes your home needs more than just surface-level cleaning. Our deep cleaning serv
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jamesvince9898 · 9 days
Experience the Ultimate Nail Care at 90's Nails: Your Premier Nail Spa in Mobile, AL
Introduction Finding the perfect nail salon can be a challenge, but at 90's Nails, we make it easy by offering a wide range of nail care services that cater to all your beauty needs. Located conveniently in Mobile, AL, our salon is more than just a nail shop—it's a place where artistry, relaxation, and exceptional service come together. Whether you're searching for the best nail salons Mobile AL has to offer or looking for a comprehensive nail spa Mobile AL experience, we provide an unmatched level of quality and care. Our skilled technicians are here to help you achieve your dream nails while enjoying a rejuvenating spa experience in a warm, welcoming environment.
The Ultimate Nail Salon Experience in Mobile, AL
1. A Commitment to Excellence At 90's Nails, we are dedicated to providing top-notch service and a relaxing ambiance for every client. Our salon is designed to be a tranquil escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life, offering a peaceful atmosphere where you can unwind while our skilled technicians attend to your nail care needs. We prioritize cleanliness, comfort, and quality, ensuring that every visit to our nail salon in Mobile, AL leaves you feeling pampered and satisfied.
2. Comprehensive Range of Services As a leading nail shop in Mobile, AL, we offer a comprehensive range of services to cater to all your nail care desires. From classic manicures and pedicures to the latest trends in nail art, our technicians are trained to deliver high-quality results that reflect your unique style. Whether you want a simple polish change, a luxurious spa treatment, or a custom nail design, we have you covered. Our services include:
Classic and Gel Manicures: Enjoy a precise manicure with your choice of traditional or gel polish, offering long-lasting color and shine.
Spa Pedicures: Indulge in a relaxing spa pedicure that includes exfoliation, massage, and moisturizing treatments, leaving your feet soft and smooth.
Acrylic and Dip Powder Nails: Get the perfect set of acrylic or dip powder nails that are durable, stylish, and customized to your liking.
Nail Art and Design: Express your creativity with custom nail art designs, from simple accents to intricate patterns and embellishments.
What Sets Us Apart from Other Nail Salons in Mobile, AL?
1. Expert Nail Technicians Our team of professional nail technicians is highly trained and passionate about their craft. With years of experience and a keen eye for detail, they are skilled in all aspects of nail care, from basic treatments to advanced techniques. At 90's Nails, we stay updated with the latest trends and innovations in the nail industry to provide you with cutting-edge services that meet the highest standards of quality and safety.
2. High-Quality Products and Sanitary Practices We believe that the key to beautiful nails starts with using the best products. That's why we use only top-of-the-line nail care products, including premium polishes, gels, and powders, to ensure that your nails not only look great but also stay healthy and strong. Our commitment to hygiene is unwavering, and we adhere to strict sanitation protocols to provide a clean and safe environment for all our clients. All tools are sterilized, and disposable items are used whenever possible to prevent cross-contamination.
3. A Relaxing Nail Spa Experience in Mobile, AL At 90's Nails, we aim to offer more than just a nail service—we offer a full spa experience. Our spa treatments are designed to relax your body and mind while rejuvenating your nails and skin. From our comfortable seating and soothing music to our luxurious hand and foot treatments, every detail is thoughtfully curated to provide an unforgettable experience. Whether you're visiting us for a quick polish or a full day of pampering, you can expect to leave feeling refreshed and revitalized.
Benefits of Choosing 90's Nails for Your Nail Care Needs
1. Personalized Services Tailored to You We understand that every client is unique, which is why we offer personalized services tailored to your specific preferences. Our technicians take the time to listen to your needs and recommend the best treatments and products to achieve your desired results. Whether you prefer a classic look or something bold and trendy, we will work with you to create the perfect nail style that suits your personality.
2. Convenient Location and Flexible Appointments Located conveniently in Mobile, AL, 90's Nails is easily accessible, making it the perfect choice for anyone searching for a "nail salon near me." We offer flexible appointment scheduling to accommodate your busy lifestyle, including evenings and weekends, so you can enjoy our services at a time that suits you best.
3. Affordable Luxury We believe that everyone deserves to feel pampered, which is why we offer high-quality services at competitive prices. Our goal is to provide affordable luxury, ensuring that you receive the best possible value for your money. With regular promotions and loyalty programs, we make it easy to indulge in premium nail care without breaking the bank.
How to Make the Most of Your Visit to Our Nail Spa in Mobile, AL
1. Know What You Want Before your appointment, take some time to think about the look you want to achieve. Whether you have a specific nail design in mind or want to try a new trend, knowing your preferences will help our technicians create the perfect look for you.
2. Communicate with Your Technician Don’t hesitate to communicate with your technician about your preferences, concerns, or any specific requests you may have. At 90's Nails, we value open communication and are committed to making sure you are completely satisfied with your service.
3. Take Care of Your Nails After Your Visit To maintain the longevity of your manicure or pedicure, follow the aftercare advice provided by our technicians. Keep your nails moisturized, avoid harsh chemicals, and schedule regular visits to keep them looking their best.
At 90's Nails, we are committed to providing an exceptional nail care experience in a relaxing and welcoming environment. Whether you're searching for the best nail salons in Mobile, AL, or a comprehensive nail spa in Mobile, AL, our team is here to meet all your nail care needs with professionalism and expertise. From classic manicures to intricate nail art, we offer a wide range of services designed to enhance your natural beauty and leave you feeling pampered.
