#Rhinestone stethoscope
blingbykey · 2 years
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angelhearthb · 8 months
I had an idea...
You know how people make those collars/pacifiers decorated with lots of charms/rhinestones/ribbons/glitters?
What if we decorated stethoscopes like that?🤔
It may not be extremely convenient to use, but it would be pretty
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design-law · 5 years
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Do these stethoscope charms infringe this design patent? Those are some of the claims in this recently-filed complaint.
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play-read-write · 5 years
Adventuring/Birthday Party
Ruby’s birthday is going well when it gets interrupted by grimm. Now its up to team RWBY to stop them and still get back in time to open presents. (Just something for Ruby’s birthday and Halloween. 3831 words)
Ruby adjusted her cape over her combat skirt, a black and pink one with fake jewels put on it and a couple big ribbons, making sure it didn't cover too much. She'd put a lot of work into her costume and she didn't want to just hide it the whole time. As she did Weiss walked out of the bathroom behind her, wearing a very ostentatious dress of her own. "Wow, that's a big one." She says, looking at it in the mirror. 
"I like the helmet." Yang says, currently sitting on Weiss' bed in her pinstripe suit. 
"It happens to be from a classic opera." Weiss says as Ruby steps aside, looking herself over in the mirror as well. 
"It looks good." Blake gathers her own outfit as well and heads into the bathroom. "I'll just be a few minutes." 
"Thank you, Blake." Weiss says. 
"Hey, I never said it looked bad." Yang says, "In fact I said I liked the helmet. It's cool. Got horns on it." 
"I sensed sarcasm." 
"Nope... Okay maybe a tiny bit, but only cause it’s just so much. It does look good though." 
"Thank you. You look fine as well." 
"Oh, I'm always fine." Yang grins and adjusts her hat. 
"Ha ha." Weiss rolls her eyes. 
"I'm wearing a suit, of course I look good." 
"Well at least you're not lacking in confidence." 
"Why would I be when I look like me?" 
Weiss side-eyes her for a moment and then adjusts a button on her outfit in the mirror. It's then that Blake steps out and they all turn to look at her, seeing the heels, long skirt, and button up white shirt tucked into it, with a tie and a pair of glasses as well, and of course her signature bow to hide her ears. 
"Wow Blake, going for sexy librarian? Didn't expect that." Yang smirks. 
"No?" Blake says and looks down at herself and then at her team. "It's just librarian." 
"I think we're going to have to credit this to Blake herself as opposed to the costume." Weiss says. 
"What?" Blake raises an eyebrow. 
"Weiss just said it’s you that's sexy and not the costume." Yang laughs a bit. 
"I... it was only in response to your comment!" Weiss blushes a bit. 
Ruby chuckles. "You look good." She says. "At least we can all agree on that." 
"Thank you, I suppose." Blake says. 
"So, is everyone ready then? We can meet up with JNPR and then head down to the ballroom together for the party." Ruby says, looking at each of them. 
"Ready and waiting." Yang stands up. 
"I'm good." Blake says. 
"Obviously." Weiss adds. 
"Alright then. Team RWBY..." Ruby pulls out a long wand with a crystal heart on one end and a figure of a Crescent Moon on it and points it at the door. "Go!" She says and leads the team out the door... about three steps to the JNPR dorm, where she knocks. 
The door opens and Nora is there. On seeing them she opens it wider. "Oh, hey guys! We're almost ready." She says. 
Yang lets out a low whistle. "Sexy nurse. Nice." 
"I know, I ROCK this!" Nora says, pumping her fists, wearing a white skirt, stockings, and a top with a bit of a V in it and a red cross, as well as a white nurse's hat and a pair of white shoes. 
"Lots of white. Almost think that was one of Weiss' outfits." Ruby says. 
"I wouldn't mind if she wore that." Yang chuckles. 
"Oh, hush you." Weiss says. 
"Hey guys." Jaune then says, walking behind Nora wearing some heavy looking white armor and a helmet with a visor on it, his sword and shield at his side. 
"A knight huh?" Ruby asks. "Cool." 
"Yeah we decided to pair off for our costumes. I'm a knight. Pyrrha is a princess." 
