#Reya plays
sisterdivinium · 2 years
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Genetic engineering, DNA modification, tested it on herself... Why would Jillian go through all this trouble? Adoption would be easier, surrogacy wouldn't be an issue for a woman with so much money, so why this devotion to medical science, to gene manipulation?
This doesn't seem very logical unless we take one step further in examining her characterisation as a sort of Virgin Mary character implied by her clothing and framing during season one: a man is never mentioned in connection to Michael's conception, either as donor or father... Possibly because Michael has no father. Jillian has made him up from scratch or, at least, using only her own genetic material.
This would surely equate to an awesome "medical marvel" and it would accomplish two additional things: first, it would account for just how sick Michael needs to be so that an extremely rare substance that doesn't even belong to this world can be his sole hope in surviving (the result of a miscalculation, an unforeseen mutated gene, some error in Jillian's design, the absence of something); and second, reproduction without the aid of man ("sinless", sexless) not only ties Jillian's character more closely to the theme of the holy mother, it also more strongly makes a Jesus figure out of Michael.
This is significant because it makes him into a designated saviour: Michael, too, "dies", crossing to "the other side" and later returning with the mission of saving humanity, which is the role he is sure he will play during all of season two. This story has been told before, the structure is the same and we all know it. He mirrors Christ in his being born of a woman untouched by man, in going beyond life and back, in being tasked by a higher power to act for others in his sacrifice. It is a destiny clearly written out for him, a classic narrative, a hero's journey neatly set up for Michael to accomplish and all he has to do is follow the script.
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And yet, doing everything right, by the book, Michael ultimately fails.
If, according to all of the doubts awakened by the developments in Warrior Nun (is Adriel's realm not Heaven? Is he not an angel? Is Reya God? Is Jesus just as alien as Adriel? Etcetera), the Catholic church's teachings are all twisted, incomplete, when not simply ignorant of all that is true in spiritual, metaphysical matters, then this saviour narrative that constitutes the foundation of the institution itself is doomed — as well as whatever guidance it could supply.
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I was discussing with @halobearerhavoc earlier about (among many other intriguing things) how myth informs the show and how it might predict Reya's fall, but also how that event would necessarily depart from how it plays out in the original myth. That is due to the fact that our protagonist here is Ava, a woman, and that this tiny little fact of sex alone forces a shift in how things are presented, in which values are prioritised, in how conflict is treated, escalated or resolved — this applies here as well.
Michael was the textbook redeemer, he was made for this, brought up by Reya with this explicit purpose and with the acquired conviction that he was the key to it all.
Ava, on the other hand, is a product of coincidence, of accident, of the unfathomable. She is already a rupture in tradition — dead and brought back, unknowingly, unwillingly the "usurper" of the halo, inserting herself in the line of bearers at random when she doesn't even seem to have any belief... Ava exists outside of tradition. To Michael's determined "Destiny", she is the one imbued with free will (it isn't out of guilt or duty that she returns to the Cat's Cradle, but through Mary's sympathy, through her own understanding and action). Ava is the unplanned factor, contrasted with Michael who was so planned that his life might have begun inside a Petri dish.
It isn't determinism that will save us, a mantle of glory woven by someone else wanting to place it upon our shoulders regardless of our own wishes; it isn't a decrepit institution or some despotic deity that will define us or what we do; it isn't the heavy, malodorous layers of ancient mould gathered over the endless tomes of Established Tradition or the carefully made calculations of arrogant scientists who think they can predict and explain and control everything.
Salvation cannot be through what Michael represents: an imposed duty, a stagnant, hackneyed story.
A story, we would do well to remember, which was already used to subjugate others, whatever its initial intentions might have been; Jillian certainly didn't predict what would be of her son and surely the primitive Christians didn't see into the future to understand what their devotion and their modes of its transmission would cause, yet it came to happen. The extermination of the Cathars, the persecution of pagans, the burning of "witches", the suppression of indigenous beliefs, activities and lives, to name but a few of the atrocities committed in the name of this one story...
So it cannot be Michael, embodying this narrative so well, that will bring about a fortunate ending to humanity's troubles.
Instead, salvation comes through Ava. She herself might be inhabited by a number of parallels with Christ, but she also carries freedom, an outsider's view which makes the inside so see-through, love, an ability to move outside of what had been previously set for her by someone else (one might even argue that these are the traits that made Christ before the story surrounding him came about)...
The walls built around her needn't contain her — and, phasing as she does, they do not.
Moreover, what would have been the real ending to Reya's plan, had it been followed exactly as it should have? The divinium bomb did hit Ava in the end, but wouldn't it have been worse had she not been interrupted in running up to Michael while he immobilised Adriel during the televised freak circus?
Ava's unpredictability, her impulse, her innate need to act with free will rather than constricted by what others dictate — Ava is the foil to fate itself, the foil to a structure, to a hierarchy that has been festering and rotting from the beginning of time, it should seem.
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The hero of this story could only ever be her.
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other half of the last metaphorical kitkat
absolutely avalil could probably teach a dancing class for dancing around issues
Feel like avalil defo also have a tendency of bringing in distractions when beatrice tries to talk to em about issues as well
it’s not at all on purpose, they don’t even realize they’re doing it, but obviously that doesn’t change they’re doing it
as a matter of fact, that’s actually what i was thinking is the main or one of the main reasons for beatrice’s running away and then getting mcdonalds n stuff, but then lilith found her and sat down and communicated with her and while avalil still have heavy avoidance habit and are unaware, it gave beatrice hope
oh yeah defo on mary & shannon’s concern regardless of whether or not they’ve had past bad experience with vincent. it’s defo also just a basic stranger danger thing, even without all the supernatural stuff & reputations, because your friend going through a major traumatic event & upheaval to their life, and then suddenly shacking up with a couple of people who not only are strangers to you, but are/were complete strangers to your friend before they shacked up? not just red flags galore right there, they’re bathing and swimming in a pool of red paint
i’m 👀👀👀👀 at the concept of ava having unwittingly stolen what was gonna be reya’s method of becoming immortal. ooo wait hold on up, what if she’s an even shadier parallel to jillian, but instead of all her shady and morally dubious being for someone else, it’s all for her (reya’s) own sake
probably took ava in under her wing and became a mentor and/or motherish figure to her, but unknown to ava until too late, it was just to boost reya’s pr image so she wouldn’t have as much scrutiny on her and her shady actions
Also q q, would you say lucifer’s a good and/or least a fun show, or?
Yeah, it's not intentional, it's just the habit they've formed over millennia. Neither of them like to talk about their problems, so they changed to adapt to each other's coping mechanisms. Lilith participates in whatever zany antics Ava needs to distract herself, and Ava makes herself a reliable but quiet safe zone for Lilith to hide in. It's all done with the utmost love but it's soooo unhelpful in the long-run. And it all comes to a head when Beatrice, young, lonely, modern (She's a modern woman, Lilith, modern women talk about their feelings, isn't that horrifying?) gets involved. Bea has spent her entire life feeling ignored and like she has to repress herself, and it's not great when she thinks Ava and Lilith are doing what her family did: ignoring her needs and fears. So things come to a head when she runs away, and Lilith goes to get her, and after the mushroom-fueled binge they have their talk and Lilith actually makes an effort to be open with Bea and let Bea be open with her.
Ava is a tougher nut to crack because she'll let them open up to her, but she won't reciprocate, not until things really boil over and she can't distract herself anymore and just breaks down one day (maybe when Jillian asks Bea to turn Michael into a werewolf and all of Ava's Diego-based trauma comes back in full-force). I really think Ava has had to deny herself the chance to heal from things as a means of survival. Sure, she's immortal, but time can kill where normal means won't work, and when you experience the kind of things she has, alone and surrounded by danger on all sides, time can drive you mad if you let it. Of course, spending literal thousands of years with these untreated psychological wounds will also drive you mad, you just won't realize it.
When Beatrice decides to live with Ava and Lilith full-time, Shannon and Mary both show up to give the Shovel Talk of the century. We're talking claws and fangs out, eyes yellow, every word comes out as a growl, the works. Ava and Lilith are not really impressed, but they do swear an oath to take care of Bea and treat her well. Shanmary are still wary of them, and they take measures to ensure that Beatrice gets plenty of non-girlfriend time to keep her balanced.
I have so many ideas for Reya's whole deal, generally. Since we never got the chance to really know anything about her, the field is wide open for any interpretation. Maybe she's an amoral sociopath who manipulated Ava to get the philosopher's stone. Maybe she's a morally dubious pragmatist who thought her becoming immortal (through whatever means necessary) would be the best thing for everyone, including Ava. Or maybe Ava swallowing the stone wasn't an accident but exactly what Reya wanted. Maybe Ava was a test subject, or (if Reya is Worse JillianTM) she's like Michael and Reya was trying to save her. Who knows? Certainly not us. And probably not Ava either, because I can't imagine Reya was very forthcoming with answers regardless of the truth, and she also may not remember everything after so much temporal separation.
The real question, then, is whether Reya managed to find another way to become immortal or otherwise persist into the modern day. And if so, where is she and what the fuck is she up to now?
And I would recommend Lucifer, it's very fun! I love the characters and the take on biblical lore. It is a police procedural too, so if that's not your jam, then don't feel like you have to watch it. But Lucifer as a snarky, bisexual menace in LA is very fun.
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helladventurers · 1 year
Rip me and my friends having to wait so long for a ivalice raid party that we just did an unsyced run and beat it with 4 people 😔👏 they told me FFXIV players hate the ivalice raid but I was not prepared for waiting for over 40 minutes and no one showing up to join us LOL
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ma-yawntu · 3 months
mine, all mine. v.
chapter five: bad idea
pairing: neteyam x female!metkayina!reader
summary: you knew it was a bad idea to get closer to him... so why was it so hard to stay away?
word count: 3.2k
warnings: mentions of injury, blood, bruising, fluff
now playing... wait a minute! by willow
series masterlist
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The more you thought about your almost-kiss with Neteyam, the more you came to realise that it was probably for the best that nothing happened. Maybe you weren’t thinking clearly in the moment, too wrapped up in the rush of adrenaline you felt after punching Ao’nung’s friend in the face. You were frustrated and vulnerable and your brain seemed to turn to mush when it came to Neteyam; which bothered you a lot, because how could a boy occupy so much of your mind completely unimpeded?
You found your sister back in your family’s marui, silently thanking Eywa that your parents were still occupied with the little incident at the beach, likely still scolding your little brother for his lack of self-control. Tsireya sat on the ground in the middle of the marui, rather aggressively chopping vegetables to prepare for last meal later on. 
“Reya?” You called softly, tail swishing behind you anxiously. Tsireya looked up at you, eyes blown wide and you could read her thoughts in an instant. She opened her mouth slightly and you quickly brought your hands up as if surrendering. “I know what you’re going to say.”
“You were kissing him!” She whisper-shouted, ears pinning flat against her braids.
“We didn’t kiss, Tsireya,” you rolled your eyes, “you made sure of that.”
Tsireya sighed, dropping the knife with a soft clang and resting her palms on her folded knees. She looked up at you, her eyes wide with a mixture of slight hurt and curiosity, her hairless brows furrowed, “how could you not tell me?”
Your shoulders relaxed at her words, your eyes closing as you sighed shakily. You hadn’t uttered a word about your time with Neteyam to your sister while she talked your ear off about Lo’ak, to you it seemed pointless to mention; it would never happen between the two of you. She was your sister but it wasn’t that simple– Tsireya had freedom when it came to choosing who she would one day be mated with, she was allowed to look freely without the pressure of disappointing your parents. But not you– your life had been planned from the moment you were born, there was no way your parents or the village would allow you to pursue a forest Na’vi born from an ex-sky demon (as your mother put it), the notion was absolutely preposterous. 
“It is not that simple, Reya,” you breathed.
“I am your sister,” Tsireya stood up, crossing the room to grab your elbows gently. You avoided her gaze for a moment until she tugged on your arm, forcing you to look at her, “with me, everything should be simple.”
You breathed out slowly, lips forming a tight line, “it will not work– it cannot work between us… If mother and father find out…” You didn’t know how to put it into words to convey the uproar it would cause, but your sister understood, her shoulders dropping and her lips forming a tight line.
Tsireya paused for a moment before meeting your eyes again, “how do you know if you do not ask them?”
You wanted to laugh at that, you knew she was only trying to be optimistic but any optimism you had for your life had been squashed long ago, “you know what the answer will be, Reya.”
“Neteyam is hard-working and kind– he would have been the Olo’eyktan of the Omatikaya one day if it weren’t for the Sky People… There have been worse odds,” she shrugged. 
“You encourage me too much,” you scolded gently.
“It is my job,” she grinned.
You wrestled with her words for a while, occupying yourself with preparing fish for the last meal while Tsireya left to gather more herbs. You wanted to believe your sister with every ounce of your soul– believe that maybe, maybe, your parents would allow you to see Neteyam instead of forcing these horrendous meals with possible suitors down your throat. But deep down you knew it simply wasn’t possible– your parents wanted a Metkayina man for you, someone who knew the ways of the water and knew how to lead the people… anything other than that would be out of the question.
Your ears pressed flat against your hair at the sound of your father’s booming voice. Your father, mother and younger brother barging into the marui, your father’s hand wrapped around the base of Ao’nung’s kuru. 
“What was that?” Your father spat. Ao’nung’s body was slightly slouched, a bruise blooming just under his eye from where Lo’ak had swung on him. Your father let out a frustrated noise, “they are guests here, you do not cause trouble!”
Ao’nung didn’t answer and your mother hissed in annoyance before her eyes found you. You stood up almost instantly as she bounded toward you. Her warm hands found your face, moving your head around and pulling on your shoulders and arms, inspecting you for injuries.
“What were you thinking, maite?” she hissed, your eyes downcast as she spoke. “You do not encourage a fight!”
“I am sorry, mother,” you bit the inside of your cheek, knowing it simply wasn’t worth it to argue.
“Are you?” Ao’nung barked. You rolled your eyes as your parents whipped their heads around to look at their son. “You did not defend me.”
“You were being a skxawng,” you retorted.
“Maite!” your father yelled, silencing you in an instant. Your father eyed you for a moment longer before he let go of your brother, pushing him toward you, “fix him up.”
You wanted to scoff, instead you looked at your mother with a look that begged for her to fix your brother’s injuries instead of you. She looked at you and sighed, “we will speak of this later,” she said before glancing briefly at Ao’nung, she turned back to you with a frustrated sigh, “you will keep an eye on your brother.”
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“Ow!” Ao’nung hissed as you pressed a cloth to the graze on his cheek.
You clicked your tongue and rolled your eyes, “don’t be such a baby.” You flicked his forehead before continuing to work on the raw grazes along his skin. If you were honest, you weren’t being overly gentle with him like you were with Neteyam– mostly because you thought your brother was asking for it by being such a jerk to Lo’ak and Kiri.
“You’re not going to lecture me?” He questioned after a beat as you gathered some cooling balms to help ease the burning sensation of his wounds.
“Seems pointless,” you retorted, “you do not listen to me.”
“Rich coming from you of all people,” Ao’nung rolled his eyes.
You elected to ignore him and continue rubbing balms into his damaged skin. You remember the first time you did this for Ao’nung, he was barely seven years old and had scraped his knee on some coral while playing with some of the bigger kids. You had only just started your tsakarem training but you’d been patching up your own injured knees since you were younger than him. 
You remembered how he was trying to put on a brave face, his bottom lip wedged between his teeth as you gently washed away the sand and blood. You remembered how you held his hand as you applied a balm and dressing to his little knee and how you caught his little tears with your thumb and told him–
“It’s okay to cry when something hurts, Ao’nung.”
You often wondered what had changed in him as he got older, why the two of you butted heads once he reached his teenage years. At first, you were sure it was because the two of you were so different and you firmly believed he was arrogant and rude… But as you got older, the more you realised you butted heads so much because you were far too alike. 
“You should stay away from him,” Ao’nung muttered.
Your eyes glanced up at him and you were completely unreadable– a trait lovingly gifted to you by your mother. It drove your brother crazy how emotionally flat and withdrawn you could be. Your movements hesitated for a moment before you gathered more of the healing balm onto your finger, rubbing it into his graze. Your brother hissed at the pain and you rolled your eyes, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“I’m serious,” Ao’nung retorted. He knew you knew what– or rather who he was talking about. 
“It is none of your business.”
Ao’nung rolled his eyes, “you are my sister, that makes it my business.” You didn’t answer him because since when did he care what you did? You focused on rubbing oils into the bruise on the junction of his neck and shoulder instead of dignifying him with a response. Ao’nung watched your hardened expression and sighed, “Mother and father will not allow it–”
“Don’t you think I know that, Ao’nung?” You snapped, staring daggers at your brother. Ao’nung noticeably stiffened.
Your brother stared right back at you, his jaw clenching angrily. You didn’t need him telling you what a bad idea it was for you to be spending time with Neteyam– you already knew everything he was thinking because you’d already thought it yourself. 
You were pulled from your thoughts when someone cleared their throat, your ears perking up at the sound. You turned to the entrance of the healing marui, noticing Lo’ak standing there awkwardly.
“Lo’ak,” you nodded your head at him, praying to Eywa he didn’t catch on to what you and your brother were talking about. Lo’ak quickly curled his fingers at his forehead before gesturing to you. He too had bruises, not as many as Ao’nung but a few on his face with his knuckles sharing the same purple colour as yours. 
“Could I talk to Ao’nung?” Lo’ak asked, his jaw clenched. 
“Sure,” you sighed, putting your balms down beside you and shooting Ao’nung a warning look, “be nice,” you muttered through your teeth.
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“What is wrong?” Teyoa drawled. 
You had been upset, stuck in your own head about everything going on with Neteyam and you found yourself at the fisherman's marui helping Teyoa and a few of the other elders descale the fish from the most recent catch. You hadn’t realised you were rather aggressively descaling the fish in front of you, nicking your fingers on the sharp edge of the scales.
“Nothing,” you retorted. Teyoa shared a look with the other elders, trying to suppress a smile at your lame retort. 
“It does not seem like nothing,” Teyoa replied with an airy laugh. 
You didn’t respond, electing to fold the cuts of fish in thick palm leaves. Working with your hands helped you to calm down, helping to focus your mind on the task in front of you instead of fighting with yourself about moral dilemmas. Teyoa watched you from the corner of his eye, noticing your rather sloppy folding technique given your bubbling anger. 
“Have you been practising?” Teyoa asked, attempting to move the subject away from whatever was bothering you. 
You sighed, shoulders slouching at his question which was a resounding no. “I have not had time,” you sighed, dejected. 
“There is always time, you must make time,” Teyoa shrugged. You gave him an unimpressed look, lips pursed in annoyance. Teyoa chuckled heartily, “I think you have an opportunity.”
“How so?”
“You have some of the best archers in all of Pandora staying in your village… Perhaps you should seek assistance?” Teyoa suggested with a shit-eating grin. 
Your mind immediately blinked to asking Neteyam; embarrassingly quick you might add. You knew Neteyam was likely one of your only options; he would keep your little secret from your parents and your meddling brother. Teyoa was right, the Omatikaya were some of the best known archers in all of Pandora, it would be stupid of you to not seize the opportunity. But it also meant spending more time with Neteyam… Perhaps alone with Neteyam. 
“You hesitate,” Teyoa drawled, effortlessly peeling the skin of the fish back.
“I do not,” you retorted, offended. 
“Then you should go and ask,” Teyoa’s eyes flickered behind you. You turned your head, watching as Neteyam stood on the edge of the beach helping Tuk and Kiri searched for shells ankle-deep in the water. You felt a smile tug at your lips as Tuk held up a particularly pretty shell in front of Neteyam, watching as he enthusiastically applauded his youngest sister.
You dropped what you were doing, wordlessly leaving the fishermen’s marui to approach Neteyam and his sister’s at the beach, Teyoa grinning to himself as you left. You watched Neteyam and Tuk, suppressing a giggle at how Tuk kept giving handfuls of coloured shells to Neteyam while Kiri took her time inspecting every tiny shell she found.
“Whatcha guys doing?” You called softly, watching how Neteyam’s ears pricked up quickly at the sound of your voice. Tuk quickly snatched her pouch of shells from Neteyam’s hand and held it behind her back with a suspicious toothy grin. You quirked a brow at the youngest Sully, “what are you hiding, Tuk?”
“Nothing!” she quickly retorted, swaying side to side on the balls of her heels.
You rolled your eyes playfully, “you know, the best shells are in the shallows of the reef just out there,” you pointed toward the edge of the reef where you could easily see other young Metkayina children looking for shells. Tuk followed your finger, her eyes sparkling. “You’ll find the most colourful ones out there.”
Tuk’s little face lit up and she quickly snatched Kiri’s hand, “Kiri, come on!” She exclaimed as she started wading into the water, splashing water all over you, Neteyam and Kiri.
“Slow down, Tuk!” Kiri called, slightly irritated. With an annoyed groan and a roll of her eyes, she quickly made her way after her sister, leaving you and Neteyam standing ankle-deep in the water.
“Are there really shells out there?” Neteyam asked curiously, a hint of a smirk in his voice.
You turned to him with a slightly offended expression, “you think I would lie to a seven year old, forest boy?”