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avnnetwork · 24 days
Unleashing the Power of PHP: A Journey into Creating Stunning Visuals and Beyond
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In the ever-evolving landscape of web development, few languages have managed to retain their relevance and adaptability like PHP. Often associated with dynamic websites and interactive applications, PHP continues to be a powerful tool in the developer's arsenal. But beyond its traditional use cases, PHP has the potential to create much more—like stunning visual images that can enhance the aesthetic appeal of websites or serve as a basis for creative projects.
This blog embarks on a journey into the world of PHP, where we will explore how this versatile language can be used to create images, manipulate them, and integrate them into broader applications. Whether you're a seasoned PHP developer or a curious newcomer, this guide will offer insights into the lesser-known capabilities of PHP, demonstrating how positivity and creativity can be infused into your programming projects.
The Magic of PHP: Why It’s Still Relevant
PHP, originally developed as a server-side scripting language, has evolved significantly since its inception. Despite the emergence of new languages and frameworks, PHP has maintained a strong presence in the web development community. One might wonder, what keeps PHP relevant in a fast-paced industry where new technologies appear almost daily?
The answer lies in PHP's simplicity, versatility, and continuous development. PHP is easy to learn and integrate with other languages, making it an excellent choice for beginners and professionals alike. Its ability to handle a wide range of tasks—from simple website functionalities to complex web applications—makes it indispensable for many developers.
Moreover, the extensive community support and regular updates ensure that PHP remains modern and compatible with contemporary development needs. The introduction of frameworks like Laravel has further revitalized PHP, enabling developers to build scalable, secure, and high-performing applications with ease.
PHP’s relevance today extends beyond traditional web development. It plays a significant role in API development, content management systems, and even in the integration of advanced technologies like machine learning. The language’s adaptability is a testament to its enduring magic, and this blog will demonstrate one of its more creative applications: image creation.
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Creating Images with PHP: A Step-by-Step Guide
One of the lesser-known but powerful features of PHP is its ability to create and manipulate images, thanks to the GD Library. This library allows developers to dynamically generate images directly from their code, opening up a world of possibilities for creative and functional implementations.
Setting Up the Environment
Before diving into image creation, you need to ensure that your PHP environment is set up with the GD Library. Most modern PHP installations include GD by default, but you can confirm this by checking your PHP configuration with phpinfo(). If GD is not enabled, it can be added through your package manager or by configuring your PHP installation.
Simple Image Creation
Let’s start with a basic example: creating a simple image with PHP. Below is a snippet of PHP code that generates a blank image with a colored background:
Copy code
<?php // Create a blank image $width = 200; $height = 100; $image = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height); // Allocate a color for the background $bg_color = imagecolorallocate($image, 0, 102, 204); // Blue background imagefill($image, 0, 0, $bg_color); // Output the image header('Content-Type: image/png'); imagepng($image); imagedestroy($image); ?>
This code creates a 200x100 pixel image with a blue background. The imagecreatetruecolor() function generates a new blank image, and imagecolorallocate() assigns a color. Finally, imagefill() fills the image with the background color, and imagepng() outputs the image as a PNG file.
Adding Text and Shapes
Enhancing the image with text and shapes is straightforward. You can use functions like imagettftext() for text and imageline(), imageellipse() for shapes. Here’s how you can add text to the image:
Copy code
<?php // Add text to the image $text_color = imagecolorallocate($image, 255, 255, 255); // White text $font = '/path/to/font.ttf'; // Specify the path to your font file imagettftext($image, 20, 0, 10, 50, $text_color, $font, "Hello, PHP!"); ?>
This code snippet places the text "Hello, PHP!" on the image using a TrueType font. By adjusting parameters like font size, angle, and position, you can customize the text appearance.
Advanced Image Manipulation with PHP
Once you’ve mastered the basics of image creation, you can explore more advanced techniques, such as applying filters, adding watermarks, and creating thumbnails.
Applying Filters
PHP allows you to apply various filters to images, such as grayscale, brightness adjustment, and more. Here’s an example of how to apply a grayscale filter:
Copy code
<?php // Apply a grayscale filter imagefilter($image, IMG_FILTER_GRAYSCALE); ?>
This simple line of code converts the entire image to grayscale, giving it a classic, timeless look. Other filters, like IMG_FILTER_CONTRAST and IMG_FILTER_NEGATE, can be used similarly to achieve different effects.
Adding Watermarks
Watermarks are essential for branding and protecting your images. PHP makes it easy to overlay one image onto another to create a watermark effect:
Copy code
<?php // Load the watermark image $watermark = imagecreatefrompng('watermark.png'); // Get the dimensions of both images $watermark_width = imagesx($watermark); $watermark_height = imagesy($watermark); // Calculate position for the watermark $x = $width - $watermark_width - 10; $y = $height - $watermark_height - 10; // Merge the watermark onto the original image imagecopy($image, $watermark, $x, $y, 0, 0, $watermark_width, $watermark_height); ?>
This code places a watermark in the bottom-right corner of the image, ensuring it’s visible without obstructing the main content.
