#Rhea Silvia
sarafangirlart · 1 month
something interesting about Ovid is that he is actually the only source from l've seen that doesn't view the rape of the Sabine women as something good or necessary most Roman authors say it was necessary but not Ovid he thinks it's due to satiate sexual desires
I think I’ve read somewhere that in Roman/Greek mythology that rape is seen as a… natural? (Idk if that’s the right term) part of life, you’d see tons of founding/ hero origin myths where their mothers are assaulted but that’s ok! They got to be the parents of these great heroes and founded these great cities! Those stories just can’t be consensual relationships. Like why couldn’t Rhea Silvia willing have sex with Mars? She was forced to be a Vestal Virgin.
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olympushit · 2 months
Just wanted to let you know the story of Rhea Silvia/Ilia being raped by Ares is not just Roman. Plutarch has written: "But the story which has the widest credence and the greatest number of vouchers was first published among the Greeks, in its principal details, by Diocles of Peparethus, and Fabius Pictor follows him in most points."
So we really should stop saying her story doesn't count as a Greek myth and accept that there is a myth where Ares rapes (but there are non r@pey versions too).
I literally went to search what you say dear, maybe it was something that slipped my mind, but now that I did I kinda understand what you say.
The Myth of Mars r@ping Rhea-Silvia or Ilia is mostly written by Roman writers, rather than Greek ones. Also, I searched a lot about it and the only mention that Ares was said to r@pe her was on modern art pieces, and found literally nothing. Also, I went to theoi.com, one of the only sources I trust, and I only found this:
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I saw the word "seduced" and "Mars [ the Roman Ares]".
I haven't encountered that source you used, as it was not linked up there, but I also didn't find anything more enlightening on that matter.
I do not disagree that Mars r@ped Rhea-Silvia, but on the other hand I haven't read something tangible about Ares doing so.
Maybe I am missing something, so I kindly ask you to send me the link maybe?
I really wanna see that possibility, and I also don't want to leave your question unanswered or falsely answered!
I would appreciate the enlightenment, if it is easy for you! 😊😉
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malbecmusings · 7 months
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A relief of Rhea Silvia, the ‘mother’ of Romulus and Remus, during her encounter with Mars.
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Mars and Rhea Silvia by Peter Paul Rubens, 1617-1620.
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By Jane von Mehren
11 January 2023
The highly civilized Etruscans had a huge impact on the city’s eventual geography, architecture, government, trade, and agriculture.
They created excellent schools to which rich Romans sent their sons, much as they would later send them to Greek institutes.
By the sixth century B.C., some of Rome’s most famous institutions, from the Forum to the Senate, were in existence but even the most reputable historians — including Fabius, Livy, and Plutarch — started their accounts of the empire in legend.
Legendary beginnings
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The story of Rome’s founding begins in Alba Longa, the first “city” of Latium, a region in central western Italy, occupied by Latins.
The area had been inhabited since the Bronze Age by farming communities and was known to the ancient Greeks, which is perhaps why Aeneas, a Trojan prince, is said to have established it around 1150 B.C.
According to legend, in Alba Longa, two of Aeneas’s descendants, the brothers Amulius and Numitor, fought over who would rule.
Amulius triumphed, killing Numitor’s sons and exiling his daughter, Rhea Silvia, to become a Vestal Virgin.
Through divine intervention, she gave birth to the twins Romulus and Remus.
Threatened by these potential claimants to his throne, Amulius beheaded Rhea Silvia and abandoned the babies in the river Tiber.
Miraculously, a she-wolf rescued and cared for the boys until a shepherd, Faustulus, adopted them, raising them on the Palatine Hill, located in modern-day Rome.
The legend goes on to say that the brothers established the city of Rome on the banks of the Tiber River, where it was narrow enough for crossing and the hills provided a good defensive position.
The land between the hills, however, was quite marshy and not all that fertile.
The twins soon quarreled about the city’s exact boundaries and Romulus killed Remus.
Romulus, along with the outlaws and criminals he recruited, invited neighboring tribe the Sabines, who had resisted intermarrying with the Romans, to a fête.
During the merriment, Romulus raised his cloak signaling his men to seize and abduct the young Sabine women.
As the origin story goes, being Roman wives suited the women and they stopped the Sabine men from battling the Romans when they came to recapture them.
In the end the Sabines remained in Rome as part of the new city.