"Ren's a doctor." Nora says. 
"Sexy doctor?" Yang asks. "To match a sexy nurse?" 
"Hey, eyes off." Nora says but grins. 
"Nora, are you going to let them in?" Ren asks then as he moves into view and sits down on his bed, dressed up in a long white coat and a stethoscope around his neck, putting on his shoes. 
"We're just waiting on you guys." Ruby says. 
"Just a minute!" Pyrrha calls out. "I'm almost... done." She says and there's a sound of a door opening as she walks out, wearing a flowing dress with puffy sleeves and a conical hat with a ribbon on it. 
"Ohh, pretty." Ruby says. 
"Thank you, Ruby." She gives her a nod. 
"Are we all ready then?" Ren asks as he stands again. 
"Looks like it." Jaune says. "Let's get going." 
"Teams, away!" Ruby says, pointing her wand again and beginning to lead the way down the hall. 
"Think we'll see many good costumes?" Yang asks. 
"I'm sure there will be quite the variety." Blake says. 
"It's Halloween, some will be great, some will be awful. Some will be impressive; some will be trashy." Weiss says. 
"As long as there's candy, cool costumes, and some weapons, I'll be happy." Ruby says, "And I still plan on having our own thing after! None of you are to forget my birthday party." She turns and walks backwards, pointing at them with her wand. 
"May evil befall those who forget a magical girl birthday party." Yang says with a chuckle. 
"Dang right." Ruby turns to walk forward again. Leading the way, they make it down to the ballroom, finding it already with people inside, orange and black streamers along the ceiling with matching balloons. Tables with punch, cookies, candy, and other snacks. And of course...
"Hey! They got a fog machine!" Yang says, noting the layer of fog covering the flower. 
"It's Halloween. It's allowed to be gaudy." Weiss says. 
"That's my birthday you're talking bad about!" Ruby protests. 
"Says the girl with rhinestones glued to her costume." 
"They are sparkly!" Ruby points her wand at her. 
"Your point?" Weiss crosses her arms. 
"This is pure magical girl awesomeness! Respect it!" Ruby says. 
"Alright you two, let's just get to the party." Yang says. "Oh hey, sexy cop." 
"Yang please don't make a joke about handcuffs." Ruby says. 
"Fine, but only cause it’s your birthday."
"Yesss, magic birthday powers!" 
"There's no such thing as magic birthday powers." Weiss says. 
"Really? Cause when I ask for extra candy cause it’s my birthday people always gave it to me." 
"That's not magic." 
"Close enough." 
"Well, we gonna chat about that or are we gonna party?" Yang asks. "Who wants to dance with me first? No volunteers? Eenie meenie minie... Nora! Let's kick it!" 
"Heck yeah! Party time." Nora cheers as she and Yang head out to the dance floor. 
"I'm gonna get some punch and cookies." Ruby says and heads over to the bowl. 
"Would you care for a dance?" Weiss asks Blake.
"Sure, why not." Blake smiles and they head out as well. 
As Jaune and Pyrrha head out to the dance floor as well Ren walks over to join Ruby at the punch bowl, getting himself some as well. "Happy Birthday." He says. 
"Thanks. Happy Halloween." Ruby says and takes a bite out of a cookie. "It's a good party isn't it?" 
"We haven't been here long, but it does seem to be." He says. "There are quite a few different costumes, aren't there?" 
"Totally. Some of them are pretty cool." 
"Yours is quite well designed as well." 
"Thanks. You make a good doctor. I'm guessing Nora picked it?"
"Yes, couples costumes were here idea. Though her original idea involved me not wearing a shirt underneath." 
Ruby chuckles at that. "Yeah that sounds like Nora. We had to veto one of Yang's costume ideas cause it was skintight. The character was cool, but the outfit isn't something you wanna actually wear." 
"Yes, there are a number of characters like that." He says and takes a drink, falling silent as Ruby does the same. After a bit he reaches over and gets a second cup of punch, holding it out as Nora then starts to come over and takes the punch, drinking half of it in one go. 
"Whew! What are you two doing just standing here? Come on and party!" 