Creating Thumbnails
Thumbnails are vital for creating previews or scaled-down versions of larger images. PHP can easily resize images to create thumbnails:
<?php // Resize the image $thumb_width = 100; $thumb_height = 50; $thumbnail = imagecreatetruecolor($thumb_width, $thumb_height); imagecopyresampled($thumbnail, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $thumb_width, $thumb_height, $width, $height); ?>
This script resizes the original image to a smaller thumbnail size while maintaining the aspect ratio, making it perfect for gallery previews or avatars.
Beyond Images: PHP’s Expanding Horizon
While creating and manipulating images is a fascinating use of PHP, the language’s capabilities extend far beyond this. PHP has evolved into a robust tool capable of powering entire web ecosystems, thanks to its integration with modern technologies and frameworks.
APIs and Microservices
PHP is increasingly being used to develop APIs and microservices. With frameworks like Slim and Lumen, developers can create lightweight, high-performing APIs that integrate seamlessly with other applications. These APIs can handle everything from data processing to real-time communication between services.
Web Applications with PHP Frameworks
Frameworks like Laravel, Symfony, and CodeIgniter have revolutionized PHP development, making it easier to build complex, scalable web applications. These frameworks provide tools and libraries that streamline development, enforce best practices, and improve security. As a result, developers can focus on creating unique features rather than reinventing the wheel.
PHP in Data Science
Although traditionally associated with web development, PHP is also finding a place in data science. Libraries like PHP-ML (Machine Learning) allow developers to integrate machine learning algorithms into their applications. This opens up possibilities for predictive analytics, recommendation engines, and more, all within the PHP ecosystem.
Case Study: PHP in Action
To illustrate PHP's versatility and power, let's look at a real-world example where PHP was used to create images and power a successful project.
Project Overview
A small e-commerce startup wanted to create a personalized product design tool on their website, allowing users to customize items like t-shirts and mugs. They chose PHP to build this tool due to its simplicity and flexibility.
Using the GD Library, the development team created a PHP-based application where users could upload their designs, add text, and apply filters to preview how their custom product would look. The application generated high-quality images in real-time, which were then used to process orders and print the designs on the selected products.
The project was a resounding success. The simplicity of PHP allowed the team to quickly iterate on features and integrate the tool with the rest of the e-commerce platform. The ability to generate images dynamically gave users a seamless experience, leading to increased sales and customer satisfaction.
Lessons Learned
This case study highlights PHP’s potential in creative and commercial applications. By leveraging PHP’s image creation capabilities, the startup could offer a unique feature that set them apart in a competitive market.
PHP continues to be a powerful and versatile language, capable of much more than its traditional role in web development. As demonstrated in this blog, PHP can be used to create stunning images, enhance them with advanced effects, and integrate them into larger applications. The GD Library provides a robust set of tools for image manipulation, making PHP an excellent choice for developers looking to add visual elements to their projects.
Beyond image creation, PHP's adaptability extends into modern web development practices, including API creation, microservices, and even data science. The real-world case study further illustrates PHP's potential to drive innovation and success in commercial applications.
As you explore the possibilities with PHP, remember that this language is more than just a tool—it's a gateway to creativity and innovation. Whether you're creating dynamic images, building complex applications, or integrating new technologies, PHP offers endless opportunities to bring your ideas to life.
Embrace the power of PHP and let your creativity shine, knowing that this time-tested language will continue to support your development journey for years to come.
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barclayitaly · 24 days
Best Barclay Italy Shampoo For Hair Growth
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Keratin Hair conditioner Introduction: Are you tired of battling frizzy, dull hair? Discover the secret to unlocking gorgeous locks with the power of keratin.
What is Keratin? Keratin is a protein that enables form the outer layer of your hair, nails, and skin (epidermis). It facilitates your pores and skin, heals wounds, and helps maintain your nails and hair healthy.
There are fifty four kinds of keratin on your body. There are two options:
Type 1: Of the 54 types of keratins in your body, 28 are type 1 keratins, 17 of which are skin cell (epithelial) keratins, and 11 are hair keratins. Most type I keratins (cytokeratins) consist of acidic, low-weight proteins. They have many functions, including helping protect cells from internal forces in your body (mechanical stress).
Type II: The other 26 kinds of keratins in your body are type II. Of those, 20 are skin cell keratins, and six are hair keratins. They consist of basic-neutral, high-weight proteins. Their basic-neutral pH helps balance type I keratins and govern cell activity. There are two forms of keratin:
Alpha-keratin: Alpha-keratin is in the hair, epidermis, horns and nails of mammals. Type I and type II keratins are alpha-keratins. Beta-keratin: Beta-keratin is in the feathers, claws, beaks and scales of birds and reptiles. Do I need keratin for my hair? Keratin is the primary component of hair, so many people believe that taking keratin supplements makes their hair stronger. However, there are no studies that conclude that keratin supplements make your hair stronger. Talk to your healthcare provider if you’re thinking of taking keratin supplements to discuss any risks and benefits. Many people also believe that shampoos and conditioners infused with keratin oil make their hair healthier. Studies have shown that shampoos and conditioners that contain keratin hydrolysates can make your hair stronger, brighter and softer. Keratin Conditioner: Pamper your hair with our Keratin Conditioner, enriched with bamboo silica, argan oil, and quinoa water. This rich and creamy conditioner hydrates and repairs damaged strands, restoring softness and manageability. Lock in moisture and protect your hair from environmental stressors, all while enjoying the silky-smooth texture of healthy, revitalized hair. Nourish and beef up your locks with the strength of our Premium Keratin Conditioner. Infused with pure, great keratin and…
Description: Nourish and beef up your locks with the strength of our Premium Keratin Conditioner. Infused with pure, great keratin and a generous 2% dose of rejuvenating bamboo silica, this luxurious method works deep into every person hair strand to reinforce its internal shape and offer unprecedented reinforcement. But the blessings do not forestall there - this conditioner additionally features a superbly balanced combination of nourishing argan oil and hydrating quinoa juice to drench your hair in intense moisture.