Influences in the area
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Archaeological evidence tells us that Rome’s actual origins were less dramatic.
The first Romans were Latin farmers and shepherds living in small village huts on the Esquiline and Palatine hills.
The Sabines, a tribe living to the north, divided soon after the city’s founding, and some of them came south and united with Rome’s people.
Rome remained relatively primitive until the 600s B.C., when the Etruscans, who controlled a series of city-states to the north, began taking control of the city.
Kingdom of Rome
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While modern scholars discount some of the accounts of ancient Roman historians, they agree that during the first phase of its history — from approximately 753 to 509 B.C. — Rome was ruled by kings.
According to these writers, Romulus was the first, succeeded by Numa Pompilius, a Sabine, and in 616 B.C., by an Etruscan named L. Tarquinius Priscus.
Kings had almost absolute power, serving as administrative, judicial, military, and religious leaders. A senate acted as an advisory council.
The king chose its members, who became known as patricians, from the city’s leading families.
Unlike later monarchs, Roman kingship was not inherited.
After a king died, there was a period known as an interregnum, when the Senate chose a new ruler, who was then elected by the people of Rome.
The king-elect needed to obtain approval of the gods and the imperium, the power to command, before assuming his throne.
Etruscan influences
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The Etruscans ruled a loose confederation of city- states that stretched from Bologna to the Bay of Naples.
It remains unclear where they originated, but they used a version of the Greek alphabet and some ancient sources describe them as coming from Asia Minor.
Around 650 B.C., they were already dominant in the region and took control of Rome, wanting its strategic position on the Tiber.
Under Etruscan kings, Rome grew from a series of villages into a proper city.
The Etruscans drained the marshes around the city, constructed underground sewers, laid out roads and bridges.
They established the cattle market, Forum Boarium, as well as Forum Romanum, the central market and meeting place that evolved into the heart of the empire.
Toward the end of this period of Etruscan influence, the first temple of Jupiter was built on the Capitoline Hill.
This temple, although rebuilt many times, became the symbol of Rome’s power.
Founding the Republic
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The era of Roman kings ended in 509 B.C., when the Romans supposedly expelled the last Etruscan king, L. Tarquinius Superbus, in another mythicized event.
As recounted by historians, including Livy, the son of Tarquinius Superbus, Sextus, raped at knifepoint the noblewoman Lucretia, wife of the king’s great nephew.
Lucretia, feeling that her honor and virtue had been lost, committed suicide.
Her uncle Brutus swears to avenge her and commits to revolution and the expulsion of the monarchy.
To the Roman people, her story represents the tyrannical powers of the monarch on the state, and so the saga of Lucretia is cited as the event that spurred the Roman Republic into being.
In place of the monarchy, Romans established a republic, which lasted until 30 B.C.
Over the course of nearly five centuries, Rome became a dominant Western power, seizing territory throughout the Mediterranean, creating an enormous and efficient army, and learning how to administer its vast provinces.
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The traditional date for the founding of Rome is 21 April 753 BC.
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asagisnobody · 7 months
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While i was studying random things in greek and roman mythology suddendly i decided to draw this five characters who are not so famous...
First of all: Ctimene, Odysseus' sister. It's not my fault, but i always draw Ithaca's royal family with messy hair:) Even if in ancient times it was not common.
Then Hebe. Just because after hearing for the thousandth time that Hera was angry with Troy because of Ganimedes and Hebe, i put her here. Brown hair as Hera and eyes as Zeus.
Chrysothemis is here because it's been a month since i found out her existance. How is possible i had never heard anywhere about her??? After all, her name means "golden justice" ( or something like that)
Aah, Rhea Silvia. Or Ilia. Poor girl. Her dress is ispired by a vestalis' statue i saw. But i'm terrible so it looks like a boring dress:)
And at last, Creusa and Anna. I feel sorry for Anna- her sister suicided in front of her, she had to escape from Carthage and when finally she was calm in Aeneas's kingdom.... Lavinia was gealous of her, so she escaped again and felt into a river. And then gods sayd:- ok, that's enough, you will become a nimph. - happy ending. maybe.
I will give a prize to Creusa just because she accepted that she was an obstacol in her husband's future life. And became a nimph. ok.
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citrusreadstoa · 2 years
Reading The Hidden Oracle: Chapter 21 (SPOILERS)
I gotta keep these posts short. They're starting to become essay-length.