Neteyam held his hands up in surrender, “you’re right,” he chuckled. 
A beat of silence fell over the two of you and you suddenly became nervous– since the last time you were alone with Neteyam you almost– almost– kissed him. Neteyam could tell you had something on your mind by the way your tail swayed behind you a little faster than usual and how you anxiously fiddled with your hands. 
The two of you took a breath. 
“Was there something–”
“–Could I ask you something?”
The two of you pulled your mouths shut, a smile tugging at Neteyam’s lips as you tried to suppress a smile, covering your mouth with the back of your hand. Neteyam shifted closer, “what did you want to ask?”
You were getting cold feet being put on the spot, thinking of just pretending it never happened and returning to your mediocre life. But the way he was looking at you made you feel so warm and in the end– Neteyam wasn’t scary, he would never make fun of you.
You sighed, “I need to ask– I wanted to… Could you–” now you felt dumb, unable to get the simple question out. Neteyam listened to you intently, his gaze making your skin feel hot. You averted your eyes for a moment, clearing your throat. Neteyam began to laugh softly and you frowned, “don’t laugh at me,” you whined.
“I’m not, I’m not.”
“It kind of seems like you are,” you retorted, crossing your arms over your chest and cocking your hip out with an unimpressed frown. 
“No, it’s just–” Neteyam stopped himself, staring at you with such fondness for a moment, “you’re adorable.”
You felt your cheeks heat up at that and you became embarrassed, “shut up.”
Neteyam could only laugh and you rolled your eyes playfully turning on your heel to return to the village. Neteyam followed after you, too curious to let you go without knowing what it was you wanted to ask him, “hey, wait– didn’t you want to ask me something?”
“My better judgement tells me that what I wanted to ask is stupid and I’m better off not asking at all,” you called back, your tail swishing behind you and curls bouncing between your shoulder blades– Oh how Neteyam wanted to play with your hair– “But you’ve piqued my interest,” Neteyam retorted, still chasing after you as you moved rather quickly through the village toward the thick mangrove forest. 
“Consider me flattered,” you replied coyly, turning to walk backwards and shoot him a playful smile. 
Neteyam blindly followed you into the thick of the forest, truth be told he would have done whatever you told him to do no matter how ridiculous. He watched as you stood at the base of a rather tall tree, a small carving etched into the smooth bark. You reached up on your tiptoes, pulling a rather well-hidden heavy bow from twisting branches. He watched you, his tail flicking around curiously.
You held the weapon behind your back and looked up at him, “do not laugh.”
“I won’t.”
“I’m serious,” you pressed, gaze narrowing at him.
“I promise,” Neteyam crossed his heart in a similar manner that Tuk did when you first met her and you could only grin at the gesture. 
You sighed before bringing the bow in front of you, holding it close to your chest. You kicked around some leaves with your foot, unable to look him in the eye. You hummed in annoyance, “I want you to teach me.”
Neteyam’s eyes widened a fraction, his eyes glazing over the crafter bow in your hands. It definitely wasn’t the best he’d seen but also not the worst and considering Metkayina used spears almost exclusively– it was pretty good for a first try. 
“Teach you?”
You frowned, heart drumming in your chest, “I am okay but I could be better.”
Neteyam’s eyes met yours and the corners of his lips perked up in a smile, “why me?”
You rolled your eyes, getting the feeling he was only trying to flatter himself by putting you on the spot and making you nervous (it was working). “Because…”
Neteyam tilted his head, catching your eyes again and silently encouraging you to continue. 
You hissed in annoyance, “Because I trust you, okay? And I cannot have my parents knowing I do this or Eywa forbid my brother.”
“You trust me?” Neteyam grinned.
“Don’t make me regret it,” you retorted.
Neteyam chuckled softly, “you are lucky, I used to train the young hunters at High Camp before my family moved here.”
“Those poor children,” you gave an exaggerated frown.
“Hey,” Neteyam playfully scolded, “I was a good teacher.”
“I’m sure you were, pretty boy,” you retorted, hips swaying as you started making your way toward your secret little part of the beach, Neteyam hot on your tail.
“You think I’m pretty?” Neteyam questioned with a shit-eating grin.
You clicked your tongue and rolled your eyes, “I am teasing.”
“I feel like your teasing is always based in truth.”
“You are wrong.”
“I don’t think I believe you.”
“Are you going to teach me or not?”
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a/n: i know i've been gone forever but i'm back!!!
taglist: @s0urw00lf, @peqch-pie, @greatsstuffsposts, @lavzxx, @quaint-and-curious-being, @rivatar, @msblacklupin, @ineedmentalhelp123, @ravenxx88, @alicetweven
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marymary-diva17 · 7 months
I decided to resubmit my request:
Tonowari x Fem Reader x Ronal (poly mates)/ Aonung x Tsireya x Rotxo x Fem Reader (platonic/parental relationship):
Back story on the Reader she has a scar on one of her eyes and is blind in that same eye, is mated to Tonowari and Ronal. Came up with this idea while listening to Beauty and the Beast by Kurt Hugo Schneider and Chase Holfelder.
Anyways, this will mostly focus on the Reader’s relationship with the children. Basically one day when the children go over to get the Sully’s they notice that Tsireya is not with them and they wonder why. So they do their training as normal and it’s the end of the day and Tsireya never showed up. And this paderen goes on for a while before one day none of the children show in tge morning and then the Sully children get really curious and try to find them only to see the they are fighting an adult (from an outsiders perspective). And they tell Kiri and Tuk to go find their parents while they go try to help. When the boys try to intervene they get beat and when the parents finally show up Jake is the first one to jump in and help the children. You choose how it ends. Thank you.
Tonowari x reader x ronal
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Playing the role of warrior and mother had been something you had to learn to balance many years ago, as you had to balance your responsibilities to the clan and your people along with your responsibilities as a mother. It was not easy at the start but over time it become easy for you but there will be some struggles as well. There were times when playing the role of warrior and mother will be in sync, and there was no denying those roles. Even when it had involve your kids playing the role of warrior and mother was no denying the call
Tisreya “ mama” you are training with a wooden staff when you had heard Tsireya voice, you soon stopped what you were doing and looked at her. 
Y/n “ hello my sweet girl”
tisreya “ mama I came to ask you for some help” 
Y/n “ what the matter my love you can tell me”:
Tsireya “ if I tell you please don’t tell baba and mom please” 
Y/n “ sure my love so tell me what the matter I’m here to listen and help” you had placed some comforting hands on tisreya shoulder, as she soon looked up to you. 
Tsireya “ mama can you train me to defend myself, I want to be like you keeping the people safe with healing and defending them as well”
Y/n “ sure my love I can do that for you” tsireya smiled towards you and after that day, you had spent time teaching tsireya some ways to defend herself. Until you had to leave for a bit to visit some other clans,and during your time away new arrivals had come. 
Months later 
Neteyam “ hey guys we are ready for today lessons”
Loak “ hey where is Reya”the sully kids are gathered with Ao’nung and Rotox, but they are missing tisreya. 
Rotox “ oh she busy at the moment with some other matter”
Kiri “ what is that if you don’t me asking”
Ao’nung “ her own lesson that are private don’t worry she will be around” 
Loak “ aww I was hoping to see her today”
Tuk “ yes I wanted to see her as well” 
lo'ak " yeah tell us more about what she doing as she always here, leading the lessons"
rotxo " she busy with some private lessons like we said they are very important to her"
lo'ak " so what is she doing can we do it as well"
kiri " yeah it sounds very interesting and we have been perfecting everything else"
Neteyam “ come on you three we can see her later lets get on with our lessons"
lo'ak " fine we will go on with the lessons"
kiri " we will wait to see tisreya later on"
tuk " can we collect sea shells with her after she gets back"
aonung " sure tuk we can" the rest of the day had gone well with the lessons, there had been some questions and wonder about where tsireya had gone off to for the day. The sully kids had thought she was with ronal but when they pass by the healer hut she was not there, and then there was tonowari and she was not with them.
Later on that day
lo'ak " she has to be somewhere around here" the sully kids are looking for tsireya as she hadn't show up yet, and they are together as aonung and rotxo had been called awya by their father.
neteyam " I wonder where she could be"
kiri " we haven't been able to find her anywhere else yet and she not with ronal or tonowari"
tuk " I really wanted to see her today and show her I got better at swimming"
neteyam " you can show her when we find her"
lo'ak " wait I know where we can find her tisreya had showed me this beach she might be there" the group had nodded their head and followed lo'ak towards this beach when they heard the sound, of wood smack against each other and the sound of sand moving.
lo'ak " huh" the sully kids were hidden behind and massive rock as they peaked out to see tsireay was holding a staff in her hands, while she was fighting off someone that was unknown to the sully kids. eya.
lo'ak " we have to help her reya in danger that stranger is trying to attack her, what if that rda avatar"
neteyam " tuk kiri go get dad and tell tonowari what happing"
kiri " yes sure come on tuk quickly" the two girls had taken off as the boys had gotten out their blades ready to help tsireya again this outsider who might be with the rda. The two boys had gotten into position to run at the stranger and attack soon let out warrior calls.
With mother and daughter
y/n " you are getting good my daughter moving quickly in the sand, while carrying a staff defending yourself ... you are very good leaner"
tsireya " thanks mama"
y/n " in no time you will be able to knock down one any warrior teen or young adults, it will take time for you to take down an adult"
tisreya " yes mama" your soon stopped what you were doing as you heard something lifting up your hand, stopping the lessons as you look at your daughter.
tsireay " mama"
y/n " I feel something about to happen" you soon heard a call that gotten you attention you back had been turned, but you soon swag you staff knocking down who ever was coming near you.
tsireay " lo'ak neteyam" the two boys are now in the sand some of their body covered in sand and hair a bit a mess as well.
y/n " hello boys how may I help you both today"
lo'ak " leave tsireay alone you outsider"
y/n " so you are lo'ak and neteyam daughter you are right about them"
neteyam " daughter"
tsireya " this is my mama a good warrior as you can see"
y/n " I have to give you boys some praise you did a good attack and were fighting to defend my daughter along with saving her... that is good and makes you both warriors in spirt but you will need more time of learning" both boys look up at you as you were talking with them.
neteyam " that was amazing ma'am how did you heard us coming"
y/n " your footsteps and your call if you are going to sneak up, on someone you need to me much quieter then you both were right now"
lo'ak " thank you ... we never got your name"
y/n " I'm y/n and you boys are lucky I go easy on the youth of the clan then adults"
tsireya " she not lying" the boys had forgotten for that time that they sent their sisters to go get help, It was to late to say anything as you soon heard something else getting your attention. You had soon swag you staff hitting someone in the face, and another one in the chest. You had soon dropped the star as you had tossed one of them over you shoulder into the water, as another one came and you soon grabbed them and kicked them into the water. once that was over you soon kicked your staff into the air and caught it, soon pointing it towards the two adult males.
y/n " now see this what I do with adults that try to attack me from behind" you are looking at Jake sully and tsu'tey was they are in the water looking at you.
lo'ak " dad"
neteyam " uncle tsu'tey"
y/n " oh so family" soon some other warriors had come along with tonowari.
tonowari " y/n jake tsutery"
y/n " tonowair good we all each other name good for us all"
Jake " I was told by my daughetrs that this women here was attacking your daughter and that my sons came to help her" tonowari and the metkayian warriors had fallen out laughing.
tsu'tey " what going on" Jake and Tsu'tey had gotten out of the water and soon looked at group, they were feeling a bit embarrassed as well.
tonowari " she my second mate and tsireya mom she will never hurt trsireya"
y/n " yes I was out here with my daughter and I'm no outsider to the clan"
tonowari " what were you two doing out here anyways"
tisreya " well mama has been training me baba in defending myself"
tonowari " yawne"
y/n " she asked and I said yes you and ronal are not the only ones that can help out kids learn, and she doing well"
tonowari " we are going to talk about this later" you had nodded your head and looked at Tsireya smiling, knowing that there will be some fuss but either one of you will be in trouble. After the whole scene was calmed down the group had went back to the village, there were some questions asked towards you and you answered them. It seems like you had won over the sully family and their clan, tonowari and ronal were a bit upset about the whole lesson but soon came to terms with it seeing the tsireya loved it and was learning as well.
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afro-hispwriter · 2 years
Girls like Girls
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Tsireya x F!Na'vi!reader, Neteyam x F!Na'vi!reader, lo'ak x Tsireya 
Summary- Neteyam and Lo'ak find their girlfriends in a compromised position 
Warnings- Everyone is aged up!, scissoring, squirting, fingering, oral(f receiving), face riding, masturbation(male)
Wc- 2.8k
"Have you ever kissed a girl?" Tsireya asks you and you look at her in shock. 
"Oh uh no, have you?" She scooted close to you and shook her head.
"No, but I would like to." She cocked her head to the side and stared at you. Your cheeks heated up.
"You have a boyfriend, I have a boyfriend." 
"They don't have to know Y/n, it's just one kiss." Tsireya placed a hand on your knee and rubbed it soothingly.
"Reya I want to kiss you but this is cheating and I love Neteyam." Her shoulders dropped in slight defeat. 
"I'm sorry, just forget what I said." She goes to stand up and with no hesitation, you grab her hand. 
"One kiss wouldn't hurt." You chuckled and your face heated up. Reya gave you a big smile and sat down again, closer this time, knees almost touching. She was eager to kiss you, ever since you arrived in Awa'atlu she wanted to steal a kiss but always thought it would never happen since she found out about you and Neteyam. She did end up with Lo'ak but never told him of her attraction toward his friend. 
She leaned towards you and placed a hand on your chest, right over your heart.
"Your heart is so fast." She giggled and you nervously chuckled.
"Sorry." She didn't respond but lifted herself on her knees to tower over you. She slid her under up to your cheek and rested it there. 
"Can I kiss you?" 
"Yes." She didn't waste a second as she pushed her soft lips against yours. You kissed back and melted into the kiss. She pushed her tongue out to try and push into your mouth but you didn't budge just deepened the kiss. You grabbed at the ground while Reya had thrown a leg over you to straddle you. 
You couldn't deny this was making your loincloth soaked. The smacking noise of lips against lips was turning you on. You placed your hands on her waist gently and pulled her in making her gasp slightly.  
Unlike Tsireya you told Neteyam of your attraction toward the Metkayina princess. You confided in him of your curiosity about women and he was always supportive of it. 
"Reya." You mumbled against her lips before pulling away. 
"Yes." She said out of breath. You didn't say anything, just slowly reached behind her and played with the strings of her top. She understood what you were doing and reached behind her to grab your hands. "Are you sure?" 
"I've never done this with a girl but I want to do it with you, I want to see all of you." She smiled at you and sat down, almost in your lap. 
"Then you." She says and slowly her top starts to come loose. "Must show me you as well." She lifted the material and threw it somewhere her breasts sat so perfectly, they were perky and beautiful. You were hesitant but slowly moved forward and wrapped your lips around a bud. Her ears immediately perked up and she squeezed her eyes shut. You pushed your tongue against the numb and her jaw slacked as you started to suck. 
She reached behind you and untied your top, she tried to be as gentle as possible but you could tell she was desperate for it to be off. You heard the string rip at the top and you were suddenly bare.
Tsireya let you have your fun with her breasts just a while longer before she pushed you back harshly to the floor. 
"Shh just enjoy." She scooted back to lie down flat on her belly. She kissed your lower belly while toying with the strings of your loincloth. You started to breathe heavily as she kept getting closer to your middle. The stings were pulled loose and she pulled it down to pool under you. 
Nobody but Neteyam has seen you like this, in this state of undress and need. Tsireya was entranced by your body and her stares were making you nervous. You tried to close your legs but she immediately stopped your legs from closing. 
"Do not hide, you are beautiful." She says and turns her head to place a gentle kiss on your thigh. Tsireya took in a deep breath and closed her eyes, trying to remember everything Lo'ak has done with her to use on you. 
She opened her eyes and looked at you before slowly dipping her head down. She started kissing dangerously close to your pussy before kissing the edges of your folds. You gasped and threw your head back at the touch. 
"Please." You slowly wrapped your hand into her curls. Tsireya kept kissing around your lips, letting her tongue poke into the folds. "Reya." At hearing you moan her name Reya couldn't help but feel herself grow wetter. She looked down at your engorged clit and licked her lips. She then brought two fingers to your folds and pushed them through gently making you gasp.
"What do you need?" She asks and you look at her to see her smirking. 
"Reya don't tease, please just use a finger or use-." You gasped as she plunged a finger inside, all the way to the knuckle. Slowly she started bumping it back and forth inside of you, curling the tip to brush against your g spot. "Oh, great mother." You forced her head down into your pussy, making her nose push against your clit. 
Reya decided not to tease you anymore, she was desperate for a taste now. She wrapped her lips around your clit and gave a hard suck. Her finger moved quicker inside of you, your moans were music to her ears. 
You lifted your hips against her face, rocking and rolling them around trying to find your peak. Tsireya let out a growl, a noise you thought her sweet self could never think of making but she did, it was odd but she did. 
"Don't move." She warned and slammed her forearm on your hips to force you down. She pushed in another finger and continued her assault on your clit. Your slick was pooling down around you. 
"Im close." You raised yourself on your elbows to get a good look at the woman in between your legs. She looked up at you, with her big blue eyes. "Fuck." Your thighs began to shake and they shut around her head. Reya curled her fingers and pushed up roughly and she was suddenly splashed with your juices. She pulled her fingers out and opened her mouth to engulf your entire pussy. She lifted her arm and you instantly started grinding and almost humping her face. 
"You taste good." She says and lifted her head. You slowly let her head go and your legs fell wide open. Reya licked her lips and slowly crawled over you, tail swishing back and forth softly. She hovered over you and watched you try to catch your breath. "Would you like a taste?" You nodded. 
Reya pushed her lips down on yours and pushed her tongue in your mouth. You started to regain strength and started fighting for dominance while also grabbing her hips. The more you swapped spit and moaned loudly spurred Tsireya to start moving her hips back and forth. Her clothed clit was brushed against your lower stomach with each pass. You pulled away and looked down to see her slick leak through the loincloth.
"Ride my face." You say and her eyes widen. 
"I do not want to hurt you." She stopped her movements and sat down. 
"I want a taste Reya please." She sat there for a few seconds, contemplating her answer.
"Okay." She says and slowly undid her loincloth to throw it somewhere. She carefully shuffled herself over your mouth and took in a deep breath before lowering herself down. You instantly stuck out your tongue and grabbed her hips to keep her there. You pulled at her clit with your teeth before sucking on the bud. She gasped loudly and fell forward, holding herself up by her arms. 
You found the hole and pushed the tip inside. Reya shut her eyes tightly and moaned loudly, she reached down and grabbed your braids. Pulling harshly at the scalp. You moaned and the slight pain and squeezed her hips. 
"So good." She couldn't help but start to grind her hips down on your face. Sliding her pussy along your face, brushing against your nose letting you inhale her scent. Her stomach started tightening and her movements got quicker. "Shut Y/n." She started hopping softly on your mouth. She pushed her hands up to her chest and squeezed her breasts.
The two of you were so caught up in each other, you haven't noticed the two na'vi boys who were receiving a show.
"Bro we should just go back and wait for them." Groaned Lo'ak as they trudged through the forest.
"No, they have been out here for too long." Says Neteyam as he searches for you. 
"Let them do what girls do when they are alone, they're probably saying stuff they don't want us to hear." He tried to reason with his brother but Neteyam didn't answer making him groan in frustration. 
They didn't walk for much when they started to hear it. 
"Neteyam come on they could be hurt." Lo'ak hit his brother in the chest and darted toward the noise. Neteyam follows his brother, the noises were getting louder, and just as they got close Lo'ak stopped just before a clearing. 
"What is it?" Neteyam asks and Lo'ak chuckles now wearing a big smirk on his face.
"Look." Neteyam looks at the clearing and his eyes always fall out of his head.
"What the fuck?" He watched his girlfriend, you holding onto Tsireya's hips as she sat on your face, clearly you were eating her out. 
He knew of your attractions towards women, Tsireya specifically. He was always supportive. You got together when you were young so you didn't get a chance to experiment but you loved each other too much to let the other go. So you and Neteyam promised to tell the other if you find another na'vi attractive. In your case, Neteyam said it was okay if you wanted to experiment, he was confident in the relationship. 
He only asked that you would tell him. But you clearly did not. 
A low growl came from Neteyams chest and he started walking toward his girlfriend and his brother's girlfriend but he was stopped.
"What are you doing?" Asks Lo'ak barely able to take his eyes off the two girls. 
"To stop this." 
"Whoah big bro, why- why don't we let them finish first, I mean come on you can't tell me this doesn't turn you on just a bit?" Neteyam rolled his eyes but looked again. Your thighs were closed just, something you did when you couldn't get yourself off. "I bet she's doing the stuff you've done to her on Tsireya." Lo'ak let his brother go and leaned against the tree while watching his girlfriend hop on your face while squeezing her breasts. 
Tsireya fell, cheek first to the ground as she rode out her orgasm on your face. You gave a few final sucks on her clit before gently moving her off of you. She collapsed to her side trying to catch her breath.