"I'm not really much of a dancer." Ruby says. "Especially not in this dress." 
"But it’s your birthday! Aren't you supposed to have fun?" 
"I'm fine. Besides there's still the after party later. That's more my style." 
"If you say so." She says. "You though." She points at Ren. "It's dancing time." And she downs the rest of her punch. 
"If you want." He says and finishes his own before heading out with her as Weiss, Blake, and Yang come over. 
"Welp my dance partner ditched me. Who’s next?" Yang asks. 
"Not me." Ruby says. "I don't dance. You know that."
"What about you two?" She looks at Weiss and Blake. "One of you wanna dance with a good-looking gal?" 
"I would but she already said she doesn't dance." Blake says with a small smirk. 
"Ha! You got got." Ruby says. "Also, aww, thanks Blake." 
"I'd argue, but she is adorable." Yang says. "But still, that means it's Weiss' turn instead." 
"I don't remember agreeing to those terms." Weiss says. "Fine though." 
Just as they turn to head out though an alert goes off, every scroll in the ballroom beeping. They all pull them out and look as an announcement goes off overhead, Ozpin's voice coming over it. 
"Students and Faculty, we have an emergency situation. A number of grimm are approaching the city in mass, it is time we fulfill our duties as huntsmen and huntresses. You have received your missions. Airships are standing by. Good luck." He says and there's a click as it ends. 
"We're in the west, sector Seven B. Let's get our weapons and go." Ruby says and her team nods as they all run out, along with many others. Heading for the locker room they all grab their weapons. Ruby steps over to Weiss to speak with her for a moment, getting a nod in return. "Alright girls, let’s go get on an airship." 
"Right." They confirm and head out. Soon enough they're on an airship, still in their Halloween costumes as they don't take time to change. 
"I can't believe it, grimm on Halloween." Weiss says. 
"Well, they say that the holiday started because it’s the day grimm were most active. There's even myths of grimm made entirely of human bones coming out." Yang says. 
"That's probably one instance of a geist possessing an improperly buried skeleton blown out of proportion." Weiss says. "And an excuse for a holiday." 
"Whatever the reason, it’s the best birthday ever!" Ruby says. "I get to fight grimm, wear my Halloween costume, eat candy, and then get presents! It's awesome." 
"You do realize this is life or death, right?" Weiss says. 
"And you realize this is literally what we signed up to do right?" Ruby asks. 
"Yeah come one. Lighten up." Yang says. "We'll clear out the grimm no problem. They've got like, half the school on this job. It'll be a piece of-" 
"Wow!" Ruby says, looking out the side. "Is that grimm or an army?" 
"That is a lot." Blake says. "There must be hundreds of them." 
"I've never seen grimm like that." Weiss says. "What are they?" 
"I don't believe it." Yang says. "It's bone." 
"Skells." Ruby says. "I thought they were just myths." 
"Well they're here now." Blake says. "Let's just worry about killing them." 
"Right. Let's get out here. Team RWBY, go!" Ruby says and then jumps out the side of the Airship, her team following her. 
Firing at the ground she slows her descent, landing in a roll and bringing her weapon up, still in gun form. She immediately fires at the grimm, large skeletal beings, made almost entirely of the same kind of white bone armor as the grimm, with only spots of black flesh peeking through at the joints and inside their mouths, the eyes glowing red. Their limbs were long, with fingers almost as long as their forearms, and legs bringing them up to taller than most people. 
Her shots ring true, blowing the heads off of one, and then destroying another's spine. The one with its head gone falls and stops, but the other one collapses and begins to drag itself forward without its legs. At this all of the others then begin to move faster, now rushing at her as the rest land beside her. "They keep moving unless you take out the head. This is our sector; we have to stop them ourselves." 
She turns to Weiss. "See if you can freeze them in place. Go for the legs. They don't seem exceptionally strong." She looks at Yang. "Aim high. We need to take out the heads. If they get on the ground though we can crush them after." Turning to Blake then she adds, "Try to hit as many as possible. They're more solid than beowulves but their armor isn't as thick as a deathstalker. We should be able to take them out." 