Ingredients: 2% Keratin + 2% bamboo silica + 2% Argon oil + 2% Quinoa water , Aqua, EDTA, CTSC ( conditioning agent), emulsifying wax, mango wax, shea butter, vegetable glycerin, aloe vera extract, ritha extract, heena extract, sodium gluconate (cleansing agent), BHT, almond oil, argan oil, sunflower oil, UCURE (conditioning agent and thickner), perfume/essential oil
Usage Instructions: After shampooing, apply a generous amount of conditioner to wet hair, focusing on the mid-lengths to ends. Leave on for 2-3 minutes, then rinse thoroughly. For best results, use after our Keratin Sham Naturals Keratin Conditioner Enhanced with Nature's Finest Ingredients 2% Keratin, 2% bamboo silica, 2% Argon oil, 2% Quinoa water | | Sulfate-Free, Paraben-Free, Alcohol-Free For Men & Women
About this item Nourish and strengthen: With its deep hydration, this keratin conditioner leaves your hair feeling silky smooth and looking noticeably healthier. Ideal for anyone looking for a natural hair conditioner. To choose: Restore Your Hair's Natural Brilliance Deep Hydration, Naturally: Say Goodbye to Dry, Frizzy Hair with our Alcohol-Free Formula, Smooth, Silky Strands - Enriched with Plant-Based Ingredients for Superior Hair Nourishment DUAL ACTION: This keratin conditioner works like a double-edged sword. Regular use of the Barclay Conditioner for frizzy hair provides 100% smoother hair with more shine. Keratin works to smoothen your hair strands' overlapping cells. This gives your strands a smooth, fuller, and glossy look. For External Use only. Avoid contact with eyes. If contact occurs, rinse thoroughly with water. Keep out of reach of children.
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laurencna · 24 days
Renew Your Nursing Career with Our Comprehensive CNA Refresher Course in North Carolina
**Title: Revitalize Your Nursing ⁢Career with Our Comprehensive CNA‍ Refresher Course in North Carolina**
**Meta Title: Discover how ​our ⁣CNA ​refresher course in ⁣North Carolina can help you enhance your nursing career**
**Meta Description: If you’re ‌a certified nursing assistant (CNA) looking to revitalize ‌your career in North Carolina, ​our​ comprehensive⁤ refresher course⁢ is designed to help you enhance your skills and knowledge. Learn more ‌about the ‌benefits and how to enroll today.**
Are you a certified ‌nursing assistant (CNA) looking to refresh your skills and revitalize your ⁢nursing career in North Carolina? Look⁣ no further! Our comprehensive CNA ‍refresher course is tailored to meet ⁣the needs of CNAs ‌seeking to enhance their knowledge and skills in the ever-evolving healthcare‌ field. ‌Whether you’re looking to update your​ skills, re-enter the workforce, ​or advance your ⁢career, our course will provide you with the ⁢tools and resources you need‌ to ​succeed.
**Benefits ​of Our CNA Refresher Course in North Carolina:**
1. **Update Your Skills:** Our refresher⁢ course covers the latest advancements and best practices in nursing, allowing you to ‌stay ​current in your field.
2. **Gain Confidence:** ⁢By refreshing your skills‌ and knowledge, you will feel more confident in your abilities as a CNA, leading​ to better patient care and job performance.
3. **Enhance Your Career Opportunities:**‌ Completing our refresher⁢ course can open up new career opportunities​ and help you advance in your nursing career.
4. **Flexible Learning Options:** Our course offers flexible learning options, allowing you to study at your own ​pace and schedule.
**Overview of‍ Our CNA Refresher Course:**
Our CNA refresher course in ⁤North Carolina is designed to provide CNAs with the knowledge and skills they need to ⁢excel in their role.⁣ The course covers a wide⁤ range of topics, including:
– Basic nursing skills -⁤ Infection control – Patient care techniques – Communication skills – ⁤Medical terminology -⁣ Legal and ethical considerations
**Case Study: ​Sarah’s Success Story**
Sarah, a certified nursing assistant in North Carolina, decided to enroll in our CNA refresher course to update her skills and enhance her career prospects. After ​completing the course, Sarah felt more confident in her abilities ​and was ‌able to secure​ a promotion ⁢at her workplace. She credits our ⁤course for‍ helping her achieve ‍her career goals and recommends it to other CNAs looking to revitalize their careers.
**Enroll in Our CNA Refresher Course ⁢Today:**
If‌ you’re⁤ ready to ⁤revitalize your nursing career⁤ in North Carolina,‌ enroll in our comprehensive CNA ⁤refresher‌ course today. With flexible learning options, ​up-to-date⁢ curriculum, and dedicated instructors, ​you’ll ‌have everything‌ you‍ need to ‌succeed in the⁤ ever-changing healthcare field. Don’t wait -‍ take the next step towards advancing your career as a CNA.