"You're good at that." She giggles and smiles at you dazed almost.
"I just tried to remember what Neteyam has done." You licked your lips and sat up. "I want to try something." She nodded and turned to lay flat. You crawled over to her and grabbed her leg and put it over your hip. You then sat in between her legs and rested your pussy on her thigh. Tsireya caught on to your plan and her heart started racing.
"Bro, how can you not like this?" Lo'ak asks Neteyam in disbelief. 
"It's cheating Lo'ak." His younger brother just rolled his eyes. The sight of two beautiful women about to get even more intimate made the bulge in his loincloth grow. 
"Fuck this." Grumbled Lo'ak and he undid his cloth and let it fall, his hard cock bounced and slapped his stomach. He spit in his hand and grasped his cock. 
"What the fuck!? Neteyam whisper yelled at his brother. 
"I can't help it, sorry." Lo'ak shrugged and started pumping his cock up and down. 
Now it was Neteyam's turn to roll his eyes, but his attention instantly went back to you. Just to see your pussys touch. 
You lowered your hips and joined your pussies. Both of you let out moans, Reyas hips jerked as she was still sensitive. You grabbed onto her thigh and gave a harsh thrust, she gasped and dug her fingers into the ground. 
“That feels good.” She bit her lip and threw her head back. You rolled your hips and you both let out shuddered gasps. Sticky obscene noises were coming from your cunts. They were loud, loud enough for the boys to hear.
Neteyam pushed his forehead against a tree trunk and started palming his cock. Watching you take charge was incredibly sexy. It took him back to when you were bouncing on his dick, using him for your own pleasure. He watched your breasts bounce and your jaw slack, he then looked down at your stomach to see it tensing. You were about to cum. Neteyam practically ripped his loin cloth and grabbed his cock immediately. The large mushroom head was leaking lots of pre-cum that he didn’t even have to do anything. 
“Tsireya Im gonna cum.” You whined and dug your fingers into her leg. She suddenly sat up and shoved you to the ground so you sat on your ass. She grabbed your leg and collided with your pussies again making a squelching noise.
“Holy fuck.” Groaned Lo’ak and he squeezed the base of his cock before jacking off again. His breathing got harder and the fapping noise got louder. He couldn’t even help but not thrust into his hand, hips continuously jerking. 
“Too much.” Tsireya moaned as she slid back and forth on the ground. 
“We’re almost there. Fuck.” You leaned forward and grabbed the back of her neck and pulled her towards you to lock lips. Your tongues danced with each other, salvia swapping back and forth. 
Neteyam started gasping as his knees shook and he grabbed the tree harshly. He whimpered as he saw you and Tsireya kiss, clearly about to cum. His tip was getting purple as he tried to hold off from cumming until you did. 
Tsireya and you squealed and pulled away as you were suddenly splashed with your juices colliding. 
Lo’ak spilled into his hand and onto the leaves below him. Neteyam was far off too, his cum shot far, creating a puddle of it. He shuddered and fell against the tree. 
“We can’t talk about this.” Said Lo’ak out of breath still jerking himself off. 
“A-Agreed.” Neteyam swiped his thumb over the tio making him jerk again. 
You fell back, legs still entwined. You both kept rocking your cunts together, small squirts coming out with every thrust. Once you rode it out you stopped and placed a hand over your racing heart. 
Your eyes grew heavy and you shut your legs. You were so tired you didn’t hear or feel Tsireya move on top of you. She kissed your neck gently before trailing up to your lips. 
“Thank you.” She bit your bottom lip and pulled it. You giggled and nuzzled her cheek. 
“No, thank you.” You pecked her lips before she pushed her lips completely on yours. You started to make out again when someone started clapping. 
You’ve never moved faster in your life. 
Tsireya jumped fat away from you and you scrambled away and brought your knees to your chest. 
“That was an amazing show ladies, can I join next time?” You and Tsireya look up in fear to see Lo’ak and behind was Neteyam. He was fixing his loincloth.
“Neteyam.” You say and he starts walking towards you, stomping almost. He seemed angry but blissed out, almost made you giggle knowing why. Lo’ak went to Tsireya and bent down in front of her, she looked at him with worry but he pressed his lips to hers. He then pulled away and licked his lips before whispering something in her ear that you couldn’t hear.
“Baby that was so sexy, wish you would tell me so I could watch from the beginning.” 
Your chin was suddenly grabbed roughly and you looked up at Neteyam. He was squatting in front of you and had a hard look in the eyes. He then reached and grabbed your braids from the back and pulled you roughly towards him.
“Oh mama, you are in so much trouble.” 
a/n- this is my first avatar smut lol. Let me know if you want a part and if you want to be on the taglist
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mcdonaldsplayground · 2 years
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| best friend's brother |
aged up ao’nung x f!reader
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summary: ao'nung has always just been your best friend's annoying older brother. at least that's what you tell yourself. but lately he's been moody and far more interested in your love life than he should be. when you discover that he's been playing a role in your failed courtships, you decide to confront him about it.
includes: fluff, swearing, teasing, possessiveness, ao'nung being oblivious🙄
word count: 6.5k
a/n: i am so sorry it took me foreverrrr to write this😵‍💫 it's not great, but it's all i got right now. i have a break from school coming up so hopefully i can catch up on some other fics i've been working on but we will see whether or not i can get over this serious writer's block🥲
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“Reya! Reya!” You called, waving your arms erratically as you jogged over, a wide grin decorating your face. Your best friend was standing ankle-deep in the water along with a few of your other friends and the Sully kids. They turned in attention as you splashed toward them, eyebrows raised in amusement.
“[Y/N]! What is it?” Tsireya asked, a matching grin spreading on her face when she noticed your excitement. “Just give me a second, Lo’ak.” She briefly turned her attention back to the Omaticaya boy, indicating that she would return to their conversation later. He flushed slightly, nodding before you grabbed Tsireya’s hand and pulled her to the side. Everyone appeared to go back to their conversation, though you suspected they were going to listen in anyway. You didn’t seem to care.
“Reya!” You squealed, almost unable to get the news out, just smiling and giggling while Tsireya laughed. “You’ll never guess what just happened!”
“Tell me already!” She pleaded, grasping your shoulders as if to ground you.
“Atey’ete just asked me to go out riding with him tomorrow!” It came out in one big breath, your enthusiasm obvious in your tone.
“Oh! That’s great news!” She gasped, bouncing a little. She knew how much this meant to you, considering your history. He was the first guy who’d ever actually approached you with anything more than the intention of friendship, and it felt like your heart was going to explode. While many Metkayina males had shown initial interest in the past, they always seemed to move on quickly, some going as far as to completely avoid you afterward.
“Yes! I can’t believe it!” You laughed, doing a silly little dance that made you and Tsireya burst out laughing. However, the reality of the situation had begun to sink in. Your smile faltered. “I’m kind of nervous, Reya.” You bit your lip, suddenly thinking about how inexperienced you were in this area. Tsireya put her hand on your arm.
“What for?” Her eyes were reassuring, and you softened a little. “It’s obvious that he likes you, [Y/N]. He’s been staring at you with hearts for eyes for weeks now!”
“No way!” You let out a breathy laugh, blushing deeply.
“I agree. There’s no way that’s true.” Tsireya’s older brother, Ao’nung, suddenly inserted himself in your conversation, moving to stand closer to you with that perpetual smirk of his. “Atey’ete is a warrior. He’s looking for a potential mate, not a stupid fling.” His words made your heart sink in your chest, your excitement ebbing away.
“Ao’nung!” Tsireya chastised, glaring daggers at the boy. “Just because you haven’t found a mate yet doesn’t mean you need to take out your frustration on [Y/N]!” She hissed. Though it was brief, you could have sworn you saw a pointed look pass between the siblings, indicating Tsireya’s words were about more than just Ao’nung teasing you. You shrugged it off as something that didn’t involve you.
“Just saying.” Ao’nung shrugged, putting his hands up in surrender; ever the cool and unbothered warrior. Eywa forbid anyone see him display an emotion other than that smooth self-confidence. It made you roll your eyes, but you were used to it. Growing up as Tsireya’s best friend just happened to come with the added factor of dealing with her brother. As a kid, he had simply been an annoyance, someone who found joy in pestering you and his sister. But growing up, and specifically completing his Iknimaya, had changed him. It was like he stopped having a personality in favour of being what you and Tsireya secretly called 'King Ao’nung' because everyone seemed to fall at the feet of the future Olo’eyktan despite his bad attitude.
“Why don’t you just go stare at your muscles in the reflection of the water?” You quipped, trying your best to seem nonchalant about the conversation. You liked how much it seemed to get under his skin when you acted like you didn’t care.
“Whatever.” He scoffed, turning to stalk back over to Rotxo and Lo’ak. You sighed, turning your gaze back to your friend. “King Ao’nung strikes again.” The two of you burst out laughing for a second time, and it was easy to feel at least a little better.
“Why don’t we go back to my marui?” Tsireya suggested. “Dinner will be soon anyway, and we can talk more about your date without my pest of a brother interrupting.” She said the last part loudly, shooting a hard look over her shoulder at the tall Metkayina. He just narrowed his eyes, holding his stare even as the two of you began to walk away. You could feel his eyes practically boring through your back. It made your stomach flip.
“What’s his problem?” You muttered when you were out of ear shot, briefly looking back once more to try and decipher why on earth Ao’nung still looked so agitated. Beside you, Tsireya nervously tucked her hair behind her ear. She only did that when she had a secret, which intrigued you.
“He’s just grouchy because he hasn’t found a mate yet and our parents keep asking about it. I think it’s stressing him out.” She explained. You frowned, eyebrows furrowing.
“Fine, but he could seriously have anyone he wants. Even without his status in the clan, pretty much everyone is drooling over him. It’s gross.” You said, making a face. For some reason a knot formed in your stomach when you thought about the way some girls fawned over him. You quickly tried to forget about the feeling.
“Yes… But my parents keep suggesting potential mates and trying to set things up for him, which he doesn’t like. He has someone in mind already, but he’s convinced she doesn’t like him.” She confessed, looking around as if someone might be listening. Your face felt hot suddenly, but you didn’t understand why.
“Who is it?”
“I promised I wouldn’t tell.”
“Oh come on, Reya! It’s not like I have anyone else to tell anyway! I’ll keep my mouth shut, I promise.” You pleaded, feeling an involuntary urge to get the information out of her.
“I’m sorry- I can’t say. It’s a really sore subject for him and he’d kill me if anyone else knew.” Your best friend looked genuinely apologetic, and your heart sunk. It wasn’t like her to keep anything from you- even big secrets- but you decided not to pry. The thought of Ao’nung finding out and getting mad at Tsireya was not something you wanted to be the cause of. Still, you found yourself aching to know who he had his eye on. In all the time you had been around him, he’d never shown much romantic interest in anyone, so the mystery seemed impossible to even attempt to figure out.
“So… Atey’ete, huh?” Tsireya changed the subject, nudging you with an elbow and a small grin. You allowed yourself to fall into the easy conversation concerning your crush, hoping it would help you stop thinking about your best friend’s stupid older brother.
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The next day seemed to drag on forever as your long-awaited date with Atey'ete approached. The two of you had agreed to meet on the beach a little bit before sunset, and though it was nearly dinner time, it felt like you still had years to wait.
"Ugh." You huffed quietly, fingers becoming tangled in one of the fishing nets you were helping Tsireya mend. You normally weren't too bad at weaving, but your nerves were getting the better of you. Tsireya giggled.
"Why don't we leave this for tomorrow and go get some dinner?" She suggested, offering you a sympathetic smile, though laughter danced in her eyes. You smiled back in spite of yourself, allowing a small laugh to escape your lips.
"Yes please." You wasted no time in dropping the half-fixed net and hastily cleaning up the area. Nothing was going to take your nervousness away, but Ronal's cooking had a particularly good effect on you even at the worst of times. You could have sworn you ate with Tsireya's family more often than your own.
As the two of you approached Tsireya's marui, you noticed Ao'nung leaning with his back against the outside wall, arms crossed and sporting his usual impassive expression. If you didn't know any better, you might have thought he was on the lookout for you and his sister.
"You know your friends aren't around, right? You can drop the whole 'I'm better than everyone else' act." You said, wanting to distract yourself from your flip-flopping stomach. Over the years you had learned that the best form of amusement came from riling Ao'nung up. When his ears flicked back in annoyance, you bit back a satisfied smirk. However, he was able to ignore the dig.
"Didn't think you'd be here tonight. Aren't you going to be late for a really lame date?" He asked coolly. Now it was your turn to be annoyed.
"Aren't you going to be late finding someone to be your mate? Oh wait..." You trailed off, pleased with such a quick and biting comeback. Something dark passed over his face before he narrowed his eyes.
"Very funny. Are you just bitter because he bailed on you?"
"We're not even doing anything until later, so keep dreaming." That was the best you could come up with as a slight inner panic seized you, amplifying your worry that Atey'ete would indeed bail on your date later. Similar occurrences in the past were enough reason to validate that, and Ao'nung knew it. In fact, most people seemed to know of your inability to be first choice. It stung, but you hurriedly swallowed the hurt, practiced in not thinking about it for too long.
"Grow up, brother." Tsireya finally said, shaking her head at him as you followed her past him and inside the marui. You heard him scoff behind you as he also ducked inside, the three of you taking your typical places among Ronal and Tonowari so you could eat together.
"What are the three of you bickering about this time?" Tonowari asked, an easy smile on his face.
Ao'nung was quick to answer. "I was just advising [Y/N] not to waste her time courting unworthy men." You and Tsireya rolled your eyes, holding in laughter. Ao'nung had a habit of talking himself up, especially to his father, and this time was no different. You didn't know how it was even possible to twist his snarky quips into something so dignified, but he always managed.
"Oh? And who is this unworthy man you are courting, [Y/N]?" Ronal gave you a knowing look, seeing through at least some of her son's thinly veiled attempt at saving face. You blushed deeply.
"Well, first, we definitely aren't courting," You started. "Atey'ete and I are just going out riding later."
"Oh! He's such a handsome boy!" Ronal exclaimed, nodding in approval.
"And an excellent young warrior." Tonowari chimed in, winking at you. You flushed again, fidgeting nervously with your fingers. Ronal continued to go on about your date, telling a story about some errand he had helped her with once, but it became difficult to pay her your full attention when you noticed the sour look that had settled on Ao'nung's face. In a matter of seconds, his self-assuredness had been replaced by intense irritation, his narrowed eyes downcast while he uncharacteristically picked over his food. You'd never seen him look so angry, and found yourself confused at how the topic of conversation had such an effect on him.
"Son?" Tonowari broke both of you out of your separate stupors, waiting patiently for Ao'nung to answer the clearly unheard question. The younger male carefully schooled his expression into something at least sort of neutral looking.
"I was asking why you don't think Atey'ete would make a suitable mate for [Y/N]?"
Ao'nung suddenly choked on the bite of food he had just placed in his mouth, coughing as his eyed widened in shock. You were also rather shocked at Tonowari's question, though you hid it much better.
"M-mate?" Ao'nung finally managed, no longer coughing but still wearing the same stunned expression. "Don't you think it's a bit soon to be thinking about that? I mean, they probably haven't even talked to each other more than once!" His tone was laced with discontent.
"Well, you all are getting to an age where finding a mate is a priority. Even the beginnings of a courtship are to be taken seriously, Ao'nung." Ronal said patiently, though you could tell there was a double-meaning behind it, a bit more pressure to place on the shoulders of the eventual clan leader. You didn't think it was possible, but he looked even more annoyed than before.
"I know that. I was just saying I don't think they would be a good match." He grumbled. "I'm finished." He excused himself and quickly stood up before stalking outside. There was a tense moment of silence before Ronal spoke up.
"Please excuse him, [Y/N]. He has been having a hard time lately."
"Of course." You said politely, dipping your head down in understanding, though you were secretly perplexed and somewhat irked by his moodiness. You spent the rest of dinner no longer plagued by nervousness concerning Atey'ete, but rather entirely consumed by puzzling over Ao'nung and his strange behaviour.
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After dinner you received a brief pep talk from Tsireya and an encouraging hug from Ronal before you set off to meet with Atey'ete. However, you couldn't seem to shake the conversation that had come up earlier. Ao'nung's childishness was confounding, certainly, but as you rapidly approached the date you’d once been over the moon excited about, you couldn't help but think of what Ronal and Tonowari had said about courting. They claimed that at your age it was serious- like had the potential to become mates serious- and that scared you more than you would like to admit. You'd spent so long being rejected by your male peers that when Atey'ete had approached you with interest, his ultimate intention never even crossed your mind. Why shouldn't I still be excited? You thought, trying to think of any logical reason as to why you were suddenly doubting this. Atey'ete was kind and thoughtful, funny and handsome; not to mention a well-respected member of the clan. If he was interested in you, why would you jeopardize it without reason?
As you waged your internal war, you grew increasingly annoyed, particularly at the fact that you kept picturing Ao'nung's face in the middle of it all. The way his lips curled into a frown at dinner. The spark of fire behind his eyes when the two of you had been trading insults beforehand. You wanted to bash a rock into your head to stop thinking about him. It wasn't even relevant to your current predicament! Ao'nung just had an infuriating ability to take up residence on your mind. So you decided to stop thinking entirely, becoming laser-focused on getting to the meeting place and not letting your mind wander anymore.
At first you were able to tell yourself that you were just early. The sky had only just become tinted an orangey pink when you arrived on the smooth stretch of white sand, finding a stray rock to sit and wait on. You had agreed to meet around sunset. It wasn't like it was an exact time.
When that excuse became irrelevant, you came up with the idea that Atey'ete was just running a little late. The sun was sinking closer and closer to the horizon line, the sky beginning to twist into hues of purple and darker blue. He led a busy life. He'd probably been caught up hunting later than usual.
But when the stars finally blinked into existence and the last sliver of light disappeared under the gentle ocean waves, you began to cry. It wasn't voluntary, and you tried to stop, but your efforts were in vain and you eventually allowed yourself to just stare at the waves lapping on the sand as hot tears trailed silently down your cheeks.
What was it about you that was so undesirable? And why did guys feel the need not only to reject you, but to rub salt in the wound by giving you hope in the first place? Whatever string that was holding you together seemed to fall away, your heart bleeding out of your chest onto your hands and legs and into the sand. You felt massacred in all but physical body, and you vowed that this would be your last heartbreak. Even spending the rest of your days alone seemed a better fate than this.
"I told you he was going to bail." You jumped at the suddenness of the low voice behind you, but instantly clocked who it was. Hostility and rage bubbled underneath your skin as you whipped your head around, baring your teeth in a silent hiss.
"Fuck off, Ao'nung!" You barked, not missing the brief worry that crossed his features as he assessed your condition. "You're the last person I want to talk to right now!"
"Really? I thought Atey'ete would be up higher on that list." He quirked an eyebrow.
"Don't be all King Ao'nung right now. I'm not in the mood for that version of you." You snipped, staring hard at him. He knew of the nickname you and Tsireya had for him, but he seemed surprised to hear you say it directly to him. It was usually a funny little joke, but all you wanted to do was direct your hurt onto someone else, and he happened to be the perfect target.
"Alright," His expression softened into something you hadn't seen in a long time. Something like pity. Maybe even something like empathy. "I'll be nice Ao'nung, then." He tentatively sat down beside you, his leg just barely touching yours. You tried to ignore the buzzing feeling that ignited in your stomach at the near contact.
"I didn't know nice Ao'nung still existed." You scoffed, pulling your knees up to your chest and wrapping your arms around them, resting your chin on top of them as you fixed your gaze on the dark ocean in front of you. He was still staring at you.
"Nobody wants a soft clan leader, [Y/N]."
"Being nice and being soft are two different things."
"Do you really think that people won't respect you if you drop the walls you've built around yourself?"
"You don't know what it's like."
"No, I don't. But I do know what it's like to look up to you. To watch as you try to live up to your birthright." Your eyes flicked back to meet his, surprised by the vulnerability etched on his face. You hadn't realized how much you missed the boy you once knew. "I know it's not easy to be under so much pressure, but you don't have to change yourself to fit into some mold of the perfect little prince." You held each other's gaze in silence for a short time before a smile crept onto Ao'nung's lips.
"When did you become so wise?" He asked, nudging you gently.
"I've always been wise, skxawng. You just never cared to notice." You teased, still unsmiling but feeling slightly better. Something about this real version of him set you at ease. Something about him made you feel good, even if you wouldn’t admit it.
"I notice more about you than you think..." He mumbled, the words barely audible to you. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion, sure that you heard him wrong.
"I asked how long you've looked up to me for." He lied, trying to divert the conversation back a bit, a slight blush appearing on his cheeks. You studied him with narrowed eyes for a few seconds before deciding to let it go. You were actually kind of enjoying the deep conversation.
"Since always, I guess." You shrugged. "You may have been Tsireya's annoying older brother, but you also used to be thoughtful. And funny."
"I'm not funny anymore?"
"Don't push it." You said, eliciting a deep chuckle from Ao'nung. You smiled a bit in spite of yourself. "I just mean that you weren't going to become the Olo'eyktan one day just because of who your parents are. I always thought you were meant to be a great leader. Because of who you are. Because you care about everyone way more than you let on."