I just realized that if the building that the Romans parleyed with the Greeks on belonged to Triumvirate Holdings, and Reyna was still in charge of the legion at that time, then that means Reyna was in league with Triumvirate. I don't like where this is going... I still have faith in her, but this makes things interesting...
"Moments later, I would be found dead with a knife in my back. That would be exciting!" Yes, it would! Murder mystery time! (Keep it short, I say. *Proceeds to record my thoughts on the smallest, unnecesary details*)
"four other Pythias--" "There is only one Pythia--you. Delphi is absolutely unique." "So these other four non-unique Oracles..." LMAO this whole multiple Oracles situation with Rachel is too funny.
So we now know the five Oracles: Rachel's Pythia of Delphi, the Grove of Dodona, Ella's Sibylline Books (written by Sybil of Cumae), the Oracle at Erythaea, and the Cave of Trophonius. Five Oracles for five books.
Wait, the hippie lady was Rhea? Wasn't Rhea chillin' in Rome with Tiberius lookin' like Audrey Hepburn? Annabeth and Percy met them when she was following the Mark of Athena. I guess that must be her Roman aspect.
"Emperor Theodosius ordered the last oak cut down in--" D'you think Theodosius might be one of the Triumvirate? Idk, he wasn't a result in the Read Riordan emperor quiz, though. Also, "Rhea has not been seen for millennia." Annabeth chatting it up with Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck:
Okay, so it turns out the Rhea Silvia and Tiberinus (not Tiberius) that Annabeth talked to have no relation to Rhea the goddess. They just have the same name. Lovely.
"write it down for posterity" POSTERITY (n.): all future generations of people
How is the Triumvirate trying to control the Oracles, anyway? Do they just point a gun at it and say, "Give me a good prophecy!" Idk how they're making it work. Magic, probs.
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lesbianshepard · 1 year
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Mother of the Gracchi brothers! Highly intelligent and influential woman who educated her sons and helped shape their political careers. OG Roman MILF
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Catullus' "Lesbia" Wealthy and highly educated woman who had a talent for poetry (none survives :( ) Cicero hated her and called her "the Medea of the Palatine" (huge W for Clodia) Known for taking many lovers and accused of incest with her own brother (Catullus did not take the breakup well)
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The first (real) woman to appear on Roman coinage. Married to Marc Antony (her third husband) and very involved in politics. Cassius Dio wrote "the following year Publius Servilius and Lucius Antonius nominally became consuls, but in reality it was Antonius and Fulvia. She, the mother-in‑law of Octavian and wife of Antony, had no respect for Lepidus because of his slothfulness, and managed affairs herself, so that neither the senate nor the people transacted any business contrary to her pleasure." Plutarch wrote "Fulvia wished to rule a ruler and command a commander and she schooled Antony to obey women." (marc antony is into femdom he's just like me fr fr) Acted as both a political and military leader.
Agrippina the Younger:
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One of the most powerful of the Julio-Claudian women and a big influence on behind the scenes politics. Mother of Nero by her first husband. Was exiled for a conspiracy to assassinate her brother Caligula, but later returned. May have poisoned her second husband in order to marry the Emperor Claudius. She was the one to convince Claudius to name Nero heir, instead of Claudius' own son. May have poisoned Claudius in order to make Nero emperor. Ruthless, ambitious, and domineering #girlboss. Fave moment was when Nero engineered a boat designed to sink specifically to assassinate her. She swam to shore, realized her shitty son had tried to kill her (again), and wrote a letter to him letting him know that she had survived a terrible accident by divine fortune.
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Third wife of Claudius and hugely influential, directly responsible for the execution of several people and tried to get young Nero assassinated so that her own son would have the throne. Hated Agrippina for obvious reasons. Executed for a conspiracy to assassinate Claudius. Pliny wrote a famous (and certainly fake) story of her challenging a famous prostitute to see who could sleep with the most men in one night. (Messalina won at 25)
Julia the Elder:
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Augustus once famously remarked that he had two difficult daughters: Rome and Julia. Married off by her father several times, all for political reasons. Clashed with her controlling father on many occasions about her spending, behavior, etc. Augustus passed laws making adultery a crime and then had to exile her for adultery (after killing and exiling her lovers) She was popular with the Roman people, who petitioned for her recall from exile, and was known for her kindness, intelligence, and wit. She never returned to Rome, and died in exile.