Weiss steps in as Ruby speaks with the others. She raises a series of glyphs in front of them and her blade begins to glow a light blue, fog forming over it. With two fingers out she pushes her hands forward, sliding the glyphs along the ground. A thin sheet of ice formed under the grimm, freezing their feet. Immediately they stopped moving, letting out a sound between a rattle and a cry. 
"Go!" Ruby says and dashes in with a burst of speed, swinging her scythe high and tearing through the heads of a few of them. Already she could hear the ice cracking as the grimm began to break free. It wouldn't hold long but if they could thin the numbers it'd be a major help. Beside her Blake gave a hard swing, a slash of purple energy cutting through the skulls of half a dozen of them, and Yang lets out a volley of shots, destroying another dozen from the shoulders up. 
One breaks free of the ice next to her and lunges, but she slashes in return, cutting it in half. It misses as it goes past her, cutting through one of its own. However, with their heads still attached this only freed up their movement as well as one began to crawl at her and the other put its hands underneath itself, running on them like legs. Behind her two more try to grab her and she jumps to dodge them, then fires to give herself some spin as she cuts through all them around her, taking out their heads, and then brings her scythe down on one of the crawlers, before firing at the others. 
The shot however destroys the feet of a couple others, causing them to fall and begin crawling towards her as well, while others began to break the ice. A wave of fire burst in front of her, burning up the crawlers and a few others completely.
"Be careful. There's a lot of them." Weiss says and then turns and stabs one in the eye. 
"Turbo time." Ruby says and switches position, her rhinestone dress glittering in the moonlight as she switched cartridges and took a low stance, Crescent Rose pointed behind her. She fires and activates her semblance, swinging her blade as the burst of speed carries her forward. She cuts some in half, takes others heads of, dicing apart limbs and spines and skulls as she fires and slashes. 
As her cartridge empties she's standing in the middle of an empty area, grimm dissolving around her. That wasn't the last of them though, as there were still many more around, now nearly all of them having broken through the ice. 
"Ruby this isn't going fast enough." Weiss says. "We're thinning them but we're going to run out of dust before we run out of grimm." 
"Then we fight without dust." 
"This many?" 
"She's right." Blake says. "We can do a lot but there's probably still dozens of them here." 
"Is that all?" Yang says. "You guys are overreacting." She raises her foot, stomping one crawling on the ground towards her, and then fires a shot at another group doing the same. "Stupid things are even more annoying on the ground." 
Ruby blocks a hit from one and cuts it in half, then swings again to take out the head as she changes clips. "I know it’s annoying, but we have to keep going. Just try to conserve dust. We can do this. They're not very strong after-" She's cut off by a deep low rattling sound that reverberates through the air, causing them to shiver. 
"What was that?" Weiss asks, but they don't have time to respond as the grimm then begin to turn around and move away. 
"Are they running?" Yang asks. 
"I don't think so." Blake says as the grimm begin to gather in one spot, what's left of them stacking on top of each other. Their bodies snap in places, coming apart and reforming. 
Ruby steps back and regroups with the others as the grimm form together, now towering over them. Eventually it settles into a gigantic grimm, looking like a half of a skeleton, make entirely of the bones of the smaller ones. A skull made of dozens of other skulls glares down at them as red light forms in its eyes and it lets out a sound, one large cry made up of the synchronized rattling cries of all the others at once. 
"That is just disturbing." Yang says. 
"No, it's also very big." Blake says. 
"That's what she said." Weiss says, causing them all to look at her. "What? Is that not how it works?" 
"No, just not the time. Good effort though." Yang says. 
"Uh guys, it's attacking!" Ruby says and fires, propelling herself backwards as it swings one long skeletal arm.
Weiss in turn jumps through the fingers as Blake uses her semblance to dash out of the way. Yang on the other hand braces herself, taking the hit. She holds out for a moment before drawing a fist back and slamming into the finger that had caught her, shattering it and letting the rest of the hand go past. However as it does it begins to shift, the finger growing back as the bones rearranged. 
"Weiss, you did what I asked right?" Ruby asks. 
"Of course." 
"Call it in." 
"On it." Weiss pulls out her scroll and taps a few buttons. 