"Don't push it." He mimicked, this time making both of you laugh.
"Just stop being such a jerk, alright? Then maybe it won't be so hard to find a girl to like you." You grinned at him, ignoring the dull ache in your chest that your words incited. Ao'nung, however, quickly dropped his smile and fixed his gaze to the ground. It only lasted a few seconds before he changed the subject, but you felt stupid for calling him a jerk.
"Are you okay?" He asked, catching you off guard. You'd become so wrapped up in the current conversation that you forgot what originally brought you there in the first place.
"Oh- a-about the whole date thing?" You let out a breathy laugh, disappointed to be returning to such a sore subject. Thankfully it didn't hurt quite so bad anymore, though. "Yeah, no, definitely! I didn't actually care too much anyway so... It's, um, it's whatever." You internally cringed at your attempt to sound nonchalant. Ao'nung clearly wasn't buying it, but he didn't seem to want to push it.
"He's a douche anyway." Ao'nung said. "Trust me, you don't want to be going out with him."
"I guess..." You trailed off, biting your lip as you felt a sudden boldness take hold of you. You knew he was just trying to make you feel better, but you couldn't hold back on what you were truly wanting to know. "Look, you're a guy, do you know what's wrong with me?"
"I mean, there has to be something seriously off-putting or undesirable about me. We both know this isn't the first time I've been stood up. I just want to know what it is about me." The words came out rushed as your grew embarrassed about voicing your deepest insecurities, and to Ao'nung, nonetheless. He looked a little pale as he stared at you, searching your eyes.
"You think there's something wrong with you?" He breathed, sounding more like he was asking a rhetorical question than a real one. He seemed to be rapidly working something out in his head.
"Well, yeah. I know I'm not exactly the prettiest or the most talented woman in the clan, but after a while you get the impression that something's off when everyone else is getting into successful relationships but you. Guys barely even look at me anymore." You admitted, still regretting the conversation topic but pushing through anyway.
"Oh, shit." Ao'nung whispered under his breath, suddenly standing. You couldn't read his expression anymore as it became more complex, not to mention confusing. You knew it was an awkward thing to talk about, but this reaction seemed a little extreme.
"Where are you going?" You called after him as he began to rush away in the direction of his marui, appalled that he was leaving so abruptly. His answer was too quick and quiet for you to make out, so you just sat in stunned silence for a moment, watching as he eventually disappeared from sight. "Okay. Nice chat." You said, pressing your lips together, unsure of what to do next. And for the umpteenth time that day, you found yourself focused on thoughts of your best friend's brother, trying to fit another seemingly impossible piece of the Ao'nung puzzle together.
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“[Y/N]!” Tsireya called upon catching sight of you. She quickly apologized to the group of friends she’d been standing with and took off toward you, catching up easily. You were on your way to mend some more fishing nets, and you didn’t slow down even as she fell into step with you. “Hey! Where have you been this morning? I couldn’t find you and I was about to force Lo’ak to start helping me search!” She laughed. Her easy joyfulness was infectious, but you had to settle for a small smile as the best you could do in response. You were still trying to work out your complex web of feelings from the night before, something you’d spent all morning avoiding everyone to do. You wanted to talk to her about it, but it felt impossible to lay out clearly.
“Sorry, Reya,” You apologized, offering her a sincere look. “I just needed some time on my own to think.”
“Oh… Things didn’t go as planned last night then?” She asked gently. You sighed, shaking your head before a breathy laugh escaped your lips.
“Definitely not. Unless you count being stood up again as a plan. Which I guess maybe I should have. It happens enough.”
“It’s okay, really, I’m used to it. Besides, your brother of all people came to the rescue.”
“W-what? Ao’nung was there?”
“Yes. I have no clue what he was doing out there, but we ended up talking for a while.” You explained, carefully examining her reaction. While she looked mostly surprised, there was something different, like worry, behind her eyes.
“What did you talk about?” Her response felt strangely eager, like she was looking for you to say something specific.
“Mostly him, actually. I finally had the guts to tell him off for acting like a jerk sometimes.” You started, briefly chuckling at the memory. “But then it got really weird. He was trying to make me feel better about Atey’ete, but I couldn’t stop myself from asking him what’s wrong with me… Y’know, because he’s a guy and I thought maybe he would know.”
“And? What did he say?”
“Nothing, really. He got really pale and started acting like he was in trouble or something. Just got up and left. Like I said, weird.”
“Oh.” Was all she said, her brows furrowed as if deep in thought.
“Yeah. And do you know what’s really crazy?” You went on, unable to stop yourself from expressing the thoughts you’d been obsessing over all morning. “What’s insane is that I got stood up again and all I’ve been thinking about since is your stupid brother, just trying to figure him out. And even worse? When I do think about Atey’ete, I feel... relieved,” You were full-on ranting now as Tsireya watched with wide eyes. “I’ve been trying all morning to understand it, but I’m just relieved that Atey’ete didn’t show up. And I haven’t been letting myself even consider it, but I think- I think it might be because of Ao’nung.” You finally said, almost shocked that you admitted it out loud. The two of you stopped walking as a charged silence filled the air.
“Ao’nung likes you too!” Tsireya suddenly blurted before quickly slapping her hand over her mouth in horror of the admittance. You froze, eyebrows shooting skyward as you felt the world around you come to a slow halt. The only thing you could manage to process was the slow blinking eyes of your best friend as she searched your face. “I shouldn’t have said that but it just came out.”
“What are you talking about?” You whispered in disbelief. She stared at you for a few more second before sighing, resigning herself to an explanation.
“I think it’s time you know, anyway.” She started. “Ao’nung’s the one who scares off any guy who shows interest in you. He used to claim it was because they weren’t good enough for you, but I finally got him to admit otherwise a few months ago. He likes you, [Y/N]. A lot. But he’s so dumb and won’t believe me when I tell him that you like him back-”
“Woah. I don’t think I would say that.” You interrupted, though a bloom of heat rushed to your face at the accusation. Tsireya just gave you a look, quirking one eyebrow.
“You may be able to hide it from yourself, but you can’t hide it from me.” She stated. “I hear the way you talk about him when you’re not on your guard. And I definitely don’t miss the way you stare at him when you think he’s not looking.”
The realization felt like a blow to the chest. She was right, after all. You had once acknowledged your crush on the boy before pushing it far down out of sight when you thought he could never see you that way. You figured you would always just be Tsireya’s annoying best friend in his eyes.
“Even if I do,” You reluctantly admitted. “That’s still crazy. He’s been scaring guys away instead of just asking me out?” You were just now processing the whole story, going back through every heartbreak and every time you thought something was wrong with you with the new knowledge that Ao’nung was behind it.
“Yeah, I know. I kept trying to tell him how badly it was going to blow up in his face, but he’s so stubborn.”
“Since when?” You changed the course of the conversation out of the blue, but Tsireya was quick to follow along with what you were asking.
“Since he completed his Iknimaya. But he’s been in love with you since we were kids, [Y/N]. He’s absolutely terrible at expressing it, clearly, but it’s true. I don’t think he’s ever even considered anyone else.”
Again, her words landed like a punch to the gut, though it mildly annoyed you that the feeling was less painful and more relieving, your stomach doing excited little flips at the thought of Ao’nung seeing you the same way you saw him. You had to work to reign in the giddiness racing through you. Ao’nung still had to face the consequences of being a total moron, after all.
“I’m going to talk to him.” You decided, looking to Tsireya to agree. She nodded her head.
"Good. I think he's just getting ready to go out hunting, so you'd better hurry." She gently pushed you in the direction of the reef. As you started to jog away she called, "Don't let him off easy, okay?" And a laugh escaped your lips.
"I definitely won't!" You assured her, though you knew it was going to be difficult considering the giddy excitement coursing through your veins.
Luckily, he was still on shore when the reef came into your view, looking to be repairing one of the fishing spears before he set off with the other hunters. You slowed to a walk as you approached, and he only looked up when you were mere feet away from where he sat in the sand. Your shadow fell over him and your crossed your arms as he looked up and met your eyes, doing your best to look at least a little mad.
"[Y/N], what are you-"
"Why did you scare Atey'ete into ditching me?" You questioned calmly, narrowing your eyes and shoving down a smirk as panic took over his features. The hunters who were in the vicinity went silent, turning their attention to you and Ao'nung. "Actually, I'd also like to know why you've done that to every guy whose ever been interested in me."
"W-what- How did you..." He trailed off, trying desperately to find the right words as he squirmed under your gaze. "Did Tsireya tell you that?" He seemed to finally come to his senses, looking around at all the amused eyes fixed on him. He quickly stood up and grabbed your hand, tugging you to a spot out of view of the others. The contact between your hands was like a spark of electricity, briefly making you forget why you were supposed to be mad at him. The momentary amnesia doubled when he stepped closer to you, staring urgently into your eyes.
"How did you find out?" He asked, bringing you back to reality as he let go of your hand. You shivered at the loss of contact.
"Doesn't matter. Just tell me why." You said quietly, not missing the way his expression shifted into one of chagrin. It almost made you laugh to see him looking so uncharacteristically sheepish, but you maintained your composure.
"I don't know." Was all he said, unable to meet your eyes anymore, kicking at the sand beneath his feet like a child. Your jaw tightened at his lame response. Now you really were annoyed with him.
"Okay, fine." You scoffed, turning to go. You weren't expecting him to be so guarded, and it hurt to know that he wasn't willing to admit his feelings for you even when you were so blatantly offering him the chance.
"Wait!" You felt his fingers wrap around your wrist, igniting that familiar spark of electricity again as he pulled you back before you could get too far. You turned to face him again, letting your disappointment show on your face. "I'm sorry," He sighed, shaking his head as if figuring out what to say next.
"Just forget about it, okay? You're clearly still too busy being King Ao'nung to take me seriously." You wanted to run away and hide for the rest of the day. Maybe the rest of your life. Tsireya seemed to have overstated his feelings for you, and it was hurting more with every passing second. The only thing still keeping you there was Ao'nung's gentle grip on your arm.
"I do take you seriously. And I want to talk to you- I just never know what to say."
"Well you could start with a genuine apology."
"I'm sorry," He stepped slightly closer, forcing you to tilt your chin up to meet his gaze. Your heart sped up. "I really am. And I know you have no reason to believe me because I've been acting like a jerk lately. And you have no reason to forgive me, either. It was really fucked up of me to do that- to threaten guys who were interested in you. I was always so jealous at how easily they got you to like them, and I wished you would look at me the way you looked at them, even just for a second. But I didn't want to hurt you, [Y/N]. I swear," A pained expression took over his face, and he shifted his grip on your hand so that your fingers were laced together. Warmth bled through his touch and set you at ease. "Last night was the first time I realized how badly it was affecting you. I always assumed you didn't care that much because you never showed it, but I realize now that was a stupid assumption. I was selfish, and I'm really, really sorry."
You stared into his blown pupils, not saying anything for a while as you processed his words. Since your original plan had been derailed, you had to work out what to do next.
"I wasn't mad when I got here." You said, a small smile tugging at the corners of your lips. Ao'nung furrowed his eyebrows. "I mean, I was a little bit. I wasn't about to let you off for basically making me think I was unlovable for a while there." You smiled wider as Ao'nung cringed slightly. "But I wasn't mad because I was actually just relieved. Because for some Eywa forsaken reason I have this insane crush on you that I've been trying to get over for years, and even though I would never admit it, every time I got stood up I felt relieved that I wouldn't have to settle for someone I could never love." His eyes widened at your confession, and you wondered if he could hear how loudly your heart was beating.
"Oh Eywa, [Y/N], I'm so sorry that I made you think-"
"Are you seriously not taking your chance right now? I'm starting to doubt how much Tsireya told me you liked me..." You said, holding in a laugh as his eyes widened yet again. For a future Olo'eyktan, he was really dumb sometimes.
But all it took was that push from you and he was kissing you. Softly, at first, almost like he felt you were going to break, but when you fell into his body and wrapped your arms around his neck, he became more desperate, tugging gently at your bottom lip. His warm hands rested on your waist, pulling you flush against him. It could have been seconds or days before you pulled apart, panting and grinning like fools.
"Tsireya didn't exaggerate," He started, resting his forehead against yours as his thumbs caressed your sides. "I like you so, so much. I just never thought you'd feel the same. I always figured you just saw me as your best friend's older brother." He admitted and you chuckled.
"I thought you just saw me as your sister's best friend." This time the both of you laughed softly before he placed a quick kiss against your lips again.
"I see you." He whispered, and suddenly the world around you diminished, leaving only Ao'nung in front of you. You could hear the blood rushing in your ears and feel the slightly quickened heartbeat inside his chest, the points of contact between you like pieces of a puzzle fitting perfectly together.
"I see you." You finally said back, completely enraptured by the way he was staring at you, like you were the only person in the entire universe in that moment. You stood like that together for who knows how long, occasionally exchanging sweet kisses and blushing grins.
Finally, you decided to say something, "So how many guys did you have to threaten to stay away from me? Was it like, just a few, or are we talking about more of a whole line up?"
"Oh, please." He grinned, shaking his head as the two of you laughed.
"I'm just trying to make up for some lost self-esteem over the years, okay?" You chuckled, offering him a mischievous look.
"Alright, I get it. I probably deserve the guilt trip." He smiled, holding his hands up. "But I don't think you have anything to worry about when it comes to guys wanting you." He admitted, looking slightly annoyed at the thought. You gasped dramatically.
"So it was a whole line up! You must have been busy keeping them all away from me." You said proudly, earning an eye roll from him.
"Don't let it go to your head. Besides, it doesn't matter anyway."
"And why's that?"
"Because now you're mine." He hummed, suddenly using his loose grip on your waist to pull you closer and place his lips on yours once again. You smiled into the kiss. Maybe all that rejection was worth it after all.
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inlovewithpandora · 2 months
ੈ✩‧₊˚ — Summers Of Pandora ᝰ Day 25 - Exhibition
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Artists — Tsireya x fem!Metkayina!reader
Lyrics — Tsireya’s not having fun at the annual festival the clan throws, the performers aren’t as enticing to her as they are to you so to keep herself happy she decides to have a little fun with you, by slipping her hands in your loincloth.
Music Advisory — smut (18+), porn w/ (little) plot, aged!up Tsireya, in public sex, fingering (r! receiving) , breast/nipple play, clit stimulation, mention of squirting, cum eating, implied exhibition kink ᝰ this fic does contain aged!up character smut so if you don’t like that type of content please don’t interact and continue scrolling!!
Duration — under 1k
Index — tanhì - star; bioluminescent freckle • mawey - calm
Words from Artist — This is my first time writing smut for Tsireya so let me know how you guys like the story and if you want to see more smut with her. This was fun fic to write and i enjoyed the plot of this! ys feel free to comment and reblog, I love reading y’all reactions! I hope you enjoy!!
Current Platforms — event m.list・main m.list・event taglist ・prompt list
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The moonlight is shining over Awa’atlu and the whole clan is gathered on the beach for the annual festival where the singers and dancers of the clan perform multiple songs and acts. Everyone is watching the dancers in awe while Tsireya is getting bored and restless. She’s been attending these events since she was young and over the years she’s grown tired of them. “y/n, can we go? I’m ready to leave.” She whines in your ear, wanting to go home and cuddle in your shared marui until you both drift off to sleep.
“No, ‘reya, just relax. It’ll be over soon.” You lean back and kiss her cheek while grabbing her arms, wrapping them around your waist as you sit on her lap, hoping that the physical touch will be enough to hold her over until the festival ends. You’ve always loved watching the dancers and how they performed difficult routines and executed them with such ease and grace, meanwhile, Tsireya isn’t slightly as amused by their performance and you can tell by the way she keeps on tracing circles on your skin.
You can hear the faint sound of her tail thumping against the sand which makes you realize that she is growing impatient. It’s been almost twenty minutes since her last plea to leave and at this point, she’s tired of waiting. The clan's energy is high and she can tell that the festival isn’t dying down any time soon, so she wants to find a sense of entertainment and have some real fun.
When you’re laser-focused on the angelic voice of the singers, Tsireya slips her right hand into your loincloth and starts circling her finger over your clit, causing you to jump slightly from the unexpected stimulation. “Tsireya, what are you doing?!” You whisper-yell as you grab her wrist to make her stop, causing her to use her left hand to smack your hand away. “Mawey, tanhì. You don’t want people to notice, do you?” She asks rhetorically as her hot breath trickles down your skin while she presses soft kisses against the crease of your neck.
The mischievousness in her voice annoys you because she knows exactly what she’s doing, intentionally wanting to turn you into nothing but a whimpering mess. You are about to spew out a rebuttal, but when you feel her tease your folds, a moan you were trying to repress slips out instead. “Tsireya, w-we can’t do this right now.” You can’t believe your mate is trying to do this in public, having you moan and squirm in her lap while there are people around to witness the lewd act that’s taking place between you two. Usually you hate the idea of this but with your brain feeling cloudy with pleasure it slightly turns you on that someone could be watching Tsireya touch and caress your exposed skin.
“Well, your body is telling me differently.” She retorts while fully thrusting her fingers into your heat, eliciting a whimper to fall from your lips. It is true, your words and actions are on completely different wavelengths. Your mouth is telling her to stop while you are practically riding her fingers, trying to make the pads of her fingertips touch the spongy part of your walls. “Just let me take care of you.” Her hand circles around your waist and moves up to your chest, moving the material that’s covering your left breast to the side, and begins to play with your hardened nipple.
“Mmm, shit!” You squeal, feeling overwhelmed by the pleasure of her strokes and how she is fondling your body just the way you like. The fact that she is using your body as a source of amusement makes you even wetter than you’ve ever been before, your slick is literally dripping down her fingers and smearing on your inner thighs. “Oh—Tsireya!” You whine while throwing your head back to rest on her shoulder, feeling a sense of pressure build up in your stomach, a sign that it would only take a few more thrusts before you come completely undone.
Tsireya knows that you are only seconds away from cumming all over her slender fingers, so for that reason she doesn’t mind you’re getting louder with the sweet noises that are spewing from your lips. The crowds’ loud cheering, yelling, and talking are drowning out your yelps and moans and thankfully the two of you are at the very back of the beach. Your mate can smell your fruit scented slick, and it clouds her brain, making her want to speed up the process of your upcoming orgasm by using a new technique.
When you feel her thumb rapidly swipe across your raw bundle of nerves and her fingers rut harder against the entrance of your womb simultaneously, you could feel yourself growing breathless while your muscles begin to contract. “Ts-Tsireya, I’m gonna—”
“Make a mess on me, tanhì.” Her gentle, lustful voice traveling through your ear canal, her soft lips pressed against the flap of your ear, and her filthy movements cause your eyes to roll to the back of your head as your orgasm rips through your body. Your juices mixed with your sticky release gushes out of your cunt onto her fingers, splashing onto her wrist and other parts of her skin that aren’t covered.
Once she helps you ride out your high and your body begins to calm, Tsireya withdraws her fingers from your tight hole and places them in her mouth, wanting the taste of your sweetness on her tongue. When she pops her fingers out of her mouth, she finally feels satisfied, coaxing an orgasm out of you was fun for her, in her mind you are hands down the best entertainment she’s had tonight.
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Fanbase — @Peanut713521 @anemonelovesfiction n @jakesullyfatjuicypeen @makaylalovessmut @Kaydoux @biaaaaaaaa1 @hikotaru @thisaintredwine @lexieeeeeeeei @that-gurl25 @erenjaegerwifee @eme1hyst @o-kingston @neteyamyawne
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— all rights reserved © INLOVEWITHPANDORA 2024. all fanfics belong to me, do not copy, translate, repost nor recommend on tiktok any of the works seen here.
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v4lkio · 16 days
Cuddling headcannons˚ ༘♡
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Characters: lo'ak, neteyam, tsireya, Ao'nung x reader
Summary: how they like to cuddle/hug you
Warnings: none, just fluff *´ސު`*
DISCLAIMER!: I am not a professional expert writer, so if I see any negative comments about my writing you will be blocked. I just write for fun!
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Lo'ak loves spooning to cuddle you. He likes all kinds of cuddles, but spooning would be his #1. Just being able to hug you with his nose in your hair, embracing your presence and scent, and being close to you. Doesn't matter if he's a big spoon or little spoon. He just wants to be close with you.
When he's big spoon, he loves kissing the back of your neck, just loves neck kisses straight up, and you'd always complain it tickles. And when he's little spoon and your arms are wrapped around him, he always likes to hold your hand or arm, especially if it's close to his.
He'll be snoring Hella loud though💀 but he always denies it. (It's still worth the cuddles)
"I do not snore, I would never!" Loak protested
"Whatever you say dumb dumb."
"You're the dumb dumb.." while nuzzling his face in your hair
"Okay.." You say sarcastically
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Neteyam loves it when you rest your head on his chest. He'll wrap his arms around you and hold you tight. When he sleeps, he moves quite a lot but not too much, so most of the time, he'll be spooning you to get more comfortable. He loves both either way.
And when your head is resting on his chest, he loves sniffing your hair, especially playing with it. He just thinks you smell good and think your hair is super soft. At first, it caught you off guard, but you didn't mind it. You didn't expect him to do it, You thought it was sweet of him.