Our⁢ CNA refresher course in North ‌Carolina is the perfect opportunity for CNAs looking‌ to update their skills, enhance ⁣their knowledge, and revitalize their nursing career. With a wide range of benefits, flexible learning​ options, and real-world case studies, our course is designed to help you ⁤succeed in the rapidly evolving healthcare industry. ‌Enroll today⁢ and take the first⁤ step towards a brighter⁤ future in nursing.
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best salicylic acid serum
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Introduction: Are you tired of battling frizzy, dull hair? Discover the secret to unlocking gorgeous locks with the power of keratin.
What is Keratin?
Keratin is a protein that enables form the outer layer of your hair, nails, and skin (epidermis). It facilitates your pores and skin, heals wounds, and helps maintain your nails and hair healthy. There are fifty four kinds of keratin on your body. There are two options: Type 1: Of the 54 types of keratins in your body, 28 are type 1 keratins, 17 of which are skin cell (epithelial) keratins, and 11 are hair keratins. Most type I keratins (cytokeratins) consist of acidic, low-weight proteins. They have many functions, including helping protect cells from internal forces in your body (mechanical stress).
best salicylic acid serum... Type II: The other 26 kinds of keratins in your body are type II. Of those, 20 are skin cell keratins, and six are hair keratins. They consist of basic-neutral, high-weight proteins. Their basic-neutral pH helps balance type I keratins and govern cell activity. There are two forms of keratin: Alpha-keratin: Alpha-keratin is in the hair, epidermis, horns and nails of mammals. Type I and type II keratins are alpha-keratins. Beta-keratin: Beta-keratin is in the feathers, claws, beaks and scales of birds and reptiles.
Do I need keratin for my hair?
Keratin is the primary component of hair, so many people believe that taking keratin supplements makes their hair stronger. However, there are no studies that conclude that keratin supplements make your hair stronger. Talk to your healthcare provider if you’re thinking of taking keratin supplements to discuss any risks and benefits.
Many people also believe that shampoos and conditioners infused with keratin oil make their hair healthier. Studies have shown that shampoos and conditioners that contain keratin hydrolysates can make your hair stronger, brighter and softer.
Our Keratin Care Collection: Our Keratin Care Collection is meticulously formulated to harness the power of keratin and deliver transformative results for your hair.
Salicylic Acid Serum: Treat your scalp to our Salicylic Acid Serum, specially formulated to banish flakes and promote healthy hair growth. With 2% salicylic acid, this targeted treatment gently exfoliates the scalp, removing dead skin cells and unclogging hair follicles for a refreshing, revitalizing experience. Say goodbye to itchiness and hello to a healthier, happier scalp.
Barclay Italy 2% Salicylic Acid Serum Combats Acne, Unclogs Pores, and Brightens Complexion with 1.5% Betaine & 2% Vitamin C for Radiant, Glowing Skin | Alcohol and Sulfate Free Serum For Women and Men
Achieve a clearer, brighter complexion with our Salicylic Acid Serum. Formulated with 2% Salicylic Acid and 1.5% Betaine, it objectives...
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Exploring the Nostalgia of Old Minecraft Versions: A Journey Through Time
Minecraft, the blocky sandbox game that has captivated millions worldwide, is a game of evolution. From its humble beginnings in 2009 to its current status as a cultural phenomenon, Minecraft has undergone numerous updates and changes. While these updates have brought exciting new features and enhancements, there’s a certain charm in revisiting the older versions of the game. This blog takes you on a journey through time, exploring the nostalgia and significance of old Minecraft versions and why they continue to hold a special place in the hearts of many players.
The Appeal of Old Minecraft Versions
For many Minecraft players, the appeal of older versions lies in their simplicity. The early days of Minecraft were marked by basic gameplay mechanics, limited block types, and a sense of discovery that is often lost in the more feature-rich modern versions. The simplicity of these early versions allowed players to focus on the core aspects of the game — mining, building, and surviving.
Older versions of Minecraft also evoke a sense of nostalgia. Many players who started their Minecraft journey years ago find themselves drawn back to the versions they played during their formative gaming years. Whether it’s the iconic Beta 1.7.3 or the classic Alpha versions, these older iterations of the game serve as a time capsule, preserving memories of simpler times and the thrill of first-time discoveries.
Key Milestones in Minecraft’s Evolution
To understand the significance of old Minecraft versions, it’s essential to explore the key milestones in the game’s evolution. Each major update brought new features, mechanics, and blocks that gradually transformed Minecraft into the expansive game it is today.
Alpha (2009–2010): The Birth of Minecraft
The Alpha versions of Minecraft were the foundation upon which the game was built. Released in 2009, these early versions introduced players to the concept of mining, crafting, and building. The game was still in its infancy, with basic textures, limited mobs, and no hunger or experience systems. Despite its simplicity, Alpha laid the groundwork for the game’s future and captured the imagination of early adopters.
Beta (2010–2011): The Golden Age of Minecraft
The Beta phase is often considered the “golden age” of Minecraft. During this period, the game received significant updates that added new blocks, biomes, and mechanics. Beta 1.8, also known as the Adventure Update, was a turning point, introducing features like the hunger system, experience points, and strongholds. Many players fondly remember Beta 1.7.3 as the version that defined their Minecraft experience, with its perfect balance of simplicity and content.