"What is that supposed to be?" Yang asks. 
"You'll see. In about three... two... one." Ruby says, and nothing happens. "Okay three, two-" A rocket locker goes flying overhead and crashes headfirst into the shoulder of the grimm. "Crap that was supposed to be dramatic. Oh well." She says and points her gun at the locker, firing a single shot. As soon as it hits all of the dust packed into it goes off, blowing the arm and half of the skull apart. "Boom! Ha suck on that!" She says. 
However, it begins to shift again, the bones moving as it reforms itself. It was smaller now, having less material to make itself out of, but still looked down at them. 
"Oh come on!" Ruby slumps her shoulders. "Fine. Freezerburn!" She shouts. Yang doesn't hesitate to jump into the air as Weiss forms the ice beneath her, landing on it to make a dense fog. The grimm, towering over the fog, looked down trying to find them. 
"Ladybug!" She shouts, and Blake dashes forward, slashing at the spine. She meets Blake's slashes with her own, back and forth, chipping away at it. As it tries to grab at them they jump and Blake comes down, slashing across one arm before Ruby comes down as well and cuts it off. It immediately begins to regrow, but Ruby calls out again. 
"Ice Flower!" She says and glyphs appear in front of her. She fires first at the stump, stopping the arm from regrowing, and then at the joints on the other arm. 
"Bumblebee!" She shouts and Blake throws out her scythe, Yang grabbing hold. Spinning hard she flings Yang at the grimm, smashing into it and destroying the other frozen arm. Now just a head on a spine the grimm was looking far less dangerous. 
"Ha! Gotcha." Ruby says and sticks her tongue out at it. "Nobody beats team-"
An arm bursts out of the front of the spine then, shoving itself into the skull and pulling out some of them before throwing a mass of bone armor at Ruby. Caught by surprise she barely manages to raise Crescent Rose to block. Instead of a solid hit though, the skulls cry out as the bones form around her and the arm shoves itself into the mass that holds her. A hand grabs her legs and she's yanked upwards, dropping Crescent Rose. 
"Ruby!" Yang cries out and fires at the grimm, but the bones thicken around where she hits to keep it from breaking. 
It raises Ruby up in front of its face and lets out its cry again as she hangs upside down and disarmed. 
"Well grr to you too." Ruby says, "But it’s my birthday and I have presents to open. So..." She pulls out her magical girl wand. The crescent moon on it pops out, dropping down as she points it at the skulls. "By the power of the moon, screw you!" And she pulls the trigger, the large crystal heart of dust glowing as it channeled all of its energy through the wand and blasted out, right into its mouth, before exploding outwards. 
It dropped her and she flipped to land on her feet as it began to crumble. The skulls not destroyed began to rain down, but without being connected to something they began to dissolve, as did the rest of the grimm. 
"By the power of the moon, screw you." Yang says. "Badass." 
"Hey, it was all I could think of." Ruby says. 
"Of course that thing was also a gun." Weiss rolls her eyes. "Where did you even get a dust crystal that large?" 
"Well..." Ruby gives a nervous smile. 
"Have you been going through my dust again!" 
"I was going to give it back!" 
"Speaking of going back, I think we're done here." Blake says. 
"Oh, right, we still got my birthday party!" Ruby says. 
"You ready to have the real highlight of the night; cake and presents?" Yang asks. 
"Always." Ruby grins as they turn and walk, pulling out her scroll to call for pickup. Time with her team, an action-packed night, and then presents and cake. Yeah, there may have been a grimm attack, but when it came to Halloween and birthday parties, she couldn't have asked for anything better. 