"Does my hair smell that good, teyam?"
"Yes, it does love. I can't help it."
You'd chuckle. "It's okay, I don't mind it."
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Ao'nung will never admit it, but he loves laying on top of you, nuzzing his head in your chest or the crook of your neck. Doesn't matter if you guys are sleeping side ways or he's laying ontop, he loves both ways. You wrap your arms around his head as he soaks in all your heat.
He secretly loves it when you play without his hair and trace your fingers on his back. It's his guilty pleasure.. the feeling of your slim fingers intertwining with his curls or trace shapes and different patterns on his back. Yeah, he'll absolutely melt from your touch.
Ao'nung will always act tough and cocky around others, but he will always be soft around you, just wanting to be babied and pampered.
"I thought you didn't like it's when I play with your hair nung,"
"I dont," he huffed out
"Aw, that sucks.." You said slowing moving your hand away from his head
"Wait.. please, keep going.."
"Look at you, and you said you didn't like it." You chuckled
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Whenever you have a long day, exhausted, or just wanna relax just for a while, tsireya will always let you lay your head down on her lap. You'll rest your head on her warm thighs as her fingers play intertwine with your hair.
Romantic or platonic, tsireya will always allow you to lay down. Even if you guys are friends, she doesn't mind it. She finds it as a way of you two getting closer with each other. And she'll do about anything with her friends !
You'll be hesitant to ask her if you can lay your head down on her lap, don't be! She'll insist on you laying your head down. You won't even need to ask
"Reya, is it okay if I can rest my head on your lap? Sorry, I'm just feeling a little tired."
"No need to apologize for that. Come lay here," she said, patting her lap
"Sorry if it's a weird thing to ask.."
"It's not weird. It's normal to do stuff like that y/n. There's no need to be shy when asking, okay?" She said assuringly
"Oh okay, thanks, reya.."
"Of course yawne."
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A/n: Sorry, it's not much, but enjoy!! ^_^
Taglist🫧: @skatazz @metkvyina
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Lemme know if u wanna get added to the taglist!・͛♡̷̷̷・͛
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lorre-verie · 4 months
heyyyy there, how are you? was just thinkinggg 😝🧟 ---
may I please request an enemies to lovers ao'nung x fem!metkayina!reader fic where reader ventures out beyond the reef with bestie tsireya in their rarely found free time in order to decompress from their stressful routines --- evident in readers duties of teaching the young many things like weaving and breathing, helping ronal collect medicinal resources, and tsireya being tsakarem. reader vents about ao'nung being a pain and how hard she's pining for him regardless and tsireya, being all knowing, tries to hint to reader about ao'nungs feelings. some more banter before reya rushes off to meet with lo'ak for their date. not long after tsireya leaves, readers gets attacked and badly injured in the leg by something (I can't think of anything 💀) and rushes back to awa'atlu riding an ilu, bleeding out, where ao'nung (previously training) takes notice of her limping out of the water barely conscious. ao'nung rushes to her, reader collapsing in his arms, ao'nung delivering a cutsie little panicked "don't worry, im not gonna let anything to happen to you, 'm gonna take care of you" just before readers loses consciousness 😝😝😝😝 perhaps some cutie fluffy tearful confessions after she wakes in ronals healing marui
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“Living, breathing, nightmare.”
word count: 4.4k
pairings: aonung x fem!metkayina!reader 
author notes:  - the prompt IS enemies to lovers so i decided to make it a HEAAVY emphasis on the enemies part of that (😏), so this is gonna be a wild ass ride. love you for this request, thanks for bringing me back onto this platform, anon! - 2nd person (love it too much) - NO you are not short you’re a little taller than tsireya but aonung is just a tall mf
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“So, they hate each other?” Ewie asked curiously, her curiosity piqued as her gaze remained fixed on the two na’vi bickering aways from her and the tsakarem-to-be of her clan.
“...Not exactly,” Tsireya answered, grimacing.
She sighed, patting the little one’s back, who stood there confused and still staring, eyes wide as seashells. Tsireya knelt down on one knee atop the damp, warm sand, offering the little girl a reassuring smile as she reached out to place her hand to Ewie’s shoulder, encouraging her to meet Tsireya’s gaze. “Why don’t you go on and play with your friends now, Ewie? You can resume your lessons with [name] tomorrow,” she said softly, promptly turning her head to smile at Ewie’s friends who ran wildly across the coast, screaming and jumping joyously.
The little girl’s eyes brightened as she looked at her group of friends, one of the boys in particular waving her over to join. She let out a small excited squeal, her mind now totally torn away from the sight of you and aonung, running to join them. Tsireya smiled as she watched Ewie scamper away, leaving only the older girl and the ocean in her wake. For Tsireya, now was one of the calm moments that no one could take away from her. 
She inhaled, the ocean breeze carrying a freshness that was tinged with the ancient salt of countless tides. Its age-old whispers danced through the air, brushing against her skin with a coolness that– if she concentrated enough, she could almost hear….yes…Eyw-
“You are an ABSOLUTE NIGHTMARE!” Your voice pierced through her thoughts, her ears flattening as she winced.
She whipped her head around to look at you and aonung in what seemed to be a private, yet full-blown war between the two of you, Aonung laughing in your face as you gave him a piece of your mind.
She let out a breath to calm herself. Happy thoughts…happy thoughts…she repeated in her mind as to not kick both you and her older brother in the back of the knees. 
“Yet I still show up in your dreams every night, eh?” he smirked even wider at you (if that was even possible).
To that, you didn’t know whether you wanted to scream, cry, cringe, throw up, or shove a kick so far up his ass he would never be able to talk out of it again. 
So you just stared at him silently, your silent screams bouncing off the insides of your body.
He towered over you, seemingly amused by your lack of response. 
You hated that. Why did Eywa give the males the unfair advantage in vertical length? (the answer is cause they need it boo or else they’d cry themselves to sleep every night) If you wanted to meet his eyes you would have to give yourself a strained neck, compared to all the other boys your age.
“You…wish.” you said, internally groaning at the less-than-satisfactory response you gave him. 
Should’ve been something kickass like “yeah, the haunting presence of your mediocrity,” but of course you’d only think about something like that far later, when it was way too late.
Tsireya walked towards the two of you, making sure to sigh mentally instead of in real life, bracing herself for whatever outlandish thing you two were bickering about now.
“Ah, sister, how kind of you to join us!” aonung raised his eyebrows slightly, “Would you kindly tell your friend here that she would absolutely not hold up in a battle between her and an Akula?” 
Before Tsireya could even open her mouth, you scoffed. 
“That is not what I said!” you seethed, crossing your arms. He had this tactic of taking whatever you were saying and twisting it so that he’d seem in the right at all times.
“I only said that I’ve been training for it, and I think that I could handle it! And also, that wasn’t even your conversation to listen in on!” and you didn’t want to admit that you were just trying to make yourself seem the teeniest bit more impressive to one of the younger kids you were teaching. In moderation of course!
*record scratch* (for all my lovely readers who’ve no idea/don’t remember what an akula is, that's the scary 3 jawed monster that practically almost killed our boy lo’ak. but that hasn't happened yet in this story)
Tsireya contained her urge to pinch the bridge of her nose, instead resorting to pinching aonung’s wrist, earning a ‘hey!’ from the metkayina while you smirked, satisfied with her response which was clearly a ‘i-don't-want-to-get-into-detail-about-the-topic-of-conversation-but-my-brother-is-incredibly-annoying-and-i-know-that-so-i’ll-just-do-this’ stance, but hey, at least it humbled the gargantuan himbo in front of you, even if by the smallest bit.
“[Name], how about we just get going?” she said, her hand rested on your shoulder, looking at you with an awkward smile.
“Great idea,” you smiled at her, willing to do anything to get away from the disproportionate frog. 
Before you could even take a step away, he obviously had to get in his bit.
“Hey wait, where are you two going?” he looked at you both, confusedly.
This was strange for 1 reason.
Why the hell does he care??? He never cared before, so why does he care now???
You turned your head and gave him an annoyed look, while Reya, ever the peacekeeper, answered his question for you. 
“We’re going beyond the reef. We want to see if we can catch a glimpse of the nrr payoang migrating for the season.” she said.
And even though she was the one who answered, he kept his eyes fixated on you for a solid extra few seconds, before finally switching to her. What in the motherfu-
“It’s optimal timing. Plus, this is one of the rare occasions where me and [name] are both free at the same time.” she said, smiling brightly. “It must be Eywa clearing the path for us.”
Right then, he smirked. 
Oh no. 
He was going to say something else to keep your blood above a healthy pressure, wasn’t he?
He looked at you again, and you felt your muscles tense. His mouth opened– no– here it comes– mayday, mayday!
“I also happen to be free. Can I come along?” 
You felt yourself die.
“NO!” you said a little bit too suddenly. “Go find some other people to bother!” you turned on your heel and stomped away from the situation before he could burden your mind further, grumbling at the sheer audacity.
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“He literally insulted my capability of surviving like any normal metkayina could, and then he wants to “cOmE AlOnG?” Forget it!” you pressed a wrist into your left eye, trying to rid it of the image of the colossal amphibian as you rode on the ilu with Tsireya by your side, who was dipping gracefully above and below the water on her own ilu.
She emerged from the cerulean blue waves, her hair carrying beads of water in them, before she turned to look at you, back straightening.
“I think he just wanted to spend more time with you, you know.” she suggested, trying her damndest to hint to you what everyone else except literally the two of you could see. 
“Ha! As if! The last time I tried to ask him something, he said “don’t talk to me, my people might think that we’re friends.” Like what? Who says that? WHY would he say that?” you started, your ramble being nothing new to your best friend, who only sighed as she dipped a hand into the water as her ilu moved her through it.
Together, you headed to the point where the glowing fish were most spotted, waiting above the water for any signs of movement as you continued on.
“And I do not like him at all, despite what that skxawng Neteyam might say. He’s annoying, loud, obnoxious, and the way he carries himself differently when I’m in the vicinity is dumb. Almost like he’s trying to make himself seem better than me! Who does he think he is, puffing his chest out like a-” hold on.
You went silent, backtracking. 
Everytime Aonung noticed you were near, he stood up straighter than usual.
Your mind thought back to all those little moments in flashes. During training, at your cousin's coming-of-age ceremony, the harvest celebration, and today.
He constantly looks at you even if there are others around, but if you look back at him (more like glare), he looks away immediately. 
He always initiates the conversation first, even if there’s nothing to talk about.
Okay hold on [name], none of this necessarily means that he likes you.
And then, your whole world came to a stop. You swear even the wind became silent, leaving only you and the sounds of the cool ocean water rippling against your body, the evening painting a blur of pinks and oranges in the sky.
As if she knew every bit of the revelation you just had, Tsireya, who was a little ways in front of you, turned her head, looking at the blank expression on your face.
Am I the one that likes him? you thought to yourself.
No. It couldn’t be. There was no way, no possible way, that this was happening.
“Reya?” you blurted out, your body (and your stupid mouth) acting on instinct.
I mean, she was your best friend. Obviously best friends have to tell each other about their crushes, right?
“I think I like-” you stopped yourself short as you looked at her face. 
Her face, which was trying to hold back a smirk.
“Yes, [name]? Do continue?” she said, her tone a lot more singsong than you’d like it to be.
Perhaps telling your best friend that you had a crush on her literal BROTHER wasn’t the best course of action.
“You know, if you like him, it’s totally alright with me.” she said, shrugging as she turned her head back to the front, smiling as she knew exactly what you’d say next.
“WHAT??” you screamed, startling your ilu, to which you whispered rushed apologies, soothing the back of its neck. 
“I’m just happy you’ve finally realised it.” she said, still not turning back, acting as if this was the most normal conversation to have.
“Wha? Who???” you asked, suddenly getting the idea she was having the wrong idea.
“Neteyam.” she said, her tone sarcastic, but unfortunately you were too startled to catch on.
“Hah! You’re wrong, I do not like him.” you said, silently revelling in the relief that she didn’t catch on.
Oh [name]. Sweet, oblivious, [name].
“Yeah I know, that’s why you have a crush on my brother.” 
To that, you completely stopped in your tracks, jaw slack open. She’s done it. She’s broken you.
She finally turned around, guiding her ilu to the left so as to block your track. 
“He likes you too. And I think you know that already.” she smiled, narrowing her eyes mischievously.
‘For the love of all things good and beautiful, why was this happening to me?’ you screamed on the inside, not wanting to relent.
Okay, if you were denying it, then maybe you actually didn’t like him! Right??
Yeah. That was it. You were giving yourself the delusion of liking him, because he’s the one that liked you first and you felt bad for him, and that’s why you were only considering liking him back.
Wait, does he even like me? What??
“Okay, no, that’s not what I-” and just as you were starting to deny everything, because that was 100% the truth, Tsireya waved you off as she submerged her head in the water, already off her ilu. 
You quickly realised what you were here for in the first place, hopping off and following suit, taking a deep breath before you dipped your head below the cool waves.
Deep below the two of you on the surface, you could see hundreds of bioluminescent jellyfish wading in one path, weaving through the floating rocks and plants, the vividness of the glowing colours acting as if a kaleidoscope in your vision.
You had to pull your head out from the water to take another breath, using your hand to push away some of your hair that decided to stick itself onto your face. You were absolutely stunned at the beautiful sight. It took your breath away, literally.
Dipping your head below the surface of the water once more, you decided with Tsireya to take a closer look. You dove your body forwards into the water, Reya following closely behind. 
It was quickly becoming darker, night was falling and you knew it was time to turn back, but the jellyfish illuminated your surroundings almost mesmerizingly, as if pulling you into a beautiful vortex. 
You hid your body behind a set of rocks, watching the jellyfish swim in their little path, smiling as you watched a small one lag behind the others before a bigger one pushed it forward, practically propelling it through the water as it sputtered around before finding its place again.
Tsireya, who was a little bit above you in the water, turned and dipped her body downwards to touch your shoulder, to signal that it was time to return to the surface and go home before it got too dark.
Her hand was a mere millimetre away from you when a sudden jolt of agony rips through your leg. It's as if a thousand needles pierce your flesh all at once, and panic surges, rising through your veins like wildfire.
Instinctively, you kick and thrash, but the unseen assailant's grip tightens like a vise, dragging you mercilessly downward. Darkness engulfs your senses and you're plunged into a void, robbed of sight and hearing, your lungs screaming for air..
You can’t even see Tsireya anymore, nor the prismatic glow of the jellies.
Bubbles erupt from your lips in frantic bursts, mingling with the surrounding darkness, further obscuring your already impaired vision. Each gasp for air feels like a futile struggle against the inevitable, your chest burning with the agonising need for oxygen. What is this? What is this that’s grabbing you? What is happening? The questions flood your mind and sear the corners of your vision as you're dragged deeper, darkness enveloping you fully. 
With each passing second, your panic intensifies. You can't tell which way is up anymore. The ocean presses in around you, a suffocating weight. It’s still pulling you down.
and down…
In a last, thoughtless attempt, you reach out, fingers stretching toward the abyssal void, but there's nothing to grasp onto, nothing to anchor you in this sea of darkness. Panic tightens its grip around your throat, threatening to choke the life from your trembling body.
Desperation claws at your soul, pounding on your chest, as you realise the seconds are slipping away. Any moment now, and you’ll be dead. Any moment now, and everything you yourself have worked for, would be gone. You let yourself close your eyes. Maybe because of the weight of the void pushing onto your body, or maybe you’re tired from fighting this thing around your leg for Eywa knows how long. When you outstretched your hand you hoped that someone, anyone would pull you out of this..nothingness. You wanted it so badly you almost thought that he would. That he’d save you.
Your body jolts awake, only to find yourself in an unfamiliar place. 
The cool, steady flow of the breeze unnerves you. It’s the first thing you notice besides the wild racing of your heart in your chest, your head whipping around in this empty space, trying to ascertain where you are. Is this Eywa? The place feels like a void, but it’s far different from the blackened one that suffocated your being. It feels calm. Peaceful. You can see the dark purple sky above you, glittering with stars and moons that you’ve never even seen about it. But it looks… strange. 
Otherworldly. Like it is impossibly distant, yet so close to you at the same time. You kneel in an extraordinarily shallow pool of cool water, the surface reflecting the celestial display above you. Though it is rather shallow, like a puddle almost, it stretches endlessly into the horizon as far as your eyes can see it. As you look around, time seems to stand perfectly still. 
It’s unnerving. Realising that you can, in fact, move your desensitised limbs, you slowly get up, your feet creating small ripples in the water. “Hello?” you call out. 
Nothing except your own echo responds to you. Just then, you hear something in the distance. Like someone’s there, in the hazed distance. They’re close to you, then they’re unimaginably far away. What is that? “[Name]!” It’s calling out your name. How do you respond? A. Call out for help
B. Cry C. Curl up into a ball and give up D. Walk towards the source Just kidding, you don’t have a choice. As if your legs had minds of their own, you start walking towards the source. You can’t quite make out that voice. It changes every time you hear it, showing up in intervals of about 5-8 seconds of space in between. “[Name]?” Gosh, and the change in tone too. It’s filled with fear, then anger, then happiness, then…huh? “[Name]... I’m so sorry.” Sadness. The voice is filled with a type of sadness that almost stabs your chest. Regret. Guilt. So many emotions in this strangely familiar, choked-out voice. The voice continues sobbing, sniffling, but then it stops. Leaving you whipping around in the darkness, unsure of where to go. You turn around, then you slam face first into something really tough. “What the fuc-” your voice rings out, angered, in the void. Rubbing your nose, you look up. “What the fuck?” you whisper. It’s Aonung. 
How delightful. But seriously, how de-fucking-lightful? Finally, another person in this endless, pitch black space of darkness. You almost want to scream. Of horror or joy, you’re not exactly sure, but you contain yourself, mostly due to the fact that he’s looking at you.
And he’s crying. Tears stream down his cheeks as he looks at you— actually, not quite you. His eyes aren’t exactly focused on yours, but they’re focused on…you. If that makes any sense at all. “Please wake up…” he croaks out. 
And that voice! It was him. That depressing, bleak voice from before that was calling out your name. It was him. But why? And how? 
You’re about to do something but then your heart jolts in your chest because he’s lifting up his right hand and cupping your cheek softly. Gently. Like the real Aonung would never do. This is some sick hallucination isn’t it? Oh gosh you actually went to hell, didn’t you? Before you realise it, he uses his thumb to wipe away a tear that somehow appeared on your face. You’re not crying. So what is this? What’s going o– NO. He’s leaning in. WHY IS HE LEANING IN? Fuck all “[NAME], DO SOMETHING!! YOU STUPID-” you scream at yourself, fighting your inanimate body. WHY COULDN’T YOU FUCKING MO- *SLLAAAAAPPPPPP!!!*Now you’re scrambling to your feet on what you realise to be the sickbed of Ronal’s healing tent, your hand stinging after delivering the most horrible sounding slap you have ever slapped…
…to the side of Aonung’s, now incredibly shocked, and incredibly offended, face.
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Ronal sighed, but the remnant of a smirk lingered still on her cheeks, avoiding both you and Aonung’s gaze. “There you go, [name]. Next time, you should be much more careful,” she said softly, her hands leaving the cooling bandage now wrapped around your still aching leg and extending to your ankle, a sore reminder of whatever the hell it was that you experienced the night before.
You sat on a woven hammock, propped up by the trees that supported the healing tent. Ronal stood in front of you, “I am grateful that Aonung was there to help,” she said, turning towards the discombobulated walking-disease she called her son, who had a big bandage over his cheek, glaring down at you. She grabbed Aonung’s ear, pulling his body over very clearly painfully, making him yelp in pain with incoherent pleas of ‘ma’ and ‘please’  coming from his lips.
“What in Eywa’s name were you thinking? Trying to kiss a girl while she’s injured and unable to say anything about it! You are lucky that she slapped you first, or else you would not live to see another day if I had anything to do with it! My son, you are many things, but you are not an idi–” she scolded, promptly dragging him out of the marui still by his ear to deliver his well-deserved punishment outside, an amused smile making its way onto your face. Sigh, justice.
But okay, the incredulity of the day, of course, has not worn down on you. 
Tsireya came rushing into the tent with a bowl of…whatever, her face the guiltiest it’s ever been. It kinda made your heart hurt. “[Name], I am so, so, so sorry!” she said, kneeling down by your hammock and taking your hand in between hers. “As soon as I heard you were awake I rushed over,” she quickly mumbled, grabbing a rag and dipping it into the bowl and pressing it over your forehead gently, “I am so sorry for yesterday, I never should have suggested going there, let alone–”
Oh, here we go… It’s the Tsireya cycle, you call it. Whenever something goes wrong, she infinitely feels bad as if it’s her fault that something nearly killed you. 
She kept on rambling, trying to explain herself, but all you did was squeeze her hand tighter. She stopped, looking at the small smile on your face. “Hey, no harm done Reya. I’m fine, you see?” you reassure her, the small beads of water gathering under her eyes slowly going away as she blinked rapidly, containing herself as best as she could. She couldn’t say anything, although words were at the tip of her tongue. You could see she was struggling to add something, but she finally relented, settling for a gentle hug. “I’m glad,” she smiled. 