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Wife of Augustus and first Roman empress. One of, if not the, the most powerful and influential women in the early Roman Empire. iirc she was the first woman to be deified. Cassius Dio wrote "Livia was destined to hold in her lap even Caesar's power and to dominate him in everything."
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A skilled orator, best known for her public speech given in the forum in protest of a tax put on women to fund the civil war after the assassination of Caesar. She was successful, reducing the number of women taxed down to 400, with new taxes on men being levied to make up the difference. (Using this image of a fresco from Pompeii because there's, surprisingly, no art I can find of her from a google search)
Empress Theodora
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Byzantine empress. She was the daughter of a bear trainer and an actress, and worked as an actress and prostitute in her youth. Married the Emperor Justinian and became his advisor, preforming jobs that were usually only done by the emperor (receiving envoys and corresponding with foreign rulers) and helped pass laws for women's rights.
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gloomforrestrunes · 5 months
what's your favorite song from each major character playlist?
ooooh what a fun question!!!! and a hard one, i adore bascially every song on each of their playlists. (otherwise i wouldnt add them haha!)
ill probably add a few for each playlist since i can't choose, and my favorite tends to shift around a lot depending on what im currently listening to! these are in no particular order
laxo's playlist: heart for brains by roar, leaf pile by the front bottoms, romantic homicide by d4vd
kane's playlist: take me to church by hozier, such small hands by la dispute, wake up by EDEN
maya: sarah by alex g, icicles by the scary jokes
kenta: buzzkill by baby queen, the calling by the amazing devil, ribs by the crane wives
eiya: sin eater by penelope scott, giver by k flay, my mother wants me dead by carolesdaughter
honorable mentions of songs i love that are associated with certain characters who dont currently have a playlist: night shift by lucy dacus (river), fuck you heather by boyish (pepper), whale song by modest mouse (aven), kiss goodnight by idk how but they found me (huxley)
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deathlessathanasia · 3 months
Can you clarify one thing for me, why people keep saying Ares never raped anyone? He forced himself on Ilia when she was sleeping that is still rape right?
That sure counts as rape, but I think people disregard the Ilia story because it is a Roman myth. Not in the way some call Greek myths attested in Latin sources Roman, but "proper" Roman mythology related to the founding of Rome.
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diamondnokouzai · 3 months
wow. i almost inflicted a world dending runon sentence on you people just now. seriously its giving me a headache.
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blueiskewl · 3 months
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Ancient Roman Silver Brooch of Romulus and Remus Found in Spain
The Department of Culture of the Generalitat Valenciana has recently announced the discovery of a rare silver brooch, depicting the iconic scene of Romulus and Remus being suckled by a she-wolf.
This remarkable artifact was discovered during excavations at Vilanova d’Alcolea, a site in Spain believed to have served as an ancient postal building during the Roman era. Archaeologists, led by Josep Carbó, made the discovery, describing it as an exceptional piece both for its rarity and quality.
Romulus and Remus, pivotal figures in Roman mythology, were twin brothers whose legendary tale forms the foundation myth of Rome and the Roman Kingdom. Born in Alba Longa to Rhea Silvia, the twins were the grandsons of the deposed King Numitor. Threatened by their potential claim to power, King Amulius, Numitor’s brother, ordered the infants to be abandoned on the banks of the Tiber River.
Legend has it that the twins were saved by a she-wolf who nursed them in a cave known as Lupercal, situated at the southwestern foot of the Palatine Hill in Rome. Upon discovering their true heritage, Romulus and Remus avenged their family and reinstated their grandfather, Numitor, as the rightful king. However, their story took a tragic turn when a dispute arose between the brothers, leading to Romulus committing fratricide against Remus. Romulus then went on to establish the city of Rome, solidifying his position as its first ruler.
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The silver brooch, measuring 4 centimeters in size and dating back to the 2nd century CE, portrays the iconic scene of the she-wolf nurturing the twins in their infancy. This depiction has become synonymous with the founding of Rome since the 3rd century BCE.
The archaeological site where the brooch was discovered holds additional significance. Situated near the Via Augusta, the longest Roman road in Roman Hispania, the site is believed to have been an official post of the Roman Empire, catering to officials and travelers alike. The proximity to this historic route enhances the importance of the find.