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tomatodeals · 3 years
18 Pieces Bling Crystal Stethoscope Charms Stethoscope ID Name Tags, Charmed Crystal
18 Pieces Bling Crystal Stethoscope Charms Stethoscope ID Name Tags, Charmed Crystal
Price: (as of – Details) Features: Easy to match: These rhinestone stethoscope charms are simple but pretty, easy to match most stethoscopes and improve its overall decoration, letting the patient feel comfortable with the doctor. Dependable and reliable: These nurse stethoscope charms are not easy to deform, fade or break, ideal for long term use, with a nice craftsmanship and charming look,…
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dialoyalty · 6 years
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excuse the horrible excuse of a graphic, but photoshop is refusing to cooperate. i am looking for a ragtag group of rebel friends for my baby apollo, to fill my modern friends of the abc fantasies. you don’t need to have read/seen les mis to participate, you just need to have a lot of feelings <3
everyone in this group should be associated with VIGIL in some way! they’re very much their own little group, and sometimes they probably even stop crime together. mostly though, they’re major activists and proponents of social justice, and they are staunchly against PATRIOT. not all of them have powers, but they all know about powers. they’re a codependent bunch and they get up to endless shenanigans - imagine if the how i met your mother crew launched a rebellion. i’m looking for fun hijinks, anarchy and the occasional angst just to make things fun.
rather than go deep into detail about each character, i listed a couple of popular ~aesthetics. if you’re interested in snagging a spot, message me on discord (dia#0830)! with the exception of grantaire, all of the genders are open! (though i would love to see a f/f cosette/eponine!)
the enjolras - leader, silvertongue, sunshine, sparks of fury. TAKEN BY APOLLO SEBASTIEN. ARTHUR GOSSE. TIME TRAVEL.
the graintaire - fingers stained with cigarettes and charcoal, eyes like the wine-dark sea, devotion disguised as apathy. OPEN. (requested as a love interest for SEBASTIEN).
the combeferre - late nights in the library, ink smudges on the face, indentions of glasses on the bridge of the nose. OPEN.
the courfeyrac - loyal to the last, internet famous, look at combeferre and you die. OPEN
the bahorel - a Bro™, lovable dork in a frat guy or girl’s body, basically chris evans, social af. OPEN
the feuilly - works for their shit, looks like a cinnamon roll but could kill you, listens to disco unironically. OPEN
the jean prouvaire - does slam poetry and wins, frequenter of bookstore/cafes, can talk dirty to you in six languages. OPEN.
the joly - never without a smile or stethoscope, Class Mom™, plays the ukulele and still plays pokemon go. OPEN.
the bossuet - the worst luck ever, starts five books finishes none, name used as a verb to describe mistakes. OPEN.
the cosette - flower crowns, bubblegum pink, rhinestone studded motorcycle jacket to match her girlfriend’s motorcycle. TAKEN. EDITH ---.
the eponine - done with this shit, texting the graintaire from two feet away, so in love with the cosette it’s gross. OPEN.
the marius - the puppy, falls in love every five minutes, had a royal wedding viewing party only to send the enjolras on a tirade about hating the monarchy. OPEN.
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golddiggersboutique · 5 years
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Natalia Nurse 💸$49.99✨One Size✨Online Red and white bodysuit with zipper, cross nurse patch, and garter straps. Outfit will also include 2 garters, a rhinestone choker, a nurse hat, and stethoscope. (at Houston, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3a0zLdp7Nw/?igshid=19o8nt8all8rv
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peakembiz · 6 years
Instant Download Rhinestone SVG EPS Design File Small Stethoscope Nurse RN Left Chest
Instant Download Rhinestone SVG EPS Design File Small Stethoscope Nurse RN Left Chest
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price($):7.13 sold by MyFileAddiction
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abirdyofmanynames · 7 years
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Filia Rodari - MD Darling by irdustybird featuring Hello Kitty
Topshop ankle socks, $5.86 / Butter-Soft Scrubs by UA Women's Two Pocket Top / Crocs wide width shoes / Nurse Mates white watch / Moschino tech accessory, $66 / Soleebee Retractable Resin Rhinestones Sakura I.D Card Badge Holder... / Hat / Sephora Collection lip treatment / Yes To exfoliating face wash / Dove body moisturizer / Hello Kitty home decor / Wireless Shower Bluetooth Speaker With Suction Cup Crystal Clear... / Pusheen Water Bottle, $12 / 3M Littmann Classic III Rose Pink Stethoscope / Prestige LED Penlight
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blingbykey · 11 months
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"Unleash Your Inner Sparkle with Blingbykey - Luxury Accessories that spread Joy!"