Okay, now it was time to figure out what the hell happened. “So…who saved me?” you asked her, using your arms to prop you up a little bit higher on the hammock. “Well, it’s a long story. Aonung kind of…followed us to see the nrr payoang. He was planning to surprise us, he said.” 
“He said he saw us, and as he was swimming down he saw you get pulled down by the creature. He dove in immediately and saved you.” she offered a small smile, like anything she was saying was making sense at the moment.
The only thing that came into your mind was the blaring red siren that screamed “STALKER! STALKER! STALKER!” but unfortunately, the pufferfish on legs had just saved your life so you were probably going to have to shut up about that for a while.
Woah. He just saved your life, [Name], shouldn’t you be more grateful? Maybe hug him? Maybe-
NO! Inner thoughts, shut up. Nobody likes you.
Tsireya turned around in response to the sound of someone being pushed through the entrance to the healing tent. 
Wait nonononono Tsireya please don’t get up please don’t leave me here with him he looks like he’s about to kill me please
Aaand she’s gone. 
He took a pained breath, as if what he was going to do next was going to bruise him for the next couple centuries or so, sitting cross legged beside your, now that you realise it, very lowly hung hammock.
You were positive the look on your face wasn’t very inviting. 
“I’m sorry,” he finally said.
You had half a mind to burst out laughing because you were the one that had to get saved in the middle of the deep dark ocean. But he did violate you so obviously you weren’t going to do that, it was well deserved. A non-consensual move is still a non-consensual move.
“For the record, I only wanted to….” he basically whispered the next word, “kiss” (you felt your whole body cringing and twisting and turning on the inside and screaming to be let go from this horrible situation) “the top of your head.”
‘kayyyy… that makes it the tiniest bit better. 
Still not forgiving though. 
“I’m sorry too.” you said to him, your eyes now avoiding his face. Damn, did you slap him good.
He let out a small smirk. Oh no, you slapped his smirking cheek. You could see him wince in pain a bit before he stopped his expression abruptly.
“For what? I mean besides the slap. I deserved that. Although, I have no idea how you knew-” his eyes widened, stopping mid-sentence.
“Were you pretending the whole time?” he asked, eyes scrutinising your face.
“Okay hold on! I know it sounds crazy, but I had this dream, and you were in my dream–” you started explaining, ignoring his smirk at those words, “and I saw you lean down to like, kiss me, or something, and then I slapped you in the dream but I slapped you in real life.”
“All I got from that was ‘I dreamed about you kissing me, Aonung, please kiss me now, Aonung, I love you, Aonung’ ” he joked, smiling down at you.
Gosh, those dimples. 
FUCK nononononnnonasonfiwbjberhblvhaqnerovnav
Okay but he was kinda attractive as hell right now.
The hair too.
You weighed your options for a bit, the tension in the air crisp.
“[Name]? Did I say something wro–” he started. 
Ughhhhh, just shut up already.
Before you knew it, you closed your eyes and pulled him in by his neck, pressing his lips onto yours, kissing him.
He sighed into the kiss, before smiling really widely, pulling away.
“So I was right after all–”
“Just shut up before I give you a matching bruise on the other cheek,” you threatened. But a super wide smile was evident on your face, and your hands still clasped together on the back of his neck.
“Yes ma’am,” he smiled, whispering softly, looking into your eyes and then your lips again.
“Thank you for saving my life, ‘Nung.” you say. 
You don’t know why the hell you’re doing this.
 But it just feels right.
 And isn’t that what we’re all looking for in the end?
“No problem. Would do it again,” he smirked, “Know how you can repay me?” 
You rolled your eyes before pulling him in once again.
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Omg screaming crying WOOO it’s over it’s done! I’m so so sorry if it didn’t turn out to be exactly what you asked for, anon. Harder than I thought it would be to complete a fic after a solid 10 months of not writing (and also unfortunate circumstances arising). I made sure it was longer than my usual so that it’s not too bad 😭
I hope you guys enjoyed the fic, I know I definitely enjoyed writing it lol. I tried a different style of narration this time so do let me know what you guys think! Hope it’s not total doodoo to future Lorre when she rereads this back again. 
As always, feedback is much much appreciated and any interaction with my posts helps a lot! In case anyone has more requests please feel free to leave them in the inbox, I will get to them eventually. Thinking of writing for a lot of characters and fandoms but this is getting way too long so I'll cut this short lmao.
see you later!
much love, lorre
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throneofsapphics · 10 months
old faces, part three
Rowaelin x f!Reader
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Summary: you and Rowan meet again, and deal with the fall-out of your secret. 
Warnings: violence, descriptions of violence, death, minor injury, drinking
Word Count: ~5.3k
A/N: more rowaelin in the next chapter! coming late tonight/tomorrow if everything goes according to plan
series masterlist
True to their word, you didn’t see Aelin or Rowan before their departure yesterday. Fenrys came by once, letting you know they’d spoken to the future Emperor and Empress, and that they’d be keeping an eye out for you. You never saw them, but you sensed their presence. It brought a small bit of comfort. Not enough to let your guard down. 
Overwhelmed. That’s how you felt. Ceri and Ani seemed thrilled at the ‘new adventure,’ even more excited it was a secret, that they couldn’t tell anyone exactly when they were leaving and where they were going. Reya had been a mixture of contemplation and excitement but you - you were an anxious mess. 
New challenges, and more exposure you couldn't avoid. You were nervous for Ceri, above all. Nervous about how she’d be treated, about what this meant for her. At least she’d have her best friend with her. The vague plan was to visit a few different parts of Terrasen, starting with Orynth, and if the trial went well, it would be a group decision on where to settle. 
“You’re nervous.” Reya commented, you shot her a look and she held her hands up in a placating gesture. “Have you decided what to do with your home?” 
Home. A pleasant surprise in your mother’s will. A home you fully intended to keep in the family. But, Reya’s asking if you’ll rent it out or not. It would be easy to let magic seal it up, but if you rented it, you could deposit the money into a bank account and leave you with a fund if you ended up back here. 
The last week had been a gods-damned whirlwind, giving you barely a moment to rest. Liquidating your assets, downsizing, late nights finishing up projects, informing vendors you’d no longer have goods available, pulling the girls from school, and more. 
“Renting would be a good option,” you finally replied. Reya nodded, she was doing the same thing - and you trusted her sister to take care of both properties - for a fee of course. At least there was someone you could trust. 
“They’re going stir-crazy,” Reya commented. You could see it too, the frustration on their faces at being cooped up. “The park is right around the corner.” 
“It’s risky,” you hesitated. 
“We all need it.” 
You couldn’t argue with that, or with the excitement on their faces as you told them. Still, you slipped a trusted knife into a sheath under your dress. On the way, Reya reminded them to keep their ‘adventure’ secret. To answer ‘I don’t know,’ if anyone asks questions, and to inform the two of you. No chances. 
There were a few other women there you vaguely recognized, and children both Ani and Ceri sprinted towards. They climbed over the various obstacles, running around and making up different games. Ceri, of course, took the lead in organizing everyone, directing them like a general. What would Rowan think if he was here? Probably pride. And maybe alarm at just how wild his daughter ran. Her Fae heritage let run and climb faster, and it took away a certain sense of self-preservation.
“Will she be immortal as well?” Reya murmured quietly. 
“Most likely,” you admitted. Maybe in a selfish way, you really hoped she would. If you had to watch her grow old … you shoved the thought to the back of your mind. There was enough to worry about for now. 
Three hours later, the two of them exhausted enough energy to start asking for dinner, and agreed to leave. The break was good for you, the fresh air and walk in your city calming your nerves. Another chance to see it - your shelter and safe haven. 
Ceri held your hand on the twenty minute walk, chattering about the games she’d played, her enthusiasm and joy confectious. Ani was doing the same to Reya in front of you. 
Just around the corner, the hair on the back of your neck pricked. Something was wrong. 
“Reya,” you called, voice just drifting over the wind, laced with warning. Her head swirled, the whites around her eyes showing and you mouthed; act natural. Letting your senses take over, you listened in for movements, for heartbeats, for whatever the hell was out there. 
A magic you didn’t recognize was present, and probing at the wards on your home. A male, mortal, magic wielder. Across the street, but still too gods-damned close. You needed to get inside, to get into safety. 
Throwing up what you hoped was a discreet shield, you kept your pace and body language natural as you approached. First thing you learned; don’t let them know. But, Ceri had picked up on it, her hand tightening around yours, head on a swivel. Quickly, you spared a glance at her; trust me, you tried to say, and she gave you a small nod. You prayed you’d show yourself worthy of that trust in the next few minutes. Maybe some of the emperor and empresses ‘eyes’ were nearby. But, no sense in hoping or relying for something that might not be true. 
Thirty paces away, male disappeared, cloaked from your sight- but you could sense his location. Reya fell back with Ani to walk next to you.  It was Ceri they were after, and that brought lethal focus to your mind. Let those instincts rise, the instinct to protect your family and friends. 
Ten paces, Reya’s nerves were showing but she kept herself loose, putting her trust in you. 
Everything happened within a minute, but each second dragged on. You had the seconds to shove them back behind the gate, throwing the wards up. Reya knew to drag the girl’s inside - Ceri’s yells and shouts echoing in your ears. If you went in as well, there wasn’t anyone to stop him from trying to shatter the magic, and you couldn’t do shit from behind them. 
The bits of training you picked up over the years came into play, the glint of a knife in front of you, and you thanked the immortal reactions and senses you’d been born with - gifting you an advantage. A knife flew to your shoulder, you dodged, shifting again as he threw another - shallowly slicing across your cheek. You palmed your one fighting knife, the pain fading into the background, and slashed across his forearm, severing his tendons. The dagger clattered, metal echoing off the cobblestones, copper scent filling the air. 
He spat a curse, and you danced around each other, before landing another slice. Blood spurted from his arm in rivets - eerily like a fountain, and you heard the whistle. 
An archer on the opposite roof, gesturing to the side. They needed a shot that wouldn’t risk hitting you. You hoped they’d leave him alive - you had several questions for him. They got their shot a second later, and you watched as an arrow lodged through the man’s skull, his body flopping to the pavement in front of you. So much for your questions. 
You prayed Reya had shielded their view. 
A plain-clothed guard was there in seconds, and you let your back hit the wall behind you, adrenaline still coursing through your veins, and used your dress to clean the blood from your knife. It was ruined anyway, a little more blood wouldn’t make a difference. The strange sense and scent of death filled the air as slid it back into your sheath, focusing on one movement at a time, keeping yourself grounded. 
You tried, you really tried, not to hate Rowan in that moment. It’s not his fault, not his fault he’s the father. He’d mentioned the target, the risk and dangers, but it hadn’t quite set in until that moment. Stupid, you were stupid for leaving the house. If anything, it was your fault. By some miracle, none of your neighbors were peeking their nosy heads out. 
Reya’s muffled voice came from the garden. Gods, she must be screaming at the top of her lungs for you to hear her. You turned, giving her a ‘thumbs up.’ It felt childish, considering someone had just threatened your lives, but she returned with a tense smile, one arm barely holding back a furious Ceri. Ani tucked behind her, head just poking out. 
“I’m fine,” you mouthed to your daughter. She signed back - you were a bit surprised she remembered that language, it had been a while since you used it. 
You’re bleeding. 
Not my blood. I need you to keep Ani calm. 
Give her something to do, a task, and she’d focus on it. Sure enough, it worked and she tugged her friend back inside. 
The guards had multiplied, at least seven of them on the surrounding street now. And - a certain blonde haired male sprinting down the street. Fenrys stood by your side as you answered all of their questions. The magic shielding the house behind you didn’t waver, not for one second. 
“You should get that looked at,” Fenrys murmured, as the body was carted off, a small crowd dispersing, and one official-looking woman promising updates. 
“Hm?” Your eyes flicked to him. He gestured to your cheek, to the cut already healing.  
“It scarred.”  
The small sting had faded to the back of your mind. Frowning, you ran two fingers over your face, an angry raised red line. That shouldn’t be there, not unless … you crouched to the ground, snatching the same knife that cut you. 
“Iron,” you murmured. 
“Still shouldn’t leave a scar,” Fenrys took a step closer, eyeing the weapon. 
You twisted the blade in your hand, surprised the guards hadn’t already picked it up. Marks etched into the handle, marks you recognized. 
“He was a magic wielder,” you had his full attention now, “it’s not … cursed, but enchanted to leave a scar.”  
Your fist white-knuckled around the handle. He meant to mar your daughter. 
“Can you let us inside?” Fenrys requested, distracting you from the pure wrath filling every inch of your body. The guards had finished their questioning, some now obviously stationed down the street - another archer joining the previous one. 
You willed the magic to bend slightest bit, enough for the two of you to slip inside, before slamming it shut again. 
“How soon can you be ready to leave?” Fenrys’s voice was insistent. You had a feeling he’d drag you to the ship soon if he had to. 
“Aren’t we traveling with you?” 
Fenrys nodded, and paused for a moment. “Can you be ready tomorrow by dusk?” 
You’d wrapped up the last of the ‘official’ business this morning, intending to give you a week to sort things out at a leisurely pace. But, words were too much right now, everything was too gods-damned much, so you answered with a nod. By tomorrow would be stressful, but doable. 
“We’ll leave then. I’ll announce we’re leaving at dawn the day after.” Smart, giving a false departure. “Only us, the captain and the crew will know, and they won’t know who it is until we board,” Fenrys continued - maybe more to reassure himself than you. Part of you wondered why he was going through the effort but … Rowan was his bloodsworn brother, maybe he felt some kind of duty to the two of you. 
“How’d you get here so quickly?” You asked the question lingering in the back of your mind. 
“I didn’t. I was already on my way.” Fenrys’s mouth opened, and you could read the next word, 
“Say sorry and I’ll kick you in the balls.” 
He winced, and feigned sealing his mouth shut. 
The door slammed open, knocking into the wall, and Ceri sprinted out, silver hair flowing behind her. You braced yourself as she slammed into you, arms wrapping around your stomach. 
“I kept Ani calm,” she whispered, squeezing you tighter. 
“I’m proud of you,” you ran your non-bloody hand through her hair. 
After a few minutes, she released you. Her small hand reached up, and you stayed still as she ran a finger on the scar. “Why would he do that?” 
When you hesitated, Ceri turned to Fenrys, as if he might have the answer. Her green eyes nearly bore a hole through his head. 
“Sometimes people do bad things and we don’t know why,” he answered slowly, “but everyone’s safe now.” 
“What happened to him?” She turned back to you. 
“He died,” a small tension left your chest - she hadn’t seen it. 
“You killed him?” Her head tilted, no judgment - just curiosity and a desire to gather all of the facts. 
“No, I didn’t,” you anticipated the next question, “and neither did he. One of the royal guards did.” 
Ceri mumbled something suspiciously like; I wish I killed him, and grabbed your hand - dragging you back inside. You shot an alarmed glance at Fenrys, whose mouth curved up at the corners. Seven years old, and already bloodthirsty. Maybe you should’ve questioned what kind of bed-time story Rowan told. 
“Just like her father,” he murmured, quiet enough only you heard. 
An inelegant snort left you, “I was thinking the same thing.” 
Reya’s eyes scanned you from top to bottom, and you were aware of the blood staining your skin and clothes. 
“Ceri,” she called, gaining her attention, “can you help me run a bath for your mother?” She looked at you for permission, you forced a soft smile, watching her take off after your friend, Ani’s dark hair flashing as well, never one to be left out.
“Are you going to insist on spending the night?” You didn’t look at him. 
An edged chuckle, “I'm afraid I will.” 
“Males,” you muttered under your breath, but shot him a grateful smile. Another set of eyes, another person to watch out for Ceri. Not that you’d get any sleep tonight. Reya returned a minute later, shoving a bundle of clothes in your hands, ushering you off towards the bathing room. 
Ceri was proud of the rose scents she’d chosen. Once, you’d loved Lilac - but you shedded that when you left Wendlyn. It hadn’t felt right anymore, it felt like an old version of you. The female left behind. Plus, it made you nauseous during your pregnancy. 
Fenrys didn’t leave for the rest of the night, entertaining the girls as you and Reya cooked, helping with the dishes, a perfect guest. Even with a spare room available, he insisted he’d crash on the couch closest to the door. He didn’t comment as you exited your room each hour, traveling past the sitting room to peek into where Ani and Ceri slept, both sound asleep. 
You caught maybe two or three hours of sleep total, but pure adrenaline kept you going the next morning. It spurred you and Reya into near-frantic packing, listening to Fenrys’s request to stay put when he left for a few hours. One small trunk each, plus one extra for books - your personal ones and school books. Everything else ended up in the attic, sealed off by magic. The tears stayed at bay as you deactivated the wards, dropping off the keys to Reya’s sister - who was informed less than an hour before, and vowed herself to secrecy. Everything about this felt so … cloak and dagger. Ceri and Ani viewed it as some grand adventure, but you and Reya were tense, entire bodies taut with nerves. 
With twenty minutes to go, you closed the door to the bathroom, hands bracing on the counter. An angry red scar ran diagonally across your cheek, still slightly lifted from your skin. If you adjusted your hair, just a bit, it mostly cloaked it from sight. Another permanent reminder. 
A nondescript carriage, made less discreet by armed guards, picked up the five of you just after sunset and took the long way through the city. It gave you a chance to see everything gaze through the window, making out a few details by moonlight. There’s no telling how long it would be before you see it again. Maybe a year, maybe a decade, but one day you’d at least come back to visit. 
Not a permanent goodbye.
Fenrys ushered you onto the ship, joined by a few others you didn’t recognize. Soldiers, disguised as courtiers. Or maybe soldiers turned courtiers. 
“Did you send word ahead?” You murmured, the captain directing you to a spot still on deck, but out of the way. The girls bounced with excitement, barely managing to keep themselves still. 
“No sense in it,” Fenrys countered, “we’re on the fastest ship available. It would probably get there after us.” 
You learned quickly what fastest meant. Magic wielders were on board, the ‘soldier-courtiers.’
Most of the first day was spent holding back Reya and Ani’s hair, convincing them to take some of the nausea tonic you’d brought with you. 
The second day, Fenrys showed Ani and Ceri some more advanced self-defense. 
The third day, the girls had convinced the sailors to tell them stories. 
The fourth, you rolled dice and made bets - Fenrys sharing his liquor with you. 
The fifth, you thought you might lose your mind of boredom - until Fenrys dragged you out to see how much self defense you knew. According to him - better than expected. He quickly added a ‘not surprising,’ considering who your father was. That particular detail, you usually forgot about - or tried to. 
The next several days passed in similar fashion, interrupted on day eight by Ceri trying desperately to convince you to shift to your animal form - then to teach her to shift to her animal form. It’s too dangerous at sea, you told her. When it didn’t work with you - she moved to Fenrys, who repeated your words, adding that she needed to be a bit older. After that, she gave up, thank the Gods. The last thing you need is to rescue an adolescent bird from the water. 
On day twenty, you spotted land. The first look at Terrasen. Mountains, still snow-capped in the summer, green forest, a small city. Illium, according to the maps you’d acquired. Then, you’d cut into the Florine river, taking you right to Orynth. Where you’d reconnect with Rowan and Aelin, and figure out what comes next. 
According to Fenrys, it’s normally a two week journey, but they dragged it out enough that the five of you would arrive closer to the expected time, after the rest of their court did. He declined to inform you of that until a few days before. 
“Will they know we’re coming?” You asked, propped up against crates, Fenrys stretched out next to you, tan face tilted up towards the sun, Reya on your other side, Ceri and Ani a few paces away, playing a card game they learned the night before.  
A genuine friendship had formed between the three of you over the last few weeks. Fenrys could’ve easily ignored you, but instead he sought out both of your company. The girls attached to him as well, eagerly taking in all of his lessons, pestering him with questions about Terrasen, all of which he answered patiently and thoroughly.
“Depends,” he turned to shoot a lazy grin at the two of you, “on how much chaos Aelin decides to cause. It’s been a while since she surprised anyone, I wouldn’t be shocked if she convinced Rowan to keep it a secret.”
Gods, you tilted your head back this time, letting it rest against the top of the crate. There’s a chance you’d arrive to Orynth, the entire court with no fucking idea who you were, who Ceri was. It had the potential to be incredibly awkward, or hilarious. You refused to stress over it, it was out of your hands for now. 
Their court gathered to discuss the results of their visit to the southern continent, as planned, arriving earlier that afternoon. The scouts reported the ship carrying Fenrys and company would arrive tomorrow after dusk - perfect timing for a discreet entry. But … two days early. That unsettled both her and Rowan. There wasn’t a good reason for them to arrive early, especially without any kind of notice. Although, with the crew they had - any notice sent would likely arrive after them. Instincts told her something went wrong, and she saw it echoed in Rowan’s face. They tabled it for later. There wasn’t anything they could do until they saw them. Until they had a chance to launch questions at Fenrys. 
Aelin wouldn’t call it a fight, but she’d argued with Rowan over whether or not to tell their court about their surprise.
“At least before they arrive, Fireheart,” Rowan sounded exasperated. 