Official Release (2011): The Game Becomes a Phenomenon
Minecraft’s official release in 2011 marked its transition from a niche indie game to a global phenomenon. Version 1.0 introduced the End dimension, Ender Dragon, and brewing mechanics, adding depth and complexity to the game. The official release solidified Minecraft’s place in gaming history, attracting millions of new players and setting the stage for its continued growth.
The Redstone Update (2013): Expanding Creative Possibilities
Version 1.5, also known as the Redstone Update, was a game-changer for creative players. This update introduced new redstone components like hoppers, comparators, and droppers, allowing players to create complex contraptions and automated systems. The Redstone Update showcased Minecraft’s potential as a platform for engineering and creativity, inspiring countless players to experiment with redstone circuitry.
The Aquatic Update (2018): A New Era of Exploration
The Aquatic Update, released in 2018, revitalized Minecraft’s oceans with new mobs, blocks, and mechanics. Players could now explore vibrant coral reefs, encounter dolphins and turtles, and delve into underwater ruins. This update demonstrated Mojang’s commitment to expanding the game’s world and keeping it fresh for long-time players.
Why Players Continue to Seek Out Old Versions
Despite the continuous stream of updates, many players still seek out old Minecraft versions. There are several reasons why these versions remain popular:
Nostalgia: As mentioned earlier, nostalgia plays a significant role. Older versions of Minecraft transport players back to a time when the game was simpler, and the thrill of discovery was at its peak.
Simplicity: The minimalist nature of early Minecraft versions is appealing to those who prefer a less complicated experience. Without the multitude of blocks, biomes, and mechanics introduced in later updates, players can focus on the core gameplay elements that made Minecraft a success.
Challenge: Some players enjoy the challenge of surviving in older versions without the modern conveniences and tools available in the latest updates. For example, the absence of hunger and experience systems in Alpha versions forces players to rely on basic survival skills.
Modding: The modding community has kept older versions of Minecraft alive and thriving. Many popular mods are only compatible with specific versions of the game, leading players to revisit these versions to experience unique gameplay enhancements.
Community Servers: Numerous community servers are dedicated to older Minecraft versions. These servers offer a nostalgic multiplayer experience, where players can relive the early days of Minecraft with friends and fellow enthusiasts.
How to Access Old Minecraft Versions
Accessing old Minecraft versions is relatively straightforward, thanks to the official Minecraft Launcher. The launcher allows players to select and play any version of the game, from the earliest Alpha builds to the latest release. Here’s how to do it:
Open the Minecraft Launcher.
Click on “Installations” at the top of the launcher.
Select “New Installation” and choose the desired version from the drop-down menu.
Name your installation and click “Create.”
Select your newly created installation and click “Play” to launch the old version.
Additionally, third-party websites like modversionapk.com offer APK files for older Minecraft versions. However, caution is advised when downloading from unofficial sources, as these files may pose security risks.
Old Minecraft versions offer a unique window into the game’s past, allowing players to experience the evolution of one of the most iconic games of all time. Whether driven by nostalgia, a desire for simplicity, or the challenge of surviving in a less forgiving world, players continue to seek out these older versions. As Minecraft continues to grow and evolve, the charm and significance of its early days will remain a cherished part of its legacy. So, fire up your Minecraft Launcher, select an old version, and take a step back in time to relive the magic that started it all.
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thedahliasgurgaon · 1 month
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Families who are seeking a perfect city and development where they can truly come across an enhanced living regime have landed on the right content. 
Here, you will become familiar with a very precious destination in Gurgaon which is highly promising. Let us now start with the explanation of Golf Course Road’s excellence. 
Emerging as a grand destination which is a true reflection of aristocracy, Golf Course Road has become a premium location for all the residents. 
As soon as one enters in Golf Course Road, one can immediately witness the excellence and brilliance, visible via intricate architectural beauty and cutting-edge technological aspects. 
People who are new to this area must be wondering about the attributes which make this area a perfect place to dwell in. You should definitely read the below points to comprehend why you should invest here. 
1. Golf Course Road is a highly evolved region with grand residential, industrial, and commercial developments, all creations of top-notch real estate developers. People wishing to be closely associated with creative developments will find Golf Course Road a perfect option to reside. 
Here, top-notch social hubs and working organizations are located in close vicinity to the household residences. 
2. People who wish to grab a very happening living culture should definitely choose Golf Course Road. In order to revitalize after a hectic week of working, one can easily access the following services. 
5-Star Hotels 
Shopping Complexes
Retail Showrooms 
Multi-Cuisine Restaurants 
Coffee Houses
Open-Air Theatre
3. Now, if you are wondering as to where you should invest in order to attain access to some of the best employment hubs, Golf Course Road is an excellent area. 
Here you will find a grand opportunity to access the following employment hubs which are categorised under different niches, such as:
Multi-National Firms 
IT Companies
Business Towers
Corporate Spaces 
Banking Organizations
DLF, a major real estate developer is soon going to inaugurate another grand creation in Sector-54, DLF Pase V, Gurgaon which is an elite sector of Golf Course Road. 