Welcome to Blingbykey, a haven of luxurious accessories designed to inspire uplift! Here, each piece is a unique reminder to shine bright and be the reason someone smiles today. Our goes beyond fashion - we aim to fill the world with love, unity, and kindness through our meaningful products. So, come explore our collection and let's make a difference together, because at Blingbykey, you're not just buying an accessory, you're embracing positivity and spreading joy!
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laibfekievva · 5 years
QIHE JEWELRY Stethoscope necklace Heart stethoscope pendant with rhinestone necklace Doctor Nurse Graduation Medical Gift (Discount: 30 % ) https://t.co/5gUZNrimf2
QIHE JEWELRY Stethoscope necklace Heart stethoscope pendant with rhinestone necklace Doctor Nurse Graduation Medical Gift (Discount: 30 % ) https://t.co/5gUZNrimf2
— Laibfe.Kievva (@LKievva) May 6, 2019
via http://twitter.com/LKievva/status/1125510148485779456 from Twitter https://twitter.com/LKievva
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vipipiblog-blog · 6 years
Arbeiten Sie Charme-Kristallrhinestone-Gold überzogenes Metall Kupfer-Ohr-Bolzen-Ohrring-Schmucksachen für Frauen -----> $4.27 Roxi neue Art und Weise Hot Charm Gold überzogener Ring mit bunten Zircons Strass-Kristall für Frauen-Mädchen-Party-Geschenk -----> $3.72 Arbeiten Sie Charme-Kristallrhinestone-Gold überzogenes Metall Kupfer-Ohr-Bolzen-Ohrring-Schmucksachen für Frauen -----> $4.27 Romad Art und Weise einzigartige heiße Charme-Metall Kupfer-Gold überzogene Zirconrhinestone-Kristall-Ring für Partei-Hochzeits-Verpflichtungs Schmucksache-Zusatz-Frauen-Mädchen -----> $4.17 Arbeiten Sie Charme-Kristallrhinestone-Gold überzogenes Metall Kupfer-Ohr-Bolzen-Ohrring-Schmucksachen für Frauen -----> $4.27 Romad Art und Weise einzigartige heiße Charme-Metall Kupfer-Gold überzogene hohler Ring für Partei-Hochzeits-Verpflichtungs Schmucksache-Zusatz-Frauen-Mädchen -----> $3.92 Arbeiten Sie Charme einzigartige Perle Zirkon Strass-Kristallgold überzogenes Kupfer-Ohrring-Ohr baumeln Schmuck für 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$4.19 Fashion Charm Copper Gold Plated Cross Pendant Necklace Chain Jewelry for Men Women Unisex Girls Gift Party Wedding -----> $3.88 Fashion Charm Zircon Crystal Rhinestone Gold Plated Metal Copper Ear Stud Earring Jewelry for Women -----> $4.19 Fashion Charm Unique Beads Zircon Rhinestone Crystal White Gold Plated Copper Earring Ear Dangle Jewelry for Women -----> $5.45
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tomatodeals · 3 years
4 Pack Bling Stethoscope Charms, Stethoscope Id Name Tags, Charmed Crystal Stethoscope
4 Pack Bling Stethoscope Charms, Stethoscope Id Name Tags, Charmed Crystal Stethoscope
Price: (as of – Details) Package Contents: Stethoscope Charm × 4 3M adhesive tape × 2,tape size 0.8“ x 0.8”(L x W) Feature: Each charm is 100% handmade, and original design help to decorate your stethoscope. Net Weight: 6g Dimension: 0.67 IN (1.7 CM) width x 0.67 IN (1.7 CM) Material: Zinc Alloy & Rhinestones HOW TO USE: 1. cut the tape according to your stethcope need(if the charm is not fit…
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blingbykey · 2 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Baby blue Bling Stethoscope | Golden Rhinestone | Bedazzle | Medical Fun.
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blingbykey · 6 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Baby blue Bling Stethoscope | Golden Rhinestone | Bedazzle | Medical Fun.
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blingbykey · 6 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Baby blue Bling Stethoscope | Golden Rhinestone | Bedazzle | Medical Fun.
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