“At breakfast, then,” she wound her arms around his neck, tilting her head up to grin at him. Tomorrow, they’d be here, and she was looking forward to your company. Aelin thought she might feel jealous of the connection you shared with Rowan through Ceri, but she didn’t. Instead, she wanted to be your friend - there was something soothing about your company, and she saw why Rowan grew … close to you. Even before she met the two of you, he’d been upfront about how you traced the line between friends and lovers, how you both knew it was a temporary arrangement. 
Her mind tried to tell her it was wrong that she felt this comfortable with Rowan being near an ex-lover, that her Fae instincts should be rearing with territorial jealousy. Thankfully they weren’t - otherwise it could make their current situation very difficult. 
“Should I be the one to make the announcement?” Rowan pressed a kiss to her hair. 
“I’m much better at them,” Aelin gave a smile, honeyed with false innocence. 
“You’ve given us enough surprises for a lifetime,” he muttered - but she knew he’d follow her lead. As much as he denied it, Rowan didn’t mind shaking everything up once in a while. 
“Evangeline will be excited,” she pressed up on her toes, placing a kiss at the corner of his mouth. 
“She’s much older,” he murmured. 
“I imagine she’ll take them under her wing.” Aelin pulled back to watch Rowan’s face. Nervous, her mate was nervous, one of the few times she’d seen him like that. It was oddly endearing. She was nervous too, of course, but it was … refreshing to be nervous over something not quite life and death. 
She decided now was the wrong time to remind him they’d be able to explore different parts of Terrasen - to decide where they’d want to live after Ceri’s ‘trial.’ If they stayed in Terrasen. 
Rowan sensed her shift in mood, and tilted her chin up to look at her. “It’ll be fine.” Aelin forced air in and out of her lungs, and nodded. 
“Bed,” he muttered, and tugged her off towards their room. 
“What is it?” Aedion sat down his glass, looking between Rowan and Aelin. Rowan kept his mouth shut, sending a pointed look at Aelin. She wanted to make the announcement, she could do it. “Please tell me you’re not planning something,” Aedion groaned. 
“It wasn’t planned,” Rowan muttered before he could stop himself. 
Aelin’s foot stomped on his insole, and he pinched her thigh under the table. 
Aelin propped her forearms on the oak wood, and everyone’s attention turned to her. Their entire court was here - minus Fenrys. Ren, Aedion, Lysandra, Evangeline, Elide, and Lorcan - who wouldn’t let Elide go anywhere alone. 
“We have some guests arriving with Fenrys.”
“Who?” Lysandra asked, lifting a glass of water to her lips. 
Fuck it, Rowan could say this for himself.. 
“While we were in Antica, I ran into an old … friend,” Lorcan’s eyes dug a hole into his skull, and he avoided his former commander’s gaze. “I have a seven year old daughter.” 
Lysandra yelped and shot back as Aedion spewed water across the table, Elide’s eyes were wide, Lorcan looked contemplative, Ren and Elide blinked several times, Evangeline - as Aelin expected, looked thrilled. 
“Ceri, Rowan’s daughter, her mother - y/n, her friend Reya, and her daughter Ani will arrive this evening,” Aelin cut in. Rowan caught Lorcan’s gaze as soon as Aelin said your name. Dark eyes flashed in recognition. Interesting. 
Aelin continued to explain the deal they’d come to. His wife even asked if they’d be willing to let the group explore living in their respective lands, conveniently mentioning some of your skill sets and how you’d been open to working here. 
“Gods, Aelin.” Aedion sighed at the end. “And Rowan,” he added, ignoring his glare. “A little warning would’ve been nice.” 
Still, he had a contemplative look on his face. You’d done the same thing his mother had - to protect his daughter from Maeve. A silent understanding passed through them, that Rowan was getting the chance Gavriel didn’t, that he’d honor it. 
“How did she go … undiscovered, in Antica this long?” Ren asked cautiously. 
“Well, Sartaq suspected there was a Whitethorn relative living in the city, but as Fenrys said,” Aelin ignored the elbow he discreetly jabbed into her side, “Rowan has an army of cousins - there were plenty of possible sire’s.” That drew a few chuckles and eye rolls. 
“She wasn’t going to tell you?” Elide pushed. 
“We don’t know.” Aelin said honestly. It was luck … or fate, that he ran into you during that trip. He had a feeling your paths would’ve crossed eventually, but the timeline was pushed up. 
“I’m surprised she agreed that quickly,” Lorcan said.
“It wasn’t safe in Antica, anymore. There were already people gathering outside their home.” 
“It won’t be completely safe anywhere.” Lysandra replied, “but it’s safer here.” 
“Considering who her father was, I imagine she can handle herself,” Lorcan drawled. Aelin’s brow furrowed, and Rowan frowned. He hadn’t shared that, it hadn’t really struck him as particularly important. 
“Are you going to explain?” Elide pinned him with a look, and Lorcan - firmly on her leash, kept talking.
“Her father was a skilled warrior. He mated to a demi-Fae from Antica, met while visiting Varese, and finished out his military service not long after,” Lorcan said, adding “he declined the blood oath for centuries, eventually Maeve gave up on him,” as an afterthought. 
“Was?” Elide asked quietly. 
Lorcan looked at Rowan, almost asking for permission to share this part of your story - or giving him the chance to. He wondered how Lorcan knew, when it took him a lot of convincing to find out. 
“Her parents died when she was young,” he made a point to meet each of their eyes. “Don’t push her about it.” His warning tone was enough that nobody, even Aelin, pushed the question further. 
Rowan remembered enough to know how you locked up at any mention of their lives and deaths, how it took a decent amount of liquor to pull any personal details out of you. One night - after you’d had a good amount of particularly strong brew, you spilled.
For some reason, Rowan had a fixation on knowing your story. He wanted to know everything he could about you. A terrifying feeling, but he didn’t see the harm in learning, gathering information was a habit built over centuries. Even if this particular story wasn’t pleasant. If it involved you, he wanted to know. Learning your fathers name surprised him, and as soon as you said it - he didn’t know the story, but knew how it ended. 
“They bought me time. There must’ve been nearly three hundred of them - mortal soldiers,” one Fae warrior was as good as a hundred mortal soldiers, but against those odds, against three hundred …
“They hit them both with Iron first, and my mother made me promise to run for the hills - told me if I came back I would be dead, and then they would win.” Rowan kept his face neutral, but inside he winced. That was a harsh way to put it, but effective. “I made it to the hills, and hid in a tree. But … I could see everything. Eventually, they were overrun. I watched the whole thing. They spiked their heads on our fence posts, but left the house intact. For seven days, they waited to see if someone would come back. I still don’t know why.” 
He did, her father had built a reputation, and wiping out his entire family line would’ve been a prize to them. He didn’t tell you that. 
“After I was certain they were gone, I buried them, took what I could carry, and left. I’m still not certain what happened to the rest of the soldiers. Maybe twenty were left by the end.” 
Rowan knew. Lorcan hunted them down. Made a brutal example out of them. By the time he opened his mouth to tell you, you were already asleep. 
“We could use more women - and females, around here,” Lysandra switched the subject with a grin. 
“What’s she like?” Evangeline asked.
“We didn’t get to spend much time with her, but we’ll find out.” Aelin answered. 
Time. Rowan would take full advantage of every second he could spend with Ceri. He’d missed too much already. 
The ship steadily made its way up the river, your eyes glued on the surroundings. Terrasen was … absolutely beautiful and different than anywhere you’d seen before. Snow, that would be new to you. The sun was setting as you approached the city, steady but slow. 
“We’re going to arrive after dark,” Fenrys said, arms propped on the railing next to you. “More discreet.” 
You hummed in appreciation before your mood sobered. “Everything’s about to change, isn’t it?” 
“No need to be so dramatic,” he tutted, nudging you with his shoulder. “But yes, it is.” 
With three hours left, you all disappeared below decks to try and make yourself as … not stinky as possible. As you were making the final approach, Fenrys offered you a small flask. Alcohol - but the scent was barely detectable. Could easily be explained as time spent on a ship. You shot him an incredulous look. 
“Liquid courage, they won’t scent it on you.” You stared at him for a few moments, where had he gotten that? “If you don’t want it,” he reached a hand towards it, but you snatched it back - tipping a small bit down your throat. Just enough to take the edge off. You wiped the droplets off with the back of your hand. 
“Thank you,” you handed it back, and watched as he took a drink himself. 
“For solidarity,” and something else he wasn’t telling you. You decided it’s not your place to push. 
It certainly took the edge off as you pulled up to the docks - a carriage waiting to take you right to the castle. It was a comfortable fit with all of you. The two girls pressed their faces against each window, although with the sun already set - they couldn’t see too much. 
You knew they got closer, because Fenrys’s shoulders rolled back, his body tilting forward to look out the window. “A few more minutes,” he said. It felt like an hour, but it likely was less than a twenty minute ride. As you approached, each clop of the horse's feet, each turn of the wheel, each small murmur from a driver, all seemed to thunder in your ears. 
“Breathe,” Reya whispered next to you, and you forced air in and out of your lungs. You could do this, it would be fine. Ceri’s excited. For her, you reminded yourself. So she can have a father, so Rowan can be a father. For safety. Everything would work out, and you for her, it didn’t feel like a sacrifice. Since you felt her little life growing, you knew there wasn’t anything you wouldn’t do for her. This is no exception, a bit of discomfort you could survive. You’d adjusted before, and you would again now. 
Reya grabbed your hand in her own, for her comfort as much as yours, and the two girls squealed as the gates groaned, the carriage passing through. “A better world for us,” she whispered - so low you barely heard it, but squeezed her hand in reply. A safer place for Fae, a place for Reya to find some peace, new things for your daughters to experience.
A hand thumped on the carriage, and Fenrys swung the door open. You breathed in through your nose, out through your mouth. You could do this. 
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xylianasblog · 8 months
Waiting here for you.
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Pairings: Agedup! Loak x Agedup! Tsireya x FemHuman Reader
Summary: Settling into a new relationship was hard especially when things before were hard, the love and care are nice but is it enough?
Warnings: MDNI, threesome (FFM) , oral (fem receiving), p in v, size difference, established relationship, uhh i think thats it.
A/n: This is a continuation of Waiting Here for You. Read this before reading this <3
꒦꒷❀꒷꒦ ❀✿❀꒦꒷❀꒷꒦MDNI ꒦꒷❀꒷꒦❀✿❀ ꒦꒷❀꒷꒦
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The days all seemed to blur together, everything was muddled, however one thing for sure was the amount of love you felt.
The unbridled love that came from two people, the unlikeliest combination of people.
You were overjoyed, overwhelmed, but happy nonetheless. Why you? Why this? Even after everything why had you given in so easily?
Where was the fight? The pressure? Why was it so easy to give in? Your mind replayed the events of that night so easily, so readily, there was no filter to your mind. With soft touches and tender kisses, you were enveloped in the blissfulness of the pleasure two people could provide you. The fullness is like nothing ever before.
You shook your head to push away the thoughts as you gave yourself time to process and think, it had only been a few days since you last saw Lo’ak and Tsireya. Even though you missed them you needed the space to gather everything, even without the kuru the three of you mated.
The three of you became way in such a way it was overwhelming for you.
Shaking away the thought in your head once more you focused, attempted to focus on the task at hand. Washing your hair in a secluded pool that Reya showed you, the solitude and quiet was more than enough. A good thing and a bad thing all the same, yet you weren’t once to complain. The soft sound of water splashing behind you called your attention, your eyes falling on Reya as she slowly sunk down into the water.
She was every ounce of beautiful, in ever since way. The sort of beauty you couldn’t look away from, she called to you. You had no doubt that if she were human, she’d be the most beautiful woman alive, no doubt Lo’ak the same. Something about their features, their beauty, their personalities.
So complimentary.
“Yawne, you are alright?” Hee soft voice called to you as she slowly walked through then to get to you.
“Mhm, I am fine. Just... thinking.” You answered, turning your eyes away her momentarily.
“You lie, your thoughts consume you again. They take over so easily, I wonder where you go?” With each word she said she grew close, until finally she was behind you. Her hands on your waist before slowly moving up and down to caress the softest parts of your body. You couldn’t speak, couldn’t think, not that you had wanted to. Your body caved and relaxed into her gentle touches.
“I just get lost in my thoughts.” You murmured softly, all she could give was a hum as her hand slipped between your thighs, her finger gently brushing against your folds before dipping between them. Her fingers gently teasing at your entrance before finding themselves gently rubbing your clit.
“You think so much yawne. Please just relax.” She whispered above your head, and even if you wanted to protest you couldn’t because soon the sound of water sloshing around behind you could be heard.
“Look at my girls playing without me.” Came Lo’aks deep voice, the sound alone has your thighs closing around Reyas fingers.
Lo’ak moved around until he came into your view, his sun kissed eyes staring down your naked body before moving to examine Reya. He was quiet as he took in the scene of your flushed chests and Reyas slightly shallow breathing. The sweet scent of your arousal was all the confirmation he needed to close the distance between you.
His hands touched parts of your body, feeling you, growing you gently. Tenderly, as If he was scared to break you any more than he had before. He was as gentle as could be even when found yourself sitting over this throbbing cock. Your slick walls cover the length of him in your slick.
“Look at how needy he is for you yawne, his body craves your sweet pussy wrapped around him.” She uttered the words so softly as if she was telling a secret. Her soft hands helping move your hips along his length, she enjoyed watching the way you drenched him in your slick.
Reya maneuvered her body, so she was situated over his mouth, her body leaning forward as she focused on moving yours. In moments like this you let them have control, enjoyed the way they used your body to their pleasure while also making sure you were in every way satisfied.
Her hands adjusted you over his cock before watching and helping lower your body down. A moan bubbles up from your chest just as her own moan filled your ears. Lo’aks muffled grunt causing delicious vibrations against her clit.
They let your body once again adjust to the side of the male underneath you, his little bits of control nearly slipping at the way your tight pussy hugged onto every inch of him, the bulge on your stomach never ceased to fascinate reya. Her gentle fingers brushing along the bulge before her hands found themselves once again planted firmly on your sides.
She lifted your body up slowly before lowering you down, each moment repeated as she forced your body to move the way she wanted against Lo’aks clumsy thrust.
Your eyes closed as your brows scrunched in pleasure, your lips parted as small whiny sounds left your lips over and over. All you could focus on was her touch and the filling of Lo’aks cock buried deep inside your cunt. Reya leaned forward your capture your lips in a messy kiss, the both of you lost in the first of pleasure the male underneath you were providing.
Muffled sounds of approval lost against reyas drooling cunt, she was close. The way Lo’aks tongue worked itself inside her before he moved to take her needy clit into his mouth has her breaking the kiss to catch her breath. You didn’t dare open your eyes, you couldn’t, the sight would surly send you over the edge of coming too quickly. Instead, you focused on the sounds both of your mates were releasing, your focus broken as you felt fingers teasing and rubbing your clit. Her body jerked forward as Reya cupped your flushed face in her hands.
“Together yawne.. please come with me..” she whimpered out, it was uncanny the way she knew you were about to come. But you couldn’t deny her. Couldn’t say no, as you rapidly shook your head yes. Unbeknownst to you Loak was also teasing and rubbing on her clit.
Wanting both of you to finish, that was his goal to bring his mates that undeniable pleasure, it didn’t take long before the both of you were moaning out his name. Your bodies heaving to gather the air you both had lost in the middle of your orgasm. You felt the way his cock throbbed before he released every bit of his seed inside your cunt, your walls greedily milking him for every last drop.
You said nothing, your body and mind in a daze. There were no words left to be said, definitely not as your sweaty body was placed between your mates, being sandwiched in such a way it only brought comfort.
The haze in your mind cleared and for once after everything you were okay, the feeling in your heart had finally begun to fade. This was exactly where you were meant to be. As if it were destiny. You let your body relax and your mind quiet down, you were content.
All that waiting has paid off.
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Taglist: @pandoraslxna @neteyamsoare @criticallybella @sunfyresrider @neteyamsyawntu @tiredmamaissy @headsincloud9 @etherialblackrose @blue-slxt @justcaptiannoodles @neteyamyawne @erenjaegerwifee @oakbuggy @hotdsworld @plooto @itchaboi-itchyboy @eywaite
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ele-sme · 1 year
3 years
3 years passed since Neteyam died in the last battle, 3 years passed since Quaritch died, shot again by an arrow.
3 years passed without humans on the way.
The grief took over the family for a year, then they had to move on.
Life was good now, Neteyam was missed dearly, but he now was in peace.
Lo'ak and Tsireya started official court, Tuk started training, Kiri decided to return to the forest and continue her training as Tsahìk, Spider, even if slowly was becoming a warrior for the sea clan.
Jake and Neytiri some how moved on, day wasn't passed without them going to check on their forever teen son.
But eventually they calmed down, even apologise to Spider.
Welcomed him into the family, and he slowly became an official part of it, growing strangely close to Neytiri.
She lost a son, he never had a mother, they needed the comfort of one another.
Still he didn't call her mom, but there was time, they had all the time in their life.
Tuk, Lo'ak and Spider spent all morning togheter.
They played with the water, swimmed, draw on the sand and so so much more.
Now they were laying on the soft sand, now colder and not hot.
Watching as the sun flew down and the sky became of an unnatural natural shape of orange.
Spider was in peace, this is all he ever hoped for.
Being accept, having a family to call his own, a father and a mother, siblings.
There was one thing he missed more than everything.
His first friend, died because of him.
In 3 years everyone who visited him said to Spider how Neteyam's soul was not angry at him.
But he wanted to hear it from him...
The thought of never seeing Neteyam again...
Everyone could but not him, that wasn't fair, that was dishonest, this was mad-
But also will of the mother, if she wanted him to see Neteyam, he would have been born with a normal body, and not a pink tiny one.
The sun was now fully dissapering, and the bioluminescence was appearing.
"Guys!" Tsireya happy voice was heard, making Lo'ak jump up.
He greeted her with a kiss, which made Tuk do a disgusted sound.
"Reya, you should totally upper you standards" she said, making Tsireya chuckles and Lo'ak mad at his baby sister.
Spider close his eyes when they started to yell at one another.
So goddamn similar to eachother.
Something was wrong...
Spider felt wrong.
Breathing was hard.
His eyes didn't want to open.
What was happening?!
What the f-
Spider forgot about this voice, Something he never wanted to admit out loud but made him cry for months.
But this...this was Neteyam voice!
Spider eyes were close but he could feel Neteyam sitting next to him.
"Dude" he said, Spider couldn't reply, like his lips were glue togheter.
"It's been a while" Neteyam said, as he played a little with Spider's locks.
Why was Neteyam there? Was this a dream?
"I need to bring you there, a direct order" he continued
As a tear fell off Spider cheek, he gave the other a smile.
He could feel Neteyam taking his oxygen mask off.
Although he could also still feel it but that feeling was faitinig away.
He finally open his eyes again, Neteyam next to him smiling happily at the boy.
Spider sit up right and he finally after so long hugged Neteyam.
"She wants you there personally, she loves you so much i swear, she can't stop talking about you" Neteyam said in the hug.
As they pull away, Spider looked at his friends and siblings.
Tuk and Lo'ak still yelling at eachother meanwhile Tsireya tried to calm them.
"What about them?" He asked, and Neteyam's face was longing.
He wished to remain there for them too.
But this wasn't how the mother wanted.
"They will go on, they're strong" he said.
He offered a hand for standing up, which Spider kindly accepted, he was now standing.
He chuckles when he noticed that he was somehow teller then Neteyam.
' must be a dead thing '
"Ohh shut up" Neteyam said without even letting him start.
With the same hand, he helped Spider step out of his physical body.
Who was now resting in peace, soon to be laid with the ancestors.
Hand in hand they walked in the forest.
"Don't turn away to face them, that would only hurt more" Neteyam said, tightening his grip on Spider's hand.
In the distance there was Tuk, who scream that Spider couldn't breath.
Another few steps and a cold bloody scream came from behind them.
"There's also a human woman waiting for you" Neteyam said, grinning at Spider.
"My...?" Neteyam nodded immediately.
Waiting for them a latin woman, with a shine smile on her face she said hello to her son.
Hugging him tightly when he arrived.
"Come my son, she been waiting for you"
And them three walked away, leaving behind an horrific scene.
Of two parents loosing both young sons in less then five years.
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ma-yawntu · 4 months
mine, all mine. iii.
chapter three: fare well
pairing: neteyam x female!metkayina!reader
summary: Meeting with potential mates made you want to drown yourself, but what annoyed you even more was how much relief he provided.
word count: 2.7k
warnings: some rude guy, fluffy, neteyam being so damn respectful, parental pressure
now playing... birds of a feather by billie eilish
chapter one | chapter two | masterlist
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You were sure this was the absolute worst part of being the daughter of the Olo’eyktan. You knew it was just part of life for you– but that didn’t mean you had to like it. You let your head rest in your palm as you sat in your family’s marui, the conversation you were supposed to be part of, falling on deaf ears. The stupid neck piece you were wearing was choking you and your head hurt from your freshly done braids. Every month or so, you were forced to suffer through a meal with a boy from the village your parents had picked for you and his parents while your parents tried not to give away their unbridled rage at how insolent you were being (mostly your mother).