Now, this exotic development, known as DLF The Dahlias is a part of 16.5 acres of massive land, offering 4, 5, and 6 BHK configurations. Each residence here is exclusively evolved with beautiful designs and newfangled technology, 
People wishing to attain access to some of the best amenities and services should definitely consider residing in DLF The Dahlias. 
In order to surround yourself with grand forms of luxury, DLF The Dahlias Gurgaon and Golf Course Road are a dynamic combination. You should definitely read this article to gain a basic perspective in order to make a final decision. 
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nurseeden · 2 months
Renew Your Nursing Skills: 5 Must-Take Refresher Courses for Healthcare Professionals
**Title: Revitalize ​Your Nursing Skills: 5 ‍Must-Take Refresher ‍Courses for Healthcare Professionals**
**Introduction:** Nursing is a dynamic field that requires​ healthcare⁢ professionals to continuously update their knowledge and⁢ skills to provide the best care‌ for​ their patients. Taking refresher courses is a‌ great‍ way for nurses to​ revitalize their skills, stay current with best practices, and‍ enhance their ⁣career ⁣prospects. In this article, we will explore five must-take refresher‌ courses for healthcare‍ professionals⁢ that can help you stay ahead in your nursing career.
**1. Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS)‌ Certification:** If​ you work in a critical care setting or with patients who are at risk for cardiac emergencies, obtaining ACLS certification is‌ essential.​ This course ⁣covers‌ advanced​ cardiac life ‍support techniques ⁣such​ as⁣ airway management, pharmacology, and electrical ⁤therapy for cardiac ‍arrest. By staying up-to-date with the latest ‍ACLS guidelines and protocols, you can respond more ⁣effectively to cardiac emergencies and improve⁤ patient outcomes.
| Course Name | Course Provider | Duration | Cost | |——————|—————–|———-|———| | ACLS Certification|⁤ American Heart Association| ‌1-2 days | $200-300|
**2. Pediatric‌ Advanced Life Support ​(PALS)⁣ Certification:** For nurses​ who⁣ work ⁤with pediatric patients, ‌obtaining PALS certification is ⁢crucial. ‍This course covers ⁢advanced life support techniques for children, including pediatric assessment, respiratory distress, and shock management.‌ By completing PALS training, you ⁤will be better equipped to handle pediatric ⁣emergencies ⁣and provide high-quality care to young⁣ patients in critical situations.
| Course Name ⁣ ⁤ | Course Provider | Duration | Cost ⁤ | |——————|—————–|———-|———| | PALS Certification| American Heart Association|⁣ 1-2 days​ | $200-300|
**3. Trauma ‌Nursing Core Course (TNCC):** TNCC is a comprehensive course designed for nurses who work in trauma settings⁢ or emergency departments. This course⁤ covers topics such as trauma​ assessment, ⁢airway management, and rapid interventions for trauma patients. By completing TNCC⁢ training, you will enhance your trauma nursing skills and be ⁣better prepared to respond to traumatic injuries in a clinical setting.
| Course Name ⁤ ⁢ | Course Provider ⁣| Duration ⁢| Cost | |——————|—————–|———-|———| | TNCC Certification| Emergency Nurses Association| 2 days | $350-500|
**4. Basic ​Life Support ⁤(BLS) Certification:** BLS certification is a fundamental course that all healthcare ⁤professionals should have. This ​course covers‌ basic life-saving techniques such as CPR, ⁤AED use, and relief of choking ⁤in adults, children, ⁤and infants. By​ maintaining your BLS certification, you​ will ‌be prepared to respond to cardiac emergencies in various healthcare settings and potentially save lives.
| Course Name | Course Provider | Duration​ | ‍Cost ⁢‍ | |——————|—————–|———-|———| | BLS Certification| American Heart Association| 4 ⁣hours | $60-100|
**5.⁢ Infection Control Certification:** Infection control is a critical ⁢aspect of nursing practice,⁣ especially in‍ light of ⁢the ‍COVID-19 pandemic. Completing‍ an infection control certification course will help​ you understand the‌ principles of infection‍ prevention, standard precautions, and proper use of personal protective equipment. By staying updated on infection control⁢ practices, you can protect yourself, your ​patients, and your community from the⁤ spread ⁣of infectious diseases.
| Course Name​ ​ ​ | Course Provider | Duration |‌ Cost | |———————–|—————–|———-|———| | Infection Control Certification| Centers for ⁢Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)| Self-paced online course ⁤| Free|
**Benefits ⁢of Taking Refresher Courses:** – Stay ‌current with best practices in nursing – Enhance your clinical‍ skills and confidence – Improve ‍patient outcomes and safety – Boost your career prospects and professional development
**Practical ⁤Tips for Choosing Refresher Courses:** – Consider‍ your area of ‌specialization and clinical practice – ⁣Research‍ course providers and ‍their ⁤accreditation -⁤ Check course duration, cost,⁣ and certification requirements – Discuss training opportunities ​with your⁢ employer​ or ⁢professional network
**Conclusion:** Taking refresher courses is a valuable⁢ investment in your nursing career that‌ can help you stay competitive, up-to-date, and skilled in delivering high-quality patient care. By enrolling in the five must-take refresher courses ‌mentioned‍ in⁣ this article, you ⁢can revitalize your nursing‌ skills, gain new knowledge, and enhance your professional growth as a healthcare professional. Stay committed‌ to lifelong learning and continuous improvement to ⁤excel⁣ in your nursing‍ practice and make ‍a positive⁢ impact on​ the healthcare industry.