Archaeologist, Josep Carbó, emphasized the significance of the discovery, stating, “It is an exceptional piece due to its rarity and quality since there are very few pieces of this type that have been studied.”
By Dario Radley.
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baroque-art-history · 3 months
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Mars and Rhea Silvia by Peter Paul Rubens (1577 - 1640)
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cygnahime · 9 months
Contemplating how much fun it could be to, in the footsteps of Ursula K LeGuin's Lavinia, write a novel about the interlocking lives of Romulus&Remus's two moms, Rhea Silvia and the unnamed sex worker* who raised them from infancy.
*"I thought that was a wolf" in Latin they are the same word, lupa, and all the available sources ALSO demonstrate a lack of consensus about which one was meant! I intend to resolve this by making her a werewolf.
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starfanatic · 2 months
I came across some old post of yours and wanted to say that the story of Rhea Silvia/Ilia being raped by Ares is not just Roman. Plutarch has written: "But the story which has the widest credence and the greatest number of vouchers was first published among the Greeks, in its principal details, by Diocles of Peparethus, and Fabius Pictor follows him in most points."
So we really should stop saying her story doesn't count as a Greek myth and accept that there is a myth where Ares rapes (but there are non r@pey versions too).
Thank you for this information, Ares fans I want to personally fight you hand-to-hand combat for not informing me of this information. EVEN THE MOOTS. I was misled. I ARGUED THIS ON REDDIT!!! REDDIT! I like actually cant believe this my heart dropped in my chest bro 😭
UPDATE: Apprently thats not true! https://www.tumblr.com/olympushit/747839630039285760/just-wanted-to-let-you-know-the-story-of-rhea?source=share
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felsefebilim · 2 months
Roma'nın Kökeni ve Kuruluş Mitolojisi
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Roma'nın ünlü şairi Vergilius tarafından yazılan Aeneas Destanı, Roman tarihi açısından oldukça önemlidir. Bu destan, Roma şehrinin kuruluşunu ve aslında Romalıların kökenine değinir.
Bilindiği üzere Roma tanrıların çoğu Antik Yunan tanrılarıyla aynıdır, sadece birçoğunun ismi farklıdır. (Venüs - Afrodit, Athena - Minevra, Zeus - Iupiter gibi) Bu durum esinlenmekten ya da çalmaktan değil tam tersi Roma'nın kökeninin de Troya'ya dayanmasından kaynaklanır.
Aeneas Destanı'nın baş kahramanı Aeneas, Troyalı bir prensti. Harabeye dönen şehirden kaçarak Batı İtalya'da bulunan Latium'a ulaşır ve orada bir krallık kurar. Latinium Krallığı, Roma İmparatoruluğunun kurulduğu topraklarıdır ve imparatorluğun temellerini oluşturur, bu şehir imparatorluğa uzun süre başkentlik de yapmıştır.
Vergilius, Aeneas'ı tanıtırken onun annesinin tanrıça Venüs olduğunu söyler ve tanrıçanın Roma İmparatoru Augustus ile bir kan bağına sahip olduğunu da ekler. Destandaki bu detay da, Antik Yunan tanrılarının soy olarak Roma tanrıları da olduğununun göstergesidir.
Roma'nın kuruluşu ile ilgili bir diğer mit-destan ise ünlü Romalı tarihçi Livius'a aittir. Livius, miti de aslında Aeneas'a dayanır.
Antik Roma'nın aile tanrıçası olan Vesta adına ailelerin küçük kız çocuklarından seçilen ve adlarına Vesta Bakireleri denen bakirelerden Aeneas'ın soyundan gelen Rhea Silvia, savaş tanrısı Mars'ın (Yunan mitolojisinde Ares) tecavüzüne uğrar. Bu olay sonrasında ise ikiz oğulları olur. Anne, bir tecavüzün sonucu olan ikizleri, nehire bırakıp boğulmaya terk etmek zorunda kalır. Dişi bir kurt tarafından bulunup emzirilen ikizler Romulus ve Remus sonrasında bir çoban tarafından evlat edinilir. Büyüdüklerinde bir şehir kuracaklarının hayaliyle büyüyen çocuklar, bu şehre de Roma adını vereceklerini daha henüz küçükken karar vermiştir. Büyüdüklerinde ise kardeşlerden Romulus kurulan şehrin, Roma'nın ilk kralı olmuştur.
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