“...isn’t that right?” Your father directed his attention toward you at the end of whatever it was he was saying. You could feel his eyes on you and you quickly looked between him, your mother and the family in front of you.
“Yeah… Yeah, sure,” you replied, completely uninterested and bored. Tonowari curled his lips inward before looking at the family in front of you with a nervous smile. Tonowari was always so sure that you would grow out of this rebellious phase when you were a child– finally cut him and your mother some slack after almost sending them to an early grave several times. But he was sorely mistaken.
“We must apologise A’tok, our daughter has been very busy with those forest Na’vi children– it has occupied a lot of her time,” your father quickly said. You could feel your mother’s eyes piercing the side of your head, surely burning two holes into your skull. “You understand.”
“Of course,” A’tok’s mother replied with a nervous smile, noticing the way the Tsahik glared at her daughter.
“Perhaps we should wrap this up?” A’tok’s father suggested. Thank Eywa someone in this marui had some semblance of sense. 
The moment A’tok and his parents left, Ronal spun around to look at you, eyes blown wide with anger. Your father rested his hands on your shoulders, bracing you for the verbal ass-kicking you were about to receive. 
“Must you embarrass us like that, ‘ite?” Your mother spat, her tone harsh. You felt your father flinch, his hands still resting on your shoulders. Your ears pinned back at her words, your tail twitching anxiously as she ran a hand down her face to calm herself. “A’tok is a nice boy, my daughter. You must think of the future of our clan, of your future–”
“A’tok is rude and arrogant,” you retorted, your voice low as you stared at the ground, jaw clenched in frustration. “He could not fill father’s role.”
Your mother sighed at that, your father gently rubbing the side of your arm. “I know that this is not what you want, ‘ite,” your mother sighed, tucking some of your hair behind your ear, “but this is how it is done. This is tradition.”
Tonowari shared a look with his mate before speaking, “but we still want you to find happiness,” he said, almost nervous as to how his mate would react. Ronal gave him an annoyed look– while she had the luxury of love in her relationship, not everyone before her was so lucky, most of the time it was an agreement– a partnership rather than a union. 
“I do not think that is possible,” you mumbled, your parents glancing at one another. “May I go? I promised Reya I would be there to help her teach the Sully kids to ride the ilus,” you added, glancing up at your mother. 
“Yes, you may go,” Ronal nodded. Ronal shared a look with Tonowari as you left, feeling rather defeated after the morning’s events. You knew it would be the same thing next month and you would inevitably have to give in to your parents wishes. 
You walked through the village with your head hanging, lost in thought as you made your way to the main reef where your sister would be waiting. You didn’t understand why you had to be mated, why you and your sister or brother could not share the responsibility of leading the clan, you did not understand why it had to be you that was mated off. 
“Where are you going?” You almost screamed at the sound of A’tok’s voice behind you. He had been a pain in your ass since you were children and you wanted nothing more than to be rid of him. The idea of your parents thinking he was a suitable mate for you was disturbing beyond belief. The two of you were nothing alike– he was rude and cocky, always getting into fights and was far too angry to be the next Olo’eyktan. Sure, you could be hard-headed yourself at times, but you were at least considerate and knew how to have a conversation without talking about yourself.
“I don’t believe that is any of your business,” you retorted, continuing to walk away and ignore him. His hand suddenly reached out, clutching your upper arm as he forced you to turn to him. 
“If we are to be mated, I feel you should at least show me some respect,” he said, the stupid grin on his face making you want to punch it right off. 
“We are not going to be mated,” you spat back, reefing your arm out of his grasp to continue walking. You could see your sister in the shallow reef waving at you– at least you would be free of this interaction soon enough.
He grabbed your wrist again, this time tighter, “your parents seem to like me. You may not have a choice,” A’tok smiled cockily, his grip on your wrist beginning to hurt. You opened your mouth to start spewing off insults but that familiar accent beat you to it. 
“You have a lot of nerve putting your hands on the Olo’eyktan’s daughter,” Neteyam leaned against one of the thick trees that acted as supports for your village homes and pathways. His hair was wet, dripping all over the place as he stared A’tok down with a rather intense glare.
A’tok slowly removed his hand from your wrist and you gently rubbed at the irritated skin. “And who are you exactly? I’m sure she can handle herself.”
“Oh, I have no doubt she could,” Neteyam quickly replied, “but would you respect her disinterest in the likes of you?”
You wanted to laugh, you really did, but you elected to bite at your lip to avoid escalating the situation. A’tok looked between you and Neteyam for a moment before scoffing and leaving, his tail swishing angrily as he walked away. 
“Are you okay?” Neteyam asked as soon as he was out of earshot.
“I could have handled that,” you retorted, making your way toward the beach.
“Yeah, you seemed to have it completely under control,” Neteyam chuckled, following close behind you. 
You rolled your eyes, “I have known him since we were children, he is harmless.”
“Sure, but you don’t touch the Olo’eyktan’s daughter– or anyone’s daughter for that matter,” Neteyam replied. You stopped in your tracks, turning to look at him.
“I do not need your protection, Neteyam,” you grumbled, giving him an unimpressed look.
“Didn’t think you did,” he replied.
“Eywa, you are so annoying,” you groaned, turning on your heel to wade into the water.
“I’ll pretend that was a ‘thank you’,” he called after you.
“And I am going to pretend you didn’t just say that,” you called back. 
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Riding an ilu was probably one of your favourite pass times, you had been riding ilus since you were younger than Tuk and you enjoyed teaching the children of the village how to bond and ride with them, teaching an almost fully-grown forest Na’vi was a little more entertaining though. You stood waist-deep in the water beside Neteyam, your sister lovingly assigning you to him. You ran your hands along the thick skin of the ilu’s neck, soothing the creature. 
“You want to make the bond gently,” you said softly, pulling on the ilu’s kuru. Neteyam was clinging to every word you said, listening intently as you soothed the creature. The ilu happily clicked at you as you scratched along his chin. “Here,” you held the ilu’s kuru out for him. “Gently.”
Neteyam pulled on his queue, letting the pink tendrils reach out for the ilu’s, making tsaheylu as gently as possible. The ilu’s pupils dilated, the creature’s fins splashing in the water. Your brother began to laugh behind you and both you and Neteyam watched as Lo’ak was thrown from his ilu, the creature splashing him comically. 
“Maybe don’t do that,” you winced at Neteyam as he tried not to laugh at his brother. 
“I’ll try,” he replied with a nod.
“Hold here,” you gestured to the wooden handhold that wrapped around the top of the ilu’s kuru, “he will move fast so… just hold on,” you laughed. Neteyam let out a breath and nodded at your words, gently mounting the ilu. “Feel his breath and his strength, do not try to order him– move with him.”
“Right,” Neteyam said, his hand gripping the handhold. He seemed nervous, his knuckles turning a lighter shade of blue at how hard he was gripping.
You reached your hands over his larger hands before looking at him, “relax,” you muttered softly.
Neteyam watched you for a moment, the two of you just staring at each other before you cleared your throat, stepping away from him. Neteyam took in a shaky breath before the ilu moved forward through the water, cutting through the reef. Neteyam stayed close to the ilu’s body, the two of them zipping through the reef. 
You held your head underwater, watching him move with a stupid smile on your face. Neteyam emerged from the water, the ilu gently swimming back toward you. “You did it!” you beamed, rubbing the ilu’s snout softly.
“You’re a good teacher,” Neteyam said, panting softly. You gave him a look that told him you didn’t believe him, “I’m serious.”
“It helps that you seem like an overachiever,” you retorted, Lo’ak scoffing from behind you. Neteyam scooped some water up, splashing his brother. 
You spend the rest of the afternoon helping Tuk with her own much smaller ilu, the little Na’vi giggling with delight when the ilu happily nuzzled her chest. Kiri seemed to have a way with animals, able to bond with her ilu all on her own without you or your sister’s guidance. You rode your own ilu through the reef with Tuk and Kiri; Lo’ak and Tsireya off in their own little world. At least they had the luxury of getting to spend time together because they wanted to, you were forced to meet with idiots and their parents– hours of your time you’ll never get back.
When night finally swallowed the village, you urged the Sully family to join you and your family for the village’s communal dinner by the beach. Your clan did a communal dinner once every week as a way of spending time together around the bonfire and sharing stories, Tsireya insisted you ask the Sully family to join since they were now living among your people. Neytiri was hesitant to join, the arrangement reminding her too much of her home. Jake comforted her, the two of them sitting comfortably by the bonfire while you and Tsireya showed their kids around. 
You sat by the bonfire with your sister, your knee bumping with hers as you ate your meal. Lo’ak and Kiri came to join you, Lo’ak finding a comfortable place next to Tsireya (obviously).
“Hi, Lo’ak,” she greeted with a shy smile, you and Kiri sharing a knowing look with each other.
“Mind if I join you?” Neteyam’s voice made your ears prick up, your attention turning to the oldest brother. You gestured to the spot on the sand beside you, Neteyam taking a seat right by you, little Tuk coming to sit in front of you.
“I like your hair today,” Tuk said softly, some fruit juice smudged across her cheek. 
“Thank you, little Tuk,” you smiled, wiping some of the fruit off her face.
“It’s pretty,” she giggled, “right, Neteyam?”
Neteyam looked at his sister with widened eyes, mouth full of food. He quickly nodded his head, almost choking on his food as he quickly tried to answer, “yeah– yes. Very pretty.” You chuckled softly, moving some of your hair over your shoulder, suddenly growing insecure of his eyes on you, the intricate neck piece you were still wearing somehow growing tighter around your neck.
After almost everyone had departed the beach, Tsireya insisted you both walk the Sully kids back to their marui while their parents stayed behind with the other adults of the clan. You were sure it was just so she could spend more time talking to Lo’ak and she wanted to disguise her little scheme. 
Tuk held onto Kiri’s hand as she jumped along the woven path, you hanging back behind them while Neteyam trailed behind all of you. You could feel his eyes on you, peeking over your shoulder every now and then to catch him looking before he would glance at literally anything else. 
“Why are you staring at me?” You asked boldly, pausing to let him catch up with you.
“I am not,” he replied quickly.
“You most definitely are,” you retorted.
“Awful bold of you,” he chuckled.
“Well it’s hard to focus when you keep looking at me,” you grumbled, pursuing your lips at him. Neteyam chuckled lowly at your words.
“Making you nervous, am I?” he asked curiously, lowering his head slightly to your height.
You frowned, feeling your cheeks heat as you crossed your arms over your chest, “no.”
“Convincing,” he nodded.
“Shut up,” you retorted, earning a laugh from him.
He walked beside you at a respectable distance, not letting his shoulder bump yours like Lo’ak did with Tsireya. His words from earlier in the day rattled around in your head, noting how he was so adamant on not touching you– or anyone touching you for that matter. It made your heart thump a little louder and quicker in your chest, praying to Eywa he didn’t notice. 
“Will you teach me that finger talk thing you do?” Neteyam asked, changing the subject.
“Sign language you mean?” You chuckled softly.
“Yes, sign language,” he nodded. “I would like to learn.”
“Yes, I can teach you,” you replied. “Though, I think I might have to leave you in the capable hands of my sister since I’ll be busy.”
“Busy?” Neteyam asked curiously, “with what?”
You let out an annoyed sigh at the simple thought of it, “my parents want me to meet with potential mates around the village they have picked– while it is painful for me, it must be done,” you huffed.
Neteyam took in your words for a moment, “you are not allowed to choose?” 
“I can,” you added, “but I am taking too long… to be fair, I am quite harsh.”
“You?” Neteyam asked sarcastically, “no way.”
You playfully shoved his side with a grin on your face, “not funny.”
“I am joking,” he quickly said, regaining his posture after your weak shove, “I’m sure that must be difficult.”
“It’s not exactly fun,” you replied, “and I have to wear this stupid thing,” you sighed, pulling at the neck piece your parents insisted you wear. It was intricate and covered in various beads and shells– your mother had worn it and so did your grandmother, it seemed fitting you wore it too, as much as it pained you.
“It’s not stupid,” Neteyam said softly, “it’s not you though.”
“Not me?” you repeated.
“Just doesn’t seem like something you would like, that’s all,” he added. 
“And you know that, how?” you asked, genuinely curious as to what his reasoning might be. The two of you were beginning to lag behind the rest of his siblings without really noticing, lost in the conversation. It pained you to admit you actually enjoyed talking to him.
“Well, I mean, I don’t know you very well. But I know enough to know you wouldn’t enjoy wearing something like that,” Neteyam replied, slightly nervous.
You hummed, “well, you’re right.”
“But,” he started, a nervous breath leaving his lips, “I would like to get to know you more… if you’d like to know me too, you know?”
You laughed at his words softly, “that would be nice.”
You felt a smile pull at the corners of your lips, that had to be the first time someone has ever thought about what you would like without you telling them. It felt nice to be seen.
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a/n: i apologise this is short! i have finals coming up :< pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist
taglist: @s0urw00lf, @peqch-pie, @greatsstuffsposts
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dandelionxbby · 8 months
: ̗̀➛ Modern TWOW Kids Headcanons
╰┈➤ Neteyam
High school junior - 17 years old
Captain of both varsity basketball and soccer
4.1 GPA, working towards Stanford
Often spends time in the library
Reads classical literature
Played Romeo in their school production of R&J
Has his licence and drives a ford
Models for small black owned fashion brands for a little extra cash
Runs Tuk's Etsy were she sells bracelets
Collect Records - R&B and Rap
Headphones > Speakers
Introverted but Extroverted around his friends and sports teams
Teacher's pet - carries the whole class. Answers when no one else does
Often gets into fights with Ao'nung because Ao'nung wants to be captain of the basketball team
Drives Tuk to school and extracurricular activities
Love to cook, in the kitchen almost every night with Neytiri
Not that close to Jake, he craves Neytiri's approval more than his
Nose, industrial, and multiple cartilage piercings
Plays violin
Has been growing his dreads since he was 7, but they don't look bad bc he keeps up with them
╰┈➤ Lo'ak
sophomore - 16 years old
JV Football and Basketball
2.3 GPA, Lo'ak isn't dumb, he just doesn't try
Made a music video to his rap for film class and it got a B-
Facetimed Reya right after he got his grade, he was really proud of himself
Skateboards to school and practices but Neteyam drives him home
Collects 90s/00s rap CD's - eminem, tupac, biggie, etc.
Talks back to the teacher, kind of a class clown
Wants to join the Marines like Jake
Worked as a cashier at the movie theater to buy him and Reya tickets to the Eras tour. He didn't know all the words to the songs but he tried.
Is outside from the time he comes home 6:30 to 11:00 at night shooting hoops bc he really wants to be on varsity basketball with Neteyam
Always has his airpods in
Records his raps in his bathroom bc it has good acoustics
Closer to Kiri than the rest of his siblings
They all has their own rooms but he is always in Kiri's for some reason
Taper fade with braids
Besties with Rotxo, he talks to him about things he can't with other people
Wants a tattoo so bad, but Jake says "You can get one once you paid your own rent"
Has an Ig with 134K followers
╰┈➤ Kiri
Crochets her clothes
Thrifts or depop clothes only, doesn't believe in fast fashion
Low-key in her Kat Stratford era
Plays piano and bass
Has an all girl band - boygenius is her idols
Loves anime and K-pop - has her Bias as her laptop wallpaper
Anti-plastic, only uses her hydroflask - hates stanleys bc "consumerism has America in a chokehold"
Photographer for the school's digital newspaper
Wears dangle mushroom earrings everyday
Has a wolfcut and red hair
She has natural freckles but they are barely there so she draws them on with a brown eyeliner pencil
She's in theater club and is the composer of all the musicals
Dance moms is her guilty pleasure
Very much vegan and will give someone the stink eye if they eat meat next to her
works at a crystal shop and will geek out anytime a rookie collector ask her what a specific crystal is for
has a septum piercing
Super introverted her only friends are Reya and Rotxo
Always challenging her teachers
Her only social medias are Twitter (X), tumblr, and tiktok
Loves Taylor Swift and Minski
Watches french films and reads french books
Closer to Jake but Neytiri is her go to girl when she needs to talk
Her phone background is Grace and her when she was 3, it was taken 3 months before Grace died
Hates sports, doesn't understand why people are going crazy over football recently
Her walls are covered with posters
Low-key loves all of Lindsay Lohan's movies - she's her celb crush
╰┈➤ Ao'nung
Same year and age as Neteyam
I feel like his family is rich
Drives a benz
going to uop on a basketball scholarship
6'3 1/2 - got his dad's height
Super protective of Tsireya
On the debate team, he loves arguing
If he's not playing basketball, hes surfing, if hes not doing that he's studying
Posts him playing basketball on his tiktok and ig, hoping one day he'll get noticed by a scout, thousands of people repost his videos
Has every pair of Jordans known to man
crosses people over in the hallway
I feel like he bullies freshman boys but sticks up for the freshman girls bc he sees them as his little sisters
Ronal is the principal so he get's good food at lunch
always late to class but has amazing grades
introverted extrovert
teaches basketball to kids at the community center
Throws the best parties
brings speakers to school
Frenemies with Neteyam and Lo'ak
Of all the Sullys, Kiri is his favorite
╰┈➤ Tsireya
Sophomore - 15 years
Post GRWMs on tiktok
Tennis and volleyball
Starting ballet this year
skincare and makeup obsessed
wears her mary janes everyday
super coquette / coastal grandmother
team conrad
Loves Taylor Swift and Lana Del Rey
Priscilla, Marie Antoinette, Belle, Girl Interrupted, Black Swan are her favorite movies
Wears the friendship bracelets that Kiri and Tuk make her
Watches Vouge Beauty Secrets when she gets ready
Her favorite youtuber is Sabrina Lilliane
Thrifts with Kiri
Has a baby pink Stanley and wears ugg slippers
On the school dance team
Has a Jeep but can't drive it yet so she rides with Ao'nung
Carries K-pop Idol photo cards
4.0 GPA, she doesn't play about her grades
Often helps Lo'ak with school
Reads poetry books
Researching to start her own haircare line with the help of Neytiri
Doesn't wear a backpack only tote bags
If she doesn't have starbucks every morning then she'll be cranky all day
Always wears a locket that has her parent's pictures in it
Is the star of all the musicals
Sophomore year class president
Did the best petting zoo fundraiser
╰┈➤ Rotxo
Head of the school paper
doesn't play sports
The smiths are the only people he listen's to
works at a record shop
volunteers at a soup kitchen
4.2 GPA going to Harvard Med
Wants to be a surgeon
Manages Ao'nung social media accounts
Introverted, hates large crowds
Drives Kiri to thrift stores, they're besties
╰┈➤ Tuk
3rd grade - 8 years old
Sells friendship bracelets
Went to the eras tour with jake, had a big sign that said "Give her her scarf back, now"
She traded bracelets with a bunch of people
Did ballet for a while and hated it so now she does gymnastics
Spa days with Neteyam
in her "only eating chicken nuggets and craft mac and cheese" phase
loves to rollerblade
Has an unboxing channel on youtube
always making slime
doesn't have any electronics bc Jake and Neytiri doesn't want her to be an Ipad kid
Tuk is really popular on youtube but she doesn't know it
Loves Reya like another sister
Takes horseback riding lessons
╰┈➤ Spider
Doesn't go to Pandora High like the rest, he goes to an athletic boarding school on a lacrosse scholarship
Was really close to the sullys but since his school has a no phone rule they've grown apart
Still hangout on the weekends and in the summer
no doubt he's going pro
Grew up around military vets
cut his dreads off once he got to school
takes archery as an extra class
really good at math
The sullys send him care packages full of junk food
He sleeps over at the sullys on the weekends bc he would rather not be with his dad
Still really close to Kiri but not as close to Lo'ak as they used to be
Loves the MCU and goes to the theaters when the movies come out even if they are bad
Thank you for reading <3
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hypertic · 9 months
(Dark) Ava is a master manipulator
I don’t think Dark Ava would be a weapon because she’s the halo bearer, she would be a weapon because she’s Ava.
She’s earned everyone’s trust and love, but she also has the perfect skillset to lie and manipulate everyone.
Just think about it: she’s spent 12 years where her connection with other people was her words and her face. It’s her only entertainment and, besides Diego, her conscience is her only company. She’s also pretty observant, since it’s one of the few things she can do.
12 years surrounded by people who despise her and think she’s a burden, clearly she must’ve developed a system: find a pattern, then their weakness, and say just what’s right to get what she needs, to get that one person to act just how she predicted.
It’s why she’s specially good at making the nuns mad, because for her it’s easy. It’s another skill, overdeveloped since there’s nothing else for her to do.
Of course, once she’s out into the world, there’s no need for her to play with people like that. Those people don’t hate her, they haven’t hurt her, and Ava can be free and enjoy every aspect of life she wasn’t able to. She can be genuine and open with her emotions.
So she’s sent back, evil and barely herself, but nobody knows that; nobody notices that. And so begins Reya’s master mind game, solely executed by Ava, and she does it perfectly.
No one would question Ava, who always wears her heart on her sleeve, who’s sacrificed her life for the OCS, and who’s just got back from one of the most trauma inducing places ever imagined.
(maybe her only weakness is Beatrice, the one memory Ava held on to for the longest time, the one they took every trick and power in Reya to wash away)
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