By​ regularly updating ⁢your skills through refresher ⁢courses,⁤ you can elevate your​ nursing practice and​ provide ‍the best possible care for your patients. Start today by enrolling in ⁤one of the recommended courses and take the first⁤ step towards revitalizing your nursing career.
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morefloor12 · 2 months
Floor Plan Creator and Designer
Creating a floor plan creator and designer is an integral part of architectural and interior design. A floor plan is a scaled diagram of a room or building viewed from above. The process involves meticulous planning and a keen eye for detail to ensure that the space is functional, aesthetically pleasing, and suits the needs of its users. Floor plan creators and designers utilize a mix of technical skills and creative flair to bring visions to life, making them essential in both residential and commercial projects.
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The Importance of Floor Plans
Floor plans serve multiple purposes, including:
Visualization: They provide a visual representation of the layout, helping clients and designers visualize the space.
Planning: They assist in the strategic placement of furniture, appliances, and other elements.
Functionality: They ensure the space is functional, with proper flow and accessibility.
Communication: They act as a communication tool between designers, clients, contractors, and other stakeholders.
Key Elements of a Floor Plan
A comprehensive floor plan includes several key elements:
Walls: Indicating the structure and boundaries of the space.
Doors and Windows: Showing entry points and natural light sources.
Furniture: Outlining the placement and scale of furniture.
Dimensions: Providing measurements to ensure accuracy.
Labels: Identifying different rooms and spaces.
Types of Floor Plans
1. 2D Floor Plans
2D floor plans are the most basic type, providing a flat, two-dimensional representation of the space. They include all the key elements and are often used in the initial planning stages.
2. 3D Floor Plans
3D floor plans offer a more immersive view, allowing clients to see the space from different angles and perspectives. They are particularly useful for visualizing the final look and feel of the design.
3. Virtual Tours
With advancements in technology, virtual tours have become increasingly popular. They provide an interactive experience, allowing clients to “walk through” the space and get a realistic sense of the environment.
The Role of Technology in Floor Plan Creation
Technology has revolutionized the field of floor plan creatior and designer. Several software tools and applications are available that make the process more efficient and accurate. Some of the most popular tools include:
AutoCAD: A widely-used software for creating precise 2D and 3D drawings.
SketchUp: Known for its ease of use and ability to create detailed 3D models.
Revit: A BIM (Building Information Modeling) software that offers a comprehensive solution for architectural design.
RoomSketcher: A user-friendly tool that allows for the creation of 2D and 3D floor plans and virtual tours.
Steps in Creating a Floor Plan
1. Gather Requirements
The first step in creating a floor plan is to gather all necessary requirements. This includes understanding the client’s needs, the purpose of the space, and any specific requirements or constraints.
2. Measure the Space
Accurate measurements are crucial in floor plan creatior and designer. This involves measuring the dimensions of the space, including walls, doors, windows, and any other structural elements.
3. Draft the Layout
Using the gathered information and measurements, the next step is to draft the initial layout. This can be done manually or using software tools.
4. Add Details
Once the basic layout is drafted, details such as furniture, appliances, and other elements are added. This step involves ensuring that the placement is functional and aesthetically pleasing.
5. Review and Revise
The draft is then reviewed with the client and other stakeholders. Based on feedback, revisions are made to ensure that the design meets all requirements and expectations.
6. Finalize the Plan
The final step is to finalize the floor plan, ensuring that all elements are accurate and the design is ready for implementation.
Tips for Effective Floor Plan Design
Understand the Space: Have a clear understanding of the space and its purpose.
Consider Flow: Ensure that the layout promotes a natural flow and accessibility.
Balance Aesthetics and Functionality: The design should be both functional and aesthetically pleasing.
Use Technology: Leverage technology to create accurate and detailed plans.
Seek Feedback: Regularly seek feedback from clients and stakeholders to ensure the design meets their needs.
Trends in Floor Plan Design
1. Open Floor Plans
Open floor plans, which eliminate barriers between common areas, have become increasingly popular. They promote a sense of spaciousness and allow for more flexible use of space.
2. Sustainable Design
Sustainability is a growing trend in all areas of design, including floor plans. This involves using eco-friendly materials and designing spaces that maximize natural light and ventilation.
3. Smart Homes
The integration of smart technology in home design is another emerging trend. This includes incorporating smart lighting, heating, and security systems into the floor plan.
4. Multifunctional Spaces
With the rise of remote work and changing lifestyles, there is a growing demand for multifunctional spaces that can serve multiple purposes, such as home offices, gyms, and entertainment areas.
The Future of Floor Plan Design
The future of floor plan design is likely to be shaped by advancements in technology, changing lifestyles, and a growing focus on sustainability. Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are expected to play a significant role, allowing for more immersive and interactive design experiences. Additionally, the use of AI and machine learning could further streamline the design process, making it more efficient and personalized.
Floor plan creation and design is a critical aspect of architectural and interior design. It requires a blend of technical skills, creativity, and attention to detail. With the help of advanced technology and a clear understanding of the client’s needs, designers can create functional, aesthetically pleasing, and innovative spaces. As trends and technologies continue to evolve, the field of floor plan design will continue to grow and transform, offering exciting opportunities for designers and clients alike.
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